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UX/UI Research-Applied Strategies for Building a Custom UX/UI Research-Applied Strategies for Building a Custom
WordPress Theme Using Underscores and Elementor WordPress Theme Using Underscores and Elementor
Sandi Harageones
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Sandi Harageones
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Master of Arts in Web and User Experience Emphasis
Lindenwood University
© December 2022, Sandi Harageones
The author hereby grants Lindenwood University permission to reproduce and to distribute
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Committee chair
Committee member
Committee member
A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Art and Design Department
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Master of Arts
Lindenwood University
Sandi Harageones
Saint Charles, Missouri
December 2022
Title of Thesis: UX/UI Research-Applied Strategies for Building a Custom WordPress Theme
Using Underscores and Elementor
Sandi Harageones, Master of Arts in Art and Design, Web and User Experience Emphasis, 2022
Thesis Directed by: Dr. Jason Lively, Professor Art, Design, and Media at Lindenwood
The aim of this project is to offer a new, easier method to web designers and web design
instructors for creating a custom-built WordPress theme using primarily Underscores, a starter
theme made by Automattic, the creators of WordPress; and Elementor, a leading WordPress-
based web creation platform. WordPress is a leading, free content management system (CMS)
for building websites. Premised on user experience/user interface (UX/UI) applied research, this
method can help web design professionals avoid using third-party WordPress themes. Moreover,
web design instructors can incorporate this method into their course curricula to prepare their
students for professions in custom CMS web design. Collectively, these strategies will best serve
novice to advanced WordPress web designers (and educators) with little to no PHP (a popular
general-purpose scripting language used for web development) coding experience.
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my committee chair,
Dr. Jason “Dude” Lively, professor of Art, Design & Media at Lindenwood University, for all
his ongoing support, his guidance with my project, and his dedication to my success. I would
also like to thank my academic advisor at Lindenwood, Dr. James Hutson, as this endeavor
would not be possible without him. A very special thanks goes to my committee members,
Professors Justin Kussman and Mike Lavella, for all their invaluable knowledge and
encouragement. I am deeply grateful to all the Writing Specialists at Lindenwood for their
tenacity in proofreading my work. I would also like to thank all my UX testers for their time and
patience with every testing stage of my projects. Finally, my appreciation goes out to my family
and friends for their encouragement and support all throughout my studies.
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. 6
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Literature Review ............................................................................................................................ 9
Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 12
Production and Analysis ............................................................................................................... 13
Instructions for implementing this method: .............................................................................. 17
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 22
References ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 1. Shortcut Admin Menu with Editable Regions .................................................................14
Figure 2. Underscores Website Advanced Options…………………...……………….………….19
Third-party WordPress themes (for purchase at ecommerce websites like are a quick solution for getting a great-looking website up and running with
little knowledge of WordPress and website coding. For web designers and web design companies,
they are great for streamlining workload by offering their customers a quick turnaround time and
perhaps also a discounted price on their website. While third-party themes are a good solution for
some, there are several problems associated with them: They are not unique; they need a license
to purchase (and then eventually repurchase to continue receiving technical support after the initial
license/support period expires); they occasionally need to be updated due to possible
vulnerabilities (this can require repurchasing the license to receive theme updates); they can
become discontinued and no longer supported; the editable regions (headers, footers, cascading
style sheets (CSS), and other styling elements) are in several different places; they can be hard to
customize for novice users; the names of the themes are difficult to change (which can be seen in
the HTML code and in the administrative panel of WordPress); and each third-party theme is made
differently. For example, the various places where the editable regions in third-party themes could
be located are under the Appearance menu, under the Tools menu, in the theme’s dynamic
stylesheets, and in the theme’s control panel. These regions are sometimes hard to find (with or
without documentation) when working with different themes from different creators. Another
caveat to using third-party themes is having to re-learn a new theme upon every new purchase, as
some theme creators use different frameworks and create their own control panel for styling and
functionality. Sometimes these frameworks are separate plugins that can cause conflicts with other
plugins. Plugins (also known as extensions) are pieces of software that WordPress uses to extend
the functionality of a WordPress website, such as an ecommerce shopping cart or a contact form.
There is still a large demand for using third-party themes and it is a profitable business for their
developers. However, this project offers an easy method, using a combination of free software, to
those who are interested in building custom designed websites (with no hard-coding experience)
and to educators who would like to offer their students a blank starting point for building
WordPress websites from scratch, using a visual layout.
The purpose of this project is to introduce some new strategies for easily creating a custom-
built WordPress theme, to help web designers eliminate their inclination to use third-party themes,
and to inform web design instructors of a new method of website building that they may
incorporate into their curricula. Creating a custom WordPress theme from scratch can be daunting,
but the new strategies herein can make it simpler, and potentially more profitable. For example,
web designers who promote their work as custom-designed verses templated could have a higher
advantage in gaining more customers in their market. Likewise, educators could use these new
strategies and incorporate this method into a curriculum for a WordPress web design course. This
method will help streamline workload by using a combination of free software that gives more
flexibility, creative freedom, and usability for creating professional, custom-built websites. The
new strategies herein include: methodology focused on the user’s experience (UX); using
Underscores (a starter theme made by Automattic, the creators of WordPress); using Elementor (a
leading WordPress-based web creation platform) to build headers, footers, page layouts, mobile
menus, and other elements; creating a shortcut admin menu and placing all editable regions there;
and placing all the custom CSS styling in one place. The method will first be tested as a prototype
using Adobe XD (industry standard software for designing and testing web applications) and will
then be used to build two fully developed websites. Collectively, these strategies will best serve
novice to advanced WordPress web designers (and educators) with little to no PHP (a popular
general-purpose scripting language used for web development) coding experience.
The user’s experience is an important component for this project to ensure that it will be
easy and intuitive to use with little or no instruction. This research aims to pursue two objectives.
The first objective is to discover how the theme will be built. This goal is reached by researching
which content management system (CMS) to use, whether the theme should be built using a starter
theme or framework, and which page builder software to use. Objective two is to identify with the
user and to create prototypes of the theme for testing to ensure that this method is instinctive to
use. This goal is achieved by researching what UX design is and how to implement the
methodologies that go into this project, while maintaining flexibility in design (a feature that third-
party themes lack, since they are generally not meant to be redesigned).
To reach objective one, choosing a starting point for creating this theme is challenging, as
there are many different content management systems (CMS), frameworks, and starter themes to
suit different web designers’ needs. Firstly, why use WordPress? The author, Sandi Harageones,
is a professional web designer and started building websites using Joomla. In her empirical
experience, she switched to WordPress for a couple of reasons. The first reason was that there was
a larger market and, therefore, more options and support for WordPress. Most importantly, she
discovered that Joomla was frustrating to use for her customers because of the large learning curve
and the inability to easily copy and paste content into Joomla’s text editors when editing pages.
Comparative CMS research in one study suggests that WordPress is overall easier to use, has better
support for search engine optimization (SEO) using the Yoast SEO plugin, and has better
customization possibilities (Ewer, 2021). Another comparative study found that WordPress won
over Joomla and Drupal for overall better technical capabilities, higher market share, and ease of
use (Iqbal et al., 2020).
Moreover, the future of CMS technology is evolving into a more connected experience for
users, called a Digital Experience Platform (DXP), which “WordPress comes closer and closer to
what a DXP can offer” (FastComet, 2020, para. #25). A DXP is a fully integrated, personalized
experience for users where every interaction a user has is with a touchpoint (an online store, an in-
store kiosk, customer portals, or anywhere a customer can interact with a product or service); the
data collected is then used to optimize the next interaction (Brenninkmeijer, 2017). There is already
a plugin for WordPress called WP-DXP that transforms WordPress into a DXP on a smaller scale,
making WordPress a better choice for future expansion (Filter Digital, 2021).
Secondly, another challenge for objective one is deciding whether using a framework or a
starter theme will work best for this project. John Hughes (2017) explains that a theme framework
is basically a parent theme that stores the base code, handles theme functionality, and needs a child
theme for styling. A starter theme is a bare, standalone theme with minimal to no styling (Hughes,
2017). A disadvantage to using frameworks is that they can sometimes become discontinued,
rendering the theme obsolete (Hughes, 2017). Underscores, a barebones starter theme created by
Automattic (the creators of WordPress), is well-known, and the styles and scripts are minimal
(Karkovack, 2020). Underscores is an installable theme (pre-packaged as an installable ZIP file
that can be uploaded into the WordPress theme installer), and it can be given a custom name before
it is downloaded. This feature is attractive because it gives web designers the capability to give a
custom name to their themes, an ability that can be difficult, or even impossible, with third-party
themes. Because of its benefits and its lightweight and minimalistic code, Underscores is a better
Furthermore, one of the most popular page content editor plugins, Elementor, is made only
for WordPress. Elementor is an attractive solution for webpage content building because of its
drag-and-drop editor, instant page edits, unlimited number of undos, high-speed performance,
affordability, large library of pre-packaged widgets and page templates, mobile-friendly design,
global styling, thorough documentation and support, and overall ease of use (Babich, 2021; Pines,
2021; Schäferhoff, 2021; Versoza, 2021). It also allows web designers to easily create headers,
footers, individual pages, landing pages, pop-up pages, off-canvas (mobile) menus, and 404 error
pages. There are also several free and paid WordPress plugins that add more functionality to
Elementor. Therefore, Elementor is a good solution for this project.
The second objective is to find ways to identify with the users (who will ultimately be the
ones using this method to produce websites). To do this, it is important to understand the
significance of UX design. Firstly, why is UX design important? UX design is the work, focused
on the usability of a product (or, in this case, the usability of a method for making websites), that
contributes to the overall enjoyable experience of a user (Ritter, 2017). Websites that are well-
designed, and easy to use, give a satisfiable experience to prospective customers. According to
Lisandra Maioli (2018), “UX is present everywhere” and “bad UX is bad for your business” (p.
7). If anything prevents users from accomplishing their tasks on a website, the website will result
in a poor user experience (Maioli, 2018). When designing a solution for an effective user
experience, one must understand the needs of both the business and the users (Maioli, 2018). There
are many UX design methods used to identify with users. A user persona represents a larger group
of users who share similar characteristics and goals (Faller, 2019). Designers use personas to help
them understand and develop empathy for the targeted audience to create the best possible design
that is centered around their experience (Faller, 2019). Unmoderated remote usability testing
occurs when participants are asked to answer a list of questions about the prototype while using it
in their own environment and using their own equipment without a moderator (Babich, 2019). This
simulates a natural way for the product to be used but offers less details in the testing result
compared to other methods (Babich, 2019). User personas and usability testing with digital
prototypes will serve as the best methods for this project. Also, due to the limited availability of
representative testers for the investigation of this project, unmoderated remote usability testing
will be the testing method for the project’s digital prototype.
In summary, WordPress will be used as the CMS for this project, along with Underscores
(the starter theme produced by Automattic), Elementor (the WordPress-based web creation
platform), and Admin Menu Editor (a plugin for creating a custom WordPress admin menu with
shortcut links to frequently used editable regions). The UX testing for the digital prototype of the
project will be performed by unmoderated remote testers. A qualitative methodology will be used
to examine this software used cooperatively to create a custom-built WordPress theme.
Before building the theme, a digital prototype using Adobe XD was created to show what
the grid positions and main menu will look like on a desktop computer, a tablet, and a mobile
phone. The prototype simulates a webpage layout when using Elementor to create pages with
columns and rows. A screenshot of the backend of WordPress will also be taken to show where
the editable regions will be located. A questionnaire was provided to the remote testers, asking
questions about the layout of the grid positions and where to find certain aspects of the theme. This
testing phase will help determine if this method of page layout is intuitive to use and if the custom
admin menu of shortcuts aids in usability.
Next, four user personas’ archetypes were created to help identify with the users’ needs.
Two of the personas represent male and female web designers who use WordPress to produce
websites. The other two personas represent male and female web design instructors who teach
CMS web design to college level students. The personas present data about the users, such as their
general biographical information; experience level with WordPress, Elementor, HTML, and CSS;
work experience level; status in higher education; their career goals, along with any related
problems or frustrations they are facing; and their desired outcome for using this new method.
After the results are collected from this user testing phase, two uniquely designed websites
using this method will be built. Underscores, Elementor, Admin Menu Editor (a plugin for editing
the admin menu), and Max Mega Menu by (a plugin for creating menus and
mobile menus in WordPress) will be installed. Headers, footers, pages, grid positions, and menus
will be created and a shortcut menu for the editable regions will be placed in the left-hand-side
WordPress admin menu. After the two websites are built, detailed step-by-step, written instructions
will be provided to explain how to build a website using this method. A second UX testing phase
will be performed to ensure the utmost usability of this method for building WordPress websites
from scratch. The testers for this second testing phase will be asked to follow the step-by-step
instructions and answer questions about their experience with the entire procedure.
The first UX testing phase was performed by two unmoderated, remote testers. The user
testing results revealed that finding the custom admin menu with editable regions (Headers,
Footers, Page Templates, Off Canvas Menus, and Style CSS) at the top of the WordPress admin
menu (on the left-hand-side just under the Dashboard) was easy to find, according to both testers
(Figure 1, p. 14). Placing the editable regions in one place is accomplished by using the plugin,
Admin Menu Editor, by Janis Elsts. Both users easily found the off-canvas menu (mobile menu)
on the top right-hand-side when viewing the theme on smaller screens. They both agreed that this
was a good placement for it. Both testers agreed that the grid positions were easily identifiable and
easy to understand on all screen sizes. One tester mentioned that the Utility Menu grid position
took up half the mobile screen and took precedence over the brand/logo. To remedy this problem,
a good solution would be to place the most important Utility Menu items on the off-canvas menu
to not obstruct the visual hierarchy of elements and to reduce the need to scroll down on smaller
Figure 1
Shortcut Admin Menu with Editable Regions
Note. Editable regions are encased in green.
Regarding frameworks and starter themes, Underscores proved to work best for the starting
point of the theme for three reasons. The first reason is that when Underscores is downloaded from
its website (, it is downloaded as an installable WordPress theme in a .zip
format. Secondly, before download, the theme can be custom-named and branded, which appears
in the HTML and CSS code and includes the theme branding in the main stylesheet (style.css)
(such as author, author url, theme name, version, etc.). Thirdly, Underscores’ stylesheet already
comes packed with basic element styling and corrective styling to maintain uniformity in different
browsers. Any custom CSS IDs and classes (IDs and classes are used to style web elements) can
be placed at the top of this stylesheet, so that they are easy to find when adding custom styling.
The stylesheet is located at Appearance > Theme File Editor > style.css. A helpful strategy to
streamline workload is to create a link to the style.css when creating the custom admin menu. This
creates a shortcut to easily make edits to the stylesheet when needed. Alternatively, custom CSS
can also be inputted at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS in the default WordPress admin
As for page content layout, Elementor is the winner. Elementor has a built-in feature called
Theme Builder that allows users to create custom sections of a website such as headers, footers,
single pages, error pages, pop-up pages, and much more. The user can create multiple templates
for each section, save them, and reuse them throughout the website. For example, a user can create
the layout for a single page, save it as a template, and then use the same layout for another page
by inserting that template. This saves a lot of time, especially if you have several pages and want
to keep page layouts uniform with minimal differences on each page. Each of these sections
(headers, footers, etc.) can be placed as a separate editable region in the custom admin menu for
easier access while designing. One important discovery of using Elementor is that the pop-up page
builder feature can be used to create and design off-canvas menus. This eliminates having to use
the plugin, Max Mega Menu, to create mobile menus. Additionally, using less plugins makes the
website lighter in weight and speeds up page loading for the entire website.
After this method was completed, a video was created to demonstrate how to create the
custom admin menu and how to place the custom CSS IDs and classes at the top of the main
stylesheet. The video, a new install of WordPress, and a UX questionnaire were provided to one
of the testers of the original prototype. The tester was to follow along with the video to install the
required plugins, create a custom admin menu, and to create custom CSS in the stylesheet.
According to the user, the video was easy to follow, and he easily accomplished the tasks in the
questionnaire. However, he stated that he would have liked to have seen a demonstration of
Elementor as part of the process. A complete guide to using Elementor can be found at Elementor’s website
( and YouTube’s website ( include many useful video
tutorials on how to use Elementor.
For educators and web designers alike, to use this method for building a custom WordPress
website in your curricula or for your web projects, below are four steps of instructions on how to
implement the method. WordPress and Underscores are entirely free to use under the GNU General
Public License ( Elementor and Admin Menu Editor both have free and
paid Pro versions. The free versions will suffice for using this method; however, the paid Pro
versions have extensive premium features that will enhance your work. Nonetheless, step three
introduces another free plugin (Elementor Header & Footer Builder) that at least gives the ability
to create headers and footers (two important and standard features of a website) without having to
purchase Elementor Pro.
The first step explains how to install WordPress on your server; it provides helpful links
that show different ways to install WordPress. The second step tells how to download and install
Underscores. It also explains how to fill out Underscores’ “Advanced Options.” Step three
provides the installation process for Elementor, links to online Elementor tutorials, an explanation
about purchasing the Elementor Pro license (optional), the installation process for the Elementor
Header & Footer Builder plugin, and a recapitulation about where to enter custom CSS styling.
Step four is optional; it provides the installation process for Admin Menu Editor to create a shortcut
menu for your frequently visited editable regions.
Instructions for implementing this method:
1. WordPress: Setup WordPress on your server. You will need access to a website
hosting server with a database connection to use WordPress.
a. If your server provides it, you may use a web hosting tool such as Softaculous
or Fantastico to automatically install WordPress for you. Instructions on how
to install WordPress from numerous hosting servers (e.g., Bluehost, HostGator,
etc.) and from several server options (e.g., via cPanel, FTP, etc.) are found at
b. Or you may download and install it yourself from WordPress’s website at The installation guide is found at
2. Underscores: WordPress requires a theme to be installed and Underscores provides a
completely blank slate for customization.
a. Go to to name and download your starter theme. Use the
“Advanced Options” to customize more fields, if desired (figure 2, p. 19). The
Theme Name is your theme’s name. The Theme Slug is the part of the URL
that identifies the theme’s name in an easy-to-read format. For example, if a
theme’s name is Six Figure Design, the slug would be sixfiguredesign. The
theme’s folder within the website’s hierarchy of directories would be named
sixfiguredesign. (In this case, the URL WordPress would use to locate the theme
folder would be something like
content/themes/sixfiguredesign/.) For Author, put your name, the name of your
business, or the name of your entity. For Author URL, put your website domain
name or your entity’s website domain name (e.g.,
For Description, write a short description about what this theme is for. Only
check the “WooCommerce boilerplate” option if you plan to develop custom
WooCommerce plugins for the WooCommerce ecommerce plugin on your
website. Likewise, only check the “_sassify!” option if you know how to use
Sass, an advanced scripting language that preprocesses CSS (https://sass-
b. After inputting your information, click “Generate.” The theme will download
as a ZIP file (.zip). Do not open or unzip this file. Save it to a place on your
computer where you can easily find it.
c. Now, in the admin panel of WordPress, go to the theme installer located at
Appearance > Themes. At the top of the page, click “Add New.” Then, click
“Upload Theme” when this option appears.
d. Next, you will see a button to browse your computer and locate your
downloaded ZIP file. After choosing your ZIP file, click “Install Now.”
e. After installing your theme, click “Activate” to activate your theme. Further
instructions for installing themes can be found at
Figure 2
Underscores Website Advanced Options
3. Elementor: Elementor’s website includes many written and video tutorials on how to
use it. A good starting point is found at
elementor/. There are also many video tutorials at A
complete guide to Elementor’s page building (including how to create page layouts,
how to use Elementor’s widgets, how to style elements, and other tips and tricks) is
found at this link
a. To install the plugin, in the backend of WordPress, go to Plugins > Add New.
b. In the search bar, search for Elementor Website Builder by
Click “Install Now” to install the plugin.
c. After installing the plugin, click “Activate” to activate it.
d. Elementor Pro (optional): The paid Pro version is not required; however, it
includes premium, convenient features such as the Theme Builder, which
allows for the creation of headers, footers, popups, etc. If you decide to purchase
the Pro version, you would install it after installing and activating the free
version first. Go to Elementor > License and follow the on-screen instructions
for obtaining a Pro license, if desired.
e. Elementor Header & Footer Builder (a free alternative): Since headers and
footers are standard features for websites, hand-coding them in the
Underscores’ theme footer file (footer.php) and theme header file (header.php)
could require advanced knowledge of WordPress and PHP, especially when
incorporating a WordPress menu and another dynamic content. Please note that
the free version of Elementor does not allow access to the Theme Builder
premium feature, where you may create headers and footers for your website.
As an alternative, install and activate the free plugin Elementor Header &
Footer Builder by Brainstorm Force. This plugin allows you to easily create
headers and footers and use Elementor’s page builder to style them. It works
similarly to how Elementor’s Theme Builder works, such as creating multiple
headers and footers that can be assigned to display on different pages. It does
not have all the premium features that Elementor’s Theme Builder offers, but it
can create both headers and footers for your website, without having to purchase
Elementor Pro.
i. To install this plugin, in the backend of WordPress, go to Plugins > Add
ii. In the search bar, search for Elementor Header & Footer Builder. Verify
the plugin by its author, Brainstorm Force. Click “Install Now” to install
the plugin.
iii. After installing and activating the plugin, go to Appearance > Elementor
Header & Footer Builder to use it. For further information about this
plugin, visit
f. Custom CSS Styling: While Elementor has its own built-in styling and
provides many options for custom styling for each Elementor widget, you may
want to add your own styling to certain elements beyond Elementor’s
limitations. To add custom CSS styling all in one place, you may use the
style.css file located at Appearance > Theme File Editor > style.css or the
Additional CSS option located at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
4. Admin Menu Editor: This step is optional, but it will help you create shortcuts to your
frequently visited editable regions that will ultimately speed up your workload.
a. To install this plugin, in the backend of WordPress, go to Plugins > Add New.
b. In the search bar, search for Admin Menu Editor. Verify the plugin by its author,
Janis Elsts. Click “Install Now” to install the plugin. After installing, make sure
to activate the plugin to use it.
c. From within the WordPress admin menu, go to Settings > Menu Editor to use
this plugin.
d. Visit the plugin website ( for instructions
on how to create a custom admin menu.
To conclude this project, two fully built WordPress websites were made using this method.
Both websites were uniquely different in design, which demonstrates that this method
accommodates flexible styling for various layouts and distinctive designs. A final UX test was
implemented to examine the simplicity of the provided four-step written instructions for executing
this method. Three testers with both web design and college level teaching experience reported
that this method of building websites was easier, compared to building websites using other CMSs,
and it allows for more control and flexibility in designing WordPress themes. The testers agreed
that while third-party themes are convenient and easy to use, this method is simple, and they would
use it again. Two of the testers agreed that this method allows for more control over styling and is
suitable for teaching in academia since it encourages a basic starting point to build WordPress
websites from scratch, which permits as much customization as possible.
To recapitulate, third-party WordPress themes are used to quickly build a good-looking
WordPress website. However, they can be problematic and can be difficult to customize and
redesign. The suggested WordPress theme-building strategies herein offer UX/UI research-tested
method for web designers to build custom-designed WordPress themes with ease and for web
design instructors to introduce a more effortless method to their students for building WordPress
websites with a visual layout. These strategies include using Underscores as a base theme with
customized theme details; placing all CSS styling in one place (either in the theme’s stylesheet
(style.css) or in the Additional CSS option); using Elementor for creating and editing page content;
and making a custom admin menu that creates shortcuts to the editable regions in the backend of
WordPress. Collectively, this combination of tools aids the novice to advanced WordPress web
designer in creating custom-built websites. Web design instructors may also use this method to
teach an intermediate level web design course involving the use of a CMS and a database.
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Websites built using the method herein:
1. Family Assistance Program –
2. Six Figure Design –