Corresponding author: Damilola Oluwaseun Ogundipe
Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
Agile methodologies in digital banking: Theoretical underpinnings and implications
for customer satisfaction
Damilola Oluwaseun Ogundipe
1, *
, Opeyemi Abayomi Odejide
and Tolulope Esther Edunjobi
Slalom Consulting Inc, Vancouver, British Columbia. Canada.
Independent Researcher, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Independent Researcher, London Ontario, Canada.
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(02), 021030
Publication history: Received on 31 January 2024; revised on 18 March 2024; accepted on 20 March 2024
Article DOI:
This paper delves into the theoretical underpinnings of agile methodologies and investigates their potential to enhance
customer satisfaction in digital banking. Theoretical foundations of agile methodologies draw on several key theoretical
frameworks complexity theory, complex systems, like digital banking ecosystems, exhibit emergent properties.
Traditional linear approaches struggle to predict these. Agile embraces iterative development cycles and adaptability
to changing requirements, acknowledging this complexity lean thinking, derived from manufacturing, lean thinking
prioritizes eliminating waste and maximizing customer value. Agile translates this by focusing on short development
sprints, prioritizing features with the highest customer impact, and minimizing unnecessary functionalities customer
co-creation, traditional models often distance customers from the development process. Agile emphasizes customer co-
creation, actively involving them in design and testing. This fosters a deeper understanding of customer needs and leads
to more relevant and satisfying digital banking experiences. Agile practices in digital banking. Agile methodologies
encompass diverse practices. This visual management system focuses on workflow optimization. Promoting a
continuous flow of work from development to deployment user stories and acceptance criteria, User Acceptance criteria
define the specific conditions a feature must meet for user approval. These practices ensure features align with
customer needs and expectations. Agile methodologies hold significant promise for enhancing customer satisfaction in
digit banking. Agile development allows banks to deliver new features and functionalities faster, keeping pace with
evolving customer demands. Customers benefit from quicker access to innovative solutions that address their financial
needs. This results in digital banking experiences that are intuitive, efficient, and cater to specific user needs. Increased
Innovation, The iterative nature of agile fosters continuous learning and experimentation. Banks can test new features,
gather customer feedback, and rapidly iterate upon them, leading to a more innovative and dynamic digital banking
experience. Improved transparency and trust, agile practices promote open communication and collaboration between
development teams and customers. Customers are kept informed of updates and have a voice in shaping the
development process, fostering trust and a sense of ownership.
Keywords: Agile Development; Customer Co-Creation; Digital Banking; Customer Satisfaction; Complexity Theory;
Lean Thinking.
1. Introduction
This rapid shift towards digital banking necessitates continuous innovation. Customer expectations are evolving at an
unprecedented pace (Abildtrup, 2024). Features that seemed cutting-edge just a few years ago can quickly become
outdated. Banks that fail to keep pace with these evolving needs risk losing customer loyalty and market share. Agile
methodologies offer a promising solution for banks seeking to enhance customer satisfaction in the digital banking
arena. Agile is a development philosophy that prioritizes flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration. Unlike traditional
waterfall development methods, which follow a linear, stage-gated approach, Agile embraces an iterative cycle of
planning, development, testing, and deployment (Abrahams et al., 2023).
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(02), 021030
Agile prioritizes user stories, which are concise descriptions of features from the customer's perspective. This ensures
that development efforts are focused on functionalities that directly address customer needs. Short development cycles
(sprints) lead to faster delivery of desired features, keeping customers engaged and satisfied. Enhanced Responsiveness
to Customer Feedback, Agile fosters continuous communication and feedback loops between developers, product
managers, and customers (Abrahams et al., 2024).
This allows banks to gather real-time feedback on new features and iterate based on user experience. Promptly
addressing customer concerns and bug fixes demonstrates responsiveness and builds trust. Improved User Experience
(UX) Design, Agile promotes iterative design and testing throughout the development process. User interface (UI)
elements and workflows are constantly refined based on user feedback. This ensures that the digital banking platform
remains intuitive, user-friendly, and delivers a seamless experience for customers (Farayola et al., 2024).
Agile values open communication and collaboration. Customers can be kept informed about upcoming features,
development progress, and potential roadblocks. This transparency fosters trust and a sense of partnership between
the bank and its customers. The rise of digital banking demands continuous innovation to meet ever-evolving customer
expectations. Agile methodologies provide a framework for delivering customer-centric solutions through rapid
development cycles, responsiveness to feedback, and a focus on user experience. By embracing agile practices, banks
can create a digital banking environment that fosters customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, a competitive edge
in the ever-evolving financial landscape (Adaga et al., 2024).
1.1. Theoretical Underpinnings of Agile Methodologies
The digital banking landscape is a dynamic battle ground. Customer expectations are constantly evolving, demanding
continuous innovation and adaptation. Traditional development methodologies, often slow and rigid, struggle to keep
pace. However, offer a powerful alternative, fostering a customer-centric approach that prioritizes flexibility,
collaboration, and rapid iteration. The Agile Manifesto, a foundation for success. It outlines four core values and twelve
principles that guide agile development practices, values, Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, agile
prioritizes the human element, fostering collaboration and communication between developers, stakeholders, and most
importantly, customers (Egieya et al., 2024).
Working software over comprehensive documentation, while documentation remains crucial, Agile emphasizes
delivering functional software in an iterative manner rather than focusing solely on extensive upfront documentation.
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation, Agile promotes continuous engagement with customers, ensuring
features and functionalities meet their evolving needs rather than relying solely on pre-defined contracts. Responding
to change over following a plan, the dynamic nature of digital banking demands adaptability (Addula et al., 2024).
Agile embraces changes in requirements and priorities, allowing for continuous improvement based on user feedback.
These principles elaborate on the core values, providing a practical framework for development, Deliver working
software frequently, from a few weeks to a few months, with a preference for the shorter timescale. Business people
and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give
them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done (Adefemi et al., 2024).
The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face
conversation. Working software is the primary measure of progress. Sustainable development is the pace that allows
developers to continuously maintain their desired pace without burning out. Continuous attention to technical
excellence and good design enhances agility. The art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential .The best
architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. At regular intervals, the team reflects on
how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly (Alamsyah and Syahrir, 2024).
Agile encompasses several frameworks that translate the core principles into practical application. A backlog prioritizes
work items, a Product Owner manages the backlog, and a Scrum Master facilitates team collaboration during sprints.
This structure is well-suited for developing complex digital banking features, allowing for continuous feedback and
adaptation within short timeframes. Kanban utilizes a visual Kanban board to manage work tasks. Tasks are
represented by cards that move through various stages (Alirezaie et al., 2024.
Unlike Scrum's fixed-length sprints, Kanban allows for continuous flow of work. This flexibility is ideal for tasks like
bug fixing or ongoing maintenance tasks in digital banking, where addressing issues efficiently is crucial for customer
satisfaction. Lean Startup, The Lean Startup methodology emphasizes building minimum viable products (MVPs) with
core functionalities. These MVPs are rapidly released to gather customer feedback and iterate based on user experience.
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(02), 021030
This iterative approach is particularly valuable in digital banking, allowing banks to test new features and gauge
customer reception before investing significant resources in full-fledged development (Amoo et al., 2024).
Agile Values in Action, Benefits for Digital Banking By embracing agile values and frameworks, digital banking platforms
can reap numerous benefits, Iterative Development, Continuously delivering new features and functionalities based on
user feedback keeps customers engaged and satisfied. Customer collaboration, direct customer involvement in the
development process ensures features address real needs and enhance user experience Rapid Adaptation, Agility allows
banks to adapt to changing market demands and technological advancements, fostering innovation and competitive
advantage (Osasona et al., 2024)
Continuous testing and feedback loops lead to a higher quality of digital banking products and services. Streamlined
workflows and task management optimize development processes, leading to faster time-to-market for new features.
In conclusion, the principles of agile methodologies offer a compelling path towards enhanced customer satisfaction
and a competitive edge in digital banking. By embracing iterative development, fostering customer collaboration, and
prioritizing rapid adaptation, banks can create a dynamic and user-centric digital banking experience that adapts to
ever-evolving customer demands (Anyanwu et al., 2024).
1.2. Implementing Agile in Digital Banking
The dynamic nature of digital banking demands a flexible and responsive approach. Agile methodologies, with their
emphasis on iterative development, collaboration, and continuous feedback, offer a powerful framework for success.
Let's delve into how Agile principles can be applied to various aspects of digital banking, unlocking a more customer-
centric and efficient landscape. Product Development, Mobile Apps and Online Banking Platforms Iterative Design and
Development, The traditional waterfall method of development, with its lengthy design phase followed by coding and
testing, is ill-suited for the fast-paced digital banking environment (Aripin, 2024).
Agile promotes an iterative approach. User stories, based on customer needs, are prioritized. Developers build and test
features in short sprints, gathering user feedback after each iteration. This allows for continuous refinement and
ensures the final product aligns with customer expectations. Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), Agile encourages the
development of MVPs stripped-down versions of a product with core functionalities. These MVPs are released early
to gather user feedback and validate core functionalities before substantial development resources are invested (Asaju,
This helps avoid building features that may not resonate with customers, saving time and resources. Prioritization
based on user needs, the backlog, a prioritized list of features and tasks, plays a crucial role in agile development.
Customer feedback is used to continuously refine the backlog, ensuring development efforts are focused on features
with the highest customer value. This ensures development aligns with evolving needs and keeps customers engaged.
Feature Rollouts and Updates, Phased Rollouts and A/B Testing, Agile promotes phased rollouts, where new features
are first released to a smaller user group for testing and feedback before a wider launch (Atadoga et al., 2024).
This allows for early identification of bugs or usability issues, minimizing disruption for the majority of users. A/B
testing allows banks to compare different versions of a feature with a subset of users, providing valuable insights for
optimizing the final version before full deployment. Continuous Delivery, Agile principles enable continuous delivery
pipelines, which automate the process of building, testing, and deploying new features. This allows for frequent updates
and bug fixes, enhancing the overall user experience by ensuring the digital banking platform remains stable and up-to-
date (Ayinla et al., 2024).
Clear Communication and Transparency, Communication plays a vital role in successful feature updates. Agile
emphasizes keeping users informed about upcoming changes, potential disruptions, and new features. This
transparency fosters trust and prepares users for upcoming changes, minimizing frustration. Security and Risk
Management, security as a Priority, Security is paramount in digital banking. Agile principles can be applied to build
security into the development process from the very beginning. Security considerations are integrated into user stories
and prioritized in the backlog (Ayorinde et al., 2024).
Regular code reviews and penetration testing identify vulnerabilities early in the development cycle. Threat Modeling
and Continuous Improvement, Agile fosters a culture of continuous improvement in security. Threat modeling, a process
of identifying potential security risks, is conducted regularly. Identified vulnerabilities are addressed in subsequent
sprints, ensuring the digital banking platform remains secure as new features are added. The cyber threat landscape is
constantly evolving (Ayorinde et al., 2024).
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(02), 021030
Agile's emphasis on rapid adaptation allows security teams to quickly respond to new threats and implement necessary
security measures in short sprints, minimizing potential risks. Internal Communication and Collaboration, Cross-
functional Teams, Breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across departments is crucial for successful agile
adoption in digital banking. Cross-functional teams consisting of developers, product managers, security experts, and
user experience (UX) designers work together throughout the development cycle. This facilitates open communication,
ensures all aspects are considered, and fosters a more efficient development process (Craig et al., 2024).
Agile emphasizes regular communication through daily stand-up meetings where team members share progress and
identify blockers. These short meetings encourage collaboration and problem-solving, ensuring the team works
cohesively towards a common goal. Transparency and Shared Ownership, Agile promotes transparency by encouraging
information sharing across teams. Shared dashboards and project management tools provide real-time updates on
progress and potential roadblocks (Daudu et al., 2024).
This transparency fosters a sense of ownership and accountability, leading to a more engaged and productive team
environment. By embracing agile principles across all facets of digital banking, banks can unlock a world of benefits.
From delivering customer-centric products and features to ensuring a secure and adaptable platform, Agile empowers
banks to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Continuous innovation, rapid adaptation, and a focus on customer
needs form the cornerstone of successful Agile adoption in digital banking, leading to a more secure, efficient, and
ultimately, customer-centric banking experience (Egieya et al., 2023).
1.3. Implications for Customer Satisfaction
The digital banking landscape is fiercely competitive, with customer experience (UX) reigning supreme. Traditional
development methodologies often struggle to keep pace with evolving customer needs. Agile methodologies, with their
emphasis on iterative development, user feedback, and rapid adaptation, offer a compelling solution. Let's explore how
agile practices can lead to significant improvements in digital banking, Enhanced User Experience through Iterative
Design and User Feedback, Breaking the Silo between Design and Development, Agile fosters a collaborative
environment where designers and developers work hand-in-hand throughout the development cycle (Etukudoh et al.,
User stories, based on customer needs and pain points, define functionality. Prototypes are created early and tested
with users. This iterative approach ensures the final product is intuitive, user-friendly, and addresses real customer
needs. Continuous User Testing and Feedback Integration, Agile doesn't believe in building features in a vacuum. User
testing is conducted throughout the development process, allowing for early identification of usability issues (Hassan
et al., 2024).
Feedback from user testing is readily incorporated into subsequent iterations, leading to a more refined and user-
centric final product. Prioritizing User Needs, Agile methodologies put users at the center of development. The backlog,
a prioritized list of features and tasks, reflects user needs and pain points. This ensures development efforts are focused
on features that deliver the most value to customers, leading to a more fulfilling user experience. Faster Delivery of New
Features and Functionalities, Short Development Sprints, Agile utilizes short development cycles called sprints
(typically 2-4 weeks) to deliver working software iteratively (Labu and Ahammed, 2024).
This allows for faster delivery of new features and functionalities, keeping customers engaged and ensuring the platform
remains up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. Flexibility to Adapt to Changing Needs, Agile embraces
change. If new customer needs emerge during a sprint, the backlog can be re-prioritized to accommodate them. This
flexibility allows banks to quickly adapt to evolving market demands and deliver features that address them promptly.
Reduced Time-to-Market, With Agile, banks can get new features and functionalities into the hands of customers faster
(McGurk and Reichenbach, 2024).
This allows for earlier feedback, faster iteration, and ultimately, a more competitive digital banking platform. Increased
Customer Engagement and Loyalty through Ongoing Interaction, Agile emphasizes transparency and continuous
communication with customers. Banks can leverage various channels to keep users informed about upcoming features,
development progress, and potential roadblocks. This transparency fosters trust and a sense of partnership between
the bank and its customers. Involvement in the Development Process, Agile encourages user participation in the
development process (McLaughlin, 2024).
User testing sessions and feedback surveys gather valuable insights that directly influence the platform's design and
functionality. This sense of ownership and engagement strengthens customer loyalty towards the bank. Faster
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(02), 021030
Response to Customer Feedback, Agile facilitates a faster response to customer feedback. Issues and complaints are
identified and addressed within the short sprint cycles (Bougrine et al., 2024). This responsiveness demonstrates that
customer voices are heard and valued, building trust and loyalty. Challenges of Implementing Agile in Banking While
Agile offers significant benefits, implementing it in a banking environment come with its own set of challenges,
regulatory compliance, the banking industry operates under strict regulations (Morris and Brubaker, 2024).
Agile's emphasis on rapid iteration and adaptation needs to be balanced with the need to comply with regulatory
requirements (Magistretti and Trabucchi, 2024). Testing and documentation procedures need to be adapted to ensure
compliance within an agile framework. Many banks rely on legacy systems that are not designed for rapid change (Vijaya
et al., 2024). Integrating these systems with agile development workflows can present challenges. However, phased
approaches and modernization efforts can facilitate the transition towards a more Agile environment. Cultural Shift,
Adopting Agile requires a cultural shift within the organization (Nwokediegwu et al., 2024).
Agile methodologies, when implemented effectively, have the potential to revolutionize digital banking (Lai, 2024). By
fostering a user-centric approach, accelerating delivery of new features, and prioritizing customer feedback, Agile
empowers banks to create a more engaging and satisfying digital banking experience. While challenges exist, especially
within the highly regulated banking environment, the potential benefits of Agile make it a compelling path towards a
competitive and customer-centric future for digital banking (Ochuba et al., 2024).
1.4. Case Studies Empirical Evidence
Enhanced customer satisfaction and competitive edge the digital banking landscape is a battle ground for customer
loyalty. Traditional, waterfall development methodologies struggle to keep pace with evolving customer needs and
expectations. Enter agile methodologies is a breath of fresh air that prioritizes user-centricity, collaboration, and rapid
iteration. This paper explores how agile practices enhance customer satisfaction in digital banking, drawing from real-
world examples and research findings (Ochuba et al., 2024).
Prototypes are created early and tested with users throughout the process. This continuous feedback loop ensures the
final product aligns with real customer needs and delivers a superior user experience (UX). Faster Delivery of Features
and Functionalities, Agile facilitates faster feature rollouts by breaking down development into manageable chunks.
This allows banks to deliver new features and functionalities that meet customer demands more quickly, keeping
customers engaged and the platform competitive. Transparency and Communication, Agile fosters a culture of
transparency and open communication with customers (Okafor et al., 2024).
Banks can leverage various channels to keep users informed about upcoming features, development progress, and
potential roadblocks. This transparency builds trust and fosters a sense of partnership between the bank and its
customers. Responsiveness to Customer Feedback, Agile empowers banks to respond to customer feedback and
complaints promptly. Issues are identified and addressed within short sprint cycles. This responsiveness demonstrates
that customer voices are heard and valued, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty (Okoli et al., 2024).
Real-World Success Stories, Agile in Action Several banks have successfully leveraged Agile methodologies to create a
more customer-centric digital banking experience, Barclays, Barclays, a multinational banking giant, adopted Agile to
streamline mobile banking development. By focusing on user stories and iterative design, they were able to deliver a
more user-friendly mobile app with features that directly addressed customer needs (Weng et al., 2024). This resulted
in a significant increase in mobile banking adoption and customer satisfaction
USAA, a leading financial institution serving the military community, implemented Agile to accelerate online account
opening processes. By focusing on rapid iteration based on user feedback, they were able to streamline the process,
reduce application abandonment rates, and enhance customer satisfaction. A study conducted by Accenture, found a
strong correlation between agile adoption and customer satisfaction in digital banking (Okorie et al., 2024).
Banks that embraced agile methodologies reported higher customer satisfaction scores compared to those using
traditional development methods (Zhou, 2024). The study also highlighted that Agile practices led to faster time-to-
market for new features, increased innovation, and improved operational efficiency. The highly regulated nature of
banking requires a delicate balance between rapid agile development and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Testing and documentation procedures need to be adapted to fit within an agile framework (Chen et al., 2024).
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(02), 021030
1.5. Case study
This case study delves into the success story of ING, a global financial institution, and its transformative journey towards
customer-centricity through agile methodologies. Prior to embracing Agile, ING's digital banking platform development
process was slow and cumbersome. Waterfall methodologies led to lengthy development cycles and features that didn't
always meet customer needs. User feedback was often incorporated late in the development process, resulting in missed
opportunities for improvement (Oriekhoe et al., 2024).
ING recognized the need for a change and embarked on an ambitious agile transformation program in 2013. The core
pillars of this transformation ING replaced the waterfall approach with shorter development sprints (typically 2-4
weeks). This allowed for faster delivery of features and functionalities, enabling rapid testing and feedback loops (Sadok
and Assisi, 2024). The focus shifted from pre-defined functionalities to user stories. These stories, based on customer
needs and pain points, became the cornerstone for prioritizing development efforts (Orieno et al., 2024).
This collaboration fostered a more holistic approach to development and ensured all aspects were considered from the
customer's perspective. ING prioritized open communication with customers (Hassija et al., 2024). Regular updates
were provided through various channels, keeping users informed about upcoming features, development progress, and
potential roadblocks. This transparency built trust and a sense of partnership with the bank. The adoption of agile has
yielded significant benefits for ING, translating into a more customer-centric and competitive digital banking platform
(Patel, 2024).
This resulted in a more user-friendly and intuitive banking experience. Faster Time-to-Market, One of the key benefits
of Agile is its rapid delivery capabilities. By breaking down development into smaller chunks, ING was able to deliver
new features and functionalities to customers much faster. This agility allowed them to stay ahead of the curve and
respond to evolving market demands promptly. Enhanced Innovation and Efficiency, Agile fosters a culture of
continuous improvement and collaboration (Osasona et al., 2024).
This empowered cross-functional teams to experiment and test new ideas, leading to increased innovation within the
digital banking platform (Matcov, 2024). Additionally, streamlined workflows and communication within agile teams
led to significant efficiency gains throughout the development process. While the transformation was a success, ING
faced some challenges, Cultural Shift, Transitioning from a traditional hierarchical structure to a collaborative agile
environment required significant cultural change within the organization (Reis et al., 2024).
This required extensive employee training and change management initiatives. Legacy Systems, Integrating these
systems with agile workflows posed some initial hurdles. However, ING adopted a phased approach and invested in
modernization efforts to create a more Agile-friendly environment. Looking Forward, The Future of Agile Banking at
INGING's success story is a testament to the transformative power of agile methodologies in digital banking. By
prioritizing user needs, accelerating development, and fostering responsiveness, ING has created a digital banking
experience that keeps customers engaged and satisfied (Shi et al., 2024).
1.6. Recommendation
Establishing Agile Practices and Workflows Agile Framework Selection, Several Agile frameworks exist, such as Scrum,
Kanban, and Lean Startup. Each offers its own strengths and weaknesses. Evaluate your bank's specific needs and
choose the framework that best suits your context. Develop a backlog of user stories, each representing a desired
functionality or improvement. Utilize customer feedback and business goals to prioritize these stories, ensuring
development efforts are focused on features that deliver the most value to customers. Sprint Planning and Execution,
Break down development into manageable iterations called sprints (typically 2-4 weeks). Each sprint includes planning,
development, testing, and review phases. This allows for continuous feedback loops and iterative improvement
throughout the development process. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD), Implement a CI/CD pipeline to
automate the building, testing, and deployment of new features. This streamlines development workflows and enables
faster delivery of new functionalities to customers. Open Communication with Customers, Maintain open and
transparent communication with customers throughout the development process. Utilize various channels to keep
users informed about upcoming features, development progress, and potential roadblocks. This transparency builds
trust and a sense of partnership with the bank. Establish regular feedback mechanisms, such as user testing sessions
and surveys, to gather valuable insights from customers. Actively incorporate this feedback into subsequent iterations
of the development cycle. Internal Communication and Collaboration, Agile thrives on open communication within
teams. Promote regular stand-up meetings and daily scrums to ensure all team members are on the same page, fostering
collaboration and problem-solving. Overcoming Challenges and Building Sustainability Change Management Strategy,
Transitioning to Agile requires cultural change within the organization. Develop a comprehensive change management
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(02), 021030
strategy that includes employee training, workshops, and clear communication about the benefits of agile adoption.
Integrating legacy systems with agile workflows can be challenging. Consider a phased approach, focusing on
modernizing core systems in conjunction with agile implementation. Agile Measurement and Continuous Improvement,
Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your agile goals. These KPIs can measure customer
satisfaction, time-to-market, and development efficiency. Regularly review these metrics to identify areas for
improvement and continuously refine your Agile
2. Conclusion
The digital banking landscape faces a constant battle for customer loyalty. Traditional development methods struggle
to keep pace with evolving customer needs. Agile methodologies, however, offer a promising solution. This ensures the
final product aligns with actual customer needs and delivers a superior user experience. Agile breaks down
development into manageable chunks, allowing for quicker delivery of features that address customer demands,
keeping them engaged and the platform competitive. Agile fosters open communication with customers, keeping them
informed about upcoming features, development progress, and potential roadblocks. This transparency builds trust and
a sense of partnership. Agile facilitates a rapid response to customer feedback and complaints. Issues are swiftly
identified and addressed, demonstrating that customer voices are valued, leading to higher satisfaction. Real-world
examples and research support banks like Barclays and USAA have successfully employed agile to streamline mobile
banking and online account opening processes. Research by Accenture shows a strong correlation between agile
adoption and higher customer satisfaction scores in digital banking. Balancing rapid development with adherence to
regulations requires adapting testing and documentation procedures within an agile framework. Integrating these
systems with agile workflows can be difficult, but phased approaches and modernization efforts can pave the way. the
future of digital banking is poised for an agile transformation. This transformation promises a more dynamic and
customer-centric landscape where innovation flourishes and customer satisfaction reigns supreme. By prioritizing user
needs, accelerating development, and fostering responsiveness, Agile empowers banks to deliver digital banking
experiences that keep customers engaged and loyal in the ever-evolving digital age.
Compliance with ethical standards
Disclosure of conflict of interest
No conflict of interest to be disclosed.
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