Applied for
I am applying for a:
My choice is:
Visa Electron
Important information
Fill in the application and submit along with the following:
a) Photograph (one copy)
b) Copy of TIN certificate
c) Copy of Passport (Page 1 to 6 and renewal page) and National ID
Applied for: VISA Electron Card Maestro Card
Customer Name
Emboss Name
As you want to see on the Card (Max 19 Characters)
Mailing Address
Phone (Business)
Mobile (Business)
Contact Information
Date of Birth
Customer ID
Primary Account
Secondary Account
Account Information for Linkage
Signature Verified by Branch
(With PA number & Seal)
Customers Signature
Phone (Home)
Mobile (Home)
Home Branch
The applicant acknowledges to have already agreed to the terms and conditions related to
International Debit Card Operations of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited as recorded
1. Only ERQ/RFCD/FC account holders of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited can apply
for International Visa/ MasterCard Debit Card.
2. In these Terms and Conditions-
a‘Bank means Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) and its successors and
b‘Account means ERQ/RFCD/FC account maintained by the Bank.
c‘Account Holder’ means the person validly holding the said account.
d‘Visa/MasterCard Acquirers’ mean, any bank or financial institution which is
licensed by Visa/MasterCard to conclude agreements with merchants to accept
Visa/MasterCard cards of all description.
e‘Card’ means valid DBBL International Debit Card issued to above account
holder to avail of services and/or to purchase and/or to draw Cash Facilities by
properly presenting the same at the Bank or other Visa/MasterCard authorized
acquirers’ ATM and or POS terminal.
f‘Cardholder means to whom card has been issued.
g‘Customer means the Cardholder stated above.
h‘Agreement’ means an account maintained by the Bank in the name of the
Cardholder or it’s company (in case of ERQ a/c).
i‘Designated Account means the accounts which are connected (not more than
two) to the card with prior consent of the card holder.
a All transactions initiated by the Cardholder, whether electronically or
otherwise, using the Card will be debited from the Designated Account
b The Bank shall debit the Designated Account for the amount withdrawn from
any of the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or Point of Sale (POS) transactions
for goods and services obtained from VISA/MasterCard authorized merchants and
ATMs outside Bangladesh by the use of the Card. The Bank records generated
electronically or otherwise, shall be deemed to be conclusive proof of the
correctness of the transactions.
c In consideration of issuing the cards, the cardholder undertakes to indemnify
the bank against all losses, claims, actions proceedings demands, damages, costs
and expenses incurred or sustained by the Bank, of whatever nature and howsoever
arising, out of or in connection with the issuance /use of the card, provided only
that the bank acts in good faith.
d The bank shall have the right to charge the customer any fee for issuance and
use of the card on a monthly/quarterly/yearly basis as may be decided by the bank.
4. The Bank reserves the exclusive discretion to limit the total cash withdrawal or
goods and services purchased at Visa/MasterCard authorized merchants by the
Cardholder during a 24 hours period.
5. The Card shall at all times, remains the property of the Bank and the Bank may in
its sole discretion and without giving any reason may withdraw the Card or the
services thereby offered or any part of such services at any time without any prior
notice, whereby the Cardholder will become responsible for returning the Card at
once as per request from the Bank.
6. The Card and PIN are issued to the Cardholder entirely at the Cardholder’s risk and
the Bank shall bear no liability whatsoever for any loss, financial or otherwise, or
damage whatsoever caused from this issue. The Bank shall not be responsible for
any losses or damages or expenses whatsoever arising whether directly or
indirectly as a result of any transaction made with the Card and shall be
indemnified by the Cardholder, against any such loss or damage.
7. The Cardholder shall not disclose the PIN to any one. The Cardholder will be liable
to the Bank for any and all transactions made by the use of the Card and hereby
agrees to indemnify the Bank for any losses or damages howsoever caused by any
unauthorized use of Card or PIN, unless the Bank has received notice in writing of
any loss, damage or theft of the Card or disclosure of the PIN prior to any
unauthorized use of the Card or PIN for this purpose, provided that, the use of the
Card by a person who obtained possession of the Card from the Cardholder
constitutes authorized use of the Card, whether done with or without any consent of
the cardholder.
8. The Bank shall debit the Designated Account for all related charges with respect to
the Card and the use there of and the charges as may be announced, from time to
time, by the Bank or other Visa/MasterCard authorized acquirer as the case may be,
including charges for any replacement of the Card.
Please see overleaf
9. The Bank reserves the right to refuse an application of the issuance of a Card and
to withdraw at any time and at its sole discretion all rights and privileges
pertaining or attached to the Card. The Bank shall not be responsible for any
losses or damages or expenses whatsoever and howsoever arising whether
directly or indirectly as a result of any malfunction of the Card or any of the POS
or any of the ATM, the insufficiency of funds in such a machine or otherwise.
10. The Bank neither warrants nor be responsible for the Card being dishonored for
any reason whatsoever.
11. In the event of replacement of the Card due to whatever reasons as requested by
the Account holder, the Bank will levy a charge set by the Bank’s Authority.
12. In the event of reissue of PIN, the Bank will levy a charge to be set by the Bank’s
13. Cardholder will not use this card for any illegal transaction or illegal purpose or
anything unlawful, or prohibited action under the laws of Bangladesh.
14. The Card shall cease to be valid and the Bank shall be entitled to the immediate
return of the Card in the event of
a. closure of the Designated Account.
b. receiving notice of death of the Cardholder;
c. the Cardholder’s authority to operate the Designated Account is terminated by
the bank or any other authority;
d. the Cardholder ceases to be a customer of the Bank;
e. the Bank requests for its return.
15. All notifications and/or questions concerning the use of the Card should be
directed to the Branch Manager of the Cardholder’s branch or to the DBBL Card
16. All rules and regulations governing the operations of current, savings and short
term deposit accounts will be applicable of the Card transactions relating to such
accounts of which the applicant confirms to have knowledge.
17. The Bank may at its sole discretion and at any time change Terms and
Conditions, contained herein, without prior notice to the Cardholder.
18. These Term and Conditions will stand amended if such amendments are
necessitated by law, government regulations or instructions issued by the
Bangladesh Bank or any other authority.
19. Fees and charges will be determined periodically by the Bank or other
Visa/MasterCard authorized acquirers and the same shall be binding on the
20. Cardholder or the bank may terminate this Agreement by serving 60 days prior
notice to the Bank before its expiry.
21. In case of any fraud committed by or misrepresentation made by or incorrect
particulars given by the applicant or break of any of conditions stipulated herein
or of any act of God, war, riots, civil disturbances, changes of law or other events
over which the Bank has no control and when any such cases result in an
impossibility for the Bank to perform this Agreement, the Bank may terminate
this Agreement before its expiry with or without assigning any reasons
22. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Bangladesh only.
23. All disputes will be resolved as per the terms and conditions set by the
24. Applicant/Cardholder shall not change his address without giving prior notice to
the bank.
25. Fees & Charges : Annual /Renewal fee shall be US $ 15, Replacement card fee
will be US $ 5 and PIN reissue fee will be US $ 2 only and Cash advance fee
from ATM 2.5% of withdrawal amount or US $ 2.5 whichever is higher will be
charged and shall be debited directly from his/her account.(VAT will be
applicable as per law)
I do hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the above terms and
conditions and agree to comply with them.
Customer’s Signature Date: ____________
Card Division, Head Office, Peoples Insurance Building, 4th Floor
36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Phone: 9555145, Fax : 9569948
Web:, E-mail: [email protected]
Debit Card
Debit Card
Valid only in Bangladesh