v. : Criminal No.
ROBERT GONZALEZ & : 18 U.S.C. §§ 1349,
18 U.S.C. Section 2
The Grand Jury in and for the District of New Jersey,
sitting at Newark, charges:
1. At all times relevant to this Indictment, defendant
Robert Gonzalez was employed by Comstock Images, Inc.
(“Comstock”), located in Mountainside, New Jersey, and worked
from his residence in Deltona, Florida. As a Comstock employee,
defendant Robert Gonzalez was responsible for overseeing its
information technology (“IT”) operations and, as needed,
purchasing computers and computer-related goods and services.
2. Beginning in or about October 2002 and continuing
through in or about November 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel,
residing in Jersey City, New Jersey, was also employed by
Comstock, in the position of Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”). As
part of her responsibilities, defendant Geraldine Manuel issued
Comstock checks to pay Comstock’s expenses, including those
expenses incurred by defendant Robert Gonzalez and other
employees for purchasing work-related goods and/or services.
3. According to procedures established by Comstock,
purchases of and payments for the work-related goods and services
purchased by defendant Robert Gonzalez were processed as follows:
(a) defendant Robert Gonzalez was authorized to approve
purchases under $1,000 made by himself and the IT specialists he
supervised, but authorization was required from a Comstock
principal for purchases over $1,000;
(b) generally, purchases were paid for at the time of
purchase by charging them to a Comstock corporate American
Express charge card that was issued in the name of defendant
Robert Gonzalez; purchases made by the IT employees supervised by
defendant Robert Gonzalez were, generally, charged to the
employee’s personal charge or credit card;
(c) after charging a purchase to the corporate American
Express card or any other charge or credit card, defendant Robert
Gonzalez or an IT employee prepared an “Expense Report,” which
summarized and included one or more invoices or other documents
from the vendor (“vendor invoices”) describing and verifying the
(d) defendant Robert Gonzalez and other IT employees then
submitted the “Expense Report” and “Vendor Invoice” to the
Comstock finance department for reimbursement of those expenses
incurred on the American Express charge card or other charge or
credit card; and
(e) during her tenure as the CFO, defendant Geraldine
Manuel paid the “Expense Report” by issuing and sending a
Comstock check to defendant Robert Gonzalez, American Express or
the employee submitting the Expense Report.
4. Beginning in or about October 2002 and continuing
through in or about early 2004, defendants
Robert Gonzalez
Geraldine Manuel
did knowingly and intentionally conspire and agree with each
other and with others to commit mail fraud and wire fraud, in
that defendant Robert Gonzalez and defendant Geraldine Manuel
devised a scheme and artifice to defraud and to obtain money and
property from Comstock by means of materially false and
fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, and did use
and cause the use of a private commercial interstate carrier and
interstate wire communications to execute the scheme, contrary to
the provisions of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1341 and
1343, respectively.
5. It was the object of the conspiracy for defendant
Robert Gonzalez and other members of the conspiracy to enrich
themselves by creating fraudulent expense reports (“Fraudulent
Expense Reports”) based on fictitious and inflated invoices
(“Fictitious and Inflated Vendor Invoices”) and submitting these
documents to Comstock’s Finance Department where, despite
knowledge that these documents were false and fraudulent,
defendant Geraldine Manuel, as well as her predecessor, referred
to herein as “P.McK,” paid these Fraudulent Expense Reports with
Comstock’s funds in return for a share in the proceeds.
Recruiting Others Into the Conspiracy
6. It was a part of the conspiracy that defendant Robert
Gonzalez recruited two groups of Comstock employees into the
conspiracy: (1) those employees he supervised in the IT area,
including coconspirators “A.E.” and “E.M.”; and (2) those with
authority to reimburse employees for legitimate work-related
expenses, such as defendant Geraldine Manuel and her predecessor,
coconspirator “P.McK.”
7. It was a further part of the conspiracy that, to induce
employees he supervised at Comstock to join the conspiracy,
defendant Robert Gonzalez initially lured them with money and
gifts and then ultimately paid for these gifts with the proceeds
of Fraudulent Expense Reports which defendant Robert Gonzalez
subsequently directed those employees to create and submit to
8. It was a further part of the conspiracy that, after
coconspirator employees received the proceeds of the Fraudulent
Expense Reports they had submitted, defendant Robert Gonzalez
directed them to share the proceeds with him.
Nature of the Fraudulent Expense Reports
9. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant
Robert Gonzalez and other coconspirators created and submitted
vendor invoices that, in some instances, were entirely fictitious
and, in other instances, were for legitimate purchases but were
inflated as to price and/or quantity.
10. It was a further part of the conspiracy that before
defendant Geraldine Manuel joined the conspiracy and routinely
paid all the Fraudulent Expense Reports submitted by the
coconspirators, defendant Robert Gonzalez arranged to keep the
Expense Reports under the $1,000 threshold of his authorization
level in order to avoid the additional required authorization by
a Comstock principal, and directed the coconspirators to do the
11. It was a further part of the conspiracy that before
defendant Geraldine Manuel joined the conspiracy and routinely
paid all the Fraudulent Expense Reports submitted by the
coconspirators, defendant Robert Gonzalez would also forge and/or
copy the signature of a Comstock principal for purchases over
$1,000 to make it appear that they were duly authorized.
12. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant
Robert Gonzalez used duplicate copies of “Vendor Invoices” and/or
“Expense Reports” that he had previously submitted and merely
changed the date to generate additional fraudulent payments by
defendant Geraldine Manuel.
Distribution and Use of the Proceeds Derived from the Scheme
13. It was a further part of the conspiracy that the
coconspirators billed Comstock for approximately $900,000 in
fictitious and inflated expenses. Defendant Robert Gonzalez
received close to approximately $700,000, the major share of the
proceeds of the Fraudulent Expense Report scheme, after using
some of the proceeds to buy gifts for, and as pay-offs to,
defendant Geraldine Manuel and other coconspirators. Defendant
Geraldine Manuel received approximately more than $115,000 in
money and gifts from the Fraudulent Expense Report scheme.
14. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant
Robert Gonzalez used the payments made to him and to his Comstock
American Express charge card by defendant Geraldine Manuel to pay
for various personal expenses, such as hotel stays, airline
tickets and other vacation amenities, jewelry, furniture,
electronic appliances and equipment for himself and members of
his family as well as pay-offs to defendant Geraldine Manuel, to
other coconspirators, and members of their families.
15. It was a further part of the conspiracy that defendant
Geraldine Manuel issued Comstock checks payable to American
Express based on Fraudulent Expense Reports submitted by
defendant Robert Gonzalez and, in some instances, then sent these
checks to pay for her own expenses that she had charged on her
personal American Express charge card.
16. It was a further part of the conspiracy that when, in
mid-2003, defendants Robert Gonzalez and Geraldine Manuel learned
that defendant Geraldine Manuel’s employment at Comstock was to
be terminated in the latter part of 2003, both defendants
accelerated the volume and frequency of the Fraudulent Expense
Reports that, respectively, they submitted to Comstock and paid
with Comstock’s funds, in order to generate credits for future
Evading Detection
17. It was a further part of the conspiracy that prior to
her departure from Comstock in or about November 2003, defendant
Geraldine Manuel removed, destroyed, and/or deleted documentary
and computer evidence relating to the submission of Fraudulent
Expense Reports and the receipt of unlawful payments from
Comstock in order to prevent detection both of the conspiracy as
a whole and her connection to it.
18. It was a further part of the conspiracy that, after the
departure of defendant Geraldine Manuel, defendant Robert
Gonzalez accessed and monitored e-mails of other Comstock
employees to determine if his Fraudulent Expense Reports scheme
had been detected.
As Part of and in Furtherance of the
Conspiracy, the Following Events and
Transactions Occurred in the District
of New Jersey and Elsewhere
March 15, 2003 Trip to Disney World, Florida
19. On or about March 15, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $708.00 to his Comstock American Express
card for a round-trip airline ticket between Newark, New Jersey
and Orlando, Florida on Continental Airlines for traveler
defendant Geraldine Manuel.
20. On or about March 18, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $55.00 to his Comstock American Express
card at Wolfgang Puck, a restaurant in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
21. On or about March 19, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $166.00 to his Comstock American Express
card at Bongo’s Cuban Café in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
22. On or about March 19, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $211.85 to his Comstock American Express
card for hotel accommodations at Swan & Dolphin Hotel in Lake
Buena Vista, Florida.
23. On or about March 21, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $198.00 to his Comstock American Express
card at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in Winter Park, Florida.
24. On or about March 22, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $147.00 to his Comstock American Express
card at San Angel Inn in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
25. On or about March 22, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $159.00 to his Comstock American Express
card at Walt Disney World, Group Ticket Sales, in Lake Buena
Vista, Florida.
26. On or about March 23, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $158.00 to his Comstock American Express
card at Brio Millenia in Orlando, Florida.
27. On or about March 25, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $304.31 to his Comstock American Express
card at Gaylord Palms Hotel in Kissimmee, Florida.
28. On or about March 25, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $462.00 to his Comstock American Express
card at Enterprise Rent-A-Car in Casselberry, Florida.
29. On or about April 1, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
sent a Fraudulent Expense Report for approximately $21,089.31 to
Comstock in Mountainside, New Jersey from his residence in
Deltona, Florida, that was based on invoices that were both
fictitious and inflated, in order to pay the charges described in
paragraphs 19 to 28, above.
30. On or about April 2, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of $21,089.31 via
Federal Express to defendant Robert Gonzalez in payment of the
Fraudulent Expense Reports described in paragraph 29, above.
10 Purchases
for Defendant Geraldine Manuel
31. On or about May 16, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged furniture from in the amount of
approximately $2,282.56, to his Comstock American Express card,
for delivery to the residence of defendant Geraldine Manuel.
32. On or about June 12, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
faxed a Fraudulent Expense Report from his residence in Deltona,
Florida, to Comstock in Mountainside, New Jersey, in the
approximate amount of $2,890, to pay for the charges described in
paragraph 31, above.
33. On or about June 12, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
sent, via Federal Express, a Comstock check in the approximate
amount of $2,890 to American Express, to be applied to the
account of defendant Robert Gonzalez in payment of the Fraudulent
Expense Report described in paragraph 32, above.
Defendant Geraldine Manuel: June 6, 2003 Trip to
Orlando, Florida with a Family Member
34. On or about June 6, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $2,520.86 to his Comstock American Express
card for the following items:
(a) approximately $680.00 for round-trip airline tickets to
Florida from Continental Airlines for travelers
defendant Geraldine Manuel and a member of her family;
(b) approximately $1,618.26 for hotel accommodations at the
Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando, Florida; and
(c) approximately $222.70 for car rental services from Avis
Rental, Orlando, Florida.
35. On or about June 19, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
faxed a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in Mountainside,
New Jersey from his residence in Deltona, Florida in the amount
of approximately $2,678.03, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of a computer system/hardware package from CDW
Computer Centers, Inc.
36. On or about June 19, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of $2,678.03 via
Federal Express to American Express to be applied to the Comstock
account of defendant Robert Gonzalez in payment of the purchases
described in paragraphs 34(a) through 34(c).
Circuit City Purchases
for Defendant Geraldine Manuel
37. On or about July 14, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged a Flat Screen Plasma Television and other electronic
equipment totaling approximately $16,705.39, at Circuit City in
Union, New Jersey, to his Comstock American Express card for
delivery of these items to the home of defendant Geraldine
38. On or about August 20, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
faxed a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in Mountainside,
New Jersey, from his residence in Deltona, Florida, in the amount
of approximately $17,185.66, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of computer systems/hardware packages from CDW
Computer Centers, Inc.
39. On or about August 20, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
sent, via Federal Express, a Comstock check in the approximate
amount of $17,185.66 to be applied to the Comstock American
Express account in the name of defendant Robert Gonzalez in
payment of the purchases described in paragraph 37, above.
Defendant Geraldine Manuel:
Trip to The Bahamas
40. On or about August 14, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
charged approximately $924 to her personal American Express card
for an airline ticket from Continental Airlines to fly to
Freeport, Bahamas on or about August 23, 2003.
41. On or about August 16, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
charged approximately $223.64 to her personal American Express
card for sporting goods from Blue Water Divers, Rochelle Park,
New Jersey.
42. On or about August 18, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
charged approximately $1,295 to her personal American Express
card for sporting goods from Blue Water Divers, Ramsey, New
43. On or about August 20, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
faxed a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in Mountainside,
New Jersey from his residence in Deltona, Florida, in the
approximate amount of $14,020.66, falsely representing that it
was for the purchase of computer systems/hardware packages from
CDW Computer Centers, Inc.
44. On or about August 20, 2003, based on the Fraudulent
Expense Report submitted by defendant Robert Gonzalez and
described in paragraph 43, above, defendant Geraldine Manuel
issued a Comstock check in the approximate amount of $14,020.66
and sent it to American Express to pay her own personal American
Express card for the purchases she charged to this account, as
described in paragraphs 40 through 42, above, and also to create
a surplus or credit balance on her American Express card account
for the purchases described in paragraphs 45 through 49, below,
among others.
45. On or about August 25, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
charged approximately $323.27 to her personal American Express
card for food services at Pier 1 Restaurant, Freeport, Bahamas.
46. On or about August 28, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
charged approximately $2,677.50 to her personal American Express
card for gems and/or miscellaneous items purchased from Colombian
Emeralds, Freeport, Bahamas.
47. On or about August 29, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
charged approximately $147 to her personal American Express card
for “Timeshare” from The Dive Shop in Freeport, Bahamas.
48. On or about August 30, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
charged approximately $364.74 to her personal American Express
card for sporting goods from Blue Water Divers, Rochelle Park,
New Jersey.
49. On or about September 5, 2003, defendant Geraldine
Manuel charged approximately $2,895.00 to her personal American
Express card for sporting goods from Blue Water Divers, Ramsey,
New Jersey.
Defendant Robert Gonzalez’s First Caribbean Cruise Vacation
50. On or about June 17, 2002, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $10,098.68 to his Comstock corporate
American Express card for a cruise from Royal Caribbean Cruises
for himself and his wife.
51. On or about July 31, 2002, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in
Mountainside, New Jersey in the approximate amount of $10,436.38,
falsely representing that it was for the purchase of computer
systems/hardware systems from CDW Computer Centers, Inc.
52. On or about July 31, 2002, coconspirator “P.McK.” sent
a Comstock check in the approximate amount of $10,436.38 to
American Express, to be applied to the Comstock American Express
account of defendant Robert Gonzalez in payment of the purchase
described in paragraph 50, above.
Defendant Robert Gonzalez’s Second Caribbean Vacation
53. On or about May 7, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $7,074.10 for a cruise vacation from Royal
Caribbean Cruises for himself and his wife, to his Comstock
American Express card.
54. On or about May 15, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $1,014 for American Airlines tickets for
himself and his spouse to his Comstock American Express charge
card for flights and stopovers that began in Orlando, Florida on
or about May 17, 2003, had stopovers in San Juan, Puerto Rico;
Miami, Florida; Nassau, Bahamas; and returned to Orlando, Florida
on June 3, 2003.
55. On or about May 17, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $120.00 for additional services from
American Airlines to his Comstock American Express card.
56. On or about May 17, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $643.72 for accommodations (on or about May
17-19, 2003) at the Embassy Suites in San Juan, Puerto Rico to
his Comstock American Express card.
57. On or about May 17, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $118.04 for a Hertz rental car (on or about
May 17-18, 2003) in San Juan, Puerto Rico to his Comstock
American Express card.
58. On or about May 21, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $70.00 for a car rental from Super Car
Rental (on or about May 17-18, 2003) in Noord, Aruba to his
Comstock American Express card.
59. On or about May 23, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $1,120.03 for gems from Columbian Emeralds,
St. Maarten, to his Comstock American Express card.
60. On or about May 25, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $3,200.41 to his Comstock American Express
card for “On Board Conveniences” from Adventure of the Sea Cruise
61. On or about May 26, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $311.73 for Embassy Suites room
accommodations in Dorado, Puerto Rico (on or about May 25-30,
2003) to his Comstock American Express card.
62. On or about May 29, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $509.28 for a Hertz car rental in San Juan,
Puerto Rico (on or about May 25-29, 2003) to his Comstock
American Express card.
63. On or about May 29, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $116.00 at American Airlines to his
Comstock American Express card for an additional traveler
departing from San Juan, Puerto Rico, with stopovers in Miami,
Florida; Nassau, Bahamas; and Orlando, Florida.
64. On or about May 31, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $2,479.95 for Marriott Hotel accommodations
in San Juan, Puerto Rico (on or about May 25-30, 2003), to his
Comstock American Express card.
65. On or about May 31, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $541.00 for American Airlines tickets for
himself and his wife for a flight departing from Nassau, Bahamas
(on or about June 1, 2003), to Orlando, Florida, to his Comstock
American Express card.
66. On or about June 1, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $1,149.36 for accommodations at Sandals
Royal, in Nassau, Bahamas, to his Comstock American Express card.
67. On or about June 17, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in
Mountainside, New Jersey, from his residence in Deltona, Florida,
in the amount of approximately $13,655.26, falsely representing
that it was for the purchase of computer systems/hardware systems
from an unidentified source.
68. On or about June 17, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of $13,655.26 to
American Express Payment Center to be applied to the account of
defendant Robert Gonzalez in payment of the purchases described
in paragraphs 53 through 66, above.
69. On or about August 5, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
sent a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in Mountainside, New
Jersey from his residence in Deltona, Florida in the approximate
amount of $7,969.21, falsely representing that it was for the
purchase of computer systems/hardware systems from CDW Computer
Centers, Inc.
70. On or about August 5, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
issued a Comstock check to the American Express in the
approximate amount of $7,969.21, to be applied to the account of
defendant Robert Gonzalez, in payment for the purchases described
in paragraphs 53 through 66, above.
Defendant Robert Gonzalez, His Family Members, and Coconspirators
Travel to and Stay at Hotel Astor, Miami, Florida
71. On or about June 11, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $230.40 to his Comstock American Express
card for American Airlines tickets for a Gonzalez family member,
“V.R.,” for a flight departing from San Juan, Puerto Rico (on or
about June 14, 2003), to Orlando, Florida.
72. On or about June 26, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $432 for two Continental Airlines tickets
for Gonzalez family members, “B.R.” and “V.R.,” for a flight
departing Orlando, Florida (on or about July 2, 2003), to Miami,
Florida, to his Comstock American Express Card.
73. On or about June 26, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $621.50 for one Continental Airlines ticket
for coconspirator “A.E.,” for a flight departing from Newark, New
Jersey (on or about July 3, 2003), to Miami, Florida, to his
Comstock American Express card.
74. On or about June 26, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $411.50 for one Continental Airlines ticket
for coconspirator “E.M.,” for a flight departing from Miami,
Florida (on or about July 6, 2003), to Newark, New Jersey, to his
Comstock American Express card.
75. On or about June 28, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $216 to his Comstock American Express card
for one Continental Airlines ticket for traveler defendant Robert
Gonzalez, for a flight departing from Orlando, Florida (on or
about July 2, 2003), to Miami, Florida.
76. On or about July 6, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $4,798.12 to his Comstock American Express
card for a stay at the Hotel Astor, Miami Beach, Florida, for
himself and coconspirator “A.E.” and a Gonzalez family member,
77. On or about July 31, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
sent a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock, in Mountainside,
New Jersey, from his residence in Deltona, Florida, in the amount
of approximately $5,728.82, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of computer systems/hardware systems from CDW
Computer Centers, Inc.
78. On or about July 31, 2003, defendant Geraldine Manuel
sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of $5,728.82 via
Federal Express to defendant Robert Gonzalez at his residence in
Deltona, Florida in payment of the “Fraudulent Expense Report,”
described in the immediately preceding paragraph.
Payments to and/or on Behalf of Defendant
Robert Gonzalez from Other Members of the
Conspiracy Based on Fraudulent Expense
Reports They Prepared
As a further part of the conspiracy, on or about the
dates specified below, defendant Robert Gonzalez received the
following payments from the IT employees identified in the
following paragraphs 79-91, which constituted a portion of the
proceeds derived from the Fraudulent Expense Report scheme:
Approximate Date Approximate Amount Payor
79. August 29, 2002 $ 1,942.00 “A.E.”
80. August 30, 2002 $ 2,945.00 “A.E.”
81. November 6, 2002 $ 1,800.00 “A.E.”
(via wire transfer)
82. December 23, 2002 $ 3,700.00 “A.E.”
(via wire transfer)
83. January 8, 2003 $ 4,897.79 “E.M.”
84. February 6, 2003 $ 8,784.65 “E.M.”
85. April 4, 2003 $ 4,208.08 “E.M.”
86. April 28, 2003 $13,057.47 “E.M.”
87. May 2, 2003 $ 2,868,86 “E.M.”
88. May 19, 2003 $ 6,777.29 “E.M.”
89. May 27, 2003 $ 6,933.45 “E.M.”
90. June 10, 2003 $ 1,973.21 “E.M.”
91. July 2, 2003 $ 5,000.00 “A.E.”
Payments From Defendant Robert Gonzalez
to Other Members of the Conspiracy
As a further part of the conspiracy, on or about the
dates specified below, defendant Robert Gonzalez made the
following payments to Comstock’s then-Chief Financial Officer, as
identified in paragraphs 92-104, which payments constituted funds
derived from the Fraudulent Expense Report scheme:
Approximate Date Approximate Amount Recipient
92. January 15, 2002 $10,129.73 “P.McK.”
(via wire transfer)
93. May 15, 2002 $11,650.00 “P.McK.”
(via wire transfer)
94. June 17, 2002 $20,187.10 “P.McK.”
95. August 14, 2002 $ 7,168.10 “P.McK.”
96. July 22, 2002 $ 4,553.64 “P.McK.”
97. September 17, 2002 $ 7,301.57 “P.McK.”
98. October 8, 2002 $ 4,124.00 “P.McK.”
(via wire transfer)
99. October 11, 2002 $4,519.94 “P.McK.”
(via wire transfer)
100. July 9, 2003 $17,817.92 Geraldine Manuel
101. July 23, 2003 $ 5,251.42 Geraldine Manuel
102. August 4, 2003 $11,202.49 Geraldine Manuel
103. September 29, 2003 $12,000.00 Geraldine Manuel
104. October 14, 2003 $15,000.00 Geraldine Manuel
Efforts to Accelerate and to Conceal
the Fraudulent Expense Report Scheme
105. On or about July 16, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the amount
of approximately $31,899.21, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of approximately 12 computer systems/hardware
systems. This Fraudulent Expense Report was deleted from
Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about July 16, 2003, defendant Geraldine
Manuel sent and caused to be sent a Comstock check in the
approximate amount of $31,899.21 to American Express to be
applied to the Comstock account in the name of defendant Robert
Gonzalez. This payment entry was deleted from Comstock’s
QuickBooks program.
106. On or about July 16, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the amount
of approximately $10,868.26, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of approximately four computer systems/hardware
systems. This Fraudulent Expense Report was deleted from
Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about July 16, 2003, defendant Geraldine
Manuel sent and caused to be sent a Comstock check in the
approximate amount of $10,868.26 to defendant Robert Gonzalez.
This payment entry was deleted from Comstock’s QuickBooks
107. On or about July 24, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the amount
of approximately $5,159.36, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of approximately two computer systems/hardware
systems. This Fraudulent Expense Report was deleted from
Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about July 24, 2003, defendant Geraldine
Manuel sent and caused to be sent a Comstock check in the
approximate amount of $5,159.36 to defendant Robert Gonzalez.
This payment entry was deleted from Comstock’s QuickBooks
108. On or about July 24, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the amount
of approximately $26,514.48, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of approximately 10 computer systems/hardware
systems. This Fraudulent Expense Report was deleted from
Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about July 24, 2003, defendant Geraldine
Manuel sent and caused to be sent a Comstock check in the
approximate amount of $26,514.48 to American Express to be
applied to the Comstock account in the name of defendant Robert
Gonzalez. This payment entry was deleted from Comstock’s
QuickBooks program.
109. On or about July 31, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the amount
of approximately $32,635.31, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of approximately 12 computer systems/hardware
systems. This Fraudulent Expense Report was deleted from
Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about July 31, 2003, defendant Geraldine
Manuel sent and caused to be sent a Comstock check in the
approximate amount of $32,635.31 to American Express to be
applied to the Comstock account in the name of defendant Robert
Gonzalez. This payment entry was deleted from Comstock’s
QuickBooks program.
110. On or about August 5, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the amount
of approximately $20,212.99, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of approximately seven computer systems/hardware
systems. This Fraudulent Expense Report was deleted from
Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about August 5, 2003, defendant Geraldine
Manuel sent and caused to be sent a Comstock check in the
approximate amount of $20,212.99 to American Express to be
applied to the Comstock account in the name of defendant Robert
Gonzalez. This payment entry was deleted from Comstock’s
QuickBooks program.
111. On or about August 13, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the amount
of approximately $28,104.95, falsely representing that it was for
the purchase of approximately 10 computer systems/hardware
systems. This Fraudulent Expense Report was deleted from
Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about August 13, 2003, defendant Geraldine
Manuel sent and caused to be sent a Comstock check in the
approximate amount of $28,104.95 to American Express to be
applied to the Comstock account in the name of defendant Robert
Gonzalez. The payment entry was deleted from Comstock’s
QuickBooks program.
112. On or about September 10, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $11,688.28, falsely representing that it
was for business-related expenses. This Fraudulent Expense
Report was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 10, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of
$11,688.28 to American Express to be applied to her personal
account. This payment entry was deleted from Comstock’s files or
113. On or about September 10, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $11,627.90, falsely representing that it
was for business-related expenses. This Fraudulent Expense
Report was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 10, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of
$11,627.90 to American Express to be applied to the Comstock
account in the name of defendant Robert Gonzalez. This payment
entry was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
114. On or about September 16, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $21,380.65, falsely representing that it
was for business-related expenses. This Fraudulent Expense
Report was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 16, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of
$21,380.65 to American Express to be applied to the Comstock
account in the name of defendant Robert Gonzalez.
115. On or about September 17, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $18,774.90, falsely representing that it
was for business-related expenses. This Fraudulent Expense
Report was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 17, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of
$18,774.90 to be applied to the Comstock account in the name of
defendant Robert Gonzalez.
116. On or about September 25, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $33,611.16, falsely representing that it
was for business-related expenses. This Fraudulent Expense
Report was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 25, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of
$33,611.16 to defendant Robert Gonzalez.
117. On or about September 17, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $24,077.21, falsely representing that it
was for business-related expenses. This Fraudulent Expense
Report was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 17, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of
$24,077.21 to defendant Robert Gonzalez.
118. On or about September 24, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $4,550.98, falsely representing that it
was for business-related expenses. This Fraudulent Expense
Report was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 24, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check to American Express in the
approximate amount of $4,550.98 to be applied to the Comstock
account in the name of defendant Robert Gonzalez.
119. On or about September 24, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez submitted a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $20,666.20, falsely representing that it
was for business-related expenses. This Fraudulent Expense
Report was deleted from Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 24, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check to American Express in the
approximate amount of $20,666.20 to be applied to the joint
account of defendant Robert Gonzalez and his wife, “B.R.”
120. On or about September 30, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez faxed a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $8,789.56, falsely representing that it
was for the purchase of a computer system/hardware system. This
Fraudulent Expense Report was removed from Comstock’s files or
(a) On or about September 30, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of
$8,789.56 to American Express to be applied to the Comstock
account in the name of defendant Robert Gonzalez. This payment
was credited to the account on October 2, 2003.
121. On or about September 30, 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez faxed a Fraudulent Expense Report to Comstock in the
amount of approximately $14,967.80, falsely representing that it
was for the purchase of approximately 2 computer systems/hardware
systems. This Fraudulent Expense Report was removed from
Comstock’s files or destroyed.
(a) On or about September 30, 2003, using the Great
Plains accounting program, defendant Geraldine Manuel sent and
caused to be sent a Comstock check in the approximate amount of
$14,967.80 to defendant Robert Gonzalez, who deposited it into
his bank account on October 2, 2003. This check was debited from
Comstock’s account on or October 3, 2003.
Destruction of Documents to
Evade Detection
122. On or about August 18, 2003, defendant Robert Gonzalez
charged approximately $89.15 directly to Comstock for a paper
shredder he purchased from PC Connection for delivery to the
residence of defendant Geraldine Manuel.
123. In or around the early part of 2004, defendant Robert
Gonzalez contacted coconspirator “P.McK.” and, to assure “P.McK.”
that the conspiracy would not be detected, informed him that
defendant Geraldine Manuel had destroyed evidence of the criminal
conduct referred to and described in this Indictment.
All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section
COUNTS 2 & 3
1. Paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 through 123 of Count 1 are
incorporated by reference as if fully set forth.
2. For the tax years 2002 and 2003, defendant Robert
Gonzalez filed a U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, Form 1040, in
which he falsely stated that his taxable income was limited to
the salary reported on the Form W-2 issued by Comstock and to
bank interest.
3. By declaring only his W-2 salary and bank interest,
defendant Robert Gonzalez concealed the additional taxable income
which he had derived from the “Fraudulent Expense Report” scheme
but had disguised as non-taxable reimbursement of business
expenses, thereby evading additional taxes due and owing on this
additional taxable income.
4. On or about the dates set forth below, in the District
of Florida, and elsewhere, defendant
Robert Gonzalez
did knowingly and willfully attempt to evade and defeat a large
part of the income tax due and owing to the United States, and
the payment thereof, for the tax years set forth below, in that,
as described in paragraphs 1 through 3 above, defendant Robert
Gonzalez filed with the Internal Revenue Service false and
fraudulent U.S. Individual Income Tax Returns, Forms 1040,
knowing them to be false and fraudulent in that they concealed
and did not report his receipt of the additional taxable income
that was the proceeds of the Fraudulent Expense Report scheme, as
Unreported Additional Tax Due
Count Date Tax Year Taxable Income and Owing
2 April 15, 2003 2002 $271,329 $ 98,974
3 April 15, 2004 2003 $391,390 $132,684
In violation of Title 26, United States Code, Section 7201
and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2.
United States Attorney