Material Receipt Acknowledgement (MRA)
Instructions on how to Post the Material Receipt
Acknowledgment using FEDMALL
1 Material Receipt Acknowledgment Overview ............................................................................... 3
1.1 DLA MRA ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 DLA’s Goods Receipt File ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 DLMS 527-Rs and Other MRA Features ......................................................................................... 4
1.4 User Access ................................................................................................................................... 4
2 MRA Use Cases ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Submit MRA/SDA Update for DLA Requisition .............................................................................. 5
2.2 Submit Bulk MRA Updates for DLA Requisitions .............................................................................. 13
2.3 View MRA History for DLA Requisitions ........................................................................................... 22
3 Appendix | Screen Shots and Data Definitions ............................................................................ 34
3.1 MRA Submit Screen for DLA Order ................................................................................................... 34
C o n t e n t s M a t e r i a l R e c e i p t A c k n o w l e d g m e n t
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1 Material Receipt Acknowledgment Overview
Material Receipt Acknowledgement (MRA) allows users to electronically monitor and account for DLA and DOD
FEDMALL requisitions by indicating receipt of items they’ve received or not received. Additionally, MRA allows
users to report order and shipment discrepancies and, in some case, informs DLA when to release payment to
contracted vendors.
DLA MRA: Applies to all DLA-managed line item requisitions, as reported via the DLA Goods Receipt
File (GRF).
DOD FEDMALL’s user interface is designed to support the MRA using Search Modes.
In DLA Search Mode, users can search for any line item reported in the GRF, including DLA-managed line items
purchased on DOD FEDMALL. Search results are unrestricted and search criteria corresponds to the data fields
specified in the GRF.
1.2 DLA’s Goods Receipt File
All MRA updates for DLA-managed line items (i.e., those reported on the GRF) are reported back to DLA via
electronic data transmission. Specifically, DOD FEDMALL generates a DLMS 527-R text file for each MRA
submission and transmits to DLA. DLA incorporates the MRA data from DOD FEDMALL (and other systems)
before re-circulating the updated GRF.
All DLA-managed line items are persisted in DLA Search Mode until one of two conditions is met:
The requested quantity is satisfied (or surpassed)
The user submits an MRA with a “final indicator”.
Consequently, it’s possible for users to perform multiple MRA updates fora single line item. For instance, a user
could request 50 units of a particular item, but shipments may only arrive ten at a time. In that case, up to five
MRAs could be submitted against that line item before it is removed from the GRF.
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1.3 DLMS 527-Rs and Other MRA Features
DOD FEDMALL now transmits MRA updates to DLA using the DLMS 527-R standard. (Previously, MRA updates
were communicated via EDI 861.)
DOD FEDMALL allows MRAs to be submitted individually (per line item) or in bulk. Individual MRA submissions
allow users to specify exact quantities received per line item. Bulk MRA submissions allow users to update
multiple line items simultaneously. Bulk submissions should be performed with caution, as exact quantities
received cannot be specified per line item; rather, the application acknowledges full receipt of all outstanding
quantities for each selected line item.
DOD FEDMALL also allows users to view their MRA history.
1.4 User Access
Shoppers, Orderers, and Order Admins have full search and submit access to MRA records in DLA Search Mode.
Help Desk, DOD FEDMALL Staff, Supplier Account Managers, and Data Owners may search MRA records in DLA
Search Mode, but cannot submit.
In FEDMALL Search Mode, users can only search for and Submit MRA/SDAs for line items associated to
purchase orders where that user is either the Orderer or MRA Assignee (including administrators).
Password Reset and Access Admins have no visibility or access to MRA records.
2 MRA Use Cases
2.1 Submit MRA/SDA Update for DLA Requisition
The following instructions demonstrate how MRA users can use DOD FEDMALL to search for DLA line item
requisitions and acknowledge receipt for those items accordingly.
From the WELCOME TO FEDMALL screen under Tools | Receive Orders/Requisition (MRA Search) . . .
: None
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Search Mode defaults to “DLA”.
1. Specify one or more of the following search criteria:
PIIN/Contract Number
SPIIN/Call Number
Suffix Code
Document Number(s)
Summary Document Number
Material #
DLA Search Mode requires entry of one or more search criteria in addition to the Requisition Date
2. Adjust the Requisition Date range, as needed.
Requisition Date To: defaults to the current date. Requisition Date From: defaults to 14 days prior
to the current date.
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3. Click SEARCH.
Other options include:
RESET: Clears search criteria and restores defaults.
GO TO HISTORY SEARCH: Provides access to historical MRA records.
Results per Page: Allow users to specify how many search results to display per page.
The DLA MRA/SDA Records screen displays line items corresponding to the user’s search
4. Click the icon corresponding to the line item for which you wish to acknowledge receipt.
The Submit MRA/SDA dialog displays the following information for the selected line item:
Document Number
PIIN/Contract Number
Material Number
Fund Code (displays for mutable records only)
Signal Code (displays mutable records only)
Sales Document Types
Ship-to DODAAC
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Order Date
Quantity Ordered
The Goods Receipt File occasionally flags certain line items as “mutable”, which allows MRA users to
edit MILSTRIP codes, as needed.
The following additional fields display on the Submit MRA/SDA dialog if an MRA was previously
submitted for the selected line item:
Last MRA Submitted By
Last MRA Reported Date
Last MRA Quantity
Last MRA Receipt Date
5. Enter the Quantity Received.
Quantity Received may be greater than the Quantity Ordered. Must be a whole integer value.
Quantity Received defaults to the outstanding remainder (Quantity Ordered less any previously-
acknowledged quantities).
6. Modify the Received Date, as needed.
Received Date defaults to the current date. Cannot be a future date.
7. Modify the following MILSTRIP fields, as needed:
Fund Code
Supplemental Address
Signal Code
MILSTRIP fields display only if the selected line item is marked as “mutable” in the Goods Receipt
MILSTRIP fields default to the values reported in the Goods Receipt File.
8. Select Discrepancy Code, as needed.
9. Set the Final Indicator, as needed.
10. Click SUBMIT to apply updates.
Setting the Final Indicator removes the selected line item from the MRA search results, even if all
or some of the Quantity Ordered remains outstanding. Future MRA updates cannot be applied as
DLA considers any line item with a Final Indicator to be resolved.
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Users may optionally click CLOSE to cancel updates and return to the DLA MRA/SDA Records screen.
Upon SUBMIT, DOD FEDMALL transmits the MRA updates to DLA via DLMS 527-R.
The DLA MRA/SDA Records screen displays the updated Quantity Received for the associated line item.
Updated line items no longer display in search results if the submitted MRA meets one of the
following conditions:
Quantity Received is equal to or greater than the Quantity Ordered
Final Indicator is set
2.2 Submit Bulk MRA Updates for DLA Requisitions
The following instructions demonstrate how MRA users can search for and acknowledge receipt for multiple
DLA line item records simultaneously.
From the WELCOME TO FEDMALL screen under Tools | Receive Orders/Requisition (MRA Search) . . .
Special Conditions: None.
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Search Mode defaults to “DLA”.
1. Specify one or more of the following search criteria:
PIIN/Contract Number
SPIIN/Call Number
Suffix Code
Document Number(s)
Summary Document Number
Material #
DLA Search Mode requires entry of at least one search criteria in addition to the Requisition Date
2. Adjust the Requisition Date range, as needed.
Requisition Date To: defaults to the current date. Requisition Date From: defaults to 14 days prior
to the current date.
3. Click SEARCH.
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Other options include:
RESET: Clears search criteria and restores defaults.
GO TO HISTORY SEARCH: Provides access to historical MRA records.
Results per Page: Allow users to specify how many search results to display per page.
The DLA MRA/SDA Records screen displays line items corresponding to the user’s search criteria.
Checkboxes display for each line item in the DLA MRA/SDA Records result set.
4. Check each line item for which you wish to acknowledge
receipt. Line items can be checked individually
Users may indicate the All checkbox (located in the search results table header) to check all line
items for the current page
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Users may indicate the Select ALL items from ALL pages? Check box to check all line items in the
result set.
DOD FEDMALL displays the number of Rows selected in the search result table footer.
5. Click the EDIT SELECTED RECORDS button.
The Submit MRA/SDA dialog displays.
The dialog indicates the number of selected line items as a ratio of total line items in the DLA
MRA/SDA Records result set.
6. Modify Received Date, as needed.
Received Date defaults to the current date. Cannot be a future date.
7. Click SUBMIT to apply bulk MRA update.
Users may optionally click CLOSE to cancel edits and return to search results.
Upon SUBMIT, DOD FEDMALL transmits the MRA updates to DLA via DLMS 527-R (one per line item).
Selected line items are removed from the DLA MRA/SDA Records search results. DODFEDMALL displays
You are updating an MRA for
<#of selected line items
> of
<# of total records
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the following message: “MRA submitted successfully for <#> items.”
2.3 View MRA History for DLA Requisitions
The following instructions demonstrate how non-administrative MRA users can view prior MRA submissions for
their DLA line items.
From the WELCOME TO FEDMALL screen under Tools | Receive Orders/Requisition (MRA Search) . . .
Users cannot specify Quantity Received as part of bulk MRA submissions. Bulk MRA submissions
will report the full quantity remaining for each line item and remove the selected records from
the DLA MRA Records search results.
Users must perform an individual MRA update to specify Quantity Received per line item.
: User must have submitted one or more MRA updates fora DLA line item.
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The MRA History Search screen displays. Search Mode defaults to “DLA”.
2. Specify one or more of the following search criteria:
Receiving DODAAC
PIIN/Contract Number
SPIIN/Call Number
Document Number(s)
Material Number
Shipping Manifest Number
Requisition Date range (From and To)
MRA Submitted Date range (From and To)
MRA Submitted To defaults to the current date. MRA Submitted From defaults 14 days prior to the
current date. MRA Submitted dates are the only required search criteria.
User may optionally select Results per Page to adjust the number of search results displayed per
3. Click SEARCH.
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The Submitted MRA Records screen displays previously-submitted MRA updates meeting the user’s
search criteria.
icons indicate MRA updates with a Final Indicator. Future MRA updates cannot be submitted
these line items.
Search history results are limited to MRA updates where the current user was the MRA
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4. Click the icon to view associated Requisition Details for any of the MRA updates listed.
The Requisition Details dialog displays the following information for the selected MRA submission:
PIIN/Contract Number
SPIIN/Call Number
Summary Document Number
Document Number
Requisition Date
MRA / SDA Creation Date
MRA / SDA Receipt Date
Fund Code
Signal Code
Supplemental Address
Project Code
Media / Status Code
5. Click CLOSE to return to the Submitted MRA Records screen.
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3 Appendix | Screen Shots and Data Definitions
3.1 MRA Submit Screen for DLA Order
No./Screen Element Description
1 Submit MRA/SDA
Allows the user to acknowledge goods receipt by creating and
submitting a DLMS 527-R for the corresponding DLA-managed line
item. The user may submit multiple MRAs until all items have been
2 Document Number
Requisition ID for selected line item as identified in the Goods
Receipt File.
3 Suffix Code
Sometimes used at the end of a document number but is rare.
4 – PIIN/Contract Number
Procurement Instrument Identification Number or Contract
Number for the selected line item as identified in the Goods Receipt
5 – SPIIN/Call Number
Supplementary Procurement Instrument Identification Number/Call
Number for the selected line item as identified in the Goods
6 – CLIN
Contract Line Item Number for the selected line item as identified
in the Goods Receipt File.
7 – Summary Document Number
Summary Document Number for the selected line item as identified
in the Goods Receipt File.
8 – Material Number
NSN or NIIN for the selected line item as identified in the Goods
Receipt File.
9 – Fund Code
Fund Code used for MILSTRIP payment.
10Supplemental Address
Supplemental Address used for MILSTRIP payment and/or shipping.
11 – Signal Code
Signal Code used for MILSTRIP payment.
12 Sales Document Type
The type of sales order (EX: ZTVR)
13 Ship-to DoDAAC
DoDAAC of the final destination of the item. Where the item is
being sent.
14 – Order Date
The date the selected line item was ordered.
15 – Quantity Ordered
The original requested line item quantity.
16 Discrepancy Code
Allows the user to apply one of the following Discrepancy Codes to
the MRA: (A) Other Discrepancy; (D) Transportation Discrepancy;
(E) Quality Deficiency; (F) Shortage; (X) Non-qualifying Discrepancy.
17 Quantity Received
The number of items reported as received. This is a mandatory field
for MRA submittal.
The DoDAAC of the receiving point (SC0303-Defense Logistics
Agency (DLA)).
19 Receiving DoDAAC
The system will allow the user to modify the existing Fund Code if
the record is marked "mutable" in the Goods Receipt File.
20Final Indicator
Indicates that 1) all items ordered under the selected line item are
received, or 2) the user anticipates no further MRA action for the
selected line item and can be removed from the Goods Receipt File.
21 – Submit
Creates a DLMS 527-R transaction and transmits to DLA.
22 – Close
Cancels edits and returns users to search results.