© 2013 | Emerging Professional’s Companion
activities - core*
Understanding Procedures of the
Change Process
*A maximum of 40 hours of core credit may be earned in this experience area.
narrative 357
activities - elective 371
Understanding Construction Phase Activities &
Project Communications
Questionable Stored Materials
Tracking the RFI Process On-Site
Impartial Determination of Substantial
Determining Construction Phase Workload
Determining Construction Phase LEED
Certification Responsibilities
Negative Results from Late Wind Tunnel Test
Saved by a Scope Change?
Solutions for a One-Inch Code Violation
Processing an Unacceptable Substitution
Certification of Nonconforming Work
Design Not Suitable for Use
Forced Substitution of Skylights
Construction Administration
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Download the current Intern
Development Program (IDP)
guidelines at www.ncarb.
The American Institute of
Architects. Demkin, Joseph A.,
ed. The Architect’s Handbook of
Professional Practice. 14th ed.
Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons,
• Chapter 12.5 -
Construction Contract
• Chapter 13.5 -
Construction Cost
The American Institute of
Architects. Demkin, Joseph A.,
ed. The Architect’s Handbook of
Professional Practice. 13th ed.
New York: John Wiley & Sons,
• Chapter 14.4 -
Construction Cost
• Chapter 18.7 -
• Chapter 18.9 -
The American Institute of
Architects, The Architecture
Student’s Handbook of
Professional Practice. 14th ed.
Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons,
• Chapter 8.5 -
Construction Contract
• Chapter 9.4 -
Construction Cost
By completing the activities in this chapter, you will gain an understanding
of the activities involved in construction administration. The following
information is taken from the NCARB IDP Guidelines:
Construction Administration
Minimum Construction Administration Experience: 240 Hours
project communication, maintaining project records, reviewing and
certifying amounts due contractors, and preparing change orders.
At the completion of your internship, you should be able to:
• Respond to Requests for Information (RFI)
• IssueArchitect’sSupplementalInstructions(ASI)
• Process shop drawings and submittals
• Process Change Orders
• Reviewandcertifycontractor’sapplicationforpayment
• Review material test reports
• Record changes to the contract documents
• Providesubstantialandnalcompletionservices
Knowledge Of/Skill In
• Change order process
• Conictresolution
• Constructionconictresolution
• Contractor application for payment
• Contracts (e.g., professional services and construction)
• Interpersonal skills (e.g., listening, diplomacy, responsiveness)
• Interpreting construction documents
• Managing quality through best practices
• Problem solving
• Product and material substitutions
• Project budget management
• Project closeout procedures
• Project records management
• Shop drawing review
• Site observation
• Team building, leadership, participation
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Take brief notes while reading the narrative and list key resources you used to complete the activities. Note
discussion outcomes from meetings with your supervisor, mentor, or consultants. When nalizing the activity
documentation (PDF), include your notes and the EmergingProfessional’sCompanion activity description.
Construction contract administration services are the most time-consuming and record-intensive of all
professional design services and delivering them requires patience and experience. Activities are time
documentation are paramount for successful delivery.
Architects direct the exchange of project information and communications during construction and
coordinate any architecture work to be executed at this stage in the project. They provide information to the
other team members. In addition, the architect observes the work to determine that it conforms to the project
design and reviews submittals, acting on them within a reasonable time to avoid causing project delays.
Although architects tend to think of construction phase services as those provided on the project site,
construction administration as walking the job site and interacting with the contractor.
dedicated construction administration departments typically rely on the project manager or project architect
to execute these duties.
The Emerging Professional’s Companion presents construction administration services from the design-
bid-build viewpoint, since this is the most commonly used method of project delivery. In this approach, the
architect performs construction administration services directly for the owner. In the design-build delivery
approach, on the other hand, the architect is typically a consultant to the contractor and communications
and lines of authority align with this contractual relationship. Fast-track construction scheduling requires the
architect to perform construction administration tasks more rapidly because of the compression and overlap
of project time lines. More information on delivery approaches is available in The Architect’s Handbook of
Professional Practice.
Team Relationships
The working relationship of the project team contributes to the effectiveness of construction administration
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AIA Contract Documents
are considered the industry
standard. Learn more at
In addition, samples of AIA
Contract Documents are
available for interns. View
the list of sample contract
documents and resources for
Within the Ofce
construction phase because project staff assignments simply shift to
accommodate the required services. While the project manager begins a
by helping with submittal reviews, document changes, and responses to
requests for information (RFIs). The project designer, who also may be
working on a new project, continues to play an essential role in design
issues and the review of design-related submittals.
Before construction commences, make sure your contract with the
owner includes required special services, such as a full-time project
representative or special consultants. Services required in the owner-
documents family provides this pass-through of services in companion
contracts such as B101™, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner
and Architect, and C401™, Standard Form of Agreement Between
Architect and Consultant.
Although they are not project team members, staff members responsible
and materials may also contribute to construction administration tasks. In
particular, their cooperation is vital to the project team that must undertake
research when the contractor needs a quick response.
Outside the Ofce
and other project team members make for a smoother construction
administration process. If owner, architect, and contractor forge a
collaborative relationship, this attitude is likely to extend throughout the
project team. The emergence of integrated project delivery is increasing
the opportunities for a more collaborative management initiative.
Integrated project delivery involves early participation by the contractor in
design development which allows the documents to progress more rapidly.
Submittals can be prepared sooner, and documents can contain more
timelier submittal review and approval, and often an earlier construction
Another popular approach for achieving a collaborative relationship
between the owner, architect, and contractor is “partnering,” this is a
process in which the parties jointly confront and manage project risks and
establish and promote a nurturing project environment. This relationship is
and goals, team responsibilities, and other essential project concerns.
Partnering sessions are typically managed by an outside facilitator
experienced in the process.
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A variety of additional owner-retained participants may be involved in work at the construction site. For
example, some owners retain an in-house project manager, while others contract with a construction
administered under the owner-architect agreement. All of these participants may have full interaction on the
with them.
Project Communications
Effective communications are necessary for project success because representatives of three entities
(owner, architect, and contractor) are working together during construction. Multiple decision-makers can
cause unnecessary work and frustration, not to mention potential miscommunication and delay. To keep
things running smoothly, it is important to establish a protocol for communications, document routing,
and lines of authority and review these procedures with all team members during the preconstruction
The AIA documents require the owner and the contractor to communicate with each other through the
architect about matters related to the contract for construction to ensure the architect is aware of all project
contractual responsibility to administer the contract between the owner and the contractor. It also alerts
The architect is required to certify that the construction, when complete, is in general conformance with the
who work for the architect also communicate with the project manager rather than the contractor.
To clarify communications, the project manager usually asks the owner to designate a single contact for
and consultants working for the owner then communicate with the project manager. Nonetheless, the
The contractor also typically has a single representative who communicates with the architect about the
project. Any subcontractors working for the contractor ask questions or provide information to this individual,
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Interaction between the project designer and the project manager is essential when submittals arrive and
critical decisions are required. Therefore, these team members are typically copied on site observation
reports and key correspondence, and they may also attend project meetings. Other team members in the
submittal review process.
delivery. Although the owner has a contract directly with the contractor, communications between the owner
the work is in accordance with the contract documents. Subcontractors and consultants, on the other hand,
communicate through the holders of their contracts when passing information to other team members. This
procedure allows the owner, architect, and contractor to be aware of and control their subcontracted work.
An important management tool is the project database. This body of information contains the electronic
history of the project to date. These systems can save much time when searching for historical data. Some
and cost of these programs continues to improve.
maintained in a safe and accessible location.
Project documents are only useful if you can easily locate the ones you need. It is wise to have a company
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easy retrieval of documents in the future and make it easy to add documents relevant to the construction
phase. Chapter 13.2 - Managing Architectural Projects, of The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice
and be familiar with them. If a construction administrator will lead the project team instead of the project
Since documents today consist primarily of electronic data on a server, necessary safeguards must be
this purpose. However, from a practical standpoint, the hard-copy set remains a useful tool. This is typically
made up of all drawing sheets that have been published on the project since the contract for construction
was signed.
AIA Document G807™, Project Team Directory, can be used to record contact information for project
team members. When construction begins, add new participants to your project database. It is helpful to
(Activities planned for the preconstruction conference are addressed in Chapter 3C - Construction Phase
Observation, on page 388.)
include special submittal routing, design review, and progress reporting.
contract requirements and to determine if the sequencing and timing is reasonable for review by the design
team, including its consultants. Be sure to determine if consultants in any outside specialties, such as
A list of project objectives and parameters should be maintained throughout all phases of service to enable
a database. Either way, a list of basic project information will help you provide consistent construction
administration. AIA Document G806™, Project Parameters Worksheet, is a form designed to help maintain a
The most important resource during construction is the project team. For the most part, they have been
involved since the beginning of the project, and their collective knowledge can help maintain consistency in
services. It is important to keep the team involved as much as possible until project completion. This is more
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AIA Contract Documents
View the list of sample contract
documents and resources for
AIA Document G709™, Work
Changes Proposal Request,
is a form used to obtain price
quotations required in the
negotiation of change orders.
AIA Document G701™, Change
Order, is used for implementing
changes in the work agreed to
by the owner, contractor, and
AIA Document G714™,
Construction Change Directive,
is a directive for changes in the
work for use where the owner
and contractor have not reached
an agreement on proposed
changes in the contract sum or
a project lasts longer than the design phase, and reassignment of team
members is a normal part of business. Because smaller projects require
smaller teams, group fragmentation is less of a problem for them.
specialists, and friends in the business can be a valuable resource.
Construction Start-Up
When the owner-contractor agreement has been signed and the
construction phase begins, certain tasks are required to get things started.
If the owner-contractor agreement does not stipulate a date when the work
will begin, the owner may direct the architect to issue a notice to proceed.
This directive establishes the date of commencement of the work. From
this milestone, the date of substantial completion can be determined
construction. To avoid confusion and prevent disagreement, the general
conditions of the contract for construction require the architect to
provide the contractor with a hard copy reference set of the construction
documents. This set should consist of three copies of the documents
issued for construction, noted as the “contract set, “with signature lines
provided for the owner and contractor. After the sets have been signed, the
owner, contractor, and architect each retain a copy for reference. Be aware
that any additions to this set of documents in the form of detail sheets or
reissued drawings may result in a change order.
requirement that the recipient acknowledge the validity of the documents
The contractor is typically provided, free of charge, copies of drawings and
project manuals as are reasonably necessary for execution of the work.
The project manual is a volume assembled for the project, which may
include the bidding requirements, sample forms, conditions of the contract,
A preconstruction conference is held to introduce project team members,
establish communications protocols, and review relevant project matters.
The architect prepares the draft agenda for the meeting and sends it to
the owner and contractor for their input. Since construction activities are
generally the same from project to project, a standard draft agenda can
agreement and make additions or changes to the draft agenda as required.
A sample agenda is shown in the Chapter 12.5 - Construction Contract
Administration in The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice,
Fourteenth Edition.
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Construction Administration Activities
Maintaining Document Control
The architect is typically responsible for production of the construction documents. Part of this responsibility
is controlling the content and distribution of these documents to prevent disruption and miscommunication
among the project team. Construction documents continue to evolve during the construction process
because of imposed changes. Changes can result from owner preferences, proposed contractor
substitutions, material availability, or design errors and omissions. No matter their source, it is imperative
that document changes be executed in a timely manner to avoid delays. Keeping up with the status of the
construction documents and responding quickly to proposed changes will help to protect the architect from
liability arising from project delay.
and systems. These proposals are typically submitted to reduce the cost of the work. To avoid compromise
provide performance equal to or better than the product or system they supplant. Otherwise, a credit should
be given when a lesser performing product is accepted unless an appropriate deductive change order is
and trial. Consider proposed replacement products or systems carefully, and require the contractor prove to
you that the substitution is worthwhile.
Changes in the work typically require changes in the construction documents. Ideally, the architect
describes the scope of the change and its effects on adjacent work so the contractor can quote a price for
the work. The architect initiates the change process by issuing a proposal request with attached drawings,
to obtain price quotations required for negotiation of change orders.
When the contractor has prepared a quotation for the proposed change, a meeting is held to discuss the
change and review the pricing. On larger projects, multiple proposals for change may be reviewed at one
time. When the price for the change is agreed upon, the architect prepares and issues a change order. The
proposal request and related pricing are usually attached along with a description of the change. A change
order may include multiple work changes and/or proposal requests.
A change order is not effective until it has been signed by the architect, the contractor, and the owner.
standard of practice.
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Changes to the construction documents can be made in the form of a
Changes in the construction contract sum or completion date can be
directive (CCD). This document is used when the owner and contractor
have not agreed on proposed changes in the contract sum or time. It
was developed to address changes in the work that, if not expeditiously
implemented, may delay a project. Upon receipt of the completed CCD, the
contractor must promptly proceed with the change in the work described.
It is recommended that a CCD be converted to a change order after the
change in the contract sum or time has been determined.
Managing and Reviewing Submittals
Construction project submittals are prepared by the contractor and reviewed
by the architect or an appropriate consultant. They include shop drawings,
product literature, product samples, test reports, operating instructions
and maintenance manuals, warranties from product suppliers and
manufacturers, and designs or design calculations prepared in response to
the contractor proposes to conform to the project design requirements.
As the holder of the prime design contract the architect is responsible for
managing the distribution of submittals to all his or her consultants. This
includes managing the routing of submittals and staying on top of time
sensitive review schedules.
It is important that the contractor be required to provide a submittal
schedule along with the construction schedule early in the project. On
some projects, providing this information is a prerequisite for processing
schedule to determine if the sequences and time allowed for review are
reasonable. A maximum time for submittal review is often stipulated in the
owner-contractor agreement, and it is important to determine if the time
at one time could make effective review impossible within the contracted
time constraints. Also, if submittals for project detailing such as doors,
frames, and hardware are not submitted at the same time, review will take
much longer. A time period commonly stipulated for submittal review is 10
business days.
of submittal activities. Such a log can be maintained in hard copy or with a
software management program. If a program is provided by the contractor,
make sure the activities and tracking protocols of all participants are
included in the log. Be sure to keep an up-to-date copy of the submittal log
in a secure location as a backup.
AIA Contract Documents
View the list of sample contract
documents and resources for
AIA Document G712™, Shop
Drawing and Sample Record,
is a standard form the architect
can use to log and monitor shop
drawings and samples.
RFIs & Supplemental
AIA Document G716™, Request
for Information, is a 2004
addition to the AIA family of
documents, although it has been
in use in the industry for many
years. The new document is
generic and can be used by the
owner, architect, or contractor
to request information from any
other party.
AIA Document G710™,
Instructions, is a form architects
can use to issue additional
instructions or interpretations
or to order minor changes in
the work that do not change the
contract sum or time.
online project collaboration
service designed to manage
building project information. It
can be run within the Microsoft®
Internet Explorer browser or as
a stand-alone executable.
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Assignment of document control numbers is necessary for effective management of submittals. You can use
number to the submittal upon receipt from a subcontractor or vendor and prior to submission to the architect.
All submittals, along with all other correspondence received by the architect, should be stamped received
The owner-contractor agreement and the general conditions of the contract for construction require the
contractor to review each submittal prior to submission to the architect and mark them up with corrections
and coordination notations prior to submission to the architect. Prior to the 2007 AIA Contract Documents
is a representation that the appropriate review has taken place.
When the architect has reviewed a submittal, it should be stamped with the appropriate review stamp. Such
stamps typically indicate actions such as approved, approved as noted, revise and resubmit, or rejected.
general conditions of the contract for construction.
system or doors and hardware, are included in the submittal review process. It is especially important to
However, the architect may review as-built drawings or designs by a professional hired by the contractor.
In such instances, the submittals are reviewed with respect to their effect on the design intent and not for
Clarifying Construction Documents
Construction documents can never be complete enough to answer every question a contractor or
subcontractor may have. Thus, contractors often ask the architect to clarify what is expected when, for
your response timing may affect the construction schedule.
and e-mail is the popular medium for submitting them. RFIs are typically included in electronic document
the architect may request from the contractor include the submittal schedule or a pricing response to a work
change proposal. RFIs should be logged and tracked like submittals. Since the RFI process is the most
popular basis for claims by contractors, timely management and accurate tracking are essential.
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Acronyms to Remember
• RFI - Request For
• CCD - Construction
Change Directive
documents, they have to take care not to increase the scope of work.
Contractors often claim scope has been added when an architect marks up
that should have been include originally. Ideally, the architect will provide
information to the contractor. In the event the contractor believes a change
in contract sum or time is involved and the architect agrees, the contract
Construction administration services consist of many intangible activities,
such as making decisions, giving directions, and taking actions, and
the participants are judged by the timeliness as well as the accuracy
of their performance. Accordingly, such activities are recorded in logs,
documentation is then available to support the quality of services rendered
All important conversations in which critical information is discussed and
documentation can include:
• Reports (meeting, site observation)
• Certications(payment,substantialcompletion)
• Requests for information
• Additional services agreements
• Work change documents (change orders, construction change
• Notices (to owner, contractor, surety)
• Miscellaneous communications
Documentation generated and maintained by the contractor can include:
• Submittals (shop drawings)
• Schedules (construction, submittal)
• Requests for information
• Certications(workcompliance,paymentapplication)
• Designcalculations(ifrequiredbyspecications)
• Approvals (changes)
• Notices (to owner, architect)
• Punch lists
• Miscellaneous communications
Owner documentation can include:
• Approvals,authorizations(changes,noticetoproceed,
nonconforming work)
• Site civil information
• Requests for information
• Miscellaneous communications
A record of meetings, discussions, decisions, and approvals, if not recorded
by the documents listed above, should be recorded in a meeting report,
document log, transmittal letter, or memorandum. Finally, the architect may
choose to keep a journal to record important project communications.
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Meeting Reports
The meeting report is the most common method used to record actions taken and decisions made. If a
made. A meeting report should include the following information, at a minimum:
• Project name Purpose of meeting
• Project number Issues discussed
• Date Decisions made
• Attendees Deadlines
The report should be compiled and distributed as soon as possible after the meeting. For repetitive meetings
such as scheduled project meetings, the meeting report can be used as the agenda for the next meeting.
Document Logs
Repetitive tasks are best tracked by logging. A log should have all relevant information, including critical
architects during construction administration include these:
• Construction documents issue log (usually cover sheet on drawings)
• Supplemental drawing log
• Request for information (RFI) log
• Submittal log (AIA Document G712™, Shop Drawing and Sample Record, can be used for recording
submittal review data such as number of copies and dates received and transmitted.)
• Architect’ssupplementalinstructions(ASI)log
• Construction change directive (CCD) log
• Work changes proposal request log
• Change order log
Related documents such as proposals for change and change orders should be cross-referenced in each
Transmittal Letters
Transmittals document the exchange of project information and act as a checklist reminding the sender
to tell the recipient what exactly is being sent, how the material is being sent, and why. For example, AIA
Document G810™, Transmittal Letter, is designed to serve as a written record of the exchange of project
A transmittal letter should contain the following information:
• Project name
• Project number (if applicable)
• Date
• Sender’snameandcompany
• Receiver’snameandcompany(canbemultiple)
• Complete description of transmitted material
• Method of delivery (courier, U.S. mail, etc.)
• Reason for sending
• Copies to others
Standard forms do not require a transmittal letter if they are tracked by a log because the forms contain the
basic project information and the document and reason for sending it are obvious. Approved methods for
delivering transmittal letters and standard forms between project team members should be discussed at the
preconstruction conference.
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many graphic formats, the primary objective is to capture the information for future reference. At minimum,
the following should be included in a memorandum:
• Date
• Project name
• Project number
• Subject
• Recipient (if appropriate)
• Author
• Subject matter
• Persons copied
The text of a memorandum can include discussions, conclusions, facts, or observations relevant to the
subject. Sending the document to the participants and allowing them to respond with corrections or
Another documentation tool available to the project manager or construction administrator is the journal.
ready reference to historic events. The architect can maintain a separate journal for each project or a single
journal that contains records of multiple projects.
Project Closeout
Punch List
publish. It is wise to discuss project completion sequencing with the contractor before project completion is
reached to anticipate punch list administrative needs.
Pre-punch items encountered on site visits can be discussed with the contractor and subcontractors to make
them aware of areas of concern and to establish the expected level of quality. This should help streamline
the punch list process.
Closeout Documents
contractual requirements for closeout submission before delivery to the owner. The design professional does
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Final Change Order
order must be issued to reconcile outstanding contract issues. These may include the following:
• Allowance balances
• Contingency balances
• Unresolved unit prices
• Contract savings
• Reimbursement for owner accepted non-conforming work
• Reimbursement for scope reductions
• Contractor bonuses
• Contractor penalties
• Liquidated damages
• Deductions for additional design services
• Additional contractor general conditions costs
• Weather related time extensions
• Delay related time extensions
completion can be achieved.
in their mind longer than design phase experiences. The actions taken by the construction contract
administrator during construction can become good memories or bad ones. Relationships can be built or lost
by how well the architect administers and resolves the issues.
Written by James B. Atkins, FAIA
Jim is a senior vice president/principal with HKS Architects in Dallas, where he is involved with the rm’s quality management and
education program, DoubleCheck®. He serves on the AIA Documents Committee and the AIA Risk Management Committee.
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Understanding Procedures of the Change Process
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Core IDP Hours
Changes are made on almost all projects. They can be caused by owner decisions, errors or omissions, or
reconcile allowances, unit prices or contingencies.
Changes in the contract tend to be questioned because they usually increase the contract price. Owners
often do not understand or accept the causes and circumstances surrounding a change. The construction
contract administrator must know the change process, manage it effectively, and take appropriate action so
and the roof and exterior skin has been completed. The project was designed for a single tenant with the
The client calls you up and informs you that the prime tenant deal has fallen through. He now wants the
building changed to accommodate multiple tenants. This will be the third change order on the project.
Activity - Core
View and download the following sample documents for reference:
• AIA Document G701™, Change Order
• AIA Document G709™, Work Changes Proposal Request
document that you will prepare is the Work Changes Proposal Request. If possible, review change
documents from an existing project and consult with your IDP supervisor, mentor or a senior construction
administrator. When you are preparing the document, answer the following questions:
• How soon should I request the contractor to submit the price?
• ShouldIsendanoticealertingthecontractorofthechangesothatdemolitioncanbeminimized?
• WhatfeeshouldIchargeforthissignicantchangeinprojectscope?
to review the costs. Prepare a memorandum requesting a change order review meeting. As you prepare the
memorandum, answer the following questions:
• Who should attend the meeting?
• Where should the meeting take place?
• What documents should I take to the meeting?
The owner approves the change in the meeting, and it is time to prepare the change order. As you do your
work, answer the following questions:
• Which documents will be referenced in the change order?
• Towhomisthechangeordersenttorstforsignature?
• What is the distribution of the change order?
• Howwillthechangeorderbetrackedonthecontractor’sapplicationforpayment?
notice. Share your work with your IDP supervisor or mentor and make suggested changes.
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Understanding Construction Phase Activities & Project Communications
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
In this scenario, the client is a private company, the delivery mode is design/bid/build, the project is a
services. You are planning your work to be performed during the construction phase – which meetings to
attend and the routine tasks to be performed. The project team includes the following:
Please reference the following sources:
• MASTERSPEC, Section 1
The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 14th ed. Chapter 12.5 - Construction Contract Administration
View and download the following sample documents for reference:
• AIA Document A101™, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor
• AIA Document A201™, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
• AIADocumentB214™,StandardFormofArchitect’sServices:LEED
Read the reference documents listed above thoroughly and prepare the following lists. (You may wish
to consult meeting reports and communication documents from an existing project.) List the activities
listing based on contractor—subcontractor interaction, contractor-architect interaction, and architect—
• Which tasks will be ongoing?
• Which tasks will be intermittent?
• How often will the architect visit the site?
• What meetings will be held?
• Who will attend each meeting?
• How will payment applications affect the timing of site visits?
• Howoftenshouldaeldobservationreportbeissued?
List the types of communications that will occur between the following parties during the construction phase:
• Architect – Owner
• Architect – Contractor
• Architect – LEED facilitator
• Owner – Contractor
• Owner – Architect – Contractor
Most of these activities will be repetitive, such as the architect reporting the work status to the owner, but
some will be task driven, such as a construction detail resolution.
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• Owner
• Owner’sequipmentcontractor
• Architect
• Structural engineer
• M/E/P engineer
• Architect’ssiterepresentative
• Contractor’sprojectmanager
• Two contractor superintendents
• Four contractor site foreman
• Mechanical subcontractor
• Electrical subcontractor
• Plumbing subcontractor
• Contractor’sschedulingconsultant
• Test lab representative
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Questionable Stored Materials
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
Some ethical dilemmas may actually be illegal acts. In this exercise, you must determine whether an
unlawful condition exists.
In this scenario, you are providing construction contract administration services for the interior of a small
completed, and your contract is approximately 80 percent complete. You visit the project to review an
and it matches the information on the tags.
handwritten note on the corner of the drawing. It says, “2,500 square yards total.” You ask the interior design
and left the note. It is a cost-of-the-work contract, and the owner pays for all materials. It appears that more
carpet was ordered than necessary, and someone will end up with the extra carpet. Could the amount be
the overage required by the contract for stored material, or is the contractor intending to keep the excess?
But it is your business. You are required to determine if the stored materials are appropriate for the work.
Although you are not responsible for measurements, you must explore the variation.
Please reference the following source:
• AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Write out a plan for resolving the situation. There may be a legitimate explanation for the additional carpet,
• Does the owner want the extra carpet for attic stock?
• Could there be a separate contract in the works outside your contract?
• Could the overage be anticipated waste?
Remember that title to the product transfers to the owner upon payment, and the owner may not wish to
purchase the extra carpet.
Your plan will include communication with the owner. Prepare a memorandum to the owner and contractor
approve for payment only the yardage needed including reasonable waste.
Request that the carpet subcontractor provide his layout sheets for carpet cuts to substantiate the
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Tracking the RFI Process On-Site
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
of the contract documents. In recent years, the RFI has become a universal tool for obtaining information by
the architect and owner as well.
Please reference the following sources:
• MASTERSPEC, Section 013100
• Otherlessuchaschangeorders,meetingreports,ASIs,CCDs,andjournalentries,ifavailable.
View and download the following sample documents for reference:
• AIA Document G716™, Request for Information
RFIs that include drawing details provided by the architect.
RFIs that involve a supplementary detail from the architect often result in a change to the contract. In this
case, the change should be administered through the prescribed change process using appropriate AIA
documents. As you review the RFIs, answer the following questions:
• Didthesenderalsoproposethex?
• Did the RFI result in a change to the contract?
• What change documents were used to effect the change?
• Was there a dispute over the resolution of the change?
• Were consultants involved with the issue?
the change. Answer the following:
• Didthearchitectrevisethecontractdocumentstoreectthechange?
• Did the contractor include the change in their contractor marked-up drawings?
Prepare a report on the three RFIs describing how they were administered. Include copies of all supporting
documentation. List everyone that was involved and their method of communicating. If the issue resulted
in a change to the contract, list the documents used to administer the change. If meetings were held to
discuss resolution of the issue, list the purpose of the meeting, the attendees and the resolution.
• Was the RFI detail really necessary to express the design concept expressed in the contract
• Shouldthecontractorhavegeneratedthedetailasa“clarication”drawingandpartofthe
• Should the appropriate subcontractor have generated the detail as part of their shop drawings for
that portion of the work?
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Impartial Determination of Substantial Completion
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
AIA Document A201™, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, and AIA Document G704™,
is without exception, and it requires open, candid communication and disclosure.
In this scenario, you are providing construction contract administration services on a project that has
substantial liquidated damage provisions for late completion as well as a generous bonus of $10,000 to the
contractor for each day of early completion.
The contractor has informed you in writing that the project is substantially complete, and you have
use intended on July 11, 2013, ten days before the contracted substantial completion date.
days after the contracted date, and you are to certify substantial completion at that time.
View and download the following sample documents for reference:
• AIA Document A201™, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
• AIADocumentG704™,CerticateofSubstantialCompletion
Review A201™ to determine the requirements for impartiality in providing professional services. Quote the
section with a written description of its meaning in practice.
Write a memorandum to the owner and copy the contractor citing these provisions and advise of the
accurate date of substantial completion. In the memo, advise the owner, based on the contracted bonus
clause, the total bonus amount payable to the contractor.
the date of issuance. As you prepare your memorandum, answer the following questions:
• How can the memorandum be written to help the owner understand the requirements for
substantial completion?
• What examples can be given to show that the completed work is available for the use intended?
• Should the bonus amount be added to the construction contract by change order?
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Determining Construction Phase Workload
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
A thorough understanding of the activities involved in the construction phase is necessary in order to
effectively plan and administer construction services. Knowing when activities occur will allow for load
This exercise will provide an overview of the construction phase work activities of a project based on the
documents generated during the work process.
View and download the following sample documents for reference:
• AIA Document G702™, Application and Certificate for Payment
• AIADocumentG704™,CerticateofSubstantialCompletion
records listed below. Establish a graphic timeline for the duration of construction in monthly increments,
and record the activities accordingly. As you begin your research, answer the following questions:
• What was the level of complexity of the project?
• Was project completion timely or late?
• Were owner scope changes reasonable or extensive?
• Was the project location local or out of town?
• Wastheoverallofceworkloadheavyoraverage?
Examine the following project documents:
RFIs: Review the RFI log and chart the number of RFIs processed each month during construction.
Submittals: Review the submittal log and record the number of submittals processed each month.
Determine if a submittal schedule was provided.
Meeting reports: Review all meeting reports and record issues that required additional labor to
accomplish or resolve.
Payment applications: Reviewallapplicationandcerticateforpaymentforms(G702™&G703™).
duration, and date of substantial completion.
Punch lists: Review all punch lists to determine the amount of work remaining for completion or
correction after substantial completion.
Certicate(s) of substantial completion:Reviewallcerticatestodetermineiftheoriginally
scheduled date was met.
Change orders: Review all change orders and related change documents to identify issues and
events that required additional labor. Record these on the timeline.
Site visits:Reviewtheeldobservationreports,andrecordthenumberofsitevisitsconducted
each month.
Stafng: Query personnel assigned to the project to establish the amount of labor required during
construction. Review timesheets if available. Determine the workload by total hours expended
each month.
Personal journal/notes: Review available journals and notes to identify issues that affected work
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Determining Construction Phase LEED Certification Responsibilities
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
LEED is becoming widely accepted as the standard by which high-performance buildings are measured.
case study.
Please reference the following sources:
• Completed LEED project documents
• MASTERSPEC, Section 018113
responsibilities of the project team. Project documents from the completed LEED project include:
• Drawings
• Specications
• LEED submittals
• Project materials cost data
• LEED action plans
• LEED progress reports
As you begin your research, answer the following questions:
• WhatistheLEEDcerticationrating?
• Didtheprojectachievethecerticationlevelthatwasoriginallypursued?
• How were LEED submittals processed compared to typical project submittals?
• What was the total number of LEED submittals?
• What was the total cost of LEED related project materials?
Examine the following project documents:
• RFIs: Review the RFI log for LEED related questions.
• Submittals: Review the submittal log and record the number of LEED submittals processed.
• Meeting reports: Review all meeting reports for LEED related communications and activities.
• Change orders: Review all change orders and related change documents to identify LEED issues.
• Sitevisits:ReviewtheeldobservationreportsforobservationsrelatedtoLEED.
• Stafng:Querypersonnelassignedtotheprojecttodeterminetheamountoftimethatwas
required to administer LEED related activities and responsibilities.
• Personal journal/notes: Review available journals and notes to identify LEED issues that affected
work requirements.
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Negative Results from Late Wind Tunnel Test
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
Building construction is not always performed in an orderly, sequential manner. In delivery variations such
as fast-track, the design and construction activities are compressed and supplementary activities such as
testing are not always performed in a timely manner. This scenario explores a complication in a building
design introduced by untimely testing.
at the corners, forming sleek, curvilinear shapes.
The preparation of construction documents was accelerated; as a result, the building was not wind tunnel
mitigation, see the American Association for Wind Engineering website.)
the building of 115 psf at the rounded corners caused by an “airplane wing effect.” The original curtain wall
design allows a maximum of 90 psf negative pressure. If the corners are not reinforced, wind pressure will
overstress the curtain wall attachment to the building frame.
The structural engineer evaluates the impact on the increased pressures at the corners of the building and
determines that braces must be placed above the ceiling at those locations. The braces are large, and they
encroach on the perimeter slot air diffuser boots and ductwork.
Prepare an agenda for a meeting with the contractor, structural engineer, MEP engineer, curtain wall
consultant, curtain wall subcontractor, and the owner. List the topics to be discussed and the decisions
that must be made for designing and implementing the change while construction continues. As you
prepare your agenda, answer the following questions:
• How will the mechanical and electrical systems be affected?
• Is involvement required by the curtain wall consultant?
• What elements of the building may need to be revised in the construction schedule, ceiling grid and
tiles, interior framing?
• What other systems may be affected?
The meeting must address the impact of the change on existing building systems, as well as the
without negatively impacting the construction schedule. Ask yourself; what measures can be taken to
complete the task as quickly as possible? How should the results be documented? What AIA documents
should be used to implement the resulting change in the contract?
Prepare a schedule for developing a corrective design, issuing scope change documents, pricing the
change, and issuing the change order. Include a request that the contractor be prepared to discuss time
frames for implementing the change and coordinating it with the ongoing work.
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Saved by a Scope Change?
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
Architects have both an ethical and a contractual duty to design projects that conform to applicable codes. In
some cases, issues of nonconformance may become moot as the result of changes in scope. In this activity
a mistake was made, but the scope was revised before construction. However, complications involving
allocation of cost lead to an ethical dilemma.
In this scenario, you have been commissioned to design an addition to a junior high school. The addition
consists of a basketball gymnasium with a weight room, locker rooms, and toilets. Your complete your
drawings and issue them for bidding. The bids are opened, and a contractor is selected. The successful
Proceed” is issued.
requirements. The changes required to make them compliant will add scope to the project and increase
the cost. Although you have found the problem before the toilets are constructed, the additional costs for
bringing them into compliance will exceed the budget.
The next day, the owner informs you that the school board has decided to allow the nearby high school to
use the new gym. She asks you to give her a fee quote for revising the drawings to make the toilet rooms
will be the wiser. No harm done or is there?
The owner mentions that the change in scope is possible because the bids came in under budget. She
believes the extra money will allow her to enlarge the toilet rooms to accommodate the high school students.
View and download the following sample documents for reference:
• AIA Document B101™, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect
• AIA Document G701™, Change Order
• AIA Document G709™, Work Changes Proposal Request
Prepare a narrative outlining action you should take in this scenario. Include an explanation to the owner
regarding the ADA noncompliance and its potential impact on the completed construction. List each step
in order of priority. Assume that the cost of enlarging the toilet rooms to accommodate the high school
students will cost less than enlarging them to meet ADA requirements.
As you prepare your work, answer the following questions:
• Are substitutions available that could reduce the overall cost?
• What can you do to attempt to keep the project on schedule?
• What can you ask the contractor to do to help you with the changes?
• Iftheoriginofthenon-compliantdesignwasthearchitect’serror,shouldthearchitectabsorbthe
cost to re-design?
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Solutions for a One-Inch Code Violation
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
is nearing completion. The building inspector has discovered that the ceiling in a hallway serving as a means
of egress is 1 inch lower than the 7-foot minimum height dictated by 2000 International Building Code
Section 1003.2.4. It appears that the various subcontractors could not get all the utilities (e.g., structure,
ducts, drains, sprinkler piping, conduits) into the space provided in the architectural working drawings. They
are packed as tight as possible. There is no way to get a higher ceiling with all the utilities shown in the
various engineering drawings. The bottom element is a duct that occupies 60 percent of the width of the
hallway and runs its full length (45 feet), with branch ducts into adjacent rooms. Although the architectural
You have been directed to investigate the circumstances and make recommendations for action that will
Answer the questions below as part of your investigation:
• Will your recommendation vary depending on who (if anyone) is responsible for the impasse? If so,
why? If so, recommend a solution for each party that might ultimately be assigned responsibility for
installation of utilities typically located above a hallway ceiling.
• What documents would you examine to identify the responsible party (if any)?
• What should the documents say or show that would help identify any party that might be
responsible? Suggest statements and types of drawings that would have been appropriate to
include in the various documents to avoid this situation. Who should prepare such drawings or
• Develop three solutions to physically solve the problem. Ask colleagues how tight space above
hallway ceilings has been addressed in the past during the design phase. Past strategies might
your supervisor.
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Processing an Unacceptable Substitution Request
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
It has become somewhat common practice for owners to solicit substitution requests beyond contract award
in an effort to further reduce project costs. These requested changes do not always take into consideration
quality or impact on adjacent materials. The architect may determine that the proposed substitution is
unacceptable for use in the project.
Although the owner may elect to accept it, the architect is not required to change their drawings or
In this scenario, you are providing construction phase services on a small retail center. The budget is
tight, and the owner has solicited substitutions from the contractor after the construction has begun. The
contractor has requested a substitution for the aluminum and glass storefront system. It is a brand that
determined that it is not acceptable for use on the project.
Please reference the following source:
• MASTERSPEC, Section 1
View and download the following sample document for reference:
• AIA Document A201™, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
Prepare a memorandum to the contractor and owner explaining your position. In 500 to 800 words,
explain why you do not want the product used on the project and recommend an alternate system that
obtain supporting information to include with the memorandum. As you prepare the memorandum, answer
the following questions:
• Howcanthebenetsofthespeciedsystembebestexplained?
• Whatotherstorefrontsystemcanbeidentiedthatwillreduceprojectcosts?
• How can I style my memorandum to be helpful instead of combative?
• What other building components could be substituted to reduce costs?
• Should you offer to allow the rejected substitution if the owner agrees to indemnify you?
Assume the owner is persistent in accepting the substitution and directs you to include it in the project.
Note: Be mindful that you are not obligated to change your drawings as that would increase your risk for
the substituted system. If this approach is taken, the system will become owner accepted nonconforming
actions will require a detailed explanation to the owner.
Prepare a memorandum to the owner explaining why you cannot accept the product and explain that a
information; refrain from emotional statements. Approach the memorandum as a chance to educate and
Share your work with your IDP supervisor or mentor and make suggested changes.
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Certification of Nonconforming Work
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
contract documents so that the owner can use it for its intended use.
determined to be in breach of their contractual responsibilities. It is therefore important that the architect
documents all observed nonconforming work.
Typically, such work will be on the attached punch list, and the contractor will correct or complete it. Should
list of items remaining for completion or correction and an attached list of owner accepted nonconforming
been used in the reception area. The area is complete and ready for occupancy.
Please reference the following source:
The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 14th ed. Chapter 12.5 - Construction Contract Administration
View and download the following sample documents for reference:
• AIA Document A201™, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
• AIADocumentG704™,CerticateofSubstantialCompletion
explaining your subsequent discovery of the nonconforming work. Explain the condition thoroughly. As you
prepare the memorandum, answer the following questions:
• Will the replacement of the work delay owner occupancy? If so, the project is not substantially
• Is the work of a quality and appearance that it could be accepted?
• Should you recommend acceptance of the nonconforming work to the owner?
• Isthenonconformingworkofsuchscopethatre-issuanceofthecerticateisnecessary?
• Assume the Owner rejects the work. Prepare a memorandum to the owner and contractor
amending the attached punch list, adding the nonconforming work.
• Assume the Owner accepts the work. Prepare a memorandum to the owner and contractor
amending the attached exclusions of owner accepted nonconforming work.
• Assume the Owner rejects it and remediation will delay occupancy. Prepare a memorandum to the
owner and contractor advising that the work is not substantially complete and rescinding the issued
Share your work with your IDP supervisor or mentor and make suggested changes.
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Design Not Suitable for Use
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
This exercise involves a design that complies with code but is not suitable for the intended use. Unlike
designs that can be checked in a code book, the adequacy of this design must be measured by anticipating
how it will be used. This activity underscores the importance of continuous scrutiny of the documents to
In this scenario, you are administering a construction contract on an emergency room addition to a hospital.
The scope of the contract includes a covered emergency entrance with automatic biparting entry doors
allowing a 5-foot clearance, a 10-foot wide entry corridor, and six emergency treatment rooms.
Project construction is nearing completion, and the contractor is ahead of schedule. You are getting an early
start on our substantial completion inspection and have invited the owner to accompany you. As you inspect
the entry doors, the owner informs you that the 5-foot width is inadequate to allow easy passage of a gurney
with attendants. The owner demands that you correct the problem and expects you to pay for the change.
Develop a plan for addressing this design error. Consider the construction schedule, delay costs,
existing door, your staff time for drawing changes, the change order to the contractor, and educating your
staff for future designs. As you approach this problem you must ask yourself the following questions:
• How can this issue be approached with the least impact to ongoing construction activities?
• How can the submittal approval process be accelerated?
• How can the fabrication and delivery process be accelerated?
• If a temporary door is required, what type is most suitable?
• Whatwillbethecityrequirementsforatemporarycerticateofoccupancy?
• Whatactionsarerequiredtopreservetheowner’scondenceinmyrm?
Prepare the following:
• List the steps involved in replacing the door with one that will suit the purpose.
• Prepare an agenda for a meeting with the contractor, and determine who should attend the
• Find out if approval is required in this jurisdiction to install a temporary door if another door cannot
be delivered by the occupancy date.
• Writealettertothecityrequestingatemporarycerticateofoccupancyuntilthenewdoorcanbe
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Forced Substitution of Skylights
Supplemental Experience for eight (8) Elective IDP Hours
Substitutions have become a popular means of reducing the project cost after the construction contract has
been executed. Many owners allow substitution proposals until project buyout has been completed.
Substitutions during construction almost always result in a reduction in quality as well as cost. Owners are
often enticed by lower costs, and they are not always as concerned about the reduction in quality – that is,
In this scenario, you are providing shell and core construction contract administration services on a
corporate headquarters building for a top 100 corporation. The budget is large, and the project was hard bid.
The successful contractor was almost two million dollars lower than the budget, and the talk around the jot
The elated owner relished in the found money and gave the interiors architect an open ticket. Finished were
upgraded to Italian stone and exotic wood paneling. The desperate contactor began a vicious substitution
assault to lower the project cost, with very little credit given back to the owner.
features and quality. You immediately reject the submittal.
Please reference the following sources:
• MASTERSPEC, Section 013300
View and download the following sample documents for reference:
• AIA Document A201™, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
Prepare a memorandum to the owner and contractor rejecting the proposed skylight system. Cite the
submittals with other activities such as fabrication and construction.
Advise the owner that you will not accept the substitution or change your drawings. Advise that the
as, “owner-accepted nonconforming work.”
Prepare a summary of the events that led up to the event, and list the actions that your construction
administration group will take to avoid such an incident in the future. As you prepare the summary, answer
the following questions:
• What contract requirements were not followed or enforced?
• What indications were apparent that would warn of such an incident?
• What actions could you have taken to avert the incident?
• How can you tactfully explain to the owner that they did not receive full value for money spent?
Share your work with your IDP supervisor or mentor and make suggested changes.
Activity - Elective
Construction Administration
Emerging Professional’s Companion | www.epcompanion.org
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