PSPGOV413A Compose complex
workplace documents
Revision Number: 2
PSPGOV413A Compose complex workplace documents Date this document was generated: 27 May 2012
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© Commonwealth of Australia, 2012 Government Skills Australia
PSPGOV413A Compose complex workplace documents
Modification History
PSPGOV413A Release 1: Layout adjusted. No changes to content.
PSPGOV413A Release 2: Primary release.
Unit Descriptor
This unit covers written communication involving the evaluation and composition of complex
workplace documents. It includes interpreting and evaluating workplace information,
composing complex written materials and editing.
In practice, composing complex workplace documents may overlap with other generalist or
specialist public sector work activities such as acting ethically, complying with legislation,
applying government processes, gathering and analysing information, using resources, etc.
This is one of 5 units of competency in the Working in Government Competency Field that
deal with written communication. Related units are:
PSPGOV208A Write routine workplace materials
PSPGOV313A Compose workplace documents
PSPGOV513A Refine complex workplace documents
PSPGOV606A Prepare high-level/sensitive written materials
Application of the Unit
Not applicable.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Employability Skills Information
This unit contains employability skills.
PSPGOV413A Compose complex workplace documents Date this document was generated: 27 May 2012
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© Commonwealth of Australia, 2012 Government Skills Australia
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Elements are the essential
outcomes of the unit of
Together, performance criteria specify the requirements for
competent performance. Text in bold italics is explained in the
Range Statement following.
PSPGOV413A Compose complex workplace documents Date this document was generated: 27 May 2012
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Elements and Performance Criteria
1. Interpret and
evaluate workplace
1.1 Information is sourced from inside and outside the organisation
in accordance with organisational requirements and sources
analysed for reliability.
1.2 Cultural context of the information is distinguished and used to
aid in interpretation.
1.3 Information is analysed for relevance to own work and
assistance is sought with interpretation of complex materials in
accordance with organisational procedures.
1.4 Assumed prior knowledge underpinning workplace information
is identified and additional information is gathered if necessary
to allow interpretation.
1.5 Implications of information are passed on to relevant personnel
in accordance with legislation, policy and procedures.
2. Compose complex
written materials
2.1 The purpose, objectives and format for the materials are
determined in accordance with organisational requirements.
2.2 Information to inform the document is sourced, collated in a
logical manner and assessed for relevance and inclusion.
2.3 Content, structure and sequencing of materials are determined
in line with the purpose and intended audience.
2.4 Options/recommendations are considered for inclusion.
2.5 Possible impact on the target audience is assessed and potential
criticism countered where necessary.
2.6 Written materials are composed, reviewed to confirm
objectives, organisational and legislative requirements are
met, and materials are submitted within required timeframes.
3. Edit written material
3.1 Intent of the communication is confirmed.
3.2 Content is checked and proofread for grammar, spelling and
3.3 Communication is assessed in light of the needs of the intended
3.4 Recommendations for improvement are made if necessary and
explained/recorded in a manner that provides a learning
opportunity for the future.
3.5 Information is amended if required, and submitted for approval
in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.
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Required Skills and Knowledge
This section describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for
this unit.
Skill requirements:
Look for evidence that confirms skills in:
reading and writing at a complex level to cope with a range of workplace materials
integrating information from a diverse number of sources in order to generate
writing and sequencing abstract concepts according to the required purpose of
written material
linking complex ideas in written material through selection and use of words,
grammatical structures, headings and punctuation appropriate to the purpose
spelling, punctuation and grammar for workplace documents at an experienced
responding to diversity, including gender and disability
implementing ergonomic requirements for office work
complying with environmental policies such as those relating to paper
Knowledge requirements:
Look for evidence that confirms knowledge and understanding of:
legislation, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines relating to written
communication in the public sector such as privacy, freedom of information,
information security, confidentiality, copyright
principles of effective written communication at a high level of complexity
differences in register/style between workplace communication for different
government style manual
organisation protocols for a range of complex written communication
channels of communication and processes for obtaining advice, approvals etc
organisational policy for recordkeeping - paper-based and electronic
equal employment opportunity, equity and diversity principles
public sector legislation such as occupational health and safety and environment in
the context of preparing written materials
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Evidence Guide
Units to be assessed
Pre-requisite units that must be achieved prior to this unit: Nil
Co-requisite units that must be assessed with this unit: Nil
Co-assessed units that may be assessed with this unit to
increase the efficiency and realism of the assessment process
include, but are not limited to:
PSPETHC401A Uphold and support the values and principles of
public service
PSPGOV402B Deliver and monitor service to clients
PSPGOV405B Provide input to change processes
PSPGOV406B Gather and analyse information
PSPGOV408A Value diversity
PSPGOV411A Deal with conflict
PSPLEGN401A Encourage compliance with legislation in the
public sector
PSPOHS401B Implement workplace safety procedures and
Overview of evidence
In addition to integrated demonstration of the elements and their
related performance criteria, look for evidence that confirms:
the knowledge requirements of this unit
the skill requirements of this unit
application of Employability Skills as they relate to this unit
advanced communication strategies used in a range of (3 or
more) contexts (or occasions, over time)
Resources required to
carry out assessment
These resources include:
legislation, policy, procedures and protocols relating to
communication in the public sector, including freedom of
information, privacy, equal employment opportunity,
anti-discrimination, occupational health and safety
case studies and workplace scenarios to capture the range of
advanced communication situations likely to be encountered
and required in the public sector
Where and how to
assess evidence
Valid assessment of this unit requires:
a workplace environment or one that closely resembles normal
work practice and replicates the range of conditions likely to be
PSPGOV413A Compose complex workplace documents Date this document was generated: 27 May 2012
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encountered when using advanced communication strategies,
including coping with difficulties, irregularities and
breakdowns in routine
advanced communication strategies used in a range of (3 or
more) contexts (or occasions, over time).
Assessment methods should reflect workplace demands, such as
literacy, and the needs of particular groups, such as:
people with disabilities
people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
young people
older people
people in rural and remote locations.
Assessment methods suitable for valid and reliable assessment of
this competency may include, but are not limited to, a combination
of 2 or more of:
case studies
simulation or role plays
authenticated evidence from the workplace and/or training
For consistency of
Evidence must be gathered over time in a range of contexts to
ensure the person can achieve the unit outcome and apply the
competency in different situations or environments.
PSPGOV413A Compose complex workplace documents Date this document was generated: 27 May 2012
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Range Statement
Information for
evaluation may include:
briefing papers
discussion papers
expert opinion
project briefs
strategic and operational plans
web site information
Purpose may include:
to influence opinion
to report on achievement
to recommend options and corresponding actions
to meet regulatory requirements
to meet public sector reporting requirements
to develop policy
to document policy
to obtain funding
to provide briefing material
to provide or contribute to strategic planning
to respond to enquiries/complaints
Materials to be composed
may include:
position papers
discussion papers
briefing materials
funding submissions
business cases
project briefs
operational and other plans
Content, structure and
sequencing may include:
facts and observations
case studies
PSPGOV413A Compose complex workplace documents Date this document was generated: 27 May 2012
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critical analysis
creative ideas
recommendations and supporting arguments
anticipated arguments and rebuttals
division into chapters or sections
tables of contents and indexes
executive summary
chronological structure
alphabetic structure
operating sequence
Organisational and
legislative requirements
may include:
use of plain English
style formats
particular terminology to be used/not used:
technical terms
bureaucratic language
requirements for minimising jargon in written materials
requirements for written material to take account of cultural,
ethnic, religious or language differences, disabilities, etiquette
guidelines for illustrative items
standards for references, acknowledgements, citations,
footnotes, endnotes, bibliographies
particular communication channels
State/Territory or Commonwealth legislation, regulations,
policies, procedures and guidelines relating to the preparation
and security of written information in the public sector,
including freedom of information, copyright, privacy,
confidentiality, equal employment opportunity, diversity,
occupational health and safety
risk assessment
information security requirements
public sector standards
fraud control standards
codes of practice
codes of ethics
private or confidential materials
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embargoed materials
security requirements
politically sensitive materials
security standards for government information
Unit Sector(s)
Not applicable.
Competency field
Working in Government.