How to Delete Your
Facebook Account
P. 1
Hidden Facebook Features Only Power
Users Know
P. 2
Tech Tips Issue 05 September/October 2019
103 E. Poplar
Greencastle, IN 46135
Tired of Social Media? Here is how
to delete Facebook
If youre ready for a social media
break, heres how to delete Facebook.
The rst couldnt be easier. On the
desktop, click the drop-down menu at
the top right of your screen and select
Sengs.Click General on the top
le and Edit next to Manage Ac-
count.Scroll down and youll see a
Deacvate your accountlink at the
If youre on mobile, navigate to
Sengs & Privacy > Sengs > Ac-
count Sengs > Personal Informaon
> Manager Account > Deacvate on
iOS or Android.
Facebook doesnt take this lightly—itll do
whatever it can to keep you around, in-
cluding emoonal blackmail about how
much your friends will miss you.
Deacvaonis not the same as leaving
Facebook. Yes, your meline will disap-
pear, you wont have access to the site or
your account via mobile apps, friends
cant post or contact you, and youll lose
access to all those third-party services
that use (or require) Facebook for login.
But Facebook does not delete the ac-
count. Why? So you can reacvate it
Just in case that expected re-acvaon
isnt in your future, you should download
a copy of all your data on Facebook—
posts, photos, videos, chats, etc.—from
the sengs menu (under General).
What you nd might surprise you.
Account Deleon
To fully delete your Facebook account
forever and ever, go to facebook.com/
help/delete_account. Just beware that,
per the Facebook data use policy, aer
you remove informaon from your prole
or delete your account, copies of that
where to
the ex-
tent it
has been
shared with others, it was otherwise dis-
tributed pursuant to your privacy sengs,
or it was copied or stored by other users.
Translaon: if your wrote a comment on a friends status
update or photo, it will remain even aer you delete your
own prole. Sof of your posts and pictures may hang
around for as long as 90 days aer deleon, as well,
though just on Facebook servers, not live on the site.
There is a deleon grace period of 30 days now (up from
14). That means there is a month before Facebook gets
rid of your account, just in case you change your mind.
Its just one more way Facebook cares.
Deleon on Behalf of Others
If you want to nofy Facebook about a user you know is
under 13, report the account, you narc. If Facebook can
reasonably verifythe account is used by someone un-
derage—Facebook bans kids under 13 to comply with
federal law—it will delete the account instantly, without
informing anyone.
Be sure to specify a legacy contact person to handle your
account in the event of your unmely death. You can do
that under Sengs > General > Manage Account > Your
Legacy Contact. Once you set one up, youll get noca-
on every year from Facebook to double check that the
contact should stay the same, unless you opt out. You
have the opon to ensure that aer you die, if the legacy
contact does report you to Facebook as deceased, you
account gets deleted—even if the legacy contact wants
the meline to be memorialized.
For more informaon on how to do this, visit hps://
Tips and Tricks courtesy of www.thewindowsclub.com & www.pcworld.com
Hidden Facebook Features Only Power Users Know
Tech Tips Issue 05 September/October 2019
Technology ps courtesy of www.PCWorld.com
See Whos Snooping In Your Account
Want ot know if someone is logged into
your Facebook account without your
permission? First, go to your Sengs
Under the Security and Login folder,
youll see Where youre logged in.
Here you will nd all your acve Face-
book log-ins from desktop or mobile
devices. It will (usually) provide data on
the locaon, browser, and device. Ifs
something seems shy, you have the
ability to log out from individual devices
(click the : menu > Log Out) or all devic-
es at once (scroll down and click Log
out all Sessions.”) This comes in handy
if you lgo into a friends computer or on
some public laptop, but forget to log
Download a Copy of All Your Facebooking
Want your own personal copy of everything
youve ever shared on Facebook? Im talk-
ing, ev-er-y-thing: Every post, every image,
every video, every message, and chat con-
versaon (not to menon all the sengs you
probably don't even think about)? You can
do that! Go to Sengs > Your Facebook
Informaon and click Download your infor-
maon.Follow the direcons from there.
This feature lets you take a trip down
memory lane, or just save your info should
you ever decide to delete your Facebook
account. And of course, it reveals exactly
what Facebook has saved about you. You
might be surprised!
Stop with the Birthdays
Facebook will tell you every morning who
among your friends is celebrang their arri-
val on Earth. If you hate that and birthdays
in general, you can stop the nocaons.
Go to Sengs > Nocaons > On Facebook
> Edit There are many things here you can
curtail, such as highlights of what you did on
that day in the past, acvies of your closest
friends, the launch of new local Pages, etc.
But not far down is the opon to turn o the
Facebook is a Virtual Arcade
Facebook has quietly built a fairly
robust mulplayer gaming plaorm
(quietly aer the days of Farmville
anyway). It allows people to instantly
play against friends through Messen-
ger, on the Facebook mobile app, or
on the web. This secon can be ac-
cessed by clicking the Games link in
the le-hand rail (or under the
menu on the mobile). This secon is
home to dozens of free games from
mulple genres including classics like
Pac-Man, Uno, Snake, and Words
with Friends. Users will have the
opportunity to challenge friends no
maer what plaorm they are on.
Facebook also has its own Twitch
video streaming competor called,
unimaginavely, Facebook Gaming,
at .gg.
For more ps and tricks with Face-
book, visit: hps://www.pcmag.com/