A Guidebook from Move-In to Move-Out
Including Sample Forms
Volunteer Lawyers Program
Community Legal Services
Servicios Legales de la Comunidad
Revised August 2016
INTRODUCTION: ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
PART ONE: ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
MOVING IN ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
I. Choosing a Rental Unit ...................................................................................................................................... 2
II. Security Deposits (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1321) ....................................................................... 3
III. Signing a Rental Agreement (For more information, see A.R.S. §§ 33-1314, 33-1315 and 33-1322). ............. 3
IV. Moving In .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
PART TWO: .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
YOUR FAIR HOUSING RIGHTS .................................................................................................................................................. 5
PART THREE: ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
I. Paying Rent ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
II. Maintaining the Rental Unit. (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1341.) ........................................................ 6
III. Access (For more information, see A.R.S. §§ 33-1343 and 33-1376). ............................................................... 7
PART FOUR: ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
YOUR RIGHTS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
I. Your Landlord Must Provide a Habitable Rental Unit (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1323,
33-1324, 33-1362(B)) ........................................................................................................................................ 8
II. Retaliation (For more information, see A.R.S. §33-1381) ................................................................................. 8
III. Illegal Lock Outs and Turning Off Services (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1367) ................................ 9
PART FIVE: ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
LANDLORDS FAILURE TO MAINTAIN RENTAL UNIT ................................................................................................................... 10
I. Landlord’s Failure to Provide Essential Services. .............................................................................................. 10
II. Landlord’s Failure to Make Repairs (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1361 ........................................ 10
PART SIX: ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
TAKING LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOUR LANDLORD ................................................................................................................... 13
I. Complaints in Court ......................................................................................................................................... 13
II. Choosing a Court: ............................................................................................................................................. 15
III. Writing the Complaint: .................................................................................................................................... 16
IV. Fee Deferrals and Waiver. ............................................................................................................................... 17
PART SEVEN: .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
ENDING THE RENTAL AGREEMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 18
I. Notice of Non-Renewal (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1375) ........................................................... 18
II. Final Walk-Through For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1321(C). ............................................................... 18
III. Moving out. ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
IV. Requesting the Return of Your Security Deposit. For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1321. ...................... 19
PART EIGHT: ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
SUBSIDIZED HOUSING ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
PART NINE: ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
RIGHTS OF THE MILITARY TO END THE RENTAL AGREEMENT ....................................................................................................... 21
PART TEN: .................................................................................................................................................................. 22
VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE .......................................................................................................................................... 22
I. Changing the locks ........................................................................................................................................... 22
II. Breaking your rental agreement because of domestic violence .................................................................... 22
PART ELEVEN: ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
BREAKING YOUR RENTAL AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 24
I. Early Termination Not for Domestic Violence. ............................................................................................. 24
II. Abandonment (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1370) ......................................................................... 24
PART TWELVE: ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
EVICTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 26
I. Violations of the Rental Agreement (For more information see A.R.S. § 33-1368) ......................................... 26
II. Partial Payments (see A.R.S. § 33-1371) ......................................................................................................... 28
III. Going to Court to Defend an Eviction (see A.R.S. § 33-1377) .......................................................................... 29
IV. Counterclaims (see Rules of Procedure for Eviction Actions, Rule 8) .............................................................. 29
V. Landlord Has a Right to the Rental Unit.......................................................................................................... 30
VI. Appeal .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
PART THIRTEEN: ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
BED BUGS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
GLOSSARY: ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
WHERE TO GET HELP: ................................................................................................................................................. 37
CHECKLIST FOR WALK-THROUGH INSPECTION ............................................ FORM A
10-DAY REQUEST FOR REPAIRS ..................................................................... FORM B
5-DAY REQUEST FOR REPAIRS (Health and Safety Issues) ............................ FORM C
REQUEST FOR REPAIRS WITH SELF-HELP OPTION....................................... FORM D-1
WAIVER OF LIEN ............................................................................................ FORM D-2
NOTICE OF SELF-HELP REMEDY: COMPLETION ........................................... FORM D-3
NOTICE OF UNLAWFUL UTILITY SHUTOFF ..................................................... FORM E
PERSONAL PROPERTY ...................................................................................... FORM F
NOTICE OF INVALID LATE CHARGES............................................................... FORM G
NOTICE OF LOCKOUT ........................................................................................ FORM H
NOTICE OF ABUSE OF ACCESS ....................................................................... FORM I
NOTICE FOR RETURN OF SECURITY DEPOSIT .............................................. FORM K
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
All information in this booklet comes from The Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
(revised July 3, 2015). You can get a free copy of the Act from, or you can
look up the Act in the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S. §§ 33-1301 to 33-1381), which is available
in the reference sections of most public libraries or law libraries in the state.
The Landlord/Tenant Act and this booklet do NOT apply to the following:
1. Rented mobile homes (except where both the trailer and lot are rented from the same
person or company);
2. Vehicles covered under the Recreational Vehicle Long Term Rental Space Act at A.R.S.
§§ 33-2100 to 33-2148;
3. Public housing projects or public institutions;
4. Property bought under a sales contract;
5. Hotel, motel, or recreational lodging;
6. Rental unit provided by a landlord in exchange for work as a manager or custodian; or
See other exclusions found in A.R.S. § 33-1308.
Importance of Written Notices
This booklet will refer to giving “notice” to your landlord. Samples of notice forms (Form A,
Form B, etc.) can be found in the back of the booklet. You may use these sample forms or write
your own.
You should make all requests in writing, and keep a copy of all notices and demands
for your records. Any notice you give to your landlord should be hand-delivered or mailed
by certified mail with a return receipt requested.
You are entering into a legal contract with the landlord when you rent. You both will have
legal rights and obligations. The Landlord/Tenant Act requires both parties to uphold their parts of
the agreement.
This booklet explains some of your rights and obligations as a residential tenant in Arizona.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Moving In
I. Choosing a Rental Unit
A. Make sure the rental unit fits your needs and your budget. Failure to pay rent in full
causes most evictions, so make sure you can afford to pay the rent on time.
B. Review the rules about such things as pets, parking, and overnight guests. Make sure that
you can follow them. Not following the rules could result in an eviction.
C. Find out whether you or your landlord is responsible for the utilities, including water, gas,
and electricity. (For more information see A.R.S. § 33-1314.01)
1. If a landlord charges you separately for utilities, the rental agreement should explain
how the landlord calculates your bill.
2. The landlord may only charge you for the utilities you actually use, and a fee for
administrative costs. The landlord may not charge you for any utilities used by other
D. Understand that a landlord cannot refuse to rent to you because of your race, color,
national origin, sex, familial status (whether you have children), religion, or disability.
Depending where you live in Arizona, you may have additional protections.
1. A landlord also cannot charge you more or make you follow different rules than other
tenants for any of these reasons.
2. If you think a landlord is discriminating against you for one of these reasons, contact
your local City Attorney’s Office, the Civil Rights Division of the Arizona Attorney
General’s Office, or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (these
numbers can be found in the blue pages of the telephone book or online at: and
E. Understand that a landlord cannot refuse to rent to you because you have children, unless
the rental property is housing for older persons as defined in A.R.S. § 41-1491.04.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
II. Security Deposits (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1321)
A. Find out if the rental agreement requires a security deposit and/or cleaning deposit. If so,
find out the amount of the deposit required, and whether it is refundable when you move
out. The rental agreement must state the purpose of all nonrefundable deposits. Make
sure you receive a receipt when you pay your security deposit.
B. A landlord cannot require a security deposit that is more than one and one-half times the
monthly rent. In addition, the landlord can charge you a reasonable charge for cleaning or
redecorating if it is specifically stated in your rental agreement. A landlord may not change
the amount or purpose of the security deposit after you have signed a rental agreement.
C. You can ask for your security deposit back when you move out. Your landlord may
subtract unpaid rent or repair costs from the deposit. (See “Requesting the Return of Your
Security Deposit” on page 17.)
III. Signing a Rental Agreement (For more information, see A.R.S. §§ 33-1314, 33-1315 and
A. You have a right to a signed written copy of your rental agreement. Read all parts of
the rental agreement. Make sure that the rental agreement includes the following
1. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of both owner and manager;
2. Location and unit number of the rental unit that you are renting;
3. Rent amount, when rent is due, and the manner of payment;
4. Who is responsible for paying utilities (electricity, gas water, etc.);
5. Amount of the security deposit, cleaning, or redecorating deposits, if any, and
whether the deposits are refundable or nonrefundable;
6. Length of the rental agreement;
7. Rules and regulations for landlords and tenants, if any (this may include
homeowner’s association rules); and
8. The names of the people allowed to reside in the rental unit.
When you sign the rental agreement, you are agreeing to the full stated term. If
you choose to move out before the term ends, you may still have to pay the rent until the
rental agreements ends or a new renter signs an agreement to rent the rental unit. You
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
may also be charged a fee for breaking your rental agreement. Additionally, if your rental
agreement contained concessions (incentives in your rental agreement such as first month
free rent or reduced monthly rate), you may be required to pay those amounts to the
landlord if you break your rental agreement.
C. You must be truthful on your rental application. If you lie, the landlord may try to evict you.
D. Your landlord must also tell the truth. If your landlord lies about important information such
as your unit number, rules, fees, or utility services, you may have options and rights under
the Arizona Residential Landlord & Tenant Act.
E. Oral Lease Agreements
1. Agreements to rent for one year or more must be in writing (see “Signing a Rental
Agreement,” above).
2. If you have an oral agreement, it can be week-to-week or month-to-month. Terms
and conditions are negotiable from one term to the next.
IV. Moving In
A. Walk-Through (For more information, see A.R.S. §33-1321(C))
1. First, inspect the rental unit for problems by doing a “walk-through” and filling out a
damage checklist. If the landlord does not provide a checklist, use Form A in this
2. Check to see that everything is working. Try to have the walk-through with the
landlord or manager present. If the landlord or manager is not available, inspect the
home yourself and make note of damage or needed repairs. Date the completed
checklist and ask the landlord to sign it. Give a copy to the landlord and keep a copy
for your records.
3. You may also wish to take photos to document any existing problems at the time of
the walk-through. Keep these with your records.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Your Fair Housing Rights
A. Understand that a landlord cannot refuse to rent to you because of your race, color,
national origin, sex, familial status (whether you have children), religion, or disability.
Depending where you live in Arizona, you may have additional protections.
B. A landlord also cannot charge you more or make you follow different rules than other
tenants for any of these reasons.
C. If you think a landlord is discriminating against you for one of these reasons, contact
your local City Attorney’s Office, the Civil Rights Division of the Arizona Attorney
General’s Office, or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (these
numbers can be found in the blue pages of the telephone book or online at: and
D. Understand that a landlord cannot refuse to rent to you because you have children,
unless the rental property is housing for older persons as defined in A.R.S. § 41-
1491.04. For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1317.
E. If you have a disability, you can request a reasonable accommodation from your
landlord to change a policy or procedure because of your disability. The accommodation
requested must be necessary and reasonable and related to the disability.
F. Also, if you have a disability, you can request a reasonable modification (change to
physical structure) to the dwelling unit. For example, reasonable modifications may
include grab bars in the bathroom or ramps to doors. However, in most situations, you
will be responsible for paying for these modifications and returning the rental unit to its
original condition when you move it.
Under Fair Housing law, service animals are considered reasonable accommodations
and are not subject to pet policies.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Your Responsibilities
I. Paying Rent
A. You must pay your rent in full and on time. Inability to pay rent because of job loss,
financial hardship, or medical problems will not stop an eviction. Even if your landlord
does not make repairs, you still need to pay your rent.
If you have a problem paying your rent on time, try talking with your landlord first. The
landlord may be willing to work with you regarding payments; however, you are still
responsible for paying all of the rent you owe. If you do work out a different payment
agreement, get the agreement in writing signed by the landlord. The landlord is not
required to give you more time or make special payment arrangements with you. (See
“Evictions” on page 24.)
B. Your landlord is not required to accept partial payments.
II. Maintaining the Rental Unit. (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1341.)
A. You must obey all health and safety provisions of the building codes.
B. You must keep the home clean and safe.
C. You must dispose of trash in a clean and safe manner.
D. You must keep all plumbing clean.
E. You must use the facilities in a reasonable manner, including electrical, heating, air
conditioning, plumbing, appliances, and elevators.
F. You must notify the landlord if a repair needs to be made. (For more information regarding
maintenance and repair requests, see “Landlord’s Failure to Maintain Rental Unit” on page
G. You must not negligently or deliberately damage any part of the property or let any guest
cause damage or you may be held responsible for those damages.
H. You and your guests should not disturb your neighbors’ peaceful enjoyment of the
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
III. Access (For more information, see A.R.S. §§ 33-1343 and 33-1376).
A. Your landlord has a right to enter at reasonable times to make necessary or agreed-upon
repairs or alterations, to supply necessary or agreed-upon services, to inspect the home,
or to show the home to prospective or actual purchasers, lenders, tenants, workers, or
B. If the landlord wishes to enter for one of these reasons, he must give you two days’
(48 hours) notice.
C. Your landlord only has the right to immediate entry in an emergency, or by court order.
D. A request to your landlord for repairs gives your landlord permission to enter your rental
unit to make those specific repairs.
E. If your landlord enters your home without proper notice, at an unreasonable time, or in a
harassing manner, you can file for an “injunction” to stop him from doing it again, and you
may recover actual damages equal to at least one month’s rent. (Refer to Form I, and see
“Taking Legal Action Against Your Landlord” on page 13.)
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Your Rights
I. Your Landlord Must Provide a Habitable Rental Unit (For more information, see A.R.S. §
33-1323, 33-1324, 33-1362(B))
A. Arizona law requires that the landlord do the following:
1. Meet the requirements of local building and health codes regarding the condition of
your rental agreement;
2. Make repairs necessary to keep the home in a fit and habitable condition;
3. Keep shared areas, such as hallways and playgrounds, clean and in a safe
4. Keep all the electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air
conditioning, and other facilities and appliances that are supplied by the landlord,
in safe and working order;
5. Provide and maintain containers for the removal of trash and provide for the
removal of the trash from the containers;
6. Supply running water and reasonable amounts of hot water, heating, and air
conditioning or cooling, unless these services are exclusively controlled by you
and supplied by a direct public utility connection.
B. For some services, you and the landlord can make a good-faith, written agreement for
you to be responsible for specific repairs and maintenance duties. This agreement
must include that you get some kind of compensation, such as reduced rent. However,
the landlord cannot make this agreement in order to avoid his obligations under
section A(1) and A(2) above.
C. If you believe the landlord has violated any of his legal responsibilities, refer to the
Landlord’s Failure to Maintain Rental Unit” section on page 10.
II. Retaliation (For more information, see A.R.S. §33-1381)
A. If you assert your right to decent and safe housing (such as by complaining to your
landlord or to a government agency) or if you join a tenants’ organization, the landlord
cannot retaliate against you.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
1. Examples of retaliation include increased rent, eviction, threatening to evict
you, or reduction of services to you within six (6) months of your actions.
2. This does not prohibit your landlord from taking actions against you if you do
not pay your rent, or if there is a violation of your rental agreement. At the end
of your rental agreement, the landlord always has a legal right not to renew the
rental agreement and does not have to provide you a reason for this decision.
However, the landlord may not refuse to renew your rental agreement for an
unlawful discriminatory reason. (For more information, see “Your Fair Housing
Rights” on page 5.
III. Illegal Lock Outs and Turning Off Services (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1367)
A. Your landlord cannot lock you out without a court order or take any of your personal
belongings. If your landlord has done this, call the police.
B. Your landlord cannot unlawfully turn off essential services such as electricity, water, or
heat. This is true even if you are behind in rent.
C. If your landlord locks you out without a court order, removes your personal property, or
turns off any of these services, notify him in writing that he is in violation of Arizona law
and that he must allow you back in the home, return your property, and/or restore the
1. For unlawful lock-out, refer to Form H;
2. For unlawful seizure of property, refer to Form F.
3. For unlawful utility shut-off, refer to Form E.
D. If your landlord has done any of these things, you may sue him for an amount up to
two months’ rent or twice your actual damages, whichever is greater. (See “Taking
Legal Action Against Your Landlordon page 13.)
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Landlord’s Failure to Maintain Rental Unit
I. Landlord’s Failure to Provide Essential Services. (This section is very important to tenants.
Because the law is complicated, not every option and requirement is listed below. Tenants should
review the law and speak with an attorney before taking these options. For more information, see
A.R.S. § 33-1364)
A. If your landlord fails to supply running water, gas, electrical service, hot water, heat, air
conditioning or essential services, you must give reasonable notice to your landlord and
then you may have the following options:
1. While the landlord is failing to provide the essential service, obtain reasonable amounts
of the service and deduct the actual, reasonable costs from your rent;
For example, if you have to buy reasonable amounts of water because there is no
running water, after giving reasonable notice to the landlord, save your receipts and
subtract the cost of the water from the next rent payment;
2. Sue your landlord for damages based upon the reduced rental value;
3. While the landlord is failing to provide the essential service, obtain reasonable
substitute housing. You will not have to pay for rent during this time. Your landlord may
be required to pay a portion of your reasonable substitute housing.
B. Keep copies of all written notices that you give to the landlord and all receipts and
documents, including those you receive from the landlord.
C. Although you are not required to give written notice to the landlord. It is best to have proof
(for example, a witness) that your landlord had notice about the violations.
II. Landlord’s Failure to Make Repairs (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1361
A. If your landlord fails to maintain the rental unit, you may give the landlord written notice
specifying the problems. (See Form B).
B. If your landlord does not fix the problems, you have three options:
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
1. You can terminate the lease if the landlord fails to correct the breach. (See II(C)
2. You can sue your landlord for damages.
3. You can go to Superior Court and seek injunctive relief to make the landlord correct
the breach.
C. To terminate the rental agreement, you must inform your landlord that if the problems are
not fixed within ten (10) days of the notice your rental agreement will terminate. (See
Form B.)
D. If the needed repairs involve serious health and safety matters such as electrical problems
or outside doors that do not lock, you must follow the same procedure above, but you can
demand that the landlord make the repairs in five (5) days (See Form C).
E. If your landlord does nothing to repair the home within ten (10) days or, for health or safety
issues, five (5) days, after getting your notice, you may terminate the lease and move out.
F. If you cannot move out, you may file a lawsuit asking the court to force your landlord to do
the repairs; you will also be able to sue for damages. (See “Taking Legal Action Against
Your Landlord” on page 13.)
G. If the issue requires a repair that will cost less than $300, or an amount up to one-half of
your monthly rent, you may hire a licensed contractor to make the repair at the landlord’s
expense. (See A.R.S. § 33-1363). You must follow these steps:
1. Give your landlord a written notice as described above, but you must include in the
notice that you are going to make the repairs yourself at your landlord’s expense if
your landlord does nothing within the time you give him. (See Form D-1.) You must
generally give your landlord ten (10) days to make the repairs, but the time to make
repairs can be less in the case of an emergency.
2. Before you do anything else, you must wait until the end of the ten (10) days (or less
in the case of an emergency) to allow your landlord the time to make the repairs.
3. After the notice time has passed, you may hire a licensed contractor to make the
repairs. The contractor must be licensed for you to hold the landlord responsible for
the repair costs.
4. Pay the licensed contractor and get an itemized bill showing what you paid for, and
have the contractor sign a “waiver of lien.” (See Form D-2.)
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
5. Next, give your landlord a notice that states that the repairs are complete, attach
copies of the itemized bill and the waiver of lien to the notice, and state that you will
subtract the cost of the repairs from your next month’s rent. (See Form D-3.)
6. You must complete each of these steps before you can subtract the repair cost from
your rent.
H. The above procedures only apply when the landlord has failed to comply with legal duties
or promises in the lease. If you, a family member, or one of your guests causes damage,
you must talk to the landlord about how to remedy the situation. If you are at fault, you
may be responsible for the full cost of repairs.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Taking Legal Action Against Your Landlord
I. Complaints in Court
A. Complaints about Habitability Issues (Part Five above)
1. You may file a Complaint in court against your landlord if, as explained in Part Five
above, you have given him notice and a chance to fix the problem, and he has failed
to correct the problem or continues to violate your rights.
2. Your Complaint may ask the court to make the landlord pay for damages, make the
landlord stop violating your rights or make the landlord do repairs.
3. If your landlord fails to return your security deposit, or you dispute any deductions, you
may file a Complaint after proper notice
4. If you want to take your landlord to court, you must file your Complaint within one year
of the date your landlord violated the law.
B. Below are statutory claims under the Landlord Tenant Act. You may have other claims that do
not arise from the Landlord Tenant Act.
1. Ouster A.R.S. § 33-1367. If your landlord unlawfully locks you out of your rental unit
or intentionally stops providing electric, gas, water, or other essential services you can
do the following:
1. Recover possession of the rental unit
2. Terminate the rental agreement (landlord must return your security deposit as
required by the law)
3. Sue or counterclaim for an amount not more than 2 month’s rent or twice the
actual financial harm you suffered, whichever is greater.
2. Abuse of AccessA.R.S. § 33-1376(B). If your landlord does one of the following:
1. Enters your rental unit unlawfully (usually this means not providing proper
notice of his intent to enter the rental unit),
2. Enters lawfully in an unreasonable manner; or
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
3. Makes repeated demands for entry that unreasonably harass you.
You can do one of the following:
4. Obtain injunctive relief (get the court to order your landlord to stop); or
5. Terminate the rental agreement.
In addition to the above, you can also sue for actual damages not less than an amount
equal to one month’s rent.
3. Retaliation A.R.S. § 33-1381. If, in the past 6 months, you complained to your
landlord or a government agency charged with code enforcement about habitability
issues materially affecting health and safety, and then your landlord did any of the
following, you may be entitled to damages.
1. Landlord increased rent
2. Landlord decreased services
3. Your landlord filed an action for possession (eviction action)
4. Your landlord threatened to bring an action for possession
Damages are the same as those found in A.R.S. § 33-1367. See Ouster above.
4. Landlord’s Failure to Deliver Possession A.R.S. § 33-1262. If your landlord fails to
give you physical possession of the rental unit at the beginning of the lease, you do not
have to pay rent until you get access to the rental unit and can do one of the following:
1. Give your landlord at least five days’ notice and terminate the rental
agreement. If you do this, your landlord must return your security deposit and
any prepaid rent.
2. File a lawsuit against the landlord or another party wrongfully in the rental unit.
If your landlord gives you a rental unit that is not in fit and habitable condition (see
A.R.S. § 33-1324 and Part Four above), you still have to pay rent, but you can take the
steps outlined in A.R.S. § 33-1361 (see Part Five (II) above).
In some cases, you can be awarded damages by a court (see A.R.S. § 33-1362(C)).
5. Landlord’s failure to Return Refundable Security Deposit A.R.S. § 33-1321(D). Your
landlord is allowed to use your refundable security deposit to pay for damages to the
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
rental unit caused by you, members of your household, or your guests. Your landlord
can also use your refundable security deposit to pay unpaid rent. To get your
refundable security deposit back, you must do all 3 of these things:
1. Terminate the tenancy. This usually means that the rental agreement has
reached the end of its term, but a rental agreement can be cancelled other
ways. This includes a court ordered eviction.
2. Return the rental unit to your landlord. This generally means giving your
landlord all of the keys to the rental unit.
3. Demand your refundable security deposit. (See Form K.)
Once you have done all of the above, your landlord has fourteen (14) days (not
including weekends and holidays) to send you a list of any deductions from your
refundable security deposit and any part of your refundable security deposit after
deductions. Your landlord is required to mail the list of deductions and refund to your
last known address unless you make other arrangements in advance.
If your landlord fails to send you the list of deductions and refund as above, you can
sue your landlord to recover the amount due and damages of twice that amount due.
See Part II below about choosing the property court.
6. Diminution of Fair Rental Value of the Rental Unit If your landlord deliberately or
negligently fails to provide running water, gas or electrical service, reasonable amount
of hot water, heat, air conditioning or cooling (where units are installed), or essential
services you can ask the court for a return of part of the rent you have paid. In other
words, because your landlord failed to supply one or more of the above, your rental unit
was not worth what you were paying for.
This statute requires that you first give your landlord reasonable notice about the
II. Choosing a Court:
A. For damages that exceed $10,000, or for injunctions, you must file your complaint in Superior
1. For Maricopa County, you may access forms and instructions on the Superior Court
website at
2. The Superior Court Law Library can also supply you with forms and references to help
you write your complaint.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
3. You must go to the court’s Civil Complaints window to file your complaint, pay
necessary fees or receive a fee deferral, and then pay a process server or receive a fee
deferral, and serve a summons and complaint your landlord. See Fee Deferrals below.
B. For damages $10,000 or less and you do not need injunctive relief, you must file your
Complaint in your local Justice Court.
1. Contact your county’s Superior Court for a listing of Justice Courts and
their locations or in Maricopa County, you can use the prescient locator at
2. For Maricopa County, you may access this information at
. You can download a form Complaint online using the
“Forms” link.
3. You must go to the local Justice Court to file your complaint, pay necessary fees or
receive a fee deferral, and then pay a process server or receive a fee deferral or pay to
serve a summons and complaint upon your landlord. See Fee Deferrals below.
4. The Justice Courts can award money damages only. They cannot order injunctions.
C. For damages less than $3,500, you may file your Complaint in the Small Claims Division of
the local Justice Court. The Small Claims Division is the cheapest and fastest method for
handling your case.
1. You would follow the same procedure as you would for Justice Court, using “small
claims forms” instead of “civil forms.”
2. Small Claims Courts have the following restrictions:
a. Neither party will get to use an attorney.
b. Neither party will get to appeal the Court’s decision.
c. The landlord may request that your case be transferred into Justice Court and retain
an attorney.
d. Small Claims Courts are for money damages only. They do not order injunctions.
III. Writing the Complaint:
A. Injunctions
1. An injunction is an order from the court to your landlord to do something (such as make
repairs), or not do something (such as not enter your home without permission).
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
2. Only the Superior Court can issue injunctions; the Justice Courts and the Small Claims
division cannot.
3. State on the Complaint that you are asking for an injunction. You may also request
Damages (see below).
B. Damages
1. Damages can include such things as the costs of staying at a motel while your rental
unit is not livable, damage to personal property, the decreased value of the home
during the time you went without necessary services or repairs or amounts allowed
under the Arizona Residential Landlord & Tenant Act.
2. If you want the court to award you damages, you must explain the amount of your
losses and why your landlord is responsible for those losses in your Complaint.
C. Whether requesting an injunction, damages, or both, briefly state (1) the problem, (2), what
you want the court to do, and (3), why you think the court should rule in in your favor.
IV. Fee Deferrals and Waiver.
Individuals who are low income may qualify for a fee deferral or waiver. Fee deferrals are
temporary postponements of the court fees. Fee waivers are permanent. Some individuals receive
a fee deferral at the beginning of a case and then receive a waiver at the end of the case. In order
to receive fee deferrals or waivers, individuals must file applications with the clerk at the same time
and place you file your complaint. Contact your local justice court or superior court in order to get
copies of the applications.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Ending the Rental Agreement
I. Notice of Non-Renewal (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1375)
A. You or your landlord may decide not to renew the rental agreement; no reason is
B. If you have a written rental agreement, you should look through it to see how and when to
give your landlord notice that you do not plan to renew the rental agreement. Some rental
agreements may automatically renew or become month-to month rental agreements if you
fail to give this notice. If you do not have a written rental agreement, or if your rental
agreement does not tell you what to do, it is best to provide at least 30 days’ notice as
described below.
C. If your rental agreement is month-to-month, to terminate your rental agreement, you or the
landlord must give the other written notice at least thirty (30) days before the end of the
last month you plan to live in the home. This means you must give notice in the month
before the month you want to leave.
This means that you cannot plan to move out in the same month you give notice. For
example, if you normally pay rent the first of the month and you want to move out by
the end of May, you should give the landlord your 30-day notice before May 1. If you
don’t give your notice until May 1 or after, then your rental agreement will not terminate
until the end of June and you will be responsible for June’s rent.
D. If you rent week-to-week, you or the landlord must give the other at least ten (10) days
written notice before the date you intend to move out. If the notice is less than ten days
from the end of the next week, the rental agreement cannot terminate until the end of the
following week.
II. Final Walk-Through For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1321(C).
A. After receiving notice or giving the landlord notice that you do not intend to renew the
lease, schedule a time after you have moved your belongings but before you turn in the
key for the landlord to join you on a walk-through inspection of the home.
B. It is important to use the copy of the completed walk-through checklist you used when you
moved in to compare the condition of the home. This allows you and the landlord to decide
if you owe any money for damages. You should keep a copy of the completed walk
through check list signed by the landlord for your records.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
C. You should take pictures of the rental unit to keep for your records in case any dispute
should later arise over the return of your security deposit.
III. Moving out.
A. Remember to leave the rental unit in the same or better condition as when you moved in. If
you damaged the rental unit or left it uncleaned, your landlord may charge you for cleaning
or repairs he has to do after you move.
B. Be sure to return your keys to the landlord on the day you move out of the rental
agreement. If you decide to mail your keys to your landlord, then you should send them
via certified mail, in a padded envelope to ensure that the keys do not tear through the
envelope. If you give your landlord the keys in person, request that your landlord sign a
receipt showing that you returned the keys.
C. Submit a request to have your mail forwarded with the US Postal Service.
IV. Requesting the Return of Your Security Deposit. For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1321.
A. You can request the return of your security deposit when you move out. You should make
your request in writing and include an address where the landlord can send the money or
response. (See Form K.)
B. The landlord must respond within fourteen (14) days, not counting Saturdays, Sundays,
and legal holidays. (Add five (5) days if you mail the request).
C. Your landlord must return the refundable security deposit to you or he must give you a
written list of the deductions he made (such as for unpaid rent or repairs) along with a
payment of any remaining money.
D. If the landlord does not respond to your written request or if you disagree with any
charges, you may sue for the return of your deposit plus twice the amount wrongfully
withheld. (See Taking Legal Action Against Your Landlord on page 13.) You will need to
prove in court that the landlord owes you this money.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Subsidized Housing
If your rental assistance is subsidized, you have additional rights and requirements. Types
of subsidized housing include Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, Section 8 Project Based
Vouchers, Rapid Rehousing, Section 8 Moderate Rehabitation, Affordable Housing, Low
Income Tax Credit and Housing for Persons with Aids.
Information about Public Housing is not included in this booklet, but can be found here:
ph or by contacting your local public housing agency. A list of AZ PHAs can be found here:
1. You should check your rental agreement and with the office that handles your subsidy for
information about your subsidized housing.
2. For all subsidized housing, you are still required to pay the portion designated as
“Tenant’s Rent.” In some instances, the tenant’s portion of rent can be zero.
3. Generally, you cannot be evicted if the Housing Authority does not pay their portion of
the monthly rent. However, if you fail to renew or are responsible for a failed inspection,
the Housing Authority may not be allowed by law to pay their portion of the monthly rent
and you may be evicted.
4. If your landlord tries to evict you for nonpayment of the Housing Authority’s portion of the
monthly rent, you should bring to court your lease and any documentation proving that
the unpaid portion of rent is not your responsibility. It will be the landlord’s burden to
prove to the court that it is your responsibility the Housing Authority did not pay.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Rights of the Military to End the Rental Agreement
(For more information, see 50 U.S.C. § 535)
A. A military member or military member’s family may break his or her lease if there is a
Permanent Change of Station or deployment of at least 90 days.
B. To end a rental agreement under this law, the military member must give the landlord
written notice and a copy of the orders.
C. The notice may be served on the landlord in person or by certified mail, return receipt
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Victims of Domestic Violence
(For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1318)
I. Changing the locks
If you are a survivor of domestic violence, you may require the landlord to rekey existing locks
or replace the locks with equal or better locks.
A. You must pay the cost of the rekey or installation.
B. The landlord has a right to keep a key to rekeyed or new locks, and to deny a key to any
person named in a protective order or law enforcement report, other than the victim.
C. The landlord shall also deny access to those named in a protective order to retrieve
property without a police officer or other law enforcement escort.
II. Breaking your rental agreement because of domestic violence
A. You may terminate a rental agreement early if you are a survivor of domestic violence
and you are trying to move due to a recent act of violence.
1. To terminate your rental agreement because of domestic violence, you must give
your landlord written notice within thirty (30) days following a domestic violence
incident. If you wait more than 30 days, you may only break the rental agreement if
the landlord is willing to waive this time limit.
a. The notice must state that you are a victim of domestic violence, which is
defined as a person who is a victim of a dangerous crime, committed by
someone they were married to, had a child with, or is related to through
marriage or blood. (A.R.S. § 13-3601).
b. In the notice, you must request that you be released from the rental agreement.
c. Unless you and the landlord agree upon a later date, the notice must contain a
date to vacate that is no later than thirty (30) days after you give notice.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
2. In addition to the notice, you must attach one of the following:
a. A copy of a protective order issued by a court; or
b. A copy of a police report that states you notified the police that you were a
victim of domestic violence.
3. Your landlord may request that you provide the name and address of the person
named in a protective order or report.
4. If you have a protective order, your landlord may also request a receipt or signed
statement that a copy of the order has been given to a police officer to be served
on the defendant.
B. Once you have given the above notice, you must pay rent and any other charges or bills
owed through the date of move-out.
C. As long as the notice of breaking your rental agreement meets the requirements
explained here, your landlord cannot keep your deposit or charge you other fees or
penalties because you moved out early. But, just like any other move-out, if you leave
any damages, the landlord may first apply the security deposit to the cost of repairs.
D. If the report or protective order is valid, the person who is named in the order or report,
whether that person is part of the rental agreement or not, may be responsible for all
additional charges or money losses that result from your early cancellation of the rental
E. Effect of Early Cancellation of the Rental Agreement on Multiple Tenants
1. If you cancel your lease under this section and your rental agreement includes
other tenants, the lease for the other tenants will also be cancelled and they may
be released from any obligation to pay rent on the remaining months of the rental
2. Additional tenants can enter into a new rental agreement with the landlord if they
want to continue renting the property after the original rental agreement has been
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Breaking Your Rental Agreement
I. Early TerminationNot for Domestic Violence.
A. If you move out before your rental agreement ends, your landlord may charge you for the
remainder of the rental agreement until he re-rents the rental unit if allowed in your rental
agreement. Your rental agreement may also state that your landlord can charge you a set
amount for breaking the rental agreement.
B. If you choose to break your rental agreement, you should still do a move-out walk-through
in order to prevent your landlord from making claims about damages to the rental unit.
II. Abandonment (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1370)
A. Abandonment means either:
1. You leave the rental unit without notice to the landlord for at least seven days; and
a. You have not paid your rent for at least ten days after it is due; and
b. There is no evidence you are living in the rental unit besides your property.
2. You leave the rental unit for at least five days; and
a. You have not paid your rent for at least five days after it is due; and
b. None of your personal property is in the rental unit.
B. Landlord’s obligations
1. The landlord must provide written notice to you that he believes the rental unit is
abandoned by certified mail, return receipt requested, to both the last known address
of the tenant and any other known address. Also, the landlord must post the notice
on the door of the rental unit for five days.
2. The landlord can retake possession of the rental unit five days after the notice has
been both posted and mailed. If this happens, any security deposit is forfeit.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
3. After the landlord has retaken possession of the rental until he must store your
possessions for ten (10) days, before selling them. The landlord must tell you where
your property is being held. If the landlord sells the property, the landlord can apply
the money received to any rent or monies owed. He must then mail any extra funds
to you at your last known address.
4. You will need to pay for storage and moving costs to get most items back. Items that
you can get back without having to pay fees first are listed in A.R.S. § 33-1370(E).
If your landlord does not follow the law, you can file a complaint in court against your
landlord. (See Part Six, Taking Legal Action Against Your Landlord).
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
I. Violations of the Rental Agreement (For more information see A.R.S. § 33-1368)
A. Not paying rent. (For more information see A.R.S. § 33-1368(B))
1. If you do not pay your rent when it is due, your landlord may give you written notice
explaining how much rent and late fees you owe, and that your rental agreement
will end if not paid within five days.
2. You have a right to reinstate your rental agreement any time before the landlord
files in court by paying the unpaid rent and any late fees.
a. Your landlord can only charge late fees if they are included in your rental
b. If you settle with your landlord, be sure to get a receipt of your payment showing
that you do not owe any additional money.
3. If you fail to pay the full amount of rent and late fees owed within five days, your
landlord may file in court to have you evicted.
a. You can still reinstate your rental agreement after your landlord files in court if
you pay the rent, late fees, court fees, and possibly attorney’s fees before the
judge enters judgment against you.
b. If you make this payment, be sure to get a receipt showing that you do not owe
any additional money.
c. Even if you make an agreement with your landlord, you should attend court to
make sure the eviction is dismissed. Bring any settlement papers or payment
receipts with you.
4. If you lose, the court will issue an eviction judgment against you. After judgment,
your landlord has no obligation to reinstate your rental agreement, even if you pay
the full amount of the judgment. If your landlord is willing to work with you and you
are able to come to an agreement, be sure to get the terms of any reinstatement or
new rental agreement in writing signed by the landlord.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
B. Breaking the rules (violating the rental agreement) or disturbing other tenants. (For
more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1368(A).
1. In most of situations, your landlord must serve you with a ten (10) day notice
requiring you to follow the rules and correct your behavior.
2. Generally, you can fix any problems in the notice. Once you have fixed the
problems identified by your landlord in the notice, you may want to have written
proof (for example, a picture or signed statement from your landlord) that you
corrected the problem.
3. If you do not fix the problem within ten (10) days, your landlord can terminate
your rental agreement and file in court to have you evicted.
4. If you break the same rule during your rental agreement, your landlord can give
you a second ten day notice. You cannot fix the problem if you receive this
second notice. Your landlord can then end your rental agreement and can file in
court to have you evicted.
5. Once the landlord has filed in court, you may still try to work out a settlement.
However, unless you receive written documentation that the case has been
dismissed, be sure to attend the court date and bring a copy of a signed
settlement agreement when you appear.
6. If your landlord files an eviction against you, you have a right to attend the
eviction hearing and dispute the landlord’s notice and complaint. Be sure to take
any evidence and witnesses with you as you may only get one chance to present
your defense.
C. Health or Safety Violation (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1368(A))
1. If you, a household member, or a guest breaks a rule or causes a condition that
materially affects health and safety, your landlord can give you a notice
informing you of problems that need to be fixed within five (5) days. This
generally means that the rental unit is not being kept in a clean and safe
condition by the tenant or the tenant is damaging the rental unit. See A.R.S. §
33-1341 for more information on how the tenant must maintain the rental unit.
2. Generally, you can fix any problems in the notice. Once you have fixed the
problems identified by your landlord in the notice, you may want to have written
proof (for example, a picture or signed statement from your landlord) that you
corrected the problem.
3. If you do not fix the problem within five (5) days, your landlord can terminate your
rental agreement and file in court to have you evicted.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
4. If you break the same rule during your rental agreement, your landlord can give
you a second five (5) day notice. You cannot fix the problem if you receive this
second notice. Your landlord can then end your rental agreement and can file in
court to have you evicted.
5. Once the landlord has filed in court, you may still try to work out a settlement.
However, unless you receive written documentation that the case has been
dismissed, be sure to attend the court date and bring a copy of a signed
settlement agreement when you appear.
6. If your landlord files an eviction against you, you have a right to attend the
eviction hearing and dispute the landlord’s notice and complaint. Be sure to take
any evidence and witnesses with you as you may only get one chance to present
your defense.
D. Material and Irreparable Violation (For more information, see A.R.S. § 33-1368(A))
1. If you, a household member, or a guest commits a serious violation (see A.R.S. §
33-1368(A)) for a list of types of violations that apply) on the premises, your
landlord may serve you with a notice to vacate in 24 hours.
2. This notice may state that you cannot correct the rule violation. Your landlord can
file an eviction complaint against you at the same time he gives you the notice.
3. If your landlord files in court, the court will set a date for a hearing within the next
three days. Even if you move out before that date, you should still go to court to
avoid additional fees or judgments.
4. If your landlord files an eviction against you, you have a right to attend the
eviction hearing and dispute the landlord’s notice and complaint.
E. In Arizona, tenants are responsible for the conduct of their guests if the tenant could
reasonably be expected to be aware that a guest would break a rule or law and did not
attempt to prevent the guest’s actions to the best of the tenant’s ability. A.R.S. § 33-
II. Partial Payments (see A.R.S. § 33-1371)
A. A landlord does not have to accept a partial payment of rent.
B. If your landlord accepts rent in part or in full after he has given you a notice of
nonpayment or a notice of any other kind of rental agreement breach, he cannot
evict you unless you also sign an agreement which states the terms of the partial
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
payment and the date that the rest of the rent is due. If your landlord does not have
you sign this agreement at the same time he accepts the rent, then he loses his right
to evict you for that breach of the rental agreement.
III. Going to Court to Defend an Eviction (see A.R.S. § 33-1377)
A. If you do not move out or resolve the problem after receiving a termination notice, your
landlord may file an eviction complaint in court to evict you.
B. After an Eviction Complaint is filed, the landlord or his attorney must appear in court to
obtain a judgment.
C. If the landlord files an eviction complaint against you, you will receive court papers that
tell you when you have to go to court. The court date will generally be between three
and six days unless the eviction is based upon a material and irreparable breach of the
rental agreement in which case the court date will be under three days.
D. Once your landlord has filed in court, you may still try to work out a settlement with
your landlord. However, unless you receive written documentation that the case has
been dismissed, be sure to attend the court date and bring a signed copy of any
settlement agreements when you appear.
E. You may represent yourself in court, or you may have a lawyer represent you. You will
have the right to tell your side of the story and present witnesses and evidence to the
judge. You may present an answer, defenses and counterclaims allowed by law.
F. You may not be given more time to hire an attorney.
G. You can either file a written answer or give your answer orally in court. If you file a
written answer, you will have to pay a filing fee or obtain a deferral or waiver.
IV. Counterclaims (see Rules of Procedure for Eviction Actions, Rule 8)
A. All counterclaims have to be based on some statute. See Part Six, B. for examples of
statutory claims.
B. All counterclaims have to be filed in writing and served upon your landlord.
C. Your counterclaim must state specific facts about your landlord’s violation of the rental
agreement or statute so that your landlord can prepare a defense.
D. Your counterclaim must also state when and how any required notices were sent to
your landlord and tell the court what was in the notices. Bring copies of these notices
with you to court.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
E. If your landlord is trying to evict you for not paying rent, and you believe the landlord
did not maintain the rental unit, then you may file a Counterclaim under to A.R.S. § 33-
Bring your unpaid rent with you as you may be required to deposit it with the court.
You should also bring copies of all previous notices you have given to your landlord
about requests for repairs. Failure to give proper notice to your landlord may invalidate
your counterclaims.
V. Landlord Has a Right to the Rental Unit.
A. If you lose in court, the judge will give you five calendar days to move out. But, if you
are evicted because of a material and irreparable breach, the judge will only give you
twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) hours to move.
B. If you have not moved out at the end of the time the judge sets, the landlord may
obtain a Writ of Restitution from the court. This is an order for the sheriff or constable
to change the locks on the rental unit. Returning to the rental unit without the
landlord’s permission is trespassing.
C. If you leave personal property in the home after you have been locked out following a
writ of restitution, your landlord must do the following:
1. Store your personal property for twenty-one (21) days;
2. Notify you of the location of your belongings; and
3. Send you an itemized list of your property.
C. Reclaiming Property (see ARS § 33-1368(E))
1. You may immediately obtain clothing, tools, or books of your trade or profession,
along with any identification or financial documents, including all those related to
your immigration status, public assistance, or medical care.
2. To get the rest of your property, you have to pay the landlord only for the cost of
removal and storage for the time the property is held by the landlord. You do not
have to pay the judgment amount. You will have to contact the landlord in writing
to arrange for a time to pick up your property and pay those fees and then pick
up your property and pay the fees within five (5) days of the written offer.
3. If the landlord holds your property for twenty-one (21) days, and you do not make
a reasonable attempt to recover it, the landlord may sell or dispose of
your property. The landlord may apply the proceeds from the sale to the
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
outstanding rent and other allowable costs with the remainder being mailed to
you at the last known address.
VI. Appeal
A. When You Did Not Come to Court
1. If you did not come to court and a judgment was entered against youit is called
a Default Judgment.
2. You cannot appeal a default judgment. Instead, you must first ask the judge to
vacate the judgment by filing a Motion to Set Aside Judgment. If the judge
vacates the judgment, the judgment is removed. If the judge does not vacate the
judgment based on your motion, you can appeal that decision.
B. When You Did Come to Court
1. If you want to appeal, file a Notice of Appeal with the Justice Court within five (5)
calendar days after a judgment is entered against you. If the fifth day is a
weekend or holiday, file the Notice of Appeal on the next court day.
2. At the same time you file the Notice of the Appeal, request a copy of the CD
(record of court hearing) from the justice court. If there is a cost for the CD and
you cannot afford the cost, you can file a request for waiver or deferral of the fee.
The CD will be part of the evidence in the appeal but it also will help you prepare
an appeal memorandum. Viewing or listening to the CD will require special
software that can be downloaded for free. Refer to the instructions that come with
the CD from the court on how to download and view the CD.
3. You will have sixty (60) days after you filed your Notice of Appeal to file a
memorandum based upon the CD you requested above explaining why the trial
court’s original decision was wrong.
4. You must file an original and one copy of your memorandum with the justice court
that heard the case.
5. Your landlord will be given thirty (30) days to respond in writing.
6. You must get permission from the Superior Court to file a reply memorandum.
7. Additional Costs. Appeals that you file in Justice Court will be transferred to
Superior Court for a decision. When your appeal is transferred, you must pay an
additional filing fee to the Superior Court. This fee may be waived by filing a fee
waiver form with the Superior Court.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
C. Posting Bonds: In order to appeal, you must pay a cost bond and filing fees or have
them waived. Additionally, if you would like to remain in your rental unit during the
appeal, you must pay a supersedeas bond. For more information, see A.R.S. § 12-1179.
1. Cost Bond and Filing Fees
a. The court can give you a fee waiver form to fill out. This form allows you to
show the court that you cannot afford the cost bond and filing fees and asks the
court to waive the bond and fees.
b. The landlord has a chance to object to your affidavit. If this happens, a hearing
may be held before the judge to determine whether the bond and fees will be
waived or reduced.
c. If your cost bond and filing fees are not waived, you will have five (5) days to
pay the bond and filing fees in order to go forward with your appeal.
2. Supersedeas Bond.
a. If you want to stay in the rental unit during the appeal process, you must post a
supersedeas bond before the writ of restitution is issued by the court.
Generally, you must pay the supersedeas bond within five days after the
judgment. However, if your judgement was for a material and irreparable
breach, then you must pay the supersedeas bond before the landlord applies for
the writ of restitution which could be the morning after the judgment. In order to
make sure you can stay in your rental unit during the appeal, it is recommended
that you pay the supersedeas bond the same day as the judgment.
b. Filing this bond will prohibit anyone from locking you out of the rental unit
because of the judgment until the appeal is decided.
c. This bond cannot be waived. The amount of the bond is the total of the court
costs and attorney’s fees stated on the judgment plus the amount of rent due
from the date of the judgment up to the date that your rent is next due.
d. If you stay in the rental unit during the appeal process, you will be required to
continue to pay your rent, when due, to the court that issued the judgment
against you. If you fail to pay rent on time, your landlord will be able to file with
the court to get the rental unit back immediately.
e. If you do not want to stay in the rental unit or cannot afford the supersedeas
bond, you may still appeal, but you will have to move from your rental unit.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
f. If you live in subsidized housing, special rules apply concerning your
supersedeas bonds. However, generally, tenants are only required to post
bonds concerning their portion of the rent and not the portion paid by a third
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Bed Bugs
(For More Information, see A.R.S. § 33-1319)
Bed bugs are an increasingly frequent problem for tenants in Arizona. In response, the legislature
added specific provisions to the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act.
A. Landlord obligations:
1. Your landlord must provide you with informational material about bed bugs.
2. A landlord may not lease you a rental unit if that unit is infested with bed bugs.
B. Tenant obligations:
1. You may not knowingly bring bed bugs, or any item infested with bed bugs into
your home.
2. You must provide written notice to the landlord if bed bugs are discovered.
C. Tenant remedies:
After providing written notice to the landlord, you may follow the procedures set out
in A.R.S. § 33-1361 described in this handbook at Part 5, Landlord Failure to
Maintain Unit.”
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Affidavit: A document signed by a person who swears under oath that the
information in the document is true. An affidavit must also be notarized by a notary
public to show that the person signing the document has given proof of his identity.
Appeal: A process in which a higher court reviews a lower court’s decision for
possible error. An appeal from the justice court is reviewed by the Superior Court.
Claim: A request made to a court to enforce a person’s rights. For example, a
landlord may make a claim asking the court to enforce his right to unpaid rent. See
also Counterclaim.
Complaint: The document filed in court which begins a lawsuit. The complaint will
state the claim or claims and will ask the court for relief.
Cost Bond: Money paid into the court to ensure the payment of court costs. For
example, if you appeal a court’s decision against you, you will need to post a cost
bond to cover the costs of the court hearing the Appeal. The bond money may be
returned to you if the court rules in your favor.
Counterclaim: A claim made by a defendant. For instance, if a landlord sues for non-
payment of rent, the tenant may have a counterclaim for failure to make repairs.
Damages: Money claimed by, or ordered to be paid to, a person to compensate for
losses. Damages can include actual costs paid out by the injured person as well as
compensation for lost wages or pain and suffering.
Eviction: The process of legally revoking a tenant’s rights to occupy a home.
Evictions can also be called Forcible Entry and Detainer or Special Detainer
actions. Tenants can be evicted for non-payment of rent, for violations of the lease, or
for violations that threaten health and safety.
Fee waiver: Permission from a court to waive a required filing fee. For example, you
may request a fee waiver from Superior Court to waive filing fees for hearing an
Injunction: A court order which either commands or prohibits an action. A court may
issue an injunction for a landlord to make a repair, or for a landlord not to do
something which threatens your use and enjoyment of the property.
Lease (or Rental Agreement): An agreement to rent for a specific period of time. A
lease can be written or oral. Both you and the landlord commit to the terms in the
lease, including the amount of rent and other rules.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Material and Irreparable Breach: A significant rule violation, usually threatening
health and safety, which allows a landlord to require a tenant’s removal within twenty-
four (24) hours.
Notice of Appeal: A document filed with a court stating an intention to appeal that
court’s judgment. The Appeal process starts when you file the notice with the court and
have copies delivered to the other parties. If you wish to appeal an eviction, you must
file this notice within five (5) calendar days of the judgment.
Rental Agreement (or Lease): An agreement to rent for a specific period of time. A
lease can be written or oral. Both you and the landlord commit to the terms in the rental
agreement, including the amount of rent and other rules.
Supersedeas Bond: Money paid into the court to cover a judgment against you while
you appeal that judgment. For instance, if the court issues a judgment which requires
you to pay your landlord, and you appeal that judgment, you will need to turn that
money over to the court to be available in the event that your appeal fails. If you appeal
an eviction, you will need to pay your disputed rent into the court in order to hold off an
eviction during the appeal.
Waiver of lien: A contractor’s agreement to waive the right to secure payment from the
landlord for a repair. You would have a contractor sign a waiver of lien if you are using
self-help and you pay the contractor, yourself, to make a necessary repair. The waiver
of lien and your itemized receipt are the proof to your landlord of the costs you covered.
Writ of Restitution: A court’s written order enforcing an eviction action. A writ of
restitution gives the Sheriff or Constable authority to forcibly remove you and your
belongings from the landlord’s property.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
For Books and Self-Help Guides:
Maricopa County Superior Court Law Library, East Court Building, 101 W. Jefferson St.,
Phoenix, AZ. 85003 (602) 506-3461
For Complaint Filing and Court Locations:
Maricopa County Superior Court, Central Court Building (CCB), 201 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix,
AZ. 85003-2205, Civil Court Administration (602) 506-1497
Maricopa County Superior Court, Northeast Regional Center (NE), 18380 N. 40th Street, Phoenix,
AZ. 85032 (602) 372-5375
Maricopa County Superior Court, Southeast Court (SE), 222 E. Javelina Ave., Mesa, AZ. 85210-
6234 (602) 506-5375
For Discrimination in Rental Practices:
Your local City Attorney’s Office, see the blue pages of your phonebook.
Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Civil Rights Division, 1275 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ,
85007 (602) 542-5263; Online at
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Online at Phoenix Field
Office, One N. Central Ave., Suite 600, Phoenix, AZ 85004, (602-379-7100
For Extreme or Ongoing Code Violations:
Your local City Housing/Building Inspector, see the blue pages of your phonebook.
Phoenix Housing Department, 251 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85003 (602) 262-6794.
For Forms:, Housing: Forms and Letters:
Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
For Legal Assistance:
Arizona State University College of Law, Clinical Program Civil Justice Clinic, Tempe, AZ,
The court websites will also give you access to forms, filing instructions, and the locations
of the Justice Courts.
Arizona Tenants’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
85287; (480) 965-6968
Community Legal Services Maricopa County Central Office, P.O. Box 21538, 305 S. 2nd Ave.,
Phoenix, AZ, 85036; (602) 258-3434
Maricopa County East Valley Office, 1220 S. Alma School Rd., Suite 206, Mesa, 85201;
(480) 833-1442
Mohave CountyKingman Office, 2701 E. Andy Devine, Suite 400, Kingman, AZ 86401;
(928) 753-1177
Yavapai CountyPrescott Office, 148 N. Summit Ave., Prescott, AZ 86301; (928) 445-9240
Yuma CountyYuma Office, 204 South 1
Avenue, Yuma, AZ 85364; (928) 782-7511
Farmworker Program, P.O. Box 21538, 305 S. 2
Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85036; (602) 258-3434
Volunteer Lawyers Program, P.O. Box 21538, 305 S. 2
Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85036; (602) 258 3434
Landlord/Tenant Counseling, 200 W. Washington St., 4th Floor, Phoenix, AZ, 85003;
(602) 262-7210,
For Copies of the Landlord Tenant Act
Landlord and Tenant Act, Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.), Arizona Residential Landlord and
Tenant Act, Volume 11, beginning with § 33-1301.
Available in the reference sections of most public libraries or law libraries in the state.
Available online at:
, or
Community Legal Services, Inc., does not discriminate on the basis of
race, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin in its relations with
service applicants or employees. This brochure can be made available
in alternate formats. Call 6022583434.
Checklist for Walk-Through Inspection
Tenant Name: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Dwelling Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Note the condition of each area and document any needed repairs. You may want to take photographs of
the conditions. Be sure to keep any photographs and this signed form for your records.
Comments -- Move-In Date: Comments -- Move-Out Date:
Light fixtures
Curtains or blinds
Curtains or blinds
Light fixtures
Curtains or blinds
Light fixtures
Comments -- Move-In Date: Comments -- Move-Out Date:
Medicine cabinet
Medicine cabinet
Electrical outlets
Smoke alarm
Water heater
Cooler or A/C
Doors and locks
OTHER COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________
Move-in Inspection
Landlord Signature ________________________________ Date ________________________
Tenant Signature _________________________________ Date ________________________
Move-out Inspection
Landlord Signature ________________________________ Date ________________________
Tenant Signature _________________________________ Date ________________________
(Attach additional sheets if necessary)
10-day Request for Repairs
Dear Landlord:
Arizona law at A.R.S. § 33-1324 requires you to maintain my rental unit in a fit and
habitable condition and in reasonable repair. I am writing to inform you of the need for repairs as
The above conditions are a material non-compliance with the rental agreement and/or
law. Please take action on these matters within ten (10) days as required by law under A.R.S. §
33-1361(A), or I will pursue (without further notice) the following options:
(Please check any that apply)
I will terminate my rental agreement as of ________________ (date must
be at least eleven (11) days from landlord’s receipt of notice);
I will sue for damages due to your failure to make repairs;
I will sue for injunctive relief to obtain repairs.
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
5-day Request for Repairs
(Health and Safety Issues)
Dear Landlord:
My rental unit has certain conditions that materially affect the health and safety. Since
Arizona law A.R.S. § 33-1324 requires you to maintain my rental unit in a fit and habitable
condition, I am writing to inform you of the following problems to be repaired:
The above conditions are a material non-compliance with the rental agreement and/or
law which materially affect health and safety. Please take action on these matters within five (5)
days as required by law under A.R.S. § 33-1361(A), or I will pursue (without further notice) the
following options:
(Please check any that apply)
I will terminate my rental agreement as of ________________ (date must
be at least six (6) days from landlord’s receipt of notice);
I will sue for damages due to your failure to make repairs;
I will sue for injunctive relief to obtain repairs.
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
(FORM D-1)
Request for Repairs with Self-Help Option
Dear Landlord:
Since Arizona law A.R.S. § 33-1324 requires you to maintain my dwelling in a fit and
habitable condition and in reasonable repair, I am writing to inform you of the need for repairs as
The above conditions are a material non-compliance with the rental agreement. Please take action
on these matters within ten (10) days, or fewer in the case of an emergency, as required by law
under, or I will, without further notice, do one or more of the following:
Sue for damages for your failure to timely make repairs.
Have the repairs made by a licensed contractor. At that time, I will provide to
you an itemized statement and a waiver of lien, and I will deduct the actual
and reasonable cost of repairs (up to $300.00 or half of my monthly rent)
from my next rental payment. A.R.S. § 33-1363(A).
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
(FORM D-2)
Waiver of Lien
To be completed by the licensed contractor
performing the work
By signing this, I hereby waive any lien I may have for work performed on:
(date) __________________________ at the premises located at:
Sincerely, _________________________________ Date:
Name of Contractor:
Place of Business:
Date Work Done:
License Number:
(FORM D-3)
Self-Help Remedy: Completion
Dear Landlord:
On , I notified you of my intent to use the
self-help remedy pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1363(A) if certain repairs were not made. After
you failed to respond and make the repairs, I hired a licensed contractor to do the repairs
and paid the contractor. Please find attached to this notice, my rent payment of the
amount I owe following appropriate deductions, a copy of the bill marked paid which
itemizes the work done, and a copy of the lien waiver filled out by the contractor.
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
Notice of Unlawful Utility Shut-off
Dear Landlord:
On _______________________, the following utilities for my rental unit located
located at: ______________________________________________________________
were turned off (check all that apply):
These actions are in violation of Arizona law (A.R.S. §§ 33-1364, 1367 and 1374). I
request that you immediately restore utility services to my rental unit. If they are not
restored, I will do one or more of the following:
(Please check any that apply)
I will sue for an injunction requiring the restoration of these essential
I will terminate my rental agreement as of ;
I will sue for damages.
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
Unlawful Seizure or Possession of
Personal Property
Dear Landlord:
On________________________________, you took the following property
from my rental unit: ____________________________________________________
Your seizure and or possession of my property is in violation of the law because:
Release my personal property immediately. If this request is denied, I will be forced
to take legal action against you for costs and damages.
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
Notice of Invalid Late Charges
Dear Landlord:
Your demand for $ representing late charges is invalid under
Arizona law, A.R.S. § 33-1368(B). Pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1368(B), a late fee may only
be charged if it is provided for in a written rental agreement and is reasonable. I do not
owe the amount you are demanding for the following reasons:
(please check all that apply)
There is no written rental agreement;
The written rental agreement does not provide for late fees;
Your calculations are wrong. The correct amount I owe is the following:
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
Notice of Lock-Out
Dear Landlord:
On ____________________________, I was locked out of my rental unit located
at _____________________________________________ Apt.# ________________
You are in violation of Arizona Law, A.R.S. § 33-1367. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1367,
you may be liable for statutory damages of two (2) months’ rent or twice the actual
damages, if proved. Remove the locks immediately and let me back into my home.
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
Abuse of Access
Dear Landlord:
On , you entered my rental unit located at:
Street: Apt.#:
City: State: Zip:
You did not provide prior notice, there was not an emergency and there was not a
request for repairs for my rental unit.
You are in violation of Arizona Law, A.R.S. § 33-1343, which states that it is illegal
to abuse your limited right to enter my home. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1376(B), you may
be liable for minimum statutory damages of one (1) month’s rent per incidence. Please
discontinue this unlawful practice, or I will take legal action to obtain a court order requiring
you to stop.
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
Notice of Vacating and Request
for Inspection
Dear Landlord:
I intend to vacate the dwelling located at
Street: Apt.#:
City: State: Zip:
as of
Before I return the keys on my move-out date, I request that you inform me of the
date and time of the move out inspection
Sincerely, ____ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery:
Notice for Return of Security Deposit
Dear Landlord:
On , I moved out of my rental home located at:
Street: Apt.#:
City: State: Zip:
My deposit should be returned to me within fourteen (14)* days, not counting
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays, from the date of the receipt of this letter in
accordance with Arizona law (A.R.S. § 33-1321). Additionally, if you have withheld any
amount from my deposit, please send me an itemization of those charges as required by
Arizona law (A.R.S. § 33 1321(D)).
Please mail my deposit and any itemization of charges to the following address:
Street: Apt.#:
City: State: Zip:
Sincerely, ___ Date
Print Name:
Address: Apt.#
City: State: Zip:
This notice served by regular mail on
Return receipt requested tracking number
Hand-delivered to (name/title):
Date and time of hand-delivery: