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CF401 Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement, Page 1 of 9
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1. Purchase and Sale. For and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein and other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned buyer2
____________________________________________________________ (“Buyer”) agrees to buy and the undersigned 3
seller ____________________________________________________________ (“Seller”) agrees to sell all that tract or 4
parcel of land, with such improvements as are located thereon, described as follows: All that tract of land known as:5
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6
(Address) _____________________________________ (City), Tennessee, __________ (Zip), as recorded in 7
_____________________________ County Register of Deeds Office, ________________ deed book(s), _________ 8
page(s), and/or _____________________ instrument no. and as further described as:9
together with all fixtures, landscaping, improvements, and appurtenances, all being hereinafter collectively referred to as 11
the “Property”, as more particularly described in Exhibit “A” or if Exhibit A is not attached as is recorded with the Register 12
of Deeds of the county in which the Property is located and is made a part of this Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement 13
(“Purchase and Sale Agreement” or “Agreement”) by reference.14
2. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for the Property shall be 15
__________________________________________________________________U.S. Dollars, ($_________________) 16
(“Purchase Price”), and is subject to all prorations and adjustments and shall be paid by Buyer at the Closing by cash, a17
Federal Reserve Bank wire transfer of immediately available funds, cashier’s check or certified check.18
3. Earnest Money/Trust Money. Buyer has paid or will pay within ________ business days after the Binding Agreement 19
Date, the sum of $___________________ with _________________________________________________________ 20
(“Holder”) located at _______________________________________________________________________________ 21
(Address of Holder). Additional Earnest Money/Trust Money, if any, to be tendered and applied as follows:22
This sum (“Earnest Money/Trust Money”) is to be applied as part of the Purchase Price at Closing. 27
A. Failure to Receive Earnest Money/Trust Money. In the event Earnest Money/Trust Money is not timely received 28
by Holder or Earnest Money/Trust Money check or other instrument is not honored for any reason by the financial 29
institution from which it is drawn, Holder shall promptly notify Buyer and Seller. Buyer shall have three (3) business days 30
after notice to deliver good funds to Holder. In the event Buyer does not timely deliver good funds to Holder, this 31
Agreement shall automatically terminate and Holder shall notify the parties of the same. Holder shall disburse Earnest 32
Money/Trust Money only as follows:33
(a) at Closing to be applied as a credit toward Buyer’s Purchase Price;34
(b) upon a subsequent written agreement signed by Buyer and Seller; or35
(c) as set forth below in the event of a dispute regarding Earnest Money/Trust Money.36
No party shall seek damages from Holder, nor shall Holder be liable for any such damages, and all parties agree to defend 37
and hold harmless Holder for any matter arising out of or related to the performance of Holder’s duties hereunder.38
B. Disputes Regarding Earnest Money/Trust Money. In the event Buyer or Seller notifies Holder of a dispute regarding 39
disposition of Earnest Money/Trust Money that Holder cannot resolve, Buyer and Seller agree to interplead Earnest 40
Money/Trust Money into a court of competent jurisdiction. Holder shall be reimbursed for, and may deduct from any 41
funds interpleaded, its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees. The prevailing party in the interpleader 42
action shall be entitled to collect from the other party the costs and expenses reimbursed to Holder, and upon payment of 43
Ms. Moren Adenubi
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Version 01/01/2022
CF401 Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement, Page 2 of 9
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
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at 615- 321-1477.
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such funds into the court clerk’s office, Holder shall be released from all further liability in connection with the funds 44
4. Inspection. Prior to Closing, Buyer and Buyer’s agents shall have the right to enter upon the Property at Buyer’s expense 46
and at reasonable times to inspect, survey, examine, and test the Property as Buyer may deem necessary as part of Buyer’s 47
acquisition of the Property. Buyer may, for a fee, obtain a septic system inspection letter from the Tennessee Department 48
of Environment and Conservation, Division of Ground Water Protection. Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller and all 49
Brokers harmless from and against any and all claims, injuries, and damages to persons and/or property arising out of or 50
related to the exercise of Buyer’s rights hereunder. Buyer shall have ______ days after the Binding Agreement Date (“Due 51
Diligence Period”) to evaluate the Property, the feasibility of the transaction, the availability and cost of financing, and 52
any other matter of concern to Buyer. During the Due Diligence Period, Buyer shall have the right to terminate this 53
Agreement upon notice to Seller if Buyer determines, based on a reasonable and good faith evaluation of the above, that it 54
is not desirable to proceed with the transaction, and Buyer will be entitled to a refund of the Earnest Money/Trust Money. 55
Within ______ days after the Binding Agreement Date, Seller shall deliver to Buyer copies of the materials concerning56
the Property referenced in Exhibit “B” (collectively “Due Diligence Materials”), which materials shall be promptly 57
returned by Buyer if Agreement does not Close for any reason. If Buyer fails to timely notify Seller that it is not proceeding 58
with the transaction, Buyer shall waive its rights to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this paragraph.59
5. Title.60
A. Warranties of Seller. Seller warrants that at Closing Seller shall convey good and marketable, fee simple title to 61
the Property to Buyer, subject only to the following exceptions (“Permitted Exceptions”):62
(1) Liens for ad valorem taxes not yet due and payable.63
(2) Those exceptions to which Buyer does not object or which Buyer waives in accordance with the Title Issues and64
Objections paragraph below. “Good and marketable, fee simple title” with respect to the Property shall be such 65
(a) as is classified as “marketable” under the laws of Tennessee; and67
(b) as is acceptable to and insurable by a title company doing business in Tennessee (“Title Company”), at68
standard rates on an American Land Title Association Owner’s Policy (“Title Policy”).69
B. Title Issues and Objections. Buyer shall have ______ days after the Binding Agreement Date to furnish Seller with 70
a written statement of any title objections, UCC-1 or UCC-2 Financing Statements, and encroachments, and other 71
facts affecting the marketability of the Property as revealed by a current title examination. Seller shall have ______ 72
days after the receipt of such objections (the “Title Cure Period) to cure all valid title objections. Seller shall satisfy 73
any existing liens or monetary encumbrances identified by Buyer as title objections which may be satisfied by the 74
payment of a sum certain prior to or at Closing. Except for Seller’s obligations in the preceding sentence, if Seller 75
fails to cure any other valid title objections of Buyer within the Title Cure Period (and fails to provide Buyer with 76
evidence of Seller’s cure satisfactory to Buyer and to Title Company), then within five (5) days after the expiration of 77
the Title Cure Period, Buyer may as Buyer’s sole remedies: (1) rescind the transaction contemplated hereby, in which 78
case Buyer shall be entitled to the return of Buyer’s Earnest Money/Trust Money; (2) waive any such objections and 79
elect to Close the transaction contemplated hereby irrespective of such title objections and without reduction of the 80
Purchase Price; or (3) extend the Closing Date period for a period of up to fifteen (15) days to allow Seller further 81
time to cure such valid title objections. Failure to act in a timely manner under this paragraph shall constitute a waiver 82
of Buyer’s rights hereunder. Buyer shall have the right to reexamine title prior to Closing and notify Seller at Closing 83
of any title objections which appear of record after the date of Buyer’s initial title examination and before Closing.84
6. Closing.85
A. Closing Date. This transaction shall be consummated on ______________________, __________, (the Closing 86
Date”) or at such other time the parties may agree upon in writing.87
B. Closing Agency for Buyer & Contact Information:88
Closing Agency for Seller & Contact Information:90
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Version 01/01/2022
CF401 Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement, Page 3 of 9
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
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at 615- 321-1477.
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C. Possession. Seller shall deliver possession and occupancy of the Property to Buyer at Closing, subject only to the 92
rights of tenants in possession and the Permitted Exceptions.93
7. Seller’s Obligations at Closing. At Closing, Seller shall deliver to Buyer: 94
(a) a Closing Statement; 95
(b) deed (mark the appropriate deed below)96
General Warranty Deed Special Warranty Deed97
Quit Claim Deed Other: ______________________________________98
(c) all documents which Seller must execute under the terms of this Agreement to cause the Title Company to deliver to 99
Buyer the Title Policy including, without limitation, a title affidavit from Seller to Buyer and to the Title Company in 100
the form customarily used in Tennessee commercial real estate transactions so as to enable the Title Company to issue 101
Buyer the Title Policy with all standard exceptions deleted and subject only to Permitted Exceptions; and 102
(d) evidence reasonably satisfactory to Buyer at Closing of all documents/items indicated in Exhibit “C”, if any (all 103
documents to be delivered by Seller under this paragraph, including all documents/items indicated in Exhibit “C” are 104
collectively “Seller’s Closing Documents”).105
8. Conditions to Closing.106
9. Costs.117
A. Seller’s Costs. Seller shall pay all existing loans and/or liens affecting the Property; the cost of recording any title 118
curative documents, including without limitation, satisfactions of deeds to secure debt, quitclaim deeds and financing 119
statement termination; any accrued and/or outstanding association dues or fees; fee (if any) to obtain lien 120
payoff/estoppel letters/statement of accounts from any and all associations, property management companies, 121
mortgage holders or other liens affecting the Property; all applicable deed recording fees; the fees of Seller’s counsel 122
and, if checked, □ all transfer taxes, otherwise Buyer is responsible for transfer taxes.123
In the event Seller is subject to Tax Withholding as required by the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax 124
Act, (hereinafter “FIRPTA”), Seller additionally agrees that such Tax Withholding must be collected from 125
Seller by Buyer’s Closing Agent at the time of Closing. In the event Seller is not subject to FIRPTA, Seller shall be 126
required as a condition of Closing to sign appropriate affidavits certifying that Seller is not subject to FIRPTA. It is 127
Seller’s responsibility to seek independent tax advice or counsel prior to the Closing Date regarding such tax 128
B. Buyer’s Costs. Buyer shall pay the cost of Buyer’s counsel and consultants; any costs in connection with Buyer’s 130
inspection of the Property and any costs associated with obtaining financing for the acquisition of the Property 131
(including any intangibles tax, recording fees for deed of conveyance and deed of trust and cost of recording Buyer’s 132
loan documents.)133
C. Additional Costs. In addition to the costs identified above, the following costs shall be paid by the parties hereto as 134
indicated below:135
Item to be Paid Paid by Seller Paid by Buyer
Survey 137
Title Examination 138
Premium for Standard Owner’s Title Insurance Policy 139
Other: ______________________________________ 140
Other: ______________________________________ 141
Other: ______________________________________ 142
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Copyright 2013 © Tennessee Association of Realtors
Version 01/01/2022
CF401 Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement, Page 4 of 9
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
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should be reported to Tennessee REALTORS
at 615- 321-1477.
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10. Taxes and Prorations. Real estate taxes on the Property for the calendar year in which the Closing takes place shall be 143
prorated as of 12:01 a.m. local time on the Closing Date. Seller shall be responsible (even after Closing) for paying all 144
taxes (including previous reassessments) on the Property for the time period during which Seller owned the Property and 145
shall indemnify the Buyer therefore. In addition, the following items shall also be prorated as of 12:01 a.m. local time on 146
the Closing Date [Select only those that apply to this transaction; the items not checked do not apply to this Agreement]:147
Utilities Service Contracts Tenant Improvement Costs148
Rents Leasing Commissions Other: _____________________________________149
Other: _______________________________ Other: _____________________________________150
11. Representations and Warranties.151
A. Seller’s Representations and Warranties. As of the Binding Agreement Date and the Closing Date, Seller 152
represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller has the right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to 153
convey the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The persons executing this 154
Agreement on behalf of Seller have been duly and validly authorized by Seller to execute and deliver this 155
Agreement and shall have the right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to bind Seller. Seller also 156
makes the additional representations and warranties to Buyer, if any, as indicated on Exhibit “D”.157
B. Buyer’s Representations and Warranties. As of the Binding Agreement Date and the Closing Date, Buyer 158
represents and warrants to Seller that Buyer has the right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to 159
consummate the transaction contemplated by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The persons executing 160
this Agreement on behalf of Buyer have been duly and validly authorized by Buyer to execute and deliver this 161
Agreement and shall have the right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and bind Buyer. Upon 162
Seller’s request, Buyer shall furnish such documentation evidencing signor’s authority to bind Buyer.163
12. Agency and Brokerage.164
A. Agency.165
(1) In this Agreement, the term “Broker” shall mean a licensed Tennessee real estate broker or brokerage firm and, 166
where the context would indicate, the Broker’s affiliated licensees. No Broker in this transaction shall owe any 167
duty to Buyer or Seller greater that what is set forth in their brokerage engagements, the Tennessee Real Estate 168
Broker License Act of 1973, as amended, and the Tennessee Real Estate Commission rules and regulations.169
(2) A Designated Agent is one who has been assigned by his/her Managing Broker and is working as an agent for the 170
Seller or Buyer in a prospective transaction, to the exclusion of all other licensees in his/her company. 171
(3) An Agent for the Seller or Buyer is a type of agency in which the licensee’s company is working as an agent for 172
the Seller or Buyer and owes primary loyalty to that Seller or Buyer.173
(4) A Facilitator relationship occurs when the licensee is not working as an agent for either party in this consumer’s 174
prospective transaction. A Facilitator may advise either or both of the parties to a transaction but cannot be 175
considered a representative or advocate for either party. “Transaction Broker” may be used synonymously with, 176
or in lieu of, “Facilitator” as used in any disclosures, forms or agreements. [By law, any licensee or company who 177
has not entered into a written agency agreement with either party in the transaction is considered a Facilitator or 178
Transaction Broker until such time as an agency agreement is established.]179
(5) A dual agency situation arises when an agent (in the case of designated agency) or a real estate firm (wherein the 180
entire real estate firm represents the client) represents both the Buyer and Seller. 181
(6) If one of the parties is not represented by a Broker, that party is solely responsible for their own interests, and that 182
Broker’s role is limited to performing ministerial acts for the unrepresented party.183
B. Agency Disclosure.184
(1) The Broker, if any, working with the Seller is identified on the signature page as the “Listing Company”; and said 185
Broker is (Select One. The items not selected are not part of this Agreement): 186
the Designated Agent for the Seller,187
the agent for the Seller,188
a Facilitator for the Seller, OR189
a dual agent.190
(2) The Broker, if any, working with the Buyer is identified on the signature page as the “Selling Company”, and 191
said Broker is (Select One. The items not selected are not part of this Agreement):192
Copyright 2013 © Tennessee Association of Realtors
Version 01/01/2022
CF401 Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement, Page 5 of 9
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
user. Unauthorized use of the form may result in legal sanctions being brought against the user and
should be reported to Tennessee REALTORS
at 615- 321-1477.
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the Designated Agent for the Buyer,193
the agent for the Buyer,194
a Facilitator for the Buyer, OR195
a dual agent.196
(3) Dual Agency Disclosure. [Applicable only if dual agency has been selected above] Seller and Buyer are aware 197
that Broker is acting as a dual agent in this transaction and consent to the same. Seller and Buyer have been 198
advised that:199
1. In serving as a dual agent the Broker is representing two clients whose interests are, or at times could 200
be, different or even adverse.201
2. The Broker will disclose all adverse, material facts relevant to the transaction, and actually known to 202
the dual agent, to all parties in the transaction except for information made confidential by request or 203
instructions from another client which is not otherwise required to be disclosed by law.204
3. The Buyer and Seller do not have to consent to dual agency, and205
4. The consent of the Buyer and Seller to dual agency has been given voluntarily and the parties have read 206
and understand their brokerage engagement agreements.207
5. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein, Seller and Buyer each hereby direct 208
Broker, if acting as a dual agent, to keep confidential and not reveal to the other party any information 209
which could materially and adversely affect their negotiating position unless otherwise prohibited by 210
(4) Material Relationship Disclosure. [Required with dual Agency] The Broker and/or affiliated licensees have 212
no material relationship with either client except as follows: _________________________________. A material 213
relationship means one of a personal, familial or business nature between the Broker and affiliate licensees and a 214
client which would impair their ability to exercise fair judgment relative to another client.215
Seller Initials __________ Buyer Initials __________216
C. Brokerage. Seller agrees to pay Listing Broker at Closing the compensation specified by separate agreement. The 217
Listing Broker will direct the closing agency/attorney to pay the Selling Broker, from the commission received, an 218
amount, if any, in accordance with the terms and provisions specified by separate agreement. The parties agree and 219
acknowledge that the Brokers involved in this transaction may receive compensation from more than one party. All 220
parties to this Agreement agree and acknowledge that any real estate firm involved in this transaction shall be deemed 221
a third party beneficiary only for the purposes of enforcing their commission rights, and as such, shall have the right 222
to maintain an action on this Agreement for any and all compensations due and any reasonable attorney’s fees and 223
court costs.224
13. Disclaimer. It is understood and agreed that the real estate firms and real estate licensee(s) representing or assisting Seller 225
or Buyer and their brokers (collectively referred to as “Brokers”) are not parties to this Agreement and do not have or 226
assume liability for the performance or nonperformance of Seller or Buyer. Buyer and Seller agree that Brokers shall not 227
be responsible for any of the following, including but not limited to, those matters which could have been revealed through 228
a survey, title search or inspection of the Property; the insurability of the Property or cost to insure the Property; for the 229
condition of the Property, any portion thereof, or any item therein; for any geological issues present on the Property; for 230
any issues arising out of Buyer's failure to physically inspect the Property prior to entering into this Agreement and/or 231
Closing; for building products and construction techniques; for the necessity or cost of any repairs to the Property; for 232
hazardous or toxic materials; for the tax or legal consequences of this transaction; for the availability, capability, and/or 233
cost of utility, sewer, septic, or community amenities; for proposed or pending condemnation actions involving the 234
Property; for applicable boundaries of school districts or other school information; for the appraised or future value of the 235
Property; for any condition(s) existing off the Property which may affect the Property; for the terms, conditions and 236
availability of financing; and for the uses and zoning of the Property whether permitted or proposed. Buyer and Seller 237
acknowledge that Brokers are not experts with respect to the above matters and that they have not relied upon any advice, 238
representations or statements of Brokers (including their firms and affiliated licensees) and waive and shall not assert any 239
claims against Brokers (including their firms and affiliated licensees) involving same. Buyer and Seller understand that it 240
has been strongly recommended that if any of these or any other matters concerning the Property are of concern to them, 241
that they secure the services of appropriately credentialed experts and professionals of Buyer’s or Seller’s choice for the 242
independent expert advice and counsel relative thereto. Buyer and Seller acknowledge that photographs, marketing 243
Ms. Moren Adenubi
Copyright 2013 © Tennessee Association of Realtors
Version 01/01/2022
CF401 Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement, Page 6 of 9
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
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should be reported to Tennessee REALTORS
at 615- 321-1477.
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materials, and digital media used in the marketing of the property may continue to remain in publication after Closing. 244
Buyer and Seller agree that Brokers shall not be liable for any uses of photographs, marketing materials or digital media 245
of which the Broker is not in control.246
14. Destruction of Property Prior to Closing. If the Property is destroyed or substantially destroyed prior to Closing, Seller 247
shall give Buyer prompt notice thereof, which notice shall include Seller’s reasonable estimate of: (1) the cost to restore 248
and repair the damage; (2) the amount of insurance proceeds, if any, available for the same; and (3) whether the damage 249
will be repaired prior to Closing. Upon notice to Seller, Buyer may terminate this Agreement within seven (7) days after 250
receiving such notice from Seller. If Buyer does not terminate this Agreement, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted 251
the Property with the damage and shall receive at Closing (1) any insurance proceeds which have been paid to Seller but 252
not yet spent to repair the damage and (2) an assignment of all unpaid insurance proceeds on the claim. Buyer may request 253
in writing, and Seller shall provide within five (5) business days, all documentation necessary to confirm insurance 254
coverage and/or payment or assignment of insurance proceeds.255
15. Other Provisions.256
A. Exhibits, Binding Effect, Entire Agreement, Modification, Assignment, and Binding Agreement Date. This 257
Agreement shall be for the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, legal 258
representatives and assigns. This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement between the parties hereto and 259
no modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless signed by all parties or assigns to this Agreement. No 260
representation, promise, or inducement not included in this Agreement shall be binding upon any party hereto. Any 261
assignee shall fulfill all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. It is hereby agreed by both Buyer and Seller that 262
any real estate agent working with or representing either party shall not have the authority to bind the Buyer, Seller or 263
any assignee to any contractual agreement unless specifically authorized in writing within this Agreement. The parties 264
hereby authorize either licensee to insert the time and date of the receipt of notice of acceptance of the final offer and 265
further agree to be bound by such as the Binding Agreement Date following the signatory section of this Agreement, 266
or Counter Offer, if applicable.267
B. Survival Clause. Any provision herein contained, which by its nature and effect, is required to be performed after 268
Closing shall survive the Closing and delivery of the deed and shall remain binding upon the parties to this Agreement 269
and shall be fully enforceable thereafter. Notwithstanding the above, the representations and warranties made in 270
Exhibit “D” shall survive the Closing for a period of _____________________________________ after the date of 271
C. Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement is intended as a contract for the purchase and sale of real property 273
and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws and in the courts of the State of Tennessee.274
D. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in this Agreement.275
E. Terminology. As the context may require in this Agreement: (1) the singular shall mean the plural and vice versa; 276
(2) all pronouns shall mean and include the person, entity, firm, or corporation to which they relate; (3) the feminine 277
shall mean the masculine and vice versa; and (4) the term day(s) used throughout this Agreement shall be deemed to 278
be calendar day(s) ending at 11:59 p.m. local time unless otherwise specified in this Agreement. Local time is to be 279
determined by the location of the Property. All references to time are deemed to be local time. In the event a 280
performance deadline, other than the Closing Date (as defined in herein), Day of Possession (as defined herein), and 281
Offer Expiration date (as defined herein), occurs on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the performance deadline 282
shall be extended to the next following business day. Holidays as used herein are those days deemed federal holidays 283
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 6103. In calculating any time period under this Agreement, the commencement day shall be 284
the day following the initial date (e.g. Binding Agreement Date).285
F. Responsibility to cooperate. Buyer and Seller agree to timely take such actions and produce, execute, and/or 286
deliver such information and documentation as is reasonably necessary to carry out the responsibilities and 287
obligations of this Agreement. Except as to matters which are occasioned by clerical errors or omissions or 288
erroneous information, the approval of the Closing documents by the parties shall constitute their approval of any 289
differences between this Agreement and the Closing. The Buyer and Seller agree that if requested after Closing they 290
will correct any documents and pay any amounts due where such corrections or payments are appropriate by reason 291
of mistake, clerical errors or omissions, or the result of erroneous information.292
G. Notices. Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices and demands required or permitted hereunder shall be in 293
writing and delivered either (1) in person, (2) by a prepaid overnight delivery service, (3) by facsimile transmission 294
(FAX), (4) by the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid, registered or certified return receipt requested or (5) 295
Email. NOTICE shall be deemed to have been given as of the date and time it is actually received. Receipt of 296
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This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
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notice by the real estate licensee or their Broker assisting a party as a client or customer shall be deemed to be notice 297
to that party for all purposes under this Agreement as may be amended, unless otherwise provided in writing.298
H. Remedies. In the event of a breach of this Agreement, the non-breaching party may pursue all remedies available at 299
law or in equity except where the parties have agreed to arbitrate. Notwithstanding the above, if Buyer breaches 300
Buyer’s obligations or warranties herein Seller shall have the option to request that Holder pay the Earnest 301
Money/Trust Money to Seller, which if disbursed to Seller by Holder shall constitute liquidated damages in full 302
settlement of all claims by Seller. Such liquidated damages are agreed to by the parties not to be a penalty and to be 303
a good faith estimate of Seller’s actual damages, which damages are difficult to ascertain. In the event that any party 304
hereto shall file suit for breach or enforcement of this Agreement (including suits filed after Closing which are based 305
on or related to the Agreement), the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs of such enforcement, including 306
reasonable attorney’s fees. The parties hereby agree that all remedies are fair and equitable and neither party will 307
assert the lack of mutuality of remedies as a defense in the event of a dispute.308
I. Equal Opportunity. This Property is being sold without regard to race, color, sex, religion, handicap, familial 309
status, or national origin.310
J. Termination by Buyer. In the event that Buyer legally and properly invokes his right to terminate this Agreement 311
under any of the provisions contained herein, Buyer shall pay the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to Seller as 312
consideration for Buyer’s said right to terminate, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged. 313
Earnest Money/Trust Money shall be disbursed according to the terms stated herein.314
K. Severability. If any portion or provision of this Agreement is held or adjudicated to be invalid or unenforceable for 315
any reason, each such portion or provision shall be severed from the remaining portions or provisions of this 316
Agreement, and the remaining portions or provisions shall be unaffected and remain in full force and effect.317
L. Construction. This Agreement or any uncertainty or ambiguity herein shall not be construed against any party but 318
shall be construed as if all parties to this Agreement jointly prepared this Agreement.319
16. Exhibited and Addenda. All exhibits and/or addenda attached hereto, listed below, or referenced herein are made a part 320
of this Agreement. If any such exhibit or addendum conflicts with any preceding paragraph, said exhibit or addendum 321
shall control:322
Exhibit “A” Legal Description323
Exhibit “B” Due Diligence Documents324
Exhibit “C” Addition to Seller’s Closing Documents325
Exhibit “D” Seller’s Warranties and Representations326
17. Special Stipulations. The following Special Stipulations, if conflicting with any preceding paragraph, shall control:334
(Mark box if additional pages are attached.)348
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Version 01/01/2022
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This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
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user. Unauthorized us
18. Method of Execution. The parties agree that signatures and initials transmitted by a facsimile, other photocopy 349
transmittal, or by transmittal of digital signature as defined by the applicable State or Federal Law will be acceptable and 350
may be treated as originals and that the final Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement containing all signatures and 351
initials may be executed partially by original signature and partially on facsimile, other photocopy documents, or by digital352
signature as defined by the applicable State or Federal Law.353
19. Time Limit of Offer. This Offer may be withdrawn at any time before acceptance with Notice. Offer terminates if not 354
countered or accepted by __________ o’clock □ a.m./ p.m. local time on the _____ day of _____________________, 355
LEGAL DOCUMENTS: This is an important legal document creating valuable rights and obligations. If you have any 357
questions about it, you should review it with your attorney. Neither the Broker nor any Agent or Facilitator is 358
authorized or qualified to give you any advice about the advisability or legal effect of its provisions.359
NOTE: Any provisions of this Agreement which are preceded by a box “□” must be marked to be a part of this 360
Agreement. By affixing your signature below, you also acknowledge that you have reviewed each page and have 361
received a copy of this Agreement.362
Buyer hereby makes this offer.
By: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Entity: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm
Offer Date
By: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Entity: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm
Offer Date
Seller hereby:
ACCEPTS accepts this offer.
COUNTERS accepts this offer subject to the attached Counter Offer(s).
REJECTS this offer and makes no counter offer.
By: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Entity: _________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm
By: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Ms. Moren Adenubi
Copyright 2013 © Tennessee Association of Realtors
Version 01/01/2022
CF401 Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement, Page 9 of 9
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
user. Unauthorized use of the form may result in legal sanctions being brought against the user and
should be reported to Tennessee REALTORS
at 615- 321-1477.
user. Unauthorized us
Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Entity: _________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm
Binding Agreement Date. This instrument shall become a “Binding Agreement” on the date (“Binding Agreement Date”) 397
the last offeror, or licensee of offeror, receives notice of offeree’s acceptance. Notice of acceptance of the final offer was 398
received by ________________________________________ on _______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm399
For Information Purposes Only:
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Listing Company Selling Company
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Independent Licensee Independent Licensee
_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Licensee Email Licensee Email
_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Licensee Cellphone No. Licensee Cellphone No.
NOTE: This form is provided by Tennessee REALTORS® to its members for their use in real estate transactions and is to be used as is. By downloading and/or
using this form, you agree and covenant not to alter, amend, or edit said form or its contents except as where provided in the blank fields, and agree and
acknowledge that any such alteration, amendment or edit of said form is done at your own risk. Use of the Tennessee REALTORS® logo in conjunction with
any form other than standardized forms created by Tennessee REALTORS® is strictly prohibited. This form is subject to periodic revision and it is the
responsibility of the member to use the most recent available form.
Ms. Moren Adenubi
Copyright 2001 © Tennessee Association of Realtors
Version 01/01/2022
CF201 Commercial / Industrial Real Property Disclosure, Page 1 of 2
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
user. Unauthorized use of the form may result in legal sanctions being brought against the user and should be reported to
Tennessee REALTORS
at 615- 321-1477.
user. Unauthorized us
Upon the request from a prospective tenant of: (1) commercial real property of one thousand, five hundred (1,500) square feet
or less or (2) industrial real property of five thousand (5,000) square feet or less, an owner of such real property must disclose 2
to such tenant specific information about whether the property is in compliance with certain state and local codes for the type 3
of building to be leased. This completed form constitutes that disclosure by the owner. The information contained in the 4
disclosure is the representation of the owner and not the representation of the real estate licensee or sales person, if any. This 5
is not a warranty or substitute for any professional inspection or warranties that the tenant may wish to obtain.6
Instructions to the Owner7
Complete this form yourself and answer each question to the best of your knowledge. If an answer is an estimate, clearly label 8
it as such. If the answer to such question is unknown, please clearly state that the answer is unknown to you. The Owner 9
hereby authorizes any agent(s) representing any party in this transaction to provide a copy of this disclosure to any person or 10
entity in connection with any actual or anticipated lease of the subject property.11
PROPERTY ADDRESS ________________________________________________ CITY__________________________12
OWNER’S NAME(S) __________________________________________________________________________________13
PROPERTY AGE________________________________ DATE OWNER ACQUIRED PROPERTY__________________14
PROPERTY: _________________________________________________________________________________________17
Is the subject property in compliance with all state fire codes? YES □ NO □ Unknown20
If no, please specifically state why the property is not in compliance with state fire codes:21
Is the subject property in compliance with all local fire codes? □ YES □ NO □ Unknown24
If no, please specifically state why the property is not in compliance with local fire codes:25
Is the subject property in compliance with all state plumbing codes? □ YES □ NO □ Unknown29
If no, please specifically state why the property is not in compliance with state plumbing codes:30
Is the subject property in compliance with all local plumbing codes? YES □ NO □ Unknown33
If no, please specifically state why the property is not in compliance with local plumbing codes:34
Is the subject property in compliance with all state electrical codes? □ YES □ NO □ Unknown38
If no, please specifically state why the property is not in compliance with state electrical codes:39
Is the subject property in compliance with all local electrical codes? □ YES □ NO □ Unknown42
If no, please specifically state why the property is not in compliance with local electrical codes:43
Copyright 2001 © Tennessee Association of Realtors
Version 01/01/2022
CF201 Commercial / Industrial Real Property Disclosure, Page 2 of 2
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
user. Unauthorized use of the form may result in legal sanctions being brought against the user and should be reported to
Tennessee REALTORS
at 615- 321-1477.
user. Unauthorized us
In the event an owner knowingly misrepresents information required to be disclosed by the act, the lessee’s remedies, at 47
the option of the lessee, for such misrepresentation on the disclosure statement shall be either:48
1. An action for actual damages suffered as a result of known defects existing in the property as of the date of execution 49
of the lease. Any action brought under this subdivision shall be commenced within one (1) year from the date the 50
lessee received the disclosure statement or the date of occupancy, whichever occurs first.51
2. Termination of the lease.53
I/we certify that the information contained herein, concerning the real property located at 55
________________________________________________________________________________________________, is 56
true to the best of my/our knowledge as of the date signed. Should any of these conditions change prior to the occupation of 57
this property, these changes will be disclosed in an addendum to this document. I hereby acknowledge receiving a copy of said 58
disclosure statement.59
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
By: _________________________________________ By: __________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________
_______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm _______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm
Date Date
Parties may wish to obtain professional advice and/or inspection of the property and to negotiate appropriate provisions 66
in the lease agreement regarding advice, inspections, defects and/or code compliance.67
I/we certify that this disclosure statement is not intended as a substitute for any inspection, and that I/we have a responsibility 69
to pay diligent attention to and inquire about those material defects which are evident by careful observation. I/we hereby 70
acknowledge receiving a copy of said disclosure statement.71
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
By: _________________________________________ By: __________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________
_______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm _______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm
Date Date
NOTE: This form is provided by Tennessee REALTOR to its members for their use in real estate transactions and is to be used as is. By downloading
and/or using this form, you agree and covenant not to alter, amend, or edit said form or its contents except as where provided in the blank fields, and agree
and acknowledge that any such alteration, amendment or edit of said form is done at your own risk. Use of the Tennessee REALTORS® logo in conjunction
with any form other than standardized forms created by Tennessee REALTORS® is strictly prohibited. This form is subject to periodic revision and it is the
responsibility of the member to use the most recent available form.
Ms. Moren Adenubi
Copyright 2013 © Tennessee Association of Realtors
Version 01/01/2022
CF402 Commercial Letter of Intent to Purchase, Page 1 of 2
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
user. Unauthorized use of the form may result in legal sanctions being brought against the user and
should be reported to Tennessee REALTORS
at 615- 321-1477.
user. Unauthorized us
DATE: ____________________
This non-binding Proposal sets forth the terms and conditions under which ________________________________________ 2
("Buyer") will purchase the Property described herein from ____________________________________ ("Seller"). 3
These terms are not comprehensive and are not intended to create rights or obligations in favor of either Buyer or Seller of 4
the Property. Both sides expect that additional terms will be incorporated into a formal Purchase and Sale Agreement that 5
will set forth the full terms, conditions and relationship between the parties. 6
This Commercial Letter of Intent to Purchase ("Letter of Intent") pertains to the real property located at 7
____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Address) 8
________________________________________________ (City), Tennessee, _______________ (ZIP) further described as: 9
____________________________________________________________________________________________________. 10
2. BUYER: 14
$_______________ , ____________________________________________________ dollars17
9. OTHER38
Ms. Moren Adenubi
Copyright 2013 © Tennessee Association of Realtors
Version 01/01/2022
CF402 Commercial Letter of Intent to Purchase, Page 2 of 2
This form is copyrighted and may only be used in real estate transactions in which _______________________________ is involved as a Tennessee REALTORS® authorized
user. Unauthorized use of the form may result in legal sanctions being brought against the user and
should be reported to Tennessee REALTORS
at 615- 321-1477.
r. Unauthorized us
The Seller is represented by: The Buyer is represented by:44
Licensee Name: __________________________ Licensee Name: ________________________________45
Company: ________________________________ Company: _____________________________________46
Address: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________________47
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________48
Phone: _______________ Fax: _______________ Phone: ___________________ Fax: _________________49
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ________________________________________50
Compensation will be provided as follows: 51
(Mark box if additional pages are attached.)55
It would be the intent of the Buyer to enter into a purchase and sale agreement not later than 56
______________________________________________________________________________________________. The 57
agreement would incorporate the terms set forth herein, together with such other terms as may be agreed to by the parties. 58
Expiration of Letter of Intent. This Letter of Intent shall be withdrawn if not accepted by __________ o’clock □ a.m./ □ 59
p.m. local time on the _____ day of _____________________, ________.60
This letter is intended as a non-binding expression of interest on the part of Buyer to purchase the Property and not as a purchase 61
offer which if accepted would create a legally binding contract. These terms are not comprehensive and are not intended to 62
create rights or obligations in favor of either the Buyer or Seller of the Property. Both sides expect that additional terms will 63
be incorporated into a formal Purchase and Sale Agreement that will set forth the full terms, conditions and relationship between 64
the parties.65
If the terms set forth herein form an acceptable basis upon which you would sell the Property, and you would like to move 66
forward to negotiate a purchase contract, please so indicate by signing in the space below.67
The party(ies) below have signed and acknowledge receipt of a copy.
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
By: __________________________________________ By: __________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________
Entity: ______________________________________ Entity: ________________________________________
_______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm _______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm
Date Date
The party(ies) below have signed and acknowledge receipt of a copy.
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
By: __________________________________________ By: __________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Entity: _______________________________________ Entity: _______________________________________
_______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm _______________ at __________ o’clock □ am/ □ pm
Date Date
NOTE: This form is provided by Tennessee REALTORS® to its members for their use in real estate transactions and is to be used as is. By downloading and/or
using this form, you agree and covenant not to alter, amend, or edit said form or its contents except as where provided in the blank fields, and agree and
acknowledge that any such alteration, amendment or edit of said form is done at your own risk. Use of the Tennessee REALTORS® logo in conjunction with
any form other than standardized forms created by Tennessee REALTORS® is strictly prohibited. This form is subject to periodic revision and it is the
responsibility of the member to use the most recent available form.
Ms. Moren Adenubi