USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
PROCEDURE FOR USC Vehicle Driver Policy
Issued: 11/11/2017
Last Updated: 06/12/2023
Procedure Introduction
Procedures for the USC Vehicle Driver policy which defines the compliance, restrictions and parameters
for operating University Vehicles, leased, rental and personal vehicles for university business..
Office of Risk Management
1. Monitoring and communication of Vehicle Driver policy and
pull program
Department Fleet Manager
1. Ensure department or school employees are enrolled in USC
pull program
Notify Office of Risk Management and Insurance of
add/deletions to pull program
1. Notify Office of Risk Management and Insurance of any
accidents in university vehicle
2. Employ
ees must immediately report to their manager or
Department Fleet Manager any conditions that may
potentially affect the safe operation of a university vehicle.
3. Authorized drivers must immediately report a change in their
driver’s license status to their manager or the Office of Risk
Management and Insurance
Procedure Details
Action #
Responsible Stakeholder
Employee (Authorized
Driver Requirements
As a condition of employment, drivers of university
vehicles are
expected to obey all traffic laws and
regulations and maintain a valid license in good
standing. Accordingly, all citations and/or tickets
including, but not limited to, those related to a driver’s
license, failure to wear a seatbelt, speeding, distracted
driving, or DUI violations are the sole responsibility of
the employee to either pay or successfully contest; the
university assumes no obligation for any fines or fees.
The employee’s department/school is responsible for
“fix-it”-related citations and/or
tickets on university
vehicles only.
USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
Office of Risk Management
Employee (Authorized
Authorized drivers
The Office of Risk Management and Insurance must
pre-approve all employees (including all categories of
faculty, staff, student employees, or temporary
employees), who drive university vehicles. Non-USC
individuals who do not fall in the categories listed
above are prohibited from driving university vehicles
unless authorized by the Office of Risk Management
and Insurance.
This pre-approval as an authorized driver requires the
employee to meet all of the following criteria:
Have had a driver’s license for at least 2
Have a minimum of 2 years driving
experience with the same class of license
as required by the university job
Provide legible copy of current valid
California driver’s license see below for
California license requirement
Have an acceptable driving record per
university requirements (scroll down
to see Appendix A)
Provide completed California
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Employer Pull Notice Program
Authorization for Release of Driver
Record Information form
Successfully complete the Driving
Defensively modules in TrojanLearn
within 7 days of employment start date
or date of driving responsibilities being
added to job duties, and every 2 years
thereafter prior to the anniversary of
such date.
Employee (Authorized
California license requirement
All employees who drive any university vehicle must
have a valid California driver’s license unless:
The employee is conducting official
university business outside California, in
which case employee must have a driver’s
USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
license from, or be otherwise authorized to
operate a vehicle in, that jurisdiction
The employee is a student with a valid
driver’s license from their state of residence
The employee or student employee is a
visitor to California who has had a valid
driver’s license for a minimum of 2 years
from their home country (NOTE: Visitors
who become California residents as defined
by the California DMV must immediately
notify their manager and provide a copy of
the California driver’s license within 10 days.
See the California DMV website and
USC’s Office of International Services
website for additional details.)
Employee (Authorized
Seat belt requirement
All drivers and passengers in university vehicles or in
any vehicle on official university business must wear
their seat belts at all times and sit in designated seats
while vehicle is moving; standing or riding in or on
beds of vehicles is prohibited.
Employee (Authorized
Alcohol/drug testing
All drivers must comply with the university’s USC
Drug-Free policy, and may be subject to pre-
employment/assignment testing as well as testing
based on a reasonable suspicion that an employee is,
or has been impaired. The university will conduct the
testing in compliance with Federal Motor Carrier and
Safety Act (FMCSA) regulations for those employees
required to drive vehicles that fall under federally
regulated transportation industry requirements (e.g.,
safety sensitive transportation employees, including
but not limited to tram drivers and haulers of
hazardous waste).
Employee (Authorized
Office of Risk Management
Fleet Manager
HR Business Partner
Driver’s license loss or change of status
Authorized drivers must immediately report a change
in their driver’s license status to their manager or the
Office of Risk Management and Insurance at
uscris[email protected]. Authorized drivers are prohibited
from driving a university vehicle or driving any
USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
Employee Manager
vehicle on official university business if their license
is revoked, suspended, expired or their driving
privileges are otherwise restricted (e.g., Ignition
Interlock Device) based on the said conviction date
on the motor vehicle record.
If an employee in this situation has been
assigned a university vehicle for personal
use, the vehicle must be returned to the
university immediately.
For employees in this situation whose
driving privileges are restricted in a way that
prevents the performance of driving duties
or meeting the requirements of an
authorized driver, and whose job
description requires driving a vehicle, the
employee will be subject to termination. If
an individual’s job description does not
require driving a vehicle, the employee must
immediately cease driving any university
Department Fleet
An employee assigned by a school or department to oversee
management of university vehicle
University Vehicles
Vehicles owned by the university
Rental Vehicles
Vehicle rentals or hired car from a car rental agency
Leased Vehicles
Long term vehicle rental agreement
Personal Vehicles
Vehicle owned by student, faculty, staff (including temporary or resource)
or visitor.
Pull Program
Driver motor vehicle record (MVR) monitoring program
Motor Vehicle Record from Department of Motor Vehicles
Authorized Driver
Approved USC students, faculty, staff (including temporary or resource)
and visitors qualified to drive a university vehicle
Hand-held electronic
Hand-held electronic devices include, but are not limited to, wireless
phones, computers, tablets, and any other communication device
Driver Training:
USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
All employees enrolled in the USC pull program must complete the Driving Defensively
modules in TrojanLearn within 7 days of employment start date or date of driving
responsibilities being added to job duties.
Driving Defensively training must be retaken every 2 years thereafter prior to the
anniversary of such date.
Any collision that occurs while driving a vehicle on university business which results in property
damage and/or personal injury, regardless of who was injured, what property was damaged, to
what extent, or where it occurred, Driving Defensively training is required to be taken by the
employee within 7 days of the accident. Operation of a USC owned vehicle should cease until
Driving Defensively training has been completed.
Additional training may be enforced by the Office of Risk Management and Insurance.
University vehicle maintenance requirements
Each department using university vehicles is responsible for ensuring:
quarterly maintenance checks are performed,
records of these checks are maintained, and
maintenance issues are properly addressed and documented.
The Office of Risk Management and Insurance may conduct audits of a department’s maintenance
records at any time. See the Office of Risk Management and Insurance website for more information.
Employees must immediately report to their manager or Department Fleet Manager any conditions that
may potentially affect the safe operation of a university vehicle. Vehicles should not be driven until any
needed repairs have been completed and documented.
Personal use of university vehicles
Personal use of university vehicles is prohibited, including but not limited to any activity not directly
related to university business during, before or after work, or during breaks. This includes using vehicles
to drive off-campus for breakfast, lunch or dinner, unless meal is directly related to university business.
Use of personal vehicles for university business
Personal vehicles to be used for driving on official university business must be insured for at least the
California-required minimum limits of $15,000/$30,000 bodily injury, plus $5,000 property damage. The
personal insurance policy cannot contain a business use exclusion. The university has the right to require
evidence of current automobile liability insurance coverage.
If an employee is driving his/her personal vehicle on official university business, the university’s liability
insurance policy program may provide excess liability insurance protection to the driver in the event of a
vehicle accident. The driver’s vehicle insurance is primary and must be exhausted before the university’s
insurance program will defend or pay any claim. Note that the university is not responsible for the
employee’s deductible under his/her personal auto insurance.
The university does not provide any insurance protection for fire, theft, collision or other loss or damage
to personal vehicles. Note: Individuals who use their vehicles frequently in connection with official
USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
university business should consult with their insurance agent or broker to ensure their insurance
coverage and limits meet their individual needs.
Insurance information
The university liability insurance program provides protection to authorized drivers of university
vehicles. The university self-insures for collision, fire, theft and liability. The employee’s department is
responsible for a $5,000 deductible per accident.
University vehicle rentals
When you rent with a USC preferred rental provider (Enterprise, National, and Hertz) for university
business within the 50 United States and the District of Columbia via the Travel & Expense Portal or
with a CBT agent, you are covered for:
Free primary loss damage waiver/collision damage waiver (LDW/CDW) insurance (which covers
any damage to the rental vehicle); and
Free primary liability insurance (which covers bodily harm and property damage outside the
rental vehicle).
There is no deductible, and this coverage applies to USC employees, students (21 and over), and non-
employees on university business when the reservation is made via the USC Travel Portal. Coverage
does not apply to personal rentals.
If you elect to rent from a different provider or do not use the USC Travel Portal, USC does not provide
any car rental insurance and recommends that you purchase loss damage waiver/collision damage
waiver (LDW/CDW) insurance and liability insurance.
USC auto insurance for international rentals
USC does not provide insurance coverage for international rentals, including Canada. If you rent a
car anywhere other than the 50 United States or the District of Columbia, you must purchase insurance.
Additional insurance for van and SUV rentals
If you are transporting students in a vehicle that seats more than seven (one driver plus six or more
passengers), you must purchase additional liability insurance in the amount of $1 million or more in
coverage. This policy applies to all van and SUV rentals. A 10-passenger van is the maximum van size
permitted by university policy. A 10-passenger van is defined as having seats and seat belts for one
driver plus nine passengers.
If you are in an accident in a University vehicle, report immediately to your manager, Department Fleet
Manager and to the Office of Risk Management and Insurance via their incident reporting portal.
Please see the Office of Risk Management and Insurance website for more information.
Any collision that occurs while driving a vehicle on university business which results in property damage
and/or personal injury, regardless of who was injured, what property was damaged, to what extent, or
where it occurred, additional training may be enforced by the Office of Risk Management and Insurance.
Hand-held Electronic Device Use
California's hand-held wireless telephone law prohibits drivers from using a hand-held cell phone while
operating a vehicle. Hands-free operation of cell phones and use for emergency purposes is permitted.
USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
California Vehicle Code, Section 23123.5 Electronic Wireless Communications Device Prohibited Use
prohibits writing, sending, or reading text-based communications on an electronic wireless
communications device, such as a cell phone, while driving a motor vehicle.
All drivers of a university vehicle or any vehicle on official university business are expected to comply
with the laws that prohibit the use of hand-held electronic devices while operating a utility/motor
vehicle unless it is through the use of a one-touch or voice activated hands-free device.
The only exception to the above guidelines is an emergency call placed to the Department of Public
Safety or 911, as applicable, for situations such as a fire, traffic accident, road hazard, or medical
emergency. In such cases, the communication should be as short as reasonably necessary to
communicate the nature and location of the emergency.
USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
Appendix A
University-required “Acceptable Driving Record”
To have an “Acceptable Driving Record,” an individual may have no “Major Citations” issued by the
California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within the last 60 months (5 years) and a “Total Point
Count” within the limits below. The “Total Point Count” is calculated by adding California DMV assigned
points for driving violations/infractions to the points assigned by the Office of Risk Management and
Non-student employee
A “Total Point Count” equal to or less than the following and no “Major Citation” within the last 60
months (5 years) based on conviction date:
-2 points in 12 months
-3 points in 24 months
-4 points in 36 months
Student or temporary/resource employee
A “Total Point Count” equal to or less than the following and no “Major Citation” within the last 60
months (5 years) based on conviction date:
-1 point in 12 months
-2 points in 24 months
-3 points in 36 months
Major Citations
Examples of “Major Citations” include, but are not limited to: driving under the influence (DUI), hit and
run, use of vehicle for illegal purposes, driving on a suspended or revoked driver’s license, speed
contest, reckless driving, and causing injury to a pedestrian while driving.
USC Risk Management assigned points
1 point for each preventable vehicle collision the university assumes all vehicle collisions are
preventable unless Office of Risk Management and Insurance is in collaboration with the
employee’s department determines otherwise. (A determination of “preventable”
does not mean the driver was legally at fault).
1 point for each moving violation that has no point value per the California DMV vehicle code
(e.g., texting while driving).
Responsible Office
Office of Risk Management & Insurance
USC Vehicle Driver Requirement
Procedure for Vehicle Driver Requirement
Relevant Forms and Tools
USC Preferred Rental Car Agencies
Travel & Expense Portal
Office of Risk Management & Insurance website
Defensive Driver Training
Trojan Learn
California Department of Motor Vehicles website
California DMV Website
International drivers license
Office of International Services website
Alcohol and drug testing
USC Drug-Free policy
Office of Risk Management Incident Reporting Portal
Origami Risk Portal
California Hand-Held wireless telephone laws
California’s Wireless Telephone Laws
California Code, Vehicle Code 1808.1
California Code, Vehicle Code 1808.1
Please direct any questions regarding this procedure to:
Office of Risk Management and