The Case Against the Case Against
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
Alan S. Blinder
Princeton University
CEPS Working Paper No. 100
June 2004
Prepared for Federal Reserve Bank of Boston conference, “The Macroeconomics of Fiscal
Policy,” Chatham, Mass., June 14-16, 2004. I am grateful to Luke Willard for research assistance,
to Kathleen Hurley for handling the manuscript, and to Princeton University’s Center for
Economic Policy Studies for financial support.
Serious discussion of fiscal policy has almost disappeared.
— Robert M. Solow (2002)
Times change. When I was introduced to macroeconomics as a Princeton University
freshman in 1963, fiscal policy—and by that I mean discretionary fiscal stabilization
policy—was all the rage. The policy idea that would eventually become the Kennedy-
Johnson tax cuts was the new, new thing. In those days, discussions of monetary policy
often fell into the “oh, by the way” category, with a number of serious economists and
others apparently believing that monetary policy was not a particularly useful tool for
stabilization policy.
The appropriate role for central bank policy was often said to be
“accommodating” fiscal policy, which was cast in the lead role.
Thus many people,
probably including President Kennedy, thought that Walter Heller, who was then
chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, was more instrumental to stabilization
policy than William McChesney Martin, who was then chairman of the Federal Reserve
Board. Indeed, it was said that Kennedy only remembered that Martin was in charge of
monetary policy by the fact that both words began with the letter M.
Multiply by –1, and you have a capsule summary of the conventional wisdom today.
As the opening quotation suggests, virtually every contemporary discussion of
stabilization policy by economists—whether it is abstract or concrete, theoretical or
practical—is about monetary policy, not fiscal policy. It never crosses anyone’s mind that
Greg Mankiw might be more influential in formulating stabilization policy than Alan
See, among others, Stein (1969, pp. 36-352).
Curiously, this phrase has survived into current Federal Reserve jargon. Even though the Fed is clearly in
the driver’s seat when it comes to stabilization policy, it routinely refers to increasing or reducing the
degree of “monetary accommodation.”
Stein (1969, p. 4). I was astonished to find, in researching this paper, that the index of Heller (1966) does
not contain a single reference to Martin.
Greenspan. And President Bush, I trust, does not need a mnemonic to remember what
Greenspan does for a living. This paper explores whether this complete about-face in the
conventional wisdom was well justified.
But don’t be alarmed by the title.
It speaks only of “the case against the case against”
fiscal policy, not “the case for.” I have no intention, at a Federal Reserve conference or
anywhere else, of challenging the now-standard view that the central bank should and
does have a dominant role in stabilization policy. This paper agrees that a sharp revision
of the naively optimistic views held by some economists circa 1966 was called for. But
it suggests that the pendulum may have swung just a bit too far, that the case against
fiscal policy may have been taken to extremes. Yes, monetary policy merits the
preeminent role in stabilization policy that it now holds. It is perfectly appropriate for
there to be 10-20 conferences on monetary policy for every one on fiscal policy. My
modest suggestion is only that the idea of using fiscal policy to help stabilize demand
should not be relegated to the dustbin of history. There are circumstances under which
the lessons of Lord Keynes are best not forgotten.
I. The Issues
The prevailing view today is that stabilization policy it is about filling in troughs and
shaving off peaks, that is, reducing the variance of output around a mean trend that is
itself unaffected by monetary or fiscal policy. For the most part, I will adhere to this
canon. But note that contemporary conventional wisdom makes two assumptions that are
at least debatable:
Old-timers may note that I have adapted the title from Solow (1966), and for much the same reasons that
he used it.
Assumption 1: The macroeconomy is not subject to hysteresis. In a system with a unit
root, any shock to aggregate demand—whether it be from fiscal policy or anything else—
will leave a permanent impact on output. There are many possible rationales for
hysteresis in a macroeconomic setting. One example is insider-outsider models (Lindbeck
and Snower (1988)) in which workers who become unemployed cease having any effect
on wage settlements. Another example is based on endogenous human capital formation.
If a boom brings more people into the labor market, the new workers may acquire skills
on the job that naturally augment the supply of labor for the future. Conversely, skills
may atrophy during lengthy spells of unemployment. Hysteresis can also come from
technology shocks, if faster (slower) technological progress is induced by a booming
(slumping) economy.
But theorizing is cheap. The more important question is whether any of these theories
of hysteresis capture the essence of macroeconomic reality. To begin with, does output
actually have a unit root?
Unfortunately, that question is difficult to answer statistically. In a well-known and
provocative paper written nearly two decades ago, Campbell and Mankiw (1987) argued
that it does. But more recent work has emphasized how hard it is to discriminate between
a model with a unit root and a trend stationery model with a root close to but below
unity—especially with relatively short time series. For example, Stock and Watson
(1999, p. 55) estimate that the 90% confidence interval for the largest autoregressive root
in the time series for log real GDP in the U.S. runs from 0.96 to 1.10. For analyzing and
describing very long-run behavior, it makes a world of difference whether the largest root
is, say, 0.98 or 1.00. But, in the short run, these two time-series models are virtually
indistinguishable. Believers in mean reversion have taken solace from this point. But it
also means that it is not easy to dismiss hysteresis.
Assumption 2: The conventional, though much-disputed, effects of fiscal deficits on
interest rates, and thus on the capital stock, leave no lasting imprint on GDP. The old
“crowding-out” argument holds that deficit finance, while expansionary in the short run,
is contractionary in the long run because a larger accumulated public debt leads to higher
real interest rates, and thus to less business investment, and thus to a smaller capital stock
and lower potential output in the future. Indeed, this chain of logic is one of the ideas
behind several of the models that the Congressional Budget Office (2003) recently used
for the “dynamic scoring” of tax cuts. Thus, in several of those models, the estimated
long-run effect of the 2003 Bush tax cut was to reduce real GDP, not to raise it.
Furthermore, in most of what follows, I will adhere to the consensus view by
assuming that:
Assumption 3: Due to some sort of nominal rigidities, real output does respond in the
short-run to aggregate demand shocks, such as monetary and fiscal policy; and:
Assumption 4: The macroeconomy has the natural-rate property, by which I mean (a)
that output returns to potential and (b) that the path of potential output is unaffected by
either monetary or fiscal policy. (However, see Assumption 2 above).
Assumptions 3 and 4 imply that both fiscal and monetary multiplier paths—which,
these days, are often identified with impulse response functions—have characteristic
“hump” shapes, rising to a peak and then falling back to zero. Two examples of such
paths for fiscal policy are displayed in Figure 1. Each requires some explanation, for
standard impulse response functions and multipliers are really two different animals.
Figure 1(a) comes from a VAR analysis of fiscal policy by Blanchard and Perotti
(2002). In interpreting this graph, recall that, in any VAR, a shock sets in motion
complex dynamic reactions that move all the variables. So, in particular, an initial fiscal
shock in the three-variable Blanchard-Perotti model leads to subsequent changes not just
in real GDP, but also in both government spending and taxes. This fact makes
interpreting the impulse response functions in their paper as “fiscal multipliers”
somewhat problematic; and many of them do not have the familiar hump shape. So I
have chosen to display instead the reaction of real GDP to their dummy variable for
1975:2—because that was the quarter of a large, unanticipated income tax rebate. The
dummy, of course, does not change subsequently; and the dynamic responses of
government spending and taxes to this shock shown in Blanchard and Perotti’s paper (but
not repeated here) are very small. So Figure 1(a) comes close to showing the pure effect
of a one-time, non-repeated fiscal stimulus.
Figure 1(b) shows the dynamic multiplier path generated by a simulation of the
Federal Reserve Board’s FRB/US model—a large, structural, macro-econometric model
with forward-looking expectations developed and used by the Fed staff. It simulates the
effect of a sustained rise in government spending, allowing for the partially-offsetting
monetary policy reaction implied by a Taylor rule. But, unlike a VAR, there are no
further (endogenous) responses of other fiscal variables. Thus, although panels (a) and
(b) look similar, the comparison between them is not clean. That said, they both display
the characteristic hump shape.
Blanchard and Perotti (2002, p. 1346) present VAR results with both deterministic and stochastic trends.
Figure 1(a) corresponds to their deterministic trend case.
3 6 9 12 15 18
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Figure 1(a)
Response of real GDP to a one-shot tax reduction
Figure 1(b)
Response of real GDP to a sustained rise in government purchases
Source: Blanchard and Perotti (2002, Figure IV)
Source: Elmendorf and Reifschneider (2002, Figure 11)
The two panels of Figure 1 should remind us of an important but oft-ignored point about
fiscal policy: “Transitory” does not necessarily mean “fleeting.” In Figure 1(a), the peak
effect on GDP comes after five or six quarters, but there are still notable effects three
years or more later. In Figure 1(b), the peak multiplier (of about 1) is reached
immediately, and then it recedes gradually. But there are still sizable effects one and two
years after the fiscal shock. With real effects lasting as long as these, well-designed
fiscal policy can indeed be used to “fill in troughs and shave off peaks”—which would
appear to make fiscal policy a viable candidate for the role of macroeconomic stabilizer.
And indeed, in the early post-Keynesian period, fiscal policy was expected to play
precisely that role.
So why, then, did educated opinion converge on the proposition that fiscal policy is, to
a first approximation, useless? There appear to be two very different sets of arguments.
Practical/political arguments
The lags depicted in Figure 1 are called outside lags, the time that elapses between a
fiscal policy shock and its effects on the economy. Most evidence suggests that these
outside lags are substantially shorter than the corresponding outside lags for monetary
But fiscal policy is also subject to potentially long inside lags, the delays between
recognition (by whom?) of the need for fiscal stimulus or restraint and the promulgation
of the appropriate policies. Some of these inside lags occur for compelling administrative
reasons. For example, if Congress decides to stimulate economic activity by building
more public infrastructure, the natural spend-out rate of such programs will probably be
very slow. Speeding up the process artificially for stabilization purposes would be
wasteful. Similarly, when tax changes are made, the Internal Revenue Service needs
some time to change withholding schedules, send out rebate checks, issue new tax forms,
and so on.
Other inside lags occur for political reasons. Even when there is a modicum of
bipartisanship and good will, Congress may need (or take) a long time to reach a decision
on whether and how to change taxes or spending. After all, they don’t call the United
States Senate “the world’s greatest deliberative body” for nothing. Beyond that, political
wrangling can delay Congressional decisions for many months, especially in a
presidential system with weak party discipline like ours, rather than in a more disciplined
parliamentary system like the United Kingdom’s. Delays from this source are particularly
likely when different parties control the White House and Congress. Thus, at least in the
United States, long political lags may be the most cogent argument against discretionary
fiscal policy.
Theoretical/economic arguments
I noted earlier that nominal rigidities are sufficient to imbue aggregate demand shocks
with short-run effects on real output. But some well-known theoretical arguments imply
that fiscal policy cannot even affect aggregate demand. During the long-running
monetarist-Keynesian debate, monetarists argued that fiscal policy was powerless to
move aggregate demand, which was controlled instead by monetary policy--presumably
because the LM curve was vertical. That old debate has a slightly (and deservedly)
archaic ring to it today. For decades, the most-discussed argument for why fiscal policy
might be impotent is the so-called and badly named “Ricardian equivalence”
Suppose the pure permanent income hypothesis (PIH) with perfect foresight holds, so
that only present-value budget constraints matter.
Then a bond-financed tax cut simply
defers tax payments until some future time when the interest and principal payments
come due. It does not change the present value of those tax payments because the present
value of the future payments to the bondholders must be exactly equal to the market
value of the bonds, and hence of the tax cut. On the assumption that only present-value
budget constraints matter to consumers, then, spending will be unaffected by what
amounts to a pure shift in timing.
As Barro (1974) and, before him, Patinkin (1956)
pointed out long ago, consumers will simply save their tax cuts so as to be able to make
the interest and principal payments when they come due.
In subsequent sections, I will evaluate both the practical/political and the
theoretical/economic arguments for the futility of fiscal policy. But first, it may be useful
to summarize briefly the interplay of events and ideas that led to such dramatic changes
in the conventional view of the feasibility of conducting a stabilizing fiscal policy. The
roles of both sets of arguments will be apparent.
II. Changing Views: A Brief History of Events and Ideas on Fiscal Policy
The history of thought on fiscal policy since its birth in 1936 divides naturally into
four episodes.
It is badly named because Ricardo did not believe in it. See O’Driscoll (1977).
Perfect foresight is not necessary. Rational expectations will do.
As is well known, this assumes, among other things, that consumers discount future flows at the
government bond rate.
The triumph of Keynesianism, 1936-1966: The first three decades following
publication of The General Theory (1936) were the years of what Herbert Stein (1969)
called The Fiscal Revolution in America. Keynes’ ideas, which emphasized fiscal over
monetary policy,
spread like wildfire. Abba Lerner (1943) wrote of the importance of
using well-timed budgetary changes for “functional finance”—his term for what we now
call fiscal stabilization policy. The early editions of Paul Samuelson’s path-breaking
textbook, Economics (first edition: 1948), explained the use of both fiscal and monetary
policy but clearly emphasized the former. One notable section of that text (pp. 353-354),
entitled “The Inadequacies of Monetary Control of the Business Cycle,” emphasized the
(now) old saw that a central bank can “lead a horse to water but cannot make him drink.”
Mindful of potential political delays, Richard Musgrave (1959) later promoted the idea of
“formula flexibility,” whereby Congress would pre-legislate both the form of and the
trigger (say, a drop in GDP) for future tax or expenditure changes for stabilization
purposes—thereby converting discretionary policy into automatic stabilization.
advocated maintaining a backlog of spending projects “on the shelf,” for use when
cyclical conditions warranted.
The Kennedy-Johnson tax cuts of 1964-1965 marked the first deliberate use of fiscal
policy in U.S. history, and they were judged to be a great success. From a modern
perspective, one can only marvel at the unabashed blend of activism and optimism
exuded by Walter Heller (1966) in his book of reminiscences about the New Frontier.
Heller wrote that both monetary and fiscal policy had “to be put on constant, rather than
intermittent, alert” in order “to provide the essential stability at high levels of
Probably because interest rates were so low during the Great Depression. I will return to this point later.
Seidman (2003) and Solow (2002) have recently tried to revive this idea. Seidman’s book is a
particularly useful reference on many of the points touched upon in this paper.
employment and growth that the market mechanism, left alone, cannot deliver.” To do so,
fiscal policy must become “more activist and bolder,” and “has to rely less on the
automatic stabilizers and more on discretionary action.”
In brief, fine tuning was “in.”
The consensus crumbles, 1967-1977: But it would soon be “out.” A series of adverse
events first shook and then destroyed faith not only in fiscal policy, but in stabilization
policy more broadly. In the space of a scant decade, the old consensus utterly collapsed.
The first blow was the Vietnam War, which piled heavy government spending atop an
economy that was already fully employed. President Lyndon Johnson overrode the
counsel of his Keynesian advisers by insisting on prosecuting the war without either
trimming Great Society spending or raising taxes.
The predictable—and, in fact,
predicted—result was an overheated economy. Soon inflation was on the rise, and
Keynesian economics was being accused, unjustly, of being inherently inflationary.
That charge received apparent support from both the world of ideas and real-world
events. On the intellectual front, Friedman (1968) and Phelps (1968) challenged, and
eventually demolished, the notion that the Phillips curve represented an exploitable long-
run tradeoff. Aiming to keep unemployment below the natural rate, they argued, would
drive inflation ever higher.
On the policy front, what Gordon (1980, p. 136) aptly called “the Waterloo of activist
fiscal stabilization” came when the 1968 tax surcharge failed to curb the Vietnam-
induced inflation.
The failure of the 1968 surtax greatly damaged the idea of using
fiscal policy for stabilization purposes—and in two distinct ways. First, the 2½ year delay
in getting the tax hike enacted illustrated just how painfully long the inside lags in fiscal
Heller (1966). The quotations come from pages 9, 68, 69.
See Okun (1970), especially Chapter 3.
See Eisner (1969) and Okun (1971).
policy could be.
In a world in which recessions typically last less than a year, and an
entire business cycle takes, say, four years, an inside lag of over a year makes fiscal
policy a dubious proposition, at best. Second, Robert Eisner (1969) raised an intellectual
conundrum. Activist use of tax policy for stabilization purposes would seem to call for
temporary, and perhaps even frequent, changes in income taxes. But the PIH implies that
such tax changes, if believed to be temporary, should have only small effects on
consumer spending.
So repetitive use of the income-tax weapon for stabilization
purposes should severely undermine its efficacy.
These dual failures seemed to be replicated in the deep recession of 1974-1975 when
first President Nixon and then President Ford failed to recommend anti-recessionary
policies until it was too late.
Then the temporary nature of the 1975 tax cut undermined
its effectiveness. My study of the 1968 and 1975 episodes together (Blinder [1981])
concluded that the two temporary taxes had about half as much short-run impact on
aggregate demand as equal-sized permanent tax changes would have had.
Long inside lags, weak tax effects due to the PIH, and the vertical long-run Phillips
curve have precious little to do with the monetarist claim of fiscal impotence owing to a
vertical LM curve. But all these problems with fiscal policy seemed to get mixed up
together in the anti-Keynesian backlash, and fiscal stabilization fell deeply out of favor.
Its nadir may have come when President Carter’s call for a short-term fiscal stimulus in
1977 was swiftly rejected by Congress—an event that would be repeated 16 years later
for President Clinton.
Johnson’s advisers urged a tax hike on him as early as late 1965 (see Okun (1970)). LBJ resisted until the
middle of 1967, when he recommended a temporary income tax surcharge. Then Congress then took about
18 months to enact one.
This very point resurfaced recently in the context of the Bush tax cuts in 2001.
But Congress acted speedily this time, demonstrating that the inside lag could be short.
Huge deficits crowd out stabilization policy, 1981-2001: President Reagan’s massive
tax cuts proved to be another landmark in the history of fiscal policy. Despite the
Reaganite attack on the weak Carter economy, the 1981 tax cuts were justified not by
Keynesian aggregate demand considerations—which were denigrated—but by a new
doctrine called supply-side economics. This is not the place to discuss that ill-fated (and,
some would say, silly) doctrine, other than to observe that it helped pave the way for a
huge multi-year tax cut which ushered in an era of chronically-large federal budget
The Reagan legacy of huge deficits “as far as the eye can see” fostered a dramatic
repositioning of fiscal policy—away from (cyclical) stabilization policy and toward
(secular) deficit reduction. The new-found devotion to fiscal prudence grew to be so
extreme that, in 1985, Congress passed the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act which, had it
actually been followed, would have short-circuited even the automatic stabilizers by
requiring strict adherence to annual targets for the federal budget deficit (an endogenous
variable). Five years later, when the economy slipped into recession, fiscal stimulus was
considered out of the question. Instead, taxes were increased as part of the 1990 deficit-
reduction package. By then, even Keynesian economists were so desperate for deficit
reduction that they accepted this procyclical tax hike without protest.
After the election of 1992, things went quite a bit further. President Clinton’s original
budget proposal combined substantial long-run fiscal consolidation with a small, short-
run fiscal stimulus—a strategy of one step backward, five steps forward. But this two-
pronged strategy proved to be too clever by half, and the stimulus part was quickly
rejected by Congress. Instead, a deficit-reduction package even larger than the one
Clinton had proposed (barely) passed. So Clintonomics tuned out to be about, first,
reducing the deficit, then balancing the budget, and finally building a sizable budget
surplus. (There are worse policies, and we have them.)
The new political realities of the 1980s and 1990s were reflected rapidly in academic
thinking. Scores of papers appeared on the effects (or lack thereof) and the sustainability
(or lack thereof) of budget deficits. Tellingly, the 1986 NBER conference volume, The
American Business Cycle: Continuity and Change (Gordon [1986]), did not even include
a chapter on fiscal policy—despite the cyclical focus of its title. Instead, there was a long
essay by Barro (1986) on “The Behavior of United States Deficits,” which focused on the
tax-smoothing hypothesis (Barro [1979]).
The fact that the Clinton boom started almost immediately after Congress passed a
budget reduction package gave rise to some rethinking—some of it serious, some of it
muddled—of even the sign of the fiscal-policy multiplier. Among politicians and media
types, the notion that raising taxes and/or cutting spending would expand (rather than
contract) the economy took hold rapidly and uncritically—with seemingly little thought
about exactly how this was supposed to happen. Quicker than you can say “Robert
Rubin,” the idea that reducing the budget deficit (or increasing the surplus) is the way to
“grow” the U.S. economy—even in the short run—came to dominate thinking in
Washington. This thinking was, of course, profoundly anti-Keynesian.
In the academic world, some earlier theoretical research by Turnovsky and Miller
(1984) and Blanchard (1984) was dusted off and used to explain how a credible reduction
in expected future budget deficits could in fact increase aggregate demand by lowering
long-term interest rates today. Those models, of course, did not claim that a reduction in
the current budget deficit would be expansionary. Still, the Turnovsky-Miller-Blanchard
thesis offered one theoretically coherent explanation of the Clinton boom.
But could
the lessons of those glory years be generalized? Few people asked the question.
The new era, 2001-?? : It is hard to know how to characterize the fiscal policy of the
current President Bush. The ideas that eventually morphed into the tax cuts of 2001-2003
began as campaign promises in 1999. Given what has happened since, the original
argument sounds like a bad joke: The federal government should “give back” the money
to the people rather than run excessive budget surpluses. The tax cuts were most
emphatically not recommended for short-run stabilization-policy purposes.
In fact, the
Federal Reserve was worried at the time that the U.S. economy might be overheating. But
when the economy slowed in 2000, and then sagged in 2001, the Bush administration
quickly changed its rationale for the tax cuts to the more traditional Keynesian one: The
economy needed stimulus. But the policy itself barely changed.
In terms of our brief history of events and ideas, three remarkable things have already
happened during the presidency of George W. Bush. First, consistency proved to be the
hobgoblin of small minds. Without skipping a beat, both political parties and most of the
press jettisoned the Clinton-era view that deficit reduction was the way to stimulate the
economy and returned to the older Keynesian notion that deficit expansion would do the
trick—apparently, without noticing the inconsistency.
Second, a political consensus in favor of fiscal stimulus formed quickly and decisively
in 2001—so quickly that both the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts were enacted in a matter of
There were also many incoherent ones, usually involving the restoration of confidence.
For more on this subject, see Blinder and Yellen (2001, Chapter 4.)
Nor was it ever argued, even by opponents, that lower taxes that led to a deficit would slow down
economic growth!
months, thereby demonstrating that the inside lags in fiscal policy could really be quite
short, even in a narrowly-divided Congress.
Third, yet another old Keynesian idea—the liquidity trap—rose like Lazarus from the
tomb of discarded notions.
As the Fed lowered the federal funds rate toward 1%, and
the economy still did not revive, economists began to express concern about the zero
bound on nominal interest rates—a trap that had already ensnared the Bank of Japan and,
on that account, had engaged the interest of a number of academic and Federal Reserve
Briefly, the problem is this. Once the central bank lowers the overnight interest rate to
zero, it is left with only “unconventional” monetary tools because base money and short-
term debt become perfect substitutes. But these unconventional weapons are weaker than
the conventional weapon: lowering the short-term interest rate by purchasing short-term
government paper.
For example, the central bank can always expand the monetary base by purchasing
long-term bonds rather than short-term issues. But that is equivalent to a two-part policy
in which the central bank first purchases short-term debt in the open market (thereby
creating bank reserves) and then turns around and sells this debt to purchase an
equivalent amount (at market value) of long-term debt. The first part of this operation is
a conventional open-market purchase, which has no effect when the nominal interest rate
is zero. The second part is a dose of “Operation Twist” which, we have been conditioned
to believe, does not accomplish much. If that is what monetary policy comes down to at
zero nominal interest rates, then fiscal policy, for all its flaws, starts to look like a viable
See Krugman (1998).
For example, it was the subject of a Federal Reserve conference in October 1999. See the November
2000 special issue of the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
option after all. And, indeed, some of the most compelling suggestions for ending
Japan’s deflationary slump combine expansionary monetary and fiscal policy in
monetized deficit spending (or tax cutting).
Were it not for the fact that the ink is not yet dry on this fourth episode in U.S. fiscal-
policy history, it would be tempting to say that we have come full circle. Just think about
what has been restored since George W. Bush took office: belief in fiscal stimulus, belief
that the inside lags in fiscal policy are short, and skepticism about the efficacy of
monetary policy. This is a world that Walter Heller would recognize.
With this as background, I now turn to some of the economic/theoretical arguments
that have been made against the efficacy of fiscal stabilization policy.
III. Temporary Income Taxes and Present-Value Budget Constraints
The structure of the basic argument against the use of temporary income tax changes
as stabilization devices is very straightforward—much simpler than much of the
literature, with its emphasis on intergenerational transfers, bequest motives, transversality
conditions, and the like. Here is the simplest non-stochastic version of the Ricardian-
equivalence argument.
Suppose a representative consumer’s current spending depends only on the present
discounted value of her lifetime resources:
= A
+ Σ
Among the many sources that could be cited, see Bernanke (2000).
where A
is current net worth, y
is future after-tax earnings, and δ
is the appropriate
discount factor for cash flows at date t+i. This is the central assumption; as Hillel said
(though in an admittedly different context), all the rest is commentary.
Now consider a tax cut of y financed by issuing bonds. Current receipts rise to y
y. But future taxes must rise by just enough to meet the interest and principal payments
on the bonds—meaning that the present value of these future taxes must rise by exactly
y. Thus W
is not changed by this fiscal operation, which alters only the timing of
receipts and not its discounted present value. In consequence, consumption is also
This basic argument can be, and has been, gussied up in many ways. But, in essence,
all the fancier variants come down to the same simple argument I just made. What can go
wrong with this argument? Many things. But since most of the objections to Ricardian
equivalence are so familiar, I will list them very briefly.
1. Bequests: Suppose some of the future tax burden falls on generations yet unborn.
That part cannot, of course, affect their spending today; they are not alive yet. But Barro
(1974) pointed out long ago that, under one particular specification of intergenerational
altruism, today’s consumers will essentially act as farsighted agents for their heirs—and
adjust their bequests so as to make debt and taxes equivalent. Of course, Barro’s model is
not the only possible model of the bequest motive, and much ink has been spilled over
this issue. But, in my view, most of the debate is beside the point because, in the real
world, the bonds that will be issued to cover deficits will almost always mature in less
than 10 years—a time frame within which most of today’s taxpayers will still be around
to pay the bills. So intergenerational aspects of present-value budget constraints are
mostly irrelevant.
2. Liquidity constraints: Current consumption may not depend only, or even mostly,
on the present-value budget constraint. If liquidity constraints are binding, for example,
current income will matter more than future income because it loosens liquidity
constraints. In that case, a debt-financed tax cut will raise spending. Even if only a
portion of the population is liquidity constrained, as the evidence suggests, Ricardian
equivalence will fail. Because they are so important to the central questions of this paper,
I will return to liquidity constraints later.
3. Different discount rates: The simple present-value argument assumes that taxpayers
and bondholders discount future cash flows at the same rate. But if taxpayers discount the
future at an interest rate higher than the government bond rate, the present value of the
current purchasing power gained will exceed the present value of the future purchasing
power lost—and consumption will rise in consequence. A variant on this objection is:
4. Myopia: Homo sapiens may not be as farsighted as homo economicus. Real people,
it appears, give insufficient weight to the future or, what comes to the same thing,
discount future flows at extraordinarily high rates or have short planning horizons. For
such (real) people, the rise in current income is a stronger influence on current
consumption than the fall in future income.
5. Precautionary saving: Precisely this last sort of behavior can even be rationalized
(for many reasonable utility functions) on optimizing grounds by the theory of
precautionary saving.
Receiving more income today and expecting to receive less
income in the future reduces income uncertainty, which reduces the need for
See, for example, Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes (1986).
precautionary saving. As long tax payments rise with income, such a swap of present for
future income can lead to higher spending today.
6. Consumer spending may react more than consumption: Current tax receipts that are
not spent must be saved. One way to “save,” by economists’ definition, is to purchase a
consumer durable that yields a flow of consumption services into the future. But that part
of saving actually adds to current aggregate demand.
While each of the six objections summarized above is familiar, a seventh one seems
not to be:
7. The present-value government budget constraint is irrelevant in practice. Modern
economic models lean heavily on the so-called present-value government budget
constraint (PV-GBC)—which ensures, for example, that any additional deficit run today
must be balanced by surpluses eventually because the debt cannot explode upward
forever. It is the PV-GBC that makes every income tax change, in a sense, temporary.
Let’s grant this point. But note that the transversality condition from which the PV-GBC
is derived holds only asymptotically.
As Ronald Reagan proved in the 1980s, and as
George W. Bush may be proving again today, the government budget can traverse an
explosive debt path for a decade or two without any cataclysmic consequences. The PV-
GBC is thus a theoretical nicety that places no meaningful constraint on policy today,
next year, or for, say, the next decade or two.
Okun (1971) was the first to study the temporary tax issue empirically. His context
was the explicitly temporary income tax surcharge enacted in 1968. Using the
For example, Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (2002, footnotes 22 and 23) note that the PV-GBC is derived
from the government’s flow budget constraint and the transversality condition of the household’s
maximization problem.
consumption equations of four different econometric models, he compared the “full
effect” view (that the surcharge reduced spending by as much as a permanent tax increase
would have) to the “zero effect” view (that the surcharge did not affect spending at all).
Okun concluded that the “full effect” view explained the data better. However, Solow
and I (1974, pp. 107-109) subsequently showed that an intermediate “50% effect view”
fit Okun’s data better than either extreme.
Modigliani and Steindel (1977) and Eckstein (1978) conducted similar studies of the
effects of the 1975 tax rebate, using the consumption equations of two large-scale
econometric models. Like Okun, each found sizable effects on spending—although
Modigliani and Steindel (1977) expressed skepticism about the model’s predictions.
Some years later, I re-examined the 1968 and 1975 episodes together (Blinder [1981]),
using a more complex specification that treated a temporary tax change as a weighted
average of a permanent tax change and a pure windfall. (Note that a windfall does not
have “zero effect” on spending under the PIH.) The point estimate of the weighting
parameter was exactly 0.50, although its standard error was a large 0.32. However, when
Deaton and I (1985) re-examined this question with a different model and, perhaps more
important, revised data, we found something closer to Okun’s original “zero effect” view.
This older time series literature tested the PIH by asking whether consumers’
responses to explicitly temporary income changes are larger than predicted by theory.
But, as Deaton and I (1985, p. 498) concluded, the time series data offer so few
observations on temporary taxes that the “results are probably not precise enough to
persuade anyone to abandon strongly held a priori views.” A newer strand of research,
influenced profoundly by Hall’s (1978) rational expectations approach to the
consumption function, poses a different, though related, question: Is the response of
consumers to easily-predictable income changes greater than theory suggests? And it
seeks answers mainly in cross-sectional data.
Some of this research takes advantage of what might be called natural experiments. It
began with a clever paper by Shapiro and Slemrod (1995), who noted that the first
President Bush conducted a rather curious tax experiment in 1992: He reduced
withholding rates by executive order beginning in March of that year even though
Congress had not cut income tax rates! Thus American taxpayers were treated to higher
cash flow (but no higher accrued after-tax income) over the last ten months of 1992, only
to owe more in taxes in their April 15, 1993 settlements. The Bush experiment therefore
amounted to a very temporary increase in disposable income that was quickly reversed.
According to the PIH, consumers should have ignored such a change in the timing of
receipts, exactly as in the Barro (1974) model.
Yet nearly half of the respondents told
the University of Michigan’s survey takers that they would spend “most” of their (very
temporary) increase in take-home pay. A similar subsequent study by the same authors
(Shapiro and Slemrod [2003]) of the so-called income tax “rebate” of 2001 found that
only 22% of respondents said they would spend “most” of it.
Parker (1999) exploited the fact that, for a minority of workers each year, the payroll
tax for Social Security falls abruptly to zero when their earnings rise above the Social
Security maximum, and then suddenly jumps back to normal again on the following
January 1st. Under the pure PIH, such predictable, seasonal fluctuations in after-tax
Well, not quite exactly. Since the government gave taxpayers interest-free loans, the present value of
lifetime resources was raised slightly.
income should have no effect on spending. But Parker (1999) found that they do; in fact,
he estimated a marginal propensity to consume of about 0.5 over a three-month period.
Similarly, when Souleles (1999) studied consumer responses to income tax refunds—
another predictable source of after-tax income—he found an MPC of around 0.6. And, in
a subsequent study, Souleles (2002) found that, even though the phased-in Reagan tax
cuts were pre-announced and predictable, people did not spend their additional after-tax
income until they had the money in hand. The estimated MPC for non-durables was 0.6
or greater when the taxes were actually cut. This last finding echoes what Deaton and I
(1985) had found years earlier in studying consumer responses to the Reagan tax cuts.
Hsieh (2003) reported some puzzling findings for Alaskan families. Their spending
seemed not to react to the relatively large and predictable annual payments from the
Alaskan Permanent Fund (which come from oil revenues), but did react strongly to
relatively small and predictable income tax refunds—just as Souleles (1999) had found.
Most recently, Johnson, Parker, and Souleles (2004) assessed the spending effects of
the so-called 2001 tax rebate. This episode was interesting for two reasons. First of all,
while widely described as a “rebate,” the 2001 tax cut was actually an early installment
payment on a permanent tax-rate reduction. Second, for administrative reasons, the
checks were sent out on a randomized basis. This latter feature enabled Johnson et al. to
estimate sizable initial-quarter spending responses with some precision.
While these two strands of the consumption literature ask different questions, their
respective answers have a certain consistency: Both point strongly toward the importance
of binding liquidity constraints. In the time-series literature, it is presumably liquidity
constraints that make consumers react much more strongly to current cash income than
the PIH says they should. In the cross-section literature, liquidity constraints are the
presumptive reason why households react much less strongly to anticipated future
income—even when the “future” is not very far off. Instead, they wait until they have
their hands on the money, just as the time series evidence suggests.
The lesson for stabilization policy, therefore, seems clear: Even temporary income tax
changes can pack substantial punch, though perhaps not quite as much as a permanent tax
cut. Deaton (1992, pp. 101-102) had it about right a dozen years ago, when he wrote in
his survey of consumption that “if macroeconomic policy-makers wish to use taxes to
fine-tune the economy,… then the empirical failures of the [permanent income] theory
[with rational expectations] are certainly large enough to make a big difference.” Perhaps
we economists have taken the PIH too much to heart.
IV. Temporary Tax Changes and Intertemporal Substitution
Making an income tax change temporary probably undermines its effectiveness, at
least somewhat. But there are other sorts of tax changes which become more powerful
when they are made temporary. I refer, of course, to taxes that create incentives for
intertemporal substitution, such as investment tax credits, value-added taxes, sales and
excise taxes, and the like.
The idea is simple enough. Consider a one-year reduction in a consumption tax from
to τ
, reverting back to τ
next year. The relative price of goods next year versus
goods this year will rise from P
when the tax rate is the same in both
periods to:
(1 + τ
(1+ τ
) = [(1 + τ
)/(1+ τ
> λ
when the tax rate is τ
this year and τ
next. In theory, this change in relative prices
should redirect spending from next year to this year.
Can intertemporal tax incentives like this be used effectively as instruments of fiscal
policy? Sumner (1979) found little evidence that temporary changes in Ontario’s retail
sales tax had an extra-large impact on consumer spending due to intertemporal
In the United States, there is no value-added tax, and sales taxes are the province of
the states. So the main intertemporal tax policy that has actually been utilized as part of
U.S. fiscal policy is the investment tax credit. The credit was invented by President
Kennedy’s Council of Economic Advisers and introduced in 1962—for Keynesian
reasons by the way—at a 7% rate. Between then and its abolition as part of the Tax
Reform Act of 1986, the ITC was suspended or repealed twice and had its rates
readjusted twice—often for cyclical reasons.
ITCs have also been implemented in a
number of other industrialized countries, often under a different name.
Economic theory strongly suggests that the credit should be more powerful when it is
enacted on a temporary basis. In his famous paper on econometric policy evaluation,
Lucas (1976, p. 30) observed that: “The whole point, after all, of the investment tax credit
is that it be viewed as temporary, so that it can serve as an inducement to firms to
reschedule their investment projects.” Yet when the ITC was made “permanent” in 1979,
two years after what I labeled the “nadir” of fiscal policy, the U.S. Treasury (1979, p.
365) stated emphatically that “changes in the investment tax credit rate should not be
considered in terms of short-run stabilization objectives.”
See Chirinko (1999), which is a particularly useful source of information on the ITC.
See, for example, Jorgenson and Landau (1993).
Econometric appraisals of the “bang for the buck” effectiveness of the ITC have given
the credit mediocre reviews.
One reason may be that the credit has never been made
marginal—it has always been applied to all qualified investments. Economists in the
1992 Clinton campaign had persuaded the candidate to propose a marginal ITC as a low-
cost way to provide some fiscal stimulus. But the idea was quickly scrapped in 1993 for
lack of support in Congress. I still think the idea is a good one.
The 2002 tax cut bill included a provision that offered accelerated (called “bonus”)
depreciation for about 18 months. A year later, the “bonus” was increased and the period
slightly extended (to the end of 2004) as part of the 2003 tax cut. The idea, of course,
was exactly the same as that behind the ITC: to put investment goods “on sale” for a
while, and thereby to encourage intertemporal substitution. Nonetheless, a controversy
arose at the time, with economists in the Bush administration claiming that the bonus
depreciation provision would be more powerful if enacted for a longer period! It is, of
course, too early for there to have been any econometric studies of this most recent
V. Countercyclical Variations in Government Purchases
As mentioned earlier, one stabilization-policy idea that dates back to the early
Keynesian period is the use of timely variations in expenditures on “public works” to
smooth cyclical fluctuations. While the roots of this idea are thoroughly practical and
atheoretical, it makes good theoretical sense on allocative grounds—at least in principle.
After all, periods of slack resource utilization are times in which the shadow values of
See Auerbach and Hassett (1991), and Chirinko (1993) for a survey.
factor inputs are presumably low in the private sector. What better time to put those
resources to use for public purposes?
Barro (1981) found that federal government defense purchases have a significant
positive impact on real output, with temporary changes (mainly associated with wars)
having larger effects than permanent ones. He argued that this finding provides support
for a theoretical model in which temporarily higher government purchases raise the real
rate of return, thereby inducing intertemporal substitution in both consumption (less
today, more tomorrow) and labor supply (more today, less tomorrow). But Barro’s
theoretical rationale (intertemporal substitution) and his empirical results (wars boost real
output) are sufficiently disconnected that one can accept the latter without buying into the
The major objections to using public expenditures as a countercyclical weapon seem
to be more practical than theoretical. But I think they are powerful nonetheless. To begin
with, wars do not seem like particularly promising devices for stabilization policy!
More seriously, there are normally quite lengthy lags in the political process before
new spending projects are authorized by Congress. Then, since authorizing committees
and appropriating committees are different, still more time elapses between legal
authorization and the actual appropriation of funds. These legislative lags could
conceivably be short-circuited by having a queue of projects pre-authorized, pre-
appropriated, and sitting “on the shelf” ready to go when the cyclical need arose. But I,
for one, have a hard time imagining the U.S. Congress doing anything like that. And
even if the lags in the authorizing and appropriating processes could be completely
eliminated, the slow natural spend-out rates of most public infrastructure projects remains
a serious handicap. For example, out of each $1 appropriated for highway expenditures,
less than one-third is likely to be spent within a year. Accelerating the pace of spending
on public works for stabilization purposes would be inefficient and wasteful.
To my mind, this all adds up to a recognition that the inside lags for many sorts of
government purchases are lengthy enough to vitiate their usefulness for stabilization
policy. The idea works in theory, but not in practice. If fiscal policy is to be used for
stabilization purposes, taxes (and transfers) are probably the instrument of choice.
VI. Is There a Case for Streamlining Fiscal Policy Institutions?
This discussion points to the long inside lags as perhaps the most critical element of
the case against discretionary fiscal policy. But these lags are not immutable. The
sources of many, if not most, of them lie in policymaking institutions that can be
changed—at least in principle. And a number of suggestions for doing just that have been
made over the years.
One such idea, formula flexibility in setting income-tax rates or public expenditures,
was discussed earlier. Its main virtue is both obvious and substantial. If what we now
think of as discretionary policy changes for stabilization purposes could somehow be
made automatic, then the lengthy inside lags in fiscal policy could be reduced
dramatically. Since the outside lag for most garden-variety fiscal policy changes are
relatively short, the feasibility of conducting a stabilizing fiscal policy would thereby be
greatly enhanced.
What’s the down side? For (good) reasons elucidated earlier, most discussions of
formulaic fiscal responses have focused on taxes rather than government spending. But,
as noted above, temporary changes in income tax rates are believed to elicit muted
spending responses. Perhaps more important, Congress has not shown the slightest
inclination to relinquish any of its ability to bestow gifts upon taxpayers when the
economy is weak. And symmetry does not rescue us when the economy is strong. It is
true that members of Congress wish to avoid the blame for raising taxes at times of peak
demand. But they have a straightforward way to accomplish that objective right now: In
a reversal of the old Nancy Reagan motto, they just don’t do it. The last time Congress
enacted a tax increase aimed squarely at reducing aggregate demand for stabilization
purposes was in 1968.
Instead, it lets the Fed do all the dirty work by raising interest
rates. So it is not at all surprising that Congress has shown no interest whatsoever in
formula flexibility.
A related ivory-tower idea should be mentioned in this context. In a paper published
seven years ago (Blinder [1997]), I asked why some economic decisions are delegated to
unelected technocrats while others are reserved for politicians. One important specific
example of this question is: Why do just about all countries put monetary policy in the
hands of independent central bankers, and yet leave tax policy in the hands of elected
politicians? I went on to speculate on whether technocratic decisionmaking on tax policy
might produce better outcomes than political decisionmaking, suggesting that the answer
might indeed be yes.
In broaching the idea of transferring some aspects of tax policy from the political
sphere to the technocratic sphere, I was not thinking about stabilization policy, but rather
about getting the details of the tax code—with their complex allocative and distributive
Congress did raise taxes in 1983, 1990, and 1993. But in none of those cases was cyclical restraint the
main reason
effects—right. However, the same point applies to getting the timing right in a business-
cycle setting, as advocates of formula flexibility realized many decades ago.
Suppose a group of technocrats, modeled on the Federal Reserve Board, were
empowered to make decisions on the level of taxation, subject to (potentially numerous)
constraints laid down by Congress. Under that institutional structure, the possibility of
conducting a timely and rational fiscal policy would be greatly enhanced. Of course, the
probability that Congress would delegate such authority is probably roughly equal to the
probability that the Red Sox will win the World Series. But fans can dream.
Subsequently, the Business Council of Australia (1999) picked up on this idea and
advocated the establishment of an independent fiscal-policy agency for Australia, along
the lines just suggested. In one version of their proposal, a new agency as independent as
the Reserve Bank of Australia would actually be given the power to make small, across-
the-board adjustments in personal and/or corporate tax rates for stabilization purposes—
unless their order was publicly and explicitly countermanded by the government. In a
softer version of their proposal, the new agency would be merely advisory, making public
recommendations to the government.
A series of related proposals has been made for the euro zone, although the focus there
has been on (secular) budget discipline rather than on (cyclical) stabilization. The much-
maligned—and, one might say, much-ignored—Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) requires
member governments to limit budget deficits to no more than 3% of GDP. Even before
the pact was agreed upon, critics noted that the 3% limit could in principle interfere with
the workings of the automatic stabilizers because it was phrased in terms of actual budget
deficits rather than cyclically-adjusted deficits. So if weak economic performance
lowered tax revenue and raised social welfare expenditures sufficiently, even a
“responsible” fiscal policy could produce a deficit in excess of the 3% limit—thereby
requiring offsetting fiscal actions that are procyclical.
In practice, European
governments have shown themselves unwilling to take such actions, preferring to violate
the pact instead. So the pact has become something of an embarrassment.
Notice the analogy to the old formula flexibility discussions in the United States. In
principle, the SGP requires discretionary responses to (certain) changes in economic
activity. But those changes have proven difficult or impossible to sustain politically, and
they may not make good economic sense, anyway (e.g., if they are procyclical). So some
economists have proposed institutional changes that would make long-run fiscal
discipline somewhat closer to automatic, while still allowing for cyclical responses. For
example, von Hagen and Harden (1995), Wyplosz (2002) and others have called for
replacing the SGP’s excessive deficit procedure with a council of experts not unlike the
“softer” version of the Australian proposal.
This group of technocrats would report and
opine—quite publicly—on the sustainability of the fiscal programs of the euro-zone
governments. The idea would be to bring public and market pressure to bear on
governments that insist on pursuing unsustainable policies.
VII. Out of the Detritus: Some Creative Ideas for Fiscal Stabilization
A short summary of the conclusions so far might run something like this. The
theoretical arguments against the efficacy of fiscal policy as a stabilization tool turn out
Qualitatively, the analogy to the central problem with the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act in the United
States is almost perfect. However, marginal tax-and-transfer rates are much higher in the euro zone than in
the United States, making the quantitative dimensions of the problem more severe in Europe. (See
Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (2002), pp. 340-343.)
For a summary of and rationale for such proposals, see Fatas et al. (2003).
to be pretty thin gruel. But the practical arguments seem much more compelling.
Timely variations in government purchases (say, public works) for stabilization policy,
though fine in theory, do not appear to be either sensible or workable. Changes in taxes
and/or transfer programs are far more suitable for stabilization purposes, but current
institutional arrangements make prospects for success slim. Nor do any of the
institutional changes that would make successful fiscal stabilization more achievable
seem likely to be adopted. So maybe the current conventional wisdom is right after all.
Before giving up, however, let us consider some creative suggestions for stabilizing
fiscal policies that have been made in recent years. Each of them is designed to address
the main perceived weakness of using temporary income tax changes to alter consumer
spending: Elementary theory says that temporary changes in income taxes should yield
less aggregate-demand “bang” for each income-loss “buck” than permanent tax changes.
Yet the rhythm of the business cycle virtually dictates that tax-transfer changes for
stabilization purposes should be temporary. What to do?
Targeting tax-transfer payments better
One response suggested by the empirical literature would be to target tax-transfer
changes made for stabilization purposes on those people who are most likely to be
liquidity constrained, and therefore to have MPCs at or near one. To some extent, that
means targeting income tax changes on lower-income households, who are more likely to
be living hand to mouth. There are two drawbacks.
First, the suggested remedy is strikingly asymmetric. When the economy needs
stimulus, targeting income tax reductions and increases in transfer payments
disproportionately on the poor serves both stabilization and distributional objectives
admirably. But the idea of targeting income tax hikes or cuts in transfers on the poor
when the economy needs restraint is repugnant to most people. On the other hand, as
noted earlier, Congress never uses fiscal policy to “shave off peaks” anyway. If
discretionary fiscal policy is only used when stimulus is called for, maybe this problem is
not important in practice.
Second, income is an imperfect predictor of who is and who is not liquidity
constrained; the ratio of assets to income may make more sense on theoretical grounds.
In principle, large negative transitory income should be a better predictor of who is
constrained, since a sizable negative income shock should indicate a strong likelihood of
a binding liquidity constraint. And, since transitory income and current income are
highly correlated,
current income may be a decent statistical proxy. Nonetheless, it
would be nice if we could do better. Two suggestions have been made in that regard.
One idea is to use receipt of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits as a proxy for
being liquidity constrained. After all, most people who are collecting UI have recently
suffered a severe drop in earnings (about 50% on average), making their transitory
incomes negative and large. If these people are striving to maintain their previous
consumption levels, they are probably liquidity constrained.
Extending UI benefits during times of high unemployment has indeed become almost
standard practice in the United States.
An additional 13 weeks of coverage, beyond the
usual 26 weeks, is triggered automatically in a particular state once the level of insured
See, for example, Zeldes (1989). But Jappelli (1990) finds that people with lower income are indeed
more likely to be liquidity constrained. Age and wealth are also relevant, however.
For example, Hall and Mishkin (1982) estimate that the variance of the innovation to transitory income is
more than twice as large as the variance to the innovation of permanent income.
However, the Bush administration and the Republican-controlled Congress refused to do so in late 2003,
despite objections from Democrats.
unemployment breaches certain levels.
And Congress often enacts additional
discretionary increases in UI coverage that become effective during, and especially after,
recessions. Data on payments under the Extended Benefits program display sharp spikes
in 1976, 1983, 1992-1993, and 2002-2003
—all years following recessions.
During the Congressional debate over the 2001 stimulus package, a number of
Democrats and liberal economists argued that UI benefits should be extended in time and
broadened in coverage—e.g., by making part-time workers eligible.
The main problem
with this idea appears to be magnitudes. Feasible policy changes in UI benefits are
simply not big enough to combat a recession. Or are they? Let’s look at some numbers.
Between the years 2000 (when the unemployment rate averaged 4.0%) and 2002
(when the unemployment rate averaged 5.8%), total UI benefits increased from $20.5
billion to $42.1 billion.
Let’s imagine that aggressive policy changes might have
boosted that $21.6 billion increase by 50%—that is, by another $10.8 billion—which
seems a high-end estimate of what Congress might actually have done. Assuming an
MPC of one, which is probably too high, and no multiplier effects, which is probably too
low, those additional UI payments would have raised GDP by $10.8 billion. By
comparison, the peak-to-trough decline in real GDP actually experienced between 2000:4
and 2001:3 (expressed in 2002 dollars) was $55.2 billion. And the 2001 recession was
very mild by historical standards. So clearly, no conceivable expansion of UI benefits
can make a big dent in a large recession.
Some states add an additional seven weeks.
See on the Department
of Labor website.
See, for example, Krueger (2001).
Economic Report of the President, 2004, Table B-45, p. 337.
Nonetheless, in designing stabilization policies, we should be thinking about
mitigating recessions, not eliminating them. And in that context, discretionary variations
in UI benefits may deserve a more prominent role than they have been given to date. By
like reasoning, a more generous UI program would be a better automatic stabilizer.
A second idea along these same lines, which was suggested by several Democratic
politicians in 2001, is temporarily rebating the “first part” of the payroll tax. Here the
numbers are potentially much larger. The Social Security Administration reports 144.8
million wage and salary workers in 2002. Of these, 103.5 million workers earned
$10,000 or more, and hence would have been eligible for the full $620 tax cut—for a
total expenditure of $64.2 billion. A rough estimate of the value of the 6.2% tax cut to
the 41.3 million workers with covered earnings below $10,000 adds another $10.7
—raising the total cost to about $75 billion. That is more than enough to “fill in
a trough.” The problem in this case is targeting.
Under this particular payroll tax rebate
plan, even middle- and upper-income households will receive temporary tax cuts. Many
of them—perhaps the majority, weighted by income—will not be liquidity constrained.
Exploiting Intertemporal Substitution
Two other recent fiscal policy suggestions seek to exploit the idea that, unlike income
taxes, variations in sales taxes are likely to be made more powerful by enacting them on
That source divides the 41.3 million sub-$10,000 workers into three ranges:
Income range Workers (millions)
0-$999 8.24
$1,000-$4,999 17.62
$5,000-$9,999 15.44
The calculation in the text assumes that the average earnings in each of these three brackets is the midpoint
of the bracket.
Another problem is that the Social Security Trust Fund cannot spare the revenue. But this problem can
be overcome by using general revenue to replace any payroll-tax receipts that the Trust Fund loses.
an explicitly temporary basis.
As a way to bring incentives for intertemporal substitution to bear on stimulating
consumer spending, Martin Feldstein (2001) suggested temporarily suspending Japan’s
5% value-added tax (VAT), and following that by an increase two years later. He
subsequently offered a more complicated version of this idea (Feldstein (2002)): The
government of Japan should embark on a multi-year plan of simultaneously raising the
consumption tax and reducing the income tax, in a balanced-budget way. The idea is the
same in each case: to create incentives for consumers to buy now rather than in the
That was the same idea behind a suggestion I made during the debate over the 2001
stimulus package in the United States (Blinder (2001)). The federal government in the
U.S. has neither a VAT nor a general sales tax. But 45 of the 50 states have the latter. So
I suggested that the federal government offer to replace the lost tax revenue of any state
that would agree to cut its sales tax (up to some limit) for the next twelve months. Of
course, I would not want to exaggerate the impact of such a policy, given the low rates of
sales taxation in the United States and the modest degree of intertemporal substitution
suggested by econometric studies. A temporary and marginal ITC might be a more
potent option.
VIII. Wrapping Up: Is There Anything New Under the Sun?
Today’s conventional wisdom holds that discretionary changes in fiscal policy are
unlikely to do much good, and might even do harm. Why is that? Because the lags in
fiscal policy, especially the inside lags, are long—perhaps longer than the duration of a
typical recession. Because the most plausible fiscal policy weapon, changes in personal
income taxes (or transfer payments), is likely to be weakened by deploying it on a
temporary basis. And because an obviously superior stabilization weapon—namely,
monetary policy—is readily available.
When might that argument go wrong? Well, to begin with, there will occasionally be
times and places—such as Japan in the 1990s—where the need to boost aggregate
demand is extremely large and lasts a very long time, longer than any conceivable lags in
fiscal policy. Models with hysteresis offer extreme examples of this possibility, but a
model with a maximum root of 0.98 or so will do almost as well. And remember, Stock
and Watson (1999) estimated the maximum root for real GDP in the United States to be
between 0.96 and 1.10.
Second, there are institutional structures that can make the inside lags in fiscal policy
quite short. The U.K.’s parliamentary system legislates fiscal changes very quickly, and
even the U.S. Congress has shown itself capable of moving within a few months—on
occasion! It may be that we generalized too glibly from the terribly long inside lags
witnessed in 1968 and 1974. Furthermore, if we really want to speed up fiscal policy
decisionmaking, there are a variety of institutional changes that could help.
Third, to the extent that we are worried that low MPCs out of temporary income tax
changes will undermine the effectiveness of fiscal policy, there are (non-income) tax
options that can induce intertemporal substitution by reducing current prices relative to
future prices—for both consumer goods and investment goods.
In summarizing the case against fiscal stabilization, Feldstein (2002) added one further item to this list:
the possibility that tax cuts or expenditure increases can depress demand by raising long-term interest rates.
But he did not suggest that tax increases or expenditure cuts can stimulate the economy by lowering
interest rates.
Fourth, but these more exotic options may not even be needed, for a fascinating body
of recent econometric evidence suggests that a sizable fraction of the U.S. population
(even weighted by income) is, or acts as if it is, subject to binding liquidity constraints.
Thus, even explicitly temporary changes in income taxes may pack significant spending
punch. Furthermore, with a little ingenuity we can target tax cuts on people who are
more likely to be living hand to mouth, such as poor people and the unemployed.
Fifth, there will occasionally be extraordinary circumstances—contemporary Japan is
again the outstanding example—where the zero bound on nominal interest rates makes
monetary policy a less powerful instrument of stabilization than it usually is. In such a
situation, monetary policy alone may be too weak to do the job, and a combined
monetary-fiscal effort—deficit spending or tax cuts financed by printing money—may be
needed. Indeed, fiscal policy might well be the senior member of such a partnership,
since a liquidity trap not only reduces the power of monetary policy but also increases the
power of fiscal policy (because there is little or no “crowding out” from higher interest
rates). Precisely this sort of two-pronged stabilization policy is what many economists
long urged on Japan.
Sixth, in certain rare “emergencies”—such as the U.S. in the aftermath of the 9/11
attacks—the monetary policy medicine may simply be too slow-acting to provide a
timely cure. The inside lags in monetary policy would probably be negligible in a clear
But the outside lags remain quite long—a year or more for real GDP, and
two years or more for inflation—and there is not much the Federal Reserve can do about
it. With monetary policy lags as long as that, fiscal policy may be the only cyclical
medicine that can work in time—provided (and this is truly a big “if”) the inside lags can
For example, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates within days of the 9/11 attacks.
be kept short. In fact, in the end, I am inclined to conclude that the long inside lags (with
the concomitant politics) constitute the most important count in the indictment against
fiscal policy.
So my overall conclusion runs something like this. Under normal circumstances,
monetary policy is a far better candidate for the stabilization job than fiscal policy. It
should therefore take first chair. Nothing in this paper is intended to dispute this piece of
conventional wisdom. That said, however, there will be occasional abnormal
circumstances in which monetary policy can use a little help, or maybe a lot, in
stimulating the economy—such as when recessions are extremely long and/or extremely
deep, when nominal interest rates approach zero, or when significant weakness in
aggregate demand arises abruptly.
To be prepared for such contingencies, it makes
sense to keep one or more fiscal policy vehicles tuned up and parked in the garage, and
perhaps even to adopt institutional structures that make it easier to pull them out and take
them for a spin when needed.
As previously noted, I see little hope that fiscal policy can be used effectively in the contractionary
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