Earnest money dispute. Should the money be released to the seller? Why should the
REALTOR® be the one who has to decide? Indeed, the following constitutes one of the most
commonly asked questions on the Michigan Association of REALTORS® Legal Hotline:
My seller entered into a purchase agreement with a
buyer that requires that a contingency be removed
within 90 days. Day 91 came and went and the
seller declared the earnest money deposit forfeited.
I advised the buyer that I was going to forfeit the
earnest money deposit. His attorney wrote me a
letter saying that time was not of the essence on the
contract and the buyer would soon have the
contingency removed, and, further, that the earnest
money deposit was to be retained by me. Passing
the letter on to the seller, I received a letter from the
seller’s attorney stating that the transaction was
terminated and demanding that I immediately
deliver the earnest money deposit to the seller.
What do I do?
For years, REALTORS® have been counseled over the Hotline that, in a situation where
both the buyer and the seller assert a claim to the earnest money deposit, the REALTOR® should
not release the money to either party no matter how strongly the REALTOR® believes that party
is entitled to the money. As will be discussed below, the administrative rules now prohibit a
REALTOR® from releasing earnest money when there is a dispute.
While there is no requirement that a REALTOR® initiate an interpleader action to
dispose of a disputed earnest money deposit, in some cases, a REALTOR® may choose to do so
in order to take himself or herself out of the middle of a dispute.
The question which always arises is, “How do I interplead the money and how much will
it cost me to have an attorney do it?” This memorandum is designed to provide some general
guidance to interpleading funds so that a REALTOR®’s attorney or a REALTOR® may be able
to cheaply dispose of an earnest money deposit and the dispute that travels with it. As noted
below, the forms can also save a REALTOR®’s attorney significant time in preparing the
necessary documents and, indeed, these fees may even be recoverable out of the earnest money
A REALTOR®’s practice in Michigan is governed in part by administrative rules. Since
2002, the administrative rule relating to earnest money deposits has provided:
(6) Disbursement of an earnest money deposit shall be made at
consummation or termination of the agreement in accordance
with the agreement signed by the parties. However, any deposit
in the trust account of the broker for which the buyer and seller
have made claim shall remain in the broker’s trust account until a
civil action has determined to whom the deposit must be paid, or
until the buyer and seller have agreed, in writing, to the
deposition of the deposit. The broker may also commence a civil
action to interplead the deposit with the proper court.
R 339.22313(6).
This rule was amended in response to several judicial decisions holding a REALTOR®
liable for a buyer’s or seller’s attorney fees, because the REALTOR® had refused to release
earnest money funds without a court order. These decisions failed to recognize a REALTOR®’s
potential liability for releasing funds without the protection of a court order. Today, a
REALTOR® faced with such a claim from an unhappy buyer or seller can simply point to the
above-cited rule that expressly PROHIBITS the release of earnest money funds in the event of a
The basic purpose of interpleader is to protect a person faced with the possibility of
multiple or inconsistent litigation and liability. Michigan Court Rule (“MCR”) 3.603 authorizes
a person against whom two or more persons are making a claim, to file an action to join the
claimants as defendants for the purpose of determining whether he or she is liable to anyone and,
if so, to whom and to what extent. A copy of MCR 3.603 is attached to this paper as Exhibit A.
There are three general issues which are raised and decided in an action for interpleader:
(1) Is interpleader proper -- have the buyer and seller asserted conflicting
claims against the earnest money deposit?
(2) Is there an issue as to who is entitled to the amount at issue between the
claimants -- the REALTOR® should assume there is an issue if both the buyer and seller have
asserted claims against the earnest money deposit.
(3) Is there any liability to any of the claimants -- the basic reason for the
REALTOR® to interplead the earnest money deposit is to in fact avoid potential liability to
either of the claimants.
The procedure to interplead an earnest money deposit is basically as follows:
(1) Preparation of summons and complaint;
(2) Filing of the summons and complaint with the District Court in your
(assuming the earnest money deposit is less than $25,000) -- the REALTOR® will
have to pay a filing fee;
(3) Service of the summons and complaint on the seller and buyer -- they will
usually have twenty-one (21) days in which to respond (in most jurisdictions, the Clerk will be
able to provide you with the name of a process server who will serve the complaint for the
REALTOR®, and they, in turn, will charge a fee);
(4) Filing of a motion for entry of an order permitting the REALTOR® to
interplead the earnest money deposit;
(5) An order prepared on behalf of the REALTOR® will be entered at the
time of the hearing by the court, stating that the broker should deposit the earnest money with the
court and, in addition, that, upon filing with the court, the REALTOR® will be absolved from
any further liability with respect to the earnest money deposit.
We have attempted to prepare step-by-step instructions and forms for
interpleading of earnest money deposits. The steps are summarized in the checklist attached as
Exhibit B. The sample forms are attached as Exhibits C through G, and include the following:
You will need to determine which District Court is the proper venue for your action. This issue is
discussed more fully in the Instructions For Complaint to Interplead Earnest Money Deposit.
(1) Complaint;
(2) Motion for entry of order permitting interpleader;
(3) Notice of Hearing;
(4) Form order permitting broker to interplead funds; and
(5) Proof of Service.
A REALTOR® can use the checklist in conjunction with the instruction sheets, to ensure that all
steps are properly completed.
It is important that all REALTORS® understand that an individual may interplead
earnest money deposits in his own possession on his own behalf. When the funds are held by a
corporation, as is often the case, an attorney will be needed to represent the corporation in court.
Further, serious consideration should be given to having the interpleader action performed by the
REALTOR®’s counsel in any event, particularly since the facts can vary from case-to-case.
Indeed, by providing their attorneys with the sample forms contained in this packet, a
REALTOR® should be able to minimize the legal fees incurred. Perhaps more importantly,
however, attorney fees may be properly awarded to one who commences an interpleader action.
See, MCR 3.603(E), the text of which is reprinted on Exhibit A hereto. See also, GRP, Ltd v
U.S. Aviation Underwriters, Inc, 70 Mich App 671 (1976), aff’d 402 Mich 107 (1978). Such an
award is most appropriate when the interpleading plaintiff is a mere stakeholder -- a person
claiming no interest in the funds -- such as a REALTOR®. Accordingly, a request for attorney
fees should be made in all pleadings filed with the court -- if an attorney is involved -- and at the
hearing. Thus, a REALTOR® may be able to have an attorney represent him or her in the
interpleader action and have those legal fees paid.
Michigan Court Rule 3.603 Interpleader
(A) Availability.
(1) Persons having claims against the plaintiff may be joined as defendants and required to
interplead when their claims are such that the plaintiff is or may be exposed to double or multiple
liability. It is not a ground for objection to the joinder that the claims of the several claimants or the titles
on which their claims depend do not have a common origin or are not identical, but are adverse to and
independent of one another, or that the plaintiff denies liability to any or all of the claimants in whole or
in part.
(2) A defendant exposed to liability, as described in subrule (A)(1), may obtain interpleader
by counterclaim or cross-claim. A claimant not already before the court may be joined as defendant, as
provided in MCR 2.207 or MCR 2.209.
(3) If one or more actions concerning the subject matter of the interpleader action have
already been filed, the interpleader action must be filed in the court where the first action was filed.
(B) Procedure.
(1) The court may order the property or the amount of money as to which the plaintiff admits
liability to be deposited with the court or otherwise preserved, or to be secured by a bond in an amount
sufficient to assure payment of the liability admitted.
(2) The court may thereafter enjoin the parties before it from commencing or prosecuting
another action regarding the subject matter of the interpleader action.
(3) On hearing, the court may order the plaintiff discharged from liability as to property
deposited or secured before determining the rights of the claimants.
(C) Rule Not Exclusive. The provisions of this rule supplement and do not in any
way limit the joinder of parties permitted by MCR 2.206.
(D) Disposition of Earlier Action. If another action concerning the subject matter of
the interpleader action has previously been filed, the court in which the earlier action was filed may:
(1) transfer the action, entirely or in part, to the court in which the interpleader action is
(2) hold the action entirely or partially in abeyance, pending resolution of the interpleader
(3) dismiss the action, entirely or in part, or
(4) upon a showing of good cause, proceed with the action, explaining on the record the
basis of the decision to proceed.
(E) Actual Costs. The court may award actual costs to an interpleader plaintiff. For
purposes of this rule, actual costs are those costs taxable in any civil action, and a reasonable attorney fee
as determined by the trial court.
(1) The court may order that the plaintiff’s actual costs of filing the interpleader request,
tendering the disputed property to the court, and participating in the case as a disinterested stakeholder be
paid from the disputed property or by another party.
(2) If the plaintiff incurs actual costs other than those described in subrule (1) due to another
party’s unreasonable litigation posture, the court may order that the other party pay those additional actual
(3) An award made pursuant to this rule may not include reimbursement for the actual costs
of asserting the plaintiff’s own claim to the disputed property, or of supporting or opposing another
party’s claim.
[Effective March 1, 1985; amended effective December 1, 1996; January 1, 2003.]
Is Interpleader Available?
(Are there multiple and conflicting claims to the money, and is there an issue as to who
is entitled to the money?)
Summons And Complaint
-- Draft complaint*
-- Obtain summons from District Court clerk; fill out
-- Filing fee
-- Determine in which District Court to file the action
-- File summons and complaint with the clerk of the court
-- Service of summons and complaint on buyer and seller (process server)
Motion For Entry Of Order Permitting Interpleader*
-- Buyer and seller have answered complaint
-- Draft motion*
-- Filing fee
-- File motion with the clerk of the court
-- Serve motion on buyer and seller (by mail)
-- Proof of Service*
Notice Of Hearing*
-- Call court for hearing date (done prior to filing motion)
-- Draft notice*
-- File notice (with motion) with the clerk of the court
-- Serve notice (by mail)
-- Proof of Service*
Order Of Interpleader*
-- Draft order*
-- Provide order to court at hearing to have judge sign the order
Again, a REALTOR® can only interplead earnest money deposits in the REALTOR®’s
possession on the REALTOR®’s own behalf. If the REALTOR® is a corporation, an attorney will need to
be retained to represent the corporation in court.
* Sample document included.
-- Provide copy of order to buyer and seller if they were not at hearing
-- Proof of Service*
Deposit Of Funds With Court
-- Submit funds to the clerk of the court
-- Obtain receipt
A sample Verified Complaint to Interplead Earnest Money Deposit is attached. The
upper portion of the first page of the Complaint to Interplead Earnest Money Deposit (the
“Complaint”) is the caption. Each REALTOR® should call the appropriate District Court to find
out what the District Court number is and insert it at the top of the page. Thereafter, the
REALTOR®’s name should be inserted above the word “Plaintiff” and the seller’s and buyer’s
names inserted above the word “Defendants.” The clerk of the District Court will fill in the file
1. Paragraph 1 of the Complaint requires insertion of the REALTOR®’s
name and address. If the REALTOR® is organized as a partnership, sole proprietorship, or
corporation, it should be indicated on that paragraph. If the REALTOR® is attempting to
interplead the money on anyone’s behalf other than the REALTOR®’s (i.e., a corporation owned
by the REALTOR®), then counsel must be retained.
2/3. Paragraphs 2 and 3 call for insertion of the seller’s and buyer’s addresses.
4. Paragraph 4 describes the purchase agreement, and calls for it to be
attached to the Complaint. It also calls for the insertion of various descriptions of the real
property at issue.
5. Paragraph 5 specifically recites the paragraph of the purchase agreement
under which the earnest money deposit was deposited with the broker, as well as the amount of
the earnest money deposit.
6. Paragraph 6 should be used to describe the nature of the dispute between
the seller and buyer. In other words, inform the court why the deal has fallen apart.
7/8. Paragraphs 7 and 8 provide that the seller and/or his or her counsel have
declared that the earnest money deposit should be forfeited. You should describe why the seller
claims the earnest money deposit and the nature of the claim against the REALTOR®.
9. Paragraph 9 in turn indicates that the buyer contends that the earnest
money deposit has not or should not be forfeited. Describe the buyer’s claim to the earnest
money deposit and note the claim the buyer has made against the REALTOR®.
10. Paragraph 10 is an important paragraph, in that it is in this paragraph that
the REALTOR® asserts that he or she has no interest in the earnest money deposit, and admits
that either the seller or buyer is entitled to all or a portion of the earnest money deposit.
11. Finally, Paragraph 11 states that, unless the seller and buyer are required
to assert their claims against the earnest money deposit, it is possible that the REALTOR® could
be exposed to double or multiple litigation for the earnest money deposit -- this makes sense
inasmuch as either the buyer or seller could sue the REALTOR® for the earnest money deposit.
Interpleader is expressly designed as a mechanism to avoid such conflicts and adverse claims.
“WHEREFORE,” the final paragraph of the Complaint sets forth the broker’s
request for relief, i.e., that the earnest money be deposited with the court; the broker be
discharged from any further liability as to the earnest money deposit; and, thereafter, the seller
and the buyer resolve the claims between themselves.
The Complaint should be signed by the REALTOR® and verified, i.e., notarized.
At the time of the filing of the Complaint, it will also be necessary to cause a summons to
be issued. It will be necessary for the REALTOR® to determine what judicial district their court
is in and insert that number and the address and telephone number of the court on the summons.
A REALTOR® will also need to pay a court filing fee. The amount can be determined from the
court clerk.
A REALTOR® will also need to determine which District Court is the proper forum to
hear the interpleader action. This is known as venue. Venue is proper in the county where either
the buyer or seller resides, or where the cause of action arose. A REALTOR® should generally
file the action in the District Court for the county where the REALTOR® resides, arguing that
the earnest money deposit is being held in that county, and the cause of action thus arose there.
Venue is waivable, so the buyer and seller may decide not to challenge venue, and the
REALTOR® should attempt to utilize the closest District Court if a good faith argument can be
made for filing there. If there is more than one District Court in the county -- as there often is --
a call should be placed to the clerk of the court for guidance.
Upon filing of the Complaint and issuance of the summons, a copy of the Complaint and
the summons must be served on the buyer and seller. Usually, District Court personnel can
advise you who provides this service. After service, the Return of Service will be filled in by the
process server. The Return of Service then needs to be filed with the Clerk of the District Court.
The buyer and seller will have 21 days from the date they are served to file an answer to the
Complaint, and send a copy to the REALTOR® or his or her attorney. If they do not, the
REALTOR® should visit the Clerk and request a form entitled Default; fill in the form; file it
with the Clerk; and send a copy to the seller and buyer.
After the buyer and seller have been served, it is time for the REALTOR® to file the
Motion for Order of Interpleader.
[Broker’s Name],
[Seller’s Name]
[Buyer’s Name],
File No. 03- -CK
[REALTOR®’s attorney’s name and
address, if one is retained]
NOW COMES [Broker’s name], a Michigan corporation,
and for its complaint
against Defendants [Seller’s name] (“Seller”) and [Buyer’s name] (“Buyer”), states as follows:
1. [Broker’s name] is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of
Michigan, whose principal place of business is located at [Broker’s address].
2. Seller resides at [Seller’s address].
3. Buyer resides at [Buyer’s address].
4. On [date of purchase agreement], Seller and Buyer entered into a certain
agreement to purchase property for property commonly known as [common address of
[It must be remembered that a broker cannot represent his or
her corporation. A corporation must be represented in court by an
property] and legally described as [legal description of property]. A copy of the Agreement is
attached as Exhibit!A (the “Purchase Agreement”).
5. Pursuant to Paragraph ____ of the Purchase Agreement, Buyer deposited
the sum of _______________ Dollars with [Broker’s Name] as earnest money for Buyer’s
performance under the Purchase Agreement (the “Earnest Money Deposit”).
6. A dispute has arisen between Seller and Buyer with respect to the physical
condition of the Property [or describe other basis for dispute], and this dispute has prevented
completion of the transaction.
7. Upon information and belief, Seller has declared Buyer in breach of the
Purchase Agreement, and has asserted that the Earnest Money Deposit has been forfeited by
8. Counsel for Seller [or Seller] has directed [Broker’s name] to release the
Earnest Money Deposit to Seller. A copy of counsel’s [date of letter] letter is attached as
Exhibit!B [or describe oral request for Earnest Money Deposit].
9. Counsel for Buyer [or Buyer] has directed [Broker’s name] to not
release the Earnest Money Deposit to Seller and has contested Seller’s claim that the Earnest
Money Deposit has been forfeited.
10. [Broker’s name] asserts no interest in the Earnest Money Deposit and
admits that either Seller or Buyer is entitled to all or a portion of the Earnest Money Deposit.
11. Unless Seller and Buyer are required to interplead with respect to their
claims against the Earnest Money Deposit, [Broker’s name] is or may be exposed to double or
multiple conflicting and adverse claims and liability for the Earnest Money Deposit.
WHEREFORE, [Broker’s name] respectfully requests:
A. This Honorable Court enter an Order requiring that the Earnest Money
Deposit be deposited with this Court or otherwise be preserved;
B. Upon hearing, order [Broker’s name] discharged from liability as to the
earnest money deposit before determining the rights of Seller and Buyer;
C. Seller and Buyer be required to interplead their claims and demands
between themselves;
D. [Broker’s name] have such further relief as shall be agreeable to equity
and good conscience; and
E. [Broker’s name] be awarded its attorney fees incurred in filing this
interpleader action.)
Use Paragraph E ONLY if Broker represented by counsel.
[Broker’s signature]
) ss.
On this _____ day of _________________, 20____, before me, a notary public,
personally appeared ______________________, to me known to be that person, and being duly
sworn, deposed and said that he/she read the foregoing Complaint, and that the matters set forth
therein are to ___________ respective personal knowledge, or those matters stated upon
information and belief are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.
[Name of notary public]
County, Michigan
My Commission Expires:
Attorneys for Plaintiff
[Name of attorney]
Business Address:
Date: Telephone:
Assuming the buyers and sellers have been served with the summons and a copy of the
Complaint, then it is appropriate that a motion be filed to ask the court to permit the
REALTOR® to file the earnest money deposit with the clerk of the court. It is at this point, if
the motion is granted, that the REALTOR® is removed from the earnest money controversy.
The procedure is fairly straightforward.
1. When the Complaint was filed, the case was probably assigned to a judge.
The judge’s name was written or inserted in the upper right-hand corner of the summons and
Complaint. If this is not the practice in your jurisdiction, a call could be placed to the clerk of
the court’s office, and they could tell you which judge was or will be assigned to the file number
for purposes of your motion.
2. After having obtained the name of the judge hearing the case, inquiry
should be made as to who schedules hearings before that judge. Upon finding out who this
person is, they should be called and advised that you need 15 minutes of the judge’s time for a
hearing to interplead an earnest money deposit in a real estate dispute. They will provide you
with a date and time for the hearing.
3. A notice of hearing should be prepared setting forth the date and time of
the hearing, including the name of the judge and the address of his courtrooms. A sample notice
of hearing is attached.
4. Also, a motion for order of interpleader should be filed with the clerk of
the court, along with the completed notice of hearing. Attached is a simple motion for order of
interpleader. Normally, nothing more is needed. You should also check with your District
Court to make certain no motion fee is needed.
5. Upon filing of the motion and notice, copies of the motion and notice
should be mailed to the buyer and seller or, if they have retained counsel, mailed to their counsel.
Upon mailing, proof of mailing should be filed with the court. A form Proof of Service is
attached. Again, all that is inserted on that form is that a copy of the motion and notice of
hearing were served on the buyer and seller (or their counsel) at their addresses by use of the
U.S. Postal Service.
6. On the date of hearing, all that should be necessary is for the REALTOR®
or his or her counsel to appear; advise the court of the nature of the dispute; and ask for entry of
an order permitting interpleader. A copy of a proposed order is attached. The court will expect
the REALTOR® or their counsel to prepare the order. The court may further question the
REALTOR® or his or her counsel about the facts underlying the controversy.
7. Assuming the court grants the order, copies should then be served on the
buyer and seller. If they are at the hearing, copies could be provided to them at the hearing after
signature by the judge. If they are not at the hearing, copies should be served on them or their
counsel if they have retained counsel through the use of the U.S. Postal Service. The money
should then be deposited.
8. Armed with the order, the money should be deposited with the clerk of the
court. A REALTOR® should be certain to obtain a receipt from the clerk for the deposit of the
funds. Upon deposit, the REALTOR® should be discharged from liability relative to the earnest
money dispute.
[Broker’s Name],
[Seller’s Name]
[Buyer’s Name],
File No. 03- -CK
[REALTOR®’s attorney’s name and
address, if one is retained]
NOW COMES [Broker’s name], and for his/her motion pursuant to MCR
3.603(B) states as follows:
1. On the _____ day of ________________, 20___, [Sellers’ name]
(“Sellers”) and [Buyers’ name] (“Buyers”) entered into a certain purchase agreement, attached
to the Motion as Exhibit!A, under which an earnest money deposit in the amount of
$___________ was deposited with [Broker’s name].
2. As is more specifically set forth in the Verified Complaint in this matter, a
dispute has arisen as to whether the earnest money deposit should be forfeited to the Sellers or
remain the property of the Buyers.
3. [Broker’s name] may or will be exposed to double or multiple claims of
liabilities, since [Broker’s name] is unable to ascertain which of these parties is entitled to all or
any part of the earnest money deposit.
WHEREFORE, [Broker’s name] respectfully requests that this Court enter its
order authorizing [Broker’s name] to deposit the earnest money deposit with the Clerk of this
Court, and, upon deposit, discharging [Broker’s name] from liability as to the earnest money
deposit for determining the rights of Sellers and Buyers; and thereafter directing Sellers and
Buyers to interplead their claims and demands between themselves. ([Broker’s name] also
requests that this Honorable Court award [Broker’s name] the attorney fees incurred in
connection with this interpleader action.)
[Name of REALTOR®]
[Address of REALTOR®]
[or REALTOR®’s attorney’s name and address]
Use this last sentence only if REALTOR® is represented by attorney.
[Broker’s Name],
[Seller’s Name]
[Buyer’s Name],
File No. 03- -CK
[REALTOR®’s attorney’s name and
address, if one is retained]
TO: [Name of Seller] [Name of Buyer]
[Address of Seller] [Address of Buyer]
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the attached Motion for Order of Interpleader will
be brought on for hearing before The Honorable ____________________, District Judge, in
his/her courtrooms, [Court’s address], on _________________, 20____, at _____ o’clock
___.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard.
[Name of REALTOR®]
[Address of REALTOR®]
[or REALTOR®’s attorney’s name and address]
[Broker’s Name],
[Seller’s Name]
[Buyer’s Name],
File No. 03- -CK
[REALTOR®’s attorney’s name and
address, if one is retained]
At a session of said Court, held in the City of
_________________, State of Michigan, on the
[date of hearing].
District Judge
Plaintiff [Broker’s name] having filed a Verified Complaint for Interpleader, and
thereafter having filed a Motion for Interpleader; the Court having heard the oral argument of the
parties; and the Court being otherwise fully advised in the premises;
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Order of Interpleader
requested by [Broker’s name] is entered, and that the Defendants, [Seller’s name] and [Buyer’s
name], jointly and severally, interplead and settle the matters in controversy between
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that [Broker’s name] is authorized and directed to
deposit with the Clerk of this Court the sum of $_____________, representing its total liability
with respect to the earnest money deposit made pursuant to the terms of a Purchase Agreement
entered into on the _____ day of _______________, 20___, between [Seller’s name], as Sellers,
and [Buyer’s name], as Buyers, and upon such deposit [Broker’s name] shall be discharged
from any liability with respect to the aforementioned earnest money deposit.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendants in this matter, in order to obtain
these funds, proceed to present and prosecute before this Court their several and respective
claims to the funds according to the rules and practices of this Court.
[IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the [Broker’s name] be awarded $__________
in attorney fees, to be paid out of the aforementioned earnest money deposit.]
[Name of Judge]
District Judge
Use this paragraph if REALTOR® represented by counsel. The Court may or may not strike it
[Broker’s Name],
[Seller’s Name]
[Buyer’s Name],
File No. 03- -CK
[REALTOR®’s attorney’s name and
address, if one is retained]
) ss.
[Name of person mailing], being first duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he
served a copy of the Motion for Order of Interpleader and Notice of Hearing on [Name and
address of Seller and/or Seller’s attorney] and [Name and address of Buyer and/or Buyer’s
attorney], by enclosing a copy of said documents in sealed envelopes with first class postage
thereon fully prepaid, addressed as above, and by depositing said envelopes in a United States
Mail receptacle in [city and state of mail receptacle] on this _____ day of ________________,
[Name of person mailing]
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a
notary public, on this ______ day of
________________, 20____.
[notary public]
County, Michigan
My Commission Expires: