February 1, 2020
CSQ Scales © 2020
Clifford Attkisson, Ph.D.
All Rights Reserved
Administering and Scoring the CSQ Scales®
Inquiries: [email protected]
Web: www.CSQscales.com
Copyright of the CSQScales®
Copyright: Clifford Attkisson, Ph.D., Tamalpais Matrix Systems, Address: 57 E.
Delaware Place # 3205, Chicago, IL 60611-1629 USA. Voice: 415-310-5396. Fax: 339-
440-9537. U.S. Domestic Toll-Free Fax: 866-770-4975.
Available from Copyright Holder. Scale use is contingent on express written permission
from the copyright holder (Attkisson) and remission of use fees. Permission and payment
of fees are ordinarily obtained and made via the website (www.csqscales.com). A formal
license agreement is required for all electronic platform formats and other selected forms
of use of scales or selected scale items. License agreement information and procedures can
also be found at the website.
Cost: For English versions cost per use is $.55 each for first 500 uses, $.45 each use
thereafter. Pricing for orders less than 500 uses and for translated versions in languages
other than English varies and is higher due to costs of research, translation, production,
and printing. Introductory prices may be available for a limited period of time following
launch of our new website in the year 2020. You are advised to check the site regarding
pricing, introduction of additional products and services, and information regarding use
and development of the CSQScales®.
CSQ Scales® Overview
The CSQScales® were created in response to the need for a standard instrument to replace
idiosyncratic, ad hoc, and/or untested tools. The goal was to develop a standardized
measure with strong psychometric properties that could be used to assess general
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satisfaction across varied health and human services. The CSQScales® (CSQ) include a
coordinated series of brief instruments. The CSQ is documented to have excellent
reliability and internal consistency. The CSQ is reported to have high levels of client and
staff acceptability when tested in numerous studies involving diverse client samples and a
wide range of health and human service programs. In summary, the major strengths of the
CSQ include its utility as a standard measure, excellent reliability and internal consistency,
acceptability to clients and service providers, and sensitivity to different levels of program
quality, and value to service providers committed to enhancement of quality and impact of
services (Attkisson & Greenfield, 1996, 2004; Attkisson & Pascoe, 1983; Attkisson &
Zwick, 1982; Greenfield, 1983; Larsen, Attkisson, Hargreaves, & Nguyen, 1979; Nguyen,
Attkisson, & Stegner, 1983).
Administering CSQScales®
Applicable Populations and Service Types
The measures have been adopted in quality assurance, evaluation research, and services
research studies across a wide range of health and human service programs. Service
settings studied include outpatient and inpatient mental health facilities, public health
center clinics, primary care health clinics, eating disorders clinics, cancer and cardiac
research services and research, health maintenance organizations, employee assistance
programs, police and criminal justice services, legal services, mandatory short term alcohol
abuse treatment programs, residential alcoholism treatment programs, community-based
residential care, case management for the individuals with severe mental disorder, and with
AIDS self-support and psycho-educational groups (Attkisson & Greenfield, 1996, 2004;
Greenfield, 1983; Pascoe, 1983)
Applicable Age Groups
Direct ratings are elicited from adolescents and adults.
Parents and caretakers are often respondents about services provided to
A parent-rated version of the CSQ-8 is available for use.
A child version, using standard wording and expressive faces, is available
for use.
CSQ Administration (CSQ-3, CSQ-4, CSQ-8, CSA-18A & -18B)
The CSQ Scales® are self-administered, with data collected usually at the end of services
or at desirable temporal intervals during service delivery. Items are questions inquiring
about respondents’ opinions and conclusions about services they have received or are
currently receiving. Response options differ from item to item, but all are based on a four-
point scale. Examples* include How satisfied are you with the amount of help you have
received?(for which the response options are 1=”Quite dissatisfied”, 2=”Indifferent or
mildly dissatisfied”, 3=”Mostly satisfied”, 4=”Very satisfied”, and Have the services you
received helped you to deal more effectively with your problems?” (Which has the
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responses 4=”Yes, they helped a great deal”, 3=”Yes, they helped somewhat”, 2=”No, they
didn't help”, 1= “No, they seemed to make things worse”. All items are positively worded;
however, the directionality of response options span the spectrum from very negative to
very positive; and, the numerical anchors for items are reversed randomly (from high to
low satisfaction or low to high satisfaction within each item) to minimize stereotypic
response sets. While addressing several elements that contribute to service satisfaction, the
CSQ-8 has no subscales and yields a single score measuring a single dimension of overall
satisfaction (Larsen et al., 1979).
*Item content reprinted with permission of copyright holder.
Administration Time
Reported tests –3 to 8 minutes; author tests–1.5 minutes.
Scoring CSQ Scales® (CSQ-3, CSQ-4, CSQ-8, CSA-18 A & B)
Scoring CSQ Scales®
An overall score is calculated by summing the respondent’s rating (item rating) score for
each scale item. For the CSQ-8 version, scores therefore range from 8 to 32, with higher
values indicating higher satisfaction. Scoring for other versions is similar after
extrapolating for number of items.
Scoring the closed-ended part of the CSQ Scales involves: (a) unweighted
summation of the direction-corrected response values (1–4 for all the CSQ scales) for the
total scales; and (b) calculation of measures of central tendency (such as mean, standard
deviation, median, and mode) of the individual item ratings and for the total scale scores.
Scoring is not complicated and involves calculation of total score across all items for each
subject and analyzing item and total score distributions across groups of subjects. Because
of the scale's single factor structure, interpretation of CSQ data involves a straightforward
comparison of results obtained for a given service or client group with external data that
constitute an appropriate frame of reference, e.g., the multi-service setting means and
standard deviation results presented in Nguyen, Attkisson, & Stegner (1983) or Attkisson
& Greenfield (2004).
Administering CSQ Scales®: General Considerations
Data gained from the CSQ Scales® are typically self-completed but aural responses have
been collected from individuals with serious disorders in hospital acute care, day treatment,
and case management studies (LeVois, Nguyen, & Attkisson, 1981).
Methodology and administrative procedures for using the CSQ Scales® are
relatively straightforward. Mail survey methods (either mail-out and prepaid mail-back, or
hand-out and mail-back) have sometimes been used for collecting the data. The main
disadvantage of these approaches is low reported response rates, 40-50% being the highest
typically achieved in instances with one follow-up postcard reminder. The recommended
approach is to use point of service or waiting room surveys with a designated scale
administrator or a receptionist trained in procedures for systematically soliciting voluntary
participation from sampled clients. Various sampling protocols have been used: systematic
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or random samples of client rosters, samples stratified by duration of services so far
received, and census samples of all clients seen during a specific time frame (Attkisson &
Greenfield, 1996, 2004). The census sampling approach, provided the time interval is at
least two typical service weeks, has the advantage of assuring few clients are omitted (only
those missing appointments throughout the whole period, or those declining to participate).
Completion rates tend to be above 90% when this more satisfactory approach is used,
reducing the risk of unknown non-resource bias. Conversely, such face-to-face methods
generally include clients whose treatment is in progress.
The practical problem with surveying satisfaction at increasing time intervals after
termination or completion of a service program is the expected attenuation in response rate
a problem likely to confound interpretation of results. Most studies have used
anonymous methods though some have not, and have included code numbers allowing
linkage to service data. One methodological study with the CSQ found optionally identified
(name written in at the option of the recipient) forms did not result in lower response rate
or higher reported satisfaction (Greenfield, 1983). Despite the range of alternative
approaches, the standard waiting room method meets well the simplicity and uniformity of
implementation criterion.
Using sampling and time-series methods, satisfaction levels can be compared
across different service modalities, duration of service, types of clients, providers, or
specific facilities. The CSQ is used in all levels of primary care, mental health care, and
many other human service settings. In using any consumer satisfaction measure, perhaps
the most important validity consideration is designing procedures to obtain high response
rates to minimize biases attributable to non-response.
Reading Level
The reading level of the CSQ Scales® has consistently been found to be at a level that is
accessible to individuals reading at the 5
grade level or higher. Several reported results
are presented below:
Flesch-Kincaid grade level is 4.7 (reported by independent evaluator)
Flesch-Kincaid grade level found by publisher is 5.3
Flesch Reading Ease Index is 69.4
Comparison Data
Means, modes, medians, and standard deviations are available from a series of studies
involving approximately 8,000 clients (Nguyen et al., 1983). Most of the studies also report
information on the demographics of sample members. The diverse subject populations
enrolled in baseline studies include a broad spectrum of demographic characteristics, a
wide range of service types, and variability in amount of services received (Attkisson &
Greenfield, 1996, 2004; Attkisson & Zwick, 1982). The CSQScales® Reprint Portfolio
contains reports and reprints from a wide range of studies that can guide establishment of
appropriate comparison data. The portfolio can be purchased on the CSQScales® web site
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Scoring the Service Satisfaction Scale (SSS)
(content available via email: [email protected])
Managing Missing Data in Service Satisfaction Data Sets
This coverage of the “missing data” topic will not be technical as it must be necessarily
general in nature pending more specific information about the design of your current study
and one cannot presume to make more technical suggestions without that knowledge. First,
and foremost, in the future, as you move to new projects, you will want to establish a set
of “a priori” rules about how you will manage missing data and ambiguous responses. This
will be important so that your study methodology will not be biased by your choice of
methods for handling one of the most frequently occurring challenges to data analysis
(regardless of measurement tool or method of administration). More technical approaches
are known and can be conveyed to you, upon request for consultation, in advance of
planning future investigations especially those involving larger numbers of patients
(subjects) and control conditions or comparison analyses. Tamalpais Matrix Systems, LLC
can link you with an expert in this field, one who has analyzed CSQ data extensively, who
can provide additional consultation (Bruce Stegner, PhD). For now, for a current or
completed project, you may want to consider the following:
(a) Include patients who answer 4 or more items on the CSQ-8 (or a similar ratio
on more lengthy versions). You will need to enumerate and report the number of subjects
meeting this criterion and estimate the effect on overall results that are reported;
(b) For patients meeting criteria # 1, for the missing items assign the average score
for the items that are scored. (This procedure is questioned by some but will allow you to
proceed with your initial project and include these patients. If there are only a few such
patients (subjects), the impact on the results may not be profound and can be measured).
(c) For patients circling or checking two answers to the same item: select the least
satisfied score checked. Remember, the CSQScales® typically yield negatively skewed
distributions of scores (not a normal distribution but one where responses tend to cluster at
the positive end of the scale hence, a negatively skewed distribution). So, by choosing
the least satisfied response, when multiple responses are selected by the patient (or subject),
the scores in general are more normalized. You could, alternatively: assign the mid-point
between the two responses selected, e.g., if responses “1” and “2” are selected, assign a
score of “1.5”. This, however, biases the overall results slightly to the positive end of the
score range.
You can see why “a priori” rules are important.
You may also want to consult a statistician who can advise you about alternative or more
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technical approaches. As noted in the first paragraph above, Tamalpais Matrix Systems,
LLC can also refer you to additional resources for consultation on data collection,
preparation of data for analysis, and statistical analysis. Tamalpais Matrix Systems, LLC
hopes that you find this response to be helpful in your work. The response is provided as a
courtesy, cannot be warrantied as the most optimal approach to your specific challenge(s),
and with the understanding that you may want to seek additional consultation from TMS
or others.
Transforming CSQ-8 Data: Displaying Scores as a Distribution of
25 to 100
It is possible to use a variety of data transform methods to enhance the presentation and
understanding of CSQ data. One linear procedure is to compute the total score, for
example with the CSQ-8, by adding up the individual scores from the 8 items and the
multiplying by 3.125 to obtain a distribution from 25 to 100. (A similar approach can be
used with the other CSQ or SSS versions.) I suggested this linear transform of the raw
CSQ-8 scores to a colleague as a mechanism for displaying the scores in the generally
familiar zero to one hundred "school room" format. I further suggested that my colleague
might consider converting the transformed scores into percentiles and then treating each
quartile as a level of relative satisfaction. If you implement this approach, please let me
know how this works out. With repeated use of the CSQScales® over time you can use
your own setting as its own control. Then recruit a sister setting to do the same and make
comparisons. Please keep in touch as you proceed. You may find that your score
distribution is negatively skewed with the proportion of satisfied clients being greater
than the less satisfied clients. In this case, the percentile quartiles will assist in
segmenting levels of relative satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
Following a time series methodology (repeated administration of the CSQ Scales®
over time), service agencies can study trends in service satisfaction results internally or in
comparison with CSQ data from peer settings. CSQ score distributions may be negatively
skewed (with the proportion of satisfied clients being greater than the proportion of
satisfied clients). In this case, the percentile analysis will assist in segmenting levels of
relative satisfaction and dissatisfaction. This approach will work best with large numbers
of respondents and where comparisons can be made between comparable service settings.
Consult your local statistician for additional ideas about linear and non-linear data tranform
Key References
Larsen, D. L., Attkisson, C. C., Hargreaves, W. A., & Nguyen, T. D. (1979).
Assessment of client/patient satisfaction: Development of a general scale. Evaluation and
Program Planning, 2, 197-207.
Attkisson, C. C., & Zwick, R. (1982). The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire:
Psychometric properties and correlations with service utilization and psychotherapy
outcome. Evaluation and Program Planning, 6, 299-314.
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Attkisson, C.C., & Greenfield, T.K. (2004). The UCSF Client Satisfaction Scales:
I. The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8. In M. Maruish (Ed.), The use of psychological
testing for treatment planning and outcome assessment (3
. Ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Attkisson, C.C., & Greenfield, T.K. (1996). The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire
(CSQ) Scales and the Service Satisfaction Scale-30 (SSS-30). In L.I. Sederer & B. Dickey
(Eds.). Outcome assessment in clinical practice. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Greenfield, T.K. (1983). The role of client satisfaction in evaluating university
counseling services. Evaluation and Program Planning, 6, 315-327.
LeVois, M., Nguyen, T.D., & Attkisson, C.C. (1981). Artifact in client
satisfaction assessment: Experience in community mental health settings. Evaluation and
Program Planning, 4, 139-150.
Nguyen, T.D., Attkisson, C.C., & Stegner, B.L. (1983). Assessment of patient
satisfaction: Development and refinement of a Service Evaluation Questionnaire.
Evaluation and Program Planning, 6, 299-313.
Copyright © 2020
Clifford Attkisson, Ph.D.
All Rights Reserved