A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed Families
Living in Ohio
October 2019
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
RELATIONSHIP RECOGNITION ................................................................................................................................... 3
Marriage ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships ............................................................................................................. 3
Common Law Marriage ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Divorce ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Federal Benefits After United States v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges .............................................6
CHILDREN AND PARENTAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 8
ADOPTION .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Joint Adoption ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Second-Parent Adoption ................................................................................................................................... 9
Stepparent Adoption .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Marital Presumption ...........................................................................................................................................10
Parentage Action ............................................................................................................................................11
SURROGACY, ASSISTED REPRODUCTION, & ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION ..............................................11
BIRTH CERTIFICATES ..............................................................................................................................................13
CHILD CUSTODY & CHILD SUPPORT ................................................................................................................14
APPLYING FOR A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AND CARD FOR A CHILD .............................................14
APPLY FOR A PASSPORT FOR A CHILD ...........................................................................................................15
NON-DISCRIMINATION PROTECTIONS ...................................................................................................................15
EMPLOYMENT ...........................................................................................................................................................16
State Law ..............................................................................................................................................................16
Federal Law .........................................................................................................................................................17
Company Policies ...............................................................................................................................................18
HOUSING ....................................................................................................................................................................19
State Law ..............................................................................................................................................................19
Federal Law .........................................................................................................................................................19
PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS .............................................................................................................................20
State Law .............................................................................................................................................................20
Federal Law .........................................................................................................................................................21
SCHOOL POLICIES AND ANTI-BULLYING ...............................................................................................................21
State Law ....................................................................................................................................................................21
Federal Law ...............................................................................................................................................................22
HEALTHCARE ..................................................................................................................................................................23
State Law ...................................................................................................................................................................23
Federal Law ..............................................................................................................................................................23
FAMILY AND/OR PARENTING LEAVE .......................................................................................................................25
CHANGES OF NAME AND GENDER.........................................................................................................................26
HATE CRIMES PROTECTIONS ....................................................................................................................................27
RECOMMENDED LEGAL DOCUMENTS FOR SAME-SEX COUPLES ...............................................................28
Last Will and Testament ........................................................................................................................................28
Advance Directive for Healthcare .......................................................................................................................28
Financial Power of Attorney ..................................................................................................................................28
Domestic Partnership Agreement .......................................................................................................................29
Co-Parenting Agreement .......................................................................................................................................29
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
This handbook is not intended to be legal advice but an overview of
the current state of LGBTQ-family law in Ohio. The law is changing
quickly and dynamically, so it is important to consult an attorney or
contact the authors to discuss the details of your particular situation
and to ensure that information provided herein is still accurate.
This guide was drafted by Family Equality in collaboration with Equality Ohio.
It addresses many of the legal rights and issues that affect LGBTQ families
currently living in Ohio. As LGBTQ equality advances across the nation, there
are still signicant gaps in the rights of LGBTQ individuals and their families,
especially at the state level. Ohio has very few laws in place to protect LGBTQ
families from discrimination and ensure equal access to education, employment,
housing, healthcare, and public accommodations. In this environment, it is
important to understand what the law is in each area and how best to protect
your family.
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Nationwide recognition of marriages
of same-sex couples came in June 2015
with the United States Supreme Court’s
ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.
not only requires all U.S. states to issue
marriage licenses to same-sex couples,
but also requires them to recognize
marriage licenses issued in another state.
Ohio did not recognize marriages of
same-sex couples before Obergefell.
In 2004, the Ohio legislature passed
the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA),
which amended the Ohio Code to state
that marriages of same-sex couples
would not be recognized in Ohio, even
if entered into legally in another state.
The Ohio DOMA further stated that no
statutory benets afforded to married
couples would be extended to same-sex
That same year, 62% of voters
voted in favor of “State Issue 1,which
amended the Ohio Constitution to dene
marriage as between a man and a woman.
Despite the fact that these provisions are
unconstitutional in light of Obergefell,
they have not been repealed and remain
on the books today. Nonetheless, there
are no known cases of a marriage license
1 Obergefell v. Hodges, 135 S.Ct. 2584 (2015).
2 Obergefell v. Hodges, 135 S.Ct. 2584 (2015).
3 Ohio Rev. Code § 3101.01(C)(1)-(2).
4 Id. at (3).
5 http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/pages/
being denied to a same-sex couple in Ohio
following Obergefell, and any such denial
would be unconstitutional.
Although the State of Ohio has never had
a separate status of civil unions, several
cities and counties within the state have
established domestic partner registries.
In 2009, such an ordinance in Cleveland
was challenged on the basis that it violated
“State Issue 1”the amendment to the
state constitution that dened marriage as
between a man and woman.
A State Court
of Appeals held that establishing such a
registry did not violate Ohio law because
domestic partnerships do not afford same-
sex couples a marriage equivalent and
do not provide the same rights, benets
6 For example, the cities of Columbus and
Cincinnati have established registries for domestic
partners. City of Cincinnati, Domestic Partnership
Registry, https://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/council/
domestic-partners-registry/ (last visited March
22, 2018); City of Columbus, Register a Domestic
Partnership, https://www.columbus.gov/council/
How-Do-I/Register-a-Domestic-Partnership/ (last
visited March 22, 2018); .
7 Cleveland Taxpayers for Ohio Constitution v.
Cleveland, 2010-Ohio-4685 (2007).
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
or legal protections of marriage, such as
inheritance rights and tax benets.
such a registry simply helped private
employers identify persons who may be
eligible for domestic partnership benets.
Any civil unions or domestic partnerships
entered into are legally recognized
relationships and must be legally dissolved
in court to be terminated. Not doing so
means the relationship remains legally
in effect and subsequent marriages will
be called into question. It is important to
consult with an attorney in Ohio concerning
the dissolution of a civil union or domestic
Common law marriages are recognized
only for couples who entered into such
an arrangement prior to October 10,
8 Id.
9 Id.
However, before Obergefell, Ohio
did not recognize any marriages of same-
sex couples. Ohio has not taken up the
question as to whether Obergefell would
be given retroactive effect such that same-
sex couples who entered into a common
law marriage prior to 1991 would be given
legal recognition as such. However, other
state courts have ruled that pre-Obergefell
common law marriages of same-sex
couples are legally valid.
Any couple who
believes they may have entered into a
common law marriage prior to 1991 should
consult with an attorney who has expertise
in LGBTQ family law to discuss whether the
criteria were met and whether the common
law marriage remains legally recognized.
This is important because some benets
(such as Social Security or spousal support
benets) require that a marriage be of
a certain length in order for a spouse
to access such benets. Common law
marriages come with all of the same
rights, benets and responsibilities of
legal marriage, including access to Social
Security survivor benets and access to
pensions and other assets. A declaration of
common law marriage also allows spouses
to take advantage of divorce laws, giving
them access to alimony determinations
and division of marital property through
equitable distribution.
10 Ohio Rev. Code § 3105.12(B)(1)-(3).
11 Charles W. “Rocky” Rhodes, Loving
Retroactivity, 45 Fl. State Univ. Law Review 383,
437-42 (2018) (discussing other states that have
given retroactive effect to common law marriages
of same sex couples, such as Pennsylvania).
Any couple who has a civil
union or domestic partnership
issued from another state and
lives in Ohio should consult
with an attorney as to their
rights under Ohio and federal
law. Any such reliationship
must be disolved in court even
though Ohio state law does not
recognize them.
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A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
In Ohio, except for an annulment, there are
two ways to end a marriage: a divorce or
a dissolution of marriage. The end result
is the same — parties are considered to
be divorced (a dissolution of marriage
is a no-fault divorce). In a dissolution
of marriage, the parties enter into a
separation agreement, which divides assets
and debts and addresses custody, child
support, spousal support, parenting time,
and other issues between the parties. The
agreement gets led with the court along
with a petition asking the court to set a
hearing to dissolve the marriage. The court
usually does not change the terms of the
parties’ agreement and simply orders it
into execution, meaning the agreement
becomes an Order of the Court. A divorce
is a more complicated proceeding requiring
grounds and the possibility of multiple
hearings. If issues are not resolved between
the parties, the case will be resolved after a
trial before a Judge or Magistrate.
Before anyone can get married in Ohio or
elsewhere in the United States, they must
be single and not currently married. A
person who fails to end a prior marriage by
divorce and re-marries is committing the
crime of bigamy, which can be prosecuted
in Ohio and elsewhere.
It is important for anyone seeking to end
their marriage to a same-sex spouse to
consult with a family law attorney who
is skilled and knowledgeable about LGBT
family law issues. Since marriage equality
is relatively new in Ohio, framing the
special issues that these divorce cases
may bring for Judges and Magistrates will
be critical to the advancement of LGBT
family law. For instance, in a situation
where the marriage itself may have only
lasted a short while due to the prior
unavailability of marriage but the parties
were in a long term relationship prior to
marrying, attorneys will need to educate
the court in looking beyond the length of
the marriage to determine appropriate and
equitable spousal support, and asset and
debt division, as well as issues involving the
parties’ children.
In its 2013 decision in United States
For more information on how to access federal marriage benefits visit the
post-Obergefell factsheets at: marriageequalityfacts.org
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
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v. Windsor, the U.S. Supreme Court
overturned the provision of the federal
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that
denied federal marriage benets to
married same-sex couples.
This case
laid the foundation for marriage equality
nationwide, which was won two years
As discussed above, in 2015, the Supreme
Court held in Obergefell v. Hodges that
same-sex couples have a fundamental
right to marry under the Constitution,
mandating that same-sex couples be
permitted to marry and have their
marriages recognized throughout the
Following Obergefell, all federal
marriage benets have been extended to
married same-sex couples nationwide.
Such benets include, but are not
limited to, Social Security and Veterans
Administration benets, all federal tax
12 United States v. Windsor, 133 S.Ct. 2675 (2013).
13 Obergefell v. Hodges, 135 S.Ct. 2584 (2015).
benets, health insurance and retirement
benets for same-sex spouses of all
federal employees, and spousal benets
for same-sex spouses of military service
14 In June 2017, the Texas Supreme Court held
Because marriages of same-
sex couples are now recognized
nationwide, married couples
living in Ohio should be able
to access all federal benets
that are attendant to marriage.
Please alert the authors if you
nd such benets have been
denied to you as a result of the
agency failing to recognize your
Please consult an attorney
experienced in LGBTQ law, or
the authors, if you experience
discrimination from state
agencies in recognizing your
family relationships on the basis
of marriage. Likewise, if you are
an LGBTQ person or same-sex
couple considering fostering and/
or adopting children either from
the public child welfare system
or through private adoption, it
is critical that you hire an Ohio
adoption attorney who has
experience working with LGBTQ
people and couples.
It is not enough to simply hire an
experienced family law attorney.
There are issues unique to LGBTQ
families that can, and should,
only be managed by an attorney
with particular experience and
expertise in this area of the law.
If you are unsure where to find
an experienced LGBTQ adoption
attorney, please contact Family
Equality (familyequality.org), and we
will do our best to help you find one.
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
LGBTQ people and same-sex couples
have diverse family structures and form
families in a variety of ways. Some have
children from prior different-sex or same-
sex relationships. Some LGBTQ people are
single parents by choice. Some same-sex
couples adopt or use assisted reproductive
technologies to build their families
together. While there is much progress to
be made in Ohio with regard to parental
recognition for LGBTQ individuals and
couples, there are some state rules, cases,
and statutes in place that recognize and
reect the evolving landscape of modern
families and diverse family structures.
that Obergefell “did not address or resolve the
specic issue…whether and the extent to which
the Constitution requires states or cities to provide
tax-funded benets to same-sex couples.” Pidgeon
v. Turner, 538 S.W.3d 73, 87 (S.Ct. Tx 2017). The U.S.
Supreme Court refused to hear the case and sent it
back to the Texas trial court. The case is pending.
This decision is only binding in Texas and is limited
to the extension of marriage benets under state
law, but it could have an impact on federal Social
Security benets.
Many of Ohios laws dealing with parentage
reference married couples in explicitly
gendered terms like “husband,” “wife,
mother,” and “father.” With the arrival of
marriage equality for same-sex couples,
the state of Ohio should now interpret
these statutory provisions in a gender-
neutral manner (i.e. “spouse” and “parent”);
however, to date, the Ohio courts have not
addressed this issue.
All same-sex couples raising LGBTQ
children should keep copies of the
following documents easily accessible:
Adoption decree
Birth certicate
Standby Guardianship Nomination
Marriage Certicate
Medical Powers of Attorney
Adoption decrees are irrefutable and
undeniable proof of parentage. Once an
adoption decree is validly issued in one
state, it must be recognized and enforced
in every state.
Ohio’s adoption law states that any
unmarried adult or “a husband and wife
together” may adopt.
There is no law that
prohibits adoption by LGBTQ individuals or
couples, but there is no explicit statutory
protection against discrimination either.
For this and other reasons, it is advisable to
contact an adoption attorney experienced
in LGBTQ family law in Ohio and to engage
with foster and adoption agencies who are
15 Ohio Rev. Code § 3107.03.
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
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welcoming and afrming to LGBTQ people
and couples.
Joint Adoption
As stated above, Ohio law allows for the
joint adoption of a child by “a husband and
With the arrival of nationwide marriage
equality, same-sex married couples
should be permitted to adopt under the
same terms and conditions as different-
sex married couples. Thus, as long as
the couple is married and meets the
requirements for petitioning for adoption,
a same-sex couple should be eligible to
jointly adopt. While there should be no
question regarding the right of same-sex
couples to adopt jointly, since there are
no cases explicitly applying the gendered
language of the statute to joint adoptions
by married same-sex couples, consultation
with an Ohio adoption attorney who has
experience working with LGBTQ couples is
Ohio law does not permit unmarried
couples to petition to adopt jointly,
whether same-sex or different-sex.
Second-Parent Adoption
Second-parent adoption is the adoption of
a child by an additional parent who is not
married to the legal parent of the child. In
a second-parent adoption, the additional
parent can be recognized as such without
the rst parent losing any parental rights,
and the child is entitled to the benets of
16 Ohio Rev. Code § 3107.3.
two legally recognized parents.
Ohio does not currently allow unmarried
couples to obtain a second-parent
adoption in Ohio.
However, a validly-
granted second-parent adoption issued in a
different state must be recognized in Ohio
and nationwide.
Stepparent Adoption
Married same-sex couples can ensure that
both parents are legally recognized by
obtaining an adoption decree through the
stepparent adoption procedure. Stepparent
adoption is the legal adoption of a child by
the spouse of the child’s legal parent.
This can apply to LGBTQ couples in two
scenarios. First, if a married couple plans
the pregnancy and conceives the child
through the use of assisted reproductive
technology, such as sperm, egg, or embryo
donation, the biological parent may be
considered the sole legal parent. When a
woman gives birth through the use of a
sperm donor, her same-sex married spouse
should be entitled to a marital presumption
of parentage regardless of gender (see
section below), but until Ohio law explicitly
affords that protection, it is strongly advised
that the other spouse obtain an adoption
decree recognizing them as a legal parent.
This can be done through the stepparent
adoption procedure and is sometimes
referred to as a “conrmatory adoption”
to conrm the parental rights of the non-
genetic parent through adoption. Listing
17 In re Adoption of Doe, 719 N.E.2d 1071 (Ohio
App. 1998).
18 V.L. v E.L., 136 S.Ct. 1017 (2016).
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
both parents on the birth certicate does
not establish parental rights and does not
guarantee parental rights as a stepparent
adoption does.
The second scenario arises if one of the
spouses already has a child when the
couple is married and that parent is the
child’s only legal parent.
In this scenario,
after the couple marries, the spouse of
the legal parent may adopt the child as a
stepparent and share equally in the rights
and responsibilities of raising the child.
In Ohio, stepparent adoptions are
permitted as long as the other spouse is a
parent of the child and he or she supports
the adoption.
Prior to marriage equality
in Ohio, same-sex couples could not adopt
as stepparents because they were not
legally recognized as “spouses” as required
by Ohio law.
Since Ohio gained marriage
equality through Obergefell in 2015,
however, a same-sex spouse is entitled
to adopt under this provision just as a
different-sex spouse would.
Adoption is a complicated proceeding,
and many factors must be considered to
determine if one is possible. Consultation
with as Ohio adoption attorney who has
experience working with LGBTQ families is
strongly encouraged when proceeding with
a stepparent adoption.
19 If the child may have another legal parent
(i.e., the child was from a previous relationship or
conceived with a known donor), it is important
to consult with an attorney to determine if that
individual’s parental rights have been terminated.
20 Ohio Rev. Code § 3107.03.
21 See Obergefell v. Wymyslo, 962 F.Supp.2d 968
(S.D. Ohio 2013).
Marital Presumption
The marital presumption is the idea
that, when a married woman gives birth,
her spouse is the other legal parent.
Historically, this concept has been applied
exclusively to different-sex spouses. With
nationwide marriage equality, the marital
presumption laws should be applied to
married same-sex couples on the same
basis as it would for opposite-sex couples,
but Ohio has yet to do so explicitly.
As with its adoption statutes, Ohio law
uses gendered terms regarding the
marital presumption and refers to it as a
presumption of paternity, meaning that the
husband of the woman who gives birth is
presumed to be the parent of that child.
While, in light of Obergefell, the law should
be interpreted to apply to the same-sex
spouse of a woman who gives birth, there
have been no appellate court decisions in
Ohio applying the presumption of paternity
in the context of a same-sex married couple.
22 Ohio Rev. Code § 3111.03.
An adoption decree is the single
best irrefutable and undeniable
proof of parentage. We strongly
recommend that same-sex
couples with children ALWAYS
get an adoption decree that
recognizes both parents as
legal parents, even if you are
married and appear on the birth
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
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And, under Ohio law, the parental
presumption thus far has been interpreted
as a biological presumption, which can
be rebutted through genetic testing. As
such, same-sex couples conceiving a child
through assisted reproduction where only
one spouse has a genetic connection to the
child should consult an LGBTQ family law
attorney. While the marital presumption
may be applied to same-sex couples, until
the state legislature extends the martial
presumption to same-sex spouses, the
legal risk of relying on this presumption
alone is too great, so it is critical for the
non-birthing parent to secure parental
rights through a conrmatory/stepparent
adoption decree or a parentage action
to ensure that both spouses are legally
recognized as parents.
Some, but not all, Ohio counties have
adopted a protocol permitting married
same-sex couples to obtain a Parentage
Order in Juvenile Court. These actions
establish legal parental rights for both
spouses and are preferable to relying
on the marital presumption to establish
parental rights.
Parentage Action
The purpose of a parentage action is to
establish the parent-child relationship
between the non-biological or non-
adoptive parent and the child. In
some counties, there may be no other
mechanism than these new actions to
establish the parent-child relationship.
These relatively new actions in Juvenile
Court would result in the child’s birth
certicate being modied to add the
new parent and to create legal rights and
responsibilities for that parent.
As stated above, current law does not
require the marital presumption to be
applied to same-sex spouses and, even if
it is, it can be rebutted in divorce court
by genetic testing. A parentage action, as
with an adoption, would take away the
ability of the biological parent to rebut the
As discussed below, current donor
insemination law in Ohio only recognizes
a husband’s right to parentage and the
statute has not been amended to protect
the non-biological married parent of
the child born as the result of donor
insemination. Obtaining a parentage action
would protect the same-sex non-biological
spouse if parentage is challenged in a
divorce proceeding.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART)
is the use of medical technology to assist
with pregnancy or childbirth and includes
methods such as in vitro fertilization or
use of an egg donor, sperm donor, embryo
donor, and/or a gestational carrier through
surrogacy. Surrogacy is the carrying
and delivering of a child by a woman
for another person or couple with the
intention of transferring all parental rights
to the intended parent(s). In “traditional
surrogacy,” the surrogate contributes her
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
own egg, while in “gestational surrogacy,
the surrogate has no genetic relationship
with the fetus -- an embryo created from
another womans egg is transferred to the
surrogates uterus.
Ohio has laws in place regarding non-
spousal articial insemination. Using
gendered language, the statute states that,
if a married woman uses donor sperm
to conceive a child and her husband
consents, the husband shall be treated in
law and regarded as the “natural father” of
any child conceived. Under Ohio law, the
sperm donor is not a parent and has no
parental rights or obligations to any child
conceived using the donated sperm so long
as the requirements of the statute are met,
including that the conception is initiated
under the supervision of a physician and
that both spouses consent.
with an attorney is essential because if
all of the aspects of the statute are not
23 Ohio Rev. Code §§ 3111.88 - 3111.95.
followed, the donor cannot relinquish
parental rights or obligations. Further,
Ohio courts have not claried whether this
statute applies to a same-sex spouse.
Similarly, a woman who receives an embryo
donation is treated as the mother of the
child. If a married woman gives birth
to a child born as a result of an embryo
donation to which her husband consented,
her “husband” is treated in law as the
There are no state statutes in Ohio that
govern surrogacy, but there is case law
that has upheld the legality of surrogacy
agreements that protect the rights of
intended parents who use a surrogate to
conceive a child and carry a pregnancy.
Surrogacy, and the related use of ART,
are common in Ohio. Ohio courts have
not yet ruled on the enforceability of
traditional surrogacy agreements but
24 Ohio Rev. Code § 3111.97.
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have held that gestational surrogacy
agreements are generally enforceable.
It is essential to enter into a written
surrogacy and/or donor contract with
any sperm, egg, or embryo donor to
document the expectations, intentions, and
responsibilities of all parties involved in a
surrogacy and/or donor arrangement and
to petition for an adoption to clarify the
rights of all parties.
It is imperative that any individual or
couple who is considering using surrogacy
and/or ART consult with an Ohio attorney
who has signicant expertise in surrogacy
and ART law, has worked with LGBTQ
individuals and same-sex couples, and
has experience drafting enforceable
contracts between intended parents,
donors, surrogates, and surrogacy agencies
to ensure that the parental rights of the
intended parent(s) are recognized. Further,
as an adoption decree is irrefutable proof
of parentage and is valid throughout the
country, it is strongly recommended that
same-sex couples consult with an attorney
about also petitioning for an adoption
decree for a child conceived through ART
even if a surrogacy or donor agreement is
in place and the name(s) of the intended
parent(s) appear on the birth certicate.
Ohio law states that, for the purposes of
the birth certicate, the mother is deemed
to be the woman who gives birth to the
child unless otherwise determined by law,
and if the mother was married at the time
25 J.F. v. D.B., 116 Ohio St. 3d 363 (Ohio 2007).
of either conception or birth, the name of
the “husband” shall be entered on the birth
Nonetheless, as discussed
above, in light of the Supreme Court’s
decision in Obergefell, Ohios law should be
interpreted in a gender neutral fashion to
apply equally to all married couples.
Indeed, in June 2017, the U.S. Supreme
Court held that states cannot discriminate
against same-sex couples when listing
both spouses on a birth certicate. In that
case, the U.S. Supreme Court expressly
reiterated that equal access to birth
certicates is one of the many “rights,
benets, and responsibilities” associated
with civil marriage.
Accordingly, states
cannot discriminate against same-sex
spouses with regard to the naming of each
spouse on a child’s birth certicate.
As a birth certicate is not a Court Order
but rather is an administrative record, it is
still strongly recommended that same-sex
couples petition for an adoption decree
as soon as possible to ensure that both
parents are legally recognized. Unlike an
adoption decree, a birth certicate is not
given “full faith and credit” and does not
have to be recognized by other states.
The law regarding issuance of new birth
certicates after an adoption, however, is
gender neutral and states that, upon the
adoption of a child, a new birth record shall
be issued with the names of the “adoptive
Therefore, there should be no
hurdles to listing two same-sex parents
26 Ohio Rev. Code § 3705.09.
27 Pavan v. Smith, No. 16-992 (June 2017).
28 Ohio Rev. Code § 3705.12.
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
once an adoption is nalized. To ensure a
child’s birth certicate is updated properly
after an adoption decree has been entered,
contact Ohio’s Ofce of Vital Records.
Details on how to do so are available at
An LGBTQ individual who is not a legal
parent (i.e., is not a biological parent and
has not adopted a child) may be able to
petition for custody rights if he or she
is co-parenting the legal child of their
partner and has the legal parent’s consent.
If the non-legally recognized parent’s
relationship with the child began with the
consent of the legal parent and the legal
parent has discharged parental duties and
is found by the court to be “unsuitable,” the
non-legal parent may be awarded custody,
but this is not permanent and is subject
to modication by the court.
The non-
legally recognized parent has the burden to
establish “parental unsuitability,” which is a
difcult standard to meet. If met, the non-
legally recognized parent has physical care
and control of the child and has the right to
make decisions regarding the child’s health,
education, and well-being, but there are
certain rights and benets that are only
available to legal parents and their children
such as Social Security Survivor Benets
and inheritance rights.
It is recommended that parents of children
enter into “shared parenting” agreements
29 In re Hockstock, 98 Ohio St. 3d 238 (Ohio
in which the parents agree to certain
visitation, support, and decision-making
rights in regard to their children. However,
under Ohio law, these agreements are only
valid if both parties are legal parents of the
A non-legal parent who wishes to
secure visitation rights may only do so with
the legal parent’s consent, preferably in
“Shared parenting” agreements
are subject to review and will only be
enforced if the agreement is in the best
interest of the child.
Similarly, a custodial parent will only be
able to collect child support from the
child’s legal parent.
Therefore, if a same-
sex couple never nalized an adoption, it
is possible that the child’s parent would
be unable to collect child support from
their former partner, although the law is
unsettled on this point.
To apply for a Social Security Number
and Card for a child, the Social Security
Administration (SSA) requires a number of
different documents, including personal
information about the parent applying
for the Card or Number, the child, and
any other legal parent to the child, and a
completed SS-5 application form.
30 Ohio Rev. Code § 3109.04.
31 In re Mullen, 129 Ohio St. 3d 417 (Ohio 2011);
32 In re G.R.-Z., 2017-Ohio-8393 (Ct. App. Ohio
33 Ohio Rev. Code § 3109.05
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These documents may be submitted to
the SSA via letter or in person at a local
SSA ofce, which can be found through
this link (https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/
FOLO/fo001.jsp). Two same-sex parents
may be listed on the application for a
Social Security Card or Number.
However, only parents listed on the child’s
birth certicate or on a court-ordered
adoption decree are permitted to be
included on the application.
For more information on the application
process, visit the SSA website at (https://
www.ssa.gov/ssnumber), or call the SSA
at 1-800-722-1213 or 1-800-325-0778. If
difculties arise, please contact Family
To apply for a passport for a child, the State
Department requires documentary evidence,
a completed DS-11 form, a photograph of the
child, and personal information about the
parent applying for the passport, the child,
and the child’s other legal parent, if any.
These documents must be submitted to the
State Department in person at the nearest
accepted facility or regional passport agency,
listed here (https://iafdb.travel.state.gov/).
The required materials are listed here:
Two same-sex parents may be listed on
the application for a child’s passport. Only
parents listed on the childs birth certicate
or on a court-ordered adoption decree are
permitted to be included on the application.
However, if the adoptive (or legal) parent
of the child is unavailable, the Department
of State permits a non-adoptive parent
who stands in loco parentis to the child to
complete the DS-11 form and application. In
loco parentis means an adult with day-to-day
responsibilities to care for andnancially
support a child but with whom the child does
not have a biological or legal relationship.
Questions about the application process
and acceptable materials can be directed to
the National Passport Information Center
at 1-877-487-2778. The State Department
website also provides helpful information at
There are currently no federal laws
that explicitly prohibit discrimination
against LGBTQ people in employment,
housing, and public accommodations.
Existing federal civil rights laws have
been interpreted to provide some limited
protections in housing, employment,
education and even in health care, but
without explicit and fully inclusive federal
protections against discrimination based
on sexual orientation and gender identity,
LGBTQ people and their families remain
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
Unfortunately, Ohio state law offers
no explicit protections against sexual
orientation-based or gender identity-based
discrimination in these areas. However, 20
cities -- including the ve most populated
cities in Ohio -- have nondiscrimination
ordinances that prohibit discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation, gender
identity, or both.
Accordingly, LGBTQ
individuals in these municipalities who
are discriminated against in employment,
housing, or public accommodations may
le a complaint with the municipality.
State Law
Even with the arrival of nationwide
marriage equality, LGBTQ people are at
risk of being outed at work by simply ling
an amended W-4, potentially leading to
34 Equality Ohio, Equality Map, http://www.
equalityohio.org/city-map/ (last viewed
November 7, 2018). Additionally, a county-wide
ordinance offering protections for LGBTQ people in
housing, employment, and public accommodations
is under consideration in Cuyahoga County.
35 Because additional municipalities may add
protections, it is important to check http://www.
equalityohio.org/city-map/ for the most up-to-
date list.
discrimination in the workplace or even
the loss of a job. Unfortunately, there is no
state law in Ohio that prohibits employers
from discriminating against an employee
on the basis of sexual orientation and/or
gender identity. However, Ohio law does
prohibit employment discrimination on
the basis of “sex.
As discussed in the next
section, some federal courts, including
the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals (which
includes Ohio) have interpreted federal law
barring sex discrimination in employment
to include protection for LGBTQ individuals
in some circumstances.
Although there is no statutory protection,
Ohio has an executive order in place that
offers some protections from employment
discrimination to LGBTQ individuals
employed by the state. In 2007, Governor
Ted Strickland signed an executive order
that extends employment discrimination
protections to the LGBTQ community. This
order prohibited discrimination against
state employees on the basis of sexual
orientation or gender identity in making
hiring, layoff, termination, transfer, and
other employment-related decisions.
In 2011, Governor John Kasich signed
Executive Order No. 2011-05K to renew
the expired 2007 Executive Order, but this
Order does not include gender identity
as a protected class.
Thus, employees
36 Ohio Rev. Code § 4112.01.
37 State of Ohio, Ofce of the Governor,
Executive Order No. 2011-10S, Establishing Policy
Against Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation
or Gender Identity (May 17, 2007).
38 State of Ohio, Ofce of the Governor,
Executive Order No. 2011-05K, Establishing an
Anti-Discrimination Policy in State Government
Employment (January 21, 2011).
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of the state may report allegations of
employment discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation to the agency where the
discrimination occurred. Each state agency
has its own Equal Employment Ofcer
charged with investigating complaints
of discrimination, and the list of agency
contacts is available here: http://hr.ong.
ohio.gov/EEOEO.aspx. status.
Federal Law
While there is no explicit federal law that
bars discrimination against LGBTQ people
in the workplace, the denition of “sex”
in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
has been interpreted by some courts
to provide employment protections for
LGBTQ people. The Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) hears
and investigates complaints of employment
discrimination under Title VII by all private
employers, state and local governments,
federal government agencies, employment
agencies, and labor unions, as long as
they have fteen or more employees or
Since 2011, the EEOC has ruled several
times that claims of sexual orientation
and gender identity discrimination in
employment are actionable under Title VII
because such discrimination constitutes
discrimination based on sex stereotypes.
These EEOC decisions, while not binding to
39 Macy v. Holder, No. 0120120821, 2012 WL
1435995 (E.E.O.C. Apr. 20, 2012); Veretto v. US
Postal Service, No. 0120110873 (E.E.O.C. Jul. 1,
2011); Castello v. US Postal Service, No. 0120111795
(E.E.O.C. Dec. 20, 2011); Complainant v. Foxx, No.
0120133080, 2015 WL 4397641 (E.E.O.C. July 15,
courts, reect the EEOC’s view that LGBTQ
individuals are protected under Title
VII and may le a claim of employment
discrimination utilizing the law’s inclusion
of “sex” as a protected class.
Prior to the recent EEOC rulings, many
federal courts
concluded that Title VII did
not prohibit employment discrimination on
the basis of sexual orientation, including
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit (which includes Ohio) in Vickers v.
Faireld Medical Center.
In Vickers, the
court held that sexual orientation is not a
protected class under Title VII and refused
to apply a sex stereotyping theory because
the gender non-conforming behavior
(his attraction to men) was not observed
at work and he did not argue that his
appearance or mannerisms on the job were
perceived as gender non-conforming.
Several federal appellate courts have
recently revisited their analyses in light of
the EEOC’s rulings. Since 2017, the Second
and Seventh Circuits have concluded that
sexual orientation discrimination is a form
of sex discrimination that is prohibited by
Title VII.
In March 2018, the Sixth Circuit
ruled that discrimination on the basis of
transgender and transitioning status is a
violation of Title VII.
Although the court
did not revisit the issue of whether sexual
40 E.g., Evans v. Georgia Reg’l Hosp., 850 F.3d 1248
(11th Cir 2017).
41 453 F.3d 757 (6th Cir. 2006).
42 Id. at 762-64.
43 Zarda v. Altitude Express, Inc., 883 F.3d 100 (2d
Cir. 2018); Hively v. Ivy Tech Comm. College, 853
F.3d 339 (7th Cir. 2017).
44 EEOC v. R.G., 884 F.3d 560, 574-81 (6th Cir.
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
orientation discrimination is a violation
of Title VII, it distinguished the case from
Vickers and wrote that “a plaintiff may state
a claim under Title VII for discrimination
based on gender nonconformance that is
expressed outside of work.
Victims of discrimination on any protected
basis, including sexual orientation and
gender identity, must le a Charge of
Discrimination with a local EEOC ofce
prior to ling a lawsuit in court alleging
discrimination. The EEOC ofces serving
Ohio can be found at (https://www.eeoc.
Generally, the Charge of Discrimination
must be led within 180 days of each
instance of discriminatory treatment. To
le a complaint based on sexual orientation
or gender identity, the complainant must
list the basis for the claim as discrimination
on the basis of “sex,” as this is the existing
basis that the EEOC and some courts have
linked to sexual orientation and gender
identity. More about the EEOC process
and a claimant’s rights and responsibilities
after ling a claim with the EEOC is
available at this website: (http://www.
eeoc.gov/employees/charge.cfm). Federal
employees and job applicants are subject
to a different timeline for making a claim
(typically 45 days) and procedures for ling,
which are available here: http://www.eeoc.
Ohioans working for companies that
contract with the federal government have
access to additional protections against
45 Id. at 580.
discrimination in employment. These
protections stem from a 2014 Executive
Order that prohibits federal contractors
from discriminating against current or
prospective employees on the basis of
sexual orientation or gender identity.
Contractors who do business with the
federal government employ 20% of
American workers, all of whom are now
covered by non-discrimination protections
under this Order. LGBTQ individuals who
have been the victim of discrimination by
an employer that contracts with the federal
government, can le a complaint through
the U.S. Department of Labor Ofce of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs.
Information about the complaint process is
available here: (http://www.dol.gov/ofccp/
Company Policies
Many employers, especially those that
operate in multiple states, have enacted
their own internal non-discrimination
policies that prohibit discrimination against
LGBTQ employees. While these policies
may not be legally binding, they can often
give an employee some recourse where
there would otherwise be none and, in some
cases, may be viewed as a contract between
the employer and employee, giving rise to
contractual rights as well. A company’s non-
discrimination policy should be available
in the company’s employee handbook or
46 Executive Order 13672 (July 21, 2014). On
January 31, 2017, President Trump issued a
statement that this Executive Order will remain
intact during his presidency. https://www.
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through the human resources department,
and it is always important to be familiar with
it and understand the rights and protections
it affords.
Any person who has been or may have
been the victim of sexual orientation- or
gender identity-based discrimination in
the workplace should contact an attorney
familiar with LGBTQ employment law.
State Law
Ohio state law offers no protection against
discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation or gender identity in housing
or nancial assistance. There are currently
no express prohibitions in the Ohio
Housing Code that prohibit discrimination
against LGBTQ people. The Code does,
however, prohibit discrimination on the
basis of sex.
As described above, in
employment discrimination cases, there
is case law supporting the argument that
prohibitions of discrimination based on
sex” includes LGBTQ individuals because
such discrimination amounts to “sex-
stereotyping,” which is a prohibited form
of sex discrimination. However, the Ohio
Supreme Court has not yet ruled on
the application of this principle to the
prohibition against sex discrimination in
the Ohio Housing Code. Any person who
has been subjected to discrimination in
housing based on sexual orientation or
gender identity should consult with an
47 Ohio Rev Code § 4112.01.
Further, as previously mentioned, some
localities have passed nondiscrimination
ordinances that prohibit discrimination in
housing on the basis of sexual orientation
and/or gender identity, so LGBTQ
individuals in those localities may seek
recourse through their local government.
Federal Law
The federal Fair Housing Act, which was
enacted as Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1968 and is enforced by the Department
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
does not explicitly prohibit discrimination
against LGBTQ people and their families.
However, an LGBTQ person experiencing
discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation or gender identity may still be
covered by the Fair Housing Act on the
basis of such discrimination constituting
discrimination on the basis of “sex,” similar
to the employment context.
In 2012, HUD issued the “Equal Access Rule,
which prohibits discrimination on the basis
of sexual orientation or gender identity
by any housing or service provider that
receives funding or insurance from HUD.
48 Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs
Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
It also prohibits lenders from determining
a borrower’s eligibility for Fair Housing
Authority (FHA) insurance on the basis of
sexual orientation or gender identity. For
example, any landlord receiving funding
through HUD is prohibited from refusing
to rent, offering unequal and inated rental
prices, or mistreating potential renters
based on their sexual orientation, gender
identity, or HIV/AIDS status. Further,
any lender or operator of HUD-assisted
housing is prohibited from inquiring as to
the sexual orientation or gender identity
of an applicant and barred from using
such criteria in assessing an application.
A violation of this rule may result in HUD
pursuing a number of remedies, including
sanctions against the violator.
HUD allows individuals to submit housing
discrimination complaints by telephone at
1-800- 955-2232, by mail, or online (http://
topics/housing_discrimination). The HUD
maintains eld ofces in Cleveland and
Columbus, and the contact information for
both ofces is available at this link: (https://
www.hud.gov/states/ohio/ofces). To learn
more about ling a complaint, as well as the
process for ling a lawsuit, please read this
page: (http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/
State Law
Ohio law offers no explicit protection for
Identity, Final Rule (2012); 24 CFR § 5.106.
LGBTQ people in public accommodations.
Public accommodations are generally
dened as entities, both public and private,
that are open to or offer services for the
general public.
Examples include retail
stores, hotels, restaurants, educational
institutions, hospitals, public parks, libraries,
and recreational facilities, but private clubs
and houses of worship are generally exempt
from this denition.
As noted above, many localities in Ohio have
passed local non-discrimination ordinances
that prohibit discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation and/or gender identity in
public accommodations, but without explicit
protection at the state level, many LGBTQ
individuals in Ohio have no protection from
discrimination. The U.S. Supreme Court
recently reafrmed the importance of state
law nondiscrimination protections. In its
recent decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop,
which involved a baker who refused to
bake a wedding cake for a same-sex
couples wedding celebration, the Supreme
Court underscored that the Constitution
protects LGBTQ individuals and families
from discrimination.
Further, the Court
explained that “it is a general rule that
[religious and philosophical] objections do
not allow business owners and other actors
49 Under Ohio law, “public accommodation”
is dened as “any inn, restaurant, eating house,
barbershop, public conveyance by air, land, or
water, theater, store, other place for the sale
of merchandise, or any other place of public
accommodation or amusement of which the
accommodations, advantages, facilities, or
privileges are available to the public.” Ohio Rev.
Code § 4112.01(A)(9).
50 Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights
Commission, No 16-111 (June 4, 2018) at 9.
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in the economy and in society to deny
protected persons equal access to goods
and services under a neutral and generally
applicable public accommodations law.
In other words, businesses that are open
to the public must be open to all.
Federal Law
Federal public accommodations
protection provisions can be found in
Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and
Title III of the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990.
Unfortunately, neither law
provides express protections based on
sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
However, in 1998, the Supreme Court
ruled that being HIV-positive is a physical
disability covered by the Americans with
Disabilities Act, even if the infection has not
yet progressed to the symptomatic phase.
Businesses that hold themselves open to
the public are therefore prohibited from
refusing service or business to individuals
because they are HIV-positive.
As with employment, housing, and public
51 Id.
52 Each federal law has its own denition of
“public accommodations,” (42 U.S.C. § 12181 & 42
U.S.C. §2000a(b)). For either federal law to apply,
the public accommodation must affect interstate
53 Bragdon v. Abbott, 524 U.S. 624 (1998).
accommodations, the State of Ohio offers
no explicit statutory protections against
discrimination, harassment, or bullying
on the basis of sexual orientation and
gender identity for LGBTQ students and
employees in the public education system.
School boards of every school district
in Ohio are required to develop a policy
prohibiting bullying.
The law does not
delineate what groups are protected
but denes bullying as “[a]ny intentional
written, verbal, electronic or physical
act that a student has exhibited toward
another particular student more than
once and the behavior both (i) Causes
mental harm to the other student; and
(ii) Is sufciently severe, persistent, or
pervasive that it creates an intimidating,
threatening, or abusive educational
environment for the other student.
The Ohio Department of Education has
published a model anti-bullying policy
that includes the “overt intent to ridicule,
54 Ohio Rev. Code § 3313.666.
55 Ohio Rev. Code § 3313.666(A)(2).
Ultimately, because school district
policies are determined at the
local level, there can be wide
variations on the degree to which
a school district is proactive and
protective of LGBTQ students,
families, and employees. It is
important to be familiar with
your school district’s policies
protecting LGBTQ individuals and
to reach out to your school board
with questions or concerns.
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
humiliate or intimidate another student or
school personnel” as an example of bullying
While the model policy does
not specify particular groups that are to
be protected, the broad language would
likely encompass protections for LGBTQ
individuals against bullying based on their
sexual orientation or gender identity or
expression. This does not take the place
of comprehensive legislation, but it offers
some recourse for LGBTQ harassment,
bullying, and discrimination in education.
Further, many individual schools have
created fully inclusive enumerated anti-
bullying policies that expressly protect
LGBTQ students. However, without
explicit statutory language or authoritative
decisions from the state or appellate courts
in Ohio, LGBTQ students and public-
school employees remain vulnerable and
should consult an attorney if experiencing
harassment or discrimination at school.
Federal law, specically Title IX of the
United States Education Amendments
of 1972, also provides some protections
and support to students facing bullying
or discrimination based on their sexual
orientation or gender identity. Title
IX prohibits discrimination against
students in schools and other educational
56 Ohio Department of Education, Anti-
Harassment, Anti-Intimidation, or Anti-Bullying
Model Policy, October 9, 2012, available at http://
programs that receive federal funding if
the discrimination is based on a student’s
sex or gender. While Title IX does not
explicitly include sexual orientation or
gender identity as bases for a claim of
discrimination, the law has been applied
to prohibit discrimination where a student
is mistreated for being sex or gender non-
meaning the student faces
discrimination for not subscribing to the
stereotypical notions of femininity or
masculinity. In past policy statements, the
Department of Education (DOE) included
transgender students in those classes
protected by Title IX, and lesbian, gay, and
bisexual students have successfully led
claims of discrimination under Title IX.
In a May 2016 statement, the DOE and
Department of Justice (DOJ) explained
that compliance with Title IX requires
schools to treat transgender students
consistent with their gender identity and
does not allow schools to impose a medical
diagnosis or treatment requirement.
However, in February 2017, under the
57 Videckis v. Pepperdine Univ., 150 F. Supp. 3d
1151 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
58 United States Dept. of Education Ofce for
Civil Rights, Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender
Students (May 2016).
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Trump Administration, the DOE and
DOJ rescinded this guidance.
the DOE and DOJ’s withdrawal of the
guidance, the underlining law that the
guidance interpreted remains. Since then,
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit unanimously held that transgender
students are protected from discrimination
under Title IX and the Equal Protection
Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
Federal district courts in Maryland and
Virginia have recently reached the same
The DOE’s Ofce for Civil Rights (OCR)
investigates claims of discrimination on
the basis of race, sex, national origin, sex,
and disability in programs or activities
that receive funding from the DOE
(such as public elementary or secondary
schools, vocational schools, colleges and
universities, museums, libraries, and public
after-school programming,). To open an
OCR investigation, an individual must
le a complaint on behalf of himself or
herself, a group, or another person facing
discrimination within 180 days of the last
instance of discrimination. Since Title IX
does not list sexual orientation or gender
identity as separate bases for a claim, the
complaint must indicate “sex” as a basis for
the claim.
59 United States Dept. of Education Ofce for
Civil Rights, Dear Colleague Letter on Title IX (Feb
2017): https://www2.ed.gov/about/ofces/list/
60 Whitaker v. Kenosha Unied School District,
No. 16-3522 (7th Cir. 2017).
61 Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board,
No. 4:15cv54 (E.D. Va May 22, 2018); M.A.B. v. Bd.
of Educ. of Talbot Cty., 286 F.Supp. 3d 704 (D. Md.
More details on drafting a complaint, as
well as an electronic complaint form, are
available on the OCR website, located here:
The State of Ohio offers no statutory
protections against discrimination in
healthcare and health insurance on the
basis of sexual orientation or gender
Some State employers cover gender
reassignment surgery in their employee
healthcare plans.
Each year, the federal government opens
enrollment for individual and family
healthcare coverage under the Affordable
Care Act (ACA). Historically, enrollment for
the following year opened in November
and closed mid-February of the following
year. However, beginning in 2017, the open
enrollment period was much shorter.
Open enrollment for coverage in 2019 is
from November 1 to December 15, 2018.
Individuals who experience a major life
change, such as moving, getting married,
or having a baby, may qualify to enroll
62 Such employers include the public library,
Ohio State University, Ohio University, and Franklin
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
in one of the ACAs Special Enrollment
Periods during another part of the year. For
detailed information about plans, Special
Enrollment Periods, or to nd out where
and how to enroll, go to (www.healthcare.
gov) and select a state of residence.
The ACA prohibits denial of coverage for
an individual or family member because
of a pre-existing condition. This includes
a current illness or a history of chronic
illness or disease, HIV status, receiving
or having received transgender-related
care, or a prior pregnancy. However, it is
important to note that, despite the fact
that the ACA prohibits insurance providers
from discriminating against individuals
and families by denying them the ability
to obtain healthcare coverage, the ACA
does not mandate that insurance plans
offer coverage that is inclusive of the many
needs of LGBTQ individuals and families.
For example, the ACA does not require
insurers to cover transgender-related care
or treatment for HIV and AIDS. However,
insurers are prohibited from categorically
denying coverage for transition-related
care, nor can they refuse to cover
transition-related care if they cover that
same treatment for other people. While
insurers are not required to cover these
treatments, they may offer plans that do so;
any person seeking coverage of transition-
related care should investigate plans
thoroughly to nd the best option. Further,
when looking for family coverage, keep in
mind that denitions of “family” may be too
narrow to include many dependents in an
LGBTQ family structure, given the myriad
LGBTQ family structures that exist.
Section 1557 of the ACA prohibits
discrimination based on sex in all health
programs and activities receiving federal
nancial assistance.
The nal agency
rule implementing Section 1557 prohibits
discrimination based upon gender identity,
requiring that any healthcare provider
receiving federal funding (i.e. Medicaid or
Medicare, any health program administered
by the federal government, and any
health insurance marketplace) must treat
individuals consistent with their gender
The nal rule also prohibits
discrimination based on sex stereotyping,
providing potential protections to lesbian,
gay, and bisexual people.
an insurance company that offers health
coverage to opposite-sex spouses must do
the same for same-sex spouses and must
treat married same-sex couples the same
as married opposite-sex couples when they
apply for premium tax credits and lower
out-of-pocket costs on private insurance
Anyone who has experienced
discrimination on the basis of their
sexual orientation or gender identity in
a health care setting should immediately
le a complaint with the United States
Department of Health and Human Services
Ofce for Civil Rights. More details
on drafting a complaint, as well as an
63 42 U.S.C § 18116.
64 45 CFR 92 (2016); 81 FR 31375 (2016). In
Franciscan Alliance v. Burwell, Case No. 7:16-cv-
00108-O (N.D. Texas 2016), a district court judge
issued an injunction against enforcing this rule, but
an appeal is pending.
65 45 CFR 92 (2016); 81 FR 31375 (2016).
66 https://www.healthcare.gov/married-same-
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
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electronic complaint form, are available at
the HHS website, located at (http://www.
For more information on how the
Affordable Care Act and the insurance
marketplaces benet LGBTQ-headed
families, this is a helpful resource
developed by multiple LGBTQ advocacy
organizations: Where to Start, What to Ask:
A Guide for LGBTQ People Choosing Health
Care Plans.
Ohio does not have a state family or medical
leave law requiring employers to provide paid
family leave. Ohio employees are entitled
to the rights of the federal Family Medical
and Leave Act (FMLA). The FMLA entitles
eligible employees of covered employers
to take unpaid, job-protected leave for
specied family and medical reasons. Eligible
employees are entitled to up to 12 unpaid
workweeks of leave in a 12-month period for:
the birth of a child and to care for the
newborn child within one year of birth;
the placement with the employee of a
child for adoption or foster care and to
care for the newly placed child within
one year of placement;
the care of the employee’s spouse, child,
or parent who has a serious health
a serious health condition that makes
the employee unable to perform the
essential functions of his or her job;
any qualifying exigency arising out of
the fact that the employee’s spouse, son,
daughter, or parent is a covered military
member on “covered active duty.
FMLA applies to all public agencies (state,
local, and federal) and all local education
agencies (schools). The FMLA also applies
to private sector employees who employ
50 or more employees for more than 20
workweeks in the current or preceding
calendar year.
Further, military caregiver leave entitles
eligible employees up to 26 work-weeks
of leave during a single 12-month period
to care for a covered servicemember with
a serious injury or illness if the eligible
employee is the servicemember’s spouse,
son, daughter, parent, or next of kin.
In 2010, the Department of Labor issued
a clarication of the denition of “son or
daughter” to include a child for whom a
person provides a certain amount of day-
to-day care or nancial support, regardless
of whether there is a legal or biological
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
relationship. This clarication ensures
the ability of a same-sex parent and/or
partner to take time off from work to care
for their child without fear of losing their
job. The text of the Department of Labor’s
clarication is available at: (http://www.
In 2014, following the Windsor decision
and the repeal of the DOMA, the FMLA’s
benets were extended to married same-
sex couples. Because of this, married
same-sex couples became entitled to take
time off to care for their spouses. This was
solidied further in 2015 when the denition
of “spouse” in the FMLA was expanded
to include all employees in a same-sex
marriage regardless of whether their state
of residence recognized their marriage.
Finally, the Obergefell decision led to all
federal marriage benets being extended
to all married same-sex couples across the
A transgender individual in Ohio may
submit a petition to a court to obtain a
legal name change.
The court will return
the scheduling order to the petitioner
with a date and time for a hearing. Prior
to the hearing, the applicant must publish
a notice in two newspapers stating that a
name change petition has been led and
providing the date of the court hearing,
but publication requirements can be
67 Ohio Rev. Code § 2717.01.
waived and records can be sealed for the
applicant’s safety.
Ohio statutes do not offer any guidance on
updates to the gender marker on a birth
certicate, and a 1987 case provides that
the gender marker on birth certicates
cannot be updated following sexual
reassignment surgery.
Thus, as a general
matter, Ohio courts will not issue a court
order of gender change for transgender
individuals born in Ohio; however, this is
currently being litigated in Ohio federal
Ohio will, however, update names and
gender markers on driver’s licenses. Name
change requests require a court order
documenting the name change.
To update
the gender marker, an individual must
complete a “Declaration of Gender Change
form and have a licensed medical or social
service provider complete a portion of
the form certifying the applicant’s gender
No court order is required for
this form.
68 Ohio Rev. Code § 2717.01.
69 In re Ladrach, 32 Ohio Misc.2d 6 (1987).
70 Ray v. Himes, Case No. 2:18-cv-00272-MHW-
CMV (S.D. Ohio, led March 29, 2018), https://
71 Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, DMV, Driver
License & ID Card available at http://bmv.ohio.gov/
dl-renewal-current.aspx (last visited March 2018).
72 National Center for Transgender Equality, ID
Documents Center - Ohio, last updated January
2018, https://transequality.org/documents/state/
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
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A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
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9 Always have copies of these forms with you, we
recommend carrying electronic copies on a thumb drive
attached to your keychain.
9 Keep several signed original copies of the forms.
9 Write with a blue pen when completing or signing forms so
health care providers don’t question whether the document is an
9 Always have original copies with you when you travel out of state.
9 Keep an extra copy of your forms somewhere easy for a close
friend of family member to find.
9 Keep copies online on a secure server.
Ohio state law does not currently include
protections for LGBTQ people who are
targeted by hate crimes; however, several
municipalities offer this protection at
the local level. The federal government
offers some protection, however. In
2009, Congress enacted the Matthew
Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes
Prevention Act, which expands federal
hate crimes to LGBTQ people.
law allows federal law enforcement
agencies, such as the FBI, to investigate
and prosecute hate crimes against
LGBTQ individuals when local or state
authorities fail to act. Victims of a hate
crime should report the crime both to the
local authorities and to the FBI. The FBI
maintains eld ofces in Cleveland and
Cincinnati, and contact information is
available through the following webpage:
73 18 U.S.C. § 249.
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A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
A Will is a legal document by which a person directs how real estate and personal
property will be distributed upon death. Unmarried same-sex couples must have Wills
in which their partners are designated beneciaries, so that the partner will be able to
inherit any of the deceased partner’s property. Even if married, it is best to have a Will.
In addition to deciding property distribution, a Will also provides the opportunity to
designate who should become guardian to any minor children. If both parents are not
legally recognized as such, and the legal parent dies, a judge will decide who the guardian
will be. A legally recognized parent naming the other parent in a Will expresses their
wishes and increases the likelihood that a judge will respect those wishes about who
should raise the children after the death of the legally recognized parent.
A Will does not affect beneciaries that have been designated on bank accounts,
insurance policies, or retirement accounts. The company that holds those funds will
disburse them to the designated beneciary. It is important to keep such designations
More information is available from the Ohio State Bar Association at: (https://www.
An Advance Directive for Healthcare allows Ohioans to direct whom they want to make
medical decisions for them, as well as providing for end-of-life choices in the event they
are unable to express that intent at the time that care is required. More information
on Advance Directives in Ohio is available at: (https://www.ohiobar.org/ForLawyers/
It is important that partners consider providing each other with the power to handle
personal nances on their behalf through a “nancial power of attorney” in the event that a
A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed
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partner becomes unable to manage his/her own nances due to sickness or incapacitation.
It is advisable to consult an Ohio attorney in drafting this document.
A Domestic Partnership Agreement expresses an unmarried couples understanding as
to how they will share income, expenses, assets and liabilities. It also discusses a plan for
division of those things in the event the couple separates.
If a couple contemplating marriage wishes to enter into an agreement as to a future a
division of assets or support, they would need to enter into a Pre-Martial or Prenuptial
Agreement. This would require separate legal counsel for each party and should be
entered into carefully as this type of agreement may alter the statutory scheme related
to the nancial rights in divorce. A Pre-Martial Agreement may also be a useful tool for
a couple who has been together for a long time before legally marrying to agree to treat
assets acquired even before the marriage as martial property.
A Co-Parenting agreement is a document that expresses a couples understanding of the
manner in which they will raise children and what each parent’s rights and obligations
are with respect to each child while they are together and in the event that the parents
separate. They may be useful in multi-parent families, where more than two people will be
actively co-parenting together.
Although the Co-Parenting and Partnership agreements are notstandard” and will require
the advice of an LGBTQ-aware attorney licensed in Ohio (and could still prove to be not
legally binding), they are often useful to have. These documents can establish a clear
understanding between the parties and can provide clarication about the intent and
wishes of all involved. They may be useful, at some future time, should an issue ever come
before a court in the case of death, dissolution of the relationship, or other event causing
separation. However, this type of document should never be seen as a substitute for an
adoption decree, which is a clear legal establishment of parentage.
This Resource Guide was prepared and distributed by:
The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the review and editing of this Guide
provided by:
Joan M. Burda, Esq.,
Joy B. Savren, Esq.,
Maria L. Shinn, Esq.,
www. shinnlawfirm.com
Alana Jochum
Executive Director
Equality Ohio
Denise Brogan-Kator
Chief Policy Ocer
Family Equality
Equality Ohio Legal Clinic provides free legal support to LGBTQ Ohioans who are within 300% of the poverty
line and are experiencing legal hardship because of their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. Our
legal team is comprised of practicing attorneys and knowledgeable sta advocates who can provide concrete
assistance with legal matters. Contact us at 855-LGBT-LAW. Fill out an intake form at equalityohio.org/intake.