Sharpening STIHL Saw Chains Seite -1 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
STIHL offers every user, from occasional to professional,
the right tools for maintaining the cutting attachment.
The cutting attachment consists of the saw chain, guide
bar and chain sprocket.
This handbook is intended as a guide to selecting and
learning how to use the right tools for servicing your
cutting attachment. With a little practice you will be able to
sharpen your saw chains like a professional.
Reading and observing the instructions in your chainsaw
manual and those for the use of the servicing tools is a
precondition for the operations described in this
Please contact your STIHL dealer if you have any further
questions after reading this handbook.
Always wear protective gloves when working on
and with the chainsaw and cutting attachment.
There is otherwise a risk of injury from the very
sharp cutters.
STIHL Advanced Technology ..............................................1
Construction of a Saw Chain ...............................................3
Preparing the Saw Chain .....................................................6
Principles – Sharpening Saw Chain ..................................8
Filing Aids .............................................................................12
Tensioning the Saw Chain .................................................17
Sharpening Errors and Damage ........................................18
Guide Bar Maintenance .....................................................23
Checking the Chain Sprocket ...........................................27
Determining the Correct Cutting Attachment .................28
Check List .............................................................................33 Seite 0 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
STIHL Advanced Technology
Apart from the quality and engine power of the chainsaw,
cutting performance depends primarily on the choice of
cutting attachment and its condition.
A properly sharpened, well maintained saw chain makes
your work easier. It helps prolong the service life of the
whole cutting attachment, consisting of the saw chain,
guide bar and chain sprocket.
STIHL is the only chainsaw manufacturer in the world to
develop and produce its own saw chains and guide bars.
STIHL has thus guaranteed since 1926 that the three
parts of the cutting attachment are always optimally
matched to the chainsaw.
STIHL saw chains and guide bars not only provide
outstanding cutting performance on STIHL chainsaws,
but also on other brands of chainsaws.
Saw Chains
STIHL saw chains are
precision made in STIHL's
factories in Switzerland. They
are produced on special
production machinery custom
designed and built by STIHL.
Smooth rivet holes
A special punching process
gives STIHL rivet holes a
smooth mirror-like finish. This
enhances chain flexibility and
increases the chain's service
Every length of STIHL chain is
subjected to a constant tensile
load at the end of the
production process.
This pre-stretching process
reduces initial stretching of a
new chain to a minimum,
increases durability and
reduces wear.
Comfort saw chains
Almost all STIHL saw chains
are comfort chains. They can
be identified by the letter "C"
stamped on each cutter.
The modified geometry of the
basic tooth body reduces
vibrations in the cut by up to
70%. Seite 1 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
STIHL Advanced Technology
Guide Bars
STIHL guide bars are optimized in terms of their durability,
strength and weight.
Complete symmetry
As they are completely symmetrical, STIHL guide bars
can be turned over. This ensures even wear on both
Induction hardened bar rails
Induction hardening makes the bar rails more resilient and
wear resistant. The guide bar has a much longer life.
Nose sprocket with encapsulated roller bearing
The standard encapsulated bearing prevents the ingress
of dirt and is maintenance free. The lubricant injected into
the bearing in the production process is sufficient to last
its entire service life.
Oilomatic System of Lubrication
This system ensures less friction and wear and thus
extends the useful life of the cutting attachment. Oil flows
up through fine oil channels in the drive links to the chain
joints and the running faces of the chain links. In addition,
chain oil collects in a number of dimples on both sides of
the drive links. This ensures an unbroken film of lubricant
between the drive links and the bar rails.
STIHL recommends the exclusive use of STIHL chain oils
to guarantee the best possible lubrication. Seite 2 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Construction of a Saw Chain
STIHL saw chains are three-link chains and always
assembled in the same basic pattern.
They differ in the shape of the cutters and the dimensions
of the individual links.
Saw chains consist of the drive links (1), the tie straps (2),
the left hand cutters (3) and right hand cutters (4).
Low kickback saw chains have a humped drive link (5)
and are identified by the digit 3 in their designation, e.g. 36
A STIHL saw chain can be repaired by your STIHL
servicing dealer by replacing individual links. Seite 3 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Construction of a Saw Chain
The cutter consists of the basic tooth body (1), the depth
gauge (5) and top plate (2) with side plate cutting edge (4)
and top plate cutting edge (3).
Side and top plate cutting edges are at a given angle in
relation to one another; this is critical for optimum cutting
performance. The angle is obtained automatically if the
exact sharpening angles are observed.
Method of operation
The cutters work on the chipper tooth principle.
They remove chips from the wood. In this process the top
plate cutting edge lifts the chip off the bottom of the cut
while the side plate cutting edge separates the chip from
the wall of the cut.
The depth gauge setting determines the height at which
the cutter enters the wood and thus the thickness of the
chip removed.
The difference in height between the top of the depth
gauge and the leading edge of the top plate is known as
the depth gauge setting. Seite 4 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Construction of a Saw Chain
Filing angle
Top plate cutting angle
Side plate angle
To ensure the chain runs evenly and smoothly, all cutters
must be the same length and sharpened to the specified
Service and wear markings
Nearly all saw chains have service and wear markings to
simplify resharpening and enable the rate of wear to be
1) Filing angle:
Marking for correct filing angle of top plate cutting edge
and the minimum cutter length. Chain must be replaced if
this marking is reached during resharpening.
2) Side plate angle:
Marking for correct angle of side plate and minimum cutter
3) Depth gauge:
Marking for correct angle of depth gauge and checking
wear. Contour of depth gauge must be filed back parallel
to this marking.
4) Toe and heel wear:
Reference marking for wear on bottom of cutter (running
faces). Uniform wear parallel to marking indicates normal
chain wear.
{ Pro Tip
Experience has shown that it is best to use four saw
chains with two chain sprockets and one guide bar in
rotation. (4-2-1 principle)
ALTES 084 als Kette
dargestellt (Kalotten
Hintergrund weg Seite 5 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Preparing the Saw Chain
One of the main advantages of the chipper tooth chain is
that it can be resharpened with a round file.
An exception to this rule are STIHL carbide-tipped chains
which are called "Duro". They are particularly wear
resistant and their extremely hard cutting edges have to
be resharpened with special diamond grinding wheels.
Please contact your STIHL servicing dealer for more
All other saw chains can be resharpened relatively easily
with the right tools and the right technique.
When does the chain need sharpening?
Even the best saw chain wears and becomes dull after a
certain period of use. It is time to resharpen the chain
when one of the following conditions occurs:
The chain does not pull itself into the cut, it has to be
forced to cut by applying pressure to the powerhead.
When bucking, fine sawdust is pulled from the cut
instead of coarse, thick chips.
Smoking in the cut even though chain lubrication is in
order and chain tension is correct.
The cut wanders in one direction. This is an indication
of dull cutters on one side of the chain or irregular
cutter lengths.
The saw "chatters" and "bounces" during the cut. In
this case you must check the depth gauge settings.
Preparing the Saw Chain
Start by cleaning the saw chain thoroughly, e.g. with
STIHL resin solvent. You should examine the chain for
signs of damage at the same time. Replace any
damaged or worn parts immediately.
If the wear marks have been reached, install a new
In such a case you should contact your STIHL
servicing dealer for advice.
ALTES 084 als Kette
Hintergrund weg-
PosNummern Seite 6 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Preparing the Saw Chain
The chain must be tensioned tighter than normal for
resharpening. This prevents the cutters tipping and
makes it easier for you to maintain the correct angles.
After resharpening, restore chain tension to normal.
Find the shortest cutter.
Mark it as the master cutter. All other cutters in the
chain have to be matched to the same length.
Sharpen the master cutter first and then file all other
cutters back to the same length.
Clamp the guide bar in a vise to suit the position of the
master cutter.
Master cutter in right hand row
Clamp the guide bar with the bar nose facing to the
Master cutter in left hand row
Clamp the guide bar with the bar nose facing to the
Pull the master cutter into the filing position and the
lock the chain in position with the chain brake.
Disengage the chain brake to pull the saw chain along
the bar and engage the brake again before filing the
next cutters. Seite 7 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Principles – Sharpening Saw Chain
Selecting the file
Select the diameter of the round file to suit the chain pitch.
Check the code digit for the chain pitch on the
outboard side of the depth gauge.
Refer to the table below to obtain the chain pitch.
Each chain pitch is assigned to a specific round file
Use only special saw chain sharpening files. Your STIHL
servicing dealer has a wide selection of high quality files.
Holding the file
Hold the file handle firmly with one hand and guide the
file with the other hand across the cutter on the
forward stroke.
Start with the master cutter and position the file so that
you can apply pressure and file from the inside to the
outside of the cutter.
Always hold the file at a right angle (90°) to the guide
The file only sharpens on the forward stroke – lift the
file off the cutter on the backstroke.
Rotate the file a little at regular intervals while filing to
avoid one-sided wear.
Code digit on
depth gauge
marking on
depth gauge
Chain pitch
Round file diameter
1 1/4 1/4" 4.0 mm
2 325 .325" 4.8 mm
3 3/8 3/8" 5.2 mm
4 404 .404" 5.5 mm
6 P, PM 3/8" Picco 4.0 mm
7 1/4" Picco 3.2 mm Seite 8 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Principles – Sharpening Saw Chain
STIHL saw chains are generally filed to an angle of 30° –
parallel to the service mark for the filing angle.
Hold the file so that one quarter of its diameter projects
above the top plate.
File the master cutter until the cutting edge is perfect.
{ Pro Tip
Providing you observed these rules you will achieve
perfect sharpening results, the correct side plate and
top plate angles will be obtained automatically and best
possible cutting performance guaranteed.
{ Pro Tip
Before you start sharpening, mark one cutter with a felt-
tip pen. After two or three strokes of the file, check how
much material has been removed.
If the surface looks uniform, your filing action is correct.
If there are still patches of color in places, check that
you are using the right file and make sure you are not
holding the file too high or too low. Seite 9 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Principles – Sharpening Saw Chain
Checking the result:
If you can see dark areas on the cutting edge, the cutter
is not yet sharp.
The cutting edge is properly sharpened when it is
uniformly bright.
Then file all the cutters in that row to the same length, then
turn the chainsaw 180° and file all the cutters in the other
row. All cutters must be the same length as the master
Lowering depth gauges
The depth gauge setting becomes smaller when the cutter
is sharpened.
After sharpening the cutters, check the depth gauge
setting and lower it if necessary..
Check the depth gauge setting with a filing gauge that
matches the chain pitch.
Refer to the description in the next chapter on b "Filing
{ Pro Tip
Never continue working with the chain until it is
completely dull. A few strokes of the file at regular
intervals quickly restores full sharpness.
Count the number of file strokes and use the same
number on each cutter to obtain cutters of identical
If you find that the cutters in one row are shorter than
those in the other row, you have used more pressure
while filing the row concerned. Correct the length of
the cutters by performing one or two strokes of the file
on the longer cutters..
{ Pro Tip
The depth gauge setting may be increased by up to 0.2
mm for cutting soft wood in mild weather conditions –
no frost.
The filing gauge for the next chain pitch up may be
used for this purpose.
Chain pitch Depth gauge setting
Inch (mm) mm Inch
1/4 6.35 0.65 0.026
1/4 P 6.35 0.45 0.018
.325 8.25 0.65 0.026
3/8 9.32 0.65 0.026
3/8 P 9.32 0.65 0.026
.404 10.26 0.80 0.031 Seite 10 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Principles – Sharpening Saw Chain
Simply place the filing gauge on the saw chain.
If the depth gauge is higher than the filing gauge, if must
be lowered.
File down the depth gauge until it is level with the filing
On saw chains with humped drive links the hump is
lowered along with the depth gauge.
File the top of the depth gauge parallel to the service mark
– but do not lower the highest point of the depth gauge in
this process.
Take care not to touch the freshly sharpened cutter with
the flat file..
{ Pro Tip
The filing gauge is not made of file-hard material and is
therefore only suitable as a measuring tool. Remove
the filing gauge from the chain before filing the depth
{ Pro Tip
Count the number of file strokes you need to lower the
first depth gauge.
File down all others with the same number of strokes.
All depth gauge settings should then be the same..
Carry out a few random checks with the filing gauge.
The kickback tendency of the chainsaw is
increased if the depth gauges are too low. Seite 11 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Filing Aids Seite 12 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Filing Aids
A lot of experience is required to resharpen saw chain
manually with a round file and variations are unavoidable.
Maintaining all the angles and dimensions when filing
freehand is very difficult and requires practice. STIHL
therefore recommends the use of filing aids and a regular
inspection and correction by your STIHL servicing dealer.
STIHL has a line of filing aids to suit the needs of every
Filing gauge
1) Cut-out for checking depth gauge setting
2) Sighting edge for filing angle
3) Bar groove cleaner and scale for measuring groove
4) Sighting edge for side plate angle
STIHL offers filing gauges for checking the depth gauge
settings and tooth angles. Choose the filing gauge that
matches the chain pitch and you can then check all
necessary angles and dimensions. The filing gauge
greatly simplifies the process of checking and lowering the
depth gauges.
A filing gauge allows depth gauge settings to be checked
quickly and simply and should be used with all the
following filing aids, except the 2-in-1 file holder and the
FG 4.
Filing template
The STIHL filing template is an easy-to-use tool that helps
you maintain the correct filing angle.
It simply attaches to the guide bar by means of two
magnets and has raised sighting lines for the correct filing
{ Pro Tip
The filing gauge is not made of file-hard material and is
therefore only suitable as a measuring tool. Remove
the filing gauge from the depth gauge before filing.
{ Pro Tip
Should you not achieve the desired result using the
filing template, STIHL recommends the use of
additional tools, e.g. file holder, file holder guide or
STIHL filing tools. Seite 13 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Filing Aids
File holder
The STIHL file holder helps you keep the file at the correct
height and angle during filing. The file holder must match
the chain pitch.
Resting the STIHL file holder properly on the top plate and
depth gauge ensures that the file is held at the right height
and the correct side plate angle is maintained. A 30° mark
on the file holder also helps you maintain the filing angle.
The filing template can be used as an additional optical
aid for file alignment.
FF 1 file holder guide
If you don't want to rely on purely optical alignment aids
when sharpening the chain, the STIHL file holder guide is
the ideal supplement.
Select the file holder guide that matches the chain
pitch and place it over the chain on the guide bar at an
angle of 30°.
The file holder is held and guided laterally by the file
holder guide and lined up at the correct filing angle of 30°
to the guide bar. Seite 14 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Filing Aids
All you have to do is to slide the file holder through the
file holder guide at a right angle to the guide bar.
Once you have sharpened all the cutters, check the
depth gauge setting and correct it if necessary.
2-in-1 file holder
STIHL recommends the 2-in-1 file holder if you want to
sharpen the cutters and lower the depth gauges in a
single operation.
Like the standard file holder, the 2-in-1 file holder keeps
the file at the correct height in the cutter. The arrangement
of the handles and markings offers you a very good optical
guide to maintaining the 30° filing angle.
The illustration shows section through the 2-in-1 file
The cutter is sharpened with the round file (1) and the
depth gauge lowered to the right setting with the flat file (2)
in a single operation. Both files are optimally positioned by
resting the guide rails (3) on the top plates.
FG 4
The FG 4 roller filing guide is an excellent aid for manual
Select roller filing guide and round file that suit the
chain pitch.
The roller filing guide is placed directly over the chain
on the guide bar and assists you in positioning the file
in all directions.
Place the round file in the roller filing guide.
The alignment of the file is ideal when it glides
smoothly and without snagging over the two lower
rollers at the correct filing angle. Seite 15 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Filing Aids
The FG 4 also has a small fold-out filing plate for checking
and lowering the depth gauges.
This filing plate is specially hardened so that can be left it
position while the depth gauge is filed down.
The orientation of the filing plate makes it easier to
maintain the depth gauge setting and eliminates the need
to subsequently file the depth gauge at a sloping angle.
Filing tools
Manual filing tools are suitable for precision sharpening of
saw chains. They ensure accurate positioning of the file
and thus restore dull saw chains to full sharpness.
The stop for positioning the cutter to be sharpened
simplifies maintenance of identical cutter lengths.
FG 2
The FG 2 is mounted to a bench. The saw chain has to be
removed from the guide bar for sharpening.
FG 1, FG 3
FG 1 and FG 3 are attached to the guide bar. They
otherwise operate in the same way as the FG 2.
{ Pro Tip
The filing plate checks two different depth gauge
settings, one for hardwood and one for softwood.. Seite 16 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Tensioning the Saw Chain
The correct chain tension has a decisive influence on the
service life of the cutting attachment. It must therefore be
checked at regular intervals. It is normal for new chains to
stretch – even though this is reduced by "pre-stretching"
at the factory. Check and adjust chain tension frequently.
A properly tensioned chain fits snugly against the
underside of the bar and, with the chain brake
disengaged, it must still be possible to pull the chain along
the bar by hand.
Chain tension should be reduced slightly when Carving
guide bars are used. In such cases half the drive links
should be visible on the underside of the bar.
This has to do with the very narrow bar nose radius and
the very high loads that occur there if chain tension is too
The following applies for all other guide bars: if the saw
chain sags on the underside of the guide bar – retension
the chain.
You will find detailed instructions on how to tension the
saw chain in every STIHL chainsaw manual. Seite 17 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Sharpening Errors and Damage Seite 18 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Sharpening Errors and Damage
If a saw chain does not perform satisfactorily after sharpening, chatters, bounces or wanders in the cut, it should be checked
for possible sharpening errors.
The following pages show some common errors, their effects and remedies.
Condition Sharpening error Remedy
Chain snatches
in cut
Sharpening angle too acute (narrow) Use filing aid to maintain sharpening angle
Hooked side plate angle Use filing aid, hold file higher, use right (larger)
diameter file
Different side plate angles Use filing aid, pay attention to uniform pressure
Different cutter lengths Find master cutter and file back all cutters
to same length
Depth gauge setting too wide If possible, file back cutters, the saw chain must
otherwise be replaced
Different depth gauge settings Find shortest depth gauge, file back all cutters to suit
shortest depth gauge setting, correct all other depth
Poor cutting
Sharpening angle too obtuse (wide) Use filing aid to maintain sharpening angle
Backsloping side plate angle Use filing aid, hold file lower, use right (smaller)
diameter file
Depth gauge setting insufficient Lower depth gauges, using filing gauge that matches
chain pitch
Cut wanders Different side plate angles Use filing aid, pay attention to uniform pressure
Different filing angles Use filing aid, pay attention to correct sharpening angle
on all cutters
Different cutter lengths Find master cutter and file back all cutters
to same length
Different depth gauge settings Find shortest depth gauge, file back all cutters to suit
shortest depth gauge setting, correct all other depth
Increased risk of
Hooked side plate angle Use filing aid, hold file higher, use right (larger)
diameter file
Depth gauge setting too wide If possible, file back cutters, the saw chain must
otherwise be replaced
Short edge life Sharpening angle too acute (narrow) Use filing aid to maintain sharpening angle
Backsloping side plate angle Use filing aid, hold file lower, use right (smaller)
diameter file
Hooked side plate angle Use filing aid, hold file higher, use right (larger)
diameter file Seite 19 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Sharpening Errors and Damage
Sharpening angle too acute (narrow)
Sharpening angle too obtuse (wide)
Hooked side plate angle
Backsloping side plate angle
Error Wrong sharpening angle
Effects Cutters bite too deeply into wood, snag
and stick, reduced life, high load on
saw chain
Remedy Use filing aid to maintain sharpening
Error Wrong sharpening angle
Effects Poor cutting performance, high feed
effort required
Remedy Use filing aid to maintain sharpening
Error File not held properly, wrong file
Effects Chain snatches in cut, short life,
increased risk of kickback
Remedy Use filing aid
Hold file higher
Use right (larger) diameter file
Error File not held properly, wrong file
Effects Poor cutting performance, high feed
pressure required, greater physical
effort and wear rate
Remedy Use filing aid
Hold file lower
Use right (smaller) diameter file Seite 20 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Sharpening Errors and Damage
Different side plate angles
Different filing angles
Different cutter lengths
Depth gauge setting insufficient
Error File not held properly, uneven
Effects Cut wanders, chain snatches
in cut
Remedy Use filing aid
Pay attention to uniform feed
Error File not held properly
Effects Cut wanders
Remedy Use filing aid
Pay attention to correct sharpening
angle on all cutters
Error Different amounts of material removed
during filing
Effects Cut wanders, chain snatches
in cut, poor cutting performance
Remedy Find master cutter and file back all
cutters to same length
Error Depth gauge setting not checked after
Effects Poor cutting performance although
chain is sharp
Remedy Lower depth gauges, using filing
gauge that matches chain pitch Seite 21 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Sharpening Errors and Damage
Depth gauge setting too wide Different depth gauge settings
Machine sharpening
If the angles differ greatly from the specifications and are
very difficult or impossible to correct with a file, STIHL
recommends you have your chain sharpened by a STIHL
servicing dealer.
He has the necessary knowledge and sharpening
equipment to restore the saw chain to its original condition
and full sharpness.
After this general overhaul you will be able to resharpen
the chain relatively easily with a file.
Error Depth gauge setting too wide
Effects Chain snatches in cut, increased risk of
kickback and chain breakage
Remedy If possible, file back cutters, the saw
chain must otherwise be replaced
Error Different amounts of material removed
during filing
Effects Chain snatches in cut, chain wanders
Remedy Find shortest depth gauge
File back all cutters until they suit the
shortest depth gauge setting
Correct all depth gauges Seite 22 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Guide Bar Maintenance
Guide bar wear is highest in the area where most of the
cutting is done. That is normally the underside of the bar.
On guide bars without a nose sprocket (Duromatic bars) it
is the bar nose area that is highly stressed. Before
mounting the guide bar and chain:
Clean the oil inlet holes and the bar groove. The
groove cleaner on the filing gauge is suitable for this
Check the groove depth
Check the bar rails for burrs and deburr if necessary
Turn the bar over to ensure it wears as evenly as
possible on both sides
Groove depth
As the rails wear the bar groove becomes shallower. A
minimum depth must be maintained in order to ensure
that the drive link tangs do not scrape along the bottom of
the groove.
If this happens, the drive link tangs wear very quickly and
the running faces of the cutters and tie straps will no
longer ride on the bar rails.
Checking groove depth
Rollomatic guide bars with sprocket nose
Use the scale (groove cleaner) on a filing gauge to
check the groove depth on the top and the bottom of
the guide bar.
Duromatic guide bars (without sprocket nose)
Use the scale (groove cleaner) on a filing gauge to
check the groove depth over its entire length.
If the measured depth is less than specified, replace the
guide bar.
Deburring bar rails
A burr forms on the outside edges of the bar rails as they
{ Pro Tip
Experience has shown that it is best to use four saw
chains with two chain sprockets and one guide bar in
rotation. (4-2-1 principle)
Chain pitch Minimum groove depth
1/4" P 4 mm
1/4" 4 mm
3/8" P 5 mm
.325" 6 mm
3/8" 6 mm
.404" 7 mm Seite 23 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Guide Bar Maintenance
This burr can be removed with a flat file or the STIHL
guide bar dressing tool.
If the left and right bar rails have been worn unevenly due
to an incorrectly sharpened chain, they can be leveled
with the STIHL guide bar dressing tool providing the
difference is not too great.
It is important that the required minimum groove depth is
maintained after the rails have been leveled.
If the guide bar has more serious damage, contact your
STIHL servicing dealer for assistance.
He will assess whether a repair is worthwhile, carry it out
if required or replace the guide bar.
Wear on guide bar
A saw chain that has been too loosely tensioned over a
prolonged period has particularly negative effects on the
condition of the guide bar.
If these effects are identified in good time, measures can
be taken to counteract the high rate of wear.
For this reason the guide bar should be checked at regular
intervals for signs of abnormal wear.
Checking nose sprocket of Rollomatic guide bar
Here must be a clearance (a) between the chain and bar
nose. If there is no clearance, i.e. chain locates against
the bar nose, it indicates that the nose sprocket teeth are
worn or the nose sprocket bearing is damaged.
Your STIHL servicing dealer will assess whether a repair
is worthwhile, carry it out if required or replace the guide
Several typical pictures of wear and damage are shown
below together with their effects and remedies: Seite 24 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Guide Bar Maintenance
Worn guide bar rails
Evenly worn bar rails, minimum depth has been reached,
normal wear – replace the whole cutting attachment.
Unevenly worn bar rails.
Battered guide bar rails
Bar rails battered at top in entry area and at bottom behind
nose; underside of bar rippled.
Error Unevenly worn bar rails due to
incorrectly sharpened chain
Effects Chain tips to one side and does not cut
Remedy Level the bar rails and sharpen the
chain properly
If minimum groove depth cannot be
maintained, replace the cutting
Error Chain tensioned too loosely for
extended period
Effects Chain runs roughly. Using a guide bar
in this state will cause it and the chain
to wear very quickly.
Remedy Level the bar rails
If damage is too advanced, install a new
cutting attachment (chain sprocket, guide
bar, chain). If only one of these parts is
replaced, it will be quickly worn again by
the other defective parts. Seite 25 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Guide Bar Maintenance
Pinched or splayed guide bar rails Guide bar rails chipped
STIHL recommends you contact your STIHL servicing
dealer if one of the conditions described occurs in more
serious form and cannot be rectified easily. He will assess
whether a repair is worthwhile, carry it out if required or
replace the cutting attachment.
Error Force has been used, e.g. guide bar
pinched in cut
Effects Chain wobbles or is jammed
Remedy Your STIHL servicing dealer will
assess whether the guide bar can be
repaired or has to be replaced
Error Burr on guide bar not removed soon
Effects Chain runs roughly and wears rapidly
Remedy Level bar rails if minimum bar groove
depth can be maintained
If bar wear is too advanced, have rails
leveled by STIHL servicing dealer
Replace the guide bar if necessary
Always remove burrs in good time Seite 26 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Checking the Chain Sprocket
The chain sprocket is also subject to normal wear. A
seriously worn chain sprocket also causes the chain and
the guide bar to wear at an increased rate. For this reason
the chain sprocket should also be checked at regular
Checking sprocket wear
The chain sprocket must be replaced if the depth of the
wear marks reaches about 0.5 mm, i.e. the wear limit.
This is best checked with the STIHL reference gauge.
Spur sprocket
Rim sprocket
Hold the reference gauge on the chain sprocket. The
sprocket must be replaced if the wear marks are the
same depth (a = 0.5mm) or deeper than the gauge
Sprocket wear is accelerated by running a too loosely
tensioned chain. Therefore, correct chain tension should
be checked regularly.
{ Pro Tip
Experience has shown that it is best to use four saw
chains with two chain sprockets and one guide bar in
rotation. (4-2-1 principle)
{ Pro Tip
Since a worn component of the cutting attachment
causes increased wear on the other components it is
advisable to use two chains in rotation with one
sprocket. The two chains generally wear at the same
rate along with the chain sprocket and both
components (chains and sprocket) can then be
replaced at the same time. Seite 27 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Determining the Correct Cutting Attachment
If you need a new cutting attachment or want to equip your
chainsaw with a different cutting attachment, the following
information will help you select the correct cutting
The chainsaw instruction manual lists the cutting
attachments that are suitable for your specific STIHL saw
The following parameters are used to determine the
existing saw chain, guide or chain sprocket.
Characteristics of saw chain
The following characteristics define a saw chain:
Chain pitch
You have already got to know the chain pitch while
selecting the right sharpening file. Here is the complete
explanation of the term:
The dimensions of the individual chain links are related to
one another. The size of the cutters and the other chain
links are determined by the chain pitch.
The chain pitch is quoted in inches. A digit is stamped on
each cutter in the area of the depth gauge.
See the table in chapter
b "Selecting the file"
Picco Rapid/Picco
58 59
6 ...
1 Chain pitch assigns the saw chain to particular
chainsaw models (power classes)
2 Drive link gauge assigns the saw chain to guide
bars with a certain groove width
3, 4 Cutter shape
5 The length of the saw chain is determined by
the length of the guide bar and is quoted as the
number of drive links Seite 28 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Determining the Correct Cutting Attachment
The pitch is determined by measuring the distance (a)
from the center of one rivet to the center of the next but
one and dividing the measurement by two. The result is
the pitch in inches or millimeters.
(e.g. 3/8” = 9.32 mm)
It is necessary to measure across three rivets because the
rivet center distances may be different on drive links and
cutters or tie straps.
Drive link gauge
The drive link gauge is the measurement which allocates
the saw chain to particular guide bars (groove width). It
must match the groove width of the guide bar so that the
chain fits the bar exactly. The drive link gauge is quoted in
The last digit (arrow) of this measurement is stamped on
every drive link.
Digit Drive link gauge
1 1.1 mm
3 1.3 mm
5 1.5 mm
6 1.6 mm Seite 29 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Determining the Correct Cutting Attachment
Cutter shape
The cutter profile is viewed from behind the cutter, looking
along the bar in the direction of the bar nose.
Basic types:
Conventional chipper-tooth chains with a standard height
cutter are referred to as Oilomatic "Rapid".
Chipper-tooth chains with a low-profile cutter are called
Oilomatic "Picco".
The basic types are subdivided into the following
Micro semi-chisel chain:
Straight-sided cutter. Robust universal chain that
combines high cutting capacity, convenience, long edge
life and simple maintenance. Meets the demands of users
in agriculture and construction industry but also suitable
for occasional users. Easy to maintain and resharpen.
Super full chisel chain:
Razor-edged, square shaped cutters. Combines excellent
cutting capacity and convenience. Meets highest
performance requirements of professional users in
logging. Resharpening requires more experience.
Duro carbide-tipped chain:
Cutters with carbide tipping. The Duro chain combines
exceptional service life, convenience and good cutting
performance. It is not affected by dirty wood or brief
contact with the ground. Remains sharp up to four times
longer than a standard semi-chisel chain. Carbide-tipped
chains cannot be sharpened manually. They must be
resharpened by the STIHL dealer with a specially shaped
diamond grinding wheel.
The length of the chain is expressed as the number of
drive links. Seite 30 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Determining the Correct Cutting Attachment
Characteristics of guide bar
The four following characteristics define a guide bar:
Groove width
A continuous groove is machined in the periphery of the
bar. The tangs of the drive links extend into the groove to
keep the chain running in a straight line. The bar groove
also serves as a supply channel for chain and bar
lubricant. The chain rides on the rails on either side of the
The groove width must match the drive link gauge of the
chain being used.
Cutting length
The length of the bar (a) determines the area of
application (e.g. log diameter).
Nose sprocket
The pitch of the nose sprocket assigns Rollomatic guide
bars to certain saw chain and chain sprocket pitches. The
pitch of all three components must be the same.
Bar tail
The tail of the bar is defined by the position of the slot (1)
for the mounting studs, the position of the oil inlet holes (3)
and the fixing holes (2) for the chain tensioner.
Characteristics of chain sprocket
The chain sprocket is defined by the number of teeth and
the chain pitch. Both numbers are stamped on the chain
It is again important to ensure that the saw chain, guide
bar and chain sprocket have the same pitch. Seite 31 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Determining the Correct Cutting Attachment
Service data
Top: Previous service data block
Bottom: New service data block
All the afore-mentioned characteristics, except the cutter
profile and number of chain sprocket teeth, can be taken
from the service data block on the tail of every STIHL
guide bar. They are etched by laser in the following order.
Determining data
STIHL offers a reference gauge for simply determining all
the data of the guide bar, chain sprocket and saw chain.
1 Part number
2 Cutting length
3 Groove width / drive link gauge
4 Number of drive links
5 Chain pitch (Rollomatic bars only) Seite 32 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
Check List
Taking Care of Cutting Attachment
for Machine:
Part Operation Date Date
Saw Chain
Ο Clean saw chain and inspect for damage
Ο Find and mark master cutter
Ο Tension saw chain slightly tighter
Ο Select and use filing aid and file diameter that match chain pitch
Ο Pay attention to same cutter length – (count number of file strokes)
Ο Rotate the file a little at regular intervals while filing to avoid one-sided wear
Ο Check depth gauge setting and lower if necessary – use filing gauge that matches
chain pitch
Ο Remove and clean saw chain after sharpening – remove filings
Ο Lubricate chain thoroughly
Ο Carry out maintenance work on guide bar
Ο Mount guide bar and saw chain
Ο Tension the saw chain
Ο Check chain lubrication
Guide Bar
Ο Clean oil inlet hole – use filing gauge
Ο Clean bar groove – use filing gauge
Ο Measure groove depth with scale on filing gauge
Ο Observe minimum groove depth for chain pitch
Ο Examine guide bar for cracks and other damage
Ο Check bar rails and deburr if necessary
Ο Check nose sprocket rotates freely and check clearance between chain and bar
nose as described
Ο Turn guide bar over – every time chain is sharpened and changed
Chain Sprocket
Ο Check depth of wear marks (check gauge, special accessory) – replace chain
sprocket if wear marks are deeper than 0.5 mm Seite 33 Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 11:50 11
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