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American Express @ Work
Introducing Online Card Applications
A smart function within Global Online Programme Management
American Express @ Work
American Express @ Work
American Express @ Work is an online portal that provides you with easy access to the tools and functions
you need to manage your American Express programme to best effect.
Now you can access Online Card Applications through Global Online Programme Management.
The benefits of Online Card Applications
Flexibility, control & visibility
Improved accuracy, fewer
form rejections
Greater speed, faster Card
Raised visibility of new applications
Review process with Status Tracking
Choice of who initiates application:
Employee initiated
Programme Administrator initiated
More robust application approval process
Specific benefits for the employee :
- Application form & Terms & Conditions
available in French & English
- Choose PIN code
Reduced scope for error due to:
Pre-populated company information
Data validation
Application can only be submitted w
andatory fields are complete
No risk of rejection due to out-of-dat
ed forms
Elimination of errors due to incomplete/
illegible forms
Version control of Terms & Conditions
Full end-to-end online applicati
on and
oval process
E-signature solution compliant with t
rench law (see appendix)
Application flows directly to New
Accounts system
Inefficiencies of paper-based submissions
Reduction in Application to-Card issue
processing time
Faster enablement for employees
requiring Cards
Streamlined process and enhanced user
Bulk application provide convenienc
and t
How does the new Online Card Applications process work?
Applicant is informed
of Corporate Card
application process,
Access Key (as
required) & approval
process either by:
Line Manager
On-boarding Guide
Other internal
Applicant Requires
Corporate Card
1. Programme
nitiates Card
application in @
Applicant receives
two automated
emails with URL
link & log-in details
2. Cardmember
initiates Card
application via
neric URL a
Access Key
Application Initiated & Completed
completes secure
online application
Including the
ability to upload
documentation (ID
documents + RIB
for individually pay
And e-sign the
Application Form
via a secret code
sent by e-mail
The benefits include:
Paperless and intuitive process in a secure
Flexibility, control and visibility
Improved accuracy, fewer form rejections
Accelerated card issuance
SUBMIT for Processing
dministrator receives
notification of new
Optional: if Additional
Approver required,
dministrator t
alidate upl
Applications reviewed,
submitted to American
xpress on @ Work
Upon company
approval, the applicant
receives an automat
onfirmation e-mail with
a link to Corporate Card
Application Approved
& Submitted
Card issued* and
delivered to
Cardmember in a
Welcome Pack.
(Applicant can track
application process
and dispatch status
via Apply For Card)
*Subject to American
Express credit approval
@ Work Online Card Applications Process
Online Card Applications checklist
Programme Administrator Overview and Checklist
Make sure you are enrolled in @
There are different types of @ Work access. You will need to ensure you have
Online Programme Management privileges to manage online Card Applications.
Your Account Manager can confirm what type of access you have.
Decide how Applicants should
access the online Form
To give you more flexibility and help you create a workflow that fits with your
Company processes, Applications can be initiated either by a Programme
Administrator or by the Applicant themselves. You should choose the option that
suits your needs best.
Decide how Applicants will receive
their Access Key
Regardless of how you decide to initiate Applications for your Company, every
Applicant will need to know the right Access Key to start their Application. You need
to decide how the right Access Key will be communicated.
Define who will approve Applications
in @ Work
All Applications are submitted to American Express in @ Work. If your Company
requires approvals from other individuals (e.g. line manager, Finance Officer) you
need to incorporate this into your workflow. These can be attached to the
Application, or managed separately.
Create Access Keys
To prepare your Account for online Applications, you will need to create an Access
Key for each Basic Control Account (BCA). This is a quick and simple, one-time
set-up that ensures the correct company information is processed with every
Update information sources
However your Company provides the relevant information to Applicants (be it
Company Intranet, On-boarding Guide, line manager or direct from the Programme
Administrator), you need to ensure that all information is up to date and reflects the
online Card Application process.
Choose the application process that suits your Company’s policies
and procedures
Step 1
PA creates Access Key and
provides this to employee.
Step 2
Employee access the application via
the generic url, enters the Access Key
and their email address to initiate
,complete, e-sign & submit their
The application is then automatically
transmitted to the PA for online
approval in @ Work.
Step 3
American Express sends 2 emails
to the Applicant with a unique link
to their application, Tracking
Number & Access Key to allow
them to check the status of their
Employee initiated application process
Step 1
Line manager contacts PA
to initiate Card application
for an employee
Step 2
PA initiates the application
using the Access Key for the
Step 3
Employee receives two
automated system generated
emails containing (1) Access
Key details (2) a unique link to
their application and Tracking
Employee completes, e-signs
and submits the application that
is automatically transmitted to
the PA for online approval in @
Step 4
American Express sends an
email to the Applicant with a
unique link to their
application and Tracking
Number to allow them to
check the status of their
Programme Administrator initiated application process
* Both options can be implemented in your company.
Resources to support your transition to Online Card Applications
American Express understands that not all businesses operate in the same way. Your
Account Manager will support you to help make sure the new Online Card Applications
process is fully integrated with your Company policies and procedures.
e-Signature Legal framework
Automated Emails
Getting sta
rted quick PA user guide
E-signature requirements* :
Signer Identification : establishes the link between the signer and the signed document
Signers agreement on the signed document
Ensure integrity of the signed document : the document must be protected and can’t be modified
Document is time stamped : no back datable
Document is archived together with the support documents
American Express Digital Signature Solution relies on a trusted third party, QuickSign, for cryptographic operations
and the technical tasks.
1. American Express generates the electronic contract (card application and supporting documents ) :
The card applicant populates the fields within the Online Application form which are saved on American Express’s servers, accept Corporate Card
Terms & Conditions and upload supporting documents.
Once the form is validated by the applicant, the customer’s field data is converted into a PDF contract that can be downloaded and printed and
displayed to the customer along with a link to the e-signature Terms and Conditions.
The card applicant must accept the e-signature Terms & Conditions and e-sign the PDF contract by entering the secret code sent to their e-mail
3. Keynectis, the Certification Service Provider issues the qualified certificate, creates the electronic proof (signature, time
stamping and add it to the supporting docs)
4. The Application and Supporting Documents are then archived at CDC (Caissedes Dépôts) and can be produced in an
appropriate format for evidentiary purposes at a future point.
*As per the decrees of March 30th 2001 and April 18th 2002
e-Signature Legal framework
Online Card Applications
Automated Emails
Content Purpose Trigger Recipient
Batch /
Unique URL and Tracking
Used by Applicant to login to the
(a) PA initiated applications: when PA initiates the
application., or
(b) Employee initiated applications: when
applicant submits/saves the application as
draft or,
(c) PA can resend those e-mails from @ Work
Applicant Realtime
Access Key
Used by Applicant to login to the
Asks the Internal/Additional
approver to send his/her approval
via email to the Applicant.
Applicant triggered: When the Applicant clicks the
button to send Approval email to Additional/Internal
Approver while completing the application.
This email is triggered only when the PA sets the
Internal Approver to 'yes' on the Access Key.
Route to Applicant Action
Advises the Applicant that the
PA/Final Approver has routed the
application back to him.
Note: The PA is responsible to
add comments on the email for the
PA triggered: When the PA needs the Applicant to
modify information on the
application and resubmit.
Applicant Realtime
Reminds the Applicant that an
application is pending to be
completed and /or submitted to PA
for approval.
First email is triggered on the eighth day and every
seven days thereafter if t
he application is 'Saved as
Draft'/'with Applicant‘; email stops when 90 days
have elapsed since application initiation,
application is cancelled, or completed.
Batch, every 7
days Card
application is
Online Card Applications cont’d
Automated Emails
Content Purpose Trigger Recipient
Batch /
Application form
approved by the
Confirms application is approved by
the company and sent to American
Express for review and processing.
Provides the link to the Terms &
Conditions that were accepted.
When the PA or Final
Approver approves the
Applicant Realtime
Pending Approval
Notifies the PA that an Urgent
application has been submitted by the
Applicant and approval is needed for
When an Urgent application
is submitted by the Applicant.
Employee Initiated Applications:
PA who created the Access
(b) PA Initiated applications: PA
who initiated the application.
(c) Final Approver (FA): when a FA
e-mail address has been
captured at Access Key level
Summary of Pending
This email advises the PA that few
applications are pending for his
Whenever there is at least
one application pending
approval for the PA (whether
normal or urgent).
Employee Initiated Applications:
PA who created the Access
(b) PA Initiated applications: PA
who initiated the application.
(a) Final Approver (FA) : when a
FA e-mail address has been
captured at Access Key level
(23:30hrs local
market time)
Change in Template
This email advises the Card Applicant
that some changes have taken place to
the card application form and hence he
needs to resubmit the application
When the application has not
been submitted to American
Express, and application form
template changes occur
Applicant Batch
Creating an Access Key
Initiating a card application (PA initiated process)
Initiating a bulk application (PA initiated process)
Employee initiated card application
Completing an application
Approving application forms
Other actions : rerouting or rejecting an application
Other actions : changing the priority
Status tracking tab
Getting started Quick PA user guide
Access Keys must be created in @ Work before Card applications can be initiated for a Basic Control
Account (BCA). Once created, an Access Key is used to initiate and process all Card applications for a
Log in to AmericanExpress @ Work: www.americanexpress.fr/atwork
From the Card Accounts section, select the Process Applications link
Click Submit Card Applications
Creating an Access Key
Select Create New on the Access Key Maintenance & Initiate Application tab
Creating an Access Key
Note: the first time you access this screen, the table
is empty. You first need to create access keys for
each BCA you manage in order to be able to initiate
card applications.
Select your BCA number from the dropdown
The list of BCAs available is driven by your @ Work access
Product Type, Liability Type, and Billing Type are all pre-populated for each BCA
Creating an Access Key
Creating an Access Key
1. Choose a Name for your Access Key (30
alphanumeric characters maximum). Use your
own naming convention, for example, cost centre
or department
2. Set Access Key parameters by filling in the optional
fields (ie: Customised Field(s) allows to mandate
the Department Code and / or Employee Number. If
your company has opted for the individual payment,
you can make Direct Debit mandate optional or
mandatory or simply delete it. Other options allow
you to send reminder e-mails to employee who did
not complete their application form, set up an
Additional Approver, or change the Access Key
expiry date).
3. and click Save
An Access Key number is automatically generated (8 characters digit and/or numbers). At that point,
Application Forms can be initiated to applicants for that BC.
The Applicant will need to know the correct Access Key to initiate an application
The default expiration for Access Keys is 20 years and can be changed.
Creating an Access Key
You can initiate card applications for one employee or for a group.
To initiate a single card application, select the access key the employee is linked to, and click on Initiate application.
Initiating a card application (PA initiated process)
Fill in the fields : priority (normal or urgent card issuance), employee title, first name, name & e-mail address.
Then click on « Initiate application »
Initiating a card application (PA initiated process)
The applicant will receive 2 system generated e-mails to
access the card application form.
Initiating a card application (PA initiated process)
Tracking number and link
to personal online
application form
Access key
To access pre-filled application, the
applicant will just need to open the
emailed URL and copy-paste the
tracking number and access key.
The pre-filled card application can then
be opened, completed with requested
attachments and signed electronically
prior to being submitted for approval.
The Programme Administrator can initiate multiple card application in one go, all linked to the same basic control account.
From Access Key Maintenance & Initiate Application Tab, select an Access key
Select Initiate Bulk Applications
Initiating a bulk application (PA initiated process)
In the next page, an Excel file will need to be uploaded.
This file contains 4 mandatory fields to be completed : Gender, first name, name & email address for each employee.
Save it in your computer and upload it into the web page as per the instructions.
Once uploaded, you’ll need to confirm your request to send a application to all specified email addresses. If required, the
system may inform you about formatting errors to be corrected in the file.
Targeted employees will then receive 2 emails to access their customized card application (see page 20).
Initiating a bulk application (PA initiated process)
Your employees can access the online card application form directly. To do so they will need to :
Click the following genericURL : https://www360.americanexpress.com/ATWORK/un/AFC/fr_FR/empInitLogin.do
Capture the access key supplied by their company and their email address (as per below screen) and click Submit.
Employee initiated card application
The applicant will need to follow the instructions : fill in all tabs, accept Terms & Conditions, etc. A FAQ is available
to get additional support (a switch language button allows to display the card application in English).
Quit will close the
application without saving
The applicant can save the form and finalize it
later on.
Once all fields have been completed and
required documentation is attached, click on
Continue to sign the application electronically..
Completing a card application
On the top menu, click on the « Application Pending Approval” Tab.
Approving application forms
Select the application to approve (you can select multiple applications at the same time by clicking « Select all ». Click
on the « Approve » button as shown below. To view an application before approving, just click on the corresponding
tracking number.
Approving application forms
Other actions : rerouting or rejecting an application
You can route an application back to the applicant (or to multiple applicants) if some information is missing or wrong in
the card application. You can also cancel/reject an application.
In the Application Pending Approval” Tab, you can change the priority of an application.
1. Select the application(s) you wish to change
2. In the column « priority », change the priority : for instance : from Normal to Urgent (see below example).
3. Approve the conditions displayed in the pop up and confirm your choice
4. Approve your request
Other actions : changing the priority
To change the priority from from Urgent to Normal,
proceed the same way. Please note that however (as
indicated in a pop up window), you will not be able to
approve the application immediately. Instead, you will
need to reroute it to the applicant for them to choose their
PIN code.
This tab allows you to follow up the status of any of the application under the BCA you manage.
By clicking the number under each status, you will be able to access all related applications up to their individual level.
Status tracking tab
View individual application
American Express Carte-France
Société anonyme au capital de 77 873 000 € - R.C.S. Nanterre B 313 536 898
Siège social : 4, rue Louis Blériot, 92561 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex.
September 2020