This section should be a summary of your educational qualifications.
List the most recent school attended first and list other schools attended in reverse chronological order. High school can be
included if you are a freshman and will be formatted similarly. Include the following information for each school:
Remove high school after first year of college is completed.
Location of the school (City, State)
Completely spell out your school name and degree
Major and minor
GPA if3.0 (For technical fields, a higher GPA may be desired)
List all semesters you have made President’s List or Dean’s List
Awards and achievements from a particular school (Optional — you can also create an “Achievements and Awards” section,
or an “Honors and Awards” section)
State University of New York (SUNY) College at Oswego, Oswego, NY 05/2017
Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Social Interaction
Minor in Business Administration
GPA: 3.4; Presidents List: Spring 2015, Fall 2015; Deans List: Spring 2014
Monroe County Community College, Rochester, NY 12/2013
Associates of Science in Communication and Media Studies
GPA: 3.4; Deans List: Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2014
Based on the experiences that you have, you may have multiple experience sections such as: related, work, leadership, etc.
The related experiences may include summer and full time jobs, internships and co-ops held that relate to your potential career.
How an experience section could be formatted:
Company Name, Position, Location Dates Worked
• Action Verb + Statement + Result
• Action Verb + Statement + Result
• Action Verb + Statement + Result
Auxiliary Services, Student Manager, Oswego, NY 05/2014 Present
• Assist in the training and supervision of 19 student employees to ensure knowledge of core competencies
• Participate in quality control of products to help managers maintain a positive customer experience
• Collaborate with fellow associates and upper management to produce ecicient work schedules
Tips for Experience Sections:
• Use action verbs to best describe your experience (refer to Action Verb list for ideas)
• Use three to five bullet points for each experience to best organize your thoughts
Don’t just list duties that you performed for the job — show achievements and what you gained from the
experience that will benefit your future. Focus on responsibilities related to your future position.
Writing Your Résumé
page 2: Résumé myths
page 3: LinkedIn: extend your résumé!
page 4: Sample résumé
Résumé: A brief written account of personal, educational, and professional qualications and experiences. Includes carefully selected and
organized information that shows how your past experiences are related to your future job target or goals.
Career Services, 145 Marano Campus Center, Oswego, NY 13126
315.312.2255 • •
Career Services
Volunteer/ Extracurricular
A résumé should not only include work experience, but it should also include extra-curricular involvement and volunteer
experience. Employers appreciate well-rounded candidates with a variety of interests and experiences. This section can be
formatted as shown below or you may choose to format it similar to your experience section.
How a volunteer section should be formatted:
Volunteer, Name of Organization or Event Dates Optional
How an extra-curricular section should be formatted:
Member/Ocer Title, Name of Organization or Event Dates Optional
Treasurer, Zoological Student Association (SUNY Oswego)
Member, Go Green Team (SUNY Oswego)
Volunteer, United Way Walk, Oswego, NY
Volunteer, Salvation Army, Rochester, NY
Employers will ask for references at some point during the search process — you do not need to list your references or indicate
that they are “available upon request” on a résumé. Create a separate reference page that includes name, relationship and
contact information for 3-5 references.
Additional Sections
Additional résumé sections may include:
• Related Coursework
• Skills (Technical/Computer, Language)
• Certifications
• Honors and Awards
• Aliations
Note: Education and Experience sections are required because they are the two most utilized among college students.
All other sections depend on personal preference and history.
page 2
1. Keep your résumé to one page
This is not necessarily true — traditional college students
may not have a significant amount of experience and will
typically be able to fit their experience on one page. If
you do have more than one page, make sure it is at least a
page and a half and consists of quality information.
2. You need an objective statement
Cover letters can substitute for an objective statement
and are required for most job/internship applications.
Employers focus on experience and involvement within
the résumé and will often skip right over an objective
3. It’s all about you
Actually, it’s all about the organization. Ultimately, you want
to include information about yourself that the employer is
looking for. It is critical that you connect your specific skills
and experiences to their needs.
4. One general résumé will suce
Résumés should be written specifically towards what you
are applying for. You should tweak your résumé based
on the requirements for that job. For each position you
are applying for, try to match your experiences with the
details on the job description.
5. A résumé should only include paid experiences
Experience in clubs and internships may speak more to
your skills for your potential career than a paid part-time
summer job. Unpaid but very relevant experience can be in
a section such as “Relevant Experience.
6. GPA is a top consideration for employers
This is true for some majors, but not all. Technical majors
such as Accounting, Finance, and Computer Science may
place a higher priority on GPA than others.
7. Résumés should include entire work history
This will not necessarily help you if most of your
experience is unrelated to your potential career field.
Pick and choose experiences that will highlight the skills
needed for potential career paths.
8. Hard copy (paper) résumés are good enough
Online presence through LinkedIn and other professional
and social platforms is becoming critical and will outweigh
traditional résumés in the future.
Résumé Myths
page 3
How can you use LinkedIn?
Connect with SUNY Oswego Alumni: There are nearly 44,000 SUNY Oswego Alumni who are working in every conceivable field.
Narrow that list by major, industry, specialty, geography and more. Find alumni doing what you want to do and reach out!
Join Professional Associations and Organizations: Join groups related to your vocational interest! This will allow you to make
connections, stay on top of the trends in your field, and learn the vocabulary of your industry.
Company and Geographic Research: Find alumni who work for an organization in which you are interested. Want to move to
Miami Beach or Billings, Montana? Connect with Alumni who have successfully transitioned.
Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile:
1. Create a URL that is simple and concise.
2. Add your top skills and ask co-workers and students to endorse you for those skills.
3. Add volunteer experience to your profile — it makes you more marketable to employers.
4. Make sure your profile is 100% complete.
5. Secure brief recommendations from supervisors, faculty, and others.
6. Create a quick but powerful summary.
7. Upload a profile photo.
Using to your benefit
Adding a profile photo could
result in 14 times more views
than someone without.
A summary of 40 words or
more makes you more likely to
turn up in a future employer’s
Members who include skills get
around 13 times more profile
Adding an industry could get
you 15 times more profile views.
Your profile is 5 times more
likely to be viewed if you join
and are active in groups.
Members who have education
on their profile receive an
average of 10 times more profile
views than those who don’t.
42 percent of hiring managers
surveyed by LinkedIn say they
view volunteer experience
as equivalent to formal work
The Career Services Oce is willing to help you develop the perfect LinkedIn profile! You can utilize the LinkedIn Photo
studio at any of our events or by appt. at:
Visit us at Career Services at the Compass, 145 Campus Center or online at
page 4
Address • • Phone Number • LinkedIn URL
State University of New York (SUNY) College at Oswego, Oswego, NY 05/2018
Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
GPA: 3.59
Presidents List: 3 Semesters; Deans List: 4 Semesters
Recipient of Society for Human Resource Management J. Donald Herring, Ph.D. SPHR Junior Award
Recipient of Alumni Legacy Scholarship
, Chapter President, Oswego, NY 04/2017 Present
• Conduct monthly chapter meetings, set goals and assign responsibilities to achieve SHRM Merit Award
Coordinate company tours, meetings with Human Resources professionals, and informational sessions
for members
• Notify members about internship opportunities, jobs, and opportunities in the eld of Human Resources
CONSTELLATION BRANDS, HRIS Intern, Victor, NY 05/2017 12/2017
Assisted in implementation of global Workday system to improve data management for 6000+ employees
Created supervisory organizations and cleansed existing data reports using Microso Excel to provide
the structure for the Workday system
Formulated training materials and coordinated schedules for the rst phase of testing within the
• Consolidated global job descriptions from multiple locations and organized les to facilitate access
HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, Summer HR Intern, Oswego, NY 05/2016 – 08/2016
Created employee informational documents for various suggestions such as Labor Relations and Leave
of Absence
• Conducted researched and designed new hire information packets
• Draed and updated job postings and job descriptions
WEGMANS FOOD MARKETS, Cashier, Liverpool, NY 12/2017 – Present
• Process exchanges and refunds to keep a proper ow of store procedures
• Balanced assigned cash registers to ensure accuracy in daily exchanges
• Interact with customers in a positive manner to improve customer relations
AUXILIARY SERVICES, Student Worker, Oswego, NY 09/2013 05/2016
• Assist in the training and supervision of 19 student employees to ensure knowledge of core competencies
• Participate in quality control of products to help managers maintain a positive customer experience
• Collaborate with fellow associates and upper management to produce ecicient work schedules
Phi Kappa Phi, Student Honor Society, Member
Omicron Delta Kappa, Student Leadership Honor Society, Member