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Educating sanitation professionals: moving from STEM to Educating sanitation professionals: moving from STEM to
specialist training in higher education in Malawi specialist training in higher education in Malawi
Brighton A. Chunga
Mzuzu University
David Mkwambisi
Malawi University of Science and Technology
Cassandra L. Workman
University of North Carolina Greensboro
Francis L. de los Reyes III
Rochelle H. Holm
University of Louisville
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Original Publication Information
Chunga, B. A., Mkwambisi, D., Workman, C. L., de los Reyes, F. L., & Holm, R. H. (2022). Educating
sanitation professionals: Moving from STEM to specialist training in higher education in Malawi.
(3), 1–13.
ThinkIR Citation
Chunga, Brighton A.; Mkwambisi, David; Workman, Cassandra L.; de los Reyes, Francis L. III; and Holm,
Rochelle H., "Educating sanitation professionals: moving from STEM to specialist training in higher
education in Malawi" (2022).
Faculty Scholarship
. 922.
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Abstract: Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) requires effective changes in multiple sectors including education,
economics, and health. Malawi faces challenges in attaining the SDGs in
general, and specifically in the sanitation sector. This paper aims to describe
the existing landscape within public universities in Malawi to build a
framework for training a cadre of locally trained experts. This is achieved by
reviewing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degree
programmes and assessing the extent of inclusion of sanitation education.
The historical compartmentalization of academic programmes has resulted
in few programmes to build on. Deliberate investment is needed to build from
the current STEM higher education landscape to an effective framework for
training sanitation experts, especially female experts. For low-income countries
such as Malawi, a cadre of ~17,600 locally trained sanitation experts may be
needed, for which the current higher education landscape is not sufficient.
Using the Centre of Excellence in Water and Sanitation at Mzuzu University
in Malawi as a case study, this paper provides a model of sanitation education
in low-income countries that: 1) provides an effective complementary contri-
bution to delivering sanitation education; 2) links to overall SDGs, national
policy, university goals, and localized needs; and 3) engages students, faculty,
and communities in local research.
Keywords: higher education, public health, sanitation, sub-Saharan Africa,
sustainable development
Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires
effective changes in multiple sectors spanning education, economics, and health
(United Nations, 2022). While these goals are sector-specific, they are interdependent
Educating sanitation professionals: moving
from STEM to specialist training in higher
education in Malawi
Brighton A. Chunga, David Mkwambisi, Cassandra L.
Workman, Francis L. de los Reyes III, and Rochelle H. Holm
Waterlines, 41:3, 1–13
Brighton A. Chunga, Centre of Excellence in Water and Sanitation and Department of Water and
Sanitation, Mzuzu University, Malawi; David Mkwambisi, MUST Institute of Industrial Research and
Innovation, Malawi University of Science and Technology, Malawi; Cassandra L. Workman,
Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina Greensboro, United States; Francis L. de los
Reyes III, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State
University, United States; Rochelle H. Holm, Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute, School of
Medicine, University of Louisville, United States and Centre of Excellence in Water and Sanitation,
Mzuzu University, Malawi
© The authors, 2022. This open access article is published by Practical Action Publishing and
distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No-derivatives
CC BY-NC-ND licence, ISSN: 0262-8104/1756-3488
September 2022 Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3
and their attainment requires convergence. Effective sanitation can reduce health
risks and promote productivity for communities and households in Malawi, Africa,
but about one-third of households lack an improved toileting facility (Malawi
Government, 2019; World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 2021). This is related not only to specialist services but
also to sanitation as a part of awareness and behaviour-change campaigns. However,
action plans to build sanitation capacity in national policies and strategies require
multi-pronged support underlying new African innovations (WSP-AFRICA, 2006;
Malawi Government, 2019). To address this, multi-sector approaches require skilled
engineers, well-trained practitioners, capable regulators, and a vibrant private sector
to work in an enabling policy environment to offer affordable sanitation services
while maintaining an economically viable business.
Malawi requires substantial investment in training institutions to improve
sustainable shifts in the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector (Luwe et al.,
2021). However, internal capacities in sub-Saharan countries, such as Malawi,
in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education is low
(Mwamsamali and Mayo, 2014; Mbano and Nolan, 2017). While basic education
attainment numbers remain low for both genders, more males than females have
attended secondary school (Malawi Government, 2019). In Malawi, less than
0.5 per cent of the population has attended university (Malawi Government, 2019).
A supportive environment for girls to enter a STEM higher education track is another
gap that needs to be addressed concurrently (Mbano and Nolan, 2017).
Historically, specialists from other STEM backgrounds, such as civil and environ-
mental engineering, would lead the sanitation sector as technical and engineering staff.
With newer developmental challenges and dimensions in sanitation, such as faecal
sludge and menstrual hygiene management, traditional engineering-based technical
solutions may not support a multidisciplinary sanitation scope. Still, there are known
gender gaps among technical and engineering staff in Malawi (Mwamsamali and
Mayo, 2014); as a result, community-wide environmentally related health challenges
are gendered. Creating this enabling environment presupposes the capacity to produce
and sustain a critical mass of sanitation practitioners, which in turn depends on the
capacity to train future sanitation specialists (Cavill and Saywell, 2009; Workman et al.,
2021). Inclusive, gender-sensitive, and improved STEM education in higher education
offers a key pathway for training a critical mass of sanitation experts.
In Malawi, as in many sub-Saharan African countries, behaviours around latrines
are gendered, with women being responsible for the cleaning and management
of household latrines. Sanitation for households in Malawi primarily consists of
simple pit latrines (Malawi Government, 2019), a basic hole in the ground
often surrounded by an enclosure made of local bricks, and either a grass or
iron sheet roof. With increasing population density (Malawi Government,
2019), this technology is pushed beyond capacity by both high-volume usage
(requiring routine pit emptying) and a lack of space for the construction of new
pits, especially in urban areas. Thus, particularly, women and girls face health
and safety risks as they are primarily seen as responsible for the management of
household sanitation and require adequate infrastructure for menstrual hygiene.
Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3 September 2022
Other issues, such as safe disposal of children’s faeces, are also highly gendered.
These challenges will require basic sanitation education at all levels of education
and more investment in specialist training, especially among females.
The shortcomings of gender-inclusive trained specialists are recognized by the
government of Malawi. The National Sanitation Policy acknowledges a countrywide gap
in sanitation-related human capacity (Malawi Government, 2008). Furthermore, the
National Education Policy asserts that quality, equitable, and accessible higher education
should include both teaching and research (Malawi Government, 2013). Furthermore,
the need for local research and effective dissemination of the findings is cited in the
National Sanitation Policy (Malawi Government, 2008), National Water Policy (Malawi
Government, 2005), and National Environmental Health Policy (Malawi Government,
2018), but they do not focus on working with universities for local solutions.
An improved and inclusive STEM and sanitation educational framework is a
necessary precursor for women’s involvement in decision-making, leading to
other important health-seeking behaviours. This paper aims to review the existing
STEM higher education landscape in public universities in Malawi to construct
a conceptual framework for training a gender-equitable critical mass of future
sanitation experts. It also critically reflects on the role of higher education insti-
tutions, building on the complementary experience within the framework of a
Mzuzu University centre as a replicable model for capacity building of WASH
research knowledge in low-income countries.
Materials and methods
2.1 Data
A list of public universities and degrees in Malawi, Africa, was obtained from publicly
available Malawi Government National Council for Higher Education (NCHE)
Accredited Institutions and Programmes (2020) records. While all six public univer-
sities offer some degree of basic coursework, each university has a distinct mandate
and operates independently. Two of the accredited institutions, the Malawi College
of Accountancy and Malawi Institute of Management, do not offer any STEM-related
programmes. In 2021, the University of Malawi (UNIMA), the largest government
institution of higher education in the country, was split into separate universities,
namely the University of Malawi, Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS),
and Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), but this split was
ongoing and thus not reflected at the time of data collection.
The authorship team further offered insights from their own first-hand experi-
ences: data on the operational practices of the Centre of Excellence in Water and
Sanitation (WATSAN Centre) were provided by RHH and BC.
Data analysis
The list of accredited universities and programmes was coded according to degree
type (N = 325, total undergraduate and graduate-level programmes). Inclusion
criteria for programmes deemed relevant for STEM higher education to build a
September 2022 Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3
framework for training a cadre of gender-inclusive sanitation experts were: 1) any
bachelor in science programme; 2) other bachelor programmes considered to be
applicable based on their title (specifically, bachelor of civil engineering (water)
(honours), bachelor of technical education (science), and bachelor of social science
(gender studies)); and 3) graduate programmes (master’s or doctoral level) based on
a programme title in STEM, public health, or sanitation entrepreneurship. In total,
180 programmes were included. The number of degree programmes relevant to
sanitation was based on the programme title, indicating it as a core focus.
Data used in the analysis are available in public records.
Results and discussion
The opportunity for a gender-equitable critical mass of future sanitation experts
As of August 2020, accredited public higher education institutions offered a total
of 325 study programmes. While there are several (N = 180) STEM-related degree
programmes to support sanitation experts, only four of these have a core sanitation
focus (Table 1). No university offers a four-year bachelor of science degree in
sanitation. There are four sanitation graduate degree programmes (MPhil or PhD
Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation at the Polytechnic, University of
Malawi, and master’s or PhD in Sanitation at Mzuzu University). Public universities’
first year student admissions are coordinated at the national level by the NCHE.
Graduate programmes have a decentralized admission process and Malawi does not
have a graduate record examination or equivalent.
Historically, Malawi has imported the British higher education model, a highly
selective system designed to accommodate few students, and has resisted local-
ization (Holland, 2010). While some STEM-related programmes have coursework
in sanitation (e.g. the bachelor degree in water resources management and devel-
opment at Mzuzu University), the expansion of key concepts that address localized
sanitation challenges is missing. Higher education curricula in traditional disci-
plines such as languages and arts are able to more universally be borrowed from
western higher education models, whereas fields of studies such as emptying
of pit latrines or menstrual hygiene management requires a local curriculum.
The historical compartmentalization of higher education programmes in Malawi
may have cut off innovative programmes dealing with localized problems and
may be directly linked to the exclusion of sanitation in STEM-related academic
programmes as emerging issues related to government priorities for policy inter-
vention that have not yet caught up. Further, because of this historical framework,
any modification to foster greater diversity in STEM undergraduate programmes
is not realistic in the short term; thus, decentralized graduate programmes offer
the greatest window for immediate admissions and curriculm changes. How the
ongoing disbanding of the University of Malawi addresses the original special-
ization focus of each university should be followed for future research.
Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3 September 2022
Table 1 Public institutions of higher education in Malawi, and number of science, technology,
education, and mathematics (STEM), gender studies, and sanitation programmes
Name Training focus Number of STEM or
gender studies degree
Number of
core sanitation
College of Medicine,
University of Malawi
Training doctors and
15 0
Kamuzu College of Nursing,
University of Malawi
Training nurses 22 0
The Polytechnic, University
of Malawi
Engineering, business,
and applied sciences
32 2
Chancellor College,
University of Malawi
Social science, law,
humanities, and
32 0
Malawi University of Science
and Technology (MUST)
Science and
9 0
Mzuzu University (MZUNI) Teacher training,
humanities, and
health sciences
16 2
Lilongwe University of
Agriculture and Natural
Resources (LUANAR)
natural resources,
environment, rural
development, and
human nutrition
54 0
Malawi College of
Accountancy (MCA)
Accountancy 0 0
Malawi Institute of
Management (MIM)
Business management 0 0
Currently known as Kamuzu University of Health Sciences.
Currently known as Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences.
Currently known as the University of Malawi.
The traditional ‘development engineering’ approach, i.e. the modification
of infrastructure or equipment from high-income countries to address a gap in
low-income countries, has not worked for sanitation in southern Africa, especially
for poor communities (Muller, 2020; Workman et al., 2021). This has also been
shown as a concern for humanitarian response engineers with a similar training
challenge, where ‘technical’ qualifications require strong consideration of both
proper training and experience (Reed and Fereday, 2016). The wide capacity
gaps in the WASH sector include ineffective staffing (e.g. too few or too many
untrained staff, staff with an inappropriate skill set, or unproductive staff), a lack
of contextual awareness, and a one-size-fits-all approach to technology (Cavill
and Saywell, 2009; Workman et al., 2021). However, recent global efforts with
massive open online courses (MOOC) in sanitation, water, and solid waste for
development are challenged by the under-representation of female students and
primarily attract well-educated students, rather than increasing student diversity
September 2022 Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3
(Suter and Lüthi, 2021). In Malawi, MOOCs are unlikely to play a positive role in
the context of higher education because of the lack of accreditation by the NCHE,
and access to online courses may be hindered because of poor internet connec-
tivity or lack of computers among potential participants.
New policies, solutions, technologies, and gender-sensitive education initia-
tives should provide support to women and girls as future cadres of sanitation
researchers, policymakers, nonprofit organization leaders, and business owners
(Figure 1).
A replicable model for WASH research capacity building
Mzuzu University developed a model to promote sanitation education in
low-income countries, an illustrative output under the umbrella of our logic
model. While there are several higher education centres for the water sector
throughout Africa, few sanitation-focused centres exist, with the most notable
being the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Research and Development Centre at
the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Sindall et al., 2018).
The Centre of Excellence in Water and Sanitation (WATSAN Centre) at Mzuzu
University was established in 2009 to fill the knowledge gap in water supply and
sanitation based on practical and problem-oriented research within a narrow
geographic area, mostly in the northern region of Malawi. It was started by a team
of eight faculty members in the Department of Geography and was initially run
by existing university staff members. In 2012, a full-time female manager (RHH)
More female
Improved sanitation in Malawi
particulary for women and children
Research gender
gap in STEM/
sanitation education
Research into
technical needs for
the sanitation sector
More highly
qualified sanitation
Enhanced collaboration
of STEM educators and
sanitation practitioners
sanitation policy
gender equity in
sanitation sector
Improved gender
equity in STEM/
sanitation education
Figure 1 Logic model for the present research
Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3 September 2022
was employed, and the centre was transferred to the Faculty of Environmental
Sciences to allow greater flexibility for work across departments and faculties.
The manager then had full reporting accountability and responsibility equal to a
head of department.
In terms of a funding model, the WATSAN Centre is self-funded, which means
that research is more often directed by funding agencies promoting development of
relevant research programmes than university priorities. All research is contracted,
with no staff paid by the university, and the WATSAN Centre is one of the top
income-generators for the university. Finances run through university processes and
pay 15 per cent overhead to the university, covering the cost of office space and access
to university services. Additional building renovations for labs have been secured
from within funded projects. At Mzuzu University, overall operations are controlled
by a single bank account where the national government makes deposits; however,
the WATSAN Centre has a dedicated bank account within the university financial
system. This separate accounting practice allows for improved financial reconcili-
ation and reporting, a common requirement for funding agencies, especially United
Nations agency partners.
In a typical month, three to six project proposals are submitted by the WATSAN
Centre, emphasizing the business side for continued operations. On a smaller
scale, the WATSAN Centre has many similarities in self-funded operations within
the higher education context to the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Research and
Development Centre (Sindall et al., 2018); such centres also requires leadership that
has recognized higher education teaching, research, and outreach in sanitation, as
well as junior researcher mentorship.
One of the major projects to build a framework for training a cadre of sanitation
experts in Malawi was undertaken when, in August 2013, the WATSAN Centre was
awarded a USD$199,000 contract titled ‘Solutions for pit desludging and subsequent
sludge management in low-income urban areas in Malawi’ by the Water Research
Commission (South Africa) through a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation. The contract provided an impetus for the WATSAN Centre to focus on
sanitation in higher education, specifically at the graduate school level. Instead
of using project-embedded scholarship funds to send Malawian students to study
outside Malawi, Mzuzu University started its own master’s and PhD programmes
for students focused on producing local knowledge products in the sanitation field,
specifically a variety of new, innovative, pit latrine emptying tools.
The academic programme was administered by the Department of Water Resources
Management and Development, and was adopted from an existing university
master’s and PhD in theology programme, which had historically focused on indig-
enously developed curriculum and publication of books to fill a local knowledge
gap in the theology field. Within the sub-Saharan region context, there is advocacy
for theology training to remain in higher education to help local communities
(Buitendag and Simut, 2017), and such pedagogical localization was thought to
be applicable to, and critical for, training a cadre of sanitation experts. A specific
example of the local sanitation focus includes field research data collection, where
several Mzuzu University students were paired with private sector pit latrine emptiers
September 2022 Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3
to work within communities near the university campus. Global partnerships have
also been key in this framework, allowing Mzuzu University student networking
within the wider global sanitation sector. North Carolina State University (USA),
which has a track record of higher education sanitation programmes, served as a
host site for the exchange visit of a Mzuzu University master’s student for testing
and troubleshooting innovative sanitation equipment, and North Carolina State
University co-published peer-reviewed publications as outputs of the new academic
programme. This is similar to the success of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
Research and Development Centre, where there is a strong focus on global
partnership together with action reflection research within eThekwini communities
(Sindall et al., 2018).
The new Mzuzu University academic programme embedded the sanitation
master’s and PhD students into the existing operations of the WATSAN Centre.
While students were being empowered and educated as the next generation of
sanitation professionals, they were also a source of relatively lower-cost research
labour for sanitation projects, allowing students ample field experience beyond
‘technical’ qualifications. From 2015 to 2020, the WATSAN Centre had 27 peer-
reviewed sanitation-related publications, which covered study sites throughout
Malawi. Of these 27, 11 had a Mzuzu University student as the first author, six
had a foreign first author, and 10 had a female first author. Beyond knowledge
documentation through peer-reviewed publications, a gap remains in textbooks
by and for sub-Saharan African academic higher education institutions used in
sanitation coursework. Additional accomplishments include local innovations
under the WATSAN Centre such as the low-cost no-cement corbelled latrine for
rural households, the low-cost no-cement sandbag latrine for rural households in
areas with sandy soil, and the pedal-powered gulper modification for emptying
pit latrines. However, as of 2021, though there have been several graduates of the
programme, only one female with a master’s degree in sanitation has graduated
from Mzuzu University. Mzuzu University graduates of the sanitation programme
have gone on to work for the Ministry of Health, non-governmental organiza-
tions, and the private sector.
Although this is a strong start to developing future sanitation experts, a critique
by the Mzuzu University administration of the WATSAN Centre is that it does not
focus enough on bringing in female students or linking STEM and gender studies.
This gender inequality may be the result of a significant lack of higher education
role models for female students, with only one female faculty member at Mzuzu
University with sanitation expertise. Research in the USA indicates that repre-
sentation among faculty is important for student success (Borman et al., 2010).
Further, sanitation leadership roles supporting achieving universal access to
sanitation in communities are under-represented by black, indigenous, and other
people of colour, and especially women, and additionally tend to over rely on
individuals educated in high-income countries (Worsham et al. 2021). The most
recent Mzuzu University sanitation-related faculty hire was in 2015, showing
that changes in gender equity take time in an academic setting. While front-line
community health workers in Malawi do not have a higher education requirement,
Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3 September 2022
due to the expanded multidisciplinary approach needed for sanitation profes-
sionals we advocate the need for an additional level of training. For comparison,
community health workers have been set at a ratio of one per 1,000 people
(Malawi Government, 2017); a similar assertion can be made that specialist
sanitation education is needed to attain SDG 6 and, based on the current census,
a cadre of 17,563 locally trained sanitation experts may be needed, for which
the current landscape in higher education is not sufficient. Specialists trained
in sanitation through higher education should be multidisciplinary to include
the sanitation value chain, fundamental physical/chemical/biological processes in
treatment, public health and epidemiology, working with local communities, and
local solutions. Prioritization needs to be both for rural and urban communities,
as some issues, such as reducing challenges in menstrual hygiene management,
are not location-specific. Future research is needed to quantify the extent of the
under-representation of women sanitation specialists in Malawi, as well as how
many women make up undergraduate STEM majors and STEM faculty members
across public universities.
To further contribute to closing the gap between sanitation research and outreach,
the WATSAN Centre initiated an annual STEM camp for local girls from the Mzuzu
area aged 5−18, serving over 700 girls in six years. These efforts need to continue
and be followed by campaigns to encourage women and girls to pursue STEM and
sanitation education. To support the entry of female students, bridging programmes
in STEM as a pre-entry course to university have been trialled on a limited basis in
Malawi with some success (Mbano and Nolan, 2017). More role models may help
girls and young women thrive and feel that they are up to the task of designing and
implementing locally sustainable sanitation solutions.
Public higher education institutions are key capacity-building organizations in
low-income countries. This critical discussion provides the first extended analysis
of sanitation training in higher education in Malawi. The present study suggests
that there is an inadequate gender-sensitive sanitation-specific specialist education,
which is required to attain SDG 6. Approximately 17,600 locally trained sanitation
experts may be needed, which will require many more higher education trained
experts than the current landscape of limited local specialist academic programme
offerings. In Malawi, a primary barrier to higher education training for solving
local sanitation problems is the historical institutional compartmentalization of
academic programmes, resulting in few options that are customized with a local
curriculum. The gender gap in sanitation education is also a reflection of a wider
STEM problem, and while sanitation is likely not a special case, it is certainly
impacted. A replicable model to complementarily promote sanitation education
within a narrow geographic area is presented, which also provides lessons on how
to identify research and education programmes, align with university academic
programmes, engage with communities, address the government development
agenda, and produce knowledge products. Following the eThekwini partnership
September 2022 Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3
model and working with the local government and sanitation service providers is
also important for Malawi.
The gender gap in producing graduates and hiring faculty is large and persisting.
Deliberate investment is needed to support local higher education centres in
sub-Saharan Africa, building from current STEM education to a more effective
framework for training a critical mass of talented local sanitation experts to spur
sustainable development.
By connecting our logic model with lessons from the WATSAN Centre, we make
the following recommendations (Figure 2):
Higher education curricula and textbooks should be developed by local authors;
these should be multidisciplinary and include the sanitation value chain,
fundamental physical/chemical/biological processes in treatment, public
health and epidemiology, working with local communities, and promoting
local solutions.
National policy
Higher education
Higher education
Households lack an
improved toilet facility
Local sanitation
training programmes
Historical institutional
compartmentalization of
academic programmes
Opportunity for gender-inclusive improved
sanitation education in Malawi
Including STEM and
sanitation subjects
within primary and
secondary curricula
Supporting female
higher education
sanitation students
Developing curricula
and textbooks by
local author
Mounting career
choice campaigns
Advocating that
capacity development
includes student tuition
or research funding
Figure 2 Visual presentation of moving from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) academic programmes to an effective framework for training sanitation experts within
higher education
Waterlines Vol. 41 No. 3 September 2022
STEM and sanitation subjects should be included in the basic primary and
secondary education curricula to provide students with a wide range of choices
when entering higher education.
Student awareness about various sanitation educational programmes should
be generated through campaigns, providing information and guidance about
choosing their careers. Depiction of local female sanitation professionals as role
models should be encouraged.
Female students in higher education should be supported to undertake research
related to sanitation, sometimes together with students from external institu-
tions. Integration with other departments should be promoted to give a more
rounded approach to sanitation (e.g. agriculture for end-use and disposal,
business administration for sanitation service providers, social science for user
perceptions, epidemiology).
A partnership model for higher education should be followed to increase
investment in sanitation education and research by the government, funding
agencies, and the private sector.
Increased funding agency support for capacity development should be
advocated, including supporting student bridging programmes, tuition, or
research funding.
Faculty should be funded to provide consistent leadership in sanitation
education, such as centre managers.
This work was supported by the Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in
Research (PEER) project funded by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), the National Academy of Sciences (USAID Prime Award
Number AID-OAA-A-11-00012), and the Jon Rieger Seed Grant. Any opinions,
findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are those of the authors
alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the USAID or the National
Academy of Sciences.
The authors wish to thank Rebecca Clare Sindall for early discussions to
complement this work, Kip McGilliard for technical editing, and Marcie Jacques
for graphical art support.
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