A Guide to Using Data from Johns Hopkins Epic
Electronic Health Record for Behavioral, Social
and Systems Science Research
Phase II:
Identifying Research Needs and
Assessing the Availability of Behavioral/Social Variables
Hadi Kharrazi, MD PhD
Elham Hatef, MD MPH
Elyse Lasser, MS
Bonnie Woods, MS
Masoud Rouhizadeh, PhD
Julia Kim, MD MPH
Lisa DeCamp, MD MSPH
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Corresponding author:
Hadi Kharrazi
Research Director & Assistant Professor
624 N Broadway, #606, Baltimore, MD 21205
Office: 443.287.8264 | Fax: 410.955.0470
Prepared for The Behavioral, Social, and Systems Science Translational Research Community
(Co-Leads Felicia Hill-Briggs, PhD, ABPP and Jill A. Marsteller, PhD, MPP)
of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR).
Sep 2018
Table of Content
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................3
Identifying Research Needs ................................................................................................................3
Availability of SBDH in Epic’s EHR ....................................................................................................3
Overall Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 5
Appendix (A): BSSS Social-Epic Project Phase II Tasks .................................................................... 6
Appendix (B): Provider Perspectives ...................................................................................................... 7
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Methods .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Results ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Recommendations and Next Steps ................................................................................................... 10
References ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Interview Guide/Questions ............................................................................................................... 11
Appendix (C): Mockup of CCDA’s Website .......................................................................................... 13
Socio-Behavioral Determinants of Health (SBDH) Data Catalog .................................................... 13
Project Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 14
Data Availability Timeline ................................................................................................................ 15
Data Variables ................................................................................................................................... 16
Address/Zip Code ............................................................................................................................. 17
Alcohol Use ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Ethnicity ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Income/Financial Issues .................................................................................................................. 22
Housing Issues ................................................................................................................................. 24
Language .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Race .................................................................................................................................................. 30
Smoking Status .................................................................................................................................33
Social Support ................................................................................................................................... 35
References ........................................................................................................................................ 40
Appendix (D): NLP Application .......................................................................................................... 42
Methods ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Findings and Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 42
In 2017, the Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research’s (ICTR) Behavioral,
Social and Systems Science (BSSS) advisory board Translational Research Community (TRC) funded
this project to examine the availability of social and behavioral data (also known as, Socio-Behavioral
Determinant of Health, or SBDH) within the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute’s (JHMI) Electronic
Health Record (EHR) system (i.e., Epic Health Record System).
In the first year of this project (phase-I), the project team developed a guide that can be used by JHU
researchers to understand: (1) different types and frameworks of social and behavioral data; (2) learn
from current and previous attempts to extract social/behavioral data from EPIC at JHMI: and (3) explore
some aspects of the common social and behavioral data captured in Epic. Please see the A Guide to Using
Data from EPIC, MyChart, and Cogito for Behavioral, Social and Systems Science Research for more
The second year of this project (i.e., phase-II) focused on two practical components: (1) further
identifying the needs of JHMI’s research community in collecting, capturing, accessing and using SBDH
from Epic; and, (2) assessing the availability and completeness of the SBDH data in JHMIs Epic. See
Appendix A for additional details of phase-II’s tasks and deliverables.
Identifying Research Needs
Interviews and focus groups were conducted to identify the research needs of JHU research
community for collecting and accessing SBDH data in Epic. Common themes emerged around facilitators
and barriers to accessing and using SBDH variables in Epic. Interviewed researchers had various wish
lists of SBDH variables. All interviewees stated that their use of Epic to use and collect SBDH variables
was limited. A major barrier to access SBDH variables was identified as unfamiliarity with how SBDH
variables are captured in both the clinical workflow and Epic’s EHR. Interviewee recommendations
included: (1) Providing a standard approach to collect basic SHoH variables; (2) Conduct a university-
wide survey to prioritize strategies for SBDH data collection; and, (3) Provide timely feedback on SBDH
data collection practices to providers. See Appendix B for additional details of “provider perspectives”.
Availability of SBDH in Epic’s EHR
The CCDA, collaborating with BSSS study team, analyzed Epic’s clinical data to determine the
existence, completeness rate, collection time range, and collection location of key SBDH variables for
patients recorded in Epic
For the purposes of this project, the following data variables were analyzed: patient address; race;
ethnicity; alcohol use; smoking status; housing issues; financial issues; preferred language; and, social
Three methods were considered to extract SBDH from Epic’s EHR: (1) analyzing the structured Epic
data (both coded and custom flowsheets); (2) analyzing the unstructured data of Epic; and potentially,
(3) generating SBDH variables based on patient addresses.
Work began in April 2018 and ended on June 30, 2018 when the funding expired. The CCDA logged 472 hours on
the project.
(1) Extracting SBDH from Structured Epic Data (including flowsheets)
The study team provided the prioritized list of SBDH data variables for inclusion. The study team
also included ICD9&10
codes commonly associated with each of the identified
SBDH variables, along with screening tools to assist in identifying matching data elements in Epic. Only
ICD codes were used in this study as SNOMED and LOINC codes are not commonly collected at JHMI.
The CCDA and the study team developed a series of data collection metrics to capture information of
interest to investigators, including:
Most common collection method (structured [encoded or flowsheet] vs. unstructured)
General completeness rate
Collection date range
Facility type (inpatient, outpatient)
Provider type (physician, nurse, social worker, case manager)
For the data elements captured in Epic-provided data fields or existing in questionnaires, the CCDA
queried SQL database fields to find mentions of the data variable (e.g., “race” or “housing”) and recorded
the findings in a spreadsheet. The SQL code created for the project was saved in the CCDA code
repository so that it can be re-run on demand and re-used for other projects. The spreadsheet of metrics
also included supporting patient counts by encounters, locations, and providers, along with detailed
metadata for each variable, each questionnaire (group of questions) and each question.
For data variables associated with ICD-coded diagnoses, Epic’s SlicerDicer tool was utilized to return
counts of unique patients. These queries were also saved for future re-use.
See Appendix C for the “mockup” of CCDA’s website that includes details on SBDH completeness
rates using structured data (including both encoded fileds and flowsheets/survey data types).
(2) Extracting SBDH from Unstructured Epic Data (free-text) using NLP
Using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, keyword phrases indicating specific SBDH
were extracted from clinic notes. We used hand-crafted linguistic patterns, developed by experts,
utilizing sources like ICD10, SNOMED, LOINC, and Public Health Surveys, focusing on “Housing”,
“Finance”, and “Social Support” domains. For example, based on the manual evaluation of NLP findings,
the system could capture "homelessness" correctly about 85% of the time.
CCDA identified Clarity (Epic’s SQL reporting database) as the best source for free text notes, and
established a well-performing text processing pipeline using the SAFE virtual desktop and Jupyter
Notebook within the PMAP environment. The developed pipeline and identified text sources can be
modified and re-used for other projects.
See Appendix C for the “mockup” of CCDA’s website that includes details on SBDH completeness
rates using unstructured data (NLP results) for three domains of housing, finance and social support.
International Classification of Diseases (version 9 and 10)
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
See Appendix D for additional details on the NLP approach” used to extract SBDH from Epic’s
unstructured data (i.e., free-text).
(3) Generating SBDH using Patient’s Address from Epic
The study team generated SQL tables that can be queried to extract Census-derived SBDH using
latitude and longitude of the patients’ residence. The study team will continue working with CCDA to
generate Census-derived SBDH variables using JHMI patient addresses (this process was postponed due
to data access complexities).
Overall Recommendations
SBDH data are becoming an integral part of population health management efforts (e.g., value-based
care) as well as research activities (e.g., ensuring diversity). Our findings show the lack of systematic
efforts in collecting, encoding, and capturing SBDH in Epic at JHMI.
To our knowledge, this project is the first attempt by JHMI to provide an investigator-friendly data
catalog of Epic variables to consult for the purpose of research. Technical data dictionaries exist for
discretely captured data elements (e.g., race, ethnicity, preferred language, alcohol use), but the full scope
of data availability is only attainable by considering all sources of data, including questionnaires and
mentions in clinic notes.
Future funding should target:
(1) JHMI-wide SBDH Questionnaire: conducting an institution-wide questionnaire targeting all
researchers and clinicians on their needs of SBDH data (not only Epic needs);
(2) Epic SBDH Questionnaire Registry: the creation of a report to capture data about existing Epic
questionnaires, the questions associated with the questionnaires, and the answers to the
(3) Generate Population-level Geo-driven SBDH: complete the geo-derived SBDH data
attachment using patient addresses for the entire JHMI population denominator; and,
(4) Publication and Seminars: disseminate and share the findings internally at JHMI, with other
academic medical centers, and the larger behavioral/social sciences community (e.g.,
manuscripts, webinars, seminars, and ICTR/BSSS workshops).
Finalize FY1’s report based on feedback received
o Feedback from CCDA
o Feedback from individual faculty members
o Feedback from BSSS members
Disseminate Y1’s report
o Post FY1’s report on CCDA/ICTR’s website
o Convert the report into a web-based resources
Assess needs of researchers interested in SBDH
o Interview JHU faculty/researchers
o Interview non-JHU researchers/executives
Expand the technical resources for SBDH
o Maintain a data catalogue of SBDH
Individual level using structured EHR fields/data
Individual level using unstructured data (free-text)
Geographical/aggregate level SBDH using location
List the data quality specs of SBDH variables
o Develop technical documents to use Epic’s SBDH
o Catalogue new SBDH variables using existing codes
Disseminate FY2’s report
o Update the online data catalogue
o Publish the new findings in peer-reviewed venues
Elyse Lasser, Julia Kim, Lisa DeCamp
Increasing understanding on how social and behavioral data may affect health outcomes have put an
increase focus on how these variables are collected and utilized in the electronic medical records
(Gottlieb 2016). Socio-behavioral determinants of health (SBDH) encompass both individual level
information such as education, income, and employment status and environmental information such as
neighborhood walkability and air quality (Cantor 2018). Collecting SBDH information is challenging.
Electronic health records (EHR) are not set up to capture information in a standard way, there are no
clear clinical standards for capturing SBDH information and documenting the information is not part of
the current clinical workflow (Cantor 2018; Kharrazi 2017). Research is only starting to show the impact
that SBDH have on health outcomes, so it is important to understand what variables are needed for
research and how those variables are collected at point of care. Collecting individual and community level
SBDH information have separate challenges.
To begin to understand the complex issue of how individual SBDH information is captured at Johns
Hopkins and how those data can be used for research or clinical purposes, we conducted interviews of
faculty and staff to discuss and obtain feedback on what social and behavioral variables in Epic have been
used, how providers are documenting the information, and how the information may be better
documented in the future. The focus of this phase was to inform the team on how to improve access to
Epic data at Johns Hopkins for the purposes of behavioral and social sciences research.
The goals of this task were to: (1) Understand the barriers and facilitators to accessing SBDH data in
EPIC, and (2) Understand the reasons and needs for accessing the social and behavioral data for research
and for clinical care.
We contacted 15 researchers and clinicians who are known to have an interest in or are currently
using social and behavioral information in their work. We conducted 4 one on one interviews and 2 focus
groups. Focus groups contained 5-8 people in each. Participants were from a variety of departments
including pediatric and adolescent health, pulmonology, general internal medicine and gastroenterology.
Snowball sampling was done to help identify more participants.
We conducted semi-structured interviews that lasted approximately 45-60 minutes. The interview
guide was adapted after one focus group to provide more information and clarity around the goals of this
project. A copy of the interview guide can be found at the end of this appendix/report. Participants were
promised anonymity to allow for open and honest communication about their experiences both positive
and negative with utilizing or considering use of Epic a source for SBDH data.
Participants were asked to identify facilitators and barriers to collecting and accessing social and
behavioral variables from Epic for research and clinical care. We also elicited more information around
the reason these social and behavioral variables are used and how they may be collected in a more
comprehensive manner in the future.
Common themes emerged around facilitators and barriers to accessing and using SBDH variables in
Epic. A review of the notes from the interviews in phase I revealed similar themes suggesting that
thematic saturation on this topic has been reached. Clinicians, who also conducted research, indicated
they had different needs to use social and behavioral variables based on if they were performing clinical
care or a research project. Type of SBDH variables requested also varied by clinician and the type of
research making it difficult to get consensus on how to modify the EHR or modify provider behavior to
collect the information which would improve data access in the future.
Overall, Epic has been designed for patient care and respondents posited whether expanding the
focus of Epic as a source of socio-behavioral data for research presents a competing interest. Competing
interests include the burden of collecting high fidelity, standardized data that would be appropriate for
research. At present, the information collected is not consistent and there is no standard way to check
accuracy or capture all needed social and behavioral variables. Most providers believe adding more
information to be collected in structured manner would increase the clinical burden on themselves or
staff. In addition, the clinicians presented a strong preference for patient-reported data but were unclear
how to standardize that or ensure that data collected are patient self-report. Suggestions included ways to
create a structure that ensures patient self-report of SBDH to help decrease the burden on clinical care
providers and could provide researchers with more consistent data quality because they would know who
provided the information and how it was collected. Detailed information gleaned from the interviews and
categorized using themes extracted from the interviews/focus-groups can be found below:
Common Variables
Interviewed researchers had various wish lists of SBDH variables. Their needs varied based on the
type of patients they were providing care for, the type of provider they are, or if they were conducting
research. For example, many academic pediatricians wanted to know more information about school
absences, care givers, and foster care information. General internal medicine and primary care
physicians were interested in behavioral information such as smoking status, physical activity, nutrition,
food insecurity, and drug use.
Barriers to Access and Use
All interviewees stated that their use of Epic to use and collect SBDH variables was limited. Social
and behavioral variables are not consistently captured and those that are captured are not often captured
in a structured manner, requiring researchers to conduct manual reviews of notes to pull all required
variables. This is an issue affecting many different health systems and not limited to Johns Hopkins
Medical Institute (Senteio 2018).
Another major barrier to access SBDH variables is unfamiliarity with how SBDH variables are
captured in both the clinical workflow and Epic’s EHR. The Epic EHR’s fields that are stored in a
structured field (e.g., gender, age, race, smoking status) may be captured by a patient reporting the
information, a medical assistant recording what they see, or a combination. It is not known how the
information is collected and therefore the researcher who needs the data does not often trust the
accuracy of the data. For more complex measures such as physical activity, food insecurity, and
behavioral information such as depression, there are a number of different ways to capture the
information such as hours of activity in a week, month or day or being asked if a patient has access to
fresh food or if they have enough money to buy food by the end of the week. The variability of approaches
to capture SBDH variables makes it difficult for researchers to utilize EHR-derived/extracted SBDH
information in a meaningful way.
It is often difficult for clinicians to understand where information should be captured. There is a
social history table in Epic, but providers have found it difficult to click between various flowcharts to
capture everything in their structured fields. Most clinicians primarily documented these types of
variables in the free-text notes of Epic. In some cases, providers did not document specific SBDH
variables to improve the patient and provider relationship. One provider reported a patient not wanting
their drug-use to be documented in the EHR for fear it would be seen by other providers when it is not
necessary for them to know. Others suggested that some sensitive information needs to be documented
in code or specific ways in order to protect their patients from retaliation or abuse when the record is
viewable to others such as a parent or caregiver.
Facilitators to Access and Use
Researchers expressed some positive experience accessing SBDH variables in Epic. Epic can provide
researchers with information to identify patients that would fit their study through specific clinical
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Information to contact patients for study recruitment has been
successful using data pulled from Epic. Other SBDH data are often captured through patient surveys and
questionnaires or collected for specific studies. SBDH surveys are usually limited to individual studies
and are not conducted for the entire JHMI patient population. Thus, survey-based SBDH are often
collected just for the patients enrolled in limited studies and are often not integrated into Epic
automatically. Researchers who have utilized ICTR-CCDA services found the services useful and the team
very knowledgeable. For example, the CCDA was able to pull Epic’s SBDH data needed for a study
including patients contact information, allowing the researcher to consent patients more efficiently.
Uses of Social and Behavioral Variables
Several approaches are used by the researchers and administrators to use SBDH variables (extracted
from various data sources). For research, the data found in Epic has been used to identify patients who
would qualify for specific interventions or studies. Contact information has then been used to inform
patients and register them in various studies. In some cases, SBDH variables have been used to conduct
trend analysis and report on clinical performance.
Clinicians have expressed the need for SBDH information to draw a complete picture of their
patients. Social and behavioral information can be very useful to help identify barriers to care or provide
an understanding on how a patient is handling a treatment plan (i.e., losing weight). These variables may
also be very useful for care management and health assessment. SBDH variables, collected over a longer
timeframe, may help clinicians to identify patients who are “going off-track of their treatment plan.
There are no incentives for providers to capture the information so at this time how it can be used for
research and clinical care is highly speculative. Clinicians capture information that is important to them
and their interests and their patient population without necessarily thinking how this information can
also be used for research (e.g., to understand the health outcomes of individuals and populations).
Recommendations and Next Steps
The interviews in phase I and II of this project offered a clear image that there are significant gaps in
the type of SBDH variables collected in Epic, how they are collected, and how they should be utilized.
Clinicians and researchers often have competing interests in their needs, making it difficult for Epic to fit
all needs. A few recommendations for next phases to help address some of these issues are:
Provide a standard/streamlined approach to collect basic SBDH variables: Most clinicians
and researchers would rather have SBDH information being collected from patients directly,
but it is often unclear how the information is collected in Epic. Creating a standard method to
collect the data (either at patient check-in or through a web portal such as MyChart) will
alleviate the ambiguity of how data has been collected and provide a way to prepopulate
specific variables in the EHR.
Conduct a university-wide survey to prioritize strategies for SBDH data collection: Palacio et
al conducted a survey to understand provider perspectives on collecting SBDH information.
Analysis found that there were some differences between the perspectives of non-minority
and minority providers and the need and use for collecting SBDH. The study also dove into
concerns about collecting the information and how the collection should be prioritized. A
similar survey may help JHMI fully understand how best to proceed to capture the
information needed by both clinical providers and researchers.
Provide timely feedback on SBDH data collection practices to providers: Some providers
suggested if they were provided a “report-card” on how often they are collecting or had
incentives to capture and collect SBDH variables, they would be more likely to document the
information in the future. It was suggested that documenting the information in free-text
notes, rather than structured templates or smart forms, is due to perceived burden, the
number of clicks required to do so in the available templates or forgetting to move
information from one section to another (e.g., moving from the visit problem list to the main
problem list). If providers were given more information on their recording practices it may
improve data collection which can then improve access for research.
Cantor MN and Lorna T. “Integrating data on social determinants of health into electronic health records Health Affairs (2018):
37(4) 585-590.
Gottlieb L, et al. Integrating social and medical data to improve population health: opportunities and barriers. Health
Affairs (2016): 35(11) 2116-2123.
Kharrazi H, et al. A proposed national research and development agenda for population health informatics: summary
recommendations from a national expert workshop. J Am Med Inform Assoc. (2017): 24 (1) 2-12
Palacio A, et al. Provider perspectives on the collection of social determinants of health Pop Health Manage (2018): Epub.
Senteio C, et al. “Physicians’ perceptions of the impact of the EHR on the collection and retrieval of psychosocial information in
outpatient diabetes care. Intern J of Med Informatics 113 (2018): 9-16
Interview Guide/Questions
Goal 1: Understand the barriers and facilitators to accessing SBDH data in EPIC
Goal 2: Understand the reason/needs to access SBDH data
Grand Question
1. Tell me about a recent research project
that has incorporated data from Epic?
What data is
accessed, or
2. What type of social/behavioral
variables have you needed for your
work? For your research?
What has or has not been available
to you?
3. For data that hasn’t been easily
available in Epic, how have you found
it (if at all)? Or how has not having the
information impacted your work?
4. Do you know how social/behavioral
data is collected? Do you personally
collect or document the variables in
your setting?
Is it collected at point of care?
Intake? Patient reported?
Where is the data stored? (a
specific place in an EHR; or a new
5. When you think about how social and
behavioral data is collected in your
setting, how does that impact your
How has the
data been
collected or
6. Where have you looked for the needed
Do you search the EHR?
Epic data warehouse?
Use a new survey or tool to collect
the needed variable?
7. What has worked well to access the
social and behavioral data in Epic?
Do you work with CCDA?
Do you search for it on your own?
8. How has the data been structured
when you receive it? (to ask the
analyst/technical people)
Is it structured?
From the free-text?
Categorical or yes/no?
9. What challenges have you faced to
access the data?
Variables requested are not
Variables are limited to specific
What do you do if the variables are
not available?
Why is the data
10. What is the main reason you search for
or use social and behavioral data?
Is it to identify a denominator
Is it for stratification or adjustment
Other reasons?
What can it be
used for?
11. How else besides research have you
used social and behavioral data?
Clinical care?
12. How would treatment or care change if
you had access to the dream list of
social/behavioral variables? (for
Would the treatment plan change?
Would you prescribe more social
services or be able to provide more
education material?
13. Do you see the access to
social/behavioral data as a way to
improve patient safety? If so how? If
not, why or could you see that in the
Socio-Behavioral Determinants of Health (SBDH) Data Catalog
Socio-behavioral determinants of health (SBDH) a combination of behavioral, social, economic, environmental, and occupational
factors are powerful drivers of morbidity, mortality, and future well-being of individuals and communities, yet they mostly lie outside
domain of the conventional medical care delivery system. Modifiable behaviors and exposures that occur in the community play a significant
role in 60% of preventable deaths in the U.S. [1,2].
Socio-Behavioral and Non-Clinical Risk Factors
Data Variables Quick Search:
Project Executive Summary
In 2017, the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research’s (ICTR) Behavioral, Social and Systems Science (BSSS) Translational
Research Community (TRC) advisory board funded this project to examine the availability of social and behavioral data in JHMI’s EPIC
EMR/PHR systems. Both researchers and administrators recognize that patients’ socio-behavioral determinants play a critical role their care
experiences and outcomes. Being located in Maryland with its global budgets and population-based reimbursement scheme, it is advantageous
for JHU/JHMI to find cost-effective, community-level solutions that improve the population’s health status. The vision of the BSSS TRC
board is to enable JHU researchers to utilize social and behavioral data collected from JHMI patients and stored in various data sources such
as EPIC.
EHR data (i.e., Epic) will play an instrumental role in population health management efforts of value-based providers such as JHMI [3-9].
EHR-extracted socio-behavioral determinants data can potentially help to coordinate care and risk stratification efforts [10]. However, certain
challenges will remain while extracting socio-behavior factors from JHMI’s Epic such as: data quality issues and missing socio-behavioral data
[11-12], ongoing immaturity of EHR’s advanced functionality across various providers [13], and the need for complex methods to extract socio-
behavioral determinants from EHR’s unstructured text [14].
Given the increasing alignment of population and public health efforts [15-18], identifying socio-behavioral factors of high-risk JHMI
patients will be key in addressing underlying disparities within JHMI’s population as Maryland’s all-payer waiver program is already piloting
population-level outcome measures [19-20]. Using non-Epic data sources, such as CRISP information (i.e., Maryland’s health information
exchange), can also be used to extract socio-behavioral determinant data [21].
For the purposes of this project, Epic is the sole data source. No legacy or ancillary systems were queried. As of 7/1/2018, there are
approximately 5.4 million unique patients in Epic. The appendix of this report may be reviewed and updated in the future.
Data Availability Timeline
The following diagram depicts the approximate timeline for when data was migrated into Epic or when Epic began capturing data,
segmented by data type and facility.
Epic Data Availability Timeline
Data Variables
Address/Zip Code
Alcohol Use
Income/Financial Issues
Housing Issues
Smoking Status
Social Support
Address/Zip Code
Most Common Collection Method
The most common method to collect patient permanent address is upon registration of each encounter. Address is defined as a street
address/number, an optional line for apartment or other information, a city, a state or province, and a zip code.
General Completeness Rate
95% out of approximately 5.4 million patients, 5.2 million patients have indicated a permanent address using this collection method.
Collection Date Range
Permanent address was migrated into Epic beginning in 2003 and is currently collected.
Facility Type (Inpatient or Outpatient)
Permanent address is collected at all facilities at the time of registration.
Address History
In 66% of the 5.4 million patients in Epic, there are address change records available. Effective start and end dates are included to track
address changes over time. Address change records were migrated into Epic beginning in 2003 and are currently tracked.
Other Collection Methods
In addition to the most commonly collected method, patient address is captured in the following cases:
Collection Method
Completeness Rate
Dates of
Hospital Account
73% of the 7.3 million hospital
Inpatient facilities, primarily in imaging and PT services
at Howard County General and Sibley Memorial
Temporary Address
.3% out of 5.4 million patients
All facilities at the time of registration
Billing Address
99% of 2.1 million patient accounts
where the guarantor is the patient
All facilities at the time of registration
Claims Processing Address
100% of 4.9 million claims where
the patient was listed
Insurance Coverage Address
92% of 3.1 million coverage records
where the subscriber is also the
All facilities at the time of registration
Home Health Encounters
and Episodes
99% of the 41,604 home care
At the time of the Home Health scheduling encounter
Sep 2015
MyChart Patient Proxy
79% of the 30,410 MyChart proxy
MyChart proxies are MyChart users who log in to
MyChart on behalf of a patient. Proxies are not patients.
Address is not complete for all records.
Communications for Specific
100% of the 747,616 encounter-
based communications
Clinicians have the ability in Epic to track
communications associated with specific encounters.
The most common provider types are physicians and
medical assistants.
Social Work Assessment
Questionnaire: Primary
Caregiver Address Question
7% of the 14,129 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
address was provided.
Sibley and Bayview inpatient emergency services, by
social workers
Jul 2014
Social Work Assessment
Questionnaire: Patient
7% of the 14,129 times the template
was used and the question was
This questionnaire focuses on the patient’s social,
economic, safety, and psychological well-being. Captured
at inpatient admissions by social workers.
Jun 2014
Maltreatment Assessment:
Father’s address/Mother’s
7% of the 14,129 times the template
was used and the question was
JHH Pediatric ED, other pediatric clinics, by social
Apr 2013
Alcohol Use
Most Common Collection Method
Alcohol use is captured in the Social History portion of Epic during a patient encounter, whether in-person or non in-person encounters
(telephone, MyChart, documentation). For the purposes of this data catalog, the variable of focus is “Alcohol Drinks Per Week”.
Collection Date Range
Social History has been collected since April 2013 and is currently collected.
General Completeness Rate
Of the approximately 5.4 million patients, 490,348 (.09%) patients reported having any value (including 0 alcoholic drinks per week) in
social history. 178,789 (.03%) reported having one or more alcoholic drinks per week.
Facility Type (Inpatient or Outpatient)
Alcohol use is collected at all facilities at the time of an encounter.
Other Collection Methods
For future revisions of this data catalog, alcohol use data collected from flowsheets, questionnaires, and clinical notes will be included.
Epic captures a patient’s ethnicity separate from a patient’s race, and ethnicity is defined as either Hispanic or Not Hispanic.
Most Common Collection Method
The most common method to collect patient ethnicity is upon registration of each encounter.
General Completeness Rate
50% out of approximately 5.4 million patients, 2.7 million patients have indicated ethnicity using this collection method.
Collection Date Range
Ethnicity was migrated into Epic beginning in 2003 and is currently collected.
Facility Type (Inpatient or Outpatient)
Ethnicity is collected at all facilities at the time of registration.
Other Collection Methods
In addition to the most commonly collected method, ethnicity is captured in the following cases:
Collection Method
Completeness Rate
Dates of
Transplant Organ Donors
50% of the 4,647 human transplant donors in Epic
Aug 1996
Ethnicity Questionnaire
In 20% of the 2,471 times that the questionnaire was
completed, the question “What is your race/ethnicity” was
answered. The choices for selection are “Black”, “Hispanic”,
and “Neither Black Nor Hispanic”.
Inpatient encounters at Johns
Hopkins Hospital by
registered nurses and case
Jan 2016
Oct 2016
Ethnicity Origin
In 5% of the 3,558 times that the questionnaire was
completed, the questions “Father’s Ethnic Origin” and
“Mother’s Ethnic Origin” were answered. The choices for
selection are:
o Caucasian
o Hispanic
o Black
o Asian
o Middle Eastern
o Other
Two ophthalmology clinics by
Apr 2013
Sep 2017
Episodes: Father’s
.1% of the 109,574 combined pregnancy episodes
The choices for selection are:
o Not Hispanic or Latino
o Hispanic or Latino
o Unknown
o Patient Refused
outpatient clinics
2015 current
Income/Financial Issues
Patients with income/financial issues are patients in deteriorated financial status, financial hardship, or in poverty. They are unable to
afford the basics of life and/or medical interventions. They are in need and eligible for any benefit or enrolment in financial assistant
Collection Methods
In order to determine the population and distribution of patients having income/financial issues, several collection methods were utilized.
Diagnosis Codes (ICD-10)*
Searching Epic for patients having ICD-10 coded diagnoses on the problem list, billing codes, or recorded at the time of an encounter
yielded the following results:
ICD-10 Code
Z59.7 Insufficient Social Insurance and Welfare Support
Z59.8 Other Problems Related to Housing and Economic
Z59.5 Extreme Poverty
Z59.6 Low Income
* Patients with ICD-9 coded diagnoses are also included in this query.
The timeframe is January 1, 2003 through June 26, 2018.
Clinical Notes
Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, keyword phrases indicating specific SBDH were extracted from 23 million clinic
notes authored by specific provider types between July 1, 2016 and May 31, 2018. The notes represent 1,188,202 unique patients and
9,066,508 unique encounters.
We pre-processed the notes to mark the line boundaries and remove non-Unicode characters. To identify notes containing SBDH, we
used hand-crafted linguistic patterns developed by a team of experts based on SBDH descriptions in ICD10, SNOMED, LOINC, Public Health
Surveys and Instruments (ACS, American Housing Survey, NHANE, etc.), phrases from the literature review and other studies, and manual
To craft the linguistic patterns, the expert team focused on three domains: Housing, Finance, and Social Support.
Findings for Financial Issues:
o Of the 1,188,202 unique patients 1% had at least one note containing mentions of financial issues.
o Of the 20,219 notes containing mentions of financial issues, about 52% were authored by physicians, 37% were authored by social
workers, 8% were authored by nurses, 3% were authored by case managers and case coordinators.
o The top note types for mentions of social support are progress notes (46%), H&P notes (8%), treatment plans (6%), consults (6%),
with the remaining note types dispersed among committee review, patient instructions, discharge summaries, and plan of care
Housing Issues
Housing issues are categorized to those related to housing instability or insecurity, homelessness, and characteristics of the house and a
number of sub-categories as follows:
Housing Instability
1. Having a House with Problems
2. Prone to Homelessness
1. Currently Homeless
2. Homelessness Being Addressed
Housing Characteristics
1. Quality of Building
2. Characteristics of Building
3. Building Environmental Health Hazards
Air Quality (Including Mold)
Old Paint
Hazardous Material and Fire Protection
Problems with House Amenities
o Water
o Sewage and Disposal
o Fuel and Heating/ Cooling System
o Electricity and Internet
o Age of Building
o Quality Problems Being Addressed
Collection Methods
In order to determine the population and distribution of patients having a housing insecurity situation, several collection methods were
Diagnosis Codes (ICD-10)*
Searching Epic for patients having ICD-10 coded diagnoses on the problem list, billing codes, or recorded at the time of an encounter
yielded the following results:
ICD-10 Code
Z59.0 (Homelessness)
Z59.1 (Inadequate Housing)
Z59.8 (Other problems related to housing and economic circumstances)
* Patients with ICD-9 coded diagnoses are also included in this query.
The timeframe is January 1, 2003 through May 31, 2018.
Clinical Notes
Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, keyword phrases indicating specific SBDH were extracted from 23 million clinic
notes authored by specific provider types between July 1, 2016 and May 31, 2018. The notes represent 1,188,202 unique patients and
9,066,508 unique encounters.
We pre-processed the notes to mark the line boundaries and remove non-Unicode characters. To identify notes containing SBDH, we
used hand-crafted linguistic patterns developed by a team of experts based on SBDH descriptions in ICD10, SNOMED, LOINC, Public Health
Surveys and Instruments (ACS, American Housing Survey, NHANE, etc.), phrases from the literature review and other studies, and manual
To craft the linguistic patterns, the expert team focused on three domains: Housing, Finance, and Social Support. We delved into the
housing domain by created patterns for its subdomains, including homelessness, prone to homelessness, homelessness being addressed,
housing instability, housing characteristics characteristics of the building, housing characteristics the quality of the building.
Of the 1,188,202 unique patients, 3% have at least one note containing mentions of housing issues.
Of the 108,439 notes containing mentions of housing issues, about 53% were authored by physicians, 32% were authored by social
workers, 10% were authored by nurses, 5% were authored by case managers.
The top note types for mentions of housing issues are progress notes (46%), ED provider notes (13%), H&P notes (8%), with the
remaining note types dispersed among discharge summaries, consults, and plan of care notes.
Manual annotation of 100 randomly selected notes containing the phrase “homeless” revealed:
o Out of 100 notes, there are 130 mentions of the word “homeless”.
o In 2 out of 100 notes, there were conflicting true positives and false positives within the same note.
o In 20 out of 100 notes, there were true negatives (the note was derived from a SmartPhrase), and the answer to Homeless
Y/N was No.
From the remaining notes, 64% were true positives, and 14% were false positives. The other notes were true negatives or unclear.
The following numbers show the count of notes containing specific variables from the housing subdomains:
o Homelessness Being Addressed: 82
o Housing Instability: 5,653
o Housing Characteristics Characteristics of the Building:148
o Housing Characteristics Quality of the Building: 2,011
Several questionnaires exist in Epic that capture data related to housing issues. Some are described briefly below, including frequency,
general completeness rate, and facility type where the questionnaire answers were completed. Please note that data provided on general
completeness reflects questions that were available to an Epic user and were answered. The list below is not all-inclusive but represents the
majority of questionnaires available as of July 1, 2018.
Completeness Rate
Dates of
Voucher-Moore Clinic
Of the 217 times the times
that the questionnaire was
completed, 97 (44%)
indicated that housing
financial assistance was
Bartlett HIV Clinics by social workers and
case managers
Mar 2017
Abuse/Neglect Screen
Of the 12,058 times that
the questionnaire was
completed, 96% answered
the question of
homelessness (yes or no).
The top four facilities that answer the
question are the infusion center at Sibley
Memorial Hospital, the Breast Clinic at
Howard County General Hospital, Physical
Therapy at Howard County General
Hospital, and the Howard County General
Wound Center. The top providers
completing the form at these facilities are
registered nurses, physical therapists, and
wound ostomy and continence nurses.
Jun 2013
Screening, Brief
Intervention, and
Referral to Treatment
(SBIRT) Social History
Need Help Finding
Of the 1,900 times that the
questionnaire was
completed, 96% answered
the question (yes or no).
The top two facilities that answer the
question are Bayview Emergency Services
and the BMC Chemical Dependency Unit.
Peer recovery coaches complete this
Jul 2017
ED Triage Abuse
Indicators and Resource
Patient indicators,
resource planning,
and outcomes for
and clothing
Of the 713,702 times that
the questionnaire was
completed, 5.5% answered
the questions.
Inpatient, mostly in emergency units, by
registered nurses.
May 2013
Sibley Chemical
Dependence Unit
Admission Screen
Of the 15,056 times that
the questionnaire was
completed, 15% answered
the question.
The top facility that answers the question is
the Sibley Memorial Hospital Clinical
Decision Unit, by registered nurses.
Jul 2014
Ambulatory Priority
Access Primary Care
(PAPC) Screen
What is Your
Of the 1,116 times that the
questionnaire was
completed, 7% answered
the question.
JHCP Internal Medicine EBMC is the only
facility that captured this information, by
physicians and medical assistants
Apr 2015
May 2017
Adult Admission
General Intake Form
Of the 77,230 times that
the questionnaire was
completed, 35% answered
the question (yes/no).
Top facilities where the template was used
are inpatient units at Sibley Memorial
Hospital and Howard County General
Hospital, by registered nurses.
May 2013
April 2016
General Intake Form
Of the 1,067 times that the
questionnaire was
completed, 55% answered
the question (yes/no).
Top facilities are inpatient units at Johns
Hopkins Hospital and Bayview Medical
Center, by social workers.
2016 current
JHM Psychiatry Social
Work Assessment
Of the 4,913 times that the
questionnaire was
completed, 90% answered
the question.
The top facility is BMC inpatient Psychiatry,
by social workers.
Sep 2015
Most Common Collection Method
Patient preferred language is captured in Epic at the time of admission.
Collection Date Range
Preferred language was migrated into Epic beginning in 2003 and is currently collected.
General Completeness Rate
Of the approximately 5.4 million patients, 2,718,416 patients (49%) have indicated a preferred language in Epic. Of patients indicating a
preferred language, 2,624,122 indicated English as their preferred language.
The top 7 preferred languages, by unique patient count are as follows:
No language reported (null) - 2,804,973 (51%)
English - 2,626,379 (48.5%)
Spanish - 53,446 (1%)
Arabic - 7,317 (.1%)
Unknown (a valid value in Epic, different from an empty record) - 5,936 (.1%)
Chinese (Mandarin) - 4,036 (.1%)
Korean - 3,168 (.1%)
Facility Type (Inpatient or Outpatient)
Preferred language is collected at all facilities at the time of an encounter.
Other Collection Methods
For future revisions of this data catalog, preferred language collected from flowsheets, questionnaires, and clinical notes will be included.
Most Common Collection Method
The most common method to collect patient race is upon registration of each encounter. Patients can select multiple races to self-identify:
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Declined to Answer
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
White or Caucasian
General Completeness Rate
90% out of approximately 5.4 million patients, 4.9 million patients have indicated at least one race using this collection method.
Collection Date Range
Race was migrated into Epic beginning in 2003 and is currently collected.
Facility Type (Inpatient or Outpatient)
Race is collected at all facilities at the time of registration.
Other Collection Methods
In addition to the most commonly collected method, race is captured in the following cases:
Completeness Rate
Dates of
Home Health
84% of the 40,301 Home Health
episodes in Epic.
For Home Health encounters only, patients can select multiple races
to self-identify. The selections differ from the most common
collection method:
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African-American
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
.05% of the 113 million BCRA
Race is also collected at outpatient and inpatient encounters at
breast imaging, ultrasound, and MRI clinics throughout the
One race per patient is selected, and race selection is restricted to the
African American
Chinese American
Japanese American
Filipino American
Pacific Islander
Other Asian American
May 2013
Organ Donors
44% of the 4,602 organ donors
Multiple races are captured for each donor from the same selections
as available during the patient registration process.
1996 current
7.4% of the 1,748 times the
questionnaire was used at an
HIV clinic encounter
Race is documented for patients seen in the JHH HIV Clinics,
specifically collected by social workers and case managers. Only one
race can be selected. Selections are restricted to the following:
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
Other (Comment)
April 2013
Smoking Status
Most Common Collection Method
Smoking status is captured in the Social History portion of Epic during a patient encounter, whether in-person or non in-person
encounters (telephone, MyChart, documentation). For the purposes of this data catalog, the variable of focus is “Smoking Status”.
Collection Date Range
Smoking status has been collected since April 2013 and is currently collected.
General Completeness Rate
Of the approximately 5.4 million patients, 1,728,749 patients (32%) reported having any value smoking status in social history. Smoking
Quit Date is also populated, but only in 137,958 (3%) of the time. The status breakdown, with collection rate, is as follows:
Smoking Status selection options include:
Current Every Day Smoker (114,566 2.1%)
Current Some Day Smoker (28,547 .5%)
Former Smoker (297,099 5.5%)
Heavy Tobacco Smoker (3,111 .1%)
Light Tobacco Smoker (12,857 .2%)
Never Assessed (302,631 5.6%)
Never Smoker (952,636 17.7)
Passive Smoke Exposure Never Smoker (4,274 .1%)
Smoker, Current Status Unknown (1,133 < .01%)
Unknown if Ever Smoked (11,915 < .2%)
Facility Type (Inpatient or Outpatient)
Smoking status is collected at all facilities at the time of an encounter.
Other Collection Methods
For future revisions of this data catalog, alcohol use data collected from flowsheets, questionnaires, and clinical notes will be included.
Social Support
Lack of Social Support (Social Isolation) or At Risk for Social Isolationis referred to patients in deteriorated aloneness state with lack
of interaction with others, feel lonely, detached, and isolated with no help and support system. They have restricted social participation and
can’t maintain social relationships. They are unable to communicate with others and have difficulty visiting friends, attending clubs,
meetings, and going to parties. They might be the target of perceived adverse discrimination or persecution.
Collection Methods
In order to determine the population and distribution of patients lacking social support, several collection methods were utilized.
Diagnosis Codes (ICD-10) *
Searching Epic for patients having ICD-10 coded diagnoses on the problem list, billing codes, or recorded at the time of an encounter
yielded the following results:
ICD-10 Code
R45.8 Other symptoms and signs involving emotional state
Z60.4 Social Exclusion and Rejection
Z60.2 Problems related to living alone
Z63.0 Problems in relationship with spouse or partner
Z63.5 Disruption of family by separation and divorce
Z63.8 Other specified problems related to primary support group
Z63.9 Problem related to primary support group, unspecified
Z65.9 Problems related to unspecified psychosocial circumstances
Z73.4 Inadequate social skills, not elsewhere classified
Z91.89 Other specified personal risk factors, not elsewhere classified
* Patients with ICD-9 coded diagnoses are also included in this query.
The timeframe is January 1, 2003 through May 31, 2018.
Clinical Notes
Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, keyword phrases indicating specific SBDH were extracted from 23 million clinic
notes authored by specific provider types between July 1, 2016 and May 31, 2018. The notes represent 1,188,202 unique patients and
9,066,508 unique encounters.
We pre-processed the notes to mark the line boundaries and remove non-Unicode characters. To identify notes containing SBDH, we
used hand-crafted linguistic patterns developed by a team of experts based on SBDH descriptions in ICD10, SNOMED, LOINC, Public Health
Surveys and Instruments (ACS, American Housing Survey, NHANE, etc.), phrases from the literature review and other studies, and manual
To craft the linguistic patterns, the expert team focused on three domains: Housing, Finance, and Social Support.
Of the 1,188,202 unique patients 2.6% have at least one note containing mentions of social support.
Of the 63,185 notes containing mentions of social support, about 70% were authored by physicians, 15% were authored by nurses,
13% were authored by social workers, 2% were authored by case managers and case coordinators.
The top note types for mentions of social support are progress notes (46%), H&P notes (8%), treatment plans (6%), consults (6%),
with the remaining note types dispersed among committee review, patient instructions, discharge summaries, and plan of care.
Several questionnaires exist in Epic that capture data related to social support. Some are described briefly below, including frequency,
general completeness rate, and facility type where the questionnaire answers were completed. Please note that data provided on general
completeness reflects questions that were available to an Epic user and were answered. The list below is not all-inclusive but represents the
majority of questionnaires available as of July 1, 2018.
Completeness Rate
Dates of
Nursing Assessment
Psychosocial (WDL)
Of the 1,026,988 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
92% answered the question.
Top units are inpatient units at
Howard County General and
Suburban Hospital by registered
nurses, licensed practical
nurses, and case managers
May 2013
ED Assess Head to Toe
Psychosocial (WDL)
Of the 237,143 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
39% answered the question.
The top site is the inpatient SH
Clinical Decision Unit,
Suburban Hospital by registered
Oct 2013
T AD ED Nursing
Psychosocial (WDL)
Of the 217,954 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
94% answered the question.
The top units are emergency
medicine inpatient units at
Johns Hopkins Hospital and
Bayview Medical Center by
registered nurses
Dec 2015
T CD ED Nursing
Psychosocial (WDL)
Of the 278,084 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
61% answered the question.
The top units are emergency
units at Howard County General
Hospital, Sibley Memorial
Hospital, and Suburban
Hospital by registered nurses
Dec 2015
Psychosocial (WDL)
Of the 131,134 times the
questionnaire was completed,
71% answered the question.
The top units are pediatric
emergency departments at
Johns Hopkins Hospital,
Bayview Medical Center, Sibley
Memorial Hospital, and Howard
County General Hospital by
registered nurses
Dec 2015
Psychosocial (WDL)
Of the 147,694 times the
questionnaire was completed,
56% answered the question.
Inpatient post-anesthesia units
at Johns Hopkins Hospital by
registered nurses
Sep 2015
Home Setup
Social support available at
Of the 131,948 times the
questionnaire was completed,
36% answered the question.
Inpatient orthopedic and
surgical floors at Bayview
Medical Center and Suburban
Hospital by occupational
Jun 2015
IP OB Postpartum
Recent loss, or change in
status? (Includes loss of
social status, job, divorce,
death, demotion, etc.) / Has
multiple friends/family
members with several close
Of the 135,587 times the
questionnaire was completed,
89% answered the question.
The top units were Howard
County General and Sibley
Memorial inpatient units by
registered nurses
May 2013
IP Spiritual Care
Spiritual/Social Network
Of the 116,719 times the
questionnaire was completed,
59% answered the question.
The top units are Howard
County General and Sibley
Memorial inpatient units by
May 2013
PED Screening
Personal-Social / 22.
Relationship with peers / Is
there a recent stress on the
family or child such as birth
of a child, moving, divorce or
separation, death of a close
relative / 23. Relationship
with parents / 24.
Relationship with siblings /
Of the 144,659 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
59% answered the question.
The top clinics are outpatient
JHCP pediatric clinics by
medical assistants, physicians,
and nurse practitioners
Apr 2013
25. Relationship with peers /
Socially withdrawn-decreased
interaction with others /
Socially withdrawn-decreased
interaction with others
Marital Status / Need to
improve relationships with
family? / Social Network /
Social Network Comments /
Participation in other social
activities? / Social Activities
Of the 2,015 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
99% answered the question.
Inpatient units at Bayview
Medical Center by peer recovery
Jul 2017
Suicide Risk: Single,
Widowed, or Divorced /
Suicide Risk: No Social
Of the 15,101 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
97% answered the question.
The top units are inpatient units
at Sibley Memorial Hospital and
Suburban Hospital by social
workers and therapists
Jun 2013
JHM ED Social Work
Patient Info
Support System’s Name(s) /
Support System Contact /
Other Support System
Information / Support
Of the 14,481 times that the
questionnaire was completed,
88% answered the question.
The top units are emergency
departments at Suburban
Hospital and Bayview Medical
Center by social workers and
Jul 2014
1. Bazemore AW, Cottrell EK, Gold R, et al. “Community vital signs”: Incorporating geocoded social determinants into electronic records to
promote patient and population health. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016;23(2):407-412
2. McGinnis JM, Williams-Russo P, Knickman JR. The case for more active policy attention to health promotion. Health Aff (Millwood).
3. Kharrazi H, Lasser E, Yasnoff WA, Loonsk J, Advani A, Lehmann H, Chin D, Weiner JP. A proposed national research and development agenda
for population health informatics: summary recommendations from a national expert workshop. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2017; 24 (1):2-12
4. Kharrazi H, Chi W, Chang HY, Richards TM, Gallagher JM, Knudson SM, Weiner JP. Comparing population-based risk-stratification model
performance using data extracted from electronic health records versus administrative claims. Med Care. 2017; 55 (8): 789-796
5. Chang HY, Richards TM, Shermock KM, Elder-Dalpoas S, Kan H, Alexander CG, Weiner JP, Kharrazi H. Evaluating the impact of prescription
fill rates on risk stratification model performance. Med Care. 2017; 55 (12): 1052-1060
6. Lemke K, Gudzune KA, Kharrazi H, Weiner JP. Assessing markers from ambulatory laboratory tests for predicting high-risk patients. Am J
Manag Care. 2018; 24(6): e190-e195
7. Kharrazi H, Weiner JP. A practical comparison between the predictive power of population-based risk stratification models using data from
electronic health records versus administrative claims: setting a baseline for future EHR-derived risk stratification models. Med Care, 2017;
56(2), 202-203
8. Kharrazi H, Chang HY, Heins S, Weiner JP, Gudzune K. Enhancing the prediction of healthcare costs and utilization by including outpatient
BMI values to diagnosis-based risk models. Med Care. 2018; 56 (12): 1042-1050
9. Kan H, Kharrazi H, Leff B, Boyd C, Davison A, Chang H-Y, Kimura J, Wu S, Anzaldi LJ, Richards T, Lasser E, Weiner JP. Defining and
assessing geriatric risk and associated health care utilization among elderly patients using claims and electronic health records. Med Care.
2018; 56(3): 233-239
10. Hatef E, Searle KM, Predmore Z, Lasser EC, Kharrazi H, Nelson K, Sylling P, Curtis I, Fihn S, Weiner JP. The impact of social determinants of
health on hospitalization in the Veterans Health Administration. Am J of Prev Med. In-press.
11. Kharrazi H, Wang C, Scharfstein D. Prospective EHR-based clinical trials: the challenge of missing data. J Gen Intern Med. 2014; 29 (7): 976-
12. Weiskopf NG, Weng C. Methods and dimensions of electronic health record data quality assessment: enabling reuse for clinical research. J Am
Med Inform Assoc. 2013; 20(1): 144151
13. Kharrazi H, Gonzalez CP, Lowe KB, Huerta TR, Ford EW. Forecasting the maturation of electronic health record functions among US hospitals:
retrospective analysis and predictive model. J Med Internet Res. 2018; 20(8): e10458
14. Kharrazi H, Anzaldi L, Hernandez L, Davison A, Boyd CM, Leff B, Kimura J, Weiner JP. Measuring the value of electronic health record’s free
text in identification of geriatric syndromes. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018; 66(1) 1499-1507
15. Dixon B, Kharrazi H, Lehman H. Public health and epidemiology informatics: recent research and events. Yearb Med Inform. 2015; 10 (1): 199
16. Kharrazi H, Weiner JP. IT-enabled community health interventions: challenges, opportunities, and future directions. Generating Evidence &
Methods to Improve Patient Outcomes (eGEMs). 2014; 2 (3): 1-9
17. Gamache R, Kharrazi H, Weiner JP. Public health and population health informatics: the bridging of big data to benefit communities. Yearb
Med Inform. 2018; 27(1): 199-206
18. Dixon B, Pina J, Kharrazi H, Gharghabi F, Richards J. What’s past is prologue: a scoping review of recent public and global health informatics
literature. Online J Public Health Inform. 2015; 7 (2) e131
19. Hatef E, Lasser EC, Kharrazi H, Perman C, Montgomery R, Weiner JP. A population health measurement framework: evidence-based metrics
for assessing community-level population health in the global budget context. Popul Health Manag. 2017; 21(4): 261-270
20. Hatef E, Kharrazi H, VanBaak E, Falcone M, Ferris L, Mertz K, Perman C, Bauman A, Lasser EC, Weiner JP. A state-wide health IT
infrastructure for population health: building a community-wide electronic platform for Maryland’s all-payer global budget. Online J Public
Health Inform. 2017; 9(3): e195
21. Kharrazi H, Horrocks D, Weiner JP. Use of HIEs for valuebased care delivery: a case study of Maryland’s HIE. In Dixon B (Ed.) Health
Information Exchange: Navigating and Managing a Network of Health Information Systems. 2016; 313-332. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press
Disclaimer about NLP findings: The reported NLP findings are based on the occurrences/mentions of specific linguistic patterns (aka,
keywords or key phrases) within a given clinical note. At this stage of the project, we did not perform a manual quality check but we think
occurrences of variable-specific patterns could give us a good proxy of the variable in question.
The purpose of this part of the project was exploring the use of natural language processing (NLP) and
text mining techniques to determine SBDH from Epic's clinical notes. Keyword phrases indicating
specific SBDH were extracted from 23 million clinic notes authored by specific provider types between
July 1, 2016 and May 31, 2018. The notes represent 1,188,202 unique patients and 9,066,508 unique
We pre-processed the notes to mark the line boundaries and remove non-Unicode characters. To identify
notes containing SBDH, we used hand-crafted linguistic patterns developed by a team of experts based
on SBDH descriptions in ICD10, SNOMED, LOINC, Public Health Surveys and Instruments (e.g., ACS,
American Housing Survey, NHANE), phrases from the literature review and other studies, and manually
tagged free-text.
To craft the linguistic patterns, the expert team focused on three domains: Housing, Finance, and Social
Support. We delved into the housing domain by created patterns for its subdomains, including
homelessness, prone to homelessness, homelessness being addressed, housing instability, housing
characteristics - characteristics of the building, housing characteristics - the quality of the building.
Findings and Recommendations
o Provider types: The majority of notes containing SBDH were authored by physicals, followed by
nurses and social workers.
o Note types: The top note types for mentions of SBDH include progress notes, followed by H&P
notes, treatment plan, and ED provider notes.
o Quality of findings: In this phase of the project, we focused on determining SBDH mentions
which could include false positives such as negated forms. By manual annotation of 100
randomly selected notes containing the phrase "homeless", we found 20 true negatives (the note
was derived from a SmartPhrase, and the answer to Homeless Y/N was No), and 14 false
positives (the patent was not homeless).
o Note sources: We found that some of the text markers such as newline characters are removed
from the text blobs in EDW. Clarity, on the other hand, has some of those markers including
some of the newline boundaries. In our investigations, we found that Chronicles is the best
source to get text metadata.
o Processing environment: We successfully started to use the PMAP's powerful computing
environment combined with the SAFE desktop to extract SBDH-related linguist patterns from
free texts and post-process the extracted text. We will use this pipeline for future large text
processing projects.
o Manual annotation process: We have been working with the Data Trust team to provide a
heavily logged environment for domain experts to read and mark up the clinical notes. We have
not used large scale manual annotation in the project specifically, but we have made substantial
progress in creating the annotation pipeline.
o Data discovery for machine learning: We found valuable SBDH data in the structured fields
(mainly flowsheets) to create SBDH-specific patient cohorts. These cohorts can be used for
machine learning experiments to automatically extract highly associate linguistic patterns from
the notes of specific SBDH cohorts.