with detailed
information on
An expert guide to neutral-to-analysis size reduction
and homogenization in the laboratory
The Art
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan.
All rights reserved, including the right to copy, distribute and
translate this text. No part of this document may be reproduced in
any way without written consent of RETSCH GmbH nor may be
modified, copied or distributed with the help of electronic systems.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
1. Why Size Reduction? ............................ 4
2. The Size Reduction Process ....................... 7
2.1. Sample Preparation ........................... 7
Sample Division ............................ 8
Drying .................................. 9
Metal Separation .......................... 10
Embrittlement (liquid nitrogen or dry ice) ......... 10
2.2. Size Reduction Principles....................... 11
Size Reduction of hard / brittle materials ......... 12
Size Reduction of soft, elastic, fibrous materials .... 13
2.3. Grinding Tools .............................. 14
2.4. Grinding Aids ............................... 18
3. RETSCH's Product Range ......................... 20
3.1. Jaw Crushers ............................... 21
3.2. Rotor Mills ................................. 22
3.3. Cutting and Knife Mills ........................ 25
3.4. Disc Mills .................................. 27
3.5. Mortar Grinder .............................. 28
3.6. Ball Mills .................................. 28
4. Conclusion .................................... 34
Annex: Tips & Tricks for Ball Milling ............. 36-39
Annex: Materials ............................ 41-65
Annotations ................................ 66-69
The Art
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
1. Why Size Reduction?
1. Why Size Reduction?
A reliable and accurate analysis can only be guaranteed by reproducible
sample preparation. The "Art of Milling" describes the process of turning a
laboratory sample into a representative part sample with homogeneous
analytical fineness.
For this task RETSCH offers a comprehensive range of the most modern laboratory
mills and crushers for coarse, fine and ultra-fine size reduction of almost any mate-
rial. The wide selection of grinding tools and accessories not only ensures contam-
ination-free sample preparation but also adaptation to the specific requirements of
such different areas of application as construction materials, metallurgy, foodstuffs,
pharmaceuticals or environment.
Particle size reduction of solids or bulk materials is required when the particles are
too coarse or the sample is too inhomogeneous for subsequent processes such as
analysis, division, mixing or further processing. The standard deviation of any sub-
sequent analysis can be minimized drastically by particle size reduction and homog-
enization of the analysis sample (see diagram below).
A rubber sample was ground to different particle sizes. The degree of homogenization
increased with decreasing particle size. The subsequent measurement of the sulfur con-
tent (measured with an ELTRA CS-580 analyzer) showed that the more homogeneous a
sample was (red) the lower was the standard deviation, i. e. the more reliable were the
analysis results.
3 mm: 2.12% ± 0.11% (5.2%)
300 µm: 2.05% ± 0.02% (0.9%)
Measurement No.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
1. Why Size Reduction?
Required Fineness
A frequent requirement is to "grind the sample to fine powder". The term "powder",
however, is not precise. Washing powder, coffee powder or baking powder are bulk
materials which are all characterized as "powders", although they have very differ-
ent particle size distributions.
Another typical request is to have the sample ground "as fine as possible". This
involves a high input of energy and time which in turn increases costs. A much
more effective approach is not to grind as fine as possible but only as fine as
necessary. This parameter is typically determined by the subsequent analysis.
Usually, only a few gram or milli-
gram of a laboratory sample are
required for an analytical method. If
the sample is inhomogeneous, this
small amount does not represent
the entire sample as some ingre-
dients may be over-representative
or missing altogether. Therefore,
the sample must be homogeneous
to ensure reliable and representati-
ve analytical results.
Analytical fineness
The required analytical fineness of
the sample material depends on the
analytical method or further pro-
cessing and can vary greatly. Most
methods require a fineness in the
size range from 20 µm to 2 mm.
As product properties (e.g. extrac-
tion, filtration or absorption capaci-
ty) are often influenced by the par-
ticle size, size reduction on a labo-
ratory scale is also essential for the
development of new products or
production processes.
Only a homogenized analytical sample can repre-
sent the total initial sample and lead to reliable
and reproducible results.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Aspects which influence the selection of a suitable mill
When searching for a suitable mill and grinding tools, one has to keep in mind that
the sample properties to be determined (such as moisture or heavy metal content)
must not be altered in any way during the process.
To make the right choice not only precise knowledge of the instruments is required
but also profound experience in the preparation of different materials.
To find the best suited mill for a specific application, the following aspects should be
considered in advance:
n Quality/characteristics of sample
(e.g. dry, tough, abrasive, fibrous, brittle, hard, soft, temperature-sensitive
n Feed size
n Required final fineness
n Sample volume
n Sample throughput
n Subsequent analysis
(which type of contamination by abrasion of grinding tools is acceptable?)
n May the sample be dried or embrittled before grinding?
n Not to forget: Is the laboratory sample representative?
Depending on the quality of the material different size reduction principles are
applied to obtain the required fineness. Large particles cannot always be ground to
analytical fineness in one step. In some cases it is possible to carry out coarse and
fine grinding in the same mill with different settings; in other cases two mills or
crushers are required.
1. Why Size Reduction
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.1. Sample Preparation
Before starting the actual grinding process it must be ascertained that the sample
can be processed without further treatment. Moisture, agglomerations, segrega-
tions or impurities could disturb the process and falsify the grinding result.
The sample quantity is also an
important factor. How much is
needed for analysis? How big is the
total sample amount in comparison
to that and what is the grain size?
These parameters determine the
minimum amount which is needed
for the part sample to be represen-
tative. Representative means that
the composition of the part sample
is exactly the same as that of the
total sample.
2. The Size Reduction Process
To produce a size reduction effect, the comminution principle of the mill
should be matched to the breaking behavior of the respective material
(see chapter 2.2).
When selecting a suitable instrument and before beginning the prepara-
tion process, a thorough evaluation of the material is necessary. Proper-
ties such as density, hardness, consistency, residual moisture or fat con-
tents have to be examined. The success of the grinding process can also be
influenced by temperature stability, tendency to agglomerate or surface
In any case, the requirements of subsequent analysis should always be
taken into account when carrying out a particular grinding task.
Different models
of sample dividers
2. The Size Reduction Process
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.1. Sample Preparation
Sample Division
Most laboratory samples consist of an inhomogeneous mix-
ture. Different particle sizes can lead to segregation during
transportation of the sample. If the sample is not ground
completely, a part sample should be extracted.
If the initial grain size is too big, preliminary size reduction
must be carried out before the sample can be divided. The
selection of the division method and the instrument depends
on the sample material and quantity. Dry, free flowing sam-
ples can be fed via vibratory feeders to rotary tube dividers
and sample dividers with a rotating dividing head whereas
sample splitters are used for materials with a low flowability.
Manual random sampling is only acceptable if the sample is
homogeneous with regards to material and grain size. How-
ever, without preliminary examination, this is difficult to
Loss of weight [%]
Mean value of 10 samples after
random sample division
Standard deviation:
of total value
Mean value of 10 samples after
sample division in PT 100
Standard deviation:
of total value
The standard deviation e.g. in a plastic sample analyzed for its moisture content can be
decreased drastically by correct sample division using a sample divider.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.1. Sample Preparation
To grind moist or even wet sample
materials is not possible without both-
ersome side effects, especially in jaw
crushers, rotor or disc mills. Moist
materials tend to block the ring and
bottom sieves which can lead to a
blockage of the machine. As a conse-
quence, material is lost and much time
and effort has to be spent on cleaning
the mill.
There are a few exceptions: colloidal
grindings can only be carried out in ball
mills by adding a liquid. Fresh fruit and
vegetables can be homogenized in knife
mills without material loss.
However, in most cases, moist samples have to be dried (e.g.
leaves) before they can be subjected to size reduction. When
choosing the drying method and temperature, care must be
taken that the properties of the sample to be determined are
not altered in any way. That is especially important with
regards to volatile components such as furans, polychlorinat-
ed biphenyls (e.g. PCBs) and dioxins. Usually, these types of
sample can only be air-dried at room temperature.
RETSCH's TG 200 is suitable for gentle and quick drying. It
uses the fluidized bed drying method, similar to that of indus-
trial dryers. For many products the drying time is as little as
5 to 20 minutes.
Further methods include vacuum and freeze drying as well as
drying in drying ovens.
Fluid Bed Dryer
TG 200
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.1. Sample Preparation
Metal Separation
Samples such as industrial waste, recyclable waste and sec-
ondary fuels often contain metallic components which cannot
be pulverized with laboratory mills. On the contrary, metallic
objects such as steel nails or iron screws can damage the
grinding tools which can lead to a considerable deterioration
of the mill's performance. Therefore, it is necessary to sepa-
rate the metal components before grinding (e.g. with mag-
netic forces). If required, they have to be evaluated sepa-
Embrittlement (with liquid nitrogen or dry ice)
Cooling the sample material often
improves its breaking behaviour. There-
fore, temperature-sensitive materials,
such as some types of plastics, have to
be cooled directly before they can be
subjected to preliminary or fine size
reduction. One way is to embrittle the
sample in liquid nitrogen (N
, LN) before
grinding. At a temperature of
-196 °C even soft rubber becomes so
hard and brittle that it can be ground
without problems. Another possibility is
to mix the sample with dry ice (CO
For indirect cooling, the grinding jar is
placed in liquid nitrogen.
If the sample contains volatile substances which must be pre-
served during grinding, cryogenic grinding is also the method
of choice.
However, materials which must not become moist should not
directly be treated with cooling agents. The reason for this is
that the steam in the air is frozen and is precipitated as water
when it unfreezes.
Cooling agents should not be used in closed grinding tools as
evaporation causes overpressure in the jar.
Cooling a jar
in liquid nitrogen
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.2. Size Reduction Principles
2.2. Size Reduction Principles
Laboratory mills work with different size reduction principles.
Which type of mill is used for a particular size reduction task
always depends on the breaking properties of the sample mate-
rial. Hard-brittle materials are best pulverized with impact, pres-
sure and friction whereas soft and elastic substances require cut-
ting and shearing effects to be successfully comminuted.
Size reduction machines for large particle sizes above 40 mm are
known as crushers or shredders while particle sizes below this
are processed with mills.
The next pages show the most common mechanisms for the size
reduction of solids.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.2. Size Reduction Principles
Size Reduction of hard / brittle materials
Force is applied between two solid sur-
faces that either represent the grinding
tool surfaces directly or may be the
surfaces of adjacent particles. Pressure
is exerted by the grinding tools.
jaw crushers, toggle crushers.
Impact effects
Force at a solid surface. This could
either be that of a grinding tool, or be
represented by other particles. Strain
by impact is mainly caused by one-sid-
ed and opposing particle acceleration.
mixer mills, planetary mills, impact
mills, jet impact mills, drum mills.
Force between two solid surfaces.
Caused by the vertical pressure of one
surface and the simultaneous move-
ment of the other surface.
mortar grinders, disc mills,
hand mortars, rod mills.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.2. Size Reduction Principles
Size Reduction of soft, elastic, fibrous materials
Usually, various size reduction principles are combined in
one mill, such as impact and friction in planetary ball mills or
shearing and impact in rotor mills.
Force between two or more solid sur-
faces moving in opposing directions
which results in a shearing effect. At
least one fixed and one moving surface.
rotor beater mills, cross beater mills,
ultra centrifugal mills.
Force between two or more sharp-
edged surfaces. At least one fixed and
one moving cutting edge.
shredders, cutting mills, knife mills.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.3. Grinding Tools
2.3. Grinding Tools
Each RETSCH mill comes with grinding
tools that are optimized with regards to
their functionality and handling. How-
ever, due to the wide range of applica-
tions, the requirements may differ
greatly. Therefore, RETSCH offers a
great variety of accessories. For ball and
disc mills, for example, the grinding
sets are available in various sizes. By
using distance sieves and rotors it is
possible to process temperature-sensi-
tive materials in rotor mills.
All grinding tools are available in differ-
ent materials.
The materials used for RETSCH grinding tools can be grouped
as follows:
n Metal (steel, cast iron, titanium)
n Ceramics (tungsten carbide, zirconium oxide, sintered
aluminium oxide, hard porcelain, silicon nitride)
n Natural stone (agate)
n Plastics (PTFE)
The chemical and physical properties of a material determine
whether it is available for a particular type of mill. Grinding
tools made of steel are available for all mills.
Grinding jars
“comfort” and
grinding balls for
Planetary Ball Mills
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.3. Grinding Tools
The table below gives a survey of parameters such as hard-
ness, energy input, wear resistance and possible contamina-
tion through abrasion:
Hardness Density Energy
Possible contami-
nation through
48 - 52 HRC
550 HV)
7.8 g/cm
very high
(to certain
Fe, Cr
58 - 63 HRC
750 HV)
7.85 g/cm
very high good
Fe, Cr, C
(less than
1250 HV
14.8 g/cm
very good
W, C, Co
hard and
6.5 - 7 Mohs
1000 HV)
2.65 g/cm
very low
(to certain
hard and
8 - 8.5 Mohs
1750 HV)
3.9 g/cm
, SiO
no contami-
nation with
Fe, Cr, Ni or Co
hard and brit
tle, tougher
than agate
7.5 Mohs
1200 HV)
5.9 g/cm
high very good
and Y
for analyses
1500 HV
3.2 g/cm
low excellent
, Y
Shore Hardness
D 56
2.1 g/cm
very low poor
tion with
F, C
*e.g. for ball mills
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.3. Grinding Tools
When choosing a suitable grinding set, several factors have
to be considered such as the hardness of the sample mate-
rial and its breaking properties. The material of the grinding
set should be harder than the sample to avoid excessive
wear. For example, silica sand should not be ground with
agate tools but with zirconium oxide or silicon nitride as these
are much harder.
Abrasion resistance is also an important parameter. Tung-
sten carbide, zirconium oxide and silicon nitride are highly
resistant against abrasion. However, the amount of abrasion
also depends on the properties of the sample and the size
reduction principle of the mill.
In mechanical size reduction processes, abrasion cannot be
completely avoided. Therefore, when choosing a material it
should be taken into account if possible contamination will
have a negative influence on the product or the subsequent
analysis (e.g. abrasion of chrome or nickel influences subse-
quent heavy metal analysis). Thus, neutral-to-analysis mate-
rials should be chosen.
Breaking jaws BB
Rotors and sieves
ZM (right)
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.3. Grinding Tools
Another important feature of ball mills and vibratory disc mills is the energy input
generated by the different materials. Grinding balls of tungsten carbide, for exam-
ple, generate a much higher energy input, and thereby a better size reduction
effect, due to the higher density of the material than balls of the same size of
other materials.
Application examples:
n If soil samples are to be analyzed for iron, chrome or cobalt, grinding tools of
stainless or hardened steel are not suitable as they contain the elements which
are to be determined.
n If, however, calcium or silicon dioxide are to be determined in cement clinker,
grinding jars of steel are suitable.
n PTFE, zirconium oxide, silicon nitride and glass can be sterilized;
therefore, they are often used for preparing food or microbiological samples.
n Abrasion is also an issue for the further processing of samples, even if there is
no subsequent analysis. Homeopathic products, active agents in lactose and
pharmaceuticals, for example, should only be ground in ceramic or agate mor-
tars in order to avoid contamination of the sample.
Please refer to the annex for detailed information on the
materials of the grinding tools.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.4. Grinding Aids
2.4. Grinding Aids
Many grinding tasks which are known from the field of mechanical process engi-
neering can be solved by using one of the various mill types with a suitable size
reduction principle. However, some applications cannot be carried out successfully
with common laboratory mills despite the wide range of accessories. Difficult sam-
ples are, for example, moist materials which must not be dried or soft and elastic
materials and those which contain fat or oil. To produce ultra-fine powders by
mechanical energy input, it is often necessary to add a liquid.
In the above cases, the use of a grinding aid can be helpful. Grinding aids are addi-
tives which activate, accelerate and also improve chemical or physical processes.
Before using a grinding aid for the preparation of solids it must be ensured that the
additive does not influence the subsequent analysis or further processing of the
sample in any way.
Grinding aids are differentiated according to their state of aggregation:
n Solid (powder, granulate, pellets) to bind fat and/or moisture (e.g. talcum)
n Liquid (water, alcohol, benzine) to avoid agglomeration
n Gaseous (inert gas, cooled air, e.g. argon)
Another grinding aid is:
n Tempering (cooling with liquid nitrogen or dry ice, heating)
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
2.4. Grinding Aids
Solid Additives
When preparing samples for XRF analysis, neutral-to-analysis aids, such as Spec-
tromelt pellets (based on cellulose) are often added to the sample material during
grinding in planetary ball mills or vibratory disc mills. If they are mixed in the cor-
rect ratio, they support the size reduction effect and help to avoid caking of the
material inside the grinding jar. When pelletizing the sample material afterwards,
this grinding aid also serves as a binding agent.
The addition of sodium sulfate is a common method to bind fat or moisture that is
to be determined afterwards (e.g. when grinding insects, small marine animals or
moist soils). Trituration is carried out in mortar grinders which guarantees 100 %
sample recovery.
Liquid Additives
To homogenize oil seeds such as rape seed, soy beans or mustard seeds in ball
mills or mortar grinders, it is helpful to add benzine. Benzine is used as extraction
liquid for the determination of oil contents.
The production of ultra-fine powders, e.g. in the ceramics industry, powder metal-
lurgy or mineralogy, can often only be realized by wet grinding. Usually, water or
isopropanol are used as dispersants. Ball mills and mortar grinders are especially
suitable for wet grinding.
Air or Inert Gas
If a size reduction system is sufficiently ventilated, e.g. through a cyclone or a filter
system, the frictional heat is continuously discharged. This helps to reduce the
heating up of the sample material and to increase the throughput.
Gassing with inert gas during grinding prevents the reaction of surface active par-
ticles with oxygen (= oxidation).
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3. RETSCH's Product Range
3. RETSCH's Product Range
The RETSCH product range covers applications from the preliminary size
reduction of particles of several centimeters to fine grinding down to the
nano range. The following criteria are decisive when selecting a suitable
laboratory mill:
n Material properties of the sample (e.g. breaking behavior)
n Feed size of the sample
n Required final fineness
n Feed quantity
If the initial particle size of the sample is coarse, it might be necessary to
use two mills, one for preliminary size reduction and one for fine grinding,
to achieve analytical fineness. To choose suitable grinding tools is also
part of the selection process (see chapter 2.3). Here the important criteria
are hardness, abrasion resistance, possible contamination and, for ball
mills, the energy input.
Interdependence of instrument, sample mate-
rial and working principle
Hard and
Working principle
Jaw Crusher Pressure
Ultra Centrifugal Mill Impact, shearing
Cyclone Mill Friction, shearing
Cross Beater Mill Impact, shearing
Rotor Beater Mill Impact, shearing
Cutting Mill Shearing, cutting
Knife Mill Cutting, impact
Mortar Grinder Pressure, friction
Disc Mill Pressure, friction
Mixer Mill, CryoMill Impact, friction
Preliminary size
Planetary Ball Mill, E
Impact, friction
Drum Mill Impact, friction
Fine grinding Rod Mill Friction
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3.1. Jaw Crushers
3.1. Jaw Crushers
Jaw crushers are used for the prelimi-
nary size reduction of hard-brittle, dry
materials, such as ores, minerals, slag
and coal.
RETSCH offers eight sizes: the floor
models BB 100, BB 200, BB250 XL,
BB 300, BB 400 XL, BB 500 XL,
BB 600 XL and the benchtop model
BB 50.
The BB 600 XL crushes particles of up
to 35 cm while the maximum feed size
for the BB 50 is approx. 4 cm. The final
fineness achievable with a BB 600 XL is
approx. 6 mm, the BB 50 produces par-
ticles of 0.5 mm and smaller. The final
fineness is determined by the (adjustable)
gap width of the breaking jaws.
With increasing size of the jaw crusher,
the potential throughput of sample
material also increases as the BB 200
and the BB 300 achieve a high through-
put of more than 100 kg/h and the
BB 600 XL even a throughput of up to
3.5 t/h (depending on the sample
Four models can be integrated in pro-
cess lines: BB 200, BB 300, BB 500 XL
and BB 600 XL.
The jaw crushers of the XL line can be
equipped with an automated sorting
The breaking jaws and the wearing
plates are available in five different materials (depending on
the model):
Manganese steel, stainless steel, steel for heavy metal-free
grinding, tungsten carbide and zirconium oxide.
Jaw Crusher
BB 50
Jaw Crusher
BB 600 XL
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3.2. Rotor Mills
3.2. Rotor Mills
The Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200 is
used for the rapid fine size reduction of
soft, medium-hard, brittle and fibrous
materials such as fertilizer, plastics or
feed pellets. For the size reduction of
elastic plastic materials it may be nec-
essary to embrittle the sample in liquid
nitrogen before grinding.
Size reduction in the ZM 200 is effected
through impact and shearing forces
between ring sieve and rotor. The maxi-
mum feed size is up to 10 mm. Depend-
ing on the material, a final fineness
down to 40 µm and below can
be achieved. The final fineness is determined by the
exchangeable ring sieves. The speed of the
ZM 200 ranges from 6 000 to 18 000 min
. The patented cas-
sette principle guarantees 100 % sample recovery and easy
For an automatic and uniform feed of larger amounts of free
flowing materials the Vibratory Feeder DR 100 is recom-
mended. A cyclone with a 3 liter or 5 liter collector can also
be used for larger amounts as well as for temperature-sensi-
tive materials. The frictional heat that is generated during the
grinding process is partly discharged through the cyclone.
The use of distance sieves instead of standard ring sieves
also helps to reduce frictional heat due to the greater gap
between sieve plate and rotor.
Accessories for the ZM 200 include ring sieves and rotors of
titanium for heavy-metal-free size reduction. If hard and
abrasive materials are to be ground, a rotor with abrasion
resistant coating is required. For processing very small
amounts of sample, e.g. of pharmaceuticals, RETSCH offers a
mini-cassette with matching 316 L stainless steel rotor and
various ring sieves.
Ultra Centrifugal
Mill ZM 200
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3.2. Rotor Mills
The Cyclone Mill TWISTER is specially
designed for the processing of foods
and feeds for subsequent NIR analysis.
It processes fibrous and soft products
quickly and gently to the required ana-
lytical fineness. The mill is ideally suited
for grinding feeds, forage and cereals
as well as various types of food.
The TWISTER is equipped with a rotor
and grinding ring with sieve insert. The
high speed of up to 14 000 min
the optimized grinding geometry of
rotor and grinding chamber generate an
air stream which carries the sample
through the integrated cyclone into the
sample bottle. The cyclone provides
additional cooling of the sample and the
grinding tools. This prevents loss of
moisture and thermal degradation ensuring preservation of
the sample properties to be determined. The ground material
is separated in the cyclone and collected in a sample bottle
for complete recovery.
The provided sieves guarantee an optimum particle size dis-
tribution so that it is not necessary to recalibrate the NIR
spectrometer. The rotor speed can be adjusted in 3 steps
allowing for perfect adaptation to the sample requirements.
For most products the air stream effects a complete discharge
of the material from the grinding chamber, particularly if a
vacuum cleaner is connected, so that hardly any cleaning is
required. This helps to avoid cross contaminations and is
especially convenient when processing a series of samples.
Cyclone Mill
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
The Rotor Beater Mill SR 300 is used
for the preliminary and fine size reduc-
tion of soft, medium-hard and brittle
materials with a maximum feed size up
to 25 mm. The final fineness is deter-
mined by the aperture size of the
exchangeable ring sieves. The SR 300
can achieve a fineness down to 50 µm
and below, depending on the properties
of the sample material. Typical applica-
tions include the grinding of grain, coal,
chemicals and soils.
Size reduction in the rotor beater mill is
effected by impact and shearing forces
between rotor and ring sieve. Rotor
beater mills are usually equipped with ring sieves. To achieve
an additional size reduction effect through impact, a 180°
grinding insert can be used for medium-hard materials.
The speed of the SR 300 is adjustable between 3 000 and
10 000 min
. A higher speed does not only generate a higher
throughput but also more frictional heat which can affect the
sample material. For temperature-sensitive materials the use
of a distance rotor is recommended. The larger grinding gap
ensures a reduction in frictional heat. Moreover, a cyclone is
available which also reduces generation of heat by dragging
ground particles faster out of the grinding chamber and gen-
erating a cooling air flow.
The Cross Beater Mill SK 300 is suitable for the preliminary
and fine size reduction of medium-hard/brittle materials such
as ores, minerals and cement clinker with feed sizes up to
25 mm. The final fineness is determined by the exchangeable
bottom sieves with various aperture sizes. Size reduction is
effected through impact and shearing forces between the
baffle plates of the rotor and the toothed grinding insert.
Rotor Beater Mill
SR 300 with
cyclone attached
3.2. Rotor Mills
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Particles which are ground to the
desired fineness pass the bottom sieve.
The SK 300 is available in cast iron,
stainless steel, hardened steel and steel
1.1740 (for heavy-metal-free size
reduction). An optional cyclone is also
The speed of the SK 300 is adjustable
in steps of 200 min
between 2 000
and 4 000 min
3.3. Cutting and Knife Mills
The Cutting Mill SM 100, SM 200 and
the Heavy-Duty Cutting Mills
SM 300 and SM 400 XL are used for
preliminary size reduction of bulky, soft
and fibrous materials such as branches,
straw and plastics. Due to an additional
flywheel mass on the drive shaft the
SM 300's performance equals that of
motors with twice the power rating.
Therefore, it is also suitable for the size
reduction of solid and tough materials
such as leather, thick pieces of rubber
and secondary fuels or electronic scrap.
The speed of the SM 300 is freely
adjustable between 700 and 3 000 min
The final fineness which can be achieved with the cutting
mills depends on the aperture size of the exchangeable bot-
tom sieve and the breaking properties of the sample materi-
al. For all members of the Cutting Mills family three types of
rotors are available: a parallel section rotor which is espe-
Cross Beater Mill
SK 300
3.3. Cutting and Knife Mills
Cutting Mill
SM 300
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
cially suitable for soft, elastic and fibrous materials. And a
6-disc rotor with replaceable and reversible tungsten carbide
cutting plates. For the SM 300 the V-rotor is available which
is especially suitable for tough, soft and fibrous material.
Further accessories include bottom sieves and rotors made of
steels which are suitable for heavy-metal-free size reduction.
The Knife Mills Grindomix GM 200
and GM 300 are suitable for the size
reduction and homogenization of sam-
ples with a high fat, oil or water con-
tent. The mills are frequently used in
food control laboratories.
Whereas the GM 200 can process sam-
ple volumes from 300 - 700 ml, the
GM 300 homogenizes sample amounts
of up to 4 500 ml.
A wide range of accessories is available
for the knife mills. The standard con-
tainer of the GM 200 is made of poly-
propylene. Additionally containers of
stainless steel, polycarbonate and borosilicate glass are avail-
able which can be sterilized and autoclaved. The GM 300 fea-
tures containers from polycarbonate and stainless steel which
can also be autoclaved.
When using a gravity lid the volume of the container is
reduced and automatically adapted to the sample amount.
For samples with a high liquid content gravity lids with over-
flow channels are best suited, as the liquid contents of the
sample ascend the container walls and are returned to the
center of the container.
For heavy-metal-free grinding and homogenization processes
neutral-to-analysis knives are available.
Knife Mills Grindomix
GM 200 and GM 300
3.3. Cutting and Knife Mills
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3.4. Disc Mills
3.4. Disc Mills
The Vibratory Disc Mills RS 200 and RS 300 XL are fre-
quently used for the sample preparation to XRF analysis.
They are suitable for the fine size reduction of medium-hard
and hard materials such as slag, ore, cement clinker and
minerals with a maximum feed size up to 20 mm. Depending
on the material and the selected parameters a final fineness
down to 20 µm can be achieved. A fineness of <100 µm can
usually be obtained after only 1 - 2 minutes of grinding. Grind-
ing sets are available in the sizes 50, 100, 250, 800, 1000 and
2000 ml in up to six different materials (depending on model).
Size reduction in the RS 200 is effected by pressure and fric-
tion between the grinding jar wall, disc and ring which move
in horizontal circles. The speed can be selected in a range
from 700 to 1 500 min
The preliminary and fine size reduction of hard-brittle materi-
als is effected in the Disc Mills DM 200 and DM 400 through
pressure and friction between two vertical grinding discs, one
of which is fixed and the other one rotates. The maximum
feed size is up to 20 mm. The final fineness is determined by
the gap width setting of the grinding discs and is around
0.1 mm. The grinding discs are available in 4 different mate-
Vibratory Disc Mill
RS 200 (left)
Disc Mill
DM 200 (right)
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3.5. Mortar Grinder
3.5. Mortar Grinder
Mortar grinders are used for grinding,
mixing and triturating soft, hard and
brittle materials. Mortar grinders are
dust-tight and therefore ideally suited
for wet grindings and trituration of
Size reduction in mortar grinders is
effected by pressure and friction
between mortar and pestle. The pestle
pressure can be set manually and the
position of scraper and pestle is adjust-
The RETSCH Mortar Grinder RM 200
features a useable volume of 10 to 190
ml. The maximum feed size is up to 8 mm. Depending on the
properties of the sample material, a final fineness down to 10
µm can be achieved. Grinding tools are available in seven dif-
ferent materials.
3.6. Ball Mills
Ball mills are frequently used for the fine size reduction of
hard-brittle materials. A crucial advantage of ball mills is their
great versatility. Grinding jars and balls are available in vari-
ous sizes and materials, e.g. agate and ceramics such as zir-
conium oxide. This is important if the sample is analyzed for
heavy metals.
The grinding tools for ball mills always consist of a grinding
jar and grinding balls made of the same material (exception:
XRD mill). The following rule of thumb can be applied for the
jar filling: 1/3 is filled with balls, 1/3 with sample material.
When choosing the ball size, the feed size of the sample and
the desired final fineness have to be taken into account.
30 mm grinding balls, for example, are suitable to reduce
Mortar Grinder
RM 200
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3.6. Ball Mills
particle sizes of approx. 10 mm while
for colloidal grindings which produce a
fineness down to the submicron range
grinding balls of only 2 or 3 mm are
used. Due to the dust-tight closure of
the grinding jars, ball mills are also
suitable for wet grindings.
RETSCH offers 4 models of Planetary
Ball Mills: the PM 100 and PM 100 CM
with one grinding station, the PM 200
with two grinding stations and the floor
model PM 400 with four grinding sta-
tions. Grinding jars are available in six
different materials with volumes from 12
to 500 ml. The maximum feed size is
10 mm. Depending on the material properties a final fineness
down to 100 µm can be achieved with dry grinding.
A final fineness below 10 µm down to the nano range can
only be achieved with wet grinding. Usually, grinding balls
with small diameters (e.g. 3 mm) are used for this. Approxi-
mately 60 % of the jar volume is filled with grinding balls. A
dispersing agent such as water or alcohol is added to the
sample. Care must be taken that the dispersing agent does
not dissolve the sample or change its
chemical properties. For wet grinding it
is recommended to use a safety closure
device, because the long grinding times
(of several hours) increase the temper-
ature inside the jar which can lead to
the buildup of overpressure.
The grinding jars are arranged eccentri-
cally on the so-called sun wheel. The
rotational movement of the sun wheel
is opposite to that of the grinding jars
in a ratio of 1:-2. Size reduction is
effected through impact and friction.
Planetary Ball Mill
PM 100
Planetary Ball Mill
PM 400
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
PM GrindControl
3.6. Ball Mills
The Planetary Ball Mill PM 100 CM operates in centrifugal
mode, i.e. the speed ratio of sun wheel to grinding jar is 1:-1.
Size reduction with the PM 100 CM is effected through friction
and pressure, which leads to a more gentle size reduction pro-
cess with less abrasion.
RETSCH's planetary ball mills can also be used for mechanical
alloying where mixtures of metals and metal oxide powders
are ground for several hours to form new materials with new
properties. A speed ratio of 1:-2 is usually sufficient for ductile
metals whereas for hard-brittle materials, such as covalent-
bonded semiconductors, a higher energy input is required.
For this type of material the PM 400 MA with a speed ratio of
1:-2.5 or 1:-3 is the most suitable.
To monitor the processes which occur during grinding, RETSCH
offers the measurement system PM GrindControl which is
used to document pressure and temperature inside the grind-
ing jar.
The Mixer Mills MM 200 and MM 400
are suitable for grinding small sample
quantities. The grinding jars perform
radial oscillations in a horizontal posi-
tion. Size reduction is effected through
impact forces. When used with a great
number of small grinding balls (for an
increased inner friction), mixer mills are
also suitable for the disruption of bio-
logical cells.
For the preparation of pellets for XRF
analysis, the previously ground sample
can be mixed and homogenized with
wax (binding agent) using polyamide or steatite balls.
The MM 400 has a greater oscillation radius than the MM 200
which results in an approx. 30 % higher energy input. This
means that a greater fineness can be achieved with shorter
grinding times. Grinding jars for the MM 400 have a size range
from 1.5 to 50 ml. They have a screw-top lid which makes
them suitable for wet grinding. Another option is the use of
Mixer Mill
MM 400
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3.6. Ball Mills
different adapters which hold up to 20 x 2 ml or 6 x 5 ml
reaction vials or 8 x 50 ml centrifugation tubes; those single
use vials can all be used for efficient cell disruption (bead
beating) or homogenization of biological tissue material like
The MM 400 can also be used for cryogenic grinding. The
stainless steel grinding jars which are filled with balls and
sample material are cooled for 2-3 minutes in liquid nitrogen
and are then fastened in the quick-clamping device.
The CryoMill has been specially
designed for cryogenic grinding. The
grinding jar is continually cooled with
liquid nitrogen from the integrated
cooling system before and during the
grinding process. Thus the sample is
embrittled and volatile components are
preserved. The liquid nitrogen circu-
lates through the system and is contin-
ually replenished from an autofill sys-
tem in the exact amount which is
required to keep the temperature at
–196 °C. This results in reduced con-
sumption and guarantees reproducible
grinding results.
Various grinding parameters can be
stored which helps to simplify routine tasks. LEDs in the dis-
play indicate the current state of operation, e.g. cooling or
The size reduction principle is the same as that of the MM 400.
With a vibrational frequency of 30 Hz the CryoMill grinds
most materials very effectively in a few minutes. It is
equipped with one grinding station for grinding jar volumes of
25 ml, 35 ml and 50 ml. Another option is the use of an adapt-
er which holds up to six 2 ml grinding jars.
The CryoMill can also be operated without cooling which
makes it suitable for a vast range of applications.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
3.6. Ball Mills
The High Energy Ball Mill E
is an
entirely new type of ball mill for high
energy milling down to the nanometer
The novel size reduction mechanism of
the E
unites the advantages of dif-
ferent mill types: high-frequency
impact (mixer mill), intensive friction
(vibratory disc mill) and controlled cir-
cular jar movement (planetary ball mill)
allow for unrivalled grinding perfor-
mance. This unique combination is gen-
erated by the oval shape and the move-
ment of the grinding jars.
The grinding jar brackets are mounted
on two discs each which turn in the
same direction. As a result, the jars
(sizes 50 or 125 ml) move on a circular course without chang-
ing their orientation. The interplay of jar geometry and move-
ment causes strong friction between grinding balls, sample
material and jar walls as well as rapid acceleration which lets
the balls impact with great force on the sample at the round-
ed ends of the jars. This significantly improves the mixing of
the particles resulting in smaller grind sizes and a narrower
particle size distribution than achieved in ball mills.
Grind sizes on a nanoscale can only be achieved by wet grind-
ing. For this method a large number of grinding balls with
diameters of 0.1 mm to 3 mm is used to create as much fric-
tion as possible. The resulting grinding energy is extended
even further by the high speed of 2 000 min
in the E
The high energy input is fully exploited as the unique liquid
cooling system quickly discharges the frictional heat.
Depending on the sample characteristics and grinding mode,
cooling breaks of approx. 60% of the total grinding time are
recommended for conventional planetary ball mills to prevent
overheating. The E
, on the other hand, is suitable for con-
tinuous grinding without breaks thanks to its efficient liquid
cooling system.
High Energy
Ball Mill E
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
The XRD-Mill McCrone was specially
developed for the preparation of sam-
ples for subsequent X-ray diffraction
The XRD-Mill McCrone carries out size
reduction mainly by friction. 48 cylindri-
cal grinding elements are placed into
the grinding jar in eight rows of six ele-
ments each.
During operation, the jar’s circular
motion causes the elements to grind
the sample from < 0.5 mm to the low
μm-range (typically < 10 μm).
Thanks to the very gentle size reduction process, the crystal
lattice of the sample is preserved. This makes the XRD-Mill
McCrone the instrument of choice for the sample preparation
for subsequent X-ray diffraction analysis
The Drum Mill TM 300 XL is used for
the preparation of granules and pow-
The grinding process is performed either
in dry or wet conditions with variable
speed up to 80 min
. The drum mill can
be operated either as a Ball or as a Rod
Mill by using the corresponding module.
A sufficient number of balls or rods is
required for an effective grinding pro-
cess. Typically, a final fineness below
20 µm is obtained.
3.6. Ball Mills
XRD-Mill McCrone
Drum Mill
TM 300 XL
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
4. Conclusion
For many applications size reduction is an important
step in the process of sample preparation. In this
expert guide we have presented the different size
reduction principles and have discussed which type of
mill is best suited for which type of sample.
4. Conclusion
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
New challenges in research and applications technolo-
gy as well as increasing precision of instrumental anal-
ysis have lead to increasing requirements and a con-
tinuous optimization of size reduction instruments and
grinding tools.
4. Conclusion
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Annex: Tips & Tricks for Ball Milling
How to find the correct grinding ball size?
When choosing the ball size, the initial feed size and the required final fineness of
the sample have to be taken into account. Some rules of thumb help to find the
adequate ball sizes:
n The grinding balls should be 3 x bigger than the biggest particles of the sample
to provide enough energy to crush the particles. Consequently, particles with
an initial size of e.g. 10 mm are crushed most effectively with grinding balls of
30 mm in diameter.
n Note: If very hard sample material is to be pulverized, it may be advantageous
to use bigger balls which generate a higher energy input. If, however, the
sample tends to cake, less energy input is required which means smaller grind-
ing balls.
n Generally speaking, the final fineness which can be obtained with grinding balls
of a certain diameter is approximately 1/1000 of that size. This means that
30 mm grinding balls are required when the initial particle size is 10 mm, and
a final fineness of approximately 30 µm can be obtained. To achieve smaller
particle sizes, two or more grinding steps with different ball sizes may be nec-
Important: Never mix different ball sizes in one grinding step. The bigger ones
would crush the smaller grinding balls, leading to contamination of the sample.
Always use grinding jars and grinding balls of the same material (e.g. stainless
steel) to minimize wear of the grinding tools.
Initial particle size
Grinding balls 3 times bigger
than the biggest particle
Required particle size
3 mm balls à down to 3 µm particles
0.1 mm balls à down to 0.1 µm particles
Maybe two or more grinding steps are needed to obtain very fine parti-
cles , including intermediate change(s) of the ball size.
Annex: Tips & Tricks for Ball Milling
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
For final sizes <10 µm wet grinding is the only option. Due to their significantly
enlarged surface in relation to their volume, small particles are attracted to each
other by their electrostatic charges. With the addition of dispersants such as water,
buffer or alcohol the charges on the surfaces can be neutralized.
Recommendations for dry and wet grinding (colloidal grinding)
Dry grinding - The following rule of thumb should be obeyed when filling the jar
for dry grinding: 1/3 is filled with balls, 1/3 with sample material, 1/3 remains
empty to leave enough room for the ball movement. Mostly, balls >3 mm are used.
The impact forces needed to crush larger particles increase with the size of the
grinding balls.
Wet grinding - A final fineness below 10 μm can only be obtained by wet grinding
for which small grinding balls of 0.1 - 3 mm (colloidal grinding) are used. Approxi-
mately 60 % of the jar volume is filled with grinding balls to increase the friction
surface required for producing very fine particles. Grinding balls made of an abra-
sion-resistant material like zirconium oxide are recommended for wet grinding to
minimize wear and abrasion. 30 % of the grinding jar volume is filled with sample
A dispersing agent like water or alcohol is added to the sample until the mixture
shows a consistency like engine oil. It is important to choose a dispersing agent
that does not dissolve the sample or change its chemical properties. If the sample
has a tendency to swell, add more dispersant right from the beginning or after 5 or
10 minutes of grinding.
Neutralization of charged particles by adding a buffer (electrostatic stabilization, left)
or by adding long-chained molecules (steric stabilization, right)
Annex: Tips & Tricks for Ball Milling
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Removal of the grinding jar
Care should be taken when removing grinding jars from planetary ball mills after
grinding as they may be very hot (~ 150 °C). Heat is generated during the grinding
process and pressure inside the grinding jar increases. Therefore, it is advisable to
use the optional safety closure device for the “comfort” grinding jars of the PM
series which allows for safe removal of the jar. After finishing the grinding process
the jar should cool down for a while.
The E
jar is already equipped with an integrated safety closure. Moreover, the
effective cooling system of the E
prevents the jars from heating up too much.
The jars for the Planetary Ball Mills and the E
can be equipped with optional
aeration covers which allow working under inert atmosphere.
How to separate the grinding balls from the sample after wet grinding
Pour the content of the jar on a test sieve (with aperture sizes 20 % to 50 % small-
er than the balls) with collecting pan. The vibratory movement of the sieve shaker
helps to separate the sample material from the balls. Wet material tends to stick to
the balls due to capillary forces. Flushing with more dispersant to wash away the
sample helps to increase sample recovery.
Attached safety closure device and aeration lid of PM jars (left) and E
jar with integrated
safety closure (right).
Annex: Tips & Tricks for Ball Milling
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Selection of grinding tools:
size and material of
grinding jar and balls,
grinding balls 3 x larger than biggest
particle of the sample
Grinding jar lling:
60 % grinding balls, 30 % sample
material, addition of dispersant until a
consistency like engine oil is obtained
Dispersion media:
e. g. isopropanol, ethanol,
mineral turpentine, sodium
phosphate, diaminopimelic acid
Grinding process
Cooling down:
grinding jar should not be opened
until it has reached room temperature
Particle size analysis
Grinding process and parameters for wet grinding.
Annex: Tips & Tricks for Ball Milling
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Annex: Materials
Annex: Materials
A-1. Metals .......................................40
A-1.1. Steel .................................... 40
A-1.2. Cast Iron / Malleable Iron ..................... 47
A-1.3. Titanium ................................. 48
A-2. Ceramics ....................................49
A-2.1. Tungsten Carbide (Hard Metal).................. 49
A-2.2. Zirconium Oxide ............................ 51
A-2.3. Sintered Aluminium Oxide ..................... 53
A-2.4. Hard Porcelain ............................. 55
A-2.5. Silicon Nitride.............................. 56
A-3. Other Materials ................................58
A-3.1. Agate (natural stone) ........................ 58
A-3.2. Glass.................................... 60
A-3.3. PTFE (Plastic).............................. 62
A-3.4. Polypropylene (Plastic) ....................... 64
A-3.5. Polycarbonate (Plastic) ....................... 65
A-4. Annotations ...................................66
A-4.1. Hardness ................................. 66
A-4.2. Chemical components ........................ 67
A-4.3. Hardness table ............................. 68
The percentages of the chemical components of the materials are
rounded. Only the major or characteristic components have been
considered. Therefore, the percentage values do
not necessarily add up to 100 %.
More detailed information, also listing the minor components, can be
found in the pdf-document “Material Analyses of Grinding Tools”
on www.retsch.com.
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-1. Metals
A-1. Metals
A-1.1. Steel
What is steel?
Steel is an alloy whose major component is iron with a carbon
content that is usually less than 2 %.
Varying the amount of alloying elements (such as chrome or
manganese) and their distribution in the steel controls quali-
ties such as the hardness, elasticity, ductility and tensile
strength of the resulting steel. There are various procedures
for manufacturing steel which, however, will not be discussed
RETSCH use the following types of steel for their instruments
and accessories:
n Stainless steel
n Hardened steel (“chrome steel”)
n Steel for grinding without heavy metal contamination
n Manganese steel (“precision-cast manganese steel”)
Stainless steel
The term “stainless steel” refers to corrosion-resistant steel.
The corrosion resistance of this type of steel is due to a very
thin, not visible oxidic protective film which is formed when
the chrome content is >12 %. The corrosion resistance
increases with the chrome content. However, if the chrome
content is more than 20 %, the steel loses its hardenability
and thus its wear resistance.
48 to 52 HRC
7.8 g/cm
Fe: 62 – 84.5 %
Cr: 13 – 19.5 %
Ni: <14 %
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-1.1. Steel
Constant subjection to mechanical stress, as is the case with
grinding tools, can lead to the destruction of the protective
film and can also roughen the surface. This can result in cross
contamination as well as the forming of corrosive spots on
the material. These are not a sign of low quality but are
caused by wear.
To remove corrosion stains, dirt or rust from the grinding
tools standard brushes or cleaning agents for metals can
be used. After wet cleaning it is recommendable to clean
the parts with isopropanol or acetone and to dry them thor-
Hardened steel (“chrome steel”)
Hardened steel, just like stainless steel, belongs to the group
of chrome steels. Its chrome content however is not more
than 12 %. Consequently, corrosion resistance is not the
strong point of this type of steel but its great hardness.
Steel for grinding without heavy metal contamination
(e. g. steel 1.1750, St 1203)
These steels are chromium- and nickel-free and can be used
for sample preparation for analysis of heavy metals, provided
that possible contamination with iron is acceptable.
Heavy-metal-free steel has a high carbon content which
allows for a hardness up to 62 HRC (Rockwell). Due to the
high iron content of 97 - 99 % it is not resistant to corrosion
and should therefore be cleaned and stored with great care.
This is especially important after the tools have come into
contact with wet sample materials to avoid the formation of
58 – 63 HRC
7.85 g/cm
Fe: 84 – 85 %
Cr: 12 %
up to 62 HRC
7.85 g/cm
Fe: 98 – 99 %
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-1.1. Steel
rust. Grinding tools which have not been used for a long time
can be protected with a thin oil or fat film against corrosion.
Manganese steel (“precision-cast manganese steel”)
Manganese steel is also called Hadfield steel after its inventor.
The manganese content lies between 12 - 14 %, the carbon
content between 1 - 1.2 %.
After the 1100 °C metallic melt is quenched, the material still
shows a very ductile structure. Subjected to impulsive pres-
sure, e.g. in jaw crushers, a part of the structure could
be modified. Thus manganese steel can obtain a hardness
of 600 HV (approx. 55 HRC). The technical term for this pro-
cess is called strain hardening.
Application areas of steel grinding tools
Stainless steel
Grinding tools of stainless steel are frequently used for min-
eral and metallurgical samples. Further suitable materials are
coal, coke and slag as well as all raw materials and intermedi-
ate products for the production of cement and lime.
As chrome and nickel are substantial parts of the alloy, stain-
less steel is not suitable for the preparation of samples for the
subsequent determination of heavy metals.
When used with hard and abrasive samples, grinding tools of
stainless steel may not have the necessary degree of wear
resistance, especially when the main stress mechanism is fric-
up to 55 HRC
7.2 g/cm
Fe: 85 %
Mn: 13 %
n Mineralogy
n Construction
n Plastic
n Fabrics
n Secondary fuels
Sample materials:
n Minerals
n Ores
n Cement
n Polymers
n Circuit boards
n Paper
n Feed pellets
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-1.1. Steel
Hardened steel (“chrome steel”)
Hardened steel grinding tools are used for applications where
stainless steel would wear too quickly, e.g. for the cutting
plates of cutting mills or, generally, when hard, abrasive sam-
ple materials have to be pulverized. They are also highly suit-
able for mills which pulverize with friction.
Steel for grinding without heavy metal contamination
(e. g. steel 1.1750, St 1203)
Crushers and grinders whose stress mechanism does not
allow for ceramic materials – such as jaw crushers, cutting
mills or cross beater mills – are usually equipped with heavy-
metal-free grinding tools.
Heavy-metal-free steel can be used for the preparation of
samples which will be analyzed for their heavy metal con-
tents provided that possible contamination with iron is
acceptable. Examples: Size reduction of secondary fuels in
cutting mills or of soils in jaw crushers/cross beater mills.
Manganese steel (“Precision-cast manganese steel”)
Manganese steel is used for the breaking jaws in jaw crush-
ers as it is ideal for wear-resistant tools which are subjected
to pressure.
Wide range of applications
due to different types
of steel with different
Very high energy input
Low price
Not absolutely wear-
resistant (contamination
with iron and other com-
ponents is possible)
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-1.1. Steel
Available grinding tools made of steel:
Stainless steel
Jaw Crushers BB 50, BB 100, BB 200, BB 300
Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200
Rotor Beater Mills SR 200, SR 300
Cross Beater Mill SK 100
Cutting and Knife Mills GM 200, GM 300, SM 100,
SM 200, SM 300
Mortar Grinder RM 200
Planetary Ball Mills PM 100, PM 200, PM 400
High Energy Ball Mill E
Mixer Mills MM 200, MM 400, CryoMill
Hardened steel (“chrome steel”)
Cross Beater Mill SK 100 (baffle plates, grinding inserts)
Cutting Mills SM 100, SM 200, SM 300
(knife for parallel section rotor)
Disc Mills RS 200, RS 300 XL, DM 200, DM 400
Mortar grinder RM 200
Planetary Ball Mills PM 100, PM 200, PM 400
Mixer Mills MM 200, MM 400, CryoMill
Steel for grinding without heavy metal
contamination (e. g. steel 1.1750, St 1203)
Jaw Crushers BB 50, BB 100, BB 200, BB 250 XL, BB 300,
BB 400 XL
Cross Beater Mill SK 100
Cutting Mills SM 100, SM 200, SM 300
Manganese steel (“precision-cast manganese steel”)
Jaw Crushers BB 50, BB 100, BB 200, BB 250 XL, BB 300,
BB 400 XL, BB 500 XL, BB 600 XL
Disc Mills DM 200, DM 400
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-1.2. Cast Iron / Malleable Iron
A-1.2. Cast Iron / Malleable Iron
What is cast iron / malleable iron?
Cast iron is a ferrous alloy with a carbon content of >2 % and
a silicon content of >1.5 %. In the so-called grey cast iron
carbon is present in the form of fine irregularly distributed
graphite flakes. The term “cast iron” refers to the production
process of this material which involves casting a metal melt
into forms.
As opposed to cast iron malleable iron is tempered for sev-
eral days at a temperature of approx. 1000 °C in oxidizing
Application areas of cast iron/malleable iron
grinding tools
Cast iron is an inexpensive alternative to steel. However, due
to its low hardness it is not used frequently. Malleable iron is
more ductile than cast iron and allows for minor plastic defor-
mations without breaking. Therefore, it is mainly used for
tools which have to bear hammering effects such as the cross
beater in the cross beater mill SK 100. The baffle plates which
are attached to the cross beater are made of steel because
stress and wear are especially strong there.
Cast iron / malleable iron grinding tools
are available for
Rotor Beater Mill SR 200 (housing, inlet, outlet)
Cross Beater Mill SK 100 (grinding insert, cross beater)
Tensile strength
Cast Iron:
200 – 300 N/mm
Malleable Iron:
approx. 370 N/mm
Cast Iron:
8.25 g/cm
Malleable Iron:
7.2 g/cm
Cast Iron:
Fe: 94 %
C: 4 %
Malleable Iron:
Fe: 95.5 %
C: 3 %
n Mineralogy
n Construction
n Agriculture
Sample materials:
n Minerals
n Ores
n Cement
n Feed stuffs
Insensitive to hammering
Very high energy input
Low price
Limited wear resistance
(contamination with Fe
and other components
Lower hardness than steel
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-1.3. Titanium
A-1.3. Titanium
What is titanium?
Titanium (Ti) is a chemical element with the atomic number 22.
It belongs to the group of transition metals and is very strong
despite its relatively low density. Titanium forms a protective
oxide coating which makes it resistant to corrosion. In its
purest form it is ductile. In order to improve its mechanical
properties (embrittlement), other elements such as oxygen
and nitrogen can be added.
Titanium is one of the most abundant elements in the Earth's
crust but it mostly occurs in low concentrations in the form of
oxides. It is mainly extracted from the minerals rutile (TiO
and ilmenite (FeTiO
Application areas of titanium grinding tools
RETSCH supplies titanium grinding tools for the Ultra Cen-
trifugal Mill ZM 200 and for the Knife Mill Grindomix GM 200
for grinding without heavy metal contamination. Ceramic
materials are not suitable for these mills as they could break
Titanium grinding tools are available for
Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200
(rotor, sieve, cassette)
Knife Mills Grindomix GM 200, GM 300
6 Mohs
4.5 g/cm
Ti: 99.5 %
n Pharmaceutics
n Food
n Heavy metal
Sample materials:
n Vegetables
n Fruit
n Meat
n Drugs
n Cables etc.
No heavy metal
– Expensive
Less hard than steel
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-2. Ceramics
A-2. Ceramics
A-2.1. Tungsten Carbide
What is tungsten carbide?
Tungsten carbide is a hard metal. Pure tungsten carbide, a
mixed crystal of tungsten and carbon, is very brittle. There-
fore, 6 - 10 % of cobalt is added which increases the tough-
ness of the material and reduces abrasion. The appropriate
material composition of this hard metal depends on the tech-
nical requirements of the application.
Tungsten carbide is produced by sintering tungsten and car-
bon. The components are heated under high pressure and
carbon is incorporated into the crystal structure of the tung-
sten. The resulting carbide increases the melting point and
the hardness of the metal.
The extreme hardness (even at high temperatures) and wear
resistance are characteristic for hard metals. Depending on the
composition, hard metal can be as hard as diamond. Therefore,
it is frequently used for chipping tools and non-cutting mould-
ing tools. It is also used for tools which are subjected to fric-
tional abrasion. These include grinding tools for mechanical
size reduction as used in RETSCH mills and crushers.
Application areas of tungsten carbide grinding tools
Due to their wear-resistance and hardness, hard metals are
brittle and therefore sensitive to impact effects. Also, sudden
temperature changes, e.g. during cryogenic grinding, can
cause the material to break. Therefore, not all our mills can
be equipped with grinding tools of hard metal (e.g. Rotor
Beater Mills).
The composition of the hard metal as well as the production
process determine to a certain extent properties such as
pressure resistance, resistance to bending, toughness, high
approx. 1250 HV
14.8 g/cm
WC: 90 – 94 %
Co: 6 – 10 %
n Mining and
n Chemistry
n Mineralogy
Sample materials:
n Ores
n Ferro alloys
n Metal oxides
n Cement clinker
n Charcoal
n Minerals
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-2.1. Tungsten Carbide (Hard Metal)
density and hardness. As a result, the percentage of tungsten
carbide and cobalt in our grinding tools can vary. However, it
is always ideally adapted to the stress mechanism of each
mill or crusher. Grinding tools for planetary ball mills, for
example, have to withstand friction and impact effects and
therefore have a higher tungsten carbide content. Breaking
jaws in jaw crushers, however, have to withstand high pres-
sures and therefore contain more cobalt to increase their
pressure resistance.
Grinding sets made of hard metal are available for
Jaw Crushers BB 50, BB 100, BB 200, BB 250 XL, BB 300,
BB 400 XL, BB 500 XL, BB 600 XL
Cutting Mills SM 100, SM 200, SM 300 (reversible cutting
plates for 6-disc-rotor)
Disc Mills RS 200, DM 200, DM 400
Mortar Grinder RM 200
Planetary Ball Mills PM 100, PM 200, PM 400
Mixer Mills MM 200, MM 400
High Energy Ball Mill E
High wear resistance and
Excellent grinding results
due to high material densi-
ty (especially in grinding
processes with free-to-
move grinding balls)
High energy input
Cannot be used, if possible
contamination with tung-
sten or cobalt (metal)
influences the subsequent
If the material is soft, the
sample may cake during
Warming of the sample
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-2.2. Zirconium Oxide
A-2.2. Zirconium Oxide
What is zirconium oxide?
The main component for the production of zirconium oxide
) is the mineral zircon (ZrSiO
). By melting it with coke
and lime (reduction of SiO
) ZrO
is won on an industrial level.
The resulting powder is mixed with aggregates and dry
pressed into the desired form. The formed part is transferred
to the raw product by sintering and is then abraded and pol-
ished according to its intended purpose.
The sintering process can be carried out under atmospheric
pressure as well as under high pressure. The formed parts
receive their actual properties during the sintering.
Zirconium oxide occurs in different crystal modifications,
depending on the temperature. These have different
volumes. By adding yttrium oxide, zirconium oxide is pre-
vented from turning into the modification which is more sta-
ble at room temperature – it is thus kept in the partially sta-
bilized form. If there's a micro crack, the zirconium oxide
changes at that specific point by volume extension into the
more stable modification. This effect causes the crack to
close immediately.
Zirconium oxide is traditionally used as a refractory ceramic.
Due to its properties and high bio-compatibility zirconium
oxide is increasingly used as a ceramic for implants and den-
tal prostheses. In addition, there are many technical applica-
tions for partially stabilized zirconium oxide. It is highly resis-
tant to thermal, chemical and mechanical influences which
makes it very suitable for grinding tools.
approx. 7.5 Mohs
(approx. 1200 HV)
5.9 g/cm
: 94.5 %
: 5 %
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-2.2. Zirconium oxide
Application areas of zirconium oxide grinding tools
Zirconium oxide has a high density and mechanical wear
resistance. It is free of heavy metals and can therefore be
used for sample preparation to heavy metal analysis. Further
areas of application are biology, the preparation of plant and
animal tissue, as well as human medicine, where any kind of
contamination can be hazardous. Zirconium oxide only leaves
neutral contamination, if at all, for this type of application.
RETSCH uses zirconium oxide for ball mill and disc mill grind-
ing tools. The high density of the material allows for a high
energy input. As zirconium oxide is a rather brittle ceramic, it
is important to follow the recommendations for sample
amount and maximum feed size to avoid damages to the
material. It is also used in the jaw crusher BB 50 for heavy-
metal-free grinding. However, brittleness and low resistance
to impact are the reasons why zirconium oxide is not used in
the bigger jaw crushers or in rotor mills.
Zirconium oxide grinding tools are available for
Jaw Crusher BB 50
Disc Mills RS 200, DM 200, DM 400
Mortar Grinder RM 200
Planetary Ball Mills PM 100, PM 200, PM 400
Mixer Mills MM 200, MM 400
High Energy Ball Mill E
XRD-Mill McCrone
n Biotechnology,
n Analysis of trace
elements and
heavy metals
Sample materials:
n Soils
n Sewage sludge
n Compost
n Plants
n Bones
n Teeth
n Tissue
No heavy metal
High density
High wear resistance
– Expensive
Limited suitability for mills
which comminute by
impact and hammering
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-2.3. Sintered Aluminium Oxide
A-2.3. Sintered Aluminium Oxide
What is sintered aluminium oxide?
Sintered aluminium oxide (Al
) is a synthetic ceramic mate-
rial. In nature Al
occurs in form of corundum, the second
hardest mineral after diamond. Due to its hardness Al
often is used as abrading medium.
When producing sintered aluminium oxide, pressed alumina
powder is fired to 1300 °C. The powder is an intermediate
product in the process of winning aluminium from bauxite.
The main reasons for using sintered aluminium oxide
in grinding tools are its considerable hardness and purity but
also the reasonable price. Due to the relatively low density of
sintered aluminium oxide and the low energy input which
results from this, the sample material is hardly subjected to
thermal stress during grinding. This can be an advantage
with sensitive materials such as plants.
Application areas of sintered aluminium oxide
The abrasion which is to be expected from sintered alumini-
um oxide can be considered as “neutral” as it is pure Al
That is why one of the main areas of application for these
grinding tools is the preparation of ceramic materials and
glazes as found in sanitary and household ceramics. Refrac-
tory ceramics are also often prepared with grinding tools
made of sintered aluminium oxide.
Homeopathic substances
As sintered aluminium oxide has a greater wear resistance
than hard porcelain, it sometimes replaces this material in
mortar grinders when homeopathic ingredients are prepared.
approx. 8 - 8.5
1750 HV (Vickers)
3.9 g/cm
: 99.7 %
n Biology
n Microbiology
n Ceramics
n Homeopathy
Sample materials:
n Ceramics
n Soils
n Grass
n Conifers
n Compost
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-2.3. Sintered Aluminium Oxide
Heavy metal analysis
The relevant standards for heavy metal analysis in soils often
recommend the use of ball mills with grinding sets made of
zirconium oxide as suitable tools for the sample preparation.
Due to the lower costs, grinding sets made of sintered alu-
minium oxide are also frequently accepted from an analytical
point of view. Al
has a hardness of 9 - 9.5 on Mohs' scale
but less wear resistance than zirconium oxide. Therefore, it is
not recommended to use them in planetary ball mills at high
Grinding sets made of sintered aluminium oxide are
available for
Mortar Grinder RM 200
Planetary Ball Mills PM 100, PM 200, PM 400
Mixer Mills MM 200, MM 400
XRD-Mill McCrone
No heavy metal
Low heat build-up /
sample doesn't cake
good wear resistance
- Reasonable price
Susceptible to shock by
impact and temperature
Low energy input
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-2.4. Hard Porcelain
A-2.4. Hard Porcelain
What is hard porcelain?
Hard porcelain is a silicate ceramic which is composed of the
raw materials kaolin (non-ferrous clay), potash, feldspar and
quartz. It consists of 25 - 70 % Al
and 30 - 75 % SiO
. Hard
porcelain is fired to a temperature of approx. 1400 °C.
In the middle of the 19th century, porcelain was first used as
engineering ceramics, mainly in the electronic industry where
it remains an important material until today (e.g. as insula-
Application areas of hard porcelain grinding tools
A major field of application is the trituration of substances
used in homeopathy and medicine with the help of mortars.
Therefore, RETSCH only uses hard porcelain for the grinding
tools in the mortar grinder RM 200.
Hard porcelain grinding tools are available for
Mortar Grinder RM 200
approx. 6 – 7 Mohs
(approx. 1200 HV)
2.4 g/cm
: 68.5 %
: 26 %
n Pharmaceutical
n Medicine
n Biology
Sample materials:
n Plants
n Pharmaceuticals
n Oil seeds
n Pastes
Reasonable price
– Heavy-metal-free
Low wear resistance
against abrasive sample
-> rough surface
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-2.5. Silicon Nitride
What is silicon nitride?
Silicon nitride is a non-oxidic ceramic which stands out by
extreme fracture toughness and wear resistance. The material
does not occur naturally and is produced in different ways. One
of the most popular manufacturing methods is reaction bond-
ing: a compact of silicon powder is heated in a nitrogen atmo-
sphere. The reaction in which the silicon powder is forming
nitrides starts at 1200°C. Since silicon nitride decomposes at
standard pressures and temperatures above 1700°C the pow-
der has to be sintered under very high pressures. Silicon
nitrides are characterized by a homogeneous grey colour.
By adding sinter additives (AL
and Y
) the material hard-
ness can be even increased whilst tensile strength remains.
These ceramics are then termed SiAlONs.
Because of its high abrasion resistance silicon nitride is par-
ticularly well suited for the use in bearing technology and as
cutting tool.
Application areas of silicon nitride grinding tools
The incredibly high abrasion resistance of silicon nitride qual-
ifies it for heavy metal free fine grinding.This makes it per-
fectly suitable for the use in RETSCH Ball Mills.
Despite the high stability of the material, grinding jars should
be filled and handled according to RETSCH recommendations
in order to avoid unnecessarily high wear or abrasion.
1500 HV
3.2 - 3.4 g/cm
n Biotechnology,
n Analysis of trace
elements and
heavy metals
Sample materials:
n Soils
n Sewage sludge
n Ceramics
n Compost
n Plants
n Bones
n Teeth
n Tissue
A-2.5. Silicon Nitride
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
No heavy metal
high abrasion resistance
Very good impact and
shock resistance
Excellent resistance to
temperature changes
Low density
More expensive than steel
Silicon nitride grinding tools are available for
Planetary Ball Mills PM 100, PM 200, PM 400
A-2.5. Silicon Nitride
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-3. Other Materials
A-3. Other Materials
A-3.1. Agate (Natural Stone)
What is agate?
Agate is a quartz-mineral (silicon dioxide SiO
) and belongs to
the group of semi-precious stones. It is formed in cavities of
volcanic rocks through precipitation of SiO
from solutions.
Agate was named from the river “Achates” (today “Drillo”) in
Sicily where it was found for the first time. Today's habitats
include Bohemia, Brazil, Sicily and Uruguay.
At the beginning of the 20th century agate was first used as
a technical material. Pharmacists and homeopaths soon rec-
ognized that agate hand mortars offered considerable advan-
tages for the trituration of powders and pastes due to their
pure SiO
composition and their wear resistance. Agate does
not cause abrasion and is easy to clean due to its smooth
surface which also helps to avoid cross contamination. These
properties distinguish agate from brass or hard porcelain
The procedures for processing agate have improved through
the years by using diamond tools which finally allowed for its
use in a variety of grinding instruments. As a consequence,
hard porcelain is gradually losing its significance as a mate-
rial for mechanical size reduction.
Application areas of agate grinding tools
As mentioned before, agate consists mostly of silicon dioxide.
This makes it ideal for grinding instruments which are used
for neutral-to-analysis sample preparation as is required in
fields such as food, biology, medicine and pharmaceutics.
Further areas of application are sample preparation for heavy
metal determination, trituration of pigments (metallic abra-
sion can lead to changes in the colour quality) or trituration of
6.5 – 7 Mohs
(approx. 1000 HV)
2.65 g/cm
: 99.9 %
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-3.1. Agate (Natural Stone)
pasty substances and pharmaceutic ointments.Agate is resis-
tant to pressure and friction but is susceptible to impact.
Therefore, it is mainly used for mortar and pestle in mortar
grinders. It can also be suitable for ball mills as, due to its
relatively low density, it is resistant to the impingement effect
which occurs in ball mills. The vibratory disc mill features a
sensor which recognizes agate grinding sets and automati-
cally reduces the speed to 700 min
so as to avoid premature
damage of the grinding tools.
Agate is a natural product, therefore its quality can vary.
Before processing it further, the raw material is checked for
hollows and impurities. However, no uniform and homoge-
neous structure – like that of artificially produced materials
– can be guaranteed. High mechanical and thermal stress
over a long period of time can lead to premature material
fatigue and even breaking of the grinding set. That is the
reason why planetary ball mills should only run at 60-70 % of
the maximum speed when used with agate grinding jars.
Thermal shocks which may occur when grinding with liquid
nitrogen in mortar and mixer mills should also be avoided as
this could lead to stress cracks in the material.
Agate grinding tools are available for
Vibratory Disc Mill RS 200
Mortar Grinder RM 200 and hand mortar
Planetary Ball Mills PM 100, PM 200, PM 400
Mixer Mills MM 200, MM 400
XRD-Mill McCrone
n Pharmaceutics
n Food
n Medicine
n Biology
Sample materials:
n Plants
n Spices
n Cocoa
n Chocolate
n Drugs
n Pastes
n Oil seeds
n Biological tissue
and spores
No heavy metal
Traditional natural product
(widely accepted)
Hardly any thermal stress,
samples don't cake
Susceptible to shock by
impact and temperature
Can be inhomogeneous
Very low energy input
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-3.2. Glass
A-3.2. Glass
What is glass?
Glass is an amorphous, i.e. not crystalline, substance. It is
usually produced from a melt which cools down very rapidly
without sufficient time for a regular crystal lattice to form.
Glass mainly consists of SiO
. The properties of glass can be
modified with the help of various additives.
Laboratories mostly use borosilicate glass due to its high
chemical and temperature resistance. The chemical resis-
tance is determined by the contents of boron oxide which
amounts to approx. 13 %. Borosilicate glass is also known as
“Jenaer Glass” or “Duran Glass”.
Application areas of glass grinding tools
Containers of borosilicate glass are available as an alternative
to the standard polypropylene container for the knife mill
Grindomix GM 200. They are suitable for products which are
soft or have a high water or oil content. One of the crucial
benefits is that glass containers can be easily cleaned, steril-
ized and autoclaved which makes them ideal for preparing
food samples. Moreover, the grinding progress can be
observed through the glass.
Another application area of glass are grinding beads which
are used for cell disruption in the mixer mills MM 200 and
MM 400. As these glass beads are economically priced, they
can be used as disposable items together with the polypro-
pylene reaction vials. Thus, cleaning of the grinding tools is
no longer necessary.
approx. 6 Mohs
2.2 g/cm
: 80 %
: 13 %
n Food
n Pharmaceutics
n Medicine
n Biology
Sample materials:
n Vegetables
n Fruit
n Fish
n Pharmaceuticals
n Biological tissues
n Cell disruption
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-3.2. Glass
Glass grinding tools are available for
Knife Mill Grindomix GM 200 (container)
Glass beads for ball mills
Can be sterilized/
Good chemical resistance
– Transparent
May break when subjected
to impact
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
n Pharmaceutics
n Medicine
n Biology
Sample materials:
n Plants
n Drugs
n Biological tissue
n Cell disruption
A-3.3. PTFE (Plastic)
What is PTFE?
PTFE or Teflon is a thermoplastic (polymer). The abbreviation
PTFE stands for polytetrafluoroethylene, a fluorine-carbon
compound. The term “Teflon” is a trade mark of the company
PTFE is practically inert which means that it is resistant to
many chemicals such as acids, bases, alcohol and benzine.
Therefore, PTFE coatings are often used as anticorrosive
against aggressive substances. Further applications of PTFE
are non-stick coatings (for pots and pans), high performance
fabrics (Gore-Tex), sealing materials and medical technology
PTFE was developed in the 1930s while searching for a new
cooling agent for refrigerators.
Application areas of PTFE
Compared to other materials PTFE is less hard and should
therefore only be used for grinding soft sample materials
such as cell tissue. To generate a higher energy input, PTFE
grinding balls are equipped with an iron core.
PTFE grinding tools are often used for biological and pharma-
ceutical samples because the material is inert and, due to its
non-stick properties, PTFE can be easily cleaned. RETSCH's
PTFE grinding jars are not protected with an iron jacket and,
as PTFE is temperature-resistant, are therefore suitable for
cryogenic grinding.
D 56 (Shore)
2.1 g/cm
PTFE: 100 %
A-3.3. PTFE (Plastic)
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-3.3. PTFE (Plastic)
PTFE grinding sets are available for
Mixer Mills MM 200, MM 400
Inert (resistant to many
chemicals, also aggressive
– Temperature-resistant
from -200 °C to +260 °C,
suitable for cryogenic
No heavy metal
Non-stick properties
Low hardness
Low energy input
Possible contamination
with fluorine and carbon
Low wear resistance
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-3.4. Polypropylene (Plastic)
A-3.4. Polypropylene (Plastic)
What is Polypropylene?
Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic resin (polymer) which is
produced by polymerization from the hydrocarbon propene.
Polypropylene is frequently used in the laboratory sector. It is
resistant to almost any organic solvent and fat as well as
acids and bases.
Application areas of polypropylene grinding tools
The standard container as well as the various lids for the
knife mill Grindomix GM 200 are made of polypropylene. The
material is suitable for products which are soft and soft-elas-
tic or which have a high content of water or oil. The polypro-
pylene container is an economically priced and break-proof
alternative to the glass container.
Reaction vials for cell disruption are also made of polypropyl-
ene. These are available in volumes of 0.2 ml, 1.5 ml and
2 ml thus allowing the processing of very small sample quan-
tities. The reaction vials are disposable items and therefore
don't need any cleaning.
Polypropylene grinding tools are available for
Knife Mill Grindomix GM 200
Mixer Mills MM 200, MM 400
(safe-lock reaction vials)
n Food
n Biology
n Medicine
Sample materials:
n Fruit
n Vegetables
n Cheese
n Sausage
n Tissue
n Cell disruption
Inert (resistant to many
[aggressive] chemicals)
Economically priced
Low hardness
0.89 - 0.92 g/cm
PP: 100 %
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-3.5. Polycarbonate (Plastic)
A-3.5. Polycarbonate (Plastic)
What is Polycarbonate?
Polycarbonate is a thermoplast (polymer), which is produced
by the esterification of carbonic acids with diols.
Due to its scratch and shock resistance polycarbonate is used
e. g. as a protective film for data layers on CDs and DVDs. It
is resistant to mineralic acids and most unpolar solvents, but
not to acetone.
Application areas of polycarbonate grinding tools
The standard container for the knife mill Grindomix GM 300 is
made of polycarbonate. A polycarbonate container is also
optionally available for the GM 200. In contrast to polypropyl-
ene polycarbonate offers the advantage that it is transparent
and therefore allows observation of the grinding process.
Additionally, polycarbonate can be autoclaved.
Polycarbonate grinding tools are available for
Knife Mills Grindomix GM 200, GM 300
– Transparent
Can be autoclaved
Reasonable price
Unstable against certain
solvents like acetone
n Food
n Feed stuffs
Sample materials:
n Fruit
n Vegetables
n Cheese
n Sausage
n Meat
n Cereals
1.2 g/cm
PC: 100 %
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-4. Annotations
A-4.1. Hardness
The hardness of a particular material can be given with differ-
ent values, depending on the hardness scale to which this
value refers (e.g. Mohs or Brinell). The different hardness
scales have different origins. The Mohs' scale, for example,
classifies the scratch hardness of minerals on the basis of a
10-step scale. The scales of Brinell (HB), Rockwell (HRA /
HRB / HRC) and Vickers (HV) originate from the metallurgical
sector. The Shore hardness is frequently used in the plastics
Hardness is the mechanical resistance of a material against
the penetration of a foreign material. In materials testing the
hardness of a material is ascertained by determining the pen-
etration depth of a defined body under a given pressure.
To convert the hardness values to another scale is not always
possible. To facilitate a comparison of the scales of Mohs,
Vickers, Rockwell (HRA / HRB / HRC) and Brinell, we have
included the table on page 62/63.
Materials are also characterized by their tensile strength
which is sometimes given instead of the hardness, usually in
. To determine the tensile strength, tensile force is
applied to the material until it breaks. Elastic/plastic materi-
als tend to deform (elongate) before breaking.
A-4. Annotations
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-4.2. Chemical components
The percentages of the chemical components of the materials
are rounded. Only the major or characteristic components
have been considered. Therefore, the percentage values do
not necessarily add up to 100 %. More detailed information,
also listing the minor components, can be found in the pdf-
document “Material Analyses of Grinding Tools” on
A-4.2. Chemical components
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-4.3. Hardness table
A-4.3. Hardness table (approximate values)
Rockwell HRC
Rockwell HRA
Vickers HV
50 100
20 30 40 50
65 70
200 400 600 800 1 000
75 80 82 84 86 88
60 70
100 300 630
1 4 5 6 7
Rockwell HRA
cast iron,
untermpered steel
hardened steel
zirconium oxide,
hard porcelain,
tungsten carbide,
sintered corundum,
silicon nitride
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
A-4.3. Hardness table
1 000
1 400 2 000 10 000
90 92 94
8 9 10
Vickers HV
Rockwell HRA
zirconium oxide,
hard porcelain,
hard materialstungsten carbide,
sintered corundum,
silicon nitride
Copyright © 2017 by RETSCH GmbH Haan
Retsch-Allee 1-5
42781 Haan Germany
Phone +49 (0) 21 04 / 23 33-100
Fax +49 (0) 21 04 / 23 33-199
Web www.retsch.com
You will find a current list of all world wide
distributors at www.retsch.com.
Subject to technical modification and errors