Zoosnooze for Primary students and
Community groups
We look forward to hosting your wild night at Adelaide Zoo!
Thank you for choosing Adelaide Zoo for your overnight experience. We look forward to working
with you!
Please note that any cancellations made strictly within 8 weeks of your booking date will incur a
cancellation fee of $200 which will be payable upon invoice. Your account with us will be
temporarily suspended until payment is received.
A Tax Invoice for the full amount owing for the program will be sent to you within 7 days of your
program and final payment. This will be a 14-day account.
These guidelines will ensure that your Zoosnooze is well organised and hassle free
Please refer to the DECD Camps and Excursion guidelines for schools and preschools for detailed
policy and procedure information related to excursions.
Student numbers
The maximum number of children that we can cater for is 30. Children must be aged 5 years and
over. The cost is $75 per student, and adult supervisors are $15 each at a maximum ratio of 1
with every 5 students (or part thereof). Extra adults beyond this ratio will be charged $100 each.
All costs are GST exempt.
The minimum group size is 20 students. Below that number the program is not financially viable
for the Zoo. Smaller groups are welcome but will be invoiced for the cost of 20 students.
Please make contact with the Zoo at least one week before your Zoosnooze to let the staff know
your final numbers and any special dietary requirements.
Adults have an important supervisory role which includes helping prepare snacks, drinks and
meals, supervising students and facilitating clean up after meals. A minimum of 4 supervisors is
recommended to ensure a hassle-free experience.
A Zoo Learning Educator will be working with your group from 5pm - 9:30am, however the visiting
class teacher/group leader is ultimately responsible for the group at all times while in the Zoo.
Movement around the Zoo
Having the Zoo to yourself at night is an exciting experience that requires some basic rules to be
followed so that you and our animals are safe. After 5pm our Zoo Learning Educator will brief
your group about movement around the Zoo during your stay.
Access in and out of the Zoo becomes difficult after 5pm closing so we encourage all Zoosnooze
participants to be within the grounds prior to this time. Please approach this experience the same
as being away on camp where site access is limited.
We encourage groups who arrive at 5pm to think about making time to stay at the Zoo on
Saturday morning after the program has finished. This will give you an opportunity to enjoy the
Zoo during daylight hours.
Learning resources downloadable, printable activities
A range of printable student activity booklets are available for downloaded from our website that
may be useful for your afternoon and morning in the Zoo.
What to bring
We provide mattresses for each participant; they will need to bring their own bedding
(sleeping bag and pillow)
Include something waterproof if there is any chance of rain
Appropriate clothing
o Good footwear
o Something warm
Torch/lighting if your group is staying in the rooftop tents
Optional - Drink bottles, cameras, electronic tablets (don’t forget your charger)
Adult supervisors can bring torches for the night walk (please cover them in red cellophane
before arriving).
*Note that students will not be allowed to take their torches on the night walk*
Amenities groups sleeping indoors
A large classroom in the education centre is available for sleeping. A smaller second classroom
is attached and can also be used if required. A maximum of 30 students can be slept in the two
Toilets are located next door to the large classroom and may be accessed through an internal
door with a shower cubicle for adult supervisors if needed. We encourage adult to use the
disabled toilet to allow both students and adults privacy when using facilities.
Amenities groups sleeping on the roof-top in tents
We suggest that students from Year 5 upwards make use of the roof-top tents, with younger
students sleeping in the large classroom. There are 12 tents (10 student/2 supervisor) available.
Up to 3 people can sleep in each tent. It is advised that groups organise who is going to sleep in
which tent before arrival at the Zoo. To help with this, we have included a map of the roof top
with the tent names.
Students are encouraged to spend as much time as possible out in the Zoo grounds and part of
group activities and therefore should only be in the tents to initially set up, drop off gear and at
bed time.
Students will also be responsible for cleaning their tents in the morning and making sure they are
in good order for the next group to stay over.
Toilets are located down stairs near the kitchen and may be accessed through the courtyard door
during the night. There is a shower cubicle for adult supervisors if needed. Again, we encourage
adults to use the disabled toilet to allow both students and adults privacy when using facilities.
When you arrive
Enter as a group through Gate 3 off Plane Tree Drive (refer to map below). Gather the group on
the footpath and press the intercom button next to the pedestrian gate. A Zoo Learning staff
member will come out to let you in as soon as they can. They will guide you to the Education
Centre to store your gear in racks in the corridor.
We encourage groups to either arrive at the Zoo prior to 5pm, or to make time to stay at the Zoo
on Saturday morning after the program has officially finished. This will give you an opportunity to
enjoy the Zoo during daylight hours. If you chose to stay on after the program any other family
members who are not part of the overnight program wish to join you they will have to enter the
Zoo via the main entrance and pay normal Zoo entry. Please note that the Education classroom
and storage area will not be accessible. Our Zoo educator will assist you with ensuring all
overnight gear and vehicles are out of the Zoo grounds by 9.15am.
A BBQ dinner, supper and breakfast are all included. We ask that parents, teachers, group
leaders and/or ‘older’ students assist in all of the food preparation.
We can cater for special dietary needs such as gluten free and vegetarian if we have this
information well in advance. Please make contact with the Zoo at least a week prior to your
program with your final numbers and dietary requirements. Please note that the Zoo is a non-
smoking zone and alcohol consumption is not permitted on site.
Bus Parking may be available overnight in Botanic Park. Please call 82229311 and ask to speak
to the Traffic Officer to arrange this (especially for rural schools).
Car parking is available on Plane Tree Drive. Tickets are $3.50 per hour (max 4 hours).
Extended whole day parking is available at the eastern end of Plane Tree Drive at a cost of
(9am -
cars can
into the
must be
again by
the next
Feeding Times / Animal presentations:
10.45am daily South East Asian Birds
10.45am daily Wildshow Animal Experience
11.30am daily Flying Colours Free-flight Experience, central lawn
11:45am daily Sealions
1.15pm daily Giant Panda Talk
1.40pm Lion Feed (Tuesday and Thursday)
2.00pm daily Sumatran Tiger
2:15pm daily Penguins
2:30pm daily Pelicans
Please reinforce some general expectations with your students prior to your visit:
Safety animal bites (only animals in the Children’s Zoo contact areas can be touched!)
Walk in the Zoo (keeps children safe from trips and falls and reduces the noise level)
Respect this is the animals’ home, so please keep the volume to normal talking levels.
Please avoid knocking on the glass of any enclosures or throwing objects at the animals
to make them move because this can cause them stress.
There will be other visitors in the zoo during the daytime, so please be respectful of them
Encourage students to find out answers to questions themselves by using their
observation skills, read signs and talk to keepers, volunteers & other zoo staff.
Have an enjoyable time!
Nature’s Playground
Nature’s Playground is a fun way to spend some time in-between exploring the zoo. During the
day while on the playground, please be respectful of other guests, ensuring that toddlers and
other young children can play too.
After 5pm and before sunset, Nature’s Playground is available for your group. After sunset the
playground is out of bounds. When you meet your Zoo Conservation Educator at 5pm, discuss
with them when you want to use the playground.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Adelaide Zoo Learning Team on tel 8230 1258 or email
[email protected]m.au if you have any queries regarding your program.
Indoor classroom bedding configurations:
Risk Management Guidelines for Teachers
To reduce risks to people and zoo animals at Adelaide Zoo the following considerations are
A calm and respectful attitude provides a safe environment for all ages and reduces the
chance of animals becoming stressed.
Behaviour management and safety remains the responsibility of the supervising
teacher/s at all times while in the zoo.
To support teachers and students in having a safe and successful visit, Zoo Learning offers:
On day visits;
o Free admission to adult supervisors in the following ratios.
Kindergarten to Year 3: 1: 5 students
Year 4 Year 7: 1:10 students
Year 8 Year12: 1:15 students
o For Year 7’s and above a 5-10 minute “Welcome” can be requested, if Zoo
Learning staff are available, to student groups who are not undertaking a
program with a zoo teacher. Expectations of student behaviour are outlined
along with other relevant Zoo information.
On overnight programs;
o Free admission to adult supervisors in the following ratios. A small catering fee
applies for each adult.
Reception to Year 7 1: 5 students
Year 8 12 3 supervisors
Zoos SA teaching staff are trained in First Aid, including Epipen and defibrillation.
Zoo First Aid staff are on duty each week day.
Adelaide Zoo Learning Risk Level Summary
Hazards / Issues / Risks
Risk level
Managing the risk documentation and procedure
COVID-19 conditions of
Please refer to our COVID-19 conditions of entry at
Child gets lost day
Whole Zoo lost child procedure managed by zoo Visitor
Child gets lost night
Rotunda and path lights left on at night.
Night lights on around Education building.
Groups have teacher mobile numbers.
Zoo staff can call police or security 24 hours a day if required.
Adequate shady areas provide across the site.
Zoo first aid officers available.
Provision of drinking water.
Hats/sunburn cream available for purchase at the Zoo Shop.
Physical and/or sexual
Whole Zoo child-safe policy and procedures in place.
Staff and volunteer WH&S training including Zoo security staff.
Tripping on rough surfaces
Behaviour expectations info pack to teachers - walking not
Guidelines for night walk stay together, walking not running.
Report incidents (PAWS) & rough areas to WHS Coordinator.
Bitten by animals in
Children’s Zoo
Zoo first aid officer identified at the beginning of the day.
Bitten by general Zoo
Zoo first aid officer identified at the beginning of the day.
Zoo staff with First Aid training.
Schools with First Aid equipment and staff training.
Slip on wet boardwalk or
injuries near viewing areas.
Report incidents to WHS Coordinator.
Allergy reaction at Zoo
Zoo staff with First Aid training.
Report suspect plant species to Horticulture & WHS Coord.
Falling off chair.
Zoo Learning staff to manage behaviour in rooms.
Injury from biofacts in
Zoo Learning staff provides clear instructions about biofact
Injury on Behind the
Scenes tours.
Zoo Learning Staff/Volunteer/Keeper safety instructions.
Asthma attack.
Low to Ext
Zoo staff with First Aid training.
Asthma first aid kit available at education office.
Falling down stairs to tent
Low - High
Introductory safety talk before students move onto the rooftop
Natures Playground
Low - High
Adelaide Zoo’s Nature’s Playground is designed to Australian
standards for nature-based play. Children must be supervised
at all times in this area.