E-commerce in MENA
Opportunity beyond the hype
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E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 1
1. Full report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 2
E-commerce is the engine of global retail growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 2
MENA is entering the third phase of digital adoption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 2
The MENA e-commerce market is worth $8.3 billion, with signifi cant
room for growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 2
The MENA consumer is ready for e-commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 3
Online product selection is catching up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 7
The MENA e-commerce market is relatively fragmented . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 9
E-commerce pure players have won the fi rst round, but the game is still on . . pg. 10
E-commerce is at different levels of development across
core retail categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 12
The future looks promising. Can MENA deliver? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 18
Further development in the ecosystem is key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 21
2. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 25
3. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 26
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
The retail industry in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is on the verge of a pivotal shift.
E-commerce is becoming a reality, reinventing consumers’ path to purchase, forming new customer
experiences, disrupting business models, and creating growth opportunities for large and small
retailers as well as for a new generation of e-commerce pure players.
Prompted by a shortfall in regional e-commerce data and insights, Google and Bain & Company initiated
this study with the objective of supporting investors, entrepreneurs, retailers and other ecosystem
stakeholders in decision making. The study assesses the current e-commerce market dynamics (on
both the demand and supply sides) in MENA to inform the future outlook for the industry while
examining various models of e-commerce development in other markets.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Full report
E-commerce is the engine of global retail growth
In 2017, the e-commerce industry came to the fore when it surpassed 10% of all global retail sales.
Today, e-commerce is a $2.2 trillion market, and it is expanding at an annual growth rate of 24%,
four times faster than the global retail sector as a whole. E-commerce is becoming the key growth
engine for retail: Its contribution has risen from 7% in 2012 to 39% in 2017, and we expect it to
surpass 50% by 2020.
MENA is entering the third phase of digital adoption
Digital adoption in MENA has not followed the path typically seen in other markets. As consumers
move online, businesses typically follow suit, enabling a gradual development of the digital ecosystem
in areas such as media and e-commerce. MENA’s experience has been different.
Mass Internet adoption in MENA, especially in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), took off around
the mid-2000s, mostly driven by smartphones and social media and underpinned by faster Internet
speeds. We call this the “digital consumer phase.” Businesses were late to join the digital party. We
nally started to see digital taking a more central role in business strategy after 2010, with media
coming to the forefront. And the shift has been dramatic. Within the span of just fi ve years, the share
of digital media increased from less than 10% in 2012 to more than 30% by 2017. We call this the
digital media phase.”
In March 2017, Amazon announced the acquisition of Souq, the leading MENA e-commerce company,
for $580 million. Later in the year, Mohamed Alabbar, chairman of Emaar Properties, launched noon,
a new e-commerce venture, with $1 billion of funding backed by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi
Arabia. This marked the beginning of a new digital phase in MENA, the “e-commerce phase.”
The MENA e-commerce market is worth $8.3 billion, with signifi cant room
for growth
In 2017, the MENA e-commerce market reached $8.3 billion. With an average annual growth rate of
25%, e-commerce in the region has been growing slightly ahead of the global average. The GCC and
Egypt account for 80% of the e-commerce market, and they have been growing at a 30% annual rate,
more than twice as fast as the rest of MENA
(see Figure 1).
Globally, e-commerce development differs by country. In China and the most advanced Western
markets, such as the UK, US, France and Germany, the e-commerce penetration of total retail sales
surpassed 10%, reaching nearly 16% in the case of the UK. By contrast, the e-commerce penetration
of total retail sales in some other markets, such as Brazil, Turkey and India, is still below the 5% mark.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Notes: This includes all business-to-consumer e-commerce sales for fashion, personal care, beauty, electronics and groceries and excludes business-to-business and consumer-to-
consumer e-commerce, food delivery, travel, entertainment, services and auto; GCC stands for Gulf Cooperation Council and includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
and UAE; MENA includes all GCC countries and Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
Sources: OMD Arabnet; eMarketer; E-commerce Foundation; Euromonitor; BMI Research; PayPal Insights; PAYFORT; Bain analysis
MENA e-commerce market size (in billions of US dollars)
Rest of MENA
Saudi Arabia
Rest of GCC
Figure 1: Middle East and North Africa (MENA) e-commerce is worth $8.3 billion and has grown
by 25% annually since 2014
In MENA, the e-commerce penetration of total retail sales averaged 1.9% in 2017, with the GCC at
3%. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the most advanced e-commerce market in the region, with
a penetration rate of 4.2%, similar to that of Turkey and Brazil. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
at 3.8% closely follows the UAE. At 2.5%, Egypt’s e-commerce penetration of total retail sales
is comparable to that of India and Indonesia
(see Figure 2).
With the global context in mind, the MENA e-commerce market has signifi cant room to grow over
the next few years. Is MENA ready to capture the opportunity that lies ahead?
The MENA consumer is ready for e-commerce
The MENA consumer, and notably the GCC consumer, is among the most connected and digitally
savvy in the world. The UAE and KSA have some of the highest levels of Internet, smartphone and
social media penetrations globally, while Egypt has one of the highest levels of time spent online
(see Figure 3).
The Internet plays a critical role in consumer path to purchase—discovery, research and actual purchase.
Regardless of whether they shop online or in store, consumers in the region are heavily infl uenced
by their online activities
(see Figure 4).
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Notes: E-commerce excludes food delivery; penetration is defined as percentage of e-commerce retail sales over total retail sales; India includes consumer to consumer; GCC
stands for Gulf Cooperation Council and includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE; MENA includes all GCC countries and Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan,
Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
Sources: Household expenditure surveys; Forrester; Euromonitor; Bain analysis
E-commerce penetration as a percentage of total retail (2017)
UK US France Russia Brazil Turkey China India Indonesia MENA GCC UAE Saudi
Regional deep divesGlobal benchmarks
moderate growth
high growth
E-commerce penetration in China, including
consumer to consumer, is around 23%
Figure 2: There is still massive room for growth, as e-commerce penetration in the Middle East and
North Africa (MENA) remains low compared with other regions
Notes: UAE figure is from World Bank data for the year 2016; all other figures are from eMarketer and are from 2018; GCC stands for Gulf Cooperation Council and includes
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE
Sources: World Bank; We Are Social; eMarketer; Bain analysis
Saudi Arabia
Time spent
online daily
Social media
91% 7 hours, 49 minutes 66% 99%
73% 6 hours, 45 minutes 62% 75%
85% 6 hours, 30 minutes 69%
43% 8 hours, 10 minutes 28%
59% 6 hours, 30 minutes 49% 65%
Figure 3: Compared with more developed e-commerce markets, the GCC region is ahead on
metrics such as Internet, smartphone and social media penetration
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Notes: (*) UAE, Saudi Arabia and the UK for 2014–2015; (**) UAE, Saudi Arabia and the UK for 2018
Sources: Google Consumer Barometer; Google studies; Google MENA consumer survey 2018 (n=6,295, Saudi Arabia/UAE/Egypt)
Discovery Research Purchase
UK Saudi Arabia and Egypt
48% 51%
Got ideas/inspiration online*
Compared products/prices/features online*
Conducted their latest purchase online
Discovered relevant brands online*
Watched videos online to find information
on products/services*
Average spend per online puchase**
Figure 4: Middle East and North Africa customers are digitally savvy, with the majority of their
purchasing journey spent online, regardless of where they buy
The Internet plays a major role during the discovery process for both online and in-store buyers, with
48% of UAE and KSA consumers getting their shopping ideas and inspirations online. This is nearly
double what we see in the UK.
The role of search engines in the research process is instrumental. Almost 56% of consumers in the
UAE, KSA and Egypt start their online shopping journeys using search engines as opposed to retailers
websites. They are constantly searching for products and offers online, with peaks in interest during
key seasonal shopping events
(see Figure 5). Regional shoppers are more open to choice when
researching online compared with other markets. They tend to conduct more generic and less
brand-specifi c search queries. For example, 43% of Google Search queries in the apparel segment in
the UAE and KSA are generic and not brand related, compared with 32% in the UK.
The role of video in the consumer path to purchase in the region is also important, refl ecting the
overall prominence of online video in the digital life of MENA Internet users. In the UAE and KSA,
20% of consumers watch online videos when researching products and services vs. 7% in the UK.
Based on research conducted with women in KSA, YouTube introduced 50% of shoppers to a new
brand, and 70% of shoppers follow brands they are interested in on YouTube. As a result, one in two
shoppers visits a retailer’s physical store or e-commerce channel after watching a YouTube video.
Consumers in the region are mobile fi rst, with smartphones being the preferred screen for online
research and shopping. In the UAE and KSA, the mobile share of shopping-related search queries
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Note: Only includes data for Saudi Arabia and UAE in 2017
Source: Google Search data
and Eid
Q1 Q4Q3Q2
Figure 5: There is high seasonality for shopping-related queries on Google Search, particularly
focusing on Ramadan and promotional festivals such as White Friday
has reached 70%. The majority of shoppers (55%) in the UAE, KSA and Egypt prefer to use smart-
phones to shop online.
Shopping online is a natural extension of the digitally savvy MENA consumer’s habits. More than
60% of shoppers in the UAE and KSA and 43% in Egypt have completed an online transaction at
least once. This is not far behind more developed e-commerce markets, such as the US and UK,
where the e-commerce share of total retail sales is three to four times that of MENA. Moreover, with
an average basket size of $150, online shoppers in the UAE and KSA spend just as much, if not
more, as their counterparts in the US and UK each time they shop online.
MENA consumers, however, have not yet fully integrated shopping online into their shopping habits.
They tend to purchase less frequently online than in store. While the average shopper in the US
conducts 19 purchases online annually, MENA shoppers do so only two to four times a year. The low
proportion of shoppers who made their last purchase online, 12% in the UAE and KSA vs. 47% in
the UK, serves as another example of the region’s low purchase frequency
(see Figure 6).
MENA consumers have had few reasons to move more of their purchases online. Limited product
selection and inconsistent delivery times and service levels have delayed the takeoff of e-commerce in
the region. Recent developments, however, are signaling a change in the trajectory and the beginning
of a new chapter in MENA e-commerce.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Notes: Excludes food delivery; for UK, China and US, the spending per basket is calculated by dividing average annual spending by frequency in 2017; the average annual spending
per online buyer is calculated by dividing e-commerce 2017 market size (excluding travel and event tickets) by the total number of online buyers in 2017; online buyers are Internet
users who have made at least one purchase during the calendar year; for UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the frequency is calculated by dividing the average annual spending per
buyer by average spending per basket; average spending per basket is based on a Google-Bain survey 2018; online buyers is based on a Google-Bain survey 2018, which assumes
that 85% of Internet users who shopped at least once shopped online in the past year
Sources: Google MENA consumer survey 2018 (n=6,295, Saudi Arabia/UAE/Egypt); eMarketer; Bain analysis
Percentage of Internet
users shopping online
25 50 75 100%
Around 3 to 4
Around 2 to 3
Around 1 to 2
Purchase frequency
per basket
50 100 150 200
5 10 15 20%
Figure 6: Shoppers in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt spend as much per purchase as shoppers
in the UK, US and China, but purchase less frequently
Online product selection is catching up
Limited access to a broad and deep selection of products has been one of the main challenges
hindering the development of MENA e-commerce. The region’s largest e-commerce platform, Souq,
offers an estimated 8.4 million products, far fewer than the 550 million offered by Amazon in the
US. While the top four e-commerce categories represent half of the US market, these same shop-
ping categories represent 80% of the market in MENA.
A small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) marketplace model has been the backbone of product
expansion in most markets. In the US, half of all items purchased on Amazon come from more than
a million SMEs. In China, Alibaba managed to enroll SMEs in its marketplace, offering consumers a
wide array of online shopping choices. This has not been the case in MENA. While SMEs constitute
around 90% of registered companies in the region, they only make up 15% to 30% of MENA’s GDP,
which contrasts with the 50% share typically seen in developed markets. They have also been slow to
move online.
Large groups, especially in core categories such as fashion and electronics, historically have dominated
the MENA retail industry. Most of these groups have been late in making the vast product selection
offered in their brick-and-mortar stores available online. It is estimated that less than 20% of top
global fashion brands physically present in MENA have locally based e-commerce platforms that offer
delivery to the regional consumer.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Note: GCC stands for Gulf Cooperation Council and includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE; Middle East and North Africa includes all GCC countries
and Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
Sources: eMarketer; Euromonitor; Bain analysis
The GCC alone
is almost 50%
Cross-border retail e-commerce
sales as a percentage of total
retail e-commerce sales (2017)
13% UK
and Egypt
Figure 7: The share of imports remains high in the Middle East and North Africa e-commerce
market, fi lling the supply gap
This demand–supply imbalance in the region has created an opportunity for cross-border e-commerce,
with non-MENA-based e-commerce players capturing a signifi cant share of the rising consumer
interest in online shopping. As of 2017, cross-border e-commerce represented nearly 50% of the
market in the GCC vs. less than 13% in the UK and 6% in the US
(see Figure 7).
Amazon, eBay and AliExpress are a case in point. These global e-commerce players have been actively
marketing to MENA consumers in the general merchandise category. Popular global delivery services,
such as Aramex’s Shop & Ship, which offers MENA online shoppers a local delivery address in major
cities around the world and facilitates shipping to the region, have supported global e-commerce
activity in MENA.
The fashion category has been particularly favorable to cross-border e-commerce, with players such
as Yoox Net-a-Porter (YNAP), Farfetch and Asos actively targeting MENA consumers and offering fast
and inexpensive shipping and return options (two-day delivery and free returns in most cases).
China-based players have signifi cantly grown in the high street fashion category by investing in local
marketing strategies and customizing their business models with Arabic websites, local warehousing,
fast shipping options and convenient return policies. In KSA, the number of Google Search queries
for Chinese e-commerce players such as JollyChic and Shein have seen 60% annual growth over the
past three years, making them among the most popular e-commerce destinations in the market.
(JollyChic has recently received a Series C round of funding, with a reported $1 billion valuation from
Sequoia Capital. This is a signifi cant development for an e-commerce platform heavily focused on the
GCC market, particularly KSA.)
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Regional retailers and e-commerce pure players have also taken notice of the demand–supply imbalance
and the signifi cance of the e-commerce opportunity. The region is starting to see a step change in the
availability of products online.
Over the past couple of years, e-commerce has become one of the top strategic priorities for the largest
retail groups in MENA. Moving from a physical to an omnichannel model, these groups have invested
signifi cant resources in launching more than 35 new e-commerce channels since the beginning of
2017. These include brands such as Ounass, Nisnass, H&M, Mothercare, HomeCentre, Centerpoint,
6th Street, Ace, Lacoste, Swarovski, Level Kids and CarrefourNow, to name a few. Some of them
collaborated with global e-commerce players to accelerate their go-to-market strategies. Chalhoub
Group joined forces with Farfetch to launch an Arabic website, curate goods for MENA consumers
and increase local product selection by adding Chalhoub’s own concepts and franchise brands to the
platform. Mohamed Alabbar’s Symphony Investments entered into a joint venture with YNAP to
support the expansion of the global fashion e-commerce player in the region.
E-commerce pure players have also been increasing their product selections, both organically and
through partnerships. Souq’s integration with Amazon is underway and promises to bring millions
of new SKUs to the market. The company recently launched Amazon Global Store in the UAE and
KSA, with a localized website, product selection and payment methods. Building inventory quickly
has been a core focus at noon. The company has forged partnership deals with the retail groups
eXtra and Alshaya to shore up its electronics and fashion offerings. Through its partnership with
eBay, noon promises to make buying millions of new products more convenient for MENA shoppers.
With the expansion of its manufacturing and logistics capabilities in China, the company is paving
the way for a broader product selection and leveling the playing fi eld with China-based players
targeting the region.
“Penetration is low today largely due to gaps in the supply. E-commerce is still new in the region, but we are
at a turning point with a very exciting 12 months coming ahead.” Faraz Khalid, CEO, noon
The MENA e-commerce market is relatively fragmented
Souq was the fi rst entrant to the MENA e-commerce market and continues to be the market leader.
However, the market remains relatively fragmented, with the top two e-commerce players capturing
between 25% and 40% of the market. This is in contrast to most other e-commerce markets, where
the share of the top two players is typically more than 50%
(see Figure 8).
As the e-commerce market develops and competition intensifi es, some markets have seen a movement
toward consolidation. India is a case in point. In 2005, India was a nascent e-commerce market, with
a large number of players, including Flipkart and Myntra, competing for market leadership. The
market has since consolidated, with Amazon and Flipkart holding more than 60% of the market
share. Amazon has deployed signifi cant investments since entering the market in 2013, and Flipkart
has strengthened its position through a series of acquisitions of competitors, such as electronics
retailer LetsBuy.com in 2012, fashion retailer Myntra in 2014 and eBay India in 2017.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Global benchmarks
Notes: Excludes food delivery; Middle East and North Africa includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania,
Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
Sources: Euromonitor; Bain analysis
Share of top two players (2017)
UKUSGermany FranceChina IndiaUAESaudi Arabia Egypt
Regional deep dives
Figure 8: Middle East and North Africa’s online market is fragmented vs. more mature
international markets, where the top two players have more than 50% share
E-commerce pure players have won the fi rst round, but the game is still on
As of 2017, e-commerce pure players controlled more than 90% of the e-commerce market in MENA,
cementing their fi rst-mover advantage.
In most emerging markets where retail infrastructure is relatively underdeveloped, e-commerce pure
players have managed to capture the lion’s share of the market
(see Figure 9). The case of China is
telling. At the turn of the 21st century and in the space of 10 years, China’s middle-class population
increased by almost 200 million, creating signifi cant demand for retail products that a historically
underdeveloped physical retail ecosystem could not meet. E-commerce came to the rescue. Alibaba’s
efforts to address core e-commerce ecosystem challenges in areas such as product selection, payment
and logistics paid off, paving the way for e-commerce to scale quickly and address the growing
consumer demand. Alibaba and other e-commerce pure players managed to capture the majority of
the market along the way.
By contrast, traditional retailers in developed retail markets, such as the US and UK, enjoy a strong
physical footprint and collectively capture about 40% of market share. While Amazon continues to
be the market leader, with almost 50% of the e-commerce share in the US, retailers that moved early
on into e-commerce and leveraged their competitive advantage offl ine into online shopping have
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Notes: Excludes food delivery; Middle East and North Africa includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania,
Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
Sources: Euromonitor; Bain analysis
E-commerce retail (2017)
pure players
pure players
UAE Saudi Arabia Egypt India China US UK France
Figure 9: Pure players have won the fi rst battle in the Middle East and North Africa region, in line
with other emerging markets
been faring particularly well. US retailer Williams Sonoma launched an online shopping presence
as early as the turn of the century, and thanks to its catalog heritage, the company was well positioned
to collect and use data from customers and other sources in its e-commerce efforts. Williams Sonoma
generates nearly 54% of its sales online today. Despite a sluggish start and a less than 4% share of
total e-commerce sales, Walmart has recently stepped up its e-commerce investments with the
acquisition of Jet.com and a focus on offering a more convenient and integrated online–offl ine
shopping experience, especially in grocery. Walmart is hoping to increase its current share of the
e-commerce market.
Brick-and-mortar players in MENA have been following different go-to-market strategies. Alshaya,
Apparel Group, Chalhoub Group and Landmark Group established distribution partnerships with
third-party e-commerce pure players in addition to launching their own brands online. By contrast,
players such as Al Tayer, Al-Futtaim and Majid Al Futtaim focused solely on launching their own
e-commerce channels
(see Figure 10).
This increasing focus on e-commerce is driving a deep transformation within large retail groups as
they transition to an omnichannel model.
“We realized this is not about digital transformation; it’s about transformation, period.” Patrick Chalhoub,
CEO, Chalhoub Group
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Sources: Official company websites; Bain analysis
Middle East and North
Africa e-commerce players
Al Tayer
Chalhoub Group
Apparel Group
Majid Al Futtaim
Landmark Group
Mama’s & Papa’s
H&M, Mothercare, Bath &
Body Works
Zara Home, Virgin Megastore
Ace Hardware, Toys ‘R’ Us,
Plug Ins
Lacoste, Swarovski,
Penhaligon’s, Molton Brown,
Level Kids, Level Shoes,
Wojooh, Tryano, L’Occitane,
Carrefour UAE
Home Center, Centrepoint,
Shoemart, Splash, Max,
Lifestyle, Babyshop,
Homebox, Iconic
mortar players
Launching an existing
offline brand online
Ounass, Nass,
Launching an
online-only brand
Partnering with
a third party
Figure 10: Brick-and-mortar players in the Middle East and North Africa have followed different
go-to-market approaches in recent years
Brick-and-mortar players have the opportunity to leverage their physical distribution networks in the
service of their omnichannel strategies in areas such as click to collect and converting stores’ stock
rooms into mini distribution centers, reimagining the role of the store from a mere point of sale to a
“phygital” experience.
“Stores will have to evolve to become centers of experience that complement new customer journeys and offer
digitized services across different touchpoints and in payment.” Hani Weiss, CEO, Majid Al Futtaim Retail
E-commerce is at different levels of development across core retail categories
Not all retail categories in the region are at the same level of e-commerce maturity. While electronics
and beauty and personal care enjoy penetration levels closer to those seen in developed e-commerce
markets, fashion and grocery are still behind. The room for growth is signifi cant across categories
(see Figure 11).
Electronics has pioneered the shift to e-commerce in MENA. At $2.9 billion in the GCC and Egypt,
it is the largest e-commerce category, and it has been growing 23% annually over the past few years.
On Google Search, electronics-related queries have grown by nearly 30% over the past three years.
Electronics is also the most highly penetrated e-commerce category in the region in terms of total
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Note: GCC stands for Gulf Cooperation Council and includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE
Sources: Household expenditure surveys; GlobalData; BMI Research; Google Search data; Bain analysis
GCC and Egypt e-commerce
market by category
(in billions of US dollars, 2017)
GCC and Egypt e-commerce penetration by category (2017)
and Egypt
Beauty and
personal care
than 1
Figure 11: Electronics and fashion are the largest online categories today, while electronics and
beauty and personal care have the highest e-commerce penetration
retail sales—16% in 2017, up from 10% in 2014. And it has the highest average basket size: $350
online vs. $371 offl ine.
Nearly 70% of online shoppers in the GCC and Egypt have bought electronics online at least once,
mainly using a smartphone (56% vs. 31% using a desktop). While mobile phones make up the largest
segment within electronics, thanks to an active upgrade culture, the home appliances segment is still
lagging behind with challenges related to last-mile delivery.
MENA-based e-commerce pure players largely dominate the market. Souq has been the fi rst mover
and regional market leader, while Wadi in KSA and Jumia in Egypt are also strong players. Noon is
gaining market share as a strong new entrant, and Awok, meanwhile, competes in the value segment.
Most brick-and-mortar electronics retailers have launched e-commerce channels with varying levels
of success to date
(see Figure 12).
Fashion e-commerce is valued at $1.1 billion in the GCC and Egypt, and it has been growing 20%
annually over the past three years. The e-commerce share of total retail sales is at 2%, which is still
relatively low compared with other developed e-commerce markets, such as the UK (25%) and China
(31%), primarily due to limited product selection. Nearly 50% of online shoppers in the GCC and
Egypt have bought fashion items online at least once. At $107, the average basket size online is higher
than the $95 in-store cart.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Regional presence
E-commerce pure players Omnichannel retailers
Notes: (*) Players with some degree of regional presence (e.g., warehousing); Middle East and North Africa includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt,
lgeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
LuLu Webstore
Sharaf DG
Axiom Telecom
Plug Ins Virgin Megastore
Figure 12: Selected electronics players in the Middle East and North Africa
e-commerce landscape
With almost $900 million, the high street fashion e-commerce market represented nearly 2% of total
retail sales in this category in 2017. Shoes and women’s clothing are the biggest subcategories.
Competition has been intensifying among regional and international e-commerce players. Namshi
has been an early mover in shoes and clothing; the company is now facing signifi cant competition
from other regional e-commerce players, such as Souq and noon, especially in KSA. China-based
e-commerce players, led by JollyChic and Shein, have built a strong market position over the past
few years. Omnichannel retailers have also increased their presence, with Landmark Group,
Chalhoub Group, Al Tayer Group and Apparel Group launching new e-commerce channels and
making a dent in the market
(see Figure 13).
With an estimated $200 million market, luxury fashion e-commerce has been developing at a faster
pace than high street fashion. It represents 7% of total luxury retail sales. Traditionally dominated by
global luxury e-commerce pure players such as Net-A-Porter and Farfetch, regional omnichannel
retailers have been catching up, with Ounass and Level Shoes gaining signifi cant traction. The
Chalhoub-Farfetch and Alabbar-YNAP partnerships should fuel market growth and provide more
product options for MENA shoppers
(see Figure 14).
Beauty and personal care
Beauty and personal care is the second most highly penetrated category in the region, with an
e-commerce market size of around $1 billion in the GCC and Egypt. And with an e-commerce share
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Note: Middle East and North Africa includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria,
Tunisia and Yemen
Fast fashion
Regional presence
E-commerce pure players Omnichannel retailers
Sun & Sand Sports
Marks & Spencer
H&MMama’s & Papa’s
Asos Abercrombie & Fitch
Figure 13: Selected high street fashion players in the Middle East and North Africa
e-commerce landscape
Note: Middle East and North Africa includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria,
Tunisia and Yemen
Luxury fashion
Regional presence
E-commerce pure players Omnichannel retailers
Level Shoes
The Luxury Closet
The Outnet
Mr Porter
Figure 14: Selected luxury fashion players in the Middle East and North Africa
e-commerce landscape
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
of total retail sales at 11%, the regional category is ahead of most developed e-commerce markets, such as
the US and UK, which stand at 8% to 9%. The luxury beauty segment represents a fi fth of the market,
estimated at $200 million.
Increasing consumer confi dence in the authenticity of underlying products, an area of focus for the
main category players, has enabled growth in beauty. The introduction of Arabic beauty brands has
boosted the category further. For example, Namshi launched a beauty and fragrance division in 2015,
and Souq partnered with Rasasi Perfumes to expand its oriental fragrance selection in 2016. Social
media and the increasing popularity of infl uencers have played a critical role in driving consumer
engagement and online sales traction. Huda Kattan, for example, has established a signifi cant presence
on YouTube (2.4 million subscribers; 100 million video views) and managed to build a prominent
beauty brand, Huda Beauty, that has been fueling demand online.
Nearly 60% of shoppers in the GCC and Egypt have bought beauty items online at least once, mainly
using a smartphone (57% vs. 29% using a desktop). The average basket size has averaged $90 online
vs. $59 for in-store sales.
Beauty e-commerce is facing signifi cant competition among regional e-commerce pure players and
omnichannel retailers. While Souq is the current market leader in the category, Sephora has established
a very strong position in the segment. Competition has been intensifying with players such as Ounass,
Wojooh, Estee Lauder, MAC, noon and Namshi increasing their market presence and China-based
players such as JollyChic entering the market
(see Figure 15).
Grocery has been the fastest-growing e-commerce category over the past three years at more than 250%.
Despite the exponential growth, however, grocery remains the least penetrated retail category, with
less than 1% of total category sales, as it is in most developed e-commerce markets. With an estimated
e-commerce market size of nearly $200 million in the GCC and Egypt, nearly 60% of the region’s
grocery shoppers have never bought from this category online, and the average basket size online
($144) is signifi cantly higher than in-store purchases ($68).
Carrefour remains the category leader in the UAE, where it started its online operations. In addition,
marketplaces have been gaining traction in MENA. Specifi cally in KSA, local baqalas have historically
played an important role in the grocery market, and despite the related logistical challenges, the oppor-
tunity to bring these players online through marketplaces is signifi cant. The culture of drive-through
and phone delivery promises to make the transition to online shopping easier in MENA. A few players
have shown progress in tackling this opportunity—namely, InstaShop, Trolley and El Grocer in the
UAE; Todoorstep and Nana Direct in KSA; and Knockmart and Dakakyn in Egypt. Niche players with
a unique value proposition are also active in the market—Sanadeeg for bulk orders and Kibsons for
fresh produce and food items in the UAE. Multicategory players, such as Souq and noon, offer non-
fresh groceries, but they have yet to launch perishables in their offerings
(see Figure 16).
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Note: Middle East and North Africa includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria,
Tunisia and Yemen
Regional presence
E-commerce pure players Omnichannel retailers
MAC Cosmetics
Figure 15: Selected beauty players in the Middle East and North Africa e-commerce landscape
Note: Middle East and North Africa includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria,
Tunisia and Yemen
Regional presence
E-commerce pure players Omnichannel retailers
LuLu Webstore
Kibsons International
el Grocer
Figure 16: Selected grocery players in the Middle East and North Africa e-commerce landscape
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Notes: This includes all B2C e-commerce sales for fashion, personal care, beauty, electronics and groceries; this excludes business-to-business and customer-to-customer
e-commerce, food delivery, travel, entertainment, services and auto
Sources: eMarketer; Euromonitor; Forrester; Bain analysis
E-commerce penetration
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Figure 17: The growth trajectory of e-commerce has been different in each market; for example,
growth in the US has been linear compared with the growth in China
The future looks promising. Can MENA deliver?
Despite being late to take off, the MENA e-commerce market has gained momentum over the past
couple of years, and it is set to experience signifi cant growth should elements of the ecosystem continue
to fall into place. The region is still in the beginning of the cycle of e-commerce adoption, and the future
can take on many forms.
The growth trajectory of e-commerce has varied depending on the market. In well-established retail
markets, such as the US, the growth of e-commerce has been linear, and it took more than two decades
for e-commerce to reach a 12% share of total retail sales. In other markets, such as China, where the
physical retail ecosystem has been historically underdeveloped, e-commerce growth has been signifi cantly
faster, with the e-commerce share of total retail sales growing to 14% in just eight years
(see Figure 17).
Besides consumer readiness and the development of the different elements of the ecosystem, the entry
of large e-commerce players could help accelerate the shift to e-commerce. India is a case in point.
Prior to Amazon’s launch, the e-commerce market in India grew by 38% annually between 2009 and
2012. Following Amazon’s entry in 2013, India’s e-commerce market experienced a signifi cant uplift.
Growth in e-commerce more than doubled, averaging 88% annually between 2013 and 2016, while
e-commerce penetration grew from 0.4% in 2013 to 1.8% in 2016. The launch of Amazon Prime in
2016 served as another catalyst, with e-commerce penetration growing to 2.5% the following year
(see Figure 18).
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Sources: eMarketer; Statista
Indexed e-commerce penetration in India (to 2013)
Amazon Prime
Figure 18: The entry of large e-commerce players can help accelerate a shift, as highlighted by
the entry of Amazon and launch of Amazon Prime in India
We estimate that the e-commerce market in MENA has the potential to grow 3.5 times by 2022,
reaching a total market size of $28.5 billion and a penetration rate of 7% of total retail sales, similar
to what is seen in continental Europe today
(see Figure 19).
Our forecast calls for the KSA e-commerce market to grow by 27% annually, reaching around $10 billion
by 2022, with a share of total retail sales at 8%. The expansion of the middle class, the growing role
of women in the workforce, improvements in logistics, and access to online products in Tier 2 and
Tier 3 cities represent key drivers for the growth of the market.
“E-commerce has given us access to a whole new set of customers in remote regions, which are our fastest
growing areas today.” Abdulkarim A. Alagil, CEO, Jarir Bookstore
We forecast that the UAE e-commerce market will grow by 31% annually, reaching $9 billion by
2022, and we expect broader product selection, the entry of new players and innovation in business
models to play key roles in this growth.
In Egypt, we see e-commerce growing by 33% annually and reaching $3 billion by 2022. Increased
Internet penetration and the expansion of product selection from new local and existing regional
players as well as improvements in logistics and payment infrastructure are some of the key growth
(see Figure 20).
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Notes: Excludes food delivery; market size values exclude business-to-business and consumer-to-consumer e-commerce, travel, entertainment, services and auto; GCC stands for
Gulf Cooperation Council and includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE; MENA includes all GCC countries and Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya,
Mauritania, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
Sources: OMD Arabnet; eMarketer; E-commerce Foundation; Euromonitor; BMI Research; PayPal Insights; PAYFORT; Bain analysis
MENA e-commerce market size (in billions of US dollars)
E-commerce penetration
Rest of MENA
Saudi Arabia
Rest of GCC
Saudi Arabia
Around 13%
Around 8%
GCC 3.0% Around 12%
MENA 1.9% Around 7%
2017 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E
Figure 19: With the right fundamentals in place, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
e-commerce space is expected to grow to up to four times its current size
Note: GCC stands for Gulf Cooperation Council and includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE
Sources: Household expenditure surveys; Forrester; GlobalData; BMI Research; Google Search data; Bain analysis
GCC and Egypt e-commerce market by category
(in billions of US dollars)
E-commerce penetration in GCC and Egypt
Fashion GroceryBeautyElectronics
2017 2022E
Figure 20: Electronics, fashion and grocery are expected to have the highest growth, with
electronics and beauty and personal care moving toward global benchmark penetration levels
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
We expect electronics e-commerce to grow to $5.9 billion in the GCC and Egypt by 2022, with a
share of total category sales of 25%. With markets such as the UK and US recording more than 40%
penetration in this category, the room for growth in the region is signifi cant. An expansion of product
selection, beyond mobile phones and into home appliances, would be key. Omnichannel retailers taking
a more active role, especially hypermarkets with well-established physical distribution networks, can
help solve some of the logistical issues associated with this category.
We forecast that fashion e-commerce will grow by 40% annually and reach $5.1 billion in the GCC
and Egypt by 2022, a penetration rate of 10% of total category sales. A broader product selection, faster
deliveries and streamlined return policies can help unlock the potential in this category.
In the GCC and Egypt, we expect beauty e-commerce to reach $1.8 billion by 2022, with a share of total
category sales of 14%. Growth catalysts include increased customer confi dence in product authenticity,
global players entering the space and geographical expansion to new cities, especially in KSA.
We see the grocery e-commerce category growing by almost 90% per year and reaching $4.1 billion
in the GCC and Egypt by 2022, with a share of total category sales of 4%. A more aggressive expansion
strategy by hypermarkets, further transition from the region’s drive-through and phone delivery
culture to online marketplaces, and a broader geographic expansion to new cities would help facilitate
market growth.
Further development in the ecosystem is key
Over the past few years, MENA has experienced signifi cant progress in addressing some of the issues
related to the e-commerce ecosystem. However, quantum leaps are necessary in some areas, such as
payments and logistics, to foster healthy long-term growth in the e-commerce market.
Cash on delivery (COD) has been one of the biggest challenges for e-commerce in MENA. COD leads
to higher return rates and failed deliveries, and it adds pressure to working capital requirements while
limiting delivery options to logistics companies that accept this form of payment.
Today, around 62% of MENA online shoppers prefer COD as a payment method when buying online,
compared with less than 5% in the UK and France. COD is prevalent even in the UAE, where credit
card penetration is at 57%, which is higher than in the UK and France
(see Figure 21).
To a large extent, MENA is still a cash-based economy, even in markets with healthy credit card
penetration rates such as the UAE, where an estimated 75% of the economy is still cash based. COD
seems like a natural extension of in-store payment habits, but it is also rooted in a consumer trust
issue regarding online payments that is typical of emerging markets.
A consumer survey that we conducted in 2018 shows that the main reason for COD use is consumers
preference to pay once they have the product in hand. One can attribute this to a general inconsistency
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Notes: The survey included UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UK and France; UK and France figures are for 2016; GCC stands for Gulf Cooperation Council and includes Bahrain, Kuwait,
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE; MENA includes all GCC countries and Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
Sources: Google MENA consumer survey 2018 (n=6,295, Saudi Arabia/UAE/Egypt); PAYFORT; eMarketer; GlobalData; State of the union e-commerce MENA 2018; Bain analysis
Percentage of consumers who prefer cash on delivery (2018)
UK France UAE Saudi Arabia Egypt MENA
47% 51% 56% 33% 17% 29%
Credit card penetration
Figure 21: While credit card penetration rates in the GCC are on par with mature markets,
GCC consumers still prefer cash on delivery
in the consumer experience when shopping online—for instance, getting the right product delivered
and the level of confi dence in the return process. While a MENA online shopper typically uses his or
her credit card to pay for online transactions with well-established cross-border e-commerce players,
the same shopper prefers to pay in cash when presented with the option of shopping with regional
(see Figure 22).
Establishing a consistent track record of product delivery that matches consumer expectations and a
simple, fast and reliable return process are crucial components for addressing this issue over the
long term. Building a brand that connects with consumers and inspires confi dence on the basis of
consistent experience over time could also help. Some omnichannel retailers that established this
type of relationship in the physical world are reporting disproportionately higher rates of credit card
payments, averaging 80% in the UAE for selected segments.
Mobile wallets have the potential to help address the COD challenge in MENA. As smartphones
capture the majority of e-commerce transactions in the region, mobile wallets offer a more secure
and convenient way to pay when compared with credit cards, though the inconvenience of inputting
credit card details on mobile can encourage consumers to opt for COD. Its ease of use promises to
alleviate consumers’ bias for cash payments not only at the time of purchase but also at the time of
delivery, which would help address the cash part of COD.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Sources: Google MENA consumer survey 2018 (n=6,295, Saudi Arabia/UAE/Egypt)
Reasons for preferring cash on delivery
I don’t want to make other people
aware of my purchases
Credit card is a more expensive
payment option
I don’t trust my credit card
information is stored safely
It is easier to keep track of my
expenses in cash
I only want to pay when I have
the product(s) in hand, not earlier
Figure 22: Consumers mainly prefer cash on delivery because of a lack of trust
Mobile wallets have been gaining traction in the market, with global tech players, telecom operators
and local banks rolling out solutions and driving merchant and user adoption. Favorable legislation
and government initiatives are keys to supporting the adoption of mobile wallets. Earlier this year, the
UAE launched the Emirates Digital Wallet in partnership with 16 national banks. In 2016, the Central
Bank of Egypt enacted regulations aimed at expanding the use of mobile payments and established
the National Payment Council in 2017 to promote digital payments. Fawry’s mobile wallet now has
around 4 million users in Egypt and promises to help enable digital payments, even for unbanked
consumers using cash top-up. In addition to allowing debit card payments for online transactions
(which enables banked consumers without credit cards to shop online), the Saudi Arabian Monetary
Authority launched SADAD Accounts in 2016 as a safe and cashless alternative for online payments.
MENA’s payment challenges are typical of many emerging markets. In India, where 50% of the
population has a bank account and 4% of adults have credit cards, cash accounts for more than 80%
of online transactions. Both the private sector and the government are working to solve the payment
challenges. While Paytm has established itself as the leading mobile wallet solution, the government
launched the Unifi ed Payments Interface in 2016 to support mobile peer-to-peer transfers.
In China, Alibaba’s Alipay played a key role in promoting cashless e-commerce by providing an
escrow payment service that reduces transaction risk for online shoppers, who have the ability to
verify whether they are happy with their purchased goods before releasing funds to the seller.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Challenges related to the speed and cost of product delivery in MENA have hindered the development
of e-commerce. In the UAE and KSA, the estimated average cost of package delivery is more than
three times the global best practice for similar delivery times. With higher rates of returns and failed
deliveries (fi ve times the global best practice), COD-based deliveries are estimated to be twice as
expensive as prepaid orders.
Postal services, the backbone of e-commerce delivery operations in most developed markets, are
generally underdeveloped in MENA. Most global couriers, such as FedEx and DHL, do not offer
COD, limiting delivery options to regional and local players. This has affected the speed and cost
effectiveness of last-mile delivery, putting pressure on large regional multicategory e-commerce
players to build their own last-mile delivery infrastructure. Souq’s QExpress has grown to become
one of the largest delivery players in the region. Noon has also been building its last-mile delivery
infrastructure and now employs more than 1,000 drivers across 20 cities. While Aramex remains the
leading cross-regional logistics player, new local logistics players have mushroomed across markets,
offering third-party delivery services. Inspired by Alibaba’s Cainiao, there is an opportunity to create
a virtual regional logistics platform that could connect the different local delivery players to a cloud-
based network that optimizes (time and cost) parcel delivery between sellers and buyers. It would also
allow for an effi cient handover of parcels among delivery players, especially for cross-border shipments.
Most MENA countries suffer from poor addressing systems that directly impact delivery speeds and
failure rates. A number of players, such as Fetchr, have been innovating in the space by using con-
sumers’ smartphones as their delivery addresses—namely, delivering to the users wherever they are.
The company raised more than $50 million to acquire new businesses and scale operations.
The absence of land customs clearance for e-commerce shipments among neighboring countries in
the region has led to the prevalence of more expensive air shipments. Establishing an Arab digital
trade region that facilitates land customs clearance and eases customs clearance requirements would
fuel the growth of cross-border e-commerce among MENA markets.
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
There has never been a better time to be in e-commerce in MENA. The market is at $8.3 billion today
and estimated to reach $28.5 billion by 2022. The region’s digitally savvy consumers are hungry for a
broader online product selection and new shopping experiences. E-commerce is at the core of retailers
strategies, and e-commerce pure players are expanding into new markets and product categories. The
different elements of the e-commerce ecosystem—namely, payments and logistics—have come a long
way despite the many remaining challenges.
Building on the strong momentum of the past couple of years, e-commerce enters a pivotal time in
the region. The opportunity is signifi cant for consumers, businesses, investors and ecosystem players.
Exponential or linear, the pace of growth will depend on how fast the three Ps—product selection,
payments and product delivery—come together. When it comes to consumer Internet adoption and
digital media investments, exponential growth has been a common theme in the region. Will history
repeat itself?
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
Brick-and-mortar players: Retailers with a physical presence/location that may have e-commerce
capabilities but that do not meet all the requirements to be omnichannel
CAGR: Compound annual growth rate
E-commerce players: Retailers with an online presence, including e-commerce pure players, brick-
and-mortar players, and some e-commerce presence and omnichannel players
E-commerce pure players: Retailers that operate only on the Internet (online) and have no physical
GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council, consisting of six nations—the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United
Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman
Omnichannel players: Retailers that provide a seamless integration of physical and digital worlds to
deliver an outstanding customer experience
E-commerce in MENA: Opportunity beyond the hype
About the authors and acknowledgments
Charbel Sarkis—regional business lead; head of retail, travel and hospitality, MENA |
Tanmay Dhall—industry manager, retail, MENA | [email protected]
Josette Ghorra—senior analytical consultant, retail, MENA | [email protected]
Bain & Company
Cyrille Fabre—partner and director, retail and consumer products practices, Middle East |
Anne-Laure Malauzat—principal, retail and consumer products, Middle East |
With special thanks to the team: Ayten Al Qersh, Yasaman Seyedi and Suzanne Hejjaoui
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