2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management
Guidelines for Dogs and Cats
Martha G. Cline, DVM, DACVN
, Kara M. Burns, MS, MEd, LVT, VTS (Nutrition), Jason B. Coe, DVM, PhD,
Robin Downing, DVM, MS (Bioethics), DAAPM, DACVSMR, CVPP, CCRP, Tiffany Durzi, DVM, CVA, CCRT, CVPP
Maryanne Murphy, DVM, PhD, DACVN, Valerie Parker, DVM, DACVIM, DACVN
The guidelines discuss the components of a systematic approach to nutritional management of dogs and cats. A nutri-
tional assessment, including a body condition score and muscle condition score, is a screening evaluation that should
ideally be performed at every examination. Individualized nutritional recommendations, based on the nutritional assess-
ment, should be designed to achieve and maintain an appropriate body weight and meet nutritional requirements. Com-
municating nutritional recommendations to clients is a challenging aspect of nutritional management because pet
owners may interpret the practice teams guidance as advocacy for a particular pet food brand or a judgment of the cli-
ents ability to properly care for the pet or of the owners own nutritional status. The guidelines discuss approaches for
effective, nonjudgmental communication of dietary recommendations to clients and strategies to increase acceptance of
and adherence to veterinary nutrition recommendations. Other pet nutrition topics of current interest include recommen-
dations for particular pet life stages, breeds, and disease conditions; risk factors for nutritional deciencies and obesity;
and considerations for home-prepared diets. (J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2021; 57:153174. DOI 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-7232)
From Red Bank Veterinary Hospital, Tinton Falls, New Jersey (M.G.C.);
Academy of Veter inary Nutrition Technicians, Lafayette, Indiana (K.M.B.);
Department of Population Medicine (J.B.C.) and Hills Pet Nutrition Primary
Healthcare Centre (T.D.), Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada; The Downing Center for Animal Pain Management,
LLC, Windsor, Color ado (R.D.); Depa rtment of Small An imal Clinica l Sciences,
University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville, Tennessee
(M.M.); and Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio (V.P.).
Angela Rollins, DVM, PhD, DACVN, Small Animal Clinical Sciences,
University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville,
Megan Shepherd, DVM, PhD, DACVN, Virginia-Maryland College of
Veterinary Medicine, Blacksburg, Virginia
Correspondence: [email protected]
M. Cline is the chair of the AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management
Guidelines Task Force.
§ T. Durzi is the representative for the Primary Care Veterinary Educators.
These guidelines were prepared by a Task Force of experts convened
by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and were
subjected to a formal peer-review process. This document is intended
as a guideline only, not an AAHA standard of care. These guidelines
and recommendations should not be construed as dictating an
exclusive protocol, course of treatment, or procedure. Variations in
practice may be warranted based on the needs of the individual
patient, resources, and limitations unique to each individual practice
setting. Evidence-based support for specic recommendations has
been cited whenever possible and appropriate.
Other recommendations are based on practical clinical experience and a
consensus of expert opinion. Further research is needed to document
some of these recommendations. Because each case is different,
veterinarians must base their decisions on the best available scientic
evidence in conjunction with their own knowledge and experience.
These guidelines are supported by generous educational grants
from Hills Pet Nutrition, Inc., Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets, and
Royal Canin. They were subjected to a formal peer-review process.
AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Ofcials); ACVN
(American College of Veterinary Nutrition); BCS (body condition score);
BF% (body fat percentage); BW (body weight); CKD (chronic kidney
disease); DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy); DEXA (dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry ); DHF (diet history form); HPP (high-pressure processing);
MER (maintenance energy requirement); MCS (muscle condition score);
RER (resting energy requirement); WSAVA (World Small Animal
Veterinary Association); USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
The AAHA website (aaha.org/nutrition) contains supporting information
and resources for practice teams.
© 2022 by American Animal Hospital Association JAAHA.ORG 153
Nutritional management is a central component of a complete
healthcare plan for canine and feline patients and is integral to a
pets longevity and quality of life. The positive impact of proper
nutrition on health and morbidities such as chronic kidney disease
(CKD), diabetes mellitus, and osteoarthritis is well accepted. Thus, a
nutritional assessment of canine and feline patients should be per-
formed on a regular basis throughout all pet life stages, ideally at
each exam visit. With that goal in mind, the objectives of these
guidelines are to:
Describe how to perform an individualized, breed-specic, evidence-
guided nutritional assessment for canine and feline patients.
Provide recommendations for diagnosis, treatment, and manage-
ment of under- or overweight pets.
Provide a comprehensive list of nutrients of concern for specic
health conditions.
Offer suggestions on how to effectively communicate and educate
owners about nutritional recommendations, including for weight
Provide strategies to increase adherence to pet nutrition
Address several nutrition-related topics of current interest, including
raw and home-prepared diets, breed-specic nutrition, and diet-
associated dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs.
This report updates and complements previously published but
still relevant nutrition-related guidelines produced by the American
Animal Hospital Association. These include the 2010 AAHA Nutri-
tional Assessment Guidelines for Dogs and Cats and the 2014 AAHA
Weight Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats.
These prior
guidelines address two essential components of nutritional manage-
ment: assessment and weight control. The 2021 AAHA Nutrition
and Weight Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats include other
important topics necessary for a truly comprehensive approach to
dietary management in primary-care companion-animal practice.
These include step-by-step methods for performing a complete
nutritional assessment and preparing an individualized nutritional
plan as well as communication tips that promote optimal adherence
to the dietary recommendations.
Practitioners have minimal or no control over certain aspects of
pet health such as the patients genetics and home environment.
Nutrition, on the other hand, can be substantially inuenced by the
veterinarians medical expertise and recommendations. Achieving
this positive effect requires a partners hip between the veterinarian,
the practice team, and the pet-owner client. More so than many
other pet healthcare topics, discussing nutrition with clients can
include sensitive topics such as obesity, pet food choice, feeding hab-
its, and food rewards. For that reason, these guidelines include a
detailed discussion on communicating dietary recommendations to
clients in a trust-based, nondefensive manner.
Practice guidelines are consensus statements developed by
experts with decades of clinical experience, both evidence guided and
anecdotal. These guidelines support the veterinary medical profes-
sions bioethical obligation to its patients and their owners by giving
clinicians the practical means to advocate for pets who cannot repre-
sent themselves. Guidelines such as those contained in this report
enhance veterinarians expertise, which they can leverage on behalf
of their patients, thus honoring the principles of clinical bioethics
that are the basis of their client-patient relationships.
It is worth noting that individualized nutritional assessments
and dietary management require no specialized equipment and can
be implemented with little additional time expenditure or cost. Using
the approach described in these guidelines, practitioner s and their
healthcare teams can ensure that nutrition becomes a foundation of
good health for their canine and feline patients.
How to Perform a Complete
Nutritional Assessment
The ve vital assessments of a standard physical exam for small animals
include temperature, pulse, respiration, pain, and nutritional assess-
recommends nutrition as the fth vital assessment to optimize the
health and wellbeing of pets. The AAHA Advisory Panel endorses this
The nutritional assessment is an iterative process that requires
repeated assessment over the animals lifetime. The factors evaluated
included animal- and diet-specic factors and feeding management
(Figure 1). Animal-specic factors refer to the age, physiological
status, and activity of the pet. Diet-specicfactorsinclude the safety
and appropriateness of the diet for the specicpatient.Feeding
management encompasses not only the frequency, timing, location,
and method of feeding but also the pets environment and human-
related factors. Specic problems related to each factor should be
identiedandaddressedindividually(Table 1).
Screening Evaluation
There are two overarching components to a complete nutritional
assessment: a screening evaluation and an extended evaluation, if
needed. A nutritional assessment starts with a screening evaluation
followed by an extended evaluation if nutritional risk factors are
identied (Figure 2). A screening evaluation should be performed
on every pet at every visit. The elements of a screening nutritional
assessment are not time consuming and are performed as part of a
routine history and physical exam. The screening should include an
evaluation of nutritional history, environment, activity level, body
weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), and muscle condition
154 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
score (MCS), followed by a complete physical exam. If nutritional
risk factors are identied,anextendedevaluationisrecommended.
A nutritional history should include not only main meal items
but also treats, tabl e food, supp lemen ts, and fo ods used for
medication administration. The American College of Veterinary
Nutrition (ACVN) and the WSAVA publish sample diet history
forms (DHFs).
Longer exam ples are also available.
To improve
nutritional history accuracy, owners can be asked to complete the
DHF at home. Practice team members can then verify DHF informa-
tion that is incomplete or inaccurate.
BCS is a physical assessment of body fat mass (Table 2).
9-point BCS scale is validated to correlate with body fat percentage
(BF%) using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).
incremental increase in BCS is equivalent to a 5% increase in BF%
while each BCS $5/9 is equivalent to being 10% overweight (Table
The authors suggest universal use of the 9-point (19) BCS
scale with whole integers for the standardization of medical records,
consistency of data collection and interpretation for research, and for
consistent communication from veterinary team members to pet
MCS is a physical assessment of the patientsmusclemass,
which includes visualization and palpation of the musculature over
the spine, scapulae, skull, and pelvis (Figure 4).
The authors sug-
gest a narrative description of MCS that includes normal muscle
mass or mild, moderate, or severe muscle loss. The MCS has been
signicantly correlated with ultrasonographic measurements of the
epaxial musculature (cats and dogs) and DEXA (cats).
The rou-
tine use of MCS is important to identify patients with muscle loss
related to cachexia and sarcopenia (see terminology denitions in
Table 3). Both cachexia and sarcopenia can adversely affect out-
comes in veterinary patients.
BCS and MCS are not causally related
The Circle of Nutrition. Consider these interconnected variables
during nutritional assessment. Factors specic to the animal, the
diet, and feeding management/environment should be assessed.
(Reprinted with permission from the American College of Veteri-
nary Nutrition.)
Problems and Management for Animal-Specic, Diet-Specic, and Feeding Management Factors
2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
with muscle loss). Underweight patients often have loss of both body
fat and muscle mass, yet BCS and MCS should still be scored
Although typically not included in the screening evaluation,
additional tools to be considered are the body fat index (BFI) and
girth assessments. BFI, like BCS, is a validated scale to correlate with
BF% in both the dog and cat.
A BCS is limited in its assessment
of patients with a high BF% (.45%). The BFI system is a useful tool
in differentiating patients with a higher level of BF%. Morphometric
measurements to assess lean body mass and fat mass have been
established in the dog and cat. These measurements in addition to
BFI are useful for patients with a BCS $ 8/9.
Limb girth assessments, an objective measure of muscle mass
and strength, are an emerging area of investigation and may prove to
be valuable in specic patient populations or for specicpatients.
For example, this could be a tool for an orthopedic patient enrolled
in a physical rehabilitation program.
A fecal score can be included in the screening assessment as a
useful tool to assess stool quality and characteristics. Various fecal
scoring systems have been proposed for veteri nary patients.
fecal scoring system used repeatedly in a practice can be useful for
consistent communication between the client and veterin ary team
members and to follow trends in fecal quality.
Screening Assessment for Hospitalized Patients
A nutritional assessment should be performed on admission and at
least daily for hospitalized patients. Historical information should
establish the patients food preferences, unexplained weight change,
and recent appetite changes including anorexia, hyporexia, and dys-
rexia (see terminology denitions in Table 3). The physical exam
should include an assessment of mentation, an examination for the
presence of ascites or edema, and an assessment of available diag-
nostics. BW needs to be checked at least daily to assess the hydra-
tion status of the patient. Specic feeding orders including
Nutritional assessment screening evaluation.
156 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
calculation of resting energy requirement, specicfood(s)tobe
offered, feeding amount (based on a percentage of resting energy
requirement [RER]), and frequency offered should be written and
assessed daily.
Nutritional Risk Factors
The goal of the s creening evaluation is to identify any nutritional
risk factors from the patients life stage, medical/dietary history, or
physical exam (Table 4). Once a nutritional risk factor(s) is identi-
ed, an extended nutritional assessment is recommended. Vulnerable
life stages such as growth, gestation, lactation, and advancing age
alter the patients energy and nutrient requirements. Previous or
chronic medical conditions may have key nutritional factors to
address when making new recommendations. Owners may use foods
to administer medications or supplements, and dietary supplements
may be a signicant source of calories. Noncomplete or unbalanced
food calories at .10% of a patients daily caloric intake dilute essen-
tial nutrients and provide excess calories. Unconventional diets
should be assessed for nutritional adequacy and safety. Inadequate or
inappropriate housing can contribute to stress or barriers that may
cause changes in food intake.
ABCS,4/9 or .5/9, MCS with any degree of loss, and unex-
plained weight change from the pets previous assessment should
prompt an extended assessment. Dental abnormalities or disease
may impact food intake, leading to anorexia, hyporexia, or dysrexia.
Poor skin or hair coat quality may indicate nutrition-related abnor-
malities. New medical conditions or diseases may benet from spe-
cic nutritional interventions (Table 8).
Extended Evaluation
An extended nutritional assessment is an opportunity to g ather a
more comprehensive nutritional history and pursue clinical diagnos-
tics (Table 5). The specics of an extended assessment will depend
on abnormal physical exam ndings, the information obtained
through the screening nutritional history, and identication of spe-
cic nutritional risk factors. The development of nutritional recom-
mendations provides an opportunity for the skills of the entire
veterinary team to be utilized.
How to Create Individualized Nutritional
Feeding Plans for Healthy, Appropriate-Weight Cats
and Dogs
For apparently healthy patients maintaining ideal weight, major diet
adjustments are likely not required unless a nutritional risk factor is
identied. When making new feeding recommendations, the follow-
ing factors should be considered:
Give specic feeding plans, including the new diet, feeding amount,
feeding frequency, recommended daily treat-snack-table food-medi-
cation food allowance, and supplement adjustments.
Diet adjustments over a 4- to 7-day period may reduce the occur-
rence of negative gastrointestinal responses.
Components of a comprehensive nutrition history.
Summary of BCS Scales and Their Relationship with BF and BW
2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
Even with no physically apparent dietary issues, this is the opportu-
nity to help the owner lay a better nutritional foundation for later in
life. Teach owners how to assess BCS and MCS so they can recog-
nize an undesirable change and adjust intake as needed. Owner
assessment of these parameters should be veried by a member of
the veterinary team.
Discuss feeding management and other environmental factors (e.g.,
free-choice feeding, food competition/social hierarchy, outdoor
access leading to additional calories from predation, feces, etc.) that
may negatively inuence their ability to adhere to the feeding plan.
Food-dispensing toys or automated feeders are useful to control
food access and amount. Feeding toys may positively affect activity
level in dogs, although the benet in cats is more related to enrich-
ment and behavior modication.
When a cat or dog is healthy and maintains an appropriate
weight, ensure the pet is being fed a complete and balanced diet in a
suitable amount to avoid future unintended consequences. Although
maintenance of ideal BW and BCS is the indicator for how well cur-
rent intake meets energy needs, these parameters do not address the
distribution of calories from unbalanced food items. The Association
of American Feed Control Ofcials (AAFCO) nutritional adequacy
statement indicates whether a commercial diet contains all the
required nutrients in the correct ratios (i.e., complete and bal-
anced) for long-term feeding to the specied life stage. Some foods,
including many therapeutic diets, have an intermittent or sup-
plemental use label indicating they do not meet the requirements of
being complete and balanced or that the diet has a special nutri-
tional or dietary purpose. Treats, snacks, and supplements do not
require a nu tritional adequacy statement.
If product packaging is
A general framework for communicating a nutrition-related healthcare recommendation.
Clinically Relevant Nutrition Terms
158 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
not available, the companys customer service line or website may
provide the information.
Assessing the overall quality of a commercial diet is challenging.
Specic questions to consider asking pet food companies and their
responses to a few of these questions have been published.
FDA also publishe s searchable recall and withdrawal information,
based on brand and reason for recall.
To determine if caloric intake is suitable, calculate RER and
maintenance energy requirement (MER) based on the pets activity
and life stage factor guidelines (Box 1).
1. Calculate current caloric intake from all food items. AAFCO
requires calorie content on dog and cat food labels, including snacks
and treats; however, this does not include chews, bones, or toys.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) FoodData Central
system provides caloric content of whole foods.
The caloric content
of supplements may be listed on the label or obtained by contacting
the manufacturer.
2. Compare MER with total caloric intake. Ensure the calories consumed
are within a reasonable level of agreement to MER and that the main
source of complete and balanced nutrition represents $90% of total
intake whereas treats and other food items make up #10%.
3. If there is a signicant difference between calculated MER and
reported intake level, review calorie intake, life stage, activity level,
and MER/RER calculation accuracy.
Nutritional Screening: Risk Factors as Determined by Life Stage,
Medical/Dietary History, or Physical Exam
Examples of Clinical Diagnostics for an Extended Nutritional
2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
4. Consider an extended nutritional assessment, especially in over-
weight or underweight pets.(see preceding section on How to Per-
form a Nutritional Assessment).
Commercial pet foods are required to contain feeding recom-
mendations. In an ideal world, the pet owner will perform RER/
MER calculations rather than relying solely on package guidelines
because AAFCO does not standardize this process. However, many
owners will feed a commercial pet food according to the label direc-
tions. In such cases, it is important for the practice team to assess the
dogsorcats bodyweight, BCS, and MCS on a regular basis to ensure
that the patient is receiving optimal calories and protein.
Feeding Plans for Hospitalized Patients
For hospitalized patients, base feeding calculations on current weight
if ideal or underweight or on ideal BW if overweight or obese in
order to provide energy to current lean mass. Support anorexic or
hyporexic patients by specic feeding techniques (e.g., various forms
of food, heating meals, remove E-col lars, separate food from litter
boxes and pee pads). For animals in whom there are no contraindi-
cations, high-fat diets tend to have an increased caloric density, mini-
mizing the total food consumption volume needed to meet energy
requirements. Consider medication support, including appetite stimu-
lants, antiemetics, and prokinetics. If feeding techniques and medica-
tions do not improve total voluntary intake, assisted feeding via
enteral tubes (e.g., nasal, esophageal, gastric) is strongly recom-
mended within 72 hr of consumption of #1/3 RER including the
time before hospitalization. Because of the risk of food aversion and
aspiration, oral syringe feeding is no longer recommended. Feeding
protocols should promote the delivery of enteral nutrition over
parenteral nutrition when assisted nutrition support is needed. Paren-
teral nutrition is reserved for select cases, generally in referral facilities
with 24-hr care.
Prevention of Obesity
Prevention of overweight and obesity aid the patientsoverallquality
of life and may contribute to a lengthened life span.
It is easier
to prevent weight gain than it is to treat obesity, adding to the advan-
tages of prevention.
Obesity dis cussions can be challenging, as
there may be a perception that recommendations are a judgment of
the owners ability to properly care for their pet or a judgment of the
owners own body composition. It is best to enter these conversa-
tions with compassion and sensitivity, while also remaining a stead-
fast advocate for the pets wellbeing (see section on Communicating
with Clients).
Energy Requirement Calculations.
160 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
Obesity comorbidities include osteoarthritis and endocrine dis-
eases (e.g., hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorti-
In some cases (e.g., feline diabetes mellitus), preventing obe-
sity may help reduce the risk of developing the comorbidity, whereas
in others (e.g., hypothyroidism), the underlying condition will continue
to predispose to obesity development unless adequately managed.
In order to successfully prevent obesity, an approach including
risk factor assessment and mitigation is recommended. Obesity risk fac-
tors stem from both human-related and animal-related roots (Table 6).
A main human factor is the ability to overfeed the primary diet, and
owners nd it difcult to make subsequent adjustments. Animals may
also overeat if they have access to another pets food bowl. Compare
reported intake against calculated requirements based on ideal BW and
make downward recommendations accordingly. Reassess and adjust
recommendations as needed at each subsequent visit.
Owners also have the ability to overfeed food items that are not
the primary diet and overestimate their pets activity level.
owners to maintain all additional item intake to #10% total daily
caloric intake to avoid disrupting nutrient balance of the primary
diet. To increase exercise in cats, consider the use of feather toys, cat
trees, exercise wheels, or similar devices. Fitness trackers may
increase owner motivation to increase their dogs physical activity.
Animal factors must also be considered to effectively prevent
obesity (Table 6). Energy requirements are reduced after spaying or
neutering, necessitating intake reduction.
Certain breeds (e.g.,
Labrador retrievers, beagles, Norwegian forest cats, Persians) are pre-
disposed to weight gain and the owner should be educated regarding
obesity risk, even if their pet currently has an ideal BCS.
Increase in BW through middle age contributes to the preva-
lence of obesity.
Energy requirements are thought to decrease
through middle age in the dog, which contributes to this weight
although results are not consistent.
Metabolic rates in the
dog can also be inuenced by breed and their respective life expec-
During senior and geriatric life stages, loss of lean body
mass and overall weight loss can occur.
In cats, fat, protein, and
energy digestibility can decrease with advanced aging.
intake can be higher for senior cats to compensate for this decrease
in digestibility.
An important aspect of obesity prevention and
maintenance of ideal BCS and MCS is incorporating the entire prac-
tice team in client education. Appropriate training is essential to
ensure that the team speaks with a common voice (see section on
Leveraging the Value of Proper Nutrition in Your Practice).
Weight Reduction in the Obese Pet
In 2014, AAHA published comprehensive weight management
guidelines, including a detailed protocol for safe weight reduction.
Because weight loss is a critical aspect of nutritional management for
many pets, the 2021 Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
include an abbreviated overview of this topic. We encourage readers
to consult the 2014 Weight Management Guidelines for more com-
plete information on this essential aspect of nutritional management.
Once an animal has gained excess we ight, the veterinary team
must appropriately inform the owner, gauge their willingness to insti-
tute a weight loss program, and offer guidance and support for the
duration of the program. The overall design process is reviewed in the
2014 Weight Management Guidelines. Traditional methods to calcu-
late caloric needs are included. Recent data suggest mean caloric intake
for weight loss over a 12 wk period is 63 6 10.2 kcal/kg
in dogs
and 52 6 4.9 kcal/kg
in cats.
feeding plans for healthy, appropriate-weight cats and dogs apply for
weight loss plans. The major difference is adjusting MER calculations
to account for necessary reduced calorie intake to induce weight loss
(Box 1). Base these calculations on ideal weight and adjust as needed
for the individual patient, based on current intake and lifestyle needs.
Although the correct calculations are necessary for a successful
weight management program, feeding management and activity plans
are essential parts of the package. Puzzle toys and automated feeders
continue to be invaluable resources that may be especially useful to
achieve successful weight loss via improved ease of plan implementation
by owners.
Consider collaborating with or referring to a veterinary
rehabilitation practitioner (Table 7) to design a comprehensive exercise
plan to address desired weight loss while maintaining muscle mass
basedonthepets current level of physical tness. Use the 2014 Weight
Management Guidelines for things to consider with an activity plan.
Long-term monitoring and maintenance are often the most dif-
cult aspects of a weight loss program. Failure to achieve and maintain
weight loss is common, and owner nonadherence is a major fac-
After starting a weight loss program, reach out to the owner
within the rst couple days to determine if there are any immediate
concerns. This can be done via phone or email and may help main-
tain owner adherence and reduce the risk of subsequent dropout.
Because owners often have a strong human-animal bond with their
pets, these rst few days may pose the largest obstacle as the owner
reconciles a new normal that does not involve a constant show of
love and affection via provision of food items. Weight management
plansshouldaddressincreasingnonfood-related interactions (e. g.,
walks, playtime, brushing). Postappointment contact can be used to
reinforce these recommendations with owners who are struggling
with their commitment to the feeding restriction aspect of the plan.
The 2014 Weight Management Guidelines outline monitoring and
maintenance options.
and the owner, while maintaining a nonjudgmental style of commu-
nication (see section on Communicating with Clients).
2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
Obesity Risk Factors
162 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
Use of Therapeutic Diets Designed to Promote
Weight Loss
Therapeutic weight loss diets are recommended for patients undergoing
signic ant calorie restriction (less than or equal to RER) for weight loss.
Thesedietsarefortied in nutrients to avoid potential nutrient de-
ciencies associated with caloric restriction. High-protein diets can spare
lean mass with calorie restriction during weight loss.
Protein and
added ber can promote a satiety effect.
Added ber to a therapeu-
tic diet will also reduce caloric density. High-moi sture diets for cats
may increase satiety and help promote weight loss.
Use of Therapeutic Diets Not Related to Weight Loss
When the nutritional assessment indicates a patient may benet
from consuming a purpose-formulated therapeutic diet, the clinician
needs to focus on specic nutrients of concern (Table 8). When a
patient has a single disease condition and no additional nuanced
feeding or diet requirements, it may be adequate to simply choose a
therapeutic diet designed for the disease. In diseases in which diag-
nostics and staging affect nutrients of concern (e.g., CKD) or when
patients have multiple disease conditions and/or additional feeding
or diet requirements, consider all nutrients of concern before select-
ing a diet. Otherwise, it is easy to overlook a nutrient of concern and
inhibit or negate the treatment plan for the patients condition. For
example, if a dog receiving a low-fat diet to manage chronic pancrea-
titis is diagnosed with CKD , a dietary change to address the CKD
may result in recurrent pancreatitis symptoms if both disease condi-
tions are not considered.
Communicating with Clients
Communicating about a dogsorcats nutrition can be a complex
topic for veterinary personnel and pet owners to navigate. Nutrition
conversations start with the recognition that there are three aspects
of communication to be considered.
First is the content, the medi-
cal or scientic knowledge that informs a complete and balanced
nutrition recommendation, which is outlined in the majority of these
guidelines. Second is the process, the approach used to engage a cli-
ent in discussion about their dogsorcats nutrition, which is pre-
sented throughout this section. Third is the perceptual aspect of
communicationhow the client thinks and feels about pet nutri-
tionwhich represents the assumptions, beliefs, goals, and thought
process a person brings to a nutrition conversation. Although we
often focus on the content of communication, it is the process and,
even more often, the perceptions of staff and clients that dictate
whether a nutrition conversation is successful.
What we bring to a nutrition conversation in terms of our own
ideas, knowledge, and prior experiences is a critical starting poi nt.
This involves recognizing and managing our own biases and percep-
tions associated with pet nutrition in order to enter the conversation
with an open mind. When a clientsbeliefs,goals,ideas,orpercep-
tions are not aligned with our viewpoint, the client is likely to reject
our viewpoint in favor of their own, regardless of the content we
Nutrition conversations require a curiosity that
allows us to be attentive and responsive to understanding our clients
Additional Resources
2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
Nutrients of Concern for Diseases and Select Specic Conditions
Synergistic eects of nutrients when
Maintain optimal body and muscle
164 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
viewpoint. As a result, successfully communicating a nutrition rec-
ommendation to a client is heavily dependent upon understanding
the clientsperspective.Thisisgainedthroughconductingacompre-
hensive nutritional history (Figure 3).
Gathering a Comprehensive Nutrition History
The nutrition history is the foundation of a nutrition recommenda-
tion in which an intricate relationship exists between conducting a
nutrition history and making a relevant nutrition recommendation.
A comprehensive nutrition history requires exploring all animal-,
diet-, environment-, and human-related factors associated with a
dogsorcats nutrition.
To gather a comprehensive nutrition history, whether using a
diet-history form or during an in-person interaction, veterinary profes-
sionals should begin with open-ended questions or statements that
allow clients to share information unhindered by the practicesown
goals or agenda. For example, phrases starting with Tell me …”,
Describe …”,orWalk me through …” allow clients to share infor-
mation that the veterinary professional may not have otherwise consid-
ered. Using open-ended inquiry during the initial screening evaluation
increases efciency while also allowing for greater detection of nutri-
tional risk factors that can signal the need for an extended nutrition
evaluation. Veterinary personnel should move from these broad explor-
atory lines of open-ended inquiry to more focused lines of open-ended
inquiry before using closed-ended inquiry to gather specicdetails,that
is, questions often answered with one-word responses (Table 9).
When gathering information on diet-related factors, research sug-
gests that veterinary personnel should be cautious about starting with
simple what-prefaced questions (e.g., What kind of food is your pet
Although a what-prefacedquestioniscommonlyusedby
practice team members, when analyzing clients responses, the question
has been found to obtain limited diet information and to encourage
defensive responses from clients.
In addition, treats that a dog or cat
may consume have been identied as a specic component of the diet-
related history that clients are less likely to disclose,
warranting more
focused questioning or use of different wording (e.g., snacks, rewa rds,
extra foods) to avoid the threat directly associated with the word treat.
Communicating a Nutrition Recommendation to
the Client
A common obstacle that often undermines a veterinary professionals
nutrition recommendation, when sufcient nutrition history is not
gathered, is that the recommendation does not align with the clients
own goals or beliefs. As part of the nutritiona l history, when asking
what the pet is being fed, we should also explore the clientsrationale
for feeding a specic food or brand. Exploring the clientsrationale
for feeding a specic food or brand gives the practice team an under-
standing of the pet owners dietary viewpoints and will help avoid
misunderstandings about the practices pet nutrition recommenda-
tions. In developing a nutrition recommendation, equal consideration
must be given to animal-, diet-, environment-, and human-related
factors. Similar to the nutritional assessment, developing a nutrition
recommendation is an iterative rather than linear process in which
returning to the nutrition history at any point may be required to
gather additional information to better align a nutrition recommen-
dation with the goals and beliefs of the client (Figure 4).
Another potential barrier to a veterinary professionalsnutrition
recommendation is the clients suspicion of veterinary practices being
businesses that make healthcare recommendations.
This skepticism
cial pet food. In this case, it is important to recognize that there are
two decisions for clients and, therefore, two separate recommenda-
tions to be made. The rst recommendation is the nutrition-related
healthcare recommendation (a nutrition change to manage the health
of the animal preventively or to address a nutrition-related health
concern). The second recommendation, when required, is a product-
specic commercial diet to support th e nutrition-relat ed healthcare
decision. Separating these recommendations teases apart the question
of motivation (business versus healthcare) behind an overall nutrition
recommendation. Here is a step-by-step approach to making a nutri-
tion recommendation to a client:
1. Initiating a Nutrition-Related Healthcare Recommendation
The rst s tep to a nutrition-related healthcare recommendation is
initiating the conversation with the client. This should involve some
form of forewarning to gauge the clients receptivity to the conversa-
tion. Asking permission is one way of respectfully assessing a clients
response to a topic (e.g., Alex, I would like to spend some time dis-
cussing Harleys [diet, weight, snacks]. Would you be open to this?").
Often, clients accept the invitation and you can move directly into
the nutrition conversation. Other times, the client may show appre-
hension, providing an opportunity to open up the conversation to
develop a g reater understanding of your clients apprehension. O n
occasion, a client will explicitly decline this request, and nothing is
lost because the client would likely not have been responsive to mov-
ing forward otherwise. By asking permission, you show respect, pro-
tect your relationship, and provide an opportunity to engage with
your clients perspective, all of which contribute to greater trust
when pursuing a future conversation.
2. Explore with the Owner All Nutrition- and NonNutrition-
Related Options
Once a client is on board, you can explore all nutrition- and
nonnutrition-related healthcare options. Research indicates that
166 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
90% of pet owners want to be made aware of all healthcare options,
regardless of cost.
In contrast, a focus group study found that
many veterinarians identied with presenting clients with only the
option the veterinarian believed to be best.
Providing all the
healthcare options actively involves clients in the decision-making
process and acknowledges their autonomy. It also allows for develop-
ing greater alignment with the goals and expectations of the client.
As options are presented to a client, it is not uncommon to need to
return periodically to gathering more nutrition history to better align
your recommendation.
3. Educate the Client About the Benefits (and Risks) of Each
Nutrition Option
Critical to making any nutrition-related healthcare recommendation,
whetherpreventiveortoaddressaspecic disease, is educating the
client about the benets of each option (or lack thereof) to the health
and wellbeing of the pet (e.g., longer life, improved quality of life,
reduced onset of chronic disease, resolution or management of a spe-
Research suggests that veterinarians often focus on
features (e.g., a product, the time, or a service),
without explaining
overall health and wellbeing.
4. Make a Clear Nutrition-Related Recommendation
Research in veterinary medicine examining clients adherence to
healthcare recommendations found that clients who were provided
with a clear recommendation were seven times more likely to adhere
than clients receiving an ambiguous recommendation.
Once a cli-
ent is made aware of the available options and engaged in the
decision-making process, it is the veterinariansroletousetheir
knowledge to make a clear recommendation that takes into consider-
ation the nutritional assessment as well as the clients goals.
5. Check in with the Client to Gain Feedback and Modify the
Following a recommendation, it is important to check in with the cli-
ent to see how the information was received before proceeding. This
approach allows the practice team member to return to gather more
nutrition history as needed or further tailor their recommendation to
better align with the goals of the client. Once the client has arrived at
a healthcare decision, if the decision requires a change of diet involv-
ing a commercial pet food, it is at this point the veterinary profes-
sional should move into a similar decision-making process regarding
a complete and balanced commercial pet food (i.e., gather informa-
tion, initiate the conversation, present options, discuss the value of
each option, make a clear recommendation, check in with the client).
Examples of Open-Ended and Close-Ended Inquiry
2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
6. Plan Appropriate Follow-Up with the Client Once a Dietary
Change Has Been Implemented
Plan for a member of the veterinary team to follow up with the
client within a couple of days after a change to a dogsorcats
nutrition has been made. This is a great time to answer any addi-
tional questions, troubleshoot obstacles, or revisit the nutrition
Managing Challenging Nutrition Conversations
It is important to acknowledge the plethora of potentially sensitive
topics that exist in relation to pet nutrition. An observational study
analyzing veterinarians conversations with pet owners about pet
nutrition identied evidence (reected in verbal and nonverbal cues)
that patient weight, the timing of transition from one life-stage diet
to another, treats, wet versus dry foods, quality of the main commer-
cial food, and use of human foods were subjects about which clients,
veterinarians, or both demonstrated sensitivity.
Other challenging
nutrition conversations veterinary professionals may encounter
include discussing a clients unconventional food choices, preference
for or disapproval of certain ingredients (e.g., grain, by-products), or
use of various nutraceuticals or supplements. Navigating these con-
versations requires being attentive and responsive to clients verbal
and nonverbal cues that signal sensitivity to a line of discussion.
Many of these challenging conversation s are driven by a veterinar-
ians or the practice teamsbeliefs,goals,ideas,orperceptionsthatdo
not align with the clients own viewpoints. In response to these chal-
lenges, it is important to be aware of our own ideas, beliefs, and
judgments. Acknowledging the clientsbeliefs,goals,ideas,orpercep-
tions, which does not mean agreeing with them, often provides an
opportunity to further explore and understand the clientsperspec-
tive. This understanding can be used to identify common ground,
which can be used to bring differences in perspective into greater
Intrateam Nutrition Communication
Engaging clients in conversation about pet nutrition is a perfect
veterinary-team sport, in which information is passed from one team
member to another as the entire team moves toward a common
goal. All team members who interact with clients should be equipped
with the skills needed to perform a comprehensive nutrition history
and to engage clients in a conversation about their pets nutrition.
This offers the practice team the opportunity to gather nutrition
information and share this information with other members of the
veterinary team who are positio ned to d evelop a nutrit ion recom-
mendation. Involving your broader team in nutrition conversations
increases team engagement, boosts self-efcacy, enhances efciency,
and emphasizes to clients that the entire practice team is there and
available to support them.
How to Navigate the Emotional Connections
Between Pet Food Recommendations
and People
Apersons personal food choices are complex and inuenced by
biological, economical, physical, social, psychological,
and environmen-
tal determinants.
Furthermore, attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge about
food also affect food choice. People may anthropomorphize their own
nutrition ideas to their pets.
Across a range of studies, common factors
that inuence pet food purchasing decisions include the ingredients,
quality, cost, company reputation, veterinary recommendation, and ease
of purchasing.
Pet owners and members of the veterinary team
share a common interest in the health and therapeutic benets of nutri-
tion. It is advantageous for the veterinary team to understand a clients
perspective before making nutritional recommendations.
Emotions such as hesitation, frustration, anxiety, and suspicion of
the pet owner may dominate conversations about pet nutrition. Social
media, marketing messag es, and pet food recalls may reinforc e these
emotions and support feelings of distrust. Clients may be suspicious
that nutrition recommendations by the veterinary team are primarily
inuenced by nancial incentive rather than health benets for their
pet. Some clients may feel uncomfortable or intimidated discussing a
topic in which they perceive a conict may exist, particularly with
unconventional diet strategies. With regard to the veterinary team,
frustration may exist when clients bring up preconceived notions about
nutrition and the sources from which they have gained these ideas.
The veterinary team should focus on discussing nutrition in an
open, honest, and approachable manner, in which the client feels
comfortable and respected. Team members should identify the under-
lying emotional reaction to these conversations, recognize the impact
of nonverb al cues, and listen to the clien tsconcerns.
It is important
to understand that validating a clients concern is different from
agreeing with the client. The goal is not to reinforce false information
but to validate concerns and come to a shared understanding.
The veterinary team must agree that there are different but
appropriate strategies to optimally feed pets. If the concerns about
unconventional diets are ignored, clients may turn to less reliable
sources for nutritional information.
Although the benets of con-
ventional diets include nutritional adequacy and convenience, some
clients may be concerned or skeptical about processed foods.
food manufacturers should provide transparency and details about
the contents, research, and benets of their diet. The veterinary team
can help build a trusting relationship by alerting clients about pet
food recalls and public health outbreaks if this is to happen.
168 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
Other Timely Nutrition Topics of Interest
Diet-Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dietary information is an evolving science. Although the Advisory
Panel has provided current information on nutritional topics of
interest, practitioners should make note of new developments that
postdate these guidelines. For example, there has been increased
reporting of diet-associated dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs
in the last few years.
Previously identied risk factors include
lamb and rice diets, low-protein diets, and high-ber diets.
breeds are predisposed (e.g., golden retrievers, Newfoundlands, Irish
Recently, more atypical dog breeds have been
diagnosed with DCM. Some dogs have been documented to have
taurine deciency and subsequent DCM, whereas many of the dogs
have had normal blood taurine concentrations.
Some common
dietary features in these cases included feeding a diet high in lentils
or peas or feeding a grain-free diet.
Research is currently being conducted to determine what is
contributing to diet-associated DCM in dogs. A few theories include:
1. Inclusion of ingredients that may negatively affect bioavailability of
amino acids and other essential nutrients.
2. Low caloric intake relative to calculated energy needs, contributing
to a relative decrease of nutrient ingestion.
3. A possible nutritional excess or toxicity.
4. A nonnutritional toxicity.
5. Additionally, as previously identied, there likely are some breed-
related factors at play.
The only way to denitively diagnose DCM is via an echocar-
diogram, but this is an expensive test that may not be readily avail-
able to all dog owners. If a dog is exhibiting clinical signs of heart
disease (e.g., new heart murmur, cardiac arrhythmia, exercise intoler-
ance), thoracic radiographs should be performed. If there is suspicion
for DCM or evidence of congestive heart failure, then an echocardio-
gram should be performed.
Many dog owners want guidance on what they should (or
should not) be feeding their pets. Given currently available evidence,
the most conservative approach is to avoid feeding grain-free diets or
diets high in legumes. Because this is an evolving issue, pet owners
should carefully consider the pros and cons of feeding a specic type
of diet with their veterinarians. It is also incumbent upon veterinary
professionals to stay current in this area of research.
Home-Prepared Diets
Home-prepared diets may include cooked or raw foods. Multiple
veterinary studies of recipes found in books and on websites have
shown that the majority of these recipes, even those written by veter-
inarians, do not provide complete and balanced nutrition.
pet owners who prefer to feed home-prepared diets, a consult with a
board-certied veterinary nutritionist is recommended. More infor-
mation about requesting nutrition consults can be found online at
the ACVN website (acvn.org/nutrition-consults/).
Once a recipe has been formulated and provided to the pet
owner, it is imperative that the owner follow the recipe exactly as
written to ensure that it provides complete and balanced nutrition.
This is especially important regarding specic vitamin, mineral, and
amino acid supplements to ensure that all micronutrient require-
ments are met. It is common for owners to gradually amend recipes
over time,
so practitioners should be conrming at appointments
that owners are still following specic instructions. Supplements can
also change over time, so home-prepared diet recipes should be
updated annually with a board-certied veterinary nutritionist.
Raw Protein Diet
AAHA does not advocate or endorse feeding pets any raw or dehy-
drated nonsterilized foods, including treats that are of animal ori-
Feeding a raw diet increases the risk of bacterial and protozoal
pathogen transmission to the pets consuming the diet as well as to
people and other animals. Several studies have documented the pres-
cats eating the raw diets.
Importantly, dogs and cats can shed
Salmonella without exhibiting any clinical signs of disease.
Some pet food companies use high-pressure processing (HPP)
to reduce bacterial numbers in their products. The efcacy of HPP
to reduce bacterial numbers dep ends on several facto rs, including
bacterial species, number of HPP cycles performed, pH, pressure
achieved, processing time, and temperature.
A pet food label claim
of HPP does not equate to sterile food.
Age-Specific and Breed-Specific Diets
Puppies and kittens should be fed diets appropriate for growth until
they reach skeletal maturity. For cats and small and medium-size
dogs, this typically means fee ding a diet for growth until approxi-
mately 1 yr of age. For some large- and giant-breed dogs, skeletal
maturity may not be achieved unt il closer to 1516 mo, and it is
important to support a giant-breed puppys growth accordingly, aim-
ing to maintain a lean BCS and avoiding excessive calcium
Energy requirements can vary as pets age, but there are no spe-
cic nutritional requirements set by AAFCO for mature, senior, or
geriatric pets. Thus, pet owners and veterinarians should not feel
compelled to automatically change a petsdietonceitreachesacer-
tain age. If an older dog or cat is doing well with its complete and
balanced adult maintenance diet, it is perfectly appropriate to con-
tinue feeding that diet until a medical condition prompts otherwise.
2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines
This becomes especially true when considering that there is no
consensus among different pet food manufacturers about what should
constitute a senior pet food. Signicant variability has been docu-
mented among pet foods marketed for senior dogs.
certain companies have their own standards, this is not true across
the board. Thus, practitioners should use caution with the recommen-
dation to feed any senior or mature diet to a cat with CKD who will
not readily accept a veterinary therapeutic renal diet. This may result
in unintentionally feeding excessive phosphorus to the patient.
Some pet food companies market breed-specicdiets.These
diets may be designed to accommodate certain breed predispositions
(e.g., a lower-calorie food for an overweight-prone dog breed) or the
kibble may be shaped in a way to help prehension. Ultimately, nutri-
tional recommendations should be made based on the individual pet
and the specicnutrientprole of the diet.
Microbiome, Prebiotics, Postbiotics
The importance of a healthy gut microbiome has recently received
more attention in the veterinary community. There are many ways
in which the gut microbiome inuences organ systems beyond the
gastrointestinal tract.
There are several ways to qualify and quan-
tify an animals microbiome. Although the microbiome is routinely
evaluated in research settings, its clinical application is currently lim-
Pet owners and veterinary professionals should be wary of
companies advertising to test a pets microbiome, especially if supple-
ments are then recommended.
An animals microbiome can be affected by diet, antibiotics,
probiotics, prebiotics, or fecal microbiome transplant. In many cases,
soft stool or diarrhea can be effectively managed with a diet change,
by modifying specic ingredients, dietary fat, or ber intake.
indiscriminate antibiotics for acute diarrhea is not recommended.
Caution should be exercised when choosing a probiotic because there
is variable quality control and efcacy among supplements.
Opportunities and Resources to Leverage
the Value of Proper Nutrition in
Your Practice
Proper nutrition is one of the most important factors in the manage-
ment of health and disease in pets. Veterinary healthcare teams that
understand and embrace clinical nutrition and demonstrate in-clinic
behaviors consistent with that conviction will benet not only
patients and clients but also their practice and the profession.
Pet owners have access to vast information resources and are
subsequently becoming more e ducated and bringing detailed ques-
tions to the healthcare team. This provides an excellent opportunity
for the veterinary team to properly educate the client. Integrating
nutritional assessments into a practice requires commitment and
engagement of the entire veterinary team. This dedication and par-
ticipation in developing a strong nutrition program will promote
success, optimal pet health, the client-pet relationship, and a long-
term client relationship with the practice. There are many benets to
implementing a team approach to the practice mission and the veter-
inary team. The veterinary technician is poised to lead the initiative
to provide nutritional care for all patients. Group effort increases ef-
ciency by distributing workload and delivering an integrated cohesive
message about the importance of nutrition and the value of preven-
tive care. When roles are delegated, everyone contributes to success
and individual motivation increases to accomplish results.
A Team Approach
Providing optimal nutritional management to patients requires the
entire practice team with whom the client interacts. Using the entire
team increases morale, utilization, and revenue for the hospital. The
client service team should facilitate the completion of a diet history
form before the appointment. Veterinary technicians should ass ess
the patients BCS, BW, and MCS and take a history from the pet
owner including a nutritional history. This information should be
relayed to the veterinarian, who uses it along with further question-
ing, diagnostics, and the exam to make a nutritional recommenda-
tion. To ensure client adherence, the recommendation is supported
and further explained to the client by the veterinary technician or
assistant. This explanation is an educational process involving how
the nutritional recommendation impacts the disease process and in
turn the health and wellbeing of a patient, and it allows for questions
from the client.
Once a nutrient prole, portion, and feeding schedule have
been prescribed, the next steps toward success are follow-through by
the veterinary healthcare team and accountability. An easy-to-imple-
ment program leverages the veterinary team to partner with the cli-
ent to position the pet toward optimal health.
In executing this approach, the client makes an appointment
(before leaving the practice) for a weigh-in and a body composition
muscle composition assessment. A member of the practice team follows
up with the client by phone or email within the rst couple of days.
The client then returns for the subsequent visit, the pet is weighed, and
the BCS-MCS is assessed and recorded in the medical record. The feed-
ing plan is reviewed and veried with the client. The target weight is
reviewed, and the goal is adjusted if needed. Questions from the client
are encouraged and answered. Finally, dietary portioning is adjusted if
needed and the next assessment appointment is scheduled.
There are multiple ways to ne-tune an accountability program
to enhance its value to the client, to the veterinary healthcare team,
170 JAAHA | 57:3 May/Jun 2021
to the patient, and ultimately to the practice. Some nuances to con-
sider include:
Pair each patient with a specic team member. This creates continuity
for the client, patient, and practice. It allows that team member to note
the trend of the petsprogresstowardoptimalbodycomposition.The
continuity of contact builds trust with the client, potentially reduces
fear for the patient, and further bonds the client to the practice. This
helps to set the practice apart in a crowded marketplace and enhances
the role of the team member, allowing that person to contribute to the
success of the practice and the practicesnutritionalgoals.
Set boundaries or rules for this assessment and accountability pro-
gram. For instance, a formal appointment should be on the clinics
schedule and the value to the patient of checking in regularly
explained to the client. Consider an appropriate interval for these
visits. Four to 8 wk apart is reasonable. These assessments should
stand independent of the pets wellness or preventive care
Consider creating a small incentive or thank you for the client.
This acknowledges the clients investment in helping their pet to be
as healthy as possible.
Recognize that clients who involve their pets in a weight management
program enter the practice more frequently. This provides multiple
opportunities for the client to mention or a veterinary team member
to recognize medical issues that require attention. Any of these artic-
ulated concerns can lead to scheduling a formal appointment, allow-
ing the practice team to catch and deal with a medical issue early
before it progresses and expands into something more serious.
Nutrition is the foundation of pet health and wellbeing and should
be a central component of every canine and feline patientshealth-
care plan. An objective nutritional assessment is the initial step in a
systematic approach to nutritional management. When performed at
each exam visit, the assessment considers such evolving factors as the
patients age, health status, and lifestyle-related risk factors. Based on
the assessment, patient-specic nutrition recommendations can be
made. Besides health maintenance, these recommendations often
have specic therapeutic goals such as weight loss or dietary support
of chronic or acute disease conditions.
Client attitudes toward pet nutrition, informed by commercial or
nonscientic information, are often based on individual biases and sub-
jective but strongly held beliefs. For this reason, effective client commu-
nication is an important factor in achieving adherence with dietary rec-
ommendations. Nutrition conversations with clients should focus on
messaging content as well as the communication process, with the goal
of ensuring that the client has a positive perception of the practitioners
nutritional recommendations. A key element of productive discussions
on pet nutrition is to understand the clients viewpoint on topics such
as pet food choice, dietary rewards, and weight control.
Integrating nutritional management as a vital part of the practi-
ces culture requires the commitment and engagement of the entire
veterinary team. A unied approach to implementing an effective
nutrition program will promote optimal pet health, therapeutic suc-
cess, a strong veterinarian-client-pet relationship, and a long-term
client association with the practice.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Mark
Dana of Kanara Consulting Group, LLC, in the preparation of
the guidelines manuscript.
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