The Complete Beginners Guide
to Mobile Application Development
Mobile Application
Development An Overview
Step-by-Step Guide
Have an App Idea?
Choose Device Platforms
As of the third quarter of 2019, there were 2.47 million apps on Android’s app
store and 1.8 million on Apples app store. Another data suggests that there are
more than 12 million registered mobile app developers globally.
Whether you are a business looking to develop a mobile app to engage with
your audience, mobile app developer building an app for a client or amateur
dabbling with mobile app development out of curiosity, here is a step by step
guide to walk you through the mobile application development process.
Businesses of all sizes, from single person company to a conglomerate, can
benefit from developing apps that focus on different products and services.
Whether you are in retail business or banking and finance or education
industry, all you need to build mobile application is an idea to get you started.
As mentioned earlier, mobile applications have two major platforms – Android
and iOS. The platform that you use should depend upon your business goals
and what your intended customers are using.
Android platform is more popular than iOS because Google makes it available
to companies developing or launching their own mobile phones. In contrast, iOS
is available only on Apples own devices.
iOS platform provides better security and is perceived premium, so many
companies prefer to launch their app first on the apple Appstore. iOS apps have
higher entry barrier in terms of both entry fees and the expensive Mac devices
you need to develop the applications.
You must brainstorm with your team or mentors for multiple app ideas. Each app
idea must be researched for feasibility, viability and suitability in the target market.
According to Statista, global mobile data traffic is projected to grow seven times
between 2017 and 2022. More and more people are using the Internet through
their smartphones and prefer mobile applications to mobile websites. This is
because mobile applications are easily accessible, easier to use and fully
customizable to individual preferences.
Develop for both Android and iOS
Select a programming language
It is definitely possible to develop for both Android and iOS. If your customers
use both Android and iOS phones, you will need to develop application for both
platforms. When developing for both the platform you need to strategize and
take an approach that allows you to reuse code, saving time and resources.
After you have chosen the platforms for which you want to develop the app, you
need to select a programming language. The most important criteria in
selecting the programming language is the type of app you will develop – native,
hybrid, cross platform or progressive web apps.
Besides the type of app, you also need to take stock of existing skills and what
can be upgraded quickly. It does not make sense to invest time and money in
learning a new language from scratch when there are so many options available.
Don’t be in a hurry to zero-in on a language. Weigh the pros and cons of each
option before deciding.
Depending upon the features of the app to be developed, one language might
be more suitable than others. Look into list of in-built and third-party libraries
available to judge what suits you best.
Each of the language has its own pros and cons, and you must consider them
before finalizing a language for app development. For example, if you want to
avoid the verbose Java code, you can choose Kotlin for a leaner and cleaner
code. If you want more control over coding of your cross-platform app,
TypeScript with its static typing might suit you better than JavaScript.
Here are some popular languages for mobile app development:
Swift and Objective-C for iOS native apps
Java and Kotlin for Android native apps
Xamarin, Flutter, React Native, etc. for cross-platform apps
Alternatives for Building
Mobile Applications
Before the actual development process, you need to take quite a few decisions
about the mobile app. The first one usually is the platform to be used to
develop the application. After that you can choose from any of the four different
approaches to building mobile apps, all of which are discussed here briefly.
Native Mobile Applications
Cross-Platform Native Mobile Applications
Hybrid Mobile Applications
Progressive Web Applications
Native mobile applications use the operating system and frameworks provided
by the app platform. Apps built using native language boast of:
You can also choose to build applications for any one language and then
convert the same codebase for other platforms. Such applications are
developed using standard frameworks that would work on both Android and
iOS platforms. Cross platform mobile applications are compiled into a native
application that runs on the operating system of the mobile device.
Like cross platform mobile applications, hybrid mobile applications are
developed using frameworks that would work equally well on both the
platforms. They are not compiled into native applications but installed as
bundles that run-in web containers when launched by the user.
As the name suggests, progressive web applications are not developed
as mobile applications. They are web applications that give a feeling of
mobile application when accessed through smartphones. Progressive
web applications are not launched and made available to the people
through any of the app stores.
Faster development times
Ability to build more robust applications
Access to platform specific features
Better development experience
Remember that if you prefer native apps, you can focus on one of the platforms
and then convert the code to the other platform. You will need to redesign the
interface because the two platforms are quite different when it comes to
rendering the app on users’ screen. Otherwise, if you choose your language and
framework judiciously, you should be able to reuse most of the code.
There are two approaches to developing cross platform applications:
Hybrid apps are best suited for smaller applications
that do not need much resources.
Consider the differences between them, which are listed in this table.
Native app
Best runtime performance
Separate codebases for each
platform need to be maintained.
Higher app building cost
Best runtime performance
Uses platform frameworks
Unable to access native APIs,
reducing runtime performance
Single codebase that runs
on each platform.
Less cost as compared to native
application development
Accesses device hardware plugins and native
modules, which restricts the performance
Uses web frameworks
Hybrid app
How do Hybrid/Cross-platform Frameworks work?
As you know by now, non-native applications cannot access device hardware or
software directly. Hybrid or cross platform applications are written in universal
languages like JavaScript, CSS or HTML, which would run on all platforms. When
the application is launched on the users system, it runs in a container that enables
these web applications to behave like native applications. If you already have a web
app, most of the code can be reused in mobile application development.
Use platforms like ReactJS and NativeJS that provide native modules
Use platforms like Flutter and Xamarin that compile the code into native code
Comparing Native Apps vs. Hybrid Mobile Applications
You have an app idea, but you are confused whether you should build
native apps for both platforms separately or a hybrid one. Understanding
your intended audiences expectations from the app is key to deciding
between native and hybrid mobile application development.
Mobile Application
Development Lifecycle
Mobile application life cycle is not much different from software or web application
life cycle. It always starts with an idea that you must research to find its feasibility in
the current market scenario. Once you are sure that your app will solve some user
problem, you can go ahead with the actual development.
Wireframes and Prototyping
Defining the Frontend and Backend
Before the actual coding begins, a lot of thought must go into what the app
would bring to your users. Wireframes are a good way of understanding what
your app would do and how. There are no design elements included in
wireframe. These are some of the information that must be included in a
wireframe so that all the stakeholders understand what they are signing up for:
Wireframe is a two-dimensional depiction of your app. After creating a wireframe,
you should include the design elements into it and develop a clickable prototype
for the app. Prototyping allows you to get a look and feel of how the application
would actually be used by the audience. It should include buttons that you click
to go to other screens, as a real user would do for the app.
Once you have the prototype ready, you need to define the front end and the
back end for the app. The initial mobile applications were self-contained units that
functioned on the users smartphones without any connection to the external
world. However, as the availability of internet data increased, some of the data
and functions could be off loaded to the back end on the cloud.
This need arose primarily because smartphones have less resources as
compared to web apps. The mobile apps were shortened versions of web apps. But,
if some of the features could be offloaded to cloud, a fully featured mobile app could
be a reality. And this is what happened with increased availability of internet and
cloud storage space. To improve their own efficiency and performance, developers
started defining tasks that could be relegated to the cloud as backend.
How the application will help the users
User journey through the application
Identify possible pitfalls
Positioning of important menus, navigation & content areas, and other elements
Mobile Application Front-End
Mobile Application Back-End
Mobile application front end is typically the user interface. The front end
focuses on interface design and user experiences through awesome visual
and interactive elements. When a user downloads the app, it is the front
end that gets downloaded. It resides on the users mobile and can be
accessed by clicking on an icon on the screen.
What a Front-end Development Workflow Looks Like?
How Mobile Apps Integrate with the Backend?
How to Interact with the Backend Data?
The front end typically uses programming interface is called APIs to connect
with the backend. These APIs could be provided by the back-end service provider or
developed in-house. Developing in house is becoming rarer as fully customizable
software development kits (SDKs) are easily available for use. There are wide range of
APIs available and even more variety of ways in which they are accessed.
The back end of a mobile application could be maintained by the app owners
or a third-party cloud service provider. With organizations adopting lean and agile
methodologies, developers prefer outsourcing backend to third party service
providers who are responsible for providing the infrastructure and maintaining it.
The number of people involved in this workflow depends upon the size of the
application. In case of a very small application all the stages could be handled by just
one or two developers. But for enterprise-wide apps, dedicated teams could be
handling each stage of the work flow.
Back end data typically stores user information on cloud rather than the device
itself. This makes the app lightweight but increases the time lag between request
and response. Developers need to program the APIs in such a way that users do
not feel the lag due to the data source being away from the device itself.
Android developer program can be easily joined if you already have a
google account. Google play store is not very strict about app distribution.
You can distribute the apps outside the store and let the users directly
download and use them.
TechAhead is a global leader in Mobile Platforms that is trusted by Fortune 500
companies to Startups. Founded in 2009, we are a 150 people company having a decade
long proven track record in engineering innovative, robust, and scalable apps at speed.
Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at (818) 318-0727
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm pacific time). We usually respond within one business day.
Publish Your App to The App Store
To publish your app to the app store, you must join the App stores developer
program. Once you join the program you get access to native APIs, beta releases
and proprietary frameworks. Follow the store guidelines and benchmarks to
develop quality applications.
Test Locally, Test Globally
As mobile apps are no longer confined to the users’ device, developers need to
test the app both locally and globally. Local testing ensures that local servers are
working properly, and users are getting the awesome experience that the app was
designed for. It also checks the APIs responsible for integration of front end and
Global testing is required for applications that offload their backend to cloud, the
most common scenario in the current mobile app development ecosystem.