General P.1
Operation issues P.2
Product features P.3-4
Micro SD card issues P.5
App connection and usage issues P.6-7
< Page 1 >Dashcam | FAQs
What is FHD? And when it comes to resolution, is it the case of the higher the better?
Answer 1080p (1920×1080 pixels; also known as Full HD or FHD) is a set of HDTV high-
denition video modes characterized by 1080 horizontal lines of vertical resolution.
No, image quality is not just a case of the higher the resolution the better. For the
purpose of protecting yourself from “crash-for-cash” or “bump-and-run” accidents,
a recorder with 1080p is the optimum resolution for clarity ne enough for license
plate recognition, low light performance, while balancing long recording time. A higher
resolution will greatly reduce the life of the memory card, and shorten the amount of
time it can record. For the same SD (TF) card, with 1440p, the recordable time will be
reduced by 30%, and the increased repetitive read/write operation will reduces the
memory card’s lifetime, hence more frequent replacement of the SD (TF) card.
In addition, due to the fact that less light is allocated to each pixel, a higher resolution
camera (1296p/1440p) will be signicantly less eective when used at night.
Your dash cam should be practical and durable for use inside a car. For technical
specications, it is not always the higher the better.
What is FOV? And is a wider viewing angle always better?
The larger the viewing angle, the larger the range of visual evidence that can be
recorded. However, when the recording range is large, the resolution is also reduced.
Also, with a higher FOV, cars usually appears further away, hence vehicle license
plate become smaller and harder to detect. The optimum FOV should be the degree
to cover the lanes left and right of your vehicle and no more, in order to maximize
the image of what is relevant. With 1080p, it is around 140 degree FOV. However, this
is a personal choice, as some might prefer to record as wide as possible for parking
surveilance while danger can be from all angles.
And unfortunately, some manufacturers make feature claims that exaggerate reality.
In other words, what you’re sold is not what you get. For example, a dash cam is
advertised as having a 140° wide angle lens, when it is in fact only 100°. The key is to
only choose products from manufacturers with a reputable brand.
What is Automotive Grade Quality? And why is it good that a product is advertised as
Automotive Grade Quality?
Unlike consumer and home products, automotive operates under tough condition.
Hence, Dashcam must be able to be as tough as the automotive in order to survive
extreme heat and cold during outdoor parking and high vibration frequency during
Automotive Grade Quality means the product can function properly and reliably
under harsh automotive environments (e.g. high temperatures and high vibrations).
And most dashcam are consumer grade instead of automotive grade. When you buy
an automotive grade quality product, you can be sure it will work under the similar
tough condition as your vehicle, giving you that extra peace of mind.
Do you have spare parts available for replacement? For example, a power cable and
mounting accessories.
There are no spare replacement parts for sale, like power cables or mounting
accessories. It’s very rare that replacements are necessary, but in the case you need
spare parts, please seek assistance from retailer where you purchased the product.
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Operation issues
Question Why does my Dashcam not start working when the power cable is plugged in?
Answer For some cars, the cigarette lighter does not provide power until the engine is on. So
please start your car engine rst. For some dashcams (ADR810s, ADR900), you must
also turn on the power button on the device.
If the Dashcam still fails to turn on, please check the power cable is functioning by
connecting it to other devices. If all above eorts fail, please contact our technical
support center.
Question Is the Dashcam working when the screen is o?
Answer For safety reasons, the LCD screen will turn o after 3 minutes of recording. However,
this doesn’t mean that Dashcam stops working. The device will continue to record
after the screen has switched o. As long as the LED indicator is on, or is blinking, you
know your device is working. You can adjust the LCD screen ON/OFF function in the
Question When the emergency recording is on, can I use other features at the same time?
Answer No. When the emergency mode has been triggered, your Dashcam will focus on
recording all information that it can, so other functions will be deactivated. For safety
reasons, you can NOT operate the Dashcam at this time.
Question Does the Dashcam power on and o automatically?
Answer Yes. When you switch the car engine on, the Dashcam will start recording automatically.
Likewise, when the engine is turned o, the Dashcam will also switch o. Or, if you have
an Dashcam with WaveGuard functionality, it will enter parking surveillance mode.
Question Why would the Dashcam continue to work after the car is turned o?
Answer When the engine is o, the cigarette lighter can still draw power in some car models.
So your Dashcam could still use electricity from the car battery. To avoid this, please
unplug the power cable from the socket to avoid draining the car battery when you’re
not in your car.
Question When I start the ignition, why does the Dashcam turn o and then on again?
Answer When we turn on the ignition, the car’s battery needs all available power to start the
engine. So at that moment, all other devices will be turned o temporarily, including
the Dashcam. Once the ignition system has nished its job, the car battery begins to
power other devices, so the Dashcam will turn on again.
Question When the Dashcam is connected to a computer, can it still record?
Answer When connected to computer, the Dashcam will switch to data transfer mode. So it
cannot record at the same time.
Dashcam | FAQs
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Product features
Question Is FOV 170 better than 120?
Answer A wider angle lens means more of the eld of view can be recorded, but it also
means that the video resolution will be reduced a little. The nal choice depends on
your needs as a consumer. For example, you may prefer a wider angle lens if you’re
using your Dashcam for parking surveillance, as it will capture more of what happens
around your car.
Question Why does the Dashcam need good night time capabilities?
Answer You need your Dashcam to protect you when you’re driving during the day and the
night. And with the risk of an accident increasing in low-light conditions, it’s vital that
your Dashcam has good night time recording capabilities. For parking monitoring
features, quality night time recording is also important, as there may be little
illumination of the area around your car.
Question What is optimal in terms of night view? ISO3200, or ISO6400?
Answer Quality of night vision is inuenced by three elements: lens aperture, the capacity of
the processor and the light sensitivity of the sensor. For ISO ratings, it is a case of the
higher the number, the better the night viewing capabilities.
There are also many Dashcam in market claiming starlight visibility. As this is a very
casual, generic term without professional denition like ISO rating, please check their
night time quality carefully as many are not as good as claimed.
Question What is the “Fatigue Index”? How does it work?
Answer To help drivers manage their changing levels of fatigue, the device displays a fatigue
index. This takes into account physiological and journey related parameters (such
as the time of day and the time spent driving), and informs the driver if they might be
getting too tired to drive. The device will also sound a fatigue alert every two hours of
When the fatigue index is less than 60, the value is displayed in a green color. Before
the fatigue index reaches 80, the value is in yellow and accompanied by an alert
beep. When the fatigue index goes above 80, the value changes to red and the
audible alert sounds three times.
To use this feature, ensure it is turned on in the settings and that the system time is
correctly set. When this feature is switched o, the fatigue index will not be displayed
on screen.
Dashcam | FAQs
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Product features
Question What is WaveGuard? How is it dierent from parking monitoring features in other
Answer Many Dashcam claims motion (G-sensor) activated parking monitoring, meaning the
recording only starts after motion detected. Most of the time, this is too late as that
means the accident already happened. And many lower end Dashcam needs up to 5
seconds to start recording after motion detected. Hence, it is unlikely those Dashcam
can record useful information during parking monitoring.
WaveGuard uses unique Philips microwave detection technology. This senses the
scene in front of the car and starts recording when it detects a moving object, such
as a human or other vehicle, approaching too closely to your vehicle. If the object
then moves past the vehicle and no further motion is detected, the device will stop
recording and automatically shut down to save vehicle battery power. Hence, it will
recording before, during and after the accident, if that happenned.
With parking monitoring that relies on video motion detection, when compared to
WaveGuard, they are less eective at identifying movement, especially in low-light
conditions (and it’s at night that you most need your motion detection technology to
be working well). Due to their inability to identify distance, those parking monitoring
will be constant recording irrelevant information from far away, and draining battery
far quicker than needed. Note: WaveGuard, and also video motion detection parking
monitoring, requires a continuous power supply, so the device needs to be plugged in
to your vehicle.
Question Will the use of a UV protection screen aect the performance of WaveGuard?
Answer No, as long as the UV protection screen is not composed of any metal materials.
Question How long does the battery of the ADR620 normal last when recording?
Answer When you turn o the engine, the devices in-built battery will be able to support
recording for up to 30 minutes.
Question How long will it take to charge the battery in the ADR620?
Answer A full charge is complete in about 3 hours.
Dashcam | FAQs
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Micro SD card issues
Question Which Micro SD card should be used for the Dashcam?
Answer You should choose the highest quality SD card available, as it will be better able to
endure strong vibrations and high temperatures. Transfer speed must be of class 10 or
Question What is the recording time for the dierent sized memory cards?
Question The micro SD memory card I’m using often experiences writing/reading errors, why is
Answer It’s likely due to the quality of memory card you’re using, as opposed to an issue with
your Dashcam. Please replace the SD card with a more reliable and durable product.
Otherwise, you might lose critical video evidence due to a corrupt memory le.
Question The Dashcam suggested I format the SD memory card every 2 to 3 months, why is that?
Answer By periodically formatting your SD card you ensure it works at its best, guaranteeing a
reliable video recording.
Question How often should I back up my recordings stored on the SD card?
Answer We recommend you regularly back up your recordings. While you may not have been
involved in an accident, it’s possible your camera witnessed an event that you didn’t
notice. So being able to look back at archived recordings could be very valuable.
Dashcam | FAQs
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App connection and usage issues
Question Do all Philips Dashcam models have a Wi-Fi connection?
Answer Selected models, like ADR820, have Wi-Fi connection to your smartphone using the
GoSure app.
Question Once the Philips Dashcam is connected to my phone with Wi-Fi, will it automatically
save the videos to the phone?
Answer No. There are many video clips already recorded in the SD card of the Dashcam so
you have to select the relevant les and perform the download function to get them
copied onto your smartphone’s memory.
Question What is the GoSure app? Can I use other apps?
Answer The GoSure app allows you to live stream your Dashcam recordings, save important
videos, and adjust the dashcam settings, all from your smartphone. And no, you can
only connect your Philips Dashcam with the Philips GoSure app.
Question Are there any special requirements for a smartphone, in order to be able to use the
GoSure app?
Answer There are no special system requirements, the GoSure app will work well on most
smartphones using iOS and Android.
Question Can I connect to more than one Philips Dashcam?
Answer No, you can only connect to one Dashcam at a time.
Question Even though the GoSure app is installed, I cannot pair the Philips Dashcam with my
smartphone via Wi-Fi.
Answer Please check that you have switched on the Wi-Fi for both the Dashcam and the
smartphone, and that you’ve inputted the Wi-Fi password correctly. Then repeat the
pairing procedure. Please note it is connected to the Wi-Fi of the Dashcam, not your
home/oce Wi-Fi.
Question When my phone is connected to the app, will it consume data?
Answer No, while phone and Dashcam are connected to each other via Wi-Fi, it will not
consume any data.
Question Does my phone need to be on all the time when the app is on?
Answer Yes. You need to keep your phone turned on to keep the app running, in order to
operate the apps features.
Dashcam | FAQs
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App connection and usage issues
Question Do I need to keep my phone on the whole time when the Dashcam is operating?
Answer No. The Dashcam is recording onto the SD memory card, so you don’t need to
connect it to the app all the time. Connection between your phone and the Dashcam
is only needed when you want to use the app, such as live streaming the recording, or
to transfer recorded videos over to your phone’s memory.
Question How do I know if there is a rmware upgrade?
Answer Please check the ocial Philips page for the latest product updates.
Question How do I upgrade the rmware?
Answer When you download new rmware, please also download the corresponding
instructions, which will clearly explain how to perform the upgrade.
Dashcam | FAQs