Office of the Public Records Administrator
and State Archives
Guide to the Records
of the
Judicial Department
State Archives Record Group No. 3
Second Edition
Connecticut State Library
Hartford, Connecticut
Nancy M. Shader
Eunice G. DiBella, Public Records Administrator
Mark H. Jones, State Archivist
Ann M. Clark, Chair
Judge Joseph P. Flynn
Judge Francis X. Hennessy
Joy Hostage
Dr. Mollie Keller
Larry Kibner
E. Frederick Petersen
Dr. Betty Sternberg
Dr. Edmund B. Sullivan, Vice Chair
Edwin E. Williams
Kendall Wiggin, State Librarian
Richard Kingston, Director, Administrative Services
Lynne Newell, Director, Information Services
Sharon Brettschneider, Director, Division of Library Development
Office of the Public Records Administrator
and State Archives
Guide to the Records
of the
Judicial Department
State Archives Record Group No. 3
Second Edition
Connecticut State Library
Hartford, Connecticut
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Since 1855, the Connecticut State Library has acquired government archival records documenting the
evolution of state government and the formation and implementation of its policies, the rights and claims of
citizens, and the history of its institutions, economy, ethnic and social groups, politics, families and
individuals. In 1909, the General Assembly recognized the State Library’s unique role by making it the
official repository, or State Archives, for historical public records. Today the Office of the Public Records
Administrator and State Archives carries out that important function.
Records of the Judicial Branch of State government form one of the premier collections of the State
Archives. For decades, acquisition of historical court records has been a priority. Since the Library received
the first transfer of files and books, court records have been in high demand. Today these records are in
even higher demand with growing interest in genealogy and Native American ancestry.
Due to this ongoing interest in court records, the State Archives has given court records a high
processing priority. This second edition of the Guide to the Records of the Judicial Department builds upon
work created by members of the State Archives (specifically former Assistant State Archivist, Lizette
Pelletier) and projects funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).
This updated guide owes much of its new information to detailed inventories created by student workers
Elizabeth Brettschneider, Edward Gutiérrez, Adam Palmer and Lawrence Urrichio,
This summary guide gives an overview of all records of the Judicial Department in the custody of the
State Archives, with the exception of records from the Probate Court (separate finding aids are available for
Probate Court records). Detailed container lists are so extensive they were not published as part of this
overview. These lists are available from the State Archives and will be posted on the State Library’s web
page at
The State Archives welcomes comments about this guide from researchers and will carefully consider
suggestions for changes that will increase the ease of access. Send comments to: State Archives,
Connecticut State Library, 231 Capitol Ave., Hartford, CT 06106. Comments may also be submitted via our
web page.
Mark H. Jones, State Archivist
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Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................. ii
History of the Judicial Department ................................................................................... 1
Timeline: Key Dates in the History of Connecticut’s Courts .......................................... 3
Scope and Content Note ..................................................................................................... 5
Provenance .......................................................................................................................... 6
Restrictions .......................................................................................................................... 6
Research Tips ...................................................................................................................... 6
Related Materials ............................................................................................................... 7
List of Records
Part I: Early Records, 1636-1879; 1901 9
General Court (General Assembly), 1636-1820 ....................................... 9
Supreme Court of Errors, 1784-1901 ....................................................... 9-10
Particular Court, 1639-1665..................................................................... 10
Court of Assistants, 1665-1711 ................................................................ 10
Superior Court, 1711-1879 ...................................................................... 11-12
Part II: County Courts, 1666-1977 13
Fairfield County
Supreme Court of Errors, 1822-1964 ................................................... 13
Superior Court, 1711-1944 ................................................................... 13-14
County Court, 1701-1835 ..................................................................... 14-15
Maritime Court, 1777-1783 .................................................................. 15
Court of Common Pleas, 1879-1943 .................................................... 15-16
County Commissioners, 1889-1937 ..................................................... 16
Bar Association, 1806-1971 ................................................................. 17
Representatives and Senators, 1851-1960 ............................................ 17
Hartford County
Supreme Court of Errors, 1820-1977 ................................................... 17-18
Superior Court, 1711-1969 ................................................................... 18-22
County Court, 1666-1860 ..................................................................... 22-24
Maritime Court, 1776-1783 .................................................................. 24
Court of Common Pleas, 1859-1965 .................................................... 24-25
Unidentified Court, 1888-1908 ............................................................ 25
Various Courts, 1896-1961 .................................................................. 25
County Commissioners, 1890-1950 ..................................................... 25
County Detectives, 1920-1930 ............................................................. 25
Licenses, 1933-1937 ............................................................................. 25
Life Insurance Companies, n.d. ............................................................ 26
State Attorney, 1922-1924.................................................................... 26
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Litchfield County
Supreme Court of Errors, 1853-1880 ................................................... 26
Superior Court, 1752-1945 ................................................................... 26-27
County Court, 1751-1897 ..................................................................... 28-29
Maritime Court, 1782-1787 .................................................................. 29
District Court, 1872-1912..................................................................... 29
Circuit Court, 1962-1973 ..................................................................... 29
Court of Common Pleas, 1877-1949 .................................................... 29-30
Middlesex County
Supreme Court, 1819-1934 .................................................................. 30
Superior Court, 1786-1958 ................................................................... 30-31
County Court, 1785-1855 ..................................................................... 31-32
New Haven County
Superior Court, 1712-1944 ................................................................... 33-34
County Court, 1666-1862 ..................................................................... 34-36
Maritime Court, 1776-1783 .................................................................. 36
Court of Common Pleas, 1869-1945 .................................................... 36
New London County
Supreme Court of Errors, 1819-1932 ................................................... 36
Superior Court, 1711-1969 ................................................................... 37-38
County Court, 1661-1873 ..................................................................... 39-40
Maritime Court, 1781-1784 .................................................................. 40
Court of Common Pleas, 1870-1969 .................................................... 40-41
County Commissioners, 1768-1873 ..................................................... 41
Tolland County
Supreme Court of Errors, 1819-1942 ................................................... 41
Superior Court, 1787-1945 ................................................................... 42
County Court, 1786-1855 ..................................................................... 42-43
Windham County
Supreme Court of Errors, 1820-1886 ................................................... 43
Superior Court, 1726-1947 ................................................................... 43-45
County Court, 1726-1855 ..................................................................... 45
Court of Common Pleas, 1941-1945 .................................................... 45
Part III: District and Municipal Courts, 1716-1946 .................................................. 47-54
Part IV: Judges’ Notes, Dockets, and Drafts, 1845-1891 .......................................... 55
Part V: Justice of the Peace Courts, 1729-1936 ....................................................... 57-61
Part VI: Naturalization Records, 1700-1900 ............................................................. 63
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Part VII: State Bar Examining Committee, 1890-1984 ............................................... 65
Part VIII: Coroners, 1883-1980 ..................................................................................... 67
Fairfield County (Bridgeport), 1883-1979 ............................................... 68-69
Hartford County (Hartford), 1883-1979 .................................................. 69-70
Litchfield County (Torrington), 1883-1979 ............................................. 70
Middlesex County (Middletown), 1951-1979 .......................................... 70-71
New Haven County (New Haven), 1883-1980 ........................................ 71
New Haven County (Waterbury), 1917-1979 .......................................... 72
New London County (New London), 1883-1979 .................................... 73
Tolland County (Rockville), 1883-1979 .................................................. 73-74
Windham County (Putnam), 1883-1979 .................................................. 74
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ................................................................................ 75
Glossary of Selected Terms ................................................................................................ 77-80
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Records of the
Judicial Department 1636-1991
State Archives Record Group No. 003
First Connecticut Judicial Proceedings
The first Connecticut judicial proceeding were probably held on April 26, 1636 at “A Corte holden in
Newtown” (Hartford) under the commission granted to eight leaders by the General Court of Massachusetts
In 1638, the General Court established the Particular Court (often called the “Quartet Court” because it
was required to meet every three months). While the General Court, later called the General Assembly,
controlled the administration of justice, the Particular Court was the principal body until the union of the New
Haven and Connecticut colonies and the granting of the Charter from King Charles II in 1662.
In 1665, with the new Charter, the Particular Court was abolished and two new levels of courts were
established: the Court of Assistants in 1665, and the county courts one year later. Separate probate courts were
established in 1698 to handle such matters as wills and estates.
The Court of Assistants was abolished in 1711. Its powers of original and appellate jurisdiction were
assumed by the newly created Superior Court, the forerunner of the sole trial court of general jurisdiction,
which exists in Connecticut today.
Creation of an Independent Judiciary
During the period between the Revolutionary War and the adoption of the Connecticut Constitution in
1818, significant developments in the direction of creating an independent judiciary took place.
In 1784, the Supreme Court of Errors was created as the highest appellate tribunal of the state, with the
power to review lower court cases based on a writ of error, a power previously held by the General Assembly.
In 1818, the first Connecticut Constitution was adopted, setting forth the doctrine of separation of
powers and establishing the three separate branches of government. This constitution created “…a Supreme
Court of Errors, a Superior Court, and such inferior courts as the general assembly shall from time to time
ordain and establish.”
County courts were abolished in 1855 and their functions were transferred to a strengthened Superior
Court. As the volume of cases continued to increase, however, the General Assembly found it necessary to
create a series of Courts of Common Pleas.
Justices of the Peace
Justices of the Peace have played a vital part in the judicial system, beginning in 1686. By the end of
the seventeenth century, justices were commonly authorized to take jurisdiction over small actions. As
towns were incorporated, the General Assembly authorized the creation of town and borough courts in order
to handle small cases. Justices of the peace presided over these courts.
History from the State of Connecticut, Judicial Branch website at
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Twentieth Century Developments
In 1939, the trail justice system was enacted, vesting a limited criminal jurisdiction formerly within the
power of all justices of the peace in specially designated trail justices.
In 1921, Connecticut’s first juvenile courts were established in several towns, and in 1942, a statewide
Juvenile Court came into existence.
In 1941, the General Assembly enacted legislation to establish a single Court of Common Please for the
entire state with judges subject to periodic reassignment on a statewide basis. Prior to this legislation, judges
sat only in the counties to which they had been appointed.
When the General Assembly abolished county governments in 1960, the municipal courts and trail
justice system were replaced by a statewide Circuit Court. The three-level system of state, county and
municipal courts was dissolved in favor of a completely state-maintained system.
On December 31, 1974, the Circuit Court was merged with the Court of Common Pleas. The Circus
Court judges were elevated to the Court of Common Pleas. This consolidation was followed four years later
by the merger of the Court of Common Pleas and the Juvenile Court with the Superior Court on July 1, 1978.
Common Pleas and Juvenile Court judges became judges of the Superior Court. The Superior Court thus
became the sole trial court of general jurisdiction in the state, and Connecticut acquired the first unified court
system in the county.
In 1982, the state Constitution was amended to establish the Appellate Court to help alleviate the
caseload burden of the Supreme Court.
Probate Court
In addition to the state-operated courts, Connecticut has probate courts, which have jurisdiction over the
estates of deceased persons, testamentary trusts, adoptions, conservators, commitment of the mentally ill,
guardians of the persons, and estates of minors.
Each probate court has one judge, who is elected to a four-year term by the electors of the probate
district. Probate judges need not be attorneys. They are paid for their services from court fees.
For Records relating to the Probate Courts, see State Archives Record Group Number 004.
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Key Dates in the History of Connecticut’s Courts
1636: First judicial proceeding held in the state by the General Court.
1638: Particular Court established (also called the “Quarter Court”).
1639: Town courts established.
1642: Particular Court required to meet every three months (called “Quarter Court” during such sessions;
“Particular Court” when meeting at irregular times).
1662: General Court becomes known as the General Assembly.
1665-66: Particular Court abolished and replaced with Court of Assistants (1665) and the county courts
1686: Justices of the Peace first appointed.
1698: Probate courts established to handle such matters as wills and estates. Justices of the Peace formally
1704: General Assembly orders appointment of prosecuting attorneys for each county (previously,
prosecutors were appointed on a case-by-case basis).
1711: Court of Assistants abolished. The newly created Superior Court assumes its powers.
1784: Supreme Court of Errors created to review lower court cases on appeal. City courts established to hear
civil cases involving their residents or matters occurring within their boundaries.
1785: General Assembly required written opinions by the judges of the Superior Court in all cases decided in
Connecticut. This was the first publication of its kind in the United States.
1789: Ephraim Kirby, of Litchfield, publishes the first volume of reports of cases decided in Connecticut.
This was the first publication of its kind in the United States.
1814: First appointment of the Reporter of Judicial Decisions. The reports of cases decided in Connecticut
hereafter known as the Connecticut Reports.
1818: First Connecticut Constitution adopted setting forth the doctrine of separation of powers and
establishing the judiciary as one of three separate branches of government.
1819: A new act called for the Supreme Court of Errors to be held once a year in each county in the state.
1855: General Assembly abolishes county courts and jurisdiction split between municipal courts and superior
courts. Position of Commissioner of the Superior Court created: duties included authorization to sign writs
and subpoenas and to administer oaths. Today, all attorneys admitted to practice in Connecticut are
Commissioners of the Superior Court.
Provided by the External Affairs Division, Office of the Chief Court Administrator.
Loomis, Dwight Hon. and J. Gilbert Calhoun, The Judicial and Civil History of Connecticut. Boston:
Boston History Comp, 1895.
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1870: First Courts of Common Pleas established in Hartford and New Haven counties.
1883: Court of Common Pleas established in Litchfield County.
1889: Appointments of state referees authorized.
1921: First Juvenile Court created.
1929: Traffic Court of the District of Danbury created.
1939: Trial justice system enacted which vested the limited criminal jurisdiction formerly within the power of
all justices of the peace in specially designated trial justices.
1941: Single Court of Common Pleas established for the entire state with judges subject to periodic
reassignment on a statewide basis. Prior to this legislation, judges sat only in the counties to which they had
been appointed.
1942: Juvenile Court becomes first state-maintained juvenile court in the nation.
1950: Circuit Court replaces municipal courts and trial justice system.
1955: Office of the Chief Court Administrator created.
1977: Circuit Court merged with Court of Common Pleas.
1978: Court of Common Pleas and Juvenile Court merged with the Superior Court.
1982: Appellate Court established.
1983: Appellate Court begins operations.
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Scope and Content
This record group consists of all types of legal documents relevant to court action, including but not
limited to dockets, formal decisions, rules, appointments, judges’ notes and opinions, indexes, case files,
record books, executions, reports, and administrative papers, as well as materials from related entities such as
the State Bar Examining Committee, Coroners, and Medical Examiners. The records date from 1636 to the
late 20th century with the bulk from the 17th through the 19th century. Most extant state court records prior
to 1870 are in the State Archives along with a substantial volume of municipal and justice court records. The
collection also includes probate records (wills, inventories, bonds, administration reports, etc.) until 1698,
when the General Assembly established the separate probate court system see Records of the Probate Court
(RG 004).
This guide utilizes the same record descriptions used by the records creators as closely as possible:
records (or sometimes trials or minutes) are official records of court proceedings, entered chronologically in
bound volumes; files or judgments are papers received or created by the court session and arranged
numerically; dockets are lists of cases scheduled or heard. Materials grouped under Papers by Subject were
removed from the files, sorted and classified in the Library in the 1910s and 1920s; they are filed by subject,
with indicative titles, and thereunder either chronologically or alphabetically
. A glossary of commonly used
terms and list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about court records are at the end of this guide. This
record group contains 4881.5 cubic feet of materials.
The record group is organized into eight headings:
I Early Records, 1636-1901
II County Courts, 1666-1969
III District and Municipal Courts, 1716-1962
IV Judges’ Notes, Dockets and Drafts, 1845-1891
V Justice of the Peace Courts, 1729-1936
VI Naturalization Records, 1700-1900
VII State Bar Examining Committee, 1918-1984
VIII Coroners, 1883-1979
Early Records (1636-1901) contains materials from the General Court (General Assembly), the
Supreme Court of Errors, the Particular Court, the Court of Assistants, and the Superior Court. Please see the
administrative history and timeline in this guide for information regarding these early courts.
County Courts (1666-1969) by far the largest collection of court records at the State Archives, contains
records generated by the various courts within each county including Supreme Court of Errors, Superior
Court, County Court
, Maritime Court, and Court of Common Pleas.
District and Municipal Courts (1716-1962) includes records created by the now defunct district and
municipal courts that were presided over by the Justices of the Peace. When the county government system
was abolished in 1960, these courts were replaced by the statewide circuit court.
Judges’ Notes, Dockets and Drafts (1845-1891) contains various records from different courts that
were not included in the “official” records of those courts. It is unclear if the materials were transferred to the
State Library at another time (and were therefore considered a separate collection) or if they were included
with the other records of the various courts but were not incorporated into those files by the court clerk. Some
also came with private manuscript collections.
Not all materials were removed to Papers by Subject. Researchers should check original files for any
additional cases of interest.
County Courts were created in 1666 and abolished in 1855 with their functions transferred to the Superior
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Justice of the Peace Courts (1729-1936) includes writs and dockets which contain only minimal
information including name and residence of the accused, the complaint, the trail date, name of the justice and
a note on serving of the writ. See also the district and municipal court records for materials relating to Justice
of the Peace.
Naturalization Records (1700-1900) document naturalization proceedings that occurred in various
Superior Courts, Courts of Common Pleas, county District Courts, and Municipal courts. Included are
declaration of intention, petitions for naturalization, indexes, and related materials.
State Bar Examining Committee (1918-1984) consists of correspondence, minutes and applications.
For information on admissions to the bar prior to 1918, see County and Superior Court records for appropriate
Coroners (1883-1979) records consist of several series including Records, Case Files, Hearings,
Medical Examiner Reports, Coroner’s Reports, and Administrative files. A detailed scope and content note is
available at the beginning of list of Coroner’s Records (section VIII).
Since the establishment of the Connecticut State Library in 1854, the Judicial Branch has transferred its
records to the State Library. One of the first guides to the State Library’s manuscript collection (1916) lists a
substantial collection of early court records. The first half of the twentieth century saw the continued growth
of the State Library’s collection of judicial records with materials deposited with the Library from various
courts throughout the state. In the early 1980s, the Judicial Department established its own record center in
Enfield, CT. As a result, the number of accessions transferred to the State Library has significantly decreased.
For access to modern judicial records, contact the individual court for information.
Due to the age, fragile condition, and the intrinsic value of many of the judicial records, portions of this
collection have been restricted for the following reasons.
Use Copies: Researchers must use any microfilm, Photostat, or photocopy when available. Requests to
access the original record must be approved by the State Archivist.
Fragile Materials: Some records are temporarily closed due to their extremely fragile condition. At this
time no use copy is available. The State Archives is investigating ways to make these records available to
researchers in the near future.
Native American Materials: Due to the historic value, and the fragile condition of many of these
records, the State Archives has been systematically photocopying all court documents relating to Native
Americans. The original documents are then restricted.
Privacy Restrictions: Some materials in the State Bar Examining Committee and the Coroner’s Office
contain information that is protected by statute. Access to these records can only be obtained by written
permission from either the State Bar Examining Committee or the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
Processing: At times, portions of collections may be temporarily closed for processing projects. Once
the project is completed this guide will be updated and the materials will be made available to researchers.
Any collection that is restricted for any of the above listed reasons will be noted in (Restricted).
Researchers with any questions regarding these restrictions should contact a member of the State Archives
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Off-site Storage
Due to limited storage space at the 231 Capitol Ave location, the State Archives stores large portions of
Judicial Department records at various off-site facilities. As a result, these materials are not available on a
same day basis. Any materials stored off-site will be noted in (Off-site).
Research Tips
Researchers should consult all types of court records when tracing a case. If the specific court hearing
the case is unknown, researchers should check both County and Superior Court records. If the researcher
knows the case’s approximate date, he/she should scan the docket for that time period to establish the exact
hearing date. Because bound record volumes are arranged chronologically (and occasionally indexed by
name), researchers can check them for a brief case summary. Often the execution is available.
Arranged in
chronological order, an execution provides information on how the court carried out the decision, usually in
the form of a sheriff or constable’s report. If either party appealed the case from the County Court to the
Superior Court, researchers should check the bound appeals volumes. The records usually list the original
writ’s date, the plaintiff’s claims and the appealing party’s bond pledge. These are not, however, available
for all counties.
Individuals looking for a specific case during the 18th century who are uncertain of the original court
should check the Superior Court Records, 1711-1798. These are a good starting point to find such cases
because the books cover all courts. The records are listed chronologically by session and by location of the
In addition to the bound volumes, the collection has a large number of file papers. These consist
primarily of writs of Mittimus or executions used by the sheriff or constable. Researchers may find them
difficult to use because they are tightly folded and packed into metal file drawers or cardboard boxes and
only roughly arranged chronologically or alphabetically. Some boxes have no arrangement at all. Since the
files often contain several papers related to a given case, researchers will find them worth investigating if
the bound records do not provide sufficient information.
The clerks of the court have retained the permanent dockets. Therefore, researchers must obtain
dockets numbers from the particular Superior Court for a case prior to requesting the file. This applies to
most criminal and judgment (divorce) files.
Related Materials
It is important to note that while the records of the judicial department contain a wide variety of
information it may be necessary to check other collections within the State Archives to ensure a complete
search. For example, if a researcher is interested in records relating to wills and estates, please check the
Probate Court Records (RG 004). If a researcher is investigating a case with political ramifications, check
the records of the Governor (RG 005) to see if any correspondence was exchanged regarding this litigation.
In addition to archival collections, researchers should make a point to visit the Law and Legislative
Reference Unit (LLR) of the State Library. The collections in that Unit include the official court reports
(decisions) of state and federal courts as well as their digests (indexes). The records and briefs for the U.S.
Supreme Court and Connecticut Supreme and Appellate Court cases may also give valuable background
information for cases appealed to higher courts. The Unit has biographical files and resources, which
include attorneys and judges of note.
Also please note that the New Haven County Superior Court transferred some of its historical records
to the New Haven Colony Historical Society when it moved from its former location on the Green to
Church Street. A list of the records located at the Society is available from the Archives Staff.
A record of when and how a writ was completed, not to be confused with capital punishment.
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Container Lists
In the List of Records, there are references to separate container lists (e.g. See container list Superior
No. 2). These lists are box level inventories of materials in this collection. The lists are too numerous to be
included in this published volume. For copies of these container lists please contact the State Archives.
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List of Records
Part I. Early Records, 1636-1901
A. General Court (General Assembly) 1636-1820
1. Records, 1636-1776 Main Vault
See: Early General Records, RG 1, volumes 1 - 11. Also published in
The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, J. Hammond
Trumbull and Charles J. Hoadly, eds. Hartford, 1850-1890, 15
Hist Ref Conn Doc G25
2. Files, 1636-1820 Main Vault
See: Early General Records, RG 1, also known as the Connecticut
Archives. Available on microfilm. Judicial records are found
throughout several series but the most significant are:
Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1st series, 1663-1789. 6 volumes.
Crimes and Misdemeanors, 2d series, 1671-1820. 5 unbound volumes.
Private Controversies, 1st series, 1639-1717. 6 volumes.
Private Controversies, 2d series, 1636-1811. 31 unbound volumes.
Note: Separate index volumes and slips are also available. (microfilm)
B. Supreme Court of Errors, 1784-1901
1. Reasons of Court, 1786-1807 Main Vault
1786-1797. 0.10 cubic feet. Accession: 1919-003 Box 1
1803-1807. 1 volume. Accession: 1919-001 Vol 97
2. Records, 1810-1817 Main Vault
1 volume. 0.05 cubic feet. Accession: 1919-002 Vol 98
3. Files, 1784-1819 Main Vault
Chronological. 5 cubic feet. See container list Early Records No. 1.
4. Dockets, 1785-1819, 1825 Main Vault
0.10 cubic feet. Accession: 1919-003 Box 1
5. Miscellaneous Papers, 1799-1901 Main Vault
Includes Appointments of Court Reporter, 1820-1854; Decisions (Judges' Box 1
Notes), 1822-1873; Rules, 1819-1874; List of Weights and Measures, n.d.; Lists
of Cases, 1830-1858; Letters, Notes, Bills, Receipts, etc., 1799-1901.
0.05 cubic feet. Accession: 1919-003
6. Judges' Notes and Opinions, 1872-1875 Main Vault
Two notebooks containing notes and drafts of opinions in Supreme Court cases, Box 1
by Judges James Phelps and Lafayette S. Foster. 1.5 inches. Accession: 1919-003.
7. Court Reporters' Notes, 1858-1893 Main Vault
Notes of Court Reporter John Hooker, 37 volumes, 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1985-001
1858-1861 Box 1
1861-1866 Box 2
1866-1871 Box 3
After 1819, Supreme Court justices met in the Superior Courts, which maintained the records of these
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1871-1875 Box 4
1875-1881 Box 5
1881-1888 Box 6
1888-1893 Box 7
C. Particular Court, 1639-1665
Records, 1639-1665
Main Vault
See: Early General Records, RG 1: Records of the Colony of
Connecticut, Vol. 1, 1639-1649 (indexed by subject); Vol. 55,
1650-1663 and Vol. 56, 1663-1665. (indexed by name).
Published versions of Vols. 55 and 56 are available on microfilm.
A separate manuscript index to Vol. 55 is available, Main Vault
974.6 qC71p Index. Records prior to April 1663 were published
in Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663.
Connecticut Historical Society Collections. Vol. 22 (Hartford,
1928). Hist Ref F 91 C7
D. Court of Assistants, 1665-1711
1. Records, 1665-1711 Main Vault
See: Early General Records, RG 1: Vol. 53, 1669-1686, 1696-1701;
Vol. 56, 1665-1677; Vol. 58, 1687-1696, 1702-1711. (All
indexed by name.)
Vols. 53 (LH4419/20) and 56 (Orange tape
974.6 C762crp Mfilm) are on microfilm.
2. Files, 1665-1711
1665-1711 Main Vault
See: General Court (General Assembly) Files above.
1699-1706 Main Vault
See: Early General Records, RG 1, the Connecticut Archives: Court
Papers, 1649-1709 (mostly 1699-1706). 1 volume.
(Indexed) (microfilm)
1705-1711 Alphabetical by plaintiff, followed by miscellaneous
material Main Vault
(inquests, boundaries of Rye, etc.) 1.25 cubic feet. Box 37
Accession: 1919-006
E. Superior Court, 1711-1879
1. Records, 1711-1798 Main Vault
1711-1717, 1748-1749
See: Early General Records, RG 1, Vol. 58, 1711-1715; Vol. 57,
1711-1715, 1748-49. (Indexed by name)
1714-1798. 31 volumes. 4 cubic feet.
See container list Early Records No. 2.
1774-1796. Chancery cases. 1 volume. Accession: 1919-007 Vol 95
2. Executions, 1784-1798 Main Vault
1747-1734. See above Records of Supreme Court, container list Early Records No. 2.
For case files, see under the individual counties. Records for the Particular Court of the Andros period,
1687-1688, are part of the County Court records for Hartford County.
Norbert B. Lacy transcribed records for the period 1665-1711 in 1937. A copy of this transcript (2
volumes) is in Box 648 Main Vault.
For other papers of the Superior Court, see under individual county names. The volumes cover all of the
courts chronologically by session.
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1784-1798. 1 volume. Accession: 1919-009 Vol 96
3. Reasons of Court, 1786-1797 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1919-010 Box 47
4. Docket Books, 1798-1867
Main Vault
Includes: 1 volume, 1805-1815. Jacob Loomis(?). Superior Court and County Box 47
Court in Windham, New London, Tolland and Hartford Counties; 1 volume, 1810-
1812. William Dixon. Superior Court and County Court in Hartford and Tolland
Counties; 1 volume, 1798-1809. Superior Court, New London County and Circuit
Court, New Haven and Hartford; 1 volume, 1816-1834. Superior Court and County
Court, Tolland County; 5 volumes. 1846-1856, 1858-1861. Superior Court and
County Court, Hartford County; 1 volume, 1865-1867. Superior Court, Hartford
County. 10 volumes. 5 cubic feet. Accession: 1919-010
5. Reports, 1800-1801 Main Vault
Fairly complete (compared to the published reports for other years) reports of Box 47
cases heard from the Middletown term, July 1800 through the Fairfield term,
January 1801. 1 volume. (plus unbound Photostat copy). 0.05 cubic feet.
Accession: 1919-010
6. Administrative Papers, 1760-1879 Main Vault
Miscellaneous correspondence, notes, bills, and receipts, probably from the Box 47
several court clerks (George Pitkin, 1798; Winthrop Saltonstall, 1798-1808; and
others.) Included are a few depositions and other papers filed with the Court. 0.5
cubic feet. Accession: 1919-010
Acquired from various sources, these books were probably personal rather than official records.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Part II. County Courts, 1666-1969
A. Fairfield County
1. Supreme Court of Errors, 1822-1964
a. Case notes, 1822-1824 Main Vault
See: Early Records. Supreme Court of Errors. Miscellaneous Papers.
b. Dockets, 1841-1964 Off-site
Bridgeport. See container list Fairfield Supreme No. 1.
c. Records, 1894-1943 Off-site
Bridgeport. 5 cubic feet. Accession: 1997-082
1894-1912 Vol 1
1912 Vol 2
1923 Vol 3
1933 Vol 4
1943 Vol 5
2. Superior Court, 1711-1944
a. Records, 1756-1939
1756-1769 Main Vault
Fragmentary coverage for Feb. 1756, Aug. 1757, Aug. 1759, and Feb. Box 51
1769.These seem to be first drafts of the official records located in RG 1
bound volumes with the exception of February, 1769. 0.5 cubic feet.
Accession: 1919-021
See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 1. Main Vault
b. Files, 1712-1939
1712-1869. Chronological then some alphabetical. 37 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 2.
1869-1939. Arranged by year or term. 369 cubic feet. Off-site
See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 3.
c. Papers by Subject, 1711-1799 Main Vault
Arranged alphabetically by subject. Includes Appointments; Chancery Cases;
Common Fields; Conservators and Guardians; Costs; Court Expenses; Confiscated
Estates and Loyalists; Divorces; Executions; Inquests; Jurors; Miscellaneous; Militia;
Travel; and Partition Land. 8 cubic feet.
See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 4.
d. Dockets, 1712-1908 Main Vault
1712-1798. .75 cubic feet. Accession: 1919-021 Box 51
1858-1908. See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 5. Main Vault
e. Criminal Files, 1928-1944
1926-1932. Prohibition and Union Activity Cases, 1 cubic foot. Main Vault
See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 6.
1928-1944. Arranged by date and docket number, 14 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 7.
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center in Enfield.
Due to past record keeping practices, some gaps may exist within this record series.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Fairfield County
f. Defaults, 1841-1882 Main Vault
1.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1997-066
1841-1858 Vol 1
1859-1869 Vol 2
1870-1882 Vol 3
g. Divorces, 1853-1940
Records, 1853-1940. Arranged chronologically. Includes alphabetical Main Vault
name index. See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 8.
See also: Superior Court Files, 1869-1939 Off-site
h. Executions, 1712-1820 Main Vault
1712-1798 See Papers by Subject Executions. Box 612
1790-1807 Vol 1 & 2
1808-1811 Vol 3
1811-1819 Vol 4
1819-1820 Vol 5
1.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1997-073
i. Foreclosures, 1884-1960 Main Vault
Records, 1884-1908. 2.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1997-068
1884-1892 Vol 1
1896-1903 Vol 2
1903-1909 Vol 3
Files, 1895-1960. See container list Fairfield Superior Court No. 9. Off-site
j. Judgments, 1865-1948 Main Vault
3 cubic feet. Accession: 1997-071
1865-1899 Vol 1
1901-1933 Box 1
1933-1948 Box 2
k. Indexes, 1854-1939 Main Vault
Plaintiff/Defendant, 1 volume. Accession: 1997-067
l. Court Appointments, 1861-1932 Main Vault
Appointments of Deputy Sheriffs, 1861-1901, 1915-1923, 3 volumes.
Appointments of Justices of the Peace, 1911-1932, 1 volume.
2 cubic feet. Accession: 1997-074
m. Notary Publics and Commissioners, 1907-1922 Main Vault
1 volume. Accession: 1997-084
n. State Highway Commission, 1929-1939 Off-site
Civil Cases. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1997-044 Box 11-28A
3. County Court, 1701-1881
a. Records, 1702-1851
Main Vault
See container list Fairfield County No. 1.
Records for the period 1666-1702 appear lost, except for those included in the records of the Court of
Assistants listed in Part I.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Fairfield County
b. Files, 1701-1881 Main Vault
Parts of this series are disarranged and most of it is in poor physical condition.
Papers for 1701, and 1713-1748 have been processed (unfolded, arranged and identified.)
Boxes 125-147 contain items (in rough chronological order) to be inter-filed, 1749-1881.
Box 162 contains fragments and unidentified papers. 66 cubic feet.
See container list Fairfield County No. 2.
c. Papers by Subject, 1740-1835 Main Vault
Other court records relating to these topics may remain in the main file Box 163
listed above. Papers by Subject is not conclusive. Includes Appointment
of Officers; Bills and Receipts; Common Lands; Confiscated Estates and
Loyalists; Conservators and Guardians; Costs; Court Expenses; Divorce;
Indians; Jails; Jurors; Licenses; Meeting House; Militia; Partition Land;
Shipping; Travel. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1919-033.
Original Native American materials restricted. Photocopies available for research.
d. Defaults, 1851-1855 Main Vault
1 volume. Accession: 1997-079
e. Dockets, 1848-1855 Main Vault
2 volumes. Accession: 1997-078
f. Executions, 1730-1807 Main Vault
1730-1785 See County Court Records, container list Fairfield County No. 1.
1785-1807 2 volumes. Accession: 1997-077
4. Maritime Court, 1777-1783
a. Records, April 1779-October 1782 Main Vault
One record book and one register book, 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-036 Box 649
Original restricted, photocopy available.
b. Files, 1777-1783 Main Vault
Approximately chronological. 2 cubic feet Accession: 1980-036
Volumes 1-35 Box 649
Volumes 36-end Box 650
Original restricted, photocopy available.
c. Index, 1777-1783 Main Vault
Alphabetical by name for vessel and subject.
0.25 cubic feet Box 649
Accession: 1980-036
5. Court of Common Pleas, 1879-1958
a. Criminal Files, 1889-1918
Bridgeport. Arranged chronologically. 13 cubic feet.
See container list Fairfield Common Pleas No. 1.
Prepared in 1980 by Patricia Q. Wall.
Some criminal files remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center
in Enfield. Due to past record keeping practices, some gaps may exist within this record series.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Fairfield County
b. Civil Dockets, 1917-1958 Off-site
Bridgeport. Arranged chronologically with some overlap. 4 cubic feet.
Accession: 1985-007
September 1917-September 1947 Box 30-7B
September 1947-September 1953 Box 30-8A
October 1870- 1920 Box 30-8B
January 1921-September 1932 Box 30-9A
c. Discontinued Cases, 1899-1943 Off-site
Bridgeport. 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1985-007
1899-1943 Box 30-9A
1918-1921 Box 30-9B
d. Daily Blotters (Entries), 1904-1977 Main Vault
2 cubic feet. Accession: 1997-070
1904-1956 Box 1
1957-1977 Box 2
e. Default, 1870-1909 Main Vault
2 cubic feet. Accession: 1997-083
1870-1876 Vol 1
1876 Vol 4
1880 Vol 8
1888 Vol 11
f. Disposition of Liquor, 1929-1931 Main Vault
1 volume. Accession: 1997-080
g. Appeals, 1907-1975 Main Vault
Logs, 1941-1960 and Appeals to the Supreme Court, 1907-1975.
1 volume. Accession: 1997-085
h. Foreclosures, 1880-1903 Main Vault
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1997-081
1880 Vol 7
1885 Vol 10
1891 Vol 12
1900 Vol 14
1903 Vol 15
6. County Commissioners, 1889-1937
Minutes and records, 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1997-072 Main Vault
With the abolition of county government on October 1, 1960, records created by the county were
distributed to various local and state agencies. In some cases, County Commissioner records were
transferred to the courts. Additional County Commissioner records may be found in County Government
(RG 061).
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Fairfield and Hartford Counties
7. Bar Association, 1806-1971 Main Vault
Scrapbook 1928-1971, includes annotated printed list of members, 1 volume. Box 1
Bar Record 1806-1808, includes regulations and adopted fees, 1 volume.
Bar Record 1867-1887, loose pages documenting regulations, 1 folder
Record of Meetings, 1891-1912, meeting minutes, 1 volume.
Record of Meetings, 1917-1934, meeting minutes, 1 volume.
Record of Meetings, 1933-1957, meeting minutes, 1 volume.
Accession: 1997-047
8. Representatives and Senators, 1851-1960
Meeting minutes of Representatives and Senators to the General Assembly. Main Vault
1851-1917 Vol 1
1918-1949 Vol 2
1950-1960 Vol 3
Accession: 1997-075
B. Hartford County
1. Supreme Court of Errors, 1820-1977
a. Files, 1820-1977
1820-1894. Alphabetical by plaintiff. 3.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-003 Main Vault
A-Bri Box 14
Bro-Con Box 15
Coo-F Box 16
G-Hi Box 17
Ho-L Box 18
M-Phe Box 19
Phe-Se Box 20
Se-T Box 21
U-Z Box 22
1890-1977. Chronological by case number.
104 cubic feet. Off-site
See container list Hartford Supreme No. 1.
b. Dockets, 1820-1932
1820-1894 Main Vault
Printed and annotated dockets, Accession: 1932-003 Box 23
Printed dockets, 6 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-078 Off-site
1879-1893 Box 14-71A
1894-1907 Box 14-70A
1907-1916 Box 11-71B
1916-1931 Box 14-71A
1930-1932 Box 15-61A
c. Correspondence, 1848-1890 Main Vault
Judges. 0.05 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-003 Box 23
d. Records, 1820-1935
2 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-081 Off-site
1894-1925 Box 14-70A
1925-1935 Box 14-71A
There are no cases for the years 1943-1964.
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Hartford County
e. Transcripts, 1969-1973 Off-site
Case number 6363, State vs. Vernard, 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-083 15-25B &
f. Decisions, 1894-1946
3 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-077 Off-site
1894-1925 Vol 1
1926-1935 Vol 2
1935-1940 Vol 3
1940-1946 Vol 4
g. Briefs, 1929-1968
Printed briefs, years overlap, 11 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-076 Off-site
1929-1940 Box 1
1962-1966 Box 2
1785-1855 Box 3
1785-1856 Box 4
1785-1857 Box 5
1785-1858 Box 6
1785-1859 Box 7
1785-1860 Box 8
1785-1861 Box 9
1785-1862 Box 10 & 11
h. Statistical reports, c. 1965-1959 Off-site
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-082 Box 1
i. Hartford Housing Authority, 1950-1955 Off-site
Building files, 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-080 Box 1
2. Superior Court, 1711-1969
a. Records, 1798-1952 Main Vault
1798-1827. 5 volumes. 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-002
1798-1804 Vol 1
1804-1810 Vol 2
1810-1816 Vol 3
1817-1821 Vol 4
1821-1827 Vol 5
1830-1952. 44 cubic feet. Off-site
Also includes Criminal Records, 1875-1942. 8 cubic feet.
See container list Hartford Superior No. 1.
b. Files, 1711-1899
Chronological until 1874, then by case number. 298 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list Hartford Superior No. 2. & Probate
See also: Civil Cases.
c. Divorce, 1740-1952
1740-1794 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-015 Box 96
See also: Papers by Subject.
1871-1952. 14 cubic feet. Probate Vault
See container list Hartford Superior No. 3.
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Hartford County
d. Executions, 1711-1820
1711-1749 Main Vault
1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-012
1711-1719. A-Z Box 97
1720-1729. A-V Box 97
1720-1729. W-Z Box 98
1730-1739. A-Z Box 98
1740-1749. Box 99
1799-1855 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet, Accession: 1932-019
1799-1806. 1 volume
1807-1820. 1 volume
See also: Papers by Subject.
e. Inquests, 1711-1849 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet Accession: 1932-009 Box 100
f. Papers by Subject, 1711-1849 Probate
Includes Applications for Admission to the Bar, 1812-1845; Appointments,
1764-1806; Conservators and Guardians, 1824-1845; Costs, 1711-1849; Court
Expense, 1740-1847; Criminal Warrants, 1800-1820; Divorces, 1796-1849 (microfilm);
Executions, 1790-1855; Insolvents, 1809, 1846; Jurors, 1711-1848; Jury Warrants,
1843-1844; Loyalists, 1777-1779; Meeting House; Miscellaneous; Partition Land,
1802-1839; Petitions for Aliens to Hold Land, 1826-1847; Petitions for Reward, 1755-1846;
Travel, 1755-1847; Vouchers and Miscellaneous, 1821-1835. 18 cubic feet.
See container list Hartford Superior No. 4.
Railroad Land Cases, 1849-1914. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1996-003 Main Vault
g. Dockets, 1713-1956
1713-1806. Chronological. 1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-010. Main Vault
1713-1780 Box 101
1781-1806 Box 102
1806-1849. Chronological. 1.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-011. Main Vault
1806-1811 Vol 1
1812-1819 Vol 2
1820-1826 Vol 3
1827-1833 Vol 4
1834-1839 Vol 5
1840-1844 Vol 6
1845-1849 Vol 7
1855-1897 Printed dockets in chronological order, 1 cubic foot. Box 103
Accession: 1932-010.
1855-1943 Chronological order, 33 cubic feet. Off-site
Includes Criminal Dockets, 1894-1900.
See container list Hartford Superior No. 5.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Hartford County
h. Criminal Files, 1848-1945
1848-1945. Chronological, then by file number. 27 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list Hartford Superior No. 6.
1919-1954. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-057 Off-site
1919-1920; 1935-1940. Case number J1-J49; J147-J18. Box 10-18B
1923-1924. Case numbers 511-5989. 1 cubic foot. Box 14-41B
1949-1954. Criminal Court. 1 volume. Accession: 1987-057 Box 14-58A
i. Civil Cases, 1899-1945
Chronological then by case number (#9881-74819), 293 cubic feet. Off-site
See container list for Hartford Superior No. 7.
j. Hartford Circus Fire Settlement, 1944-1946 Main Vault
Arbitration Agreements,
Signed arbitration agreements and awards for victims of the Circus Fire.
Arranged by case number. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-021.
See container list for Hartford Superior No. 8
Claimant Files, 1944-1946
Case files for each individual claimant. May include copy of award, correspondence,
death certificate and photographs. Arranged by case number. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1993-
138. See container list for Hartford Superior No. 8A. For additional information on the
Hartford Circus Fire see Subject Guide to the Hartford Circus Fire, July 6, 1944.
k. Land Condemnations, 1884-1968 Off-site
Includes highway and redevelopment projects. Chronological. 26 cubic feet
See separate container list for Hartford Superior No. 9.
l. Insolvent Debtors’ Petitions, 1829-1841 Main Vault
1 volume, 0.25 cubic feet, Accession: 1932-032
m. Withdrawn/Discontinued, 1942-1946 Off-site
By case number, 4 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-075
1942, File# IJ-171J Box 12-11A
1942, File# 172J-369J Box 12-11B
1943, File# 370J-560J Box 12-12A
1943-1946, File# 561J-688J Box 12-12B
n. Depositions, c. 1910-1959 Off-site
Chronological, 8 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-059
1910-1920 14-15A
1930 14-15B
1930 14-16A
1940-1943 14-16B
1940 14-17B
1940-1950 14-17A
1950 14-18A
1950 14-18B
Some criminal files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records
Center in Enfield. Due to past record keeping practices, some gaps may exist within this record series.
For an alphabetical list of claimants and their respective case numbers see Appendix 1 of this guide.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Hartford County
o. Notary Public, 1871-1953, 1957
10.25 cubic feet. See container list for Hartford Superior No. 10.
p. Costs, 1890-1969 Off-site
Volumes relating to various aspects of court costs. 4 cubic feet.
1890-1924 Cash (Volumes), Accession: 1987-055 14-51A
1901-1910 Cash Ledgers, Accession: 1987-063 14-50A
1920-1931 Trust Acts, Accession: 1987-055 14-49B
1949; 1959-1969 Criminal Cost Witness Fee, Accession: 1987-055 14-48B
q Financial, 1947-1955 Off-site
Files, 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-062.
1947-1955. Clerk Raymond G. Calnen Files. Box 1
1954-1955. Files. Box 2
r. Insolvencies, 1829-1841 Off-site
0.5 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-056 See also Papers by Subject. Box 14-49A
s. Court Calendars, 1904-1912 Off-site
Volumes for years 1904, 1909, and 1912. .5 cubic foot. Box 14-49A
Accession: 1987-056
t. Grand Juries, 1924-1956 Off-site
1924. Minutes. 0.5 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-063 Box 14-50A
1951. One-man grand jury. Judge Maltbie. Hartford Housing Box 1-3
Authority (HHA) Investigation. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-064
1953-1956. One-man grand jury. Judge Malloy. Prison Conditions. Box 14-21B
1 cubic foot, Accession: 1987-053
u. Journals, 1901-1904, 1947-1956 Off-site
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-063 Box 14-50A
v. Judgments, 1926-1948 Off-site
1 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-068 Box 14-65B
w. Judges and Attorneys, 1825-1959 Off-site
1885-1930. Judges Annual Meeting. Accession: 1987-067 Box 15-55A
1885-1930. Proceedings in Chamber. Accession: 1987-071 Box 15-55B
x. Justices of the Peace and Sheriff’s Deputies, 1854-1967 Off-site
1854-1967. Sheriff’s Deputies, 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-078 Box 11-71B
Box 15-72B
1897-1922. Justice of the Peace, 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-070 Box 15-72B
y. Daybooks, 1854-1947 Off-site
1854-1947. volumes 16-21. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-058 Box 15-73B
1854-1947. volumes 22-25. 1 cubic foot. Box 15-74A
There are several gaps in the dates. See the container list.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Hartford County
z. Transcripts, c. 1920-1968 Off-site
1920-1940. Testimony. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-074 Box 17-03A
1945. Case #16831, 1 volume
n.d. Case #27696
aa. Habeas Corpus, c. 1930-1969 Off-site
State Cases, alphabetical. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-065 Box 1
ab. Juries, 1918, 1932-1947 Off-site
Charges to the jury from the judge. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-069 Box 16-49B
ac. Foreclosures, 1875-1960 Off-site
Hartford, 1875-1954; New Britain, 1916-1958; Bristol, 1946-1955;
West Hartford, 1924-1951, 42 cubic feet.
See separate container list Hartford Superior No. 11.
ad. Unassigned Items, 1875-1970 Off-site
6 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-089.
1875-1944.Books, miscellaneous materials. Box 15-69A
1925-1960. Bail bond books. Box 15-75A
1945-1950. Case #1740. Box 14-68A
1960. Dead cases. Box 15-44B
1951-1958. Case #19396 Box 14-68B
1967-1970. Case #28666, State vs. Delgado. Box 15-44A
3. County Court, 1666-1881
a. Records, 1666-1881
1666-1677. In Early General Records (RG 1), Vol. 56. Indexed by name. Main Vault
1677-1706. In the Records of the Hartford Probate Court (RG 4): Indexed & Probate
by name. Feb. 9, 1677 - Oct. 26, 1687. Vol. 4; May 20, 1689 - Mar. 4,
1696/7, Vol. 5; Mar. 4, 1697 - Jul. 21, 1697. Vol. 4; Nov. 30, 1697
Nov. 15, 1706, Vol. 6.
Hartford Probate Court Record Book microfilms. L.H. 184-85. Reel 663.
1687-1688. Court of Sessions and the Inferior Court of Pleas of Hartford Main Vault
County during the administration of Sir Edmond Andros. Published as
Records of the Particular Court of the Colony of Connecticut.
Administration of Sir Edmond Andros, Royal Governor, 1687-1688, A.E.T.
(Annie Eliot Trumbull), ed. Hartford: 1935. 974.61 H25cs. 0.5 cubic feet .
1706-1717, 1719-1763, 1771-1774, 1798-1855. Includes executions, Main Vault
deputations, and county commission minutes. The last volume includes
tax levy meeting records, 1858-1881, and railroad appraisal proceedings, 1869-1871.
volumes. 7 cubic feet.
See separate container list Hartford County No. 1.
b. Defaults, 1775-1855 Main Vault
Chronological, 19 volumes. 3.50 cubic feet.
See container list Hartford County No. 2.
The Watkinson Library has a volume "rescued from a paper mill" covering the period Apr. 8, 1718, to
Jun. 9, 1719. Records for the period 1775 to 1797 are in Dockets and Records below.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Hartford County
c. Dockets, 1754-1855 Main Vault
1754-1798. Includes dockets and records of proceedings including drafts later transcribed into the
Records volumes and the official record of 1799-1855. 18 volumes, 3 cubic feet.
See container list Hartford County No. 3.
d. Executions, 1744-1855 Main Vault
1744-1829. Chronological. 16 volumes. 2.5 cubic feet. & Probate
1750-1855. Chronological by decade then alphabetical. 40 cubic feet.
See container list Hartford County No. 4.
e. Taverners, 1800-1860 Main Vault
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-016
1796-1799. See above County Court Dockets. Vol 16
1800-1816. Chronological by year. Vol 1
1816-1861. Chronological by year. Vol 2
f. Auditors, 1804-1841 Main Vault
1 volume. 0.25 cubic feet Accession: 1932-017
g. Appeals, 1798-1855 Main Vault
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-018
1798-1809. Chronological by year. Vol 1
1809-1820. Chronological by year. Vol 2
1820-1835. Chronological by year. Vol 3
1836-1854. Chronological by year. Vol 4
h. Pension Applications, 1820-1832 Main Vault
Revolutionary War veterans, alphabetical list. 0.25 cubic feet.
Accession: 1951-001
1820-1832. A-G. Box 298
1820-1832. H-Z, Miscellaneous. Box 299
See also Papers by Subject.
i. Files, 1713-1855 Probate
Chronological. 271 cubic feet.
See separate container list Hartford County No. 5.
1860-1940. Miscellaneous court materials, 0.25 cubic feet. Main Vault
Accession: 1987-023B Box 1
j. Costs, 1718-1815 Probate
Chronological, 7 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-022
1718-1758 Box 467
1759-1767 Box 468
1768-1775 Box 469
1776-1786 Box 470
1787-1794 Box 471
1795-1802 Box 472
1803-1809 Box 473
1809-1816 Box 474
1817-1832 Box 475
1833-1855 Box 476
Duplicate copies, bound as Volumes 106-107, catalogued as manuscripts under 345.42 fC752.
Records of the Judicial Department, 1636-1991
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Hartford County
k. Papers by Subject, 1715-1855 Probate
Includes Applications for Revolutionary Pensions, 1822-1855; Applications of
Admission to the Bar, 1768-1855; Appointment of Officers, 1762-1854; Common Field;
Confiscated Estate and Loyalists, 1778-1782; Conservators and Guardians, 1739-1855;
County Taxes; Court Expenses, 1761-1855; Inquests, 1830-1846; Insolvents;
Jurors, 1718-1855; Licenses, 1750-1855; Meeting House, 1749-1855; Militia, 1717-1782;
Miscellaneous and "Unsortable;" Partition Land, 1715-1855; Travel, 1718-1855. 25 cubic feet.
See separate container list Hartford County No. 6.
l. Notes on Cases, 1811
Main Vault
Also contains New London County Court miscellaneous papers. 0.25 inch. Box 298
Accession: 1951-001
4. Maritime Court, 1776-1783
a. Files, 1776-1783 Main Vault
Numerical order, 1 cubic foot, Accession: 1980-037
Originals restricted, photocopy available.
1776-1783. Files 1-824. Box 651
1776-1783. Files 825-1336. Box 652
1776-1783. Files 825-1336. Box 653
Alphabetical by name, vessel, or subject. Copy available in the classified
manuscript collection, 974.61 H25w.
b. Records or "Decrees," 1777-1783 Main Vault
Separate sheets or booklets for each session or group of cases. There Box 42
are some notes for a "rough working list of cases," and instructions for privateers
and related materials. .025 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-025
5. Court of Common Pleas, 1859-1965
a. Files, 1869-1946
1869-1892 By file number (#1-10015). 120 cubic feet. High Attic
1892-1946 By case number (#1-45925). 81 cubic feet. & Off-site
See container list Hartford Common Pleas No. 1.
b. Dockets, 1869-1910 Main Vault
72 volumes, 24.5 cubic feet.
See container list Hartford Common Pleas No. 2
c. Records, 1869-1901
Chronological. 7 volumes. 1.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-038 Main Vault
1869-1875 Vol 1
1876-1882 Vol 2
1882-1893 Vol 3
1894-1897 with index Vol 4
1897-1898 Vol 5
1897-1899 Vol 6
1899-1901 Vol 7
Received with “the Turner Papers” from Mr. A.C. Bates in 1951.
Prepared in 1980 by Patricia Q.Wall. (Box 1)
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Hartford County
d. Judgments, 1901-1965 Off-site
Chronological, 55 volumes, 42 cubic feet.
See container list Hartford Common Pleas No. 3.
e. Defaults, 1869-1900 Main Vault
Chronological, 6 volumes, 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1932-039
1869-1873 Index
1869-1873 Vol 1
1873-1878 Vol 2
1879-1881 Vol 3
1881-1897 Vol 4
1898-1901 Vol 5
f. Account Ledgers, 1859-1905
1859-1870. Charles E. Fellowes, court clerk. 0.25 cubic feet Main Vault
Accession: 1932-040
1900-1905. Journal of clerks accounts. 1 volume. Accession: 1987-049 Off-site
g. Jurors, 1906-1907 Off-site
1 volume. Accession: 1987-051
6. Unidentified Court, 1888-1908 Off-site
Financial records. 2 volumes. Accession: 1987-092
1898-1899. Account Book. Vol 1
1901-1904. Account Book. Vol 2
1905-1908. Account Book. Vol 3
7. Various Courts, 1896-1961 Off-site
Miscellaneous materials from various Hartford County courts including Superior
Court and Court of Common Pleas. 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-091
1944. Appointment of County Tax Commissioner. Box 15-53B
1905. Criminal Files.
1924-1925. Dissolved Corporations.
1916-1928. State Attorney.
1826; 1920-1950. Bar Association Resolutions. Box 15-54A
1910-1920. Bonds for Liens
1910-1940. Election Cases.
8. County Commissioners, 1890-1950
Records, 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1987-085 Box 1 & 2
9. County Detectives, 1920-1930 Off-site
Files, 15 cubic feet, Accession: 1987-086
See container list Detectives No. 1.
10. Licenses, 1933-1937 Off-site
Unnumbered volumes for each of the following years, 1933, 1935, 1937. Accession: 1987-087
With the abolition of county government on October 1, 1960, records created by the county were
distributed to various local and state agencies. In some cases, County Commissioner records were
transferred to the courts. Additional County Commission records may be found in County Government (RG
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Hartford and Litchfield Counties
11. Life Insurance Companies, n.d. Off-site
Records relating to the following companies, O.R. Flyer Insurance Company, Charter
Oak Life, Continental Life includes information on dues and assessments, payments to
policyholders, and report on committee claims.
6 volumes, Accession: 1987-088
12. State Attorney, 1922-1924 Off-site
Case files, 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1987-052
C. Litchfield County
1. Supreme Court of Errors, 1853-1880 Main Vault
Miscellaneous papers consisting primarily of Sheriff's bills for court attendance, Box 1
with a few orders for copies of court records. 0.50 inch. Accession: 1927-019
2. Superior Court, 1752-1945
a. Files, 1752-1927 Main Vault
1752-1900. Chronological then alphabetical, 36 cubic feet.
1899-1927. Chronological then by case number (2731-6275A), 28 cubic feet.
See container list Litchfield Superior No. 1.
b. Criminal Files, 1866-1945
Main Vault
1866-1923. Chronological then alphabetical.
1867-1945. Chronological by case number (1-2909)
See container list Litchfield Superior No. 2.
See also Dockets, 1752-1909 for Criminal Dockets.
See also Case Notes, 1932-1933.
c. Discontinuances, 1836-1922 Main Vault
Chronological then alphabetical. 24 feet.
See container list Litchfield Superior No. 3.
d. Executions, 1772-1891 Main Vault
1793-1797. Register kept by John Cotton Smith. Accession: 1927-005
1772-1798. Chronological than alphabetical. Box 291
1853-1891. Chronological then alphabetical. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1927-006
1853-1859. A-Z Box 291
1860-1869. A-Z, 1870-1891 A-G Box 292
1870-1891. H-Z Box 293
e. Depositions, 1830-1915 Main Vault
Chronological. 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1927-007
1830-1865 Box 294
1866-1877 Box 295
1878-1889 Box 296
1890-1897 Box 297
1897-1899 Box 298
1900-1915 Box 299
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center in Enfield.
Due to past record keeping practices, some gaps may exist within this record series.
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Litchfield County
f. Papers by Subject, 1751-1920 Main Vault
Includes but not limited to Admissions to the Bar; Confiscated Estates and
Loyalists, 1753-1876; Conservators and Guardians, 1753-1876; Costs, 1752-1902;
Court Expense, 1752-1910; Divorces, 1752-1922 (microfilm); Indians, 1753-
1856; Inquests, 1751; Insolvents, 1810-1841, 1863; Jurors, 1752-1907; Justices of
the Peace, 1851-1895; Medical Examiners and Coroners' Reports, 1841-1843,
1883-1905, 1910-11, 1915; Meeting House, 1752-1919; Militia, 1753-1856;
Miscellaneous, 1752-1919, 1811-1892; Miscellaneous Papers: Seth P. Beers, Silas
E. and D.E. Judd, 1898; Miscellaneous Receipted Bills, 1808-1816; Partition
Land, 1752-1915; Receipted Bills: W.J. Bissell, Receiver for C.M. Cheney, and
Beeman and Hollister; Travel, 1760-1876. 56 feet.
Original Native American materials restricted. Photocopies available for research.
See separate container list Litchfield Superior No. 4.
g. Dockets, 1752-1909 Main Vault
1752-1798. 3 inches, Accession: 1927-009 Box 104
1798-1909. Criminal and Civil Dockets, 26 volumes Main Vault
See container list Litchfield Superior No. 5.
h. Short Calendar, 1898-1906 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1928-002
1898 March- 1902 February Vol 1
1902 March- 1906 February Vol 2
i. Clerk's Receipts, 1900-1905 Main Vault
Chronological. 1 volume. Accession: 1928-012
j. Cost Books, 1833-1903 Main Vault
Includes both the Superior and County Courts. 11 volumes
See container list Litchfield Superior No. 6.
k. Juries Impaneled, 1884-1899 Main Vault
1 cubic foot, Accession: 1928-004
1884 April-1887 April Vol 1
1887 June-1890 May Vol 2
1890 June-1893 November Vol 3
1894 April-1895 June Vol 4
1895 October-1899 April Vol 5
l. Case Notes, 1932-1933 Main Vault
Case notes relating to criminal trails under Judge Ernest A. Inglis. 1 volume Accession: 1928-011
m. Liquor Licenses, 1897-1903 Main Vault
Liquor Licenses, 1897-1903. 1 volume
Appeal by Julius Scoville regarding liquor license, July 1903. 1 volume
Accession: 1928-010
n. Index to Records, 1855-1887 Main Vault
August 1855-June 1887. 1 volume. Accession: 1928-005
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Litchfield County
3. County Court, 1751-1897
a. Index to Records, 1751-1855 Main Vault
Chronological order, 11 volumes.
See container list Litchfield County No. 1.
b. Records, 1751-1855 Main Vault
1751-1855. Chronological. 22 volumes.
See container list Litchfield County No. 2.
c. Files, 1751-1855 Main Vault
Chronological then alphabetical. 180 cubic feet.
See separate container list Litchfield County No. 3.
d. Discontinuances, 1831-1855 Main Vault
Alphabetical order. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1928-017.
e. Executions, 1768-1855
1768-1820. Chronological. 5 volumes Main Vault
1795-1855. Chronological then alphabetical. 8 cubic feet.
See container list Litchfield County No. 4.
f. Jurors, 1751-1855 Main Vault
Alphabetical by town. 4 cubic feet. Accession: 1927-014
1754-1854. Barkhamsted-Litchfield Box 167
1756-1854. Litchfield-Roxbury Box 168
1754-1854. Salisbury-Woodbury Box 169
1753-1801. Meetinghouse Box 169
g. Papers by Subject, 1751-1855 Main Vault
Includes Admissions to the Bar, 1796-1855; Appointment of Officers;
Confiscated Estates and Loyalists, n.d.; Conservators and Guardians, 1751-1855;
Costs, 1765-1854; Court Expense, 1821-1854; Indians, 1835-1837; Inquests,
1810; Insolvents, 1764; Licenses, 1751-1839; Meeting House, 1753-1855;
Militia, 1758-1777; Miscellaneous; Travel, 1800-1855. 21 cubic feet.
Original Native American materials restricted. Photocopies available for
See container list Litchfield County No. 5.
h. Papers by Subject, Travel, 1769-1829 Main Vault
Materials separated from Papers by Subject.
1.5 cubic feet Accession: 1927-013
1757-1801; Index 1796-1860 Box 1
1802-1809 Box 2
1809-1908 Box 3
i. Dockets, 1759-1855 Main Vault
1709-1855. Chronological. 19 volumes.
See container list Litchfield County No. 6.
1759-1790. These dockets were used to wrap the County Court Files Box 186
transferred to the State Library in 1927. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1927-018.
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Litchfield County
j. Appeals, 1798-1854 Main Vault
Chronological. 5 volumes. Accession: 1928-022.
1798 September-1808 December Vol 1
1809 March-1816 December Vol 2
1817 March-1829 September Vol 3
1829 December-1838 October Vol 4
1838 December-1854 October Vol 5
k. Defaults, 1798-1855 Main Vault
Chronological. 16 volumes.
See container list Litchfield County No. 7.
l. Notaries Public, 1871-1897 Main Vault
Chronological. 3 volumes. Accession: 1928-024
1871 November-1880 January Vol 1
1880 January-1889 January Vol 2
1889 January-1897 January Vol 3
m. Cost Books, 1833-1855 Main Vault
County court cost books included with Superior Court Cost Books.
See separate container list Litchfield Superior No. 6.
n. Liquor Licenses, 1879-1903 Main Vault
1 volume. Accession: 1928-023
4. Maritime Court, 1782-1787 Main Vault
Papers. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1927-016 Box 1
5. District Court, 1872-1912
Main Vault
Files, 1872-1912. Chronological. 10 cubic feet.
See container list Litchfield District No. 1.
6. Circuit Court, 1962-1973 Off-site
Files from Circuit Court No. 18 held at Torrington. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1996-020
1971-1973 Box 1
1962-1968 Box 2
1968-1972 Box 3
6. Court of Common Pleas, 1877-1949
a. Files, 1877-1926 Main Vault
Arranged by case number (#40 4399). 64 cubic feet
See container list Litchfield Common Pleas No. 1.
b. Criminal Cases, 1927-1946
Main Vault
Numerical by case number (#1-754). 11 cubic feet.
See container list Litchfield Common Pleas No. 2.
Established in 1872; succeeded in 1883 by the Court of Common Pleas.
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center in Enfield.
Due to past record keeping practices, some gaps may exist within this record series.
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Litchfield & Middlesex Counties
c. Civil Cases, 1906-1949 Main Vault
Numerical by case number (#1972; #4902-8264). 9.5 cubic feet.
See container list Litchfield Common Pleas No. 3.
D. Middlesex County
1. Supreme Court of Errors, 1819-1934 Main Vault
Records. 1 volume. Accession: 1932-056 Box 1
2. Superior Court, 1786-1958
a. Records (drafts), 1821-1849 Main Vault
1821 October-1849 August. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-053 Box X-61
b. Files, 1786-1797 Main Vault
Files. 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-053
1786-1789 Box X-63
1790-1797. A-H Box X-64
1790-1797. J-Z Box X-62
c. Criminal Cases, 1873-1945
Main Vault
Numerical by case number. 5 cubic feet. Accession: 1945-001
June 1873-December 1886 Box 1
December 1887-December 1905 Box 2
July 1906-December 1921 Box 3
April 1922-March 1930 Box 4
March 1930-May 1945 Box 5
d. Papers by Subject, 1786-1797 Main Vault
Includes Costs; Court Expenses; Divorces (microfilm); Inquests; Jurors, Box X-65
1786-1789; Miscellaneous, 1786-1789; Partition Land, 1790-1797; and
Travel, 1790-1797. 0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-053
e. Judgments and Defaults, 1798-1904 Main Vault
Similar to "files" in other Superior Courts and include divorces inter-filed
with other documents. Chronological. 75 cubic feet.
See container list Middlesex Superior No. 1.
f. Executions, 1772-1896 Main Vault
Chronological. 6 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-050
1772-1828 Box 1
1829-1844 Box 2
1845-1859 Box 3
1860-1872 Box 4
1873-1881 Box 5
1882-1896 Box 6
g. Withdrawals, 1798-1887 Main Vault
Chronological. 22 cubic feet.
See separate list Middlesex Superior No. 2.
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center in Enfield.
Due to past record keeping practices, some gaps may exist within this record series.
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Middlesex County
h. Dockets, 1785-1933 Main Vault
3 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-051
1785-1810 Manuscript dockets in chronological order. Box X-100
Printed dockets in chronological order.
1856-1887 Box X-101
1888-1907 Box X-102
1908-1933 Box X-103
1805-1819; 1821-1822 copies of dockets inter-filed with naturalization records.
Accession: 1986-012 Box 1
i. Cost Book, 1853-1860 Main Vault
Criminal cases. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-050 Box X-104
j. Appointment Book, 1874-1922 Main Vault
County Commissioners. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-050 Box X-104
k. Naturalization Hearings, c. 1880-1890 Main Vault
Bound photocopy.
1 volume. Accession: 1932-050 Box X-104
l. State's Attorney, 1904-1918 Main Vault
Papers from the estate of Judge Frank D. Haines, former State’s Attorney. Arranged in
chronological order. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1951-002
1904 April-1906 April Box 105
1906 September-1908 September Box 106
1908 December-1911 April Box 107
1911 September-1913 September Box 108
1913 December-1916 June Box 109
Correspondence and memoranda, 1904-1907, reports to the Comptroller of Box 110
"criminal business" and fines collected, 1909-1916, "Law notes et cet,"
miscellaneous notes, memoranda and correspondence, docket book, 1904-1918,
and printed dockets and trial lists, 1899-1901.
m. Sworn Witnesses, 1936-1958 Main Vault
2 cubic feet. Accession: 1958-001
1936 May-1948 October Vol 4
1948 October-1958 August Vol 5
n. Depositions, 1800-1906 Main Vault
0.5 cubic feet. See container list Middlesex Superior No. 3.
3. County Court, 1785-1855
a. Judgments, 1785-1855
1785-1855 Chronological then alphabetical. 5.5 cubic feet Main Vault
Partially restricted. See container list Middlesex County No. 1.
1800-1855. Includes Taverners (1800-1819). Chronological order. Main Vault
6 volumes. Accession: 1932-067
1800 December-1812 November Vol 1
1813 January-1819 October Vol 2
1820 March-1826 April Vol 3
Original is located at the Federal Records Center in Waltham, MA.
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Middlesex County
1826 June-1837 January Vol 4
1837 October-1854 April Vol 5
1854 April-1855 April Vol 6
b. Defaults, 1785-1855
1785-1855. Chronological then alphabetical. 8 cubic feet. Main Vault
Partially restricted. See container list Middlesex County No. 2.
1800-1810. Includes appeals. Chronological order. 1 volume. Main Vault
Accession: 1932-61
1807-1855. Chronological order. 4 volumes. Accession: 1932-063 Main Vault
1807 November-1815 September Box 2
1815 September-1820 September Box 3
1820 September-1833 October Box 4
1833 October-1855 April Box 5
c. No Appearance Files, 1785-1855 Main Vault
Chronological then alphabetical. 5 cubic feet.
See container list Middlesex County No. 3.
d. Executions, 1789-1832 Main Vault
1789-1832. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1932-065 Box 56
1800-1820. Chronological order, 3 volumes. Accession: 1932-070 Main Vault
1800 December-1811 March Vol 1
1811 March-1819 January Vol 2
1816 October-1820 May Vol 3
e. Papers by Subject, 1785-1855 Main Vault
Includes but not limited to Admissions to the Bar; Conservators and Guardians;
Costs; Court Expenses; Insolvents; Jurors; Licenses; Meeting House; Militia;
Miscellaneous; Revolutionary Pensions; Partitioned Land; and Travel. 8 cubic feet
See container list Middlesex County No. 4.
f. Dockets, 1785-1855 Main Vault
Chronological. 16 volumes.
See container list Middlesex County No. 5.
g. Appeals, 1810-1852 Main Vault
Chronological order, 3 volumes. Accession: 1932-061
1800 December-1810 March, includes defaults. Vol 1
1810 November-1835 October Vol 2
1835 October-1852 April Vol 3
h. Account Book, 1788-1829 Main Vault
1 volume. Accession: 1932-060
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E. New Haven County
1. Superior Court, 1712-1944
a. Dockets, 1713-1874 Main Vault
1713, 1723-1798. Manuscript dockets. 0.25 cubic feet.
1798-1874. Printed dockets, chronological order. 26 volumes.
See container list New Haven Superior No. 1.
1855-1872. Jury dockets. Chronological. 3 volumes. Accession: 1925-003
1855 October-1859 October
1859 December-1865 September
1865 October-1872 May
b. Papers by Subject, 1712-1900 Probate
1712-1798. Includes Appointment of Officers; Confiscated Estates and Loyalists; Conservators
and Guardians; Costs, 1742-1798; Court Expenses, 1742-1798; Executions; Indians; Inquests;
Jurors, Alphabetical by Town,
1712-1798; Meeting House; Militia; Partition Land; and Revolutionary Pensions. 3 cubic feet.
1798-1900. Includes Admission to the Bar; Bonds; Court Expenses; Inquests; Jurors;
Miscellaneous; Naturalization; Partition Land; Protections; and Revolutionary Pensions. 1
cubic foot.
See container list New Haven Superior No. 2.
c. Files, 1712-1798 Probate
Chronological. 6 cubic feet.
See container list New Haven Superior No. 3.
d. Judgments (Civil Case Files), 1798-1944
1798-1899. Chronological. 67 cubic feet. Probate
See separate container list New Haven Superior No. 4.
1900-1944. Chronological then alphabetical by last name. 265 cubic feet. Off-site
See container list New Haven Superior No. 5.
e. No Appearance Files, 1808-1900 Probate
1808-1900. Chronological then alphabetical. 17.5 cubic feet.
See container list New Haven Superior No. 6.
1875-1887. Alphabetical. 4 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list New Haven Superior No. 7.
f. Criminal Files, 1797-1945
New Haven
1797-1899. Chronological then alphabetical. 96 cubic feet.
See separate container list New Haven Superior No. 8.
1900-1945. Chronological by file number (#1-7960). 28 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list New Haven Superior No. 9.
In 1973, the New Haven County Superior Court donated 31 cubic feet of historical court records to the
New Haven Colony Historical Society. The records are in the Society’s Manuscript Collection #3,
“Connecticut Superior Court. Documents for New Haven County.” A copy of the inventory of these
records is available from the History and Genealogy staff.
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center in Enfield.
Due to past records keeping practices, same gaps may exist within this record series.
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New Haven County
1901-1945. Chronological by file number(#1-6853). 10 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list New Haven Superior No. 10.
g. Appeals, 1783-1798 Probate
Lists of Appeals from County Court. Accession: 1925-013 Box 699
h. Executions, 1800-1872 Probate
Alphabetical. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1925-013
1800-1836. A-Z Box 699
1837-1847. A-Z Box 700
1848-1854. A-Z Box 701
1855-1857. A-Z Box 702
1858-1865. A-Rey Box 703
1858-1865. Ric-Z Box 704
1866-1872. A-Z Box 705
i. Travel, 1798-1900 Probate
Alphabetical. 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1925-013
A-D Box 705
E-Mid Box 706
Mil-New Box 707
New Box 708
New-Woo Box 709
j. Insolvents, 1798-1896 Probate
1798-1849;1893-1896. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1925-013
1798-1839. A-Z Box 712
1840-1896. A-Z Box 713
k. Divorces, 1712-1900 Probate
Researchers must use microfilm. 18 cubic feet.
See container list New Haven Superior No. 11.
l. Assignments, 1838-1844 Main Vault
1774-1797. List of assignments, incomplete. Accession: 1925-013 Box 699
1838-1844. Includes records for both Superior and County Court. Vol 1
1 volume. Accession: 1925-017
2. County Court, 1666-1862
a. Dockets, 1749-1855 Main Vault
1749-1855. Chronological order. 20 volumes.
See container list New Haven County No. 1.
1832-1837. Private docket of Samuel J. Hitchcock, New Haven. 1 volume.
Accession: 1925-015
The New Haven Colony Historical Society has a small collection of miscellaneous New Haven County,
County Court records in Manuscript Group #28, “New Haven City and County Documents.” A copy of the
inventory is available from State Archives staff.
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New Haven County
b. Executions, 1700-1855 Main Vault
1764-1820. Chronological. 6 volumes.
1700-1855. Chronological. 12 cubic feet. Probate
See container list New Haven County No. 2.
c. Assignments, 1838-1844 Main Vault
Includes records for both County and Superior Court. 1 volume.
Accession: 1936-002
d. Reports of Cases, 1838-1841 Main Vault
Narrative of selected trails by unknown author. Accession: 1936-003
1838 June-November Vol 1
1840 March-April. Includes Naturalization records. Vol 2
1840 November Vol 3
1841 November-December Vol 4
e. Records, 1666-1862 Main Vault
1666-1855. Chronological. Vol. 16 includes appeals, 1812-1818. 24 volumes.
See container list New Haven County No. 3.
1805-1842. Miscellaneous Records. Main Vault
Includes Appointments and Reports of Conservators, Rules, Jail Limits,
Appointment of States Attorney, Tax Collector, Deputy Sheriffs, Inspectors and County
Surveyors, Tanners Licenses, and Appointment and Accounts of Overseers of Turkey Hill
Indians (1811-1839). 1 volume. Accession: 1936-006.
f. Defaults, 1841-1855 Main Vault
1 volume. Accession: 1936-004 Vol. 25
g. Trials and Appeals, 1841-1855 Main Vault
1 volume. Accession: 1936-004 Vol. 26
Includes separate index.
h. Equity Records, 1773-1855 Main Vault
1773-1821. 1 volume. Accession: 1936-005 Vol. 1
1841-1855. 1 volume. Accession: 1936-004 Vol. 27
Includes separate index.
i. Files, 1700-1855 Probate
128 cubic feet. See container list New Haven County No. 4.
j. Papers by Subject, 1700-1855 Probate
Includes Admissions to the Bar; Appointment of Officers; Common Fields;
Confiscated Estates and Loyalists; Conservators and Guardians, 1720-1855;
Costs, 1700-1855; Court Expenses, 1712-1855; Equity Bills, 1784-1794;
Insolvents; Jurors: Alphabetical by Towns, 1700-1855; Justices of the Peace,
1800-1889; Licenses; Meeting House; Militia, 1712-1855; Miscellaneous;
Orders, Bills, etc.; Partition Land; Revolutionary Pensions; and Travel.
25 cubic feet.
See separate container list New Haven County No. 5.
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New Haven and New London Counties
k. Summonses, 1774-1792 Probate
Packet in box of Superior Court records. Contains mostly County Court Box 699
summonses but also includes summonses to City and Superior Court.
3. Maritime Court, 1776-1783
a. Files, 1776-1783 Main Vault
Divided into two categories: libels against goods, libels against ships. Box 654 & 655
Original restricted, researchers must use photocopy.
1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-035
b. Index to Files Main Vault
Alphabetical by name, subject and vessel.
A second copy is in the Box 654
classified manuscript collection as 974.61 N42w. 0.25 cubic feet.
Accession: 1980-035
4. Court of Common Pleas, 1869-1945
a. Withdrawn Cases, 1869-1924 Main Vault
Chronological order. 35 cubic feet.
See container list New Haven Common No. 1.
b. Cases Stricken from Docket, 1891-1909 Main Vault
Chronological. 12 cubic feet.
See container list New Haven Common No. 2
c. Judgments, 1869-1945 High Attic
Chronological. 146 cubic feet.
See container list New Haven Common No. 3.
F. New London County
1. Supreme Court of Errors, 1819-1952
a. Trials, 1819-1864 Main Vault
Records. 1 volume. 0.25 cubic feet Item #24
b. Files, 1819-1952 Main Vault
1819-1889. Chronological. 2.25 cubic feet.
1901-1932. Chronological. 8.75 cubic feet.
1932-1952. Chronological. 7.25 cubic feet
See container list New London Supreme No. 1.
c. Dockets, 1819-1875 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet, Accession: 1932-059 Box 29
d. Court Expense Papers, 1819-1874 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet, Accession: 1932-059 Box 29
e. Travel Papers, 1831-1847 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet, Accession: 1932-059 Box 29
Prepared in 1975 by Patricia Q. Wall.
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New London County
2. Superior Court, 1711-1969
a. Trials, 1798-1874 Main Vault
1798-1874. Chronological. 14 volumes, 8 cubic feet
See container list New London Superior No. 1.
b. Defaults, 1853-1881 Main Vault
1853-1881. Chronological. 3 volumes. Including Index from 1853-1875. Vol 1 & 2
1.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-005
c. Insolvency Cases, 1833-1841 Main Vault
1 volume. 0.25 cubic feet.
Accession: 1921-006
d. Declaration of Intended Citizenship, 1856-1873 Main Vault
Photocopy. August 1856-1873. 1 volume
0.25 cubic feet
Accession: 1921-007
e. Dockets, 1713-1919 Main Vault
1713-1835. Manuscript dockets, chronological order. 0.75 cubic feet. Box 35 &36
Accession: 1921-003
1836-1919. Chronological. 33 volumes. 8 cubic feet. Main Vault
1855-1891. Printed dockets. Chronological. 9 volumes. 2 cubic feet.
See container list New London Superior No. 2.
f. Files, 1711-1891
1711-1875. Chronological. 47.25 cubic feet. Main Vault
1875-1891. Chronological. 15 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list New London Superior No. 3.
g. Criminal Cases, 1868-1907
Main Vault
1868-1901. Files. 5 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-041
1868-1881 Box 603
1881-1885 Box 604
1885-1889 Box 605
1889-1895 Box 606
1895-1901 Box 607
1879-1881. Criminal decisions. 1 volume. 1.25 cubic feet. Main Vault
Accession: 1921-009
1899-1907. Bill of costs. 2 volumes. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-010 Main Vault
1899-1900 Vol 1
1901-1907 Vol 2
h. Passport Lists, 1942-1944 Main Vault
1942 August 13-1944 June 30. 1 volume. 0.25 cubic feet Accession: 1945-002
Original records located at the Federal Regional Archives in Waltham, MA.
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center in Enfield.
Due to past records keeping practices, some gaps may exist within this records series.
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New London County
i. Papers by Subject, 1711-1900 Main Vault
Includes Admissions to the Bar, 1814-1875; Appointments of Officers, 1713-1881;
Conservators and Guardians, 1870-1871; Costs (Court Expenses), 1716-1879;
Depositions, 1859-1882; Divorces, 1719-1875 (alphabetical) (microfilm);
Executions, 1712-1799, 1832-1879; Indians, 1715-1887; Inquests, c. 1711-1870;
Insolvents, 1808-1841, 1867, 1873-1874; Jurors, 1711-1875 (alphabetical by town);
Jury Warrants, 1840-1881 (incomplete); Militia (missing Jan. '79); Miscellaneous,
1713-1885; Miscellaneous Civil Case Files c. 1850-1900; Partition Land, 1711-1887;
Revolutionary War Pensions, 1821-1840; Travel, 1734-1881. 16 cubic feet.
Original Native American materials restricted. Photocopies available for research.
See separate container list New London Superior No. 4.
For Indian Papers see separate container list New London Superior No. 4a.
j. Civil Case Files, c. 1850-1969 Main Vault
1890-1969. Arranged chronologically from 1890-1906. Arranged by case & Off-site
(docket) number from 1906-1969. Researchers will have to contact the court to
obtain docket numbers. 210 cubic feet.
See container list New London Superior No. 5.
k. Discontinuance/ Withdrawn, 1892-1955 Main Vault
1892-1955. Chronological. 2 boxes. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1985-042
1892-1899 Box 1
1900-1955 Box 2
l. Dissolutions of Corporations, 1917-1956 Main Vault
1917-1956. Chronological. 1.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1985-043
October 1917- March 1931 Box 1
April 1931- April 1939 Box 2
May 1939- April 1945 Box 3
May 1945- April 1956 Box 4
m. County Jail Warrants, 1881-1896 Main Vault
1881-1896. 0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-013 Box 1
n. Special Police Appointments, 1908-1942 Main Vault
1908-1942. 0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1985-044 Box 1
o. Justice of the Peace, 1797-1935 Main Vault
Oaths, 1797-1935. 1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1985-045
1797-1868 Box 1
1868-1887 Box 2
1888-1935 Box 3
p. Survey of Pequot Indian Reservation, 1856 Main Vault
Survey conducted by Isacc Gallup (912.7462 L51g). Accession: 1921-035.
Original restricted. Photostat available in H&G map cabinet.
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New London County
3. County Court, 1661-1873
a. Records copy, 1661-1667 Main Vault
1 volume. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-015
b. Trials, 1661-1855 Main Vault
1661-1855. Chronological order, includes index. 35 volumes. 8.5 cubic feet.
The first six volumes available on microfilm (345.42 - fC752ct LH 4416/17).
There is a partial card index in the HG Reading Room.
See container list New London County No. 1.
c. Judgments, 1850-1855 Main Vault
1850 November-1855 July. 1 volume. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-017
d. Dockets, 1730-1855
1730-1835. 5 boxes. 2.25 cubic feet. Main Vault
1835-1855. Chronological. 5 volumes. 0.9 cubic feet.
See container list New London County No. 2.
e. Defaults, 1809-1847 Main Vault
Chronological. 5 volumes. 2.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-020
1809 December-1815 Vol 1
1816 March-1819 March Vol 2
1819 June-1826 March Vol 3
1826 June-1836 June Vol 4
1837 February-1847 February Vol 5
f. Executions, 1782-1820 Main Vault
Chronological. 5 volumes. 1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-021
1782 January-1790 October Vol 1
1790 July-1799 February Vol 2
1798 December-1810 May Vol 3
1808 November-1816 May Vol 4
1816 March-1820 June Vol 5
g. Appeals, 1809-1855 Main Vault
Chronological. 3 volumes. 1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-022
1809 February-1827 May Vol 1
1827 May-1851 September Vol 2
1852 February-1855 March Vol 3
h. Files, 1691-1855 Main Vault
Chronological. 197 boxes. 98 cubic feet.
See container list New London County No. 3.
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New London County
i. Papers by Subject, 1693-1855 Main Vault
Includes Admissions to the Bar, 1753-1855; Appointments of Officers, 1767-1854;
Confiscated Estates and Loyalists, 1781-1782; Conservators and Guardians, 1699-
1855; (Alphabetical); Costs, 1693-1855; Court Expenses, 1755-1855; Executions,
1700-1855; Indians, 1716-1855; Inquests, 1711; Insolvents, 1756-1855; Jurors
(Alphabetical by town), 1700-1855; Jury Warrants, 1844-1855; Licenses, 1702-1855
(Alphabetical); Meeting House, 1749-1817; Militia, 1707-1709, 1833-1834 (2 cases
only); Miscellaneous, 1700-1855
; Partition Land, 1744-1755; Revolutionary War
Pension, 1820-1855; Summons for Evidence, 1700-1768; Travel, 1707-1855.
23 cubic feet.
Original Native American materials restricted. Photocopies available for research.
See separate container list New London County No. 4.
For Papers by Subject: Indians see separate container list New London County No. 4a.
4. Maritime Court, 1781-1784
a. Files, 1781 November-1784 June. 1.25 cubic feet. Main Vault
Researchers must use photocopy. 1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-038.
Name Index (alphabetical by name subject and vessel)
and folders 1-27. Box 656
(A second copy is in the classified manuscripts, 974.61 N446w.)
Folders 28-57 Box 657
Folders 58-73 Box 658
Folders 74-93 Box 659
5. Court of Common Pleas, 1870-1969
a. Records, 1870-1903. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-027 Main Vault
1870 September-1881 February. Records Vol 402
1890 August-1903 August. Records Vol 403
1870 October-1881 April. Court and Jury Trails Vol 404
1870 September-1881 October. Defaults Vol 405
1880 April-1890 April. Court and Jury Trails, Defaults Vol 406
b. Files, 1870-1903 Main Vault
1870 September-1903 August. 16.75 cubic feet.
See container list New London Common Pleas No. 1.
c. Civil Cases, 1903-1969 Main Vault
New London County at New London, 1903-1915
1903-1915. 11 cubic feet.
New London County at Norwich, 1914-1969
1914-1925. Numerical by case (#1-3050). 11 cubic feet.
See container list New London Common Pleas No. 2.
1925-1969. Numerical by case (#3051-21912) 78 cubic feet. Off-site
See container lists New London Common Pleas No. 3.
Largely unsorted and unarranged; a few items and groups have been identified and labeled.
Prepared in 1980 by Patricia Q. Wall.
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New London and Tolland Counties
d. Criminal Files, 1895-1915
Main Vault
Chronological. 5 cubic feet.
See container list New London Common Pleas No. 4.
e. Miscellaneous, 1871-1889 Main Vault
Includes dockets, court costs, and some case files. 0.5 cubic feet. Box 1
Accession: 1921-028
f. Jury Warrants, 1870-1886 Main Vault
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-028 Box 2
g. Executions, 1870-1902 Main Vault
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-028 Box 3
h. Dockets, 1870-1904 Main Vault
1870-1902. 12 volumes. 2 cubic feet.
1870-1904. Printed. 9 volumes. 1.25 cubic feet.
See container list New London Common Pleas No. 5.
6. County Commissioners, 1768-1873
Main Vault
Includes materials on county meetings, grand lists, and resolutions. Box 405
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1921-023
G. Tolland County
1. Supreme Court of Errors, 1819-1942
a. Files, 1858-1942 Main Vault
2.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1942-005.
1858-1875 Box 30
A-G Box 30
Go-L Box 31
M Box 32
M-S Box 33
S-Z Box 33A
b. Miscellaneous Papers, 1819-1915 Main Vault
Includes Sheriff's bills, rules of court, printed documents. 0.1 cubic foot. Box 33
Accession: 1942-005
c. Docket, 1825 Main Vault
Accession: 1919-003 Box 1
See: Supreme Court of Errors. Miscellaneous.
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center in Enfield.
Due to past records keeping practices, same gaps may exist within this records series.
With the abolition of county government on October 1, 1960, records created by the county were
distributed to various local and state agencies. In some cases, County Commissioner records were
transferred to the courts. Additional County Commission records may be found in County Government (RG
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Tolland County
2. Superior Court, 1787-1945
a. Files, 1787-1937
1787-1910. Chronological. 24.75 cubic feet. Main Vault
1807-1910. Mittimus cases. Alphabetical. 9.25 cubic feet.
1911-1937. Chronological by case number (#1307-4035). 18.75 cubic feet.
See container list Tolland Superior No. 1.
b. Papers by Subject, 1787-1940 Main Vault
Includes Admission to the Bar; Appointments of Officers; Conservators and Guardians;
Costs; Court Expenses; Depositions; Divorces (microfilm); Executions; Insolvents; Jail
Bills; Jurors; Justice Files; Liquor License; Meeting House; Partition Land; Prison
Commitments; Revolutionary War Pensions; and Travel 9.25 cubic feet.
See container list Tolland Superior No. 2.
c. Miscellaneous Documents, 1787-1940 Main Vault
Includes subpoenas, bills, withdrawn cases, and warrants. As well as records Box 46-48
from the county and the City Court of Rockville. Materials have not been processed
but are in roughly alphabetically order. 1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1942-004
d. Inquests, 1890-1929 Main Vault
Includes coroner's and medical examiner's reports and related papers.
Chronological with some alphabetical sections within. 2.5 cubic feet.
See also: Part VIII. Coroners, 1883-1979.
See container list Tolland Superior No. 3.
e. Dockets, 1787-1923
1787-1855. 0.75 cubic feet. Main Vault
1787-1830 Box 55
1831-1855 Box 56
1916-1923. Private. 0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1942-002 Box 57
f. Records, 1876-1900 Main Vault
Printed records. 0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1942-002 Box 58
g. Criminal Files, 1900-1945
Main Vault
Numerical by case number (#1-1275). 3 cubic feet.
1900 September-1921 April. (#1-450) Box 1
1921 April-1932 March. (#451-875) Box 2
1932 March-1945 February. (#876-1275) Box 3
Accession: 1978-007
3. County Court, 1786-1855
a. Files, 1786-1855 Main Vault
Chronological. 14.75 cubic feet.
See container list Tolland County No. 1.
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files may remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Superior Court Records Center in Enfield.
Due to past records keeping practices, same gaps may exist within this records series.
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Tolland and Windham Counties
b. Papers by Subject, 1786-1855 Main Vault
Includes Admissions to the Bar; Appointments of Officers; Conservators and
Guardians (alphabetical); Court Expenses; Executions; Inquests; Insolvents;
Jurors, 1786-1855; Licenses; Meeting House; Miscellaneous; Revolutionary War
Pensions; and Travel, 1786-1855. 3.75 cubic feet.
See container list Tolland County No. 2.
c. Dockets, 1786-1855 Main Vault
Chronological. 1.5 cubic feet.
1786-1839 Box 86
1840-1855 Box 87
Accession: 1942-009
d. Executions, 1786-1793. Main Vault
1 volume. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1942-009 Box 86
H. Windham County
1. Supreme Court of Errors, 1820-1886
a. Files, 1820-1886 Main Vault
Chronological. 1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-042
1820-1843 Box 34
1844-1886 Box 35
b. Dockets, 1823-1883 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-042 Box 36
c. Expenses, 1820-1849 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-042 Box 36
2. Superior Court, 1726-1947
a. Dockets, 1844-1923
1726-1872. 1.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1932-043 Main Vault
1726-1850 Box 39 & 40
1850-1872 Box 41 & 42
1844-1923. Chronological. Includes some County and Superior Court Main Vault
dockets. 21 volumes. 4 cubic feet.
See container list Windham Superior No. 1.
b. Trials, 1798-1871 Main Vault
8 volumes. 2 cubic feet.
See container list Windham Superior No. 2.
c. Defaults, 1872-1883. Main Vault
1 volume. 1 cubic foot.
See container list Windham Superior No. 2.
d. Insolvent debtors, 1828-1841. Main Vault
1 volume. 1 cubic feet.
See container list Windham Superior No. 2.
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Windham County
e. Notaries Public, 1870-1935 Main Vault
1870-1872. Certificates. 1 volume.
1913-1935. 2 volumes
1913-1918 Vol 1
1926-1935 Vol 2
Accession: 1915-003
e. Appointments, 1886-1915 Main Vault
Includes Justices of the Peace, Notaries Public, Commissioners of the Vol B
Superior Court and Licenses, and Medical Examiners. 1 volume.
0.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1915-004
f. Clerk of the Court, 1912-1927 Main Vault
Quarterly accounts. 2 volumes. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1932-046
1912 Vol. 1
1924-1927 Vol. 2
g. Files, 1726-1913 Main Vault
Chronological. 56.75 cubic feet.
Some material restricted due to fragile condition.
Numerical by case number (#901-1859). 5 cubic feet.
See container list Windham Superior No. 3.
h. Criminal Cases, 1883-1947
Main Vault
1883-1911. Chronological. 7.25 cubic feet.
1911-1925. Chronological. 3.25 cubic feet.
1927-1947. Chronological by case number. 3 cubic feet.
See container list Windham Superior No. 4.
i. Papers by Subject, 1726-1907 Main Vault
Includes Applications for Admission to the Bar, 1800-1885; Appointments to Office,
1752-1873; Boundary, Lebanon-Norwich, 1755; Confiscated Estates and Loyalists;
Conservators and Guardians, 1836-1877; Costs, 1748-1897; Court Expenses, 1735-
1883; Divorces, 1726-1907 (Alphabetical by name) (microfilm); Executions, 1730-
1901; Hartford and Fishkill RR Co., c. 1853-1855 (restricted); Inquests, c. 1799-1840;
Insolvents, 1763-1901; Jurors, 1726-1887 (Alphabetical by town); Licenses, c. 1895;
Meeting House, 1803-1804; Militia, 1783-1862; Miscellaneous, c. 1850-1880; Name
Changes, 1862-1886; Partition Land, 1792-1870; Prosecuting Agents' Reports, 1887-
1893; Revolutionary War Pension Applications, 1789; and Travel, 1760-1901. 11.25
cubic feet.
See container list Windham Superior No. 5.
j. Mittimus Cases, 1886-1904
Alphabetical. 4.25 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list Windham Superior No. 6.
l. Discontinued Cases, 1891-1903. Main Vault
0.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1915-011 Box 13 & 14
The State Archives has only those criminal files transferred by the Judicial Department. Some criminal
files remain with the courts or at the Judicial Department’s Records Center in Enfield. Due to past records
keeping practices, same gaps may exist within this records series.
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Windham County
m. Civil Cases, 1913-1921
Numerical by case number (#1860-3129). 6.75 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list Windham Superior No. 7.
3. County Court, 1727-1855
a. Records, 1726-1855 Main Vault
Includes trials, land executions, defaults and appeals. 35 volumes. 3 cubic feet.
See separate container list Windham County No. 1.
b. Files, 1726-1855
Chronological. 23 cubic feet. Main Vault
See container list Windham County No. 2.
c. Papers by Subject, 1727-1855 Main Vault
Including Applications for Admission to the Bar, 1769-1852; Appointments to
Office, 1789-1854; Confiscated Estates and Loyalists, 1779; Conservators and
Guardians, 1726-1855; Costs, 1727-1855; Executions, 1726-1855; Insolvents, 1782;
Jurors, 1717-1852 (alphabetical by town); Licenses, 1726-1855; Meeting house,
1749-1818; Militia, 1728-1759; Miscellaneous; Partition Land; Revolutionary War
Pension Applications, 1820-1831; Travel, 1726-1855. 10 cubic feet.
See container list Windham County No. 3.
d. Dockets, 1726-1855 Main Vault
Chronological. 2.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1915-015
1726-1805 Box 257
1806-1855 Box 258
e. Executions, 1726-1764 Main Vault
0.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1915-016 Box 259 & 260
See also Papers by Subject above.
4. Court of Common Pleas, 1941-1945
Main Vault
a. Files, 1941-1945
Numerical by case number (#1-299). 2.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1978-003 Box 477 & 478
For earlier records contact the Judicial Records Center in Enfield, CT.
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Part III. District and Municipal Courts, 1716-1946
District and Municipal Courts (1716-1962) includes records created by the now defunct district and municipal
courts that were presided over by the Justices of the Peace. When the county government system was abolished in
1960, these courts were replaced by the state-wide circuit court.
City Court, 1958-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 1
City Court, 1951-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 6
City Court, 1951-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 6
City Court, 1950-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 6
Bridgeport Main Vault
City Court, 1884-1909. Box X-111
Files. Accession: 1980-002
City Court, 1958-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 7 & 8
City Court, 1958-1959 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 8
City Court, 1955-1962 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 9
City Court, 1889-1960 Main Vault
Files, 1889-1946. Arranged numerically, (#1-1560). 3 cubic feet. & Off-site
Files, 1884-1953. Arranged chronologically, 16 cubic feet.
Civil Cases, 1959-1960. Arranged chronologically, 1 cubic foot.
See container list Municipal No. 1.
Town Court, 1875-1921 Main Vault
Files. Materials are water damaged. 1 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-003 Boxes X-115
City Court, 1957-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 10
East Hartford
City Court, 1959-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 11
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City Court, 1959-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 12
City Court, 1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 12
City Court, 1951-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 13
City Court, 1956-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 14
Borough Court, 1889-1939 Main Vault
Civil Cases, 1889-1930
See container list Municipal No.2
Civil and Criminal Cases, 1912-1930 Box 1
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-007
Warrants, 1911-1913 Box 1
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-007
Records, 1920-1939
Includes dockets and financial records. See container list Municipal No. 3
Common Bonds, 1912-1918 Box 1
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-007
Court Clerk, 1913-1914
Correspondence of clerk William P. Mulville. Accession: 1980-007 Box 1
Police Blotters, 1925-1937
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1980-007
1925-1930 Volume 1
1930-1935 Volume 2
1935-1937 Volume 3
City Court, 1951-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 14
City Court, 1950-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 15
City Court, 1940-1960
Foreclosures, 1940-1945 Main Vault
Arranged numerically by file number (#375-1083). 1 cubic foot. Box CCF-20
Accession: 1994-052
Civil Cases, 1957-1960 Off-site
Accession: 1996-020 Box 16
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City Court, 1804-1960
Files, 1804-1867 Main Vault
Arranged chronologically, except for the year 1867 with files arranged & Off-site
by file number (#1-6347). 14 cubic feet.
Civil Cases, 1951-1960
See container list Municipal No. 4.
City Court, 1959-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 19 & 53
City Court, 1956-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 20
City Court, 1867-1963 Main Vault
Civil Cases, 1894-1899; 1959-1960 & Off-site
Dockets, 1867-1919
Judgements, 1879-1916
Foreclosures, 1898-1932
See container list Municipal No. 5.
City Court, 1957-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 22
Town Court, 1882-1899 Main Vault
Case Files, 1882-1960. & Off-site
1882-1899. Case (#1-459). Accession: 1980-006 Box X-131
1958-1960. Chronological. Accession: 1996-020 Box 23 & 53
Foreclosures, 1940-1960 Main Vault
1940-1960. Case (#2940-4104). Box CCF 21
1952-1957. Case (#2433-3164). Box CCF 23
Accession: 1994-051
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: No. 96-020 Box 53
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 24
New Britain
City Court, 1951-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 25
New Canaan
City Court, 1956-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 28
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New Haven Main Vault
City Court, 1784-1960
Dockets, 1811-1833
Writs and Summonses, c. 1784-1817
Civil Case Files, 1785-1960 Main Vault
1785-1854, 1865-1899; 1960 45 cubic feet. & Off-site
Foreclosures, 1877-1957. 16 cubic feet.
Executions, 1790-1832 Main Vault
Arranged chronologically. Dates are not inclusive. 1.5 cubic feet.
Miscellaneous Papers, 1807-1841.
See container list Municipal No. 6.
New London Main Vault
City Court, 1784-1960
Accession: 1980-011
Dockets, 1784-1819. 6 vols Box X-159
Writs, etc., 1787-1846, 1887 Box X-159
Record Books, 1784-1870. 2 volumes. Box X-160
Civil Case Files, 1951-1960 Off-site
Accession: 1996-020
Case # 1321-1575 Box 29
Case # 2088-2399 Box 30
Case # 2179-3093 Box 31
New Milford
City Court, 1958-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 32
City Court, 1955-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 27
City Court, 1931-1954, 1958-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 33
North Haven
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 53
Town Court, 1895-1860
Civil Case Files, 1895-1960 Main Vault
1895-1898. Arranged numerically. 5 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-012
Case No. 1-84 Box X-161
Case No. 85-212 Box X-162
1959-1960. Accession: 1996-020 Off-site
Case No. 2127-3184 Box 34
Case No. 3186-3683 Box 35
Case No. 2136-3693 Box 36
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Court of Equity, 1716 Main Vault
Docket, November 7, 1716. Accession: 1980-013 Box X-163
City Court, 1959-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 37
Old City
City Court, unknown Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020
Case No. 36115-40224 Box 2
Case No. 40226-41343 Box 3
Case No. 41359-42899 Box 4
Case No. 42990-45814 Box 5
City Court, 1929-1960
Foreclosures, 1940-1955 Main Vault
Files # 24-131. Accession: 1994-050 Box CCF-22
Civil Cases, 1929-1960 Off-site
Accession: 1996-020 Box 38
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 53
City Court, 1957-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 39
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 53
City Court, 1950-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 40
City Court, 1955-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 41
Rocky Hill
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 53
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 53
City Court, 1955-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 42
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City Court, 1955-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 43
South Windsor
City Court, 1929-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 46
City Court, 1955-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 45
Stafford Main Vault
Borough Court, 1884-1892 Box X-164
Files, 1884-1892. 1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-014
Stafford Springs Main Vault
Borough Court, 1887-1916 Box X-165
Records. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1980-014
Borough Court, 1883-1962
1883-1897. 9 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-015 Main Vault
1883-1897. Case No. 1-677. Box X-166
1890-1897. Case No. 373-1349. Box X-167
1896-1897 Box X-168
1956-1962 Off-site
Accession: 1996-060 Box 47
Town Court, 1893-1915 Main Vault
Case Record List, 1893-1915. 1 volume.
Unidentified Indexes, n.d. 2 volumes Accession: 1980-016
City Court, 1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 49
City Court, 1955-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 50
Thomaston Main Vault
Town Court, 1876-1899. Box X-169
Civil Case Files,1 cubic foot. Accession: 1980-017
City (Justice) Court, 1798-1885
Civil Case Files, 1798-1960
1798-1885 Main Vault
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1980-018 Box X-170
1959-1960 Off-site
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1996-020 Box 51
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Borough Court, 1886-1943 Main Vault
Files, 1886-1943
Arranged chronologically and numerically. 2 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-022
Case No. 1-870 Box X-171
Case No. 871-1120 Box X-172
Foreclosures, 1949-1955
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1994-050 Box CCF-22
City Court, 1955-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 52
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 53
Waterbury Main Vault
City Court, 1881-1882
Minutes kept by Judge Albert Bradstreet. 1 volume. Box X-173
District Court, 1883-1895
Minutes kept by Judge Albert Bradstreet. 34 volumes. Box X-173
& 174
Accession: 1980-021
City Court, 1954-1960
Civil Cases Off-site
Accession: 1996-020 Box 53
City Court, 1954-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 53
West Hartford
City Court, 1959-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020
Case No. 6137-6418 Box 54
Case No. 5447-5879 Box 55
Case No. 5880-6422 Box 56
West Haven
City Court, 1933-1960
Foreclosures, 1933-1954.
Chronologically and numerically. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1994-053 Main Vault
1933-1943. Case No. 757-1775. Box CCF-17
1943-1947. Case No. 1776-2212. Box CCF-18
1947-1954. Case No. 2213-3917. Box CCF-19
Civil Cases, 1959-1960 Off-site
Accession: 1996-020 Box 57
City Court, 1953-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 58
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City Court, 1942-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession: 1996-020 Box 59
Windsor Locks
City Court, 1959-1960 Off-site
Civil Cases. Accession:1996-020 Box 60
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Part IV. Judges’ Notes, Dockets and Drafts, 1845-1891
A. Notes and Opinions, 1849-1891 Main Vault
Handwritten notes concerning court proceedings, with drafts or preliminary minutes and opinions.
In some cases, neither author nor court has been identified. 2.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1912-001
Fairfield Superior Court, 1863, 1865-1867, 1869, 1871-1872 Box 540
11 volumes
Hartford Superior Court, 1863-1866, 1871, 1873 Box 541
7 volumes
Litchfield Superior Court, 1863, 1868-1869, 1872-1873 Box 542
5 volumes
Middlesex Superior Court, 1864-1867, 1869-1871, 1874-1875 Box 543
15 volumes
New Haven County Court, 1849-1852 Box 544
4 volumes
New Haven Court of Common Pleas, 1885-1887, 1889, and 1891 Box 546
7 volumes
New London Superior Court, 1865, 1867, 1871 Box 545
6 volumes
Tolland Superior Court, 1864, 1868-1870, 1873-1874 Box 545
8 volumes
Windham Superior Court, 1864 Box 545
1 volume
B. Unidentified Notes, n.d. Main Vault
Miscellaneous. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1912-001 Box 546
C. Judge William Thomas Minor, 1868-1872 Main Vault
Superior Court of Fairfield, New Haven, New London, and Windham Counties Box 547
and Fairfield County Court minutes and notes. 15 volumes. 0.5 cubic feet
Accession: 1912-001
D. Judge John Turner Wait, 1845-1876 Main Vault
Lawyer who practiced in Norwich and New London and member of Congress. Box 548
0.05 cubic feet. Accession: 1912-001
E. Judge John Cotton Smith, 1796-1800 Main Vault
Lawyer, member of the General Assembly, member of Congress, Judge of the Box 549
Superior Court, Governor. Born in Sharon, 1765, son of Rev. Cotton Mather Smith. Died in 1845. 1
volume. 0.05 cubic feet. Accession: 1912-001
F. Judge Roger Sherman Baldwin, 1846-1862 Main Vault
Lawyer, member of the General Assembly, Governor, United States Senator. Box 548
Born New Haven, 1793. 1 volume. 0.05 cubic feet. Accession: 1913-001
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Part V. Justice of the Peace Courts, 1729-1936
Justices of the Peace have played a vital part in the judicial system, beginning in 1686. By the end of the
seventeenth century, justices were commonly authorized to take jurisdiction over small actions. As towns were
incorporated, the General Assembly authorized the creation of town and borough courts in order to handle small
cases. Justices of the peace presided over these courts. In 1939, the trail justice system was enacted, vesting a
limited criminal jurisdiction formerly within the power of all justices of the peace in specially designated trail
Scope and Content
For the most part, these records consist of writs and dockets, and usually contain information only on the name
and residence of the accused, the complaint, the trial date, the name of the justice, and a note on the service of the
writ or summons. The list below is arranged alphabetically by town followed by the records’ inclusive dates and total
number of cubic feet of records. When known the justice’s name is noted.
The largest accessions (1940-001 and 1940-002) were transferred from Vault 16 from the Judicial Side of the
State Library and Supreme Court Building to the State Archives in 1940. Another small accession was transferred to
the State Archives from the Town Clerk of Darien, CT in 1986.
Related Materials
Researchers should also check the records of the Towns and Municipalities (RG 062) and the Manuscripts
Collection (RG 069) for additional records relating to Justices of the Peace. Researchers may also find additional
references in the Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue in the History and Genealogy Unit under Courts, Writs,
Justices of the Peace, and Warrants.
Series List
Justice of the Peace Courts, 1729-1936 Main Vault
Records relating to various Justice of the Peace Courts throughout the state. Box 548a-584
Arranged alphabetically by court
. 34.5 cubic feet.
Accession: 1940-001
Barkhamsted, 1849-1880 Main Vault
Justice Daniel Young. 1.25 cubic feet. Box 548a
Bristol, 1799-1800 Main Vault
Justice Simeon Hart, also includes Justice Solomon Whitman of Box 549
Farmington. 1 volume. 0.05 cubic feet.
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 62)
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 62)
All materials listed are part of this single accession unless otherwise noted.
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Chatham, 1832-1839 Main Vault
Judge Noah Brooks. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 549
Colchester, 1767-1790 Main Vault
Judge John Watrous. Includes marriages, 1770-1772. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 549
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 62)
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 62)
Coventry, 1729-1905 Main Vault
1729-1796, 1845-1905. 1.5 cubic feet. Boxes 549 & 550
Danbury, 1892-1922 Main Vault
4 cubic feet. Accession: 1940-002
1892-1896 Box 1
1896-1903 Box 2
1904-1914 Box 3
1915-1922 Box 4
Darien, 1883-1907 Main Vault
1 volume. 0.05 cubic feet. Accession: 1986-036.
Derby, 1777-1803 Main Vault
Justice Thomas Clark. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 551
East Haddam, 1857-1864 Main Vault
0.05 cubic feet. Box 551
East Windsor, 1785-1801 Main Vault
Justice Joseph Allen, 1785-1791 Box 551
Justice Roswell Grant, 1798-1801
See also: Roswell Grant Papers, Manuscript Collection (RG 069:053)
Farmington, 1763-1795 Main Vault
Justice Solomon Whitman. 1763-1769 Box 551
See also: John Treadwell Papers, Manuscript Collection (RG 069:025) and
Justice of the Peace Records for Bristol, CT (above).
Justice Noadiah Hooker, 1777-1783, 1789-1795
0.05 cubic feet.
Glastonbury, 1773-1796 Main Vault
Justice Elizur Hale, Jr., 1773-1796. 0.25 cubic feet. Box 552
See also: Jonathan Hale Transcript, 974.61 H25cs,Classifed Archives (RG 000); Towns and
Boroughs (RG 062).
Goshen, 1795-1820 Main Vault
0.05 cubic feet. Box 553
Groton, 1819-1820 Main Vault
Volume also includes Montville. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 553
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Guilford, 1810 Main Vault
Conn. v. Wm. Fowler. 1 document. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 553
Hampton, 1795 Main Vault
Utley v. Utley. 1 document. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 553
Hartford, 1767-1884 Main Vault
Writs, 1767, 1824, 1825, 1884. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 553
See also: Goslee Family Papers, Manuscript Collection, (RG 069:083);
Jonathan Palmer Jr. Papers, Manuscript Collection, (RG 069: 087),
1718-1919. See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 062).
Killingworth, 1927-1936 Main Vault
0.25 cubic feet. Box 554
Litchfield (County)
See: Dwight D. Kilbourne Papers, Manuscript Collection (RG 069:060); Lewis and Henry Norton
Papers, Manuscript Collection (RG 069:037); George Catlin Woodruff Papers, Manuscript
Collection (RG 069:094); Rodger Minott Sherman, 920 Sh560, Classified Archives (RG 001).
Lyme, 1790-1812 Main Vault
Justice William Noyes, 1790-1806. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 554
Justice David F. Sill, 1794-1812. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 554
See: Richard Ely Selden Papers, Manuscript Collection (RG 069:086).
1983-1911. See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 062).
Mansfield, 1774-1920 Main Vault
1774-1825. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 555
1780-1835. Justice John Fitch. 24 cubic feet. Boxes 556-561
1803-1920. 4 cubic feet. Boxes 562-564
See container list: Justice No. 1.
Middletown, 1790-1826 Main Vault
1.25 cubic feet. Boxes 564a
& 564b
See: Justice of the Peace Records, 1819-1820, Groton.
New Haven
See: Wadsworth Papers, Manuscripts Collection (RG 069:052)
New London, 1739-1892 Main Vault
Justices Joshua and John Hempsted, 1739-1779. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 565
1763-1892. Records have not been processed. 6 cubic feet. Boxes 566 - 571
See also: Coddington Billings Papers, Manuscript Collection (RG 069:075); Roger Hurlbutt,
974.61 N44hu, Classified Archives (RG 001); Richard Ely Selden Papers, Manuscript
Collection (RG 069:086); Towns and Boroughs (RG 062)
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Newtown, 1861-1881 Main Vault
0.05 cubic feet. Box 573
Norfolk, 1861-1881 Main Vault
0.05 cubic feet. Box 573
Norwich, 1744-1760 Main Vault
Justice Isaac Huntington. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 574
Temporarily restricted, please see State Archives staff for details.
Pomfret, 1792-1903 Main Vault
Justice Lemuel Ingals, 1792-1811. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 574
Temporarily restricted, please see State Archives staff for details.
See also: Towns and Boroughs (RG 62).
Preston, 1807-1934 Main Vault
Justice Jonah Witter, 1807-1818. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 575
See also: Towns and Boroughs (RG 62).
Salisbury, 1757-1850 Main Vault
2 cubic feet. Boxes 576 &
Saybrook, 1819 Main Vault
1 document. 0.05 cubic feet. Boxes 578
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 062).
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 062).
See: RG 62, Towns and Boroughs (RG 062).
See: 1788-1915. RG 62. Restricted due to condition.
Stafford, 1796-1809 Main Vault
Justice Eleazar W. Phelps, 1796-1807. Box 578
Justice Jesse Cady, 1798-1809. 2 volumes. 0.05 cubic feet.
Stonington, 1769-1855 Main Vault
Justice Nathaniel Minor, 1769-1794. Box 579
Justice Francis Sheffield, 1848-1855. 1.5 cubic feet. Box 579
See: Towns and Boroughs, (RG 62).
Torrington, 1789-1927 Main Vault
2 cubic feet. Boxes 580
& 581
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Union, 1774-1802 Main Vault
1774. 1 document. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 582
Justice Solomon Wales. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 582
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 62).
Winchester, 1874-1888 Main Vault
1874-1885. Justice George M. Carrington. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 582
Windham, 1729-1875 Main Vault
1729-1875. 2 cubic feet. Boxes 583
Justice Jedediah Morse, 1784-1801, includes Woodstock. 0.05 cubic feet. Box 584
See also: Chester Hunt Papers, Manuscript Collection (RG 069:079).
Windsor Locks
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 062).
See: Towns and Boroughs (RG 062).
See: Towns and Boroughs, (RG 62).
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Part VI. Naturalization Records, 1700-1900
Naturalization records of non-Federal courts in Connecticut were transferred in 1984 to the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA) branch in Waltham, MA. The records document naturalization
proceedings that occurred in various superior courts, courts of common pleas, county district courts, and municipal
courts. Included are declarations of intention, petitions for naturalization, indexes, and related materials. Pre-1906
records are primarily record and ledger books.
For a complete list of records transferred to NARA, see container list Naturalization No. 1.
For a copy of the NARA finding aid please see appendix A of this guide.
The following materials are available at the Connecticut State Archives:
Middlesex County. Superior Court
Naturalization Hearings, c. 1880-1890 Main Vault
1 volume. Photocopy Box X-104
New London County. Superior Court
Declaration of Intended Citizenship, 1856-1873 Main Vault
1 volume. Photocopy
Microfilm of some materials transferred to NARA are available.
See container list Naturalization No. 2.
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Part VII. State Bar Examining Committee, 1890-1984
In May, 1708, the General Court resolved that “no person, except in his own case, shall be admitted to make any
plea at the bar, without being first approved of by the court before whom the plea is to be made...”
The 1750
Statutes vested the authority for appointment of attorneys in the County Courts. From 1808 to 1821, the Superior
Court also exercised the power to recognize attorneys. Since the abolition of the County Courts in 1855, the
Superior Court has administered the procedures under a statute enacted that year.
Since about 1890, the Bar
Examining Committee has had responsibility for conducting examinations. It currently holds exams twice a year.
Scope and Content
The records consist of correspondence, minutes and applications after 1890 as listed below. Researchers
interested in admissions to the bar in the 18th and 19th centuries should consult County and Superior Court records
for the appropriate jurisdiction in Part II of this guide.
The Bar Examining Committee regularly transfers minutes, applications and supporting documents to the State
Minutes and applications less than 75 years old are restricted by an agreement with the Bar Examining
Application files over 75 years old are partially restricted. The application form is open but all letters
of recommendation, regardless of age, are permanently restricted. Any questions regarding access to these materials
should be directed to the State Archives staff.
Series List
A. Correspondence, 1926-1937 Main Vault
From Treasurer concerning applications. 3 inches. Accession: 1978-004
B. Minutes, 1890-1977 Main Vault
Arranged chronologically. 11 volumes. Accession: 1978-001 Partially Restricted.
C. Applications, 1911; 1918-1984 High Attic
Applicants including supporting documentation, arranged chronologically by court session and then by
county or by surname. 256 boxes. Partially Restricted.
See container list State Bar No. 1.
Colonial Record, Volume 48.
See General Statutes Revised to 1993, Sec. 51-80; a good brief history is in 129 Connecticut Reports 52-
In 1973, the New Haven County Superior Court donated historical court records to the New Haven
Colony Historical Society. These records are found in the Society’s Manuscript Collection #3,
“Connecticut. Superior Court. Documents for New Haven County” and include admissions to the bar (no
dates given) and records of the county bar association.
See Agreement Between the State Library and Bar Examining Committee, November 1990.
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Part VIII. Coroners, 1883-1980
On 20 February 1639 members of the General Court requested the Deputy “to consider of some orders
concerning an inquiry into the death of any that happen either accidentally or by violence ... and present it to the next
Court. . . .”
The Code of Laws adopted in May 1650 included provision that in case of any “very sudden, untimely
or unnatural death, some Magistrate or the Constable of that Town shall forthwith summon a Jury of six or twelve
discreet men to inquire of the cause and manner of their death, who shall present a true verdict thereof unto some
near Magistrate upon their oath.”
For more that two hundred years this arrangement changed little. A justice of the peace or a grand juror, acting
as a coroner, would convene a jury to make inquiry, take evidence, and report to the court as appropriate. The files
of the Superior Court and the County Courts during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries usually include some
papers pertaining to “Inquest.”
The General Assembly formally established the office of coroner on 1 May 1883.
Judges of the superior court
appointed one coroner for each county, on the recommendation of the state’s attorneys, for a term of three years.
Each coroner then appointed a medical examiner for each town, who was to make immediate inquiry into any
“sudden, violent or untimely death” or death of unknown causes. If the medical examiner could not certify that
someone’s “criminal act, omission or carelessness” caused the death, he referred the matter to the coroner for
inquiry. The coroner could summon a jury of six to assist him. If warranted, he referred its verdict or his report to a
grand juror or a prosecuting attorney. Afterward, the coroner was to transmit inquiry records and findings to the
clerk of the superior court.
In 1969, the General Assembly established a Commission on Medicolegal Investigation and an Office of the
Chief Medical Examiner that reported to the commission.
The Chief Medical Examiner investigated all violent,
sudden, unexpected or suspicious deaths (and other categories) and filed the findings and reports. The coroners
continued to exercise their functions as before, but gradually it became evident (as it had in other states) that the
office had become superfluous. In 1979, the General Assembly abolished the office of coroner on 1 October 1979.
The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner now carries out investigations and reports its findings, when appropriate,
to the state’s attorney.
Scope and Content
Because each county coroner’s office operated autonomously, each county managed its records in a slightly
different way. Each county, however, has the following basic record series, record books, hearings (also known as
coroner’s findings), case files, and administrative files. Record Books (1883-1979) arranged chronologically by date
of death, includes the official copy of the medical examiners’ report and may also include a copy of the coroners’
reports or findings (if a formal inquiry into the death was held), as well as any autopsy or laboratory reports.
Hearings (1898-1979) consist of the transcript of the coroner’s inquiry into the death and a copy of the coroner’s
report or finding. In some cases, these materials were filed separately. In those instances, the official transcript is
listed under Hearings and the report is listed under Coroners Reports. Please note that a formal inquiry was only held
if the Medical Examiner believed the death was “caused by the criminal act, omission, or carelessness of any other
person or persons.” Case Files (1949-1979) include police investigation reports comprised of photographs and
witnesses’ testimony, coroners’ notes and reports, and copies of medical examiners’ reports and hearing transcripts.
These files were established it the latter half of the twentieth century. In most deaths prior to 1960 no case file was
C.R.I., 42.
C.R.I., 523.
Public Acts 1883, Chapter 118.
Public Act 699; 1969.
Public Act 79-619.
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In addition to these series, some county coroners also contained additional copies of materials that were later
incorporated into the official Record Books. These series include Medical Examiner Reports, Coroners Reports, and
various Laboratory Reports. In most cases these small series are duplicates. Researchers should access the record
book first and check these series only if these materials are noted but not included in the record books. It is also
important to note that the amount of records for each county coroner varies greatly. For example the State Archives
has an almost complete set of records for the Hartford County Coroner but very little for the Middlesex County
The bulk of these records arrived at the State Library as a result of a memorandum issued by the Deputy Court
Administrator on 1 August 1979 directing the coroners to turn over all records except for financial materials. During
the next fourteen months, the State Archives received records from various sources including former coroners, court
clerk and the Court Records Center. The latest accession of materials occurred on 30 August 1995 when the Fairfield
Superior Court transferred 123 volumes of records from 1883-1948.
In 1973, the New Haven County Superior Court donated historical judicial records to the New Haven Colony
Historical Society. They are found in Manuscript Collection #3, “Connecticut. Superior Court. Documents for New
Haven County.” The collection includes inquests, 1790-1882, boxes 4-7 and Coroner’s Reports and Inquests, 1883-
1899, boxes 8-25. Researchers should contact the Society directly for access to these records.
Please note: Records in possession of the State Library from the coroner’s office are open, public records,
except those records received by the coroner’s office from the office of the medical examiner on or after July 1, 1970
are not available to the public through the State Library but only through the Office of the Medical Examiner.
Researchers must obtain written permission from the Medical Examiner to obtain access.
Please note: Due to the age, condition, and the intrinsic value of many records in this group, researchers must
use the available microfilm or Photostat copy when designated. Archival materials including microfilm of the
Connecticut Archives and court records are not available for interlibrary loan. All restricted materials will be noted
in red (Restricted).
Materials stored at an off-site location are not available on a same day basis. Please contact the History and
Genealogy reference staff for further information. All materials off-site are noted (Off-site).
Container List
A. Fairfield County (Bridgeport), 1883-1979
1. Record Books, 1883-1979
Contain medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and laboratory reports.
1883-1948. 123 volumes. 65 cubic feet. Off-site &
1948-1970. 140 volumes. 50 cubic feet. Partially restricted Main Vault
1970-1979. Unbound materials, no index. 5.5 cubic feet. Restricted
See container list Fairfield Coroner No. 1.
2. Case files, 1968-1979
1954-1966. Homicide cases Main Vault
Alphabetical by name of decedent. 1 box 0.5 cubic feet.
Accession: 1980-025
1977. Homicide case
Opinion of Attorney General Joseph I. Leiberman to State Librarian Richard G. Akeroyd, Jr., May 4,
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Records relating to single homicide investigation. 3 boxes, 1 rolled. Box 1-3
2 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-026. Restricted
1968-1979. Non-homicide cases Main Vault
Police reports, witness statements, photographs, and copies of coroner’s
findings and medical examiner’s reports. Chronological by year of death then alphabetical by
decedent’s surname. 36 boxes. 36 cubic feet. Partially restricted
See container list Fairfield Coroner No. 2.
3. Coroner’s findings, 1967-1979 Main Vault
Duplicate information from the record books. Includes a list of findings, 1964-1977.
Arranged chronologically by year then alphabetically by decedent’s surname. 1 box.
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-025. Partially restricted.
4. Hearings, 1967-1979
1908-1965. Typed transcripts of hearings. Off-site
Arranged chronological by hearing date. 57 cubic feet.
See container list Fairfield Coroner No. 3.
1967-1979. Typed transcripts Main Vault
Arranged chronological by hearing date. 2.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1980-027
1967-1968 Box 1
1969-1971 Partially restricted Box 2
1972-1974 Restricted Box 3
1975-1977 Restricted Box 4
1978-1979 Restricted Box 5
1976-1979. Stenographic notes and sound tapes
Stenographer’s note books and audio tapes of hearings. 1 cubic foot. Box 6
Accession: 1980-027. Restricted.
5. Laboratory reports, 1967-1979 Main Vault
1967-1979. 1 box. 1 cubic foot. Accession: 1980-028. Partially restricted.
1973-1979. Reports and related papers. 1 box. 0.50 cubic feet.
Accession: 1980-025. Restricted.
6. Administrative files, 1961-1979 Main Vault
Coroners’ correspondence with deputies, medical examiners, pathologists,
financial records, and an “index” to files, 1883-1955. 1 box. 0.5 cubic feet
Accession: 1980-025. Partially Restricted.
B. Hartford County, 1883-1979
1. Records, 1883-1979 Main Vault
Contain medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and laboratory reports. Arranged chronologically. 55.5 cubic feet.
1883-1934. Bound volumes, 1883-1930 (microfilm).
1935-1963. Unbound originals.
1964-1979. Unbound originals. Partially restricted
1947-1979. Indices to record books.
See container list Hartford Coroner No. 1.
2. Hearings, 1898-1979 Main Vault
Contains transcript of hearing (also known as Coroner’s Inquiry) and copy of
Coroner’s Report (also known as Coroner’s Findings).
1898-1979. Types transcripts of hearings. 52.25 cubic feet. Partially Restricted
1967-1979. Stenographic notes and audio tapes. Partially Restricted.
See container list Hartford Coroner No. 2.
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3. Case files, 1968-1979 Main Vault
1968-1979. Includes files on homicide and non-homicide cases. Files contain
coroners’ reports, police reports, hearing transcripts, correspondence, and other related records.
Arranged chronologically by death date.
Partially Restricted. See container list Hartford Coroner No. 3.
4. Medical Examiner Reports, 1892-1935 Main Vault
Original handwritten reports of medical examiner to coroner, information later
transcribed and put in official Record Book (see above).
See container list Hartford Coroner No. 4.
5. Medical Examiner Appointments, 1883-1932 Main Vault
Record book listing appointments to position of town medical examiner by the
Hartford County Coroner. 1 volume. Accession: 1986-050A.
C. Litchfield County (Torrington), 1883-1979
1. Records, 1883-1979 Main Vault
Contains medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and laboratory reports. Arranged chronologically by medical examiner’s report.
1883-1944. Bound volumes, 1883-1930 (microfilm).
1952-1979. Unbound originals. 6 cubic feet. Partially Restricted.
See container list Litchfield Coroner No. 1.
2. Hearings, 1917-1979 Main Vault
Contains transcript of hearing (also known as Coroner’s Inquiry) and copy of
Coroner’s Report (also known as Coroner’s Findings). 7 cubic feet.
Partially Restricted. See container list Litchfield Coroner No. 2.
3. Case files, 1951-1978 Main Vault
Includes files on homicide and non-homicide cases. Files contain coroners’ reports,
police reports, hearing transcripts, correspondence, and other related records.
Arranged alphabetically by year. 19.25 cubic feet.
Partially Restricted. See container list Litchfield Coroner No. 3.
4. Medical Examiner Reports, 1903-1928 Main Vault
Duplicate copies of materials in the Record Books (see above).
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1979-013
1903 April 1-1910 June 28 Box 1
1927 January 2-1928 March 24 Box 2
3. Administrative files, 1950-1979 Main Vault
Includes correspondence, administrative papers, and reference materials. Box 1
1 cubic foot. Accession: 1979-009
D. Middlesex County (Middletown), 1951-1979
1. Records, 1963-1966;1977 Main Vault
Contains medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and laboratory reports. Arranged chronologically by medical examiner’s report.
2 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-015
1963 January-1964 October Box 1
1964 November-1965 December Box 2
1966 January-December Box 3
1977 January-August Restricted Box 4
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2. Hearings, 1967-1970 Main Vault
Transcripts of Coroner’s Hearings. Arranged chronological by date of hearing.
0.75 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-015
1967 January-1969 December Box 1
1970 February-1971 April Partially Restricted Box 2
3. Case files, 1953-1979 Main Vault
Includes coroners’ notes and reports, police and medical examiners’ reports,
laboratory reports, photographs, hearing transcripts, etc. Arranged into three groups.
10 cubic feet. Partially Restricted
See contain list Middlesex Coroner No. 1.
4. Administrative files, 1951-1979 Main Vault
Office files including correspondence, directives, supply orders, receipts for valuables
and various reports including police, toxicological and autopsy reports. 0.75 cubic feet.
Accession: 1979-015.
1953-1978. Files Partially Restricted Box 1
1951-1979. Reports Partially Restricted Box 2
E. New Haven County (New Haven), 1883-1980
1. Record books, 1883-1979 Main Vault
Contains medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and laboratory reports. Arranged chronologically. 51 cubic feet.
1883-1935 April. Bound volumes, 1883-1931 (microfilm).
1935 July-1979. Unbound originals. Partially Restricted.
See container list New Haven Coroner No. 1.
2. Coroner’s Findings, 1975-1979 Main Vault
Report issued by coroner after inquiry. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-036 Box 1
Partially Restricted
3. Hearings, 1962-1978 Main Vault
Transcripts of Coroner’s Inquiry. Arranged chronologically by death date.
Partially Restricted.
See container list New Haven Coroner No. 2.
4. Case Files, 1969-1979 Main Vault
State Police investigation files of automobile accidents only. Files contain eyewitness
interviews, lab reports, medical examiner and coroner’s findings, diagrams and
photographs. 3 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-033.
1968 January-1974 December Partially Restricted Box 1
1976 June-1979 February Restricted Box 2
1976 August-1979 December Restricted Box 3
5. Toxicological Reports, 1976-1980. Main Vault
Copies of toxicological reports. 0.25 c.f. Accession: 1979-035 Restricted Box 1
6. Administrative files, 1961-1979. Main Vault
Correspondence and administrative instructions. 0.50 cubic feet. Box 1
Accession: 1979-034 Partially Restricted
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F. New Haven County (Waterbury), 1917-1979
1. Record books, 1917-1970 Main Vault
Contains medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and various laboratory reports. Arranged chronologically by medical examiner’s
report. 96 cubic feet.
1917-1935 June. Bound volumes. (1917-1931 microfilm)
1935 July-1945 December Unbound originals
1945 December-1970 September Bound volumes. Partially restricted
1971 January-1979 August Unbound originals. Restricted
1917-1979. Index
See container list Waterbury No. 1
2. Coroner’s Findings, 1923-1935 Main Vault
Report issued by coroner after inquiry. Copy often availed in record books.
2 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-030
1923 December-1927 November Box 1
1927 November-1933 September Box 2
1933 September-1935 July Box 3
1933-1936 Miscellaneous findings Volume 11
3. Hearings, 1917-1979 Main Vault
Transcripts of Coroner’s Inquiry. Arranged chronologically by death date.
Partially restricted. See container list Waterbury No. 2.
4. Case files, 1949-1979 Main Vault
Includes police reports, photographs, hearing transcripts, coroner’s notes and
reports. Arranged alphabetically by year with some overlap. 25 cubic feet.
Partially restricted. See container list Waterbury No. 3.
5. Medical Examiner’s Reports, 1922-1935 Main Vault
Duplicate copies of materials in the Record Books (see above). 2.5 cubic feet.
Accession: 1979-030
1922 January-1929 June Box 1
1929 June-1934 November Box 2
1934 November-1935 June Box 3
6. Toxological Reports, 1970-1975 Main Vault
Copies of toxological reports. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-030 Box 1
7. Personal Effects, 1959-1970 Main Vault
Receipts for valuables. 0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-030 Box 1
8. Administrative Files, 1919-1976 Main Vault
Office files including correspondence, directives, supply orders, photographs and
various reports including police, toxicological and autopsy reports.
1.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-030
1919-1936. Financial records Box 1
1947-1976. Miscellaneous correspondence. Partially restricted. Box 2
1954-1967. Box 3
1968-1972. Partially restricted. Box 4
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G. New London County (New London), 1883-1979
1. Records, 1883-1969 Main Vault
Contains medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and laboratory reports. Arranged chronologically by medical examiner’s report.
1883-1935. Bound volumes (1883-1932 microfilm)
1935-1969. Unbound originals.
See container list New London Coroner No. 1.
2. Hearings, 1928-1957 Main Vault
Transcripts of Coroner’s Hearings. Arranged chronological by date of hearing.
See container list New London Coroner No. 2.
3. Case files, 1972-1979. Main Vault
Includes police reports, photographs, hearing transcripts, coroner’s notes and reports.
Arranged alphabetically. 8 cubic feet.
See container list New London Coroner No. 3.
4. Medical Examiner Reports, 1893-1935 Main Vault
Duplicate set of Medical Examiner Reports. Materials are unbound and dates are not complete.
See container list New London Coroner No. 4.
5. Appointments, 1883-1939. Main Vault
Record book listing appointments to position of town medical examiner by the Vol. 1
New London County Coroner. Accession: 1979-023
6. Administrative papers, 1973-1979 Main Vault
Contains correspondence, lab reports, coroner’s findings, medical examiner Box 1 & 2
reports and other materials generated by the Coroner’s Office. 1.5 cubic foot.
Accession: 1979-024
H. Tolland County (Rockville), 1883-1979
1. Record books, 1883-1936; 1968-1978 Main Vault
Contains medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and laboratory reports. Arranged chronologically by medical examiner’s report.
1883-1936. Bound volumes (1883-1930 microfilm).
1968-1978 August. Unbound originals. Partially restricted.
See container list Tolland No. 1.
2. Hearings, 1931-1969 Main Vault
Transcripts of Coroner’s Hearings. Arranged chronological by date of hearing. 8 cubic feet. Accession:
See container list Tolland No. 2
3. Case files, 1964-1979 Main Vault
Includes investigation reports, autopsy and lab reports, correspondence, hearing
transcripts. Arranged by case number see card index listed above. 20 cubic feet. Partially restricted.
See container list Tolland No. 3.
4. Index to Case Files, n.d. Main Vault
Two card index files. One arranged alphabetically by deceased name, the Box 1 & 2
second chronologically then alphabetically. Accession: 1979-026.
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5. State Police Reports, 1967-1979. Main Vault
State Police reports on untimely deaths, 1967-1979. Arranged chronologically. Box 20
Partially restricted. 0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-025
6. Administrative files, 1964-1978. Main Vault
Includes correspondence and a form file consisting of property receipts and Box 1
toxicology reports. Arranged in a roughly chronological order. 0.50 cubic feet.
Accession: 1979-025
I. Windham County (Putnam), 1883-1979
1. Record books, 1883-1942 Main Vault
Contains medical examiner’s reports, coroner’s findings, pathologist’s findings
and laboratory reports . 4 cubic feet. Volumes. 1-7, 1883-1932. (microfilm).
1883-1935 June. Bound originals
1935 July-1942 June. Unbound originals.
See container list Windham No. 1.
2. Case files, 1960-1979 Main Vault
Includes police reports, photographs, hearing transcripts, coroner’s notes and reports. Arranged
alphabetically. 6 cubic feet. Partially restricted.
See container list Windham No. 2.
3. Medical Examiner Reports, 1927-1928 Main Vault
Manuscript copies of Medical Examiner Reports (duplicate). Box 1
0.5 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-019
4. Hearings, 1961-1965 Main Vault
Transcripts of Coroner’s Inquiry, arranged chronologically with list. Box 1
0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-019
5. Appointments, 1915-1963 Main Vault
Medical examiners appointed by town. 0.25 cubic feet. Accession: 1979-019 Box 1
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Judicial Records
Frequently Asked Questions
What are court records?
All types of legal documents relevant to court action including but not limited to dockets, formal
decisions, rules, appointments, judges’ notes and opinions, indexes, case files, record books, executions,
reports, and administrative papers, as well as materials from related entities such as the State Bar
Examining Committee, Coroners and Medical Examiners, County Commissioners, and Sheriffs.
Who uses these historic records?
Researchers interested in a wide variety of subjects use the court records. For example, genealogists
often find a wealth of information about their ancestors in court records. Historically a large portion of
the population used the court system to settle simple civil matters like actions to collect debts in addition
to obtaining a divorce or license. People interested in land boundaries find the court records useful in
determining past litigation surrounding a particular piece of property. Rights of way can also be
researched using court records. Historians use court records to research a wide array of topics from the
history of the judicial system in Connecticut to analyses of early race relations.
Which courts created these records?
State Courts: General Court (General Assembly), 1636-1820; Supreme Court of Errors, 1784-1901;
Particular Court, 1639-1665; Court of Assistants, 1665-1711; and Superior Court, 1711-1879.
Courts at the County Level: (dates vary among the counties) Supreme Court of Errors, 1819-1977; Superior Court,
1711-1969; County Court, 1661-1897; Maritime Court, 1776-1787; and Court of Common Pleas, 1859-1969.
The State Library does not have records from every county’s court. See table below:
New Haven
New London
Supreme Court of Errors
Superior Court
County Court
Maritime Court
Court of Common Pleas
How do I determine which court created records relating to my research?
It is sometimes difficult to determine which court heard a particular case, but certain basic guidelines do
1). The approximate date of the case. It is important to know when the case was heard. The Connecticut
judicial system is not static and has undergone several major organizational changes over the past 350
years. Knowing the date of the case will help determine which court most likely heard the case or at least
help narrow down the possibilities.
2). Was the case criminal or civil? There is often not a clear cut division between the courts (some heard
civil, some heard criminal, some heard both), but knowing the nature of the case can help narrow your
search. The Particular Court and the Supreme Court of Errors heard early criminal cases. Later, these
cases were heard by the individual county courts including the Supreme Court, Superior Court, Court of
Common Pleas, and the Maritime Court. The Particular Court and the Supreme Court of Errors also
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heard early civil cases. The Superior Court, County Court, Court of Common Pleas, and the Maritime
Court handled later civil litigation.
3) Once you have determined which court may have heard the individual case, the docket book is the best
place to start. The volumes are arranged chronologically and occasionally indexed by name. Docket
books often contain a brief case summary and the execution is often available. [Note: execution, when
used here, refers to a record of when and how a writ was completed.] Researchers can also determine the
exact hearing date from the docket books. Also request the Trials volume (the brief case summary) for
the time period of your case if it is available. Originally, dockets and trials were put together, but in the
early 19
century, the courts separated them into different volumes.
4) With the hearing date from the docket, researchers can then request the files (also know as case files or
judgments). These files include the papers received or created by the court session, but not transcripts of
the proceedings.
5) In addition to files, researchers should also consult Papers by Subject. This is an artificial collection of
materials removed from the main court files by library staff in the early 20
century. These cases are
sorted by subject and some topics include Appointments, Conservators and Guardians, Divorces,
Executions, Indians, and Travel.
What about divorce records?
Early divorce records can be found in court files (often placed in Papers by Subject). Later cases were
filed separately by some individual courts and are arranged by case number. The clerks of the court have
retained the permanent dockets. Therefore, researchers must obtain docket numbers from the particular
Superior Court for a case prior to requesting the file. The State Library only has divorces till the mid-20
century any divorce after that time is available at the individual court.
Where can I find a will?
Probate courts have jurisdiction over the estates of deceased persons, testamentary trusts, adoptions,
conservators, commitment of the mentally ill, guardians of the persons and estates of minors. Please
check records of the Probate Court (RG 004) for these records.
What about modern court records?
The bulk of the court records held by the State Archives is from the 18
and 19
century. Early 20
century records are available at the State Library but the majority of modern records remain with the
individual courts or have been transferred to the court’s record center in Enfield, CT. Researchers must
contact the individual clerks of the court to obtain access.
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Selected Glossary
APPEAL. To resort to a superior court to review the decision of an inferior court or administrative agency.
APPOINTMENT. The designation of a person, by the person or person having authority therefore, to discharge the
duties of some office or trust. For example the County Coroners were given the power, by statute, to appoint Medical
Examiners for every town within their county.
ASSIGNMENT. A transfer or making over to another of the whole of any property, real or personal, in possession
or in action, or of any estate or right therein.
AUDITOR. 1) One who checks the accuracy, fairness, and general acceptability of accounting records and
statements and then attests to them. 2) An officer of the court, assigned to state the items of debit and credit between
the parties in a suit where accounts are in question, and exhibit the balance.
BAR ASSOCIATION. An association of members of the legal profession.
BRIEF. A written statement prepared by the counsel arguing a case in court. It contains a summary of the facts of
the case, the pertinent laws, and an argument of how the law applies to the facts supporting the counsel’s position.
CASE. A general term for an action, cause, suit, or controversy, at law or in equity.
CIVIL CASE. Of or relating to the state or its citizenry. Relating to private rights and remedies sought by civil
actions as contrasted with criminal proceedings.
CLERK. Officer of the court who files pleadings, motions, judgments, etc., issues process, and keeps records of
court proceedings.
COSTS. 1) A pecuniary allowance, made to the successful party (and recoverable from the losing party), for his
expenses in prosecuting or defending an action or a distinct proceeding within an action. 2) Fees and charges
required by law to be paid to the courts or some of their officers.
COURT CALENDAR. A list of cases awaiting trail or other disposition; sometimes called “trail list” or “docket.”
COURT REPORTER. A person who transcribes testimony during court proceedings, or at trail related proceedings
such as depositions.
CORONER. Public official charged with duty to make inquiry into the causes and circumstances of any death which
occurs through violence or suddenly and with marks of suspicion; i.e. unnatural death. The functions and duties of
coroners have been diminished having been replaced by medical examiners.
CORONER’S INQUEST. An inquisition or examination into the causes and circumstance of any death happening
by violence of under suspicious conditions, held by the coroner with the assistance of a jury.
CRIMINAL. That which pertains to or is connected with the law of crimes, or the administration of penal justice, or
which relates to or has the character of crime.
DECISION. A determination of judicial or quasi-judicial nature. A judgment or decree pronounced by a court in
settlement of a controversy submitted to it and by way of authorative answer to the questions raised before it.
Definitions taken from Black’s Law Dictionary (5
Ed) 1979 and (6
Ed) 1990. Examples and other
definitions (records related) provided by State Archives Staff.
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DECLARATION. The first of the pleadings on the part of the plaintiff in an action at law, being a formal and
methodical specification of the facts and circumstances constituting his cause or actions.
DEFAULT. The omission or failure to perform a legal or contractual duty, e.g. the failure to appear when
summoned to court.
DEFAULT-JUDGEMENT. Under Rules of Civil Procedure, when a party against whom a judgment for affirmative
relief is sought has failed to plead (i.e. answer) or otherwise defend, he is in default and a judgment by default may
be entered either by the clerk or the court.
DEPOSITION. Testimony of witness, taken in writing, under oath or affirmation, before some judicial officer in
answer to questions or interrogatories. A transcript, word for word account, is made of the deposition.
DISCONTINUED CASE. The cessation of the proceedings in an action where the plaintiff voluntarily puts an end
to it, either by giving notice in writing to the defendant before any step has been taken in the action subsequent to the
answer, or at any other time by order of the court or a judge. A non-suit; dismissal.
DISPOSITION. Act of disposing; transferring to the care or possession of another. The parting with, alienation of,
or giving up property. In criminal procedure, the sentencing or other final settlement of a criminal case.
DISMISSAL. An order or judgment finally disposing of an action, suit, motion, etc., without trial of the issues
involved. Such may be either voluntary or involuntary.
DIVORCE. The legal separation of man and wife, effected by the judgment or decree of a court, and either totally
dissolving the marriage relation, or suspending its effects so far as concerns the cohabitation of the parties.
DOCKET. A formal record, entered in brief, of the proceedings in a court of justice. A book containing an entry in
brief of all the important acts done in court in the conduct of each case, from its inception to its conclusion. The
name of “docket” or “trial docket” is sometimes given to the list or calendar of causes set to be tried at a specified
term, prepared by the clerks for the use of the court and bar.
EXECUTION. Record of when and how a writ was completed, not to be confused with capital punishment.
FILE. Papers received or created by the court session. Also called judgments.
FORECLOSURE. A termination of all rights of the mortgagor or his grantee in the property covered by the
mortgage. Procedure by which mortgaged property is sold on default of mortgagor in satisfaction of mortgage debt.
HABEAS CORPUS. The name given to a variety of writs having for their object to bring a party before a court or
INSOLVENCY. The condition of a person who is insolvent; inability to pay one’s debts; lack of means to pay one’s
INQUEST. The inquiry by a coroner or medical examiner, sometimes with the aid of a jury, into the means of death
of any one who has been slain, or had died suddenly or by violence or in prison.
JUDGMENT. The final decision of the court resolving the dispute and determining the rights and obligations of the
parties. Some county courts used the term judgments interchangeably with files meaning the official record of the
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JURY. A body of persons selected according to law, and sworn to inquire of certain matters of fact, and declare the
truth upon evidence to be laid before them. This definition embraces the various subdivisions of juries: as grand jury,
petit jury, common jury, special jury, coroner’s jury, and sheriff’s jury.
JURIES IMPANELED. Impanel, the act of the clerk of the court in making up a list of the jurors who have been
selected for the trail of a particular cause. All the steps of ascertaining who shall be the proper jurors to sit in the trail
of a particular case up to the final formation.
LICENSE. The permission by competent authority to do an act which, without such permission, would be illegal, a
trespass, or a tort.
MARITIME COURT. A court exercising jurisdiction over all maritime contracts, torts, injuries, or offenses.
MEDICAL EXAMINER. Public officer charged with responsibility of investigating all sudden, unexplained,
unnatural or suspicious deaths reported to him, including the performance of autopsies and assisting the state in
criminal homicide cases. The medical examiner has replaced the coroner in many states.
MINUTES. A memorandum of what takes place in court, made by authority of the court.
MITTIMUS. 1) The name of a precept in writing, issuing from a court, directed to the sheriff or other officer,
commanding him to convey to the prison the person named therein, and to the jailer, commanding him to receive and
safely keep such person until he shall be delivered by due course of law. 2) Transcript of minutes of conviction and
sentence duly certified by court clerk. 3) A writ enclosing a record sent to be tried in a county, it derives its name
from the Latin word mittmus, “we send.”
NATURALIZATION. The process by which a person acquires nationality after birth and becomes entitled to the
privileges of citizenship.
NO APPEARANCE FILE. Cases in which both parties in lawsuit failed to appear in court.
NOTARY PUBLIC. One who is authorized by the state or federal government to administer oaths, and to attest to
the authenticity of signatures.
PAPERS BY SUBJECT. Materials removed from County Court and Superior Court files by State Library staff and
placed into artificial subject categories.
REASONS OF THE COURT. An inducement, motive, or ground for action, as in the phrase “reasons for an
RECORD. A written account of some act, court proceeding, transaction, or instrument, drawn up, under authority of
the law, by a proper officer, and designed to remain as a memorial or permanent evidence of the matters to which it
STATE’S ATTORNEY. An officer who represents the State in securing indictments and in prosecuting criminal
cases. Also called the District Attorney or Prosecuting Attorney.
SUMMONS. Writ or process directed to the sheriff or other proper officer, requiring him to notify the person names
than an action has been commenced against him in the court from where the process issues, and that his is required to
appear, on a day named, and answer the complaint in such action.
TAVERNER. In old English law, a seller or wine; one who kept a house or shop for the sale of wine.
TORT. A private or civil wrong or injury, other than breach of contract, for which the court will provide remedy in
the form of an action for damages.
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TRANSCRIPT. An official copy of the record of proceedings in a trail or hearing. Word-for-word typing of
everything that was said “on the record” during a trial.
TRIAL. A judicial examination, in accordance with law of the land, of a cause, either civil or criminal, of the issues
between the parties, whether of law or fact, before a court that has proper jurisdiction.
WITNESS. A person whose declaration under oath (or affirmation) is received as evidence for any purpose, whether
such declaration be made on oral examination or by disposition or affidavit.
WRIT. An order issued from a court requiring the performance of a specified act, or giving authority to have it done.
WITHDRAWAL. (of charges) A failure to prosecute by the person preferring charges-distinguished from a
dismissal, which is a determination of their invalidity by the tribunal hearing them.