Record-Level Access: Under the
Salesforce, Winter 25
Last updated: September 27, 2024
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RECORD-LEVEL ACCESS: UNDER THE HOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Data Access in Salesforce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Record Access Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Access Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Database Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Sharing Rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Group Maintenance Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Sample Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Putting It All Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
If youre a Salesforce architect, you already know your overarching goal for data security: Understand your companys enterprise security
model, then build a data access model that reflects it in your Salesforce organization. You have a rich set of Salesforce tools at your
disposal for managing that data access, but you dont manage it at just one level. Instead, you must carefully consider when and how
to control access at the object, record, and field levels.
In this paper, you can find a brief overview of these different levels of data access, and under the hood, table-level views of record-level
access. After reading Record-Level Access: Under the Hood, you should feel better prepared to give the right users the right access to the
right records at the right time and do so in the fastest time possible.
This paper is intended for expert architects working on Salesforce implementations that have complex record access requirements or
require large-scale realignments of sales organizations.
This paper assumes that you are an expert in Salesforce administration and security, and in SQL and relational database concepts.
Data Access in Salesforce
To meet your companys security needs, its important to understand what data access means to your users and to you.
Data Access: Users Perspective
If you put yourself in your users shoes, you wont necessarily know or care how youre getting access to records, but you might want to
understand what having access means within the context of your organization. The following graph can help users visualize the different
kinds of access that can be configured in Salesforce.
For example, if a user has access to an account field, then they have access to both the account field and the account object itself.
However, a specific account record, such as Account A, might not be accessible to that user due to additional access control applied
via sharing rules or other tools.
Data Access: Architects Perspective
As an architect, you must both understand your users perspective and know how to grant users only the appropriate level of access to
the data that they should be able to access.
From an architects perspective, data access in Salesforce falls into two main categories: object-level access, which includes field-level
access, and record-level access.
Object-level access determines whether a user has access to a particular object, which fields they can see on that object, and which
actions they can perform. You configure object level access on user profiles.
Restricting access
The Read, Create, Edit, and Delete object permissions determine which actions a user can perform on any of the object's
records to which they have access. Field-Level Security allows you to prevent certain users from seeing sensitive or confidential
information contained in records they can see.
Opening up access
The View All and Modify All object permissions give users access to all of an objects records, regardless of record-level access
Record-level access (called Sharing in Salesforce) determines which records a user can see for a particular object, using the following
Organization-wide defaults
Role hierarchy
Data Access in SalesforceRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Territory hierarchy
Sharing rules
Manual sharing
Programmatic sharing
Because you have so many options for managing record-level access and because some of these options are affected by organizational
dependencies determining which records users can access can quickly become complicated. Additionally, you might also be changing
your sharing configuration frequently in response to new business requirements. This can trigger record access changes that ripple
through your organization. These changes have an even greater impact in very large organizations, where it can take some time to
recalculate access for a large number of users, and adjust the tables that record their access rights. For these reasons, its important to
understand how Salesforce calculates and grants access at the database level.
Record Access Calculation
Every time a user attempts to open a record, run a report, access a list view, or search for data using the user interface or API, Salesforce
checks the configuration of its record access features to determine which records the user can access. These configurations can be
elaborate, especially in large organizations with hundreds of hierarchy nodes, thousands of sharing rules, millions of data rows, and
portals for customers and business partners. Processing such dissimilar data and complex relationships would require far more time than
the 300-millisecond Salesforce benchmark for rendering pages.
Rather than applying every sharing rule, traversing all hierarchies, and analyzing record access inheritance in real time, Salesforce calculates
record access data only when configuration changes occur. The calculated results persist in a way that facilitates rapid scanning and
minimizes the number of database table joins necessary to determine record access at run time.
Access Grants
When an object has its organization-wide default set to Private or Public Read Only, Salesforce uses access grants to define how much
access a user or group has to that objects records. Each access grant gives a specific user or group access to a specific record. It also
records the type of sharing tool sharing rule, team, etc. used to provide that access. Salesforce uses four types of access grants:
explicit grants, group membership grants, inherited grants, and implicit grants.
Explicit Grants
Salesforce uses explicit grants when records are shared directly to users or groups. Specifically, Salesforce uses explicit grants when:
A user or a queue becomes the owner of a record.
A sharing rule shares the record to a personal or public group, a queue, a role, or a territory.
An assignment rule shares the record to a user or a queue.
A territory assignment rule shares the record to a territory.
A user manually shares the record to a user, a personal or public group, a queue, a role, or a territory.
A user becomes part of a team for an account, opportunity, or case.
A programmatic customization shares the record to a user, a personal or public group, a queue, a role, or a territory.
Note: If your organization doesnt have an efficient sharing architecture, it might encounter performance problems when
you use automated processes that generate a very large number of explicit grants, such as major sales realignments.
Record Access CalculationRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Group Membership Grants
Grants that occur when a user, personal or public group, queue, role, or territory is a member of a group that has explicit access to
the record. For example, if a sharing rule explicitly grants the Strategy group access to the Acme record, and Bob is a member of the
Strategy group, Bobs membership in the Strategy group grants him access to the Acme record.
Inherited Grants
Grants that occur when a user, personal or public group, queue, role, or territory inherits access through a role or territory hierarchy,
or is a member of a group that inherits access through a group hierarchy.
Implicit Grants
Grants that occur when non-configurable record-sharing behaviors built into Salesforce Sales, Service, and Portal applications grant
access to certain parent and child records. For example, with this default logic, sometimes referred to as built-in sharing, users can
view a parent account record if they have access to its child opportunity, case, or contact record. If those users have access to a
parent account record, they can also access its child opportunity, case, and contact records.
Database Architecture
Important: Where possible, we changed noninclusive terms to align with our company value of Equality. We maintained certain
terms to avoid any effect on customer implementations.
Salesforce stores access grants in three types of tables.
Object Record Tables
Tables that store the records of a specific object, and indicate which user, group, or queue owns each record.
Object Sharing Tables
Tables that store the data that supports explicit and implicit grants. Most objects in your organization (to see them, from Setup, enter
Sharing Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Sharing Settings) get their own Object Sharing table, unless any of
the following conditions are also true:
The object is a detail in a master-detail relationship. In master-detail relationships, the Object Sharing table for the master object
controls access to the detail object.
Both organization-wide default settings (internal and external) are Public Read/Write.
The object is of a type that doesnt support Object Sharing tables, such as Activities or Files. These objects have their own access
control mechanism.
Group Maintenance Tables
Tables that store the data supporting group membership and inherited access grants. For example, if the Object Sharing table grants
Bob explicit access to the Acme account record, Salesforce checks the Group Maintenance tables to see which users inherit record
access from Bob and grants users access to the Acme record. These grants are established in advance when you create or change
the group (or role, or territory) membership information.
While Object Sharing tables store access grants to individuals and groups, Group Maintenance tables store the list of users or groups
that belong to each group, indicating group membership. Both types of tables are used to determine a users access to data when theyre
searching, querying, or pulling up a report or list view.
When a user tries to retrieve one or more records, Salesforce generates a SQL statement that searches the Object Record table for records
matching the users search string. If the record exists, Salesforce appends SQL to the statement that joins the Object Records table with
the Object Sharing table, and the Object Sharing table with the Group Maintenance tables. Salesforce queries the joined tables for access
grants that give the querying user access to the record.
Database ArchitectureRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Salesforce matches onWhen you join the following tables...
Record IDObject Record and Object Sharing
User ID or group IDObject Sharing and Group Maintenance
This diagram illustrates that Salesforce matching process in sequence.
Salesforce returns only records that satisfy the entire statement, including its appended SQL. To satisfy the statement, the record must
exist, and either the Object Sharing table or the Group Maintenance tables must grant access to the querying user.
Even though both the Object Sharing and Group Maintenance tables provide access grants, the ways in which they provide those grants
differ significantly.
Object Sharing tables simply store each access grant in separate rows called sharing rows, each of which grants a user or group
access to a particular record.
Group Maintenance tables are more complex because a single group membership or inherited access grant can give several users
and groups multiple ways to access a record.
Sharing Rows
Each sharing row includes the:
ID of the record to which the row grants access
ID of the user or group to whom the row grants access
Level of access the row allows, such as Read Only or Full Access
Row cause, which indicates the reason Salesforce grants the user or group access to the record
For example, when a record owner manually shares a record with a user or group, Salesforce creates a sharing row with a Manual
row cause. When a sharing rule shares the record with a user or group, Salesforce creates a sharing row with a Rule row cause.
The simplified tables in the following examples demonstrate how Salesforce creates sharing rows under the hood.
Note: For readability, these tables dont contain all of the actual database values and structure.
Example 1
Maria, whose role is Sales Executive, creates an Account record (ID=A1) for a company called Acme. Under the hood, Salesforce creates
a sharing row for her as the record owner in the Account Sharing table, the Object Sharing table for the Account object.
Sharing RowsRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Example 2
Maria manually shares the Acme account record with Frank, the services executive. Under the hood, Salesforce adds a sharing row for
While only one account record exists for Acme, the Account Sharing table now contains two entries for the Acme record. This update
happens because Salesforce grants access to the Acme account record twice: one time to Maria as the owner and one time to Frank.
Example 3
An administrator creates a sharing rule that shares the Sales Executives records with the Strategy group, giving them Read Only access.
Under the hood, Salesforce adds a sharing row that gives the Strategy group access to Marias Acme account record.
For users with multiple access grants to a record, Salesforce uses the most permissive grant when determining record access. For example,
if Frank joins the Strategy group, he still maintains the Read/Write access that Maria granted him in Example 2.
If many users have the same record access requirements, its efficient to place those users in a group and grant access to the group
instead of to the individuals. This practice saves time and results in fewer sharing rows, thus reducing your organizations record access
data volume.
Group Maintenance Tables
Sharing rows grant access to users and groups, but the data that specifies who belongs to each group resides in the Group Maintenance
tables. These tables store membership data for every Salesforce group, including system-defined groups. System-defined groups are
groups of users that Salesforce creates and manages internally to support various features and behaviors, such as queues. This type of
management lets the data that supports queues and personal or public groups coexist in the same database tables, and unifies how
Salesforce manages the data. For example, Salesforce can grant record access to a queue the same way it grants record access to a public
Group Maintenance TablesRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Salesforce also uses system-defined groups to implement hierarchies. During recalculation, Salesforce creates up to three system-defined
groups (Role, RoleAndSubordinates, and RoleAndSubordinatesInternal) depending on if digital experiences is enabled.
PurposeConsists ofGroup
Used to give managers access to their
subordinates records
Users assigned to any of the following.Role
A specific role
One of its manager roles
Used when an organization defines a rule
that shares a set of records with:
Users assigned to any of the following.RoleAndSubordinates
A specific role
A particular role
One of its manager roles
Its subordinates
One of its subordinate roles
In production orgs created before February
8, 2024 and in non-preview sandboxes, this
group is available by default. In orgs created
on February 8, 2024 or later and in preview
sandboxes, this group is only available after
digital experiences is enabled.
Used when an organization defines a rule
that shares a set of records with:
Users assigned to any of the following.RoleAndSubordinatesInternal
A specific role
A particular role
One of its manager roles
Its subordinates, excluding Portal roles
One of its subordinate roles, excluding
Portal roles
In orgs created on February 8, 2024 or later
and in preview sandboxes, this group is
available by default. In production orgs
created before February 8, 2024 and in
non-preview sandboxes, this group is
available after digital experiences or portals
are enabled.
All three group types have:
Indirect members, who inherit record access from the groups direct members and are assigned to manager roles
Direct members, who are defined according to their group type
In Role groups, direct members are those members assigned to the role the group represents.
In RoleAndSubordinates groups, direct members are those members assigned to the role the group represents or one of its
subordinate roles
In RoleAndSubordinatesInternal groups, direct members are those members assigned to the role the group represents, or one
of its non-portal subordinate roles.
For example, consider the following simple role hierarchy.
Group Maintenance TablesRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
To support the record access inheritance this hierarchy establishes, Salesforce defines the following Role and RoleAndSubordinates
groups, resulting in eight total groups.
By scanning the Role groups, Salesforce can quickly identify the indirect members who inherit record access from users at that role. For
example, to see which users inherit record access from Bob in the role hierarchy, Salesforce simply searches for Role groups that have
Bob as a direct member (the East Sales Rep Role group), and finds all the indirect members in those groups (Marc and Maria).
Likewise, by scanning the RoleAndSubordinates groups, Salesforce can quickly see which users receive access through role and subordinate
sharing rules. For example, if a rule shares a set of records with users in the Sales Executive role and their subordinates, Salesforce can
identify those users by scanning the Sales Executive RoleAndSubordinates group.
System-defined groups support Territory Management in a similar way.
For each territory, Salesforce creates a:
Territory group, in which users who are assigned to the territory are direct members, while users assigned to territories higher in the
hierarchy are indirect members
TerritoryAndSubordinates group, in which users who are assigned to that territory or territories lower in the hierarchy are direct
members, while users assigned to territories higher in that branch are indirect members
Without system-defined groups, every record access attempt would have to send Salesforce traversing every branch in its hierarchies,
jumping back and forth between tables of user data and tables of hierarchical data. Salesforce would also have to use disparate processes
to handle what are all essentially collections of users.
Group Maintenance TablesRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Users cant modify system-defined groups through the user interface or API in the ways that they can personal and public groups;
however, modifying a queue or hierarchy causes Salesforce to recalculate its associated system-defined groups accordingly. Thus, the
size and complexity of an organizations queues and hierarchies directly affect the duration of record access calculations.
Sample Scenarios
The following scenarios use simplified tables to illustrate how Salesforce recalculates the Object Sharing and Group Maintenance tables
according to various record access changes, and uses those calculations to determine record access. Yellow highlights indicate data that
grants access to the sample account record.
Note: The scenarios only show data thats essential to the example; they dont show all of the fields and tables Salesforce uses
for calculating record access.
In these scenarios, the organization-wide default settings are Private for all objects, and the role hierarchy and users are as follows.
Salesforce generates the following groups to support the record access inheritance the role hierarchy establishes.
Sample ScenariosRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Scenario 1
Maria creates an account record (A1) for Acme. Under the hood, Salesforce creates a new account record for Acme and an owner sharing
row for Maria in the Account Sharing table. Marc, because he is above Maria in the role hierarchy and an indirect member of Maria's
Sales Executive role group, inherits access.
Sample ScenariosRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Scenario 2
Maria manually shares the Acme account record with Bob. Under the hood, Salesforce creates a sharing row in the Account Sharing
table for Bob. Both Maria and Marc have access to the record, because they are above Bob in the role hierarchy and indirect members
of Bob's East Sales Rep role group.
For manual record sharing, programmatic record sharing, and team sharing, the Object Sharing table creates rows the same way but
with different row causes.
Sample ScenariosRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Scenario 3
An administrator creates a sharing rule that shares the Sales Executives records with the users in the Services Executive role and their
subordinates. Under the hood, Salesforce creates a sharing row in the Account Sharing table for the Services Exec RoleAndSubordinates
group, giving Frank and Sam access to the Acme record.
Sample ScenariosRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Scenario 4
Maria changes the owner of the Acme record to Wendy. When a record owner changes, Salesforce deletes its associated sharing rows
with Manual row causes, so Bob loses access to the record. Also, because Maria, the Sales Executive, no longer owns the record, the rule
from Scenario 3 no longer applies. Under the hood, Salesforce deletes the sharing row for the Services Exec RoleAndSubordinates group
from Scenario 3, causing Frank and Sam to lose access to the Acme record. Salesforce also replaces Marias name with Wendys in the
Account Sharing table.
The red ovals in this diagram indicate the many fields this seemingly minor change affects.
Sample ScenariosRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Putting It All Together
In this papers scenarios, you have seen how the access rights of users are recorded in the Object Sharing and Group Maintenance tables
of the Salesforce platform. In those relatively simple examples, only a few rows were changing in many of the tables. However, many
common administrative operations might require a much more substantial recalculation of access and many more updates to the
underlying tables. This level of complexity is especially true for organizations with large amounts of data and complex role hierarchies.
To illustrate how involved those operations might get, we will consider one seemingly simple group operation that can have a major
impact on sharing recalculations: changing a users role. As in the previous scenarios, the organization-wide default settings are Private
for all objects.
The role hierarchy and users are mostly the same, with two differences.
A new role has been created for the Small and Medium Business Partner Sales organization.
Putting It All TogetherRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Instead of a broad sharing rule providing access to all Sales data to the Services branch, there is a more focused sharing rule providing
access only to data from the West Sales Rep Rolethe SMB Partner data is not shared to Services.
In this scenario, Wendy moves from the West Sales Rep role to the new SMB Partner Sales role, which is located in a separate branch of
the role hierarchy.
When Wendy makes her move, the underlying sharing system performs the following maintenance under the hood.
If Wendy is the first member in her new role to own any data, Salesforce arranges access to her data for all users in roles above her
in the hierarchy. This arrangement is performed by making those users indirect members of Wendys new role. Note the inclusion
of Maria and Marc in the new SMB Partner Sales role.
If Wendys new role has different settings than her old role for access to child records of AccountContacts, Cases, and
Removes some of Wendys shares to those records
Adds new shares to reflect the change in settings
Putting It All TogetherRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
If Wendy owns any accounts that have been enabled for either the Customer or Partner portals, Salesforce:
Makes changes to group membership
Adjusts shares that provide access in the hierarchy to records owned by or shared to portal users
For each portal-enabled account, 13 roles are appended to the main hierarchy below the account owners role. When Wendy
moves, Salesforce removes these portal roles from her old role and appends them to her new role for every portal-enabled account
she owns.
Note: Salesforce must delete shares written to Wendys old roleshares that provide her and all her superiors with access
to records owned by or visible to members of each portal accountand add them to her new role.
To reflect Wendys new assignment, Salesforce recalculates all sharing rules that include Wendys old or new role in the source group.
Putting It All TogetherRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Specifically, Salesforce deletes shares to all of Wendys records from:
The top role in the Service branch of the hierarchy
All of its subordinates
Depending on the sharing rule settings for her accounts, Salesforce might also need to remove shares to her account child records.
Note: If Wendy owns portal accounts, and there are sharing rules that use portal roles as the source group, Salesforce may
need to recalculate these rules. Those rules may also no longer be valid given Wendys new location in the hierarchy, in which
case an administrator may need to modify or delete them.
In addition to these changes, the managers in the branch above Wendys old role lose access to all the data that she owns, as well as to
child records shared through the role settings. This process is part of the normal operation of inheritance in the hierarchyno updates
to group membership or sharing tables are required.
So a lot can go on under the hood when an administrator takes what looks like a simple action, such as changing a users role. We chose
a particularly complex operation to illustrate all the possible types of sharing maintenance, but other common group and data updates
can have a similar impact.
Moving a role to another branch in the hierarchy
One benefit to moving a whole role is that any portal accounts simply move along with their parent role, and Salesforce doesnt
have to change the related sharing. On the other hand, Salesforce must do all of the remaining work associated with Wendys move
for every user in the role being moved and for all their data.
Changing the owner of a portal account
The effort required for this task can be surprising because it looks like a simple data updatechanging the name of the user in the
Account owner field. When owners are in different roles, as the previous example shows, Salesforce isnt moving only the portal
roles to a new parent role, however; its also reparenting the portal roles associated with the account and adjusting sharing for all
of the data associated with the portal account.
The simple examples and scenarios in this document provide a glimpse into the complex data processing and calculations that occur
under the hood in Salesforce to support its robust record access mechanisms. As you can imagine, that complexity increases exponentially
in large organizations, many of which have more than 10,000,000 account records, 7,000 users, 2,000 roles, and 1,000 territories. When
designing a record access model in such organizations, keeping these fundamentals in mind can help you architect the most efficient
Salesforce implementation for your organizations business needs.
For additional information on best practices for scaling Salesforce record access in your own organization, see Designing Record Access
for Enterprise Scale.
SummaryRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood
Note: Email [email protected] to provide feedback on this document.
SummaryRecord-Level Access: Under the Hood