Department or Agency:
Alabama Department of Revenue
Rule No.:
Rule Title:
Withdrawals From Inventory
Intended Action
Repeal and Replace
Would the absence of the proposed rule significantly harm or
endanger the public health, welfare, or safety?
Is there a reasonable relationship between the state’s police
power and the protection of the public health, safety, or welfare?
Is there another, less restrictive method of regulation available
that could adequately protect the public?
Does the proposed rule have the effect of directly or indirectly
increasing the costs of any goods or services involved?
To what degree?: N/A
Is the increase in cost more harmful to the public than the harm
that might result from the absence of the proposed rule?
Are all facets of the rule-making process designed solely for the
purpose of, and so they have, as their primary effect, the
protection of the public?
Does the proposed action relate to or affect in any manner any
litigation which the agency is a party to concerning the subject
matter of the proposed rule?
Does the proposed rule have an economic impact?
If the proposed rule has an economic impact, the proposed rule is required to be
accompanied by a fiscal note prepared in accordance with subsection (f) of Section
41-22-23, Code of Alabama 1975.
Certification of Authorized Official
I certify that the attached proposed rule has been proposed in full compliance
with the requirements of Chapter 22, Title 41, Code of Alabama 1975, and that it
conforms to all applicable filing requirements of the Administrative Procedure
Division of the Legislative Services Agency.
Signature of certifying officer
Cameran Clark
Cameran Clark
Friday, April 19, 2024
APR 19, 2024
AGENCY NAME: Alabama Department of Revenue
RULE NO. & TITLE: 810-6-1-.196 Withdrawals From Inventory
INTENDED ACTION: Repeal and Replace
Pursuant to the Red Tape Reduction Act 2013-88, this rule has been reviewed and
rewritten to add titles and provide better clarity to taxpayers relating to
taxable transactions for withdrawals from inventory.
A public hearing will be conducted at 1:30 P.M. on Tuesday, June 04, 2024, via
web-conference. To participate in the upcoming web-conference public hearing
please contact the Tax Policy and Governmental Affairs Division at
[email protected] or 334-242-1380 to obtain the appropriate sign-in
information for a specific public hearing date. Copies of the rule(s) can be
obtained at
All interested parties may present their views in writing to the Secretary of the
Alabama Department of Revenue, Room 4131, Gordon Persons Building, 50 N Ripley
Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36132 at any time following publication of the notice
up until the conclusion of the hearing. Interested parties may also may present
their views during the web-conference.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Meagan Barrett
Alabama Department of Revenue
4131 Gordon Persons Building
Montgomery, Alabama 36132
(334) 242-1380
Cameran Clark
Cameran Clark
(Signature of officer authorized
to promulgate and adopt
rules or his or her deputy)
810-6-1-.196 Withdrawals From Inventory.
(1) Except as noted in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) below, all
withdrawals of tangible personal property from inventory are
taxable under the withdrawal provisions of the sales tax statute
unless the property has been previously withdrawn from the
inventory and the sales tax has been paid because of the
previous withdrawal or unless the property withdrawn enters into
and becomes an ingredient or component part of tangible personal
property or products manufactured or compounded for sale and not
for the personal and private use or consumption of the person
withdrawing same. (Ex parte Sizemore, 605 So. 2d 1221 (Ala.
1992))(Sections 40-23-1(a)(6), 40-23-1(a)(8), 40-23-1(a)(10),
and 40-23-60(5), Code of Ala. 1975).
(2) The transactions in (a) and (b) below shall not be deemed or
considered to constitute a transaction subject to sales tax.
Qualified charitable entities listed in 26 U.S.C. Sections
170(b) or (c) are defined in (c) below.
(a) Pursuant to Section 40-23-1(e), the withdrawal, use, or
consumption of a manufactured product by the manufacturer
thereof in quality control testing performed by employees or
independent contractors of the manufacturer, nor a gift by
the manufacturer of a manufactured product, withdrawn from
the manufacturer's inventory, to an entity listed in 26
U.S.C. Sections 170(b) or (c).
(b) Pursuant to Section 40-23-23-1(f), effective July 1,
2006, a gift by a retailer of a product or products
withdrawn from the retailer’s inventory to a qualified
charitable entity listed in 26 U.S.C. Sections 170(b) or
(c), where the aggregate retail value of any single gift is
equal to or less than $10,000.00.
(c) Qualified charitable entities listed in 26 U.S.C.
Sections 170(b) or (c) include, but are not limited to the
1. a church, or a convention or association of churches;
2. an educational organization which normally maintains
a regular faculty, curriculum, and enrolled body of
3. a hospital or a medical research organization which
provides medical or hospital care, medical education, or
medical research as their primary purpose or function;
4. an organization which normally receives a substantial
part of its support from the United States or any State
or political subdivision thereof or from direct or
indirect contributions from the general public, and
which is organized and operated for the benefit of a
college or university referenced in 2. above;
5. a governmental unit that is a State or a possession
of the United States and any political subdivision of
any of the foregoing, the United States, or the District
of Columbia, which uses the gift exclusively for public
6. a corporation, trust, or community chest, fund, or
foundation created or organized in the United States or
in any possession thereof or under the laws thereof, and
organized and operated exclusively for religious,
charitable, scientific, literary, or educational
purposes, or to foster national or international amateur
sports competition, or for the prevention of cruelty to
children or animals, and which normally receives a
substantial part of its support from governmental
units referenced in 5. above or from direct or indirect
contributions from the general public;
7. a private foundation described in 26USC170(b)(1)(E);
8. an organization described in 26USC509(a)(2).
(3) Sales of equipment, accessories, fixtures, and other similar
tangible personal property used in connection with a sale of
commercial mobile services as defined in Section 40-23-1(a)(6)
or in connection with satellite television services, at a price
below cost, are not taxable as a withdrawal. Instead, sales of
this nature are retail sales and are taxable measured only by
the seller’s stated retail selling price. (Sections 40-23-1(a)
(6) and 40-23-1(a)(10)).
(4) Refinery, residue, or fuel gas, whether in a liquid or
gaseous state, that has been generated by, or is otherwise a by-
product of, a petroleum-refining process, which gas is then
utilized in the process to generate heat or is otherwise
utilized in the distillation or refining of petroleum products
is not taxable under the withdrawal provisions of the sales or
use tax statutes. (Sections 40-23-1(a)(6), 40-23-1-(A)(8), and
(5) The sales tax due on taxable withdrawals shall be computed
and paid by the person, firm, or corporation withdrawing the
property. The measure of the sales of tax due on taxable
withdrawals is the price paid for the property by the person,
firm, or corporation withdrawing same. Alabama sales tax becomes
due at the time and place of the withdrawal of tangible personal
property from inventory. Alabama sales tax is due on tangible
personal property withdrawn from inventory in Alabama regardless
of where the property so withdrawn is used or consumed.
(6) Withdrawals of building materials by a contractor who makes
retail sales of building materials and who also withdraws
building materials from the same stock of goods for use in
fulfilling a contract for making additions, alterations, or
improvements to realty are taxable to the person, firm, or
corporation making the withdrawals. The measure of sales tax due
on these withdrawals is the price paid for the building
materials by the person, firm, or corporation withdrawing same.
Alabama sales tax becomes due on these of building materials at
the time and place of the withdrawals. Alabama sales tax is due
on building materials withdrawn from stock in Alabama for use in
fulfilling contracts both inside and outside the State of
Author: Donna Joyner
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §§40-2A-7(a)(5),
40-23-1(a)(6), 40-23-1(a)(8), 40-23-1(a)(10), 40-23-1(e),
40-23-31, 40-34-60(5), 40-23-83.
History: Filed January 15, 1993; April 15, 1993. Amended:
Filed December 1, 1995; effective January 5, 1996. Amended:
Filed November 18, 1999; effective December 23, 1999. Amended:
Filed August 24, 2007; effective September 28, 2007.
810-6-1-.196 Withdrawals From Inventory.
(1) Taxable Transactions. Unless specifically exempted by law,
withdrawals of tangible personal property from inventory are
taxable under the withdrawal provisions of the sales tax
(a) The sales tax due on taxable withdrawals are computed
and paid by the person, firm, or corporation withdrawing the
(b) The measure of the sales tax due on taxable withdrawals
is the price paid for the property by the person, firm, or
corporation making the withdrawal.
(c) Alabama sales tax becomes due at the time and place
that tangible personal property is withdrawn from inventory.
(d) Alabama sales tax is due on tangible personal property
withdrawn from inventory in Alabama, regardless of where the
withdrawn property is used or consumed.
(e) Withdrawals of building materials by a contractor who
makes retail sales of building materials and who also
withdraws building materials from the same stock of goods
for use in fulfilling a contract for making additions,
alterations, or improvements to realty are taxable to the
person, firm, or corporation withdrawing the property. The
measure of sales tax due on these withdrawals is the price
paid for the building materials by the person, firm, or
corporation making the withdrawals. Alabama sales tax
becomes due on these building materials at the time and
place of the withdrawals. Alabama sales tax is due on
building materials withdrawn from stock in Alabama for use
in fulfilling contracts both inside and outside of the
(2) Exemptions. The transactions in this paragraph shall not be
deemed or considered to constitute a transaction subject to
sales tax.
(a) The withdrawal, use, or consumption of a manufactured
product by the manufacturer of such product in quality
control testing performed by employees or independent
contractors of the manufacturer.
(b) A gift by the manufacturer of a manufactured product,
withdrawn from the manufacturer's inventory to an entity
listed in 26 U.S.C. Section 170(b) or (c).
(c) A gift by a retailer of a product or products withdrawn
from the retailer’s inventory to a qualified charitable
entity listed in 26 U.S.C. Section 170(b) or (c), where the
aggregate retail value of any single gift is equal to or
less than $10,000.
(d) Refinery, residue, or fuel gas, whether in a liquid or
gaseous state, that has been generated by, or is otherwise a
by-product of, a petroleum-refining process, which gas is
then utilized in the process to generate heat or is
otherwise utilized in the distillation or refining of
petroleum products.
(e) The property has been previously withdrawn from the
inventory and the sales tax has been paid because of the
previous withdrawal.
(f) The property withdrawn enters into and becomes an
ingredient or component part of tangible personal property.
(g) Products manufactured or compounded for sale and not for
the personal and private use or consumption of the person
making the withdrawal.
(3) Exceptions. Sales of equipment, accessories, fixtures, and
other similar tangible personal property used in connection with
a sale of commercial mobile services as defined in §40-23-1,
Code of Ala. 1975, or in connection with satellite television
services, at a price below cost, are not taxable as a
withdrawal. Instead, sales of this nature are retail sales and
are taxable measured only by the seller’s stated retail selling
Author: Donna Joyner and Christy Vandevender
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §§40-2A-7(a)(5),
40-23-1(a)(6), 40-23-1(a)(8), 40-23-1(a)(10), 40-23-1(e),
40-23-31, 40-34-60(5), 40-23-83. Ex Parte Sizemore, 605 So. 2d
1221 (Ala. 1992)
History: Filed January 15, 1993; April 15, 1993. Amended:
Filed December 1, 1995; effective January 5, 1996. Amended:
Filed November 18, 1999; effective December 23, 1999. Amended:
Filed August 24, 2007; effective September 28, 2007. Repealed
and New Rule: Published ______; effective ______.