Accessing the HL7 Service
Document Version 1.3
July 2017
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 2
Table of Contents
Change Log .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction to DelVAX ................................................................................................................................. 5
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Audience ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 5
References ................................................................................................................................................ 5
CDC WSDL Implementation Resources ................................................................................................. 5
NIST Immunization Test Suite (NIST IZTS) ............................................................................................. 5
Examples ............................................................................................................................................... 5
HL7 Web Service Definition .......................................................................................................................... 6
Service Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Table of Inputs and Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 6
connectivityTest() ................................................................................................................................. 6
submitSingleMessage() ......................................................................................................................... 7
Faults and Errors ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Soap Faults ............................................................................................................................................ 7
SOAP Fault Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 7
Custom Error Codes .................................................................................................................................. 8
Consume the Service .................................................................................................................................... 8
NIST Immunization Test Suite ................................................................................................................... 8
Validate SOAP formatting ..................................................................................................................... 8
Test SOAP connectivity ....................................................................................................................... 10
HL7 Testing and Validation ................................................................................................................. 13
Further Reading .................................................................................................................................. 14
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 14
The HL7 carriage return has been replaced by a line feed. .................................................................... 14
I’m having SOAP Header configuration issues. ....................................................................................... 14
Obtaining a Certificate ............................................................................................................................ 15
Appendix A: WSDL Basics ............................................................................................................................ 16
WSDL Basics ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Related Links and References ................................................................................................................. 16
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Appendix B: Simple Object Access Protocol ............................................................................................... 17
Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 17
SOAP 1.2 .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Envelope .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Header ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Body .................................................................................................................................................... 18
SOAP Faults ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Related Links and References ................................................................................................................. 19
Appendix C: HL7 Overview and Code Samples ........................................................................................... 20
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 20
HL7 Version 2.x ....................................................................................................................................... 20
HL7 Message Example ........................................................................................................................ 20
HL7 Message Encoding ....................................................................................................................... 20
SOAP Request and Response with HL7 Payload ..................................................................................... 20
SOAP Request with example HL7 Message and optional facility ID parameter ................................. 21
SOAP Request with example HL7 Message and Response (HL7 2.4) .................................................. 21
Successful Response(ACK) (HL7 2.4) ................................................................................................... 22
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 4
Figure 1 Interfacing with the HL7 Service .................................................................................................. 6
Figure 7 - SOAP sender and receiver........................................................................................................... 17
Figure 8 - SOAP envelope structure ............................................................................................................ 18
Change Log
The following table captures the progression of this document over time.
Document Creation
Added highlights for those areas that
need to the modified for each customer
Final edits to the document
Added NIST-centric instructions,
removed references to C# and Java
example clients, as they are now
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 5
Introduction to DelVAX
DelVAX is a Web-based, database-driven immunization registry system currently implemented at
multiple state and local government agencies in the US and internationally. It is designed to meet the
standard requirements for tracking and administering immunizations in a public health setting. DelVAX
also provides customization options and extensibility to serve the needs of sophisticated agencies.
Providers may interact with the DelVAX system using a SOAP-based web service or HTTP POST.
The purpose of this document is to define the DelVAX HL7 Web Service and to demonstrate proxies that
consume the service using the HL7 message format and the SOAP/XML protocol. An example client is
provided by NIST for testing purposes, called the NIST Immunization Test Suite.
This document defines and details the HL7 Service for versions 15.10+ of the DelVAX system. It provides
samples and instructions for consuming the with the NIST Immunization Test Suite (NIST IZTS) client and
describes additional contextual information around SOAP/XML and HL7.
This reference is intended for vendors who wish to integrate their systems with the DelVAX software.
A modern web browser (Chrome, IE/Edge, Firefox) with current updates installed is required for
interacting with the NIST IZTS.
CDC WSDL Implementation Resources
Information on the CDC WSDL is available at
guidance/soap/services.html. The WSDL defines the relationship between the sender and receiver for a
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) based web service and can be used to generate proxies that
consume the service. For more on WSDLs, see
Appendix A: WSDL Basics.
NIST Immunization Test Suite (NIST IZTS)
A client application that consumes a given HL7 service is available from NIST here: https://hl7v2-iz-r1.5- You can use this client to test the HL7 messages sent to and received
from the DelVAX service, and to test the validity and syntactic accuracy of SOAP messages.
Additional examples of service clients are available through the following resources.
Creating and Accessing XML Web Service with C#/C++
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 6
Example .Net Web Service Client
Example Java Web Service Client
CDC SOAP Web Services Overview
HL7 Web Service Definition
Service Overview
The purpose of the HL7 Service is to send an HL7 message to the DelVAX system. The service contains
two methods: submitSingleMessage and connectivityTest. The submitSingleMessage method passes a
username, password, optional facilityID, and HL7 message as a payload. The connectivityTest method is
a secondary method that exists to confirm connectivity with the service. It submits a string parameter
that is echoed back by the service when connectivity has been achieved.
Throughout this document, the service may be referred to as the HL7 Service, HL7 Web service, or
Client software may interface with the HL7 Service through a proxy that connects to endpoints on the
DelVAX system.
Figure 1 – Interfacing with the HL7 Service
Table of Inputs and Outputs
Data type
String to be echoed back by the test
Data sent back by the test
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 7
Data type
IIS username
IIS password
Input (optional)
IIS Facility ID
HL7 version 2.3.1 or 2.5.1 message
intended for IIS
HL7 version 2.3.1 or 2.5.1 response
from IIS
Faults and Errors
SOAP faults are related to SOAP operations. They carry information about the error within a SOAP
There are four types of SOAP faults defined in the WSDL. All four faults are listed in the following table
for convenience. However, the HL7 Service only implements the UnknownFault_Message.
Soap Faults
SOAP fault
Occurs if the client requests an operation that is not part of
the service
Occurs if the authentication credentials in the
submitSingleMessage method are invalid
Occurs if the HL7 message is too large
Occurs when a fault does not fit into the previous three
SOAP Fault Parameters
All SOAP faults contain the following parameters.
Data type
SOAP fault code number used by
client software to identify the fault
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 8
Human-readable explanation of the
error that caused the fault
Detailed explanation of the fault
Custom Error Codes
Errors other than those listed in the Faults and Errors section above may occur in the HL7 message body
(including headers and the HL7 content). See your local implementation guide for more information on
message body (including headers and the HL7 content) errors.
Consume the Service
This section provides guides to consume the HL7 web service with the NIST IZTS using the test CDC
endpoints publicly available on Envision’s test web server.
NIST Immunization Test Suite
In a web browser, open Once the page loads, you’ll
be presented with various tools for validating and testing HL7 messages.
Validate SOAP formatting
The tests in this area will validate any string against the SOAP 1.2 standard, and make sure that
particular messages are formatted according to the CDC WSDL. For example, to test generic SOAP
formatting, click the SOAPENV_1_MIN_Test test case:
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 9
Then, click the Load Test Case button in the upper-right corner of the screen:
From there, you can either load an example, or paste your own SOAP message in:
Finally, you can press the Validate button to test the formatting of the SOAP message.
You will receive a description of the error if any part of the message is malformed.
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 10
Test SOAP connectivity
The tests in this area will help validate incoming and outgoing soap messages, as well as test specific
Basic Connectivity Test
To test for basic connectivity of a given endpoint, click on the
SOAPCON_1_BasicMessage_ConnectivityResponse test case:
Then, click the Load Test Case button in the upper right-hand corner of the window,
The basic echoBack message is preloaded for you in the outgoing SOAP envelope, and you cannot
change it. Click on the Configure button to input the desired IIS endpoint. In this case, the Envision
AART/Testing endpoint:
http:// testing.env
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 11
Click Save to save the endpoint destination for this test. Click the Send button to send the connectivity
test to the endpoint specified. If the endpoint specified was a valid, publicly available endpoint, a
response will be sent back to the NIST IZTS and will be displayed in the Incoming SOAP Envelope
Any errors in the SOAP response or the CDC specifications for an echoBack will be displayed in the errors
section. Note that at the time of this writing, it appears that the NIST IZTS might have a small bug, as it
appears to be looking for the ‘retun’ element, rather than the proper ‘return’ element.
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 12
Submit Single Message Test
To test a message submittal to a given endpoint, click on the
SOAPCON_2_SubmitSingleMessage_Response test case:
The test message is preloaded for you and you cannot change it. Click the Configure button, and input a
valid user, password, and facility, and endpoint URL:
Click Save to save the configuration for this test case, then click the Send button to send the test
message to the specified endpoint. If the endpoint specified was a valid, publicly available endpoint, a
response will be sent back to the NIST IZTS and will be displayed in the Incoming SOAP Envelope
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 13
In this example, an incorrect username/password combination was provided, and the NIST IZTS displays
the response from the endpoint and from the validation result.
HL7 Testing and Validation
Testing an Individual HL7 Message
The NIST IZTS is also capable of testing discreet HL7 messages, either in free of context or context-based.
This section will focus on context-free testing. For this section, you’ll need an HL7 message to test with.
The message content window supports cut-and-paste. Additionally, if you have a message saved on your
computer, you may click the Browse button, or you may also load a generic example message by clicking
the Load Example
Click on the HL7 Context-free tab, select the profile group that your message belongs to, then paste into
the Message Content window or select it from your filesystem by clicking the Browse button:
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 14
After the message has been loaded, click the Validate button, and the NIST IZTS will analyze the message
and report any errors it finds:
Further Reading
For more information on how to use the NIST IZTS, or for further information on guidelines, etc. visit
The HL7 carriage return has been replaced by a line feed.
The HL7 standard requires that all lines end with a carriage return, whereas the XML standard used by
SOAP requires that all end of line terminators be normalized to a line feed. Therefore, carriage returns in
the HL7 message payload may be converted to line feeds during transmission. The HL7 service will
accept either terminator, but the discrepancy may cause errors within the HL7 message body (including
headers and the HL7 content) and response. For more information, please see your local
implementation guide.
I’m having SOAP Header configuration issues.
SOAP Header information may differ between systems. Please verify the following parameters:
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 15
Host: URL or Hostname here. You may need to include the port number.
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 || application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Action/SOAPAction: URL of method here, e.g.
In SOAP 1.2, it is best practice to always pass in active headers and to define the SOAP action.
Obtaining a Certificate
Depending on system configuration, you may need to obtain a certificate. Check with your system
administrator to learn if a certificate is required.
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 16
Appendix A: WSDL Basics
WSDL Basics
A Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document uses an XML structure to describe a Web
service and its functionality. WSDL documents can be used to auto-generate proxies that consume a
Web service.
WSDL documents define services as network endpoints (ports). A port is a single endpoint consisting of
a binding and a network address.
Types are containers for data type definitions.
A port type defines an abstract set of operations supported by one or more endpoints.
Bindings consist of a protocol and data format specification for a particular port type.
A message is a typed definition of the data being communicated.
An operation is an abstract definition of an action supported by the service.
Related Links and References
More information on WSDLs can be found through the following resources.
WSDL Specification
W3Schools: XML WSDL
CDC Transport Specification
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 17
Appendix B: Simple Object Access Protocol
The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a lightweight information exchange protocol that uses XML
as a message structure. SOAP can be used for communication between systems regardless of
programming language, and it can be used over any transport protocol (e.g. TCP, HTTP, SMTP).
This reference focuses on SOAP version 1.2, which differs from SOAP 1.1 in certain cases of syntax and
semantics. For more on the differences between the two versions, visit
In SOAP 1.2, the client is referred to as the sender, and the service is referred to as the receiver.
Figure 2 - SOAP sender and receiver
SOAP 1.2
In SOAP 1.2, the envelope must be present with a local name of Envelope and the namespace It may optionally include attribute information; however,
env:encodingStyle can no longer appear on the env:Envelope element.
The header element may be present with local name Header. If present, the header must include the
namespace property and may have character, element, or attribute information as item children.
Although not required, it is best practice to include an active Header element and to define the SOAP
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 18
The following code shows a Header attribute example with an element identifier of Transaction and a
value of 5.
<env:Header xmlns:env="" >
<t:Transaction xmlns:t="" env:mustUnderstand="true" >
The Body element must be present in SOAP 1.2 with the local name Body. It may have character,
element, or attribute information as item children. SOAP 1.2 does not permit any element after the
Figure 3 - SOAP envelope structure
SOAP Faults
SOAP faults are returned as HTTP 500 errors and can occur in the following instances:
The SOAP envelope is not valid, (e.g. parse error, missing elements)
o This issue is the most common cause of HTTP 500 errors. Verify that the SOAP header
and envelope are properly formatted. See above example.
Out of memory conditions during parsing.
SQL Server login failures.
Unsupported SOAP operation, unknown operation or stored procedure specified.
Invalid number of parameters for the specified operation.
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 19
o Some HL7 message submission operations may require an HL7 Facility ID as a
parameter, while other systems may not.
The following code sample demonstrates a SOAP 1.2 fault.
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
<env:Text xml:lang="en">Sender Timeout</env:Text>
Related Links and References
More information on SOAP can be found through the following resources.
Understanding SOAP
SOAP 1.1 Spec Doc
SOAP 1.2 Spec Doc
Namespaces in XML
SOAP Fault Message Structure
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 20
Appendix C: HL7 Overview and Code Samples
The Health Level Seven (HL7) standards provide for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of
electronic health information between healthcare systems. These standards define how information is
packaged and communicated from one party to another. They set the language, structure and data
types required for integration between different systems on the application layer.
HL7 Version 2.x
HL7 version 2.x (Pipehat) use non-XML encoding with single character delimiters to separate composites
(fields), sub-composites (components), and sub-sub-composites (sub-components). All HL7 2.x versions
are backwards compatible.
HL7 2.x messages are broken into segments that contain specific types or categories of data. All 2.x
messages begin with MSH, the message header segment where the message type is declared. The
message type determines the remaining segments.
HL7 Message Example
The following code sample demonstrates an HL7 2.5.1 message containing a search for the record of
Bart Simpson, DOB 01/01/01/1999. It is a Query by Parameter (QBP) message.
QPD|Z34^Request Immunization History^CDCPHINVS|||SIMPSON^BART^^^^^L||19990101||
HL7 Message Encoding
Depending on system configuration, an HL7 message may need to be encrypted. The HL7 standard
requires that all lines end with a carriage return (ASCII 13, \r, or #xD). The XML standard used by SOAP
requires that lines end with a line feed (ASCII 10, \n, or #xA), which can cause discrepancies. For more
information, see the
Troubleshooting guide.
SOAP Request and Response with HL7 Payload
The following code samples demonstrate a SOAP request and response with HL7 messages as the
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 21
SOAP Request with example HL7 Message and optional facility ID parameter
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:urn="urn:cdc:iisb:2011"
Q851945368T67857795|P|2.5.1|||AL|AL PID|&lt;PHI PHI PHI&gt;
RXA|0|1|20140101144100|20140101144100|62^HPV, quadrivalent^CVX|0.5|mL^Milliliter^ISO+||00^NEW IMM
UNIZATION RECORD^NIP001|^Lastname^Firstname|||||j011272|20160421|MSD^Merck and Co., Inc.^MVX|||CP
RXR|IM^im^HL70162|RA^right arm^HL70163
OBX|1|CE|64994-7^eligibility category^LN|1|V02^Medicaid^HL70064^V02^Medicaid^ORG_IMM_RT_251_SRC^^
^Medicaid||||||F|||20140101|||VXC40^Eligibility captured at the Immunization level^CDCPHINVS
SOAP Request with example HL7 Message and Response (HL7 2.4)
xmlns:soap="" xmlns:urn="urn:cdc:iisb:2011">
<soap: Header/>
<urn:password>MYPW </urn:password>
PID|1||11020783^^^^MR||Lastname^Firstname||19690120|M|||ADDR LINE 1^^DENVER^CO^ZIP ||PHONE|||||||
Envision Technology Partners, Inc. 22
RXR|IM^Intramuscular^HL70162|LD^Left Deltoid^HL70163
Successful Response(ACK) (HL7 2.4)
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<submitSingleMessageResponse xmlns="urn:cdc:iisb:2011">
MSA|AA|20100115MP091688||0||0^Message Accepted^HL70357^^^</return>