How to Recover
Runtime GDB
When sync is not working
ORWA BLM Mobile Team
Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Step 1a: Android Mobile Device with an SD Card Start Here .......................................................... 1
The Recover Button for Mobile with SD Cards .................................................................................. 1
Step 1b: Connect via USB to Computer with or without SD Card .................................................. 2
Confirming the .geodatabase File Location ......................................................................................... 4
Step 2: Adding Data to Sync in ArcGIS Pro .............................................................................................. 6
Step 3: Recover Data Tool Options .......................................................................................................... 10
Option 1: Sync Tool in ArcGIS Pro v2.1 & Above .......................................................................... 10
Option 2: Append Tool in ArcGIS Pro ................................................................................................ 11
Option 2a Append: Select Features Method ............................................................................... 14
Option 2b Append: Delete Hosted Feature Layer Method ................................................... 14
Running the Append Tool ( after options 2a or 2b ) .................................................................... 16
Possible Error Message Fix and Append Related Table Records ............................................ 17
Security Error Message #50 in ArcGIS Pro ....................................................................................... 18
How to Recover the Runtime GDB - When sync is not working
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The S1 Mobile Mapper Application stores offline replicas in a runtime geodatabase (GDB)
folder as a .geodatabase file (mobile geodatabase file) before they are synchronized to the
feature service.
In the event the offline edits cannot be synchronized normally via the mobile application to
agol, this document outlines the process to manually sync it back. We need to locate our
runtime GDB folder on our mobile device, which depends on if our mobile device uses an SD
card or not and save that folder to our local computers (or Citrix). Then we use one of two
options; the Sync tool (ArcPro v2.1 or higher) or use the Append tool in ArcGIS Pro to
append the features from the .geodatabase file to the feature service in ArcGIS Online.
NOTE: This process should be used as a last resort if the normal sync process is not working
for some reason. Prior to doing this, ensure you have a good wifi or data connection and
ensure the feature service or webmaps is accessible via web browser, and attempt to sync
one last time in the normal way just to be sure.
Step 1a: Android Mobile Device with an SD Card Start Here
In the S1 Mobile Mapper application, you may need to use the Recover button option to
move your geodatabase folder from your SD card to a folder that is more accessible
through the Android file system. The Recover button is not needed for mobile devices that
do not have an SD card. No Mobile SD Card, start with Connect via USB to Local Computer
The Recover button copies the data to the S1 Mobile Mapper’s internal storage folder called
RecoveredGDB, so the user can grab it later (a workaround for Android 11 lockdown of its
SD card storage access).
The Recover Button for Mobile with SD Cards
NOTE: You do not have to use Wi-Fi to use the Recover button in the S1 Mobile Mapper
In S1 Mobile Mapper, open the Manage Map Layers window from
the Application toolbar by tapping on the Manage Map Layers
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Tap the Map Data picture icon on the Manage Map Layers page
to open the list of Map Data downloaded to the S1 Mobile
Mapper app.
Second, Check the box for the map data you want to add to
the Recovery folder. Third, click the Recover button, and
last, confirm the folder your GDB Recovery data is being
saved to, then click OK.
Step 1b: Android mobile device without SD card start here. Or
continue from step 1a
Connect the mobile device to a local computer via USB to locate the runtime geodatabase file
(.geodatabase file). The runtime geodatabase file will be transferred to the local computer
to be used in ArcGIS Pro for syncing data with ArcGIS Online data services.
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Connect the mobile device to your computer via USB.
NOTE: Ensure Files and Media are enabled in the S1 Mobile Mapper App Settings. An
Settings Apps S1 Mobile Permissions Allowed
Allow access to your data on your connected device within
the pop-up window. (If you do not see an “allow access”
pop-up, check your S1 Mobile Mapper app permissions
settings from the NOTE above).
Use Windows File Explorer on your computer to
navigate to one of the following locations to confirm the
.geodatabase file location:
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NOTE: If unable to browse files using the Android device, you may need to install a third
party file explorer application to access the data.
a. Device with SD Card (after the Recover button in S1 Mobile Mapper App):
This PC\[YourDeviceName]\Card\Android\data\gov.s1.s1mobile\Edit_Data
b. Device without SD Card:
This PC\[YourDeviceName]\Phone (internal storage) \Android \data \
Confirming the .geodatabase File Location
Confirm that the .geodatabase file is in the folder to be
copied to a local computer or Citrix C:\ drive.
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Depending on if the data to be recovered is from a Web Map
or Feature service, the .geodatabase file will be from the
location listed above, plus these next folders:
Device with SD Card:
For Web Maps: (…\Edit_Data) \RecoveredGDB \[name of your web
For Feature Service: (…\Edit_Data) \RecoveredGDB \ [name of your Feature
Service]\. geodatabase
Device without SD Card:
For Web Maps: (…\Edit_Data)\[name of your web map]\p13\.geodatabase
For Feature Service: (…\Edit_Data)\ [name of your Feature Service]\. geodatabase
After confirming the .geodatabase file is in the folder,
back up one folder level and copy the entire Runtime GDB
folder to your computer or Citrix C:\ drive. See Notes
NOTE 1: If using ArcGIS Pro on your local computer (verses on Citrix), then use a local folder
address to save the Runtime GDB folder into:
Build the local folder address below to copy the runtime
GDB folder into for use in ArcGIS Pro:
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NOTE 2: Android 11 BLM employees that use Citrix, copy this folder to the C: \ tmp folder
on the Citrix server you are connected to.
NOTE 3: FS employees, cannot run Pro Tools from the T : drive , it needs to be copied to your
Local C: drive.
More Information
How To: Access offline edits from ArcGIS Field Maps directly from an Android device.
Step 2: Adding Data to Sync in ArcGIS Pro
We need to create a blank map template to use either the Sync tool or the Append tool to
sync our mobile data to ArcGIS Online data.
NOTE: See below if you get an error message #50 pop-up for trying to create a blank map
Open ArcGIS Pro, make sure ArcGIS Pro is up to date (this
is Pro v2.9.2). Newer versions of the application are less
prone to errors and crashing.
to your ArcGIS organization, in the upper right
corner of the ArcGIS Pro startup page.
Click on a New Blank Map Template in the center of the
start page.
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If you get an error #50 message trying to start a new blank
Map Template, then go to Security Error Message listed at
the end of this document to fix the error. Once the error
is fixed or you did not get an error pop-up message #50,
then continue here.
Give the project a new name and browse to the location you
want to store the new project.
ArcGIS Pro opens with a new blank map template listing two
default basemaps in the Contents window.
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Go to the Catalog window (usually on the left-hand side of
the map view)and expand the Folders file.
Right click on the Folders file and click add a folder
connection. Browse to the folder storing your .geodatabase
file that you copied from your mobile device to your local
computer. Then click OK.
Once connected to the Runtime GDB folder in the Catalog
window, expand the folder to the .geodatabase file (if it
is a web map, further expand the p13 folder) and then
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expand the .geodatabase file to expose the feature class
Using the Ctrl key, select only the feature classes that
you want to sync and drag them to the map.
NOTE: No need to grab the table icons or relational icons
from the GDB, just the spatial feature class icons you want
to sync.
The feature layers will be listed in the Contents window.
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Next, you will choose which tool in ArcGIS Pro will work
best to sync your mobile data to data on ArcGIS Online.
Step 3: Recover Data Tool Options
There are a couple ways we can sync the runtime GDB from the mobile device to our data on
ArcGIS Online. As of ArcGIS Pro v2.1, there is a Sync tool available in ArcGIS Pro to use
explained in Option 1. Example of why you may need to use Option 1 is if there is a weak
Wi-Fi connection that is keeping you from being able to sync from the mobile device.
Option 1: Sync Tool in ArcGIS Pro v2.1 & Above
The Sync tool will sync your new data edits (deletes and added data) to your online data.
NOTE: This option can only be used it if is the same user doing the recover that downloaded
the data using the same agol account the mobile version is tied to the users account.
On the ribbon at the top in ArcGIS Pro, select the Map tab.
In the Offline group, the Sync and Remove tools become
active when a valid offline dataset is added to the map
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Highlight the map document at the top of the list and then
click Sync. This should sync all feature layers listed in
the Contents window to the correlated hosted feature
service in ArcGIS Online.
Confirm your data has been synced by opening ArcGIS Online
and checking your data updates in the Map Viewer.
Option 2: Append Tool in ArcGIS Pro
In ArcGIS Pro, the Append tool can be used to append the runtime GDB data to data stored
on your local computer or to data stored on ArcGIS Online.
In the examples below, we will append the runtime GDB to data stored on ArcGIS Online.
Below are the steps to Append with data through a Portal to data stored on ArcGIS Online.
Only use the Option 2 Append tool if the Option 1 Sync tool does not work for you.
Use the Select tool to select only the features that have been edited (newly collected
features offline) prior to initiating the Append tool. Appending data that was not
edited will cause duplicate records. For example, you created two new polygons, only
select those two polygons, and then use the Append tool on the polygon layer. If no
polygons are selected, then it will append all polygons in the runtime geodatabase
layer to the target layer creating duplicates. Use this method if you know what
features are new and can select only them. Usually, a small set of newly created offline
data collected.
It may be easier to delete the original record from the hosted service prior to
initiating the Append tool. Use this method if a whole dataset was downloaded onto
the mobile device and new data features were created and/or deleted. Recommend
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saving a backup copy of the hosted feature service on AGOL before using the append
If the dataset contains related tables, be sure to append data from the runtime GDB
table to the hosted related tables as well.
You are signed into your organization in ArcGIS Pro from the start page in the upper
right corner.
You opened a new blank map document in ArcGIS Pro without an error message as
explained above.
Made a folder link to the recover geodatabase stored on your local computer (or
working within Citrix) listed above.
And, you have selected only the feature classes that you want to sync and dragged
them on to the map.
After you have completed the assumed steps listed above,
then go to the Catalog window in ArcGIS Pro and select the
Portal tab. This is how you will connect to your data
hosted on ArcGIS Online.
Select to use the My Content option to find the hosted
feature layer or select the My Groups option and then
locate the hosted feature layer through the Portal to
ArcGIS Online.
Select and drag the hosted feature layer into the map and
the layers should list in the Content window.
Confirm you have both of your data sources listed in your
Contents window.
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It is beneficial to tap the List by Data Source in the
Contents menu to distinguish between the .geodatabase
layers (runtime GDB) and the hosted service layers. Note
the icons next to the different layer group types.
NOTE: If you need to connect to a Web Map in ArcGIS Online, try to locate the hosted feature
layer that serves to that web map OR drag the web map into ArcGIS Pro, which will open a new
map tab for that web map. Then you would need to add the .geodatabase file to that new web
map by going back to the Project tab in the Catalog window and dragging your .geodatabase
feature classes onto that web map. Then move to the next step below.
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Option 2a Append: Select Features Method
Use this method if you know what features are new and can select only them. Only the
selected features will be Appended. Usually, a small set of newly created offline data.
Before running the Append tool, use the Select tool to
select the edited features (new features collected) that
you want to sync to the hosted feature layer or Add a
Clause or SQL statement to select a subset of input dataset
records. For example, if you have a date field, append
only the features collected on or after a specific date.
Once the tool has run successfully, the appended data should be visible on AGOL.
Confirm your data has been synced by opening ArcGIS Online
and checking your data updates in the Map Viewer.
Option 2b Append: Delete Hosted Feature Layer Method
Use this method if a whole dataset was downloaded onto the mobile device and new data
features were created and/or deleted. Recommend saving a backup copy of the hosted
feature service on AGOL before using the append tool. Caution: this method is not
recommended if more than one user potentially has synced any data to the service since the
mobile version was downloaded, as that data would be lost in this workflow.
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Before we delete a whole hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Pro
to use the Append tool, let’s first make a backup copy of
the hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online (AGOL). See How
To: Create an independent copy of a hosted feature layer in
ArcGIS Online.
Confirm in your ArcGIS Online account that you have a new
feature layer backup copy listed in My Contents.
Back in ArcGIS Pro, right click the hosted feature layer
you want to delete records from, select the Selection
option, and click Select all.
Then Select the Delete tool from the Edit tab above on the
top ribbon. This will delete all records, but the empty
hosted feature layer will still be listed in the Contents
window, right click the layer, and open the attribute table
to confirm all records are deleted. This empty layer will
now be your target layer in the Append tool. Do this for
each layer you need to append all new features to. The
Undo button will undo the delete if you need it.
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Running the Append Tool ( after options 2a or 2b )
On the Analysis tab, in the Tools group, scroll down to
find the Append tool, and tap to open the tool. The Append
tool will need to be run against each feature layer and any
related tables. For example, run the Append tool for the
point layer, then run it again for the line layer and then
for the polygon layer if there were edits made to each of
the layer types.
The Input Dataset will be the feature layers in the
.geodatabase (runtime geodatabase), one layer type at a
time. The Target Dataset is the hosted feature layer. If
the dataset contains related tables, be sure to append the
applicable tables. The relationship between the parent
feature and table record should be maintained once the data
is appended.
Keep the defaults for the tool settings, even if the
dataset uses subtypes (even for VMAP). Toggle ON the Enable
Undo shown at the bottom of the Append tool inputs window,
just in case you need to undo the Append tool actions.
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Run the Append tool.
Once the tool has run successfully, the appended data should be visible on AGOL.
Confirm your data has been synced by opening ArcGIS Online
and checking your data updates in the Map Viewer.
Possible Error Message Fix and Append Related Table Records
*Tip 1. If the tool gives an error, re-run Append and change the Schema Type from Input
schema must match target schema to Use the Field Map to reconcile schema differences, even
if no changes to field mapping needs to occur. For some reason this often reconciles issues.
Hover over the Info icon for explanation of how the attribute fields from the input datasets
will be transferred or mapped to the target dataset.
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* Tip 2. To append related table records for a subset of the data in the runtime GDB, Select
the parent feature(s) in the map, right click on the layer in the Contents window, select
Attribute Table. Once the Attribute table is open, tap the action button (3 bars) -> Related
Data -> then select the applicable related table. Now that the related table records are
selected proceed with using the Append tool for the table.
More information:
Security Error Message #50 in ArcGIS Pro
If you get an error message #50 when you try to create a new map template, it is most likely
because of security setups on your work computers. See the support doc link below to build
a connection locally on your computer (or link to a Citrix folder) to solve the error:
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NOTE: If using a local ArcGIS Pro, then use a local folder address:
Build the local folder address below to store the new map
template in and to copy the recover runtime geodatabase
folder into for use in ArcGIS Pro:
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