FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Roadmap to Risk Management
for Transportation Planning
Risk Tools Compilation and
Standards Investigation as Related
to Long Range Plans and Scenario
July, 2018
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
1. Report No.
2. Government Accession No.
3. Recipient’s Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle
Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning
5. Report Date
July 2018
7. Author(s)
Hannah Twaddell, Gordon Proctor, Shobna Varma
6. Performing Organization
8. Performing Organization
Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name(s) and Address(es)
ICF, 1725 Eye Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20006
Gordon Proctor and Associates, 7825 Wiltshire Drive, Dublin, Ohio 43016
10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
11. Contract or Grant No.
12. Sponsoring Agency Name(s) and Address(es)
Tameka Macon, Federal Highway Administration
, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE,
Washington, DC 20590
13. Type of Report and Period
Roadmap, 2017-18
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
16. Abstract
This document provides broad guidance to help transportation agencies apply risk management methods and techniques
to the planning process. Used widely in the corporate arena and increasingly by transportation agency managers, risk
management provides a structured way to navigate the array of uncertainties, variabilities, and opportunities that may
affect an entity’s attempts to achieve its objectives. The ability to assess risk is a fundamental skill for transportation
planners. Basic functions such as forecasting changes in population, employment, and travel demand depend upon
constantly evolving economic, environmental, technological, and sociological factors that can change unpredictably.
Risk management can help planners to identify, quantify, and communicate the types and levels of uncertainty and
variability that could influence those forecasts. The roadmap is organized into five sections: a description of risk
management and its relationship to the planning process; essential planning functions that are inherently uncertain or
subject to variability; steps to begin integrating risk management into planning; methods for documenting uncertainty
and variability in plans and programs; and guidelines and “off the shelf” tools for risk assessment.
17. Key Words
Risk, variability, uncertainty, management, planning, scenario, forecasting.
18. Distribution Statement
19. Security Classif. (of
this report)
18. Security Classif. (of
this page)
20. No. of Pages
22. Price
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S.
Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange.
The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the
information contained in this document.
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers.
Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this report only
because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.
Quality Assurance Statement
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality
information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner
that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to
ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of
its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................3
What is Risk Management?......................................................................................................3
Why is Risk Management Useful to Transportation Planners? ...........................................3
About This Roadmap ................................................................................................................3
Risk Management as a Transportation Agency Tool .................................................................4
Enterprise Risk Management...................................................................................................4
Participatory Risk Assessment Processes................................................................................4
Risk Management and Performance Management ................................................................5
Building Agency Capacity for Risk Management ..................................................................5
Addressing Risk in the Transportation Planning Process .........................................................6
Uncertainty Versus Variability ..............................................................................................12
Scenario Planning as a Tool for Risk Management .............................................................12
Deterministic and Stochastic Analyses ..................................................................................14
Managing Risks for MPOs and DOTs ...................................................................................17
Managing Versus Measuring Risks .......................................................................................17
Establishing a Risk Management Process for Planning ...........................................................18
Step 1: Establish the Context .................................................................................................18
Step 2: Identify Risks ..............................................................................................................19
Step 3: Analyze Risks ..............................................................................................................19
Step 4: Evaluate Risks .............................................................................................................20
Step 5: Manage Risks ..............................................................................................................20
Integrating Risk Management and Scenario Planning ........................................................21
Best Practices for Integrating Risk Assessment ........................................................................23
Establish a Risk Management Framework ...........................................................................23
Conduct Periodic Risk Identification and Mitigation Cycles ..............................................23
Engage Stakeholders ...............................................................................................................24
Acknowledge Risks ..................................................................................................................24
Assess Uncertainty and Variability .......................................................................................25
Use Risk Management to Promote Resilience ......................................................................25
Appendix A: Recommendations from Practitioners ................................................................26
Provide Training......................................................................................................................26
Move from Point Assumptions to Ranges .............................................................................26
Share Information About Tools and Best Practices .............................................................26
Start with Risk Assessments ...................................................................................................26
Demonstrate Opportunity Costs ............................................................................................27
Promote DOT Engagement with MPOs ................................................................................27
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Tailor Approaches to Agency Contexts .................................................................................27
Use Familiar Terminology ......................................................................................................27
Integrate Risk Management Into PlanWorks.......................................................................28
Appendix B: Resources................................................................................................................28
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Rate of population change in Clark County Nevada 1970-2016. ..................................... 8
Figure 2 A randomly generated simulation of possible future population. .................................... 9
Figure 3 Changes in net gallons of fuel taxed nationally. ............................................................. 11
Figure 4 Highway trust fund receipts and transportation outlays. ................................................ 12
Figure 5 Deterministic growth rate scenarios. .............................................................................. 15
Figure 6 A stochastic forecast of population. ............................................................................... 16
Figure 7 The ISO risk management process. ................................................................................ 18
Figure 8 A risk matrix. .................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 9 A sample risk register for the objective of maintaining assets in a state of good repair. 21
Figure 10 The scenario planning process...................................................................................... 22
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
What is Risk Management?
Risk is the positive or negative effects of uncertainty or variability on agency objectives. Risk
management encompasses the cultures, processes, and structures that are directed toward the
effective management of potential opportunities and threats.
Risk management provides a
structured way to navigate the array of uncertainties, variabilities, and opportunities that may
affect an entity’s attempts to achieve its objectives. In the corporate world, those objectives may
be to earn a profit, launch a new product, or expand a line of business. Transportation agencies
strive to meet objectives such as reducing crashes, enhancing mobility, sustaining assets,
reducing emissions, and supporting economic development.
Why is Risk Management Useful to
Transportation Planners?
The ability to assess risk is a fundamental skill for
transportation planners, whose work revolves around
predicting, considering, and explaining emerging
trends and future conditions that are often highly
uncertain and subject to variability. Basic functions
such as forecasting changes in population,
employment, and travel demand depend upon
constantly evolving economic, environmental,
technological, and sociological factors that can change
unpredictably. Risk management can help planners to
identify, quantify, and communicate the types and
levels of uncertainty and variability that could
influence those forecasts.
About This Roadmap
This document provides broad guidance to help
transportation agencies apply risk management
methods and techniques to the planning process.
Rather than being an exhaustive “how-to” manual, it
presents general approaches by which individual
agencies and the transportation community as a whole
could develop the information, tools, and resources
necessary to identify and understand critical risks
associated with transportation decisions. The roadmap is organized into five sections, as follows:
A description of risk management and its relationship to the planning process.
Varma, S., G. Proctor. AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management. American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials. Oct. 2016. https://bookstore.transportation.org/Item_details.aspx?id=2706
Opportunities are
as important to
consider as threats and hazards in a risk
assessment. For example, the deployment
of connected and automated vehicles
greatly improve safety and
mobility, but much is unknown about the
full range of their potential impacts. Risk
management can help agencies to weigh
both benefits and costs associated with
investing in complex, rapidly evolving
Photo source: Connected Vehicle Basics,
USDOT Intelligent Transportation
Systems Joint Program Office.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Essential planning functions that are inherently uncertain or subject to variability.
Steps to begin integrating risk management into planning.
Methods for documenting uncertainty and variability in plans and programs.
Guidelines and “off the shelf” tools for risk assessment.
Risk Management as a Transportation Agency Tool
Enterprise Risk Management
The AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management describes a formal, systematic process to
control uncertainty and variability associated with achieving strategic objectives by managing
risks at all levels of the organization. The AASHTO guide builds from the international standard
for risk management published by the International Organization for Standards, or ISO as it is
known by its Swiss acronym. Both standards define risk as incorporating not only threats but
also uncertainty, variability, and opportunities. This broad definition of risk applies to the
planning process because by its very nature the planning process tries to forecast future events
which are inherently uncertain and subject to variability.
The ISO and AASHTO definitions of risk build from the approach to risk often used in the
corporate world, which acknowledges the uncertainty and variability that influence entities
attempts to achieve their objectives. In the corporate world, the objective may be to earn a profit
or launch a new product. For transportation agencies, the objectives may be to reduce crashes,
enhance mobility, sustain assets, reduce emissions, and complement land use patterns.
Explicit in the AASHTO guide, ISO, and corporate frameworks is the acknowledgement that
risks are inevitable. As such, it is irresponsible not to acknowledge and manage them. In much of
the corporate world, risk management is mandatory. To satisfy investors or regulators, large
corporations are required to have high-level risk-management committees that advise executives
on the uncertainties and threats to the corporation’s profits, objectives, and to its shareholders.
Major corporations’ annual reports to stockholders include discussion of the risks and
uncertainties that could affect the stockholders’ investments.
Several state transportation agencies in Australia are required to have risk management
committees, often with outside board members to provide objective assessments of risks to the
agency’s objectives. Similar to the way in which corporations inform stockholders of key risks to
their investments, the Australian agencies provide stakeholders (i.e., taxpayers) with an objective
assessment to be given an objective assessment of the uncertainties surrounding the agency’s
efforts to achieve its objectives.
Participatory Risk Assessment Processes
Enterprise risk management is a participatory process in which risk assessments flow down and
up through the agency to keep all levels of the organization aware of the interconnected risks
faced by all involved. Enterprise risk management generally is “owned” by the agency’s senior
leadership, board, or commission, but it is an active and continuous process to manage risks from
the top down and from the bottom up. For example, modeling is a routine function, but if the
travel demand model is flawed, the risk of misinformed decisions or distrust of the forecasts can
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
escalate to an enterprise-wide concern. Or, at the enterprise level, risks to an agency’s funding
could translate into staff reductions that risk the effectiveness of planning activities.
The AASHTO guide describes a hierarchy of risk management processes across different levels
and functions of an organization, including programs, projects, and activities. Risks can be
managed by program owners responsible for collections of projects intended to achieve agency
objectives such as safety, construction, pavement quality, or planning. Project risks are managed
for temporary endeavors undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Activity risks
apply to a coordinated set of ongoing actions that are taken to support projects or programs. In
the planning process, an activity could be collecting traffic or land use data or operating the
travel demand models.
Risk Management and Performance Management
Risk management is directly correlated to performance management. If an organization faces no
accountability for its performance, it risks few consequences for not achieving its objectives. As
performance becomes more important and transparent, so does managing the risk to achieving it.
For example, a program manager may face relatively little public scrutiny for failing to meet
internal performance targets for construction schedules. But if an airline fails to land a plane
safely, severe and highly public repercussions are felt across the entire corporation.
The advent of more publicly documented performance standards under MAP-21 and the FAST
Act raises the risk of negative consequences for underperformance. Risk management is an
essential element of setting and meeting Federally required performance targets for pavement
and bridge conditions, multimodal safety, congestion, reliability, asset management.
Beyond only avoiding a penalty or a sanction, risk management can build agency credibility, and
increase understanding of the planning process. For example, when setting a safety target such as
achieving a fatality rate of 1 death per 100 million miles of travel, a State DOT can use risk
assessment to identify, monitor, and explain an array of critical variables that influence its ability
to achieve the target. If fuel prices fall below expectations, automobile travel could increase and
raise the potential for crashes. Trends in hazardous behaviors such as texting while driving could
continue to rise. Increases in pedestrian and bicycling activity could be accompanied by an
uptick in nonmotorized crashes. Acknowledging risk factors up front in the target-setting process
sets the stage for a more robust, transparent process of monitoring progress and adjusting tactics
over subsequent years.
FHWA asset management regulations call for risk assessments to be included in transportation
asset management plans. These assessments identify risks to achieving asset management
objectives and targets and identify appropriate responses to managing those risks. The
development of a 10-year transportation asset management plan depends upon complex
forecasting of pavement and bridge conditions. Assumptions about future conditions are based
on forecasts of investment levels, pavement and bridge performance and deterioration curves, the
effectiveness of treatments, and upon the accuracy of bridge and pavement models. If any of
those variables are incorrectly forecast, the future conditions of bridges and pavements can be
Building Agency Capacity for Risk Management
Risk management encompasses a continuum of sophistication from mere acknowledgement of
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
uncertainty to the quantification of it. At a basic level of risk management, the agency would
acknowledge and explain the assumptions upon which it has based its objectives and the
variables that must be controlled to achieve the objective. At a more sophisticated level, the
agency could conduct statistical analysis of its objective and demonstrate the confidence levels
surrounding the numeric target.
Risk management methods are similar to those used by many transportation agencies for
scenario planning or hazard assessments to gauge potential climatic or seismic impacts on
transportation systems. All three methods attempt to evaluate rational responses to potential
alternative future conditions. Risk management involves a somewhat broader view than other
methods by enabling planners not only to identify and consider the impacts of potential threats
and opportunities, but also to quantify the associated levels of uncertainty and variability.
Several guides and frameworks are available to transportation agencies in building their capacity
to assess and manage risk. A bibliography is included at the end of this roadmap to resources
such as the following:
The AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management was developed specifically for
transportation departments.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 20-24 (105)
Launching U.S. Transportation Enterprise Risk Management Programs, includes a 40-
page summary for chief executive officers on how to start and sustain an Enterprise Risk
Management (ERM) program.
The ISO 31000 standards provide a generalized framework for managing risks.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) produced detailed guides for managing project
and program risks.
For assessing threats to physical assets, the Risk Analysis and Management for Critical
Asset Protection (RAMCAP) framework was developed for infrastructure owners.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) produced a five-part series of reports on
applying risk management to asset management, and several tools for managing project
FHWA also has produced an extensive body of work on scenario planning and on risk
assessment to improvement system resilience.
The AASHTO guide and ISO are most suited for managing risks to the entire organization. The
PMI guides focus on risks at the project and program levels. RAMCAP focuses on threats to
assets. The FHWA documents focus on risks and uncertainties to asset management or to the
uncertain and variable scenarios faced in the planning process.
Addressing Risk in the Transportation Planning
The planning process is fraught with risks in the form of uncertainty, variability, threats, and
opportunities. Typical planning activities that involve uncertainty and variability include the
development of forecasts and analyses about major influences on transportation supply and
demand such as the following:
Traffic volumes, mode split, land use, population growth, and economic activity;
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Threats such as extreme weather events or major economic downturns; and
Trends and disruptions that could pose both threats and opportunities such as the
market growth of connected and automated vehicles (CAV), shared mobility,
alternative fueled vehicles, and increased urbanization.
FHWA has produced many resources on resilience in the planning process with a vulnerability
assessment framework, pilots, and development of a guidebook on incorporating resilience in the
transportation planning process. Addressing climatic risks and other threats are an obviously
beneficial form of risk management that can aid the planning process. Such risk assessments
identify possible threats that can impede the objectives of a regional Metropolitan Transportation
Plan (MTP) or a Statewide Long Range Transportation plan (SLRTP). Perhaps even more
important, risk and vulnerability assessments can identify mitigation steps that could reduce
possible impacts.
Although risk and resilience planning are one form of risk management, enterprise risk
management could incorporate many other areas of uncertainty and variability in the planning
process. Take, for example, an MPO that wants to adopt an enterprise risk management approach
to developing its MTP. In addition to assessing climatic or seismic threats, it could identify the
amount and type of uncertainty that underlies key assumptions such as for population growth by
activities such as the following:
Documenting the amount of variability in estimates and acknowledging the upper and
lower limit of credible growth assumptions and how they vary when extrapolated over 20
Discussing the uncontrollable external factors that could affect planning assumptions
such as the effect of international events on fuel prices
Explaining the variability surrounding mode split assumptions such as the effect of on-
demand ride services, ride sharing, declining vehicle ownership, and land use patterns.
Figure 1 illustrates the degree of variability surrounding one key assumption, the annual rate of
population growth. The chart illustrates the annual rate of change in population growth (not the
absolute growth) between 1970 and 2016 for Clark County, Nevada, the area around Las Vegas.
While the overall population grew steadily throughout this period, the rate of growth varied a
great deal from year to year. The highest rate of growth was 9.36% from 1989-90, followed by a
7.92% growth rate the following year. In contrast, the rate of growth in 2011 was less than one
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Figure 1 Rate of population change in Clark County Nevada 1970-2016.
Forecasting often involves extrapolating from past trends. However, forecasting from such
disparate past growth rates can be problematic. As seen in Figure 1, the thick horizontal line
indicates an average rate of growth of 4.6 percent for the entire period. However, the average
rate is not typical for any given year. Growth rates spiked upward frequently before 1995,
dropped sharply in the early 2000s, and slowly rose after 2011. The R-squared value of .2175
shows there was little correlation year to year in the growth rate over the entire time horizon.
The lack of correlation in growth rates across the years indicates future forecasts based upon past
trends should account for continued variability, rather than simply extrapolating the average
growth rate. Will growth resume to past levels? Has the growth rate hit an inflection point? To
consider these questions, planners must consider many factors. On the one hand, the casino
industry responsible for huge influxes of residents and jobs in Las Vegas has been diluted by the
introduction of legal gambling in other states. On the other hand, electric vehicle manufacturer
Tesla chose nearby Sparks, Nevada, for a massive battery manufacturing site that could attract
additional investments.
For planners facing such variability, risk management offers an option. Using a risk management
approach, planners could take steps such as the following:
They could organize panels of experts to identify the factors that could influence the
growth rate and acknowledge that those factors could cause the agency’s population
forecast to vary.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
They could assess planning scenarios based upon low, medium, or high growth
assumptions and illustrate how the different scenarios could result in very different
outcomes for the region.
It could conduct more complex analysis such as Monte Carlo simulation that allows
increased quantification of the range of possible population growth impacts.
The agency could identify and track leading indicators such as building permits, to
anticipate and respond nimbly to fluctuations in population growth.
Figure 2 illustrates another way in which risk and uncertainty can be illustrated. The absolute
population of Clark County, Nevada was plotted from 1970 to 2016. Then an off-the-shelf
statistical tool (Crystal Ball, a privately vended add-on to Microsoft Excel) was used to generate
100 scenarios of growth for the next 20 years based upon the growth rates of the past. The tool
randomly selects future growth rates based upon past growth rates. The line extended to 2036
illustrates a simple extrapolation of past average annual rates into the future.
The results of the analysis show that growth in 2036 could be as low as 2.4 million or as high as
3.9 million. Depending upon which past trends are assumed to carry into the future, the
population could grow as little as 13 percent overall or it could double. The high and low
forecasts on the upper and lower limits of the “cone” illustrate how high or how low the
population could be. The variability arises from the random nature of selecting low-growth past
years and assuming future growth will resemble the past years of slower growth. The higher
estimate comes from random selection of higher growth based upon the higher growth rate of
some past years.
Figure 2 A randomly generated simulation of possible future population.
This example illustrates that risk assessment does not reduce uncertainty in and of itself.
However, risk management allows an improved description of the uncertainty and its possible
impacts, which in turn supports more informed discussions of possible future scenarios. For
instance, the implications of different future population forecasts could be interpreted in several
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
ways depending on the context and priorities of the region. A possible spike in population could
be viewed as an opportunity to a region that has experienced economic decline, so the
conversation around the risk of growth could focus on making strategic transportation
investments that would help to encourage desired new development. Alternatively, a community
that has been struggling to improve infrastructure fast enough to serve a rapidly growing
population may see a potential spike as a threat, and could use the data to help inform strategies
for managing possible exponential impacts to congested networks. In either case, the risk
analysis does not answer the question of which scenario is most likely, but can spur decisions to
better prepare the region for uncertainty. Possible steps that either agency could take to further
prepare for potential changes in future conditions include:
Improve travel demand models to better understand the variable nature of growth on
travel behaviors;
If growth seems to be accelerating, prioritize capacity expansion and system optimization
projects and services in the metropolitan or statewide Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP or STIP);
If growth continues to slow, focus more resources on system operations and maintenance
and consider opportunities to optimize the effects of reduced travel demand;
Use the alternative growth forecasts to support broader community planning discussion
about guiding efficient, flexible land development patterns such as compact, transit-
friendly communities that can support more growth within the existing networks.
Another common planning step is to forecast available revenue. As seen in Figure 3, growth in
Federal-aid revenue has changed greatly since the 1960s. From 1961 to 1972, annual gallons of
fuel taxed rose 5.3%. That slowed to 1.55% annually from 1994-2007. It slowed further to less
than one percent annually from 2008 to 2015.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Figure 3 Changes in net gallons of fuel taxed nationally.
Those trends of slowing revenue results in the trends shown in Figure 4, which tracks the growth
in Highway Trust Fund receipts and outlays. Throughout the second half of the 20
receipts and outlays correlated closely before diverging sharply after 1998. The difference
between receipts and outlays has been covered since then by periodic Congressional
appropriations from other sources to highway and transit purposes. For planners who are trying
to predict future Federal-aid resources for the next 20 years this presents a risk. Enriching the
revenue forecast with information about critical risks does not reduce the uncertainty, but it helps
decisionmakers to understand the tentative nature of the forecast, and to appreciate the need to
frequently review and update planning assumptions.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Uncertainty Versus Variability
These examples help to illustrate the difference between uncertainty and variability. Uncertain
risks are not easily quantified, while variable risks can be measured. For example, a forecast of
the amounts of funding that Congress will appropriate for Federal-aid assistance over the next 20
years could be based on past rates of change in appropriations, but is subject to uncertain forces
that are hard to quantify, such as political priorities. An example of variability, meanwhile, is the
variation or “noisein the charts of Clark County population growth rates. There are statistically
valid methods to forecast future population based on past growth rates despite the variability,
such as applying the deviation from the mean (a measure in the amount of variability) when
extrapolating past rates onto future years. The variability in population growth rates lends itself
to quantification, while the uncertainty of shifts in political power does not.
Scenario Planning as a Tool for Risk Management
Transportation agencies that conduct scenario planning exercises are practicing a form of risk
assessment. Scenario planning and risk management processes can help citizens and stakeholders
in the public and private sector to better understand how a variety of external forces and policy
drivers could impact transportation networks in a state, community, region, or study area. Risk
management as a whole process tends to dive more deeply than scenario planning into tactical
and operational decisionmaking, but the two methods have many characteristics in common.
4 Highway trust fund receipts and transportation outlays.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
FHWA describes scenario planning as follows in its 2016 guidebook Supporting Performance-
Based Planning and Programming Through Scenario Planning:
Scenarios are stories about the future that planners develop to consider and
prepare for possible challenges and opportunities. Scenario planning helps
transportation agencies work with stakeholders and the public to establish a vision
and implement a strategic plan for success in uncertain times. Well-crafted
scenarios inspire critical thinking about issues and events that could significantly
affect a region’s economy, environment, and quality of life. provides a framework
for developing a shared vision for the future by analyzing various forces (e.g.,
health, transportation, livability, economic, environmental, land use), that affect
communities. The technique was originally used by private industry to anticipate
future business conditions and to better manage risk.
The 2016 guide defines different types of scenario planning as predictive, normative, and
exploratory. Predictive scenario planning focuses on variations of probable trends that are
considered fairly certain, such as ranges of population and job growth in a region where
economic change is expected to be slow. Normative scenario planning involves depicting
narratives of widely different future conditions in order to build consensus on a preferred
outcome. Exploratory scenarios are used to examine the resilience of current conditions, plans, or
goals to changes that are less predictable, such as global economic markets or environmental
A hallmark of scenario planning among transportation agencies since that late 20
century has
been identifying land use patterns as variables rather than as static inputs to travel forecasts.
The variability in market forces, policy decisions, and environmental conditions that drive land
development creates risk around the population and employment predictions that influence key
outcomes such as travel demand, mode splits, and trip types. Scenario planning around land use
variables has often been used to support visioning processes, which involve gathering input from
diverse stakeholders to set priorities and identify policy goals for land use, economic
development, and environmental preservation. This type of normative scenario planning is used
to clarify community values (“norms”) and apply them systematically to evaluate and identify
goals and objectives that support elements of a preferred future scenario.
Over the first decades of the 21
century, transportation agencies have applied scenario planning
to support not only normative planning processes, but also as an exploratory tool for considering
implications of rapid advancements in technology, changing climate conditions, evolving
Supporting Performance Based Planning and Programming Through Scenario Planning. FHWA. 2016.
FHWA Scenario Planning Guidebook. 2011.
Supporting Performance Based Planning and Programming Through Scenario Planning. FHWA. 2016.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
market preferences, major economic restructuring, and other transformational forces”
transportation system performance. Exploratory scenario planning can be a useful tool for risk
management, as it supports discussions around tactics that decisionmakers and agencies can use
to avoid or mitigate potential challenges and to optimizing potential benefits posed by external
Risk management and scenario planning techniques can be used to evaluate the uncertainty or
variability surrounding planning assumptions, and identify a broad array of issues that could
impede, or enhance, achievement of planning objectives. Scenario planning involves building
and considering the implications of overarching narratives or sets of assumptions that describe
plausible trajectories of change. Risk management can be used to illustrate the effects of
different assumptions while also attempting to measure the uncertainty around each assumption.
Agencies use scenario planning to ask questions such as “What might the future look like given
the continuation of current policies, programs, and development?” “What might the future look
like given different environmental or technological conditions?” Scenario planning may or may
not incorporate risk management, which focuses more specifically on identifying areas of
uncertainty and quantifying levels of variability that could impact an agency’s ability to reach its
objectives in positive or negative ways. A risk management process, supported by exploratory
scenario planning and/ or other tools, enables stakeholders to answer questions about a proposed
course of action, such as the following:
What could go wrong?
How might our data or assumptions be incorrect?
What is the magnitude of the uncertainty or variability surrounding our assumptions?
What operational or organizational weaknesses do we have that could undercut our
What external factors create threats, uncertainty, or variability that are beyond our
What opportunities might arise, where potential benefits outweigh potential costs?
What threats can we mitigate and what opportunities should we seize?
What contingencies should we have ready to execute if threats or opportunities arise?
Although the three types of scenario planning processes are not commonly discussed in risk
management literature, they represent variations of risk analysis. The next section of this report
describes deterministic and stochastic analysis techniques, which include elements of predictive,
normative, and exploratory scenario planning.
Deterministic and Stochastic Analyses
Predictive scenario planning has similarities to a deterministic risk analysis. In a deterministic
analysis, single point trend lines may be used to illustrate the effects of different rates of change.
Figure 5 illustrates an example of a deterministic analysis in which four different average annual
Next Generation Scenario Planning: a Transportation Practitioner's Guide. FHWA. 2017.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
growth rates are applied to a revenue forecast.
Figure 5 Deterministic growth rate scenarios.
Often, trends don’t occur in steady linear patterns as shown in Figure 5. They often resemble
Figure 1, the chart of historic population growth rates in Clark County, Nevada, which depicts
frequent year-to-year variability, or “noise,” when the data significantly deviated from the trend
line average (mean) for the period as a whole. A stochastic analysis is a way to illustrate more
uncertain future outcomes. Stochastic refers to randomness. Instead of extending the results of a
steady growth rate, a stochastic analysis can incorporate the variability that could occur year-to-
year or over a given period of time.
Figure 6 illustrates a stochastic forecast of the Clark County population using an off-the-shelf
Monte Carlo simulation tool. Named after the famous gambling center in Monaco, a Monte
Carlo simulation generates thousands or even millions of scenarios to depict the universe of
possible outcomes given combinations of random variations within any forecast. Since the
annual rates of population growth in Las Vegas have varied over the past 50 years from less than
one percent to more than nine percent, it is reasonable to assume that future rates could vary
widely from year to year. A Monte Carlo simulation, as shown in Figure 6, generates alternative
scenarios that combine every possible variation in growth rates to every forecasted year.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Figure 6 A stochastic forecast of population.
Figure 6 displays a Monte Carlo simulation of 100,000 scenarios for the Clark County, Nevada,
population forecast from base year 2015 to horizon year 2035. Each scenario calculated a total
population for the year 2035 by summing a unique combination of annual growth rates for each
year in the 20-year period. The vertical bars indicate the number of times each of the possible
year 2035 sum totals was reached during the scenario generation process. According to the
simulation, the minimum year 2035 population is 2.169 million and the maximum is 5.013
million. The mean forecast is 3.347 million, and the median is 3.30 million. The forecast within
one standard deviation of that mean is indicated by the two vertical dotted lines. The analysis
forecasts a 67% probability that the year 2035 population will be in the range of 2.77 million to
3.959 million.
In a risk-based stochastic analysis, planners can illustrate how variability creates uncertainty
surrounding future forecasts. The level of uncertainty grows with the range of possible outcomes.
Figure 6 indicates a 67% likelihood that the total number of people living in Clark County in the
year 2035 will be somewhere between 2.77 million and 3.959 million, which is a very wide
range. Monte Carlo simulations do not nail down an answer to the question “What will our future
population be?” Instead they address the question “How much variation could we anticipate,
given an array of possible scenarios?”
In some fields such as investing, variability and risk are synonymous. If a pension fund manager
needs to generate a certain rate of return in order to meet payment obligations, s/he will invest in
a predictable portfolio. For this type of investment fund, variability from the desired rate of
return is a major risk. A similar principle applies to the revenue forecast for a State DOT or
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). A significant change in the estimates of committed
or available funds could have a major effect upon the agency’s ability to implement its program
of projects and to achieve its targets.
Stochastic risk-based analyses illustrate that almost all forecasts are based on specific
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
assumptions and are subject to significant variability. By viewing the results of such an analysis,
planners and stakeholders may better appreciate that all plans are subject to change and require
constant monitoring. Perhaps more importantly, conducing a stochastic analysis within a full
risk management process leads to a carefully structured identification of risk mitigation
strategies. These strategies can help the stakeholders reduce the impacts of the negative
influences on their plans and to sense and capture the positive ones.
The “management” in risk management refers to the intent to address, control, mitigate, or
manage the issues that create the variability. Later in this document, the development of “risk
registers” to identify risk management strategies will be discussed.
Managing Risks for MPOs and DOTs
The processes for managing risks is similar for state DOTs and regional MPOs. Both are
concerned with planning factors such as the accuracy of models, the comprehensiveness of data,
and the tracking of internal and external threats. However, the span of control is different for
DOTs and MPOs, and thus generates different threats and different opportunities. For example,
DOTs are responsible for balancing a broad array of statewide urban and rural needs, while each
MPO focuses upon a single region. In addition, MPOs (with some exceptions) tend to focus
exclusively on planning and programming future transportation investments, while DOTs are
responsible not only for planning and funding decisions, but also for implementing project
design and delivery for the assets they own and operate. As implementing agencies, DOTs may
be concerned about risks to their project delivery or system maintenance efforts. If a DOT does
not deliver the projects called for in a transportation plan or program, it cannot achieve the plan
or program objectives. If a DOT does not effectively execute transportation system management
and operations (TSMO) strategies, it will not achieve its objectives to optimize performance of
the transportation network.
Managing Versus Measuring Risks
The use of tools such as deterministic or stochastic forecasting assist with the measuring of risk
and variability. However, risk management is about trying to control risks as well as measuring
and predicting them. The AASHTO risk guide and other documents note that risk measurement
can become complicated if an agency wants to rely on statistical models. Risk measurement and
risk management do not have to be complex exercises, however. They can be as simple as
asking, “What could go wrong? And what should we do about it.” As pointed out by the
AASHTO risk guide, the greatest benefit from risk management comes from asking informed
stakeholders their opinions about the uncertainty and variability surrounding objectives and then
acting to control that uncertainty and variability.
Much of the risk management process complements the collaborative transportation planning
process and the scenario planning process. All three – risk management, transportation planning,
and scenario planning – rely on collaboration among stakeholders to share their vision of what a
region wants to accomplish and what could impede that accomplishment. Related to this point,
the next section discusses establishing a collaborative risk management program.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Establishing a Risk Management Process for Planning
Two documents provide specific guidance
on developing an Enterprise Risk
Management (ERM) program for
transportation agencies: Chapter 2 of the
AASHTO Guide includes detailed guidance
for establishing an enterprise risk
management program, and NCHRP Project
20-24 (105) Launching U.S. Transportation
Enterprise Risk Management Programs,
includes a 40-page summary for chief
executive officers on how to start and sustain
an ERM program. Both documents
reference the internationally recognized ISO
risk management process illustrated in
Figure 7.
The ISO risk management process, upon
which the AASHTO and NCHRP guidance
is based, bears many similarities to common
performance management frameworks used
by transportation agencies, such as
performance-based planning, scenario
planning, and the “plan, do, check, act” cycle. The risks to be managed in virtually any risk
management approach are those that could impede performance. Hence, a sound risk
management process resembles a performance-management process.
As shown in Figure 7, the risk management process involves five core steps, each of which is
informed by continuous communication and consultation activities, and by iterative monitoring
and review activities. Communication and consultation involve ongoing interaction with internal
and external stakeholders to identify if internal or external events are raising or lowering the
organization’s risk profile. Monitoring and review for risk management can be embedded into
the agency’s routine performance based planning and programming process to ensure that risk-
mitigation steps are occurring with the intended results.
Step 1: Establish the Context
The risk management process starts by establishing the context. This involves identifying the
objectives to be accomplished and the environment around the organization attempting to
achieve them. The objectives could encompass broad initiatives such as the development of an
MTP or SLRTP or the advancement of projects through the TIP or STIP. They could also be
established for discrete activities that support the planning process, such as implementing a
public involvement plan or developing a statewide pedestrian and bicycle data inventory. To
support later steps in the risk management process, the context-setting process should also
Figure 7 The ISO risk management process.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
include a description of the agency’s role and capacity to conduct the initiative or activity, as
well that of relevant partners and stakeholders.
Step 2: Identify Risks
Once the context is understood, the agency works with stakeholders to identify the risks that
could affect its ability to achieve stated objectives. These risks could encompass threats and
opportunities. This initial risk identification process can be done by gathering ideas through
activities such as brainstorming sessions, surveys, focus group discussions, and interviews. The
list will be more robust if the agency casts a fairly wide net during this step by involving staff
and officials from various levels within the organization as well as partners and external
Step 3: Analyze Risks
Once the list of risks is established, the agency assesses each risk in terms of likelihood, impact,
uncertainty and variability. Agencies can document this analysis using a matrix like the one in
Figure 8. It is a simple matrix in which participants are asked to assess how likely a risk could be
and how great its impact could be. Some risks could have high impact but low likelihood. Others
could have moderate impact and but a high likelihood. Some of the stakeholders involved in Step
2 can help to flesh out the matrix developed in Step 3.
Figure 8 A risk matrix.
Rare Unlikely
Possible Likely Very Likely
For Recurring Events
Less than once in
5 years
Once in 5 years Once in 3 years Once per year
More than once
per year
For Single Events
Probability over 5
< 10%
(Less than 1 in
10% to 25%
(Avg. of about 1
in 6)
25% to 40%
(Avg. of about 1
in 3)
40% to 60%
(Avg. of about 1
in 2)
> 60%
(Avg. of about 4 in
Medium Medium High
Very High Catastrophic
Low Medium
High High Very High
Low Medium Medium High High
Low Low Low Medium
Low Low Low Low Medium
Risk Matrix with
Impact and
Multiple deaths & injuries, substantial
public and private cost, foils agency
objectives, and the agency fails in its basic
Multiple injuries, or a single death,
substantial public or private cost and/or
foils agency objectives.
Injury, property damage, increased
agency cost and/or impedes agency
Moderate agency cost and impact to
agency objectives.
Impact low and manageable with
normal agency practices.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Step 4: Evaluate Risks
During the evaluation step, the agency considers the level to which it can influence the
magnitude and likelihood of each risk. Risks that are directly tied to the agency’s decisions,
operations, and productivity, such as meeting internal performance targets, could be “owned” by
the agency. In these cases, the evaluation would determine that the agency can influence the risk
and should take steps to do so. Other risks could be significant but hinge upon key factors that
are beyond an agency’s control. In those cases, the agency could monitor the indicators
associated with the risk, and coordinate risk management efforts (through Step 5) with partner
agencies that have more influence. For example, an MPO and local transit agency could
collaborate with a local economic development authority to coordinate investments and monitor
progress toward desired station area development along a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line.
Step 5: Manage Risks
To complete the process, the agency develops and implements a strategic plan for risk
management. The plan identifies the actions the agency will take in response to each risk, and
assigns responsibility for each action to a specific person, work unit, or body. The management
of the risk is assigned to the appropriate level either at the enterprise, program, project, or
activity level. Corporate or enterprise-wide risks may be “owned” by the agency’s board or chief
executive. Program risks would be assigned to managers of divisions such as planning or
programming. Activity risks would be the purview of activity owners, such as construction
Some risk management strategies can be shared. For example, a common risk for achieving
safety targets is the problem of inaccurate or incomplete crash data created by multiple local
police departments. Inaccurate crash data can impede development of proper countermeasures.
To mitigate that risk, the chief executives could communicate and coordinate with the mayors
and police chiefs while the safety program manager coordinates with the staff-level police
department record keepers.
Assigning authority to each risk management strategy reinforces agency performance
management processes. As process owners work to ensure the achievement of the objectives
that have been assigned to them, they also track and manage the risks to those objectives. Then,
as the agency reports through progress meetings and dashboards its progress toward achieving its
objectives, it also can advise stakeholders if the risks to those objectives are influencing the
agency’s performance.
A risk register is a simple table used by many agencies that practice risk management. Shown in
Figure 9 it includes “if/then” risk statements such as If X risk occurs, then the impact will be
Y.” The risk register provides a snapshot of the likelihood and impact of the risk, and what steps,
if any, are being taken to manage the risk. Figure 9 illustrates some risks and responses to an
asset management objective. Risk registers often record many risks associated with each
objective established by the agency, program manager, or project manager.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Figure 9 A sample risk register for the objective of maintaining assets in a state of good repair.
Integrating Risk Management and Scenario Planning
As defined by FHWA, “scenario planning is an analytical tool that can help transportation
professionals prepare for what lies ahead. Scenario planning provides a framework for
developing a shared vision for the future by analyzing various forces (e.g., health, transportation,
economic, environmental, land use, etc.) that affect growth. Scenario planning, which can be
done at the statewide level or for metropolitan regions, tests various future alternatives that meet
state and community needs. A defining characteristic of successful public sector scenario
planning is that it actively involves the public, the business community, and elected officials on a
broad scale, educating them about growth trends and trade-offs, and incorporating their values
and feedback into future plans.”
A comparison of FHWA’s scenario-planning steps (Figure 10) with the ISO-based risk
management process (Figure 7) reveals many similarities. Both proceed with logical “plan, do,
act, check” cycles, and incorporate stakeholders’ assessments of issues, opportunities, and
strategies associated with achieving agency objectives.
Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the scenario planning process include scoping the effort, engaging partners,
establishing baseline information, and identifying goals. These steps are analogous to the initial
context-setting step of the risk management process. Step four in the scenario planning process
involves creating baseline and alternative scenarios, akin to risk management process steps 2 and
3, identifying and analyzing risks. Step 5 of the scenario planning process is focused on
assessing scenario impacts, influences, and effects, which is very similar to the risk management
process step 4 (evaluating risks). The final scenario planning step 6 involves crafting the vision,
strategic actions and performance measures which can help the region achieve its vision. This
step also is analogous to the risk management step 5, to identify and assign risk mitigation
This comparison of the risk management process with the scenario planning process reveals the
complementary nature of the two approaches. Each was developed to help planning stakeholders
better understand how to shape and influence the steps an organization or community would take
FHWA Scenario Planning and Visualization in Transportation Website
Risk Event
Risk Effect Likelihood Impact L X I Response
If funding decreases..
…then we may not be able to sustain its
assets in a state of good repair.
Very Likely
Major High
We will monitor Congressional actions on Federal-aid
apppropriations and remain in contact with the
Congressional delegation to emphasize the importance of
Federal-aid to the our program.
If Program selection priorities do
not emphasize sustaining asset
..then we may not be able to invest
appropriately to sustain a state of good
Likely Moderate High
We will urge legislators to continue giving high priority to
recommendations for bridge and pavement investments to
ensure that programs to preserve asset conditions remain a
top prioritiy.
If Population growth and land uses
increase creating high demand for
congestion-relief projects…
..then we may not be able to invest
enough to sustain a state of good repair.
Moderate High
We will remain active in the metropolitan and statewide
planning processes to monitor population and traffic growth
and advise the Board if the demand for new capacity projects
exceeds current amounts budgeted for them.
Maintain Assets in a State of Good Repair
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
to achieve its objectives. The two frameworks arose from different disciplines, but both evolved
to help improve the decision-making process.
Figure 10 The scenario planning process.
Stakeholders in Scenario Planning and Risk Management
Another similarity between scenario planning and risk management processes is the reliance on
stakeholders. Risk guides are nearly universal in their recommendation to include stakeholders in
the risk process. The many stakeholders involved in a continuing, comprehensive, and
cooperative transportation planning process can offer valuable insights into risks and how to
manage them. MPOs typically staff numerous stakeholder committees, all of which could
contribute to scenario planning and risk management processes. Stakeholders who are not
traditionally associated with regional or statewide transportation planning processes could be
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
valuable participants in identifying, assessing, and managing risks to the goals, objectives, and
targets embedded in plans. For example, the inflation of construction costs is a major risk to
programming, constructing, and maintaining infrastructure. Stakeholders such as bid estimators,
construction staff, materials staff, outside economists, or contractors could provide insights into
long-term construction cost trends to inform scenarios and risk assessments for achieving long-
term plans and programs.
Stakeholders and experts can also lend valuable support to the forecasting exercises conducted
for scenario planning and for risk management. For example, outputs from Monte Carlo analyses
should be influenced by the qualitative opinion of experts and informed stakeholders. These tools
accommodate Bayesian statistical analyses frameworks, in which the values of forecasting
variables can be changed based upon observations or opinions about developing trends. In other
words, a forecast can depend upon more input than simply a statistical extrapolation of past
trends. For the population forecasting exercise in Clark County, Nevada, stakeholders and
experts could advise the agency if they think future population growth will be influenced by
factors that have not occurred and/ or been accounted for in historical trend analyses. Water
management experts, for example, could weigh in on the potential impacts of sudden changes in
environmental conditions upon the region’s capacity to sustain the existing population or to
support growth. The influence of those new factors can be used to adjust growth rates and levels
of variability to improve the population forecast.
Best Practices for Integrating Risk Assessment
Establish a Risk Management Framework
A risk management framework can be incorporated into any planning process that involves
evaluating alternatives and deciding upon strategies, from MTP/ SLRTP updates and corridor
studies to bicycle plans, public involvement plans, and data management programs. It can also
be a highly useful tool to support TIP or STIP decisions regarding project prioritization,
selection, financing, and staging, as well as monitoring performance objectives and long term
outcomes generated by completed projects.
It is critical to articulate the agency’s commitment to incorporating risk management into its
everyday functions. This sets the stage for building the agency’s capacity and leadership for
effective risk management. Key steps include the following:
Adopt an agency policy to incorporate risk management into the planning process;
Train key staff, such as planning program directors, in risk management methods;
Appoint a risk manager or subject matter expert with a working knowledge of risk
management to lead the effort.
Conduct Periodic Risk Identification and Mitigation Cycles
These can be applied to agency-wide initiatives, such as periodic updates to the MPO Unified
Planning Work Program (UPWP) or strategic plans for agency staffing and budgeting, or to
specific planning functions and processes, such as updating a travel model, an MTP or SLRTP,
or a TIP/ STIP. Use the step-by-step process described in the previous section of this roadmap to
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
engage stakeholders in completing the following activities:
Establish the context and objectives for the risk management application. For example, the
risk management assessment could support decisionmaking and ongoing performance
monitoring associated with investments and initiatives in the MTP or SLRTP. In this case,
objectives could include using the risk assessment process to refine key data such as population
forecasts, to broaden the understanding of key issues and opportunities the plan should consider,
to inform the development evaluation of alternative solutions, and to increase the resilience of
planned investments.
Identify and analyze relevant risks, including threats and opportunities. Develop a risk
register that summarizes relevant risks and how they are to be managed. Document the
supporting information and analyses conducted to identify the risk, to determine how it could
affect the achievement of stated objectives, and to understand the levels of uncertainty and
variability associated with the risk. For example, a Monte Carlo simulation and other analyses
could help to establish a range of potential population forecasts that reflect the variable nature of
historic growth trends and the potential for new events or outside forces to impact future growth.
The agency can then articulate the “what-if” threats and opportunities associated with the range
of growth trajectories.
Decide upon mitigation strategies, monitor outcomes, and adjust as needed. Use the risk
registers and supporting information to help explain risks and assumptions to stakeholders
(especially those who are essential for developing and implementing mitigation strategies), and
to track the key indicators that are most closely associated with each risk. For example, the
agency can identify and track key economic and environmental indicators that are associated
with historic changes in population growth, as well as emerging indicators that might have
critical impacts on future growth.
Engage Stakeholders
The committees and community stakeholders commonly involved in developing planning
products, such as MTP and SLRTP objectives, can also engage in risk identification and
assessment efforts. In addition to identifying objectives the stakeholders could identify and
assess the risks to those objectives. Additional stakeholders such as subject matter experts from
partner agencies (e.g. economic development, environmental preservation, etc) could help to
analyze risks associated with their realms, and to help identify and support mitigation strategies.
Acknowledge Risks
Incorporating discussion of risks in key public documents such as an MTP, SLRTP, TIP, STIP,
and an annual system performance report can promote consideration of risks across all elements
of the planning process. The risk assessments developed for regularly updated transportation
planning documents are somewhat analogous to a corporation’s annual reports to its
shareholders. Corporate annual reports include detailed discussion of the risks facing the
corporation and how the corporation tries to manage them. In the corporate world,
acknowledgement of risk is required for transparency.
In the planning realm, acknowledging the uncertainty, variability, and threats to planning
objectives also could increase transparency with the public. Some typical risks that can be
acknowledged in planning documents include the following:
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Known weaknesses in travel demand models;
Uncertainty about land use or population forecasts because of changing local
Risks surrounding revenue or construction costs;
Uncertain technology impacts, such as the pace or scope of alternatively fueled or
connected vehicles; and
Changing demographic patterns such as in-migration to some major cities and out-
migration from others.
Assess Uncertainty and Variability
Assessing the variability and uncertainty around key planning assumptions is a fundamental
element of incorporating risk management into the planning process. Planning tools and
methods rely heavily upon long-range forecasts about land use, economic trends, mode choice,
and development patterns. A single straight-line forecast of any variable can provide a false
sense of certainty. Variability surrounds each of the assumptions upon which these forecasts are
By showing a range of possible future outcomes and explaining the rationale behind the
assumptions, the agency can provide a more realistic picture of the uncertain environment in
which transportation planning takes place. Acknowledging the assumptions and documenting
associated variabilities and uncertainties prepares the agency to monitor key indicators and to
adjust its strategies if trends do not unfold the way the forecasts assumed.
Use Risk Management to Promote Resilience
FHWA defines resilience as the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing
conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions.
agencies can use risk management as foundation for increasing the resilience of the
infrastructure, assets, and services they plan and operate. A risk-based planning effort, for
example, is likely to identify environmental threats such as increasingly frequent floods and sea
level rise in low-lying coastal areas. By assessing the magnitude and likelihood of these
conditions, and documenting specific potential impacts on transportation networks, the
transportation planning agency can work with its stakeholders to develop targeted strategies to
make infrastructure more robust and to improve the community’s capacity to recover rapidly
from weather disasters. FHWA’s Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework
m) provides a toolkit for identifying these types of system vulnerabilities and addressing them in
plans and programs.
FHWA Order 5520, quoted in Integrating Resilience into the Transportation Planning Process white paper.
FHWA. 2018.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Appendix A: Recommendations from Practitioners
In October 2017, FHWA conducted a peer exchange on the topic of incorporating risk into the
planning process. The following suggestions came from participants in that peer exchange
regarding activities and best practices for Federal agencies, State DOTs and MPOs to consider
when building risk management programs.
Provide Training
Participants discussed the need to train transportation planners on risk management processes
and analysis techniques. Training could focus on areas such as the following:
Defining the concept of risk, how is it managed, and how can it be applied to planning.
Supporting enterprise risk management which is the practicing of risks across an agency.
In the case of planning, the training could address how planners can identify and manage
the major risks to the agency’s planning process. Examples could include managing the
major risks to the accuracy of socio-economic inputs to travel demand models or the as-
sumptions that drive revenue and cost projections.
Demonstrating the use of tools such as Monte Carlo simulation
Move from Point Assumptions to Ranges
Participants discussed the benefits of demonstrating how ranges within forecasts could be
incorporated into the planning process, instead of relying upon single-point assumptions. The
planning process does not guarantee clarity about future trends. It usually generates information
about the general direction of trends based on informed assumptions. It is important for
decisionmakers and stakeholders to acknowledge that plans designed to address the current
understanding of future needs may not be effective if major shifts occur down the road.
For example, instead of producing a single population forecast for an MTP or SLRTP, the
agency can demonstrate the variability surrounding the forecast and the implications of that
variability. Facilitating a thoughtful discussion of these ranges would help planners to illustrate
the uncertainty about the future and the realities of the planning process.
Share Information About Tools and Best Practices
Participants suggested a catalog of risk-based tools as a useful training and capacity building
product. It would describe available tools and how each could support planning decisions.
Another useful product could be a set of best practice case studies from Canada and Australia
where risk management is more common in transportation agencies. A FHWA international scan
report in 2012 described enterprise risk management practices in several countries. Examples of
risk management applied to the planning process could expand upon the earlier report to
specifically address risk-based planning.
Start with Risk Assessments
Participants discussed the benefits of reports, guides, or case studies that demonstrate how risk
management early in the planning process can strengthen planning decisions. A major planning
effort, such as an MTP or SLRTP, could begin with an assessment of the risks to the
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
organization’s planning objectives. Then, throughout the planning process, the effects of the
risks could be considered to each planning element such as forecasting, prioritizing, or
programming. The final plan could discuss the risks and how they will be addressed.
Demonstrate Opportunity Costs
Participants also thought it would be helpful to convey the benefits that planners are missing by
not addressing risks. Some of these “opportunity costs” could be the following:
Stakeholder understanding of how planners must operate under uncertainty and base their
decisions on highly variable assumptions;
Credibility gained from acknowledging that “things may not turn out as planned” and that
stakeholders should not be surprised if major assumptions need to change;
Ability to identify major threats, or major opportunities, that lie in the future;
Ability to do contingency planning for major threats, such as climatic or seismic impacts;
Better planning decisions based upon acknowledgement of future uncertainties.
Promote DOT Engagement with MPOs
Another suggested benefit of incorporating risk management into planning is the opportunity to
enhance state DOT discussions with MPOs about the degree of variability or uncertainty
associated with critical planning data that are typically developed by the state, such as revenue
forecasts. When planning or revenue forecasts are provided to the MPO, or from the MPO to the
state DOT, analysis of the risks surrounding those assumptions could benefit both parties.
Understanding the degree of confidence, or the lack of confidence, in the forecast could enhance
understanding and better inform the planning process.
Tailor Approaches to Agency Contexts
Another useful product could be guidance or advice on how risk management can be customized
for MPO, State, and Federal agencies. Some common approaches would apply to all three, but
each also has unique roles that could be enhanced with risk management. For example, MPOs
may be best positioned to manage risks to key planning inputs such as regional population or
land use changes. State DOTs may be best positioned to measure the risks surrounding asset
management forecasts, such as future investments necessary to sustain bridge, and pavement
conditions. FHWA may be best positioned to provide training, guidance, and support to state and
regional agencies. Guidance on which tools and which approaches are best suited for each
partner was identified as a useful product.
Use Familiar Terminology
Some participants struggled with the terminology of “risk” but immediately identified with the
concept of addressing “variability” or “uncertainty” in the planning process. Identifying and
using terminology that resonates with planning agencies could benefit the advancement of risk-
based planning.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Integrate Risk Management Into PlanWorks
is a decision support tool built from the experiences of transportation partners and
stakeholders, which provides how-to information for planning and programming decisions. It
was developed in the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) and is now
managed by FHWA. It would be an excellent framework for helping to build agency capacity
conduct risk-based decision making.
Appendix B: Resources
The following is a partial list of resources that can assist agencies to incorporate risk into the
planning process and into their scenario planning efforts.
Enterprise Risk Management
Achieving Policy Objectives by Managing Risks. FHWA.
Australian Government Better Practice Guide Risk Management, June 2008
Australian Government Common Wealth Risk Management Policy
CalTrans Project Risk Management Handbook: A Scalable Approach
Examining Risk-based Approaches to Transportation. FHWA.
Executive Strategies for Risk Management by State Departments of Transportation, a 40-
page summary within NCHRP Project 20-24 (105) Launching U.S. Transportation
Enterprise Risk Management Programs. NCHRP.
Guide for Enterprise Risk Management. AASHTO. 2016. Book available for purchase;
executive summary available as a free download.
Launching U.S. Transportation Enterprise Risk Management Programs. NCHRP Project
20-24 (105). http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/docs/NCHRP20-24(105)_FR.pdf
Managing Risk in Government: An Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management
Managing Risks to Networks, Corridors, and Critical Structures. FHWA.
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Montana Department of Transportation Risk Management Guidelines
Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management: Evaluating Threats and Capitalizing on
Opportunities. FHWA. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif12035.pdf
Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management: Literature Review. FHWA.
Risk Management Principles and Guidelines, ISO standard 3100. International
Organization of Standards, Geneva, Switzerland.
Successful Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in State Transportation
Agencies. NCHRP 08-36 Task 121.
Transportation Risk Management: International Practices for Program Development and
Project Delivery, FHWA Office of International Programs.
Transit New Zealand Risk Management Process Manual
Washington State Department of Transportation Project Risk Management Guide
Risk-Based Asset Management
Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management, Building Resilience Into Transportation
Assets Report 1: Evaluating Threats, Capitalizing on Opportunities. FHWA. 2013.
Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management, Building Resilience Into Transportation
Assets Report 2: Examining Risk-based Approaches to Transportation Asset
Management. FHWA. 2013. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs.cfm?thisarea=risk
Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management, Building Resilience Into Transportation
Assets Report 3: Achieving Policy Objectives by Management Risks. FHWA. 2013.
Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management, Building Resilience Into Transportation
Assets Report 4 Managing Risks to Critical Assets. FHWA.2013.
Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management, Building Resilience Into Transportation
Assets Report 5: Managing External Threats Through Risk-Based Asset Management.
FHWA. 2013. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs.cfm?thisarea=risk
FHWA Roadmap to Risk Management for Transportation Planning July, 2018
Integrating Resilience Into The Transportation Planning Process white paper. FHWA.
Strategic Issues Facing Transportation, Volume 2: Climate Change, Extreme Weather
Events, and the Highway System: Practitioner’s Guide and Research Report
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaption Framework 3rd Edition. FHWA. 2018.
See also the FHWA reports listed under “Risk Based Asset Management.”
Scenario Planning
Advancement of Performance-Based Scenario Planning for Regional Planning and
Decision-Making: A Synthesis Report. FHWA. 2017.
Advancing Transportation Systems Management and Operations Through Scenario
Planning. FHWA. 2015. https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/fhwahop16016/index.htm
FHWA Scenario Planning Guidebook. 2011.
Next Generation Scenario Planning: a Transportation Practitioner's Guide. FHWA. 2017.
Supporting Performance-Based Planning and Programming through Scenario Planning.
FHWA. 2016.