Before completing this application please read any associated guidance that can be found on our website at
www.chelmsford.gov.uk. If you need to provide additional information please do so on a separate appendix to this
application and submit with all required documentation as requested
Title: First name(s): Surname:
Postal Address:
Post Town: Post Code:
Phone (Home): Phone (Mobile):
e-mail address:
Date of Birth: NI number:
Trading Name:
Postal Address:
Purpose for which the business premises are used? (please tick one of the following options)
Use as a public house, wine bar or other drinking establishment
Other use for the sale of food or drink for consumption on or off the premises
Both of the above uses
Please provide a description of the part of the highway to which this application relates:
(Please note you are required to submit a scale plan of this area together with your application)
Which of the following relevant purposes do you wish to put furniture on the highway for?
(please tick one of the following options)
To sell or serve food or drink supplied from, or in connection with relevant use of, the premises
For the purpose of consuming food or drink supplied from, or in connection with relevant use of, the premises
Both of the above purposes
During what times do you propose to place furniture on the highway and on which of the following days:
Please use the 24hr clock.
Mondays to Fridays to
Tuesdays to Saturdays to
Wednesdays to Sundays to
Thursdays to
Please provide a description and the quantity of the furniture you propose to place on the highway and outline any
applicable and additional toilet provision.
(Please note you are required to provide photographs or brochures of the proposed furniture with your application. Continue
on a separate schedule if necessary)
I have paid the fee of £100
Rec. Ref
I have attached photographic evidence of the public notice
I have enclosed a plan showing the extent of the area and layout of furniture
Copy of public liability insurance.
I understand that if I do not provide information requested that my application will
be rejected.
I understand that there is no assumed right of permission unless not determined
within the required period. Where council refuse permission I understand that fees
will not be refunded.
I understand that I am required to give notice of my application in accordance with the requirements of the Business and
Planning Act 2020 and that failing to do so will lead to the revocation of any licence granted.
I understand I must hold and maintain public liability insurance up to a value of £5million.
I understand my application will not be considered to be complete until all the required documents and information have been
provided and the application fee of £100 has been paid.
I understand that the application fee paid is non-refundable if my application is refused or if any licence granted is
subsequently surrendered or revoked.
I understand that the Authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the
information I have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. I understand that it may also share this
information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.
I declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and that I have not willfully omitted any
necessary material. I understand that if there are any willful omissions, or incorrect statements made, my application may be
refused without further consideration or, if a licence has been issued, it may be liable to revocation.
I understand that the Authority is collecting my data for the purposes described on this form and will not be used for any other
purpose, or passed on to any other body, except as required by law, without my consent.
Date Submitted:
(Date of application)
Print Name:
Please return this form with all relevant documents and proof that the application fee has been paid to:
For your guidance, below are our standard conditions that should be taken into account when making application. As our
published conditionsthese will be attached to every licence including any that might be deemed granted’.
Standard Conditions
1. This permission is personal to the Licensee and not be capable of being transferred.
2. The Licensee shall make no fixtures to or excavations of any kind in the surface of the highway which shall be left entirely
3. The Licensee shall make no claim or charge against either Chelmsford City Council (The Council) or Essex County
Council in the event of the furniture or other objects being lost, stolen or damaged in any way from whatever cause.
4. The Licensee shall indemnify both the Council and the Essex County Council as Highway Authority against all actions,
proceedings, claims, demands and liability which may at any time be taken, made or incurred arising out of the grant of
this permission and for this purpose must take out at the Licensee’s expense a policy of public liability insurance approved
by the Council in the sum of at least five million pounds in respect of any one event and must produce to the Council on
request the current receipts of premium payments and confirmation of the annual renewals of the policy.
5. The authorised area shall be used solely for the purpose of consuming food or drink and only by persons seated at the
tables and chairs provided within the authorised area.
6. No charge shall be made by the Licensee for the use of the tables and chairs.
7. Waste from the Licensee’s operations shall not be disposed of in the permanent litter bins situated on the highway for
use by the general public provided by the Council.
8. Refuse and litter deposited on the highway in the vicinity of the chairs and tables must be collected and removed each
day by the Licensee at the Licensee's expense at not less than hourly intervals, at close of business or at more frequent
intervals as may be required by or under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Licensee shall comply with all
requirements of any public health legislation for the time being in force.
9. The Licensee shall remove from the highway the barriers, posts, tables and chairs to permit works in or the use of the
highway by the Council, the County Council, the police, fire and ambulance services, any statutory undertaker or
telecommunications code operator and shall make no claim against the Council or County Council for any loss of revenue
or for refund or permission fee as a result thereof. When such temporary removal is required to enable authorised special
events to take place, the Council will provide reasonable prior notice of such events.
10. No alcohol shall be consumed on the permitted area unless a licence authorising the sale of alcohol has been issued by
the Council.
11. The Licensee shall be responsible for any rates, taxes and other outgoings which may be charged arising from the
exercise of this licence.
12. The Licensee shall at its own expense obtain any necessary statutory consents and approvals required in connection
with the exercise of a refreshment facility on the highway and comply with the provisions of all such consents and
approvals and all statutes and other obligations imposed by law with regards to the provision, maintenance and operation
of the refreshment facility.
13. The Licensee shall at the written request of the Council’s Director of Public Places remove from and shall not replace any
furniture on the permitted area which is not maintained to a standard satisfactory to the said Director.
14. No regulated entertainment shall be permitted within the licensed area unless authorised.
15. The Licensee shall keep the furniture clean and tidy and the tables cleared regularly.
16. No furniture is to be placed or kept on the permitted area when [premises] is not open or trading.
17. The furniture is to be used only by customers of [premises], Chelmsford for the consumption of food and drink supplied
from within those premises.
18. The Licensee shall not cause or permit any nuisance or annoyance to users of the highway.
19. The Licensee shall not place furniture on the highway outside the authorised area of use.
20. The Licensee shall not permit or suffer the removal of any glassware used for the supply of the refreshment provided by
the public from the authorised area.
21. Glasses supplied for the consumption of drinks on the authorised area shall be made of toughened glass or plastic only.
22. All barriers erected to enclose the area will be of high visibility and with a low tapping rail for the visually impaired.
23. The authorised area shall be supervised by competent staff of the Licensee at all times during the exercise of this consent
who shall take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions.
24. Any heaters used in the permitted area must conform to BS EN 60529:1992 (electric heaters) and BS EN 14543:2005
(gas heaters). The Licensee shall restrict access to the controls/ pipe cylinders on the heaters to authorized employees
of the premises only.
25. This permission may be suspended or revoked:
(a) by either party giving to the other not less than one months notice in writing to expire at any time or
(b) in the event of the Licensee failing to comply with any of the above conditions the Council may revoke the licence by
giving 24 hours notice in writing to the Licensee and in this event all consideration money previously paid shall be without
prejudice to any right or action which the Council may have for breach of terms of this permission damages or otherwise.
26. Any notice to be served in connection with this permission will be sent by email to the email address of the licence holder
provided within the application and shall be deemed to be served upon the Council if sent via email to
licens[email protected] or addressed to Director of Public Places c/o The Licensing Team, Civic Centre, Duke
Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE.
27. The Licensee shall remove all furniture from the authorised area when the premises are closed for trading. For further
clarification, no furniture is to be placed or kept on the authorised area when the premises are not open or trading, nor
placed on the highway other than in the layout shown on the approved plan.
28. This consent is a consent issued under s.3 (3)(a) of Part1 Business and Planning Act 2020
29. No form of decking/flooring will be permitted under any circumstances.
30. Customer toilet and associated hand-washing facilities is to be provided in accordance with the Council’s Guidance on
Toilet Provision.
31. A copy of page 1 of this licence shall be placed in a prominent position adjacent to the area in respect of which this
permission has been granted so as it can be clearly seen by authorised officials without need to enter the premises.
The Licensee’s attention is drawn to The Chelmsford City Council Public Spaces Protection Order (Chelmsford City Centre and
Surrounding Area) 2019 made in accordance with the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
Mandatory Conditions (National)
The Secretary of State publishes this condition in exercise of his powers under [clause 5(6)] of the Business and Planning Act
Condition relating to clear routes of access:
It is a condition that clear routes of access along the highway must be maintained, taking into account the needs of disabled
people, and the recommended minimum footway widths and distances required for access by mobility impaired and visually
impaired people as set out in Section 3.1 of Inclusive Mobility.
Guidance on the effect of this condition
1. To the extent that conditions imposed or deemed to be imposed on a pavement licence do not require the licence holder to
require clear routes of access to be maintained, taking into account the needs of disabled people and the recommended
minimum footway widths and distances required for access by mobility impaired and visually impaired people as set out in
Section 3.1 of Inclusive Mobility, the licence is granted subject to those requirements.
2. To the extent that a licence is granted subject to a condition which imposes requirements to maintain clear routes of access
that are inconsistent with the requirements set out in this condition this condition is not imposed on the licence.
Part 1 Business and Planning Act 2020
1. If it appears to a local authority that a person to whom they have granted or deemed to be granted permission
under Section s.3 (3)(a) of Part1 Business and Planning Act 2020 has committed any breach of any condition of the
licence they may revoke the licence, or serve a notice requiring them to take such steps to remedy the breach as
are specified in the notice within such time as it is so specified.
2. If a person on whom a notice is served under subsection 6(1)(b) above fails to comply with the notice, the council may
revoke the licence or take the steps themselves and in doing so may recover any costs from the licence holder.
3. A local authority may also revoke a pavement licence if it considers that (a) some or all of the part of the relevant highway
has become unsuitable for any purpose in relation to which the licence was granted and (b) as a result there is a risk to
public safety, anti-social behaviour or public nuisance is being caused or the highway is being obstructed (other than that
permitted in pursuant of the licence) or (c) it is later found that the applicant was misleading or gave false information in
their application or (d) the licence holder failed to comply with the duty in s. 2(5) in respect of failure to properly display
the public notice.
1. The effect of granting this licence negates the need to apply for any planning permission or street trading consent, in
connection with only the purposes for which this licence has been issued.