Supplier Portal
CORA Training for Supplier Portal
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This session gives an overview on...
Whats New Daily Work
Supplier Portal Accessing the tool
Basic navigation
How to find the status of your invoices,
purchase orders and payments?
How to get a report about the status of your
invoices, purchase orders and payments?
Classification: Genpact Internal
What can you do in CORA Supplier portal?
Check invoice status
Track payment status
Create Inquiry (general, related to: PO
status, invoice status, payment status)
Check the status of your inquiries
Download report about invoices,
purchase orders, payments and inquiries
Invoices can’t be submitted there
PO copies can’t be downloaded
Remittance advice can’t be downloaded
Fields / Data can’t be modified
CORA Training for Supplier Portal
Classification: Genpact Internal
Cora tool is an end-to-end Accounts Payable automation solution that eliminates non-standard manual processes &
high cost of operations through its automated workflow. It provides higher visibility into key operations parameters and
drives transparency, compliance, and governance.
The Cora Supplier Portal provides an excellent opportunity to work and communicate with suppliers in an efficient,
safe, and most importantly secure online environment. It keeps all information about Purchase Orders, invoices,
payments etc. It makes the tracking of invoices easier.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Login to Cora Supplier Portal
Classification: Genpact Internal
Reach the production URL in Google Chrome Browser address bar:
The following screen will appear:
Login Page
Classification: Genpact Internal
How to get access to the Supplier Portal?
Step 1
Open URL
Step 2
Click on the Register
Step 3
Update the Basic and Mandatory Information
Ensure to find on all mandatory fields rather than
If recheck the fields and update
Step 3.1
Answer country information for security reasons
I confirm that the information I have provided is accurate and that I am currently employed by the company I have listed above.
I agree to GE's Terms and Conditions
Click or touch the image mentioned
Click Submit
Once you hit submit you see the confirmation as below in GREEN
You have now successfully registered with GE
Preserve your SSO ID and credentials for further use
Classification: Genpact Internal
After login, user will land on “Home Screen. Home Screen will show basic information about the Supplier Portal.
Home Screen
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Basic Navigation
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Invoice Tab
Invoices can be filtered based on search criteria and sort by required field name.
You can view Invoice details by clicking on the “View” icon.
Note: All the fields are read only, you cannot edit any fields.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Invoice Tab
There is an option to filter the invoices based on any “Filter Criteria. After selecting the required search parameters,
user need to click on “Apply” button.
There is an option to sort the invoices based on any “Sort Criteria. For sorting, you should click on “Sort” icon and
then select the sorting parameter.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Invoice Tab
Queries can be raised for a particular Invoice using Create Inquiry option:
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You should see Invoice’s status where supplier action is needed. E.g.: Payment failed due to not valid
bank information etc.
Note: Actions will not be done on Supplier Portal, but on the respective platform or by contacting your
GE Gas Power Contact.
Invoice Tab
April 21, 2023Presentation Title
Once you select “Create inquiryicon, the following dialog box will
appear. Please fill all the required fields (denoted by a red line on the
left side of the field).
Invoice related fields will be auto-populated.
Mandatory fields:
Inquiry category
Please select the appropriate Category from the drop-down menu
Inquiry type
It is an “Inquiry Category dependent field. As per the inquiry category system will
show the inquiry type.
Please select the appropriate inquiry type from the dropdown list.
Invoice Tab
April 21, 2023Presentation Title
Please note:
Self-resolution/guide details will be available for defined query types
and for those query types, you will not be able to raise query
Where self-resolution/guide is not available, you can raise query by
selecting the appropriate query type
It is best practice to provide as many details as possible when
submitting an inquiry to ensure a timely and accurate response
You can add any supporting documents by clicking on the “Upload
Files” icon.
After filling all the details user will click on “Create Inquirybutton and
inquiry case will get created.
Purchase Order Tab
Display list of Purchase Orders
You can filter Purchase Orders based on search criteria and sort by required field name.
View Purchase details by selecting a particular Purchase Order.
Supplier Portal should show the status PO as Ready for Invoicing (where PO is approved and GR is available, but
no invoice sent by you against that PO)
Note: You cannot raise a query in Purchase Order screen. Create Inquiry option will not be available.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Payment Tab
Display list of all Payments
You can filter using different parameters based on search criteria and sort by required field name. Detailed fields list
mentioned in the Supplier portal workbook sections.
View payment details by selecting a particular Payment entry.
Search the payment details using various criteria (Invoice amount, Paid amount against that invoice and consolidated
payment amount under single payment id)
Classification: Genpact Internal
Inquiry Tab
Display list of all Inquiries where you can filter Inquiry based on search criteria and sort by required field name
You can view Inquiry details by selecting a particular Inquiry case
You can raise general query through this screen, click to the „Create inquiry” button
Classification: Genpact Internal
Supplier Portal Queries
Classification: Genpact Internal
Create Inquiry
You can either create a query against an invoice or a general inquiry.
Steps to be followed for creating an inquiry-
1. Click on the “Create inquiryoption
Under the „Inquirytab, you can create a general inquiry.
Topic-scpecific inquiries may be created under the „Invoice” / „Paymenttabs.
For General query, user can directly click on “Create inquirybutton under inquiry queue.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Create Inquiry
For an Invoice query, you must first select the invoice from the invoice queue against which they want
to create an inquiry. After selecting, the invoice “Create inquiryicon gets enabled.
Note: You can raise a single query for several invoices by selecting multiple invoices at the same time
Classification: Genpact Internal
Create Inquiry
2. Once you select “Create inquiry icon, the following dialog box will appear, and you shall fill all the
required fields.
Note: Mandatory fields are denoted by a red line on the left side of the field.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Create Inquiry
Inquiry category- You must select the appropriate Category from the drop-down menu for which you
want to create the request.
Inquiry Type- It is a “Inquiry Category dependent field. As per the inquiry category system will show
the inquiry type. You should select the appropriate inquiry type from the dropdown list.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Create Inquiry
Note: Self-resolution/guide details will be available for defined query types, and you will not be able to
raise query for those
4. It is best practice to provide as many details as possible when submitting an inquiry to ensure a timely and
accurate response.
5. You can add any supporting documents by clicking on the “Upload Files” icon.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Create Inquiry
6. Once you click on the “Upload Files” icon a dialog box will appear to locate the file in local system. You
should select the file which that you would like to upload and click on OK” button.
7. After filling all the details you shall click on “Create Inquirybutton and inquiry case will get created.
Classification: Genpact Internal
You can click on this icon to check the new cases created or to check the updated case status.
Note: Closed queries can be Re-opened within 7 Calendar days of closure. Fully Closed queries
will be in the archived query list, but you cannot re-open these cases. If you would like to reopen
a fully closed query, please open a new one.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Classification: Genpact Internal
You can download the current list of Invoices, Purchase Orders, Payments, and Inquiries and save it in the local folder.
Steps for downloading
1. You must select the cases which they want to download. After selecting the cases the “Download” icon will get enabled.
2. Once you click on the “Download” icon auto download will get started. The files will be downloaded in the .xls format.
Classification: Genpact Internal
3. You can either download with or without attachment (Invoice Image copy).
4. When you download the invoices with attachment, the system will send the download files on the user e-mail
address and will show an acknowledgment for successful execution.
Classification: Genpact Internal
Classification: Genpact Internal
Important Links
Global No PO No Pay Policy
Supplier Invoicing Instructions 1 Page Guide
S2P Global Mailroom
Supplier Connect
Global Invoice Lookup
Tungsten Network
Classification: Genpact Internal