Dragon Warrior II
Game Script
Compiled by
Raw Text
Provided by
Only Permitted to be Hosted at Dragon’s Den
Last updated
October 20, 2012
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Foreword and Acknowledgements
Have you ever enjoyed a video game’s story so much that
you wanted to experience it again, but maybe didn’t want
to actually grind through it? This happens to me all the
time. My favorite video game franchises are the Legend
of Zelda and Dragon Quest. The games have such
wonderful stories and I get immersed in them every time
I play. Sometimes I want to go back and fleece the casino
for all it’s worth; sometimes I want to crawl through a
bonus dungeon, or bash on the final boss a few more
times; but more often than not, I just want to spend an
hour or two rereading the story.
Hence my attempt to organize the game’s raw text into a
kind of story format. I actually started with Dragon
Quest VIII, typing out the text as I played through it for
the third or fourth time. It was time consuming and full
of typos but I didn’t mind so much because I absolutely
adore that game.
I’ve since gotten raw text dumps from Tom-Servo which
means my game scripts have much fewer typos and
much less missing text. I really can’t thank him enough
for all the effort he’s put into getting me all the text from
the DQ games.
I’d also like to thank Woodus for hosting this game
script at the Dragon’s Den and providing some of the
artwork, and King Zenith for getting me screenshots as
well as giving me helpful suggestions and advice
regarding the “jazzing up” of this game script. :) You two
are the best!
Dragon Warrior II
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But obviously all thanks and credit should go to Enix
Corporation and Nintendo of America for making and
producing such a wonderful series of games.
This isn’t fanfiction, but the actual text from the game
formatted to read a little bit like a story. Some things are
subjective, such as how to describe the different NPCs
you encounter. What’s the difference between a guard or
a soldier or a knight? My definition might be different
than yours. So I’ve included the pics of the various NPC
sprites so that you’ll understand who I mean when I say
“Guard on the left” or “Merchant in the southwest
corner.” Lastly, DQ games aren’t always linear; there’s
definitely an open-endedness to the games, which is
definitely part of their appeal. However, in creating a
game script, I have to make logical choices about the
order of each town’s text. Please don’t take my subjective
placement of text as anything official. While the text is
drawn straight from the game, the description of NPCs
and the order of the text is all me.
Also, sometimes I may describe what’s going on visually
in the game with braces {}. So just remember that when
you see text in braces, it is my description and NOT
game text.
That should do it. Please enjoy this game script for
Dragon Warrior II (NES version). Any comments can
be sent to me by PM through the Dragon’s Den forum or
to my email address, aeryn_b@hotmail.com.
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Cast of Characters
Prince of Prince of Princess of
Midenhall Cannock Moonbrooke
King of Kings of Guards
Moonbrooke Torland
Men Women Little Boys
Merchants Tough Guys Dogs
Old Men Priests
Monsters Dragonlord’s Hargon
Dragon Warrior II
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Many years ago a young warrior who was of the line of
the great Erdrick came to Alefgard and defeated the
dreaded Dragonlord, restoring peace to the land.
For many generations the descendants of that warrior
ruled Alefgard and the surrounding lands, including the
Kingdom of Moonbrooke across the eastern sea from
There one day the King and his daughter were talking in
a courtyard of the castle when the long years of peace
ended suddenly!
‘What in the world is happening? cried the King.
Majesty,’ said the King’s Guard. The castle is besieged
by the forces of Hargon, the wizard!’
‘Hargon is here?’ asked the King.
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‘Alas, sire, it is so.’
Then we must ride forth and do battle, for these castle
walls shall not stand long against the evil magic of
Hargon,’ pronounced the King.
{A monster appears and kills the King’s guard. The King
then kills the monster when it approaches him.}
Hargon shall not rule unopposed!’
Then the King spoke to the Princess:
Thy life is in danger, my daughter. Hide thyself now,
and whatever happens to me thou must be strong.’
‘But Father!’ cried the Princess.
‘Hurry,’ commanded the King. I must go to warn my
cousin, the King of Midenhall.’
{As the King leaves, a monster appears next to the
‘Father!’ screamed the Princess. ‘They are here!’
‘Oh, such a brave beauty,’ the Monster mocked her.
The King was enraged. Touch her and thou shall not
survive this day!’ He challenged the fiend.
‘So,’ hissed the Monster, thou must be the lord of this
miserable sandcastle. But I think not for long.’
Dragon Warrior II
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{The monster approaches the King and attacks. The
King kills the monster, but two more monsters appear
and attack the King. The King of Moonbrooke is killed.}
Then the Princess gasped in horror. ‘No, Father! No!’
{Monsters appear all over the castle. A lone guard
escapes the massacre.}
- 8 -
Moonbrooke Guard: I must reach the King of Midenhall
and tell him of our defeat!
Midenhall Guard on the left: Thy wound looks serious.
Midenhall Guard on the right: What has happened to
Moonbrooke Guard: Never mind me. I must see the
King. I have evil tidings that cannot wait.
Moonbrooke Guard in the throne room: Hear me, oh
King. The army of Hargon the Sorcerer has sacked
Moonbrooke Castle from whence I came. The evil of his
magic is great and I fear he will soon rule all the world....
unless a monarch as great as thyself stands against him.
King of Midenhall: Hero, my heir. Thou hast heard the
tale of this man. I am old and this task must
fall to younger hands. Thy destiny lies on
that difficult road, just as it did for Erdrick
the Great, for thou art of the line of Erdrick,
and his doom is thine. Come with me now if
thou art ready.
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Midenhall Castle
Old Man: It is difficult to see thee go, Hero.
Guard: By land and sea and air will thy path lead, and in
places I cannot see.
King of Midenhall in the castle courtyard:
Open the treasure chest and prepare for thy
journey. Now listen closely, Hero. Seek out
worthy companions along thy
road. In Cannock and
Moonbrooke there are those who
are also of Erdrick’s line. They will surely
help thee to defeat Hargon’s dark plot.
King of Midenhall (again): Go now, my
heir! Our fate is now in thy hands.
Command: Talk No one is in that direction.
Command: Spell Hero cannot use the spell.
Command: Search Hero searched all about. But Hero
found nothing.
Command: Search Hero searched all about. Seeing a
treasure chest, Hero opened it. And there Hero
discovered the Copper Sword! And earned 50 pieces of
Treasure Chest Copper Sword, 50 gold
Guard in courtyard: Remember to equip thyself with
weapons and armor when thou obtains such items.
Man in courtyard: If thy path leads west of this castle
thou shall reach the town of Leftwyne.
Woman in courtyard: Although it makes me sad, thou
must go forth and seek thy destiny.
Man in southwest corner of castle: In Cannock there is a
young prince and Moonbrooke had a princess.
- 10 -
Old Man near travel door: One who sets foot upon the
Travel Door is transported to a distant place.
Priest in northwest corner of castle: When in need, visit
the Houses of Healing.
Guard at castle entrance: This is Midenhall Castle.
Dog: Woof, woof!
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 4 pieces
of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room? (No)
Farewell, stranger.
Shop Merchant: We deal in tools. What can I offer thee?
(Buy) What dost thou want? (Medical Herb) The
Medical Herb, eh? I thank thee. Dost thou need anything
else? (Yes) What dost thou want? (Antidote Herb) The
Antidote Herb, eh? I thank thee. Dost thou need
anything else? (No) Good day, then.
Shop Merchant: We deal in tools. What can I offer thee?
(Sell) Which art thou going to sell? (Leather Armor)
Thy Leather Armor? Well, I’ll give thee 113 pieces of gold
for that. (No) That’s too bad. Art thou going to sell
more? (No) Good day, then.
Guard in throne room: I would come with thee, Hero,
but my place is here beside the King.
Old Man: Thou art now as strong as an ox and twice as
good looking. That is very good.
King of Midenhall: Welcome back, Hero. Of experience
points Hero needs 12 to reach the next level. Dost thou
wish to save thy deeds in the Imperial Scrolls of Honor?
King of Midenall (if you say ‘Yes’): I have entered thy
deeds in the Imperial Scrolls of Honor.
King of Midenhall (continued from last or if you said
‘No’): Dost thou wish to continue thy quest? (Yes/No)
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King of Midenhall (if you say ‘Yes’): Then farewell and
good luck! All of us await the day that Hargon is cast
In Game Instructions (if you say ‘No’): In that case,
return when thou can, for Hargon does not sleep.
In order to preserve the Imperial Scrolls of honor, please
hold the REST button in while pushing the POWER
button off.
If you turn off the POWER first, you may lose the
record of your great deeds, and that would be a shame.
King of Midenhall (upon your return): Welcome back,
Hero. Of experience points Hero needs 12 to reach the
next level. Thy road is long and fraught with peril, but
don't despair. Come see me in thy need, Hero.
Battle Text: One Big Slug, And Two Slimes appeared.
Hero attacked!
Slime-A’s Hit Points have been reduced by 5.
Thou hast defeated the Enemies. Of Experience points
thou has gained 5 and earned 7 pieces of gold.
- 12 -
Prince of Midenhall Level 2 Promotion: Wit and courage
have served thee well, for Hero has been promoted to the
next level. Power increases by 2. Reaction Speed
increases by 1. Maximum HP increases by 9.
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 4 pieces
of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room? (Yes)
Sleep well.
Innkeeper (the next morning): Ah, good morning. I trust
thou art well rested. Goodbye.
Guard at entrance: Welcome to Leftwyne.
Dog: Bow-wow!
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 6 pieces
of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room? (No)
Farewell, stranger.
Man (east side of town): If thou art poisoned, each step
will weaken thee further.
Tough Guy (southeast corner of town): Oh, thou scared
me! And my hiccups are cured! Thank thee, stranger.
Man (northeast corner of town): Look for the monolith
by the inland sea west of this place. It is by that route
alone that thou shall reach Moonbrooke.
Priest: Welcome to the House of Healing. What service
dost thou require? (none) Good luck and hey, let’s be
careful out there.
Old Man near Armory: Northward lies the castle of
Cannock, my friend.
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Woman in Armory: I have heard that the heir of our
good King has ventured forth to do battle with the evil
sorcerer, Hargon. What? Thou art the one? Luck be with
Guard in Armory: Dost thou think it was Hargon who
attacked Moonbrooke and set it aflame? (Yes/No)
Guard (if you say ‘No’): But I cannot think of anyone
else with such power.
Guard (if you say ‘Yes’): Yes, I think so, too.
Arms Merchant: We deal in weapons and armor. Dost
thou wish to see them? (Yes) What would thou
purchase? (Leather Shield) The Leather Shield, is it?
Good choice and many thanks. Can I interest thee in
anything else? (Yes) What would thou purchase? (Magic
Knife) Sorry, it seems thou hast not enough gold. Can I
interest thee in anything else? (No) Come again.
Cannock Castle
Woman: I saw the sky burning red on the southern
horizon. Perhaps it was Moonbrooke Castle in flames.
Shop Merchant: We deal in tools. What can I offer thee?
(Sell) Which art thou going to sell? (Clothes) Thy
Clothes? Well, I’ll give thee 23 pieces of gold for that.
(Yes) I thank thee. Art thou going to sell more? (No)
Good day, then.
Old Man: Listen closely. Our prince has studied the
ways of magic, though with heavy armor or weapons he
has no skill. Still, he seeks to fight evil.
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 8 pieces
of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room? (No)
Farewell, stranger.
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Guard near jail: If thou would speak to the prisoners, do
so through the barred doors.
Tough Guy in first cell: Pssst. I’ll tell thee a secret. There
is a silver key that opens doors of silver.
Man in second cell: What does it matter if people steal
things. The world is doomed no matter what happens.
Guard in northeast corner of castle: That is the chamber
of Prince Orfeo’s sister, Princess Halla.
Princess Halla: Who art thou? A friend of my brother's?
Princess Halla (if you say ‘No’): Then I wish
to be left alone.
Princess Halla (if you say ‘Yes’): Then I’ll
give thee some advice. My brother has gone
searching for the Spring of Bravery, but he
travels slowly.
Guard patrolling castle: I have heard of a cave far to the
east in which the Spring of Bravery rises.
Guard in throne room: Welcome to Cannock Castle.
King of Cannock: Welcome, Hero! Of experience points
Hero needs <#> to reach the next level. My son, Orfeo,
has already left on his journey. Please find him and take
him as thy companion. … Then farewell and good luck!
With my son’s help thou shall go far.
Monolith West of Cannock
Guards: The King of Cannock has left orders that none
shall pass alone.
Old Man: Hast thy travels taken thee to the monolith
south of Midenhall? (Yes/No)
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Old Man (if you say ‘No’): My brother must be there
now. Will thou not go to him?
Spring of Bravery
Treasure Chest Medical Herb
Treasure Chest 25-29 gold
Tough Guy: Hast thou purified thy body in the Spring of
Bravery? (Yes/No)
Tough Guy (if you say ‘No’): That is not good. All who
seek victory must first visit the Spring of Bravery.
Old Man: Welcome to the Spring of Bravery. Art thou
seeking the Prince of Cannock? (Yes/No)
Old Man (if you say ‘Yes’): Only moments ago he was
here. I think he is going to Midenhall Castle.
Old Man (if you say ‘No’): I shall anoint thee with this
water and wish thee well. Know that Token of Erdrick is
kept by a brave hero.
Treasure Chest Medical Herb
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Tough Guy: Hast thou purified thy body in the Spring of
Bravery? (Yes/No)
Tough Guy (if you say ‘Yes’): Then all is well.
Monolith South of Midenhall
Old Man: Of keys and doors I know this.
There are silver keys and golden keys,
and doors to match them each.
Seek thee first the silver key,
for this is what I teach.
That key is in the Cave of the Lake,
west of Cannock’s walls.
But go only with a friend inside,
or there thou shall surely fall.
Midenhall Castle
Dragon Warrior II
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King of Midenhall: Welcome back, Hero. Of experience
points Hero needs <#> to reach the next level. Well, thou
hast missed him. The Prince of Cannock was here, but
now he is off to Midenhall, looking for thee, I believe.
Then farewell and good luck! All of us await the day that
Hargon is cast down.
Prince of Cannock: Hail, friend! I am Prince Orfeo of
Cannock. Art thou my cousin from Midenhall? Ah, it is
as I guessed. I have been seeking thee so that together we
may oppose Hargon. Come, let us go forth.
Prince of Cannock Level 2 Promotion: Wit and courage
have served thee well, for Orfeo has been promoted to
the next level. Reaction Speed increases by 3. Maximum
HP increases by 3. Maximum MP increases by 6.
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Cannock Castle
Princess Halla: So, thou hast found my brother. Why
dost thou tarry here when the world is in grave peril?
Princess Halla (if Cannock is dead): Oh, no! He is as
dead as a pork chop.
Cave of the Lake
Treasure Chest Medical Herb
Treasure Chest 16-24 gold
Treasure Chest Medical Herb
Treasure Chest Antidote Herb
Treasure Chest Wing of the Wyvern
Treasure Chest 31-46 gold
Treasure Chest Silver Key
Dragon Warrior II
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Merchant: Step right up and welcome to the Lottery. Art
thou going to play? (Yes/No)
Merchant (if you say ‘No’): Well, perhaps some other
Merchant (if you say ‘Yes’ but don’t have a Lottery
Ticket): I’m afraid thou must have a Lottery Ticket.
Well, perhaps some other time.
Midenhall Castle
Merchant in northwest corner of castle: The Dragon’s
Bane is a magic charm. It is said that it may keep one
safe from the spell.
Woman in northwest corner of castle: Hero is still
inexperienced. Return here in thy need.
Guard in dungeon: Hero, royalty should not venture into
prisons such as this.
Tough Guy in first cell: Dost thou have the Jailor’s Key?
Tough Guy (if you say ‘No’): Be gone with thee!
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Monolith West of Cannock
Old Man: Hast thy travels taken thee to the monolith
south of Midenhall? (Yes/No)
Old Man (if you say ‘Yes’): Please say nothing of this.
Guards: Please go through.
Man near entrance: Here in Hamlin not all is as it seems.
Talk to everyone, for appearances may not reflect the
true person.
Dog: Woof-woof!
Dragon Warrior II
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Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 24
pieces of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room?
(No) Farewell, stranger.
Woman: Ghosts may wander this world under moon or
sun and at times they may even be recalled.
Tough Guy near Armory: Some say that there is a tall
tower, and in it a brave adventurer may find the Cloak of
Wind. It can save thee if thou falls from a great height.
Guard near Armory: Southwest of this village lies the
castle of Moonbrooke.
Man: Dost thou have a lottery ticket? (Yes/No)
Man (if you say ‘No’): Some merchants give out Lottery
Tickets for free.
Man (if you say ‘Yes’): The Lottery is but a game; do not
take it too seriously.
Old Man: Even here thou can record thy deeds in the
Imperial Scrolls of Honor. … Then farewell and good
luck! Return when in need.
Guard in northwest corner of town: After the sacking of
Moonbrooke I escaped and made my way here, hoping
others would follow.
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Moonbrooke Castle
Spirit in southwest corner of castle: Help! Help! Hargon
is coming to destroy us all!
Spirit of the King of Moonbrooke: Woe is me, for I am
the unhappy ghost of the King of Moonbrooke. To make
matters worse, my daughter has been cursed and
transformed into a common mutt. I am burning with
Spirit in northwest corner of castle: The Mirror of Ra
was lost long ago in a swamp southeast of Hamlin in the
place where four bridges can be seen.
Guard in castle basement: The Princess has been
transformed by a curse. Only the Mirror of Ra can break
the spell, for in that glass one sees her true self.
Monolith West of Moonbrooke
Dragon Warrior II
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Priest: None shall pass until aid has been rendered to the
Princess of Moonbrooke.
Command: Search Hero searched all about. And there
Hero discovered the Mirror of Ra!
On the ground Mirror of Ra
Dog: Woof-woof!
Command: Item Mirror of Ra Use Hero held up the
Mirror of Ra. Behold, the mirror reflected back
the image of Princess Peta. Suddenly it
shattered and the enchantment was broken,
freeing the princess from her furry form.
- 24 -
Princess of Moonbrooke: Oh, dear cousin, thou hast
freed me beyond all hope. To repay this, I offer thee my
loyalty and service as the Princess of Moonbrooke.
Please, take me with thee on thy quest.
Moonbrooke Castle
Spirit of the King of Moonbrooke: Woe is me, for I am
the unhappy ghost of the King of Moonbrooke. To make
matters worse, my daughter has been cursed and
transformed into a common mutt. I am burning with
In Game Narrator: Then Peta cried out: “Father? Is it
really thee in the flames?” And the Flame replied: “Alas,
it is I. It is Hargon’s way of firing those he doesn’t
Dragon Warrior II
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Guard in castle basement: Princess, thou art now free.
Tower of the Wind
Treasure Chest (1F) Medical Herb
Guard (2F): Take care that thou strays not over the
tower’s edge.
Treasure Chest (3F) 41-53 gold
Treasure Chest (2F) Cloak of Wind
Command: Item Cloak of Wind Use
Peta donned the Cloak of Wind.
Treasure Chest (8F) empty
Monolith West of Moonbrooke
Priest: When in need, visit the Houses of Healing.
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South Dragon’s Horn
Merchant: Dost thou know what I know? (Yes/No)
Merchant (if you say ‘No’): These twin towers are
known as the Dragon’s Horn.
Merchant (if you say ‘Yes’): But I have not yet spoken.
Command: Item Cloak of Wind Use
Remember, Peta has already put on the Cloak of Wind.
Woman near Inn: Thou art welcome in Lianport.
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 60
pieces of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room?
(No) Farewell, stranger.
Guard: I am a soldier from Alefgard. Perhaps thou has
seen ancient maps of my land, but it has changed much
through the ages.
Dragon Warrior II
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Woman in southwest corner of town: Be nice to one who
lives here; she knows how to turn princes into tadpoles.
Woman in southwest corner of town (if Cannock and
Moonbrooke are dead): Dost thou think I am pretty
enough to be a queen? (Yes/No)
Woman (if you say ‘Yes’): Perhaps the great Prince of
Cannock thinks so too.
Woman (if you say ‘No’): What’s wrong!
Tough Guy: I have nothing to say to thee. That’s right,
nothing at all.
Old Man near dock: We never lend boats to strangers,
Man north of shops: Eastward, across an arm of the sea
lies the kingdom of Alefgard. From there in ages past
came a great warrior “a descendant of Erdrick” who slew
dragons, and there came also a princess named Gwaelin.
Man inside shops: It has been rumored that the king of
Tantegel Castle has disappeared.
Woman, as you approach the northwest corner of town:
Help! Help! Evil has come!
Battle: Two Gremlins appeared. ... Thou hast
defeated the Gremlin.
Woman, when you defeat the monsters: Thou hast saved
me from the fiends. Please follow me and meet my
Woman, at the dock, when you approach: These good
people aided me in my time of need, Grandfather.
Old Man (continued): Having gallantly aided my
granddaughter, I shall gladly lend thee my swiftest ship.
Woman (again): I wish thee speed and health.
Old Man (again): Farewell.
- 28 -
Merchant, at the docks: The pirate ship Relentless sank
in chill waters with a great treasure still aboard. Bring me
this treasure and I shall pay a handsome fee.
Monolith North of Lianport
Old Man: Only the golden key can open this door.
Woman, in northwest corner of town: I am in thy debt.
Please see my grandfather. He is at the port where his
ship is docked.
Old Man, at dock: Oh, thou art the ones who helped my
granddaughter. Many thanks.
Tantegel Castle
Dragon Warrior II
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Guard at entrance: Thou hast come to Tantegel Castle.
Old Man: Peace be with thee.
Priest: To the noble descendant of Erdrick I bid welcome.
Although there is no king here, I can save thy deeds.
Shall I do this? (Yes/No) … Go in peace.
Woman in courtyard: Long ago Princess Gwaelin
departed over the sea, but thy companion is her twin in
Man in courtyard: Pardon me, stranger, but I had a
vision and in it descendants of the great hero Erdrick
came to us in our need. Ah! So it was true. Thou art truly
Guard in throne room: The King keeps himself hidden,
for he is afraid of Hargon’s wrath.
Merchant in southwest corner of castle: Hast thou heard
of the sunken treasure? (Yes/No)
Merchant (if you say ‘No’): Speak to the merchantman
in Lianport.
Merchant (if you say ‘Yes’): The pirate ship sank in the
wide seas of the north.
Guard at the back of the castle: The golden key opens the
red door, too.
Old Man in castletown: Come here when thou art
afflicted by a curse.
Man in castletown: Yes, this is Tantegel.
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 6 pieces
of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room? (No)
Farewell, stranger.
Northern Ocean
- 30 -
Command: Search Hero dove overboard
into the sea. And there Hero discovered the
In the ocean Treasures
Merchant: Thou hast done exceedingly well.
As I promised I shall give thee the Echoing
Flute as thy reward.
Merchant (again): Thanks to thee I was greatly helped.
Charlock Castle
Dragonlord’s Grandson: Welcome, Hero. All
that Hargon threatens to take is really mine, for I
am the grandson of the Dragonlord. Defeat
Dragon Warrior II
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Hargon and I will give thee advice. Will thou do this?
Dragonlord’s Grandson (if you say ‘No’): Thou art
surely missing thy brain. But it is up to thee.
Dragonlord’s Grandson (if you say ‘Yes’): Once thou
hast the five crests, seek out the good wizard, Rubiss,
who dwells in the depths of the sea south of
Treasure Chest Sword of Erdrick
Monolith Southeast of Tantegel
Old Man: The real descendant of Erdrick carries a token
to prove his heritage. Now be off with thee, imposter.
- 32 -
Monolith North of Beran
Old Man: Some say that Hargon has cast a spell over his
entire castle, that it looks fair and peaceful. Thou will not
be deceived if thou hast the gift of Rubiss.
Merchant: We call this town Beran. Welcome.
Priest: I see that thou hast faced many dangers and the
greatest lie ahead.
Guard in front of cell door: Roge Fastfinger? No, I have
not heard the name.
Man in shop: Osterfair lies far south of Midenhall on a
great island.
Guard in shop: I seek the Thunder Sword, for one need
not know magic to use its power.
Old Man: The Leaf of the World Tree has the power to
revive ghosts.
Dragon Warrior II
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Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 90
pieces of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room?
(No) Farewell, stranger.
Guard in Inn: If thy name is Hero, I have a message for
thee. Seek the Fire Monolith and thou shall find the Sun
Woman: With the Magic Loom and Dews Yarn thou
can make the Water Flying Cloth.
Priest: Pardon me, good folk, but dost thou have the
time? (Yes/No)
Priest (if you say ‘No’): Then may thy ears
become cabbages and thy tongue a sausage. A
little courtesy never killed anyone.
Priest (if you say ‘Yes’): I thank thee very much indeed.
Guard in middle of town: Thou should see the King of
Osterfair for the Moon Crest.
Old Man: Even here thou can record thy deeds in the
Imperial Scrolls of Honor. … Return when in need.
Woman in northwest corner of town: In the ocean far to
the east lies an island and on it are trees from every
corner of the world.
Fire Monolith
- 34 -
Command: Item Echoing Flute Use
Briefly, Hero played the Echoing Flute.
On the ground Sun Crest
Osterfair Castle
Tough Guy: Beyond lies the coliseum and the court of
the King.
Woman on the right: Here in this coliseum many heroes
have proven their strength.
Woman on the left: So, thou art the great warriors of
which we have heard.
King of Osterfair: Thou art welcome in my castle of
Osterfair. If thou entertain me, thou shall receive a
valuable prize. Dost thou wish to try? (Yes/No)
King (if you say ‘No’): That’s unfortunate. Good bye.
Man in courtyard: As the story goes, it was a dark and
stormy night when the pirate ship, Relentless, hit a reef
Dragon Warrior II
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and sank. They say that in its hold was the Echoing
Priest: The Echoing Flute blows a magical note.
On an island, in a tower, in a chamber remote,
play it and listen, a wise man once wrote.
For when the sound echoes, there shall thou find,
a crest of great power to aid thee in time.
Tough Guy near armory: I seek the Armor of Gaia. I was
told that it was kept in a shop that sells armor.
Man near armory: Do not overburden thyself. Cast away
those items that thou doesn’t need.
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 75
pieces of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room?
(No) Farewell, stranger.
Old Man: I’m a fortune-teller. Art thou looking for
something? (Yes/No)
Old Man (if you say ‘No’): So be it then. I shall tell thee
Old Man (if you say ‘Yes’): I’ll tell thy fortune. That
which thou seeks is <direction>!
Guard in cell: In the island town of Zahan in the
southern ocean lives a man named Torval who owns the
golden key.
King of Osterfair: Thou art welcome in my castle of
Osterfair. If thou entertain me, thou shall receive a
valuable prize. Dost thou wish to try? (Yes/No)
King (if you say ‘Yes’): Thou must go forth to the center
of this Coliseum.
Battle: One Saber Lion appeared. ... Thou hast
defeated the Saber Lion.
- 36 -
King, after defeating the Saber Lion: Thou hast
done well. I shall give thee the Moon Crest.
Thou must fight gallantly.
King, after leaving the castle and returning: Welcome
back! … Thy strength is that of many fearsome
Hibabongos. The Moon Crest that I have given thee is
just one of many tokens thou must collect.
Woman at entrance: When the Moon Fragment is held
upon high, the tide will rise and the seagulls cry.
Old Man: This is a town of lonely women, old men, dogs
and children. What the men want of those stinking fish
is beyond me.
Woman near inn: Yes, I am Torval’s wife. But just
between us, he loves his dogs more than me.
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 90
pieces of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room?
(No) Farewell, stranger.
Merchant in inn: So thou hast heard of the sinking of the
Relentless. Some say that the pirates simply left the plug
out. Fools.
Woman near magic floor: I warn thee to go back. This
wizard’s house may be thy ruin.
Woman near southern house: Thou hast come to Zahan
at a poor time. All the men are away fishing at sea.
Woman in southern house: Many are the tales of a
mountainous island in the sea and its great cavern. It is
Dragon Warrior II
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said that only one who bears the Moon Fragment may
enter there.
Little Boy in southern house: One day I will be a great
fisherman like Papa.
Woman in southeast corner of town: Oh Formeo,
Formeo, where for art thou my Formeo!
Little Boy in town square: That mutt yonder keeps
pulling at my sleeve.
Dog: Bow-wow-wow!
On the ground Golden Key
Tough Guy in northwest corner of town: I have come
seeking a thief by the name of Roge Fastfinger.
Midenhall Castle
Guard in treasure vault: Thief! Thief! What? Thou art
Hero, heir of Midenhall! Please forgive me.
Treasure Chest Token of Erdrick
- 38 -
Treasure Chest empty
Treasure Chest 94-101 gold
Treasure Chest Wing of the Wyvern
Treasure Chest Medical Herb
Osterfair Castle
Merchant (from behind armory counter): Do not enter
this place!
Treasure Chest (upper) Armor of Gaia
Treasure Chest (lower) Magic Knife
Cannock Castle
Old Man: Well, don’t just stand there. Open the treasure
Treasure Chest Shield of Erdrick
Old Man (again): Well, don’t just stand
there. Open the treasure chest. So you’ve
already peeked, eh?
Monster, behind jail doors: Aiyee!
Old Man: There is a legend that tells of a great and good
wizard who lives in a cave in the sea. If thou hast the
five crests he will come to thee.
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Monolith Southeast of Tantegel
Old Man: I have been waiting for thee to come. I will
trade the Helmet of Erdrick for the token thou
Old Man (again): Thou hast no further
business here. Go.
Tantegel Castle
Woman: This is a sewing shop, true, but I do not have
the Dew’s Yarn. Dost thou seek the Dew’s Yarn, too?
Woman (if you say ‘No’): Stop again if thou art near.
Woman (if you say ‘Yes’): Alas, I have no more of the
Dew’s Yarn, but I know where thou may seek some, for
it is a substance made of wind and water and it drifts
aloft until it lands on the third floor in the North Tower
of the Dragon’s Horn.
King of Tantegel (in room above armory): So thou has
come even here to this simple room. I cannot help thee.
My hope fled long ago.
Charlock Castle
Treasure Chest 104 gold
Treasure Chest Wing of the Wyvern
Treasure Chest Lottery Ticket
Treasure Chest Medical Herb
- 40 -
Monolith North of Midenhall
Priest: Hast thou found the Eye of Malroth? (Yes/No)
Priest (if you say ‘No’): Once thou hast the Moon
Fragment thou may enter the island cave where the Eye
of Malroth is kept in darkness.
Island Tower South of Tantegel
Command: Item Echoing Flute Use
Briefly, Hero played the Echoing Flute.
Treasure Chest 1F 38-52 gold
Treasure Chest 5F Chain Sickle
Treasure Chest 4F 127 gold
Treasure Chest 2F Fairy Water
Guard on 8F: For long ages have I guarded the Chamber
of Hargon. There is a land called Rhone, high in the
mountains in the middle of a great continent. There shall
thou find Hargon.
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Old Man on 7F: Thou need not speak for I know thy
mind well. Come, follow me. I will guide thee to
the place where thou shall find the Crest.
Old Man on 2F: Open now the treasure chest.
Command: Search Hero opened the Treasure Chest
and found that it was empty.
Old Man: Haha! Into my trap thou hast stepped! It shall
be thy last.
Battle: Four Gremlins appeared. ...
Thou hast defeated the Gremlin.
In Game Instructions: Thou hast found the
Stars Crest.
Old Man at entrance: Hello. This is the village of Tuhn.
Guard: Far and wide I have sought a master weaver who
makes Water Flying Cloth, and they say such a man
lives here.
Man just west of stream: It is said that the Tower of the
Moon holds a piece of the moon.
Man near armory: Thou hast heard of Roge Fastfinger I
see. Well, he stole the key to our watergate, the
scoundrel. We would dearly love to have it back.
Woman on west side of town: Many years have passed
since the Tower of the Moon could be reached by ship. It
lies to the south.
Woman near Don Mahone’s house: I’m Jena. If thou
meets my husband, tell him that my father’s name was
- 42 -
Don Mahone: Yes, I am Don Mahone. Once I
was a famous weaver, but my loom was stolen.
Will thou help me? (Yes/No)
Don Mahone (if you say ‘No’): That’s too bad.
We could help each other.
Don Mahone (if you say ‘Yes’): Good, good.
All I can tell thee is that the loom was taken by someone
who smelled like fish.
Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 120
pieces of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room?
(No) Farewell, stranger.
Old Man north of stream: If the watergate were to be
raised, water would once more fill the dry riverbed.
Dog: Ruff, ruff...
Tough Guy, north of village: If Jena sent thee, tell her I
would not name our dog Ruffles for all the dragon’s gold
in Alefgard.
Man outside town: Where has everyone gone? Dost thou
think it is my breath?
Dog: Yip, yip, yip!
Woman near entrance stairs: I bid thee welcome to
Wellgarth Town. I shall sing for thee.
Man: It is said that the greatest shall fall by a spell of his
own devising.
Guard in prison: It is true enough. I locked Roge
Fastfinger in prison and threw away the key. But he has
Guard in House of Healing: There is an isolated valley
northwest of the town where once a road led to Rhone.
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Innkeeper: Welcome to the Village Inn. It’s only 120
pieces of gold for the night. Dost thou want a room?
(No) Farewell, stranger.
Woman in inn: How dare thou enter a lady’s room
Priest: Let me tell thee, Hargon is a master of disguise,
but if thou hast the Charm of Rubiss thou will see
through the deception.
Tough Guy in central shop: Tell me, did thou come to
buy the Jailor’s Key? (Yes/No)
Tough Guy (if you say ‘No’): Perhaps I should not say
anything more.
Tough Guy (if you say ‘Yes’): I heard that it is sold here,
but perhaps that is a lie.
Tough Guy’s shop: We deal in tools. What can I offer
thee? (Buy) What dost thou want? (blank) So
thou hast heard about my wares. A bit
expensive, maybe, but such fine
craftsmanship! Will thou take it? (Yes) Tell nobody that
I have sold it. Who shall take it? (Name) I thank thee
kindly. Dost thou need anything else? (No) Good day,
Old Man in northwestern house: For the finest Water
Flying Cloth I recommend Don Mahone who lives in
Old Man in prison: Hargon dwells on the high plateau of
Rhone. Only one who has the Eye of Malroth can find
the road to that place.
- 44 -
Roge Fastfinger: Curses, I am found! Yes, I am Roge
Fastfinger and here is the watergate key.
Roge Fastfinger (if you have too many
items): But thou hast many things. See
me again later.
Roge Fastfinger (again): I’m sorry; I will not do that
World Tree Island
Command: Search Hero searched all
about. And there Hero discovered the Leaf
of The World Tree!
Treasure Chest (left) Magic Loom
Treasure Chest (right) empty
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Midenhall Castle
Tough Guy in first cell: Dost thou have the Jailor’s Key?
Tough Guy (if you say ‘Yes’): Open this and I shall give
thee some news.
Tough Guy (when you open the door): As a
reward for opening the door, let me tell thee of
the Crest of Life. Find it on the dark road that
leads to Rhone.
Priest in second cell: Would thou allow me to escape and
tell Hargon many tidings? Oh, but thou art such a fool.
Battle: One Evil Clown appeared. … Thou
hast defeated the Evil Clown. … Evil Clown
had the Treasure Chest.
Seeing a treasure chest, Hero
opened it. And there Hero
discovered the Staff of Thunder!
Osterfair Castle
Saber Lion in cage: Roarrrr....!
Battle: Two Ozwargs appeared. … Thou hast
defeated the Ozwarg.
Command: Search Hero
searched all about. Thou hast found the
Water Crest.
- 46 -
North Dragon’s Horn
Command: Search Hero searched all about.
And there Hero discovered the Dew’s Yarn!
Don Mahone: Ah, so thou has found my loom, and the
Dew’s Yarn, too. I shall weave thee a Water Flying
Cloth, but it will take time. Please come back in a day or
Command: Item Watergate Key Use
The water gate opened.
North Dragon’s Horn
Command: Search Hero searched all about. And there
Hero discovered the Dew’s Yarn!
Treasure Chest (left) Magic Loom
Tough Guy in cell: Having come this far, thou may as
well try the door there to the left.
Dragon Warrior II
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Monolith South of Rhone
Old Man: The ancient road to Rhone was once west of
this monolith.
Monster, through hidden passage one step north
of travel door: Please, please, do not hurt me! I
can tell thee of a secret. In Hamlin Village there
is a Water Crest. Seek it!
Don Mahone (after saving the game and
returning): Hello. I’ve just finished. See that
the princess wears this.
Don Mahone (again): Ah, so thou has found
my loom, and the Dew’s Yarn, too. I shall
weave thee a Water Flying Cloth, but it will take time.
Please come back in a day or so.
- 48 -
Don Mahone (again): Sorry. I haven’t finished it yet.
Please be patient.
Don Mahone (after saving the game and returning):
Hello. Ive just finished. See that the princess wears this.
Tower of the Moon
Treasure Chest (3F) 127 gold
Treasure Chest (1F) Medical Herb
Treasure Chest (4F right) Bamboo Stick
Treasure Chest (4F left) 266 gold
Treasure Chest (7F) empty
Old Man: As the full moon waxes and
wanes so too the tide rises and falls.
Treasure Chest (1F) Moon
Sea Cave
Command: Item Moon Fragment Use
Hero held the Moon Fragment overhead.
Treasure Chest (B1) 141 gold
Treasure Chest (B1) Medical Herb
Command: Search (B2) Hero searched all about. The
treasure chest was a trap! Hero’s HP is reduced by <#>.
Guard (B2): In ancient times a volcano rose from the
seabed, and inside was a deep cavern.
Treasure Chest (B2) 79 gold
Guard (B2): Hast thou found the Wizard’s Home?
Dragon Warrior II
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Guard (if you say ‘No’): Thou art close to the island cave
wherein lies an object of great power and greater peril!
Guard (if you say ‘Yes’): Go then, for thou must defeat
Command: Search (B3) Hero searched all about. The
treasure chest was a trap! The poison weakened Hero.
Treasure Chest (B3) 149 gold
Treasure Chest (B4) Dragon’s Bane
Priest (B5): Such rudeness in a Wizard’s Home is not
acceptable. Perhaps I should turn thee into a frog!
Battle: Two Evil Clowns appeared.
Treasure Chest (B5) Eye of Malroth
Monolith North of Midenhall
Priest: The Eye of Malroth sees much that is not readily
apparent. Use it in the swamp of the hidden valley and
perhaps thou will see a way to Rhone.
Rhone Cave
- 50 -
Command: Item Eye of Malroth Use
Hero held high the Eye of Malroth.
Treasure Chest (B1) Life Crest
Monolith of Rubiss
Voice: I hear a mortal voice calling me.
Ah, three descendants of Erdrick. Yes, I shall
help thee. I am Rubiss, an Enchanter, and long
ago I promised Erdrick to help when the time
came. Now is the time. Receive now my charm and my
spell of protection.
Rhone Cave
Treasure Chest (3F) Lottery Ticket
Treasure Chest (5F) Armor of Erdrick
Dragon Warrior II
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Treasure Chest (5F) 146 gold
Treasure Chest (3F) 136 gold
Treasure Chest (5F) empty
Treasure Chest (5F) 606 gold
Treasure Chest (3F) Thunder Sword
Monolith of Rhone
Priest: May the light shine upon thee, Hero. … Go now,
Woman: This travel door takes one back to the
underworld. If that is thy wish, please enter.
Hargon’s Castle
Command: Item Charm of Rubiss Use
With one hand, Hero held aloft the Charm of Rubiss.
Hero could hear a voice drawing near.
Hero! Be not deceived by false visions.’
- 52 -
Spirit: Welcome to Bragol’s Tools. May I help thee?
Spirit: Greetings. I am the Keeper of this Inn.
Spirit (through the left or right doors): .....
Spirit: Thou hast come to Midenhall.
Treasure Chest (left) empty
Treasure Chest (right) empty
Monster (on the right): The fools false paradise suited
thee better. Thou shall regret meddling in Hargon’s
Command: Item Eye of Malroth Use
Hero held high the Eye of Malroth.
Hargon: Who comes hither to disturb the Great Hargon?
Dost thou know who I am? (Yes/No)
Hargon (if you say ‘No’): Then I shall teach the
proper respect!
Hargon (if you say ‘Yes’): Such audacity is unforgivable!
Hargon (when you defeat him): So thou
hast proven a mighty warrior, mightier
even than Hargon the Great. But there is
one even greater than I, a sorcerer of the
Shadowtime, a being of pure malice that
Dragon Warrior II
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none shall overcome. I send thee now to meet Malroth!
Battle Text: Thou hast defeated the Malroth.
Rubiss: Thou hast delivered the world from Malroth’s
evil. Great is the victory and greater the rewards. I,
Rubiss, have watched thy struggles and I am proud of
thee. Go now!
All Priests: The people will be free again, for the evil
magic has dissipated like smoke in the wind.
All Women: Oh, it is like a dreamto think that
someone had the power to destroy Hargon.
All Monsters: Rrrrrr...
All Old Men: Thanks to thee, peace has returned.
All Guards: Thou art Great Warriors!
All Men: Hargon doesn’t exist anymore, does he?
All Tough Guys: Thou hast done exceedingly well.
All Merchants: Thanks to thee, peace has returned.
Spirits in Moonbrooke: See a lightthat is the pure light
of Rubiss rising from the sea. We thank thee for all that
thou hast done.
Princess Halla: Brother, thou hast done well. I shall
never doubt thee again.
King of Cannock: Once again the line of Erdrick has
proven true. Orfeo, my heir, thou hast gained a great
victory, and I am proud of thee. To thy new duties must
thou go now, Hero.
Dragonlord’s Grandson: Thou hast done well, Hero. Let
bygones be bygones and we shall be friends.
King of Tantegel: I apologize for deceiving thee. I am the
King of this castle. Ha! Ha!
King of Osterfair: Thou art strong and noble, Hero. Well
- 54 -
Little Boys: Hurrah! Hurrah!
Dogs: Bow-wow-wow.
Midenhall Guards: Now thou art King of Midenhall and
must take thy throne!
Orfeo: Thou shalt go.
Peta: What? I seek not the crown.
King of Midenhall: Hero, thou art of the line of Erdrick
and have proven thy heritage by thy deeds. Now is the
time for thee to take the throne. Will it be so? (Yes/No)
King of Midenhall (if you say ‘No’): Be careful, Hero.
Do not be selfish.
King of Midenhall (when you say ‘Yes’): Hail all to the
new monarch of Midenhall! Now, Orfeo, Prince of
Cannock, come forth. Peta, Princess of Moonbrooke,
come forth. This charge I lay on the three heroes, that for
evermore they guard against evil.
Midenhall Guards: Three cheers for the new monarch of
Midenhall! Hip-hip-hooray!
Then peace returned.
The End