OPI Testing at ILR Levels 3, 4 & 5
ILR Plenary Presentation
September 19, 2008
Monika Ihlenfeld, DLIFLC
Pardee Lowe, Jr., DOD
Elvira Swender, ACTFL
Increase in number of languages for which
OPI testing is needed
ACTFL/DLI testing collaboration
ACTFL trains OPI testers in DLI testing
protocol and ILR rating system
ACTFL/DLI circulate samples between the two
testing programs
Maintain rating standardization
New demands for OPI testing
at the higher levels
Increase in rating discrepancies at 3+
and above
Using the same ILR Skill Descriptors
Interpreting them in different ways
Disagreement regarding what
constitutes an ILR 4
December 2007 Meeting
ACTFL/DLI Collaboration to address
testing at 3+ and above
DLI OPI Trainers and Master Testers
ACTFL ILR trained OPI Trainers and Master
Arabic, English, French, Mandarin, Persian, Spanish
Plan a Summit to address the issues of OPI testing
and rating at 3+ and above
Include government agencies and private testing
June 2008 Summit
June 12-13 in Monterey, CA
64 participants
ACTFL, American Councils, Avant Assessment,
DLI-FLC, Department of Defense, FBI, FSI,
Global Linguist Solutions, Language Testing
International, LLE-Language Services,
Monterey Institute of International Studies,
National Foreign Language Center, National
Geo-Spacial Intelligence Agency, National
Language Service Corps, Second Language
Testing, Inc., Washington Language Center
Goals and Procedures
Observe OPI interview samples at
ILR Level 5
ILR Level 4
ILR Level 3
Analyze ILR Skill Descriptors of
ILR Level 5
ILR Level 4
ILR Level 3
Identify the most “salient” features of
ILR Level 5
ILR Level 4
ILR Level 3
*ILR Plus Levels were reserved for a later conference
Day 1 Agenda
Opening Remarks
Setting the stage for the discussion
Focus on L5 (General Session)
Observe Native speaker performance
Observe Non-native speaker performance
General debriefing
Focus on L4
Break-out groups
Observe Native speaker performance
Observe Non-native speaker performance
General debriefing
Groups report back on L4 discussions
Day 2 Agenda
Focus on L3
Break out sessions
Observe Native speaker performance
Observe Non-native speaker performance
General debriefing
Groups report back on L3 discussions
Focus on Salient Features of L5, L4, L3
Break out sessions
Identify and compare salient features of the three levels
General reporting of groups‟ findings
Summit Summary and Closing Remarks
What We Learned
Synthesizing the
Features at ILR 3,4,5
Pardee Lowe, Jr.
Charting the Agreement
Synthesize the results of the four
break-out groups for each ILR Level
Produce Tables that show
the features cited
how many groups agreed on each feature
Difficulties in Synthesizing
Synthesizing the salient features was
rendered difficult because some
groups cited:
A whole sentence from the definition;
Others cited phrases, but not the
complete sentence;
Still others cited only key words.
Isolating vs. Chunking
the Features
To determine the amount of agreement,
Lowe isolated the features in each
This was admittedly arbitrary, but he cut
them as fine as possible.
Example: At Level 4 “fluently and
accurately” counted as two separate
ILR 5 Speaking
Speaking proficiency is functionally equivalent to
that of a highly articulate well-educated native
speaker and reflects the cultural standards of the
country where the language is natively spoken. The
individual uses the language with complete flexibility
and intuition, so that speech on all levels is fully
accepted by well-educated native speakers in all of
its features, including breadth of vocabulary and
idiom, colloquialisms, and pertinent cultural
references. Pronunciation is typically consistent with
that of well-educated native speakers of a non-
stigmatized dialect. (Has been coded S-5 in some
nonautomated applications.)
Level 5 Definition
The ILR Level description consists
3 sentences, containing
12 features
Unlike Levels 4 and 3, there is no
EXAMPLES section
TABLE 3: ILR LEVEL 3 Salient Features Aligned
* marks items not in the wording of the definitions
Four Groups Agree
Grp 1, 2, 3 & 4 Discourse: All agreed, but characterized it differently, social, professional, extended effective!
Three Groups Agree
Grp 2, 3 &4 Practical, social, professional topics
Grp 1, 2 & 4 Cohesive discourse --If Grp 3's comment is interpreted as "cohesive" -- Four groups may agree
Grp 3 Extended effective discourse
Grp 4 Errors don't interfere, no systematic errors -- If the comments from Grps 1 & 2 are included, 4 agree
Grp 2 Virtually no errors occur in basic structures
Grp 1 Errors virtually never interfere with understanding & errors rarely disturb the native speaker
Grp 2 & 4 Can effectively combine structure and vocabulary to convey menaing accurately -- 3 if Grp 1 include
Grp 1 Use of structural devices is flexible and elaborate
Possible Three Groups Agreeing
Grp 1 & 2 Elaborate concepts freely -- Grp 2 adds: and practically -- If one includes Grp 1, 3 Groups agree
Grp 3 Ability to deal with concepts, to move from personal/concrete to societal/abstract.
Grp 1 Elaborate concepts freely on social and professional topics
Grp 2 & 4 * Supported Opinion -- Perhaps agreement by three if Grp 1's comment is included:
Grp 1 Stating and defending a policy & justifying decisions & clarifying points & answering objections
Two Groups Agree
Grp 1 & 4 Formal/informal conversation
Grp 1 & 4 Normal rate of speech
TABLE 3: ILR LEVEL 3 Salient Features Aligned (cont.)
Cited by Only One Group
Grp 1 Although may not be fully understood can easily repair a conversation
Grp 4 * Abstract discussion
Grp 1 * Hypothesis
Grp 1 Deliver briefings EXAMPLES???
Grp 1 Doesn't miss a beat
Grp 1 Eliciting information from native speakers EXAMPLES???
Grp 1 Incomplete understanding of cultural references
Grp 1 Makes ideas easily understandbale to native speakers
Grp 1 Pronunciaton may be foreign
Grp 3 Recognition and limited use of sociolinguistic features and concepts
Grp 1 Speaks readily and fills pauses suitably without searching for words/phrases
Grp 4 Standard dialect
Participative Listening
Grp 1 Comprehension is quite complete
ILR Level 5 Agreement
Consensus that L5 speakers exist
The features of all four groups taken
together cited every feature in ILR Level
Three of the four Break-out Groups cited
the “well-educated native speaker”
One attendee questioned the “concept of the
„well-educated native speaker.‟”
One group stated “the highest levels of
perfection that the language is capable of”
L5 Sample
ILR 4 Speaking
Able to use the language fluently and accurately on all levels normally pertinent to
professional needs. The individual's language usage and ability to function are fully
successful. Organizes discourse well, using appropriate rhetorical speech devices,
native cultural references, and understanding. Language ability only rarely hinders
him/her in performing any task requiring language; yet, the individual would seldom
be perceived as a native. Speaks effortlessly and smoothly and is able to use the
language with a high degree of effectiveness, reliability, and precision for
all representational purposes within the range of personal and professional
experience and scope of responsibilities. Can serve as an informal interpreter in a
range of unpredictable circumstances. Can perform extensive, sophisticated
language tasks, encompassing most matters of interest to well-educated native
speakers, including tasks which do not bear directly on a professional specialty.
Examples: Can discuss in detail concepts which are fundamentally different
from those of the target culture and make those concepts clear and accessible to
the native speaker. Similarly, the individual can understand the details and
ramifications of concepts that are culturally or conceptually different from his/her
own. Can set the tone of interpersonal official, semi-official, and non-professional
verbal exchanges with a representative range of native speakers (in a range of
varied audiences, purposes, tasks, and settings). Can play an effective role among
native speakers in such contexts as conferences, lectures, and debates on matters
of disagreement. Can advocate a position at length, both formally and in chance
encounters, using sophisticated verbal strategies. Understands and reliably
produces shifts of both subject matter and tone. Can understand native speakers of
the standard and other major dialects in essentially any face-to-face interaction.
(Has been coded S-4 in some nonautomated applications.) Skills Descriptor
Level 4 Definition
The ILR Level 4 description consists
8 sentences, containing
30 features, as well as a set of
EXAMPLES consisting of
7 sentences, with
33 features
* marks a feature not in the wording of the definitions
Four Groups Agreed
None cited
Three Groups Agreed that
Grp 1, 2 & 4 Cultural -- Grp 1 cited "native cultural references"
Grp 1, 3 & 4 Sophisticated
Grp 2, 4 Tailor language/shift to different register -- Three agree, if Grp 1 is included
Where groups have used a slightly different wording I included it in the following:
Grp 1 Sets and shifts tone and register to fit the audience
Two Groups Agreed that
Grp 1 & 4 Effective
Grp 1 & 4 Extensive
Grp 1 & 4 Precise
Grp 1 & 4 Reliable
Grp 1 & 4 Representational/*persuasive --Can advocate a position at length (i.e. persuade and convince) Grp 1
Grp 1 & 4 Smooth -- Fluently Grp 1
Grp 2 & 4 Well-organized discourse, -- Three groups if one includes: Planned and unplanned discourse (Grp 1)
Grp 1 & 2 Rhetorical devices
Cited by Only One Group that
Grp 1 Can perform extensive sophisticated langauge tasks with precision, effectivenss and reliablity
Grp 1 (cont.) which do not bear directly on a professional specialty
Grp 2 Can tailor language effectively and shift register appropriately in order to accomplish influencing tasks.
Grp 4 Comprehensive
Grp 3 Extensive vocabulary and sophisticated structure allows performance of any task at the appropriate level
Grp 4 Multiple paragraphs
Grp 4 Native
Grp 4 "no" errors
Grp 2 Speaks effortlessly and smoothly and is able to use langauge for the most part with a high degree of effectiveness,
Grp 2 (cont.) reliablity and precision for all representational purposes
Grp 1 Uses appropriate rhetorical speech devices and native cultural references
Grp 1 Uses language fluently, accurately and with precision
Grp 2 Using well-organized discourse can perform tasks that do not bear directly on a professional specialty
Grp 2 (cont.) and can advocate a position at length using sophistircated and rhetroical devices and cultrual references.
ILR Level 4
The comments of all four groups taken
together: they cited
-- 15 of the 30 features in the
definition, and
-- only 1 of the features from the
Agreements at Level 4
Three groups agreed that Level 4 was the level at
The language is sophisticated
Culture plays a role;
* Tailoring language is required;
* NOTE: “Tailoring” does not occur in the Level 4
definition. It may be implied by other words at
that level. Compare also: ILR 4 Listening
“understands words specifically tailored…”
ILR3 Speaking
Able to speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to
participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations on practical,
social, and professional topics. Nevertheless, the individual's limitations generally
restrict the professional contexts of language use to matters of shared
knowledge and/or international convention. Discourse is cohesive. The individual
uses the language acceptably, but with some noticeable imperfections; yet, errors
virtually never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the native
speaker. The individual can effectively combine structure and vocabulary to
convey his/her meaning accurately. The individual speaks readily and fills pauses
suitably. In face-to-face conversation with natives speaking the standard dialect
at a normal rate of speech, comprehension is quite complete. Although cultural
references, proverbs, and the implications of nuances and idiom may not be
fully understood, the individual can easily repair the conversation. Pronunciation
may be obviously foreign. Individual sounds are accurate; but stress, intonation,
and pitch control may be faulty.
Examples: Can typically discuss particular interests and special fields of
competence with reasonable ease. Can use the language as part of normal
professional duties such as answering objections, clarifying points, justifying
decisions, understanding the essence of challenges, stating and defending policy,
conducting meetings, delivering briefings, or other extended and elaborate
informative monologues. Can reliably elicit information and informed opinion from
native speakers. Structural inaccuracy is rarely the major cause of
misunderstanding. Use of structural devices is flexible and elaborate. Without
searching for words or phrases, the individual uses the language clearly and
relatively naturally to elaborate concepts freely and make ideas easily
understandable to native speakers. Errors occur in low-frequency and highly
complex structures. (Has been coded S-3 in some nonautomated applications.)
The Level 3 Definition
The Level 3 definitions consist of
10 sentences, citing
38 features, as well as an
EXAMPLES section, consisting of
7 sentences, with
37 features
TABLE 3: ILR LEVEL 3 Salient Features Aligned
* marks items not in the wording of the definitions
Four Groups Agree
Grp 1, 2, 3 & 4 Discourse: All agreed, but characterized it differently, social, professional, extended effective!
Three Groups Agree
Grp 2, 3 &4
Practical, social, professional topics
Grp 1, 2 & 4 Cohesive discourse --If Grp 3's comment is interpreted as "cohesive" -- Four groups may agree
Grp 3 Extended effective discourse
Grp 4 Errors don't interfere, no systematic errors -- If the comments from Grps 1 & 2 are included, 4 agree
Grp 2 Virtually no errors occur in basic structures
Grp 1 Errors virtually never interfere with understanding & errors rarely disturb the native speaker
Grp 2 & 4 Can effectively combine structure and vocabulary to convey menaing accurately -- 3 if Grp 1 include
Grp 1
Use of structural devices is flexible and elaborate
Possible Three Groups Agreeing
Grp 1 & 2 Elaborate concepts freely -- Grp 2 adds: and practically -- If one includes Grp 1, 3 Groups agree
Grp 3 Ability to deal with concepts, to move from personal/concrete to societal/abstract.
Grp 1 Elaborate concepts freely on social and professional topics
Grp 2 & 4 * Supported Opinion -- Perhaps agreement by three if Grp 1's comment is included:
Grp 1 Stating and defending a policy & justifying decisions & clarifying points & answering objections
Two Groups Agree
Grp 1 & 4 Formal/informal conversation
The Level 3 Agreement?
All four groups taken together cited
a total of 13 out of 38 features in
the definition;
Only 3 out of 37 features in the
ILR Level 3
Four groups agreed that Level 3 was the level of discourse;
Three groups agreed that discourse was cohesive; the fourth
group had a wording that could have been so interpreted;
Three groups also had comments about errors, although their
wording varied:
Errors don‟t (virtually never) interfere with
understanding (and rarely disturb the native speaker);
Virtually no errors occur in basic structures;
No systematic errors
Three groups cited: Can effectively combine structure and
vocabulary to convey meaning accurately; if one includes:
Use of structural devices is flexible and elaborate
ILR Level 3
Agreement Cont-1.
Elaborate concepts freely two groups;
and practically adds on of those groups;
Ability to deal with concepts, to move from
personal/concrete to societal/abstract a third group;
Elaborate concepts freely on social and professional topics
added by an above group;
ILR Level 3
Agreement Cont-2.
ON * “SUPPORTED OPINION”: Two groups mention this feature, three
if another group’s comment is included:
Stating and defending a policy & justifying decision & clarifying
points & answering questions
* NOTE: There is no wording on Supported Opinion in the ILR Level 3
Speaking Skill Description itself,
BUT it might be implied by the EXAMPLES that follow there and from
the actual wording in the ILR Reading and Listening Skill Level
Descriptions both of which cite understanding Supported Opinion.
Level 4: Comprehensive;
Level 4: Multiple Paragraphs;
Level 4: Native;
Level 4: No Errors;
Level 4: “Can tailor language effectively
and shift register in order to accomplish
influencing tasks”;
Level 3: Supported Opinion;
Level 3: Hypothesis;
Level 3: Abstract Discussion;
Level 3: Abstract Linguistic Formulations;
Level 3: “Recognition and limited use of
sociolinguistic features and concepts.”
Aspects Warranting
further Study
Nature of the “highly articulate, well-
educated native speaker”;
Difference between Level 4 Representation
and Level 3 Supported Opinion;
Features groups cited that were not
directly mentioned in the ILR LSLDs;
Aspects of research since the ILR LSLDs
were revised in 1985?
Next Steps
Two per year
Future Topics
Definition of Terms
cf. ACTFL Speaking‟s Explanatory Appendix
Plus Levels
Other Skill Modalities
Bigger Picture
Implications for the ACTFL
Guidelines Revision 2010
Collaborating on any future revision
of the ILR Skill Descriptors for
The Future of OPI Testing at
the Higher Levels?