Cato Middle College High School
Student Conduct Policies and Procedures
Classroom Behavior: Students are expected to follow the rules that individual teachers have established for student conduct. All
behavior guidelines at Cato Middle College comply with the CMS Code of Conduct as specified in the Student Rights and
Responsibilities Handbook. No student should disturb the learning of others or disrupt orderly classroom process.
Skipping School/Class: No student should skip school. This is an unauthorized absence. Offenders will be assigned a consequence.
Unauthorized/Unsupervised Areas: Students are not allowed in any unauthorized area of campus during the school day. Students
may visit several areas of the CPCC campus including the library, the Student Life/Activities center, the bookstore, CMS designated
classrooms, small lounges in the hallways, etc. If a student is unclear about whether an area is off-limits, they should speak to
someone in the main office.
Leaving School Property without Permission: Once students have arrived at school for the day, by bus, walking or car, they are not
permitted to leave or return without properly signing out or signing in (see sign-in/sign-out policy). Students who have scheduled
classes may not leave school property for any reason without proper authorization.
Exiting Campus after School: Safety and security issues necessitate that we exit school and the campus in an orderly and timely
manner. Upon dismissal, all students are required to report to the appropriate areas to leave campus.
Parking: Students are required to have a parking pass. Students who need a parking pass should see Ms. Jones in the main office.
No students should engage in inappropriate driving maneuvers on the school site. Violations of this nature may also result in
suspension from school. Additionally, improperly parked vehicles are also subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Profanity: Profanity is unacceptable under any circumstances and will not be tolerated. Students should be referred to the principal
and teachers should contact the student’s parent.
Failure to Comply: Any instance involving student failure to comply with a reasonable request from any staff member will result in
administrative consequences.
Student Fighting: Fighting will not be tolerated at Cato Middle College High School. Any students involved in fighting are subject to
suspension from school and consequences as outlined by the CPCC Student Code of Conduct.
Vandalism: Any act to damage or attempt to damage school equipment/property or property of another student is considered
vandalism. Students will pay for repairs and replace or correct defacement. They will also be subject to further disciplinary action.
Cheating/Misrepresentation/Forgery and False Notes: Students involved in cheating and/or misrepresentation on tests and
assignments will receive consequences. This could include referral to the principal, administrative conference, parent contact by the
teacher and the principal, the student receives a zero (0), and the student completes an alternate assignment for a reduced grade.
Disruptive or Disrespectful Behavior
Behavior of this nature, including profanity, will not be tolerated. Offenders are subject to suspension. Repeated classroom
disruptions or disrespectful behavior will result in administrative consequences.
Public Displays of Affection
Students are to refrain from any public displays of affection.
Sexual Harassment/Bullying
Sexual harassment and bullying are a violation of an individual’s human rights. Persons involved in these activities will be suspended
and/or arrested and recommended for exclusion. Students who violate a bullying contract or no contact contract will receive
consequences outlined in the CMS Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Smoking is prohibited at school and at all school functions. Offenders will be assigned a consequence as outlined in the CMS Code of
Student Conduct and the CPCC Student Code of Conduct.
Cell Phones/Earbuds, Laser Pointers, Electronic Devices or Games
Students are allowed to use their cell phones to text in the morning, during class change and lunch, and after school. During class
time, students are allowed to use cell phones as directed by their teacher. Ear buds, Air Pods and headphones may not be worn in
the classroom unless a teacher has granted permission for use during independent work time. Repeated violations of this policy
could result in confiscation of the cell phone and further consequences outlined in the CMS Student Rights and Responsibilities
Cato Middle College High School or Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is not liable for any lost or stolen property belonging to
students or their families. The owner assumes all risk when items of value are brought on campus. The school highly
recommends that all valuables are left at home and not brought to school.
Playing Cards, Dice, Gambling Type Devices or Games
These types of items are prohibited at school. Participation in these activities, including matching or pitching coins, may result in
suspension, up to and including, exclusion.
Alcohol and Drugs
Students at Cato Middle College High School will not use, purchase, sell, distribute, be under the influence of or possess any kind of
alcoholic beverage or any kind of controlled substance as defined by state law. Possession of drug paraphernalia will result in
notification of parents and further disciplinary action, including short terms and long-term suspension. Possession, coming on school
grounds or being at any school activity after consumption, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school or a school related
activity will result in administrative consequences outlined in the CMS Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Student Dress/Attire
The dress and grooming of students shall contribute to the health and safety of the individual and promote an orderly educational
In accordance with the CMS Student Handbook, the following dress code has been established for CMCHS
1. Students may not wear head wraps, doo-rags bandanas, or other headgear, including sunglasses. Religious headgear is
acceptable. Exceptions require administrative approval.
2. Acceptable shoes include flip-flops, sandals, sneakers, and boots. Bedroom slippers are not permitted.
3. Girls’ tank tops must have the width of two adjacent fingers in the front and back. (Racerbacks are not acceptable.) Shirts, tank
tops, blouses, etc. must cover the stomach and fall at the waist. No midriffs, even when arms are raised.
4. Boys cannot wear tank tops.
5. No pajamas or sleepwear is permitted; this also applies to half days.
6. Clothing that has profane, offensive, derogatory, or other illegal substance terms will not be permitted.
7. The minimum length of skirts, dresses, and shorts is mid-thigh.
8. Removing a sweater or jacket “cover up” during the school day at any time is not appropriate, if and when the remaining
clothing violates the dress code.
9. Leggings/tights/ jeggings or any similar clothing materials are only permitted with a top that reaches the thigh.
10. Boys’ pants and girls’ pants, skirts, shorts, etc. should be worn at or above the waist with no under-garments visible.
11. Pants may not be worn with holes that expose the thigh area. Leggings or other opaque material must be worn underneath.
Fishnets or other translucent material will not be acceptable to cover holes.
12. No spaghetti straps or bare shoulder should be displayed with off-shoulder shirts.
13. Sheer blouses are not permitted without an appropriate top underneath.
14. Deep-cut shirts/blouses, extreme V-necks, etc. are not permitted without tank top or camis underneath.
15. Halter tops, strapless shirts/dresses cannot be worn, unless they are worn with a non-transparent covering (cardigan, blazer,
jacket, etc.) or they are worn underneath (t-shirts, etc.) the clothing item.
16. Knit tops or translucent coverings over any strapless clothing or any item of clothing that violates the school dress code are not
17. Any undergarment-related clothing (“wife-beaters”) is not permitted.
Tardy Policy and Sign-In Policy
A student will be considered absent from a class if they are tardy 45 minutes or more from that class period. Any student arriving to
class late must stop by the main office to get an “Admit Slip” to enter into the classroom. The teacher should record the tardy in
Powerschool. The teacher should keep a copy of the sign-in sheet for their records and/or the “Admit Slips.”
Sign-Out Policy
Students may be signed out through the main office only by their parent, guardian, or emergency contact person as designated on
the demographics screen of Powerschool. Parents may contact our office in writing to sign-out a student. If the parent sends an
email, the email must match the email in Powerschool. Handwritten letters will also be honored provided a phone number is
included for verification. Proper procedure must be followed before any student leaves campus.
Repeated Tardies: Below are the tiered consequences for students that are repeatedly tardy:
o 3 tardies per individual class meeting.
1. Teacher contacts parent to indicate that the student has been tardy three times.
o 6 tardies per individual class meeting.
1. Teacher contacts parent to indicate that the student has been tardy 6 times.
2. Teacher contacts school principal to indicate that the student has been tardy 6 times.
3. Conference is scheduled to discuss the excessive tardies.
o 10 tardies per individual class meeting.
1. Teacher contacts parent to indicate that the student has been tardy 10 times.
2. Teacher contacts school counselor to indicate that the student has been tardy 10 times.
3. Conference is scheduled to discuss the excessive tardies. Student is placed on an attendance contract and
monitored weekly by the counselor and/or principal.
o More than 10 tardies per individual class meeting.
1. We will consider probation and other measures to work with the student to get the student back on track
or consider the student’s continuation at Cato Middle College HS.
Absence Rule
A student missing 11 days or more in a semester-long class for any reason (excused or unexcused) other than a principal-approved
absence will receive a grade of “F” for the course based on CMS Regulation JHBB-R.
When a student is absent from school, he/she should bring a note from his/her parent, guardian, or health care professional within
forty-eight (48) hours to Ms. Jones in the main office.
Repeated Absences: Below are the tiered consequences for students that are repeatedly absent:
3 absences per individual class meeting.
o Teacher contacts parent to indicate that the student has been absent three times.
6 absences per individual class meeting.
o An attendance letter will be mailed to parents.
o A conference will be scheduled so that the student can be placed on an attendance contract.
10 absences per individual class meeting.
o An attendance letter will be mailed to parents.
o Students is placed on an attendance contract and probation. The students will be monitored weekly by the
counselor. The parent will be notified weekly of the student’s progress.
More than 10 absences per individual class meeting.
1. We will consider other measures to work with the student to get the student back on track or consider
the student’s continuation at Cato Middle College HS.