Bike tours on Greece’s largest island
The West-East route starts in Hania in the west
and ends in Herakleion in the east. Choose this
route if you want to go to Santorini after the bike
tour because only Herakleion has boats to
Santorini. In high season there is also air service.
Although the West-East rides cover the same
terrain as the East-West rides, the ascents are a
bit harder when biking eastward.
The East-West route starts in Herakleion in the east and
ends in Hania in the west. Choose this route if after the
bike tour you want to take a one-day hike in the Samaria
Gorge or Imbros Gorge or a multi-day hiking tour along
the car-free Libyan Sea coast. Hania is the most
convenient departure point for these hikes with a local
With its breathtaking mountains and seascapes, Crete is a dynamic destination for cyclists
accustomed to ascents. As Europe’s most southern terrain, Crete makes a desirable cycling
destination during winter months when colder temperatures prevail in the rest of Europe.
Due to its extensive road network Crete offers a variety of overnight destinations and cycling
road choices, not simply the standard routes we have posted in the East to West or West to
East itineraries. We work with you to choose the optimum route for your travel schedule
and cycling ability.
Crete was the first civilization on European soil with its ancient Minoan palace cities that you
can bike to, such as, Knossos, Phaestos or Malia. There are unheralded ruins of equal
interest, such as the mysterious Armeni Minoan cemetery and Fourni in Arhanes. Crete is
celebrated for its indigenous cuisine that epitomizes the healthy Mediterranean diet. Look
in the Extras tab about signing up for a Cretan cooking class or wine tasting, an ancient
tradition extending back to the Minoan era. There are wineries to visit throughout the
Before or after your self-guided tour, we recommend booking the Athens Add-on that
immerses you in the culture of Athens and the Attica region with exciting activities: Historic
Central Athens bike tour (90% traffic free), Acropolis & Acropolis Museum with professional
guide, Temple of Poseidon coastal cycling, Attica wine tasting, Temple of Artemis.
choose your dates
9 nights, 10 days for standard route. Possible to
add or subtract days; minimum 5 nights
yes, Libyan Sea Coast Hiking tour, Athens Day
Tours see Add-On tab
Arrival City
Athens or Herakleion or Hania
Arrival transfer
yes, depending on Itinerary. For Athens, see Extras
Tour Start Point
Athens or Herakleion or Hania
Tour End Point
Athens or Herakleion or Hania
Minimum Age
Total Mileage
453 km, 281 miles for 10 day standard
route. Mileage depends on optional routes sought
and itinerary destinations.
Highest Elevation
890 meters, 2920 feet (Tzermiado)
Advanced. See Rating System
Below is our standard East-West itinerary, but it can be adjusted to add or subtract days or
substitute overnight destinations, as these examples indicate: Opt for an 8 day tour by
starting in Arhanes instead of Tzermiado. Split in half the long 94 km, 58 mile route from
Rethymno to Hania on Day 10 by staying in the lovely traditional town of Vamos. The same
can be done for the Zaros-Rethymno route by an overnight in Spili, a town beloved for its
Venetian-era fountain with 19 lion heads. Overnight in Zaros two nights in order to bike the
second day in the south and visit the Matala caves, Minoan Phaestos and Roman Gortyna
ruins. Consider overnight in Axos with engaging agro-tourism activities at Enagron. Lots of
If you travel to Crete by sea via an overnight ferry from Piraeus (Athens’ port), you will travel
with the bikes. If you travel to Crete by air or by sea from a port other than Piraeus, the
bikes we will be waiting for you in Crete. On your arrival, you will be met by a CycleGreece
agent. Depending on your itinerary, you will either start biking to your first destination from
the port or airport, or you will be transferred to your hotel.
Leave your luggage in the hotel and it will be transferred to your next destination.
Day 1: Tzermiado
The Lassithi Plateau, one of the highest farming areas in Greece, once had 20,000 windmills
which only a generation or so ago were still in use, which gives you an idea of how
traditional this region is. Today’s ride calls for an ascent of 2283 feet 695 meters to the
plateau. 30 km, 18.60 miles. Consider a 14 km, 8.60 miles detour on the flat coastal road
to the Minoan palace city of Malia.
Day 2: Tzermiado
Make a grand loop of the plateau, stopping at Lassinthos Eco Village and at Diktion Cave to
marvel at the gigantic stalactites and stalagmites. Cretans believe Zeus was born in this
cave. 25 km, 15 miles If you did not visit Malia yesterday, consider doing so today if you
are up for an almost 3,000 foot descent/ascent to the coast. Stop for lunch in Krasi, known
for fresh drinking water springs. 54 km, 32 miles
Day 3: Arhanes
Head west, over mountain ridges, cycling on back roads with goats and donkeys. Listen for
the cheery sound of their bells. En route make an optional 4 km detour to the Nikos
Katzantzakis Museum, home of the author of Zorba the Greek. In Arhanes, you will admire
the traditional architecture of the “arhontiko,” the preserved old villas. Located only 15 km
south of Herakleion, Arhanes is famous for its local cuisine and wines. See the Extras tab for
a cooking class and wine tasting. 44 km, 27 miles
Day 4: Arhanes
Bike a back road to reach Knossos, the capital of the peaceful Minoan Empire. Admire King
Minos’ throne; a replica was made for the chief judge at the International Court of Justice in
The Hague. 25 km 15 miles To avoid Herakleion’s urban traffic, we recommend taking at
taxi or bus from Knossos to Herakleion Archaeology Museum with its famed Minoan frescos
and the enigmatic Phaestos disc. There’s likely time for an afternoon Arhanes loop 24.50
km, 15 miles
Day 5: Zaros
Today you will plunge into the interior of central Crete to Zaros located in the Psiloritis
Mountains at 1394 feet 425 meters. Zaros is known for its bottled mineral water, fresh trout
and the E4 (European) hiking path. En route don’t miss the Monumental Olive Tree at
Panasos. Optional afternoon hike in the Rouvas Gorge. 55.52 km, 34.50 miles
If you opt to spend a second night in Zaros, the next day an inviting bike ride awaits you to
the Matala caves, Minoan Phaestos and the Roman ruins of Gortyna. 78.50 km, 48 miles
Day 6: Rethymno
Back country roads, lots of climbing, breathtaking scenery characterizes today’s ride. The
day’s final destination is Crete’s best kept secret, Rethymno, a Venetian era city with an
Ottoman overlay. You must visit the Fortezza, the grand Venetian-era fort overlooking the
city. 77.20km, 48 miles
Instead of biking Zaros to Rethymno on Day 6, if you want to linger in the mountainous
countryside instead of the city, you can opt to bike Zaros to Spili to enjoy its fountain of
water spewing from the mouths of 19 lions heads. Continue the next day Spili to Rethymno.
Day 7: Rethymno
A bike ride into the low portions of the Psiloritis Mountains. Visit Melidoni Cave and learn its
poignant history. Lunch on the seacoast at Panormos. Stroll Rethymno’s car-free alley-like
streets or along its fourteen kilometer sandy beach. 67.70 km, 42 miles
Day 8: Hania
The ride to Hania passes the Minoan cemetery at Armeni with its fascinating tombs of
unknown origin. Halfway en route is the gorgeous sea at Giorgiopoli (Georgetown). The
final leg entails a climb over Malaxa village at 1500 feet high. 78 km, 48.50 miles
Instead of biking Rethymno to Hania on Day 8, if you want a shorter “smell the roses” tour
and an overnight in a traditional village, you can opt to bike Rethymno to Vamos and
continue the next day to Hania. This option allows a detour to Ancient Aptera and Koules
Day 9: Hania
Ascend from sea level to 1860 feet through the enchanting Therissos Gorge road. On the
way back stop at a family winery for lunch, or visit a delightful botanical park created by two
brothers when their cherished olive fields burned down. Stroll Hania’s beautiful harbor with
Venetian architecture. Take time for shopping in Hania handmade knives or gold
jewelry. 51 km, 31.60 miles
Day 10: Departure
There are daily flights from Hania to Athens Airport, including ones that leave early enough
to enable you to make a connecting flight home. Overnight ferries to Piraeus depart at 9:00
pm. Leave your bikes and gear at the hotel.
Below is our standard West to East itinerary, but it can be adjusted to add or subtract days
or substitute overnight destinations, as these examples indicate: Opt for additional cycling
days with an overnight in charming little Vamos located between Hania and Rethymno. In
Vamos, you can experience a traditional Cretan cooking class.. Or spend two nights in Zaros
and on the second day, cycle a loop to Roman ruins, the Minoan palace city of Phaestos and
seaside Matala made famous by Joni Mitchell in her song Cary. Consider overnight in Axos
with engaging agro-tourism activities at Enagron.
If you travel to Crete by sea via an overnight ferry from Piraeus (Athens’ port), you will travel
with the bikes. If you travel to Crete by air or by sea from a port other than Piraeus, the bikes
we will be waiting for you in Crete with a CycleGreece agent. Leave your luggage in the
hotels and it will be transferred to your next destination.
Day 1: Hania
On arrival by air or sea, a CycleGreece agent meets you with your bikes. You are in the area
of Akrotiri peninsula, so go cycle there! Descend the stone step path to Catholikon, an
abandoned monastery. After exploring Akrotiri, take a back road route to enter the city of
Hania. Stroll Hania’s beautiful harbor with Venetian architecture. Roam the car-free old city
and its Jewish quarter with finely preserved synagogue. 56 km, 35 miles , (13 km shorter
when arriving by air)
Day 2: Hania
Ascend from sea level to 1860 feet through the enchanting Therissos Gorge road. On the
return route stop at a family winery for lunch and wine tasting, or visit a delightful botanical
park created by two brothers when their cherished olive fields burned down. Take time for
shopping in Hania for handmade knives and gold jewelry. 51 km, 31.60 miles
Day 3: Rethymno
The halfway point en route to Rethymno is the seaside town of Giorgiopoli (Georgetown)
whose most alluring feature is its beautiful beach. If you have time, you might want to take a
dip. Start swooning when you reach the old car-free city of Rethymno with its dreamy
Venetian-Ottoman appearance. Be sure to walk up to the towering Fortezza fortress. 78
km, 48.50 miles
Instead of biking Hania to Rethymno on Day 3, if you want a shorter “smell the roses” tour
and an overnight in a traditional village, you can opt to bike Hania to Vamos and continue
the next day to Rethymno. This option allows a detour to Ancient Aptera and Koules
Day 4: Rethymno
A bike loop in the lower hills of the Psiloritis Mountains. Visit Melidoni Cave and learn its
poignant history. Visit a family owned olive oil farm for olive oil tastings. Visit the ceramics
village of Margarites, one of four centers in Crete practicing ancient pottery techniques. Visit
a Mycenae-style tomb. Lunch on the seacoast at Panormos. 67.70 km, 42 miles
Day 5: Zaros
Back country roads, lots of climbing, breathtaking scenery characterizes today’s ride. Very
little traffic as you head upward and inward into the Psiloritis Mountain region don’t miss
the Monumental Olive Tree in Panasos. This day’s climbing is the specific case where the
East to West route is easier. There likely won’t be enough time today to take an hour hike in
the Rouvas Gorge, but consider it before you set off tomorrow. 77.20km, 48 miles
Instead of biking Rethymno to Zaros on Day 5, if you want to split up the mileage and visit
Spili to enjoy its fountain with water spewing from the mouths of 19 lions heads, you can opt
to bike Rethymno to Spili. Continue the next day Spili to Zaros.
If you opt to spend a second night in Zaros, the next day an inviting bike ride awaits you to
the Matala caves, Minoan Phaestos and the Roman ruins of Gortyna. 78.50 km, 48 miles
Day 6: Arhanes
After so much climbing, it is now time to descend into lower terrain. Head for Arhanes, a
town anyone with taste and class will admire,especially its traditional architecture of the
“arhontiko,” the preserved old villas. Located only 15 km south of Herakleion, Arhanes is
famous for its local cuisine and wines. See the Extras tab for a cooking class and wine
tasting. 49.50 km 30.80 miles
Day 7: Arhanes
Bike a back road to reach Knossos, the capital of the peace Minoan Empire. Admire King
Minos’ throne; a replica was made for the chief judge at the International Court of Justice in
The Hague. 25 km 15 miles by bike but to avoid Herakleion’s urban traffic, we recommend
taking at taxi or bus from Knossos to Herakleion Archaeology Museum with its famed
Minoan frescos and the enigmatic Phaestos disc. There’s likely time for an afternoon
Arhanes loop 24.50 km, 15 miles
Day 8: Tzermiado
Head east, over mountain ridges, cycling on back roads with goats and donkeys. Listen for
the cheery sound of their bells. En route make an optional 4 km detour to the Nikos
Katzantzakis Museum, home of the author of Zorba the Greek. Tzermiado is the largest
village on the Lassithi Plateau, one of the highest farming areas in Greece that once had
20,000 windmills, in use only a generation or so ago. 44 km, 27 miles
Day 9: Tzermiado
Make a grand loop of the plateau, stopping at Lassinthos Eco Village and at Diktion Cave to
marvel at the gigantic stalactites and stalagmites. Cretans believe Zeus was born in this cave.
25 km, 15 miles Consider visiting the Minoan palace city of Malia, if you are up for an
almost 3,000 foot descent/ascent to the coast. Stop for lunch in Krasi, known for fresh
drinking water springs. 54 km, 32 miles
Day 10: Departure
A thrilling descent of 2283 feet 695 meters from the mountainous Lassithi region to the
coastal areas near Herakleion. A CycleGreece agent meets you at the end of the ride to
transfer you to either your Herakelion hotel or the airport or the port, depending on your
itinerary. Leave the bikes with the agent.
There are daily flights from Hania to Athens Airport, including ones that leave early enough
to enable you to make a connecting flight home. Overnight ferries to Piraeus depart at 9:00
pm. Leave your bikes and gear at the hotel.
Cost in euros based on double occupancy
1-2 riders
10 days 2850 euros per person
8 days 2220 euros per person
3 riders
10 Days 2700 euros per person
8 Days 2100 euros per person
4 riders
10 Days 2580 euros per person
8 Days 2010 euros per person
Single Supplement
10 Days 900 euros per person
8 Days 750 euros per person
The above costs are based on the standard itinerary. Cost may vary if itinerary varies.
See daily exchange rates
Accommodations: 3-4 star hotels, primarily family owned and operated, ranging from
boutique hotels to seaside upscale hotels. Tasteful, clean, air-conditioned, private bath,
abundant hospitality, comfort. All accommodations are standard doubles with option for
upgrade. All accommodations serve breakfast, usually buffet style. Tour prices are based on
double occupancy. See Accommodations tab to request more info about tour’s
Arrival Transfer: East to West Day 1 transfer from Herakleion to bike start point
(Hersonissos) to Tzermiado. Option to transfer on Day 1 directly to hotel on any itinerary.
Departure transfer: Transfer arranged for any itinerary to port or airport.
Luggage transfers: All luggage transfers based on itineraries listed (cost may change
depending if transfers change)
Bikes: Specialized road bike or hybrid bike. Triple chain ring, 27 gears. Road bike has
carbon fiber fork. Hybrids have front suspension. Electric bike or carbon Tarmac bike are
available as an upgrade on request. Regular pedals or toe clips on request. You are
welcome to bring your own clip-in pedals and shoes. See Our Bikes and Our Gear
Bike gear: 2 water bottles, helmet, handlebar pouch, odometer, lock, rear rack on request.
For hygienic purposes we encourage you to bring your own helmet.
Bike tools: hand pump, patch kit, tire irons, spare tube, multi-tool. One set per group.
Meals: Breakfasts are included at each hotel.
Cue sheets and cue sheet holders turn by turn directions plus distance/elevation profiles
Bike Routes Options (1) RideWithGPS tour routes to upload to your iphone or Android with
voice narration bring your own bike mount (2) GPX tracks to download to your device
bring your own bike mount (3) we provide you a Garmin Oregon 450 GPS device with
programmed routes, no narration, plus bike mount.
Mobile phone: one per couple with 10 euros phone card. One phone per group.
Maps of the region
Trip packet: useful and interesting information about the region
CycleGreece jersey: short sleeved, rear pockets, locally made
CycleGreece lite backpack: 17” x 13”, 43cm x 33cm
Gratuities, tips and VAT taxes
• International airfare to/from Greece
• Arrivals to or departures from Crete
• All meals except breakfasts
• Private licensed guide at Knossos – see Extras tab
• Additional GPS device, 50 euros per device
• Travel insurance – see Extras tab
Participants are required to sign our Waiver
Participants are required to agree to the Booking Agreement
Travel Insurance is required as a condition for participation in a CycleGreece tour
See the website for more details about ACCOMMODATIONS, EXTRAS, ADD-ONS, MAP and
New York: 244 Fifth Avenue Suite C214, New York, NY 10001-7604, Tel: +1 800-867-
Athens, Greece: 5 Demertzi, Paleo Faliro Greece 17562, Tel: +30
210-921-8160 Colleen McGuire, Managing Director Mob: +30 693-