User Guide | PUBLIC
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for
Applicable Releases: SAP Business One 9.1 PL05 and later, SAP Business One
9.1 PL05, version for SAP HANA and later, SAP Business One Cloud 1.1 PL02
and later, SAP Business One mobile app 1.11.x for iOS
© 2023 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction................................................................5
2 Conguring the SAP Business One Solution........................................7
2.1 Conguring Mobile App Users....................................................7
Step 1: Retrieving the Mobile Device ID............................................7
Step 2: Activating Mobile App Users............................................. 8
2.2 Setting Up License............................................................9
2.3 Conguring for SAP Crystal Reports on SAP Business One................................9
2.4 Conguring for SAP Crystal Reports Deployed on SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP
HANA.................................................................... 10
Step 1: Conguring Integration Framework for SAP Business One........................11
Step 2: Editing Connection String...............................................11
2.5 Conguring for SAP Crystal Reports Based on SAP HANA................................12
2.6 Setting Up Add-Ons to Run Within the Mobile App.....................................12
2.7 Conguring the SAP HANA Server ................................................13
2.8 Conguring the B1i Mobile Scenario...............................................14
3 Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App.....................................16
3.1 Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App When Working with SAP Business One Cloud .......17
3.2 Verifying the Connection Between Mobile Device and B1i Server........................... 18
3.3 Deploying Certicates.........................................................18
3.4 Troubleshooting: SAP HANA Features Don't Work in SAP Business One Mobile App..............19
4 Using the SAP Business One Mobile App..........................................21
4.1 Working with the Cockpit ...................................................... 23
4.2 Managing Modules...........................................................24
4.3 Setting Preferences per Module..................................................25
4.4 Searching in the Mobile App.....................................................25
4.5 Using the Enterprise Search.................................................... 26
4.6 Working with Sales Catalog.....................................................27
Launching the Sales Catalog..................................................27
Searching for Items in the Sales Catalog......................................... 28
Customizing the Item Info Displayed in Sales Catalog................................28
Comparing Items in the Sales Catalog...........................................29
Working with Shopping Carts.................................................29
Adding a Sales Quotation or Sales Order Based on a Shopping Cart ......................30
4.7 Managing Activities in the Activities Module......................................... 30
Viewing and Processing Existing Activities........................................ 31
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Adding New Activities.......................................................31
Synchronizing Activities to Device Calendar.......................................31
4.8 Working with Documents in the Approvals Module.....................................32
Approving or Rejecting Documents.............................................32
4.9 Viewing Alerts in the Alerts Module................................................33
Submitting Leave or Travel Requests for Approval...................................34
4.10 Managing Business Partner Data in the Business Partners Module......................... 34
Filtering Business Partners...................................................34
Viewing Business Partner Information...........................................35
Editing Business Partner Information............................................36
Adding Business Partners....................................................36
Synchronizing BP Contact Persons with the iOS Contacts App..........................37
Creating New Contact Person Based on Contact in the iOS Contacts App..................37
4.11 Viewing Items in the Inventory Module.............................................38
Viewing Information about Items in Inventory......................................38
4.12 Viewing Price Lists in the Price Lists Module.........................................38
Viewing Price List Details in the Price Lists Module..................................38
Searching for Items Within a Price List...........................................39
4.13 Managing Sales Documents in SAP Business One Mobile App.............................39
Viewing Sales Document Information........................................... 39
Updating Sales Documents ..................................................40
Cancelling Sales Documents..................................................41
Copying Sales Quotations to Sales Orders........................................42
Sending/Printing/Sharing Sales Documents......................................42
Searching for Sales Documents ...............................................42
Filtering Sales Quotations, Sales Orders, and Deliveries...............................43
Creating Sales Quotations and Sales Orders.......................................43
Submitting Drafts of Sales Quotations and Sales Orders for Approval.....................44
Managing Activities for Sales Documents.........................................45
4.14 Managing Sales Opportunities...................................................47
Viewing Sales Opportunities..................................................47
Editing Sales Opportunities.................................................. 48
Creating Sales Opportunities................................................. 48
Searching for Sales Opportunities ............................................. 48
Viewing Stages Related to Sales Opportunities.....................................49
Adding New Stages to Sales Opportunities........................................49
Setting Status of an Open Sales Opportunity to Won or Lost........................... 50
4.15 Viewing Service Contracts and Searching for Equipment Cards in the Service Contract Module
Viewing Service Contracts....................................................51
Searching for and Viewing Customer Equipment Cards...............................51
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
4.16 Viewing and Processing Service Calls in the Service Calls Module..........................52
Viewing Service Call Details.................................................. 52
Picking Up Service Calls.....................................................53
Closing Service Calls.......................................................53
Adding New Activities and Solutions to Service Calls.................................54
4.17 Viewing Dashboards in the Dashboards Module.......................................54
Viewing a Selected Dashboard................................................ 56
Sending Dashboards by E-Mail................................................56
Conguring the Data Cache.................................................. 57
4.18 Managing Reports in the Reports Module........................................... 57
Generating Reports........................................................57
Deleting, Adding, and Changing the Display Sequence of Reports........................58
Copying and Sharing Reports.................................................58
Printing Reports.......................................................... 59
4.19 Managing Attachments........................................................59
Viewing Attachments.......................................................59
Uploading Attachments .....................................................60
4.20 Integrating Customized Help....................................................60
5 Appendix.................................................................62
5.1 Function-Level Authorizations for Users to Work with the App.............................62
5.2 Mobile App Function Availability Based on SAP Business One License Type...................64
5.3 Localization Specic Information.................................................65
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
1 Introduction
With the SAP Business One mobile app for iOS, you can process approval requests, view reports and business
content, manage business partner data, monitor sales opportunities, and much more.
Key features:
Sales Catalog (only available for iPad) – View, search for, compare, and create sales quotation or sales
order on the y for sales items, using visual and appealing display layout.
Activities – View, add, edit, close, and create follow up activities of the current user who is logged on to the
mobile app.
Approvals and alerts – Get alerts on specic events – such as deviations from approved discounts, prices,
credit limits, approved or rejected documents, or targeted gross prots – and view approval requests
waiting for your immediate action. Drill into the relevant content or metric, including draft documents,
before making your decision.
Business partners – Access and manage business partners’ information including addresses, phone
numbers, and contact details; view historical activities and special prices; create new business partners
and new activities; and contact or locate partners. In addition, you can synchronize contact persons phone
numbers, email and other details with the Contacts app on your device.
Inventory and price lists – Monitor inventory levels, access detailed information about your products,
including purchasing and sales price, available quantity, and product specications, and view price lists.
Sales documents (Sales quotation, Sales order, and Delivery) – Create, view, update, and search for
sales quotations and sales orders, and submit drafts of sales quotations and sales orders for approval. In
addition, you can create, update, view, and close activities related to sales documents, as well as to view
Sales opportunities – Create, view, edit, and search for sales opportunities; view, add, and edit stages for
sales opportunities.
Service contract and service call – View and edit service contracts; process and close service calls, create
and view solutions, and look up related service calls from service contracts or customer equipment cards.
Reports – Refer to built-in reports created with SAP Crystal Reports software, version for the SAP Business
One application, that present key information about your business. You can add your customized reports
and easily share them.
Dashboards – View predened dashboards (sales analysis, cash ow, and purchase quotations) in normal
and full-screen mode and share them via e-mail.
Online Help – Displays either a standard or a customer-specic help document.
Attachments – View, download, and upload attachments to business partners, items, activities, sales
opportunities, service calls, and sales documents.
Requirements for mobile devices:
You are using iPhone or iPad with iOS updated to iOS 7.0 and higher. SAP Business One mobile app 1.11.x for
iOS is not supported by lower versions of iOS.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Requirements for SAP Business One solution:
You have installed one of the following:
SAP Business One 9.1 (PL) 05 or higher
SAP Business One 9.1, version for SAP HANA (PL) 05 or higher
SAP Business One mobile app 1.11.x for iOS is also available when using SAP Business One Cloud 1.1
(PL) 02. For further information, see the SAP Business One Cloud Administrator's Guide.
You can use SAP Business One mobile app 1.11.x for iOS with older versions of SAP Business One (such
as SAP Business One 8.81) however latest functions introduced in mobile app 1.11.x will not work. When
accessing such function, the following message appears: “Note that this function is not supported by
the current version of the backend server.” All mobile app functions that were supported by the older
version of SAP Business One still work.
You have installed Integration component for SAP Business One (B1iC)
SAP Business One creates a user with B1i user code for each company database. The default process
requires that you set the same password for each company database. The integration framework uses
the B1i user to connect to SAP Business One, for example for authentication when using the mobile
solution. Make sure that the password that you have provided during integration framework installation
is the same that you set in SAP Business One.
For further information about installing and upgrading SAP Business One, see the Administrator’s Guide that
is provided on the SAP Business One product DVD or in the download package. For security reasons, the SAP
Business One mobile app for iOS neither stores nor caches business data on the device. It does not support
any oine use. A server connection needs to be established to open and use the app.
While this document is for all users, some links included in this document lead to sites that are restricted to
SAP Business One partners who must have a valid user name and password to access.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
2 Conguring the SAP Business One
This section explains the tasks of the system administrator in setting up and managing SAP Business One
mobile app for iOS. These tasks are performed in SAP Business One or SAP Business One, version for SAP
HANA, and in Integration Framework for SAP Business One.
2.1 Conguring Mobile App Users
To enable SAP Business One users to use the mobile app, follow the procedure below.
1. Step 1: Retrieving the Mobile Device ID [page 7]
2. Step 2: Activating Mobile App Users [page 8]
2.1.1Step 1: Retrieving the Mobile Device ID
Entering your mobile device ID in to your user setup in SAP Business One is mandatory. Follow the steps below
to retrieve the device ID of your iOS device.
1. Download SAP Business One mobile app for iOS to your iOS device, from Apple App Store by searching for
SAP Business One. Alternatively, follow this link
application/id392606876 or use the QR code:
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
2. Tap the SAP Business One icon on your iOS device. A system message appears, saying that Apple MAC
address is no longer supported, and that the Device ID which is displayed is used instead.
3. Tap Email. An email message containing the device ID in the email body appears. Enter your email address
in the To eld, and tap Send.
4. Tap OK.
New switch is added to the SAP Business One settings page on your iOS device, named Email Device
ID. By default, it is switched on. Once you send the email with the Device ID as described above, this
switch is automatically turned o.
2.1.2Step 2: Activating Mobile App Users
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration Setup General Users .
2. In the Users - Setup window, specify the user for whom you want to make the mobile settings and select
the Mobile User checkbox.
3. In the Mobile Phone eld, enter the user’s mobile phone number. If you intend to use SAP Business One
mobile app on a device which is not a mobile phone and where you have no number, choose a ctitious
mobile phone number.
4. In the Mobile Device ID eld, enter the device ID of your iOS device. This eld is mandatory. For more
information see Step 1: Retrieving the Mobile Device ID [page 7].
5. To enable a user to use the app by two dierent mobile devices, enter the device ID of both devices. Use "/"
as the separator. For example: AE45FG67816ET98ZV6523BNH8I /1QAZXSW23EDCVFR45TGB678YHN.
It is possible to logon to one mobile device at a time. If a user tries to log on to one device while logged
on to the other device, a warning appears and the session automatically ends.
6. Choose the Update button and then choose OK.
If you are working with SAP Business One Cloud 1.0 or higher, choose the Send Mobile Settings button.
An e-mail with a hyperlink containing all conguration details will be sent automatically to the mobile
device of the given user. For more information, see the Conguring Mailer and Registering Integration
Components sections in the SAP Business One Cloud Administrator's Guide, and the Conguring the
SAP Business One Mobile App When Working with SAP Business One Cloud [page 17] section in this
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
2.2 Setting Up License
If you have created a new user with mobile settings or added mobile settings to an existing user, a message
appears reminding you to ensure that the mobile user has a B1i license.
SAP Business One mobile app for iOS is available for the following SAP Business One named user types with no
additional license fee:
Limited Financial
Limited Logistics
Limited CRM
Starter Package
CRM Sales User (standalone, legacy license type)
CRM Service User (standalone, legacy license type)
For more information about the mobile app functions available for each license type see the Mobile App
Function Availability Based on SAP Business One License Type [page 64] section in this document.
To assign a user a B1i license, follow the steps below.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration License License Administration .
The License Administration window appears.
2. In the Allocation tab, rst select the relevant users and then select the Used checkbox for the B1i user type
3. Choose the Update button.
2.3 Conguring for SAP Crystal Reports on SAP Business
To make a report created with SAP Crystal Reports visible within the mobile app, follow the steps below.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration Setup General Report and Layout
Manager .
2. In the navigation pane on the left, select the report you want to display on the mobile device.
3. Select the Visible for Mobile checkbox.
This checkbox is visible only for reports in the SAP Crystal Reports format, not for reports in other formats.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
SAP Business One does not check whether the report is suitable for displaying on a mobile device.
4. To save your settings, choose Update.
The resolution of the mobile device determines how the report is displayed. Check whether the report
is suitable for displaying on a mobile device.
For example, iPhone 4 currently supports a resolution of 960x640 pixels, while the iPad supports
1024x768 pixels
2.4 Conguring for SAP Crystal Reports Deployed on SAP
Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA
This topic shows you how to enable viewing SAP Crystal reports deployed on SAP Business One analytics
powered by SAP HANA in the mobile app.
You are running SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA 1.1 or higher.
You are running SAP Business One 8.82 PL12 or higher, or SAP Business One 9.0 PL04 or higher.
You are running SAP Business One mobile app 1.9.3 or higher for iOS, or 1.0.1 or higher for Android.
If you are using SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA and would like to enable viewing in the
mobile app SAP Crystal reports which are deployed on SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA,
proceed as follows:
1. Step 1: Conguring Integration Framework for SAP Business One [page 11]
2. Step 2: Editing Connection String [page 11]
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
2.4.1Step 1: Conguring Integration Framework for SAP
Business One
1. In the Integration Framework for SAP Business One page, choose: SLD B1i Server B1A Server
Edit .
2. Change the HTTA information under Connectivity List (Active) as follows:
destHost: <B1A Server>
3. Choose Save.
4. Choose SLD B1i Server B1A DB Edit
5. Under Connectivity List (Active), update the JDBC information as follows:
URL: jdbc:sap://<B1A Server>:30015?
currentschema=<Schema>;databaseName=<Database Name>;
Username: <Your SAP HANA Database User Code>
Password: <Your SAP HANA Database Password>
6. Choose Save.
2.4.2Step 2: Editing Connection String
1. Open a report in the SAP Crystal Reports for SAP Business One designer. Choose either the HDBODBC
connection for 64 bit, or HDBODBC32 for 32 bit from Data Available Data Sources .
2. Select the Enter Connection String radio button, and in the Connection String eld enter the name of the
target company database as schema in command, or import the table from the target company database.
Connection String: DRIVER=
Command: SELECT "ItemCode", "ItemName" FROM "SBODEMO"."OITM"
3. Repeat the above steps for each target company database.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
2.5 Conguring for SAP Crystal Reports Based on SAP
This procedure is relevant only if you are using SAP Business One 9.0, version for SAP HANA PL02 and higher,
and would like to enable viewing in the mobile app SAP Crystal reports based on SAP HANA.
1. Open the report in the SAP Crystal Reports for SAP Business One designer. Choose either the
B1CRHPROXY connection for 64 bit, or B1CRHPROXY32 for 32 bit from Data Available Data Sources
If HDBODBC or HDBODBC32 is used as connection, replace it by B1CRHPROXY or B1CRHPROXY32
2. Select the Enter Connection String radio button, and in the Connection String eld remove "Schema@" and
"Package@" from all the parameters of commands and tables if exist.
Connection String: DRIVER
Command: SELECT "ItemCode", "ItemName" FROM "OITM"
3. Repeat the above steps for each target company database.
2.6 Setting Up Add-Ons to Run Within the Mobile App
For SAP Business One add-ons that run on mobile devices and are delivered by partners, make the settings
described below.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration Add-Ons Mobile Add-On .
2. In the Mobile Add-On - Setup window, enter the relevant data in the Code, Name, Entry URL, and Provider
3. In the Type eld, specify whether the add-on will be accessed from the Home tab or from the Modules tab
on the iPhone (equivalent to Home tab and vertical modules menu in the menu section on left side of the
4. In the View Style eld, specify the relevant view:
Page-Universal - for add-on that works on both iPhone portrait mode and iPad page sheet mode
(similar to Home Type view)
Full Screen - iPad - for add-on that works only on iPad portrait and landscape mode
Landscape Only - iPad - for add-on that works only on iPad landscape mode
5. In the Logon Method eld, specify whether the add-on requires authentication for logon:
B1i Framework -Select this option if add-on back-end scenarios are implemented on B1i Framework
and the same session ID will be shared with this add-on.
Standard Logon - Select this option for add-on that requires user logon authentication. In this case a
logon message box appears asking for user name and password.
No Control - select this option for add-on that does not require any authentication to be provided
by SAP Business One, or for add-on that controls independently everything that has to do with
6. To save your settings, choose Update.
2.7 Conguring the SAP HANA Server
This section is relevant only when working with SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA;.
1. In the Integration Solution for SAP Business One page, choose: SLD B1i Server B1A Server . The B1A
Server area appears. Choose the Edit button.
2. In the HTTA section (under Connectivity List (Active)), enter in the following elds (all of them are
mandatory) the respective details as appear in the B1A Server:
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
The URL for accessing the B1A Administration Console is: https://<IP Address>:40000/Enablement
the above mentioned elds are lled in as follows:
destProtocol: https
destPort: 40000
3. Choose Save.
2.8 Conguring the B1i Mobile Scenario
After completing setup and conguration tasks in SAP Business One and on your mobile device, you must
congure the B1i scenario. This enables the SAP Business One mobile app to communicate with the SAP
Business One database and vice versa.
1. On the B1i server, choose Start All Programs Integration Solution for SAP Business One Integration
Framework .
The Connect to <server name> window appears.
2. In the User name: eld, enter B1iadmin; in the Password: eld, enter the password that was set by the user
when installing B1i. Choose the OK button.
The Integration Solution for SAP Business One window appears.
3. Make sure that the test connection between the B1i Server and the company database of your mobile app
is successful. Perform the following actions:
From SLD B1i Server , choose the company that your mobile app connects to. Make sure that the
password is correct. Choose the Test Connection button in the B1DI and JDBC area.
In case you cannot nd the company database, see 2032666 .
If the test connection is not successful, you may need to go to the SAP Business One client to reset the
password for the B1i user. For more information, see 2029714 .
4. Make sure that the value in the associatedSrvIP eld is the same as that in b1Server.
The associatedSrvIP eld locates in the WSAR area from SLD B1i Server WSforMobile .
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
The b1Server eld locates in the B1DI area from SLD B1i Server to your company database.
5. Make sure that the B1A server name (value in the destHost eld) is the same as the name used to generate
the certicate. This is only relevant to view SAP HANA features in Android devices.
The destHost eld locates in the HTTA area from SLD B1i Server B1A Server , Make sure that the
destHost domain can be accessed from external network.
For more information, see 2048889 , point 6.
6. Make sure the sap.B1Mobile scenario is active (By default, sap.B1Mobile is activated.)
Choose Scenarios Control . In the Scenario List, make sure the sap.B1Mobile checkbox is selected.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Solution
3 Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile
To connect to your SAP Business One company database, follow the steps below.
1. Tap Settings on your iOS device.
2. On the Settings page, tap Business One.
3. On the Settings page for SAP Business One, specify the following information:
Server: Server address and port (either IP or server name) in the format <server>:<port>. Default
ports of integration solutions for SAP Business One are 8080 (http) and 8443 (https). If you enter an
incorrect port for a server connection, the app times out in 75 seconds by default.
SSL: To use SSL (https) between SAP Business One and your iOS device, choose ON.
This setting must comply with the protocol and assigned ports on the server side.
Use a secure communication channel. For SSL, keep as ON, which is the default value.
For more information about conguring https, see the Security Aspects Related to the Mobile
Solution section in Administrator’s Guide for the Integration Component.
Be aware that SAP cannot cover all possible security aspects due to customer-specic
requirements and conditions. The mobile app needs to be embedded into each customer’s specic
security concept.
Company DB: Name of the company database to which you want to connect (mandatory eld). The
mobile app logs on to this company.
The name must be the same as the one you used to generate certicate. For details about the
company database concept in SAP Business One mobile app for iOS, see 1606567 .
User Code: Used to log on to the SAP Business One company database specied in the Company DB
If you are using an on-premise solution and have not enabled Single Sign-On (SSO), it is the value
of the User Code eld in the Users - Setup window in SAP Business One.
If you are using an on-demand solution, or if you are using an on-premise solution and have
enabled SSO, it is the value of the Bind with Microsoft Windows Account eld in the Users - Setup
window in SAP Business One.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App
If you do not specify a user code in this eld, when you log on to the app you must enter your user code
and password.
If you specify a user code in this eld, when you log on to the app you need to enter only your
Phone Num: User’s mobile phone number; that is, the value in the Mobile Phone eld of the Users -
Setup window in SAP Business One.
Starting from SAP Business One 9.0 PL12, the eld Phone Num is informative only and its value
is not validated against the phone number entered in the Mobile Phone eld of the Users - Setup
window in SAP Business One.
Email Device ID: switched on by default. It enables you to send the device ID by e-mail to yourself
before logging on to the mobile app. See Conguring the SAP Business One Solution [page 7] for more
Demo System: When the demo system is ON, the logon dialog oers the user access to the public
demo system. You can set the demo server to Germany - powered by SAP HANA (in Device Settings
Business One Demo Server eld).
The app uses the language that you use on your device. All SAP Business One languages are
3.1 Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App When
Working with SAP Business One Cloud
1. In your device, open the e-mail you have received from SAP Business One administrator. Click the hyperlink
that appears in the e-mail.
2. SAP Business One app reads and saves the relevant information in the Settings page in the iOS device.
3. The Choose Company page appears. Choose the required company database. In the next log on, this
company will be chosen by default.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App
3.2 Verifying the Connection Between Mobile Device and
B1i Server
Make sure that the integration framework server is accessible from your mobile device.
1. Copy the URL from the integration framework server.
Log on to the integration framework, choose Scenarios Control . From the sap.B1Mobile
scenario, choose Trigger. Copy the URL including the port number, for example, https://
<server_ip_address> must be the same as the server setting in the mobile app setting.
2. Paste the URL in the browser of the mobile device.
If the logon page of the integration framework is displayed, it means the integration framework can be
pinged successfully from the mobile device. Otherwise, you get an error message: XCL198 HTTP-access
currently not allowed from remote clients, as B1iP runs in local-mode or safe-mode.
For more information, see 1776825 .
For security reasons, it is not recommended to use the http connection and port 8080.
If you use http and port 8080, you must switch o SSL in your mobile device. At the same time, you
must also change the Enforce Secure Transport eld to false and reactivate the sap.B1Mobile package.
Perform the following steps:
1. Log on to the integration framework, choose Scenarios Authentication .
2. In the User-dened Authentication Identier eld, specify the sap.B1Mobile package. In the Enforce
Secure Transport eld, select false.
3. Reactive the package by choosing Control tab, deselect the sap.B1Mobile package and select it
3.3 Deploying Certicates
To ensure the highest security standard for your company and your business data, SAP introduced the
exclusive use of valid SSL certicates. In SAP Business One, the System Landscape Directory and the Service
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App
Layer components enforce secure connection via HTTPS encryption. You need to ensure that your mobile
device is also secured by the certicates.
Purchased certicate (Recommended):
We recommend that you use a purchased certicate (for example, PKCS12 certicate). If you use a
purchased certicate, you normally don't need to deploy the certicate to your mobile device. If you are
asked to do so, please contact your certicate vendor.
Self-signed certicate:
If you use a self-signed certicate, import the certicate created for the integration framework server to
your mobile device.
For examples of how to obtain and install valid certicates, see SAP Note 2019275 .
3.4 Troubleshooting: SAP HANA Features Don't Work in
SAP Business One Mobile App
This topics shows you what to do when some SAP HANA features do not work in the SAP Business One mobile
When using the SAP Business One mobile app, you nd that the following SAP HANA features do not work:
Cash Flow Forecast
Enterprise Search
Pervasive Dashboard
Delivery Reschedule
ATP check
Dashboard (Sales Analysis)
If you are running SAP Business One 9.0 PL09 Hotx 1, version for SAP HANA, see SAP Note 2012800 .
Otherwise, proceed as follows:
1. Verify that SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA is installed on the SAP HANA server.
2. Ensure that the SAP Business One company has been initialized in the SAP HANA Analytics Platform
Server. If you encounter any issue with company initialization and/or re-initialization, please log an incident
with component SBO-HANA-ANA.
a. Log in to the SLD (URL: https://<SAP HANA Server Address>:<Port Number>/ControlCenter/)
b. Go to the Services tab, nd the URL of SAP HANA Analytics Platform Server and open it in your
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App
3. Ensure that the IP address and host name entry for the integration framework server is correct in the
server hosts le of SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA (default directory: /etc/hosts).
You can run the following query to check the correct host name: select SLSPP."ParamValue" from
slsp, slspp where SLSP."CompID"=SLSPP."CompID" and SLSP."CompType"='b1isrv' and
4. Check that the dashboard is visible in the SAP Business One client.
a. Log in to the SAP Business One client.
b. Go to Administration System Initialization General Settings Cockpit , choose Cockpit
More... and enable the dashboard.
c. Choose Tools Cockpit Enable My Cockpit .
d. Log out of the SAP Business One client, then log in again to check if the dashboard is visible.
5. Go to the Integration Framework for SAP Business One page, choose Scenarios Control to verify that
the sap.B1Validate package is active. The package is required to connect to SAP HANA Analytics Platform
6. In the Integration Framework for SAP Business One page, choose SLD B1A Server to check if
the values for destProtocol, destHost and destPort are correct. Ensure that you can access the URL of
SAP HANA Analytics Platform Server from the browser of the mobile device and from the integration
framework server. Use the same protocol, server address and port number set in Step 2, for example
https://<HANAAnalyticsServerAddress>:40000/Enablement/. If accessing the system , use the Analytics
service congured protocol, public server address and port in the External Address Mapping of the SAP
Business One System Landscape Directory (SLD) for the B1A Server SLD conguration.
7. Verify the connection between the SAP HANA Analytics Platform Server and the integration framework
server. If there is any connection issue, contact your local system administrator or IT professional to
resolve the issue.
a. Open putty and connect to SAP HANA Analytics Platform Server.
b. After establishing the connection by putty, enter curl https://<Integration Framework
Server Address>:8443 in the command line. If you are using an internal address to connect from
the mobile app to the integration framework, perform the test with the internal address and port. If
you are also using an external address to connect from the mobile app to the integration framework,
perform the test with the external address and port, too.
Related Information
SAP Note 1602674
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App
4 Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
Logging On to SAP Business One Company Database
1. Tap the SAP Business One icon on your iOS device. One eld for password or two elds for user code and
password appear, depending on your settings. For more information, see the explanation of the User Code
eld in Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App [page 16].
The SAP Business One start icon shows the total number of unread alerts and unread approvals. This
counter is updated only when you leave the app. There is no push or notication service for new alerts
and approvals.
2. To log on to the company database dened in the Company DB eld (see the Conguring the SAP Business
One Mobile App [page 16] section in this document), tap Logon.
3. To log on to a dierent company database, tap Choose Company. The list of available company databases
appears, and the default company databases is indicated by
4. Tap the company database you want to log on to and tap OK.
After logging on to a dierent company database, the value in the Company DB eld (see the
Conguring the SAP Business One Mobile App [page 16] section in this document) is updated to
the newly selected company. The selected company database becomes the default company database
until you choose to log on to dierent company database, or manually change the company database
name in the Company DB eld.
Starting Page
After you log on to the mobile app, the starting page appears.
For the rst logon, the Home tab page appears. For subsequent logons, the page where you logged o
If you change settings and then go back to the mobile app, a warning message appears in a pop-up
window informing you that settings have changed and that you have to log on to the app again. The app
forces you to log out.
If the app is idle for a period of time, a logon box appears, and you have to log on to the app again. By
default the idle time is ten minutes. To change this value:
1. Open the integration framework Web page and choose Scenarios Authentication .
2. From the User Def. Author. Identier dropdown list, choose sap.B1Mobile.
3. In the Session Timeout eld, specify a value. If you enter an incorrect port for a server connection,
the app times out in 75 seconds by default.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4. Choose the Save button.
You can access all functions of the mobile app from the starting page, which is divided into the following areas:
The toolbar contains menu commands, such as the Back button and the Edit button.
The page section displays real-time information, such as key performance indicators and alerts.
For iPhone: A horizontal tab section consists of two tabs: Home and Modules. You can tap them at any
For iPad:
On the left side of the screen is a vertical menu section; on the right side in the content area is the
display section for selected content.
For SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA users, the cockpit is displayed in a full screen mode (in
landscape mode only) as Home page.
Home Page
In the tab section (iPhone) or menu section (iPad), tap Home. On the Home screen, every page has a icon
on the upper-right of the screen, which provides Set Default, Help (on iPhone only), and Log o (on iPhone
To set a page as default, choose Set Default. This takes eect the next time you log on.
To display a help document, choose Help.
To log o the system and the pop-up logon dialog, choose Log o.
You can create add-on pages for the Home tab, such as a gauge that shows the percentage by which
the revenue deviates from the target. For more information, see the guide How to Create Add-Ons for
the SAP Business One mobile app for iOS located at SAP PartnerEdge where you also nd sample
code and a gauge.
The To-Do List page displays a maximum of the next eight activities (iPhone) or next twelve activities (iPad) in
your SAP Business One calendar.
To see details or to edit an activity, tap the activity. In addition, you can add new activities, by tapping +.
To synchronize the activities in the most recent three months (last month, this month, and next month)
into the calendar of your mobile device, tap and choose Sync to Calendar. These activities will be
synchronized into a separate calendar in the mobile device named “SAP Business One”. The rst time you
use this function within a month, full synchronization is done. During that month, whenever you use this
function again, only the changed activities are synchronized.
The Key Performance Indicators page displays system and user-dened KPIs:
System-dened KPIs:
Sales Order displays data for the current month and the previous month, together with the percentage
Incoming Payments displays data for the current month and the previous month, together with the
percentage change.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
Outgoing Payments displays data for the current month and the previous month, together with the
percentage change.
Cash on Hand displays the balance of the account in the Cash on Hand eld on the General subtab of
the Sales tab of the G/L Account Determination window in SAP Business One. To dene this account,
choose Administration Setup Financials GL Account Determination Sales General Cash
On Hand .
User-dened KPIs: You can create your own KPIs by dening customized user-dened queries in SAP
Business One.
Your KPI queries need to be categorized and start with ‘KPI_’ as the prex.
Each query requires seven selected elds with the following sequence:
Main Title - Growth Rate - Indicator* - SubTitle1 - SubValue1 - SubTitle2 - SubValue2
These seven items are displayed like this:
Main Title - Growth Rate - Indicator
SubTitle1 SubValue1
SubTitle2 SubValue2
Possible values for indicator are P (positive) and N (negative):
Arrow Indicator Growth Rate
Green up P >=0
Red down P <0
Red up N >=0
Green down N <0
4.1 Working with the Cockpit
This section is relevant only when using the mobile app on iPad and having SAP Business One, version for
SAP HANA installed on the back-end.
When launching the mobile app on iPad, in landscape mode the cockpit is displayed in a full screen view by
default. For more information about the cockpit, see: How to Work with the Fiori-Style Cockpit at SAP Help
Tap and hold the relevant widget and the respective action menu, if exists, appears allowing you to launch
an advanced dashboard or to trigger enterprise search.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
Tap the Pervasive dashboard widget to display information in a tooltip.
The Recent Updates widget is available in read-only mode .
To make the mobile app menu visible, tap the upper left corner of the iPad. Tap any place in the cockpit or
tap Home to return to full screen view.
To exit the cockpit view, tap any entry on the side bar.
4.2 Managing Modules
The Modules tab (iPhone) or modules menu (iPad) displays two separate groups: SAP-provided modules
and optional user-dened modules. You can display your favorite SAP-provided modules, add or remove
user-dened modules, and change the display sequence of modules.
Tap the image in the top-right corner and choose Edit, and then tap the image in the top-left corner to
enter the Add/Remove Modules page:
To display your favorite SAP-provided modules, choose Modules. A list displaying all the SAP-provided modules
appears. Tap the ones you would like to remove from your list of modules.
To add or remove user-dened modules choose the Add-Ons tab:
To delete a user-dened module, tap in front of it, and then tap Delete. You can add back deleted
user-dened modules at any time.
To add a user-dened module:
1. On the left of the toolbar, tap .
2. Tap the module that you want to add.
3. On the right of the toolbar, tap Save.
To change the display sequence of modules, press and hold on the right of the module that you want to
move, and drag it to your desired position. To return to Modules, tap Done.
You cannot mix SAP-provided modules and user-dened modules; that is, you can move SAP-provided
modules only among SAP-provided modules and user-dened modules only among user-dened
You can create additional modules according to your needs. For more information, see the guide How to
Create Add-Ons for the SAP Business One mobile app for iOS located at SAP PartnerEdge .
For SAP-provided modules the app uses the function-level authorization settings maintained in SAP Business
One. No new conguration is needed. The Alert and Approval modules do not require function-level
authorization and are accessible by all users that are enabled to work on a mobile device. For more information
about authorizations, see Function-Level Authorizations for Users to Work with the App [page 62].
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.3 Setting Preferences per Module
You can sort and set the display of dierent types of information in the various modules by using the
Preferences option.
For example, you can decide that the home page would display the KPIs rather than the To Do list, and sort the
sales opportunities by closing rate.
1. At the bottom of the main page, tap Preferences. The Preferences page appears, listing all the modules in
the app. On the mobile app for iPad, tap the right-top corner icon of module list and choose Preferences.
2. Tap the module for which you want to set or change the current preferences. The various options related to
the selected module appear.
3. Make your desired changes, tap . The information is sorted or displayed according to your preferences.
You can also set preferences for user dened elds for most modules. By default, all user dened elds are
displayed. You can choose to display selected user dened elds. To do so, in the list of preference options,
tap the User-Dened Fields drill down page and switch o the All option. A list of user dened elds will be
displayed for you to select.
4.4 Searching in the Mobile App
You can search for specic document, business partner, item, and other data that exist in your SAP Business
One company database within the mobile app. The search function is available if the search icon appears.
For example, when you tap the Service Call module, the list of service calls is displayed. The search icon
appears at the top of the page.
You can search for documents and records by using the elds listed below for the dierent modules:
Business Partners: Business Partner Code, Business Partner Name, Zip Code, City Name, Contact Name,
Contact City Name, Contact Zip Code
Inventory module: Item No., Item Description
Sales Opportunities: Opportunity Name, Opportunity No., Business Partner Code, Business Partner Name,
Sales Person Name
Sales Quotation, Sales Order, and Delivery: Business Partner Code, Business Partner Name, Item No., Item
Description, Doc No.
Service Contract: Customer Code, Customer Name, Item No., Item Description
Service Call: Subject, Customer Code, Customer Name, Item No., Item Description, Serial Number,
Contract No.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
To perform a search, follow the steps below.
1. Tap .
The keyboard appears.
2. Enter a value for the search term. For example, if you are searching for a sales order, you can enter the code
or name of the business partner, for whom the sales order was created, or the code or description of the
item for which the sales order was created.
3. Tap the Search key in the keyboard.
The list of matching results appears.
To ne-tune the results, repeat the steps above, using a more accurate search term.
When initiating a search on a ltered list, the search applies to the ltered list only and not to all of the
records that exist in the specic module.
4.5 Using the Enterprise Search
This option is only available for SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA, and SAP Business One, Analytics
powered by SAP HANA 1.1 PL02 (used with SAP Business One 8.82 PL13 or higher, SAP Business One 9.0
PL06 or higher, or SAP Business One 9.1 PL01 or higher) and only on iPad devices.
1. Tap the search box.
The keyboard appears.
2. Enter a value for the search term and tap the Search key in the keyboard.
3. The Enterprise Search page appears, displaying the matching results.
4. Tap on each of the following result types to view the respective module:
Business Partner
Sales Opportunity
Sales Quotation
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
Service Solution
Service Call
The Enterprise Search page remains open in the background. To return to the Enterprise Search page, tap
the yellow ribbon at the top of the screen.
5. To close the Enterprise Search page, tap Close.
For more information, see the Enterprise Search section in the SAP Business One, Version for SAP
HANA User Guide.
4.6 Working with Sales Catalog
The Sales Catalog module is available only on iPad devices.
The Sales Catalog module enables you to:
View images and details of sales items
Compare features of dierent items
Add selected items to shopping cart
Create sales quotation or sales order directly from within the shopping cart
4.6.1Launching the Sales Catalog
1. To view items through the Sales Catalog, tap the Sales Catalog module. The Sales Catalog page appears
2. The images of the items are displayed as decks of cards; the rst deck named Featured contains all of the
items that are currently in campaign if exists. Each additional deck represents one item group. The Sales
Catalog page can display up to six groups. If there are more groups dened for the company, they would
appear on the next pages. To view additional item groups, swipe to the next page.
Each card deck displays the three most sold items during the last three months of the respective item
group. In case such statistics is not available for a specic item group (this can happen if no items from the
given item group were sold in the last three months), the items of the specic item group are displayed and
sorted according to the item number.
Only items that are dened as Sales Item and have an image attached in Remarks tab in the Item
Master Data window are represented in the Sales Catalog page. Alternatively, you can store the images
of the items in folder
dened in: Administration System Initialization General Settings Path tab
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
Pictures Folder . The image name should be: <item no.>.png. To view items of a specic item
group, tap the image of the item that appears on the required item group. This item is displayed on
the whole page, providing some
specic details. To refresh the displayed information, tap the Refresh
icon. Thumbnails of the other items from that item group are displayed horizontally at the bottom of
the page. The items that are currently in campaign appear with a yellow ribbon on right-top corner of
the image. The thumbnail of the currently displayed item is highlighted. To view a dierent item of the
same item group, tap its thumbnail.
3. To close the Sales Catalog page tap .
4. To reset the sales catalog, tap .
4.6.2Searching for Items in the Sales Catalog
You can search for items in the Sales Catalog page by item code, item description, and remarks.
4.6.3Customizing the Item Info Displayed in Sales Catalog
By using the Preferences module you can customize the item details displayed in the sales catalog, so user
dened elds and item price from selected price list are shown.
1. Tap , and choose Preferences. In the Preferences page tap Sales Catalog. The Sales Catalog page
To display in the sales catalog a price from price list other than the current default price list, tap Default
Price List. A list of available price lists appears. Tap the required price list.
To display in sales catalog selected user dened elds, tap User-Dened Fields. Select the relevant
user-dened elds.
To eliminate any of the elds: Length, Width, Height, Volume, or Weight which are currently displayed
by default, deselect the relevant eld from the list.
2. Tap back to the Preferences page. Then tap Done.
3. Return to the sales catalog, the item price from the selected price list is displayed, and is also reected in
the Compare page. In addition the values of the user dened elds (if selected) are displayed.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.6.4Comparing Items in the Sales Catalog
You can compare characteristics and features of selected items from a given item group, view the results and
make an educated decision accordingly. For example, you can compare three dierent models of televisions,
coee tables and more. To compare items follow the steps below:
1. In the Sales Catalog page tap the group whose items you want to compare. Tap
2. By default, a comparison of the three most sold items is displayed. A list of items from the given item group
is displayed at the side of the page. The compared items are selected and appear at the top of the list. To
initiate a comparison of other items from that group, long-tap and drag the required item from the list to
one of the images of the currently-compared items.
3. The comparison applies to the following parameters:
Item Name
Length, Width, Height, Volume, Weight if selected by the user in the Preferences module
User-Dened Fields - only user-dened elds congured in the Preferences module
4. You can rate the dierent parameters in the compared items using a scale of one-to-ve stars. To rate
a certain parameter of a given item, long-tap the parameter. The dierent ratings assigned to each
parameter are summed up and the total number of stars assigned to a given item appears on the item
image. Within a quick look you can tell which item is the top-rated one.
5. To add the top-rated item to a shopping cart tap
6. To empty the comparison list, tap and then conrm the warning message.
4.6.5Working with Shopping Carts
You can add items from the sales catalog to a shopping cart. The shopping cart is saved as a list, and is not
reected in accounting or inventory management. The shopping cart is a preliminary stage in the sale and
when the time comes, it can be processed in to sales quotation or sales order.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
1. On the Sales Catalog page tap the relevant item group. The image of the rst item is displayed, and the
other items of the same group are available as thumbnails.
2. To add the currently displayed item to a shopping cart, tap
3. The item is added to the shopping cart and a red dot with number appears on the shopping cart icon
indicating that there is certain number of items in the shopping cart.
4.6.6Adding a Sales Quotation or Sales Order Based on a
Shopping Cart
To create sales quotation or sales order based on a shopping cart follow the steps below:
1. On the Sales Catalog page tap a list of the items added to the shopping cart is displayed.
2. Use the + and - signs to adjust the quantity of the dierent items, or type the required quantity
3. To create a sales quotation for the listed items, choose the Add as Quotation button. To create a sales
order, choose the Add as Order button.
4. A page of the chosen sales document appears; assign the relevant business partner to the document. The
list of items and quantities specied in the shopping cart is added to the document. Make the required
adjustments and add the document.
4.7 Managing Activities in the Activities Module
In the Activities module, you can:
View a list of your activities for today.
Synchronize the activities to the calendar on your mobile device.
Add, edit, and close your activities which are linked to business partners, opportunities, quotations, orders,
or service calls.
Create follow up activities.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.7.1Viewing and Processing Existing Activities
1. In the Modules tab, tap Activities.
The My Activities page opens, displaying today's activities on a calendar page. Activities of dierent types
are marked by dierent colors. The name, start time and end time of an activity are also displayed.
You can tap or to view activities on the previous or next day, or tap the date to open a monthly
calendar view and tap a date to view activities on that day.
2. Tap an activity to view its details on the Activity Details page.
3. To make changes to the activity, tap , choose Edit Activity, and then tap Save to save your changes.
4. To create a follow-up activity, tap and choose . A new activity is created, containing all the information from
the original activity. Make the relevant updates and tap Save.
5. To close an activity, tap and choose Close Activity. The status of the activity is set to Closed.
4.7.2Adding New Activities
1. In the Modules tab, tap Activities. A list of the existing activities for today appears.
2. Tap and choose Add New Activity.
The Add Activity page appears. Assign the required business partner.
3. Enter any additional details.
The available options under Subject eld depend on the selection made in the Type eld.
In the Link To eld you can assign a sales document to the activity. This option is not available when
creating an activity for a vendor.
4. Tap Save.
4.7.3Synchronizing Activities to Device Calendar
To synchronize the activities in the SAP Business One mobile app to the calendar on your mobile device, follow
the steps bellow:
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
1. In the Modules tab, tap Activities.
The My Activities page opens, displaying today's activities on a calendar page.
2. Tap and choose Sync to Calendar.
You can dene the time span for the activities by tapping Preferences Activity from the home page.
4.8 Working with Documents in the Approvals Module
The Approvals module lists all the documents pending to your approval. The number of unread documents
appears on the module entry in the Modules tab.
In the Approvals module, you can:
View documents in the approval process sorted by date or by type.
Approve or reject documents in the approval process including travel and leave requests.
Within the list of documents, you can:
Update the list of documents by tapping the refresh icon .
Hide documents you have already viewed by shaking your mobile device.
Unhide documents by tapping the refresh icon again.
4.8.1Approving or Rejecting Documents
1. In the Modules tab, tap Approvals.
A list of documents appears. The list can contain a maximum of 50 documents. To change the way
documents are listed, tap by Date or by Type.
2. Tap the document that you want to approve or reject.
The Approval Info page appears. To view the details of the document draft sent for approval, tap the Doc.
Type eld. The Draft Detail page appears, displaying the document draft. Tap Back.
3. Tap Approve or Reject.
The Approve window appears.
4. Enter your remarks (optional).
5. To continue, tap Cancel, Approve, or Reject.
To stop the process, tap Cancel.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
The message Approved successfully or Rejected Successfully appears, in addition a respective alert is
sent to the user submitted the draft document for approval:
Request approved - the user can tap the alert, view the details of the draft document that was
originally submitted for approval, and add it.
Request rejected - the user can tap the alert, view the remarks entered by the approver (if
available) and the details of the draft document that was originally sent for approval.
4.9 Viewing Alerts in the Alerts Module
In the Alerts module, you can view real-time alerts from SAP Business One, sorted by date, type, or priority. The
number of unread alerts appears on the module entry in the Modules tab.
1. In the Modules tab, tap Alerts.
A list of alerts appears. A maximum of the most recent 50 alerts are displayed.
To change the way documents are listed, in the tool bar tap by Date, by Priority, or by Type. To update the
list of alerts, tap the refresh icon .
To hide the alerts you have viewed, shake your device. To unhide the viewed alerts, tap the refresh icon.
2. Tap the alert that you want to view.
The Alert Info page appears. You can tap elds for more information, for example, if a document number
appears, you can tap it and drill down to the document, or if an item code appears, tap it and view
information of the item in stock. In case the alert refers to a document that was sent for approval, you can
tap the alert and view details of the draft document. If the document is approved, you can add it by tapping
Add in the Draft Detail page. A system message asking whether to generate a document from the draft
appears. To add the document, tap OK.
For user-dened alerts, if there is more than one alert, tap the up or down arrow to view the information
of another alert.
3. To return to the list of alerts, tap Alerts.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.9.1Submitting Leave or Travel Requests for Approval
You can submit leave request and travel request for management approval. To use this functionality, you have
to dene rst a respective workow template in the back end. For more information see the guide: How to
Congure the Workow Service and Design the Workow Process Templates at SAP Help Portal.
1. Tap the Self Service module. The Employee Self Service page appears.
2. Tap Add Leave Request or Add Travel Request (as required). The respective page appears.
3. Enter all relevant information, and tap Send. The leave or travel requests are sent to the approving
manager(s) and appear in the Approvals module.
4.10 Managing Business Partner Data in the Business
Partners Module
In the Business Partners module, you can lter, view, update, add, and search for business partner information.
4.10.1Filtering Business Partners
You can lter and view a list of business partners in the Business Partners module by business partner type.
Tap one of the following lter conditions to view a list of business partners of the corresponding type:
My - to display all the business partners in which the dened sales employee or buyer is the current user
Lead - to display a list of business partners of type Lead
Customer - to display only business partners of type Customer
Vendor to display only business partners of type Vendor
The lter condition you apply is remembered by default the next time you enter the Business Partners module.
For example, if you applied the lter condition Customer, the next time you access the Business Partners
module, the list of business partners will consist of business partners of type Customer only.
When initiating a search after applying a lter condition, the search applies to the ltered list. For example,
if you applied the Customer lter condition and then initiated a search, the search applies to business
partners of type Customer only.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.10.2Viewing Business Partner Information
1. On the Modules tab, tap Business Partners.
A list of business partners sorted alphabetically by business partner name appears. By default, the rst 25
business partners appear. To view the next 25 business partners, tap Load More at the bottom of the list.
You can scroll down to refresh the list.
2. To view information about a business partner, tap the business partner.
The BP Info page appears. It includes the following tabs:
General – Displays the account balance, credit limit, payment terms and price list assigned to the
business partner, as well as contact details for the company, such as phone number, e-mail address,
and Web site.
You can tap the eld Telephone to call or send an SMS message to your business partner. After you
choose Dial <Phone Number>, an activity will be created automatically.
In Brazilian companies who activated the multi-branch functionality, the BP branch is displayed as
Users of SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA who have iPad devices can view in the General
tab pervasive analysis information for the business partner. For more information, see Pervasive
Analysis section in the SAP Business One, Version for SAP HANA User Guide. Any user-dened
elds are displayed on this tab in a separate section, grouped by the user dened eld categories.
Addr/Contacts – Displays the default contact person and the default ship-to and bill-to addresses.
Transactions – Tap the relevant category to view the documents or transactions created for the
business partner:
Activities – Displays a list of activities created for the business partner
To view an activity, tap it. The Activity Detail page appears.
To edit the activity, tap , make changes to the editable elds, and tap Save to save your
To add an activity, tap .
The Add Activity page appears. Specify the necessary information and tap Save.
Special Price – Displays the special prices of items for the business partner. To view item
information, tap the item. From the item display, tap Unit Price to view the item’s price in various
price lists.
Opportunities, Sales Quotations, Sales Orders, and Deliveries – Display, respectively, the sales
opportunities, sales quotations, sales orders, and deliveries created for the business partner. To
create a new opportunity, sales quotation, or sales order, tap within each tab.
Service Contract – Displays a list of service contracts applicable to the business partner.
Service Call – Displays a list of service calls from the business partner by four categories.
To return to the list of business partners, in the upper left corner of the BP Info page, tap .
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.10.3Editing Business Partner Information
1. Display the business partner whose information you want to edit (see Viewing Business Partner
Information [page 35]).
2. Tap Edit.
The Edit BP page appears.
3. Tap any detail you want to edit, make necessary changes and tap Done.
To change the business partner name, tap BP Name. Enter a new name in the text box and then tap Done.
To change the main contact for the business partner, tap Main Contact. The list of contacts dened for the
business partner appears:
To add a contact, tap New Contact, specify the necessary information, and tap Done.
To edit an existing contact, tap next to the contact, make necessary changes, and tap Done.
To select an existing contact person as the default contact person for the business partner, tap the
name of the contact person. A tick appears in front of the name. Tap Done.
The way to change the bill-to or ship-to address is similar to changing the main contact.
In Brazilian companies who activated the multi-branch functionality: to change the currently displayed
branch, tap the Branch eld. A list of the existing branches appears. Select the required branch, and
tap Done.
4. After making your changes, tap Save.
4.10.4Adding Business Partners
1. On the Modules tab, tap Business Partners.
The Business Partners page appears.
2. Tap .
The Add BP page appears.
3. Specify the necessary information and tap Save.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.10.5Synchronizing BP Contact Persons with the iOS
Contacts App
You can integrate the BP's contact persons details to the phone book on your mobile device. This way you gain
access to contact persons information without having to log on to SAP Business One mobile app.
1. To add contact person info to the mobile device phone book, tap the relevant contact person. The Contact
Info page appears
2. Choose the Sync button. The contact person info is displayed as a phone book record.
To create a new contact person in the device phone book, tap Create New Contact.
To add the contact person info to an existing contact person in the phone book, tap Add to Existing
Contact. The list of contacts that already exist in the phone book appears. Tap the required existing
contact. The details of the existing contact will be updated according to the contact person details
from SAP Business One mobile app.
4.10.6Creating New Contact Person Based on Contact in the
iOS Contacts App
You can create a new contact person for business partner based on existing contact in your device's phone
1. Open the business partner for whom you want to add the new contact person. Tap Addr/Contacts All
Contacts . The list of all contacts dened for this business partner appears
2. Tap New Contact, and then tap From Address Book. The list of contacts dened in the mobile device's
phone book appears.
3. Choose the contact you want to add as a contact person for the given business partner.
4. Tap Done.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.11 Viewing Items in the Inventory Module
In the Inventory module, you can:
View information about items in inventory, including a picture and unit price of a selected item
View quantities of an item by warehouse
Search for items in inventory (follow the steps in Searching in the Mobile App [page 25])
4.11.1Viewing Information about Items in Inventory
1. On the Modules tab, tap Inventory.
The list of items is displayed sorted alphabetically by item code. By default, the rst 25 items appear. To
view the next 25 items, tap Load More… at the bottom of the list. To refresh the list, use your nger and
drag it from the top of this list.
2. To view information about an item, tap the item.
The Item Info page displays detailed information about the item, including user-dened elds.
To view the item picture, tap the placeholder picture.
To view the price of the item in various price lists, tap Unit Price.
To view inventory levels of the item by warehouse, tap In Stock Qty. For each warehouse, you see the
quantity of the item in stock, committed, ordered, and available.
4.12 Viewing Price Lists in the Price Lists Module
In the Price Lists module, you can view the price lists as dened in your SAP Business One company database
and search for specic items within a given price list.
4.12.1Viewing Price List Details in the Price Lists Module
1. On the Modules tab, tap Price Lists.
The Price Lists page appears, listing all the price lists that exist in your SAP Business One company
2. To view the prices dened in a specic price list, tap the relevant price list.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
The <price list name> page appears. The selected shows a list of items sorted alphabetically by item
code with their prices. By default, the
rst 20 items appear. To view the next 20 items, tap Load More at
the bottom of the list. To refresh the list, use your nger and drag it from the top of this list.
3. To return to the Price Lists page, tap Back.
4.12.2Searching for Items Within a Price List
To search for a specic item within a given price list, follow the steps described in Searching in the Mobile App
[page 25].
4.13 Managing Sales Documents in SAP Business One
Mobile App
You can view, print, send, search for, and create sales quotations, and sales orders, as well as submitting drafts
of sales quotations and sales orders for approval, by using the relevant module:
Sales Quotation module
Sales Order module
In addition, you can update exiting sales quotations and sales orders and manage activities related to these
4.13.1Viewing Sales Document Information
1. On the Modules tab, tap the relevant module.
A page listing the existing sales documents of the selected module appears. The sales documents are
sorted in descending order by document number. By default, the 20 most recent documents are displayed.
To view the next 20 documents, tap Load More… at the bottom of the list. To refresh the list, pull down the
list at the top of the list.
Sales documents with a status of Open have an orange side bar in the front of the sales document.
2. To view information about a sales document in the list, tap the sales document.
For sales opportunities, the Opportunity Info page displays opportunity details such as business
partner, status, stage, and so on.
The Info page for sales order, sales quotation, and delivery contains four tabs: Header, Contents,
Logistics, and Accounting. The page contains the following information:
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
Header tab – Document number, currency, sales employee, customer reference number, status,
business partner details, dates, total values, and user-dened elds, if any exist
Contents tab
For an item type document:
Each row has a summary row on this tab, including item description, item code, quantity, unit
of measure, items per unit, and user-dened elds if exist. To view row details, tap the row. The
Details page appears.
To view detailed information of the item, tap Item. The Stock Info page appears.
When using SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA and in iPad devices only, you can
preview the delivery schedule for items in sales orders. To preview the delivery schedule of
the selected item, tap Schedule. The Schedule Delivery page appears. Then tap Preview. To
conrm or apply the changes made, tap Done. To return to previous page or cancel changes,
tap Cancel. For further information, see the Scheduling Deliveries section in the SAP Business
One, Version for SAP HANA User Guide.
For a service type document:
Each row in the sales order has a summary row on this tab, including description, line total, and
user-dened elds if exist. Line total is displayed in document currency. To view row details, tap
the row. The Details page appears.
Logistics tab – Bill-to and ship-to addresses and shipping type, if dened. To see a map and get
directions, tap the relevant address.
Accounting tab – Payment terms and payment means dened for the document, as well as the BP
4.13.2Updating Sales Documents
You can update existing sales quotations and sales orders that comply with the following conditions:
The sales quotation or sales order is in status Open
The sales quotation or sales order was not fully or partially drawn into target document
The sales quotations or sales order is not subject to approval procedure
1. Display the sales quotation or sales order you need to update.
2. Tap and choose Edit Quotation (or Order).
The document is switched to the Edit mode.
3. Make all the changes required.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
When editing an existing item, you can check the available quantity of the item as follows:
1. In the Quantity eld of the item details page, tap .
2. The Inventory by Warehouse page appears, displaying the total available, in-stock, ordered, and
committed quantities in all warehouses, as well as in each warehouse separately.
3. To return to the Items page, tap .
When editing an item for a Sales Quotation, you can optionally specify the item as an alternative item.
4. To save your changes, tap Save, otherwise, tap Cancel.
The following values cannot be modied:
Customer code and customer name
Document currency
4.13.3Cancelling Sales Documents
You can cancel existing sales quotations and sales orders that comply with the following conditions:
The sales quotation or sales order is in status Open
The sales quotation or sales order was not fully or partially drawn into target document
The sales quotations or sales order is not subject to approval procedure
1. Display the sales quotation or sales order you want to cancel.
2. Tap .
3. Choose Cancel Quotation or Cancel Order (depends on the selected document)
4. A warning saying that the action is irreversible appears. To complete the cancellation, tap OK. The status of
the document is set to Canceled.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.13.4Copying Sales Quotations to Sales Orders
You can further process sales quotations on the mobile app and copy them to sales orders. To do so, follow the
steps below:
1. Display the sales quotation you want to copy into a sales order.
2. Tap .
3. Tap Copy to Order. The Add Sales Order page appears, displaying all the information taken from the
selected sales quotation.
4. To add the sales order based on the sales quotation, tap Save.
5. The sales order is saved and the status of the sales quotation which serves as the base document is set to
4.13.5Sending/Printing/Sharing Sales Documents
You can send, print, and share sales quotations and sales orders by using SAP Crystal print layout. To do so,
follow the steps below.
1. Display the sales document and tap .
2. Tap Layout. The print preview of the selected document using the default SAP Crystal layout appears.
3. Tap Send, and then choose to e-mail, print, copy or share the sales document.
4.13.6Searching for Sales Documents
To search for specic sales document, follow the steps described inSearching in the Mobile App [page 25].
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.13.7Filtering Sales Quotations, Sales Orders, and
You can lter sales quotations, sales orders, and deliveries to view only documents with status Open,
documents created by you, or to view all the existing documents.
To lter the view of existing documents, choose the Sales Quotation, Sales Order, or Delivery module. A list of
the respective documents appears.
To view only documents created and owned by you, tap My.
To view only documents with status Open, tap Open.
To clear the lter and display all documents, tap All.
The My option is available only if the current user, who is logged on to the app, has an employee master
data record that is linked to the current user code.
When initiating a search after applying a lter, the search applies to the ltered list, and not to all existing
4.13.8Creating Sales Quotations and Sales Orders
You can create sales quotations and sales orders only for items, not for services.
1. On the Modules tab, tap the module of the sales document you want to create.
The list of existing sales quotations or sales orders appears.
2. Tap .
The Add Sales Order or Add Sales Quotation page appears.
Mandatory elds and mandatory user-dened elds are indicated by the ghost text Required
3. To specify the business partner for whom the document is created, tap Business Partner.
The list of business partners appears.
4. Select the relevant business partner and tap Done.
The eld Doc. Series displays the default numbering series dened for the sales quotation or sales
order. To assign to the document dierent numbering series, tap this eld. A list of all available
numbering series appears. Tap the numbering series you want to assign to this document.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
The main contact person and the default sales employee of the selected business partner are
automatically populated in the respective elds. To assign a dierent contact person or sales employee
to the document, tap the relevant eld. A list of the available contact persons or sales employees
appears. Tap the required contact person or sales employee and then tap Done.
The BP currency is automatically populated in the Currency eld. In case there is more than one
currency dened for the BP, the rst one is populated by default. To assign to the document a dierent
currency, tap the Currency eld. The list of available currencies appears. Tap the required currency and
then tap Done.
In the logistics section, the default Ship To and Bill To addresses appear. You can select other
predened addresses by tapping the address or edit manually the displayed addresses by tapping
the information icon .
5. To add items to the document, tap Item.
The Items page appears.
6. Tap Choose Item, select the required items (you can select multiple items from the list), tap Done and
specify the required quantity for each item. Tap Done to save your changes.
To check the available quantity of the item in the warehouse, in the Quantity eld of the item details page,
tap . The Inventory by Warehouse page appears, displaying the total available, in-stock, ordered, and
committed quantities in all warehouses, as well as in each warehouse separately. To return to the Items
page, tap Back. To add more items to the document, repeat steps 5 and 6.
When using SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA, and on iPad devices only, the Available to
Promise chart is displayed for the chosen item. For further information, see the Advanced Available to
Promise (ATP) section in the SAP Business One, Version for SAP HANA User Guide.
7. Specify any other relevant information.
8. Tap Save to add the document.
4.13.9Submitting Drafts of Sales Quotations and Sales
Orders for Approval
You can create drafts of sales quotations and sales orders and trigger an approval procedure, if dened.
This functionality is available only if the checkbox Activate Approval Procedures in DI is selected in
Administration System Initialization General Settings BP tab.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
1. Create and save a sales quotation or sale order as described in Creating Sales Quotations and Sales Orders
[page 43].
2. A system message appears, notifying you that an approval is required.
3. Enter any relevant remarks and tap OK. To return to the document, tap Cancel.
4. A draft of the sales quotation or sales order is created and sent for approval.
4.13.10Managing Activities for Sales Documents
You can view, add, edit, and close activities related to sales quotations and sales orders.
Related Information
Managing Activities in the Activities Module [page 30]Viewing Activities Related to Sales Documents
1. Display the relevant sales quotation or sales order and choose the Header tab.
2. Tap Activities.
3. A list of all the activities created for the displayed document appears. Closed activities appear in gray. Tap
an activity to view its details.Adding New Activities to Sales Documents
To add new activity to an existing sales quotation, or sales order follow the steps below:
1. Display the sales quotation or sales order to which you need to add the new activity.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
2. Choose the Header tab, and then tap Activities.
3. The list of activities related to the selected document appears. Tap .
4. The Add Activity page appears, containing the details of the customer for which the document is created.
Add the activity details and save the activity.
Related Information
Adding New Activities [page 31]Editing Activities Related to Sales Documents
You can edit activities related to a specic sales quotation or sales order as long as the status of the activity is
1. Display the list of activities related to the relevant sales quotation or sales order (see Viewing Activities
Related to Sales Documents [page 45]).
2. Display the activity you need to update and edit.
3. Make all required changes and save the changes.
At this stage you cannot make any modication in the sales quotation or sales order to which the
activity is related.
Related Information
Viewing and Processing Existing Activities [page 31]
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile AppClosing Activities Related to Sales Documents
To close activities related to a specic sales quotation, or sales order perform the following steps:
1. Display the list of activities related to the relevant document (see Viewing Activities Related to Sales
Documents [page 45]).
2. Tap the activity you want to close. The Activity Details page appears.
3. Tap .
4. Tap Close Activity. A conrmation message appears. To close the activity, approve the message.
4.14 Managing Sales Opportunities
In the Sales Opportunities module you can:
View, edit, create, and search for sales opportunities
View, edit, and create stages for sales opportunities
4.14.1Viewing Sales Opportunities
1. On the Modules tab, tap Sales Opportunities.
A page listing the existing sales opportunities, ltered by status appears. The sales opportunities are
sorted in descending order by document number. For each opportunity in the list you can see the business
partners to whom it was created, its status, the date of creation, and the closing rate. By default, the
20 most recent sales opportunities of the selected status are displayed. To view the next 20 sales
opportunities, tap Load More… at the bottom of the list. To refresh the list, pull down from the top of
the list.
By default, sale opportunities with status Open are displayed. To display sales opportunities of status
Won or Lost, tap the corresponding tab. To display all the sales opportunities, tap All.
When initiating a search, the search applies to the ltered list only, and not to all of the existing sales
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
Sales opportunities in Open status have orange side bars in front of their sales documents.
2. Tap a sales opportunity to view its details.
The Opportunity Info page displays opportunity details such as business partner, status, stage, and so on.
4.14.2Editing Sales Opportunities
You can edit the header information of a sales opportunity with status Open or you can edit its last stage. To do
so, follow the steps below:
1. On the Modules tab, tap Sales Opportunities. The list of existing sales opportunities appears.
2. Tap the sales opportunity you want to edit. The Opportunity Info page appears, displaying the details of the
selected sales opportunity.
3. Tap and choose Edit. Make necessary changes and tap Save..
4.14.3Creating Sales Opportunities
1. On the Modules tab, tap Sales Opportunities.
The list of existing sales opportunities appears.
2. Tap .
The Add Opportunities page appears.
3. Specify the required information and tap Save..
The elds Opportunity Name, Business Partner, and Potential Amount are mandatory and indicated by the
ghost text Required
4.14.4Searching for Sales Opportunities
To search for specic sales opportunity, follow the steps described in Searching in the Mobile App [page 25].
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.14.5Viewing Stages Related to Sales Opportunities
To view stages related to a selected sales opportunity, perform the following steps:
1. Display the sales opportunity.
2. Tap All Stages. The list of all stages and the respected closing rate related to this sales opportunity
3. Tap a stage to view its details. The Stage Info page appears, displaying all the details of the selected stage:
Closing Rate
Potential Amount
Stage - displays the stage name
Stage Start Date and Stage Close Date
Sales Employee
Document - if the stage is related to a specic sales document (sales quotation or sales order), this
eld displays the document type and its number. To view the related document, tap the eld.
Activities - tap to view the list of activities related to this stage. You can also add or update the activities
in latest stage.
4.14.6Adding New Stages to Sales Opportunities
You can create new stages to existing sales opportunities with status Open.
To create new stages for sales opportunities, perform the following steps:
1. Display the sales opportunity for which you want to create the new stage, and tap .
2. Tap Add a Stage. In the Add a Stage page enter all relevant details for the new stage. Potential Amount is a
mandatory eld.
3. To relate the new stage to a specic document type, tap Doc. Type, and select either sales quotation
or sales order. Then, choose the specic sales quotation or sales order. The selected document and its
number are displayed in the Document eld, in the Stage Info page.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4. Tap Save..
4.14.7Setting Status of an Open Sales Opportunity to Won
or Lost
To set the status of an Open sales opportunity to Won or Lost, perform the steps below:
1. Display the sales opportunity for which you want to change the status. Tap .
2. Tap Set Status. Tap the status you want to set to for the sales opportunity.
When changing the status of a sales opportunity from Open to either Won or Lost, it is not possible to
make any additional changes to the document.
4.15 Viewing Service Contracts and Searching for
Equipment Cards in the Service Contract Module
In the Service Contract module, you can:
View details of service contracts and search for service contracts.
Search for and view customer equipment cards by entering an item’s serial number for a keyword search
or by scanning an item’s barcode for a serial number.
Scanning supports only barcode 39.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.15.1Viewing Service Contracts
1. On the Modules tab, tap Service Contracts.
The Service Contract page appears. It displays a list of service contracts, sorted in descending order by
the end date of the contract. By default, 20 service contracts with an end date furthest in the future are
To view the next 20, tap Load More... at the bottom of the list. To refresh the list, pull down at the top of the
An end date in red indicates an expired contract.
2. To view the details of a contract, tap the contract.
3. In the Contract Detail page, you can do the following:
View information about the contract, such as service type and validity period. In addition, you can see
cumulative response time and resolution time for service calls created for this contract and a list of the
service calls for items covered by the contract.
Access the business partner by tapping either BP Name or BP Code.
4. To return to the list of service contracts, on the left of the toolbar, tap Service Contract.
4.15.2Searching for and Viewing Customer Equipment Cards
A service contract may include one or more customer equipment cards. You can search for the equipment card
of an item by using the item’s serial number or manufacturer’s serial number (if the item’s serial number is not
available). The mobile app supports barcode scanning of an item’s serial number by using the camera on your
iPhone or iPad.
1. On the Modules tab, tap Service Contract.
The Service Contract page appears.
2. From either the Service Contract page or the Contract Detail page, tap .
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
To search by the serial number, tap Search Serial Number, enter a serial number, and tap OK.
To use a scanned-in barcode, tap Scan Serial Number. Use the camera of your iPhone or iPad to scan
the item’s barcode. If a valid code is found, you hear a beep; otherwise you get a “Code not found
3. If a customer equipment card is found, the Customer Equipment Card page appears, displaying
information about the equipment, such as status and start and end dates.
To view the service contract for this equipment item, tap Service Contract at the bottom of the Contract
Detail page. To view service calls created for this customer equipment card, tap Service Call.
4.16 Viewing and Processing Service Calls in the Service
Calls Module
In the Service Call module, you can:
View service calls and service call details, including activities and solutions created for the service call
Pick up service calls
Close service calls
Create new activities and solutions for service calls
4.16.1Viewing Service Call Details
1. In the Modules tab, tap Service Call.
The Service Call page appears. It displays a list of service calls, sorted in descending order by date. By
default, the most recent 20 service calls with status Open are displayed. To view all of the existing service
calls, tap All; To view only service calls with status Pending, tap Pending. To view only service calls assigned
to you, tap My. For service calls with status Open or Pending the creation date is considered; for closed
service calls, the Closed On date is considered.
To view the next 20, tap Load More… at the bottom of the list. To refresh the list, pull down at the top of the
2. To view the details of a service call, tap the call.
In the Service Call Info page, you can view the following:
Business partner details
Relevant customer equipment card
Details about the item for which the call was created
Call status and priority
Activities created and assigned to the service call
1. To view the activities created for the service call, tap Activities.
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2. On the Activities List page, tap an activity to view its details.
Solutions created and assigned to the service call
1. To view solutions created and assigned to the service call, tap Solutions.
2. On the Solution page, tap a solution to review its details.
3. To return to the list of service calls, tab Back.
4.16.2Picking Up Service Calls
You can pick up service calls with status Open. The status of the service call is then updated to Pending and the
Handled By eld is lled with the name of the current user. In addition, you can pick up service calls with status
Pending that are handled by other users than the current user. In that case, the Handled By eld is updated
1. In the Modules tab, tap Service Call.
2. The Service Call page appears with a list of service calls. For information about the list, see Step 1 in
Viewing Service Call Details [page 52]. Service calls with status Open have orange side bars in the front of
3. Tap the service call you want to pick up.
4. On the Service Call Info page, tap and then tap Pick Up.
A warning message appears asking you to conrm picking up the call.
5. To continue, tap OK.
You can now process the service call: add new activities or solutions and close the service call.
4.16.3Closing Service Calls
1. In the Modules tab, tap Service Call.
The Service Call page appears with a list of service calls. For information about the list, see Step 1 in
Viewing Service Call Details [page 52]. Service calls with status Open have orange side bars in the front of
2. Tap the service call you want to close.
3. On the Service Call Info page, tap and then tap Close Service Call.
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Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
A warning message appears asking you to conrm closing the call.
4. To close the call, tap OK.
The status of the call is updated to Closed and the Closed On eld is lled with the date on which you
closed the call.
4.16.4Adding New Activities and Solutions to Service Calls
You can add new activities and new solutions only to service calls with status Open or Pending.
1. Display the relevant service call.
To add an activity:
1. Tap Activities.
2. On the Activities List page, tap .
3. On the Add Activity page, specify the activity details and tap Save.
If you create a Meeting activity, Address eld is added enabling to enter the meeting location.
To add a solution:
1. Tap Solutions.
2. On the Solutions List page, tap .
3. On the Add Solution page, ll in the solution details and then tap Save.
2. To return to Service Call page, tap Back.
4.17 Viewing Dashboards in the Dashboards Module
Using the Dashboards module, you can view a list of predened dashboards.
Sales Analysis – contains the following charts:
Fiscal Year Analysis – compares this year’s sales amount to last year by month.
Opportunity Win Rate – compares this year’s opportunity win rate to last year by month.
For a displayed month, the win rate equals the number of opportunities won in the month divided
by the total number of opportunities closed in the month.
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Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
Closed opportunities include opportunities with a status of Won or Lost.
Fiscal Year Analysis and Opportunity Win Rate display general sales performance.
Top 5 Customers – displays the top ve customers selected by current scal year revenue.
To view details about a customer, tap Sales Amt or Gross Prot associated with the customer. The
Item Ranking and Opportunities Status charts are updated for the selected customer.
Item Ranking – displays the top ve items for the selected customer in the current scal year.
Opportunities Status – displays opportunities by status for the selected customer.
Top 5 Customers, Item Ranking, and Opportunities Status display details about the top ve
Cash Flow – Contains the following charts:
Cash Flow Forecast Overview – displays incoming cash ow and outgoing cash ow by month.
To view details of incoming cash ow or outgoing cash ow for a month, tap the corresponding
period. The Cash Flow Details and BP Amount charts are updated accordingly.
Cash Flow Details – displays the ve transactions with the largest amounts for the selected period
sorted in descending order by amount.
BP Amount – displays cash ow amounts by business partner for the selected period.
This dashboard is only available when working with SAP Business One 8.81 PL(07) and higher.
When working with SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA, this dashboard is replaced by the
Cash Flow Forecast dashboard, which is available on iPad devices only.
Purchase Quotations– contains the following charts:
Purchase Quotation Overview – displays the overview of purchase quotations in three categories
(Responded, Partial/No Response, Overdue).
To view the purchase quotation details, tap each section of the pie chart.
Purchase Quotation Detail – displays detailed information on purchase quotations according to the
selected category.
The default category is Partial/No Response.
Cash Flow Forecast – available only when using SAP Business One mobile app 1.8.x for iOS and
higher on top of SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA, and on iPad devices only. This dashboard
provides you detailed information about your company's incoming and outgoing cash ows. For more
information, see the Using Cash Flow section in the SAP Business One, Version for SAP HANA User
User Dened Pervasive Dashboards – available only when using SAP Business One mobile app 1.9.x
for iOS or higher on top of SAP Business One 9.0, version for SAP HANA or higher, on both iPad and
iPhone devices. If you created pervasive dashboards by using the pervasive analysis designer, you can
view them in the Dashboards module. These dashboards are listed after the predened dashboards.
Advanced Dashboards – available only when using SAP Business One mobile app 1.11.x for iOS or
higher on top of SAP Business One 9.1 PL05, version for SAP HANA and higher
In addition, you can congure the refresh settings of the data cache for mobile dashboards.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.17.1Viewing a Selected Dashboard
1. On the Modules tab, tap Dashboards.
The Dashboards page appears.
2. Tap the dashboard or the advanced dashboard that you want to view.
The respective dashboard page appears, containing the relevant charts.
3. To maximize a chart, double-tap the chart. To return to the dashboard home page, double-tap the
maximized chart.
4. To return to the SAP Business One mobile app home page, tap .
4.17.2Sending Dashboards by E-Mail
An e-mail account has been congured in the Mail app on your device.
1. On the Modules tab, tap Dashboards.
The Dashboards page appears with a list of dashboards.
2. Tap the dashboard that you wan to send.
A dashboard page appears.
3. Tap Send in the upper right corner.
The Draw and Send view appears.
You can draw with your nger on this view if needed. To clear the drawing, double-tap the view.
4. Tap Send in the upper right corner to send the dashboard by e-mail.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
4.17.3Conguring the Data Cache
You use the same data cache functionality in both SAP Business One, and mobile dashboards. To enable the
data cache and specify a schedule for refreshing data in dashboards, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Administration Setup General Dashboard Manager .
2. In the Dashboard Manager window, choose the Refresh Settings button.
3. In the Data Refresh Settings window, enable the data cache by selecting the Enable Data Cache checkbox.
4. To establish a new time schedule, or to change an existing schedule for refreshing data in dashboards,
select one or more checkboxes for the desired times (listed in the Refresh Data At column).
5. To save your changes, choose the Update button.
4.18 Managing Reports in the Reports Module
In the Reports module, you can generate reports, add, delete, copy, share and print the reports, and change the
display sequence of the reports.
The availability of these functions may vary according to your iOS version.
4.18.1Generating Reports
1. In the Modules tab, tap Reports.
The list of available reports appears. If a report contains selection criteria, a special indicator appears next
to the report name.
2. Tap the report that you want to generate.
3. If the report requires entering selection criteria, the Selection Criteria page appears. Tap a parameter to
specify the required value. Then tap Done to return to the Selection Criteria page. Repeat this step until all
selection criteria parameters are specied.
4. The chart and detailed information in the report appear. You can zoom in and out by either pinching or
double-tapping. To change the orientation between portrait and landscape, rotate your device.
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Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
5. To return to the list of reports, tap Reports (in iPad, tap Done).
4.18.2Deleting, Adding, and Changing the Display Sequence
of Reports
1. In the Modules tab, tap Reports.
A list of available reports is displayed.
2. Tap Edit.
To delete a report, tap in front of it, and then tap Delete. To cancel the deletion, tap anywhere but
To add either a new report or a report that was deleted:
1. Tap in the upper-left corner.
2. Tap the report that you want to add.
3. Tap Save.
To change the display sequence of reports, tap and hold near the report that you want to move and
drag it to the desired position.
3. To return to the Reports page, tap Done.
4.18.3Copying and Sharing Reports
To send a report by e-mail, an e-mail account has to be congured in advance in the Mail app on your device.
The availability of the following functions may vary according to your iOS version.
1. Display the report you want to save or share.
2. Tap Send.
To share the report via AirDrop with another iOS device, tap the AirDrop icon and select the device.
To copy the report to another app, tap the app and follow the system instructions.
To send the report by e-mail, tap the Mail app.
The New Message page appears with the report already attached to the message body as a PDF.
1. In the To or Cc/Bcc eld, enter one or more names or e-mail addresses. Alternatively, to add a
contact’s e-mail address, tap and choose a contact.
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Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
2. Enter a subject and a message (optional) and tap Send.
[For iOS 11 or later] To save the report to your device, tap Save to Files and follow the system
4.18.4Printing Reports
You have prepared an available AirPrint printer.
1. Display the report you want to print.
2. Tap Send and then tap Print. Select an available AirPrint printer and specify the number of copies.
3. Tap Print.
4.19 Managing Attachments
You can view, download, and upload attachments from and to business partners, items, activities, sales
opportunities, sales documents, and service calls.
The Attachments entry is added as follows:
To the General tab in the BP Info and Item Info pages
To the Activity Details in Activity
To the Opportunity Info in Sales Opportunity
To the Header tab in sales documents
To the Service Call Info in Service Call
4.19.1Viewing Attachments
1. Open the relevant document or object and navigate to the Attachments entry. Tap Attachments.
2. The Attachments page appears, listing the attached les. Touch and hold the attachment le you want to
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Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
3. Files of image types are displayed directly. For other le types, a system message asking which program to
use for opening the le appears.
4. Select the required program. The selected attachment le is displayed.
4.19.2Uploading Attachments
Before adding an attachment, please ensure that it is virus-free.
You can upload attachments of image le types only, by either browsing to the required image le, or by taking
a picture using your mobile device.
Uploading attachment is only possible to documents and objects that can be updated.
1. Open the document or object to which you want to add an attachment. Tap Attachments.
2. The Attachments page appears. To choose an existing image le, tap Choose Photo and browse to the
image le you want to attach. To take a picture and attach it, tap Take Photo.
4.20 Integrating Customized Help
You can integrate a customized help le into the app, which is shown as a new user-dened module. To do this,
upload a help le in PDF format using the SAP Business One integration framework (B1iF).
1. To open the integration framework Web page, choose the Control Center menu.
2. In the pop-up Control Center Web page, choose Maintenance.
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Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
3. Choose the BizStore Upload menu on the left.
4. To specify your own help le in PDF format, choose Browse.
5. Make sure the BizStore-URI is in the path ‘/<help>.pdf’.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Using the SAP Business One Mobile App
5 Appendix
More Information
Further information can be found in the following two SAP Notes:
1618978 - B1ic_Troubleshooting Guide for B1ic Installation
1602674 - SAP Business One mobile app for iOS - Troubleshooting Guide
5.1 Function-Level Authorizations for Users to Work with
the App
The Modules tab of the mobile app displays the twelve modules provided by SAP, as well as user dened
modules if exist. For SAP-provided modules, the mobile app retrieves authorization settings as dened in SAP
Business One desktop application, controlling accessing, viewing, adding, and editing data.
The Alert and Approval modules do not require function-level authorization and are accessible by all users that
are enabled to work on a mobile device.
In SAP Business One, a super user can assign permissions to a user by choosing Administration System
Initialization Authorizations General Authorizations .
The following table shows the functions that users can perform, and what authorizations are needed.
Action Minimum Required Authorization
Permission Setup in SAP Business
View SAP Crystal Reports Full Authorization A user needs authorization in SAP
Business One to view each report. If
a user does not have authorization to
view a report in SAP Business One, the
user cannot view the report using the
mobile app.
Add customer or vendor Full Authorization Adding Customer/Vendor Master Data
section in Authorizations window
Add lead Full Authorization Adding Lead BP section in
Authorizations window
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Action Minimum Required Authorization
Permission Setup in SAP Business
View Leads Full Authorization
Business Partner Type Leads in
the Business Partners section in the
Authorizations window
View Customers Full Authorization
Business Partner Type
Customers in the Business Partners
section in the Authorizations window
View vendors Full Authorization
Business Partner Type Vendors
in the Business Partners section in the
Authorizations window
View account balance and credit limit in
the BP Info page
Read Only BP Balances in the General section in
the Authorizations window
Add activity Full Authorization Activity section in Authorizations win
Edit activity Full Authorization Activity section in Authorizations win
View activity Read Only Activity section in Authorizations win
View item Read Only Item Master Data section in
Authorizations window
View price list Read Only Price Lists Group # section in
Authorizations window
View special price list Read Only Special Prices for Business Partners
section in Authorizations window
View sales opportunity Read Only Sales Opportunities section in
Authorizations window
Add/Update sales opportunity Full Authorization Sales Opportunities section in
Authorizations window
View sales order Read Only Sales Order section in Authorizations
Add/Update sales order Full Authorization Sales Order section in Authorizations
View sales quotation Read Only Sales Quotation section in
Authorizations window
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Action Minimum Required Authorization
Permission Setup in SAP Business
Add/Update sales quotation Full Authorization Sales Quotation section in
Authorizations window
Update sales employee in sales quota
tion or sales order
Full Authorization Change Sales Employee and Sales
Employee Update in Sales - A/R section
in Authorizations window
View dashboard Full Authorization Dashboard section in Authorizations
View service contract Read Only Service Contract section in
Authorizations window
View customer equipment card Read Only Customer Equipment Card section in
Authorizations window
View service calls Read Only Service Section in Authorizations win
Process service calls Full Authorization Change Status in Special Service Call
Authorizations section in Authorizations
View key performance indicator (KPI) Read Only Query Generator section in
Authorizations window
The permission related to a price list has nothing to do with the permission related to price list groups. If a
user has no authorization for a price list, SAP Business One does not display any price list. If a user has no
authorization to a specic price list group, SAP Business One does not display any price lists that belong to this
The price lists that belong to the price list group for which the user has either full authorization or read-only
authorization are displayed in the mobile app.
In the KPI view, queries that belong to the saved queries group for which the user has either full
authorization or read-only authorization are displayed.
5.2 Mobile App Function Availability Based on SAP
Business One License Type
The functions available for each user on the mobile app are derived from the type of license assigned to the
user and from the authorizations granted to the users in SAP Business One desktop application.
Working with SAP Business One Mobile App for iOS
Users who are granted with full authorizations within the license type assigned to them can use all the mobile
app functions described in this document with the following exceptions:
Limited Logistics License – cannot access Sales Opportunity, Service Call, and Service Contract Modules,
and cannot add new Sales Quotations.
Limited Financials License – cannot access Sales Opportunity, Service Call, and Service Contract Modules,
and cannot add new Sales Orders and Sales Quotations.
B1 Starter Package License – cannot access Service Call and Service Contract Modules.
CRM Services License – cannot add new Sales Orders.
5.3 Localization Specic Information
Brazil - In companies who activated the multi-branch functionality the Branch eld appears when viewing
business partners and in sales orders and sales quotations.
Chile - the RUT eld is available in the business partner record
Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Mexico - the RFC eld is available in the business partner record
India - the P.A.N. No. eld is available in the business partner record
Korea - the eld Business Place is available in sales orders
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