Effective Date: 4-10-2023 Page 1 of 11
This document aims to inform the campus community of the approved methods available to
compensate research participants on projects conducted by CWRU, and to assist them in
choosing the payment method that is most appropriate for their particular study. Furthermore, this
document provides guidelines and procedures regarding utilization of the various payment
methods: gift cards, petty cash, payment requests, PNC ePayments (preferred method), and
contactless payment apps, to ensure compliance with the University’s tax withholding and
reporting obligations, funding agency guidelines, and the approved IRB protocol.
Each of the approved payment methods has both benefits and drawbacks. The chart below
contains a list of payment methods, the type of participant, and scenarios where the method would
be most appropriate to use. The information regarding each payment method’s procedure is also
included to inform you of the approved practices for use and help you assess the most suitable
payment method. Appendix A assesses each payment method, including information oversight,
benefits, drawbacks, risks, and cost evaluation.
Before engaging in any financial activities, it is the responsibility of the employee to make sure
that the intended transaction is consistent with all federal, state, sponsor, and university laws,
policies, and guidelines. Furthermore, the below methods are applicable only for study
participants, and should not be used for employee compensation or recognition. If there are any
questions regarding the appropriateness or allocability of a transaction, the employee should
contact their finance administrator for further guidance.
Per the Internal Revenue Service (the IRS), cash and cash equivalents, such as gift cards, have
a readily ascertainable value. They are taxable income regardless of the face amount. For
employees, all gift cards (and any gifts) are considered compensation and are subject to federal,
state, and employment tax withholding and reporting on Form W-2 via completion and
submission of this form via [email protected]
. There is no minimum dollar amount for this rule.
For non-employees, the value of all gifts and gift cards/debit cards in an aggregate amount of
$600 or more across campus, per calendar year must be reported to the IRS on Form
1099-MISC as other compensation. Therefore, it is necessary to collect the payee’s unique
taxpayer ID (SSN) in order to report cumulative payments in excess of $600 per calendar year.
Finally, gift cards/debit cards given to nonresident aliens are subject to federal tax withholding.
All IRB submissions and consent forms shall include language to address the collection of this
Departments purchasing and distributing gift cards are responsible for compliance with IRS
Effective Date: 4-10-2023 Page 2 of 11
regulations and university policies. The purpose of these procedures is to set forth the
requirements for use, approval, purchase, accounting, tax reporting, and safeguarding of gift
cards. Please keep in mind that unused gift cards cannot be returned.
Internal Participant: Any person on payroll, and/or students with an active status.
External Participant: Persons not on CWRU payroll nor active students.
Type of Payment Method
Type of Participant Recommended Usage
erred method)
One time or multiple payments, all types of
Gift Card- Physical Card
External and Internal
Known finite group of participants, One to two
payments, when anonymity is required, when
interaction is face to face and payment is
expected at time of participation
Gift Card- Electronic
External and Internal
Known finite group of participants, One to two
payments per participant, when group of
participants have access to email, cell phone
and or computer, all types of interaction.
Payment Requests
External Volunteers
Recommended when payment to volunteer is a
one time payment of $250 or more, when you
know that the volunteer will be paid more than
$599 for participation per year in multiple
Venmo/PayPal or other
Cash Apps.
External Volunteers
Only to be used in specific situations that are
approved by Research Administration and
Petty Cash External
Last resort -Only recommended when no other
method will work
Your chosen method of payment should be reflected in your approved IRB protocol and consent
PNC ePayments (preferred method)
PNC’s ePayments is a secure, fast, cost-effective electronic payment initiation solution
which allows the study participant to choose how they want to be paid (Zelle, Direct Deposit
or check). The study participant will receive payment within minutes or up to 5 business
days, depending on the payment method the payee selects. The module is available for
use 7 days a week and some electronic payment types can be sent on non-business days.
The ePayments module provides greater security than gift cards and petty cash since it
uses muti-factor authentication and requires two users to initiate payment. Additionally,
the ePayments system provides account validation services which authenticates account
ownership for the payee and whether the account is in an active or closed status.
Payments are sent directly to the study participant, thereby minimizing the risks associated
Effective Date: 4-10-2023 Page 3 of 11
with carrying cash and gift cards. Departments do not need to obtain the payee’s personal
account information. Only the name, email, cell phone and address are needed to initiate
payments. The study participants enter their own account information after selecting the
payment method.
For ePayments access or additional information, please contact the following:
School of Medicine
Robin Martorello
Dental School
Patricia Mehosky
All others
Twyla Miller - ext. 5399
Michael Lee, Treasurer ext. 8630
You must order non-Visa physical and electronic gift cards using SmartCART (SmartCART
User Manual) in PeopleSoft Requisitions under the vendor National Gift Card. Due to
recent acquisition of National Gift Card by Blackhawk Network Inc, the process for ordering
Visa Gifts Cards (physical and electronic gift cards) can be found by
clicking here. This
process change is temporary until we can launch the new Blackhawk Network Catalog on
artCart. You cannot purchase gift cards on a Payment Request, a PCard, DCard, or be
reimbursed on a T&E expense report for purchasing them out of pocket. Faculty and staff
should buy gift cards based on participant enrollment plans from the research strategy study
timeline. Gift cards have a 5-7 business day delivery time after the purchase order is
issued. Please plan orders accordingly for your enrollment plans. Unused gift cards cannot
be returned and many gifts cards DO expire within a year. Reissuance of a gift card can cost
$6 - $13 or more. Please reach out to
customercareteam-[email protected] if you are interested
in procuring gift cards that are not within the National Gift Card punch out catalog.
ll gift card orders require you to provide the following information in the requisition
approval justifications section in PeopleSoft Financials. Please use this form
for all gift card
Requestor Name, Department, Speedtype, Project Name, Project Description
How are the gift cards used to meet project aims?
How are the gift cards secured? Where will they be stored (room and location)?
Who will have access to the gift cards (provide a list)?
How are the gift cards documented/logged for participants' receipt? Where is this
ument stored?
As gift cards cannot be returned or refunded, please consider these best practices:
Estimate the total number of cards needed for a project and purchase no mor
han 25% at one time.
If the gift card order’s total value is greater than $2,500, the gift cards’ quantity
should be restricted by the following formula:
The number of cards allowed per order = total number of participants receiving
payment divided by the number of months of the enrollment period. If the length of
the enrollment period is less than one month, use one month to calculate.
Please record gift card expenses according to their intended use/purpose. Frequently used
Account ChartField values are:
533770 Study Participants
External participants will receive a 1099 on a calendar basis. Internal participants will s
he payment on their pay stub under the description of “Txbl Pymnt.”
Internal controls over gift cards are required at all times. Each department should have
written procedures in place that provide for the proper safeguarding of gift cards. At a
minimum, the following internal controls should be in place.
For each purchase, a single individual must be the designated custodian of the gift cards.
The custodian is responsible for ensuring that all purchasing, security, dispensing, tracking,
and replenishing procedures are followed. Transfers of gift cards to another custodian is
permitted within the same project. The original custodian should retain information related
to the cards being transferred, such as card number, card value, and signature of the
individual taking ownership of the new cards.
As a reminder, gift cards cannot be returned. If excess cards exist at the end of a study,
please contact your Finance Director for guidance.
Gift cards must be secured at all times, e.g., in a locked box inside a locked cabinet or drawer
accessible only by the custodian.
Receipts (issuance):
Investigators should maintain payment logs for all studies that provide payments to
participants. The record must uniquely identify each payment to document the appropriate
use of the card for audit purposes. Information to be included for each card shall include at
a minimum: Recipient name or study subject ID (the study subject ID is any number
assigned by the Department to identify the individual to protect confidentiality); Date;
Purpose of payment; Serial number of the gift card; Payment amount; Signature or initials of
the recipient when applicable.
Audit Log:
The custodian must also keep a log (e.g., a spreadsheet) of gift card purchases and
disbursements for audit purposes. This log must tie the above receipts (e.g., by receipt
number and card number) to purchase gift cards recorded in the PeopleSoft Finance
System. This is particularly important in demonstrating that gift cards are reasonably
allocable to a grant. These records must be available for audit purposes.
Custodians are responsible for lost or stolen gift cards and may be held personally liable
for the value of any missing cards. The value of receipt logs and gift cards must total the
purchased amount. Any shortage must be reported immediately to the campus police
department and your school’s finance office.
Refunds will not be provided for any gift cards. As a result, departments are cautioned to
only purchase gift cards as they are ready to issue them. See above for best practices
under the approval and purchase process.
A reconciliation of gift cards should be conducted whenever gift cards are purchased or at
least quarterly. This reconciliation should consist of verifying that the number of cards
purchased minus the number of cards disbursed agrees with the number of cards on hand.
Also, the value of the cards purchased should agree with the amount recorded in
PeopleSoft Financials. The inventory should be performed by an individual who is not
responsible for the issuance or custody of the gift cards (preferably the department
approver), and should be done in the custodian’s presence.
Relevant records to maintain include:
Vendor receipts (from purchase)
Issuance receipts (from distribution to recipients)
Inventory of unused gift cards (minimization of card inventory at any one time, the
record of card inventory, the security of card inventory, appropriate disposition of
unused cards at the end of study)
Whether receipts and logs support the gift card purchase transactions
All gift card inventories must be available for an unannounced audit.
Payment Requests differ from Purchase Orders in that Payment Requests are submitted
via the Accounts Payables module in PeopleSoft and are used to reimburse persons, pay
persons (non-service-related), or pay a limited subset of vendors such as INS Visas/fees
and insurance.
PROCESS AND APPROVALS (How to Create a Payment Request
If the participant you wish to pay is not in the Payment Request system, please send a
completed Supplier Information Form to customercareteam-[email protected]
to have the
person/vendor added to the system. A tax identification number (social security number) is
a mandatory field on the Supplier Information Form. The Payment Request system
requires approval by someone other than the requester.
(How to Approve a Payment
Please record payment request expenses according to their intended use/purpose.
Frequently used Account ChartField values are:
533770 Study Participants
To cancel a Payment Request that has not been submitted for approval, click the report
and select cancel at the bottom of the page. See page 11 of How to Create a
Request for details or contact your department administrator..
A petty cash account is an advance from the University that allows project teams to pay
participants with actual cash. Petty cash accounts are managed by General Accounting in
the Controller’s office. There are several specific policies related to the setup and use of
petty cash accounts, to be detailed below. The petty cash custodian and the Principal
Investigator of the human subjects research should monitor all petty cash expenditures and
reconcile on a frequent (monthly) basis.
You can find the policy document here
Establishing Petty Cash Fund
Any school or department that wishes to establish a Petty Cash Fund must demonstrate a
need. This is done by completing a Speedtype Request form
which is located on the
Controller’s website. The form must be approved by the Management Center Finance
Office and sent to General Accounting.
Each section of the form must be completed. If for study participants, indicate what
speedtype(s) will be charged for the subject participation, the IRB’s it will be associated
with and how much each participant will be paid, as applicable. Also, list what types of
expenses will be reimbursed using the petty cash.
Once the establishment of the fund is approved, a petty cash speedtype (PTYXXXXXX) will
be assigned by General Accounting. The custodian will be notified through e-mail and
receive the Petty Cash Fund Statement of Receipt and Responsibility along with a copy of
the Petty Cash Funds policy. The custodian must review the policy, sign and return the
Statement of Receipt and Responsibility to General Accounting. The review and signing
must be witnessed by the custodian’s supervisor. The witness must also sign the
Statement of Responsibility prior to returning it to General Accounting. Once this is
completed, General Accounting will submit a payment request and Accounts Payable will
issue a check and send it to the Cashier’s Office for pick up by the custodian. Petty Cash
Fund checks can be cashed at the Cashier’s Office by presenting a valid Case
identification card. General Accounting will also provide the custodian with a list of the
Custodian Responsibilities.
When requesting a Petty Cash Fund, please fill out the Speedtype Request Form. Please fill
out the form according to the following instructions:
Please select whether you are requesting a new Petty Cash fund speedtype or
changing an existing one at the top of the form. If requesting a new Petty Cash
fund, the requested name should be “P/C and the custodian’s name. Custodians
must be CWRU employees. Please describe what the fund will be used for in the
REASON/PURPOSE box. If you need to change the custodian of a Petty Cash fund,
you will need to close the current fund and open a new fund for the new custodian.
An acceptable change would be if the fund is being used for a different purpose (a
new research study, for example) then created initially, or to increase/decrease the
All fields below the BOLD divider line MUST be filled out.
REQUEST DATE the date the form is filled out
REQUESTOR NAME/TITLE the name of the person filling out the request form
and their position title
DEPARTMENT #/NAME Requestor’s department
REQUESTOR PHONE #/E-MAIL - contact information for the person filling out the
Any Restrictions (drop-down box: yes/no) Select NO for Petty Cash.
DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSES explanation of the types of expenses the fund is
being set up to cover; if the fund is for research study participants, list the
sponsored project speedtype here
RECONCILER NAME/TITLE this will be the Custodian.
ROLLUP DEPT #/NAME the department providing the cash for the fund.
LOCATION CODE the campus mail code for the Custodian.
Increase Petty Cash Fund
A Petty Cash Fund may be increased only in those instances where the amount of the fund
no longer meets the needs of the department. If this occurs, the custodian should forward a
Speedtype Request form, selecting the “Change a Speedtype” option and indicating the
requested amount and the reason for the increase. The Management Center Finance Office
must also sign off on the request. Note that a petty cash fund amount should not exceed
25% of the annual reimbursements of the fund.
Decrease Petty Cash Fund
A Petty Cash Fund may be decreased if the amount of the fund exceeds the actual needs of
the department. Additionally, on an annual basis, General Accounting will evaluate the size
of Petty Cash Funds based on the prior year reimbursements of the fund. If the size of the
fund exceeds ¼ of the prior year reimbursements, General Accounting will request
adjustment to the fund. The amount which is no longer needed should be deposited at the
Cashier’s Office into the respective petty cash speedtype. The Cashier’s Office will issue
an approved deposit receipt via email, which the custodian will then forward to General
Accounting along with a Speedtype Request form, (selecting the “Change a Speedtype”
Closing a Petty Cash Fund
Petty Cash Funds are not transferable from one employee to another. General Accounting
will audit the fund before proceeding with the closing process. The custodian and their
supervisor must be present during the duration of the audit. Upon completion of the audit,
any cash remaining in the fund must be deposited at the Cashier’s Office to the respective
petty cash speedtype. The Cashier’s Office will issue the custodian an approved deposit
receipt via email, which should then be forwarded to General Accounting. General
accounting will use the completed audit forms and deposit receipt to close the fund. The
fund will not be closed until all necessary forms are completed, approved and signed by a
supervisor, and returned to General Accounting.
The custodian must close the fund prior to transferring or terminating employment.
Change of Custodian
To change a custodian of an established fund, the existing fund must be closed (see
“Closing a Petty Cash Fund” section) and a new Petty Cash Fund must be requested (see
“Establishing Petty Cash Fund” section).
If a “Temporary Custodian” is needed for an extended period of absence, such as Parental or
Medical Leave, a Speedtype Request form must be filled out, approved, and submitted to
General Accounting. On the Speedtype Request form, select “Change a Speedtype” and
indicate that the custodian will be absent for an extended period of time and a temporary
custodian is needed. Include the name of the temporary custodian as well as the
approximate dates that the individual will be responsible for the funds. General Accounting
will perform an audit of the fund before changing the name of the
custodian and another audit will be performed when the original custodian returns, before
the custodian is changed back to the original owner. If for some reason, the original
custodian does not return to their position the fund must be closed and a new fund must be
Procedure for Replenishing Petty Cash Funds
Clinical Study Participants
For human subject reimbursement, the study coordinator should distribute the cash to the
subject and prepare a receipt for the subject to sign. Each receipt is required to have a
unique identifier that cannot be duplicated, such as a numbered receipt book. The original
receipts should be maintained by the custodian for safekeeping. List the unique receipt ID in
the ‘Paid To’ column of the Report of Petty Cash Expenditures Replenishment Form. Due
to HIPAA regulations General Accounting cannot see the whole name of the study
participants. Please either assign participants a unique number or use only initials
Replenishing Petty Cash Funds
The University has developed this policy to provide a standard process to handle
compensation of research subjects through Petty Cash Funds and to protect the
confidentiality of subjects, to the extent allowable by law, during the reimbursement
Petty Cash Funds should be replenished at minimum on a monthly basis. All Petty Cash
Funds must be replenished at the fiscal year end so there are no outstanding receipts as of
June 30.
To replenish, the custodian should:
1. Enter the information electronically via PeopleSoft Financials by completing a
payment request in the Employee Self-Service module
a. For Request Type: select Petty Cash
b. For Return Check to: select Pick up Cashiers
c. For Supplier ID: select the Custodian’s ID that has “P/C” in front of their
2. The following Backup Documentation must be attached:
a. The Petty Cash Report of Expenditures
filled out completely with the
following information:
i. The date of service
ii. List the unique receipt identifier in the “Paid To” column
iii. Description of study
iv. Amount paid
v. Speedtype/account to be charged
b. Receipts
i. Receipts are required for all cash paid out, including study
ii. No receipt over $100.00 will be reimbursed through Petty Cash
Replenishment Requests
iii. On receipts make sure the date, dollar amount, the unique identifier,
and speedtype are legible
iv. The University will not reimburse sales tax. Please circle the pre-
tax total on your receipts for reimbursement. You can contact
Accounts Payable to obtain a tax exempt form.
IRS Compliance
According to IRS regulations, annual compensation (subject incentives) to study subjects of
$600 or greater is considered taxable compensation and reportable to the IRS.
1. If a series of subject payments result in total compensation greater than $600 for a
calendar year the custodian should:
a. Complete a W-9 form (obtained from the Accounts Payable website)
providing the subject’s name, address and social security number.
2. A
must accompany the W-9 form
compensation to the subject.
3. Submit the memo and W-9 form to Accounts Payable.
a. Accounts Payable will issue a 1099 form to the custodian for the
Please record participant petty cash expenses according to their intended use/purpose.
Frequently used Account ChartField values are:
533770 Study Participants
The Petty Cash Fund is the property of the University and must be used in accordance with
its applicable policies. Petty Cash Funds are to be maintained in cash and may not be
commingled with other University or personal funds.
It is the custodians’ responsibility to provide adequate precautions for the safekeeping of
the funds under their control. All Petty Cash Funds must be kept in a secured, locked office
safe, file safe or reinforced lockable file at all times.
Funds should never be left unattended and unsecured. In the event funds are lost or
stolen, the custodian must contact the University’s Security Office to file a security report.
Additionally, the custodian should notify General Accounting and Internal Audit of the loss.
Any funds missing from petty cash will be charged to the responsible department. A copy of
the security report should be provided to General Accounting and Internal Audit
within five
business days of occurrence.
It is the responsibility of the Custodian to ensure that each set of Petty Cash
Reimbursement records is complete, accurate, and accompanied by original
documentation/receipts. The Custodian should keep copies of all reimbursement and
replenishment documentation for their departmental files.
Petty Cash Audits
General Accounting will conduct physical Petty Cash Fund audits at least once every two
years. A General Accounting staff member will schedule a time to visit each location to
verify the applicable Petty Cash Fund. All cash/coins in the petty cash box will be counted,
and the total amount of receipts will be verified. All discrepancies identified during the audit
procedures will be noted within the Petty Cash Fund Audit Log. If a discrepancy is found,
the fund will be subject to a second audit. The custodian’s immediate supervisor, the
Assistant Controller of General Accounting and Cashiering, and Internal Audit will be
notified of the discrepancy, and an appropriate action will be determined. The General
Accountant and custodian will sign off on the audit log at the end of the audit.
In addition to these routine announced audits, General Accounting will also conduct
random unannounced physical audits on petty cash funds throughout the fiscal year. Audit
procedures will remain consistent with the routine audits as described above.
Type of Payment Method
Type of Participant
Recommended Usage
One time or multiple payments, all types of
Gift Card- Physical Card
External and Internal
Known finite group of participants, One to two
payments, when anonymity is required, when
interaction is face to face and payment is expected at
time of participation
Gift- Electronic
External and Internal
Known finite group of participants, One to two
payments per participant, when group of participants
have access to email, cell phone and or computer, all
types of interaction
Payment Requests
External Volunteers
Recommended when payment to volunteer is a one
time payment of
$250 or more, when you know that the volunteer will
be paid more than $599 for participation per year in
multiple payments
Venmo/PayPal or other
Cash Apps.
External Volunteers
Only to be used in specific situations that are approved
by Research Administration and Procurement
Petty Cash
Last resort -Only recommended when no other method
will work