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[ ] Player Buddy
[ ] Cheer Buddy
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5010 Ritter Rd
Suite 119
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
PSFCA Big 33
Ed & Jodi, parents of Big 33 Player Buddy,
Owen: The Big 33 Buddy Program gives Owen
a chance to interact and play with athletes he
otherwise would never meet. The athletes and
Big 33 staff place the Buddies on a pedestal for
the week. The Buddies feel incredibly special,
not because of the challenges they face, but be-
cause they experience a unique week of inclu-
sive events that they cherish long after the Big
33 game is over.
Dave & Lisa, parents of Big 33 Cheer Bud-
dy, Allegra: The smiles, the cheers and the
unbiased celebration of all people is what Big
33 means to our family. We congratulate the
football players and the cheerleaders who sin-
cerely take the time to encourage the buddies
to do their best despite their differences in abil-
ities. What could be a better life lesson than
acceptance and an understanding of those dif-
ferent from you?
2023-24 Buddy Events
What is the time commitment for
the Big 33 Football Classic?
We have events for our Buddies
on Saturday, May 25th and Sun-
day, May 26th. The 67th Big 33
Football Classic will be held Sun-
day, May 26th in the evening.
Are there any costs for this pro-
This program has no costs or fees
for the Buddy for any of our
events. For Big 33, each Buddy
will be given a jersey or cheer
uniform, as well as other Big 33
gear. You will also receive two
free tickets for the game.
What is the Big 33
Buddy Program?
For more information, contact:
Big 33 office
The Big 33 Buddy Program is an
inclusive program, which pairs
individuals with special needs
with Big 33 athletes. As a Bud-
dy, you can choose if you would
like to be paired with a Big 33
Football Player or a Big 33
We invite our Buddy Team to
Buddy Dayand this is the first
time players and cheerleaders
have the honor of meeting their
Big 33 Buddies. Our Athletes
are introduced to their Buddies
and have time to get to know
each other. Our Buddies are al-
so invited to attend a Pep Rally
and Game Day. Player Buddies
are introduced on the field with
their players and have the op-
portunity to cheer them on from
the sideline. Cheer Buddies
have the opportunity to do
some cheers and part of the
Halftime show with the Cheer-
Participation in the Buddy Team is
open to all people with intellectual
disabilities, regardless of their de-
gree of challenge. The criteria to
become a member of the Buddy
Team is:
Must be 5 years of age
Must be identified by the school
or other human service agency as
having an intellectual disability
or having a developmental disa-
bility with functional limitations
in both general learning and
adaptive skills
October 1, 2023
Buddy Mini Golf
January 14, 2024
Buddy Bowling
March 2024
Buddy Dance
May 2024
Big 33 Football Classic