Proactive Preparation and Hardening to
Protect Against Destructive Attacks
2MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Background ..........................................................................................................................................3
Recommendations Summary ...................................................................................................... 3
External Facing Assets........................................................................................................................ 4
Identify, Enumerate, and Harden.................................................................................................4
Enforce Multifactor Authentication.............................................................................................4
Critical Asset Protections ....................................................................................................................6
Domain Controller and Critical Asset Backups ............................................................................6
IT and OT Segmentation ..............................................................................................................8
Egress Restrictions ....................................................................................................................9
Virtualization Infrastructure Protections ................................................................................. 10
On-Premises Lateral Movement Protections .................................................................................... 12
Endpoint Hardening .................................................................................................................. 12
Remote Desktop Protocol Hardening ........................................................................................ 15
Disabling Administrative/Hidden Shares ................................................................................... 18
Hardening Windows Remote Management ................................................................................ 19
Restricting Common Lateral Movement Tools and Methods ..................................................... 21
Additional Endpoint Hardening .................................................................................................24
Credential Exposure and Account Protections .................................................................................26
Identification of Privileged Accounts
and Groups ................................................................................................................................26
Privileged and Service Account Protections .............................................................................28
Credential Protections When Using RDP ...................................................................................36
Restrict Remote Usage of Local Accounts ................................................................................40
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 43
3MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Threat actors leverage destructive malware to destroy data,
eliminate evidence of malicious activity, or manipulate systems
in a way that renders them inoperable. Destructive cyber-
attacks can be a powerful means to achieve strategic or
tactical objectives; however, the risk of reprisal is likely to limit
the frequency of use to very select incidents. Destructive
cyber-attacks can include destructive malware, wipers, or
modified ransomware.
This document provides proactive recommendations for
organizations to prioritize for protecting against a destructive
attack within an environment. The recommendations include
practical and scalable methods that can help protect
organizations from not only destructive attacks, but potential
incidents where a threat actor is attempting to perform
reconnaissance, escalate privileges, laterally move, maintain
access, and achieve their mission. The recommendations are
focused primarily for on-premises security hardening and
defenses, but similar concepts can extend to cloud-based
The detection opportunities outlined in this document are meant
to act as supplementary monitoring to existing security tools.
Organizations should leverage endpoint and network security
tools as additional preventative and detective measures. These
tools use a broad spectrum of detective capabilities, including
signatures and heuristics, to detect malicious activity with a
reasonable degree of fidelity. The custom detection
opportunities referenced in this document are correlated to
specific threat actor behavior and are meant to trigger on
anomalous activity that is identified by its divergence from
normal patterns. Effective monitoring is dependent on a
thorough understanding of an organization’s unique
environment and usage of pre-established baselines.
Recommendations Summary
Table 1 provides a high-level overview of guidance in this
document with links to the corresponding hardening
recommendations and detection opportunities.
TABLE 1. Overview of Hardening Recommendations and Detection Opportunities.
Focus Area Description Hardening Recommendations Detection Opportunities
Facing Assets
Protect against the risk of threat
actors exploiting an externally
facing vector or leveraging
existing technology for
unauthorized remote access.
1. Identify, Enumerate, and Harden Externally Facing
2. Enforce Multifactor Authentication for Externally
Facing Services
1. External Facing Assets and MFA Attempts
Critical Asset
Protect specic high-value
infrastructure and prepare for
recovery from a destructive
1. Backup AD and other Critical Assets
2. Conduct Targeted Business Continuity Planning
3. Segment IT and OT Environments
4. Implement Egress Restrictions
5. Protect Virtualization Infrastructure
1. Unauthorized Access to Backups
2. Lateral Movement from IT to OT Networks
3. Unauthorized Egress Traffic
4. Unauthorized Access to Virtualization
Protect against a threat actor with
initial access into an environment
from moving laterally to further
expand their scope of access and
1. Restrict Communication To/From Endpoints
2. Harden Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
3. Disable Administrative/Hidden Shares
4. Harden Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
5. Restrict Common Lateral Movement Tools and Methods
6. Implement Malware Protections on Endpoints
1. SMB and WMI Communications
2. RDP Usage
3. Accessing/Enumerating Administrative or
Hidden Shares
4. WinRM Usage
5. Common Lateral Movement Tools and Methods
6. Tamper Protection Events
Exposure and
Protect against the exposure of
privileged credentials to facilitate
privilege escalation.
1. Identify and Reduce the Scope of Privileged Accounts
2. Mitigate the Risk of Noncomputer Accounts with SPNs
3. Limit the Logon Rights for Privileged Accounts
4. Limit the Logon Rights for Service Accounts
5. Use Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs)
6. Use Protected Users Group
7. Disable WDigest and Enforce GPO Reprocessing
8. Limit Credential Exposure Through Credential Guard
9. Use Restricted Admin Mode for RDP
10. Implement Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard
11. Harden Local Administrator Accounts
1. Use/Modification of Privileged Accounts/Groups
and GPO Modifications
2. Kerberoasting
3. Privileged Account Logons
4. Service Account Logons
5. Managed Service Account Modifications
6. Modification of the Protected Users Security Group
7. WDigest Authentication Conditions
8. Restricted Admin Mode for RDP
9. Modification of Windows Defender Remote
Credential Guard Settings
10. Remote Logons with Local Accounts
4MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
External Facing Assets
Identify, Enumerate, and Harden
To protect against a threat actor exploiting vulnerabilities or
misconfigurations via an external-facing vector, organizations
must determine the scope of applications and organization-
managed services that are externally accessible. Externally
accessible applications and services are often targeted by
threat actors for initial access by exploiting known
vulnerabilities, brute-forcing common or default credentials,
or authenticating using valid credentials.
To proactively identify and validate external facing applications
and services, considerations include:
Leveraging Mandiant Attack Surface Management or a third-
party vulnerability scanning technology to identify assets and
associated vulnerabilities.
Performing a focused vulnerability assessment or penetration
test with the goal of identifying external-facing vectors that
could be leveraged for authentication and access.
Verifying with technology vendors if the products leveraged by
an organization for external-facing services require patches or
updates to mitigate known vulnerabilities.
Any identified vulnerabilities should be not only be patched and
hardened, but the identified technology platforms should also
be reviewed to ensure that evidence of suspicious activity or
technology/device modifications have not already occurred.
Enforce Multifactor Authentication
External-facing assets that leverage single-factor
authentication (SFA) are highly susceptible to brute-forcing
attacks, password spraying, or unauthorized remote access
using valid (stolen) credentials. External-facing applications
and services that currently allow for SFA should be configured
to support multifactor authentication (MFA). Additionally, MFA
should be leveraged for accessing not only on-premises
external-facing managed infrastructure, but also for cloud-
based resources (e.g., Software as a Service (SaaS) such as
Microsoft 365 (M365)).
When configuring multifactor authentication, the following
methods are commonly considered (and ranked from most to
least secure):
Fast Identity Online 2 (FIDO2) security key
Software/hardware Open Authentication (OATH) token
Authenticator application (e.g., Duo/Microsoft (MS)
Passwordless sign-in
Passcode validation
Push notification (least preferred option)
Phone call
Short Message Service (SMS) verification
Email-based verification
Risks of Specific MFA Methods
Push Notifications
If an organization is leveraging push notifications for MFA (e.g.,
notification that requires acceptance via an application or
automated call to a mobile device), threat actors can exploit
this type of MFA configuration for attempted access, as a user
may inadvertently accept a push notification on their device
without the context of where the authentication was initiated.
Phone/SMS Verification
If an organization is leveraging phone calls or SMS-based
verification for MFA, these methods are not encrypted and are
susceptible to potentially being intercepted by a threat actor.
These methods are also vulnerable if a threat actor is able to
transfer an employee’s phone number to an attacker-controlled
subscriber identification module (SIM) card. This would result in
the MFA notifications being routed to the threat actor instead
of the intended employee.
Email-Based Verification
If an organization is leveraging email-based verification for
validating access or for retrieving MFA codes and a threat actor
has already established the ability to access the email of their
target, the actor could potentially also retrieve the email(s) to
validate and complete the MFA process.
If any of these MFA methods are leveraged, consider:
Training remote users to never accept or respond to a logon
notification when they are not actively attempting to login.
Establish a method for users to report suspicious
MFA notifications, as this could be indicative of a
compromised account.
Ensure there are messaging policies in place to prevent the
auto-forwarding of email messages outside the organization.
5MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for External Facing Assets and MFA Attempts
TABLE 2. Detection Opportunities for External Facing Assets and MFA Attempts.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Brute Force T1110 – Brute Force Searching for a single user with an excessive number of failed logins from external Internet Protocol
addresses (IPs).
This risk can be mitigated by enforcing a strong password, MFA, and lockout policy.
Password Spray T1110.003 – Password Spray Searching for a high number of accounts with failed logins, typically from the similar origination
Multiple Failed MFA Same User T1110 – Brute Force
T1078 – Valid Accounts
Searching for multiple failed MFA conditions for the same account. This may be indicative of a
previously compromised credential.
Multiple Failed MFA Same Source T1110.003 – Password Spray
T1078 – Valid Accounts
Searching for multiple failed MFA prompts for different users from the same source. This may be
indicative of multiple compromised credentials and an attempt to “spray” MFA prompts/tokens for
External Authentication from an
Account with Elevated Privileges
T1078 – Valid Accounts Privileged accounts should use internally managed and secured privileged access workstations for
access and should not be accessible directly from an external (untrusted) source.
6MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Critical Asset Protections
Domain Controller and Critical Asset Backups
Organizations should verify that backups for domain controllers and critical assets are available and protected against unauthorized
access or modification. Backup processes and procedures should be exercised on a continual basis. Backups should be protected and
stored within secured enclaves that include both network and identity segmentation.
If an organization’s Active Directory (AD) were to become corrupted or unavailable due to ransomware or a potentially destructive attack,
restoring Active Directory from domain controller backups may be the only viable option to reconstitute domain services. The following
domain controller recovery and reconstitution best practices should be proactively reviewed by organizations:
Verify that there is a known good backup of domain controllers and SYSVOL shares
(e.g., from a domain controller – backup C:\Windows\SYSVOL).
For domain controllers, a system state backup is preferred.
Note: For a system state backup to occur, Windows Server Backup must be installed as a feature on a domain controller.
The following command can be run from an elevated command prompt to initiate a system state backup of a domain controller.
wbadmin start systemstatebackup -backuptarget:<targetDrive>:
robocopy c:\windows\sysvol c:\sysvol-backup /copyall /mir /b /r:0 /xd
netdom query fsmo
The following command can be run from an elevated command prompt to perform a SYSVOL backup (Manage auditing and security
log permissions must also be configured for the account performing the backup).
Offline backups: Ensure offline domain controller backups are
secured and stored separately from online backups.
Encryption: Backup data should be encrypted both during
transit (over the wire) and when at rest or mirrored for offsite
DSRM Password validation: Ensure that the Directory
Services Restore Mode (DSRM) password is set to a known
value for each domain controller. This password is required
when performing an authoritative or nonauthoritative domain
controller restoration.
Configure alerting for backup operations: Backup products
and technologies should be configured to detect and provide
alerting for operations critical to the availability and integrity
of backup data (e.g., deletion of backup data, purging of
Proactively identify domain controllers that hold flexible single master operation (FSMO) roles, as these domain controllers will need to
be prioritized for recovery in the event that a full domain restoration is required.
FIGURE 1. Command to Perform a System State Backup.
FIGURE 3. Command to Identify Domain Controllers that Hold FSMO roles.
FIGURE 2. Command to Perform a SYSVOL Backup.
backup metadata, restoration events, media errors).
Enforce role-based access control (RBAC): Access to backup
media and the applications that govern and manage data
backups should use RBAC to restrict the scope of accounts
that have access to the stored data and configuration
Testing and verification: Both authoritative and
nonauthoritative domain controller restoration processes
should be documented and tested on a regular basis. The same
testing and verification processes should be enforced for
critical assets and data.
7MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Business Continuity Planning
Critical asset recovery is dependent upon in-depth planning and preparation, which is often included within an organization’s Business
Continuity Plan (BCP). Planning and recovery preparation should include the following core competencies:
A well-defined understanding of crown jewels data and supporting applications that align to backup, failover, and restoration tasks
that prioritize mission-critical business operations.
Clearly defined asset prioritization and recovery sequencing.
Thoroughly documented recovery processes for critical systems and data.
Trained personnel to support recovery efforts.
Validation of recovery processes to ensure successful execution.
Clear delineation of responsibility for managing and verifying data and application backups.
Online and offline data backup retention policies, including initiation, frequency, verification, and testing (for both on-premises and
cloud-based data).
Established service-level agreements (SLAs) with vendors to prioritize application and infrastructure-focused support.
Continuity and recovery planning can become stale over time, and processes are often not updated to reflect environment and
personnel changes. Prioritizing evaluations, continuous training, and recovery validation exercises will enable an organization to be
better prepared in the event of a disaster.
Detection Opportunities for Backups
TABLE 3. Detection Opportunities for Backups.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Volume Shadow Deletion T1490 – Inhibit System
Searching for instances where a threat actor will delete volume shadow copies to inhibit system
recovery. This can be accomplished using the command line, PowerShell, and other utilities.
Unauthorized Access Attempt T1078 – Valid Accounts Searching for unauthorized users attempting to access the media and applications that are used to
manage data backups.
Suspicious Usage of the
DSRM Password
T1078 – Valid Accounts Monitoring security event logs on domain controllers for:
Event ID 4794 - An attempt was made to set the Directory Services Restore Mode
administrator password
Monitoring the following registry key on domain controllers:
The possible values for the registry key noted in Figure 4 are:
0 (default): The DSRM Administrator account can only be used if the domain controller is restarted in
Directory Services Restore Mode.
1: The DSRM Administrator account can be used for a console-based log on if the local Active
Directory Domain Services service is stopped.
2: The DSRM Administrator account can be used for console or network access without needing to
reboot a domain controller.
FIGURE 4. Command to Identify Domain Controllers that Hold FSMO roles.
8MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
IT and OT Segmentation
Organizations should ensure that there is both physical and
logical segmentation between corporate information technology
(IT) domains, identities, networks, and assets and those used in
direct support of operational technology (OT) processes and
control. By enforcing IT and OT segmentation, organizations can
inhibit a threat actor’s ability to pivot from corporate
environments to mission-critical OT assets using compromised
accounts and existing network access paths.
OT environments should leverage separate identity stores (e.g.,
dedicated Active Directory domains), which are not trusted or
cross-used in support of corporate identity and authentication.
The compromise of a corporate identity or asset should not
result in a threat actor’s ability to directly pivot to accessing an
asset that has the ability to influence an OT process.
In addition to separate AD forests being leveraged for IT and OT,
segmentation should also include technologies that may have a
dual use in the IT and OT environments (backup servers, anti-
virus (AV), endpoint detection and response (EDR), jump servers,
storage, virtual network infrastructure). OT segmentation
should be designed such that if there is a disruption in the
corporate (IT) environment, the OT process can safely function
independently, without a direct dependency (account, asset,
network pathway) with the corporate infrastructure. For any
dependencies that cannot be readily segmented, organizations
should identify potential short-term processes or manual
controls to ensure that the OT environment can be effectively
isolated if evidence of an IT (corporate)-focused incident were
Segmenting IT and OT environments is a best practice
recommended by industry standards such as National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) SP800-82 Rev 2: Guide to
Industrial Control Systems Security (
nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-82r2.pdf) and IEC
62443 (formerly ISA99).
According to these best-practice standards, segmenting IT and
OT networks should include the following:
OT attack surface reduction by restricting the scope of ports,
services, and protocols that are directly accessible within the
OT network from the corporate (IT) network.
Incoming access from corporate (IT) into OT must terminate
within a segmented OT demilitarized zone (DMZ). The OT
DMZ must require that a separate level of authentication
and access be granted (outside of leveraging an account or
endpoint that resides within the corporate IT domain).
Explicit firewall rules should restrict both incoming traffic
from the corporate environment and outgoing traffic from the
OT environment.
Firewalls should be configured using the principle of deny
by default, with only approved and authorized traffic flows
permitted. Egress (Internet) traffic flows for all assets that
support OT should also follow the deny-by-default model.
Identity (account) segmentation must be enforced between
corporate IT and OT. An account or endpoint within either
environment should not have any permissions or access rights
assigned outside of the respective environment.
Remote access to the OT environment should not leverage
similar accounts that have remote access permissions
assigned within the corporate IT environment. Multifactor
authentication using separate credentials should be enforced
for remotely accessing OT assets and resources.
Training and verification of manual control processes, including
isolation and reliability verification for safety systems.
Secured enclaves for storing backups, programming logic, and
logistical diagrams for systems and devices that comprise the
OT infrastructure.
The default usernames and passwords associated with
OT devices should always be changed from the default
vendor configuration(s).
9MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for IT and OT Segmented Environments
Egress Restrictions
Servers and assets that are infrequently rebooted are highly
targeted by threat actors for establishing backdoors to create
persistent beacons to command and control (C2) infrastructure.
By blocking or severely limiting Internet access for these types
of assets, an organization can effectively reduce the risk of a
threat actor compromising servers, extracting data, or installing
backdoors that leverage egress communications for maintaining
Egress restrictions should be enforced so that servers, internal
network devices, critical IT assets, OT assets, and field devices
cannot attempt to communicate to external sites and addresses
(Internet resources). The concept of deny by default should apply
to all servers, network devices, and critical assets (including
both IT and OT), with only allow-listed and authorized egress
traffic flows explicitly defined and enforced. Where possible,
this should include blocking recursive Domain Name System
(DNS) resolutions not included in an allow-list to prevent
communication via DNS tunneling.
If possible, egress traffic should be routed through an inspection
layer (such as a proxy) to monitor external connections and block
any connections to malicious domains or IP addresses.
Connections to uncategorized network locations (e.g. a domain
that has been recently registered) should not be permitted.
Ideally DNS requests would be routed through an external
service (e.g. Cisco Umbrella, Infoblox DDI) to monitor for lookups
to malicious domains.
TABLE 4. Detection Opportunities for IT and OT Segmented Environments.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Network Service Scanning T1046 – Network Service
Searching for instances where a threat actor is performing internal network discovery to identify open
ports and services between segmented environments.
Unauthorized Authentication
Attempts Between Segmented
T1078 – Valid Accounts Searching for failed logins for accounts limited to one environment attempting to login within another
environment. This can detect threat actors attempting to reuse credentials for lateral movement
between networks.
Threat actors often attempt to harvest credentials (including
New Technology Local Area Network (LAN) Manager (NTLM)
hashes) based upon outbound Server Message Block (SMB) or
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)
communications. Organizations should review and limit the
scope of egress protocols that are permissible from any
endpoint within the environment. While Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) (Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/80) and
HTTP Secure (HTTPS) (TCP/443) egress communications are
likely required for many user-based endpoints, the scope of
external sites and addresses can potentially be limited based
upon Web traffic-filtering technologies. Ideally, organizations
should only permit egress protocols and communications based
upon a predefined allow-list. Common high-risk ports for egress
restrictions include:
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
Secure Shell (SSH)
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
10MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
TABLE 5. Detection Opportunities for Suspicious Egress Trac Flows
Use Case MITRE ID Description
External Connection Attempt
to a Known Malicious IP
TA0011 – Command and
Leveraging threat feeds to identify attempted connections to known bad IP addresses.
External Communications from
Servers, Critical Assets, and
Isolated Network Segments
TA0011 – Command and
Searching for egress trac ows from subnets and addresses that correlate to servers, critical
assets, OT segments, and eld devices.
Outbound Connections
Attempted Over SMB
T1212 – Exploitation for
Credential Access
Searching for external connection attempts over SMB, as this may be an attempt to harvest
credential hashes.
Detection Opportunities for Suspicious Egress Traffic Flows
Virtualization Infrastructure Protections
Threat actors often target virtualization infrastructure
(e.g., VMware vCenter, Hyper-V) as part of their reconnaissance,
lateral movement, data theft, and potential ransomware
deployment objectives.
To reduce the attack surface of virtualized infrastructure, a best
practice for VMware vCenter and Hyper-V appliances and
servers is to isolate and restrict access to the management
interfaces, essentially enclaving these interfaces within isolated
virtual local area networks (VLANs) (network segments) where
connectivity is only permissible from dedicated subnets where
administrative actions can be initiated.
To protect management interfaces for VMware ESXi, the
VMKernel network interface card (NIC) should not be bound to
the same virtual network assigned to virtual machines running
on the host. Additionally, ESXi servers can be configured in
lockdown mode, which will only allow console access from the
vCenter server(s). For additional information related to lockdown
mode, reference
The SSH protocol (TCP/22) provides a common channel for
accessing a physical virtualization server or appliance (vCenter)
for administration and troubleshooting. Threat actors commonly
leverage SSH for direct access to virtualization infrastructure to
conduct destructive attacks. In addition to enclaving access to
administrative interfaces, SSH access to virtualization
infrastructure should be disabled and only enabled for specific
use-cases. If SSH is required, network ACLs should be used to
limit where connections can originate.
Identity segmentation should also be configured when accessing
administrative interfaces associated with virtualization
infrastructure. If Active Directory authentication provides direct
integrated access to the physical virtualization stack, a threat
actor that has compromised a valid Active Directory account (with
permissions to manage the virtualization infrastructure) could
potentially use the account to directly access virtualized systems
to steal data or perform destructive actions.
Authentication to virtualized infrastructure should rely upon
dedicated and unique accounts that are configured with strong
passwords and that are not co-used for additional access within
an environment. Additionally, accessing management interfaces
associated with virtualization infrastructure should only be
initiated from isolated privileged access workstations, which
prevent the storing and caching of passwords used for
accessing critical infrastructure components.
For a listing of administrative ports associated with
VMWare vCenter (that should be targeted for isolation),
For a listing of best practices for securing Hyper-V, reference
11MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for Accessing Virtualization Infrastructure
TABLE 6. Detection Opportunities for Virtualization Infrastructure.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Unauthorized Access Attempt to
Virtualized Infrastructure
T1078 – Valid Accounts Searching for attempted logins to virtualized infrastructure by unauthorized accounts.
Unauthorized SSH Connection
T1021.004 – Remote
Services: SSH
Searching for instances where an SSH connection is attempted when SSH has not been enabled for an
approved purpose or is not expected from a specic origination asset.
12MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Endpoint Hardening
Windows Firewall Configurations
Once initial access to on-premises infrastructure is
established, threat actors will conduct lateral movement to
attempt to further expand the scope of access and
persistence. To protect Windows endpoints from being
accessed using common lateral movement techniques, a
Windows Firewall policy can be configured to restrict the
scope of communications permitted between endpoints within
an environment. A Windows Firewall policy can be enforced
locally or centrally as part of a Group Policy Object (GPO)
configuration. At a minimum, the common ports and protocols
leveraged for lateral movement that should be blocked
between workstation-to-workstation and workstations to
non-domain controllers and non-file servers include:
On-Premises Lateral Movement Protections
SMB (TCP/445, TCP/135, TCP/139)
Remote Desktop Protocol (TCP/3389)
Windows Remote Management (WinRM)/Remote PowerShell
(TCP/80, TCP/5985, TCP/5986)
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) (dynamic port
range assigned through Distributed Component Object Model
Using a GPO (Figure 5), the settings listed in Table 6 can be
configured for the Windows Firewall to control inbound
communications to endpoints in a managed environment. The
referenced settings will effectively block all inbound
connections for the Private and Public profiles, and for the
Domain profile, only allow connections that do not match a
predefined block rule.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Windows Firewall with Advanced
FIGURE 5. GPO Path for Creating Windows Firewall Rules.
TABLE 7. Windows Firewall Recommended Conguration State.
Inbound Connections Log Dropped
Log Successful
Log File Path Log File Maximum
Size (KB)
Domain On Allow Yes Yes %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\prewall.log 4,096
Private On Block All Connections Yes Yes %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\prewall.log 4,096
Public On Block All Connections Yes Yes %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\prewall.log 4,096
13MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
FIGURE 6. Windows Firewall Recommendation Configurations.
FIGURE 7. Windows Firewall Domain Profile Customized Settings.
FIGURE 8. Windows Firewall - Block All Connections Settings.
Additionally, to ensure that only centrally managed firewall rules
are enforced (and cannot be overridden by a threat actor), the
settings for Apply local firewall rules and Apply local connection
security rules can be set to No for all profiles.
To quickly contain and isolate systems, the centralized Windows
Firewall setting of Block all connections (Figure 8) will prevent
any inbound connections from being established to a system.
This is a setting that can be enforced on workstations and
laptops, but will likely impact operations if enforced for servers,
although if there is evidence of an active threat actor lateral
pivoting within an environment, it may be a necessary step for
rapid containment.
Note: If this control is being used temporarily to facilitate containment
as part of an active incident, once the incident has been contained and
it has been deemed safe to re-establish connectivity amongst systems
within an environment, the Inbound Connections setting can be
changed back to Allow using a GPO.
If blocking all inbound connectivity for endpoints during a
containment event is not practical, or for the Domain profile
configurations, at a minimum, the protocols listed in Table 8
should be enforced using either a GPO or via the commands
referenced within the table.
For any specific applications that may require inbound
connectivity to end-user endpoints, the local firewall policy
should be configured with specific IP address exceptions for
origination systems that are authorized to initiate inbound
connections to such devices.
14MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
TABLE 8. Windows Firewall Suggested Block Rules.
Protocol/Port Windows Firewall Rule Command Line Enforcement
TCP/445, TCP/139, TCP/135
Predefined Rule Name:
File and Print Sharing
netsh advrewall rewall set rule group="File and
Printer Sharing" new enable=no
Remote Desktop Protocol
Predefined Rule Name:
Remote Desktop
netsh advrewall rewall set rule group="Remote
Desktop" new enable=no
WMI Predefined Rule Name:
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
netsh advrewall rewall set rule group="windows
management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=no
Windows Remote Management/PowerShell Remoting
TCP/80, TCP/5985, TCP/5986
Predefined Rule Name:
Windows Remote Management
Windows Remote Management (Compatibility)
Port Rule:
netsh advrewall rewall set rule group="Windows
Remote Management" new enable=no
Via PowerShell:
Disable-PSRemoting -Force
FIGURE 9. Windows Firewall Suggested Rule Blocks via Group Policy.
NTLM Authentication Configurations
Threat actors often attempt to harvest credentials (including Windows NTLMv1 hashes) based upon outbound SMB or WebDAV
communications. Organizations should review NTLM settings for Windows-based endpoints, and work to harden, disable, or restrict
NTLMv1 authentication requests.
15MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
To fully restrict NTLM authentication to remote servers, the following GPO settings can be leveraged:
Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options > Network Security: Restrict
NTLM: Outgoing NTLM traffic to remote servers
Allow all
Audit all
Deny all
Note: If "Deny all” is selected, the client computer cannot authenticate (send credentials) to a remote server using NTLM authentication. Before setting
to “Deny all”, organizations should configure the GPO setting with the “Audit all” enforcement. With this configuration, audit and block events will be
recorded within the Operational event log on endpoints (Applications and Services Log\Microsoft\Windows\NTLM).
If any recorded NTLM authentication events are required, organizations can configure the "Network security: Restrict NTLM: Add remote
server exceptions for NTLM authentication" setting to define a listing of remote servers which are required to use NTLM authentication.
Detection Opportunities for SMB, WMI, and NTLM Communications
Remote Desktop Protocol Hardening
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a common method used by
threat actors to remotely connect to systems, laterally move
from the perimeter onto a larger scope of internal systems and
perform malicious activities (such as data theft or ransomware
deployment). External-facing systems with RDP open to the
Internet present an elevated risk. Threat actors may exploit this
vector to gain initial access to an organization and then perform
lateral movement into the organization to complete their mission
Proactively, organizations should scan their public IP address
ranges to identify systems with RDP (TCP/3389) and other
protocols (SMB – TCP/445) open to the Internet. At a minimum,
RDP and SMB should not be directly exposed for ingress and
egress access to/from the Internet. If required for operational
purposes, explicit controls should be implemented to restrict
the source IP addresses which can interface with systems using
these protocols. The following hardening recommendations
should also be implemented.
TABLE 9. Detection Opportunities for SMB, WMI, and NTLM Communications.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
High Volume of SMB Connections T1021.002 – SMB/Windows
Admin Shares
Searching for a sharp increase in SMB connections that fall outside of a normal pattern.
Outbound Connection
Attempted Over SMB
T1212 – Exploitation for
Credential Access
Searching for external connection attempts over SMB, as this may be an attempt to harvest
credential hashes.
WMI Being Used to Call
a Remote Service
T1047 – Windows
Searching for WMI being used via a command line or PowerShell to call a remote service for execution.
WMI Being Used for Ingress
Tool Transfer
T1105 – Ingress Tool
Searching for suspicious usage of WMI to download external resources.
Forced NTLM Authentication
Using SMB or WebDAV
T1187 – Forced
Searching for potential NTLM authentication attempts using SMB or WebDAV.
Enforce Multifactor Authentication
If external-facing RDP must be used for operational purposes,
MFA should be enforced when connecting using this method.
This can be accomplished either via the integration of a third-
party MFA technology or by leveraging a Remote Desktop
Gateway and Azure Multifactor Authentication Server using
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)
Leverage Network-Level Authentication
For external-facing RDP servers, Network-Level Authentication
(NLA) provides an extra layer of preauthentication before a
connection is established. NLA can also be useful for protecting
against brute-force attacks, which often target open Internet-
facing RDP servers.
NLA can be configured either via the user interface (UI)
(Figure 10) or via Group Policy (Figure 11).
16MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
FIGURE 10. Enabling NLA via the UI.
FIGURE 11. Enabling NLA via the UI.
Using a GPO, the setting for NLA can be configured via:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop
Session Host > Security > Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication
Some caveats about leveraging NLA for RDP:
The Remote Desktop client v7.0 (or greater) must be leveraged.
NLA uses CredSSP to pass authentication requests on the
initiating system. CredSSP stores credentials in Local Security
Authority (LSA) memory on the initiating system, and these
credentials may remain in memory even after a user logs
off the system. This provides a potential exposure risk for
credentials in memory on the source system.
On the RDP server, users permitted for remote access using
RDP must be assigned the Access this computer from the
network privilege when NLA is enforced. This privilege is often
explicitly denied for user accounts to protect against lateral
movement techniques.
17MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Restrict Administrative Accounts from Leveraging RDP on Internet-Facing Systems
For external-facing RDP servers, highly privileged domain and local administrative accounts should not be permitted access to
authenticate with the external-facing systems using RDP (Figure 12).
This can be enforced using Group Policy, configurable via the following path:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Deny log on
through Terminal Services
FIGURE 12. Group Policy Configuration for Restricting Highly Privileged Domain and Local Administrative Accounts from Leveraging RDP.
Detection Opportunities for RDP Usage
TABLE 10. Detection Opportunities for RDP Usage.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
RDP Authentication
T1110 – Brute Force
T1078 – Valid Accounts
T1021.001 – Remote Desktop
Existing authentication rules should include RDP attempts. This includes use cases for:
Brute Force
Password Spraying
MFA Failures Single User
MFA Failures Single Source
External Authentication from an Account with Elevated Privileges
Anomalous Connection
Attempts over RDP
T1078 – Valid Accounts
T1021.001 – Remote Desktop
Searching for anomalous RDP connection attempts over known RDP ports such as TCP/3389.
18MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Disabling Administrative/Hidden Shares
To conduct lateral movement, threat actors may attempt to
identify administrative or hidden network shares, including
those that are not explicitly mapped to a drive letter and use
these for remotely binding to endpoints throughout an
environment. As a protective or rapid containment measure,
organizations may need to quickly disable default administrative
or hidden shares from being accessible on endpoints. This can
be accomplished by either modifying the registry, stopping a
service, or by using the MSS (Legacy) Group Policy template
Common administrative and hidden shares on endpoints
Note: Disabling administrative and hidden shares on servers,
specifically including domain controllers, may significantly impact the
operation and functionality of systems within a domain-based
Additionally, if PsExec is used in an environment, disabling the
admin (ADMIN$) share can restrict the capability for this tool to
be used to remotely interface with endpoints.
Registry Method:
Using the registry, administrative and hidden shares can be
disabled on endpoints (Figure 13 and Figure 14).
Service Method:
By stopping the Server service on an endpoint, the ability to
access any shares hosted on the endpoint will be disabled
(Figure 15).
FIGURE 13. Registry Value Disabling Administrative Shares on Workstations.
FIGURE 15. Server Service Properties.
FIGURE 14. Registry Value Disabling Administrative Shares on Servers.
DWORD Name = “AutoShareWks
Value = “0”
DWORD Name = “AutoShareServer
Value = “0”
Group Policy Method:
Using the MSS (Legacy) Group Policy template, administrative
and hidden shares can be disabled on either a server or
workstation via a GPO setting (Figure 16).
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> MSS (Legacy) > MSS (AutoShareServer)
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> MSS (Legacy) > MSS (AutoShareWks)
19MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
FIGURE 16. Disabling Administrative And Hidden Shares via the MSS (Legacy) Group Policy Template.
Detection Opportunities for Accessing Administrative or Hidden Shares
TABLE 11. Detection Opportunities for Accessing Administrative or Hidden Shares.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Network Discovery: Suspicious
Usage of the Net Command
T1049 - System Network
Connections Discovery
T1135 - Network Share
Searching for suspicious usage of the net command to enumerate systems such as le shares within
an environment.
Hardening Windows Remote Management
Threat actors may leverage Windows Remote Management
(WinRM) to laterally move throughout an environment. WinRM is
enabled by default on all Windows Server operating systems
(since Windows Server 2012 and above), but disabled on all client
operating systems (Windows 7 and Windows 10) and older server
platforms (Windows Server 2008 R2).
PowerShell remoting (PS remoting) is a native Windows remote
command execution feature that is built on top of the WinRM
Windows client (nonserver) operating system platforms where
WinRM is disabled indicates that there is:
No WinRM listener configured
No Windows firewall exception configured
By default, WinRM uses TCP/5985 and TCP/5986, which can be
either disabled using the Windows Firewall or configured so that
a specific subset of IP addresses can be authorized for
connecting to endpoints using WinRM.
WinRM and PowerShell remoting can be explicitly disabled on
endpoint using either a PowerShell command (Figure 17) or
specific GPO settings.
Note: Running Disable-PSRemoting -Force does not prevent local users
from creating PowerShell sessions on the local computer or for
sessions destined for remote computers.
After running the command, the message recorded in Figure 18
will be displayed. These steps provide additional hardening, but
after running the Disable-PSRemoting -Force command,
PowerShell sessions destined for the target endpoint will not
be successful.
Disable-PSRemoting -Force
FIGURE 17. PowerShell Command to Disable WinRM/PowerShell Remoting on an
20MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
FIGURE 18. Warning Message After Disabling PSRemoting.
To enforce the additional steps for disabling WinRM via
PowerShell (Figure 19 through Figure 22):
1. Stop and disable the WinRM service.
2. Disable the listener that accepts requests on any IP address.
3. Disable the firewall exceptions for WS-Management
4. Restore the value of the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy
to 0, which restricts remote access to members of the
Administrators group on the computer.
Group Policy:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> Windows Components > Windows Remote Management
(WinRM) > WinRM Service > Allow remote server management
through WinRM
If this setting is configured as Disabled, the WinRM service will
not respond to requests from a remote computer, regardless of
whether or not any WinRM listeners are configured.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> Windows Components > Windows Remote Shell > Allow
Remote Shell Access
This policy setting will manage the configuration of remote
access to all supported shells to execute scripts and commands.
Stop-Service WinRM -PassThruSet-Service WinRM
-StartupType Disabled
dir wsman:\localhost\listener
Remove-Item -Path WSMan:\Localhost\
listener\<Listener na me
Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'Windows Remote
Management (HTTP-In)' -Enabled False
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system -Name
LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Value 0
FIGURE 19. PowerShell Command to Stop and Disable the WinRM Service.
FIGURE 20. PowerShell Commands to Delete a WSMan Listener.
FIGURE 21. PowerShell Command to Disable Firewall Exceptions for WinRM.
FIGURE 22. PowerShell Command to Configure the Registry Key for
21MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for WinRM Usage
Restricting Common Lateral Movement Tools and Methods
Table 13 provides a consolidated summary of security configurations that can be leveraged to combat against common remote access
tools and methods used for lateral movement within environments.
TABLE 12. Detection Opportunities for WinRM Usage.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Unauthorized WinRM Execution
T1021.006 - Remote
Services: Windows Remote
Searching for command execution attempts for WinRM on a system where WinRM has been disabled.
Suspicious Process Creation
Using WinRM
T1021.006 - Remote
Services: Windows Remote
Searching for anomalous process creation events using WinRM that deviate from an established
Suspicious Network Connection
Using WinRM
T1021.006 - Remote
Services: Windows Remote
Searching for network activity over known WinRM ports, such as TCP/5985 and TCP/5986, to identify
anomalous connections that deviate from an established baseline.
Remote WMI Connection Using
T1021.006 - Remote
Services: Windows Remote
Searching for remote WMI connection attempts using WinRM.
TABLE 13. Common Lateral Movement Tools/Methods and Mitigating Security Controls.
Tool/Tactic Mitigating Security Configurations (Target Endpoints)
PsExec (using the current logged-on user account, without the -u switch)
If the -u switch is not leveraged, authentication will use Kerberos or NTLM for the
current logged-on user of the source endpoint and will register as a Type 3 (network)
logon on the destination endpoint.
PsExec high-level functionality:
Connects to the hidden ADMIN$ share (mapping to the C:\Windows folder) on a
remote endpoint via SMB (TCP/445).
Uses the Service Control Manager (SCM) to start the PSExecsvc service and
enable a named pipe on a remote endpoint.
Input/output redirection for the console is achieved via the created named pipe.
Option 1:
GPO conguration:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings >
Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny access to this computer from the network
Option 2:
Windows Firewall rule:
Option 3:
Disable administrative and hidden shares.
FIGURE 23. PowerShell Command to Disable Inbound File and Print Sharing (SMB)
for an Endpoint Using a Local Windows Firewall Rule.
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="File
and Printer Sharing" new enable=no
22MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
TABLE 13. Common Lateral Movement Tools/Methods and Mitigating Security Controls.
Tool/Tactic Mitigating Security Configurations (Target Endpoints)
PsExec (with Alternative Credentials, via the -u switch)
If the -u switch is leveraged, authentication will use the alternate supplied
credentials and will register as a Type 3 (network) and Type 2 (interactive) logon on
the destination endpoint.
Option 1:
GPO conguration:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings >
Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny access to this computer from the network
Deny log on locally
Option 2:
Windows Firewall rule:
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Option 1:
GPO conguration:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings >
Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny log on through Terminal Services
Option 2:
Windows Firewall rule:
PS remoting and WinRM Option 1:
PowerShell command:
Option 2:
GPO conguration:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows
Components > Windows Remote Management (WinRM) > WinRM Service > Allow
remote server management through WinRM
Option 3:
Windows Firewall rule:
FIGURE 24. PowerShell Command to Disable Inbound File and Print Sharing (SMB)
for an Endpoint Using a Local Windows Firewall Rule.
FIGURE 25. PowerShell Command to Disable Inbound Remote Desktop (RDP) for
an Endpoint Using a local Windows Firewall Rule.
FIGURE 26. PowerShell Command to Disable PowerShell Remoting for an Endpoint.
FIGURE 27. PowerShell Command to Disable Inbound WinRM for an Endpoint
Using a Local Windows Firewall Rule.
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="File
and Printer Sharing" new enable=no
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote
Desktop" new enable=no
Disable-PSRemoting -Force
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule
group="Windows Remote Management" new enable=no
23MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
TABLE 13. Common Lateral Movement Tools/Methods and Mitigating Security Controls.
Tool/Tactic Mitigating Security Configurations (Target Endpoints)
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Option 1:
GPO conguration:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Local Policies >
Security Op tions
DCOM:Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language
(SDDL) Syntax
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Local Policies >
Security Options
DCOM:Machine Access Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition
Language (SDDL) Syntax
Both of these settings allow an organization to dene additional computer-wide
controls that govern access to all DCOM–based applications on an endpoint.
When users or groups that are provided permissions are specied,
the security descriptor eld is populated with the SDDL representation of
those groups and privileges.
Users and groups can be given explicit Allow or Deny privileges for both local and
remote access using DCOM.
Option 2:
Windows Firewall rules:
Third-party remote access applications (e.g., VNC/DameWare/ScreenConnect)
that rely upon specific interactive and remote logon permissions being
configured on an endpoint.
GPO conguration:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings >
Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny access to this computer from the network
Deny log on locally
FIGURE 26. PowerShell Commands to Disable Inbound DCOM for an Endpoint Using
a Local Windows Firewall Rule.
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="COM+
Network Access" new enable=no
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="COM+
Remote Administration" new enable=no
Detection Opportunities for Common Lateral Movement Tools and Methods
TABLE 14. Detection Opportunities for WinRM Usage.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Anomalous PsExec Usage T1569.002 – System Services:
Service Execution
T1021.002 – Remote Services:
SMB/Windows Admin Shares
T1570 – Lateral Tool Transfer
Searching for attempted execution of PsExec on systems where PsExec is disabled or where it
deviates from normal activity.
Process Creation Event
Involving a COM Object by
Different User
T1021.003 – Remote Services:
Distributed Component Object
T1078 – Valid Accounts
Searching for process creation events including COM objects that are initiated by an account that is
not currently the logged-in user for the system.
High Volume of DCOM-
Related Activity
T1021.003 – Remote Services:
Distributed Component Object
Searching for a sharp increase in volume of DCOM-related activity.
Third-Party Remote
Access Applications
T1219 – Remote Access Software Searching for anomalous usage of third-party remote access applications. This type of activity could
indicate a threat actor is attempting to use third-party remote access applications as an alternate
communication channel or for creating remote interactive sessions.
24MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Additional Endpoint Hardening
To help protect against malicious binaries, malware, and
encryptors being invoked on endpoints, additional security
hardening technologies and controls should be considered.
Examples of additional security controls for consideration for
Windows-based endpoints are provided as follows.
Windows Defender Application Control
Windows Defender Application Control is a set of inherent
configuration settings within Active Directory that provide
lockdown and control mechanisms for controlling which
applications and files users can run on endpoints. With this
functionality, the following types of rules can be configured
within GPOs:
Publisher rules: Can be leveraged to allow or restrict execution
of files based upon digital signatures and other attributes.
Path rules: Can be leveraged to allow or restrict file execution
or access based upon files residing in specific path.
File hash rules: Can be leveraged to allow or restrict file
execution based on a file’s hash.
For additional information related to Windows Defender
Application Control, reference
Microsoft Defender Attack Surface Reduction
Microsoft Defender Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules can
help protect against various threats, including:
A threat actor launching executable files and scripts that
attempt to download or run files.
A threat actor running obfuscated or suspicious scripts.
A threat actor invoking credential theft tools that interface with
Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS).
A threat actor invoking PsExec or WMI commands.
Normalizing and blocking behaviors that applications do not
usually initiate as part of standardized activity.
Blocking executable content from email clients and
Web mail (phishing).
ASR requires a Windows E3 license or above. A Windows E5
license provides advanced management capabilities for ASR.
For additional information related to Microsoft Defender Attack
Surface Reduction functionality, reference https://docs.
Controlled Folder Access
Controlled folder access can help protect data from being
encrypted by ransomware. Beginning with Windows 10 version
1709+ and Windows Server 2019+, controlled folder access was
introduced within Windows Defender Antivirus (as part of
Windows Defender Exploit Guard).
Once controlled folder access is enabled, applications and
executable files are assessed by Windows Defender Antivirus,
which then determines if an application is malicious or safe. If an
application is determined to be malicious or suspicious, it will be
blocked from making changes to any files in a protected folder.
Once enabled, controlled folder access will apply to a number of
system folders and default locations, including:
Additional folders can be added using the Windows Security
application, Group Policy, PowerShell, or mobile device
management (MDM) configuration service providers (CSPs).
Additionally, applications can be allow-listed for access to
protected folders.
Note: For controlled folder access to fully function, Windows
Defender’s Real Time Protection setting must be enabled.
For additional information related to controlled folder access,
25MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Tamper Protection
Threat actors will often attempt to disable security features on endpoints. Tamper protection either in Windows (via Microsoft Defender
for Endpoint) or integrated within third-party AV/EDR platforms can help protect security tools from being modified or stopped by a
threat actor. Organizations should review the configuration of security technologies that are deployed to endpoints and verify if tamper
protection is (or can be) enabled to protect against unauthorized modification. Once implemented, organizations should test and
validate that the tamper protection controls behave as expected as different products offer different levels of protection.
For additional information related to tamper protection for Windows Defender for Endpoint, reference
Detection Opportunities for Tamper Protection Events
TABLE 15. DDetection Opportunities for Tamper Protection Events.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Threat Actor Attempting
to Disable Security Tooling
on an Endpoint
T1562.001 - Disable or Modify
Monitoring for evidence of processes or command-line arguments correlating to security tools/
services being stopped.
26MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Identification of Privileged Accounts
and Groups
Threat actors will prioritize identifying privileged accounts as
part of reconnaissance efforts. Once identified, threat actors
will attempt to obtain credentials for these accounts for lateral
movement, persistence, and mission fulfillment.
Organizations should proactively focus on identifying and
reviewing the scope of accounts and groups within Active
Directory that have an elevated level of privilege. An elevated
level of privilege can be determined by the following criteria:
Accounts or nested groups that are assigned membership
into default domain and Exchange-based privileged groups
(Figure 29).
Accounts or nested groups that are assigned membership into
security groups protected by AdminSDHolder.
Accounts or groups assigned permissions for organizational
units (OUs) housing privileged accounts, groups, or endpoints.
Accounts or groups assigned specific extended right
permissions either directly at the root of the domain or for OUs
where permissions are inherited by child objects. Example
Administer Exchange Information Store
View Exchange Information Store Status
View Exchange Information Store Status
Credential Exposure and Account Protections
Accounts or groups assigned permissions for modifying or
linking GPOs.
Accounts or groups assigned explicit permissions on domain
controllers or Tier 0 endpoints.
Accounts or groups assigned directory service replication
Accounts or groups with local administrative access on all
endpoints (or a large scope of critical assets) in a domain.
To identify accounts that are provided membership into default
domain-based privileged groups or are protected by
AdminSDHolder, the following PowerShell cmdlets can be run
from a domain controller.
27MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
FIGURE 29. Commands to Identify Domain and Exchange-Based Privileged Accounts.
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\DomainAdmins.csv
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Enterprise Admins" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\
EnterpriseAdmins.csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Schema Admins" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\SchemaAdmins.csv
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Administrators" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\Administrators.
csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Account Operators" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\
AccountOperators.csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Backup Operators" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\
BackupOperators.csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Cert Publishers" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\CertPublishers.
csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Print Operators" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\PrintOperators.
csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Server Operators" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\
ServerOperators.csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "DNSAdmins" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\DNSAdmins.csv
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "DNSAdmins" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\DNSAdmins.csv
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group Policy Creator Owners" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\
Group-Policy-Creator-Owners.csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Exchange Trusted Subsystem" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\
Exchange-Trusted-Subsystem.csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Exchange Windows Permissions" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output directory>\
Exchange-Windows-Permissions.csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Exchange Recipient Administrators" -Recursive | export-csv -path <output
directory>\Exchange-Recipient-Admins.csv -NoTypeInformation
get-ADUser -Filter {(AdminCount -eq 1) -And (Enabled -eq $True)} | Select-Object Name, DistinguishedName |
export-csv -path <output directory>\AdminSDHolder_Enabled.csv
Any privileged accounts granted membership into additional
security groups can provide a threat actor with a potential path
to domain administration-level permissions based upon
endpoints where the accounts have permissions to log on or
remotely access systems.
Ideally, only a small scope of accounts should be provided with
highly privileged access within a domain. Accounts with highly
privileged permissions should not be leveraged for daily use,
used for interactive or remote logons to workstations, laptops,
or common servers, or used for performing functions on
non-domain controller (Tier 0) assets. For additional
recommendations for restricting access for privileged accounts,
reference the Privileged Account Logon Restrictions section of
this document.
28MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for Privileged Accounts, Groups, and GPO Modifications
TABLE 16. Detection Opportunities for WinRM Usage.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Interactive or Remote Logon of a
Highly Privileged Account to an
Unauthorized System
T1078 – Valid Accounts Searching for logon attempts correlating to highly privileged accounts authenticating to systems that
reside outside of the Tier 0 layer.
Privileged Account and Group
T1069 – Permission Groups
Discovery Groups Discovery
T1078 – Valid Accounts
Searching for command-line events where a user is attempting to enumerate privileged accounts and
Account Added to Highly
Privileged Group
T1078 – Valid Accounts
T1098 – Account
Identifying when accounts are added to highly privileged groups. While this can occur as part of
normal activity, it should be infrequent and limited to specic accounts.
Modification of Group Policy
T1484.001 – Domain Policy
Modification: Group Policy
Identifying when group policy objects (GPOs) are created or modied.
GPOs can also be exported and reviewed to identify last modication timestamps.
FIGURE 30. PowerShell cmdlet to Export and Review GPO Creation and Modification Timestamps.
get-gpo -all | export-csv -path “c:\temp\gpo-listing-all.csv
Privileged and Service Account Protections
Identify and Review Noncomputer Accounts Configured
with a SPN
Accounts with service principal names (SPNs) are commonly
targeted by threat actors for privilege escalation. Using
Kerberos, any domain user can request a Kerberos service ticket
(TGS) from a domain controller for any account configured with
an SPN. Noncomputer accounts likely are configured with
guessable (nonrandom) passwords. Regardless of the domain
function level or the hosts Windows version, SPNs that are
registered under a noncomputer account will use the legacy
RC4-HMAC encryption suite rather than Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES). The key used for encryption and decryption of
the RC4-HMAC encryption type represents an unsalted NTLM
hash version of the account’s password, which could be derived
via cracking the ticket.
Organizations should review Active Directory to identify
noncomputer accounts configured with an SPN. Noncomputer
accounts correlated to registered SPNs are likely service
accounts and provide a method for a threat actor (without
administrative privileges) to potentially derive (crack) the
plain-text password for the account (Kerberoasting). To
identify noncomputer accounts configured with an SPN, the
PowerShell cmdlet referenced in Figure 31 can be ran from a
domain controller.
Where possible, organizations should deregister noncomputer
accounts with SPNs configured. Where SPNs are needed,
organizations should mitigate the risk associated with
Kerberoasting attacks. Accounts with SPNs should be
configured with strong, unique passwords (e.g., minimum 25+
characters) with the passwords rotated on periodic basis for the
accounts. Furthermore, privileges should be reviewed and
reduced for these accounts to ensure that each account has the
minimum required privileges needed for the intended function.
Accounts with SPNs should be considered in-scope for the
proactive hardening measures detailed throughout this
Note: SPNs should never be associated with regular interactive user
FIGURE 31. PowerShell cmdlet to Identify Noncomputer Accounts Configured with an SPN.
Get-ADUser -Filter {(ServicePrincipalName -like "*")} | Select-Object
nam e,sa maccountna me,sid,enabled,DistinguishedNa m e
29MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for Noncomputer Accounts Configured with an SPN
TABLE 17. Detection Opportunities for Noncomputer Accounts Congured with an SPN.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Potential Kerberoasting
Attempt Using RC4
T1558.003 – Steal or Forge
Kerberos Tickets:
Searching for a Kerberos request using downgraded RC4 encryption.
Privileged Account Logon Restrictions
Privileged and service accounts credentials are commonly used
for lateral movement and establishing persistence.
For any accounts that have privileged access throughout an
environment, the accounts should not be used on standard
workstations and laptops, but rather from designated systems
(e.g., privileged access workstations (PAWs)) that reside in
restricted and protected VLANs and tiers. Dedicated privileged
accounts should be defined for each tier, with controls that
enforce that the accounts can only be used within the
designated tier. Guardrail enforcement for privileged accounts
can be defined within GPOs or by using authentication policy
silos (Windows Server 2012 R2 domain-functional level or above).
The recommendations for restricting the scope of access for
privileged accounts are based upon Microsoft’s guidance for
securing privileged access. For additional information,
User Rights Assignments
As a proactive hardening or quick containment measure,
consider blocking any accounts with privileged AD access from
being able to log in (remotely or locally) to standard workstations,
laptops, and common access servers (e.g., virtualized desktop
The settings referenced as follows are configurable using user
rights assignments defined within GPOs via the path of:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Accounts delegated with domain-based privileged access
should be explicitly denied access to standard workstations and
laptop systems within the context of the following settings
(which can be configured using GPO settings similar to what are
depicted in Figure 32):
Deny access to this computer from the network (also include
S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of
Administrators group) (SeDenyNetworkLogonRight)
Deny logon as a batch job (SeDenyBatchLogonRight)
Deny logon as a service (SeDenyServiceLogonRight)
Deny logon locally (SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight)
Deny logon through Terminal Services
Additionally, using GPOs, permissions can be restricted on
endpoints to protect against privilege escalation and potential
data theft by reducing the scope of accounts that have the
following user rights assignments:
Debug programs (SeDebugPrivilege)
Back up files and directories (SeBackupPrivilege)
Restore files and directories (SeRestorePrivilege)
Take ownership of files or other objects
FIGURE 32. Example of Privileged Account Access Restrictions for a Standard
Workstation Using GPO Settings.
30MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for Privileged Account Logons
Service Account Logon Restrictions
Organizations should also consider enhancing the security of
domain-based service accounts to restrict the capability for the
accounts to be used for interactive, remote desktop, and, where
possible, network-based logons.
Minimum recommended logon hardening for service accounts
(on endpoints where the service account is not required for
interactive or remote logon purposes):
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny logon locally (SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight)
Deny logon through Terminal Services
Additional recommended logon hardening for service accounts
(on endpoints where the service accounts is not required for
network-based logon purposes):
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny access to this computer from the network
TABLE 18. Detection Opportunities for Privileged Account Logons.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Attempted Logon of a Privileged
Account from a Nonprivileged
Access Workstation
T1078 – Valid Accounts Searching for logon attempts correlating to highly privileged accounts authenticating to systems that
reside outside of the Tier 0 layer.
If a service account is only required to be leveraged on a single
endpoint to run a specific service, the service account can be
further restricted to only permit the account’s usage on a
predefined listing of endpoints (Figure 33).
Active Directory Users and Computers > Select the account
Account tab
Log On To button > Select the proper scope of computers
for access
FIGURE 33. Option to Restrict an Account to Log Onto Specific Endpoints.
31MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for Service Account Logons
Managed/Group Managed Service Accounts
Organizations with static service accounts should review the
feasibility of migrating the service accounts to be managed
service accounts (MSAs) or group managed service accounts
MSAs were first introduced with the Windows Server 2008 R2
Active Directory schema (domain-functional level) and provide
automatic password management (30-day rotation) for
dedicated service accounts that are associated with running
services on specific endpoints.
Standard MSA: The account is associated with a single
endpoint and the complex password for the account is
automatically managed and changed on a predefined
frequency (30 days by default). While an MSA can only be
associated with a single computer account, multiple services
on the same endpoint can leverage the MSA.
Group managed service account (gMSA): First introduced
with Windows Server 2012 and are very similar to MSAs,
but allow for a single gMSA to be leveraged across multiple
Common uses for MSAs and gMSAs:
Scheduled Tasks
Internet Information Services (IIS) application pools
Structured Query Language (SQL) services (SQL 2012 and later)
– Express editions are not supported by MSAs.
Microsoft Exchange services
Network Load Balancing (clustering) – gMSAs only
Third-party applications that support MSAs
TABLE 19. Detection Opportunities for Service Account Logons.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Anomalous Logon from
a Service Account
T1078 – Valid Accounts Searching for login attempts for a service account on a new (unexpected) endpoint. This will require
baselining service accounts to expected (approved) systems.
Note: Threat actors can potentially discover accounts and groups
that have permissions to read/leverage the password for a gMSA
for privilege escalation and lateral movement. This can be
accomplished by leveraging the get-adserviceaccount PowerShell
cmdlet and enumerating the msDS-GroupMSAMembership
(PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword) configuration for a
gMSA, which stores the security principals that can access the gMSA
password. It is important that when configuring managed service
accounts, organizations focus on restricting the scope of accounts
and groups that have the ability to obtain and leverage the password
for the managed service accounts and enforce structured
monitoring of these accounts and groups.
For additional information related to MSAs and gMSAs,
32MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for Managed/Group Managed Service Accounts
Protected Users Security Group
By leveraging the Protected Users security group for privileged
accounts, an organization can minimize various exposure
factors and common exploitation methods by a threat actor or
malware variant obtaining credentials for privileged accounts on
disk or in memory from endpoints.
Beginning with Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Windows
Server 2012 R2 (and above), the Protected Users security group
was introduced to manage credential exposure within an
environment. Members of this group automatically have specific
protections applied to accounts, including:
The Kerberos ticket granting ticket (TGT) expires after four
hours, rather than the normal 10-hour default setting.
No NTLM hash for an account is stored in LSASS, since only
Kerberos authentication is used (NTLM authentication is
disabled for an account).
Cached credentials are blocked. A domain controller must be
available to authenticate the account.
WDigest authentication is disabled for an account, regardless
of an endpoints applied policy settings.
DES and RC4 cannot be used for Kerberos preauthentication
(Server 2012 R2 or higher); rather, Kerberos with AES
encryption will be enforced.
Accounts cannot be used for either constrained or
unconstrained delegation (equivalent to enforcing the Account
is sensitive and cannot be delegated setting in Active Directory
Users and Computers).
TABLE 20. Detection Opportunities for Managed/Group Managed Service Accounts.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Group Membership Addition T1069 – Permission Groups
T1098 – Account
Searching for MSAs/gMSAs and the associated PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword or
PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount permissions, which could provide the ability to leverage the
MSA/gMSA for malicious purposes.
Example reconnaissance commands for querying for MSAs/gMSAs and associated attributes:
FIGURE 34. PowerShell cmdlet to Export and Review GPO Creation and Modification Timestamps.
get-adserviceaccount -filter {name -eq 'account-name'} -prop *
| select Name, MemberOf, PrincipalsAllowedToDelegageToAccount,
To provide domain controller-side restrictions for members of
the Protected Users security group, the domain functional level
must be Windows Server 2012 R2 (or higher). Microsoft Security
Advisory KB2871997 adds compatibility support for the
protections enforced for members of the Protected Users
security group for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and
Windows Server 2012 systems.
Successful (Event IDs 303, 304) or failed (Event IDs 100, 104)
logon events for members of the Protected Users security
group can be recorded on domain controllers within the
following event logs:
D o m a i n C o n t r o ll e r.e v t x
D o m a i n C o n t r o ll e r.e v t x
The event logs are disabled by default and must be enabled on
each domain controller. The PowerShell cmdlets referenced in
Figure 35 can be leveraged to enable the event logs for the
Protected Users security group on a domain controller.
33MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
FIGURE 35. PowerShell cmdlets for Enabling Event Logging for the Protected Users Security Group on Domain Controllers.
$log1 = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration Microsoft-Windows-Authentication/
$log2 = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration Microsoft-Windows-Authentication/
Note: Service accounts (including MSAs) should not be added to the Protected Users security group, as authentication will fail.
If the Protected Users security group cannot be used, at a minimum, privileged accounts should be protected against delegation by
configuring the account with the Account is Sensitive and Cannot Be Delegated flag in Active Directory.
Detection Opportunities for the Protected Users Security Group
TABLE 21. Detection Opportunities for the Protected Users Security Group.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Removal of Account from
Protected User Group
T1098 – Account
Searching for an account which has been removed from the Protected Users group.
Attempted Logon of an Account
in the Protected User Group from
a Nonprivileged Access
T1078 – Valid Accounts Searching for logon attempts from accounts in the Protected Users group authenticating from
workstations of nonprivileged users.
Clear-Text Password Protections
In addition to restricting access for privileged accounts,
controls should be enforced that minimize the exposure of
credentials and tokens in memory on endpoints.
On older Windows versions, clear-text passwords are stored in
memory (LSASS) to primarily support WDigest authentication.
WDigest should be explicitly disabled on all Windows endpoints
where it is not disabled by default.
By default, WDigest authentication is disabled in Windows 8.1+
and in Windows Server 2012 R2+.
Beginning with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, after
installing KB2871997, WDigest authentication can be configured
either by modifying the registry or by using the Microsoft
Security Guide GPO template from the Microsoft Security
Compliance Toolkit (
Registry Method:
Another registry setting that should be explicitly configured is
the TokenLeakDetectDelaySecs setting (Figure 37), which will
clear credentials in memory of logged-off users after 30
seconds, mimicking the behavior of Windows 8.1 and above.
FIGURE 36. Registry Key and Value for Disabling WDigest Authentication.
FIGURE 37. Registry Key and Value for Enforcing the TokenLeakDetectDelaySecs
REG_DWORD = "30"
34MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Group Policy Method:
Using the Microsoft Security Guide Group Policy template, WDigest authentication can be disabled via a GPO setting (Figure 38).
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MS Security Guide > WDigest Authentication
Additionally, an organization should verify that Allow* settings are not specified within the registry keys referenced in Figure 39, as this
configuration would permit the tspkgs/CredSSP providers to store clear-text passwords in memory.
FIGURE 38. Disabling WDigest Authentication via the MS Security Guide Group Policy Template.
FIGURE 39. Additional Registry Keys for Hardening Against Clear-Text Password Storage.
FIGURE 40. Registry Key to Modify LSA Security Packages.
Group Policy Reprocessing
Threat actors can manually enable WDigest authentication on
endpoints by directly modifying the registry
(UseLogonCredential configured to a value of 1). Even on
endpoints where WDigest authentication is automatically
disabled by default, it is recommended to enforce the GPO
settings noted as follows, which will enforce automatic group
policy reprocessing for the configured (expected) settings on an
automated basis.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> System > Group Policy > Configure security policy processing
Enabled - Process even if the Group Policy objects have not
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> System > Group Policy > Configure registry policy processing
Enabled - Process even if the Group Policy objects have not
Note: By default, Group Policy settings are only reprocessed and
reapplied if the actual Group Policy was modified prior to the default
refresh interval.
As KB2871997 is not applicable for Windows XP, Windows Server
2003, and Windows Server 2008, to disable WDigest
authentication on these platforms, prior to a system reboot,
WDigest needs to be removed from the listing of LSA security
packages within the registry (Figure 40 and Figure 41).
35MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
FIGURE 41. LSA Security Package Registry Key Before and After removal of WDigest Authentication from Listing of Providers.
Detection Opportunities for WDigest Authentication Conditions
TABLE 22. Detection Opportunities for WDigest Authentication Conditions.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Enable WDigest Authentication T1112 – Modify Registry Searching for evidence of WDigest being enabled in the Windows Registry.
FIGURE 42. WDigest Windows Registry Modification.
36MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Windows Defender Credential Guard
If a threat actor is able to obtain local administrative access on
an endpoint, this can allow for hashes and plain-text passwords
(even with WDigest being disabled) being accessible for
accounts that have previously accessed an endpoint. This tactic
is often leveraged by threat actors to obtain clear-text
credentials resident in memory (by using the Mimikatz security
support provider (SSP) module) via administrative access that
was obtained on endpoints. Using Windows Defender Credential
Guard can help minimize the impact and extent of a pass-the-
hash or pass-the-ticket-style attack by protecting NLTM
password hashes, Kerberos ticket-granting tickets, and
credentials stored in memory.
Windows Defender Credential Guard is a feature Microsoft
introduced with Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. This
technology uses a combination of both hardware and
virtualization-based security to isolate LSA secrets from the
operating system, so that only privileged system-based
software can access them.
For additional details related to configuring and testing Windows
Defender Credential Guard, reference
Credential Protections When Using RDP
Restricted Admin Mode for RDP
Restricted Admin Mode for RDP can be enabled for all end-user
systems assigned to personnel that perform Remote Desktop
connections to servers or workstations with administrative
credentials. This feature can limit the in-memory exposure of
administrative credentials on a destination endpoint when
accessed using RDP.
To leverage restricted admin RDP, the command referenced in
Figure 43 can be invoked.
When an RDP connection uses the Restricted Admin Mode
feature, if the authenticating account is an administrator on the
destination endpoint, the credentials for the user account are
not stored in memory; rather, the context of the user account
appears as the destination machine account (domain\
To leverage Restricted Admin Mode for RDP, settings must be
enforced on the originating endpoint in addition to the
destination endpoint.
Originating Endpoint (Client Mode - Windows 7 and Windows
Server 2008 R2 and above):
A GPO setting must be applied to the originating endpoint
initiating the remote desktop session using the Restricted
Admin feature.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> System > Credential Delegation > Restrict delegation of
credentials to remote servers
Require Restricted Admin > set to Enabled
Use the Following Restricted Mode >
Required Restricted Admin
Configuring this GPO setting will result in the registry keys noted
in Figure 44 being configured on an endpoint.
FIGURE 43. Command to Invoke Restricted Admin RDP.
mstsc.exe /RestrictedAdmin
37MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
FIGURE 44. Registry Settings for Requiring Restricted Admin Mode.
FIGURE 45. Registry Setting for Enabling or Disabling RestrictedAdmin RDP.
FIGURE 46. Registry Setting for Disabling Admin Outbound Credentials.
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
1 = Require Restricted Admin
2 = Require Remote Credential Guard
3 = Restrict Credential Delegation
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
0 = default value (doesnt exist) - Admin Outbound Creds are Enabled
1 = Admin Outbound Creds are Disabled
Destination Endpoint (Server Mode - Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 and above):
A registry setting will need to be configured (Figure 45):
Recommended: Set the registry value to 0 to enable Restricted Admin Mode.
With Restricted Admin RDP, another setting that should be configured is the DisableRestrictedAdminOutboundCreds registry key
(Figure 46).
Recommended: Set the registry value to 1 to disable admin outbound credentials.
Note: With this setting set to 0, any outbound authentication requests will appear as the system (domain\destination-computer$) that a user
connected to using Restricted Admin Mode. Setting this to 1 disables the ability to authenticate to any downstream network resources when attempting
to authenticate outbound from a system that a user connected to using Restricted Admin Mode for RDP.
For additional information regarding Restricted Admin Mode for RDP, reference:
38MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Detection Opportunities for Restricted Admin Mode for RDP
Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard
For Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 endpoints, Windows
Defender Remote Credential Guard can be leveraged to reduce
the exposure of privileged accounts in memory on destination
endpoints when remote desktop is used for connectivity. With
Remote Credential Guard, all credentials remain on the client
(origination system) and are not directly exposed to the
destination endpoint. Instead, the destination endpoint requests
service tickets from the source as needed.
When a user logs in via RDP to an endpoint that has Remote
Credential Guard enabled, none of the SSPs in memory store the
account’s clear-text password or password hash. Note that
Kerberos tickets remain in memory to allow interactive (and
single sign-on (SSO)) experiences from the destination server.
The Remote Desktop client (origination) host:
Must be running at least Windows 10 (v1703) to be able to
supply credentials.
Must be running at least Windows 10 (v1607) or Windows
Server 2016 to use the user’s signed-in credentials
(no prompt for credentials).
TABLE 23. Detection Opportunities for Restricted Admin Mode for RDP.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Disable Restricted Admin Mode
for RDP
T1112 – Modify Registry Searching for an account disabling Restricted Admin Mode for RDP in the Windows Registry.
Disable Require Restricted
T1484.001 – Domain Policy
Modification: Group Policy
Searching for the Require Restricted Admin option being disabled within a GPO conguration.
FIGURE 47. Restricted Admin Mode for RDP Being Disabled in the Windows Registry on a
Destination Endpoint.
FIGURE 48. Require Restricted Admin Being Disabled in a GPO.
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> System > Credential Delegation > Restrict delegation of
credentials to remote servers
“Require Restricted Admin” > set to Disabled
This requires the user’s account be able to sign into both the
client (origination) and the remote (destination) endpoint.
Must be running the Remote Desktop Classic Windows
The Remote Desktop Universal Windows Platform application
does not support Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard.
Must use Kerberos authentication to connect to the remote host.
Note: If the client cannot connect to a domain controller, then RDP
attempts to fall back to NTLM. Windows Defender Remote Credential
Guard does not allow NTLM fallback because this would expose
credentials to risk.
The Remote Desktop remote (destination) host:
Must be running at least Windows 10 (v1607) or
Windows Server 2016.
Must allow Restricted Admin connections.
Must allow the client’s domain user to access Remote
Desktop connections.
Must allow delegation of nonexportable credentials.
39MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
To enable Remote Credential Guard on the client (origination) host using a GPO configuration:
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Credentials Delegation > Restrict delegation of credentials to remote
To require either Restricted Admin mode or Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard, choose Prefer Windows Defender Remote
Credential Guard.
In this configuration, Remote Credential Guard is preferred, but it will use Restricted Admin Mode (if supported) when Remote
Credential Guard cannot be used.
Neither Remote Credential Guard nor Restricted Admin Mode for RDP will send credentials in clear text to the Remote Desktop server.
To require Remote Credential Guard, choose Require Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard.
In this configuration, a Remote Desktop connection will succeed only if the remote computer meets the requirements for Remote
Credential Guard.
To enable Remote Credential Guard on the remote (destination) host (Figure 49):
To leverage Remote Credential Guard, use the command referenced in Figure 50.
FIGURE 49. Registry Key and Command Options to Enable Remote Credential Guard on a Remote (Destination) Host.
FIGURE 50. Command to Leverage Remote Credential Guard.
Registry Entry: DisableRestrictedAdmin
Value: 0
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v DisableRestrictedAdmin /d 0 /t REG_DWORD
mstsc.exe /remoteguard
Detection Opportunities for Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard
TABLE 24. Detection Opportunities for Windows Defender Remote Credential Guard.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Disable Remote Credential Guard T1112 – Modify Registry Searching for an account disabling Remote Credential Guard in the Windows Registry.
Disable Require Remote
Credential Guard
T1484.001 – Domain Policy
Modification: Group Policy
Searching for the Require Remote Credential Guard option being disabled within a GPO conguration.
FIGURE 51. Remote Credential Guard Being Disabled in the Windows Registry on a Destination Endpoint.
FIGURE 52. Remote Credential Guard Being Disabled in a GPO.
Registry Entry: DisableRestrictedAdmin
Value: 1
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System >
Credentials Delegation > Restrict delegation of credentials to
remote servers
40MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Restrict Remote Usage of Local Accounts
Local accounts that exist on endpoints are often a common
avenue leveraged by threat actors to laterally move throughout
an environment. This tactic is especially impactful when the
password for the built-in local administrator account is
configured to the same value across multiple endpoints.
To mitigate the impact of local accounts being leveraged for
lateral movement organizations should consider both limiting
the ability of local administrator accounts to establish remote
connections and creating unique and randomized passwords for
local administrator accounts across the environment.
KB2871997 (
credentials-protection-a) introduced two well-known SIDs that
can be leveraged within GPO settings to restrict the usage of
local accounts for lateral movement.
S-1-5-113: NT AUTHORITY\Local account
S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of
Administrators group
Specifically, the SID S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account
and member of Administrators group is added to an account’s
access token if the local account is a member of the BUILTIN\
Administrators group. This is the most beneficial SID to leverage
to help stop a threat actor (or ransomware variant) that
propagates using credentials for any local administrative
Note: For SID S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of
Administrators group, if Failover Clustering is used, this feature
should leverage a nonadministrative local account (CLIUSR) for cluster
node management. If this account is a member of the local
Administrators group on an endpoint that is part of a cluster, blocking
the network logon permissions can cause cluster services to fail. Be
cautious and thoroughly test this configuration on servers where
Failover Clustering is used.
Step 1 – Option 1: S-1-5-114 SID
To mitigate the usage of local administrative accounts from
being used for lateral movement, use the SID S-1-5-114: NT
AUTHORITY\Local account and member of Administrators group
within the following settings:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings >
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Deny access to this computer from the network
Deny logon as a batch job (SeDenyBatchLogonRight)
Deny logon as a service (SeDenyServiceLogonRight)
Deny logon through Terminal Services
Debug programs (SeDebugPrivilege: Permission used for
attempted privilege escalation and process injection)
Step 1 – Option 2: UAC Token-Filtering
An additional control that can be enforced via GPO settings
pertains to the usage of local accounts for remote
administration and connectivity during a network logon. If the
full scope of permissions (referenced previously) cannot be
implemented in a short timeframe, consider applying the User
Account Control (UAC) token-filtering method to local accounts
for network-based logons.
To leverage this configuration via a GPO setting:
1. Download the Security Compliance Toolkit (https://www. to use
the MS Security Guide ADMX file.
2. Once downloaded, the SecGuide.admx and SecGuide.adml
files must be copied to the \Windows\PolicyDefinitions and
\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-US directories respectively.
3. If a centralized GPO store is configured for the domain, copy
the PolicyDefinitions folder to the C:\Win d o w s\S YS V OL\
sysvol\<domain>\Policies folder.
GPO setting:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates
> MS Security Guide > Apply UAC restrictions to local accounts
on network logons
41MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Note: It is also prudent to ensure that the default setting for User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode (EnableLUA option) is
not changed from Enabled (default, as shown in Figure 55) to Disabled. If this setting is disabled, all UAC policies are also disabled. With this setting
disabled, it is possible to perform privileged remote authentication using plain-text credentials or password hashes with any local account that is a
member of the local administrators group.
GPO setting:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > MS Security Guide > User Account Control: Run all administrators in
Admin Approval Mode
Once enabled, the registry value (Figure 55) will be configured on each endpoint. This is the default setting.
Once enabled, the registry value (Figure 53) will be configured on each endpoint:
When set to 0, remote connections with high-integrity access tokens are only possible using either the plain-text credential or password
hash of the RID 500 local administrator (and only then depending on the setting of FilterAdministratorToken, which is configurable via the
GPO setting of User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the built-in Administrator account).
The FilterAdministratorToken option can either enable (1) or disable (0) (default) Admin Approval mode for the RID 500 local
administrator. When enabled, the access token for the RID 500 local administrator account is filtered and therefore UAC is enforced for
this account (which can ultimately stop attempts to leverage this account for lateral movement across endpoints).
GPO setting:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options > User Account Control:
Admin Approval Mode for the built-in Administrator account
Once enabled, the registry value (Figure 54) will be configured on each endpoint:
FIGURE 53. Registry Key and Value for Enabling UAC Restrictions for Local Accounts.
FIGURE 54. Registry Key and Value for Requiring Admin Approval Mode for Local Administrative Accounts.
FIGURE 55. Registry Key and Value for Requiring Admin Approval Mode for All Local Administrative Accounts.
REG_DWORD = “0” (Enabled)
REG_DWORD = “1” (Enabled)
REG_DWORD = “1” (Enabled)
UAC access token filtering will not affect any domain accounts in the local Administrators group on an endpoint.
42MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Step 2: LAPS
In addition to blocking the usage of local administrator accounts from remote authentication to access endpoints, an organization
should align a strategy to enforce password randomization for the built-in local administrator account. For many organizations, the
easiest way to accomplish this task is by deploying and leveraging Microsoft’s Local Administrator Password Solutions (LAPS).
For additional information regarding LAPS, reference
Detection Opportunities for Local Accounts
TABLE 25. Detection Opportunities for Local Accounts.
Use Case MITRE ID Description
Disable Remote Credential Guard T1078.003 - Valid Accounts:
Local Accounts
Searching for remote logon attempts for local accounts on an endpoint.
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MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Destructive attacks, including ransomware, pose a serious
threat to organizations. This whitepaper provides practical
guidance on protecting against common techniques used by
threat actors for initial access, reconnaissance, privilege
escalation, and mission objectives. This whitepaper should not
be considered as a comprehensive defensive guide for every
tactic, but it can serve as a valuable resource for organizations
to prepare for such attacks. It is based on front-line expertise
with helping organizations prepare, contain, eradicate, and
recover from potentially destructive threat actors and incidents.
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44MANDIANT Proactive Preparation and Hardening to Protect Against Destructive Attacks
Change log.
Version/Date Notes
1.0: January 14, 2022 Initial Document
2.0: May 26, 2022 Updated