phone 407.896.4600 fax 407.896.0060
1203 N. Mills Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32803
Booklet.indd 106 2/13/15 12:13 PM
EFFECTIVE September 24, 2017
THROUGH October 1, 2022
Booklet.indd 1 2/19/15 10:41 AM
Booklet.indd 1 2/19/15 12:17 PM
EFFECTIVE September 24, 2017
THROUGH October 1, 2022
ARTICLE 1 - PREAMBLE…………………………………………….………………… …….1
ARTICLE 2 - PURPOSE……………………………………………………...………….…….1
ARTICLE 3 - RECOGNITION………………………………………………………………….1
ARTICLE 4 - SCOPE OF AGREEMENT……………………...……………………….…….1
ARTICLE 5 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS…..………………………………………………….2
ARTICLE 8 - NON-DISCRIMINATION ………………………………………………………5
ARTICLE 10 - HOURS OF WORK……………………………………………………………8
ARTICLE 11 - OVERTIME …………………………………………………………………...11
ARTICLE 14 - TRANSFERS………………………………………………………………...18
ARTICLE 17 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE…………………………………………………….23
ARTICLE 19 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE………………………………………………..30
ARTICLE 20 – HOLIDAYS…………………………………………………………………...32
ARTICLE 21 - VACATION …………………………………………………………………...34
ARTICLE 23- PENSION AND WELFARE………………………………………………….38
ARTICLE 25 - SAFETY AND HEALTH……………………………………………………..44
ARTICLE 26 - WORK BY SUPERVISORS…………………………………………………45
ARTICLE 28 - BULLETIN BOARDS……………………………………....……………......46
ARTICLE 29 - SUBCONTRACTING………………………………………………………...46
ARTICLE 30 - INTERPRETATION……………………………………………………….….47
ARTICLE 31 - SEVERABILITY……………………………………………………………....47
ARTICLE 32 - ALCOHOL & DRUG POLICY……………………………………………….47
ARTICLE 34 - TERM OF AGREEMENT…………………………………………..………...51
(Job Classifications and Rates)…………………………………………………….55
(UNITE HERE! LOCAL 737)……………………………………………………….....60
(UNITE HERE! LOCAL 362)…………………………………………………………100
UNION (T.C.U.\IAM) LODGE 1908………………………………………………….110
STAGE EMPLOYEES (I.A.T.S.E.)......................................................................134
Absenteeism and Tardiness Standard..................................................................27-28
Access of Union Representatives to Premises...........................................................5
Alcohol & Drug Policy.............................................................................................47-51
Americans with Disabilities Act..............................................................................5, 47
Animal Care ................................................................................................................109
Areas Excluded in Agreement ......................................................................................2
Attractions ...........................................................................................................100-101
Banquets/Catering ..................................................................................30, 64, 125-132
Banquets/Catering Payment Policy.......................................................................... 125
Bell Services.........................................................................................................114–20
Bereavement Leave .....................................................................................................38
Bulletin Boards............................................................................................................. 46
Bus Operations.......................................................................................................70–73
Business Segment Discontinuation/Sale or Lease of Assets ...................................3
Cash Handling Matrix...................................................................66, 103, 106, 107, 121
Check Off ....................................................................................................................7, 8
Clock In/Clock Out Standard........................................................................... 10, 28, 29
Coordinators........................................................... 14, 75, 105, 107, 108, 110, 128, 132
Coordinators of Training .......................................................................................14–15
Costumes, Uniforms and Personal Appearance.......................................................43
Culinary.............................................................................................60, 65, 66, 127, 131
Custodial.....................................................................................................104–106, 113
Data Maintenance............................................................................................... 123, 132
Dinner Shows .....................................................................................26, 30, 63–64, 129
Discharge..................................................................3, 7, 16, 18, 25, 26–27, 49, 50, 155
Disciplinary Point System .............................................................26, 81, 101, 103, 112
Disciplinary/Investigatory Suspensions ..........................................................7, 18, 25
Discipline .......................................2, 3, 18, 25–29, 30, 51, 61, 67, 70, 78, 81, 102, 104,
105, 107, 108, 112, 120, 122
Disney Cruise Line Gratuities ...................................................................................115
Distribution of Overtime ..............................................................................................11
Double Time.................................................... 12, 33, 63, 72, 84, 91, 129, 151, 157, 158
Dress and Travel Time...........................................................................................10, 90
Emergency Work and Running Repairs..................................................................... 46
Failure to Cross Picket Line..........................................................................................3
Family and Medical Leave ...........................................................................................24
Five (5) Day Work Week........................................................................................... 9, 11
Forty-Five (45) Day Qualifying Period ........................................................................20
Four (4) Day Work Week..........................................................................................9, 11
Front Office..........................................................................................114, 116, 120–21
Furlough.............................................................................................................. 7, 20, 21
Gratuity Calculation for In-House Events ................................................................127
Gratuity Distribution ..................................................................................................126
Grievance Procedure .................9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 30–32, 46, 47, 101, 112, 161
Group and Convention Guaranteed Gratuities........................................................115
Group Insurance...............................................................................................41–42, 94
Holidays ..................................................................................................................32, 34
Hours of Work.........................................................................8, 10, 64, 83, 138–39, 156
Housekeeping......................................................................................................... 67–69
Houseperson ......................................................................113, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132
Immigration................................................................................................................... 18
Imminent Danger..........................................................................................................45
Incidents/Accidents ...............................................29, 47, 70, 75, 80, 81, 100, 112, 119
Interchangeability.................................................................................................22, 113
International Brotherhood of Teamsters (I.B.T.) .................................................70–75
Interpretation ................................................................................2, 30, 31, 47, 153, 161
Involuntary Overtime ...................................................................................................11
Job Classifications and Wage Rates.............................................................. 13, 37–38
Jury Duty................................................................................................................. 11, 37
Labor/Management Committee..................................................................... 51, 72, 100
Language Assistance ..................................................................................................25
Layoffs, Recalls, and Furlough.......................................................7, 15, 20, 21, 41, 46
Leave for Compensable Injury....................................................................................24
Leaves of Absence............................. 9, 16–17, 23–25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 38, 50, 117, 130
Lockouts .........................................................................................................................3
Lunch Period ..................................................................................10, 67, 73, 83, 90, 91
Major Business Disruption.......................................................................................... 13
Management Rights .......................................................................................................2
Medical Leaves Exceeding One Year .........................................................................24
Monorails ............................................................................................................112, 113
New Employee Selection...............................................................................................3
Night Shift Differential ...........................................................13, 72, 105, 106, 110, 113
No Strike-No Lockout.....................................................................................................3
Non-Discrimination and Non-Retalliation ....................................................................5
Non-Occupational Medical Leave.........................................................................23, 24
Notice of Investigation................................................................................................. 23
Occupational Leave .....................................................................................................24
One-on-One Meetings....................................................................................................6
Operation of Company Vehicles.................................................29, 100, 111, 129, 122
Overtime........................ 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22, 33, 34, 38, 42, 61, 62, 71, 72, 74, 84, 91,
105, 110, 112, 120, 129, 131, 138, 139, 151, 157, 158
Pay for Day When Injured............................................................................................ 13
Payday........................................................................................................................... 13
Payment for Accrued Vacation ...................................................................................36
Payroll Day................................................................................................ 9, 90, 150, 156
Payroll Week...........................................7, 8, 12, 13, 37, 87, 91, 92, 129, 150, 151, 156
Pension and Welfare..............................................................................................38–41
Personal Appearance ..........................................................................................44, 161
Personal Holidays ............................................................................................24, 32, 33
Personal Leave Days .............................................................................................28, 42
Physical Examinations ................................................................................................48
Preamble .................................................................................................................1, 155
Premium.......................14, 34, 37, 64, 65, 74, 75, 88–90, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109,
110, 111, 113, 116, 120, 121, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 141, 143, 144, 145, 159, 160,
Pre-Planned Guaranteed Room Deliveries ..............................................................115
Probationary Employees .............................................................................................17
Ranch Operations ........................................................................................................74
Rate of Pay...................... 8, 12, 22, 26, 30, 34, 37, 38, 43, 64, 90, 125, 127, 130, 132, 1
43, 158
Rates for New Jobs......................................................................................................13
Recreation................................................................................................................... 121
Regular Full Time Employees ..1, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16–17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 32, 33, 34,
37, 42, 47, 61, 62, 63, 71, 73, 74, 77, 79, 85, 106, 110, 112, 116, 117, 118, 122, 126,
Regular Part Time Employees .....6, 8, 15, 17, 19, 20, 33, 61, 62, 63, 71, 73, 106, 118,
119, 129,
Report Pay ....................................................................................................13, 139, 157
Reprimands....................14, 15, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 65, 77, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107,
119, 120, 121, 122, 128
Rest Period .........................................................................................10, 67, 70, 86, 157
Running Repairs...........................................................................................................46
Safety and Health ...................................................................................................44–45
Safety Committee...........................................................................................51, 73, 138
Scheduling.9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 33, 34, 36, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 79, 81, 82, 83, 86, 105,
110, 113, 116, 122, 129, 139
Scope of Agreement ......................................................................................................1
Section Size ............................................................................................................67, 68
Seniority...7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28, 33, 37, 61, 64, 71, 72, 74, 76,
77, 82, 83, 84, 86, 97, 100, 106, 110, 113, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128,
130, 131, 132, 138
Seniority and Work Status...........................................................................................15
Service Charge for Parties of Six (6) or More............................................................60
Severability ...........................................................................................47, 147, 153, 162
Shop Steward or Alternate ........................................................................................6, 7
Sick Leave....................................................................................... 21, 24, 28, 33, 42–43
Standards of Conduct.................................................................................................. 25
Term of Agreement ......................................................................................................51
Textile Services Operations ........................................................................................73
Time and One-Half........................................................................11, 12, 63, 72, 90, 158
Trainers .........................................................................................14, 73, 78, 85, 88, 161
Transfer Into Tipped Classification ............................................................................18
Transfer Outside of Bargaining Unit ....................................................................17–18
Transfer Procedures .........................................................................18–20, 118–19,123
Transfers..7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 44, 48, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73,
74, 75, 82, 100, 101, 102, 106, 109, 110, 112, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 128, 133,
Transfers for Food and Beverage
Tipped Employees..............................................61
Transfers to New Property/Attraction Openings....................................................... 20
Transportation Communications Union (T.C.U.)...............................................111–22
Turnabout Pay ..........................................................................12, 62, 63, 107, 138, 157
Union Access Procedures............................................................................................. 6
Union Activity and Check Off........................................................................................ 5
Union Insignia/Pin........................................................................................................44
Union Orientation...........................................................................................................6
Union Representation..................................................................................................25
Union Solicitation........................................................................................................... 5
UNITE HERE! Local 362.......................................................................................101–09
UNITE HERE! Local 737.........................................................................................60–69
United Food & Commercial Workers International Union (U.F.C.W.)..............123–33
Vacation ..........14, 15, 21, 24, 27, 34–37, 43, 63, 73, 77, 81, 82, 83, 117, 129, 130, 139
Vacation Planners ................................................................................................106–09
Vacation Scheduling..............................................................................................36–37
Violation of Clearance Procedures........................................................................... 112
Wage Penetration............................................................................................64, 65,144
Watercraft......................................................................................................110–11, 122
Work by Supervisors .............................................................................................45–46
Work Day................................................................................. 9, 11, 13, 63, 87, 122, 159
Work Schedule ...............................................................9, 14, 15, 18, 79, 105, 124, 137
Work Status and Utilization of Regular Full Time and Regular Part Time
Employees ..............................................................................................................16–17
Work Stoppages and Lockouts.....................................................................................3
Work Week....................................................................................8, 11, 12, 63, 132, 158
Effective September 24, 2017 to October 22, 2022
THIS AGREEMENT entered into 24th day of September 2017, by and between Walt Disney
Parks and Resorts U.S., hereinafter called “COMPANY” and the SERVICE TRADES COUNCIL UNION,
on behalf of signatory International and Local Unions, whose names are subscribed hereto and who
have, through its duly authorized officers, executed this Agreement, hereinafter called “UNION”.
WHEREAS, the operation and service of the Company's Walt Disney World Resort requires a
large number of employees, and the orderly and uninterrupted operation of Walt Disney World Resort is
of significant interest to the economy of the State of Florida and of the mutual interest of the parties
hereto, and it is the purpose of this Agreement that all work shall proceed efficiently, without interruption,
and with due consideration for the protection of labor standards, wages and working conditions; and
WHEREAS, employees have the right to organize and bargain through representatives of their
own choice;
THEREFORE, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement to recognize the Union to
establish fair wages, working conditions and benefits and to put into practice effective and binding
methods for the settlement of all misunderstandings, disputes or grievances that may arise between the
parties hereto, to the end that the Company is assured complete continuity of operation and that Labor
Management peace is maintained and employees are guaranteed Union rights and protection as
provided by this Agreement.
The Company recognizes the Service Trades Council Union as the sole and exclusive collective
bargaining representative of all of the Company's Regular Full Time employees who are in the
classification of work listed in Addendum A at Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida, but
excluded are all other employees, Security and Supervisors as defined in the Labor Management
Relations Act of 1947, as amended.
This Agreement relates only to the Walt Disney World Resort comprising the Magic Kingdom
Theme Park; Disney’s Polynesian Resort; Disney’s Contemporary Resort; Disney’s Grand Floridian
Resort and Spa; Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort; Disney’s Beach Club Resort; Disney’s Port Orleans
Resort; Disney’s Old Key West Resort; Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort; Disney’s Pop Century Resort;
Disney’s Art of Animation Resort; Disney’s Yacht Club Resort; Disney Springs and Leased Retail
Operations; Typhoon Lagoon; Disney’s Wilderness Lodge; Disney’s All-Star Resorts; Disney’s Boardwalk
Resort; ESPN Wide World of Sports; Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort; Disney’s Animal Kingdom;
Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge; Disney’s Blizzard Beach; Disney’s Hollywood Studios; Textile Services;
the Main Entrance Complex; Fort Wilderness; Tri-Circle D Ranch; Mickey’s Retreat recreation facilities;
Bay Lake and Seven Seas Lagoon; EPCOT; Disney Event Group (DEG), Warehouses: Lee Vista and
Orange; Maingate Office Complex; and roadways, employee entrances, parking lots, guest/employee
transportation facilities, vehicles and boats which directly service the above-referenced theme parks and
resort properties.
Those employees of the Company in the classifications set forth in Addendum A come within the
Scope of this Agreement, excluding the following:
1. World Fellowship Program
2. Specialty students/employees in such disciplines as agriculture and oceanography
3. Concessionaires as defined in Article 6, Section 4, who operate with their own
employees, including concessionaires who terminate any existing or future staffing
agreement with the Company in order to operate with their own employees
4. WALT DISNEY WORLD College Program students
5. Project Future and Challenge Program High School students
This Agreement does not apply to or in any way affect Reedy Creek Improvement District,
Concessionaires (as defined in Section 4 of Article 6) who engage their own employees; Buena Vista
Construction Company; Buena Vista Distribution Co. Inc., or any other present or future division or
subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company except as specifically set forth in Section 1 of this Article.
The Service Trades Council Union and its individual international and local Unions disclaim any
interest now, or in the future, in seeking to represent any employees including the Animal Keeper
classifications of the Company other than those in the classifications set forth in Addendum A, except as
to the classification described in Case No. 12 RC 4531, affirmed 215 NLRB No. 89.
Except as expressly and clearly limited by the terms of this Agreement, the Company reserves
and retains exclusively all of its normal and inherent rights with respect to the Management of the
business, including but not limited to, its right to hire, determine qualifications, select, direct, supervise,
and control the manner, means and details by which employees perform their work duties as well as the
ends to be accomplished; to determine the size of the workforce, including the number of employees
assigned to any particular classification of work; the ability to create, add, amend, and/or rescind any or
all employee discounts, complimentary admission, Main Entrance Passes, recognition awards,
celebrations and similar type privileges and perks as long as uniformly applied on the same basis to all
Walt Disney World employees of the Company, including non-bargaining unit and salaried employees; to
operate the business including both establishing and making changes to the direction, promotion,
transferring of employees, and hours of operations; to subcontract work, to establish and change work
schedules and assignments; to lay off, terminate or otherwise release employees from duty for lack of
work or other just cause; to make and enforce rules for personal grooming, and the maintenance of
discipline; determine the location and relocation of any Employer facilities and to alter, suspend and/or
discontinue conduct of its business or operations in whole or part, to institute technological changes;
including but not limited to, work automation processes; to determine the appropriate equipment,
supplies, methods and otherwise to take such measures as Management may determine to be necessary
to the orderly, efficient and economical operation of the business. Any dispute arising out of an
interpretation of this Article will be subject to the provisions of Article 19.
(a) The Company may discontinue business segments or sell/lease physical assets which
include the operations without notification to or bargaining with the Union regarding the decision to
discontinue, sell or lease. The parties agree and understand that the sale or lease of a physical asset
may result in the continuance of operations by the third party at the Walt Disney World Resort and that
such continuance of operations associated with the asset does not constitute subcontracting as defined in
Article 29.
Should such discontinuation/sale/lease affect any positions covered by this Agreement, the
Company will provide the Union with at least a sixty (60) day notice prior to the completion of the
transaction and, upon request, meet and negotiate in good faith with the Unions to the full extent required
by law with regard to the effect of the transaction on employees covered by this Agreement, including, but
not limited to, severance conditions, transfer within the unit, and/or the potential for continued
employment with the purchaser. It is understood, however, that agreement between the parties as a
result of such negotiations is not a prerequisite to the completion of the transaction at any time after the
sixty (60) days have elapsed.
(b) Should the Company subsequently re-acquire and begin to operate a business segment
previously discontinued, sold, or leased pursuant to 2(a) above, such business segment shall
automatically be included within the Scope of the Agreement defined in Article 4, Section 1.
During the existence of this Agreement, there shall be no strikes, picketing, work stoppages or
disruptive activity by the Union or by an employee, and there shall be no lockout by the Company.
Failure of any employee covered by this Agreement to cross any picket line established at the
Walt Disney World Resort is a violation of this Agreement. In applying the provisions of this section,
however, it is not the intention of the Company to require employees to cross a picket line if, after a
reasonable effort to gain entry has been made, it is apparent that such entry will result in physical
violence or injury to the employees.
The Union shall not sanction, aid or abet, encourage or condone a work stoppage, strike or
disruptive activity at the Walt Disney World Resort and shall take all possible steps to prevent or to
terminate any strike, work stoppage or disruptive activity. No employee shall engage in activities that
violate this Article. Any employee who participates in or encourages any activities which interfere with the
normal operation of Walt Disney World Resort shall be subject to disciplinary action, including discharge.
The Union shall not be liable for acts of employees for which it has no responsibility. The failure of the
Company to exercise this right in any instance shall not be deemed a waiver of this right in any other
instances, nor shall the Company's right to discipline all employees for any other cause be in any way
affected by this Section.
Disputes between the Union parties hereto and any concessionaire operating in Walt Disney
World Resort shall be so handled as not to interfere with the Company's business or the business of any
concessionaire not a party to such disputes. No picketing or concerted action against any one or more of
the concessionaires will be conducted at Walt Disney World Resort. “Concessionaire” as used herein,
includes a concessionaire and also a licensee, exhibitor, participant, sponsor, contractor, subcontractor or
lessee. In the event any other organization pickets at or near Walt Disney World Resort, the Unions
signatory hereto agree that such picket line so far as they and the employees they represent are
concerned shall not affect the operation of the Company or concessionaires who are not involved in the
Any party to this Agreement may institute the following procedure in lieu of or in addition to any
other action at law or equity, when a breach of this Article is alleged.
(a) The party invoking this procedure shall notify the permanent Arbitrator. In the event the
permanent Arbitrator is unavailable, he/she shall appoint his/her alternate. Notice to the Arbitrator shall be
by the most expeditious means available, with a notice by facsimile and/or e-mail to the Business
Manager of the Union alleged to be in violation of the Agreement, and a copy of the facsimile and/or e-
mail to the Union Co Chairman of the Management Union Committee.
(b) Upon receipt of said notice, the Arbitrator named above or his/her alternate shall set and hold
a hearing within twenty four (24) hours.
(c) The Arbitrator shall notify the parties by facsimile and/or e-mail of the place and time he/she
has chosen for this hearing. Said hearing shall be completed in one session with appropriate recesses at
the Arbitrator's discretion. A failure of any party or parties to attend said hearing shall not delay the
hearing of evidence or issuance of an Award by the Arbitrator.
(d) The sole issue at the hearing shall be whether or not a violation of this Article has in fact
occurred and the Arbitrator shall have no authority to consider any matter in justification, explanation or
mitigation of such violation or to award damages, which issue is reserved for court proceedings, if any.
The Award will be issued in writing within three (3) hours after the close of the hearing, and may be
issued without an Opinion. If any party desires an Opinion, one shall be issued within fifteen (15) days,
but its issuance shall not delay compliance with, or enforcement of the Award. The Arbitrator may order
cessation of the violation of this Article and other appropriate relief, and such Award shall be served on all
parties by hand or registered mail upon request.
(e) Such Award may be enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction upon filing of this
Agreement and all other relevant documents referred to herein above, in the following manner:
Notice of the filing of such enforcement proceedings shall be given to the other party by
facsimile and/or e-mail.
In the proceeding to obtain a temporary order enforcing the Arbitrator's Award as issued under
Section 5(d) of this Article, all parties waive the right to a hearing and agree that such proceeding may be
ex parte. Such Agreement does not waive any party's rights to participate in a hearing for a final Order of
Enforcement. The Court's Order or Orders enforcing the Arbitrator's Award shall be served on all parties
by hand or by delivery to their last known address or by registered mail.
(f) Any rights created by Statute or law governing arbitration proceeding inconsistent with the
above procedure, or which interfere with compliance thereof, are hereby waived by the parties to whom
they accrue.
(g) The fees and expenses of the Arbitrator shall be divided equally between the moving party or
parties and the party or parties responded.
The Company agrees to notify the appropriate affiliate Union of all WALT DISNEY WORLD
Service Trades unit needs for employees and will provide the Union with equal opportunity to provide
applicants for such jobs. When applicable, the Company will request referrals by specifying the type of
qualifications and skills required.
The Union will refer employees on a non-discriminatory basis.
The Company will respond to all Union referrals, as to hires or rejections, by completing and
returning referral cards.
The Company and the Union agree that there shall be no discrimination against any employee
due to Union activities or affiliation.
The Company and the Union agree there shall be no discrimination against any employee or
prospective employee due to race, color, creed, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, religion,
marital status, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, ancestry, military or veteran status,
medical condition, genetic information, disability (mental or physical) or on any basis prohibited by federal
or state legislation. The parties further agree to support Affirmative Action efforts.
The Company and the Union agree there shall be no retaliation against an individual who has
made a good faith complaint about violation of the Company’s Equal Employment Opportunity and
Harassment policies, or has cooperated with an investigation into a complaint of violation of these
policies. Employees who believe they have been harassed, discriminated against or retaliated against, in
violation of the above stated policies, should promptly report the facts of the incident and the name of the
person involved to the Human Resource Department, Labor Relations Department, or Union
The Company and the Union acknowledge the reasonable accommodation commitment of the
Americans with Disabilities Act and the protected status of qualified applicants and employees with
disabilities. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as intended to be a barrier to reasonable
accommodation to qualified persons with disabilities, provided any proposed accommodation is
reasonable and does not unnecessarily usurp the legitimate rights of other employees under this
Agreement. In this regard, the Company and the Union commit to meet to resolve potential conflicts
between the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Agreement.
Solicitation for Union purposes by the Union shall not take place on working time, in working
areas, in public areas, nor in the tunnel complex (except in break areas contained there), but may be
conducted in non-working areas and on non-working time in parking areas, break areas, and lunch
Representatives of the signatory Unions, designated in writing to the Company by the Union,
shall be permitted to enter the non-public areas of the Walt Disney World Resort for the purpose of
determining that this Agreement is being complied with by the Company and for the presentation and
handling of grievances. Such representatives, who shall not be at any one time more than a total of one
hundred (100) in number for all Agreements between the Company and the Union, unless mutually
agreed otherwise, shall comply with the current access regulation and security regulation of the
Company, as furnished to each Union Representative by the Company, and shall not interrupt the
performance of employee work assignments.
(a) Union Orientation. The Company agrees that it will allow a Union Representative access to
new Regular Full Time bargaining unit employees at orientation for twenty (20) minutes to introduce their
organization and distribute Union literature. The Company will provide the Union with a room of adequate
size to accommodate the group, equipped with sufficient tables and chairs. The Company will reserve
this room on a priority basis for the Union's use. Storage space will also be provided for the Union. Any
change in the scheduling of Union Orientation will be discussed with the Union a minimum of sixty (60)
days in advance.
(b) Conversion to Regular Full Time. The Union will be allowed access to those Regular Part
Time employees who convert to Regular Full Time status. The names and work locations of individuals
or small groups who convert to regular Full Time status will be made available to the Union on a monthly
basis, upon conversion, to allow access through the “one-on-one” procedure. When large numbers of
employees are converted to Regular Full Time status and operating efficiency permits, the Union may
conduct a group orientation meeting in lieu of the “one-on-one” procedure. These meetings will be held in
the respective operating areas.
(c) One-on-One Meetings. Authorized Business Agents will be granted access to non-members
in their respective work locations. Such access/contacts will be subject to the following guidelines and
(1) The Union may mail, distribute or request supervision to distribute a solicitation
letter to non-members within a work department/location, provided a distribution
list is furnished to the Company, or in the alternative, provide the Company with
the distribution list and letters for distribution. If the Union notifies the Company
the mail option is elected, the Company will furnish the addresses of non-
members. Supervision will neither encourage nor discourage employees from
electing to meet with the Union.
(2) The letter will not be disparaging to the Company and will clearly indicate that the
employee has the option to meet or not meet with the Union.
(3) The Company will schedule one-on-ones for employees who return a signed
letter to the Union indicating the desire to meet with the Union.
(4) Meetings will be conducted on Company time on a mutually convenient
schedule. The location of the meeting site will vary from area to area. Contact
should be out of the guest area, but reasonably accessible to the work location.
Supervision and other employees should remain away from the meeting area to
afford as much privacy as possible.
(5) Meetings should be kept to a reasonable limit (5-10 minutes), and Supervision
shall be responsible for monitoring this time.
(6) Contacts under this Section will be limited to one meeting per employee.
(a) The Union shall have the right to designate Shop Stewards in an amount mutually agreed
upon by the parties. The number of Shop Stewards may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties.
The local Union shall, in writing, notify the Labor Relations office of the Company as to the identity of the
designated Shop Steward. The Shop Steward shall have the right to receive, but not to promote,
complaints or differences and to discuss and assist in the adjustment of the same with the appropriate
Supervisor on Company property without loss of pay during his/her regular working hours. The Company
will not discriminate against the Shop Steward in the proper performance of his/her Union duties provided
that such duties do not unreasonably interfere with his/her regular work or with the work of other
employees and he/she shall not leave his/her work station without first notifying his/her appropriate
Supervisor as to his/her intent, the reason therefore, where he/she can be reached and the estimated
time he/she will be gone.
(b) Where the complaint or difference involves more than one (1) employee, it must be presented
to Management by the Shop Steward and one (1) employee for the employees involved unless presented
outside of regular working hours, or unless the Division Head involved gives permission for other
additional employees to attend such presentation.
(c) The Company agrees to notify the affiliated Union in the event a Shop Steward is placed on
investigatory suspension or transferred to a different work area/location. Shop Stewards shall have super
seniority for the purpose of layoff, recall, and furlough only. In the event of the layoff or discharge of a
Shop Steward, the Company will notify the Affiliate Union Designee in advance of the lay-off or discharge.
Failure of the Union to provide the Company with an up-to-date listing of Stewards will relieve the
Company's obligation of notification.
(d) A Shop Steward or Alternate will accompany representatives of Management whenever
locker or non-routine inspections are made.
(e) The Steward shall promote harmonious relations between the Company and employees. All
new employee trainer checklists will include a notation regarding the introduction/identification of the
Shop Steward for the new employee by the Trainer.
The Company agrees to withhold from the wages on each payroll week uniform weekly
membership dues, initiation fees and/or service charges for each employee who signs and submits an
authorization card. The Company shall forward such dues to the certified financial secretary or other
properly designated official of the Union on or before the third week following the last week in the month
in which the dues are deducted. The Company shall also forward an electronic check-off report which
lists employee name, Social Security number, statused origin/department/location, and the amount of the
deduction. The Union will give the Company a written statement no later than January 31st each year,
identifying the amount of dues and/or initiation fees to be withheld. Additionally, the Union will provide
written notice of changes to these dues and/or fees. The Company will implement such changes within
ninety (90) days of receipt of written notice.
The Union agrees to indemnify and save the Company harmless against any and all claims, suits or other
forms of liability arising out of the deduction of money for Union dues from employees' pay. The Union
assumes full responsibility for the disposition of the monies so deducted once they have been turned over
to the certified financial secretary or other properly designated official of the Union.
So that all parties to this agreement may benefit from a more efficient and less costly dues billing and
remittance policy, the following shall apply:
The Company agrees to meet with those Unions capable of electronic dues processing in an attempt to
reach agreement over a mutually agreed format for the processing of dues billing and remittance and the
electronic transfer of funds.
In the event the term of this Agreement expires, the Company’s obligation to provide the
dues/fees collection and remission services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) set out in Article 9,
Section 5 will terminate if the Union does not accept the Company’s offer of an extension which includes
the following:
(a) Retroactive payment to Regular Full Time employees of any subsequently negotiated
increases to base hourly wage rates during the term of the extension;
(b) Subsequently negotiated increases to base hourly wage rates shall be effective the day
following the original date of expiration of the Agreement through the term of the extension;
(c) Payment of retroactive base hourly wage increases shall be based on each Regular Full
Time employee’s hours paid between the original date of expiration of the Agreement and
through the term of the extension (precise method of calculation subject to negotiation);
In the event a successor Agreement is ratified, the Company is under no obligation to collect and/or remit
retroactive dues/fees for the period of time that the Services were terminated.
(a) The Company agrees to provide each affiliate with a monthly member/non-member list for
their portion of the bargaining unit. The list shall include each employee's full name, Social Security
number, phone number, rate of pay, address, and e-mail address, if available to the Company. The
information will be provided electronically in alphabetical order by origin, department and work location
and shall indicate the employee's Union or non-Union status.
(b) The Company agrees to provide each affiliate with a monthly seniority list for their portion of
the bargaining unit. The list shall include each employee's full name, Social Security number and date of
hire. The information will be provided electronically in order of seniority by origin, department and work
(c) The Company agrees to provide each affiliate with a monthly list of status changes, into and
out of the bargaining unit. The list shall include employees who convert from any status to: Regular Part
Time, Regular Full Time, Casual Temporary, Retirement, voluntary termination, or any other status
change. The list shall also include any employees who transfer from one bargaining unit into another.
The information will be provided electronically in alphabetical order by origin, department and work
location and shall indicate the employee’s Union or non-Union status.
The Company agrees to deduct weekly voluntary contributions to the political action fund of each
affiliate Union from the paycheck of all employees covered by the STCU Agreement. Those employees
must notify the Company in writing of his/her desire to have such contributions deducted and the amounts
designated from his/her paycheck. The Company shall transmit to each such affiliate’s fund on a monthly
basis, in one check, the total amount deducted along with an electronic report of the name of each
employee on whose behalf a deduction is made, the employee’s Social Security number and the amount
deducted from the employee’s paycheck.
The STCU and the affiliate Unions agree to indemnify and save the Company harmless against
any and all claims, suit or other forms of liability arising out of the deduction of money for voluntary
political deductions from employees’ pay. Each affiliate Union assumes full responsibility for the
disposition of the monies so deducted once they have been turned over to the fund.
A payroll week is a period of seven (7) days starting at 3:30 a.m. on each Sunday and ending at
3:29 a.m. the following Sunday. The Payroll Week may be changed once during the term of the
Agreement, by the Company giving two (2) weeks’ notice to the Union, so long as it starts on a Sunday or
Saturday with no more than an eight (8) hour change from midnight on Sunday.
(a) The work week shall consist of twenty-five (25) to forty (40) hours in the seven (7) day period starting
at 3:30 a.m. on each Sunday and ending at 3:29 a.m. on the following Sunday. This shall constitute the
regularly scheduled work week but is not a guaranteed work week.
(1) Five (5) Day Work Week. Employees scheduled on a five (5) day work week will not be
involuntarily scheduled less than thirty-two (32) hours per week during their five (5)
regularly scheduled work days.
(2) Four (4) Day Work Week. Employees scheduled on a four (4) day work week will not be
involuntarily scheduled less than eight (8) hours per day during their four (4) regularly
scheduled work days. Employees who regularly work a four (4) day work week, will not
be intermittently assigned to a five (5) day work week.
(b) The Company commits to maximize the straight-time hours worked by Regular Full Time
employees by providing as many thirty-five (35) to forty (40) hour schedules as possible, consistent with
efficient operations.
(c) On an annual basis, January 1 through December 31, seventy-five percent (75%) of all non-
tipped Regular Full Time employees who are employed for this entire time period shall be guaranteed
1,800 paid hours. These hours shall include straight-time, overtime, and benefit hours. Employees who
have taken leaves of absence or have been laid-off/furloughed shall be prorated for the 1,800 hour
A payroll day is a period of twenty four (24) hours starting at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and ending at
11:59 p.m. on the same day. The Payroll Day may be changed once during the term of the Agreement, by
the Company giving two (2) weeks’ notice to the Union, so long as there is no more than an eight (8) hour
change from midnight.
A regularly scheduled work day shall consist of a minimum of four (4) hours. This shall also apply
to mandatory meetings employees are required to attend.
The Company shall adhere to seniority in establishing work schedules in a department, location
or scheduling pool unless required to deviate for reasons of dependability, skills, abilities, and experience
of employees and/or for the orderly and uninterrupted operation of the Company. Any deviation from
seniority in these areas will be discussed with the Union. The determination of an employee's
qualifications as used herein shall be made by the Company. Any dispute arising under this Section shall
be subject to the Grievance Procedure. Any employee will be assigned any combination of two (2)
consecutive days off within a seven (7) day period. On a case-by-case basis, an employee’s request for
two (2) non-consecutive days off may be granted by the Company until the next schedule pick/bid, with
the approval of the appropriate affiliate. An employee will be notified in writing at least five (5) days in
advance of any change in such assignment, except in the case of an emergency or operational necessity.
One example is shown below with the third day (Tuesday) and the fourth (Wednesday) as days off.
Payroll Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Work Day S M T W Th F S
Assigned Days Off W W OFF OFF W W W
(a) Schedule Bids - A minimum of two (2) schedule picks/bids per year will be conducted. A
designated Shop Steward from the affected Affiliate will be present where in person bids are utilized
during the schedule bid process. The schedule bid will be posted a minimum of seven (7) days prior to
the bid selection. An employee shall have the right to bid while on an approved Leave of Absence if
he/she has submitted to the Company written notice with an exact date of return that is within thirty (30)
calendar days of the effective date of the bid. Where in person bids are not utilized a designated Shop
Steward from the affected Affiliate will have the opportunity to review results of each schedule bid prior to
A minimum time of one half (1/2) hour to a maximum of one (1) hour unpaid and uninterrupted
lunch period as near as practicable to the mid point of the regularly scheduled shift will be assigned to
each employee. An additional one half (1/2) hour unpaid and uninterrupted lunch period will be
guaranteed to an employee who works at least six (6) consecutive hours beyond the end of his/her
regularly scheduled shift.
Each employee will be allowed an uninterrupted fifteen (15) minute rest period for each four (4)
hours of work. Employees who work ten (10) or more hours will receive an additional uninterrupted fifteen
(15) minute rest period. The Company may schedule the rest period in accordance with its needs. Rest
periods will be provided as nearly as possible to the middle of each half of an eight (8) hour shift or near
the middle of short four (4) or six (6) hour shifts unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. An additional
uninterrupted fifteen (15) minute rest period will be guaranteed to an employee who works at least four (4)
consecutive hours beyond the end of his/her regularly scheduled shifts. When the Company fails to
provide a break(s), the employee will receive an additional uninterrupted fifteen (15) minutes pay at the
appropriate rate for each missed break, or be released from shift fifteen (15) minutes early for each
missed break.
SECTION 8.Clock In/Clock Out
Effective no earlier than 90 days after ratification of the Agreement, employees are not permitted
to clock in greater than five (5) minutes prior to the start of their shift or greater than five (5) minutes after
the end of their shift unless approved in advance by Management. Employees will be compensated for up
to five (5) minutes of his or her recorded pre-shift time and/or up to five (5) minutes of his or her recorded
post-shift time. Payment for this pre-shift and/or post-shift time shall be subject to the same terms and
conditions applicable to work time under this Agreement, including but not limited to the rules governing
overtime work and overtime compensation. Employees who clock in before the start of their shifts or who
clock out after the end of their shifts are not permitted to perform job duties during that pre-shift and/or
post-shift time.
(a) Employees at Magic Kingdom (excluding employees assigned or statused to Transportation
and Ticket Center/Main Entrance areas), will receive ten (10) minutes per shift paid dress and travel/walk
time. Employees will be released ten (10) minutes prior to the end of their shifts to compensate them for
this dress and travel/walk time allowance.
(b) With the exception of the ten (10) minutes per shift paid dress and travel/walk time set forth
above, it is the understanding of the parties that an employee will not receive dress and/or travel/walk
time pay because the employee is not required to dress on property. Whenever operational necessity
dictates that employees be required to park at distant locations other than their assigned parking areas,
and are required to take Company provided transportation, the employees will be paid twenty (20)
minutes per shift, or will be released from their shift twenty (20) minutes prior to the end of their shift.
Where the Cast Deployment System (CDS) is used, the Company will take appropriate steps to
educate employees, Managers, and Union Shop Stewards on how to properly use CDS. Should the
Company decide to implement CDS in new locations, the Company will meet and discuss the
implementation plan with the respective Union. The Company will work to resolve employees’ issues
regarding CDS in a timely manner and will have a contingency plan to provide timely rest periods, lunch
periods, and rotational bumps, in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
It shall be the responsibility of Management to determine in each instance if overtime work is
required, and if so, how many employees will be required to perform the work.
All overtime work, including special event overtime, shall normally be distributed to employees
who work in the job classifications in the areas which normally engage in the work, under the following
(a) Distributed as equitably as reasonably practical;
(b) Distributed first to qualified, available employees in the work area and then to qualified,
available employees regularly assigned to the work area before distribution outside the work area.
Junior, qualified, available, on-shift employee(s) will be required to work involuntary overtime.
The Company will make every effort to give the employee as much notice as reasonably possible of the
involuntary overtime. Additionally, no employee will be required to work involuntarily more than fourteen
(14) consecutive days.
When Management has at least ninety (90) minutes’ notice that a shift is going to be extended, it
shall notify employees required to remain beyond their scheduled shift at least thirty (30) minutes prior to
the end of the employees’ shift. The Company will provide access to a phone in the event of a required
(a) Five (5) Day Work Week
(1) Employees who work on either the first or second of their two (2) scheduled days
off will be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½) their regular straight-time
rate, provided such employees have worked five (5) work days in the work week
if work is available to them. For purposes of this provision, early releases (ER’s),
Jury Duty and Company initiated authorized days off (ADO’s) shall constitute a
day worked. Additionally, if an employee reports to work late for his/her
scheduled shift, or has a release of shift (ROS), the portion of the scheduled
hours not worked must be worked prior to the overtime rate commencing on
either the first or second of their two (2) scheduled days off for purposes of this
(2) Employees Who Work Over Eight (8) Consecutive Hours. The Company shall
pay time and one-half (1½) for all consecutive hours worked in excess of eight
(8) hours.
(b) Four (4) Day Work Week
(1) Employees who work on either the first, second, or third of their three (3)
scheduled days off will be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½) their regular
straight-time rate, provided such employees have worked four (4) work days in
the work week if work is available to them. For purposes of this provision, early
releases (ER’s), Jury Duty and Company initiated and authorized days off
(ADO’s) shall constitute a day worked. Additionally, if an employee reports to
work late for his/her scheduled shift, or has a release of shift (ROS), the portion
of the scheduled hours not worked must be worked prior to the overtime rate
commencing on either the first, second, or third of their three (3) scheduled days
off for purposes of this provision.
(2) Employees Who Work Over Ten (10) Consecutive Hours. The Company shall
pay time and one-half (1½) their regular straight-time rate for all consecutive
hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours.
(c) Over Forty (40) Hours in Payroll Week. Employees shall be paid one and one-half (1½) times
their regular straight-time hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in any one
payroll week.
(a) The Company will pay double time for all hours commencing with the fifteenth (15th)
cumulative hour when an employee is scheduled or required to work more than fourteen (14) consecutive
hours. When an employee voluntarily pursues a shift, which results in working more than fourteen (14)
consecutive hours, this double time provision does not apply and the employee will be paid time and one-
(b) Consistent with the provisions of Section 4 (a) and (b) above, employees who are required to
work seven (7) consecutive days in the work week, will be paid at the rate of double time their regular
straight-time rate for the seventh (7th) day. When an employee voluntarily pursues an additional shift on
a seventh (7th) consecutive day, this double time provision does not apply and the employee will be paid
time and one-half.
(a) Employees returning from a straight time shift with less than eight (8) hours’ time off from the
end of the previous shift will be paid overtime commencing with the ninth (9th) cumulative hour.
(b) An employee will return at the applicable overtime rate when returning from an overtime shift
with less than eight (8) hours’ time off from the end of the previous shift.
(c) The Company will pay double time for all hours commencing with the fifteenth (15th)
cumulative hour when an employee has worked more than fourteen (14) consecutive hours. When an
employee voluntarily pursues both the shift prior to and following the less than eight (8) hour turnabout
period, this double time provision does not apply and the employee will be paid time and one-half.
(d) If an employee is released from work with less than eight (8) hours until the beginning of the
next shift, but remains on call, a sleeping room will be provided and the non-work period will be paid at
the applicable rate.
(e) When there are two (2) hours or less between two (2) shifts, the time between shifts will be
treated as continuous time and will be paid at the applicable rate, except when an employee pursues an
additional shift outside of his/her own department on his/her own volition. The aforementioned exception
will not be applicable for special events and private parties.
(f) Hours worked during an employee's regularly scheduled shift, regardless of the rate of pay
received, shall be used for the computation of overtime for hours worked in excess of forty (40) in a
payroll week as provided in Article 11, Section 4 (c).
(g) If an employee is released from work with eight (8) or more hours until the beginning of the
next shift, the provisions of this section will not apply.
The job classifications and rates of pay which shall prevail during the term of this Agreement are
set forth and contained in Addendum A attached hereto and considered in all respects to be a part of this
If the Company hereafter establishes any new or substantially changed job classifications or work
operation, prior to the implementation of any new or substantially changed job classification or work
operation, the Company will discuss such action with the Union. The new job classification and wage rate
for such new job classification will be established by the Company. If the Union does not agree with the
rate for the job classification, the Union shall submit a written grievance at the Step 2 of the Grievance
Procedure within fourteen (14) calendar days after installation of the new rate. In the event any higher
rate is agreed upon through the Grievance Procedure or arbitration, it shall be effective retroactively as of
the date the job classification was installed.
If an employee is scheduled to commence work at or after 10:00 p.m. and on or before 4:00 a.m.,
or more than fifty percent (50%) of his/her work shift is between midnight and 6:00 a.m., he/she will be
paid a differential of sixty cents ($.60) per hour in addition to his/her straight time rate for his/her
scheduled work day.
(a) Employees who report for work and who were not given prior notice not to report for work,
and who are not put to work, will be given two (2) hours pay.
(b) Employees who report for work and are put to work will be paid their full shift if they are sent
home before the end of their regular shift.
(c) No report pay will be due an employee if work is not available for him/her, due to conditions
beyond the control of the Company, such as fire, flood, hurricane, or other Act of God, civil disturbances,
picketing and threats of harm.
(d) The provisions of this Article apply to all scheduled shifts, including overtime.
(a) Not withstanding Section 4(c) above, if the Company must close all or major portions of its
operations and there is no work available due to conditions beyond the control of the Company, such as
natural disasters or other extreme circumstances, including but not limited to flood, hurricane, or other
catastrophic events, the Company, at its sole discretion, may provide impacted employees with up to five
(5) days of pay for scheduled shifts missed due to business closure.
(b) Selection and scheduling of ride out/Emergency crews is at the sole discretion of the
Company.  However, no employee will be forced to work ride out/Emergency crews.
In the event an employee incurs an occupational illness or injury, and Health Services excuses
the employee from further work on that day, he/she shall be paid the unworked balance of his/her
scheduled straight-time or overtime shift. Pay for the unworked balance of his/her shift due to an
occupational injury shall be considered as time worked for purposes of computing overtime.
Employees shall be paid weekly and their pay will not be delayed more than six (6) days from the
end of each payroll week, providing, however, that if a payday falls on an employee's regularly scheduled
day off or a paid holiday, he/she shall receive his/her paycheck on his/her next regularly scheduled work
day. An employee shall receive vacation pay on his/her last day of work prior to the commencement of
his/her vacation.
In order to reduce the potential for payroll errors, the Union agrees to affirmatively encourage
employees to properly use the time clock system. When a pay shortage occurs, the Company will, upon
an employee’s timely request, in accordance with the procedure adopted by the Company, issue a check
for the pay which is due as quickly as possible, but no later than the next pay day following the request.
The Labor-Management Scheduling Meeting shall convene upon the request of the Union at a
mutually agreed upon date and time.
(a) Coordinators may be designated by the Company in any of the classifications set forth in
Addendum A and will be paid a one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour premium for all actual hours
worked as a Coordinator. Coordinators statused by the Company in any of the classifications set forth in
Addendum A will be paid a one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour premium. Coordinators are
responsible for providing leadership and direction to employees in the group, operation or function and
may perform the same duties as other employees. Duties shall include, but are not limited to, promoting
teamwork and assisting the location team in meeting quality and quantity standards. Coordinators have
no authority to make personnel decisions such as hiring, terminations, transfers, promotions or
disciplinary action.
(b) All Regular Coordinator openings shall be posted as needed. Only non-probationary regular
employees shall be eligible for Coordinator positions. The following guidelines apply in filling positions:
(1) Minimum of four (4) months relevant Disney experience
(2) Skills to be considered: performance, experience, technical skills, initiative, team
work, dependability and communication skills
(3) In the event candidates are deemed to have equal qualifications, seniority shall be
the determining factor.
(c) Employees new to the Coordinator role will be placed on a one hundred eighty (180) day
qualifying period. If the Company determines during the one hundred eighty (180) day qualifying period
that the employee’s performance is not satisfactory or if the employee requests a return within the one
hundred eighty (180) days, the Company will return the employee to his/her prior job classification and
location and the employee shall be immediately eligible to transfer again.
(d) If a Regular Full Time employee is regularly assigned a work schedule that requires him/her
to work for more than sixty percent (60%) of his/her time as a Coordinator for a period of more than one
hundred eighty (180) consecutive days, the position will be posted and filled in accordance with Article 12,
Section 7(b).
(e) Employees in the Coordinator role who, in a rolling twelve (12) month period, receive two (2)
reprimands in accordance with Article 18, Section 6(b) or any three (3) reprimands will be returned to
his/her prior job classification. If the employee’s prior job classification was a Coordinator, he/she will be
returned to the job classification held prior to the Coordinator role.
(f) When selecting vacation, Coordinators will bid within the same pool as their scheduling pool.
Trainers may be designated by the Company in any of the classifications set forth in Addendum A.
Trainers will be paid a one dollar ($1.00) per hour premium for all actual training hours.
(a) Coordinators of Training (CoT) will be statused to a new job classification as set forth in
Addendum A. CoTs are responsible for providing training and direction to new or transferring employees
in a single or multi-line of business group, operation or function and may perform the same duties as
other employees. Duties shall include, but are not limited to: updating on-the-job (OJT) manuals/training
materials, training, coordinating training across different job classifications, conducting property tours,
assisting in assessment of training needs, training employees to serve as Trainers and conducting
training follow ups. CoTs have no authority to make personnel decisions such as hiring, terminations,
transfers, promotions or disciplinary action.
(b) All Regular CoT openings shall be posted as needed. Only non-probationary regular
employees shall be eligible for CoT positions. Employees are required to submit a résumé. The following
guidelines apply in filling positions:
(1) Minimum of four (4) months relevant Disney experience
(2) Skills to be considered: performance, experience, technical skills, initiative, team
work, dependability, and communication skills
(3) In the event candidates are deemed to have equal qualifications, seniority shall be
the determining factor.
(c) Employees new to the CoT role will be placed on a one hundred eighty (180) day qualifying period. If
the Company determines during the one hundred eighty (180) day qualifying period that the employee’s
performance is not satisfactory or if the employee requests a return within the one hundred eighty (180)
days, the Company will return the employee to his/her prior job classification and location and the
employee shall be immediately eligible to transfer again.
(d) Employees in the CoT role who, in a rolling twelve (12) month period, receive two (2)
reprimands in accordance with Article 18, Section 6(b) or any three (3) reprimands will be returned to
his/her prior job classification. If the employee’s prior job classification was a CoT, he/she will be returned
to the job classification held prior to the CoT role.
(e) When selecting vacation, Coordinators of Training will bid in the same pool as their scheduling
Employees who convert from Regular Full Time to Regular Part Time will continue to receive the
Regular Full Time pay rate.
Seniority is defined as the period of continuous service as a Regular Full Time employee working
in a job classification covered in Addendum A of this Agreement.
(a) The principles of seniority shall be observed on layoffs, recalls, days off, establishing work
schedules by department, location or scheduling pool, vacation selection, promotion and transfers as
defined in specific Articles of the Agreement.
(b) The principles of seniority shall be observed in establishing days off and work schedules by
department, location or scheduling pool regardless of scheduling methodology, where consistent with
operating needs as set forth in Article 10, Section 5.
(c) The parties recognize the importance of optimum scheduling of employees in a fashion that
honors the principles of seniority, considers the needs of employees, and meets the business needs of
the Company. The parties also recognize that stability in scheduling methods is important to the
employees. The following existing scheduling methodologies, or any combination thereof, may be utilized
by the Company at any location or line of business:
Hard Lines
Cherry Pick
Pool Lines
Global Bids
Should the Company decide to implement a new scheduling method other than those listed, the
Company will meet, discuss, and agree on the new scheduling method with the respective Union. The
Company will take appropriate steps to educate employees, Managers, and Union Shop Stewards
regarding any new scheduling methodology.
Any dispute on the application of the seniority principle shall be subject to the Grievance
Seniority and/or the employment relationship shall terminate when an employee:
(a) Resigns from a Regular Full Time position or converts to Regular Part Time status.
(b) Is discharged for just cause.
(c) Is absent for three (3) consecutive unexcused work days.
(d) Is laid off for a continuous period of twelve (12) months or more.
(e) Fails to report at the end of a leave of absence.
(a) Regular Full Time Employees Regular Full Time tipped and non-tipped employees assigned
to an established job on a Regular Full Time basis work thirty (30) hours per week or more.
(1) The following will be the administrative process for monitoring continued eligibility of
Regular Full Time employees for Disney Full Time benefits.
a. Regular Full Time employees must work the appropriate number of hours to average
at least thirty (30) hours per week during the monitoring period. The monitoring
period shall be a full twelve (12) month period as designated by the Company and
the appropriate number of hours to be worked is 1560 hours. During the life of the
Agreement, the Company will meet with the Union to discuss any changes in the
established twelve (12) month monitoring period at least sixty (60) days in advance of
such changes going into effect. Regular Full Time employees will be notified of the
monitoring period in writing.
b. For the purpose of calculation, hours worked shall include paid benefit time.
c. Any unpaid authorized medical leaves, personal leaves, family medical leaves,
disability leaves and workers’ compensation leaves will not be counted against the
thirty (30) hours per week calculation during the monitoring period.
d. The Company agrees to notify employees who are trending below the minimum
number of hours at the midway point and at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of
the monitoring period. Additionally, the Company will provide employees access to
electronically view total paid hours at any time.
e. Regular Full Time employees who fail to meet the Full Time hours requirement during
the monitoring period will be converted to a Regular Part Time status in the same
classification and location and lose their Regular Full Time status and Regular Full
Time benefits eligibility.
f. Employees who are hired or converted from a Regular Part Time status to a Regular
Full Time status during the monitoring period will be exempt and deferred to the next
monitoring period.
(2) Probationary Employee. All new Regular Full Time employees shall be considered
probationary employees for a period of ninety (90) calendar days which may be extended
by thirty (30) days with notice from the Company to the Union. Any probationary period
interrupted by a leave of absence(s) (e.g. personal leave, medical leave) will be
automatically extended by the same number of days as such leave of absence(s). Where
a newly hired employee is transferred into a new job classification or to a new location
within the first ninety (90) days, the employee shall serve an additional ninety (90) day
probationary period in the new job/location. The Company reserves the right to terminate
their employment for any reason until they have completed any such probationary
period. However, probationary employees shall be entitled to utilize the Grievance
Procedure to grieve any matter which could be grieved by any other employee except
termination within the probationary period.
(3) Any Regular Full Time or Regular Part Time employee who has completed the ninety
(90) calendar day probationary period and subsequently converts status (Regular Full
Time to Regular Part Time or Regular Part Time to Regular Full Time) will not have to
complete another probationary period but will receive a new bargaining unit seniority date
as of the date of the conversion. An employee’s disciplinary record shall not be affected
by the change in status.
(b) Casual Employees
(1) Employees will be considered casual if they customarily work less than twenty-five (25)
hours per week on an ongoing basis, or who customarily work twenty-five (25) hours per
week or more but less than seven (7) months per year.
(2) During the life of this Agreement, total casual employee utilization shall not exceed the
percentage outlined below of the total hours paid by Full Time and Casual employees in
all job classifications in any calendar year.
Calendar Year
(c) The parties acknowledge that Section 5(b) is the sole restriction on the Company's ability to
schedule and work casual employees.
(d) Conversion from Casual to Full Time. The Company will give consideration to Union petitions
for conversion from Casual to Full Time status.
(a) Any employee promoted or transferred to any Regular Full Time position outside of the
bargaining unit, but within the Walt Disney World Resort, shall retain and accumulate seniority for a
period not to exceed twelve (12) months from the date of accepting such position.
(b) Any employee who transfers to a position or accompanies a spouse to Disneyland Paris, Tokyo
Disneyland or Hong Kong Disneyland shall retain and accumulate seniority for a period not to exceed
twenty-four (24) months.
An employee transferring into a tipped classification from a non-tipped classification will not be allowed to
exercise his/her seniority as it relates to the selection of work schedules until the major schedule change
following one (1) year of service in the tipped classification.
(a) No employee employed continuously since November 6, 1986 or before shall be required to
document immigration status.
(b) No employee covered by this Agreement shall suffer any loss of seniority, compensation or
benefits due to any changes in the employee’s name or Social Security number, provided that the new
Social Security number is valid and the employee is authorized to work in the United States and he/she
has not previously falsified his/her employment application or I-9 documentation.
(c) In the event that an employee is not authorized to work in the United States following the
probationary period, and his/her employment is terminated for this reason, the Company agrees to
immediately reinstate the employee to his/her former job classification without loss of prior seniority
(seniority, vacation or other benefits do not continue to accrue during the period of absence) upon the
employee providing proper work authorization within one hundred eighty (180) days from date of
Those employees of the Company in classifications set forth in Addendum A who are authorized to work
in the United States as a result of an appropriate visa or other limited work authorization shall be
generally covered under the terms of this Agreement, although the parties agree that the Company shall
not be required by any provision of this Agreement to permit any such employee to engage in duties
inconsistent with visa or international work restrictions. The parties further agree that in order to preserve
the culturally authentic theming at various properties, the Company shall not be required to make
available for general transfer the culturally authentic jobs performed by such international employees.
Separation of employment of employees with international status, based on the loss or expiration of the
appropriate and required work authorizations, shall not be subject to the Grievance Procedure. However,
disciplinary action (including discharge) which is not subject to the Grievance Procedure shall not set a
precedent for discipline of non-international employees. An investigatory suspension (Article 18, Section
5) shall precede any contemplated discharge for just cause for such employee, and the affiliate with
jurisdiction shall be immediately notified of any such suspension.
(a) Employees interested in a transfer shall fill out the appropriate submittal and may need to
complete a personal interview. Positions eligible for transfer will be provided on the Company’s intranet
along with the requirements for the position. An employee interested in a transfer will be provided the
opportunity to identify a minimum of two (2) areas of interest for transfer.
(b) In filling Regular Full Time vacancies, the Company shall identify and transfer the employee
who has completed the appropriate, submittal, met the criteria outlined in either Section 1a, 2 or Section 3
below, and has identified the area of the vacancy as one of their preferences. Eligible applicants will be
considered in the following order by seniority:
1. All Regular Full Time employees from the same classification
2. All Regular Part Time employees from the same classification and location for which the
vacancy exists
3. All Regular Part Time employees from the same classification
4. All other Regular Full Time STCU employees
5. All other Regular Part Time STCU employees
Eligible applicants will be considered in the following order, by seniority, 365 days after the
ratification of this Agreement:
1. All Regular Part Time employees from the same classification and location for which the
vacancy exists
2. All Regular Full Time employees from the same classification
3. All Regular Part Time employees from the same classification
4. All other Regular Full Time STCU employees
5. All other Regular Part Time STCU employees
(c) Employees who have not updated their phone number with the Company’s system of record
will be bypassed after attempting to contact them.
(d) Employees shall not be eligible for voluntary transfer until after twelve (12) months of Regular
Full Time employment with the Company within the bargaining unit, excluding any probationary period
recasting. Thereafter, employees shall be eligible for transfer based on the criteria listed below.
(e) Any employee who declines a transfer will be eligible to transfer again after twelve (12)
months from the date the position is declined.
(a) The Company agrees that in granting transfers to different locations, and/or different job
classifications, seniority shall prevail when candidates possess the following qualifications:
(1) Length of Service:
a) Twelve (12) months employment
b) Minimum of twelve (12) months in work location
(2) Dependability:
a) Employee’s Record Card may have no more than four (4) attendance points
within the last six (6) months (not including early shift releases or authorized days
b) No more than one (1) reprimand in last six (6) months
(3) Skills and Ability:
a) Demonstrated skill and ability necessary to perform the specific job
(b) Employees transferring to the same or a different job classification shall be placed upon a
forty-five (45) day qualifying period. If the Company determines during the forty-five (45) day qualifying
period that the employee's performance is not satisfactory or if the employee requests a return within the
forty-five (45) days, the Company will return the employee to his/her prior job classification and location. If
the Company initiates the return under this Section, the employee shall be immediately eligible to transfer
(a) The parties agree that in granting transfers to different locations and/or different job
classifications in the opening of a new resort property or attraction, the following guidelines shall apply:
(1) Minimum of six (6) months employment;
(2) Employee’s Record Card may have no more than two (2) attendance points
within the last six (6) months (not including early shift releases or authorized days
off); no more than one (1) reprimand within the last six (6) months;
(3) Essential qualifications and skills as determined through record card notations
and a personal interview;
(4) All of the above being equal, seniority shall prevail.
(b) Employees transferring to the same or a different job classification shall be placed upon a
forty-five (45) day qualifying period. If the Company determines during the forty-five (45) day qualifying
period that the employee's performance is not satisfactory, the Company will return the employee to
his/her prior job classification and location and the employee shall be immediately eligible to transfer
again. For new property openings, the forty-five (45) day qualifying period will begin on the day the new
property/attraction opens to Guests.
Any dispute regarding the administration of these provisions shall be subject to the Grievance
Employees transferring to a Part Time STCU status in a different job classification shall be placed
upon a forty-five (45) day qualifying period. If the Company determines during the forty-five (45) day
qualifying period that the employee’s performance is not satisfactory or if the employee requests a return
within forty-five (45) days, the Company will return the employee to his/her prior job classification, Regular
Full Time status, and seniority.
from the Part Time Service Trades Council Union Agreement)
(a) Regular Part Time Employees transferring to a Regular Full Time STCU status in a different job
classification shall be placed upon a forty-five (45) day qualifying period. If the Company
determines during the forty-five (45) day qualifying period that the employee’s performance is
not satisfactory or if the employee requests a return within the forty-five (45) days, the Company
will return the employee to his/her prior job classification, PT status, and location.
(b) Employees who are involuntarily returned to a PT status within the forty-five (45) day qualifying
period shall retain their previous PT seniority date. Employees who voluntarily return to a PT
status within the forty-five (45) day qualifying period, shall return with a new seniority date
effective the date of their return to a PT position.
Whenever it becomes necessary to reduce the working force in a given job classification, the
employee(s) permanently assigned to that job classification with the least Service Trades Council
bargaining unit seniority will be laid off, providing the remaining employees possess the necessary skills,
qualifications, and abilities to perform available work as determined by the Company, except as provided
in Section 8, and Article 9, Section 4(c).
Whenever possible, one (1) week's advance notice of layoff/furlough will be given to an
employee. If the Company fails to provide one (1) week’s notice, the Company will be responsible for one
(1) week of lost time or missed portion thereof. The Company will furnish electronically to the Union
notice of new hires and layoffs.
Employees on layoff for twelve (12) months or less and who are recalled will maintain their
seniority date and continuous service date for purposes of Company benefits.
Employees who have been laid off as a result of the curtailment of operations shall be recalled in
accordance with their seniority in their permanent job classification, provided the employees possess the
necessary skills, qualifications, and abilities to perform the available work as determined by the Company.
Laid off employees shall be notified of recall by telephone five (5) workdays prior to the required
start date. If the employee is not contacted by telephone, the Company will send a certified letter to the
employee's address of record notifying him/her of recall and the required start date, which shall not be
less than ten (10) workdays from the date the letter is mailed. A copy of any such letter shall be mailed to
the Union.
Failure of an employee to have a current address and telephone number on record in the
appropriate Human Resources (HR) Department will relieve the Company of its responsibility of
notification to the employee under any Article of this Agreement.
An employee who fails to report for work as scheduled on recall from layoff/furlough shall be
considered to have voluntarily terminated his/her employment unless such employee has notified the
Company of personal illness or a death in the immediate family, prior to the date he/she was scheduled to
report for work.
A department/location shall furlough non-tipped employees by classification based upon their
relative bargaining unit seniority within the affected department/location provided the employee is recalled
thirty (30) days or less from the furlough date. Prior to furloughing employees, the Company will offer
Regular Full Time employees available work hours in other areas. Furloughed employees shall:
(a) receive and acknowledge written notification of their recall date at time of furlough;
(b) receive credit toward scheduled increases;
(c) be eligible to utilize earned vacation and/or sick leave;
(d) retain their Main Entrance Pass and ID card;
(e) retain Medical Insurance; and,
(f) be offered any hours being worked by casual employees in the affected department/location.
A department/location may furlough employees for up to thirty (30) days as a result of the
reduction of available work hours when a portion of an affected department/location staff continues to
work. Furloughs may not be utilized in situations such as closures for rehab.
(a) The Company may assign, reassign, or transfer an employee to any work location during the
workday or workweek within all of the areas included in this Agreement, as outlined in Article 4 (SCOPE
(b) In the administration of this Article, involuntary work shall be required of the junior, available,
qualified, on-shift employee.
(c) Where the Company establishes a scheduling pool for regular ongoing movement between
locations, the existing property transfer guidelines shall apply to transfers to such pool.
(a) Scheduled
(1) The Company may create scheduled shifts or pools which require movement
from one job classification to a different classification. Such movement may be
from one location to another.
(2) When establishing such a scheduled shift, the shift will be posted at the affected
location(s) and the senior most qualified person bidding shall be awarded the
shift. The Company shall endeavor to create forty (40) hour shifts; however,
such shifts shall not be less than thirty-eight (38) hours per week.
(3) If not scheduled in accordance with (a)(2) above, the Company may assign the
shift to the junior employee statused in the affected locations.
(4) Any scheduled overtime in the affected locations shall be offered first to
employees statused in the affected locations, then to employees regularly
working in the affected locations prior to other employees working these shifts.
(5) The Company will provide all required training for employees working these
(6) Costume changes and travel time between locations will be considered time
(7) The above shall also apply to new job classifications which encompass a
combination of duties from different job classifications. Scheduling within pools
established for this purpose shall be as provided for under Article 13. Transfers
to such new classifications shall be as described under Article 14.
(b) Unscheduled
(1) The Company may assign, reassign, or transfer an employee to a different job
classification in the same or different work location during the workday or
workweek within all of the areas included in this Agreement, as outlined in Article
(2) An employee shall not be required to work against his/her desire in the new job
classification for a period of time exceeding ten (10) workdays in a calendar year.
If operational need requires additional time, the work will be assigned to the most
junior employee.
Whenever an employee is assigned or transferred to perform two (2) or more job classifications
during the day, the employee will receive his/her permanent rate or the rate for the job to which he/she
was transferred, whichever is higher, for all time worked in the higher classification. The only exception is
when a non-tipped employee works in a tipped classification, he/she will be paid the appropriate tipped
rate for all hours worked in that classification.
Tipped employees will not be required to work in a non-tipped job classification.
In the administration of this Article, the Company will not involuntarily assign, reassign or transfer
Shop Stewards.
An employee's request for a leave of absence not to exceed thirty (30) days will be granted for
good cause, if the employee's services can reasonably be spared. All leaves of absence will be granted
in writing. No leave of absence will be extended beyond thirty (30) days except for compelling reasons.
In the event that a non-medical leave exceeds sixty (60) days, continuation of the employee's health care
coverage will be subject to COBRA.
A Union affiliate’s request for a Union leave of absence for up to twelve (12) consecutive months
without pay for an employee represented by that affiliate will be granted. An employee who is granted
Union leave shall retain and accumulate bargaining unit seniority. Unions requesting leave for Union
business must send the request, in writing, to the Labor Relations Executive or their designee and must
give a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice prior to the beginning of such leave. An employee on Union
leave who subsequently returns to work for the Company will be reinstated with accumulated bargaining
unit seniority. An employee on leave for Union business will be eligible for continuation of health care
coverage subject to COBRA and will retain his/her ID card and Maingate or Silver Pass. Such employee
will not receive any discretionary privileges (i.e., complimentary admission tickets, service awards, etc.)
while on leave. The Company reserves the right to decline a request for Union leaves of more than two
(2) employees from any location, taking into consideration the size of the affected location. No more than
a total of one hundred (100) employees shall be granted Union leave at any point. Further, the Company
will consider requests for a greater number of leaves due to STCU negotiations for a time period
beginning no more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of this Agreement and no later than two
(2) months after ratification of a successor Agreement.
This provision shall apply equally to employees who accept either temporary or permanent
employment with a Union affiliate. An employee on Union leave for twelve (12) consecutive months must
return to work or resign.
Upon termination of the individual’s employment with an affiliated Union, the Company must be
notified within seven (7) days in writing if re-employment with the Company is requested. The individual
shall be eligible for re-employment with the Company to a vacant Union position in the same status with
accumulated bargaining unit seniority. The individual shall retain but not accumulate Company years of
service during his/her period of employment with the Union. Re-employment must be accepted and the
individual must begin work within thirty (30) days of the individual’s termination from the Union. The
employee will not be eligible for Union leave for a period of six (6) months from his/her date of re-
(a) An employee requesting a non-occupational medical leave of absence must provide a written
statement from his/her personal physician documenting the reason for the leave and the beginning date
and estimated duration of the medical leave. Failure to comply with this provision may jeopardize the
employee's eligibility for a medical leave of absence.
(b) An employee who is granted a medical leave of absence shall retain and accumulate
seniority during such leave. If eligible, an employee may request payment of earned sick leave and
vacation benefits, or be required to accept such benefits in the case of Family and Medical Leave Act of
1993 (FMLA) leave as defined below:
(1) An employee taking Family and Medical Leave (FML) will have any earned sick
leave available automatically applied.
(2) An employee taking FML for the care of other must apply any unused personal
holidays or accrued unused vacation in excess of eighty (80) hours to FML leave.
An employee taking FML for care of other with eighty (80) hours or less of earned
unused vacation will automatically be paid available vacation pay unless the
employee requests non-payment.
(3) Employees who are on a non-occupational medical leave of absence will receive
credit toward scheduled increases.
(c) An employee who returns from a medical leave of absence within sixty (60) days or less or
returns from a FMLA qualifying leave, or other such period as required by that law, will be placed in
his/her prior job, location, and schedule. If the employee has been on leave for more than sixty (60) days,
the Company will make every reasonable effort to place said employee in the employee's prior job and
location except as otherwise required by the FMLA.
(d) In the event that an employee is required, by the Company, to visit Health Services upon
returning to work from a medical leave, he/she will be compensated for the time.
(e) An employee who fails to return from a medical leave of absence, or who fails to seek a
release to return to work from a medical leave of absence will be considered to have voluntarily
Any employee on medical leave as a result of an on the job compensable injury shall retain and
accumulate seniority during such leave. Upon being released for return to work, if the employee has
been off sixty (60) days or less or for FMLA qualifying leave, such other period as required by that law,
he/she will be placed in his/her prior job, location and schedule. If the employee has been off for more
than sixty (60) days, the Company will make every effort to place said employee in the employee's prior
job and location except as otherwise required by the FMLA. Employees who are on an occupational leave
of absence will receive credit toward scheduled increases.
Those employees whose time on an occupational or non-occupational medical leave of absence
that exceeds twelve (12) consecutive months will have their employment with the Company terminated.
An employee who is terminated for remaining on an authorized medical leave of absence in excess of the
time permitted, and notifies the Company of his/her availability for re-employment within twelve (12)
months of the date of termination will be re-employed without loss of seniority or loss of the last previous
employment status, provided there is an available vacant position for which the employee is qualified.
The Company and the Union acknowledge that the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave
Act of 1993 apply to the employees working under this Agreement. Thus, nothing in this Agreement shall
be construed as being inconsistent with the requirements of the Act. In this regard, the Company and the
Union commit to meet to resolve potential conflicts between the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
and the Agreement.
The Company agrees to consider, on a case by case basis and in its sole discretion, allowing
employees to continue working or placing employees on unpaid administrative leave for up to one (1)
year pending the outcome of civil or criminal charges. However, the Company reserves the right to take
disciplinary action, up to and including termination, based on the nature of the allegations and/or
information available to the Company regarding the circumstances. Disciplinary action taken by the
Company shall be subject to the Grievance Procedure with the exception of probationary period
terminations. An employee on administrative leave will continue to accrue seniority.
SECTION 8. Notwithstanding anything else contained in Article 17, no Regular Full Time
employee shall be granted medical leaves of absence that total more than fifteen (15) months in any
twenty-four (24) month period.
High standards of conduct are necessary to preserve the Company's public image and to ensure
a safe, harmonious, and productive working atmosphere. The Company shall administer the sections of
this Article with due consideration for the employee. Such consideration shall include length of service,
work record, and seriousness of violation. The Company will make every effort to ensure the consistent
and timely application of the disciplinary section of this Agreement. Upon request of the employee,
Management will provide a copy of the employee’s record card within a reasonable amount of time. At
the time that it is printed, the record card may not contain all recent entries. Any questions concerning
the record card should be addressed to the employee’s immediate Manager.
The employee has the right to the presence and advice of their Shop Steward at the time of
disciplinary action. In any formal questioning by the Company that could lead to disciplinary action, the
employee will be informed of the purpose of the questioning and that he/she has a right to a Shop
Steward’s presence.
In those circumstances where the Company determines that an investigation will be conducted
regarding an employee's actions and where such investigation may lead to disciplinary action but does
not require that the employee be suspended from work, the Union agrees that the decision not to
suspend the employee during the investigation shall not be utilized in any manner, in any subsequent
proceeding as evidence contesting the disciplinary action.
In any formal questioning by the Company that could lead to disciplinary action, at the request of
the employee, language assistance shall be provided by a bargaining unit employee (who may or may not
be a Shop Steward), another non-supervisory employee, or a third party provider. Any delay in
interviewing or effectuating discipline as a result of the need for such language assistance shall not affect
the timeliness of any grievance or discipline.
(a) An employee may be suspended from work so that the Company may complete a thorough
investigation and review of an alleged incident/offense. At the conclusion of the investigation, the
employee will receive one of the following:
(1) No discipline and a return to work with full back-pay;
(2) A reprimand in accordance with Section 5(a) below and a return to work with full
(3) Disciplinary suspension in accordance with Section 5(c) below; or
(4) Termination in accordance with Section 7 below.
(b) In circumstances where an investigatory suspension extends beyond two (2) weeks, an
employee shall be paid on a weekly basis until such time that the suspension is concluded and an
employment decision is administered by the Company.
(c) Those employees in tipped classifications, excluding Banquets and Dinner Shows, shall be
paid at the appropriate non-tipped rate of pay as referenced in Addendum A for all lost time due to an
investigatory suspension.
Discipline must be for just cause. In administering discipline, the Company will make its
determination based on the factors in Section 1.
(a) Reprimands
Reprimands will be issued in writing on a specific subject or subjects and will be signed by the
Supervisor who will present it and discuss it with the employee. Reprimands will be presented and
discussed within fifteen (15) calendar days after the occurrence, or within fifteen (15) days after the
immediate Supervisor has had a reasonable opportunity to become aware of and complete an
investigation of the occurrence, whichever is later, unless prevented by the absence of the employee or
extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the Company. These time limits shall not apply to
discipline based on attendance, clocking or discipline as a result of a Company Equal Employment
Opportunity and Harassment Policy investigation. An employee will sign the reprimand, not in admission
of the offense, but in acknowledgment that a copy of the reprimand has been received by the employee.
The Company shall make copies of written reprimands available to the Union. Reprimands, other than
Absenteeism/Tardiness and Clock In/Out, shall be recorded and effective on the date the incident
(b) Disciplinary Point System
(1) Reprimands may count as one (1) or two (2) disciplinary points, such
determination shall be based upon a fact-specific evaluation of the disciplinary
(2) Any combination of five (5) disciplinary points within the preceding twelve (12)
months shall result in the employee's termination.
(3) The twelve (12) month period referenced in (b) (2) is defined as a continuous
work period specifically excluding any leaves of absence.
(4) It is specifically understood by the parties that the disciplinary point system is not
restricted to same or similar offenses but may include different offenses on a
cumulative basis.
(5) Absenteeism/Tardiness discipline and Clock In/Out discipline are specifically
excluded from the disciplinary point system defined in this Section. Refer to
Sections 8 and 9.
(c) An employee may be suspended without pay for a period of up to two (2) weeks in lieu of
termination. The parties recognize, however, that the use of a suspension is not a mandatory component
of the disciplinary progression.
(d) The Company will electronically provide a list of all employees discharged and the reasons
for such discharge to the appropriate affiliate Unions on a monthly basis.
An employee may be discharged for just cause, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
(a) Insulting, arguing, being discourteous, or using profane language in the presence of a guest;
(b) Fighting at the Walt Disney World Resort, regardless of who provokes it, may result in
automatic termination for both parties involved;
(c) Falsification of records, such as medical forms, time cards, or employment applications;
(d) Using, being in possession of, or being under the influence of narcotics, intoxicants, drugs, or
hallucinatory agents during working hours or reporting for work under such conditions;
(e) Conviction, plea of guilty, plea of no contest, or acceptance of pre-trial diversion, or other
similar resolution to a felony or serious misdemeanor, such as but not limited to child abuse, lewd and
lascivious behavior, or sale/distribution of controlled substances;
(f) Violation of operating rules and procedures which may result in damage to Company property
or in bodily injury to fellow employees or guests;
(g) Gambling, sleeping while on duty, or willful insubordination;
(h) Dishonesty or misconduct that is detrimental to the Company;
(i) Continued violation of the Company appearance guidelines;
(j) Failure to return from a leave or vacation;
(k) Excessive tardiness or absenteeism;
(l) Discrimination/harassment;
(m) Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials such as explosives, firearms, or other
similar items on Company property.
An employee will be notified of the reason for the discharge.
Beginning with 3 in any 30 days = reprimand
Beginning with 6 in any 90 days = reprimand
Beginning with 9 in any 180 days = reprimand
Beginning with 12 in any 365 days = reprimand
A tardiness of more than two (2) hours will count as one (1) absence. A tardiness of two (2)
hours or less will count as one-half (1/2) an absence.
While it has never been the position of the Company to legislate behavior during off-duty hours, the Company does
reserve the right to administer appropriate disciplinary action when flagrant actions take place on Company property
by employees outside their scheduled work hours. It is understood by both parties that in the event of extremely
serious infractions of this nature requiring discharge, subsection(s) (f) and/or (h) of the above referenced Article will
be cited.
(a) Procedures:
(1) The following items shall not be counted as absences:
a) Work incurred injuries and subsequent related absences. Employees must
provide supporting medical authorization which satisfies the Company in this
b) Medical leaves;
c) Release of shift for medical reasons;
d) Scheduled personal leaves where the Company agrees in advance to the
e) Subsequent consecutive call-ins for the same illness or injury will not count as
an additional occurrence;
f) Beginning March 1 of each year, the first six (6) call-in/call sick notations for
employees who meet the following criteria:
(1) The employee has one (1) or more years of seniority;
(2) The employee must not have received attendance discipline in the
prior twelve (12) months.
(2) An employee’s failure to notify the Company of his/her absence a minimum of
thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of his/her shift shall be recorded as a No Call
No Show.
(b) All call-sick and call-sick free day instances will be automatically paid if earned sick leave is
available unless the employee requests non-payment when calling in sick.
(c) The disciplinary progression shall be three (3) reprimands prior to termination within a twenty-
four (24) month period. Any twelve (12) month period free from discipline will result in beginning again at
the first step of progressive discipline. The Company agrees to provide to employees information
regarding the FMLA with any attendance reprimand issued.
(d) All references to time periods in this Article refer to continuous work periods specifically
excluding any leaves of absence.
(e) With reasonable notice, Regular Full Time employees may request the use of six (6) days
sick leave per calendar year as personal leave days. Requests will be granted consistent with
operational requirements.
Failure to Either Clock in or Clock Out:
Beginning with 3 points in any 30 days = reprimand
Beginning with 6 points in any 90 days = reprimand
Beginning with 9 points in any 180 days = reprimand
Beginning with 12 points in any 365 days = reprimand
Failure to clock in for the start of shift = ½ point
Failure to clock out for the end of shift = ½ point
Clocking in more than
5 minutes before the start of the shift = ½ point
Clocking out more than
5 minutes after the end of the shift = ½ point
Employees must utilize the time recording clock to which they are assigned unless otherwise
directed by Management.
It is the responsibility of the employee to inform Management of a lost or stolen Identification (ID)
card before the end of his/her shift.
(a) Failure to clock as a result of a lost, stolen, or damaged ID card is considered one (1)
point. (During the time it takes the employee to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged ID
card [maximum seven (7) days], the clock infractions will not be counted toward this point
matrix system for disciplinary purposes.)
(b) The disciplinary progression shall be three (3) reprimands prior to termination within a
twenty-four (24) month period. Any twelve (12) month period free from discipline will
result in beginning again at the first step of progressive discipline.
(c) All references to time periods in this standard refer to continuous work periods
specifically, excluding any leaves of absence.
(d) The Company reserves the right to discipline outside this matrix when an employee
habitually loses possession of or damages his/her ID card.
(e) Falsification of hours worked and/or the use of your ID card by anyone other than
yourself may result in disciplinary action, not excluding termination.
(a) The parties recognize the Company’s obligation to provide a safe means of
transportation to its guests and Cast Members.
(b) For job classifications requiring a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with Department
of Transportation (DOT) responsibilities, it is the responsibility of each individual Cast
Member to notify Management immediately and/or prior to the start of his/her next shift,
of being convicted of any traffic violations (other than a parking ticket). It is also
understood that it is the individual driver’s responsibility to notify Management
immediately and/or prior to the start of his/her next shift, or prior to the end of the
business day following the day an employee receives notification of suspension,
revocation, cancellation, lost privilege or disqualification of his/her license, whichever is
sooner. Failure to adhere to this policy, or the Company’s discovery through MVR
checks may result in disciplinary action, not excluding termination.
(c) Under no circumstances is any employee permitted to drive a Company vehicle,
including any personal transport vehicle, (e.g. Pargos, forklifts etc) without a valid
driver’s license. It is the Cast Member's responsibility to notify management prior to
driving any Company Vehicle or Personal Transport Vehicle of an invalid driver’s
license. Failure to adhere to this policy, or the Company’s discovery through MVR
checks may result in disciplinary action, not excluding termination.
(d) Any incidents/accidents involving Company property must be reported immediately.
Failure to report may result in disciplinary action, not excluding termination.
(e) Reporting under this provision will not result in loss of hours or compensation for
employees whose primary duties do not include operating a vehicle.
The parties to this Agreement agree that any grievance arising out of the interpretation or
application of the terms of this Agreement, with the exception of terminations, discipline based on the
Company’s policies of Equal Employment Opportunity and Harassment
and policy grievances which will
be expedited to Step 2, shall be settled promptly in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) Grievance: A grievance, within the meaning of this procedure, is defined as a dispute or
difference of opinion between the parties concerning the meaning, interpretation, application or alleged
violation by the Company of this Agreement.
(b) Time Limits: The parties recognize that it is important that grievances be processed and
resolved as rapidly as possible; therefore, the number of days indicated at each step of the Grievance
Procedure should be considered as a maximum, and every effort should be made to expedite the
process. All termination grievances will be given priority for processing. The time limits specified may be
extended by mutual agreement as evidenced by a waiver in writing signed by an authorized
representative of the Company and the Union; otherwise, the grievance shall be regarded as withdrawn.
(c) Recording Devices: The parties agree that no recording devices of any kind shall be
permitted to be utilized during Step 1, 2, or 3 of the Grievance Procedure.
(d) Back-pay Awards: The parties agree that any Joint Standing Committee or Arbitrator award
of back pay shall be lessened by unemployment compensation or any other compensation received by
the grievant during the period of termination prior to reinstatement.
(1) Back-pay awards for those employees in tipped classifications, with the exception of
Banquets and Dinner Shows, will be paid at the appropriate non-tipped rate of pay as
referenced in Addendum A.
(e) Information Requests: The responding party will make every reasonable effort to provide any
requested, relevant information regarding grievances to the requesting party within seventy-two (72)
hours. In circumstances where the responding party is unable to provide information within seventy-two
(72) hours, the requesting party will be provided with an estimate of the time of provision.
(f) Any employee, believing that he/she has suffered a grievance, may discuss the matter with
his/her immediate Guest Service Manager prior to initiating the formal Grievance Procedure in Section 3.
The employee may choose whether to discuss the matter with his/her Guest Service Manager with or
without the assistance of his/her Union representative.
Step 1. If the grievance shall not have been adjusted informally with the immediate Guest Service
Manager, then the grievance shall be reduced to writing upon the accepted Grievance Form which shall
set forth the relevant information concerning the grievance, including a short description of the alleged
grievance, the date on which the grievance occurred, and an identification of the section of the
Agreement alleged to have been violated.
In order to be deemed timely, a grievance must be filed at Step 1 within fourteen (14) calendar
days after its occurrence or within fourteen (14) calendar days after the employee has had a reasonable
opportunity to become aware of the occurrence, whichever is later.
The Union may request a meeting with a representative of Labor Relations prior to the 2
Step grievance
meeting or as a part of the 2
or 3
step grievance meeting to facilitate timely processing of the grievance.
The Area Manager or his/her designated representative and the Union Representative or his/her
designated representative shall meet within seven (7) calendar days after invocation of Step 1 in an
attempt to settle the grievance. It shall be incumbent upon the Union Representative to request such
meeting. The Area Manager or his/her designated representative shall provide the employee and the
Union Representative with a written reply within five (5) calendar days after the parties have met. If the
Area Manager fails to give a written reply within the time limits provided, the grievance may be appealed
to the next step of the Grievance Procedure.
Step 2. If the grievance shall not have been adjusted under Step 1, then within seven (7)
calendar days from the date of the Area Manager's written decision or a date when the decision should
have been submitted by the Area Manager, the grievance shall be presented in writing to the Labor
Relations office.
A grievance meeting with the General Manager/Director or his/her designee, Labor Relations
Representative, and the employee’s Union Business Representative or his/her designee shall be held
within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the grievance being recorded, in an attempt to resolve the
grievance. The General Manager/Director or his/her designee shall provide the Union Business
Representative or his/her designee with a written reply within five (5) calendar days after the parties have
met. If the General Manager/Director or his/her designee fails to give a written reply within the time limit
provided, the grievance may be appealed to the next step of the Grievance Procedure.
Step 3.
A. If a grievance regarding contract interpretation, termination, or discipline resulting in
removal from a job classification shall have been submitted but not adjusted under Step 2, either party
may within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the written reply request in writing that the grievance
be submitted to a Joint Standing Committee review, which shall meet within fourteen (14) calendar days
of the appeal, unless extended by mutual agreement of the Company and the Union.
The Joint Standing Committee shall consist of one (1) representative of the Company and one (1)
representative of the affiliated Union(s).
The Joint Standing Committee shall meet at least twice per month to review outstanding
grievances referred to it. Such grievances will be presented by a Union representative of the affiliate and
a Labor Relations representative. No witness or grievant testimony shall be presented. Attendance by
the grievant is optional. Decisions of the Joint Standing Committee shall be final and binding upon all
parties at interest. The Joint Standing Committee shall provide a written determination of all cases
reviewed within three (3) calendar days after it has met. If the Joint Standing Committee is unable to
resolve a grievance before it, the grievance may be appealed to the next step of the Grievance
The parties agree that upon notification of the Labor Relations Executive or their designee and the
President of the Service Trades Council Union, Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure may be waived and
grievances addressing institutional issues, affecting either the Company or the Council, may be expedited
to Step 4.
B. If a grievance regarding discipline that does not result in termination or removal from a
job classification shall have been submitted but not adjusted under Step 2, either party may within seven
(7) calendar days after receipt of the written reply request in writing that the grievance be reviewed by the
Union and Labor Relations in an effort to resolve the grievance. Such meeting shall occur within fourteen
(14) calendar days of the appeal, unless extended by mutual agreement of the Company and the Union.
Step 4. If the grievance shall have been submitted but not adjusted under Step 3, either party
may within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the written reply or conclusion of the Step 3(B) review
request in writing that the grievance be submitted to an Arbitrator selected from a panel of seven (7)
Arbitrators furnished by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS). The moving party shall
be responsible for requesting the list from the FMCS within seven (7) days of the request for Arbitration.
At this point, the parties have a maximum of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the list is received,
to strike the panel or mutually agree to an Arbitrator. The Rules for the FMCS shall govern the selection
of an Arbitrator and the conduct of the arbitration hearing. The parties and the Arbitrator will enter into an
agreement regarding the terms of the Arbitrator’s engagement including but not limited to the submission
of post hearing briefs and the form and time period for delivery of the Arbitrator’s decision. If the Union
and the Company are unable to agree upon the terms of the Arbitrator’s engagement, the engagement
agreement will require a written award from the Arbitrator within thirty (30) days of the submission of post-
hearing briefs for grievances arising under Step 3(A) or within thirty (30) days of the hearing with no
written briefs submitted for grievances arising under Step 3(B). Unless agreed upon in writing by both
parties, the Arbitration hearing must be scheduled to occur within thirty (30) days from selection of the
Arbitrator. The Arbitrator shall not have the authority to alter, amend, change, modify, add to or subtract
from or reform any provision, Article or language of this Agreement. The Decision of the Arbitrator shall be
final and binding on all parties with no further appeal, except for reasons of setting aside an Arbitrator’s
Award, as set forth in applicable Federal and Florida Statutes. Any joint expense incidental to or arising
out of the arbitration shall be borne equally by the Company and the appropriate Union. Only one
grievance shall be before a specific Arbitrator at one time.
A grievance having been settled at any step of the Grievance Procedure will be affected no more
than seven (7) calendar days after the date of the settlement agreement.
There will be seven (7) core holidays and three (3) personal floating holidays.
(a) The core holidays are:
(1) December 31
(2) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
(3) Memorial Day
(4) July 4
(5) Labor Day
(6) Thanksgiving Day
(7) December 25
(b) The three (3) personal holidays may be used on dates mutually agreed to by Management
and the employee.
(a) All Regular Full Time employees are eligible for holiday pay after working thirty (30) calendar
days of continuous service, provided they work their scheduled shifts on the core holiday and the
immediate day prior to and immediately following such holiday, if scheduled.
(b) If the employee's failure to work his/her regularly scheduled shift immediately before or
following the holiday was due to personal illness, injury, death in the immediate family or an approved
FMLA absence and the employee satisfied the Company in this respect, he/she shall be eligible to
receive holiday pay.
(c) Employees on an authorized leave of absence of six (6) days or longer are not eligible for
holiday pay.
Effective January 1 of each year of this Agreement, all employees with one (1) or more years of
continuous service will be credited with three (3) personal floating holidays. Employees with less than
one (1) year of service, and employees who are hired or converted from a Regular Part Time status to a
Regular Full Time status after January 1, will be credited with one (1) personal floating holiday on each of
the following posting dates: March 1, June 1, and September 1. An employee must be statused as a
Regular Full Time employee on the posting date to receive the personal floating holiday.
Personal floating holidays shall require two (2) weeks’ advance notice for scheduling and shall be
granted consistent with operational requirements. In the event all requests for a particular day cannot be
approved due to operational requirements, seniority shall prevail in granting the holiday.
Personal floating holidays will be scheduled and taken within the following provisions:
(a) Must be taken within the calendar year;
(b) May not be carried over from year-to-year, or paid off at time of termination;
(c) Do not affect the use of sick leave days for personal time off;
(d) Will be considered as time worked for the computation of overtime;
(e) Will not be paid in addition to other hours worked; and,
(f) May only be taken in one (1) full shift increment.
Each employee (except as provided in Article 13 Seniority) will receive eight (8) hours’ pay at
the employee's regular straight time rate for each such holiday not worked. Core holiday pay when not
worked shall not count toward the employer’s required minimum number of hours scheduled per week as
per Article 10, Section 2.
Each Regular Full Time employee who works on a recognized holiday, and who works his/her
scheduled shifts prior to and immediately following the holiday worked, shall receive eight (8) hours
holiday pay plus his/her straight time rate for all hours worked in his/her scheduled shift.
(a) A Cast Member who works on the holiday and fails to work their complete scheduled shift due
to a release of shift (ROS) shall have the unworked portion of their scheduled shift deducted from their
holiday pay. If the Cast Member is granted an early release, the full holiday pay will be granted.
(b) If a Cast Member fails to work their entire shift on a holiday due to tardiness, the Company
shall reduce the holiday pay as defined above by the amount of time the Cast Member was late for their
(c) If a Cast Member works their scheduled shifts the immediate day prior and the immediate day
after but fails to work their complete scheduled shift on these days due to tardiness or ROS, they shall
receive the full holiday pay.
Double time the employee's regular rate shall be paid for hours worked in excess of eight (8)
hours on a paid holiday.
Pay for a holiday not worked shall be considered as time worked for purposes of computing
overtime, unless the holiday falls on one of the employee's two regularly scheduled days off or when a
holiday falls during a vacation period.
Pay for a holiday not worked shall not be used in computing overtime under the 5th, 6th, and 7th
day provision contained in Article 11, Section 4.
Should a holiday fall during the period of an employee's vacation, the employee shall be granted
an extra day's pay.
Recognized holidays shall be observed on the date designated for observance by the Federal
Government, except in the case of New Year’s Eve (observed December 31
), Independence Day
(observed July 4
) and Christmas, which shall be observed on December 25th.
An employee who is regularly scheduled to work on a recognized holiday and who does not work
shall not receive holiday pay, except in the case of an employee who is given an authorized day off
(ADO) by supervision.
If a holiday worked falls on one of the employee's regular days off, he/she shall receive eight (8)
hours straight time holiday pay, plus the rate he/she would receive for working on his/her day off.
For the purpose of computing pay for work on a holiday, the twenty-four (24) hour holiday period
shall commence at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on the holiday and terminate at 11:59 p.m. on the same day.
Those employees in tipped classifications will have holiday benefits paid at the appropriate non-
tipped rate of pay as referenced in Addendum A.
By job classification within a scheduling group, in descending seniority order, and at the request
of the employee, Regular Full Time employees will be offered the opportunity to take a paid benefit day
(to include a personal leave day, personal holiday or vacation day) off on New Year’s Eve (December
), Thanksgiving Day, and December 25
to the extent that another qualified employee is available to
work the shift. The number of employees permitted to exercise this option will be limited by Management
based on the needs of the operation. As it pertains to this section only, pay for a core holiday or paid
benefit day not worked shall not be considered time worked for purposes of computing overtime.
All Regular Full Time employees shall accrue vacation based on the number of hours worked
(straight time and overtime hours exclusive of the overtime premium) up to a maximum of 1800 hours,
from date of hire to the end of the calendar year in which hired, and for each succeeding calendar year
thereafter, based upon the conditions set forth in this Article. Paid vacation will be credited as hours
worked for accrual towards vacation allowance.
Vacation earned in the first (1st) calendar year of service may not be used until nine (9) months of
continuous service have elapsed from date of hire.
Vacation hours accrued shall become available to be taken by the employee during the calendar
year in which they are accrued, per the accrual of vacation time formula listed below in increments of forty
(40) hours.
(a) One (1) week vacation accrual formula:
Calendar year Paid vacation
hours worked hours earned
1800 40
1440 32
1080 24
720 16
360 8
(b) Employees begin to accrue two (2) weeks of vacation on January 1st of the calendar year in
which the second (2nd) anniversary of continuous service will occur:
Year of Hire
Eligible to accrue 2 weeks
on January 1 of the year
2014 2015 2016
(c) Two (2) week vacation formula:
Calendar year Paid vacation
hours worked hours earned
1800 80
1620 72
1440 64
1260 56
1080 48
900 40
720 32
540 24
360 16
180 8
(d) Employees begin to accrue three (3) weeks of vacation on January 1st of the calendar year in
which the fifth (5th) anniversary of continuous service occurs:
Calendar year Paid vacation
hours worked hours earned
1800 120
1680 112
1560 104
1440 96
1320 88
1200 80
1080 72
960 64
840 56
720 48
600 40
480 32
360 24
240 16
120 8
(e) Employees begin to accrue four (4) weeks of vacation on January 1st of the calendar year in
which the seventeenth (17th) anniversary of continuous service occurs:
Calendar year Paid vacation
hours worked hours earned
1800 160
1710 152
1620 144
1530 136
1440 128
1350 120
1260 112
1170 104
1080 96
990 88
900 80
810 72
720 64
630 56
540 48
450 40
360 32
270 24
180 16
90 8
Employees shall not accumulate more than two (2) times their current annual vacation hours. For
example, if an employee is currently accruing 80 hours of vacation, he/she may accumulate a maximum
of 160 hours of vacation; if currently accruing 120 hours of vacation, he/she may accumulate a maximum
of 240 hours of vacation; and if currently accruing 160 hours of vacation, he/she may accumulate a
maximum of 320 hours of vacation.
When the vacation cap is reached (two (2) times their current annual vacation hours), an
employee will cease to accrue any additional vacation time until vacation hours are taken. An employee
will again begin to accrue vacation only after he/she is below his/her cap. Vacation accrual is not
retroactive to the date on which the accrual ceased.
Upon the request of an eligible employee, the Company shall provide payment of up to one half
(1/2) of an employee's total accrued available vacation to a maximum of eighty (80) hours on an annual
basis (by calendar year). Amounts paid are subject to all required withholdings. Payment should
normally be issued within two (2) weeks of the request being received by Payroll.
(a) Due to the nature of the Company's operations and requirement for specified skills, vacations
will be scheduled by the Company. Where a time period has previously been blocked out and
circumstances change such that the time period becomes available, employees requesting vacation for
that time period will be considered on a seniority basis. Consideration will be given to requested time by
the employee whenever possible. The employees with greater length of service will be given preference
in the event of a conflict of dates affecting two (2) or more employees.
(b) Pre-approved vacation requests will be considered by seniority for each job classification
within the scheduling group. The availability of particular time frames will be determined by Management
based on the needs of the business. The pre-approved vacation request and approval process will be
administered at a minimum of once per year by seniority via electronic proxy. Where in person bids are
utilized, there will be a Shop Steward present for the bid. Where in person bids are not utilized a Shop
Steward will have the opportunity to review bid results for each scheduling group prior to implementation.
The following schedule will be applied:
Time Frame
Schedule Posted
November 30, 2018
January 6, 2019 - January 4, 2020
December 15, 2018
November 30, 2019
January 5, 2020 - January 2, 2021
December 15, 2019
November 30, 2020
January 3, 2021 - January 1, 2022
December 15, 2020
November 30, 2021
January 2, 2022 - January 7, 2023
December 15, 2021
(c) Following the annual vacation bid, additional requests for available dates will be on a first
come first serve basis.
Vacations will be paid at the straight time rate but not less than the wage rate established under
the Fair Labor Standards Act in effect at the time the vacation is taken. All non-tipped employees with
five (5) or more years of service shall receive a $1.00 per hour premium, in addition to their straight-time
rate, for all vacation hours paid and all tipped employees with five (5) or more years of service shall
receive a $1.00 per hour premium in addition to their appropriate non-tipped rate of pay as referenced in
Addendum A for all vacation hours paid. Those employees in tipped classifications who have less than
five (5) years of service will have vacation benefits paid at the appropriate non-tipped rate of pay as
referenced in Addendum A.
(a) All Regular Full Time employees who have been continuously on the payroll for nine (9)
months or longer and who voluntarily terminate their employment, shall receive payment for all unused
vacation hours earned based on the number of hours worked in accordance with the foregoing applicable
(b) The employee will not lose his/her pro rata vacation allowance in the case of termination
except if terminated for drunkenness, dishonesty or illegal use or possession of controlled substances.
Voluntary terminations will be paid all earned but unused vacation, and pro rata vacation hours accrued
for use in the following year.
When it is operationally necessary to cancel a vacation, which has been pre-approved by
Management, the employee will be reimbursed for all documented unavoidable loss incurred as a direct
result of the cancellation.
All Regular Full Time employees are eligible for jury duty pay.
(a) The Company will pay an employee for his/her regularly scheduled shift, while serving on jury
duty, provided such time shall not exceed eight (8) hours in any day or forty (40) hours in any payroll
week. Employees shall not be eligible to receive more than twenty (20) days of jury duty pay in any
calendar year. Deductions of jury duty fees will not be made unless service on the jury exceeds one (1)
utilized, there will be a Shop Steward present for the bid. Where in person bids are not utilized a Shop
Steward will have the opportunity to review bid results for each scheduling group prior to implementation.
The following schedule will be applied:
Time Frame
Schedule Posted
November 30, 2018
January 6, 2019 - January 4, 2020
December 15, 2018
November 30, 2019
January 5, 2020 - January 2, 2021
December 15, 2019
November 30, 2020
January 3, 2021 - January 1, 2022
December 15, 2020
November 30, 2021
January 2, 2022 - January 7, 2023
December 15, 2021
(c) Following the annual vacation bid, additional requests for available dates will be on a first
come first serve basis.
Vacations will be paid at the straight time rate but not less than the wage rate established under
the Fair Labor Standards Act in effect at the time the vacation is taken. All non-tipped employees with
five (5) or more years of service shall receive a $1.00 per hour premium, in addition to their straight-time
rate, for all vacation hours paid and all tipped employees with five (5) or more years of service shall
receive a $1.00 per hour premium in addition to their appropriate non-tipped rate of pay as referenced in
Addendum A for all vacation hours paid. Those employees in tipped classifications who have less than
five (5) years of service will have vacation benefits paid at the appropriate non-tipped rate of pay as
referenced in Addendum A.
(a) All Regular Full Time employees who have been continuously on the payroll for nine (9)
months or longer and who voluntarily terminate their employment, shall receive payment for all unused
vacation hours earned based on the number of hours worked in accordance with the foregoing applicable
(b) The employee will not lose his/her pro rata vacation allowance in the case of termination
except if terminated for drunkenness, dishonesty or illegal use or possession of controlled substances.
Voluntary terminations will be paid all earned but unused vacation, and pro rata vacation hours accrued
for use in the following year.
When it is operationally necessary to cancel a vacation, which has been pre-approved by
Management, the employee will be reimbursed for all documented unavoidable loss incurred as a direct
result of the cancellation.
All Regular Full Time employees are eligible for jury duty pay.
(a) The Company will pay an employee for his/her regularly scheduled shift, while serving on jury
duty, provided such time shall not exceed eight (8) hours in any day or forty (40) hours in any payroll
week. Employees shall not be eligible to receive more than twenty (20) days of jury duty pay in any
calendar year. Deductions of jury duty fees will not be made unless service on the jury exceeds one (1)
(b) The Company reserves the right to petition the court to excuse any eligible employee from
jury service when such employee's services are needed by the Company because qualified replacements
are not available or the employee's absence would result in a hardship on the Company.
(c) Those employees in tipped classifications will have jury duty benefits paid at the appropriate
non-tipped rate of pay as referenced in Addendum A.
(d) Jury Duty will be considered time worked for the purpose of computing overtime.
(a) Employees bereaved by the death of a member of their immediate family are granted time off
with pay. The deceased must have been a spouse, qualified domestic partner, child (step or natural),
parent (biological, adoptive, step or foster), brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent or
grandchild. If a closer than normal relationship existed between the employee and a person other than
those named, consideration will be given toward payment of the bereavement benefit.
(b) At the Employee's request, bereavement leave shall be paid up to a maximum of five (5) days
for each occurrence. Payment will be based on the employee's current rate. The relationship of the
deceased must be noted on the request for bereavement pay status.
(c) Additional unpaid time may be granted where appropriate.
(d) An employee who is on an authorized leave of absence is not eligible for this benefit, except
in the case of an employee who is on a leave of absence to care for a person covered above, that
employee will be eligible for bereavement pay in the event of the death of that person.
(e) Those employees in tipped classifications will have bereavement leave benefits paid at the
appropriate non-tipped rate of pay as referenced in Addendum A.
(f) Unpaid time off, in accordance with (c) above, may be granted based on business needs for
the death of non-immediate family members.
(a) All employees will be eligible to participate in the Walt Disney World Co. and Associated
Companies' Retirement Plan. During the term of this Agreement, the employee's portion of contribution to
the Retirement Plan shall be seven (7) cents per hour for all hours worked, not to exceed forty (40) hours
per week. Contributions will be for the second through and including the fifth year of participation. While
this Agreement is in effect, the Company agrees to keep in effect its presently existing Walt Disney World
Co. and Associated Companies' Retirement Plan. The Plan is and shall continue to be qualified under
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and shall otherwise conform to
applicable laws. However, nothing contained herein shall constitute or be considered a waiver or
forfeiture of any right, power, or discretion which the Company may have, notwithstanding such laws,
rules or regulations. The Company will pay the complete contribution for employees in the first year of
participation and for all years after five (5) credited years of participation in the Plan. Vesting requires five
(5) credited years of service. Copies of the Walt Disney World Co. and Associated Companies'
Retirement Plan will be furnished to the Union.
The following schedule is in effect through the life of this Agreement:
Credited Years of
Credited Hours of
Maximum Monthly
1,500 – 2,250
2,251 or more
3,000 – 3,750
3,751 or more
4,500 – 5,250
5,251 or more
6,000 – 6,750
6,751 or more
7,500 - 8,250
8,251 or more
9,000 - 9,750
9,751 or more
10,500 - 11,250
11,251 or more
12,000 - 12,750
12,751 or more
13,500 - 14,250
14,251 or more
15,000 - 15,749
15,750 or more
16,500 - 17,249
17,250 or more
18,000 - 18,749
18,750 or more
19,500 - 20,249
20,250 or more
21,000 - 21,749
21,750 or more
22,500 - 23,249
23,250 or more
24,000 - 24,749
24,750 or more
25,500 - 26,249
26,250 or more
27,000 - 27,749
27,750 or more
28,500 - 29,249
29,250 or more
30,000 - 30,749
30,750 or more
31,500 - 32,249
32,250 or more
33,000 - 33,749
33,750 or more
34,500 - 35,249
35,250 or more
36,000 - 36,749
36,750 or more
37,500 – 38,249
38,250 or more
39,000 – 39,749
39,750 or more
40,500 – 41,249
41,250 or more
42,000 – 42,749
42,750 or more
43,500 – 44,249
44,250 or more
45,000 – 45,749
45,750 or more
46,500 – 47,249
47,250 or more
48,000 – 48,749
48,750 or more
49,500 – 50,249
50,250 or more
51,000 – 51,749
51,750 or more
52,500 or more
Employees will be notified on an annual basis of any delinquency in their pension contribution.
(b) Retiree Health Benefits
The Walt Disney World Co. and Associated Companies' Retirement Plan (“Retirement Plan”)
provides for health benefits for certain retired employees. Any employee with an original hire date after
October 29, 1994, will not be eligible for Retiree Health Benefits. Any employee with a rehire date after
October 29, 1994, also will not be eligible for Retiree Health Benefits, except in very limited
circumstances provided below.
Any employee hired prior to October 30, 1994, will be eligible for Retiree Health Benefits
commencing at age 65, if he/she meets the Service Criterion and retires on or after age 55. The Service
Criterion is twenty (20) credited years of service and 30,000 credited hours of service earned under the
Retirement Plan (or under the Disney Salaried Retirement Plan, The Disneyland and Associated
Companies’ Retirement Plan, or The Walt Disney Productions and Associated Companies’ Retirement
Plan). In order to be eligible for Retiree Health Benefits, an employee must also be at least age 55 and
actually employed by the Company at the time he/she terminates his/her employment with eligibility for
either early or normal retirement under the Plan. The age 55 requirement will not apply to an employee
whose termination of employment occurs on account of death or who terminated employment on account
of a disability, which entitles him/her to disability benefits under the Social Security Act. The Retiree
Health Benefits provided will be those provided on the same basis as current active employees. Retiree
Health Benefits will also be provided to the retiree's or deceased employee's eligible dependents in
accordance with the health plan's rules.
An employee who is at least age 60 prior to October 30, 1994, and completes the Service
Criterion thereafter, will receive his/her Retiree Health Benefits commencing at the later age of 62 or at
the time he/she elects to take either early or normal retirement under the Retirement Plan. An employee
who met the Service Criterion prior to October 30, 1994, will also receive his/her Retiree Health Benefits
commencing at the later age of 62 or at the time he/she elects to take either early or normal retirement
under the Retirement Plan, provided that such an eligible employee who is under age 60 on October 30,
1994, must terminate employment with the Company before February 28, 1995. Any employee covered
by this paragraph who is rehired on or after February 28, 1995, and prior to his/her 55th birthday, will not
be entitled to Retiree Health Benefits pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph. Eligibility, if any, for
the Retiree Health Benefits will be dependent upon fulfilling the requirements of the second paragraph of
the Section, subject to the rehire provisions of the following paragraph. Any employee covered by this
paragraph who is rehired on or after his/her 55th birthday will remain entitled to Retiree Health Benefits,
under the provisions of this paragraph upon his/her subsequent retirement.
In general, any employee who terminates employment with the Company and is rehired on or
after October 30, 1994, will not be eligible for Retiree Health Benefits upon subsequent retirement.
However, a rehire date which occurs on or after October 30, 1994, will be ignored for purposes of the
preceding rule, if the employee satisfies the requirements of Subsection (1) below and the requirements
of either Subsection (2) or Subsection (3) below.
(a) The employee has completed the Service Criterion prior to his/her rehire date; and,
(b) The employee has reached his/her 55th birthday prior to or coincidental with his/her rehire
date; or,
(c) The employee fulfilled all of the following conditions:
(1) The employee has only one rehire date which occurs on or after October 30,
1994, and prior to his/her 55th birthday.
(2) The employee's period of termination of employment immediately prior to the
rehire date is less than 366 days.
(3) The employee's period of re-employment following his/her rehire date is at least
365 consecutive days during which he/she is credited with at least 750 Hours of
Service under the Retirement Plan.
For purposes of the above rehire rules, an employee shall not be deemed to have a termination
of employment and shall not be deemed to have a rehire date that occurs on or after October 30, 1994, if
the employee's termination of employment is on account of a disability defined in the Retirement Plan and
the employee returns to employment upon recovery from the disability, or if the employee is laid-off and
recalled within twelve (12) months of the layoff. In such cases and for the purposes of this Section, such
employee shall be treated as if there was no interruption in the continuity of employment. However, a
layoff in excess of twelve (12) months is deemed a termination of employment as of the first day of layoff.
(a) During the term of this Agreement, the Company will offer Group Insurance coverage and
Signature Plan coverage to all eligible employees, on the same basis as provided to non-bargaining unit
employees (including salaried employees) at the Company. It is understood that all employees in this unit
who participate in any Company sponsored plan(s) do so on the same basis as non-bargaining unit
employees (including salaried employees) generally and that, therefore, future changes in such plans
which are applicable to non-bargaining unit employees (including salaried employees) generally shall
apply equally and automatically to employees covered under this Agreement. By way of example, but not
limitation, changes in such plan(s) may include termination in accordance with the plan terms, substitution
of, or merger with, another plan or part thereof, improvements and modifications in the plan(s), creation of
new plan(s), adjustment in contributions, etc...; all subject to the condition that where the changes apply
equally to non-bargaining unit employees (including salaried employees) generally, the Company will not
be obligated to bargain with the Union. Entitlement to pension and group insurance benefits shall be
determined exclusively by the plan terms and not by arbitration under this Agreement.
Both the Union and the Company acknowledge and agree that in order to comply with the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act, the health care coverage offered by the Company to its employees
may need to change to ensure compliance. These potential changes need not be negotiated between
the parties provided any changes are universally applicable to all participants in any Company-sponsored
plan(s) on the same basis as non-bargaining unit employees (including salaried employees).
(b) Employee contribution rates for all group medical plans and tiers will be the same as or less
than the contribution rates set by the Company for salaried employees.
Effective 1/1/19 weekly employee contribution rates for the HMO shall not be increased by greater
than the following amounts over the 2018 contribution rates:
Employee Only
Employee + Spouse
Employee + Children
Employee + Family
$3.00 per week
$10.00 per week
$5.00 per week
$12.00 per week
Effective 1/1/20 weekly employee contribution rates for the HMO shall not be increased by greater
than the following amounts over the 2019 contribution rates:
Employee Only
Employee + Spouse
Employee + Children
Employee + Family
$3.00 per week
$10.00 per week
$5.00 per week
$12.00 per week
Effective 1/1/21 weekly employee contribution rates for the HMO shall not be increased by greater
than the following amounts over the 2020 contribution rates:
Employee Only
Employee + Spouse
Employee + Children
Employee + Family
$3.00 per week
$10.00 per week
$5.00 per week
$12.00 per week
Effective 1/1/22 weekly employee contribution rates for the HMO shall not be increased by greater
than the following amounts over the 2021 contribution rates:
Employee Only
Employee + Spouse
Employee + Children
Employee + Family
$3.00 per week
$10.00 per week
$5.00 per week
$12.00 per week
(c) Eligible employees shall be defined as employees whose employment status is Regular
Full Time. Eligible employee’s coverage shall become effective no later than the first day of the month
following completion of ninety (90) days continuous service.
(a) Regular Full Time employees shall receive sick leave based on the number of hours (straight
time and overtime hours exclusive of the overtime premium) up to a maximum of 1800 hours worked from
the date of hire to the end of the calendar year in which hired and for each succeeding calendar year
thereafter. Sick leave earned in the first calendar year of service may not be used until nine (9) months of
continuous service have elapsed from the date of hire and in no event prior to the beginning of the
calendar year following the year in which employed. With reasonable notice, Regular Full Time
employees may request the use of six (6) days sick leave per calendar year as personal leave days.
Requests will be granted consistent with operational requirements.
(b) The following formula shall apply for the accumulation of paid sick leave hours each calendar
Calendar year Earned sick
hours worked leave hours
1800 48
1500 40
1200 32
900 24
600 16
300 8
The maximum amount of sick leave that may be earned in one (1) calendar year is forty-eight (48)
hours. Unused sick leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of 200 work hours; any excess over this
amount will be given to the employee in the form of an automatic payout at the end of the calendar year.
Accrued available sick leave in excess of ninety-six (96) hours will be paid upon the request of an eligible
employee. Requests for payment will be accepted on an annual basis (by calendar year). Amounts paid
are subject to all required withholdings. At the beginning of each calendar year, after an employee has
completed the eligibility requirement, sick leave shall be made available for his/her use during that
calendar year based on the above noted hour formula in the prior calendar year. Sick leave shall be paid
at the rate of pay in effect at the time sick leave is requested by the employee. In order to be paid sick
leave, the employee must file a request for payment. This must be done within three (3) days after the
employee returns to work. In the event that three (3) or more consecutive scheduled shifts of sick leave
are applied for, the Company may request a written statement from a physician certifying as to the nature
and length of employee's illness. However, the Company may require proof of illness in any case if
desired and an employee not furnishing such proof will not be entitled to sick leave pay. Employees will
not be entitled to sick leave during vacation or on days on which they are not scheduled to work. In the
event the employee incurs a non-occupational illness while at work and is released from the completion of
his/her scheduled shift by the Medical Department, the employee may apply for sick leave covering the
unworked balance of that shift in amounts of one (1) hour. An employee who reports for work after the
start of his/her scheduled shift due to personal illness shall not be entitled to apply for sick leave pay
covering the period between the start of his/her scheduled shift and the time the employee actually
started to work.
(c) Employees who voluntarily terminate and who do not fall in the categories of drunkenness,
dishonesty, or illegal use or possession of controlled substances will be paid 100% of earned sick leave
and one half (1/2) of accrued sick leave. Terminations for the three (3) categories listed above will be paid
50% of all earned and none of the accrued.
(d) Those employees in tipped classifications will have sick leave benefits paid at the appropriate
non-tipped rate of pay as referenced in Addendum A.
If the Company requires an employee to wear a uniform or costume, it will be furnished at the
Company's expense. Shoes shall be furnished at the employee's cost even if uniformity is required,
provided they are generally accepted as street wear.
Where the Company, for safety purposes, requires the use of protective clothing, shoes, or other
safety devices, other than hair nets and headbands, they will be furnished without cost to the employees.
The Union agrees to require Regular Full Time employees in those classifications listed in Addendum A
to use the devices furnished.
The cost of cleaning or laundering the clothing furnished under this Article shall be paid by the
Company. Such clothing and other equipment will at all times remain the property of the Company and
the employee who is issued any of these items will be fully responsible for seeing that they are properly
cared for.
Each employee will be required to sign an authorization for the Company to deduct from wages
the amount of money necessary to replace the employee's company furnished uniform in the event the
uniform is not returned when required, or is defaced or is willfully damaged. An unreturned or lost locker
key will result in a wage deduction in the amount necessary to replace the lock on an employee's locker.
An employee who willfully defaces, destroys or misuses a company furnished uniform is subject to
disciplinary action, including dismissal.
It is recognized that the Company may make and enforce rules relating to the personal
appearance which must be set forth in writing and must be reviewed with the Union prior to
implementation. In situations where an employee exceeds the size limitations of the costume of his/her
current job classification, the Company will make reasonable efforts to transfer such employee.
Company furnished clothing is not to be worn off Walt Disney World Resort premises outside of
employee's working hours without permission.
Employees will be permitted to wear a single pin, mutually agreed upon by the Company and
Union, supporting the STCU in non-public areas of the Walt Disney World Resort provided that the pin is
no larger than a quarter in size. Employees must remove the pin for scheduled tours in such areas.
The Company will continue to make reasonable provisions for the safety and health of its
employees during the hours of their employment. The Company agrees that it will furnish and maintain
sanitary toilet facilities, washrooms, lockers and changing quarters for all employees covered by this
All employees shall obey the Company's safety and health rules.
(a) The Company and the Union shall cooperate to further the goal of maintaining safe and
sanitary working conditions. The Company may hold safety meetings with required attendance by every
employee covered by this Agreement, on work time, as a means of improving safety and educating
employees in safe practices. A Union Representative may attend such meetings.
(b) The Company and the Union recognize the importance of a safe and violence free work
environment. In this regard, both parties agree to work cooperatively to prevent and address potential
work place violence issues.
(a) The Company and the Union acknowledge that the provisions of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, as well as parallel state legislation, apply to employees working under this Agreement. In
this regard, the Company and the Union commit to meet to resolve potential conflicts between the
Americans with Disabilities Act and the Agreement.
(b) Applicants for employment with the Company may be required to undertake a post-offer,
conditional-employment medical examination. Examinations will be conducted by a licensed physician
designated and paid for by the Company.
(c) Employees may be required by the Company to submit to a medical or psychological
examination at the Company's expense in the following situations:
(1) When the Company needs to determine whether an employee is able to perform the
essential functions of a position with or without accommodation and/or whether the
employee can perform the essential functions of a position, with or without reasonable
accommodation, without directly threatening his/her health or safety or that of others;
(2) When the Company concludes that it must determine whether reasonable
accommodation is required or where an employee has requested accommodation,
including the nature and extent of such accommodation;
(3) When the Company concludes it must acquire medical advice to determine whether a
local, state, or federal health or safety standard can be satisfied;
(4) When the Company is obligated by law to assess, monitor and/or maintain a record
of an employee's health status.
(5) Upon an employee’s request, an employee shall be provided an opportunity to visit
Health Services on the day of his/her injury and on paid time.
(d) Pursuant to Section 2 above, the Company reserves the right to require an employee to
undergo an examination by a licensed physician or certified health care provider designated by the
Company at the Company's request. If the employee disagrees with the medical opinion of the
Company-designated physician or certified health care provider, the employee may select, at his/her
expense, a physician or appropriate certified health care provider to conduct the Company-required
medical or psychological examination. The results of that examination must be submitted to the
Company-designated physician for concurrence. In the event the two (2) physicians cannot agree, the
Company and the employee shall select a third physician from a panel of three (3) physicians supplied by
the Company. The cost of the third physician will be paid by the Company.
(e) Employees whom the Company determines are not able to perform the essential functions of
a position, with or without reasonable accommodation, or who pose a direct threat that cannot be
reasonably accommodated will be considered for reassignment to vacant positions for which they meet
the minimum qualifications. The Company shall not be required to create “Transitional Duty” positions for
permanently disabled employees. In those instances where reassignment or other reasonable
accommodation is not available, the employee may be terminated or placed on an appropriate leave of
(f) Employees enrolled in the Transitional Duty Program shall continue to be covered by the
provisions of this Agreement.
(g) An employee's rights to disability, workers' compensation, or other benefits which are
administered independently of this Agreement shall be determined exclusively by the plan terms and laws
governing those benefits and not by arbitration under this Agreement.
No employee shall be compelled to perform work or operate equipment that poses an imminent
danger to life or serious physical harm to himself/herself.
It is recognized that the duties of a Supervisor are, as the designation implies, largely of a
supervisory nature. Accordingly, Supervisors shall not perform work such as that performed by the
employees as herein defined, except:
(a) For emergency purposes.
(b) In the instruction and training of employees or Supervisors.
(c) Work of an experimental nature.
(d) Testing materials and production.
(e) Start up and closing down of operations.
(f) To protect Company property and/or to ensure the safety of guests and/or employees.
(g) To provide uninterrupted services in order to ensure a positive guest and/or employee
Work by Supervisors as described by the provisions of this Article is not intended as a means by
which the Company may eliminate any bargaining unit position(s) or shift(s). In the event the Union
believes that the provisions of this Article have been violated, the Union may request an immediate
meeting to resolve the matter with the appropriate representative of Management and the Labor Relations
Executive or their designee. All grievances arising over an alleged violation shall be subject to the
provision of Article 19 – Grievance Procedure.
Any employee may be requested to perform emergency work, which includes any situation
endangering other persons or which might result in property damage.
Running repairs may be performed by operating personnel covered by this Agreement, or by
personnel regularly assigned to the department where the need for such repairs occurs. Running repairs
are generally defined as minor maintenance repairs or adjustments which can be done without a
cessation of normal operations, or where such repairs or adjustments can restore such equipment or unit
to operation without an extended shut down.
The Company shall provide bulletin boards in all areas which are frequented by employees for
the posting of official Union notices and a list thereof. The minimum size of the bulletin board will be 2
high by 3’ wide for single bulletin boards and 3’ high by 4’ wide for double boards. The board shall be
covered with glass and under lock and free of obstructions. A master key shall remain in the possession
of a Department Head with copies provided to each affiliate Union of the Service Trades Council. These
boards shall be used for the display of the following notices: Union meetings, Union appointments, Union
elections and official Union social affairs and any Company issued information. The Union agrees not to
post material of a derogatory nature regarding the Company or its personnel. It is agreed that no Union
matter of any kind shall be posted in and about the premises of Walt Disney World Resort except on said
Boards. It is agreed by the Union and Management that it is the responsibility of each employee to be
knowledgeable of notices posted. All such Union notices shall bear a posting and a removal date.
During the term of this Agreement, the Company agrees that it will not subcontract work for the
purpose of evading its obligations under this Agreement. However, it is understood and agreed that the
Company shall have the right to subcontract in the following instances and will give notice of such
subcontracting to the Union when possible:
(a) Where some work is required to be sublet to maintain a legitimate manufacturer's warranty; or
(b) Where the subcontracting of work will not result in the termination or layoff, or the failure to
recall from layoff, any Regular Full Time employee qualified and classified to do the work; or
(c) Where the employees of the Company lack the skills or qualifications or the Company does
not possess the requisite equipment for carrying out the work; or where
(d) Because of size, complexity or time of completion, it is impractical or uneconomical to do the
work with Company equipment and personnel.
The parties hereto may interpret, alter or amend this Agreement by mutual action in writing, and
no individual employee shall have cause to complain therefore, it being understood that any interpretation
or arrangement mutually satisfactory to the parties hereto shall be binding upon all individual employees,
whether such action be prospective or retroactive.
It is not the intent of either party hereto to violate any laws or any rulings or regulations of any
governmental authority or agency having jurisdiction of the subject matter of this Agreement and the
parties hereto agree that in the event any provisions of this Agreement is held or constituted to be void as
being in contravention of any such laws, rulings or regulations, nevertheless, the remainder of the
Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, unless the parts so found to be void are wholly
inseparable from the remaining portion of this Agreement.
For purposes of this Agreement, the terms “drug” or “drug tests” shall include both drugs and
alcohol, as appropriate. The Employer and the Union recognize that many areas of the Employer's
operations involve hazardous work with the potential for personal injury or property damage and that all
areas involve directly or indirectly the public at large. Therefore, it must endeavor to provide safe and
efficient operations for the protection and benefit of the general public, its customers and its employees.
As part of its effort to achieve that goal, it must require that its work be performed by employees who do
not use illegal drugs or misuse controlled substances and/or alcohol as follows:
SECTION 1. The Company recognizes that employees have a right to privacy and that any
adverse action taken against any employee for off-duty conduct shall take into account the employee's
right to privacy and the impact of the employee's conduct on his/her job performance, the Company's
reputation, or the public's perception of the Company's contract performance. Any disciplinary action for
such drug-related conduct will be subject to the Grievance Procedure. With respect to any alleged off-
duty related conduct, the arbitrator will be specifically instructed to balance the employee's right to privacy
in his/her off-duty time with other legitimate job-related concerns in weighing the contractual propriety of
disciplinary action.
SECTION 2. Bargaining unit employees will be subject to drug and alcohol testing under the
following circumstances:
(a) Where there is an objective reasonable basis that an employee has an in-system
presence of any illegal drug, controlled substance or alcohol, hereinafter referred
to as “substances”, while on duty or on Company property immediately preceding
or following the work shift. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms “employee”
or “bargaining unit employee” includes not only persons employed in positions
covered by the STCU, collective bargaining agreement, but also persons being
recalled into such positions.
(b) As part of a post-accident investigation in cases where:
1. The individual(s) subject to testing is directly linked to the accident.
2. The accident resulted in death, injury requiring medical treatment other
than basic first aid, or property damage estimated to exceed $4,500.00.
Testing associated with an accident will take place as soon as possible,
under the circumstances.
(c) A government agency duly concerned with Walt Disney World Co. (e.g.,
Department of Transportation, etc.) advises the Company that employees in
specified classifications will be required to undergo job certification physical
examinations, including drug tests as a condition of future employment. In such
instances, the Union shall be given immediate notice of any such requirement or
proposed requirement. Such testing shall be conducted in accordance with the
government regulations and the procedures established by this Agreement and
shall not commence until the Union and the Company have had a reasonable
opportunity to discuss the impact of the government directive.
(d) All employees working in safety sensitive classifications as determined by the
Company will be subject to random drug and alcohol testing.
(e) Random testing as part of follow-up to rehabilitation and only for a reasonable
period of time after rehabilitation supervised by the Company’s Employee
Assistance Program, or any successor thereto, not to exceed one year. However,
employees in classifications covered by the Department of Transportation (DOT)
may be subject to additional testing as determined by the Procedures for
Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs.
(f) A random drug/alcohol testing program may be implemented for certain positions
within this Agreement. If such a decision is made the Company will meet and
agree with the affected individual Union affiliate regarding the positions subject to
random drug/alcohol testing, the date of implementation and the logistics of the
program. Employees transferring into any such position will be subject to drug
testing prior to transfer. Such positions that are deemed to be subject to a
random drug/alcohol testing pool will include testing of the same substances and
at the same levels described in Section 9 below.
(g) Employees transferring into positions for which the Company requires pre-
employment testing will be subject to such testing prior to transfer.
SECTION 3. An employee will not be tested under Section 2(a) above unless his/her actions
and/or conduct or other related circumstances provide an objective reasonable basis to believe that the
employee may have ingested drugs or alcohol and/or is suffering from impairment that will in some way
adversely affect his/her alertness, coordination, reaction, response, safety, or the safety of others, while
on duty or on Company property. Where possible, this shall be discussed with the Union Shop Steward.
Such observation will be confirmed by another member of supervision wherever possible and will be
documented. Employees will not be subject to such testing without the express consent of a senior
member of Management different from the observation Supervisor.
SECTION 4. Any employee directed for testing shall be advised of his/her right to the presence
of a Shop Steward before any pre-test meetings with Management. Provided a Shop Steward has been
requested and is available, no specimen will be collected until the Shop Steward can discuss the matter
with Management. The Union agrees that the procedures described in Sections 3 and 4 shall not operate
in a manner that will impede timely collection of a biological specimen. Refusal to provide a biological
specimen will result in immediate discharge without an opportunity at a later date to reconsider/retract the
SECTION 5. Any employee who tests negative to any drug test under this Agreement (other than
follow-up testing to rehabilitation) shall be compensated for all lost time, at the appropriate wage rate.
Time lost under such circumstances shall be treated as time worked for purposes of premium eligibility.
SECTION 6. Specimen collection for a drug test will be accomplished in a manner compatible
with employee dignity and privacy. There will be no strip searches or opposite sex observation. In the
usual case, the Company will not observe specimen production, but the Union agrees that specimen
production may be closely monitored in those cases where the Company has a specific objective reason
to believe that the employee may attempt to contaminate a test specimen. Any evidence of any form of
tampering, altering, or diluting of a specimen will result in discharge.
SECTION 7. Test specimens shall be sent only to laboratory facilities certified by an appropriate
federal or state agency. The drug test laboratory and the specimen collection facility must establish and
maintain a forensically acceptable chain of custody. It will be the burden of the Company to establish, in
any case arising from a positive test result, that the appropriate chain of custody has been maintained.
If a dispute should arise over the selection of drug test laboratories, such dispute shall be resolved by
arbitration. The laboratory(s) selected must, upon request, identify the drugs tested for, the methods
used, the manufacturers of the test, the analytical limits and levels used, the methods of reporting results
and the chain of custody procedures used to produce forensically acceptable test results. To be qualified
under this section, the laboratory must participate in a program of “blind proficiency” testing where they
analyze samples sent by an independent party.
SECTION 8. Specimen collection shall be accomplished at laboratory facilities certified by the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the National Laboratory Certification Program and
designated by the Employer.
All specimens identified as positive in the initial test will be confirmed by a second procedure.
Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry or an equivalent scientifically acceptable method of confirmation
will be used. All confirmed positive test results will be verified by a Medical Review Officer prior to release
to the Company. The Medical Review Officer, upon written request from the employee, will report test
results to the Union Business Agent.
SECTION 9. The standard drug test thresholds for positive screen and GC/MS confirmation tests
shall be the same as those called out in the Federal Register, and may be modified whenever changed by
the Department of Health and Human Services as advances in technology or other considerations
warrant identification of new substances and/or concentrations.
In the event that the Company elects to utilize tests other than the EMIT screen or the GC/MS
Confirmation, the Company will give the Union written notice of the test methodology used and the
threshold levels employed. Positive thresholds for any other test methodologies will be reviewed with the
Union before they are applied. Any dispute over the acceptability of such alternative test methodologies
or the positive test threshold to be applied shall be resolved by arbitration. It will be the burden of the
Company to establish the acceptability of the test and the reasonableness of the threshold.
SECTION 10. The laboratory shall preserve a sufficient aliquot specimen as to permit
independent confirmatory testing by the employee and follow-up re-analysis at the request of the Union or
the Employer. Any re-analysis performed will be done on the original sample provided. The Medical
Review Officer shall endeavor to notify the Employer and the employee of positive test results within five
(5) working days after receipt of the specimen. The employee may request, in writing, a re-analysis within
three (3) working days from notice of positive test result. Additionally or as an alternative, the employee
may have the sample tested at a certified laboratory of his/her choice. Should this test result be negative,
the test results will be considered negative.
SECTION 11. Initial tests and re-analysis requested by the Company will be paid by the
Company; costs of re-analysis for reconciliation will be split between the employee and the Company. In
the event the initial test is proven to be a false positive the employee shall be reimbursed for cost of test
procedures paid for by the employee.
SECTION 12. The drug test laboratory and the specimen collection facility must establish and
maintain a forensically acceptable chain of custody. It will be the burden of the Company to establish, in
any case arising from a positive test result, that the appropriate chain of custody has been maintained.
SECTION 13. Where employees are required under this policy to submit blood samples for
alcohol testing, the samples will be taken in an appropriate collection facility. The collection facility and
laboratory will use the same or equivalent chain of custody procedures and exercise the same or an
equivalent level of professional care and scientifically accepted standards and procedures in the
collection and testing of blood samples for the presence of alcohol as with urine samples for the presence
of drugs. For the purposes of this policy if a test reveals the presence of alcohol at a level of .08% or
more by weight, it shall be presumed that the employee has violated this policy. If the test reveals the
presence of alcohol in excess of .05% by weight, but less than .08%, the results of the test will be
considered along with all other relevant information (e.g. employee conduct, speech, performance, etc.) in
determining whether the employee is in violation of this policy. If a test reveals the presence of alcohol of
less than .05% by weight, it shall be presumed that the employee is not under the influence of alcohol in
violation of this policy. The presumption regarding the presence of alcohol of less than .05% by weight is
rebuttable based on consideration of all other relevant information (e.g., employee conduct, speech,
performance, etc.). The Company bears the burden of proof in rebutting such presumption. In the event
an employee objects to alcohol testing by blood sample, the Company will test the employee through an
evidentiary alcohol breath analyzer which conforms to the same standards as cited above.
The parties agree that use of an evidentiary alcohol breath analyzer, which is properly calibrated and
which is operated by a certified technician, shall be conclusive proof of the accuracy of the results.
Furthermore, the Company reserves the right to abandon blood samples in favor of the alcohol
breath analyzer referenced above.
SECTION 14. Any employee who has a confirmed positive test will be required to participate in
the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Failure to seek and receive EAP assistance or failure to abide
by the terms and conditions or prescribed treatment will be grounds for discharge. If an employee is
subject to disciplinary action under existing practices, the use of substances shall not be a defense to
circumvent existing practices or to avoid disciplinary action. Participation in the EAP shall be taken into
account in considering appropriate disciplinary action. No employee shall be discharged as a result of a
positive drug or alcohol test pursuant to Section 2(a), (b), (e) or (f) above, so long as he or she agrees to
participate in an EAP, the cost of which will be covered by Company-provided health insurance to the
extent required by the plan terms. In instances where it is necessary, a leave of absence may be granted
for treatment or rehabilitation through the EAP for substances on the same basis as it is granted for other
medical conditions.
SECTION 15. Test results shall be communicated by the Medical Review Officer, or the
designated Company representative. The Company shall be responsible for maintaining confidentiality of
test records and test results will be communicated to job site Management strictly on a “need to know”
basis. Employee drug test records shall not be released outside the Walt Disney World Co. medical
department unless required by administrative action initiated by the employee or the Union. The
employee shall be entitled to written notification of positive drug test results. Copies of such reports will
be provided to the Union when authorized in writing by the affected employee.
SECTION 16. Except in the case of a positive random test after referral to the EAP which shall
be conclusive proof of just cause for termination, when and if it becomes necessary to impose discipline
for drug-related conduct or job performance, discipline will be judged by the contractual just cause
standard and will be subject to the grievance/arbitration procedure. Except to the extent the employee(s)
withholds written consent as to particular documents personal to him/her, the Company agrees to provide
the Union, in advance, with whatever documentation or information the Union reasonably requires to
process the grievance and/or arbitration. By establishing this policy, neither the Company nor the Union
waives any legal rights. The parties agree that this drug policy shall not diminish the rights of individual
employees under state or federal law relating to drug testing.
SECTION 17. The Company shall provide education for Management personnel regarding
observation techniques, the availability and desirability of the Employee Assistance Programs and the
need for observing strict confidentiality. Supervisors will be provided guidelines for maintaining
confidentiality of all drug-related information and referring employees who may have a problem to
appropriate counseling.
SECTION 18. The Company agrees that it shall indemnify and hold the Union harmless against
any and all complaints, claims, judgments, or demands that may arise out of, or in any way are related to,
the Union's negotiation or participation in the foregoing drug policy applicable to bargaining unit
employees and applicants, or the Company's activities in carrying out this drug testing program.
The Company and the Union recognize the mutual benefit of meetings of representatives from
both parties. Therefore, the parties agree to establish joint Labor/Management Committees to maintain
open lines of communication and to discuss and resolve issues. Each Committee will be co-chaired by
the Chief Officer of the affected Affiliate Union or his/her designee, and the designated Executive from
Operations or his/her designee. It is understood and agreed the Committee will not have the authority to
receive or resolve grievances or engage in collective bargaining. The Company and the Union will agree
on the number of core committee attendees for each Committee and the frequency for each Committee
by line of business, job classification, or work location. Either party, within reason, may invite appropriate
subject matter experts deemed necessary. Shop Stewards designated by the Union to attend the
Committee meeting during his/her scheduled shift will be paid for the time attending the meeting.
Agenda items will be submitted by the parties in advance of the meetings. Each meeting will
contain the Agenda item of Safety. The Committee may consider the following as it relates to workplace
(a) Evaluation of health and safety issues through means such as, but not limited to, examination of
records, inspections, and employee interviews;
(b) To identify additional or improved health and safety training needs;
(c) To meet with and make recommendations to the G.M./Director with operational responsibility for
the area in question regarding (a) and (b) above.
This Agreement, and any further amendment or supplement hereto, shall be in full force and
effect from September 24, 2017 through October 1, 2022, and from year to year thereafter, subject to the
right of either party to terminate the same at the anniversary of October 1 following October 1, 2022 upon
the giving of written notice of termination not later than sixty (60) days next preceding the effective date of
such termination.
The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the
unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not
removed by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the understandings and agreements
arrived at by the parties, after the exercise of that right and opportunity, are set forth in this Agreement.
Therefore, the Company and the Union, for the life of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly
waives the right and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect
to any subject or matter referred to or covered in this Agreement, except as provided specifically in
Section 2 or 3 of this Article, or with respect to any subject or matter not specifically referred to or covered
in this Agreement, even though such subjects or matters may not have been within the knowledge or
contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time that they negotiated or signed this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed and effective
as of the day and year first above written.
/s/ Matt Hollis______________________________________________________
(Matt Hollis)
Service Trades Council Union President
Transportation Communications Union/IAM, Lodge 1908
/s/ Juleeann Jerkovich___________________________________________________
(Juleeann Jerkovich)
United Food & Commercial Workers, Local 1625
/s/ Clay Jeffries____________________________________________________
(Clay Jeffries)
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 385
/s/ Paul Cox________________________________________________________
(Paul Cox)
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 631
/s/ Eric Clinton__________________________________________________________
(Eric Clinton)
UNITE HERE! Local 362
/s/ Jeremy Haicken__________________________________________________
(Jeremy Haicken)
UNITE HERE! Local 737
Local 737
Jeremy Haicken, President
Hector Jordan, Vice President
Angela McKinnon, Financial Secretary Treasurer
Marie Mauvais, Recording Secretary
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 385
Clay Jeffries – President
Walt Howard – Vice President
Gary Brown – Business Agent
Eric Clinton, President
Jeremy Yassen, Vice-President
Alice-Marie Tucker, DHS VP
Mark Henry, MK TTC VP
Charles Balliet, MK TTC VP
Dawn Sutherland, DAK VP
Melissa Robson, MK Tomorrowland
Michael Beaver, MK Tomorrowland
Rob Wilkins, MK Ad/Lib
Gabriella Alcantara, MK Frontierland
Madeline Johnson, DAK Kilimanjaro
Travis Joyner, DAK Kilimanjaro
Lillian Vasquez, DAK Asia
Rick Barnes, DAK Auto Plaza
Jessica Lella, DAK Dinoland
Diego Henry, DAK Dinoland
Krysta White, DAK Pandora
Adam Beaton, DHS Toy Story
Luis Rivera, DHS Theatre Ops.
Janice Butler, Epcot WSC
William Forgit, Epcot Support Services
Evelyn Sims, Epcot FW Custodial
Celia Rocha, Epcot WSC Custodial
Josh Mullett, DHS Custodial
Kim Hanely, DAK Custodial
Michael Giancini, DAK Third Shift Custodial
Jennifer Marquez, Typhoon Lagoon Custodial
Jean Julionex Louis, MK Custodial
Alex De La Torre, MK Custodial
Meghan Williams, MK Custodial
Edner Alouidor, MK Custodial
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 631, AFL-CIO
Brian J. Lawlor – International Representative
Paul Cox – President
Barry Tillis – Vice-President
Jamie Baylor – Assistant Business Agent
Serena James - Steward
United Food & Commercial Workers, Local 1625
Ed Chambers President
Juleeann Jerkovich Secretary-Treasurer
Transportation Communications Union/IAM Lodge 1908, AFL-CIO
Matthew Hollis - National Vice President
Ben Ramirez - National Field Representative
William White National Field Representative
Staci Bowermeister Shkoler – National Field Representative
/s/ J. Robbin Almand____________________________________________________
(J. Robbin Almand)
Vice President, Labor Relations
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, U.S.
J. Robbin Almand
Thomas Mazloum
Bill Pace
Christie Sutherland
David Hunter
Deborah Montague
Greg Becker
Janet Burnley
Jessica Vanderbrook
Julia Gatewood
Kristin McLean
Madison Meltz
Mark Bartschi
Mary K. Hayes
Matt Demchak
Patrick Doubleday
Sheri Torres
Sue Davis
Addendum A
Non-Tipped Classifications
Eff 9/24/2017³
90 Days after Rat.
180 Days after Rat.
Eff 9/29/2019
Eff 10/4/2020
Eff 10/3/2021
Job Title
COT 4¹
Addendum A
Non-Tipped Classifications
Eff 9/24/2017³
90 Days after Rat.
180 Days after Rat.
Eff 9/29/2019
Eff 10/4/2020
Eff 10/3/2021
Job Title
COT 4¹
¹ Effective on the Sunday prior to 90 days after ratification, the following classifications will be combined. In each case, the highest rate of each classification
being merged at each level of longevity will prevail.
COT 3 LIFEGUARD and COT 6 MONORAIL/WATERCRAFT will be merged. The new classification will be called COT 3
COT 4, COT 5 FRIENDSHIP/SASSAGOULA, and COT 7 CHARACTERS will be merged. The new classification will be called COT 4.
FRIENDSHIP/SASSAGOULA H/H 1 and FRIENDSHIP/SASSAGOULA H/H 2 will be merged. The new classification will be called
MONORAIL H/H 1, MONORAIL H/H 2, MONORAIL H/H 3, and MONORAIL H/H 4 will be merged. The new classification will be called MONORAIL H/H.
WATERCRAFT H/H 1, WATERCRAFT H/H 2, and WATERCRAFT H/H 3 will be merged. The new classification will be called WATERCRAFT H/H.
RANCH HAND and RANCH HAND SR will be merged. The new classification will be called RANCH HAND.
² Effective within two weeks of ratification, the RESORT GUEST SERVICE H/H classification will be retired, and all Cast Members statused to that role will be
transferred to RESORT CONCIERGE H/H.
³ Cast Members will receive a lump sum payment representing retroactive increases to their job classification based on all paid hours while statused to a FT
or PT Non-Tipped STCU classification, including overtime, vacation, etc. from September 24, 2017 until the implementation date.
Cast Members who are statused to a FT or PT STCU role on the day prior to the effective dates listed above will be eligible to receive the designated
Common Date Annual increase for their statused classification. For dates relative to ratification, the Sunday prior will be used as the effective date.
Where applicable, independent Coordinator classifications may also exist at a rate $1.50 above the relevant classification used as a basis.
The Company may continue and/or implement the following hiring and/or retention initiatives including, but not limited to, hiring and/or retention bonus payments,
hiring referral program incentives, relocation assistance, and any other incentive and/or retention initiative deemed appropriate by the Company to meet hiring
and retention needs.
Wage rates may be periodically increased for any Classification, but the Company agrees that in such instances, the Company will notify the Union and discuss
proposed increases prior to implementation. If the minimum rate is increased above the wage rate of any current Employees in the same classification, the
current Employee’s rate would be automatically adjusted to at least the new min. rate.
Addendum A (Full Time)
Tipped Classifications
Tipped employees hired prior to October 30, 1988 and who have remained in a tipped classification
Job Classification
Banquet Facility H/H (T)
Banquet Service H/H (T)
Banquet Service H/H (T) 7(i)
Beverage Captain (T)
Beverage Captain (T) 7(i)
Beverage H/H (T)
Beverage H/H Banquets (T)
Beverage H/H Banquets (T) 7(i)
Food & Bev Assistant (T)
Food & Bev Captain (T)
Food & Bev Captain (T) 7(i)
Food & Bev Dinner Show Server (T)
Food & Bev Dinner Show Server (T) 7(i)
Food & Bev Service H/H (T)
Golden Oak Server/Bartender (T)
Resort Bell Services H/H (T)
Special Service H/H (T)
Tipped employees hired on or after 10/30/1988, or employees hired before 10/30/1988 who did not remain in a
tipped classification
Job Classification
Banquet Facility H/H (T)
Banquet Service H/H (T)
Banquet Service H/H (T) 7(i)
Beverage Assistant (T)
Beverage Captain (T)
Beverage Captain (T) 7(i)
Beverage H/H (T)
Beverage H/H Banquets (T)
Beverage H/H Banquets (T) 7(i)
Food & Bev Assistant (T)
Food & Bev Captain (T)
Food & Bev Captain (T) 7(i)
Food & Bev Dinner Show Server (T)
Food & Bev Dinner Show Server (T) 7(i)
Food & Bev Service H/H (T)
Golden Oak Server/Bartender (T)
Resort Bell Services H/H (T)
Special Service H/H (T)
Rates indicate a $0.15 increase. Wage rates may be periodically increased for any Classification, but the Company
agrees that in such instances, the Company will notify the Union and discuss proposed increases prior to
Non-tipped rates for Cast Members in Tipped classifications:
Vacation, Sick, Holiday, Bereavement, Jury Duty:
Food & Beverage Steward rate of pay
Training (Resort Bell Services only):
Resort Hospitality H/H rate of pay
Investigatory Suspension (excluding Banquets and Dinner Shows):
Food Handler rate of pay
Investigatory Suspension (Banquets and Dinner shows only):
Tipped rate plus estimated lost gratuities
The Company may continue and/or implement the following hiring and/or retention initiatives including, but not limited
to, hiring and/or retention bonus payments, hiring referral program incentives, relocation assistance, and any other
incentive and/or retention initiative deemed appropriate by the Company to meet hiring and retention needs.
WAGES [Addendum “A”]:
Non-Tipped Full Time Employees
Effective 09/24/17 (Retroactive*)
Non-tipped minimum rate remains at $10.00
Greater of $0.50 or 3% increase
* Retroactivity to 09/24/17 is contingent on the executed MOU extending the Agreement
remaining in effect through ratification.
Effective Sunday prior to 90 days after ratification
Non-tipped minimum rate to $11.00
Bring to $11.00 or $1.00 increase or 3% increase, whichever is greater
Effective Sunday prior to 180 days after ratification
Non-tipped minimum rate to $12.00
Bring to $12.00 or $1.00 increase or 3% increase, whichever is greater
Effective 09/29/19
Non-tipped minimum rate to $13.00
Bring to $13.00 or $0.75 increase or 3% increase, whichever is greater
Effective 10/04/20
Non-tipped minimum rate to $14.00
Bring to $14.00 or $0.75 increase or 3% increase, whichever is greater
Effective 10/03/21
Non-tipped minimum rate to $15.00
Bring to $15.00 or $0.75 increase or 3% increase, whichever is greater
Tipped Full Time Employees
Effective 12/30/2018
Effective 12/29/2019
Effective 12/27/2020
Effective 12/26/2021
Addendum B-1
UNITE HERE! Local 737
All Food and Beverage, Culinary and Stewarding
The Food and Beverage Policies and Procedures are applicable only when the Cast Member is working
in a job classification to which the specific policy applies, e.g., If a Food and Beverage Cast Member
transfers from a non-tipped position to a tipped position or vice-versa the applicable guidelines will be
applied automatically without having to go through the re- signing process.
There will be a minimum of one (1) schedule bid per year for Food and Beverage Cast Members.
Walkouts, food allergy procedure violations and explanations to the Guest of the gratuity policy shall not
result in automatic discipline.
Service Charge for Parties of Six (6) or more
An eighteen percent (18%) service charge will be included on all guest checks of parties of six (6) or
1. The guests will be advised of the policy by the first Host/ess (i.e., DRC, Guest Services, Concierge, or
Seating Host/ess) to accept the guest's reservations.
2. In addition to the above, the policy will be printed on the menus.
3. If a party of six (6) or more, regardless of reservation size, arrives and is seated at the same table
and receives separate checks, the automatic service charge shall apply.
4. If a party of six (6) or more arrives and, for whatever reason, is split and seated at separate tables,
with the same server regardless of the number of checks, the automatic service charge shall apply.
5. If the party of six (6) or more arrives and, for whatever reason, is split, seated at separate tables with
different servers, receives separate checks, and these checks are paid for by separate individuals,
the automatic service charge does not apply.
6. In situations where our guests refuse to comply with our policy, it will be the responsibility of the
service person to locate a Manager prior to the guests leaving the restaurant so that Management
can speak with the guests. If the service person fails to involve a Manager in the situation prior to the
guests departing the restaurant, or receives discipline for poor service, the Company will not be
responsible for the difference between what the guest left and eighteen percent (18%) of the guest's
food and beverage total.
7. The eighteen percent (18%) service charge will be automatically added to the guest check and will be
calculated on the food and beverage totals. The server will not be required to inform the guest that a
service charge has been included, unless he/she is asked by the guest.
8. A twenty percent (20%) service charge will be automatically added to parties of six (6) or more only at
Victoria and Albert's. With exception to the amount of the gratuity, all of the above aforementioned is
applicable to Victoria and Albert's.
1. Gratuities will be paid on food and beverage totals only. Gratuities will not be paid on miscellaneous
pricing, including but not limited to merchandise, entertainment, (excluding Spirit of Aloha, Hoop-Dee-
Doo, and Character Dining restaurants, where entertainment is included in the price), house charges,
imaging, etc. Merchandise will only be included in the total food and beverage price for the purpose of
gratuity calculation if the Server is required by the Company to handle and deliver merchandise items
to the guest as part of the Guest’s dining experience. Gratuities will not be paid on autograph books,
pens and disposable cameras.
2. Should the Company decide to reinstate package plans with automatic gratuity included, the parties
agree the terms of the addendum expiring on April, 28, 2007 will remain in effect.
3. An automatic gratuity of eighteen percent (18%) will be added for supplemental food and beverage
purchased at prepaid venues (i.e., Spirit of Aloha, Hoop-Dee-Doo, Cinderella’s Royal Table, Princess
Tea, Special Pre-paid events such as New Year’s Eve at California Grill.
4. The Company agrees to negotiate with the Union, the application of the automatic gratuity for any
future pre-paid venues, for the life of this agreement.
5. An automatic eighteen percent (18%) will be added for food and beverage purchased from Pizza
Delivery and Private Dining.
6. It is the Company's understanding that when a business requires their guests to pay a Pre-
determined charge, which is given to employees of the business, the charges are considered a
service charge. Furthermore, service charges are not considered a tip, but rather, are wages paid by
the employer. Consequently, the tax code requires the Company to withhold taxes on all service
7. It is the responsibility of all service persons to report one-hundred percent (100%) of their tips and
gratuities for income tax purposes. The Company will continue to report eight percent (8%) of the
location's gross sales to the government and will withhold tax on the tips and gratuities declared by
the employee to the Company. The Company reserves the right to amend and/or alter this position to
conform to state and federal laws.
8. Under Wage and Hour laws, the Company is required to report tips and service charges in overtime
9. An eighteen percent (18%) service charge will be added for Company sponsored Cast discounts, e.g.
Cast Serving Cast, Cast discounted meals, and Cast Celebration discounted meals. The service
charge will be based on the total Food and Beverage charges before any discounts have been
applied. This provision does not apply to Tables in Wonderland and Disney Vacation Club.
10. An automatic gratuity of eighteen percent (18%) will be added for all guests using Tables in
Wonderland, based on the retail value of the Food and Beverage.
Transfers for Food and Beverage Tipped Employees
1. A Food and Beverage tipped employee interested in transferring to a new location must:
(a) Have twelve (12) months of previous employment in a Food and Beverage tipped classification.
(b) Fill out a Food and Beverage tipped transfer form once a year. The employee may indicate on
this form a maximum of five (5) restaurants where he/she may wish to transfer.
2. In order to be considered for an open Regular Full Time Server position, the employee must be on
the Casting skill code list at the time the requisition is opened. The employee selected for the
position will be notified by Casting and automatically transferred to the open position. The position
will be filled by eligible Cast in the following order:
Regular Full Time Food and Beverage Service Host/ess (T), by seniority.
Regular Part Time Food and Beverage Service Host/ess (T), statused to the restaurant with
the opening, by seniority.
All Regular Full Time Food and Beverage Assistants (T), statused to the restaurant with the
opening, by seniority.
All other Regular Full Time (UNITE HERE Local 737), tipped employees, by seniority.
All other Regular Part Time (UNITE HERE Local 737), tipped employees, by seniority.
All Regular Full Time non-tipped Food and Beverage employees.
All other Regular Full Time Service Trades Council Union (STCU) employees.
All other Regular Part Time STCU employees.
All Non-STCU employees.
3. Should an employee decline a position, they will be required to wait twelve (12) months before being
eligible to post for another transfer.
4. Employees transferring to Victoria and Albert’s and Golden Oak will be required to participate in an
interview with location Management prior to transferring. The final hiring decision remains within
Management’s discretion.
5. Golden Oak Server/Bartender H/H (T) shall be placed on a sixty (60) day qualifying period. If the
Company determines during the sixty (60) day period that employees performance is not
satisfactory, or if the employee requests a return within the sixty (60) days, the Company will return
the employee to his/her previous job classification.
Work Status and Utilization of Regular Part Time Tipped Employees
Tipped employees will be considered Part Time if they customarily work less than thirty (30) hours per
week on an ongoing basis, or if they customarily work thirty (30) hours per week or more but less than
seven (7) months per year. The aforementioned definition supersedes the definitions negotiated in the
Main Body of both the 2017 Regular Full Time and Regular Part Time Service Trades Council
Table Service
1. Split shifts may be added to the location’s schedule bid at Management’s discretion after advance
notification and discussion with the Union. Turnabout pay as outlined in Article 11, Section 6 (a) and
will be waived.
2. The Company agrees to maintain the current station sizes for existing restaurants and Dinner
Shows, for the life of this agreement.
3. The Company agrees to maintain Bussers at 1900 Park Fare, Chef Mickey’s and ‘Ohana’s for the
term of the 2014 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
4. With the exception of Signature Restaurants, Servers will be required to present a tip card with the
Guest’s check. In Signature Restaurants, presentation of the tip card will be at the discretion of the
Dinner Shows
1. There will be a minimum of one (1) stocker scheduled per shift at the Luau.
2. The Company agrees not to increase the amount of time spent performing non-tipped duties during
the life of this agreement.
3. All Regular Full Time 7(i) dinner show employees are allowed to be cross-utilized between existing
dinner shows before CT employees statused to the dinner show or any non-statused dinner show
employees are scheduled, provided they have been trained in the other location.
4. The Company agrees to pay all guaranteed gratuities for BEO’s when collected, and with respect to
all other guaranteed gratuities, they will not be paid unless services are rendered (i.e. entrée has
been served).
5. Regular Full Time food and Beverage Dinner Show Servers who are 7(i) and trained in the Catering
location may pick up Catering shifts at 11:00 a.m., provided it will not result in overtime or double time
at any time during the payroll work week.
Dinner Show Rotation
The following process shall be followed with regard to the rotation of Food and Beverage Service
Host/ess at the Spirit of Aloha and Hoop-Dee-Doo Review Dinner Shows:
1. Once a Dinner Show Server’s vacation schedule has been posted, it may no longer be canceled or
modified, without Management approval.
2. Servers who are statused as 7(i) will automatically be scheduled a sixth (6th) day, providing work is
available, prior to Part Time Dinner Show Servers, being scheduled to work. Regular Part Time
Servers will be scheduled to any remaining shifts based on their availability. If any shifts remain, 7(i)
servers who have requested a seventh (7th) day will be scheduled. 7(i) and then non-7(i) servers will
be scheduled to any remaining shifts. Servers will be allowed to preference their sixth (6th) and
seventh (7th) work day.
3. When the schedule is posted, scheduled Regular Part Time servers and 7(i) servers scheduled on a
sixth (6th) or seventh (7th) day will not be assigned to a station.
4. On the day of the show, if all stations are seated, any vacant stations (e.g. vacations, MLOA, etc.) will
be covered by the server, (7(i) or Part Time), scheduled to work, but not assigned a station, or the
server called to work. This may also be a Regular Full Time or Regular Part Time server. The server
called to work will not be told what station(s) are available.
5. On the day of the show, if not all stations are seated, vacant stations (e.g. vacations, MLOA, etc.) will
be covered by moving a server from a closed station. A station is considered “closed” when no table
within the station has been assigned. Dinner Show Servers will not be moved to cover a call-in if one
(1) or more tables within their station are assigned.
6. Every reasonable attempt to contact a Regular Full Time and/or Regular Part Time Dinner Show
Server to cover a vacancy will be made, prior to contacting a Casual Limited Employee (CTs).
7. The call line will continue to be utilized to communicate stations that are open.
8. A Dinner Show Server requesting a day off after the schedule has been posted is required to request
the time off through the appropriate submittal process. If the request comes on the day prior to the
day in question, the Dinner Show Server must still utilize the appropriate submittal process and, in
addition, contact a Manager for approval. Day of requests will not be honored.
Private Dining
1. Private Dining, when available, will staff all functions in guest room suites.
2. The Company agrees to maintain Private Dining Bussers for the life of this agreement.
3. A three dollar ($3.00) fee will be paid for delivery of Private Dining amenities.
4. Private Dining Servers will be paid full gratuity on guest walkouts or if an order is cancelled after the
Server has left the Private Dining area, based on the expectation that the Server is providing timely
and efficient service.
Miscellaneous Tipped Food and Beverage
1. It is agreed that the provisions of Article 10, Section (2) [guaranteed hours] and Article 11, Sections 4
a and b, (time and one-half), Section 5 (double time) and Section 6 (turnabout pay) of the collective
bargaining agreement with STCU may be individually waived by all tipped Regular Full Time and
Regular Part Time Cast Members, with the exception of Cast Members who qualify for 7(I)
2. Any side duties performed by tipped employees beyond sixty (60) minutes per shift, will be paid at the
appropriate non-tipped rate of pay.
3. A Table Service Server acting as a trainer will be paid a fifty ($.50) cents per hour trainer’s premium
pay, plus 1.5 times his/her hourly tipped rate of pay, plus tips, for all hours worked as a trainer.
4. Bartenders acting as a trainer will be paid an fifty ($.50) cents per hour trainer’s premium pay, plus
1.5 times his/her hourly tipped rate of pay, plus tips, for all hours worked as a trainer.
5. For the life of this agreement, charge tips will be paid out at the end of the shift.
6. All Food and Beverage (T) employees will be eligible to purchase additional long-term disability
benefits based on a premium calculated in excess of their statused rate.
7. Prior to the Company opening any temporary or “overflow” dining operations, it will meet with UNITE
HERE Local 737 and UFCW Local 1625 to determine by mutual agreement with the Company which
employees will staff the operations.
Culinary and Stewarding (Heart of the House)
1. It is understood that the responsibility for the placement and removal of grills, ovens, and fryers for
beach functions at the resorts is outlined in Addendum B-5. It is also understood that when business
needs dictate, all employees including Culinary, will assist in the placement and removal of the grills,
ovens and fryers. The Company agrees to provide training for all employees performing such
2. The Company will pay for the initial commercial driver’s license for all Food and Beverage employees
required to have one
3. All available Regular Full Time Culinary and Stewarding employees within the location will be offered
all hours of work prior to scheduling any non-Culinary or non-Stewarding labor.
4. Culinary stations will have a culinary employee to cook all items on stage. Banquet Service Host/ess
will reheat items on stage when deemed necessary by location Management for show quality.
Carving will be considered a “Culinary Only” function.
5. If work is available on a Banquet Culinary and/or Stewarding employee’s regularly scheduled AM/PM
shift, the employee will be offered work based on their seniority in the respective Resort/Theme Park
during slow periods prior to being cross-deployed to other locations, such cross deployment shall be
on the basis of seniority with senior cast being offered the first opportunity prior to forcing junior cast
members, and will also be on the regularly scheduled AM/PM shift where applicable.
6. An employee/applicant will be considered for the wage penetration rate based on the following
(a) The following wage penetration concept will be applied to the Cook 2 classification only:
An employee/applicant will be considered for the wage penetration rate based on the
following criteria:
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Years of Applicable
Food Prep Experience
Wage Penetration
Credit Years
1-2 years 1
3-5 years 2
6-8 years 3
9-10 years 4
Management Approval 5
(b) The following wage penetration concept may be applied to the following Food and Beverage job
classifications only:
Cook 1
Chef Assistant
Years of Applicable
Food Prep Experience
Wage Penetration
Credit Years
7. Chef Assistants will receive the Trainer’s Premium Pay for all actual training hours when conducting
location orientation to new hires and/or newly transferred employees.
8. Transfers for Culinary Employees
(a) All Chef Assistants interested in a transfer to a different location must go through an overview
in the new location prior to the offer being made.
(b) Culinary employees who transfer to Victoria and Albert’s and Golden Oak will be required to
participate in an interview with location management. The final hiring decision remains within
management’s discretion.
Food and Beverage Host/ess (QSR) non-tipped
1. Food and Beverage Host/ess (QSR) at Disney’s All Star Resort, and in locations as determined by
the Company, may be eligible to participate in a $1,000 annual retention bonus program, which may
be paid in quarterly installments. The Company will provide advance notification to the Union prior to
2. QSR locations will utilize Express banking, at Management’s discretion.
3. Food and Beverage Host/ess (QSR) will receive a pay premium of twenty-five cents ($.25) for all
hours worked as an O.D.V. Inventory Control Host/ess.
4. A QSR premium of seventy-five cents ($.75) per hour will be paid to Cast Members working in a
Magic Kingdom QSR location.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
5. Food and Beverage Hosts/esses will be paid forty cent ($.40) per hour premium for all hours worked
as a General Teller.
6. Food and Beverage Hosts/esses will be paid a forty cent ($.40) per hour premium for all hours
worked as an Assignor.
Food and Beverage Cash Handling Discipline Matrix
3 Notations in any 30 days = One (1) Point Reprimand
6 Notations in any 90 days
One (1) Point Reprimand
9 Notations in any 180 days
One (1) Point Reprimand
12 Notations in any 365 days
One (1) Point Reprimand
• Upon receipt of the 2nd reprimand for a cash handling violation, mandatory retraining in cash
handling is required.
• Upon receipt of the third (3rd) point for a cash handling violation and at the employee’s request,
the employee shall be transferred to a non-cash handling position. Should the employee decide
to remain in a cash handling position and reach the fifth (5th) point, the employee will be
involuntarily terminated.
• A cash non-procedural variance of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) or more will result in a two (2)
point reprimand.
The Company reserves the right to discipline outside this matrix in cases of dishonesty.
All references to time periods in this matrix refer to continuous work periods.
Procedural Errors are defined as a failure to follow established Cash Handling Standards. Discipline for
Procedural Errors shall be issued in accordance to Article 18, Section 6.
Locations with electronic systems
Total Sales Over/Short Entry Allowance
Total Sales One (1) Notation Two (2) Notations Three (3) Notations
$0.00 - $1000.00 $4.60 - $6.89 $6.90 - $10.34 $10.35+
$1000.01 - $2000.00 $8.05 - $12.64 $12.65 - $17.24 $17.25+
$2000.01+ $11.50 - $18.39 $18.40 - $22.99 $23.00+
Locations without electronic systems
Total Sales Over/Short Notation Allowance
Total Sales One (1) Notation Two (2) Notations Three (3) Notations
$0.00 - $1000.00 $5.75 - $9.19 $9.20 - $14.94 $14.95+
$1000.01 - $2000.00 $9.20 - $13.79 $13.80 - $19.54 $19.55+
$2000.01 + $12.65 - $18.39 $18.40 - $22.99 $23.00+
Food and Beverage Miscellaneous
All Employees transferring to Victoria and Albert’s and Golden Oak will be required to participate in an
interview with location Management prior to transferring. The final hiring decision remains within
Management’s discretion.
1. The Company agrees to ensure that lunch/rest periods are granted and that Housekeepers are
compensated appropriately. The Housekeeper should notify his/her leader a minimum of two (2)
hours prior to the end of his/her shift if he/she will not be able to complete his/her assigned duties
without working through the lunch or rest period. The leader will determine whether to supply
assistance or to compensate for the time.
2. The Company agrees to reduce a Housekeeper’s section size by two (2) rooms when his/her total
number of check-outs are within three (3) rooms of his/her fixed section size at all non-DVC Resorts
excluding the Grand Floridian, Boardwalk, Contemporary, Polynesian, Yacht and Beach and all
Suites Sections. For the Grand Floridian, Boardwalk, Contemporary, Polynesian, Yacht and Beach
and all Suites Sections, a Housekeeper’s section size will be reduced by two (2) non-suite rooms or
one (1) suite when his/her total number of check-outs are within four (4) rooms or two (2) suites of
his/her fixed section size.
3. The Company may require the Housekeepers to set up “special touches” in Resort guest rooms
within their daily sections. Special touches include, but are not limited to, the arranging of plush
characters, small towel folds, toys, and toothbrush holders.
4. The Company and the Union agree to implement a New Hire Housekeeping Training Process.
5. The Company may utilize Housekeepers to place and/or provide appropriate cleaning and general
up-keep for all guest room amenities and collateral as well as guest requested items.
6. Based on Cast Member restrictions and management needs, the Company agrees to provide
modified work to Housekeepers during their normal work hours when possible.
Point System
The Company agrees to section assignments (except in cases of low occupancy/vacant rooms). The
guaranteed section size for each property is as follows:
Disney's All-Star Resorts 18
Disney’s Art of Animation Resort (Regular Rooms) 18
Disney’s Art of Animation Resort (All Suite Sections) 9
Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge 16
Disney’s Boardwalk Inn 16
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort 17
Disney's Contemporary Resort 16
Disney’s Coronado Springs 17
Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort 10
Disney's Grand Floridian Beach Resort 14
Disney's Polynesian Resort 16
Disney’s Port Orleans (Magnolia Bend &French Quarter) 17
Disney’s Port Orleans (Alligator Bayou) 16
Disney's Wilderness Lodge 16
Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort 16
Disney’s Pop Century Resort 18
Disney Vacation Club Resorts 420 points
The Company and the Union agree to meet, discuss and agree on any changes to the guaranteed
section assignments prior to implementation.
Housekeeping section cleaning responsibilities include:
• Cleaning all aspects of the interior of a guest room/unit and all aspects of the balcony or patio
• Cleaning and maintaining some aspects of the front entrance area including doors, windows and
The Company agrees that these responsibilities do NOT include:
• Changing light bulbs
• Plunging commodes
• Washing pargos
• Spot cleaning carpets for more than two (2) small spots
• Changing or cleaning A/C filters in the room/suites
• Flipping mattresses without assistance
• Cleaning of walls if cleaning cannot be achieved through conventional means
• Moving appliances without casters
Incentive Room Payment
1. All Non DVC Rooms will have the ability to offer Housekeepers the option to flex their room
section assignments up by one standard room (1) on a daily basis for a six (6) month period and
be compensated for the additional rooms. If at any time during the six (6) month period the
Company determines the employee’s performance is not satisfactory or the employee requests to
opt out of the Flex Program the Company will return the employee to their contractual section
size. The employee shall be able to re-enroll in the Flex Program after thirty (30) days.
The “Flex-Up” Rates are as follows:
All Non-DVC Rooms
One (1) room = $1.00 per hour
Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground
and all suites
One (1) room = $1.50 per hour
2. The pay rate for completion of incentive rooms is as follows:
Single Room Rate: Service - $9.00 Check-Out - $13.00
Multi-Room Rate: Service - $16.00 Check-Out - $22.00
3. Room incentive pay for cleaning DVC guest rooms (which includes “trash & towel” services) and
providing “trash & towel” service only.
Trash & Towel Service ONLY
2-Bedroom $25.00 $35.00 $8.00
Forty five (45) Minute Policy
The Company agrees to allow AM Housekeepers who clean rooms and successfully complete
their daily section size, with forty-five (45) minutes or less remaining on their shifts, to leave
and be compensated for the balance of their shift.
Housekeepers who are within their first ninety (90) days, or have not cleaned their full
contractual section size, or do not clean rooms, are not eligible to utilize the forty-five (45)
minute privilege. Eligibility will not be denied for section size reductions due to authorized
classes (e.g. ESOL).
A single occurrence of poor quality work may result in discipline of the Housekeeper and
should not result in loss of their forty-five (45) minute privilege.
Housekeepers cannot be given an option of losing their forty-five (45) minute privilege or
receiving discipline.
The forty-five (45) minute privilege can be removed for two (2) weeks if there is an overall
quality issue or a decline in quality in a Housekeepers work area.
The loss of the forty-five (45) minute privilege can extend beyond the two (2) week period if
the Housekeepers quality of work has not improved to a satisfactory level.
Removal of the forty-five (45) minute privilege is not a component of discipline and is not part
of the grievance process.
New Housekeepers will not be eligible to deploy until after five (5) months.
Addendum B-2
Dispatchers and COT)
Bus Operations Standard
The parties recognize the Company’s obligation to provide a safe means of transportation to its guests
and agree that all accident occurrences must be investigated and disciplined on an individual basis. In
those cases where the employee has demonstrated negligence, disregard for safety procedures, or other
unacceptable behaviors, the Company may require immediate transfer (to another classification) or
In those cases which do not require such action, the Company will utilize the following accident policy:
1. An incident is defined as contact made with an object which results in damage from $0 - $1,750.
In no case does this apply if injuries are involved. Incidents are not cumulative after two (2)
2. Three (3) chargeable incidents equal an accident. Incidents which involve two (2) or more WDW
Buses will equal an accident. An accident is defined as contact made with an object which results
in damage from $1,751 - $17,500.
3. Three (3) chargeable accidents within a three (3) year period will result in removal from a driving
4. An accident involving damage in excess of $17,501 may result in termination or a permanent
transfer to a non-driving role.
5. It is the responsibility of all Employees to report any accident as promptly as possible.
Drivers License Violations
A driver’s failure to report according to the prescribed time frames listed in Article 18 Section 10, or the
Company’s discovery through MVR checks of a driver’s failure to report within seven (7) months from the
date of the infraction will result in disciplinary action, not excluding termination.
Rest Periods
All of the following rest periods to be scheduled as close to the middle of the shift as operationally
1. Six (6) hour shifts receive one (1) thirty (30)-minute rest period.
2. Any shift less than seven (7) hours will not be scheduled an involuntary lunch.
3. Seven (7) hour shifts receive one (1) forty-five (45)-minute rest period representing one (1) thirty
(30)-minute lunch and one (1) fifteen (15)-minute rest period.
4. Eight (8) hour shifts receive one (1) sixty (60)-minute break representing one (1) thirty (30)-minute
lunch and two (2) fifteen (15)-minute breaks.
5. Nine (9) hour shifts receive two (2) thirty (30)-minute breaks evenly divided into equal portions
representing one (1) thirty (30)-minute lunch and two (2) fifteen (15)-minute breaks.
Under Addendum ‘A’ the new classification of ‘Bus Driver Dispatcher’ shall remain included in the ‘Bus Driver’
classification for the purposes of seniority and transfer between the two groups. Dispatchers will follow all Coordinator
Job Classification Language in Article 12. Section 7 of the STCU contract.
6. Ten (10) hour shifts receive one (1) forty-five (45)-minute break and one (1) thirty (30)-minute
break divided into equal portions representing one (1) thirty (30)-minute lunch with a fifteen (15)-
minute break, and two (2) fifteen (15)-minute breaks.
7. Shifts eleven (11) hours or greater receive three (3) thirty (30)-minute breaks divided into equal
portions representing one (1) thirty (30)-minute lunch, two (2) fifteen (15)-minute breaks, and
another two (2) fifteen (15)-minute breaks.
Bus Drivers will have fifteen (15) minutes of pre-trip time for all busses going on route for the first run of
the day.
Drivers will be allowed reasonable time to get to and return from break and rest areas. It is understood
and agreed that the Company’s existing practice is an acceptable standard. Any issues or concerns will
be addressed and raised in the Labor Management Committee.
1. Where in person bids are utilized, two (2) Shop Stewards will be present during bidding.
2. Bid shift trading will be permitted thirty (30) days after bids are in effect with appropriate
notification to Management.
3. Transfers
a. Regular Full Time employees who transfer into Bus Operations from another
classification within the STCU contract must wait three (3) years prior to exercising
their seniority for schedule bids or pool schedules.
b. Any Part Time or non-STCU employee who transfers into the Full Time Bus Driver
classification has an effective seniority date on the day of transfer.
4. There will be a minimum of ten (10) hours off between shifts.
5. Scheduling for Walt Disney World Co. Bus Drivers will be done in the following manner:
(a) Seventy percent (70%) of employees will receive Bid Lines (Percentage of employees
is based on actual headcount at time of schedule bid).
1. Twenty-five percent (25%) will not vary more than one-half (1/2) hour between start
time and one-half (1/2) hour between end times.
2. Twenty-five percent (25%) will not vary more than two (2) hours between start times
and two (2) hours between end times.
3. Twenty percent (20%) will not vary more than three (3) hours between start times and
five (5) hours between end times.
(b) Thirty percent (30%) of Employees will be in the pool.
(c) “Bid Lines” will be as follows:
1. Days Off
Based on seniority and availability at time of bid, employees will be locked into
days off at time of schedule bid with the exception of mandatory overtime
2. Workweek
Based on seniority and availability at time of bid, employees will choose a four (4)
or five (5) day workweek
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
3. Start and End Time
Based on seniority and availability at time of bid, employees will select start and
end time for shift. As with current practice, shifts may have variable start and
end times based on business drivers (Park hours, Entertainment Schedule,
Resort Population).
4. Minimum Hours – Maximum Hours
Employees will receive minimum hours and maximum hours for specific bid line
for duration of bid. The only exception will be mandatory overtime as with current
5. Dispatcher Positions
Dispatcher will bid a specific Dispatcher position
(d) At least seventy percent (70%) of employees will receive bid lines that are single
“Hub” selections. The “Hub” is defined as the area where an employee starts and ends
their workday. Employees will be assigned routes to and from all operating areas within
their workday regardless of the “Hub” selection.
(e) Scheduled voluntary overtime will be distributed by seniority based on the current
practice as follows:
1. During schedule bids, employees will identify which off day(s) inclusive of the
earliest start and latest end time(s) that they are volunteering to be scheduled for
2. Company determines the number of shifts needed
3. Overtime will be scheduled at time and one-half prior to double time
4. Shifts will be designated by seniority based on the earliest shift start time and
available shift end time
(f) Mandatory overtime will be distributed as follows:
1. Determine the number of shifts needed
2. Distributed by seniority to volunteers before assignment to non-volunteer senior
3. Assign to junior drivers first.
6. The Company and the Union agree to establish a Scheduling Committee composed of two (2)
Shop Stewards and one (1) or more members of Management. The purpose of the committee is
to review new scheduling practices every two (2) weeks and to prevent the filing of potential
7.Buses Night Shift Differential
If an employee works any part of a shift between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. and are
not otherwise eligible for the night shift differential, as defined in Article 12, Section 3, he/she will
be paid a differential of seventy-cents ($.70) per hour in addition to his/her straight time rate for
those hours worked within the 12:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. window.
Staffing Openings
Vacancies created by transfer, termination, or retirement will be filled within ninety (90) days by pool
drivers. The Company will notify the Union on a monthly basis of all vacancies and when those
vacancies are filled and by whom.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Completion of Shift Travel Time
Drivers who complete their shift in other than their designated parking location (as determined by the
Company) will be paid for all time spent getting back to their parking location. Company
agrees to maintain a reasonable walking distance between parking location and time clock (i.e. equivalent
to current standard).
Vehicle Maintenance
The Company agrees to add Vehicle Maintenance as an agenda item to the current Safety Committee
Bus Operations Management/Shop Steward Meetings
1. The parties agree to establish Management/Shop Steward meetings in the Bus Operations area
to maintain open lines of communication and to discuss and resolve issues.
2. The meetings will be scheduled on a monthly basis and will be attended by the Area Executive or
his/her designee and a maximum of ten (10) Shop Stewards.
3. The meeting will be scheduled by Management at a time that does not interfere with the daily
operation. Shop Stewards attending the meeting during their scheduled shifts will be paid for the
time. Shop Stewards who choose to attend the meeting prior to or after their scheduled shifts or
on a scheduled day off will not be paid.
To be considered as a Bus Operations Trainer, an employee must be a Regular Full Time or Regular Part
Time Driver with a minimum of two-thousand, eighty (2,080) worked hours in the Bus Driver classification
while working as a Regular Full Time or Regular Part Time employee.
1. Bidding will occur once per year to determine schedules and vacations unless it is deemed
operationally necessary to conduct an additional bid(s).
2. Where in person bids are utilized, an IBT Shop Steward will be present during bidding.
3. Employees scheduled six (6) hours or less will not be required to take a lunch period.
4. Shift rotation between Flatwork, Towel Fold, and Catching will be available, as determined by
5. All Textile Services jobs will be posted internally for two (2) weeks. Textile Services employees
will transfer internally to open positions, including Regular Part Time employees, before the
position goes to Casting, (i.e., post internally to qualified candidates at all plants first, then to
6. Vacated bid lines will be filled internally within Textile Services for two (2) bumps.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Food & Beverage Delivery Premium
Linen Handlers who work the Food and Beverage routes shall receive a $1.00 premium.
Tugger Equipment Premium
Textile Service employees, with the exception of Laundry Advanced Assistants, shall receive a $.75
premium for hours worked operating the Tugger equipment at the Laundry production facilities only.
Fork Lift Premium
Textile Services employees shall receive a thirty cent ($.30) premium for hours worked operating the fork
lift at the Laundry production facilities only.
Textile Services – Management/Shop Steward Meetings
1. Management/Shop Steward meetings will be scheduled on a monthly basis to maintain open
lines of communication and to discuss and resolve issues. The meetings will be attended by the
Area Manager/Supervisor or designee and a maximum of ten (10) Shop Stewards.
2. The meeting will be scheduled by Management at a time that does not interfere with the daily
operation. Shop Stewards attending the meeting during their scheduled shifts will be paid for the
time. Shop Stewards who choose to attend the meeting prior to or after their scheduled shifts or
on a scheduled day off will not be paid.
1. Regular Full Time employees who transfer or are hired into Ranch Operations must wait three (3)
years to exercise their seniority for schedule bids.
2. Regular Full Time employees may bid into a higher classification role if a position is available
when it is their time to bid provided they have been trained and approved by Management to
perform that role prior to the bid.
3. Employees performing a role in a higher classification will be statused to that classification after
six (6) months of continuous work within the higher classification, providing they have been
trained, approved, and able to meet the requirements of the classification.
4. Employees not approved in fifty percent (50%) of the roles within a classification will be lowered
to the appropriate classification for their skill level after six (6) months.
5. The Company will post open positions at the Ranch two (2) weeks prior to Casting making a
hiring decision. The Employees at the Ranch must go through the Casting skill code process.
6. The Company agrees that a member of Management or his/her designee will accompany the
Employee when transporting animals off property. When traveling within the State of Florida on
Company business, but not hauling animals, Management may choose not to accompany the
employee. In such a circumstance the Company will provide appropriate communication (e.g. cell
7. The Company will continue to utilize an Overtime sign up sheet and will offer the overtime to the
most senior qualified employee and move down the seniority list. Scheduling for unplanned
events (i.e. pop-ups) will be based on staff availability at the time of receipt of the function.
8. Parades, special events and filmings may be assigned based on the requests of our clients.
Selections will be based on skills and abilities, appearance, and seniority. The final selection will
be determined by Management.
Driver Premium
Ranch employees will receive a one-dollar and 25/100 Dollar ($1.25) pay premium per hour for all hours
driving the semi-truck.
Equine Premium
Ranch employees will receive a one dollar ($1.00) pay premium for all hours driving a six (6) or eight (8)
horse hitch, performing as the headless horseman, and/or scheduled and worked training horses. The
premium will be paid in one (1) hour increments with no minimum time period. Management will select
employees for the above tasks based on skills, abilities, and the animals to be trained or driven.
Coordinator Premium
As determined by Management, Ranch employees who assist with parades, special events or special
projects will be paid the Coordinator Premium according to Article 12, Section 7 of the STCU contract for
all hours worked during these events.
Tram Vehicle Accident Policy- All accident occurrences will be investigated. In those cases where the
employee demonstrates negligence, disregard for safety procedures, or other unacceptable behaviors,
the Company reserves the right to move the employee to a non-driver role or to proceed with termination.
In those cases, which do not require such action, the Company will utilize the following accident policy:
1. An accident is defined as contact made in a tram vehicle with anything that results in damage.
2. Two (2) accidents, resulting in disciplinary action within a rolling twenty-four (24) month period
will result in the employee’s mandatory transfer to a non-driving area.
3. It is the responsibility of all employees to report any accident immediately to a manager.
Where in person bids are utilized, an I.B.T. Shop Steward will be present.
Steward Meetings: At the request of the Union, the Company agrees to participate in quarterly steward
meetings to discuss and address issues of mutual concern.
STEWARD MEETINGS At the request of the Union, the Company agrees to participate in
quarterly steward meetings to discuss and address issues of mutual concern.
The Company reserves the right to select new Character Performers through auditions in the
following areas:
1. Movement - Applicant must demonstrate average movement coordination.
2. Self Expression/Improvisation - Applicant must demonstrate ability to perform in a creative and
spontaneous manner.
1. The Company reserves the right to select individuals for functions requiring specific talents.
Selections will be made on the basis of talent, work record, and seniority for the following areas:
(a) Stage Shows
(b) Special Events
(c) Promotional Tours
(d) Parades
(e) Filming and Video Taping
Auditions will be held at least two times per year for any Character Performer wishing to be
considered for these functions.
2. Any Character Department auditions scheduled during a normal shift shall be paid as Company
time at the appropriate rate. Character Performers shall not be docked any pay or requested to
take an Early Release (ER) to attend the audition. Attendance at an audition during a normally
scheduled shift is at the sole discretion of Management. No payment shall be made for
attendance at an audition that occurs outside the normal scheduled shift. At least once each
year, Character Performers may be scheduled for an audition unless their code was updated by
attending a voluntary audition. Statused Character Captains may request, through Management,
to be scheduled for an audition.
3. The Company shall solicit interest with methods, which could include postings on Character
memo boards, Company intranet, etc., for Character Performers who are unable to attend the
audition. The sign-up sheet will be posted for a minimum of fourteen (14) days. Where a
Character Performer has signed an interest sign-up sheet and is legitimately unavailable to attend
the audition, the Company agrees to consider that Character Performer’s most recent audition
card and/or skills assessment if not more than one year old.
1. In order to be eligible for Disney Character Events (DCE) or to travel, Cast Members must meet
the following eligibility guidelines. Deviation from these guidelines is permitted based on
operational need.
Eligibility Guidelines:
(a) Must have been a Regular Full Time Cast Member for at least one (1) year;
(b) No more than five (5) attendance entries within the previous six (6) months;
(c) No more than one (1) reprimand within the previous six (6) months;
(d) Must be within the official height range for the costume requested*;
(e) Must have a government issued picture ID (i.e., driver’s license). Once in DCE, for trips
outside the United States, must have a passport;
(f) Must be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(g) Must have participated in a convention/special events audition at least once within the
previous twelve (12) months.*
2. A minimum of once annually, Cast Members will be selected for assignment to DCE on the basis of
skills and abilities. Should skills and abilities be equal, seniority in the unit shall prevail for selection.
Availability to travel, height range requirements for costume and special show requirements will be
considered in identifying the composition of DCE Cast Members. A Cast Member’s request to leave
DCE once assigned will be considered by Management on a case by case basis, and approved at
the discretion of Management. DCE selection process will take place once per year, at least
fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the Global Casting process.
3. For trips not staffed through DCE, Cast Members will be selected on the basis of skills and abilities.
Should skills and abilities be equal, seniority in the unit shall prevail, provided the following criteria
are met:
(a) They meet the eligibility guidelines listed above;
(b) They meet scheduling availability guidelines as determined by Management.
Specifically, Cast Members will be disqualified for trips where:
(1) They cannot be replaced in a show, parade, event or scheduled shift;
(2) The trip conflicts with rehearsals, bid or scheduled vacation.
(c) They must have successfully completed travel training.
Deviation from these guidelines is permitted based on operational need.
4. The seniority listing for trips staffed through C. 3. above will be maintained by Character
Management and trips will be assigned to the most senior, qualified, eligible Cast Member on the
list. Once the Cast Member has taken a trip, his/her name will be crossed off the list and the next
most senior, qualified, eligible Cast Member will be assigned. Casting criteria will be considered in
selecting personnel for road trips (height range requirement for costume, special show requirements,
work record, etc.).
5. Cast Members outside DCE who meet the above criteria have the right to refuse a trip and maintain
their eligibility and position on the list for any future trips.
If a Cast Member becomes unable to travel or receives discipline which renders him or her ineligible
after a trip has been confirmed, the Company may replace him or her as necessary.
* This provision does not apply to the eligibility and selection process of Character Captains.
Character Performers will continue to be utilized in non-character roles or to perform duties listed
below such as, but not limited to, the following:
1. Talent Assistants - Assist in hosting special guest stars/groups and supporting special event
2. Drivers - Utilize Company vehicles for transporting Character Performers and running
Entertainment errands.
3. Minor Float Upkeep - Support float appearance by minor cleaning, light and reflector replacement
on float units.
4. Trainers - Train Character Performers for their assigned roles in the Character Department.
5. Conduct warm-ups of Character Performers.
6. Coordinator of Training (CoT) Characters
B. CHARACTER ATTENDANTS Character Attendants will be used to assist Character Performers,
monitor the Character Performer’s environment, communicate, facilitate the interaction with guests,
and support the safety and quality of the guest experience. Character Attendants will be
appropriately trained for the role.
Character Attendants may also be utilized to perform the duties listed in sections A.1, A.2, and E,
and will be paid at the appropriate Character Performer pay rate for all actual hours worked
performing these duties.
Character Captains are responsible for providing leadership and direction to Cast Members in the
group, operation or function and may perform the same duties as other Cast Members. Duties shall
include, but are not limited to, promoting teamwork and assisting the location team in meeting quality
and quantity standards. Character Captains have no authority to make personnel decisions such as
hiring, terminations, transfers, promotions or disciplinary action.
Character Attendants and Character Performers may be used as Character Captains. Character
Attendants and Character Performers used in this position will be paid the Character Captain rate.
1. Responsibilities
(a) Completion of daily time sheet/attendance forms, or electronic equivalent.
(b) Observation of set, parade, and show performance.
(c) Review of Operating Guidelines for daily performance with all Character
Performers/Character Attendants.
(d) Advise Character Performers/Character Attendants of schedule and performance changes.
(e) Administrative activity including preparation of attendance and scheduling reports.
(f) Direction of daily performance activity covered by Operating Guidelines.
Character Captains will follow Coordinator Job Classification Language (b-f) in Article 12. Section 8 of the STCU contract.
(g) Character Captains must obtain and maintain a valid U.S. driver’s license. If not obtained,
Character Captains will be moved to a non-Captain role.
2. Rehearsal Captain: A Captain shall be assigned to support rehearsals when at least eight (8) or
more Character Performers are present, or when otherwise assigned by Management. Where a
Captain is not assigned, Management shall be responsible for meeting the contractual obligations
regarding rehearsals.
3. Parade Captains: All Parade Captains shall be trained in both the proper usage of flashlight
signals and in at least the minimum level of driver instruction, as well as be knowledgeable of all
floats in current use.
4. Specialty Character Captains (Dispatch 1, Duty, ETR, Gantry Captain, Resource, Scheduling,
Seasonal/Special Events Project): Specialty Captains new to the role, will be subject to a one
hundred twenty (120) day qualifying period. If the Company determines during the one hundred
twenty (120) day qualifying period that the Cast Member’s performance is not satisfactory, or if
the Cast Member requests a return within the one hundred twenty (120) days, the Company will
return the Cast Member to his/her prior role.
5. If a Cast Member is regularly assigned a work schedule as a Captain for fifty percent (50%) or
more of his/her time on a quarterly basis, he/she will be prospectively offered a statused role as a
Captain. This provision excludes temporary assignments.
1. Sub-Captain interest sheets will be solicited for two (2) weeks with methods which may include
posting on Character Memo boards, Company intranet, etc.
2. The Cast Member will set up a meet and greet with a Character Operations Manager or designee
and obtain their support prior to submitting interest.
3. Once a candidate is chosen, he/she must successfully complete Captain training.
4. A Regular Full Time Captain or Sub-Captain who changes or has changed their status to Regular
Part Time will be eligible to be used as a Sub-Captain. Any updated Captain training will be given
to Regular Full Time Captains and available Regular Full Time Sub-Captains within the pool first,
when operationally feasible.
1. This role entails the operation of Performance Vehicles and Parade Show Floats. The following
qualifications are required to be considered for a Performance Vehicle and Float Driver role.
These are the minimum requirements to ensure that these Show Units are operated safely for our
Cast and Guests.
2. Requirements:
(a) Eighteen (18) years of age or older.
(b) Have and maintain a current and valid U.S. driver’s license.
(c) Willing to be trained and operate all levels of the Walt Disney World Resort Character
Department show vehicles and floats at all parks.
(d) Be comfortable working around and operating heavy equipment.
(e) Free of any physical or medical conditions that may limit your ability to safely operate heavy
(f) Able to operate a motor vehicle at night.
(g) Pass vision and hearing tests, as required.
(h) Willingness to participate in the Walt Disney World Resort hearing conservation program.
(i) Be responsive to feedback to include driver notes. On-going concerns with performance
and/or safety would result in removal from the driver role.
(j) Requires successful completion of training.
PERFORMANCE EMERGENCY PROCEDURES The following guidelines are to be utilized when
dealing with an accident or illness incurred in a performance situation:
1. Character Department Management, Character Captains or Character Attendants should make a
valid effort to be in the general area of all Character Performer performance areas to monitor for
possible emergency situations.
2. Emergency Services (First Aid or Reedy Creek Emergency) and the Character Duty Manager shall
be contacted immediately in the event of an accident or illness.
3. Any Character Performer involved in a performance accident or illness that is still conscious and
ambulatory shall be immediately assisted backstage.
(a) In the case of serious injuries (e.g., broken bones or possible broken bones), Reedy Creek
Emergency or other qualified medical personnel shall be the ones to remove the costume.
(b) For the safety of Character Performers, a costume shall be removed by any means necessary
to perform the required medical procedures needed by the Character Performer, including
removal by cutting or tearing of the costume.
4. Character Performers involved in a performance accident or illness who are not ambulatory shall be
assisted at the location until emergency assistance (First Aid or Reedy Creek Emergency) arrives
(Sections A.3.(a) and A.3.(b) above being in effect). These Character Performers may be
encouraged to remain in costume, but shall receive no discipline nor suffer any negative
repercussions, if they choose to have the costume removed.
5. Character Performers involved in a performance accident or illness who are unconscious shall be
assisted at the location until emergency assistance (First Aid or Reedy Creek Emergency) arrives
(Sections A.3.(a) and A.3.(b) above being in effect). These Character Performers shall be taken
out of costume at the location. Every effort shall be made to shield this procedure from Guests in
the area.
1. When a Character Performer is transported away from the work location, a change of clothing
(Character Basics, sweat shirt and pants and footwear) shall be provided as soon as possible.
2. For Character Performers being assisted at First Aid, Character Department Management shall
continue to follow-up on the Character Performer’s progress until the Character Performer is
released. Management shall assist in making transportation arrangements for the Character
Performer if needed.
3. Character Performers transported to an off-property medical facility shall be accompanied by a
Company representative who shall remain with the Character Performer until the Character
Performer is released into the custody of a friend or family member, is admitted to the medical
facility or the Character Performer is transported back to the work location and transportation home,
if needed, has been arranged.
1. Ice Packs - The Company agrees to provide ice packs or chemical cold packs, which are easily
accessible to all Character Performers, at all performance and rehearsal locations and break areas
for immediate application to injuries.
2. Eyewash - Eyewash bottles shall be provided immediately off-stage at all locations where pyro is
used, and at additional Character changing locations as agreed to by the parties.
Character Captains shall be properly trained in CPR and in the correct handling of Character
Performers suffering from heat prostration. As part of the initial training in the Character Department,
Character Performers and Character Attendants will be provided information regarding the
recognition and prevention of heat prostration.
All accident occurrences shall be investigated. In those cases where the Cast Member
(Driver/Captain) demonstrates negligence, disregard for safety procedures, or other unacceptable
behaviors, Management reserves the right to require an immediate reassignment to a non-
driver/directing role or to proceed with termination.
In those cases which do not require such action, Management will utilize the following accident policy:
1. An accident is defined as contact made in a float or performance vehicle with anything that results
in damage. An accident memo will be issued for each accident. The accident memo will not be
part of the Regular Full Time STCU Agreement disciplinary point system.
2. Two (2) accident memos within a rolling twelve (12) month period will result in removal from that
role for a period of one (1) year.
(a) Driver – Removal from any Company driving role
(b) Captain – Removal from parade and/or Performance Vehicle directing role
3. It is the responsibility of all Cast Members to report any accident immediately to a Manager.
1. Global Schedule Selection
(a) Global Bid - Global bids and Casting of show/parade, will take place two (2) times per year
and will apply to all Cast Members. Cast Members will bid a line or bid to be in the Global
Scheduling Pool. Cast Members in the Global Scheduling Pool will be scheduled on a
preference basis. No less than eighty percent (80%) of Regular Full Time Cast Members,
not cast in a show or parade, will have the ability to bid a line. The remaining Cast
Members, not cast in a show or parade, will be part of the Global Scheduling Pool.
Character Captain and Character Attendant scheduling pools will be as follows: Magic
Kingdom (two (2) scheduling pools – for example, Atmosphere/Dining,
Parade/Shows/Base), Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Epcot, Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and
Character Captains and Character Attendants, within scheduling pools, will select individual
available shifts and posted day off combinations to create their scheduling line by seniority.
(b) During the global bid, Cast Members will select their line according to seniority. All bid lines
will be posted fourteen (14) days prior to the bid. A Teamsters Local 385 Steward will be
present during all bids. The Company will notify the Business Agent in advance of the
schedule bid, to allow the B.A. to suggest Stewards for the schedule bid. The final decision
will be made by the Company, based on business conditions and the availability of the
(c) Transfers - Transfers into the Character Department must wait one (1) full year to exercise
their seniority for bidding.
(1) Transfers for Character Captains and Character Attendants – Transfers between
scheduling pools will continue to be based on open positions available and facilitated
through Casting in accordance with Article 14 with the following criteria:
i. New property language will apply
ii. Global vacation transfer policy will apply
iii. Positions opened in scheduling pools will be listed as either a Character
Captain or Character Attendant position, as determined by business needs
iv. No transfers will be processed from thirty (30) days prior to the bid
(2) If a Character Captain line is vacated temporarily (TA, MLOA, etc.) or not chosen
during a bid, a candidate will be selected within fourteen (14) days in the following
i. The line is first posted as a TA Character Captain role for volunteers who
are existing Sub-Captains;
ii. If no one selects the role it will be assigned by reverse seniority to an
existing Sub-Captain.
(3) For Sub-Captains who are “cast” in a role at the time an opening becomes available:
i. On the voluntary pass, Sub-Captain may elect to accept the TA role and be
temporarily removed from their casting for the appropriate time period;
ii. For non-voluntary pass we will not utilize “cast” Sub-Captains.
(d) Cast Members who are cast in a show or parade will submit scheduling preference forms
two (2) times per year.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
2. Casting
(a) The Company reserves the right to cast and once cast, schedule individuals, based on the
Company’s assessment of the individuals’ talent and without considering seniority, for
performance roles, shows, parades and special events requiring specific talents or skills.
Where possible, Management will give consideration to Cast Members’ preferences on days
off by seniority. Cast roles will require a commitment that runs the length of the casting
period for performance roles, shows, parades, and/or special events.
(b) Interest Sheets - When an audition is not expressly held to cast a performance, show, or
special event, the Company shall solicit interest (with methods which could include posting on
Character memo boards, Company intranet, etc.). Character Performers shall have a
minimum of fourteen (14) days to place their name on the list to indicate their interest for
being cast in one of the available roles. Said interest sheets shall then be used by
Management and the appropriate Show Director or Choreographer. Where a Character
Performer has signed an interest sign-up sheet and is legitimately unavailable to attend the
audition, the Company agrees to consider that Character Performer’s most recent audition
card and/or skills assessment if not more than one (1) year old.
3. Disney Character Events (DCE) - Once assigned to DCE as described in Selection and Audition
Guidelines C. individuals are scheduled based on the needs of the events or trips. Once assigned in
DCE, Management will give consideration to Cast Members’ preferences on days off by seniority.
4. Character Captain and Character Attendant vacation bid – Character Captains and Character
Attendants will bid vacation within their own scheduling pools.
5. Character Captain and Character Attendant schedule changes – Character Captains and Character
Attendants may request schedule changes that cross scheduling pools.
1. Minimum Shift
All shifts will be a minimum of four (4) hours in length. Shifts less than four (4) hours in length will be
paid at a minimum of four (4) hours. Extensions of an existing shift will be paid at actual time.
2. Lunch
Character Performers will receive a one (1) hour unpaid lunch. If coming directly off set to begin a
lunch, Character Performers will be given a minimum of five (5) paid minutes at the beginning of the
lunch period and a minimum of five (5) paid minutes at the end of the lunch in order to change
Character Captains or Character Attendants shall receive an unpaid lunch period as provided for in the
Regular Full Time STCU Agreement.
Where the Cast Member’s lunch is interrupted by Management, requiring the Cast Member to return to
work, the Cast Member will be paid for the entire lunch period.
Character Department shift lengths of 6.5 hours or less will not be scheduled a lunch. Character
Department shift lengths of 6.6 hours to 6.9 hours will be discussed on a case by case basis between
the Union and the Company to ensure the appropriate application of a lunch period. Character shift
lengths of 7.0 or more will be scheduled a lunch.
French Meals
The Company, in lieu of a meal break, may provide a meal of acceptable quality within the same time
range. Once distributed, a minimum fifteen (15) minute break will be called to allow the Cast time to
eat without leaving their assigned work station/location. Work time shall be continuous unless a break
of one (1) hour is provided. Food and beverages supplied as a French meal are at the Company’s
3. Break Areas
The Company will make every effort to provide appropriate break areas for Character Performers.
4. Weather Conditions
The Company will be sensitive to extreme weather conditions, such as heat, cold and humidity for
reduction of workload and cold weather transportation. In cases of extreme cold weather, the
Company will provide appropriate winter wear, whenever possible. In cases of extreme hot weather
for outdoor performances, the Company will adjust sets appropriately. The Company reserves the
right to make the final decision as to whether a performance will go on as scheduled. The Company
will consider factors such as extreme weather, performance location conditions, air pollutants, and the
physical welfare of the Character Performers when scheduling performances.
5. Overtime For Cast Members
(a) Scheduled overtime which is canceled shall be paid unless the Cast Member is notified that it
is canceled at least twenty-four (24) hours before the start time for the scheduled overtime
shift. Additionally, cancelled overtime shall not be paid if the failure to notify is a result of
conditions beyond the control of management, such as acts of God. Scheduled overtime will
be assigned by seniority.
(b) Voluntary overtime will be scheduled per the Cast Member’s preference with no maximum of
scheduled work time per week before being assigned to the next qualified Cast Member.
However, the Company reserves the right to not schedule voluntary overtime which results in
turnabout or double time. Mandatory overtime will be scheduled by reverse seniority order up
to a weekly maximum of sixty (60) hours, excluding rehearsals and training. This will reflect
our current load up practice. New hires within their first ninety (90) days will be scheduled up
to a weekly maximum of fifty-two (52) hours for mandatory overtime.
6. Character Captain Overtime
Character Captain Overtime will be scheduled in accordance with the following overtime distribution
(a) Straight time statused within pool
(b) Straight time Sub-Captains
(c) Voluntary overtime statused within pool
(d) Mandatory overtime statused within pool
(e) Voluntary overtime statused outside pool
(f) Voluntary overtime Sub-Captains
(g) Mandatory overtime statused outside pool
(h) Mandatory overtime Sub-Captains
7. Character Attendant Overtime
Character Attendant overtime shall first be offered to Character Attendants, and then to Cast
Members trained to perform the Character Attendant role. Character Performers who are qualified
and have been approved to perform the Character Attendant role shall then be offered available
overtime before any other classification.
8. Performances
Character Performers in non-cast activities/events will be scheduled according to seniority and
approved roles and will be scheduled in costume as follows:
(a) Warm-Up Period - Whenever appropriate, the Company shall schedule a coached warm-up
period prior to the first set of the day.
(1) Length - Each warm-up period shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes in length.
(2) Equipment - The Company shall furnish all equipment required for warm-ups.
(3) Coaches - All warm-up sessions shall be directed by a qualified individual provided by the
(b) Fully Costumed
(1) Out of costume time periods will equal performance time for fully costumed Character
Performers whenever possible.
(2) No more than two hundred twenty-five (225) minutes per eight (8) hour shift, except in
climate controlled venues, in which case no more than two hundred forty (240) minutes per
eight (8) hour shift; or
(3) No more than two hundred eighty-five (285) minutes per ten (10) hour shift except in
climate controlled venues, in which case no more than three hundred (300) minutes per ten
(10) hour shift.
(4) Character Performers will be given sixty (60) minutes prep time at the beginning of their
shift. This prep time will include all tasks required prior to their first performance, including
warm-ups. A reasonable amount of time will be given to allow for costume changes during
the course of the day. The Company and the Union agree that prep time may be impacted
due to bona fide emergencies such as, but not limited to, show emergencies and Guest
(5) Fully-costumed Character Performers will be given thirty (30) minutes (which includes ten
[10] minute de-prep time) at the end of their shift. No other dress and travel/walk time will
be applicable.
(c) Face Roles
(1) For Face Characters, set times should normally not exceed a maximum of sixty (60)
minutes for non-climate controlled venues and one-hundred five (105) minutes for climate
controlled venues, whenever possible.
(2) No more than two hundred eighty (280) minutes per eight (8) hour shift, with the exception
of climate controlled venues, in which case no more than three hundred five (305) minutes
per eight (8) hour shift; or
(3) No more than three hundred forty (340) minutes per ten (10) hour shift, with the exception
of climate controlled venues, in which case no more than three hundred sixty (360) minutes
per ten (10) hour shift.
(4) Face Characters will be given a one (1) hour prep time at the beginning of their shift
(consideration will be given for the complexity of the costume). This prep time will include
all tasks required prior to the first performance. A reasonable amount of time will be given
to allow for costume changes during the course of the day. The Company and the Union
agree that prep time may be impacted due to bona fide emergencies such as, but not
limited to, show emergencies and Guest recovery.
(5) Face characters will be given thirty (30) minutes (which includes ten [10] minute de-prep
time) at the end of their shift. No other dress and travel/walk time will be applicable.
(d) Character Captain/Character Attendant/Talent Assistants/Trainers
(1) Character Captains, Character Attendants, Talent Assistants, and Trainers will Castzoom
according to the provisions of the Regular Full Time STCU Agreement.
(2) When Character Captains, Character Attendants, Talent Assistants, and Trainers are
performing in a fully costumed character role or face character role, the provisions of 8 (b)
(5) and 8 (c) (5) will be used.
(e) Character Attendants
Character Attendants will receive ten (10) minutes before the beginning of their first set as prep
9. Training Adjustments
(a) Specialty/Trained Character Captain roles will be selected from within scheduling pools.
(b) If no qualified candidate volunteers, a qualified candidate will be selected by reverse seniority.
(c) Newly trained Specialty Character Captains will go into available shifts in that role.
A. NEW SHOW NOTICE When the Company is casting Character Performers in a new show or as
replacements or substitutes, the Company will first consider Regular Full Time Character Performers
already statused to the Character Department through in-house auditions. The Company shall solicit
interest for in-house auditions (with methods which could include posting on Character Memo
boards, Company intranet, etc.) throughout the property fourteen (14) days prior to the audition so
that interested Character Performers may make arrangements to schedule an audition.
1. For the training of a show, a Character Performer shall be given, if necessary, two (2) dress
rehearsal runs at the performance or comparable location.
2. At the request of a current Character Performer who has not performed the show for at
least twelve (12) weeks, there shall be a "brush-up" or "walk-through" rehearsal.
1. Within any rehearsal period, there shall be a break of five (5) minutes after no more than
fifty-five (55) minutes of rehearsal, except during run-throughs or dress rehearsals, when a
minimum fifteen (15) minute break shall be given at the end of the show. This is in addition
to the rest periods specified in the Regular Full Time STCU Agreement.
2. As new shows are implemented, the Company agrees to discuss with the Union adequate
rest periods during rehearsals.
D. PARADE TRANSPORTATION The Company will provide transportation for all Character
Performers to parade step-off and from parade step-down when these locations are not in a
reasonable walking distance.
The following have been established for utilization of Character Performer costumes and related items at
Walt Disney World Resort:
1. Character Basics Character Performers shall be furnished with T-shirts, shorts, cotton socks,
skull caps, sweat bands, etc. (known as “Character Basics” or “Basics”) to be worn under
performance costumes.
(a) Exchange Character Performers may exchange these items on a one-for-one basis for dry,
clean items as needed throughout the day.
(b) Special Events and Trips Character Performers may pack a sufficient number of Basics for
each performance day on an off-property special event or Company business trip. When
necessary, the Company shall make arrangement to have soiled Basics cleaned so that
clean sets are available for each performance day.
2. Character Costumes Weekly Any Character Performer who is scheduled in the same character
costume four (4) or more days in a week, shall have a complete costume (including head and
body) individually assigned or “tagged” for their use for consecutive shifts during the payroll week.
B. ADVANCE AVAILABILITY OF COSTUMES All costumes shall be available to Character
Performers prior to the first dress rehearsal, whenever possible.
C. CLEANING All wardrobe, including those items in Section A.1. above, shall be clean and dry prior
to each work day when given to a Character Performer and cleaned thereafter whenever necessary
or as provided below:
1. All costume pieces shall receive a minimum of thirty (30) minutes of drying and sanitation
between performances by different Character Performers. No Character Performer shall be
required to wear any costume piece worn by another Character Performer within this minimum
thirty (30) minute period.
2. During the above sanitation period, on a daily basis, all character heads and shoes shall be
treated with a disinfectant and dried.
3. Character Performers who are required to wear a special bra shall have such item furnished by
the Company and individually assigned. At the request of the Character Performer, trunks will be
individually issued for costumes that include tights, sprockets, costume trunks, uni/leotards, etc.
The Character Performer will be responsible for laundering the trunks.
D. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING The Company shall furnish protective pads (knee, elbow, wrist, shin,
etc.), shoes and clothing for all rehearsals and performances as requested by the Character
Performer and validated by the Company.
E. SHOES The Company shall provide the appropriate footwear for the location and tasks to be
performed (clean, sanitary, of proper fit and in good repair).
1. Tumbling Footwear The Company will provide for all tumblers, appropriate acrobatic footwear
which is designed to provide traction and reduce slippage on surfaces. Such footwear should fit
properly and will be replaced upon signs of tearing or excessive wear.
2. Skates When supplied by the Company, each Character Performer will be assigned a pair of in-
line skates, roller-skates and/or ice skates when the Character Performer is used in such roles.
Said footwear will be provided by the Company for all rehearsals and performances and shall fit
properly and will be replaced upon signs of damage or excessive wear.
Character Performers who are required to provide personal items to be worn during a rehearsal
or performance shall be paid the following per day/week:
Skates (In-line, Roller and Ice) – fifteen dollars ($15.00) per day with maximum of fifty dollars
($50.00) per week
The Company shall provide no maintenance or repair for skates when these fees are paid.
Character Performers may petition the Company to maintain or repair his/her skates in lieu of the
daily/weekly fee. This decision will be at the sole discretion of the Company.
F. MASKS Masks where required, shall be constructed to allow heat ventilation and so as not to
unduly impair vision or breathing. Masks shall be cleaned and disinfected at least once per week or
cleaned and disinfected between use by different Character Performers.
G. RAIN GEAR The Company shall provide distinguishable rain gear and/or umbrellas for
performance support roles for use in traveling to performance locations and for use during the actual
performance when there is inclement weather.
H. MAKE-UP Where a Character Performer is required to wear a particular type of make-up, it shall
be furnished by the Company. Alternative make-up shall be furnished on request.
Character Performers being utilized in the following roles shall be compensated at the corresponding
hourly rate or receive the premium referenced below for actual hours worked in two (2) hour
increments as a minimum and in one (1) hour increments thereafter. Pay premiums will not extend
beyond the end of the shift.
1. Dive Characters Hourly Rate: $25.00 per hour
2. Named Disney Face Characters Premium: $3.25 per hour
(e.g., Cinderella, Pocahontas, Peter Pan)
This premium shall also apply to Trainers when they train named Disney Face Characters in
named Disney Face Roles (no pyramid of other premiums).
The Company’s Appearance Guidelines permits mustaches for male Cast Members, however,
the Company reserves the right, based on the character integrity of some specific male face
character roles, to not allow some male Cast Members to grow mustaches.\
3. Stilt/Skater Premium (e.g. Swing Thug) $.50 per hour
4. Show Characters Premium $.50 per hour
Show Premium is only for stage shows (e.g., Fantasmic!, Festival of the Lion King), seasonal
shows (e.g., Sparkling Christmas Spectacular), puppeteer roles in stage shows and convention
stage shows (e.g., Makin’ Memories) and shall not be applicable for Special Events, parades,
atmosphere or other similar activities.
5. Mover Premium: $.50 per hour
The Mover Premium will be applied to “high” mover (4/5) roles when working in the role. Movers
in shows will be paid the fifty ($.50) cent Mover Premium instead of the Show Premium (no
pyramid of Show and Mover Premiums). Management retains the right to cast roles and
approve/disapprove in roles as with other cast roles. Management determines where and what
roles qualify as “high” mover roles. The designation of roles as “high” mover role may be subject
to change based on creative/operational changes.
6. Water Ski Premium: $1.00 per hour
7. Performance Vehicle and Float Drivers:
(for designated show vehicles only)
Level 3 (all Spotters, Hook and Unhook) $.50 per hour
Level 2 $.75 per hour
Level 1 (highest level) $1.00 per hour
8. Puppeteers (Level 1): $.75 per hour
(e.g., current roles at Playhouse Disney, Sebastian at Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Pocahontas
and Her Forest Friends, Bear in Disney Stars and Motor Cars).
9. Specialty Character Captains (Dispatch 1, Duty, ETR, Gantry Captain, Resource, Scheduling,
Seasonal/Special Events Project): $1.25 per hour
10. Enchanted Tales with Belle Character Attendant $0.50 per hour
11. Magical Words with Mickey (MWwM) Back Stage and On-Stage Character Role
$0.50 per hour
Backstage Characters selected for MWwM must have at least one-hundred twenty (120) days of
Character training and experience before they may be cast into the role.
A pay premium will be paid to Character Performers for Face Character roles and for stage shows.
This applies only to Character Performers and is specific to only face roles and stage shows and
should not be used as a basis for interpreting and applying any other premiums under the Regular
Full Time STCU Agreement.
1. Face Premium
The Face Premium is paid only to named Disney Characters, that is, Character portrayals such
as Cinderella or Peter Pan. The premium is paid in two (2) hour increments as a minimum and in
one (1) hour increments thereafter for all hours worked in a qualifying face role. When applying
this particular premium, the following provisions will apply:
(a) Where a Cast Member is scheduled for the entire day in a qualifying face role, and is
involuntarily assigned under the direction of Management to a role which does not qualify for
the premium, and the assignment is less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the
scheduled shift, they will still receive the premium for the entire shift. If the assignment is
made twenty-four (24) hours or more before the start of the scheduled shift, the premium will
not be paid.
(b) Where a Cast Member is scheduled to perform in a qualifying face role and the set is
canceled due to weather conditions or technical difficulties, they will still receive the premium
for the dress time and the canceled set time, unless it is a circumstance under Article 12,
Section 4 of the Regular Full Time STCU Agreement where no payment at all is warranted.
2. Show Premium
The Show Premium is only for stage shows, such as Festival of the Lion King or Fantasmic!. The
premium will also apply to holiday stage shows such as Sparkling Christmas Spectacular and
convention shows, such as Makin’ Memories. The premium does not apply to parades, special
events, atmosphere or other similar activities. When applying this particular premium, the
following provisions will apply:
(a) Where a Cast Member is scheduled for the entire day in a qualifying show, and is
involuntarily assigned under the direction of Management to a role which does not qualify for
the premium and the assignment is less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the
scheduled shift, they will still receive the premium for the entire shift. If the assignment is
made twenty-four (24) hours or more before the start of the scheduled shift, the premium will
not be paid.
(b) The performance of additional qualifying shows beyond the normally scheduled number of
shows, but which occur within a Cast Member’s shift, do not warrant the payment of
additional premium pay beyond the Cast Member’s rate in effect plus the Show Premium.
(c) If a Cast Member is scheduled for a four (4) hour call which involves the performance of a
qualifying show, they will receive the premium for the entire four (4) hour call.
(d) Where a Cast Member is scheduled to perform in a qualifying show and the show is canceled
due to weather conditions or technical difficulties, they will still receive the premium for that
show, unless it is a circumstance under Article 12, Section 4 of the Regular Full Time STCU
Agreement where no payment at all is warranted.
Current shows approved for the show premium will serve as examples. As required, the list of shows
may be adjusted as shows change or new shows are developed.
Character Performers may be assigned to studio or location work for filming and video taping for
outside/third party producers (hereinafter referred to as “Outside Producers”) and will be covered by the
Regular Full Time STCU Agreement at all times. The contractual provisions of this Section shall not
apply to those instances in which Character Performers at Walt Disney World Co. are assigned to a direct
contractor producing for the sole benefit of Walt Disney World Co. The test being whether the charge for
the Character Performers’ service is billable.
B. COMPENSATION In those instances in which the billable test is satisfied, Character Performers
shall receive thirty dollars ($30.00) per hour for all hours worked for an Outside Producer. The
normal workday shall consist of ten (10) hours at straight time; however, in all cases the minimum
call will not be less than five (5) hours. The Character Performer will receive time and one-half (1½)
for all hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours in a workday.
Character Performers assigned to work for Outside Producers when the charge for their services is
not billable, will work solely under the provisions of the Regular Full Time STCU Agreement at their
statused rate of pay.
C. BENEFIT ACCRUAL Hours worked for third party entities shall be calculated and counted as time
worked for benefit accrual purposes in accordance with the Regular Full Time STCU Agreement.
D. MEAL BREAKS A minimum time of one-half (½) hour to a maximum of one (1) hour unpaid lunch
period will be assigned to each Character Performer scheduled to work more than five (5) hours.
Such lunch period shall be taken as near as practicable to the mid-point of the scheduled shift. If a
Character Performer does not begin a meal period prior to commencement of the sixth (6th) hour of
work, they will be paid a meal penalty for delayed meals as follows:
First one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof: $8.50
Second one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof: $11.00
Third and each succeeding one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof: $13.00
The following guidelines have been established for payment to Cast Members for time spent in travel on
Company authorized business trips. These procedures have been developed to specifically apply to
travel by Walt Disney World Cast Members. Please refer any questions to Management.
B. DEFINITION A business trip is defined as any trip off Company property which requires overnight
travel or a return trip on a different day.
On those occasions when the Cast Members of the Walt Disney World are
requested to perform in a road show or to appear in any Walt Disney World promotion, production,
or presentation requiring overnight accommodations at an off-property site, the Company will
endeavor, within operational constraints, to send a Walt Disney World Cast Member represented by
Teamsters Local 385 on the trip.
D. TRAVEL TIME Management will determine the hours for which a Cast Member will be
compensated for travel during business trips based on the following guidelines:
1. A Cast Member scheduled to travel at the beginning or end of a work shift will be paid for his/her
normal straight time hours plus additional travel hours not to exceed a combination of twelve
(12) total hours for time spent in travel.
2. Actual travel time occurring on a Cast Member’s day off or holiday and which corresponds to a
normal scheduled shift will be paid and considered as hours worked for the purpose of
computing overtime, with a minimum four (4) hour call, and thereafter actual travel time up to a
maximum of eight (8) hours pay.
1. Cast Members will be guaranteed a minimum eight (8) hour day for each day of scheduled work
while on a business trip. This time may not necessarily be consecutive time, but shall not be
broken into more than two (2) separate calls.
2. Hours worked in excess of eight (8) in a day or forty (40) in a week will be paid at the overtime
3. Cast Members may be scheduled for a break in shift if there is a period of at least three (3)
hours of time between the end of one call to the start of the next call. If less than a three (3)
hour break is allowed, the Cast Member will be paid from the beginning of his/her shift to twenty
(20) minutes after the completion of the final performance or upon return to the hotel. The return
to the hotel shall not be interrupted unless by mutual agreement of the Cast Member(s) and the
4. Cast Members may be scheduled for days off while on a business trip.
5. All Cast Members will be guaranteed a forty (40) hour week on business trips that encompass all
seven (7) days of the payroll week.
6. If a business trip calls for a Cast Member to work a seventh (7th) consecutive day within a
payroll week, the seventh (7th) consecutive day shall be paid at double time. For purposes of
this provision, the payroll week is defined as in Article 10, Section 1 of the Regular Full Time
STCU Agreement.
7. Hours worked in excess of fourteen (14) in a payroll day while on a business trip will be paid at
double time.
8. A one (1) hour unpaid lunch period will be assigned to each Cast Member scheduled to work
more than five (5) hours. Such lunch period shall be taken as near as practicable to the mid-
point of the scheduled shift, but no later than six (6) hours from the beginning of the shift. If a
Cast Member does not begin a meal period prior to commencement of the sixth (6th) hour of
work, they will be paid a meal penalty for delayed meals as follows:
First one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof: $8.00
Second one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof: $10.50
Third and each succeeding one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof: $13.00
Cast Members will not be eligible for meal penalty when the time period coincides with air travel
(a) an opportunity to purchase a meal prior to boarding is given; or
(b) the airline provides a meal (for purposes of applying this penalty, the parties agree to abide
by the airline’s designation of food served on the flight as constituting a snack or a meal); or
(c) immediately upon disembarking, the Cast Member is offered a choice of a meal in the airport
facility. If all Cast Members agree to wait until another facility is available, meal penalty will
be waived for a two (2) hour period. If a meal is not provided in this two (2) hour time frame,
the meal penalty will then begin. If any or all of the Cast Members want to eat immediately
upon disembarkation and a meal is not provided, the meal penalty will be invoked from the
time of disembarking until said meal time is scheduled; or
(d) the Company provides a French meal. The Company, in lieu of a meal break, may provide a
meal of acceptable quality within the same time range. No penalty payments are required.
Once distributed, a minimum fifteen (15) minute break will be called to allow the Cast time to
eat without leaving their assigned work station/location. Work time shall be continuous unless
a break of one (1) hour is provided. Food and beverages supplied as a French meal are at
the Company’s expense.
9. Upon the request of a Cast Member, made a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of a
scheduled business trip, the Company will make every effort to furnish the Cast Member with
his/her paycheck and make banking arrangements as necessary. The business trip must
include a minimum of five (5) days of any given payroll week.
1. The Company assumes responsibility for all reasonable expenses incurred in acquiring passports
and visas for international tours where necessary. The Cast Member should check with
Management as to the proper procedure for acquiring the necessary documents.
2. All Cast Members traveling on behalf of the Company are entitled to:
(a) transportation - round trip (Coach)
(b) hotel accommodations
(c) upon signing a receipt, daily cash advance (minimum fifty dollars ($50.00), pro-rated as
appropriate for partial days) to cover actual business expenses as determined by Walt
Disney World Finance as appropriate for the cities included on the business trip, such
amount to be replenished on a daily basis provided the Cast Member turns in the
receipts/change from the previous day.
(d) the expenditure of cash advances and the reimbursement of expenses subject to the
terms and restrictions of the Company’s travel policies. The Company agrees that upon
completion of all necessary expense reports, they will be promptly submitted for
1. The Cast Member is expected to make his/her own arrangements for reaching the point of
departure from Orlando for a business trip.
2. The Cast Member is expected to provide his/her own personal wardrobe and baggage suitable
for a business trip. When traveling on behalf of the Company, the Cast Member will be expected
to meet Company appearance guidelines with regard to attire and grooming.
3. Cast Members maintain their Group Insurance and Workers’ Compensation coverage when
traveling on behalf of the Company. The Company does not assume responsibility for personal
illness or injury that is not work-related.
4. Management must approve Cast Members staying in accommodations other than those provided
by the Company. These Cast Members shall keep the Manager informed of how to contact them
in case of emergency situations.
5. Cast Members must notify Management at least seven (7) days prior to departure or upon trip
assignment of any special dietary needs (e.g., vegetarian meals).
1. Whenever possible, Managers shall be Character Department Management familiar with Cast
Members and the administration of this Addendum.
2. All traveling during a business trip shall be scheduled so that Cast Members will arrive at the
performance location a minimum of sixty (60) minutes in advance of the first scheduled
performance, whenever possible.
3. Before the next period of travel, the Company shall allow a minimum of sixty (60) minutes,
whenever possible, at the hotel or other facility for personal grooming.
The following parties agreed to settle a dispute over the usage of performers covered under the Equity
collective bargaining agreement and Characters covered under the Service Trades Council Union
agreement: Actors’ Equity Association (“Equity”), the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 385
(“Teamsters”) and WALT DISNEY WORLD CO. (‘the Company”). This agreement to settle reached by
the parties without any admission of wrongdoing or liability, but rather is based on the recognition that
harmonious labor relations demanded a good faith effort be made to reach a mutually satisfactory
resolution among the Unions involved while at the same time maintaining for the Company the continued
ability to use Equity performers and Characters in a fashion consistent with past practice except where
specifically modified by the terms of this agreement. Based on this premise, the parties to this settlement
agreement do hereby agree as follows:
1. Principal actors and singers are covered and will continue to be covered by and subject to the
terms of the Equity/WDW collective bargaining agreement. Principals include:
performers who play roles in stage shows, whether acting, singing, dancing or performing
stunts, except named Disney Characters who do not sing live, speak scripted dialogue, or
named Disney face Characters who do not perform stunts or perform advanced dance (such
as Cinderella on point or partnering with lifts);
improvisational actors;
atmosphere actors, which includes atmosphere work where the actor is expected to enact
scenes or do stunt work (this does not include Character Meet and Greet work, such as
CHARACTER BREAKFASTS, or simple atmosphere enhancement such as Disney’s
Hollywood Studios NEWSBOYS, GREEN ARMY MEN);
story tellers, excluding named Disney Characters who read stories;
master of ceremonies, narrator, announcer and disc jockey work.
2. Those performing parade work, except those performing live singing, improvisational acting, or
speaking scripted dialogue (example: Director role in Studio parade) are and will generally be
covered by and subject to the terms of the Service Trades Council Union collective bargaining
agreement. Performers statused in the Equity unit may also be assigned to appear in parades
(see Paragraph 10).
3. Those performing pageant or “flood” work are and will continue to be covered by the Service
Trades Council Union collective bargaining agreement.
4. All those performing named Disney Character work are covered by and subject to the Service
Trades Council Union collective bargaining agreement, except named Disney Characters
engaging in live singing or speaking scripted dialogue, and except advanced dance by named
Disney face Characters (such as Cinderella on point or partnering with lifts), which is Equity work.
5. Character Meet and Greet work is covered by the Service Trades Council Union collective
bargaining agreement. However, performers in the Equity unit will continue to be assigned to do
Meet and Greet work in accordance with past practice, such as when shows are lost, or to
maintain Character continuity on tour or during conventions and special events.
6. Those performing story reading by named Disney Characters are covered by the Service Trades
Council Union collective bargaining agreement (this does not preclude the reading of stories by
Merchandise host/hostesses or similar classifications as part of a spontaneous Take Five or
Magical Moment type of guest experience).
Should any discrepancies arise, the original signed document will prevail
7. Ensemble performers continue to be covered by and subject to the terms and conditions of the
Equity collective bargaining agreement as follows:
the ensemble of any “book” show (where there is a script and a plot) where the performers
portray people (such as POCAHONTAS ensemble portraying the tribespeople and British
sailors, or the BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ensemble portraying townspeople, servants and
guests), or portray animals with individual personalities and human characteristics;
the dance ensemble of any dance or musical stage show (such as KIDS OF THE KINGDOM,
“stage shows” which the Company directs to be performed on a non-traditional surface (such
as CANIDANSE) or which are of an ethnic nature (such as POLYNESIAN LUAU). This does
not include parades;
singing ensembles for all “stage” shows and conventions (such as VOICES OF LIBERTY).
This does not preclude the use of cast and volunteer choirs for special holiday events and
special events. This does not include unison flood singing (such as the finale to JOLLY
stunt and acrobatic ensembles (such as EPIC STUNT THEATRE or the RED PANDA
acrobats). This does not include Character skills like stilt walking, in line skating, bicycling, or
skate boarding, if the individuals performing such activities are not also singing live, doing
improvisational acting, or speaking scripted dialogue.
8. Ensemble performers are covered under the Service Trades Council Union collective
bargaining agreement as follows:
as puppeteers in “book” shows where they do not also portray people and sing or speak live
(such as VOYAGE OF THE LITTLE MERMAID, THE LION KING, Grandmother Willow in
POCAHONTAS, or the Drug Awareness Program). Such puppeteers may be seen and/or
have faces showing as long as they are neutral in character and without personality;
in stage shows when costumed as named Disney Characters; or in stage shows when
costumed in a fashion which covers the full face or when costumed with faces showing but
where the Characters do not portray people or animals with individual personalities and/or
human characteristics, or sing or speak scripted dialogue or perform dance movements
beyond what the average person with reasonable coordination can learn in a relatively short
period of time.
9. The Company may assign ensemble performers under either the Equity agreement or
the Service Trades Council Union agreement as follows:
as extras to augment a Dance ensemble covered by the Equity agreement (such as
as ensemble for in-house Cast Member events (such as Guest Fanatics Awards, 5-Star
Awards or Department Christmas Shows). This does not preclude the appearance of O & T
or Management personnel in such shows on an occasional or sporadic basis as a show
as extras to augment named Disney Character shows (such as FROM ALL OF US TO ALL
OF YOU and SPLASHTACULAR [except as to the six featured girls and the kick line, on
which there remains a disagreement]);
in street performances by parade cast, Characters or performers which are part of a larger
spectacular event (for example, Marketing events, grand openings or the Millennium
celebration). If the spectacular is ongoing, the Company agrees to consult with either Union,
on request, regarding its casting assignments.
In all instances under paragraph 9, all performers in the referenced group would be covered
under the same agreement.
10. If any performers covered by the Equity agreement are assigned to perform work normally
covered by the Service Trades Council Union agreement (for example appearing in parades or
Meet and Greet sets at conventions), the Equity unit performers’ pay shall not be reduced in such
instances. If Characters are assigned to perform Equity work, they shall be paid the higher of the
Character’s own rate or time-carded up in accordance with the Equity collective bargaining
agreement. The assignment of Characters to perform work normally covered by the Equity
agreement shall be limited to occasional or short term basis (such as “subbing” for a Principal or
holiday/seasonal show). The time-carding up shall be for the period of time in which the Equity
work is performed. During such periods, each group, be it Equity or Character, shall remain
subject to the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement to which they are
11. All shows prior to the date of this agreement are hereby “grandfathered” with the following
if the “Russian Dancer” role as it is presently choreographed is used in SPARKLING
CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR or a similar holiday show, it will be covered under the Equity
HUNCHBACK; which the parties have handled separately.
12. These guidelines shall have no effect on, nor shall they serve as a waiver of any right which
exists to assign work to any group excluded from coverage under either collective bargaining
In the event we have a future disagreement with either Union on this issue, we have agreed that we will
attempt to informally resolve that dispute by submitting it to a tripartite Committee consisting of
representatives of the Company, Equity and the Teamsters. This group will make a non-binding
recommendation for resolution.
This document sets forth agreement among Walt Disney World Co. (Company), Actors’ Equity
Association (Equity), and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 385 (Teamsters) as to
procedures for determining jurisdiction and resolving disputes as to jurisdiction over the assignment of
work by the Company as Character or Equity work. Such determination shall be in accordance with the
1997 Settlement Agreement between the Company, Equity and the Teamsters (1997 Settlement
Agreement) (Appendix A) which defines the jurisdiction of each of the two unions with regards to
entertainment work assigned by the Company.
When the Company has determined that it will produce a new performance, or that an existing
performance will be substantially changed (e.g. change in duties, reassignment of duties, and/or increase
or decrease in the number of performers), the following steps will be taken:
1. Where Character and Equity Performers have been assigned to perform together during the
same performance, a script or storyboard and cast breakdown will be sent to both unions by the
Company no less than ten (10) calendar days prior to auditions for either Characters or Equity
For new or substantially changed performances where only Character or Equity Performers have
assigned to perform, upon the request of either Union, the Company agrees to provide a copy of
Should any discrepancies arise, the original signed document will prevail.
the script or storyboard and cast breakdown within five (5) business days of the request or when
the script or storyboard is available.
2. Representatives from the Company, Equity, and the Teamsters shall meet prior to such auditions,
however if either of the Unions are not available, the Company shall not be impeded from moving
forward with the audition, rehearsal or first public performance.
3. Rehearsals will be viewed by representatives of both unions to ensure that the show as finally
staged, is cast in accordance with the correct jurisdiction as set forth in the 1997 Settlement
Agreement and the two Unions’ collective bargaining agreements with the Company.
4. The parties agree that any disputes regarding the assignment of work by the Company as
Character or Equity work shall not be grieved by the Unions and must be submitted to a tripartite
committee consisting of representatives from the Company, Equity, and the Teamsters.
If the parties cannot reach a resolution through use of a tripartite committee, the parties agree to follow
the steps below for jurisdictional disputes:
A. Arbitration – The dispute will go to expedited arbitration as set forth below:
1. The parties shall designate a permanent panel of three arbitrators, with each party designating
one arbitrator (Richard P. Deem, Jack Clark, James J. Sherman). Each arbitrator shall hear
disputes on a rotating basis; however, in the event a member of the panel is not available to hear
a dispute in his proper turn, the next arbitrator on the panel shall be substituted.
2. The parties should reach agreement concerning any jurisdiction dispute within four (4) weeks
after the first public performance before any audience (the “soft opening”), or the issue will be
submitted to arbitration by the party or parties raising the dispute.
3. The arbitration shall take place within two (2) weeks after the postmark date on the letter to the
arbitrator by the party initiating the arbitration, and the Arbitrator has seventy-two (72) hours after
hearing the case to make a determination. The Arbitrator’s determination shall apply only to the
show where the jurisdictional issue has occurred. The arbitrator shall have no authority to add or
modify the 1997 Settlement Agreement or the collective bargaining agreements between the
Company and the Unions.
4. Evidence concerning past practices submitted in the arbitration will be limited to only those
practices on the Walt Disney World Resort Property as defined in the scope of the Collective
Bargaining Agreements with Equity and the Service Trades Council Union/Teamsters.
5. Each party will put forth a remedy and the arbitrator shall choose one of those remedies. Two (2)
of the three (3) parties can submit the same remedy, although no weight shall be given to the fact
two (2) parties are in agreement. The decision will be based on the validity of the evidence and
argument, not majority rules. The remedy requested by the parties shall be limited to the show
where the jurisdictional dispute has occurred.
6. The parties to this agreement agree to pay one-third (1/3) of the costs associated with an
arbitration resulting from a jurisdictional dispute.
B. Changes after Casting as a result of Tripartite Committee resolution or arbitration:
1. If a role has been cast as a Character, which is then deemed to be an Equity role, the Company
may offer an Equity contract to the most qualified candidate. If the Character performer is offered
an Equity Individual Employment Contract (IEC), the Company will give consideration as to the
length of the Equity contract (IEC), so that the Cast Member will have the option of returning to
the STCU/IBT bargaining unit prior to one (1) year, and not lose their seniority rights per Article
13, Section 6, of the Full Time STCU Agreement currently in effect. However, if the Character
Performer accepts the IEC and later opts to return to the STCU/IBT bargaining unit, they will be
precluded from exercising their seniority for the purpose of bidding lines as stipulated in
Attachment 4A.1.(c) the current IBT Addendum Agreement.
2. If a role has been cast as Equity, which is then deemed to be a Character role, and is to be
covered under the STCU/IBT Agreements, the Company will make every effort to place said
performer in another show on property in a role covered by the Equity Agreement, or, solely at
the performer’s option, the Company may retain the performer in the original role, placing the
performer in the role covered under the STCU/IBT Agreements. If the performer cannot be placed
elsewhere in an Equity role or refuses to be placed in another Equity role or does not wish to
remain in the original role covered by the STCU/IBT Agreements, the Company may terminate
the Performer’s contract with two (2) weeks notice as specified in Rule 8(I) of the Equity
Agreement currently in effect; and, if applicable, the performer will receive the severance package
as specified in Rule 8(H)(1) of the Equity Agreement currently in effect; and, if the Performer is on
a first year contract, the Company will provide relocation, if applicable, as specified in Rule 9 of
the Equity Agreement currently in effect.
Characters Rehearsing Equity Roles
To: Those Concerned Date: August 29, 2007
From: Zonia K. Wynns
Subject: Characters Rehearsing Equity Roles
The Company has been working over the past several months with both Actors’ Equity Association
(“Equity”) and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 385 (“Teamsters”) to clarify the proper
payment of Characters covered under the Service Trades Council Union agreement, while rehearsing
work in roles covered by the WDW/Equity collective bargaining agreement.
1. The parties have agreed that Character performers who are rehearsing or performing Equity
roles should be paid their statused rate of pay or the minimum rate paid for that Equity role or job
function, whichever is higher. (See WDW/Equity CBA Rule 16A)
2. Character premiums are not applicable to the rate of pay when rehearsing and/or performing
Equity roles.
Addendum B-3
UNITE HERE! Local 362
Unless otherwise designated, the following items apply to all disciplines within UNITE HERE! Local 362
Labor/Management Committees
Shop Stewards scheduled to attend an LMC meeting on his/her day off will be paid according to Article
10, Section 4 of the STCU Agreement.
Employee Rights
The Company commits that UNITE HERE! Local 362 designated Shop Stewards will be utilized to
represent UNITE HERE! Local 362 bargaining unit employees, when operationally feasible.
Bidding Process
Where the presence of a Shop Steward is applicable under Article 10, Section 5(a), UNITE HERE! Local
362 will designate the Shop Steward for the schedule bid.
A weekly copy of the posted schedule will be made available to the designated Shop Steward.
Exercising Preference on Transfer
Employees who submit “preference sheets” to determine their weekly schedules and transfer into a work
location in between schedule bids, will be allowed to submit “preference sheets” to exercise his/her
seniority for time of day, hours per week, and location. This provision does not apply to days off.
Company Vehicle Operations Standard
The parties recognize the Company’s obligation to provide a safe means of transportation to its
employees and/or Guests and agree that all accidents or occurrences must be investigated and
disciplined on an individual basis. In those cases where the employee demonstrated negligence,
disregard for safety procedures, or other unacceptable behaviors, the Company may require immediate
transfer (to a non-driving role), discipline and/or termination. In those cases which do not require such
action, the Company will utilize the following accident policy:
1. An accident is defined as contact made with a Company vehicle that results in damage to property or
person and driver (employee) was at fault.
2. Two (2) accidents within a rolling twenty-four (24) month period may result in the removal from any
role in which driving may be required.
3. Any dispute on application of this shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
4. It is the responsibility of all employees to report any accident immediately to a manager. Failure to
report any incident or accident may result in termination.
ATTRACTIONS (includes Attractions, Auto Plaza, Slide Operations and Ticketing):
Cross-training will occur upon the request of the employee at least once every nine (9) months to other
Attractions within his/her statused business unit.
Any employee who is out of an Attraction for six (6) months or more shall go through the appropriate re-
certification process upon his/her return. It will be at Management’s discretion to determine if additional
training is needed.
Riverboat employees working in the Steam position (boiler only) will receive a thirty cents ($.30) premium
for actual hours worked specifically for working the Steam position.
Steam Train employees working in the Fireman and Engineer positions only will receive a thirty cents
($.30) premium for actual hours worked. Employees trained as a Steam Train Engineer who work in the
crossing position, will receive a thirty ($.30) cents premium for actual hours worked.
Attractions Host/ess Trails
Employees who request a transfer to the Attractions Host/ess Trails will be required to complete an
interview and/or audition as part of the selection process.
Employees in the Attractions Host/ess Trails position will participate in a structured training, observation
and feedback program that allows for performance based recognition and counseling directly related to
subject matter, content and delivery.
Any Employee in the Attractions Host/ess Trails position who receives two reprimands for job
performance in a rolling twelve (12) month period will be transferred to an Attractions Host/ess position.
Attraction Host/ess Operating Guidelines (OGs) Error Discipline
When a one (1) or two (2) point reprimand is issued to an Attractions Host/ess for violating an Operating
Guideline (OG), upon their request, the Attractions Host/ess will be retrained pursuant to the specific OG
In those instances when the Company has deemed an Attractions Host/ess has demonstrated
negligence, disregard for safety procedures, or other unacceptable behaviors, the Company may:
a) require immediate transfer (to another classification) in conjunction with the appropriate
discipline; or
b) terminate.
Innoventions Transfer Process
Future World West Attractions Host/ess may apply for Presenter positions for a period of one (1) week
prior to the opening being released to Casting. Selection(s) will be made in accordance with STCU
Article 14.
Cash Handling and Operating Guidelines Error Discipline
Cash Handling discipline and Operating Guidelines/errors discipline will be combined and issued
separately from the Regular Full Time STCU Agreement disciplinary point system.
1. General: In no event will Auto Plaza WDW Host/ess receive discipline for both Cash Handling
and Operating Guidelines errors for the same violation.
The Company reserves the right to discipline outside this Guideline when just cause exists.
2. Cash Handling: An overage or shortage in cash and/or tickets that is the result of an errant
transaction or a Operating Guidelines error and that results in a financial loss to the Company
shall be subject to the Cash Handling Guideline below:
$10.01 to the price of one automobile (base ticket) * (with tax) when referenced at
the time of incident
The price of one automobile ticket (base ticket) * (with tax) plus one (1) cent to
the sum of two automobile base tickets (with tax) when referenced at the time of
The price of greater than two automobile tickets (base tickets) * (with tax) plus
one (1) cent or more when referenced at the time of incident
*Ticket refers to an automobile parking ticket (base ticket).
Operating Guideline Errors
(a) The following Operating Guideline errors shall result in two (2) marks:
1. Failure to log out of a Walt Disney Company Ticketing system.
2. Working out of an incorrect or unauthorized fund.
(b) The following Operating Guideline errors shall result in a one (1) point reprimand, provided
there is no financial loss to the Company and/or a Guest:
1. Leaving tender of greater than Ten Dollars ($10.00) in value unattended and/or unlocked
(in those areas where the Company provides secure drawers or work areas).
2. Lost keys or failure to return keys to the key system
3. Carrying any of the following: cash, coin, traveler’s checks, Disney dollars, Gift Cards with
value unescorted.
(c) Violation of Operating Guidelines (OGs) may result in disciplinary action up to and including
termination, in accordance to STCU Article 18.
Over and Short variances and/or Operating Guideline errors as outlined above will result in a one (1)-
point reprimand based on the following accumulation of Marks:
I. Three (3) Marks in 30 calendar days
II. Six (6) Marks in 90 calendar days
III. Nine (9) Marks in 180 calendar days
IV. Twelve (12) Marks in 365 calendar days
Reprimands shall be issued according to STCU Article 18, Section 6 (b).
Upon reaching the second (2nd) reprimand, retraining will be offered. At the employee’s request, an
employee shall be transferred to a non-cash handling position after receiving a third reprimand for cash
handling. Should the employee decide to remain in a cash handling position and reach the fifth (5th)
point, the employee will be involuntary terminated.
Operating Guidelines errors that result in a financial loss to the Company will be treated as cash handling
errors and shall have marks assessed based upon the cash handling guidelines
Over & Short variances of $200.00 or more will result in a two (2) point cash handling reprimand.
Employees will be informed in all instances when they are issued marks even when the marks do not
result in discipline.
Discipline as a result of overage/shortage will be presented and discussed with the employee within
fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of the violation, unless prevented by the absence of the
employee or extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the Company.
Cash Handling and Operating Guidelines error discipline shall each be handled separately under its
individual discipline system as long as any Operating Guidelines error that results in a monetary loss to
the Guests or the Company is documented in the Cash Handling matrix.
When assigned to a Ticket Sales location, Attractions Hosts/esses at Blizzard Beach, Typhoon Lagoon,
and ESPN’s Wide World of Sports box offices will receive premium pay of forty cents ($.40) per hour for
all hours worked performing Guest Services duties. Ticket Sales duties include, but are not limited to,
ticket sales, ticket refunds, ticket upgrades, ATS transactions, vouchers, and dining reservations. The
Guest Services premium will not apply to locations other than those stated above.
A. Cash Handling and Operating Guidelines Discipline
Cash Handling discipline and Operating Guidelines/errors discipline will be combined and issued
separately from the Regular Full Time STCU Agreement disciplinary point system.
(1) General: Discipline issued for cash handling or Operating Guidelines errors will not be
covered under the general five (5) point disciplinary system. In no event will Ticket Sellers
receive discipline for both cash handling and Operating Guidelines errors for the same
(2) Cash Handling: An overage or shortage in cash and/or tickets that is the result of an errant
transaction or an Operating Guidelines error that results in a financial loss to the company
shall be subject to the guideline below.
$10.01 to the price of a one (1) day adult base ticket * (with tax) when referenced
at the time of incident
The price of a one (1) day adult base ticket* (with tax) plus one (1) cent to the sum
of two (2) adult day base tickets (with tax) when referenced at the time of incident
The price of two (2) adult day base tickets* (with tax) plus one (1) cent or more
when referenced at the time of incident
*Ticket refers to a 1-day Water Park Ticket.
Over and Short variances as outlined above will result in a one (1)-point reprimand based on the following
accumulation of Marks:
I. Three (3) Marks in 30 calendar days
II. Six (6) Marks in 90 calendar days
III. Nine (9) Marks in 180 calendar days
IV. Twelve (12) Marks in 365 calendar days
Reprimands shall be issued according to STCU Article 18, Section 6 (b).
Operating Guideline Errors
(a) The following Operating Guideline errors shall result in two (2) marks:
1. Failure to log out of a Walt Disney Company Ticketing system.
2. Working out of an incorrect or unauthorized fund.
(b) The following Operating Guideline errors shall result in a one (1) point reprimand, provided
there is no financial loss to the Company and/or a Guest:
1. Leaving tender of greater than ten dollars ($10.00) in value unattended and/or unlocked
(in those areas where the Company provides secure drawers or work areas).
2. Lost keys or failure to return keys to the key system
3. Carrying any of the following: cash, coin, traveler’s checks, Disney dollars, Gift Cards
with value unescorted.
4. Issuing compensation, comp tickets, or performing any transaction other than a straight
sale for a family member, relative or friend. All transactions, other than straight ticket
sales must be approved and performed by a GSM who is not a family member, relative or
friend of the Guest.
Upon reaching the second (2nd) reprimand, retraining will be offered. At the employee’s request, an
employee shall be placed in a non-cash handling position after receiving a third reprimand for cash
handling. Should the employee decide to remain in a cash handling position and reach the fifth (5th)
point, the employee will be involuntary terminated.
The Operating Guidelines errors that result in a financial loss to the company will be treated as cash
handling errors and shall have marks assessed based upon the cash handling guidelines.
Employees will be informed in all instances when they are issued marks even when the marks do not
result in discipline. The Company reserves the right to discipline outside these guidelines when just
cause exists.
Utility Premium Pay - Custodial Hosts/esses will receive forty ($.40) cents per hour premium pay for all
hours worked when operating the following equipment or performing the following tasks.
1. Hot and cold water Pressure Washer - Operators will receive the premium pay when utilizing a
kerosene, electrical or gasoline fuel operated hot and cold water pressure washer.
2. (a) Sweeper Truck
(b) Ride on Sweeper/Scrubber/Pressure Washer
3. Truck and/or Trailer Mounted Extractor
4. Forklift
5. Highreach
6. Confined space work which requires special training and equipment
7. Operates gas-powered soaper
8. Genie Lift*
9. Scissor Lift*
10. Small Carpet Extractor
11. Window Washer – Window washing is a utility function defined as cleaning windows at various
heights, utilizing typical professional window washing tools which may include, but not limited to
squeegee, scrub wand and brush. Spray bottle cleaning of glass or mirror surfaces is not considered
window washing utility work.
12. Hosing
13. Litter Hawk
14. Floor Refurbishment – For Wood, Terrazzo and Marble floor refurbishment only (restore to raw
material and build back-up only). Not to include screening process, machine scrubbing or topping
15. Sand Pro
16. Boats for Water Cleanup
17. Rappelling Crew – For all locations requiring rappelling as defined as, certification through Reedy
Creek, must descend or ascend on a rope with harness and figure eight harness and jumar. Also to
include spotter (must have same training). Employees working in the capacity of rappelling will
receive an additional fifty ($.50) cents per hour premium for actual hours worked.
If an employee has a (regularly) permanently assigned work schedule which requires using the
equipment listed above for fifty percent (50%) or more of his/her time on a quarterly basis, he/she will be
statused at the utility premium rate. The premium pay will be paid in one (1)-hour increments when
performing these tasks.
*Whenever a Custodial Host/ess is operating a Genie Lift or Scissor Lift, the Company will make available
a trained Custodial Host/ess in the immediate area.
Custodial Coordinators
Eligible Custodial Coordinators will receive the premium pay in the following situations:
1. The Custodial Coordinator operates the equipment or performs the tasks; or,
2. The Custodial Coordinator is coordinating the efforts of the Custodial Host/ess who operates the
equipment or performs the tasks, provided that the Coordinator is trained and qualified to operate the
equipment or perform the task.
Third (3rd) Shift Differential Pay for Custodial Hosts/esses
In addition to the Night Shift Differential of sixty cents ($.60) per hour reflected in Article 12, Section 3,
third shift Custodial Hosts/esses will receive forty cents ($.40) per hour third shift differential increase.
Custodial Miscellaneous
A hose person will not be required to pull a hose longer than 175 feet (including a 25-foot drop length)
without assistance to move the hose.
When Custodial overtime is available within a scheduling pool it shall be offered in the following order:
Custodial Hosts/esses within a scheduling pool first; Custodial Hosts/esses outside a scheduling pool, but
in the same profit center, second; employees from different job classifications third.
Custodial Host/ess working on the third shift (formally known as graveyard) shall exercise their
scheduling seniority through line schedule picks. These picks shall be held at least twice per year and a
UNITE HERE! Local 362 Shop Steward will be present.
Custodial Host/ess who begin working night shift differential hours and are required thereafter to attend
mandatory classes will be paid at the third shift differential rate for all hours in attendance at the class.
The Company will pay for the initial cost of a Type A, B, or C driver’s license and endorsements for
Custodial Host/ess who are required to obtain one to perform their job functions. Custodial Hosts/esses
will be responsible for any costs associated with the renewal of these types of licenses.
All Custodial job assignments (details) will be distributed as equitably as reasonably practical.
At the employee’s request, an employee shall be placed in a non-custodial position after receiving three
(3) disciplinary points for job performance in a twelve (12) month period related to their custodial position.
Should the employee decide to remain in the custodial position and reach the fifth (5) disciplinary point,
the employee will be involuntarily terminated.
Internal Transfers
Priority will be given to the local area when transferring between utility premium position and non-utility
premium position.
A. Transfers and New Hires
1. Vacation Planning management reserves the right to select a pre-qualified talent pool from the
Casting skill code list. Regular Full Time and Regular Part Time new hires and transfers will be
selected based on seniority within this pre-qualified pool.
2. New Hires
New hires to Vacation Planning are subject to a one hundred twenty (120) calendar day
probationary period. If the Company deems an employee’s performance is unsatisfactory and/or
the employee no longer desires the Vacation Planner role after 91 days, the employee will be
recast to another role outside of Vacation Planning.
3. Transfers to Vacation Planning
There will be a one hundred twenty (120) calendar day qualifying period beginning the effective
date of transfer. During this specified time period, if the Company deems an employee’s
performance is unsatisfactory and/or the employee no longer desires the Vacation Planner role,
the employee will returned to his/her prior job classification and location and the employee shall
be immediately eligible to transfer again.
B. Over and Short Cash Handling
Cash Handling discipline and Operating Guideline discipline will be issued in two (2) separate
1. Over/Short: An overage or shortage that is the result of an errant transaction and that results in a
financial loss to the Company or Guest shall be subject to the matrix below:
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
$10.01 to the price of a one (1) day adult base ticket * (with tax) when referenced
at the time of incident
The price of a one (1) day adult base ticket* (with tax) plus one (1) cent to the sum
of two (2) adult day base tickets (with tax) when referenced at the time of incident
The price of two (2) adult day base tickets* (with tax) plus one (1) cent or more
when referenced at the time of incident
*Ticket refers to a 1-day Regular theme park ticket.
Employee’s must notify a manager (or Coordinator if a manager is not available) before clocking out
if more than ten ($10) over/short.
Over and Short errors as outlined above will result in a one (1)-point reprimand based on the
following accumulation of Marks:
I. Three (3) Marks in 30 calendar days
II. Six (6) Marks in 90 calendar days
III. Nine (9) Marks in 180 calendar days
IV. Twelve (12) Marks in 365 calendar days
Reprimands shall be issued according to STCU Article 18, Section 6 (b).
At the employee’s request, an employee shall be placed in a non-cash handling position after
receiving a third reprimand for cash handling, provided non-cash handling positions are
2. Business Rules:
Business Rules will be presented during Vacation Planner training.
Business Rule errors are defined as:
(a) A transactional error that does not result in a financial loss to the Company or a Guest. Under
this situation, Vacation Planners will receive documented retraining.
(b) A transactional error that does result in financial loss to the Company or a Guest. Under this
situation, Vacation Planners will be subject to discipline based on the Over and Short Cash
Handling Matrix as established in Section B-1 of this Addendum.
3. Operating Guideline Errors
(a) The following Operating Guideline errors shall result in a one (1) point reprimand, provided
there is no financial loss to the Company and/or a Guest:
1. Leaving money, in any amount greater than ten ($10) dollars, unattended and/or unlocked
(in those areas where the Company provides secure drawers or work areas).
2. Lost keys or failure to return keys to the key system.
3. Carrying money unescorted.
4. Issuing compensation, comp tickets, or performing any transaction other than a straight sale
for a family member, relative or friend. All transactions, other than straight ticket sales must
be approved and performed by a GSM who is not a family member, relative, or friend of the
(b) The following Operating Guideline errors shall result in two (2) marks, regardless of financial
loss to the Company and/or a Guest:
1. Failure to log out of the ticketing system.
2. Working out of an incorrect or unauthorized fund.
(c) Violation of Operating Guidelines (OGs) may result in disciplinary action up to and including
termination, in accordance to STCU Article 18.
C. Opening and Closing
Vacation Planners will be given time to open and close their windows. This time shall be exclusive of
an employee’s walk-time, where applicable.
D. Training
No Vacation Planner will be required to perform transactions for which he/she has not been trained.
All new business rules will be reviewed by the Labor/Management Committee.
Vacation Planners who have not performed the role for more than thirty (30) calendar days shall have
the option of receiving up to eight (8) hours in-booth re-training before being returned to active
Vacation Planning.
E. Vacation Planner Rewards Program
Vacation Planners shall work a minimum of four (4) days and sell a minimum number of tickets, as a
Vacation Planner per fiscal month to be eligible for Rewards. The minimum number of tickets will be
designated by the Company and discussed and reviewed by the LMC prior to implementation.
Vacation Planners may receive up to three (3) quality assurance observations per fiscal month.
Statused Vacation Planning Coordinators will not be held accountable for the Sales Performance
Accountability Guidelines.
1. Monthly Rewards
Vacation Planners shall select a reward(s) for which they qualify at the end of each month.
If the Vacation Planner qualifies for a reward(s), they shall select a reward(s) that they qualified
for that month (rewards will not roll over on a monthly basis), and they must redeem within the
communicated redemption period. Reward qualifications will be developed by the Company and
reviewed and discussed with the LMC.
2. Sales Performance Accountability Guidelines
Sales performance accountability guidelines will begin after thirty (30) calendar days from the
completion of Vacation Planning training. Performance that falls within the Sales Performance
Tracking (SPT) level will be addressed as follows:
Phase 1: two (2) months at SPT within a twelve (12) month rolling period will receive
documented focused observations and coaching.
Phase 2: three (3) months at SPT in a twelve (12) month rolling period will receive targeted
retraining focused on Sales, Systems, or Product Knowledge.
Phase 3: four (4) months at SPT in a twelve (12) month rolling period will receive an
Individual Retraining Plan that is personalized training with a trainer focused on that
employee’s specific need. Employee will also be given the opportunity to voluntarily pursue a
transfer to a non-Vacation Planning role.
Phase 4: five (5) months at SPT in a twelve (12) month rolling period will be required to
transfer to a non-Vacation Planning role utilizing the transfer process based on open
positions at Casting at time of transfer.
F. Fulfillment
Fulfillment lines shall be posted for bid at schedule selections.
Fulfillment employees will receive premium pay of fifty cents ($.50) per hour for all hours worked
while performing fulfillment duties.
Fulfillment employees are ineligible for Vacation Planning Rewards excluding Team Rewards.
Animal Care
In the event the Company resumes performance of the work formerly performed by Animal Care
Specialists and/or Animal Care Specialists Seniors, the Company will notify UNITE HERE! Local 362.
Addendum B-4
Transportation Communications Union (TCU/IAM) Lodge 1908
Scheduling for all Full Time Seven Seas, and Bay Lake Watercraft Operations work groups, including but
not limited to, Grand One and Magical Fireworks Voyages, will be done in the following manner:
1. Where in person bids are utilized,a Shop Steward will be present during bidding.
2. A Shop Steward may request review of hours worked on a quarterly basis.
3.Coordinators, Wash Crews, Light Show and Grand One will bid once a year all at the same
time. The Company reserves the right to conduct additional bids as needed.
4.If an employee elects to drop a bid line, they cannot bid on an open line for the duration of the
5. Employees who transfer (excluding those from EPCOT Friendship, Sassagoula/Rivercruise Boat
Operations, Monorail Operations, and Seven Seas and Bay Lake Lake Patrol Operations) into
Seven Seas and Bay Lake Watercraft Operations or Monorail Operations must wait two (2)
years prior to exercising their seniority for schedule bid purposes or pool.
6.Watercraft employees can request at any time 5th, 6th, and 7th day overtime before others are
involuntarily required to perform overtime.
7. Employees working a paid shift of seven (7) or less hours will not be required to take an
involuntary lunch.
8.Night Shift Differential (Magic Kingdom Only)
If an employee works any part of a shift between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. and are
not otherwise eligible for the night shift differential, as defined in Article 12, Section 3, he/she will
be paid a differential of seventy cents ($.70) per hour in addition to their straight time rate for
those hours worked within the 12:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. window
Watercraft - Miscellaneous
Re-Certification - Employees who transfer out of Watercraft and/or have not operated a Watercraft vessel
for a period of six (6) months or more must be re-certified on the vessel(s) prior to operating the vessel(s).
This applies to cross-utilization situations and employees returning to the area.
Regular Full Time employees statused to EPCOT Friendships, Sassagoula/Rivercruise Boat Operations,
Seven Seas and Bay Lake Watercraft, Monorail Operations, and Seven Seas and Bay Lake Lake Patrol
will be given priority to transfer to openings within these five (5) operations.
Employees statused to Monorails and Watercraft will receive thirty cents ($.30) per hour premium pay
when using a gas powered pressure washer, or when operating Genie Lift or Scissor Lift in one (1)-hour
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Transportation Host/ess Premium
Employees statused to Monorails and Watercraft will receive thirty cents ($.30) per hour premium pay
when using a gas powered pressure washer, or when operating Genie Lift or Scissor Lift in one (1)-hour
Company Vehicle Operations Standard
The parties recognize the Company’s obligation to provide a safe means of transportation to its guests
and agree that all accident occurrences must be investigated and disciplined on an individual basis. In
those cases where the employee has demonstrated negligence, disregard for safety procedures, or other
unacceptable behaviors, the Company may issue discipline, require immediate transfer to another
classification, or termination, or a combination of these.
In those cases which do not require such action, the Company will utilize the following incident/accident
1. An incident is defined as contact made by a watercraft with any object which results in damage
from $0 to $1,000 to the craft and/or to the object.
2. An accident is defined as contact made by a watercraft with any object which results in damage
greater than $1,000 to the craft and/or to the object or damage to bowsprit requiring
3. Two (2) chargeable incidents within a three (3) year period equal one (1) chargeable accident.
4. Damage estimates provided by Walt Disney World Dry Dock Maintenance shall be used to
determine the true dollar damage amount.
5. Three (3) chargeable accidents within a three (3) year period will result in permanent removal
from all Watercraft operations.
6. All references to time periods in this standard refer to continuous work periods specifically,
excluding any leaves of absence.
7. Incidents and accidents shall not be assessed points within the five (5)-point discipline system.
However, discipline issued in conjunction with an accident or incident will count within the five
(5)-point discipline system.
8. Damage resulting from an incident or accident which occurs while operating a Company car, van
or truck shall not be governed by this standard.
9. The cost associated with broken lines will not be included in estimating total damages within this
agreement. Violations of Company guidelines resulting in line breakage will be evaluated within
the five (5)-point discipline system. Any damage caused by a broken or untied line will be
evaluated within this agreement.
10. Management will review all incidents/accidents independently of all others and may take into
account considerations for weather conditions, pilot experiences, mechanical malfunctions, and
structural defects.
11. All chargeable incidents and accidents will be documented in writing, recorded on the
employee’s record card, and remain active for cumulative purposes for three (3) years.
12. The above incident/accident policy applies to all Seven Seas and Bay Lake Watercraft,
Sassagoula/Riverside Boat Operations, and EPCOT Friendship Boat Operations, and Resort
Lake Patrol and Fishing Guides.
Violation of Clearance Procedures (VOCP)
The parties recognize the Company's obligation to provide a safe means of transportation to its guests
and agree that all violations of clearance procedures must be investigated and disciplined on an individual
basis. In those cases where the employee has demonstrated negligence, disregard for safety
procedures, or other unacceptable behaviors, the Company may issue discipline, require immediate
transfer to another classification, or terminate.
In those cases which do not require such action, the Company will utilize the following violation of
clearance procedure policy:
1. All violations of clearance procedures will be documented in writing, recorded on the employee's
record card, and remain active for cumulative purposes for three (3) years.
2. Three (3) violations of clearance procedure within a two (2) year period will result in permanent
prohibition from operating a monorail and mandatory transfer from the Transportation area. The
employee may choose to accept a position in another Transportation department, provided an
opening exists. If the employee transfers to another Transportation department and commits any
one (1) incident or accident within a twelve (12) month period of time, he/she will be permanently
disqualified from any Transportation classification.
3. With exception to number 4 below, violations of clearance procedure shall not be assessed points
in the discipline point system, Article 18, Section 6.
4. All overruns of the MAPO system will be reported. When an overrun of the MAPO system is not
reported, the employee will receive a one (1) point reprimand which will be counted in the
disciplinary point system (Article 18, Section 6). Additionally, the employee will receive one (1)
point on the VOCP matrix.
Monorail Central Controller
1. The Company will determine the qualifications for employees who are statused to the Monorail
Central Controller classification.
2. The Company reserves the right to unilaterally select, from within the Monorail classifications,
individuals to be utilized in the Monorail Central Controller Classification. Openings for statused
positions will be posted.
3. The Company reserves the right to remove any statused Monorail Central Controller who is not
performing to acceptable standards. If the removal occurs within a one hundred twenty (120) day
qualifying period, there will be no recourse to the grievance procedure.
Monorail - Miscellaneous
Re-certification – Employees who transfer out of Monorail and/or have not operated a train for a period of
six (6) months or more must be re-certified on the train(s) prior to operating the train(s). This applies to
cross-utilization situations and employees returning to the area. Management reserves the right to
change the frequency of re-certification based on changing business conditions.
Regular Full Time employees statused to EPCOT Friendships, Sassagoula/Rivercruise Boat Operations,
Watercraft Operations, Seven Seas and Bay Lake Watercraft, Monorail Operations, or Seven Seas and
Bay Lake Patrol will be given priority to transfer to openings within these five (5) operations.
Monorail - Scheduling
Scheduling for all Regular Full Time Monorail employees will be done in the following manner:
1. Where in person bids are utilized a Shop Steward will be present during bidding.
2.A Shop Steward may request review of hours worked on a quarterly basis.
3.If an employee elects to drop a bid line, they cannot bid on an open line for the duration of the
4. Employees who transfer (excluding those from EPCOT Friendship, Sassagoula/Rivercurise Boat
Operations, Watercraft Operations and Seven Seas and Bay Lake Lake Patrol Operations) into
Seven Seas and Bay Lake Watercraft Operations or Monorail Operations must wait two (2) years
prior to exercising their seniority for schedule bid purposes or pool.
5.Monorail employees can request at any time 5th, 6th, and 7th day overtime before others are
involuntarily required to perform overtime.
6. Employees working a paid shift of seven (7) or less hours will not be required to take an
involuntary lunch.
7. Night Shift Differential (Magic Kingdom Only)
If an employee works any part of a shift between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. and are not
otherwise eligible for the night shift differential, as defined in Article 12, Section 3, he/she will be paid
a differential of seventy-cents ($.70) per hour in addition to their straight time rate for those hours
worked within the 12:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. window.
Houseperson Host/ess Premium
Houseperson Host/ess will receive the forty cents ($.40) per hour premium pay for all hours
worked when operating the specified equipment or performing the specified tasks as outlined in
"Custodial Host/ess Utility Premium Pay" in UNITE HERE! Local 362 section of Addendum "B-3."
Interchangeability to include “junior qualified Houseperson” when utilizing a Houseperson as a
Job assignments in linen will be assigned on a separate schedule to those who currently do the
role. Future openings and call-ins/sicks will be filled with the most junior qualified Houseperson.
The Company will adjust the workload based on occupancy, and distribute the work equitably.
The Company and Unions agree that all terms and conditions negotiated in the 2017 UNITE HERE! Local
362 Custodial addendum will also apply to TCU Local 1908 Custodial Cast Members.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Bell Services Tipped Gratuity Matrix
LUGGAGE Description
Effective Date
(July 28, 2019)
Effective Date
(October 4,
In & Out
Luggage to/from room
Disney Cruise Line (DCL)
In & Out
Luggage to/from room
loading/unloading (when asked)
Disney’s Magical Express
Luggage to/from room
loading/unloading (when asked)
Resort Special Activities
Luggage to/from room
loading/unloading (when asked)
No Guest Contact (NGC)
Room Changes
luggage to/from room
DCL Luggage Notice
Delivery at, under, or inside
the room
DME Transportation Notice
Front Office At All Locations $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Delivery at the Door/ Under
the door/ Just inside the
Bellmen $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Delivery requiring set up or
specific location in the room
Bellmen $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
Items moved from one
location to another (boxes)
Bellmen $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Package delivery
charged for package)
Bellmen $1.00 $1.25 $1.50
Grocery delivery
charged for complete
delivery not per
Bellmen $1.00 $1.25 $1.50
The following will be considered agreed upon definitions related to the grid:
“When asked” is when asked to perform the work by a leader.
Note: Rates and guarantees cited will be considered minimums.
The above grid applies to work performed by tipped employees only
Include all Tipped Locations
“Package Delivery” if subject for any package delivered by a Bellman to a Guest room where the
Guest is charged a service fee and is based on the number of charges to the Guest for the
“Grocery Delivery” if subject for any complete grocery delivery delivered by a Bellman to a
Guest room where the Guest is charged a service fee.
Disney Cruise Line Gratuities
1. Disney Cruise Line departure card deliveries will be paid in the following manner:
Card delivery at, under or inside the room (see Gratuities Grid).
2. Bellmen at moderate Resorts will be paid (see Gratuities Grid) when Management requests them
to perform all guaranteed gratuity functions of the Disney Cruise Line without assistance, e.g.,
loading/unloading, delivery and pick-up of guest bags.
Group and Convention Guaranteed Gratuities
1. Guaranteed gratuities will be paid for conventions and groups which guarantee the gratuities for
arrivals and departures at the following Resort locations: Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge, Disney’s
BoardWalk Resort; Disney’s Contemporary Resort; Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa;
Disney’s Old Key West Resort; Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa; Disney’s Port Orleans
Resort; Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort; Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort; Disney’s Polynesian
Resort; Disney’s Wilderness Lodge; and Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resorts. Bellmen will
receive (see Gratuities Grid) for luggage delivery. When asked to load or unload group bus arrivals
(see Gratuities Grid).
2. A total (and maximum) of (see Gratuities Grid) will be paid for conventions and groups which
guarantee the gratuities for arrivals and departures at all other Resorts. Bellmen will receive (see
Gratuities Grid) per room for luggage assistance.
3. Individual group or convention arrivals by car which are guaranteed at the above rates (in and out)
will be handled in the following manner.
(a) All Bell Service employees will use luggage control cards.
(b) Bell Service staff is paid (see Gratuities Grid) per trip to a room (in and out).
4. The work and gratuity associated with group or convention arrivals by bus will be divided in the
following manner:
(a) When asked to perform the work, Bellmen are equitably pulled from rotation to tag and sort
luggage. A roster of those working is maintained and (see Gratuities Grid) per room is paid and
the total amount divided among those listed.
(b) Bell Service employees are paid (see Gratuities Grid) upon delivery or pick-up of luggage (in
and out). At Resorts other than those listed in (1) above, if available, Bell Services Dispatchers
and/or Resort Luggage Greeters will assist in tagging and sorting luggage.
(c) If only Bell Service staff is used for a bus arrival and departure, they will receive the entire
5. Only those monies which are attributable to rendered services will be distributed to employees.
6. The Company reserves the right to distribute cards stating that the gratuity for luggage handling has
been prepaid by the Group and/or Convention. The Company will issue these cards in good faith and
take appropriate measures to ensure they are not distributed in error.
7. The Company will establish a process to guarantee gratuities for guests escorted by Resort Special
Activities if the Bellmen are deprived of the ability to have contact with the guest. Gratuities will be
paid at the agreed upon convention rates.
Pre-Planned Guaranteed Room Deliveries
Bell Service employees will receive the following amounts per room/villa:
1. (see Gratuities Grid) for all deliveries at the door, under the door, or just inside the room.
2. (see Gratuities Grid) for items requiring set-up. Set-up will be defined as specific placement within the
room (e.g., on the nightstand), or positioning certain items in relation to one another.
3. (see Gratuities Grid) per item for items moved from one location to another (i.e., boxes, crates, etc.).
1. In the Resort Newsletter (or equivalent directory of service), under the “Luggage” headings, “Gratuity
not included” will be added.
2. If a guest requests luggage assistance on departure and requests service knowing he/she will not be
present when the bellman arrives, the Company agrees to have the employee obtaining the Guest’s
information, and who is the final contact state the following: “Please leave your bags just inside the
door. If you would like to leave a gratuity, please place it underneath your luggage.” This spiel will
not be given in any other circumstances (e.g., room change, guest inconvenience, or other similar
circumstances). This information will be included in the training manuals for Bell Services and Front
Office employees. Each property will individually determine if the Front Office employees should
provide this information.
3. The following language will be included in all DME departure notices:
“Upon arrival, it was our pleasure to provide luggage assistance as part of our Disney’s Magical
Express service. However, upon departure, bell service luggage assistance is not included in our
complimentary Disney’s Magical Express service. If you would like assistance with your luggage, we
ask that you make arrangements with our Bell Services Cast. Please touch the Bell Services button
on your in-room phone and a Bellman will gladly assist you. Please allow enough time prior to your
motor coach pick-up time to request assistance.”
Tipped Bell Services employees, when training other Tipped Bell Services employees, will be paid at the
base Hospitality Host/ess rate, plus training premium of fifty cents ($.50) per hour, plus tips.
The following will be considered agreed upon definitions related to schedules:
Shift: The hours an employee is scheduled, from start time until end time, within one (1) day.
Line: A combination of scheduled shifts and consecutive days off within the workweek.
Bid Schedule: A combination of all lines within the bidding location.
Posted Schedule: A combination of the schedule bid and any other shifts deemed necessary by
business needs for the week scheduled.
The scheduling procedures listed below are exclusively for the Bell Services Regular Full Time Tipped
Cast Members and do not establish any precedent whatsoever for any other areas and/or departments.
The scheduling procedures include all Regular Full Time personnel in the department, excluding statused
third shift Bellmen. Daily staffing will continue to be accomplished utilizing a traditional master schedule
in accordance with operational requirements.
Management will calculate the top fifty percent (50%) of Regular Full Time employees excluding
graveyard by seniority prior to the scheduling process. If an uneven number of people result,
Management will round off to the next whole number, e.g., 6.2 = 7. Should an employee in the top
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
fifty percent (50%) select a floater line, then the top senior employee not in the top fifty percent (50%)
shall be included.
When creating the pool of shifts for employees to select from, Management will include all shifts that
are anticipated to be needed on a regular basis until the next schedule bid.
In order of seniority, the top fifty percent (50%) of eligible employees in the department will participate
in the selection of their individual schedule. Those individuals will select their shifts within the
following parameters:
Employees must select two (2) consecutive days off. In the event that a Cast Member
voluntarily requests split days off, it may be granted based on Management discretion.
Employees must select all a.m. shifts by day (a.m. is a start time by noon) or all p.m. shifts,
by day (p.m. is a start time after noon). In the event that a Cast Member voluntarily requests
a mix of a.m. and p.m. shifts, it may be granted based on Management discretion.
2. Management will then create the remaining lines. The employees will then make their selections in
accordance with seniority:
Fifty percent (50%) of all lines excluding third shift will be cherry pick. If an uneven number of
people result, Management will round off to the next whole number, e.g., 6.2 = 7
Up to twenty-five percent (25%) of all lines excluding third shift will be p.m. floats. If an
uneven number of people result, Management will round off to the next whole number, e.g.,
6.2 = 7
All remaining lines excluding third shift will be floats consisting of a.m. and/or p.m. shifts.
Twenty-five percent (25%) of the p.m. floats and twenty-five percent (25%) of the floater lines
will have days off assigned
In the event that an a.m./p.m. float Cast Member floats into a p.m. line, whoever has the
greater seniority will have the preference on the more desired shift
The floater schedule will cover vacation relief
3. If available, a Regular Part Time employee will be scheduled to cover the third shift in the event the
employee who has bid that line is on vacation, a leave of absence, or in the event of any vacancy, for
a period not to exceed sixty (60) days. If a Regular Part Time employee is not available, the least
senior available Regular Full Time Tipped Bell Services employee will be assigned this shift, for a
period not to exceed sixty (60) days per calendar year. Once the least senior available employee has
worked sixty (60) cumulative days in a calendar year, shifts will then be filled by the next least senior
available employee.
4. When Management changes a selected bid schedule for an employee due to business necessity,
all shifts that are available, including floater shifts, will be available for selection by the affected
employee by seniority. If a more senior employee has selected a floater line, then that employee will
select his/her shift first. The remaining shifts will be assigned to floaters by seniority. All shifts that
cannot be scheduled will then be covered by Regular Part Time employees. Regular Part Time
employees will be scheduled last.
(a) Management will make every reasonable attempt to contact affected employees for a schedule
change within forty-eight (48) hours. This will allow affected employees to select a new shift from
available shifts prior to the weekly schedule posting. If, for any reason, employees cannot be
contacted within forty-eight (48) hours, Management will assign a schedule as close to the bid
line as possible and continue the schedule posting.
(b) If schedule changes are necessary after a posted schedule, then Management has the right to
make schedule changes as required to manage the operation without references to the pre-
posting process.
(c) A minimum of two (2) schedule picks/bids per year will be conducted.
Upon transfer to a new resort, existing Regular Full Time Bell Services Tipped Employees will
be eligible to exercise his/her seniority for time of day, hours per week, and location as a float
Cast Member until the time of the next schedule bid. This provision does not apply to days
If Full Time lines are added to the schedule in-between bids, and have been available for forty-five
(45) days or longer.
When Full Time lines are added to the schedule either by converting Regular Part Time shifts or by
business necessity, they will be filled through the transfer procedure and not by first converting
affected Regular Part Time employees to Regular Full Time. If there are no Regular Full Time
candidates from ReCasting (including Tipped Bell Services third-shift personnel), Management may
then fill the position through Regular Part Time conversion or the new hire process.
6. Regular Full Time/Regular Part Time Mix
The Company agrees to preserve seventy percent (70%) of the total hours paid in Bell Services
Tipped to Regular Full Time employees; the premium segment of resorts will not drop below seventy
percent (70%). In the event the monthly average falls below seventy percent (70%) the Company will
open Regular Full Time positions within forty-five (45) days to bring Full Time hours with-in
compliance. The penalty for the Company's failure to not adhere to the above set guidelines by
adding Full Time lines within forty-five (45) days after failing to maintain a seventy percent (70%)
average of Full Time monthly hours will be as follows:
The employee on the top of the Casting skill code list for the open position will receive a payment of
twenty dollars ($20.00) per day for each day from the time the grievance is filed with Labor Relations
until the transfer process has been initiated.
7. Scheduled third-shift (Graveyard) Tipped Bell Services employees will be paid the appropriate
Hospitality Host/ess rate between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. In addition, any employee
covering a third shift line due to call sick, etc., will be paid the appropriate Hospitality Host/ess rate
between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. This does not apply to employees whose shifts
overlap into this time period for any reason. The time paid at this rate should not exceed a total of
eight hours during this defined period based on the timing of the employee’s thirty (30) minute unpaid
Employees covered under the one (1) year rule (Article 13, Section 7) will be subject to bargaining unit
seniority to bid shifts after employees with one (1) or more years in the Bell Service classification have
made their selections. Seniority of those employees transferring from a non-tipped area who have
transferred into a Tipped Bell Services position will be by seniority date based on the date of transfer, until
able to exercise Company seniority in the schedule bid process. The new hire seniority date will be
honored after the transfer’s seniority has been considered.
Shop Stewards
Tipped Bell Services Shop Stewards will be paid at their appropriate Hospitality Host/ess rate for the
actual time (rounded to the nearest tenth) when they are taken out of rotation at Management’s request.
The Shop Steward Card will be kept in rotation, and, if front missed, Bellman becomes first person up.
Transfer Procedures
In order to be considered for an open Regular Full Time Bell Services position, the employee must be on
the Casting skill code list for each specific Resort at the time the requisition is opened. The employee
selected for the position will be notified by Casting and transferred to the open position. For Bell Services
Tipped openings, the open position will be filled by eligible Cast in the following order:
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
All Regular Full Time Resort Bell Services Host/ess (T), by seniority (including all Regular Full Time
Third Shift Bellmen).
All Regular Part Time Resort Bell Services Host/ess (T), by seniority (including all Regular Full Time
Third Shift Bellmen).
All Regular Full Time non-tipped Bell Services Dispatcher Cast and Resort Luggage Greeters, by
All Regular Part Time non-tipped Bell Services Dispatcher Cast and Resort Luggage Greeters, by
All other Regular Full Time Service Trades Council Union (STCU) employees.
All other Regular Part Time STCU employees.
All Non-STCU employees.
Should an employee decline a position, they will be required to wait twelve (12) months before being
eligible to post for another transfer.
Third Shift Bell Services will continue to be a separate seniority pool with the exception of the transfer
process listed above.
When new Resorts open the new property transfer procedures (Article 14, Section 3) will supersede the
above transfer procedures.
Bell Services - Miscellaneous
1. With prior approval from Management, Bellman will be paid the standard guaranteed gratuity rate for
no guest contact room changes.
Company Vehicle Operations Standard
The parties recognize the Company’s obligation to provide a safe means of transportation to its guests
and agree that all accident occurrences must be investigated on an individual basis. In those cases where
the employee has demonstrated negligence, disregard for safety procedures, or other unacceptable
behaviors, the Company may issue discipline, require immediate transfer to another classification, or
termination, or a combination of these.
1. Upon first occurrence - two (2) point reprimand
2. Upon second occurrence - two (2) point reprimand
3. Two (2) accidents within a twenty-four (24) month period will result in the employee's mandatory
transfer to a non-driving area. The employee will transfer with two (2) accidents on his/her record
card, but only with the actual disciplinary points assessed within the preceding twelve (12) month
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Upon being transferred, an employee will be eligible after an interim of twelve (12) months from the date
of such transfer to move back into a guest vehicle or Company vehicle driving position based upon
favorable performance record, availability of appropriate job opening, successful completion of an
interview, and the completion of the basic proficiency requirements established by the department.
Subsequently, if an employee is involved in an accident, the employee will be permanently prohibited
from driving any guest vehicle or Company vehicle.
Additionally, it is understood that all Bell Services employees must have a valid driver's license when
performing a driving role. Bell Services employees, who are not required to drive or will not be required to
drive in their Bell Services role, will not be required to have a valid driver’s license. If the Cast Member’s
license becomes invalid for any reason, such as suspension, revoked, etc., Management must be made
aware prior to his/her next shift.
Management will give employees with invalid licenses, sufficient time to get reinstatement of their license
where appropriate. If the employee is not able to reinstate their license, Management will make
reasonable efforts, when available, to offer jobs at locations where employees will not have to drive and
may retain their tip status, when possible. Employee will be notified of this policy.
1. Employees who are trained for a DME Assistant role will meet with their leader upon completion of
that training and will be asked to commit to being available to perform that role for a duration of six (6)
months. If the employee declines, they will be returned to their previous role and will not be eligible
for additional training as a DME Assistant for six (6) months.
2. DME Assistants will be designated by the Company and will receive an additional seventy-five cents
($0.75) per hour premium. Employees who fill in as a DME Assistant will be paid an additional
seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour for all hours worked in this capacity.
1. Transfers from a different job classification and new hires into the Front Office must go through an
interview process at ReCasting.
2. Employees who transfer into any Front Office role will be placed on a one hundred twenty (120) day
qualifying period. If the Company determines during the one hundred twenty (120) days that the
employee’s performance is not satisfactory, or if the employee requests a return during the one
hundred twenty (120) days, the Company will return the employee to his/her prior job classification
and location and the employee shall be immediately eligible to transfer again.
3. Employees will receive up to thirty (30) minutes to bank out if they have a physical bank. This time will
include all banks. Bank drops will occur on Company time and are to be included in the up to thirty
(30) minutes. In the event of a bank-out issue, it is the responsibility of the employee to notify
Management in order for overtime to be authorized.
4. The Company may require Front Office employees who walk through Guest areas to drop deposits to
be escorted by another employee or Management.
5. Front Desk Service Advisors (FSA) will be designated by the Company and selected from within the
Front Office operation with a minimum of four (4) months of Front Office experience. FSAs will
receive an additional one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour for all actual hours worked as an FSA
based off the Concierge Host/ess rate. Employees who fill in as an FSA will be paid an additional one
dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour based off the Concierge Host/ess rate. FSAs must maintain
minimum qualifications in order to retain their status as an FSA. Employees will be removed from the
FSA position upon receiving a second reprimand in any six (6) month time period. At the issuance of
the first reprimand, an employee will be notified that a second reprimand within a rolling six (6) month
time period will result in removal from the FSA position.
6. Any Front Office Cast Member may be selected to perform the job functions of Operations Support,
Room Assignment, Front Desk Group Assistant, and Curbside Arrival Greeter based on skills,
abilities, dependability, and experience. All things equal, seniority will prevail.
7. All Concierge Cast Members will be paid an additional seventy-five cent ($0.75) premium when
performing the job function of Operations Support (excluding Cashier Operations Support), Room
Assignment, and Front Desk Group Assistant.
8. To ensure that there is a broad base of Cast that are capable to perform the role whose skills and
knowledge are current, the Company has the right to train and rotate qualified Cast Members through
all roles including those that have a premium associated with them.
9. All Front Office Cast Members will be paid at the Resort Concierge H/H rate when performing the job
function of Curbside Arrival Greeter.
Cash Handling Discipline
1. All procedural problems will result in a one (1) point reprimand, except in cases involving a monetary
loss to the Company over two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).
2. If the employee is over or short from ten dollars ($10.00) two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00), or
item(s) of equivalent value (i.e., tickets), it will result in a one (1) point reprimand.
3. If the employee is over or short in excess of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00), or item(s) of
equivalent value (i.e., tickets), it will result in a two (2) point reprimand.
4. Upon receiving three (3) cash handling disciplinary points, but less than five (5) disciplinary points,
the employee will be offered a non-cash handling position. Additionally, if the employee declines the
transfer in written form, the Company is under no obligation to make any further offers to the
employee. On the date the employee accepts an offer of non-cash handling position, no further
disciplinary points for cash handling will be used as an active component of his/her record card. This
will be applied only to incidents occurring after the employee has accepted the offer to transfer and
not the original date of occurrence. The Company reserves the right to discipline outside this matrix
for dishonesty.
5. If, after receiving progressive discipline for cash handling, an employee requests assistance in
verifying his/her bank and/or receipts, the shift supervisor will be available to assist.
6. Disciplinary points will remain on the employee's record card for twelve (12) months from the date of
7. Termination upon receiving five (5) points in accordance with Article 18, Section 6.
8. The Company will not issue both job performance discipline and cash handling reprimands for the
same set of circumstances.
9. No discipline will be issued for Cash Handling errors during the first twenty-one (21) days (including
training) as a Front Office employee. The Company reserves the right to discipline when just cause
Employees who work at Fort Wilderness that are statused to Recreation positions and work at Fort
Wilderness Meadows pool area, Meadows bike barn area, and Camp Fire remote locations within the
campground will receive ten (10) minutes travel time.
At Fort Wilderness Resort, Recreation Host/ess will receive a $0.50 per hour premium for all hours
worked performing the functions of Archery and/or Segway Instruction.
Employees new to the Advanced Rescue Patrol will be placed on a one-hundred and twenty (120) day
qualifying period. If the Company determines during the one-hundred and twenty (120) day qualifying
period that the employee’s performance is not satisfactory or if the employee requests a return within the
one hundred and twenty (120) days, the Company will return the employee to his/her prior job
classification and location. The employee shall be immediately eligible to transfer again.
Employees in the Advanced Rescue Patrol role who receive two (2) reprimands for poor job performance
directly related to their duties as an Advanced Rescue Patrol in a twelve (12) month period will be
returned to his/her prior job classification.
The Watercraft Company Vehicle Operations Standard as reflected in the TCU Side Letter will apply to
the Advance Rescue Patrol.
Regular Full Time employees statused to EPCOT Friendships, Sassagoula/Rivercruise Boat Operations,
Seven Seas and Bay Lake Watercraft, Monorail Operations, and Seven Seas and Bay Lake-Lake Patrol
will be given priority to transfer to openings within these five (5) operations.
Fishing Guides
All Regular Full Time Fishing Guides will participate in global Schedule Bids. Seniority will be used to
determine work assignments in the scheduled location. The exception is when a guest requests a
particular Fishing Guide, if it is within their regularly scheduled work day and location, the requested
Fishing Guide will then be assigned the excursion. This applies to both Regular Full Time and Regular
Part Time Fishing Guides.
Spa & Fitness Center Host/ess
This position will require a secondary interview for applicants that meet transfer guidelines.
There will be a ninety (90) calendar day qualifying period beginning the effective date of transfer. During
this time period, if the Company deems an employee’s performance is unsatisfactory, the employee will
be returned to his/her prior job classification.
Spa & Fitness Hosts/ess at the Spa locations will be part of a Global scheduling pool whereby, Cast will
rotate between the Spa front desk, locker room and Resort Fitness Center at the different Resort Fitness
Centers as designated by the Company.
Addendum B-5
United Food & Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW Local 1625)
Data Maintenance Pay Premium
It is our mutual agreement that a Sales Host/ess will receive premium pay of one dollar and twenty-five
cents ($1.25) per hour for performing Data Maintenance work. In order to receive Data Maintenance
premium pay, the Sales Host/ess must be performing a Data Maintenance function for sixty (60)
consecutive minutes or more:
Requisition merchandise (on an as needed basis only) through use of the designated Inventory System to
ensure appropriate inventory levels.
Data Maintenance
Data Maintenance opportunities will be posted and available for seven (7) days within the location. Any
Sales Host/ess who is interested in being considered for an opportunity should indicate his/her interest by
filling out the appropriate submittal.
Sales Hosts/esses not statused as Data Maintenance but who perform Data Maintenance work will be
subject to the same Data Maintenance selection criteria as stated in Article 14, Section 1 Transfer
Procedures. The Company reserves the right to limit participation.
The Company will post opportunities globally in all locations. The top senior Sales Hosts/esses who meet
the criteria will attend an Inventory system training class and be required to take the Business Acumen
test with a passing score of ninety percent (90%). This group of Sales Hosts/esses will constitute a pool
of qualified Sales Hosts/esses to fill Data Maintenance openings as they arise. A temporary Data
Maintenance opening of less than thirty (30) days may be filled by property, by seniority, from the
qualified pool. Sales Hosts/esses will be offered statused openings by seniority. If a Sales Host/ess is
offered a Data Maintenance position and chooses not to accept the position they will be removed from the
pool until the next posting. The Sales Host/ess will be required to repost.
Sales Hosts/esses new to the Data Maintenance role will be placed on a one-hundred and twenty (120)
day qualifying period. If the Company determines during the one-hundred and twenty (120) day
qualifying period that the Sales Host’s/ess’ performance is not satisfactory or if the Sales Host/ess
requests a return within the one-hundred and twenty (120) days, the Company will return the Sales
Host/ess to his/her prior job classification and location.
If a Sales Host/ess requests a return and the Company is satisfied with their performance, he/she may
remain in the Data Maintenance pool but will not be offered a role for six (6) months. If after placement
into a Data Maintenance role for the second time the Company determines during the one-hundred and
twenty (120) day qualifying period that the Sales Host’s/ess’ performance is not satisfactory or if the Sales
Host/ess requests a return within the one-hundred and twenty (120) days, the Company will return the
Sales Host/ess to his/her prior job classification and location, and not be placed back into the pool.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Confectionery Premium
Sales Hosts/esses will receive premium pay of fifty ($.50) cents per hour payable in thirty (30) minute
increments when performing confection production duties. Effective January 1, 2019, this premium pay
will increase to seventy-five ($.75) cents per hour. Locations include, but are not limited to the following:
Main Street Confectionery, Goofy’s Candy Company, Disney’s Candy Cauldron, Big Top Souvenirs and
Werther’s Storck. Sales Hosts/esses who preference the confection production line will receive training
prior to the schedule bid going into effect. The implementation of Confection Production Premium beyond
the locations listed above will be done only by mutual agreement of the Company and United Food &
Commercial Workers Union, Local 1625.
Non-Automated Personalization Premium
Sales Hosts/esses performing non-automated personalization tasks will receive a pay premium of fifty
cents ($.50) per hour payable in one (1)-hour increments provided that they meet the following criteria:
1. Must have passed a standardized (Calligraphy Alphabet) and ornament hand writing test, per
side letter agreement dated June 29, 2010.
2. Sales Hosts/esses must perform the task for sixty (60) consecutive minutes.
Sales Hosts/esses currently performing non-automated personalization tasks at Disney’s Days of
Christmas and Ye Old Christmas Shoppe will receive the premium for all hours worked in one (1)-hour
increments while performing these duties. All positions for non-automated personalization roles will be
posted in each respective area. Anyone selected in the future to perform non-automated personalization
work shall be selected in accordance with the criteria outlined above.
If a Sales Host/ess has a regularly assigned work schedule performing non-automated personalization for
fifty percent (50%) or more of his/her time in a six (6) month period, he/she will be statused at the
premium rate. A Sales Host/ess statused to this premium rate, at the Disney’s Days of Christmas and Ye
Old Christmas Shoppe will not be deployed outside of the location.
Information Desk/World of Disney Premium
Sales Hosts/esses will receive premium pay of twenty-five ($.25) cents per hour payable in one (1) hour
increments when performing the role of Information Desk at the World of Disney.
Fork Lift Operator Premium
Sales Hosts/esses will receive thirty ($.30) cents per hour premium pay for all hours worked in increments
of one (1) hour when operating a fork lift.
Hotel Plaza Boulevard, Airport (OIA) and Orlando Premium Outlet Merchandise locations Premium
Sales Hosts/esses working at Hotel Plaza Boulevard, Airport (OIA) and Orlando Premium Outlet
Merchandise locations will receive premium pay of thirty cents ($.30) per hour for all hours worked.
Fort Wilderness
Employees who work at Fort Wilderness that are statused to Merchandise will receive ten (10) minutes
travel time.
Pin Trading Lanyards
Sales Hosts/esses working in an on-stage area will be required to wear a Company provided pin trading
lanyard or accessory. Management will not require an on-stage Sales Host/ess to wear a pin trading
lanyard if it will jeopardize the safety of the Sales Host/ess. A Sales Host/ess will not be required to wear
a pin trading lanyard or accessory if the majority of his/her shift will be spent working in a backstage area.
Basket Creation/Design Work
Sales Hosts/esses will be paid at the applicable Floral Hosts/esses rate for all hours worked in
consecutive increments of one (1) hour when duplicating existing basket template designs provided by
the WDW Florist Department.
Sales Hosts/esses will be paid the applicable Floral Specialist rate for all hours worked in consecutive
increments of one (1) hour when creating/designing new baskets or creating/designing new baskets for
guests under the “Create Your Own Basket” offering.
The basket creating training program will be offered on a periodic basis to Sales Hosts/esses who
express an interest in basket creation opportunities. Basket creation training opportunities will be posted
in the respective locations. Sales Hosts/esses will be selected to participate in these training opportunities
based on seniority within the location.
Sales Hosts/esses who complete the training will be required to pass a standardized test regarding their
ability to meet basket creation/design quality and quantity standards. Sales Hosts/esses who pass this
standardized test will be eligible for future basket creation/design work opportunities. The WDW Florist
Department Management will be involved with the creation and implementation of this testing process.
Catering Payment Policy
The established gratuity pay practice throughout all Catering locations across property for all tipped
Catering employees shall be as follows: gratuities will be paid based on an established hourly rate (lump
sum gratuities for all Catering events during the workweek divided by hours worked for the workweek).
A fifteen percent (15%) gratuity will be calculated on actual food and beverage price to the client. Gratuity
will be added to the employee’s base rate of pay for the classification being performed. “At Cost” events
will be paid at the established “at cost” rates.
1. Gratuity Distribution – A fifteen percent (15%) gratuity shall be paid regardless of the classification of
employees servicing a function.
(a) Food and Beverage Service (Gratuity is in addition to rate of pay for classification being
1. Banquet Service Host/ess (T) (Servers) and Beverage Service Host/ess (T) (Bartenders) and
Captains equally share thirteen and one-half percent (13½%).
2. Food and Beverage Captain (T) (Captains) share an additional one-half
percent (½%).
3. Banquet Facilities Host/ess (Housemen) share one percent (1%).
4. Ft. Wilderness, Disney Springs, Water Parks, and Parks will be paid 50/50
high/low split.
5. The standard pay rate for Banquet Facilities Host/ess (T) (Housepersons) is:
eighty-five percent (85%) High Rate and fifteen percent (15%) Low Rate (Resorts and Parks).
6. Gratuity Policy for Banquet Facilities Host/ess (T) Housemen:
(a) Food and Beverage Service (Gratuity is in addition to rate of pay for classification
being performed)
- Housemen share one percent (1%).
(b) Coffee Break Service (Gratuity is in addition to rate of pay for classification being
- Housemen share two percent (2%).
(c) At Cost Events
- Housemen - seven dollars ($7) per hour over his/her high rate for all hours associated
with the event.
7. When Parks and/or Resorts are combined into regions, the weekly gratuity pool for the
Banquet Facilities Host/esses (Housemen) shall be combined, provided all Housemen in the
affected areas have a valid Florida Driver License. The Company in its sole discretion may
change the consolidated regions at any time.
(b) A Bartender who picks up a server shift in a Park will be bumped to an available bar (that
which is being worked by other than a statused Bartender) upon request.
(c) Coffee Break Service
Coffee Breaks – There will no longer be a distinction between Coffee Break Servers and Banquet
Servers. There will be one job classification known as Banquet Server. “Coffee Breaks,” will
have first priority at being scheduled for Coffee Break functions within their home location;
however, they will also be scheduled non-Coffee Break functions in order to maximize their hours.
Coffee Break functions are defined as continental breakfasts, boxed breakfasts, Intimate
Weddings, Brides’ dressing room functions, all day beverage service functions, and refreshment
breaks. Coffee Breaks will be bid by seniority, by location. In the event that alcoholic beverages
are requested (bottled beer, etc); the Company acknowledges the need for the function to be
staffed by a Responsible Vendor, with first priority given to statused Bartenders. The gratuity for
Coffee Break functions will continue to be calculated separately.
1. Banquet Service Host/ess (T) (Servers) and Captains equally share twelve and one-half
2. Food and Beverage Captain (T) (Captains) share an additional one-half
percent (½%).
3. Banquet Facilities Host/ess (Housepersons) share two percent (2.0%)
2. Banquet Service Host/ess set tables, serve function, and bus after events.
3. Each catering operation and Park Event Operations will operate with one (1) gratuity pool for both
food and beverage.
4. Gratuities will be distributed based on current agreed upon procedures at each catering location.
5. Regular Full Time 7(i) Catering employees will receive only straight-time hourly rate commensurate
with their classification seniority plus their share of the applicable service charge for all hours worked
in the banquet function.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Gratuity Calculation for In-House Events
1. Events identified by the Company as “Cast Serving Cast” will be paid at a fifteen percent (15%)
gratuity calculated on the food and beverage retail price. Gratuity will be added to the employee’s
base rate of pay.
2. Events identified by the Company as “At Cost” functions (for example Cast Service Celebrations)
will be paid as follows:
(a) Thirty-five dollars ($35) per hour for Servers and Bartenders, forty dollars ($40) per hour for
Captains for all set-up hours and all hours worked on actual day of event.
(b) Houseperson – seven dollars ($7) per hour over his/her high rate for all hours associated with
the event.
1. There will be no off-property fee for functions at Celebration office buildings.
2. When additional service fees charged to the clients are collected, they will be split fifty (50%) percent
to the appropriate gratuity pool and fifty (50%) percent to the Company.
3. It is expressly understood that set-up fees for Intimate Weddings may be combined in the total
package price charged to a client, however, when collected, will be split fifty (50%) percent to the
appropriate gratuity pool and fifty (50%) percent to the Company. This provision shall not apply to
Banquet Facilities Hosts/esses (Housemen).
4. All set-up fees, when charged and collected from the client, will be split 50/50 between the Company
and the appropriate gratuity pool. This provision shall not apply to Banquet Facilities Hosts/esses
5. Off-property service fees are negotiable with the client. If collected they will be split 50/50 between
the Company and the Server.
6. If bar sales do not meet a minimum of $500.00, a $100.00 service charge will be split 50/50.
Staffing Guidelines
Management reserves the right to staff functions as deemed appropriate.
Miscellaneous Catering Agreements
1. All Regular Full Time tipped Catering employees, excluding currently grandfathered employees and
Banquet Facilities Host/ess will be statused 7(i). A non 7(i) Catering employee may opt to turn 7(i),
but will have no option to return to a non 7(i) status. The Company, when it becomes aware, will notify
the Union in the case an employee is ineligible to be classified as 7(i).
2. Culinary stations will have a culinary employee to cook all items on stage. Carving will be considered
a “Culinary Only” function.
3. Servers will not be required to move hot boxes or Queen Marys or tray up pre-plated food plates.
However, as needed, assist other team members in these duties to ensure appropriate guest service.
4. Catering functions held outside the operating areas of the catering location will be handled by the
staff in the specific location where the revenue is credited. Any deviation will be discussed in
advance with the appropriate Affiliate Union(s).
5. Private Dining, where available, shall staff all functions held in Resort guest room suites.
6. Silverware, dishes, glassware, tablecloths, utensils, etc. will be available and readily accessible in a
consistent area by location, where practicable for set-up by the Banquet Service Host/ess, and
Beverage Host/ess, for all functions including outdoor events.
7. All Regular Captain openings shall be posted as needed. Only non-probationary regular
employees shall be eligible for Captain positions. The following guidelines apply in filling positions:
(1) Minimum of four (4) months relevant Disney experience
(2) Skills to be considered: performance, experience, technical skills, initiative, team work,
dependability and communication skills
(3) In the event candidates are deemed to have equal qualifications, seniority shall be the
determining factor.
8. Employees new to the Captain role will be placed on a one hundred eighty (180) day
qualifying period. If the Company determines during the one hundred eighty (180) day
qualifying period that the employee’s performance is not satisfactory or if the employee requests a
return within the one hundred eighty (180) days, the Company will return the employee to his/her prior
job classification and location and the employee shall be immediately eligible to transfer again.
9. Employees in the Captain role who in a rolling twelve (12) month period receive two (2) reprimands
in accordance with Article 18, Section 6(b) or any three (3) reprimands will be returned to his/her prior
job classification.
10. Relief Captain positions will be filled in accordance with the STCU guidelines for selection of
Coordinator Designation (Non-Statused Coordinator Proficiency).
11. In the event that a catering function is canceled within twenty-four (24) hours of the scheduled
function time, the Company will compensate any catering employee who is displaced by the
cancellation and who is unable to be rescheduled for another function. The employee will be
compensated the amount equal to the gratuity that would have been realized if the function had
occurred. (This does not include functions that are cancelled due to fire, flood, hurricane, act of
God, civil disturbances, picketing, or threat of harm.) Regular Full Time Servers will replace CT
Servers working a location function.
12. Hourly gratuity rates for each location will be made available weekly to Catering employees,
including Facilities Host/ess.
13. When it is determined that employees are required to extend beyond the end time of a function, it
shall be done in the following manner: on a voluntary basis first; CT employees second; junior,
Regular Full Time employees last.
14. Catering Employees who No-Call/No-Show for a scheduled shift, or call in for any reason except
FMLA, are prohibited from working any subsequent shift(s) during the same workday.
15. Late/Call-In House Rules: Disciplined according to attendance matrix. (NOTE: If event has started,
he/she is released from shift. The Manager will start to call replacements after thirty (30) minutes
after call time.)
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
1. All Regular Full Time Banquet Captains’, Catering Servers’ and Bartenders’ schedules will be posted
by 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, in their statused location and/or on the Cast Portal.
2. Captain shifts will be scheduled in their home or statused location first. Captains will be scheduled
for Captain’s shifts using a consistent global rotation at all locations. Captains may be scheduled for
Captain’s shifts up to a maximum threshold of sixty-five (65) hours per week within their home location
or fifty-five (55) hours per week when scheduled globally as a Captain. After all available Captain shifts
have been scheduled globally, Captains who have not reached the maximum fifty- five (55) hours per
workweek will be scheduled within the server rotation first in their home location and then global
3. Regular Full Time Banquet Servers and Bartenders to include Shop Stewards, will be scheduled in
their home or statused location first, using a consistent rotation process among all locations, until they
reach a maximum fifty-five (55) hours per workweek, by job classification. This in no way guarantees
fifty-five (55) hour workweek. Non 7(i) employees will be scheduled first in their home location, up to
forty (40) hours and then globally if they have not reached forty (40) hours. This in no way guarantees
a forty (40) hour workweek. Paid benefit days, i.e., vacation, sick days, etc. shall count toward the
maximum threshold of hours. The rotation methodology for both local and global scheduling starts
with the most senior Server, Bartender, or Captain respectively. The local and global rotation will
continue as follows: the senior employee will go to the bottom of the rotation list and the next most
senior employee will move up the rotation list.
4. Any shifts remaining after employees are maximized in their home location will be placed in a global
scheduling pool. Employees who have not reached fifty-five (55) hours will be scheduled shifts from
the global pool until they are maximized. Shifts in the global scheduling pool will be arranged in
descending order by hours. Two (2) or more shifts with identical lengths will be assigned in
alphabetical order according to the name of the location where the shift exists.
5. Banquet Servers, Bartenders, and Captains shall not be involuntarily scheduled less than six (6) hours
time off between their last shift, and the first shift of the following day.
6. Banquet Servers, Bartenders and Captains shall be scheduled sixty (60) minutes “buffer time”
between shifts when travel is required. When scheduled within the same location, there will be no
buffer time.
7. EXTRA HOURS HOTLINE (EHH): After global scheduling is complete, available shifts will be
released by 9:00 a.m. to the Extra Hours Hotline (EHH) for Regular Full Time Bartenders, Captains
and Servers to pick up within their job classification only. After 10:00 am, Regular Full Time
Bartenders, Captains and Servers may pick up in any of the aforementioned job classifications.
Regular Part Time Catering Servers, Housemen and Regular Full Time Food & Beverage Dinner
Show Servers who are “7(i)” and trained in the Catering location may pick up shifts at 11:00 a.m.,
provided it will not result in overtime or double time at any time during the payroll week. Catering CTs
may pick up shifts beginning at noon each day.
8. NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (NBOs) will be filled as follows:
(a) NBOs that do not occur on the next day will be made available on the EHH first to Catering Cast
members statused to the location where the NBO occurs until 9:00 a.m. the following morning.
Thereafter EHH timelines outlined in Section 7 above will apply. The Union and the Company
agree to address situations where an employee picks up an excessive amount of NBO shifts.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
(b) NBOs that occur on the next day:
1. The local area in which the pop-up occurs will first attempt to fill the shift by utilizing the
existing local pop-up rotation for Regular Full Time employees. Locations will utilize a
process to ensure this rotation is followed.
2. If the shift is not filled through the local pop-up rotation, the location will pass the shift
information to the Catering Labor Office, who will immediately post the shift to the Extra
Hours Hotline (EHH). The regular time limits shall apply for all Regular Full Time Bartenders,
Captains and Servers. Catering CTs will not be able to pick up shifts until 12:00 p.m.
(c) NBOs that occur on the same day:
1. The local area in which the pop-up occurs will first attempt to fill the shift by utilizing the
existing local pop-up rotation for Regular Full Time employees. Locations will utilize a
process to ensure this rotation is followed.
2. If the shifts remain unfilled, the location may fill the shift at their discretion.
9. OPT OUTS: Catering employees may request to “opt out” of one (1) workday or up to three (3)
shifts per week. Employees must communicate their opt-out request to the Catering Labor Office no
later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the beginning of the opt-out shift. All open shifts resulting
from opt-outs will be posted on the EHH by 9:00 a.m. on the following day. EHH timelines outlined
above in Section 7 will apply.
10. REQUESTED DAY OFF (RDO): Catering employees may request one (1) day off per week
electronically. Requests must be submitted no later than noon on the Monday prior to the posting of
the following week’s schedule. The day off may be granted by job classification, consistent with local
operational requirements of Captains, and global operational requirements for Servers and
Bartenders. In the event all requests for a particular day cannot be approved due to operational
requirements, global seniority of Servers by job classification for Servers and Bartenders and local
seniority for Captains shall prevail.
11. VACATION: Catering vacation bidding will be done globally in accordance with STCU Article 21,
Sections 7 (a), (b), and (c). When an employee requests and is granted five (5) consecutive days as
vacation, they may request up to two (2) days off on either or both ends (up to four (4) days) of their
requested vacation time. Existing “block out” policies shall apply.
12. BLOCK OUT DATES: The Company will make every effort to give employees as much notice as
reasonably possible in advance of “Block Out” dates. Catering employees may not use call in/sick
free days on New Year’s Eve (NYE).
13. All Banquet Servers, Bartenders, and Captains will not be involuntarily scheduled less than 1560
hours on an annualized basis (Jan.1 – Dec. 31). Scheduled hours include vacation, sick time,
A.D.O.’s, R.D.O.’s, and opt outs. Employees who have taken leaves of absence shall be prorated for
the 1560 hours. All grievance settlements based on the Company’s proven failure to schedule 1560
hours will be paid at the appropriate non-tipped rate of pay.
14. Catering employees may “swap back” one (1) scheduled shift for one (1) longer shift that is posted
on the portal, provided both shifts occur within their home location, and the longer shift does not
conflict with the employee’s remaining scheduled shifts for the day. Shifts “swapped back” will be
immediately posted on the EHH.
15. Deployed Catering Cast Members may be called back to their home location if a desirable shift
becomes available.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
16. Global Catering schedules will be made available to select Shop Stewards.
17. Prior to the Company opening any temporary or “overflow” dining operations, it will meet with UNITE
HERE! Local 737 and UFCW Local 1625 to determine by mutual agreement with the Company which
employees will staff the operations.
1. Schedule bids will be posted at least seven (7) days prior to bidding. Any deviation will be discussed
in advance with the Union.
2. All Banquet Facilities Hosts/esses (Housemen) schedules will indicate a start and end time for each
shift. Preferred shift time and days off combinations will be bid by seniority.
3. Work gloves and raingear will be made available at WDW Costuming.
4. Banquet Facilities Hosts/esses are required to perform any set-up and/or tear down tasks associated
with any function. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
(a) Setting up and breaking down all department functions. Park Housemen will assist Banquet
Servers in setting areas.
(b) Cleaning, servicing, and general maintenance of banquet equipment, function rooms, and related
service area.
(c) Servicing/freshening all meeting rooms during breaks.
(d) Transporting catering equipment for functions.
(e) Assisting Coffee Break staff during refresh and breakdown, including clearing items such as
coffee cups, plates, glasses, etc.
(f) Placement and removal of grills, ovens, and fryers for beach functions at the Resorts.
It is understood that when business needs dictate, all employees including Culinary, will assist in
the placement and removal of the grills, ovens, and deep fryers.
5. The Company shall establish and follow safety guidelines with regard to the use of propane/space
heaters for catering functions. The Company agrees to provide training for all Banquet Facilities
Hosts/esses who use propane equipment in their role on an as needed basis.
6. Hourly rates for each location will be posted weekly and/or made available to employees, including
Banquet Facilities Host/ess.
7. Scheduled overtime will be distributed as equitably as practical to ensure that everyone has the
opportunity to receive overtime. Mandatory overtime shifts by location will be distributed as follows:
(a) Determine the number of shifts needed
(b) Distributed by seniority to volunteers before assignment to non-volunteer senior employees
(c) Assign to junior employees first
8. Scheduled overtime will not displace any Housemen from their regularly scheduled shift.
9. Fork Lift Operator Premium
Banquet Facilities Hosts/esses will receive thirty ($.30) cents per hour premium pay for all hours
worked in increments of one (1) hour when operating a fork lift.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
10. Parks Event Operations
Banquet Facilities Hosts/esses working in Parks Event Operations shall receive an additional one
dollar ($1.00) per hour premium added to his/her base rate of pay for all hours worked in the location.
Individuals designated as Coordinators will be permitted to coordinate the workflow of employees in any
job classification; however, Coordinators will not be permitted to coordinate the technical aspects of a
higher job classification.
Floral Host/ess
Floral Hosts/esses will perform the following functions: processing/stocking, delivery, basket production,
and set and strike team. With the exception of Data Maintenance, Floral Hosts/esses will be cross-
trained in processing/stocking, delivery, basket production, and set and strike. Employees may be
assigned in any of these functions throughout the work week. This position will require a secondary
interview/overview of all functions except Data Maintenance.
Data Maintenance Pay Premium
It is our mutual agreement that a Floral Host/ess will receive premium pay of one dollar and twenty-five
cents ($1.25) per hour for performing Data Maintenance work. In order to receive Data Maintenance
premium pay, the Floral Host/ess must be performing a Data Maintenance function for sixty (60)
consecutive minutes or more.
Open Floral and Gift Positions
The number of positions may be increased or decreased based on business need. The following steps
will be used to interview and select Employees for open Floral and Gift positions:
Open positions will be posted in the location for seven (7) days. If no internal candidates post for
the positions, the posting will be submitted to Casting and filled in accordance with Article 14,
Section 1(a).
Interested employees must meet the STCU Agreement transfer guidelines to be eligible for
consideration and interview.
An interview process, to include a skills-based demonstration, reviewed and agreed upon by the
Union, WDW Floral Department Management, and Labor Relations, will be required of each
employee who is interviewed.
Management will then select the employee based on demonstrated skill and ability to perform the
function. All other things being equal, the employee will be selected based on seniority.
Any vacancies that occur in the future in this area shall be filled in accordance with the criteria
outlined above.
Floral Design Special Events Service Team
Employees performing the specialized job functions of the Floral Design Special Events Service Team will
receive a premium rate of fifty cents ($.50) per hour, in addition to their regular rate of pay, for actual
hours worked.
This provision only applies to Regular Full Time employees
Special Work Service Repair Premium
WDW Florist & Gift Basket employees performing Embroidery machine repairs for sixty (60) consecutive
minutes or more will be paid a premium of twenty-five ($.25) cents per hour payable in one-hour
increments. Repairs include, but are not limited to, replacement of lost/broken bolts, nuts and spacers,
tightening any loose nuts, screws and bolts, oiling of machines, changing broken needles (embroidery
machine), and adjusting tension, centering and timing (embroidery machine).
Fork Lift Operator Premium
Florist Host/ess will receive thirty ($.30) cents per hour premium pay for all hours worked in increments of
one (1) hour when operating a fork lift.
The Roamer H/H may perform work in any of the job classifications included in Addendum A.
All candidates may be subject to hiring assessments and satisfactory record card review as
determined by the Company.
All Cast Members utilized in the Roamer H/H role, including transfers, shall be placed on a one
hundred twenty (120) day qualifying period. If the Company, at its sole discretion, determines during
the one hundred twenty (120) day qualifying period that the Cast Member’s performance is not
satisfactory, or if the employee requests a return within one hundred twenty (120) days, the Company
will return the employee to his/her prior job classification.
I.A.T.S.E. Addendum B-6
Entertainment Technicians, Costuming/Cosmetology, Transformation Experience
Entertainment Technician 1 work will include the following:
Entertainment Technicians assigned to work on independent preparation and technical production work
pertaining to new shows, special events, road shows, and remounts of shows. This includes technical
systems and show design, and production team coordination (Crew Chief).
1. This level can be statused or carded up dependent on management approval and length of
involvement. This is subject to approval by a Technical Operations Manager for temporary card
up/status and review by the WDW Technical Management Committee (TMC) for Full-Time status
change. Entertainment Technician 1 pay typically begins with the first day of prep and ends at the
end of opening day or when the project is completed in a temporary card up/status situation.
Entertainment Technician 1 pay may be intermittent. Technician 1 is only paid for the hours during
which Entertainment Technician 1 work is being done. Pay will revert to the appropriate or statused
rate for any other time worked.
2. An Entertainment Technician 1 would specialize in a discipline(s) and such specialization shall be
noted in the employee's personnel file:
Audio Special Effects (e.g. pyro or lasers) Properties
Lighting Audio Visual Production Planning Coordination
Rigging Video Production
3. An Entertainment Technician to be statused at Entertainment Technician 1 would be required to
have a complete understanding of the logistics involved in the relevant type of production (road
shows, special events, seasonal remounts) and extensive knowledge of the systems and equipment
applicable to their area of involvement. An Entertainment Technician with knowledge or skill in a
specific area may be carded up for the duration of that project.
4. An Entertainment Technician 1 should possess exemplary leadership skills and outstanding
production coordination abilities.
5. Assignment to the Entertainment Technician 1 classification is at the sole discretion of management
and will be based upon an evaluation of the criteria listed above as well as the size, scope, and
complexity of the project assignment. The number of employees statused as Entertainment
Technician 1 shall be determined exclusively by management.
6. The Entertainment Technician 1 classification will also be utilized for assignment as Crew Chief. An
Entertainment Technician 1 who is relieved of such responsibilities shall be statused at the
appropriate level based upon their previous status.
An Entertainment Technician 2 has advanced technical skills and the ability to effectively teach or lead
other Entertainment Technicians in existing technical show positions. An Entertainment Technician 2
also has the ability to prepare for and implement adaptations to existing shows or designs when required.
1. For promotion to Entertainment Technician 2, an Entertainment Technician shall meet the criteria for
that level, based on management review.
2. The Entertainment Technician 2 should have an advanced working knowledge of one or more of
these disciplines:
Special Effects
(e.g. pyro or lasers)
Articulated Character Heads
Show Control
Video Production
Properties & Puppets
3. An Entertainment Technician 2 should have the ability to operate, maintain, and trouble-shoot existing
systems within their discipline and work area.
4. An Entertainment Technician 2 should have the ability to assist in preparing. Operating Guideline
manuals as well as technical production requirements.
5. Entertainment Technician 2 duties should include instructing or training other Technicians in proper
setup, use, and maintenance of show equipment and procedures.
6. An Entertainment Technician 2 should possess a thorough understanding of cueing of a daily ops
show for which he/she would be regularly scheduled.
7. An Entertainment Technician 2 should possess experience and knowledge concerning WDW work
orders, purchase requisitions, and equipment inventory for their area.
8. An Entertainment Technician 2 should show responsibility and professionalism in their work as well
as the following:
a. Leadership, organizational skills, positive attitude.
b. Strong problem solving ability.
c. Provide an effective role model for fellow employees.
d. Demonstrate effective communication skills, both written and verbal.
e. Commitment to workplace safety and show quality.
9. Assignment to the Entertainment Technician 2 classification is at the sole discretion of management
and will be based upon an evaluation of the criteria listed above. The number of employees statused
as Entertainment Technician 2 will be determined exclusively by management.
10. The Entertainment Technician 2 will also meet all of the requirements listed for Entertainment
Technician 3.
An Entertainment Technician 3 is capable of performing in existing daily show operation positions.
An Entertainment Technician 3 also should be able to assist in the preparation and implementation of
adaptations to existing shows or designs when required.
1. For promotion to Entertainment Technician 3, a Technician shall meet the criteria for that level, based
on management review.
2. An Entertainment Technician 3 should have experience and working knowledge in one or more of
the following disciplines:
Audio Audio Visual
Lighting Video Production
Rigging Properties
Special Effects Production Planning/Coordination
(e.g., pyro or lasers) Puppets
Show Support Articulated Character Heads
Show Control
3. An Entertainment Technician 3 should have a thorough understanding of:
a. Show cues, scripts, stage directions, show logs, and standard Operation Guideline manuals.
b. OSHA and R.C.I.D. Codes pertaining to standard theatrical safety codes.
c. Utilization of theatrical show documentation including equipment lists, patching/hook-up charts,
stage plots, etc.
d. Entertainment equipment and system maintenance and troubleshooting.
4. An Entertainment Technician 3
should be certified to operate one or more of the following Aerial
Work Platforms (AWP) along with Fall Prevention Training and/or Powered Industrial Trucks (PIT):
Highreach Lift Scissors Lift Vertical Personnel Lift
Knuckle Highreach Forklift Loadall Lift
5. An Entertainment Technician 3 should understand the Disney Show concept and be familiar with the
following job roles:
a. Entertainment operations management, stage managers/supervisors, entertainment duty
b. Entertainment Creative Services Management--including project managers, show directors,
choreographers, designers, etc.
c. Technical Services--Crew Chiefs and Technicians.
d. Show Support.
6. An Entertainment Technician 3 should:
a. Work well with peers, Crew Chiefs and supervision.
b. Show respect and professional care for equipment and tools.
c. Possess a good understanding of the Entertainment Technician 3 responsibilities and limits as it
applies to peers, Crew Chiefs, management, support departments and Service Trades Council
d. Perform assigned duties proficiently and with attention to show quality and procedures.
e. Maintain an interest in industry innovations, as well as seek to increase his/her knowledge and
skills in Entertainment Technician discipline(s).
f. Commitment to workplace safety and show quality.
** The Company will schedule certification training on a regular basis, but no less than once per year.
An Entertainment Technician 4 is an entry level Technician who is learning the craft. Upon receiving the
appropriate training, Entertainment Technician 4’s may fill scheduled lines performing basic Technician
duties. While an exhaustive list of appropriate duties cannot be created, the following are illustrative
examples of the type or nature of duties which can be performed by Entertainment Technician 4’s:
Illustrative Examples
Stage Assist
Basic tracks on multi-track shows, hand out props
Load in and load out
Light Assist
Change lamps or gels
Spotlight Operator
Basic spotlight operation (on non-called shows only)
Audio Assist
Assemble mic stands, gaff cables, etc...
Basic AV
Setting up overhead projectors, small audio set-ups under supervision
Camera Assist
Camera assist for IMAG and ENG; pull and hold cable
1. The Entertainment Technician 4 should have a basic working knowledge of:
Technical Terminology
Show Production
Standard Show Equipment
2. In addition to the knowledge mentioned, an Entertainment Technician 4 should also possess a
positive attitude and initiative. Self-motivation and a willingness to learn are also important.
3. An Entertainment Technician 4 cannot act as a one person crew. An Entertainment Technician 4
must be part of a crew of two or more, at least one of which must be an Entertainment Technician 3
or higher.
4. An Entertainment Technician 4 shall not do the following:
a. pyro (journeyman)
b. Crew Chief
c. show control
d. rigging
e. board operation
f. production planning
5. An Entertainment Technician 4 cannot be carded up to a higher level for more than fourteen (14)
days except with the consent of the Union in advance for developmental purposes. If an employee
is regularly assigned a work schedule as an Entertainment Technician 3 for fifty percent (50%) or
more of his/her time on a quarterly basis, he/she will be prospectively statused as an Entertainment
Technician 3. Other circumstances regarding undue frequency may be considered on a case by
case basis at the request of the Union.
6. Full time Entertainment Technician 4’s shall not comprise more than ten percent (10%) of full time
Entertainment Technician headcount. The Company shall make available to the Union on a monthly
basis a list of the names and statused locations of Entertainment Technician 4’s hired that month.
An Entertainment Technician 5 is an intern. A Technician 5 may fill a scheduled line, such as Stage
Assist, Lighting Assist, Spot Light Operator, etc., as part of a crew under the supervision of a Crew Chief
after appropriate training. Visibility and discussion of Intern Program components and scheduling will be
provided at the Labor/Management Operations & Safety Committee. Entertainment Technician 5s shall
not comprise more than five percent (5%) of full time headcount
An Entertainment Technician 5 should show commitment to workplace safety and show quality.
Transfers into I.A.T.S.E. classifications, with the exception of Boutique Hostess, must wait one (1) full
year to exercise their seniority for bidding of lines.
Employees returning from a straight time shift with less than nine (9) hours time off from the end of the
previous shift will be paid overtime commencing with the tenth (10) cumulative hour. This provision
applies to Entertainment Technicians, Costuming, and Cosmetology.
The Company may place open shifts on the Extra Hours Hotline (EHH) whenever business needs dictate.
The Company will give forty-eight (48) hours notice of a scheduled day off. When a day off is scheduled
with less than the required notice, the employee shall receive four (4) hours pay in addition to the day off.
However, the employee will not be entitled to the four (4) hour payment if the schedule change results in
an additional shift or overtime shift, i.e., you do not get both.
Joe was scheduled:
On Tuesday, due to operational necessity, management is required to work Joe on Wednesday
(his scheduled day off) and was able to give him Friday as a day off.
His new schedule is as follows:
4 hours
Because management changed his day off without giving him forty-eight (48) hours notice, Joe
will receive four (4) hours payment on Friday.
Management is unable to give Joe another day off. His new schedule is as follows:
Because Joe worked on his day off, he is not entitled to the four (4)-hour payment.
If a schedule change of more than one (1) hour on the in time or two (2) hours on the out time
occurs after 12:00 noon on the day prior to the call, the employee shall be compensated with one
(1) hour of additional straight time pay. Conventions, classes and special events or extensions of
shift paid at an overtime rate are excluded.
1. Split Shifts
One portion of a split shift will be a minimum of six (6) hours and the other portion will be a minimum of
four (4) hours.
2. The parties recognize that there may be circumstances where employees working extended
hours are released from work with less than eight (8) hours until the beginning of the next shift but
do not remain on call for purposes of either pay or requiring a designated sleeping location under
Article 11, Section 6(d) of the STCU Main Agreement. In such circumstances and at the request
of the employee, the Company may make available designated sleeping locations on a case by
case basis. Employees availing themselves of this opportunity shall not be paid unless on call
under Article 11, Section 6(d).
3. Management should make reasonable efforts to notify Entertainment Technicians of schedule
changes as quickly as possible.
4. Scheduling
The Company shall agree that it shall make every effort to schedule Entertainment Technicians
working at Entertainment stage venues at the same shift times at least three (3) days of a five (5) day
workweek and four (4) days of a six (6) day workweek.
No employee may be scheduled to work on any pre-arranged vacation period unless they volunteer.
This volunteer status must be documented by the Company
5. Overtime
Persons volunteering for weekly overtime shall have the following request options:
a. 10 hours
b. 15 hours
c. 20 hours
d. 25 hours
e. 30 hours
Mandatory overtime will be scheduled up to a weekly maximum of sixty-five (65) hours for all
employees covered by the I.A.T.S.E. (excluding Transformational Experiences).
6. Scheduled Overtime
Scheduled overtime which is cancelled shall be paid unless the employee is notified that it is cancelled
at least twenty-four (24) hours before the start time for the scheduled overtime shift. Conventions and
Special Events are excluded from this provision.
7. Report Pay
No pay will be due an employee if work is not available for him/her due to conditions beyond the
control of the Company, such as fire, flood, and hurricane or other Acts of God, civil disturbances,
picketing, and threats of harm.
In lieu of the provisions of Article 10, Section 6 of the STCU Main Agreement, the parties agree as
1. A minimum time of one-half (½) hour to a maximum of one (1) hour unpaid meal break will be
assigned to each employee scheduled to work more than seven (7) hours. For all shifts, other than
Costuming/Cosmetology shifts that start after noon, such meal break shall be taken as near as
practicable to the mid-point of the scheduled shift, but not before four (4) hours nor later than six (6)
hours from the beginning of the shift. In any Costuming/Cosmetology shift, that starts after noon and
where a first meal break is taken, such meal break shall be taken as near as practical to the mid-point
of the scheduled shift, but not before two (2) hours nor later than six (6) hours from the beginning of
the shift.
2. Any Entertainment Technician shift, where a lunch is required, shall be paid a minimum of eight (8)
3. If an employee covered by the I.A.T.S.E. (excluding Transformational Experiences) has notified the
shift manager in advance and does not begin a meal break or receive a French meal beginning with
the seventh (7th) hour of work, he/she will be paid a meal penalty for delayed meals as follows:
First one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $5.50
Second one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $8.00
Third and each succeeding one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $10.50
Employee must notify the shift manager of impending meal penalty a minimum of thirty (30) minutes
prior to penalty. Failure to do so eliminates the Company’s obligation to pay the prescribed penalty.
Daily Ops shifts are excluded from notification requirement unless the Employee worked an additional
shift prior to this shift during the workday.
4. If the length of the shift requires a second meal break
, it must begin between four (4) and six (6)
hours after the end of the first meal period. Additional meal breaks shall be either a one-half (½) hour
unpaid meal break or a French meal. In no case will a second meal break be required prior to the
completion of the eleventh (11th) consecutive hour of work for employees on ten (10) hour shifts,
exclusive of meal breaks.
5. A meal break may begin prior to the four (4) hour point in the shift, provided at least thirty (30) minutes
of meal break occurs after the four (4) hour point in the shift.
6. French Meals. The Company, in lieu of a meal break, may provide a meal of acceptable quality
(agreed to by the Crew Chief) for all personnel, within the same time range. No penalty payments are
required. Once distributed, a minimum fifteen (15) minute break will be called to allow the crew time
to eat without leaving their assigned work station/location. Work time shall be continuous unless a
break of one-half (½) hour is provided. Food and beverage supplied as a French meal are at the
Company's expense.
7. Grace Period. There will be a twelve (12) minute grace period prior to the imposition of any meal
penalty. The twelve (12) minute grace period may not be scheduled, but may be used when
* Applies to full time Entertainment Technician, Costuming and Cosmetology classifications. See TERP agreement for meal
penalty provisions applicable to TERPs.
A second meal break will be required on a scheduled shift that is fourteen (14) hours or more.
necessary to complete work in progress. The grace period provision is applicable to Film & Tape
operations and Resort/Theme Park dress rehearsals, sound checks, and shows.
8. If an employee does not receive the meal break or French meal as indicated hereinabove, the
employee will be paid the meal penalty specified in Section (a).
9. The parties recognize that there may be unexpected circumstances where employees covered by
these meal provisions are required to work through the night at locations where meals are not readily
accessible, such as when cafeterias are closed. Where such unplanned or unscheduled events
occur such that the employees do not have adequate notice of the need to bring their meals, the
Company will give consideration to providing meals.
Scheduled shift: 08:00 to 16:30
Shift: 8 Hours 08:00 - 12:00 12:01 - 14:00 14:01 - 16:30
At least four (4) hours
after the shift starts
Meal period must begin
during this time frame to
avoid meal period penalty.
If meal period starts from:
14:01 - 14:30 Meal penalty is $5.50
14:31 - 15:00 Meal penalty is $8.00
15:01 - 15:30 Meal penalty is $10.50
For each additional one-half (½) hour or fraction thereof, meal penalty is an additional $10.50.
Joe is scheduled to work 08:00 - 16:30, his meal period should begin between 12:01 - 14:00 hours. Due
to operational necessity, Joe's meal period did not begin until 15:00. The meal penalty would be as
14:00 - 14:30 Meal penalty is $5.50
14:30 - 15:00 Meal penalty is $8.00
Total Penalty: $13.50
Joe is scheduled to work 08:00 - 16:30, his meal period should begin between 12:01 - 14:00 hours. Due
to operational necessity, Joe's meal period did not begin until 15:00. Joe did not notify the shift manager
of an impending meal penalty. No meal penalty is due.
Entertainment Technicians, Costume Assistants, or Cosmetologists involved in new project, show, facility
and/or system design at Walt Disney World Entertainment Design Services, and Workroom Employees
who are designing digitized embroidery, shall receive a three dollar ($3.00) per hour premium above their
appropriate rate for actual time spent on complex design work related to permanent installations in one
(1) hour increments. The premium shall also be paid for complex design work in operating areas of Walt
Disney World Entertainment. Such premium shall be paid at the discretion of management, via review by
Tech Management Committee with WDE Design Department.
The rigging premium of three dollars ($3.00) per hour, paid in one (1) hour increments, shall be paid to
the employees installing, dismantling and/or operating the rigging for the actual time worked on the
rigging systems. An employee assisting a rigging job but not responsible for the rigging (i.e., carrying
equipment, etc.) shall not be eligible for the rigging premium. The rigging premium will increase to $3.50
per hour on 9/29/2019, $4.00 per hour on 10/4/2020, and $4.50 per hour on 10/3/2021. At no time will the
employee’s statused rate plus this rigging premium exceed the statused rate of an Entertainment Tech
The Company will establish a statused rigging classification which will be paid Entertainment Technician
level 1 plus the rigging premium. The Company, in its sole discretion, will determine the number of
individuals statused to this classification. Additionally, all Full-Time openings must be reviewed by the
TMC and approved by the Technical Operations Managers.
The following are considered compensable rigging functions:
1. Establishing pick-up points at designated sites in a structure or at a show location that is not equipped
with existing apparatus
2. Using rigging motors or other overhead lifting devices (i.e., block and tackle, Thomas-type truss
systems) to lift truss, lighting, audio, scenic or video equipment to established pick-up points, except
on the soundstage winch system
3. Rigging or installing roll drops, such as Pioneer Hall, or traveler tracks, except on the soundstages
unless rigged to steel
4. Providing rigging guidance to an outside production company, except on the soundstages
5. Rigging design work
6. Walking a truss
7. Rappelling
8. Tying together three (3) or more Genie-style towers
9. Installing and/or operating a fly system for the purpose of flying talent
Entertainment Technicians will not be entitled to the above premium when performing the following
1. Simple assembly of truss
2. Hanging of pipe, drape or signs (banners)
3. Hanging single lighting instruments; running electrical cables
4. Hanging pyro apparatus
5. Focusing instruments on a suspended truss
6. Operating lifts
7. Running spotlights on scaffolding
8. Operating a pendant or control panel to raise, lower or control existing lifting system
All determinations regarding the selection for training, eligibility for rigging premium, and selection for
rigging assignment rest solely with management.
1. Definition
Entertainment Technicians specifically scheduled into pre-determined positions involving the handling of
1.3g and/or 1.4g pyrotechnic products will be paid a one dollar ($1.00) per hour premium. The
pyrotechnic premium will increase to $1.50 per hour on 9/29/2019, $2.00 per hour on 10/4/2020, and
$2.50 per hour on 10/3/2021. This premium will be applied to all designated qualifying shifts in daily
operations, conventions and special events.
2. Qualifying Shifts
For the purposes of this premium, a qualifying shift is one in which the majority of the duties performed
during the shift involve the handling of pyrotechnic product. The list of qualifying shifts will be pre-
determined based on the definition above. Qualifying shifts for conventions and special events will be
determined on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of management.
3. Eligibility
To be eligible for the pyrotechnic shift premium, the Entertainment Technician must work a designated
qualifying shift. The handling of pyrotechnic product in itself does not constitute eligibility for this premium,
however the Company will pay the pyrotechnic premium to Technicians while delivering pyrotechnics to
Any time an Entertainment Technician holding a Class C or higher CDL with a HazMat endorsement is
required to drive a vehicle displaying a “hazardous” 1.3g and/or 1.4g placard as required by DOT
Regulations, that Entertainment Technician shall receive a one dollar ($1.00) per hour pyro premium only
while transporting the pyrotechnic product.
D. COSTUMING (This section also applies to Casual Regular Employees)
1. Employees scheduled to perform warehouse functions at the Costume Storage Facility shall be paid
at the appropriate Costume Specialist Senior rate of pay for all hours worked. This shall not apply to
I.A.T.S.E. covered Employees who are scheduled in other areas but are temporarily using the
Costume Storage Facility for purposes, including but not limited to, packing costumes for special
events relevant to their assigned areas and/or counting or pulling costumes for holiday events
relevant to their assigned areas.
2. Employees who work in Character Services, Skate Repair, and Character Head Repair positions will
be paid at the appropriate Costume Specialist Senior rate of pay for all hours worked. (Override rate)
3. Costuming Employees working at the Costume Storage Facility locations (Orange and Lee Vista
Facilities, including Character Services) that are certified to operate lift equipment shall receive a
thirty cents ($.30) per hour premium above the Costume Specialist Sr. rate only when operating a
forklift or scissor lift at the above mentioned locations. Costuming Employees working at the
Costume Storage Facility Orange and the Lee Vista Costume Storage Facility will be paid this
premium for one-hundred percent (100%) of actual hours worked for each facility. The premium only
applies to hours worked at a Costume Storage Facility location.
4. Gesture Recognition
When a Costume H/H Cast Member performs the direct support/dressing of the Gesture Recognition
based Characters, they will receive a one dollar ($1.00) an hour premium based off their Costume
H/H classification rate, per Addendum A in the STCU Agreement, for the actual time performing
these functions in thirty (30) minute increments.
The Company may implement the following hiring and/or retention initiatives including, but not limited to,
increasing the minimum rates of pay, wage penetration, hiring and/or retention bonus payments, hiring
referral program incentives, relocation assistance, and any other incentive and/or retention initiative
deemed appropriate by the Company, to meet hiring and retention needs.
An employee/applicant who is range penetrated in any of the classifications covered by I.A.T.S.E. shall
not be “red circled.”
(n/k/a Transformation Experience Stores)
(This section also applies to Casual Regular Employees)
A. Applicants may be reviewed, interviewed, and asked to perform a proficiency test.
B. Employees transferring into the Boutique Hostess or Pirate Host/Hostess position will be placed on a
ninety (90) day qualifying period. If the Company determines during the ninety (90) day qualifying
period that the Employees’ performance is not satisfactory, or if the Employee requests a return
within the ninety (90) day qualifying period, the Employee will be returned to his/her prior location.
C. Transfers from a different job classification and new hires into the Boutique Hostess or Pirate
Host/Hostess position must go through an interview at Casting and a secondary interview with the
Area Management.
D. Employees will be required to obtain a state certification for the Boutique Hostess position. The initial
certification, as well as the recertifications, will be paid by the Company.
E. After transfer, a Boutique Hostess or Pirate Host/Hostess may exercise her/his seniority at the next
schedule bid.
"Pay up" Definition. When any employee of the Company, regularly working in a category represented by
I.A.T.S.E. under the STCU Agreement, is engaged in the performance of work wherein videotaping for
television or filming for television, internet, or audio for radio broadcast takes place, the following criteria
shall determine eligibility for MEDIA PREMIUM RATES:
1. The "pay up" shall be required when an employee is performing duties that supplement the broadcast
production crew and are outside of the normal duties routine to the performance/event/show and are
driven solely by the taping/filming of the performance/event/show.
2. The pay rate/level will be determined by the duties performed, as listed below, while supporting the
broadcast production crew.
3. For exclusive broadcast shoots (i.e., shoots done exclusively for broadcast and not associated with
any standard show, convention or event), employees covered under this addendum and assigned to
the exclusive broadcast shoot would receive the appropriate “pay up” rate based on duties performed
for the entire shoot from load in to load out.
4. For events which are a combination of a standard show, convention or event and broadcast, the “pay
up” rate will be paid for actual qualifying time worked in one-half (½) hour increments.
5. When an audio technician does the recorded mix of an event which is being recorded for broadcast or
retail sale, the applicable “pay up” rate will be paid for actual qualifying time worked in one-half (½)
hour increments. This only applies to audio technicians.
90 days
Level 1
from a
Director or
Truck with
Video Switcher
Video Editor
Truck Mixer
$34.83 $35.83 $36.83 $37.83 $38.83
Level 2
in a
position of
a crew or
Crew Chief,
A1, Head
Moving Light
Lighting Board
Audio Board
Broadcast Ops
positions not
defined above.
$27.32 $28.32 $29.32 $30.32 $31.32
Level 3
All other
$23.91 $24.91 $25.91 $26.91 $27.91
Where employees, within a single shift, perform multiple duties which qualify for different “pay up” rates,
the rate for the highest level of duties assigned shall be paid for all “pay up” duties during the shift.
Additionally, the employee shall be paid at the highest rate of the duties assigned, or their statused rate.
(This section also applies to Casual Regular Employees)
90 days
“Pay Up” Rate
$24.97 $25.97 $26.97 $27.97 $28.97
“Pay Up” Rate
Assistant I,
ate H/H
$18.73 $19.73 $20.73 $21.73 $22.73
“Pay Up” Rate
Assistant III
$15.09 $16.09 $17.09 $18.09 $19.09
Where employees, within a single shift, perform multiple duties which qualify for different “pay up” rates,
the rate for the highest level of duties assigned shall be paid for all “pay up” duties during the shift.
Additionally, the employee shall be paid at the highest rate of the duties assigned, or their statused rate.
1. Entertainment Technicians
a. Example 1 (Exclusive Broadcast Shoot)
Facts: The Company obtains the use of the America Gardens Theatre at EPCOT to produce “Regis
and Kelly, Live from EPCOT.” The production crew uses Entertainment Technicians to help
interface with the house audio and lighting systems as well as general grip duties.
How Paid: All Entertainment Technicians working the event are paid the applicable “pay up” rate
based on duties performed for the entire event from load in to load out.
b. Example 2 (Exclusive Broadcast Shoot)
Facts: The Company hires a production company to shoot a commercial for Fantasmic. The shoot
is after hours and the director requests to do specific segments of the show with special stunts and
How Paid: All Entertainment Technicians working the event are paid the applicable “pay up” rate
based on duties performed (see above) for entire event from load in to load out.
c. Example 3 (Combination Broadcast/Event)
Facts: A production company arrives to tape the Village People performing at a press event at
Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The production company asks the Entertainment Technician audio
crew to help establish microphone splits to the production truck and requests that the lighting crew
help add lighting to illuminate the audience. During the show, the director gives special cues to the
light board operator and requests the spotlight operators to use no color.
How Paid: All Entertainment Technicians performing the additional duties requested by the
production company receive the applicable “pay up” rate based on duties performed in one-half (½)
hour increments for actual work done in the installation and strike of the extra lights and audio splits.
The light board operator and spotlight operators receive the applicable “pay up” rate in one- half (½)
hour increments for the length of the show based on duties performed during the show. No other
Entertainment Technicians receive the “pay up” rate.
d. Example 4 (Combination Broadcast/Event)
Facts: An Entertainment Audio Technician at the America Gardens Theatre is normally assigned to
the Barbie show. During a particular show, the Entertainment Technician is directed to run extra
cable, hook-up and test additional microphones, and add monitor speakers for the television taping.
How Paid: The Entertainment Audio Technician doing the additional duties requested by the
production company receives the applicable “pay up” rate based on duties performed in one-half
(½) hour increments for actual work done in running and striking the extra cable, hook-up and testing
of additional microphones and addition of monitor speakers. No other Entertainment Technicians
receive the “pay up” rate.
e. Example 5 (Normal Operations)
Facts: An Entertainment Audio Technician at the America Gardens Theatre is normally assigned to
the Barbie show to mix the show. During a certain show, an additional feed is taken from the audio
board by a tape crew.
How Paid: No “pay up” rate is paid. The Entertainment Technician is performing duties routine to
the performance/event/show that is required regardless of the taping/filming taking place.
f. Example 6 (Normal Operations)
Facts: During a performance at the Castle stage for the Grad Nite event, a television production
crew takes a feed from the audio board.
How Paid: No “pay up” rate is paid. The Entertainment Technician is performing duties routine to the
performance/event/show that is required regardless of the taping/filming taking place.
g. Example 7 (Combination Broadcast/Event)
Facts: During a performance at Festival of the Lion King, an Entertainment Audio Technician is
directed by a television production company to send a different matrix mix than the house mix to
television production.
How Paid: The Entertainment Audio Technician doing the additional duties requested by the
production company receives the applicable “pay up” rate based on additional duties performed in
one-half (½) hour increments for actual work done in the setup and strike of the cable and the
setting of the new mix. No other Entertainment Technicians receive the “pay up” rate.
2. Costuming
a. Example 1 (Exclusive Broadcast Shoot)
Facts: The Company obtains the use of the America Gardens Theatre at EPCOT to produce “Regis
and Kelly, Live from EPCOT.” A costumer is assigned to do the wardrobe for Kelly for the filming.
How Paid: The costumer assigned to do Kelly’s wardrobe is paid the applicable “pay up” rate.
b. Example 2 (Exclusive Broadcast Shoot)
Facts: An additional parade is scheduled beyond the normal daily parades for the purpose of filming.
How Paid: Costumers working the additional parade receive the applicable “pay up.” The parade
was scheduled solely for the filming.
c. Example 3 (Combination Broadcast/Event)
Facts: A costumer is providing support for the performers in the parade. During a particular parade,
the costumer is asked to provide support for the hosts of a television broadcast of the parade.
How Paid: The costumer doing the additional duties requested in providing the costuming support for
the hosts of the television broadcast receive the applicable “pay up” rate based on duties performed
in one-half (½) hour increments for actual work done in supporting the television hosts. No other
costumer receives the “pay up” rate.
d. Example 4 (Normal Operations)
Facts: A costumer working the Walt Disney World Easter Parade is providing support for the
performers in the show. The parade is filmed.
How Paid: No “pay up” rate is paid. The costumer is performing duties routine to the
performance/event/show that is required regardless of the taping/filming taking place.
e. Example 5 (Normal Operations)
Facts: Kelly appears as the “Star of the Day.” A costumer is providing support for Kelly. Her
appearance as “Star of the Day” is filmed.
How Paid: No “pay up” rate is paid. The costumer is performing duties routine to the
performance/event/show that is required regardless of the taping/filming taking place.
3. Cosmetology
a. Example 1 (Exclusive Broadcast Shoot)
Facts: The Company obtains the use of the America Gardens Theatre at EPCOT to produce “Regis
and Kelly, Live from EPCOT.” A cosmetologist is assigned to do the make-up for Kelly for the
How Paid: The cosmetologist assigned to do Kelly’s make-up is paid the applicable “pay up” rate.
b. Example 2 (Exclusive Broadcast Shoot)
Facts: An additional parade is scheduled beyond the normal daily parades for the purpose of
How Paid: All the cosmetologists working the additional parade receive the applicable “pay up.” The
parade was scheduled solely for the filming.
c. Example 3 (Combination Broadcast/Event)
Facts: A cosmetologist is assigned to work the Super Soap Weekend providing support for
celebrities performing “On Camera” interviews. During a particular interview, a cosmetologist is
asked to provide support for an additional host that has been brought in for a television taping.
How Paid: The cosmetologist doing the additional duties requested in supporting the additional host
brought in for the television taping receives the applicable “pay up” rate based on duties performed
in one-half (½) hour increments for actual work done in supporting the television hosts. No other
cosmetologist receives the “pay up” rate.
d. Example 4 (Normal Operations)
Facts: A cosmetologist is assigned to work the Super Soap Weekend providing support for
celebrities performing “On Camera” interviews. During the weekend, a cosmetologist is asked to
provide support for celebrities being interviewed by emcees for the day guests. An interview is
How Paid: No “pay up” rate is paid. The cosmetologist is performing duties routine to the
performance/event/show that is required regardless of the taping/filming taking place.
4. Radio Broadcast (Applicable to Entertainment Audio Technicians only)
a. Example 1
Facts: Bryan Adams is performing at Pleasure Island. A third party engineer records the mix for a
future radio broadcast. The Disney Entertainment Audio Technician helps establish the splits from
the stage.
How Paid: The Entertainment Audio Technician receives F&T Grade Level 4 in one-half (½) hour
increments for duties related to the recording of the performance, including the set up, operation and
strike of the recording equipment.
b. Example 2
Facts: Bryan Adams is performing at Pleasure Island. A third party engineer records the mix for a
future radio broadcast. The Disney audio crew assists the radio production crew to establish splits
from the stage, interfacing with the facility communications system, set up a remote recording booth
and interconnect a house playback system with the recording booth.
How Paid: The audio Crew Chief would receive F&T Grade Level 3 in one-half (½) hour increments
for the extensive duties required in interface with broadcast. All other Entertainment Audio
Technicians receive F&T Grade Level 4 in one-half (½) hour increments for duties related to the
recording of the performance, including the set up, operation and strike of the recording equipment.
Notwithstanding the above, the parties agree that the current practice shall be maintained and the “pay
up” rate shall not be required in the following circumstances:
1. Image Magnification (IMAG) type work in support of conventions and meetings
2. Shoots for internal Company documentation
3. Shoots for re-transmission to park guests (Examples: (a) the filming/videotaping of an activity within a
theatre so that the activity is displayed on closed circuit monitors for other guests outside the theatre
to view; (b) the shooting and use of a film as an element or part of a production.)
Where the Company seeks a referral of TERPs/Wardrobe Referrals for duties which, if performed by full
time employees, would entitle those employees to “pay up”, the TERPs/Wardrobe Referrals shall be paid
the applicable “pay up” rate as provided herein.
The following guidelines have been established for payment of hourly employees for time spent in travel
and work on Company authorized business trips. These procedures have been developed to specifically
apply to travel by employees represented by I.A.T.S.E. as listed in Appendix A, attached hereto.
On those occasions when the employees of Walt Disney World Co. are requested to support a road show
or to provide technical assistance to any Walt Disney World Co. promotion, production or presentation,
requiring overnight accommodations at an off property site, every effort will be made to send a Walt
Disney World Co. employee, represented by I.A.T.S.E. Local 631, on the trip. On a yearly basis the
Company will post a sign-up sheet and give consideration for employees interested in travel.
1. Each Walt Disney World Co. employee assigned to a road show/touring situation will be paid in
accordance with the classification rates listed in Appendix A, and the guidelines contained herein.
2. At least one member of each crew will be designated as Crew Chief for the tour, (excludes classes
and training).
3. A payroll week shall be defined as a period of seven (7) days, starting at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on
each Sunday and ending at 11:59 p.m. on the following Saturday of the same week. A payroll day is
a period of twenty-four (24) hours, starting at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and ending at 11:59 p.m. on the
same day.
4. Road shows of less than seven (7) days shall be paid on a flat daily rate per day. Hours worked in
excess of fourteen (14) in a payroll day or sixty-five (65) hours in a payroll week will be paid at double
time. The double time rate for this purpose will be two (2) times the employee’s hourly statused
straight time rate as outlined in the Service Trades Council Agreement.
5 Road shows of seven (7) days or more shall be paid on a weekly rate, pro-rated to a daily rate as
appropriate (i.e., weekly rate divided by 6). Hours worked in excess of fourteen (14) in a payroll day
or sixty-five (65) hours in a payroll week will be paid at double time. The double time rate for this
purpose will be two (2) times the employee’s hourly statused straight time rate as outlined in the Full
Time Service Trades Council Agreement.
6. The following additional rules shall apply for pay for mixed weeks comprising both road trips and daily
operations at Walt Disney World Resort:
a. Where a trip begins after the start of a payroll week, employees shall be paid according to their
normal hourly payment schedule as outlined in the Full Time Service Trades Council Agreement
for work performed prior to the trip. However, the hours worked that payroll week will count for
purposes of applying toward the sixty-five (65) hours in a payroll week.
b. Where an employee begins a trip at the start of the payroll week, then following their return to Walt
Disney World Resort property, the employee will revert to his/her normal hourly payment schedule
as outlined in the Service Trades Council Agreement. Hours worked while on tour will be included
in the computation of total hours worked in a Walt Disney World Co. payroll week for overtime
c. An employee returning from a trip to daily operations shall be subject to turnabout at his/her
statused rate as outlined in the Full Time Service Trades Council Agreement.
7. Employees shall be required to maintain an accurate log of all hours worked and should report the
hours to management each week.
Should employees work on a Walt Disney World Co. paid holiday, the employees shall receive an
additional eight (8) hours pay at his/her normal statused rate.
1. A minimum time of one-half (½) hour to a maximum of one (1) hour unpaid meal break will be
assigned to each employee scheduled to work more than seven (7) hours. For all shifts other than
Costuming/Cosmetology shifts that start after noon, such meal break shall be taken as near as
practicable to the mid-point of the scheduled shift, but not before four (4) hours nor later than six (6)
hours from the beginning of the shift. In any Costuming/Cosmetology shift that starts after noon and
where a first meal break is taken, such meal break shall be taken as near as practical to the mid-
point of the scheduled shift, but not before two (2) hours, nor later than six (6) hours from the
beginning of the shift.
2. If employee covered by the I.A.T.S.E. (excluding Transformational Experiences) has notified the shift
manager in advance and does not begin a meal break or receive a French meal beginning with the
seventh (7th) hour of work, he/she will be paid a meal penalty for delayed meals as follows,
First one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $5.50
Second one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $8.00
Third and each succeeding one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $10.50
Employee must notify the shift manager of impending meal penalty a minimum of thirty (30) minutes
prior to penalty. Failure to do so eliminates the Company’s obligation to pay the prescribed penalty.
Daily Ops shifts are excluded from notification requirement unless the Employee worked an
additional shift prior to this shift during the workday.
3. If the length of the shift requires a second meal break
, it must begin between four (4) and six (6)
hours after the first meal period, exclusive of meal breaks. Additional meal breaks shall be either a
one-half (½) hour unpaid meal break or a French meal.
If an employee does not receive the meal break or French meal as indicated hereinabove, the
employee will be paid the meal penalty specified in Article 4(a).
4. French Meals. The Company, in lieu of a meal break, may provide a meal of acceptable quality
(agreed to by the Crew Chief) for all personnel, within the same time range. No penalty payments are
required. Once distributed, a minimum fifteen (15) minute break will be called to allow the crew time
to eat without leaving their assigned work station/location. Work time shall be continuous unless a
break of one-half (½) hour is provided. Food and beverage supplied as a French meal are at the
Company's expense.
5. Grace Period. There will be a twelve (12) minute grace period prior to the imposition of any meal
penalty. The twelve (12) minute grace period may not be scheduled, but may be used when
necessary to complete work in progress. The grace period provision is applicable to Film & Tape
operations and Resort/Theme Park dress rehearsals, sound checks, and shows.
Upon the request of an employee, made a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of a scheduled road
show/tour, the Company will make every effort to furnish the employee with his/her paycheck and make
banking arrangements as necessary.
1. Time spent in travel which occurs within an employee's normally scheduled shift will be considered as
time worked for purposes of computing overtime. EXAMPLE: If an employee travels during his/her
normal shift period and continues by working later that same day, any hours in excess of eight (8) will
be counted as overtime.
2. Time spent in travel which occurs outside an employee's normally scheduled shift will not be
considered as time worked. EXAMPLE: An employee scheduled to travel at the end of a work shift
will not be paid for any time in excess of his/her normal straight time hours for time spent in travel.
Such time will be considered as hours worked, however, if determined by the Company as "captive",
i.e. operators who drive vehicles to a new location.
3. Travel time occurring on an employee's day off or holiday and which corresponds to a normal
scheduled shift will be considered as hours worked for the purposes of computing overtime.
1. The Company assumes responsibility for all reasonable expenses incurred in acquiring passports and
visas for international tours. The employee should check with entertainment management as to the
proper procedure for acquiring the necessary documents.
2. All employees traveling on behalf of the Company are entitled to:
a. Transportation round trip (coach)
b. Hotel accommodations
A second meal break will be required on a scheduled shift that is fourteen (14) hours or more.
c. Cash advance to cover business expenses as determined by Walt Disney World Co Finance as
appropriate for the cities included on the tour.
3. Employees will be required to submit an expense report within seven (7) days upon termination of the
road show/tour.
4. A copy of the guidelines as established by Walt Disney World Co. Finance for expense allocation will
be provided to each employee when the advance is made.
1. The employee is expected to make his/her own arrangements for reaching the point of departure
from Orlando for a business trip.
2. The employee is expected to provide his/her own personal wardrobe and baggage suitable for a
business trip. When traveling on behalf of the Company, the employee will be expected to meet
Company Appearance Guidelines with regard to attire and grooming.
3. Employees maintain their Group Insurance and Workers' Compensation coverage when traveling on
behalf of the Company. The Company does not assume responsibility for personal illness or injury
that is not work related. The employee may utilize his/her accrued sick pay to compensate for lost
hours due to personal illness. The employee’s Record Card will be notated according to the Full Time
Service Trades Council Agreement.
1. It is not the intent of the Company to utilize management in any manner detrimental to or in lieu of
hourly employees. However, the Company reserves the right to allow management to perform work such
as that performed by hourly employees in the following circumstances:
a. For emergency purposes.
b. In the instruction and training of employees or management.
c. Starting up and closing down of operations.
d. To protect Company property and/or to ensure the safety of employees
The parties hereto may interpret, alter or amend this Addendum by mutual action in writing, and no
individual employee shall have cause to complain therefore, it being understood that any interpretation or
arrangement mutually satisfactory to the parties hereto shall be binding upon all individual employees,
whether such action be prospective or retroactive.
It is not the intent of either party hereto to violate any laws or any rulings or regulations of any
governmental authority or agency having jurisdiction of the subject matter of this Addendum and the
parties hereto agree that in the event any provisions of this Addendum are held or constituted to be void
as being in contravention of any such laws, rulings or regulations, nevertheless, the remainder of the
Addendum shall remain in full force and effect, unless the provisions so found to be void are wholly
inseparable from the remaining portion of this Addendum.
Ent. Tech. 1 Assigned
Road Show Crew Chief
$371 $376 $382 $388 $393 $1,673 $1,698 $1,723 $1,749 $1,775
Entertainment Technician 2 $317 $322 $327 $332 $337 $1,432 $1,454 $1,475 $1,497 $1,520
Entertainment Technician 3 $285 $289 $294 $298 $302 $1,293 $1,312 $1,332 $1,352 $1,372
Cosmetologist $281 $285 $289 $294 $298 $1,272 $1,291 $1,310 $1,330 $1,350
Costume Specialist, Sr. $227 $231 $234 $238 $241 $1,019 $1,034 $1,050 $1,066 $1,081
Costume Specialist $222 $226 $229 $232 $236 $1,002 $1,017 $1,033 $1,048 $1,064
Costume H/H $216 $219 $222 $226 $229 $970 $984 $999 $1,014 $1,029
Costume Assistant I $238 $241 $245 $249 $252 $1,067 $1,083 $1,099 $1,116 $1,133
Costume Assistant II $233 $236 $240 $243 $247 $1,051 $1,067 $1,083 $1,099 $1,116
Costume Assistant III $222 $226 $229 $232 $236 $1,009 $1,024 $1,039 $1,055 $1,070
First Hand I $371 $376 $382 $388 $393 $1,673 $1,698 $1,723 $1,749 $1,775
First Hand II $307 $311 $316 $321 $326 $1,384 $1,405 $1,426 $1,447 $1,469
Boutique Hostess & Pirate
$221 $224 $228 $231 $235 $1,003 $1,018 $1,034 $1,049 $1,065
Costume CAM Specialist 1 $371 $376 $382 $388 $393 $1,673 $1,698 $1,723 $1,749 $1,775
Costume CAM Specialist 2 $307 $311 $316 $321 $326 $1,384 $1,405 $1,426 $1,447 $1,469
Ent. Tech. 1 Assigned
Road Show Crew Chief
Entertainment Technician 2
Entertainment Technician 3
Costume Specialist, Sr.
Costume Specialist
Costume H/H
Costume Assistant I
Costume Assistant II
Costume Assistant III
First Hand I
First Hand II
Boutique Hostess & Pirate
Costume CAM Specialist 1
Costume CAM Specialist 2
This Addendum is entered into by and between the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees
and Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada
("I.A.T.S.E."), Local 631, on behalf of the Service Trades Council Union (collectively referred to as the
"Union"), on the one hand, and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. (the "Company"), on the other hand,
as a supplement to the collective bargaining agreement between the Service Trades Council Union and
Walt Disney World Co. dated September 24, 2017 (the "Agreement"). Only those provisions specifically
set forth below shall have application to employees working under this Addendum.
The terms and conditions of this Addendum shall only be applicable when the Company requests and
accepts a temporary employee referred by Local 631 to supplement the existing workforce in the
Convention and Entertainment Technical areas.
The Company shall follow the employment procedure set forth below, employing casual employees in the
classifications listed in Article 6.
A. I.A.T.S.E. Local 631 agrees to maintain an updated list of persons who are able to demonstrate their
qualifications and are available to work as casual employees in the classifications listed in Article 6.
Said list shall be maintained on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, sex, national
origin, ancestry, religion, disability or sexual orientation, as provided in federal and state legislation
and shall not be based on, or affected in any way by, Union membership, by laws, rules, regulations,
constitutional provisions or any other aspect or obligation of Union membership.
B. When the Company needs casual employees in the classifications listed in Article 6 to supplement
its regular work force, it shall, prior to hiring from any other source, request that Local 631 provide it
with the names, telephone numbers and addresses of persons on the availability list who are
qualified for the job in question. The Company agrees to employ a person from said availability list
rather than from any other source, provided that the Company determines, in its sole discretion, that
one of the persons on the list is qualified for the job. The Company agrees to exercise its discretion
in good faith. If the Company determines that none of the available persons on the list are qualified
for the job, it may hire from any other source. The Company's determination as to an individual's
qualification shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure.
C. Any person who has been discharged for cause by the Company shall be removed from the
availability list for a period of at least one (1) year. Any person found by the Company to be
unqualified for a position for which he/she is listed shall be removed from the list for that
classification until such time as the Union is able to demonstrate that competency has been
D. The Company shall refer interested applicants to the Union for referral under this procedure.
E. The Company shall have the right to "call by name."
F. Existing Casual Regular employees of the Company are "grandfathered" and accordingly, exempted
from this procedure.
G. The Company may hire casual employees in any job classification should the Union be unable to
refer qualified employees as provided in section (b) above.
H. A Stagehand that works as a TERP for a minimum of three (3) years or 2000 hours shall be referred
at the Stagehand 1 rate.
I. The above procedure may also be used, on a non-exclusive basis, to refer Wardrobe Referrals to
Creative Costuming. Such use shall not restrict or limit in any way the Company’s ability to use
Casual employees or employees on a cross-u basis in Creative Costuming.
Section 1. Payroll Week
A payroll week is defined in Article 10, Section 1 of the main body of the STCU Collective Bargaining
Section 2. Payroll Day
A payroll day is a period of twenty four (24) hours starting at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and ending at 11:59
p.m. on the same day.
Section 3. Workday
A scheduled workday shall normally consist of either eight (8) or ten (10) consecutive hours based on the
normal shift length in use at the location for which a TERP is requested, unless a minimum of four (4) but
less than eight (8) hours is specified at time of call.
Section 4. Meal Breaks
A. A minimum time of one-half (½) hour to a maximum of one (1) hour unpaid meal break will be
assigned to each employee scheduled to work more than seven (7) hours. For all shifts other than
Wardrobe TERP shifts, that start after noon, such meal break shall be taken as near as practicable
to the mid-point of the scheduled shift, but not before four (4) hours nor later than six (6) hours from
the beginning of the shift. In any Wardrobe TERP shift, that starts after noon and where a first meal
break is taken, such meal break shall be taken as near as practical to the mid-point of the scheduled
shift, but not before two (2) hours, nor later than six (6) hours from the beginning of the shift. If
employee has notified the shift manager in advance and does not begin a meal break or receive a
French meal beginning with the seventh (7th) hour of work, he/she will be paid a meal penalty for
delayed meals as follows,
First one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $5.50
Second one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $8.00
Third and each succeeding one-half (½) hour meal delay or fraction thereof $10.50
Employee must notify the shift manager of impending meal penalty a minimum of thirty (30) minutes
prior to penalty. Failure to do so eliminates the Company’s obligation to pay the prescribed penalty.
Daily Ops shifts are excluded from notification requirement unless the Employee worked an additional
shift prior to this shift during the workday.
B. If the length of the shift requires a second meal break
, it must begin between four (4) and six (6)
hours after the end of the first meal period. Additional meal breaks shall be either a one-half (½) hour
unpaid meal break or a French meal. In no case will a second meal break be required prior to the
completion of the eleventh (11th) consecutive hour of work for employees on a ten (10) hour shift,
exclusive of meal breaks.
A second meal break will be required on a scheduled shift that is fourteen (14) hours or more.
If an employee does not receive the meal break or French meal as indicated hereinabove, the
employee will be paid the meal penalty specified in Section 4(a).
C. French Meals. The Company, in lieu of a meal break, may provide a meal of acceptable quality
(agreed to by the Crew Chief) for all personnel, within the same time range. No penalty payments
are required. Once distributed, a minimum fifteen (15) minute break will be called to allow the crew
time to eat without leaving their assigned work station/location. Work time shall be continuous
unless a break of one-half (½) hour is provided. Food and beverage supplied as a French meal are
at the Company's expense.
D. Grace Period. There will be a twelve (12) minute grace period prior to the imposition of any meal
penalty. The twelve (12) minute grace period may not be scheduled, but may be used when
necessary to complete work in progress. The grace period provision is applicable to Film & Tape
operations and Resort/Theme Park dress rehearsals, sound checks, and shows.
Section 5. Rest Period
Each employee will be allowed a fifteen (15) minute rest period for each four (4) hours of work.
Employees who work ten (10) or more hours will receive an additional fifteen (15) minute rest period. The
Company may schedule the rest period in accordance with its needs. Rest periods will be provided as
nearly as possible to the middle of each half of an eight (8) hour shift or near the middle of short four (4)
or six (6) hour shifts unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. An additional fifteen (15) minute rest
period will be guaranteed to an employee who works at least four (4) consecutive hours beyond the end
of her/his regularly scheduled shifts. When the Company fails to provide a break(s), the employee will
receive an additional fifteen (15) minutes pay at the appropriate rate for each missed break, or be
released from shift fifteen (15) minutes early for each missed break.
Section 6. Call Cancellation/Report Pay
A. Calls not canceled by 12:00 noon of the day prior to the call shall be compensated with four (4) hours
B. Employees who report for work and are put to work will be paid their full shift if they are sent home
before the end of their regular shift.
C. No report pay will be due an employee if work is not available for him/her, due to conditions beyond
the control of the Company, such as fire, flood, hurricane, or other Act of God, civil disturbances,
picketing and threats of harm.
D. The provisions of this Section apply to all scheduled shifts, including overtime with the exception of
shift extensions which will be paid at actual hours worked.
Section 7. Turnabout Procedure
A. Employees returning from a straight time shift with less than eight (8) hours time off from the end of
the previous shift will be paid overtime commencing with the ninth (9th) cumulative hour.
B. An employee will return at the applicable overtime rate when returning from an overtime shift with
less than eight (8) hours time off from the end of the previous shift.
C. The Company will pay double time for all hours commencing with the fifteenth (15th) cumulative hour
when an employee has worked more than fourteen (14) consecutive hours.
D. If an employee is released from work with less than eight (8) hours until the beginning of the next
shift, but remains on call, a sleeping room will be provided and the non work period will be paid at
the applicable rate.
E. When there are two (2) hours or less between two shifts, the time between shifts will be treated as
continuous time and will be paid at the applicable rate.
F. Hours worked during an employee's regularly scheduled shift, regardless of the rate of pay received,
shall be used for the computation of overtime for hours worked in excess of forty (40) in a payroll
week as provided in Article 11, Section 4 (c) of the Service Trades Council Union Agreement.
G. If an employee is released from work with eight (8) or more hours until the beginning of the next shift,
the provisions of this Section will not apply.
Section 8. Holiday Pay When Worked
TERPS are not eligible for holiday pay, but will be paid time and one-half for all hours worked on the
following days:
A. New Year’s Eve
B. Fourth of July
C. Thanksgiving
D. Christmas Day
The Company may require overtime and in its sole discretion may determine when and by whom such
overtime will be worked.
Section 1. Time and One-Half
A. Over eight (8) or ten (10) consecutive hours, depending on the call. The Company shall pay time and
one half (1½) for all consecutive hours worked in excess of eight (8) or ten (10), beginning at the start
of any regularly scheduled shift. In a location where the normal shift length in use is ten (10) hours, a
TERP called for that location will be paid overtime based on an eight (8) hour shift if called for a
stand- alone shift. A “stand-alone shift” is any shift accepted by a TERP with less than 24 hours until
the start of the shift. Shifts accepted with more than twenty-four (24) hours before the start of the shift
will not be considered stand-alone and will be paid at the applicable eight (8) or ten (10) hour straight
time shift.
B. Over forty hours (40) in payroll week. Employees shall be paid one and one half (1½) times their
regular straight time hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in any one (1)
payroll week.
Section 2. Double Time
A. The Company will pay double time for all hours commencing with the fifteenth (15th) cumulative hour
when an employee has worked more than fourteen (14) consecutive hours.
B. Employees, who are required to work seven (7) consecutive days in the work week, will be paid at the
rate of double time their regular straight-time rate for the seventh (7th) day. When an employee
voluntarily pursues an additional shift outside his/her own department, this double time provision does
not apply.
90 days
180 days
Crew Chief
base rate)
Stagehand 1 $19.35 $20.10 $20.85 $21.35 $21.85 $22.35
Stagehand 2 $16.10 $16.85 $17.60 $18.10 $18.60 $19.10
Wardrobe Referral $14.07 $14.82 $15.57 $16.07 $16.57 $17.07
A Crew Chief is not required on any call in which referrals are working under the direction of a Technician
1. On a call of six (6) or more stagehands, a Crew Chief will be required except when working under the
direction of an Entertainment Technician 1, however, the Company may, in its sole discretion, assign a
Crew Chief on any call.
Benefits Rate 9/29/2019 10/04/2020 10/03/2021
H & W
Annuity $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75
The obligation to make contributions pursuant to this Section shall be conditioned upon the continued
deductibility by the Company of all contributions made to said plans under the Internal Revenue Code
and under any regulations or rulings promulgated there under. The Union warrants that the applicable
I.A.T.S.E. Benefit Fund has been approved as a qualified plan by the Internal Revenue Service and that
said plan is a defined contribution plan. The Union further warrants that the applicable I.A.T.S.E. Benefit
Fund is maintained pursuant to and in accordance with ERISA and Section 302 of the Labor Management
Relations Act of 1947, as amended, and is governed by a board of trustees, half of whom are selected by
Union parties and half of whom are selected by the employers contributing to said fund.
The Union will notify the Company no later than October 1st of each year of any changes to the division
of contributions between the Health & Welfare and Annuity Funds.
If an employee is scheduled to commence work at or after 10:00 p.m. and on or before 4:00 a.m., or more
than fifty percent (50%) of their work shift is between midnight and 6:00 a.m., he/she will be paid a
differential of sixty cents ($.60) per hour in addition to his/her straight time rate for his/her scheduled work
The rigging premium of three dollars ($3.00) per hour, paid in one (1) hour increments, shall be paid to
the TERP employees installing, dismantling and/or operating the rigging for the actual time worked on the
rigging systems. In the event that a Stagehand 2 is required to perform rigging duties that meet the
criteria for the rigging premium, the TERP employee will be paid the Stagehand 1 rate in addition to the
rigging premium. A TERP employee assisting a rigging job but not responsible for the rigging (i.e.,
carrying equipment, etc.) shall not be eligible for the rigging premium. The rigging premium will increase
to $3.50 per hour on 9/29/2019, $4.00 per hour on 10/4/2020, and $4.50 per hour on 10/3/2021. At no
time will the employee’s statused rate plus this rigging premium exceed the max rate of full time
Entertainment Tech Rigger.
The following are considered compensable rigging functions:
A. Establishing pick-up points at designated sites in a structure or at a show location that is not
equipped with existing apparatus
B. Using rigging motors or other overhead lifting devices (i.e., block and tackle, Thomas-type truss
systems) to lift truss, lighting, audio, scenic or video equipment to established pick-up points, except
on the soundstage winch system
C. Rigging or installing roll drops, such as Pioneer Hall, or traveler tracks, except on the soundstages
unless rigged to steel
D. Providing rigging guidance to an outside production company, except on the soundstages
E. Rigging design work
F. Walking a truss
G. Rappelling
H. Tying together three (3) or more Genie-style towers
I. Installing and/or operating a fly system for the purpose of flying talent
Technicians will not be entitled to the above premium when performing the following functions:
A. Simple assembly of truss
B. Hanging of pipe, drape or signs (banners)
C. Hanging single lighting instruments; running electrical cables
D. Hanging pyro apparatus
E. Focusing instruments on a suspended truss
F. Operating lifts
G. Running spotlights on scaffolding
H. Operating a pendant or control panel to raise, lower or control existing lifting system
All determinations regarding the selection for training, eligibility for rigging premium, and selection for
rigging assignment rest solely with management.
A. Definition
TERP employees specifically scheduled into pre-determined positions involving the handling of 1.3g
and/or 1.4g pyrotechnic products will be paid a one dollar ($1.00) per hour premium. The pyrotechnic
premium will increase to $1.50 per hour on 9/29/2019, $2.00 per hour on 10/4/2020, and $2.50 per hour
on 10/3/2021. This premium will be applied to all designated qualifying shifts in daily operations,
conventions and special events.
B. Qualifying Shifts
For the purposes of this premium, a qualifying shift is one in which the majority of the duties performed
during the shift involve the handling of pyrotechnic product. The list of qualifying shifts will be pre-
determined based on the definition above. Qualifying shifts for conventions and special events will be
determined on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of Management.
C. Eligibility
To be eligible for the pyrotechnic shift premium, the TERP employee must work a designated qualifying
shift. The handling of pyrotechnic product in itself does not constitute eligibility for this premium, however
the Company will pay the pyrotechnic premium to Technicians while delivering pyrotechnics to rooftops.
The Company will designate the TERP employees that will be given the option to receive the pyro
Upon designation by the Company, the TERP will receive an overview presented by Leadership with a
Shop Steward present where the following topics will be reviewed:
1. Pyrotechnic Shift Premium Language
2. Mandatory background check
3. Option to shadow Pyrotechnics Crew at either Reflections of Earth (ROE) or Wishes, in order for
TERP employee to have full understanding of the responsibilities associated with a pyro position
4. Option to opt out of pyrotechnics certification without penalty
5. Requirement that TERP employee must follow all safety precautions and use necessary safety
devices while operating any Company equipment
The option for a TERP employee to opt out of the Pyrotechnics training is only valid until the beginning of
the Pyrotechnics training class. Once the TERP employee has started the training, the TERP employee
will be subject to the same terms and conditions that apply to Full Time employees.
D. Acknowledgment
Once the overview is completed, the TERP employee will be required to sign an acknowledgment of the
1. The overview has been completed
2. Offered opportunity to shadow Pyrotechnics crew at either ROE or Wishes
3. Understanding of the opt out option
4. Understanding of the requirement to follow all safety precautions and use necessary safety devices
while operating any Company equipment
5. The TERP employee has decided to either:
a. move forward with the Pyrotechnics training, or
b. opt out of the Pyrotechnics training
A Full Time Entertainment Technician who is returning to the Company as a TERP employee will be
required to follow the process outlined above.
TERPs who are approved as trainers will be eligible to perform as trainers in the absence of any
approved Full Time employees and will receive the Training Premium as outlined in the Main Body
The current STCU grievance procedure will be followed.
It is recognized that the Company may make and enforce rules related to grooming and personal
The parties hereby may interpret, alter or amend this Addendum by mutual action in writing, and no
individual employee shall have cause to complain therefore, it being understood that any interpretation or
arrangement mutually satisfactory to the parties hereto shall be binding upon all individual employees,
whether such action be prospective or retroactive.
It is not the intent of either party hereto to violate any laws or any rulings or regulations of any
governmental authority or agency having jurisdiction of the subject matter of this Addendum and the
parties hereby agree that in the event any provisions of this Addendum are held or constituted to be void
as being in contravention of any such laws, rulings or regulations, nevertheless, the remainder of the
Addendum shall remain in full force and effect, unless the provisions so found to be void are wholly
inseparable from the remaining portion of this Addendum.
I.A.T.S.E. Local 631 will hold TERP employees accountable with regard to its Referral Hall Procedures
and Work Rules. The Company and Union agree to discuss situations which arise that are not covered
within the Work Rules (e.g. shift confirmation, attendance, job performance, appearance, clocking
standards, etc.) to determine the best course of action.
It is not the intent of either party hereto to violate any laws or any rulings or regulations of any
governmental authority or agency having jurisdiction of the subject matter of this Addendum and the
parties hereby agree that in the event any provisions of this Addendum are held or constituted to be void
as being in contravention of any such laws, rulings or regulations, nevertheless, the remainder of the
Addendum shall remain in full force and effect, unless the provisions so found to be void are wholly
inseparable from the remaining portion of this Addendum.
I.A.T.S.E. Local 631 will hold TERP employees accountable with regard to its Referral Hall Procedures
and Work Rules. The Company and Union agree to discuss situations which arise that are not covered
within the Work Rules (e.g. shift confirmation, attendance, job performance, appearance, clocking
standards, etc.) to determine the best course of action.