Chapter 1: What is Inventory Management? 2
Chapter 2: Types of Inventory 11
Chapter 3: Inventory Forecasting 14
Chapter 4: Purchasing Inventory 20
Chapter 5: Inventory Storage 26
Chapter 6: Inventory Analysis 33
Chapter 7: Inventory Management Techniques 41
Chapter 8: Multichannel Inventory Tracking 49
Chapter 9: Inventory Accounting 58
Chapter 10: Choosing An Inventory Management System 64
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Chapter 1: What is Inventory Management?
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Inventory management is the process of ordering, handling, storing, and using a company’s
non-capitalized assets - AKA its inventory. For some businesses, this involves raw materials
and components, while others may only deal with finished stock items ready for sale.
Either way, inventory management all comes down to balance - having the right amount of
stock, in the right place, at the right time. And this guide will help you achieve just that.
Retail inventory management
Retail is the general term used to describe businesses that sell physical products to
consumers. While not exclusive to retail, inventory management tends to play more of a role
in this industry than any other.
We’ll therefore be focusing mainly on inventory management from a retail perspective within
this guide.
Retail can be split into several areas:
Offline. Where a company sells via a brick-and-mortar store or physical location.
Online. Where a company sells over the internet via an ecommerce website or
Multichannel. Where a company sells in multiple different places, usually a
combination of online websites and marketplaces.
Omnichannel. Where a company provides a unified, integrated experience for
customers across all the different online and offline channels it sells on. 
Businesses may also choose to trade via wholesale channels. This involves selling inventory
(usually in bulk) directly business-to-business (B2B) or taking part in B2B ecommerce.
A company’s inventory will therefore need to be managed in accordance with which of these
retail models it operates within.
Inventory management in action
We’ve covered the broad definition of inventory management. But what’s actually
when it comes to making good inventory management happen?
Bottom line:
You want to keep inventory levels balanced at all times without ever having too much or too
little of each product in stock.
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And there are a few key aspects in achieving this:
Types of inventory. So you know what type of inventory is where and can have full
visibility over it.
Forecasting. So you know how much stock is needed to satisfy demand over an
upcoming time period.
Purchasing. So you know when
and how
to create purchase orders to re-order new
Storage. So you know how much of each inventory item can be suitably housed, and
where to send it.
Analysis. So you can use metrics to make more informed decisions about your
inventory as time goes on.
Techniques. So you can quickly and efficiently book-in, put away, pick, pack and ship
inventory as and when needed at your various locations.
Tracking. So you have visibility on where exactly your inventory is as well as additions
(purchases) and subtractions (sales), to give as close to a live stock figure as possible.
Accounting. So you can properly record your inventory on financial documents.
Systems & tools. So you know which software is right for your business, and when the
right time is to implement it.
These are the basic ingredients of quality inventory management. And you’ll need to take a
systematic approach to them in order to best equip your business for long term growth.
The importance of inventory management
A retail business is useless without its inventory. And so while it may not be the most exciting
subject, inventory management is vitally
important to your business’s longevity.
Good inventory management helps with:
1. Customer experience. Not having enough stock to fufill orders you’ve already taken
payment for can be a real negative.
2. Improving cash flow. Putting cash into too much inventory at once means it’s not
available for other things - like payroll or marketing.
3. Avoiding shrinkage. Purchasing too much of the wrong inventory and/or not storing it
correctly can lead to it becoming ‘dead’, spoiled, or stolen.
4. Optimizing fufillment. Inventory that’s put away and stored correctly can be picked,
packed and shipped off to customers more quickly and easily.
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Key inventory management terms
Inventory management is a complex subject. And there’s a lot of systems, processes and
general pieces that go into the puzzle.
Here’s a glossary of key terms you’re likely to come across:
Barcode scanner. A device used to digitally identify items via a unique barcode, then
perform inventory and fufillment tasks like booking-in, picking, counts, etc.
Bundles. A group of individual products in an inventory that are brought together to
sell as one under a single SKU.
Cost of goods sold (COGS). Direct costs of purchasing and/or producing any goods
sold, including everything that went into it – materials, labor, tools used, etc. Does
NOT include indirect costs – like distribution, advertising, sales force costs, etc.
Beginning Inventory (BI). The value of any unsold, on-hand inventory at the start of an
accounting period.
Ending Inventory (EI). The value of any unsold, on-hand inventory at the end of an
accounting period.
Inventory valuation. The process of giving unsold inventory a monetary value in order
to show as a company asset in financial records.
First-in-first-out (FIFO). An inventory valuation method that assumes stock that was
purchased first
, is also the first to be sold.
Last-in-first-out (LIFO). An inventory valuation method that assumes the most recent
products added to your inventory are the ones to be sold first.
Average inventory cost. An inventory valuation method that bases its figure on the
average cost of items throughout an accounting period.
Average inventory. The average inventory on-hand over a given time period,
calculated by adding Ending Inventory (EI) to Beginning Inventory (BI) and dividing by
Back order (BO). An order for a product that is currently out of stock, and so cannot
yet be fulfilled for the customer.
Sales order (SO). A document created when a customer makes a purchase, detailing
which products are to be received and how much has been paid or is owed.
Purchase order (PO). A commercial document created by a business to its supplier,
detailing quantities, items and agreed prices for new products to add to on-hand
Stock keeping unit (SKU). A unique alphanumeric code applied to each variant in a
company’s inventory, helping to easily identify and organize a product catalogue.
Third-party logistics (3PL). Refers to the use of an external third party to handle
warehousing, inventory, fufillment and/or customer service on behalf of a retail
Order fufillment. The process of getting a customer’s sales order from your
warehouse or distribution center to it being in their possession.
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Order management. The systematic process behind organizing, managing and
fulfilling all the sales orders coming into a business. From receiving orders and
processing payment, right through to picking, packing, shipping, handling returns and
communicating with customers.
Inventory variant. The variations of a single product that a company may hold in its
inventory. For example, stocking a t-shirt in various colors and sizes.
Inventory visibility. The ability of a person or business to see exactly where its
inventory is and how it is being used.
Pipeline inventory. Any inventory that has not yet reached its final destination of a
company’s warehouse shelves, but is currently ‘en route’ somewhere within their
supply chain - e.g. currently being manufactured, or being shipped by the supplier.
Lead time. The time it takes for a supplier to deliver new stock to the desired location
once a purchase order has been issued.
Carrying costs. The total costs associated with holding and storing inventory in a
warehouse or facility until it is sold on to the customer.
Inventory count. Also known as a stock take, this is the systematic process of taking a
physical count of inventory in order to verify accuracy.
Dead stock. Inventory that remains unsold for a long enough period of time for it to be
deemed outdated and virtually unsellable.
Inventory shrinkage. An accounting term to indicate inventory items that have been
stolen, damaged beyond saleable repair or otherwise lost between the point of
purchase and point of sale.
Supply chain. The complete flow a product or commodity takes from origin to
consumer - including raw materials, to finished goods, wholesalers, warehouses and
final destination. A retailer might only be directly responsible for certain chunks of this
supply chain, but should still be aware of it in its entirety for the products they sell.
Multichannel. A retail model that sells in multiple different places, usually online via a
combination of websites and marketplaces.
Omnichannel. A retail model that goes beyond multichannel to integrate all of a
company’s online and offline sales channels into one, unified customer experience.
Overselling. Taking online orders for a product that turns out to be out of stock
(usually through poor inventory management). Preventing overselling is key to
providing a high-quality experience for online customers.
Key inventory management formulas
It’s not just common terminology you need to know when it comes to inventory management.
There are some specific formulas to take note of too.
We’ll be going into greater depth with how and when to use these formulas later on in this
guide. But here’s a quick run through to use as a reference point:
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1) Inventory turnover
Inventory turnover measures the number of times a company has sold and replaced inventory
over a given time period:
This gives an insight into the overall efficiency of a company and its inventory management
processes. The higher the inventory turnover rate, the more efficient a business is at getting
through its inventory.
2) Sell through rate
Sell through rate takes the amount of inventory a retailer receives, and compares it against
what is actually sold over a given period. It’s usually expressed as a percentage:
This helps analyze if your investment in a particular product is working out well. Low sell
through rates indicate you either overbought or priced too high, while high sell through rates
indicate you may have under bought or priced too low.
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It’s a great way to make decisions on future purchase quantities for a product or from a
particular supplier.
3) Days of inventory outstanding (DIO)
Days of inventory outstanding (DIO) measures the typical number of days it takes for inventory
to turn into sales.
It’s hard to draw insights from just one calculation. But you should look into typical industry
standards, and also keep track of whether you are trending up or down as time goes on.
4) Safety stock
Safety stock is the backup stock needed to meet unexpected supply problems and/or sudden
changes in demand.
Bear in mind that you want to have enough safety stock to meet demand. But not so much
that increased carrying costs puts a strain on cash flow.
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5) Reorder point
The reorder point helps determine when
to order new inventory. It is a specific point in time
that acts as a trigger to re-order as soon as stock has diminished to that certain level.
It’s important to consider the lead time for new stock to be delivered when setting reorder
points. Enough stock should be leftover to keep up with demand before the newly purchased
inventory becomes available for sale.
6) Economic order quantity (EOQ)
EOQ is a formula that helps calculate exactly how much inventory to order. It takes into
account a company’s typical demand, ordering costs and carrying costs to provide the most
economical figure possible:
This is obviously quite a complicated formula to use. But we cover this in greater depth in
Chapter 4: Purchasing Inventory.
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Inventory management software
An inventory management software or system does all the heavy lifting for a retail business
when it comes to its inventory. It tracks inventory additions and subtractions automatically,
relying on manual, paper or spreadsheet processes.
Systems like this are becoming more and more popular among growing businesses as they
tackle the challenges of modern multichannel and omnichannel retail.
Choosing an inventory management system that’s right for your business can be a tricky
process. But here are a few pillar features of good software:
Real-time tracking. Syncs a live inventory figure across all sales channels and
Forecasting. Uses past sales data to project estimated inventory requirements into the
Purchasing. Helps manage all suppliers and purchase orders for quick and easy stock
Rules & automations. Allows creation of inventory rules, e.g. to dictate how much
stock shows on each sales channel.
Cloud-based. Accessed from anywhere with data never being overwritten by team
members making changes.
Many systems (like Veeqo) will also help manage and automate a plethora of other
operational tasks - like sales & wholesale orders, picking & packing, shipping, and returns.
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This initial guide covers all the basics of inventory management you need to know. But there’s
much more that goes into it that we’ll explore in the coming additional chapters, starting next
with the different types of inventory you need to be aware of.
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Chapter 2: Types of Inventory
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There are several different types of inventory a company might come across. All are critical to
understand in the pursuit of effective inventory management.
This chapter covers all these different types, so your business is best equipped to manage,
plan and budget for stock going forward.
Basic types of inventory
There are five fundamental types of inventory when it comes to the products a business might
1) Raw materials
Raw materials are any items used to manufacture finished products, or the individual
components that go into them. These can be produced or sourced by a business itself or
purchased from a supplier.
For example:
A business that makes its own bespoke furniture may purchase materials from a supplier.
While a small business supplying specialty herbs may actually grow these itself.
Either way, raw materials are still considered a type of inventory. And so must be managed,
stored and accounted for accordingly.
2) Work-in-progress (WIP) inventory
Work-in-progress (WIP) inventory again refers to retailers that manufacture their own products.
These are unfinished items or components currently in-production, but not yet ready for sale.
For our furniture business, this may be products that have been put together without yet
being painted or packaged.
3) Finished goods
Finished goods are products that are complete and ready for sale. These may have been
manufactured by the business itself, or purchased as a whole, finished product from a
Most retailers will either purchase whole, finished products from a supplier, or have custom
products manufactured for them by a third-party. Finished goods are therefore often (but not
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always) one of the only types of inventory needing to be handled within retail inventory
4) Maintenance, repair & operations (MRO) goods
MRO goods are items used within the manufacture of products, but without directly making up
any part of a finished product.
This can include items such as:
Production & repair tools.
Uniforms & safety equipment.
Cleaning supplies.
Computer systems.
And all items that are consumed or discarded during the production process.
Small types of inventory like this may seem menial. But MRO is inventory that still needs to be
purchased from a supplier, stored somewhere and accounted for in financial records.
5) Packing materials
Packing materials are anything you use for packing and protecting goods - either while in
storage, or during shipping to customers.
This is therefore particularly important for online retailers. And may include things like:
Bubble wrap.
Packing chips.
A variety of boxes.
Many retailers don't think about packing materials when managing their inventory. But stocks
of these items need to be used and maintained regularly - and it's therefore important to
include them in overall inventory reporting and accounting.
Finished good types of inventory
Within a retail context, it’s also useful to further subdivide finished goods into a few other
types of inventory. This gives a business much greater inventory visibility, allowing for
improved allocation and management.
1. Ready for sale. Also known as ‘available inventory,’ this is stock that has been
manufactured/purchased and put away in the warehouse ready for sale. It could be
picked, packed and shipped without complication at any desired moment.
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2. Allocated. This is inventory that has been bought by a customer and allocated to a
sales order. It is therefore not eligible for sale again, and must be removed from the
available inventory figure.
3. In-transit. This is unsold inventory that is currently on the move - e.g. a purchase order
delivery in transit, or stock being moved to another warehouse.
4. Seasonal. Also known as ‘anticipation stock,’ this is inventory that has been
manufactured or purchased to specifically cover a forecasted upturn in demand.For
example, to cover Black Friday sales, or your peak season.
5. Safety. This acts as a buffer cushion of stock to cover you in the event of any
unforeseen upturns in demand, or problems with supply.
Knowing (and using) these different types of inventory is critical to good inventory
management. In the next chapter, we’ll go into the art and science of inventory forecasting.
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Chapter 3: Inventory Forecasting
Read this chapter online here
Inventory forecasting is crucial to the financial success of any retail business. It helps strike a
balance between sinking too much cash into inventory at once, while ensuring demand can
always be satisfied without going out of stock.
However, this is also one of the most difficult aspects of inventory management to get right.
So in this chapter, we outline all the techniques and best practices retailers can use to
forecast inventory requirements.
What is inventory forecasting?
Inventory forecasting is essentially making an informed projection on how much stock will be
needed to satisfy demand over a given time period. It starts with a simple demand forecast,
then uses what’s already in stock to plan how much inventory is required going forward.
It’s important to note that forecasting will always be educated guesswork. No forecast is set in
stone, and there are several factors that can affect accuracy - such as seasonality and sales
Good demand and inventory forecasting will therefore take these factors into account, and be
agile enough to allow for adjustments when circumstances change.
Setting forecast boundaries
The first step in predicting your inventory requirements is to create a simple forecast of your
expected sales. For this, you’ll need to set some forecast boundaries.
1) Forecast period
A forecast period is the specific amount of time into the future that a forecast will be
attempting to predict.
We recommend at least the following three periods:
1. Annual.
2. 90 day.
3. 30 day.
These should then be reviewed each month. If market trends or actual sales performance is
different than expected, then upcoming sales forecasts can be adjusted accordingly.
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2) Base demand
Base demand is simply the exact current demand for a product at the specific point a forecast
is due to begin from.
For example, a company may be doing a 30 day forecast for white Nike sneakers. If they sold
37 units over the previous 30 days, then base demand would be 37.
This just gives a starting point to work from in our forecast. To increase accuracy, we’ll need
to consider any trends and variables that may impact demand.
Incorporating trends and variables
It’s not enough to forecast inventory based purely on current demand. There’s a whole host of
factors that could impact the data going forward.
Most businesses will therefore need to take a variety of trends and variables into account in
order to achieve the most accurate inventory forecasting possible.
1) Sales velocity
Stock-outs shouldn’t
happen, but in reality they sometimes still do. And sales velocity takes
this into account when it comes to looking over your past sales performance for inventory
For example:
Maybe you only sold 20 units of a product in the past 90 days. But it doesn’t tell the whole
story if you actually had it listed as ‘out of stock’ for 89 of those days.
Forecast better for the upcoming period and you could sell much more.
We can therefore use the following calculation to omit out of stock days:
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Note: The time periods are obviously not fixed here. You could work out 10 day sales velocity
from 180 days of sales, but larger data sets tend to yield more reliable results.
All things being equal, sales velocity gives an indication of how much a product should sell if
continuously in stock over a 30 day period. Something that can be very useful for forecasting
inventory requirements into the future.
However, there are several other factors that can impact this too...
2) Marketing activity
It’s also essential that you consider marketing and advertising activity when it comes to
inventory forecasting. This should be taken into account in two ways:
1. Past marketing activity when looking at sales history.
2. Planned marketing activity when planning for future sales.
The main thing to watch out for is whether planned
marketing activity is conceivably different
or scaled up/down compared to past
marketing activity.
For example:
It could be realistic to expect a 25% sales uplift if Facebook Ads worked well last Q3, and you
decide to increase budget by 25% in this Q3. So you’ll need to account for this when
inventory forecasting.
3) Seasonality
Seasonality is absolutely critical for forecasting your stock requirements.
Winter coats tend to not sell well in summer months. Good gifts will tend to pique around the
Holidays. Items you discount will possibly go through the roof during Black Friday.
But there may also be more subtle, not so obvious variations in demand for certain products.
This is where 12 month sales data is powerful.
You’ll need to look back over the previous year (several years if possible) to see which
specific months and periods in time certain items:
Start to trend up.
Start to trend down.
This allows you to make data-backed decisions on seasonality, and how much inventory you
might require during these periods.
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4) Unexpected publicity
Unexpected media attention or publicity may be unlikely. But it’s still something you’d need to
forecast for if it happens.
For example:
You’ll probably need to forecast an uptrend in sales if Kim Kardashian is pictured wearing
some of your jewelry. Or be prepared for a possible downtrend if you get some bad press in a
national newspaper.
Either way, unexpected publicity is definitely something you should be aware of and reacting
to with your forecasts.
5) Industry-specific effects
Events and goings on within your industry and marketplace in general can also impact
demand for products.
This could be a whole range of things, such as:
A major competitor going out of business.
A large company diversifying into your niche.
Major changes to pillar marketing channels (if Facebook banned your Ad account, for
Law changes in states/countries you operate/sell in.
Again, these are slightly ad-hoc and unpredictable. But anything that does
happen should be
reacted to with inventory requirements adjusted accordingly.
Forecasting for new products
As stated earlier, inventory forecasting is always going to be somewhat of a guess. And that
becomes even more so when it comes to new products with limited sales data available.
The key is to try to inform your guesswork as much as possible.
So consider things like:
Trends of similar products you’ve launched.
Trends of other products within that category you’ve launched.
Trends of all previous products you’ve launched.
Using a tool like Google Trends to see seasonality of when people search for specific
products most.
Making use of market research, surveys and focus groups.
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You can also build up your data set slowly. So launching new products with small amounts of
inventory to judge initial reaction, then re-investing in greater stock numbers going forward.
Inventory planning and replenishment
Sales and demand forecasting is one thing. But true inventory
forecasting needs to go a step
further and actually plan out how you’ll replenish stock for the upcoming period.
This means considering:
1. Current stock levels. How much is currently on-hand? There’s no point purchasing 40
units to cover 40 forecasted sales if you already have 27 units on-hand.
2. Pipeline inventory. How many units have already been ordered and en route as
pipeline inventory? You don’t want to double buy stock.
3. Lead time. How long will it take for new stock to be delivered, received into inventory
and made ready for sale? We’ll cover lead time and reorder points with more detail in
Chapter 4: Purchasing Inventory of this guide.
Automated inventory forecasting
Forecasting demand, sales and, in particular, inventory can be an incredibly complex task.
Luckily, one option is to use automated inventory forecasting.
Tools like this won’t do all
the work for you - you’ll still need to analyze data and consider any
unexpected sales up or downturns. But they’ll be able to take previous sales performance and
run accurate reports on estimated inventory requirements.
Veeqo, for example, helps take the guesswork out of the process by using past sales history
to calculate inventory requirements for your chosen upcoming period:
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As you can see, there’s a lot of estimating that goes into forecasting inventory. But the more
you can base decision making on data, the more accurate you’re going to be.
Many guides on inventory planning simply look at reorder point and economic order quantity
(EOQ) calculations, without addressing how to actually forecast demand like done here.
However, we do look at reorder points and EOQ in the next chapter on purchasing inventory.
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Chapter 4: Purchasing Inventory
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Purchasing inventory is about more than just raising a purchase order. Serious businesses pay
close attention to how much
inventory they should order and exactly when
to do it in order to
minimize carrying costs and achieve steady growth.
This whole practice is therefore a critical aspect of effective inventory management. And
something we discuss how to optimize in this chapter.
Methods of purchasing inventory
There are several methods you can use for purchasing inventory. Each one has its own
benefits and drawbacks, and so what might work for one business may not for another.
1) Bulk buying
Also referred to as ‘just-in-case’ inventory purchasing, this is where a company would buy its
inventory in bulk batches. Stock will then be held at a warehouse, third-party logistics (3PL)
facility or location of some kind in order to supply a forecasted demand.
Bulk buying is perhaps the most well-known way of purchasing inventory. It could involve
purchasing finished products or raw materials in a vast array of quantities - depending on
what’s best for a business at that particular time.
Take advantage of bulk buying discounts.
Potential for greater profit margins due to smaller cost-per-unit.
Relatively simple purchasing system to set up.
Costs associated with a warehouse or 3PL partner for inventory storage.
Risk of sinking cash into too much stock if forecasting is inaccurate.
Best for: Growing or established businesses that have a good handle on expected demand
and profit margins.
2) Dropshipping
Dropshipping is a method of purchasing inventory where the retailer doesn’t keep any of the
products it sells in stock. Instead, items are purchased from a third-party supplier as and when
each customer order comes in, with the supplier shipping products directly to the customer.
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As a result, the retailer usually doesn’t ever see, handle, stock or own any of the inventory
themselves. This method may sound appealing, but it does have several drawbacks too.
Effectively removes the need for any inventory management by the retailer.
Removes risk of cash getting tied up in inventory that doesn’t sell.
Lower overall costs of not needing a warehouse, 3PL or fufillment team.
Easy to find, source and test new products.
Profit margins can be thin from lack of bulk buy savings.
Little to no control over fufillment speed and product/package branding.
Products are easily accessible to other dropshippers, meaning you’ll likely be facing
stiff competition.
Best for: Startup retail brands, or more established brands wanting to test the waters for a
new product without investing in lots of inventory.
3) Just-in-time (JIT)
Just-in-time (JIT) is usually better associated with retailers that manufacture their own
products. This would involve ordering raw materials and assembling each product as and
when an order comes in - hence, it’s produced ‘just-in-time’ for fufillment.
This method can result in holding much less ‘on-hand’ inventory, but requires seamless
management of the manufacturing process and a highly reliable supply chain.
Reduced warehouse costs from needing to store on-hand inventory and materials.
Maintain control of your product quality and branding.
Less waste of raw materials.
Any supply chain hiccup can have large effects on production.
Supply chain lead times will need to be factored into overall order fufillment speed.
Requires highly sophisticated management and processes to get right.
Best for: Larger businesses manufacturing their own products with sophisticated production
processes in place. These businesses will also tend to rely on fewer orders that contain many
quantity units in each one.
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When to order new inventory
Dropshipping and JIT speak for themselves when it comes to placing a new purchase order -
you do it as and when each sales order comes in.
But most growing retailers will most likely be going down the bulk buying route. And this begs
the question, when’s the right time to place a new bulk buy order?
There are three methods to use:
1. Order pattern method. This would involve simply making regular fixed purchases of
the same amount. It’s perfect for retailers who know they’re sales numbers will rarely
change, with a review taking place maybe 1-2 times a year.
2. Control rhythm method. This would involve checking inventory at fixed intervals and
purchasing inventory amounts that have been adjusted accordingly. It’s perfect for
retailers that have a good grasp of their demand and inventory forecasting.
3. Reorder point method. This involves reordering stock once it gets below a certain
level, usually set via a calculation. It tends to work better for retailers with fewer
products, and who aren’t reliant on bulk buying discounts from large purchase orders
of multiple products at a time.
Determining which method to use depends completely on how your business operates.
For example:
Order pattern method could be catastrophic if you have products that are highly seasonal or
fluctuate in sales. But the reorder point method might not make sense if smaller, more regular
purchase orders means you’d miss out on significant bulk buying discounts.
Calculating reorder point
Purchasing inventory based on reorder points is a very common method to use.
In essence, an item’s reorder point needs to be as soon as its safety stock levels are hit.
But we also need to make sure we don’t run out of stock in the time it takes for our new
inventory to be delivered. So the lead time between ordering and receiving the order needs
to be taken into account.
Here’s the formula to use:
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For example:
Imagine we typically sell 11 blue t-shirts each day. If we aim to always keep 50 in safety stock,
and it usually takes seven days to receive and put away new inventory - then reorder point
would look like this:
Reorder point = (7 x 11) + 50
Reorder point = 77 + 50
Reorder point = 127
So a new purchase order needs to be created for our blue t-shirts as soon as inventory levels
hit 127 units.
How much new inventory to order
We’ve covered when the best time is to place a new purchase order. Next comes the
question, how much stock is best to order at one time?
To answer this, there are several things to consider:
Forecasted demand.
Bulk buying discounts.
Carrying/storage costs.
Ordering costs.
One option is to manually take these into account with your thought process each time you
go about purchasing inventory.
But we can also use a more scientific method known as economic order quantity (EOQ).
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EOQ is a calculation that helps work out the most economical quantity of inventory to order
for a specific product. The three variables involved are:
1. Demand. The number of units sold over a given time period (usually a year).
2. Relevant ordering cost. Total ordering cost per purchase order. This includes all staff,
transportation and any other costs associated with making each purchase order - but
the actual cost of the order itself.
3. Relevant carrying cost. Assume the item is in stock for the entire time period in
question and decipher the carrying cost per unit.
You’ll then put this into the following equation:
This helps to determine the best amount of inventory to order each time. Helping to strike a
balance between minimal ordering and carrying costs, while still satisfying demand.
Automated inventory purchasing
Purchasing inventory is another task that can be brought into the digital world. This helps to
automate a lot of the repetitive, manual tasks, while also taking care of some of the
complicated forecasting and mathematics involved.
Veeqo, for example, allows you to:
Manage all your suppliers in one CRM-like database.
Manually add and remove products to digital purchase orders.
Auto-populate purchase orders with items low on stock and/or below re-order point.
Email the purchase order off to suppliers:
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You can then manage all active purchase orders in one place to see when delivery is
expected. And even send reminder emails to suppliers for any order that’s past due.
In the previous two chapters of this guide, we’ve talked about how to plan, forecast and
purchase new inventory.
The next chapter moves on to optimizing your inventory storage procedures. We’ll cover how
to book-in and look after your stock in order to have it ready for sale as soon as possible and
minimize spoilage and shrinkage.
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Chapter 5: Inventory Storage
Read this chapter online here
Inventory storage is critical to long term retail success. Fail to look after your stock properly,
and you run the risk of it getting lost, stolen or damaged - wasting cash that could be used on
other important business expenditures.
So this chapter is all about how to most efficiently store, organize, maintain and generally
preserve the life of your inventory.
Broad inventory storage options
The first thing to assess is exactly where you’ll be storing inventory. To do this, you typically
have a few options.
1) Dropshipping
Dropshipping is a way of purchasing inventory where the retailer doesn’t keep any of the
products it sells in stock. Instead, items are purchased from a third-party supplier as and when
each customer order comes in, with the supplier shipping products directly to the customer.
It therefore entirely negates the need for inventory storage or keeping stock on-hand.
Inventory storage is entirely taken care of by the supplier.
Supplier is liable for any inventory shrinkage.
Lower overall costs of not needing a warehouse, 3PL or fufillment team.
Less risk when starting out.
Little to no control over product quality or branding.
Puts someone else in control of how well products are stored.
Shipping speeds can be incredibly slow.
Highly competitive with razor thin margins.
Best for: Startup retail brands that want to test the waters before investing in bulk inventory.
2) Third-party logistics (3PL) service
A third-party logistics (3PL) service allows retailers to effectively rent space in another
warehouse. You can then send inventory units directly to the 3PL location for them to store
and ship on your brand’s behalf.
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This usually incurs housing and shipping fees, but again eliminates the need to worry about
having to store inventory.
Inventory management is entirely taken care of by the 3PL service.
Can take advantage of bulk inventory discounts without the need for a self-fufillment
Usually involves significantly faster shipping times and more control over product
quality compared to dropshipping.
Monthly storage fees can eat into profits for slow moving stock.
Trusting someone else to ship products on your brand’s behalf.
Usually requires investing in bulk stock quantities.
Best for: Growing retail brands that have proven, consistent sales and want to buy stock in
bulk without a dedicated warehouse.
3) Self-fufillment warehouse
A self-fufillment warehouse is a location set up by a retailer in order to specifically store its
own inventory and ship orders.
This usually comes with significant up-front investment of both capital and time - like signing a
lease and hiring a team. But if the sales are there and numbers make sense, then the result is
more control and lower operational costs in the long run.
Complete control of the fufillment experience delivered to customers.
Initial investment can result in long term savings compared to a 3PL.
Usually involves signing a long term lease, which can be risky.
Will need to hire and train a team, and possibly invest in WMS software.
May require moving to new locations several times as the business grows.
Best for: Established retail brands planning for long term growth.
Setting up your warehouse
The main goals of setting up your warehouse for optimal inventory storage are:
1. Safety. Any inventory should be stored safely to prevent both injury to staff members
and damage to the inventory itself.
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2. Security. Warehouses with large amounts of valuable stock will be a target for thieves,
so this should be prevented as best as possible.
3. Accessibility. Inventory will need to be stored in a way that’s easy to receive and put
away when new, then pick, pack and ship out to customers later on.
In order to do this, there are several things to think about:
1) Warehouse layout
Your warehouse will need to balance having enough storage space for inventory, while
providing enough working space for staff to move around and complete tasks.
Exact requirements will depend on each individual business, but the following areas tend to
be needed in a warehouse layout:
Delivery/receiving area.
Unpacking and book-in area.
Warehouse office.
Main storage area.
Area for excess, obsolete or dead stock.
Packing table(s).
Shipping station(s).
This can be tricky – especially when dealing with a limited space. So it’s best to sketch out
your warehouse layout to scale before setting it up or changing what you already have.
Space and manoeuvrability is a key thing to remember.
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Pickers need to be able to walk up and down aisles without getting in each other’s way. And
should also have enough room to actually pick items.
2) Warehouse labeling
Specific locations and clear labeling are essentials for effective inventory storage. Your team
should be able to look at your inventory system and see exactly
where any product is
Practicality is king here.
Stick with simple alphanumeric combinations labeling specific rows, shelves and then exact
bin locations:
So you always know, for example, that all your blue t-shirts sized medium will be in Row A –
Shelf B – Bin 1. And the pattern can be continued like this.
Larger warehouses can extrapolate forward as much as needed with the same concept:
The bigger your facility, the more in-depth you’ll need to go with your location labeling to
achieve optimal inventory storage.
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3) Arranging inventory
Another key part of inventory storage is determining the exact location each product should
be stored within your warehouse.
Ideally, sales volume should be taken into account for this.
Veeqo research found that 60% of a company’s sales tend to come from just 20% of their
products. Meaning you can severely reduce picker walking time by:
Identifying that 20% of products from past sales data in your business;
and then storing these as close to the packing desk as possible.
ABC Analysis is an inventory management technique that can become very useful here. This
divides all on-hand inventory into three groups – A, B and C:
A Items: Are of high value with low sales frequency.
B Items: Are of moderate value with moderate sales frequency.
C Items: Are of low value with high sales frequency.
You can then decide that ‘C items’ will be placed closest to the packing desk, while ‘A items’
will be farthest away. Like this:
Some small and lightweight items may even be sold frequently enough to warrant being
stored on shelves above the packing desks themselves.
You can take this concept another layer deep by also identifying which products are most
commonly sold together.
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So faster selling products are stored closer to the packing desk and products commonly
purchased together are stored close or next to each other. Meaning you’re doubling down on
reducing walking time for each picker.
Inventory storage equipment
Storing inventory in the safest and most practical way is almost impossible without investing in
some form of equipment.
This can differ heavily depending on the goods in question. Retailers selling refrigerators, for
example, may require large locations, forklifts and heavy-duty shelving racks. While selling
t-shirts or jewelry can usually be done with simple shelves in a smaller space.
With that being said, here’s a look at some of the general equipment to consider:
Shelving units. Some warehouses can work with simple block stacking of products on
top of each other, but most will need some kind of shelving to place products on. The
most common ones have metal frames with wooden shelves, are easy to build, yet
robust. Access to both sides can also be very useful - one side for putting in, one for
taking out.
Bins. Warehouse bins are where your individual product variants go into, particularly
for smaller items. Each bin will be labeled and assigned to a specific variant to make it
easy to locate in the warehouse.
CCTV. Inventory is a business asset, and should be protected as such. Make sure to
get a good Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system set up with signage to indicate it’s
in use in order to deter thieves as much as possible.
Barcode scanner. A quality barcode scanner will help with booking-in, picking,
packing, conducting inventory counts and generally keeping your inventory accurate
and aligned with what’s recorded in your inventory management software.
Picking cart. Pickers will need a cart on which to carry all the items that are being
picked before returning to the packing station. This is particularly useful if you
commonly sell multiple items per order, or when using a batch picking system.
Totes. These will sit on the picking cart and carry items for individual orders during a
batch picking route. Totes are usually simple plastic containers and will only ever hold
items for one order at a time.
Packing desk. A professional packing desk is very solid, larger than a normal office
desk and has rolls so that you can get easy access to your packaging materials. It’s
worth having at least two, so someone else can jump in during busy periods.
Packaging materials. This will involve your different sized shipping boxes - we
recommend around 3-5 options to strike a balance between speed and shipping
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costs. Plus, tape and all the protective inner packaging - like bubble wrap, shredded
paper or air pillows (determined by how fragile your items are in transit).
Printers. You’ll need a good quality A4 laser printer for invoices, and a typical 6x4”
shipping label printer (Dymo is great for this). For your A4 printer, think about speed of
printing the first page, speed of printing multiple pages and cost per page.
Shipping computer. This is a dedicated computer solely
for shipping out orders -
printing out labels, marking orders as shipped, sending out tracking details and/or
using shipping software. It’s best to opt for a touchscreen to remove the need for
keyboard and mouse in this fast-paced environment.
Shipping scales. These weigh all packed shipments and send details to your shipping
computer via a direct connection. Dymo are, again, a great option for scales.
Of course, retailers need to consider this equipment from the point-of-view of their own
business. Selling certain foods may require a refrigerated unit or cold store, while very high
value jewelry may need extra security measures.
The key is to use this guide as a blueprint to build upon and mould to your own business.
We’ve now covered how to plan, replenish and store inventory as a retailer. Next, we’ll move
on to inventory analysis in order to use the best and most useful metrics for keeping on top of
your stock management going forward.
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Chapter 6: Inventory Analysis
Read this chapter online here
Inventory analysis is the regular auditing of inventory in the pursuit of continuous
improvements to how it is managed. This can be done through a variety of commonly used
inventory KPIs and ratios.
Regular monitoring of these metrics is a key part of inventory management, and so we
explore each one in-depth within this chapter.
The goals of inventory analysis
Before getting into any metrics, it’s important to understand what the specific goals are when
it comes to doing inventory analysis.
The general objective is to improve overall inventory efficiency. But breaking this down even
further would involve aiming to:
Identify improvement areas. Metrics should be compared to past results and industry
benchmarks to identify where problem areas lie.
Reduce stock-outs. Stock-outs should be seen as huge red flags for retailers, and
inventory analysis will help minimize them as much as possible.
Improve cash flow. Analysing inventory now will prevent sinking too much cash into
stock at any one time going forward.
Waste less inventory. Analysis and improvements will help minimize inventory
shrinkage, such as stock that gets lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair.
This all has the bottom line effect of making the business more profitable, while also
improving the experience for customers.
ABC analysis
ABC analysis is a commonly used inventory analysis method that helps to identify your most
valuable inventory.
It’s based on the Pareto principle - AKA the 80/20 rule. Applied to retail, this would suggest
that around 80% of sales would typically come from 20% of a company’s total inventory.
ABC analysis uses this theory to sort inventory into three buckets:
A inventory. Is inventory with the highest value - typically your 20% that brings in 80%
of sales/profits. These are usually items with the best profit margins and/or most sales
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B inventory. Is inventory that sells regularly, but doesn’t have quite as much value as
A - often due to having slimmer margins or higher carrying costs.
C inventory. Is the remainder of inventory that doesn’t sell as much as A or B,
generates the least revenue and is generally least valuable.
This kind of analysis helps identify the key players in a retail business’s inventory.
A inventory, for example should rarely (if ever) stock-out and be given the highest priority and
focus. While C inventory may not warrant quite so much attention.
Inventory analysis metrics
ABC analysis isn’t the only way to draw conclusions from your inventory. There are several
key metrics that can be used to measure performance and uncover ways to optimize
Average inventory
Average inventory measures the average volume of inventory kept on-hand throughout a
given period.
It comes from adding together the beginning inventory (BI)
value at the start of a period and
the ending inventory (EI)
value at the end of the period. Then simply dividing by two to find
the average:
This helps to even out seasonal fluctuations to see whether too much or too little inventory is
typically kept on-hand at any one time.
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Inventory turnover
Inventory turnover measures how many times your inventory is sold over a given time
period. It’s therefore a critical metric showing how effectively inventory is being managed
The formula takes cost of goods sold (COGS)
over a specific period, and divides it by average
over the same period:
This is affected by two key factors:
1. Purchasing. Getting forecasting and inventory buying correct to ensure the right
amount of stock is purchased in the first place.
2. Sales. Ensuring the marketing and conversion sides of the business are on point in
order to back up the projected sales with actual orders.
Poor inventory turnover performance could be stemming from failures in either one (or both)
of these elements.
Generally speaking, higher inventory turnover rates indicate better performance and
efficiency. This is because the company would be getting through its inventory stocks more
often - minimizing carrying costs per unit.
Inventory write-off
Inventory write-off is a measure of any unsold inventory that has become defunct or no longer
has any value for the business over a given period. Usually due to loss, theft, damage or
generally becoming obsolete and unsellable.
It involves identifying the inventory, disposing of it and officially writing off its value in
accounting records. So is more a procedure and final value, rather than a specific formula.
But it’s worth regularly reviewing and tracking how much inventory is being written-off.
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High or continually increasing amounts could indicate problems with forecasting for certain
products, or how inventory is being stored in the warehouse.
Gross margin return on investment (GMROI)
GMROI is a simple ratio to measure the profitability of your inventory over a certain period. It
gives the gross profit a retailer makes for every dollar of inventory that’s purchased.
Here’s the formula:
(Note: gross margin
is found by subtracting COGS
from net sales
Any GMROI ratio below 1.0 means a business is not profitable, and is losing money for every
dollar invested in inventory. Anything above 1.0 means a business is selling goods for more
than what it costs the firm to acquire them.
It’s important to note that this is not a measure of bottom-line profitability - as only COGS is
taken into account as a cost, not total expenditure.
But this does give a clear indication as to how profitable your inventory is with current price
points and buying procedures.
Sell through rate
Sell through rate takes the amount of inventory a retailer receives, and compares it against
what is actually sold over a given period. It’s usually expressed as a percentage:
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This can be used on a ‘per product’ (or even ‘per variant’) basis to analyze how quickly the
investment in inventory is paying off.
It’s useful when comparing one product or variant against another. Or when comparing the
sell-through of a specific product from one month to another.
Low sell through rates indicate you either overbought or priced too high, while high sell
through rates indicate you may have under bought or priced too low.
Days inventory outstanding (DOI)
Days of inventory outstanding (DOI) is simply how many days it typically takes to create or buy
inventory and turn it into a sale. It’s even sometimes referred to simply as average days to
The formula involves dividing average cost of inventory over a time period by COGS over the
same period, then multiplying by number of days in the time period (all usually a year):
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It’s hard to draw insights from just one calculation. But you should look into typical industry
standards, and also keep track of whether you are trending up or down as time goes on.
Increases and/or poor performance could indicate a problem with manufacturing/purchasing
and/or the sales process.
Back order rate
Back order rate shows the percentage of your total orders over a given period that ended up
being placed on back order.
This gives an indication of how well you forecast, replenish and track inventory. A high back
order rate could stem from:
Not buying the right amount of inventory.
Not re-ordering at the right time.
Not syncing and tracking multichannel inventory efficiently enough.
As well as a host of other reasons.
However, it’s also important to note this doesn’t account for sales that may have been lost
from poor inventory management. You could still have a zero back order rate, but have lost
sales from having to mark online store products as ‘pre-sale’ or ‘out-of-stock’.
Conducting inventory analysis
Inventory analysis is not about simply looking at these equations once. It’s about setting aside
regular time to properly track, monitor and draw conclusions from them.
It’s worth creating a spreadsheet, then setting aside monthly time to compare trends and truly
analyze the data.
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Good inventory management software should come with extensive reporting features.
Allowing you to automatically track and easily pay attention to vital KPIs within the platform.
Veeqo, for example, lets you run all kinds of reports. From sales:
To products and inventory:
Right through to warehouses and team performance.
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This chapter should have provided you with some key insights on how to analyze and
understand your inventory better. The next chapter will focus on the crucial inventory
management techniques you need to know about to handle stock in the most optimal way
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Chapter 7: Inventory Management Techniques
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In essence, all the inventory management techniques a retailer needs are covered throughout
the different chapters of this guide. These span across a number of different areas and tasks
within the field of inventory management - forecasting, purchasing, storing, analysing, etc.
So in this chapter, we give a summary of key techniques and ideas you can use to control and
manage your inventory in the best way possible.
Inventory management techniques
For ease of consumption, here's a quick run-down of all the inventory management
techniques we mention in this article:
1. Choose an appropriate fufillment option.
2. Take forecasting seriously.
3. Set reorder points for each product.
4. Use EOQ for optimal order quantities.
5. Give each variant a dedicated warehouse bin.
6. Sell older inventory first.
7. Prioritize with ABC analysis.
8. Always track your metrics.
9. Verify accuracy with regular counts.
10. Automate as much as possible.
Let’s explore each one of these further below:
1) Choose an appropriate fufillment option
As a retailer, the whole point of having inventory is to sell it. And with ecommerce, this usually
means having to store and ship it somewhere too.
So deciding exactly how this fufillment process will be done is one of the most crucial
inventory management techniques to get right.
Your general options are:
Dropshipping. This is where you never see or hold inventory yourself. Instead, it is
purchased as each sales order comes in, and shipped directly to the customer.
Third-party logistics (3PL). This is where you would purchase inventory in bulk, but
have it sent to a 3PL service. They would then manage inventory and ship orders to
your customers for a monthly fee.
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Self-fufillment. This involves setting up your own facility and team. You’d be totally
responsible for controlling, managing and shipping inventory.
Each of these options has its own benefits and drawbacks, with the best one depending
entirely on individual business requirements. We discuss this in greater depth in Chapter 5:
Inventory Storage of this guide.
2) Take forecasting seriously
It’s tempting to skimp out on forecasting inventory requirements. Instead, many retailers will
simply guess, or just buy inventory and hope they sell it.
The problem?
This leaves you extremely susceptible to ending up with way too much (or too little) stock
on-hand at any one time. And the extra carrying costs involved will be eating into profits every
single day.
Make sure to use your past sales data in two ways:
1. Short term. Look at sales over the past 30-90 days to indicate your short term sales
trends and demand for the inventory you hold.
2. Long term. Look at what sales were like at particular points in the year to indicate
where sales tend to spike and dip.
We discuss this in greater depth in Chapter 3: Inventory Forecasting of this guide.
3) Set reorder points for each product
Reordering your products needs to be done in a timely manner.
Leave it too long and you’ll run out of stock. Go too early and you’ll pile up way more
inventory than you need.
This is why each product (and ideally each product variant) should have its own reorder point,
taking into account:
Safety stock. So you don’t eat into this emergency, backup stock unnecessarily.
Lead time. So you can still cover sales demand while new products get shipped to
your warehouse.
Here’s the formula to work out exact reorder points:
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Apply this to each product in your inventory. As soon as a product hits this level, it’s time to
place a new purchase order with suppliers.
4) Use EOQ for optimal order quantities
It’s not enough to know when
to place a new purchase order. You need to work out exactly
how much stock to order at once to keep carrying costs to a minimum.
And economic order quantity (EOQ) is one of the best inventory management techniques to
help here.
This is a calculation that helps determine the best amount of inventory to order each time.
Helping strike a balance between minimal ordering and carrying costs, while still satisfying
The three variables involved are:
1. Demand. The number of units sold over a given time period (usually a year).
2. Relevant ordering cost. Total ordering cost per purchase order. This includes all staff,
transportation and any other costs associated with making each purchase order - but
the actual cost of the order itself.
3. Relevant carrying cost. Assume the item is in stock for the entire time period in
question and decipher the carrying cost per unit.
You’ll then put this into the following equation:
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We cover reorder points and EOQ further in Chapter 4: Purchasing Inventory of this guide.
5) Give each variant a dedicated warehouse bin
Organizing and arranging items in the warehouse is a key part of good inventory
management. Your team should be able to look at your system and easily see where any
product is located.
This means creating bin locations with clear labels for each product variant.
It’s best to avoid fancy names – simplicity and ease of understanding is king here. Numbers
and letters are therefore the best route to go.
Start by labeling each row, shelf, then bin location:
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So you always know, for example, that all your blue t-shirts sized medium will be in Row A –
Shelf B – Bin 1. And the pattern can be continued like this.
We discuss this in greater depth in Chapter 5: Inventory Storage of this guide.
6) Sell older inventory first
For most retailers, the last thing you want is to be always using the newest stock to fufill
orders. This leaves older inventory sitting in the warehouse and susceptible to damage, decay
or passing best before dates.
So it’s worth making a rule to store new inventory from the back of shelves and then take
from the front - automatically enforcing a first-in-first-out (FIFO) system:
It’s always worth discussing this with your accountant too as they may use a different
inventory valuation method for your end-of-year accounts.
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7) Prioritize with ABC analysis
ABC analysis is a very common inventory management technique that helps to identify your
most valuable inventory.
This means retailers can prioritize inventory better. Allowing them to place greater focus on
the particular items and products that bring in the most revenue.
The whole process is about sorting inventory into three buckets:
A inventory. Inventory with the highest value – typically your 20% that brings in 80%
of sales/profits. These are usually items with the best profit margins and/or most sales
B inventory. Inventory that sells regularly, but doesn’t have quite as much value as A –
often due to having slimmer margins or higher carrying costs.
C inventory. The remainder of inventory that doesn’t sell as much as A or B, generates
the least revenue and is generally least valuable.
It might not make sense to prioritize like this at first. Surely all inventory is important -
otherwise you wouldn’t have it, right?
But in reality, some products will sell much better than others. And these are the ones to focus
on most to ensure they are readily available and never
8) Always track your metrics
Tracking simple metrics and KPIs is one of the inventory management techniques that often
gets lost amongst other fancy ideas. But it can still be one of the most powerful.
It’s essential to regularly track at least the following metrics:
Inventory turnover. Measures how many times your inventory is sold over a given
time period, giving a critical insight into overall inventory management performance.
Inventory write-off. A measure of any unsold inventory that has become defunct or no
longer has any value for the business over a given period.
Gross margin return on investment (GMROI). Measures the profitability of your
inventory over a certain period, giving the gross profit made for every dollar of
inventory that’s purchased.
Sell through rate. Takes the amount of inventory a retailer receives, and compares it
against what is actually sold over a given period.
Days of inventory outstanding (DOI). Measures how many days it typically takes to
create or buy inventory and turn it into a sale.
Back order rate. Shows the percentage of your total orders over a given period that
ended up being placed on back order.
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We discuss ABC analysis and these metrics (including the actual calculations needed) in
greater detail in Chapter 6: Inventory Analysis.
9) Verify accuracy with regular counts
Unfortunately, errors are inevitable when it comes to your stock. Even with all the inventory
management techniques and automations mentioned in this chapter.
So taking a physical count of inventory with regular stock takes is critical.
The traditional way of doing this is to shut the warehouse down for a night (or longer) and
complete a big count once or twice a year. But this can be an extremely time-consuming and
complex task, especially for large inventories or facilities.
Instead, try spreading it out through the year:
Cycle counting. This is where team members would be given ‘counting tasks’ of a
small number of items to do each week. Over the year, each product has then usually
been counted and verified several times.
Spot checking. This isn’t done with any specific regularity. It can simply be done if a
product is proving particularly problematic or if a team member finds they have some
spare time and needs something to do.
Good inventory systems will manage this for you. Assigning regular counting tasks to your
team and allowing for easy corrections via digital barcode scanners.
10) Automate as much as possible
Inventory management is a complex job. And it becomes even more complex the more you
grow and the more products that get added into your catalogue.
So taking advantage of automation can be possibly the most important inventory
management technique out there.
This means utilizing quality inventory management software to do most of the heavy lifting for
you. Helping take care of tasks like:
Tracking. So you can sync inventory in real-time across multiple channels without
overselling and back orders.
Forecasting. To remove the guesswork and never have too much or too little
inventory on-hand.
Purchasing. So you can handle all suppliers and create and manage POs in one place.
Counts. To keep inventory numbers accurate by automatically assigning weekly cycle
counting tasks to your team.
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Organization. Recording exact bin locations for variants so you can find and pick
inventory quickly and accurately.
Quality systems like Veeqo will also let you create automation rules, handle orders and
shipping, run reports and push data to accounting software - all in one platform.
Hopefully, this article has provided you with a solid summary of inventory management
techniques to utilize in your retail operation. The next chapter will go into detail on efficient
multichannel inventory tracking, and how to perpetually keep an accurate live inventory
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Chapter 8: Multichannel Inventory Tracking
Read this chapter online here
Inventory tracking is the art and science of monitoring stock levels and exactly where
inventory is at any one time. It is therefore one of the most fundamentally critical aspects of
overall inventory management.
So this chapter of our guide covers the best practices in tracking inventory. We run through
detailed instructions on how to do this via manual spreadsheets (and provide a free template),
as well as when to start looking at an automated system.
What is inventory tracking?
Inventory tracking is the recording of stock levels for each individual SKU across every
location items are stored and sold in. This can be done in several different ways - from pen
and paper, to computerized spreadsheets, and even automated systems.
Tracking inventory was once a relatively
simple task. But it becomes more and more complex
as further sales channels and/or warehouses get added to a retail operation.
Failing to track inventory properly can lead to:
Selling inventory you don’t actually have in stock.
Purchasing inventory you don’t actually need.
Filing inaccurate financial records and accounts.
Putting a system in place to track inventory (whether manual or automated) is therefore
imperative for ecommerce brands wanting to scale successfully.
Inventory tracking via spreadsheet
A commonly used inventory tracking option is to record everything via spreadsheet.
This is a form of periodic inventory system. So someone would be responsible for periodically
(usually at the end of each business day) updating the spreadsheet with the latest inventory
goings in and out (i.e. new sales and purchases).
We put together a sample inventory tracking spreadsheet, which you can see here on Google
Sheets. Just go to File >> Make a copy
to save a version of your own to edit and use:
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Setting up your inventory tracking spreadsheet
A basic inventory tracker will cover three pillars:
1. Product data. Including details like names, variants, SKUs, cost price, selling price and
beginning inventory.
2. Purchase data. To track all purchase orders being made, each causing an addition to
inventory levels.
3. Sales data. To track all sales orders being made, each causing a reduction to
inventory levels.
We’ve created three separate tabs in our spreadsheet, one for each of these data pillars:
You’ll need to periodically enter and adjust information in all the tabs for optimal inventory
tracking. But the formulas will pull data between tabs, helping to automate the actual tracking
process as much as possible.
The ‘Products’ tab
The ‘Products’ tab is where the most up-front work is done. You’ll need to input details about
every single product and variant that you have on-hand.
Enter your product details for all the blue columns, and the dark columns will be calculated
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Key tips:
Be consistent with how you format product names, sizes and colors.
Make sure the SKUs match across everywhere this data is used.
Calculate your reorder point for each product scientifically.
Do not edit the black columns, these are calculated automatically from inputted data.
The ‘Purchases’ tab
The ‘Purchases’ tab is simply a running list of purchase orders in order to record and calculate
incoming inventory for each product variant.
Enter each variant within a PO as a separate line. Again, just focus on adding data to the blue
columns and the dark ones automatically generate:
To keep data consistent, there’s a drop down menu provided that pulls variant information in
from the ‘Products’ tab:
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The Delivery Date should also only be added when the product has actually been received
and put away ready for sale.
As soon as any
delivery date is entered, the ordered amount will add to On-hand stock
in the
‘Products’ tab. Leaving delivery date blank will keep it in the Stock to be received
Key tips:
Enter each variant within a PO on a separate line.
Leave Delivery Date
blank until delivery is confirmed.
Use the product drop down menu to ensure tabs can interchange accurate data.
The ‘Sales’ tab
The ‘Sales’ tab is a running list of sales orders in order to record and calculate outgoing
inventory for each product variant.
Just like the ‘Purchases’ tab, enter each variant within an order as a separate line. Once again,
enter data to only the blue columns and let the dark ones automatically generate:
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You’ll again be able to choose products from a drop down menu. But this time, only enter a
Shipped Date
once the order has actually shipped.
As soon as any
shipping date is entered, the quantities will subtract from On-hand stock
the ‘Products’ tab. Leaving shipping date blank will keep the order recorded in the Orders
awaiting shipment
Key tips:
Enter each variant within a sales order on a separate line.
Leave Shipped Date
blank until shipment is confirmed.
Use the product drop down menu to ensure tabs can interchange accurate data.
Using the inventory tracking spreadsheet
Entering each sales order manually should be avoided if possible. Most ecommerce platforms
will allow you to filter orders over a specific timeframe, then export all data to a CSV file.
With Shopify, for example, you simply head to the ‘Orders’ screen and then select the Export
button at the top:
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You’ll then be able to export all orders from different time ranges directly into a CSV file or
Excel spreadsheet:
Simply tweak the exported data to fit your inventory tracking spreadsheet, then copy and
paste it in. You can repeat this with every sales channel to import sales data as quickly as
Once done, you should have correct inventory data reflected for each variant in your
‘Products’ tab.
As soon as the pre-set Reorder Point
is hit for any variant, the On-hand stock
figure will turn
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Meaning you can easily see as soon as new inventory needs ordering. And helping to keep
the cycle of inventory tracking and management as seamless as possible.
The key thing is to keep the information up-to-date.
This means committing to (at least) daily updates and housekeeping if you choose to utilize
this method of inventory tracking. Do this, and you should be able to manage and track
multichannel inventory a lot better than with siloed data.
Having said this, sustainable and manageable ecommerce growth will likely need a more
automated solution.
Inventory tracking via automated system
An automated inventory tracker effectively does the work of a spreadsheet, but without the
manual input needed.
It would connect to all sales channels together, and sync one live inventory figure between
them all. Meaning as soon as a sale is made anywhere
, inventory levels are updated
else in real-time:
Exact functionality will depend on the specific system being used.
But quality ones, such as Veeqo, will also be able to do things like:
Manage purchase orders to stay on top of incoming inventory.
Sync across multiple warehouses, locations and channels.
Sync data in real-time - not hourly or daily.
Handle orders, shipping and returns in the same platform.
Control exactly how much inventory shows for each sales channel.
Combine products together to sell in kits and bundles.
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Choosing an inventory management system can be a big job. And one that either positively or
negatively affects your business for years to come.
We talk more about this in the final chapter of this guide.
Automated vs manual inventory tracking
There are pros and cons to both spreadsheet and automated inventory tracking methods.
Let’s have a look through a few of the highlights:
Spreadsheet pros
Most of us know how to use and edit a spreadsheet.
Many templates available to help you create your own.
Cheap and cost-effective option for start-ups.
Can be updated fairly quickly.
Spreadsheet cons
Inputting data and checking accuracy is hugely
Spreadsheets (and your sales channels) won’t be updated automatically as stock
levels change, meaning you can easily oversell without realizing.
Different employees may edit and update spreadsheets without making others aware
of changes, causing confusion and disrupting the order process.
Automated system pros
Saves time by near-eliminating manual data entry.
Frees up resources that can be re-directed towards company growth.
Brings a consistent, scalable experience for customers across every sales channel.
New sales channels can be easily opened up without adding to workload.
Many systems offer an extensive portfolio of features beyond simple inventory
tracking – such as order management, picking and packing, etc.
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Automated system cons
Pricing must be factored into your current financial plan.
Staff may require training (though minimal, depending on the system used).
Overall, spreadsheets may be a viable short term solution for startups dealing with low order
numbers and a small product catalogue. In today’s digital age, however, it’s generally
accepted to not be a scalable option for most ecommerce businesses.
An automated system typically requires some level of monetary investment. But it’s one that
will prove its worth several times over when it comes to savings in both time and resources.
This chapter should hopefully have given you some clear insights into how to keep track of
inventory across your retail operation. Next, we’ll move on to some best practices for
inventory accounting.
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Chapter 9: Inventory Accounting
Read this chapter online here
On-hand inventory isn’t simply stock that hasn’t sold yet - it’s a business asset, and must
legally be treated as such. Inventory accounting is the practice of correctly valuing this
business asset, so it can be properly documented in end-of-year financial records.
This chapter covers the basics of inventory accounting for greater understanding of inventory
management as a whole. But it is highly recommended to seek the services of a professional
accountant and/or bookkeeper when it comes to submitting any financial documents.
What is inventory accounting?
Inventory accounting is all about how a business would show the stock it holds in its financial
records - balance sheets, profit & loss (P&L) reports, etc. This is typically more complex than it
sounds as inventory is often a 'live figure' that's constantly changing as sales are made and
more stock purchased.
In retail, this can cover three types of inventory or production phases:
1. Raw materials.
2. In-progress items.
3. Finished products ready for sale.
Your on-hand, unsold inventory needs to be included as an asset in end-of-year financial
records. Meaning the crux of the matter in all this is to correctly track both the cost of any
inventory sold and
place an accurate value on the unsold inventory being held at the end of
each accounting period.
Any increase or decrease in the value of goods affects your inventory value figure. This then,
in turn, affects the value of your overall business.
Inventory accounting key terms
There are two key terms retailers need to be aware of when it comes to inventory accounting:
1. Cost of goods sold (COGS). The direct costs of producing any goods sold by a
2. Ending inventory (EI). The value of any unsold
, on-hand inventory at the end of an
accounting period.
Let's take a deeper look at each of these...
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1) Cost of goods sold (COGS)
Cost of goods sold (COGS)
is a core element of measuring a retail business’s profitability and
inventory value.
As the name suggests, COGS refers to the amount it cost a business to produce the products
it sold, including everything that went into it - materials, labor, tools used, etc. But (crucially)
without factoring in costs not directly tied to the production process - like shipping,
advertising and sales force costs, etc.
As a result, COGS helps you determine the amount of gross profit made in one or more sales.
For example:
If you sell an item valued at $50 and the COGS is $30, your company has achieved a gross
profit of $20. It’s a simple formula, though it can become more complex if manufacturing your
own products.
All inventory sold will be listed under the COGS account in your income statement at the end
of each business year.
Calculating COGS
To calculate cost of goods sold (COGS)
for an accounting period, you'll need to:
1. Determine what costs can be associated with the production process of your specific
products - like labor, raw materials, tools, etc.
2. Take the cost of beginning inventory (BI).
3. Add the cost of newly purchased inventory during the period in question.
4. Subtract leftover, unsold inventory at the end of the accounting period.
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2) Ending inventory (EI)
It's highly likely that a business will not sell the entirety of its inventory at the end of each
accounting period. Meaning any on-hand, unsold stock becomes an asset that must be
and included in financial statements.
This is referred to as ending inventory (EI)
, and is actually quite simple at first glance.
1. Take the beginning inventory (the units carried over from the end of the previous
financial period).
2. Add any newly purchased inventory throughout the accounting period.
3. Subtract any units sold.
4. And this leaves the final inventory figure to be included as a company asset.
We need to assign an actual value to the unsold inventory figure (i.e. how much this company
asset is worth in monetary terms). And this is where it can become a lot more complicated.
This is because:
Numerous purchases of new stock and raw materials are usually made during a typical
12-month accounting period.
Each purchase may have come at a different cost per unit.
Sales are also being made at the same time, turning inventory into cash.
So which cost per unit figure do you use to value unsold inventory when there are so many
moving parts in a typical accounting period?
This is where inventory valuation methods come into play.
Inventory valuation methods
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Sticking to a specific method for inventory valuation is critical
for consistent, accurate and
(most importantly) legally acceptable financial statements.
There are three main valuation methods retail companies use for inventory accounting:
1. First In, First Out (FIFO).
2. Last In, First Out (LIFO).
3. Average Cost Method.
You'll just need to stipulate which one is being used when submitting financial records and
1) FIFO
FIFO is a useful inventory management technique to actually use in the handling of stock in
your warehouse. But it's also a method of valuing unsold inventory.
It assumes inventory that was purchased first
, is also the first to be sold. So the oldest
on-hand inventory available is what will be used to fufill an order.
There are a number of benefits to the FIFO method. Primarily, companies selling perishable
goods (food and drinks) face less risk of their products spoiling or crossing best-before sale
date. They can establish a smooth supply chain and ensure their clients receive the freshest
items in their inventory.
All products received and sold must be recorded individually when using the FIFO accounting
method. It’s possible that the FIFO system can lead businesses to under or overestimate the
value of inventory in the future, due to market changes down the line.
2) LIFO
The LIFO approach works on the assumption that the most recent products added to your
inventory are the first ones to be sold first.
This system works well for retail businesses specializing in non-perishable goods or those
with a low risk of obsolescence. It can also increase COGS and lessen net profit (therefore
reducing annual tax liability) if more recently purchased goods are more expensive.
Note: LIFO is an acceptable inventory accounting method in the US only
3) Average Cost
Average Cost (or weighted-average) inventory accounting method is totally different to the
previous two.
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This applies to businesses that choose not
to track cost per inventory unit for each separate
purchase delivery. Instead, inventory value is based on the average cost of items throughout
the relevant period.
You can work out the average cost by simply dividing the overall cost of products for sale by
the total number in the inventory.
Using inventory accounting software
Inventory accounting can be a time-intensive, frustrating process for retail businesses -
especially small or independent teams.
But it doesn't have to be a rush of spreadsheets and paper receipts the week before every
tax deadline. There's reliable accounting software available to help automate and digitize as
much as possible, the main two being:
1. Xero
2. QuickBooks
These programs won't 'do your accounts for you'. But they will make it much simpler to
organize and present come the end of tax year.
Both Xero and QuickBooks do also have tools available to help with the inventory side of
They are accounting softwares
at heart. Meaning the inventory management functionality
within them is relatively basic and underdeveloped.
So for growing retail and ecommerce businesses, it's recommended to:
1. Utilize a high-quality inventory management software as master of stock.
2. Ensure this software has a direct Xero integration or QuickBooks integration to push
relevant data across.
This leaves you with the best of both worlds - two high-quality softwares automating as much
of your inventory and accounting processes as possible.
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Hopefully, this chapter has given you a good insight into the best inventory accounting
That being said, this can still be a hugely complicated task for retailers. So we highly
recommend employing the services of a professional bookkeeper and/or chartered
accountant when it comes to compiling financial records and submitting tax returns.
In our next and final chapter, we'll take a look at inventory management systems - including
how to determine when it's time to start using an automated system, and choosing the best
one for your company.
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Chapter 10: Choosing An Inventory Management
Read this chapter online here
As we've seen throughout this guide, inventory management is a phenomenally complex
aspect of running a retail business. An inventory management system can simplify this entire
process by automating many of the manual tasks and calculations involved.
In this final chapter, we discuss what exactly an inventory management system is, some of the
features to look out for, and also how to choose the right one for your business.
What is an inventory management system?
An inventory management system is a piece of software used to track inventory items in a
business, and oversee all the processes involved in stock optimization. Any system’s bottom
line goal is to ensure the right inventory
is available, in the right amounts
, at the right time
with as few manual tasks involved as possible.
Benefits of using an inventory system
Any business selling and storing physical goods must
track inventory in one way or another.
Otherwise, items would be in complete chaos with stock consistency and fulfillment made
almost impossible.
Tracking can be done via pen & paper or spreadsheets. But using an automated,
computerized system has many benefits:
Less time wasted on manual tasks.
More consistent customer experience.
Stock levels updated in real-time.
Reduced labor costs.
More insightful analytics and reports.
Faster fulfillment from being better organized.
Less cash wasted on unnecessary inventory and storage.
Company becomes more easily scalable.
Overall, automated inventory management systems are powerful tools for retail businesses.
In the short term, they help overcome the operational challenges associated with modern day
multichannel and omnichannel ecommerce. While in the long term, they make growth easier
by reducing the reliance on manual processes and individual people.
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Key inventory management system features
It’s important to note that systems can be very different from one another. So when choosing
an inventory management system, retailers should ensure that all the necessary features are
Here’s an overview of what to look out for:
Live syncing. A live, central stock figure is kept in one system, and accurately
reflected across all sales channels and warehouses in real-time.
Forecasting. Past sales data can be used to forecast demand and plan for upcoming
inventory requirements.
Re-ordering. Purchase orders can be created and managed so stock can be
replenished quickly and easily.
Suppliers. All suppliers and vendors can be organized in one system, and easily
contacted if purchase orders need creating, changing or chasing up.
Barcode scanning. System is compatible with barcode scanning to enable easier
tracking and identification of products.
Stock notifications. Can set up notifications and alerts to signify when a product has
hit its pre-defined reorder point and needs replenishing.
Reports. Provides insightful data and analysis on sales, products and warehouses in
order to make better inventory decisions going forward.
Returns processing. Return orders can be handled with returned inventory easily
written-off or added back into stock.
Multiple warehouses. Manage stock across several warehouses, stores and locations
in one system.
Integrations. Connect the system to all necessary sales channels, POS systems,
shipping carriers, accounting softwares, etc. - and/or can build desired integrations via
an open API.
Cycle counts. Assigns weekly inventory counting tasks to your warehouse team so
stock is perpetually kept up-to-date with minimal discrepancies.
Automations & rules. Stock rules can be created to show different available amounts
for individual sales channels and locations.
Bundles. Products can be grouped together to sell in kits and bundles while still
maintaining an accurate central inventory figure.
Additional features for retailers
Managing a retail business isn't all
about inventory. There are many other aspects that
companies might need to handle in order to run a smooth operation.
So when choosing an inventory management system, it's important to also consider what
additional features it has beyond just stock control.
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It's not unreasonable to expect a system to be able to handle:
Order management. Automatically importing orders from all your sales channels to
easily view and edit in one centralized place.
Shipping & fulfillment. Directly integrating with shipping carriers to view quotes, print
labels and ship orders.
Picking & packing. Creating and organizing picking lists and packing tasks via either
paper printouts or digital scanner.
Warehouse management. Organizing warehouse inventory, creating automations and
handling tasks like new stock put away, pick & pack, physical counts, etc.
Returns management. Giving all your teams one place to handle return tasks from
start to finish - like creating returns, booking back into stock and processing refunds.
Wholesale orders. Creating and issuing invoices, taking phone orders, processing
payments, and then actually fulfilling and shipping B2B orders.
Accounting. Either in the system itself, or by integrating directly with specific
accounting tools to push sales and inventory data across.
These are all key operational tasks when it comes to running a retail and/or ecommerce
company. And they will all likely need some kind of software to handle them in a scalable way
and to an acceptable standard for customers.
It’s important to note that having as few systems in place to manage all these operational
tasks can be a huge benefit.
Choosing an inventory management system
Here are the key points to take into consideration when choosing an inventory management
Timing. There are several signs you've outgrown a standard inventory tracker and
require a more automated system. These include things like constant overselling,
inventory errors and spending more time on manual operational tasks than on growth.
Integrations. Create a list of must-have integrations, e.g. ecommerce platform,
marketplace, shipping, POS, 3PL, etc. It's important that any new inventory system
integrates with these directly
(and doesn't require an additional app or piece of
software managed by another company). Failing this, is there an open API to create
new integrations?
Features. Create a list of must-have features from the ones we've discussed above.
Do you need/want your new inventory system to be able to also ship orders or enable
digital picking? Do you do a lot of wholesale orders and need this managed well? Do
you manufacture your own products and need a system to handle raw material types
of inventory?
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Ease-of-use. It's possible that you'll need some less technically-minded staff members
to use your inventory system. So is it relatively easy for these people to learn and
understand the software's UI?
Support. You'll likely need support getting set up and to receive help quickly if
something goes wrong. Does the system you're looking at offer support during your
typical working hours? Does this include phone, chat or just email support? And what's
the quality rated like online?
Development. Any software used is going to be powering a critical part of your
business, so finding one driven by innovation and built on the latest technology is
critical. Is the software you're looking at being actively developed and improved on a
regular basis? How often are new features being released and bugs being fixed?
Every business is slightly different. So take these things into consideration when choosing an
inventory management system, but also do it within the context of what's necessary for your
individual business needs.
Inventory system options
In this section, we'll look at some of the popular inventory management system options for
online retailers.
Veeqo is an all-in-one system to help retailers manage multichannel orders, inventory and
shipping from a single platform. It also has a barcode scanner to improve speed and order
accuracy in the warehouse when it comes to tasks like picking, receiving new stock and
inventory counts.
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Built-in features: Orders, inventory, purchase orders, shipping, digital pick & pack, warehouse
management, wholesale, returns.
Direct integrations: Strong, direct integrations with a range of major sales channels, shipping
carriers, 3PLs, POS systems, accounting softwares.
Pricing: From $156 per month
Capterra score: 4.5/5
Trustpilot score: 4.7/5
Brightpearl's system handles orders and inventory for multichannel retailers and wholesalers.
It also has a built-in accountancy module, but needs third-party software to manage shipping
and warehousing.
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Built-in features: Orders, inventory, purchase orders, wholesale, returns, accounting.
Direct integrations: A range of sales channels, 3PLs, POS systems, accounting softwares. Will
need to connect to third-party shipping software and WMS systems in order to handle these
Pricing: Unspecified monthly cost + implementation fee
Capterra score: 4.3/5
Trustpilot score: 4.8/5 (Excellent)
Tradegecko is an inventory and order management platform for multichannel retailers. It can
also handle manufacturing and wholesale orders, but requires third-party integrations for
functions like shipping and warehousing.
Veeqo helps retail brands provide the best experience to their customers everywhere
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Built-in features: Orders, inventory, purchase orders, wholesale, manufacturing.
Integrations: A range of sales channels, 3PLs, POS systems, accounting softwares. Will need
to connect to third-party shipping software and WMS systems in order to handle these tasks.
Pricing: From $39 per month
Capterra score: 4.4/5
Trustpilot score: Unrated
Linnworks is a system to manage inventory, orders and shipping in one place. It used to be a
desktop software, but has recently started being transitioned into a cloud-based system like
the others mentioned in this guide.
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Built-in features: Orders, inventory, shipping, product listing.
Integrations: A variety of sales channels and shipping carriers. Will need third-party software
and apps for WMS and accounting software connections.
Pricing: From $150 per month
Capterra score: 4.0/5
Trustpilot score: 3.9/5
Stitch Labs
Stitch Labs provide order and inventory management for multichannel retailers that have
grown to a size to be able to justify the relatively high starting price. There's also a wholesale
element, but you'll need third-party software to manage shipping and warehouses.
Veeqo helps retail brands provide the best experience to their customers everywhere
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Built-in features: Orders, inventory, purchases orders, wholesale.
Integrations: A range of sales channels, 3PLs, POS systems, accounting softwares. Will need
to connect to third-party shipping software and WMS systems in order to handle these tasks.
Pricing: From $799 per month
Capterra score: 4.5/5
Trustpilot score: 3.6/5
This chapter concludes our guide on the subject of inventory management. These 10 chapters
should give you all the information necessary to manage your inventory with reduced costs
and minimal manual practices.
Veeqo helps retail brands provide the best experience to their customers everywhere
Click here to start your 14-day free trial today, or get in touch at [email protected]