ISSN 1648-4142 / eISSN 1648-3480
2020 Volume 35 Issue 6: 679–690
, Kyrylo YURENIN
Oleksandr SAPRONOV
, Abdellah MENOU
Dept of Transport Technologies, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
Dept of Industrial Automation, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine
Moroccan Airports Authority, Mohammed V International Airport, Nouaceur, Casablanca, Morocco
Received 26 March 2020; revised 20 June 2020, 5 August 2020; accepted 9 August 2020
Abstract. e methods for ensuring long-term and safe operation of marine equipment due to comprehensive repair
technologies that use epoxy oligomers and new compositions based on them are developed. e inuence of temperature
and UltraSonic Treatment (UST) on the rheological properties of the pure epoxy matrix and compositions based on it is
explored. e compositions have dierent content of nanodispersed soot carbon black of brand PowCarbon 2419G (par-
ticle size of 24±2 nm). It is established that when nanoparticle soot (q= 0.10…15.00 pts wt) is introduced into the com-
position of the epoxy matrix treated with ultrasound, the viscosity of the composition increases gradually. Based on the
results obtained, temperature ranges are recommended, in which the viscosity of the studied compositions reaches optimal
technological parameters for the eective impregnation of threads, tows and various fabrics, and which provide for the ef-
fective application of the composition to the working surfaces of marine equipment. Technical recommendations are given
for applying the developed black-lled epoxy compositions to the working surfaces of parts, ship mechanisms and pipeline
systems of marine vessels.
Keywords: protective coating, application and inspection, nanodispersed soot, rheological behaviour, marine equipment.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Editor of the TRANSPORT– the manuscript was handled by one of the Associate Editors, who made all decisions related to the manuscript (including the choice of referees
and the ultimate decision on the revision and publishing).
Copyright © 2020 e Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
is is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
e globalization of international trade, in particular, the
free movement of goods is impossible without sea trans-
port with an enhanced operational reliability (Emi etal.
1993; Hellio, Yebra 2009). It is known that the technical
operation of marine vessels involves a number of techno-
logical processes (Soares etal. 2009; Abbas, Shaee 2020;
Gudze, Melchers 2008), such as technical use (ensuring
the vessel operation), maintenance (maintaining the ves-
sel in proper (working) condition), repair (restoration
of good technical condition). Each of these technologi-
cal processes ensures the reliable operation of the vessel
and requires development and improvement (Yamamoto,
Ikegami 1998).
Unfortunately, the existing methods of non-destructive
testing of the marine equipment do not allow for a full
control over the defect and damage accumulation process.
In particular, this applies to the early stage, when the iden-
tication and elimination of defects allows restoring the
full eciency of the mechanism (Emi etal. 1993; Davies
2016; Naja etal. 2019).
At present, Polymer-Composite Materials (PCMs) are
used for the repair and maintenance of marine equipment
(Naja etal. 2019; Selim etal. 2017). ey allow enhanc-
ing the durability of marine equipment and protecting the
working surfaces of marine equipment exposed to such
environmental factors as sea water, precipitation, solar ra-
diation, and a variety of mechanical loads during storms.
From the technological point of view, its main advantages
over other anticorrosive coatings include the hardening
speed, high adhesion and resistance to chemical and me-
chanical inuences. Polymer composites are easy to apply,
which allows you to quickly create an even, monolithic
coating (Mardare, Benea 2017).
One of the promising PCMs that quickly and e-
ciently protect the surfaces of marine equipment from
aggressive eects are the materials based on epoxy resins
A. Buketov et al. New black-lled epoxy coatings for repairing surface of equipment of marine ships
characterized by the enhanced mechanical, adhesive and
thermophysical properties, as well as low shrinkage dur-
ing curing. Examples for coating systems are given in the
Class Guideline DNVGL-CG-0288 (DNV GL 2017) and
may be modied as regards coating thickness and number
of coats, if relevant. e coating shall be epoxy or equiva-
lent, rendering adequate corrosion protection to the sur-
faces in question, considering the cargo type and mode of
operation of the ship (Summerscales 2014).
It is known that chemical or physical-chemical meth-
ods are the most eective ones for improving the prop-
erties of epoxy binders and PCMs (Davies 2016; Naja
etal. 2019). e properties of epoxy composites are also
modied by nanoparticles of various nature (Rubino etal.
2020; Mardare etal. 2016; Buketov etal. 2018; Sapronov
etal. 2019). In this case, one of the most important con-
ditions for the successful nanomodication of polymer
composites, in addition to the chemically active surface
of the particles, is their uniform distribution in the volume
of materials, which largely depends on the viscosity of the
polymer binder (Khalina etal. 2019). e core competen-
cy of the resulting coating is that even though no abrasion
resistance, strength or robustness of the coating is lost, the
particles can reversibly act as energy storage units, absorb-
ing the acute pressure of abrasive loads. e particles are
permanently bound to the resin binder polymers, due to
the binding moieties (Fu etal. 2019). ey act like nano-
springs in the coating. eir existence does not modify
the ability of the epoxy coating to adhere on the substrate.
e polymer planes and “inclusions” remain resistant to
impact or abrasion (Arabatzis etal. 2019), however, much
of the damaging energy is absorbed before the coating
cracks, akes or fails (Maruschak etal. 2012a).
A common drawback of epoxy binders is a fairly rigid
molecular structure that leads to an increase in viscos-
ity, which complicates the application of coatings to the
surface of the equipment. To solve this problem, various
diluents are used in the form of solvents and plasticiz-
ers, which are introduced into the polymer matrix in a
wide range of concentrations (Il’ina etal. 2019). A nega-
tive eect of such operation is the impairment of physical-
mechanical properties and signicant shrinkage of PCM
associated with loosening of the structure of the polymer
binder (Brusentseva etal. 2015; Buketov etal. 2019; Geng
etal. 2016). e Glass Transition Temperature (GTT) and
the strength of the PCM obtained are also lowered. In
turn, the use of solvents causes the formation of a large
number of pores and the appearance of residual stresses in
the volume of the composites. Another method for chang-
ing the viscosity of polymer systems is the targeted inu-
ence of energy elds during their formation. It is known
that UltraSonic Treatment (UST) and heating of polymer
mixtures leads to changes in a number of their properties,
including viscosity (Ganiev 2007; Sharma, Luzinov 2011;
Buketov etal. 2014). UST does not impair the physical-
mechanical and thermophysical properties of the compos-
ites obtained. Moreover, a decrease in the viscosity of the
compositions makes it possible to simplify the technologi-
cal process of applying coatings to the surface of marine
equipment. In this article, a number of approaches to the
development of this technique are proposed.
e time, during which the polymer binder retains
the ability to bind polymer compositions to solid sur-
faces (substrates) under the inuence of various harden-
ers, is one of the most important technological properties
of thermosetting oligomers. e time interval from the
preparation of the polymer binder to the moment it passes
into a system of innite viscosity, i.e., a gel (gel point) is
called as gelatinization (Mulder 1996). e optimization of
these conditions makes it possible to optimize the coating
process and improve its physical and mechanical proper-
ties (Buketov etal. 2016).
e purpose of this work was to ensure long-term and
safe operation of the marine equipment due to compre-
hensive repair technologies that use epoxy oligomers and
new compositions based on them.
1. Materials and methods of study
A correct and timely assessment of the material eective-
ness is only possible based on determining the economic
eciency of the technical decisions made. e economic
eect is divided into actual (obtained by saving produc-
tion resources) and conditional (cost reduction in the
future). e eectiveness of applying the developed poly-
mer materials based on epoxy resin (ED-20), PolyEthyl-
ene PolyAmine (PEPA) is due to the eective protection
of marine equipment. e epoxy oligomer ED-20 (GOST
10587-93 and standard ASTM D4762-08) was investigat-
ed. e characteristics of the binder are given in Table 1.
Nanodispersed soot carbon black of brand PowCarbon
2419G– Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) No 1333-86-4,
European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EI-
NECS) No 215-609-9– manufactured by Black Diamond
Material Science Co., Ltd. (China) was used as a ller. e
particle size of the powder was determined using electron
microscopy and is 24±2 nm. e characteristics of nano-
dispersed carbon black are given in Table 2.
Epoxy PCM was formed using the following technol-
ogy: preliminary dosing of epoxy resin ED-20, heating the
resin to the temperature T= 353±2K, and holding at this
temperature over the time period τ= 20±0.1 min.
Technical Nanodispersed Gas Soot (TNGS) is a hygro-
scopic material capable of absorbing moisture depending
on the particle size (Shaitanov etal. 2013), the presence
of impurities and storage conditions. is leads to clump-
ing (sticking) of the TNGS powder and complicates its
introduction and dispersion in the polymer medium. In
addition, the powder was dried in a mue furnace heated
to the temperature Т= 383±2 K and held at this tempera-
ture over the time period τ= 60±0.1 min. Soot was then
dosed and introduced into the epoxy oligomer. e ller
was introduced in the amount from 0.10 to 25.00 pts wt
Transport, 2020, 35(6): 679–690
per 100 pts wt of epoxy oligomer ED-20 (hereinaer, val-
ues in parts by weight are given per 100 pts wt of epoxy
oligomer ED-20). en, hydrodynamic combination of
TNGS and epoxy oligomer ED-20 particles was applied
using UST over the time period τ = (1.5...2.0)±0.1 min
in similar temperature conditions. Aer that, the nished
compositions were poured into a Grin glass (according
to ISO 7056:1981) in order to conduct further experi-
e rheological properties of polymer compositions
were determined using a BROOKFIELD DV-II+Pro pro-
grammable rotational viscometer (Malkin, Isayev 2012)
according to GOST 25271-93, as well as according to
ISO2555:89. e principle of operation of the device is
based on the rotation of the measuring spindle immersed
in the test uid by means of a calibration coil spring. Each
spindle is characterized by two constants, which are used
to calculate viscosity, shear stress and shear rate. A stand-
ard set of resin viscosity spindles (6 pcs) was used. To ob-
tain the most correct results, the control of the experiment
and data collection was carried out automatically using
a computer with Brookeld Rheocalc32 soware (https://
alct) installed. e average dynamic viscosity η was de-
termined in the temperature range of 25…90 °C at the
same spindle rotation speed, provided that the moment
was counted in the range of 10...95%. e thermostat-
ing time of the specimens was 15±0.2 min. e tempera-
ture values were displayed using an RTD temperature
sensor (from the instrument kit), the error of which is
±1 °C (the latter can operate in the temperature range
of–100…+149 °C). e temperature in the room at the
time of the experiment was 23±2 °C, and humidity was
64±2%. e accuracy of viscosity measurements is ±1.0%,
and the repeatability of experimental data is ±0.2%.
2. Research results and their discussion
At the initial stage, the inuence of UST and temperature
on the rheological properties of pure epoxy resin, UST-
modied resin, and compositions based on it with dier-
ent concentrations of nanodispersed soot was analysed.
When the temperature of epoxy oligomers and composi-
tions based on them with various degrees of ller con-
centration raised up to Т= 310 K, a sharp decrease in the
mean dynamic viscosity η was found in all the curves,
Figure 1. e characteristic kinks on the graphs indicate a
change in the phase state of the compositions. With fur-
ther heating of the test specimens, a monotonic decrease
in the mean dynamic viscosity was recorded, which indi-
cates the absence of phase transitions in the temperature
range (Т= 320...360 K).
Changes in dynamic viscosity η under the inuence
of temperature can be traced in greater detail taking into
account the data of Table 3. By comparing the proper-
ties of epoxy resin ED-20 in the initial state and aer the
UST according to the above method, it was found that the
UST changes the rheological properties of the oligomer.
In the range of elevated temperatures Т = 321...361 K,
the dynamic viscosity of the sonicated resin slightly de-
creased (∆η= 1.25...6.25mPas). At the same time, when
the epoxy oligomer is cooled (in the temperature range
Т= 296…316 K), the dierence between the viscosity of
the sonicated and non-sonicated resin increases: ∆η =
57.5...1462.5 mPas. In our opinion, the results obtained
are associated with high-intensity pulsed hydrodynamic
Table 1. Characteristics of nanodispersed soot carbon black
of brand PowCarbon 2419G
Indicator from the
developer company
Study method
Mean particle
size [nm]
24±2 electron microscopy
Specic surface
area [m
145±20 electron microscopy
Oil absorption
[cc/100 g]
85±5 GB/T 7046-2003
pH 4.9±1 GB/T 7045-2003
Staining power
≥127 GB/T 7050-2003
Volatile matter
content [%]
2.3±0.2 GB/T 7047-2006
Density [g/L] 180±20 GB/T 14853.1-2002
Physical form powder without magnication
Table 2. Characteristics of epoxy oligomer ED-20
Characteristics Value
Molecular mass M
Content of epoxy groups
Content of hydroxyl groups
Viscosity η [Pa·s] 13…20
Density ρ [g/cm
] 1.160
h [mPa·s]
290 300 310 320 330 340 350
T [K]
ED-20 + UP
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 0.10 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 1.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 5.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 10.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = l5.00 pts wt)
Figure 1. e eect of temperature T on the mean dynamic
viscosity η of the sonicated and non-sonicated epoxy resin
ED-20 and compositions with nanodispersed soot
A. Buketov et al. New black-lled epoxy coatings for repairing surface of equipment of marine ships
disturbances caused by the collapse of rapidly growing
vapour-gas bubbles in the epoxy oligomer volume. Appar-
ently, the shock waves formed upon collapse at the stage of
developed cavitation (Brennen 2013) are the main driving
factor that leads to the destruction of hydrogen bonds of
polymer macromolecules (Sharma, Luzinov 2011; Huang
etal. 2002). At the same time, the С–С, С=С, С=О bonds,
as well as other types of bonds between individual seg-
ments and groups of the main chains of macromolecules,
fragment hydrogen bonds while being destroyed them-
selves. is leads to changes in the physical-chemical
properties of the epoxy resin, in particular, a decrease in
its viscosity.
Further experiments showed that when the nanodis-
persed carbon black in the amount q=0.10…15.00 pts wt
is introduced into the sonicated epoxy resin, the viscosity
of the compositions increases gradually. It should be noted
that the tendency with a phase transition in the region Т=
310 K is also preserved. As is seen from the data displayed
in Table3, the dynamic viscosity of the compositions in-
creases by 9...15% compared with the oligomer even at min-
imum concentrations of the introduced ller (0.10 pts wt)
in the range of elevated temperatures Т= 321…361 K. In
the temperature range that precedes the phase transition
(Т = 296…316 K), an increase in viscosity was 7...10%.
e experimental results for a composition with the nano-
dispersed soot content q= 10.00 pts wt indicate that in the
temperature range of 321…361 K, the viscosity increases
by 92...794%, and in the temperature range of 296…316 K,
it increases by 52...108%. e maximum eect of the ller
on the rheological properties of the epoxy compositions
was observed aer a phase transition at high tempera-
tures. Moreover, the more highly lled the composition,
the more pronounced this eect. An increase in the ller
concentration enhances the viscosity of epoxy composi-
tions, Figure 1, Table 3, which is possibly associated with
an increase in the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic in-
teractions between the oligomer and nanoller molecules.
e agglomeration of nanoparticles in the volume of the
epoxy oligomer due to their highly developed surface is
also possible, which leads to a limited mobility of macro-
chains of epoxy resin.
A number of rheological studies made it possible to
evaluate the processes that occur during the formation of
nanocompositions and to develop technological recom-
mendations for their application on the surface of marine
equipment. It is known that in order to obtain a high-
quality protective layer by the “wet winding” method, and
to achieve a good impregnation of threads, bundles and
various fabrics, the viscosity of the binder should not ex-
ceed 300...500 mPas (Pahomov etal. 2016). In the paint
and varnish industry, there is an empirical rule, according
to which the viscosity of about 100...500 mPas provides
acceptable spraying, brushing or applying of a binder to
work surfaces. For the epoxy resin (ED+ UST) and the
composition (ED+ UST+ carbon black, q= 0.10 pts wt),
such viscosity values are attained in the temperature range
of 321...361 K. For the composition (ED+ UST + car-
bon black, q= 1.00 pts wt)– in the temperature range of
326...361 K, and for the composition (ED+ UST+ car-
bon black, q= 5.00 pts wt)– in the temperature range of
331...361 K. At the same time, black-lled compositions
with nanoparticles content q= 10.00 pts wt can be used for
the “impregnation work” when heated to 361 K. At the same
time, compositions with the ller content q ≥ 15.00 pts wt
are unsuitable for such application.
Table 3. Viscosity values of the epoxy composition based on epoxy resin ED-20 at various temperatures and concentrations of the ller
Т [K]
Viscosity values η [mPas]
ED-20 ED-20+ UST
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 0.10 pts wt)
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 1.00 pts wt)
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 5.00 pts wt)
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 10.00 pts wt)
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 15.00 pts wt)
361 56.25 56.25 61.25 68.75 173.75 503.00 1825.0
356 63.75 62.50 70.00 78.75 178.75 508.00 1820.0
351 75.00 72.50 82.50 93.75 188.75 510.00 1800.0
346 90.00 87.50 100.00 113.75 206.25 511.25 1780.0
341 113.75 110.00 126.25 143.75 232.50 515.00 1760.0
336 145.00 146.25 166.25 188.75 271.25 533.75 1760.0
331 202.50 196.25 228.75 257.50 337.50 583.75 1780.0
326 295.00 291.25 335.00 373.75 557.50 673.75 1880.0
321 451.25 446.25 513.75 566.25 826.25 855.0 2125.0
316 722.50 665.00 710.00 745.00 1070.0 1340.0 2645.0
311 1292.50 1197.5 1292.5 1392.5 1825.0 1820.0 3945.0
306 1945.00 1860.0 2050.0 2465.0 2700.0 3555.0 7125.0
301 4515.00 4145.0 4565.0 4590.0 6850.0 7700.0 16150.0
296 11462.5 10000.0 10000.0 10550.0 14300.0 20800.0 31450.0
Transport, 2020, 35(6): 679–690
e curves showing the inuence of test temperature
on the viscosity of PCM in the coordinates (lg η– 1/T)
are analysed, Figure 2. In this case, the activation energy
of the viscous ow was determined for each temperature
range separately, i.e., we can talk about the “apparent
or “instantaneous” activation energy of a viscous ow
(Shaitanov etal. 2013).
e activation energy is known to be inuenced by
the chain microstructure and its side branches, which de-
termines the exibility and interaction between the mol-
ecules of polymer compositions in the so-called transition
state, in which the destruction and creation of bonds are
balanced (Anpilogova etal. 2016; Ermahanova, Ismailov
2018). A decrease in the activation energy indicates the
transformation of the initial bonds in epoxy compositions
and the formation of new ones, which is also actively pro-
moted by the introduction of nanoadditives. e apparent
activation energy DE
[kJ/mol] of the viscous ow was de-
termined by the formula:
( )
2.303 ln
where: Ris the universal gas constant, R=8.314 J/(molK);
, η
are the experimental values of dynamic viscosity
[Pas]; T
, T
are the temperature values, at which viscosity
is determined at a constant shear rate [K].
e calculation results indicate that the rheological
behaviour of PCM is determined not only by the modi-
cation of the oligomer, but also by temperature and the
amount of the ller introduced, Table 4.
As is seen from Table 4, the lowest activation energy of
the viscous ow is in the upper temperature range, which
indicates an active formation of a new composition struc-
ture (the interaction between macromolecules, segments,
side groups of the oligomer and additives wetted during
the introduction of nanoparticles into the composition).
Further analysis of the data obtained suggests that a de-
crease in temperature leads to a natural increase in DE
especially for black-lled compositions. is, in turn, indi-
cates that agglomerates of carbon black nanoparticles and
macrochains formed in heterogeneous centers of epoxy
compositions have a structure that is more resistant to
thermosuctuation decay. e destruction and restoration
of such structures requires more thermal energy.
Another important step in optimizing the technol-
ogy of applying PCM to the surface of marine equipment
is the stage of curing. It is known that aer mixing with
the hardener, this process goes through three stages, i.e.,
the formation of a liquid, gel and solid phases (Hou etal.
2013) (Figure 3). e rst and second stages of PCM
polymerization are most important for the formation of
high-quality coatings. ey determine the time frame for
the transition from liquid to gel– gelatinization (working
time). Within this period of time, the material retains op-
timal rheological properties for the eective completion of
all technological operations of its formation. At the end of
the second and especially the third stage of PCM curing,
the viscosity of the compositions increases signicantly.
ey become less uid, which in most cases makes them
unsuitable for further application and repair (Figure 4).
Figure 2. Dependence of viscosity of the sonicated and
non-sonicated epoxy resin ED-20 and compositions with
nanodispersed soot on the test temperature
lg h
0.00270 0.00280 0.00290 0.00300 0.00310 0.00320 0.00330 0.00340
1/T [K ]
ED-20 + UP
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 0.10 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 1.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 5.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 10.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = l5.00 pts wt)
Table 4. Values of the apparent activation energy of the viscous ow of compositions based on ED-20 resin at various ller concentrations
Т [K]
Apparent activation energy of the viscous ow DE
ED-20 ED-20+ UST
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 0.10 pts wt)
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 1.00 pts wt)
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 5.00 pts wt)
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black (q=
10.00 pts wt)
ED-20+ UST+
carbon black
(q= 15.00 pts wt)
361…351 30.30 26.73 31.37 32.66 8.72 1.46 1.45
41.44 41.47 42.33 42.52 20.74 0.97 2.24
54.11 54.31 55.76 54.69 34.96 11.76 1.06
70.76 72.55 71.45 69.59 79.07 33.70 15.64
87.32 81.91 76.55 74.66 65.75 62.69 51.33
97.32 96.61 98.18 92.80 102.91 112.22 109.66
A. Buketov et al. New black-lled epoxy coatings for repairing surface of equipment of marine ships
e dependences of the gelation time on the content of
nanodispersed soot were determined experimentally. e
curing rate of polymer compositions increases signicant-
ly with an increase in temperature (in this case, the level
of residual stress and shrinkage increases, which aects
the physical-mechanical properties of the nal product),
due to which studies were carried out at a temperature of
23±2°C and an ambient humidity of 64±2%.
e main patterns of the torque variation in the pro-
cess of curing of the epoxy resin were established as op-
posed to the content of nanodispersed soot (Figure 5).
When PEPA hardener was introduced into the epoxy oli-
gomer in the amount q= 10.00 pts wt, the torque T
increased monotonously over 49 min, aer which it in-
creased sharply, forming a characteristic kink on the
curve. is indicates the beginning of the active formation
of chemical bonds between macromolecular chains and
their branches, which facilitates the formation of a three-
dimensional polymer network with an enhanced density
(Sapronov etal. 2020). A similar eect was observed dur-
ing the curing of epoxy compositions with the content of
nanoparticles from 0.10 to 1.00 pts wt.
It should be noted that even a slight increase in the
ller content (q= 0.10 pts wt) aects the nal stage of
the PCM gelatinization appreciably. At the same time, an
increase in the ller content to q= 1.00 pts wt leads to a
slowdown of the curing process compared to the original
ED-20. Further introduction of the ller in the amount
q= 5.00...15.00 pts wt leads to a signicant reduction in
gelatinization time and accelerates the curing of PCM. Ac-
cording to the authors, such dierence in the kinetics of
the polymerization reaction of highly lled nanocompos-
ites primarily indicates a signicant interaction between
nanoparticles and epoxy resin. An increase in the content
of nanoadditives leads, rst of all, to an increase in the
polymer network density. is causes the appearance of
additional friction forces when mixing the consistency,
during which energy is released, which transforms into
heat, thus accelerating the curing of PCM.
erefore, we studied the variation of the self-heating
temperature of epoxy compositions depending on the
intensity of the chemical reaction in the presence of na-
nodispersed soot with a hardener. e maximum tem-
perature of the exothermic reaction was observed in the
composition with the highest content of additive (q =
15.00 pts wt) (Figure 6). At the same time, PCM with
the nanodispersed soot content q= 1.00...10.00 pts wt is
characterized by a lower exothermic eect, as compared
to the materials based on the initial PCM (ED-20) and
Figure 3. Curing stages of epoxy oligomer (Hou etal. 2013)
Cure time after mixing
Open time Initial cure Final cure
Epoxy temperature
Liquid Gel Solid
Figure 4. Images of epoxy oligomer ED-20 with PEPA hardener
(a) and epoxy oligomer ED-20 with PEPA hardener and carbon
nanosoot (b); viscosity of the consistencies analysed ≥47.65 Pas
and 190.2 Pas, respectively
Figure 5. Torque variation in the process of curing of the epoxy
resin with dierent concentrations of nanodispersed soot
ED-20 (without additives)
ED-20 + carbon black in the amount of 15.00 pts wt
0:00:00 0:14:24 0:28:48 0:43:12
t [min]
T [%]
ED-20; ED-20 + UP
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 0.10 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 1.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 5.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 10.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = l5.00 pts wt)
Transport, 2020, 35(6): 679–690
PCM with a minimal content of nanoparticles (q= 0.10
pts wt). is means that additional dissipation of thermal
energy occurs in black-lled composites. us, the best
properties were obtained for an epoxy oligomer with the
gas soot content q= 1.00...5.00 pts wt, which is conrmed
by the dependence of the survivability time on the begin-
ning of PCM gelatinization, Figure 6. In this case, the low-
est exothermic eect among the PCMs tested, which was
revealed in the process of curing of the compositions (Fig-
ure 6, curves ED-20+ UST+ carbon black, q= 1.00...5.00
pts wt), should be noted. A more uniform character and
low exothermic eect of the curing reaction of the compo-
sitions should lead to the formation of a less defective and
stressed structure of the PCMs obtained. Obviously, this
case is characterized by the most active relaxation pro-
cesses during the polymerization of compositions.
e above results of investigations into the rheologi-
cal properties of epoxy composites, as well as features of
their curing, are a prerequisite for the development of
engineering methods for applying them to the surface of
ship mechanisms in order to eliminate defects.
3. Engineering use of the developed coatings
for the repair of ship mechanisms
Novel surface modication and coating techniques need
to be developed in order to successfully translate these
coatings toward commercial (large‐scale) applications.
Every day, coatings with enhanced performances and new
properties are being designed and demonstrated, but they
never nd their way outside the lab (Maan etal. 2020).
Combining simple coating techniques with a high cor-
rosion durability and crosslinkers or catch‐bonds (to en-
hance mechanical stability), could result in technologically
mature coatings with large‐scale applicability.
3.1. Properties of the developed
and known protective coatings
In this section, the authors did not consider the corrosion
types and did not make a detailed description of surface
preparation methods and surface quality requirements,
since these features are described in new recommenda-
tions, for example, in ABS (2017) and Vincent (2012),
and are relevant both for the existing and new coatings.
e basic technological operations for applying coatings
have been described. e performance check and trou-
bleshooting of marine equipment were standardized and
performed in accordance with RD 31.21.30-97. Technical
requirements for cleaning and surface preparation opera-
tions were carried out in accordance with ASTM D2093-
03(2017); ASTM D2651-01(2016); BS 7079:2009; ISO
e developed PCMs were used for the repair of
equipment, mechanisms and systems of a marine vessel,
such as:
pipeline systems characterized by corrosion damage
(Figures 7, 8), due to which the pipe wall becomes
thinner and the strength of the system decreases in
places of localization of corrosion;
deck mechanisms (cargo devices)– during storms,
critical mechanical stresses arise, which lead to
breakdowns of the above-described elements and
structures of the vessel.
e use of the developed materials with improved
physical and mechanical characteristics (Table 5) will ex-
tend time periods between repairs and protect the surface
of these systems from corrosion more eectively (Hou
etal. 2013; Mouritz etal. 2001; Alam etal. 2013; López-
Ortega etal. 2019).
3.2. Repair of the hydraulic drive of the control
system for closing/opening the lids of holds on
container ship
e developed PCMs and methods of their application
were tested on the container ship SEASPAN LUMAKO
4500 TEU, ME MAN B&W with a summer deadweight
of 50245 tons (Figure 7) in order to restore the surface
and improve the anticorrosion properties of the hydraulic
actuator of the control system for closing/opening the lids
of holds (Figure8, position 1). is system is used to seal
open spaces, thus ensuring safety of the transported car-
go, and is an important element of the ships unsinkability
system, and also makes it possible to quickly provide for
transhipment operations. is emphasizes the importance
of the above-described element of the ships hydraulic
drive and the need for its high-quality maintenance in a
constant working condition.
Figure 6. Torque variation relative to the temperature
of exoeect during the curing of epoxy composites with
dierent concentrations of nanodispersed soot
0 10 20 30 40 50
70 80 90
T [%]
ED-20; ED-20 + UP
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 0.10 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 1.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 5.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = 10.00 pts wt)
ED-20 + UP + soot (q = l5.00 pts wt)
A. Buketov et al. New black-lled epoxy coatings for repairing surface of equipment of marine ships
e surface was restored using black-lled epoxy com-
posite coatings (ED+ UST+ carbon black, q= 1.00...5.00
pts wt) (Figure 9). To apply the binder to the damaged sur-
face more eciently and quickly, the mechanized method
is used with help of pneumatic spray guns or airless spray
guns. To ensure the correct work of the above equipment
(the viscosity of the binder should not exceed 500 mPas),
as well as uniform spraying of the PC with a thickness of
0.1...0.3mm, the composite must be preheated to a temper-
ature of 326...361 K and 331...361 K, respectively (Table 3).
A PC that consists of berglass impregnated with the de-
veloped polymer binder was also formed on the surface
of the low-pressure valves (Figure 8, position 2) of this
system (Figure 9).
3.3. Repair of the outboard water pipe
of the cooling LT contour of container
Damage to the outboard water pipe of the cooling (LT)
contour was detected. is important line ensures the sup-
ply of liquid to the freshwater cooler and further cool-
ing of the ships power plant. e resulting damage, in
our opinion, is due to cyclic loads, temperature changes,
mechanical damage during operation, as well as the cor-
rosive eect of the medium (Maruschak et al. 2012b).
Repair of permanent type was carried out according to
the “wet winding” technique (Figure10). e coating was
applied manually using hair brushes. For a more eec-
tive impregnation of reinforcing bers, the viscosity of the
developed compositions did not exceed 300...500 mPas.
Recommended values for the compositions ED+ UST+
carbon black, q= 1.00...5.00 pts wt were attained by pre-
heating the binder to a temperature of 331...361 K (Ta-
ble3). Similar corrosion damage was detected on the side
wall of the ange seat of the freshwater cooler of the LT
contour (Figure 11, position 1), which serves to cool aux-
iliary mechanisms.
e side wall of the freshwater cooler (Figure 11, posi-
tion 1) was restored by using a composition ED+ UST+
carbon black q= 1.00...5.00 pts wt. e restoration fol-
Table 5. Comparison of properties of the developed and known Protective Coatings (PC)
Indicator PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5
Ultimate bending stresses σ
[MPa] 73…75 58.6 34…36 65…68 24…32
Modulus of elasticity E [GPa] 2.1 1.5…1.8 2.6 2.2 1.8…2.0
Impact toughness W [J/cm
] 0.9…1.0 0.7…0.8 0.2…0.5 0.4…0.9 0.1…0.4
Film thickness t
[µm] 0.1…0.2 0.1…0.3 0.1…0.2 0.1…0.3 0.2…0.5
Total polymerization time t
[h] 72 72±3 168 124 92
Covering cost c
[$/kg] 6.1 6.3 12.4 10.2 9.6
Notes: PC 1– the developed nanocomposite coating with the NS content q= 1.00 pts wt;
PC 2– the developed nanocomposite coating with the NS content q=5.00pts wt;
PC 3– a coating developed by Kronocoat Universal (UK);
PC 4– a coating developed by Marine Service Jaroszewicz s.c. (Poland);
PC 5– a coating developed by ordon Bearings Inc. (Canada).
Figure 7. Container ship SEASPAN LUMAKO with the
deadweight of 50245 tons (photo by Johnny Verhulst,
Figure 8. Types of damage hydraulic system for open/ close the
cover for cargo holds on a container ship SEASPAN LUMAKO:
1– damage to the surface of the pipeline hydraulic actuator;
2– damage to the containment and surface low pressure line
Transport, 2020, 35(6): 679–690
lowed the preliminary cleaning with a sandblasting appa-
ratus and degreasing of the wall surface, aer which a re-
storing layer of binder was applied to the prepared surface
without heating (ASTM D2093-03(2017); ASTM D2651-
01(2016); BS 7079:2009; ISO 17212:2004). is procedure
was followed because a composite with a reduced viscosity
can drain, forming an uneven layer of PC on the inner
surface of the wall.
A variant of restoration and repair is proposed, which
is designed for structural elements of the ship crane shown
in Figure 12.
Mounting techniques for slewing bearings are shown
in Figure 13 A-1 and A-2. Since the PCM is used during
installation works (Figure 13, A-2), the connected surfaces
t well enough and are regulated by sliding on a polymer
binder, the remains of which are removed from the sides
of the connected surfaces. is accounts for signicant la-
bour savings during tting of parts, and also provides for
corrosion protection of the internal surfaces of the con-
nected xtures.
us, the basic technological methods for applying
the developed PC to marine structures and mechanisms
are described. When the binder preparation conditions
(heating to the desired viscosity) are observed, it can be
applied mechanically using pneumatic spray guns and air-
less sprayers. is makes it possible to evenly apply the de-
veloped coatings of any thickness (including 0.1...0.3 mm)
to signicantly larger surfaces, both at and rough, with
corrosive cavities and other types of damage. e recom-
mended temperature-time conditions for heat treatment
of the developed composites are shown in Figure 13.
If the heat treatment process is not used, the pre-
liminary polymerization of the adhesive layer is carried
out at a temperature Т= 293...323 K over a time period
τ = 100...120 min, which provides for a high degree of
crosslinking of macromolecules with the formation of a
spatial grid. For the relaxation of residual stresses and im-
provement of service characteristics, the total polymeriza-
tion time is 72 h.
Figure 9. Repair pipe SW (sea water) line for cooling LT (low temperature) contour by comp. materials as Wet Wrap technology of
container ship MERWE TRADER (in this case, berglass impregnated with compositions based on modied epoxy resins was used)
a) c)b)
Figure 10. Container ship MERWE TRADER with the summer
DeadWeight Tonnage (DWT) of 11842 tons
Figure 11. Seat of the ange of the freshwater cooler of the LT
contour for cooling auxiliary mechanisms on a container ship
MERWE TRADER (position 1– side wall)
Figure 12. Use of epoxy composites for the maintaining the
cargo crane on ship columns– simplied diagram of a slewing
crane: A-1– mounting of a rotary bearing in the traditional
way; A-2– bearing mount using a thin layer of epoxy
A–1 A–2
A. Buketov et al. New black-lled epoxy coatings for repairing surface of equipment of marine ships
Based on experimental studies, new black-lled epoxy
coatings for the repair of surfaces of marine equipment
are developed, and the conditions for their application
are substantiated based on comprehensive studies of their
rheological properties.
It is found that the viscosity of the sonicated epoxy
matrix is not much lower than that of the initial epoxy
oligomer ED-20. In the range of elevated temperatures
(Т= 321…361 K), the dynamic viscosity ∆η of the soni-
cated resin slightly decreases from 1.25 to 6.25 mPas. At
the same time, when the epoxy oligomer is cooled, the
dierence between the sonicated and non-sonicated resin
increases signicantly and is ∆η= 57.5...1462.5 mPas in
the temperature range Т= 296…316 K.
When nanodispersed soot in the amount q =
0.10…15.00 pts wt is introduced into the sonicated epoxy
resin, the viscosity of the composition increases gradually.
It should be noted that with minimum concentrations of
the introduced ller (0.10 pts wt) in the range of elevat-
ed temperatures Т= 321…361 K, the dynamic viscosity
of the composition increases signicantly (by 9...15%)
compared to the oligomer. At the same time, in the tem-
perature range that precedes the phase transition (Т =
296…316 K), an increase in viscosity was 7...10%. e ex-
perimental results obtained for the composition with the
nanodispersed soot content q= 10.00 pts wt demonstrate
that in the temperature range of 321…361K, the viscosity
increases from 92 to 794%, and in the temperature range
of 296…316 K, an increase is 52...108%. Based on the data
obtained, we can state that the rheological properties of
epoxy compositions are inuenced by the ller to a greater
extent aer a phase transition at high temperatures.
Temperature ranges are recommended, in which the
viscosity of the studied compositions reaches the accept-
able technological parameters for the eective impregna-
tion of threads, tows and fabrics, as well as for applying
the compositions to the working surfaces of objects under
repair. For the epoxy resin (ED+ UST) and the composi-
tion (ED+ UST+ carbon black, q= 0.10 pts wt), such vis-
cosity values are attained at a temperature of 321...361 K,
for the composition (ED + UST + carbon black, q =
1.00 pts wt) – at a temperature range of 326... 61 K,
and for the composition (ED + UST + carbon black,
q= 5.00ptswt)– at a temperature range of 331...361 K.
Black-lled compositions (q= 10.00 pts wt) can be used
for the “impregnation works” when heated to 361 K. At
the same time, compositions with a higher ller content
(q= 15.00pts wt or more) are not suitable for the above-
mentioned works.
e dependences of the gelation time on the content
of nanodispersed carbon black in the developed PCMs
are established. e most pronounced eect on the com-
position curing was obtained with the ller content q=
1.00...5.00 pts wt, which provides for a more uniform
character of the time dependence on the gelation process.
In particular, at a temperature of 23±2ºС and an ambient
humidity of 64±2%, the survivability time for composi-
tions with the nanodispersed soot content q= 1.00 pts wt
is 47±1 min, and when the content of nanoadditives is q=
5.00 pts wt, survivability decreases to 29±1 min.
Variation of the self-heating temperature of the epoxy
binder depending on the intensity of chemical reactions
in the volume of the studied compositions was studied. In
the process of curing, the smallest exothermic eect was
observed in the compositions with the additive content
q= 1.00 pts wt (Т= 296...302.1 K) and 5.00 pts wt (Т=
296...301.3 K), respectively. is suggests that the mini-
mum exothermic eect and a more uniform nature of the
curing reaction should lead to the formation of a less de-
fective and stressed structure of the obtained material. In
this case, relaxation processes occur with maximum speed
during the polymerization of compositions.
e results obtained made it possible to test the coat-
ing technique on a number of marine mechanisms, which
made it possible to carry out in-line repairs and restore the
performance of marine equipment.
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Figure 13. Diagram of temperature-time conditions for the for-
mation of a coating:
I heating of individual components of the composition, ll-
er and epoxy oligomer ED-20 to a temperature of 353±2
K (20±0.1 min);
II holding epoxy oligomer ED-20 and the ller in the fur-
nace (20±0.1 min);
III hydrodynamic matching of epoxy oligomer ED-20 and
the ller (1±0.1 min);
IV thermal treatment of the composition to the specied
viscosity values (20±0.1 min);
V the introduction of the hardener and mixing of the com-
position (3±0.1 min);
VI applying the composition to a work surface and cooling
it to room temperature (60±0.1 min);
VII holding of the composition (12 h);
VIII heating the composition to a mixing temperature
IX thermal mixing of the composition (120±2 min);
Х cooling of the composition (160±0.5 min).
0 1 2 3
8 9 10
T [K]
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