Swine Breeding and Production in Malaysia
Moktir Singh Gardir Singh and Rachel Wai Jing Fong
Pig Unit, Livestock Commodity Development Division,
Department of Veterinary Science, Malaysia
e-mail: moktir@dvs.gov.my, rachelfong@dvs.gov.my
The swine industry in Malaysia is 96% self-sufficient in local pork demand, with 544 farms and close to 1.4
million standing pig population. Common pig breeds in Malaysia comprise of Duroc, Landrace and Large
White. Importation of pig breeds is widely practiced by Malaysian pig stock breeders, which produce pigs to be
sold to smaller farms for genetic improvement. Two and three way crosses are common practices in Malaysia,
and farmers take into consideration the selection index which incorporates indexes of a few meat traits with
economic value while selecting for the breeder stock. The main mode of breeding is via artificial insemination,
whereas natural mating is less commonly practiced in Malaysia. Breeding parameters have improved as the pig
management and waste management are given great emphasis. However, farmers are still struggling with
diseases which are hard to eradicate from the farm especially in weaners as maternal immunity wanes after
weaning. Sows are also prone to diseases such as Thin Sow Syndrome and Agalactia. The swine industry is
moving towards adoption of Pig Farming Area (PFA) and Modern Pig Farming Systems, but is greatly limited
by the non- Foot- and- Mouth- Disease (FMD) free status
Keywords: Swine, Pig, Breeding, Artificial Insemination, Malaysia, Production
The swine industry in Peninsular Malaysia is a fairly developed one. The main driving force in the industry is
the pork consuming population (PCP) in Malaysia, and is statistically 40% of the 28 million populations in
Malaysia. In 2013, Malaysia is able to achieve a 96.31% of pork self-sufficiency as the standing pig population
(SPP) is now 1,386,520 heads with a total of 542 pig farms in the country. This supplies 197,319 metric tons of
pork for local consumptions last year. The avaerage cost of production for pork was RM 6.23/kg (2013) and the
ex-farm pig value amounts to RM 1991.9 million (2013) (Statistik Industri Babi, 2014).
In Malaysia, almost all pig farms are licensed for operation. The Department of Veterinary Services (DVS)
encourages Modern Pig Farming (MPF) system whereby pigs are kept in closed house systems and the concept
of zero discharge was introduced whereby all waste water is contained within the farm and there is no discharge
of effluent from the farm into the public waterways. Well managed farms are generally the larger scale farms
which are regularly audited, and have good animal husbandry practice in place and are certified under the
Livestock Farm Accrediatation Scheme “SALT”, also having properly written Standard Operation Procedure
(SOP). Generally poorly managed farms have low sow population, low levels of biosecrutitiy and hence are
less productive.
Country Report
Fig. 1. Examples of Bad Farms
Fig. 2. Examples of well managed farms
Common breeds
Pig breeds are divided into two main lines in Malaysia for cross breeding purposes namely the male line and the
female line. Cross breeding produces hybrid vigor or heterosis by combining desirable traits of two or more
breeds to produce a pig with more optimum traits (DVS Malaysia, 1986).
In Malaysia, the male line comprises of Duroc, Hampshire, Pietrain and to some extent the Large White. The
male line is noted for its:
(i) Carcass merits- i.e. Length, loin eye area, lean cuts
(ii) Feed conversion ratio
The female line comprises of predominantly Landrace and Large White and they are noted for the
characteristics below:
(i) Good mothering ability
(ii) Good temperament
(iii) Large litter size
For commercial crosses, two- way and three-way crosses are much favored to cater to the preference of meat
type of the consuming population, larger litter size and good carcass characteristics. Refer to Table 1 which
shows the more common types of crosses.
Swill feeding,
mixing of
Swine Breeding and Production in Malaysia
Table 1 below shows the more common commercial crosses (DVS Malaysia, 1986)
Common usage for
porker production
Common commercial crosses
2 Way
Duroc (D)
Male line
Large White (LW)
Male/Female line
Landrace (LR)
Female line
D x LR
Chester White (CW)
Male line
D x CW
Hampshire (H)
Male line
Pietrain (P)
Male line
Several economically important traits as listed in Table 2 are the basis of farmers for pig breeding selection.
Table 2. Heritability estimates of various traits (DVS Malaysia, 1986)
Heritability (%)
Degree of heritability
Performance traits
Litter size at birth
Post weaning rate of weight gain
Feed per unit of weight gain
Litter size at weaning
Litter weight at weaning
Anatomical traits
Length of body
Length of legs
Number of vertebrae
Number of nipples
Carcass traits
Loin eye area
Ham weight
Shoulder weight
Fat cuts
Lean cuts
The potential stock is then selected after taking into consideration a selection index as below :
I = 270 + (100 x ADG) (150 x Backfat) (35 x Feed per gain)
I: Selection Index; ADG: Average Daily Gain in pounds; Backfat: Backfat thickeness in inches; Feed per gain: Pound of feed for pound of
weight gain
Country Report
This selection index incorporates several traits that are of economic importance and the heritability of each trait.
See Table 3 as an example of using the selection index. (DVS Malaysia, 1986)
Table 3. Selection index (DVS Malaysia, 1986)
Average Daily
Feed per
Boar A
Boar B
Based on the example above, farmers will be able to choose their breeding stock based on their selection
preferences. Boar B will be chosen if the selection were to be weighted towards selection for lower back fat
thickness; whereas, Boar A would have been selected if the index were to be weighted towards average daily
gain. (DVS Malaysia, 1986).
Prior to the advent of Nipah virus in the country, the Department of Veterinary Service Malaysia has designated
stock farm since 1926 to produce cross-bred breeder animals to cater to genetic improvement for local farmers.
Now, farmers are entirely dependent on imported breeder pigs from countries around the world for genetics
improvement. Table 4 shows the number of countries of pig breeders’ imports into Malaysia. Local breeding
companies in Malaysia import live pig breeders to produce a purebred imported stock, and sell them to
commercial farms. Farmers on farm normally maintain a portion of their Large White or Landrace pure, for their
farm replacements. Inbreeding is a problem in Malaysian farms and are generally managed by introducing pure
bred Large White or Landrace pure bred into the population of breeding herd. (DVS Malaysia, 1991).
Table 4. Countries of pig breeders import in Malaysia from 2010 to 2013 (number of pigs)
(Statistik Industri Babi, 2014)
In the year 2013, the local swine industry imported some 284 pig breeders last year to infuse new genetics into
the industry. Unlike in cattle, whereby progeny testing is established to evaluate the genetic potential of the
animal, the breeder pig itself is evaluated phenotypically for breeding purposes, regardless of the progeny
testing or referencing to the boar or sow. Record keeping are widely practiced in pig farms in Malaysia using the
herd management software such as Pig Champ which allows farmers to record vital breeding information such
as animal type, birth weight, litter size, weaning weight (3- 4 months), number of weaned and adult weight (5- 6
months or 80-90kg).
Swine Breeding and Production in Malaysia
Artificial insemination (AI)
Boar selection
In Malaysia, the selection of young boars is done at the age of 220 days. There are a few characteristics that
needed to be examined in order to ensure a fit and healthy boar. These include, the boar must be physically
healthy, able mate on a dummy and have enough libido, free of genital abnormalities, have good semen quality
and quantity, have morphologically good semen, have no hereditary abnormalities (genetical defects with good
non-return-results). Boars are taught to mount on the dummy as young as five months old. During training of the
boar, genitalia abnormalities can be examined (i.e. small testicles or penis, persisting frenulum, no or
insufficient penal erection. (Ing, H.S., n.d.) Refer to Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6 below. Freshly collected
semen will be analyzed. Semen motility should also be inspected two days post collection to confirm sperm
quality. Refer to Table 5 as below for parameters to sperm analysis.
Table 5. Minimum values of Fresh, unextended Boar Semen for use in
artificial insemination, AI. (Palmer, H.J. et.al.,1943)
Semen Variables
Milky to creamy consistency
Gray-white to white in colour
Total sperm numbers
>15 x 109 sperm/ ejaculation
Gross motility (unextended)
≥ 70%
Abnormal morphology
- Cytoplasmic droplets
≥ 20%
Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6. Dummy riding, genitalia examination, semen evaluation (Courtesy of Chau Yang Farming, Perak, Malaysia)
All matings of the boar are recorded, and the first 50 matings are analyzed for non- returning rate. If boar has
genitalia abnormalities or poor non-returning rate, the boar is a candidate for culling. (Ing, H.S., n.d.).
Fig. 4
Fig. 3
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Country Report
Heat detection
Gilts develop sexual maturity by the age of seven months and 90% of weaned sows return to estrus three to 10
days after weaning. When the gilt or sow is on heat, it will “stay” for the boar, and the boar is able to climb on it.
Refer to Table 6 below for heat detection signs.
Table 6. Heat detection signs (Ing, H.S., n.d.)
Heat signs
Too early
In time
Too late
Heavily swollen, dark red
in color, no or few slime
Less swollen, less red
in color and slime
Not swollen
anymore, normal in
color and slime is
Female stays if the
herdsman is pushing the
sides, it does allow a boar
to climb, but it does not
stay properly for the
Female stays clearly
for the herdsman and
shows a remarkable
moving of its ears
Female does not
stay for the
anymore, but still
allows boar to climb
Female is restless and
climbs other females
Female is quiet, is
climbing by other
females and stays
No signs of
climbing on other
Sows will be inseminated within 24hours from the first positive heat detection as described above. For gilts, AI
is done within 16 hours post first positive heat detection. Best time for heat inspection is after feeding whereby
the boars are generally used for heat detection by letting it run up the stall passages in viewed by the sow with
nose to nose contact. Herdsman will observe and detect heat in sows in the late afternoon with the presence of
the boar, and once more at early morning next day without the presence of the boar. Sows that stand for
herdsman today will be inseminated early morning the next day. Gilts however are doubled checked with boar
both in the late afternoon and early morning the next day with the presence of the boar. Gilts will be inseminated
if there is staying reflex. Refer to Diagram 1 for Insemination period, Diagram 2, 3 for insemination techniques.
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 for AI in Sows.
Diagram 1. Artificial insemination period (Ing, H.S., n.d.)
Swine Breeding and Production in Malaysia
Diagram 2. Artificial Insemination techniques Diagram 3. Artificial Insemination
Figs. 7, 8. Artificial Insemination in Sows (Courtesy of Chau Yang Farming, Perak, Malaysia)
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Diagram 2: A sterile AI catheter is inserted into the vulva at
45° from the horizontal plane until it reaches the cervix. The
personal will have an obstructed feeling on the tip of the
catheter. At this point, twist the catheter close-wise to
imitate the nature of the corkscrew penile tip of the boar for
penetration pass the cervix. (Ing, H.S., n.d.)
Diagram 3: The AI catheter is adjusted to the level of the
tail and raised up on an upward angle for gravity drainage
of semen into the uterus. The AI catheter can then be
anchored on the buddy holder. Minimize any disturbances
on the sow/gilt, and encourage for natural draining of the
semen. (Ing, H.S., n.d.)
Country Report
Breeding parameter
The average sow performance and the average farm production performance in Malaysia are shown below in
Table 7 and Table 8.
Table 7. Average Sow performance in Malaysia (P.Sungnak, 2011)
Average sow performance
Total litter size
Average number of piglets born alive
Litter size at weaning
Piglet mortality rate
Farrowing Index
Pigs weaned per sow per year
Table 8. Table of average farm production performance (P.Sungnak, 2011)
Average farm production performance (2011)
Average market weight
100-110 kg
Average age at market
195 days (6.5 months)
Breed of pigs used
Duroc, Yorkshire, Large White
Repeat service
Weaning to first service interval
8.51 days
Sow bred by 7 days
Average pig/ litter
Average parity of sows
Farrowing rate
Litters/mated female/ year
Average pigs weaned/ litter
Pre-weaning mortality
Average weaning weight (kg)
Pigs weaned/ mated female/ year
Culling rate
Dressing Percentage
Extraction Rate
Feed Conversion Ratio
Average Daily Gain (From Wean
to Market)
680.9 g/day
Swine Breeding and Production in Malaysia
Management of sows, boars, weaners, growers, finishers
Management of dry sows
After weaning, the sows will be relocated to either an individual dry sow stalls or in a group sow pen of four to
five dry sows for re-mating depending on the facilities in the farm. Normally, herdsman will check both the
recently weaned sows and the mated sows twice a day for signs of return to heat. Heat detection is done twice a
day, once early in the morning and another time in the late afternoon after feeding. Sows are expected to return
to heat between seven and 10 days post weaning. Some better managed farms use boar for heat detection.
Frequent manual heat detection is important in Malaysia, as farmers do not use any other pregnancy detectors to
ascertain pregnancy status of the mated females. (DVS Malaysia, 1991) Returning of heat of the mated sow will
necessitate a second mating within 24 hours. Hand mating or artificial insemination is a common practice in
Malaysia, whilst group mating without assistance is not a common practice.
Management of a gestating sow
After the sow is mated, it will be monitored closely for 30 days for any signs of re-cycling. The animal is
assumed to be pregnant if there is no re-cycling of heat. The pregnant sow will continue to be in the same stall
until one week before expected farrowing date where it will be relocated to a farrowing crate. Flushing is not a
common practice and likewise feed reduction during the first 30days post-mating is also not being practiced by
farmers in Malaysia (DVS Malaysia, 1991). A gestating sow is commonly fed a standard 1.8 kg to 2.6 kg feed
daily throughout gestation without manual adjustments of feed according to body weight.
Management of a lactating sow
Lactating sows are given extra but a fixed amount of feed (3.0kg to 5.0 kg), regardless of the number of piglets
she is nursing. But feed intake is normally 4.0kg to 4.5kg due to loss of appetite and sometimes due to heat
stress. (DVS Malaysia, 1991).
Management of suckling piglets
Suckling period will take place from day one till before day 35. Most farmers do not provide assistance at time
of farrowing as assistance during farrowing was found to be related to higher incidence of post-partum pyometra.
At day old, iron supplement of 20mg is given to the piglet parentarally. Second injection of iron is not practiced
(DVS Malaysia, 1991). Teeth clipping and tail docking of the piglets are also carried out on the day of birth. If
ear notching is practiced, it is also carried out at the same time. The piglets are kept warm during the first one or
two weeks and some farms till the piglets weaned. Heating is provided by brooding boxes or by an overhanging
heating electric lamp. Creep feed is introduced when piglets are 10-14 day of age in the farrowing pen. During
the 1 to 2 weeks of age, piglets are also being castrated. Weaning often practices before fiveweeks of age, to
enable the sow to mated again for maximum productivity. Swine fever vaccinations is given either before or
after weaning (at about 21 to 35 days).
Management of weaners
In Malaysia, piglets are weaned at ages from day 21 up to day 35 from birth. Commonly sow and weaners are
removed from the farrowing crate for the disinfection of the farrowing crate. Weaners will be placed in either
close house or open house system. In Malaysia, there are only 37 close house farms (6% of total pig farms in
Peninsular Malaysia). So pig farms are mostly operating as open house systems. The average weaning weight is
approximately 6-7kg and but farmers generally do not weight those weaners and grouping of weaners is done
base on size by visual inspection into different pens with 20-50 weaners per pen (DVS Malaysia, 1991). Creep
feeding is normally continued for another week before changing entire to starter feed abruptly.
Management of the growers and finishers
This period of grower till finisher describes the period from Day 60 to market age (Day 180), whereby the live
weight is around 110kg. When the pig reaches around 50kg, feed restrictions are imposed to prevent production
of excessively fat pigs. (DVS Malaysia, 1991).
Country Report
Management of gilts
Gilts sexually mature at the age of 7 to 8 months. Prior to this age, farmers will be selecting replacement gilts
from their porker herd (typically two-way crosses of 75 to 85kg gilts) (DVS Malaysia, 1991). These selected
gilts will then be separated from their original gilt pens to a pen dedicated for breeding purposes. Twice a day
heat testing will be done, and their first service is usually when they weigh at 100kg (DVS Malaysia, 1991).
Some farmers do practice flushing while others do not.
Management of boars
The ratio of boar to sow is generally 1 to 70. Farms generally keep more than optimal numbers of boars. This is
because more often than not, the favorite boars are used more often than the less favored ones. Replacement
boars are generally imported from overseas or locally at around 20-40 kg liveweight. Replacement boar
selections are generally via visual inspection and lesser emphasis is placed on the performance record of the
boar. When the boar reaches a sexually mature stage at 7 months of age, it will be trained to mount of the
dummy. When the boar is 9 to 12 months old (or at least 120 kg liveweight), it will be used once or twice
weekly for semen collection. All boars on farm are placed in individual pens usually with 40 to 60 square feet.
Most farms do not provide exercise paddock or yard for the boars to exercise (DVS Malaysia, 1991).
Washing ractices and waste management
Washing pens to clean pig wastes is the main aim of getting rid of pig wastes, as deep litter system is not being
practiced in Malaysia. On average 40L of water will be used for every SPP on farm per day. This brings
importance to good waste management as there is a raise of public concern to environmental pollution caused by
pig farms in the face of urban enroachment. Some farms adopted Toyo Bioreactor to treat waste. This enables
them to reuse the water for pen cleaning. The solids are being used as compost in the palm oil plantation.
Effective Microorganism (EM) is also adopted into the system to improve waste management. Biogas is also
being used whereby pig waste is digested and the by-products of the process generate electricity which can be
used on farm. The Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) Malaysia facilitates public health monitoring by
carrying out annual Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) water testing to monitor the pollution level of effluent
discharged from the pig farms (DVS Malaysia, 1991).
Common diseases in Malaysia
Pig farmers struggle with several common diseases, which are associated with the particular stages of pig’s life.
To date there is no epidemic disease outbreak like Nipah 1998 incident reported.
At pre-weaners stage, the most common disease in Malaysia is pre-weaning diarrhea. Primary predisposing
factor can be attributed to poor management, making piglets more susceptible as they are being exposed to large
numbers of pathogenic microorganisms and stress factors which lowers the immune system of piglets. (Too,
1997). The net result of diarrhea leads to dehydration and acidosis leading to death in piglets. Pre-weaning
mortality in piglet in Malaysia is still approximately 8%. Table 9 below depicts the identifying features of
different aetiology of pre-weaning diarrhea.
Swine Breeding and Production in Malaysia
Table 9. Features of pre-weaning diarrhea in piglets
Aetiology of
diarrhea in piglets
Features of diarrhoea
Treatment and
(E.coli- ETEC)
Starts 2-3 hours after
birth, peaks on Day 3
Watery diarrhea
Variable Colour :
(Clear, whitish,
shades of brown)
Litters of younger
parity sows
- Alkaline pH of faeces
(secretory diarrhea)
- ELISA on diarhoea
- Faeces culture and
Isolation of clinically
infected piglets for
exterotoxigenic E.coli
- Serology for
Rx: Supportive
- Hygiene
improvement of
farrowing pens
(dry, warm for
piglets, raised
- Quarantine
and batch
1week of
before next
batch of sows
move in
- Vaccination
(killed whole cell
bacterins or
Dose 1 (4-6
weeks before
farrowing), Dose
2 (1-2 weeks
Porcine Rotavirus
1 week <age<5 weeks,
peaks at 1-3 weeks
- watery to pasty
- colour: yellow
with white material
- Endemic, but
most are
subclinical, gilt
litters are most
affected. Diarrhea
only last for 2-3
- > 7days of age
- acidic pH of diarrhea
-ELISA of faeces for
group specific antigen
- Acclimatizaing
pregnant gilts
and sows with
diarrhea from
suckling piglets
to build
- Chemical
disinfection to
reduce viral load
(highly resistant):
chloramine T
67% or chlorox.
Country Report
(Isospora suis)
Older pigs are carries
-Diarrhoea is fluid
or pasty
-Colour: Yellow to
Diarrhoea lasting
for 4-6 days
- Oocysts (Isospora
suis) demonstrated in
faeces between 7-14
days of age, collected
2-3days after diarrhea
- Post mortem to
identify endogenous
forms by histological
examinations on
jejunum and ileum
(impression smears)
Amprolium 10-
20mg/kg PO at
Day 4-5
Baycox (toltrazuril)
PO Day4
-disinfection with
bleach 50%/
steam/ ammonia
compunds of
farrowing house
prior to moving of
gilts and sows into
< 3weeks, but can
affect pigs of all
stages, mortality s
100% in piglets <1
week old
Watery, small
curds of
undigested milk,
-profuse diarrhea,
vomiting, high
mortalityin pigs
under 2 weeks
- Lactating sows
very sick and
inappetant and
-diarrhoea in all ages of
pigs predominantly
suckling pigs
-serology- antibody
detection with ELISA
-viral isolation in faeces
-Rx: supportive
-Acclimatization of
farrowing sow and
gilts 2 weeks prior
to farrowing
incoming herd at
least 4 weeks with
serological testing
At weaners stage, post-weaning Porcine Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS) which causes wasting in
weaners from six weeks and onwards. Porcine Cirvo-Virus-2 (PCV-2) is being associated as the primary cause
of the disease. Weaners will gradually lose weight and become emaciated and their hairs become rough and skin
appears pale and sometimes jaundice. (Too, 1997) Other concurrent viral infection may co-exist (eg. Porcine
Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, PRRS or Porcine Parvovirus, PPV). Post weaning mortality will
increase to 6-10% instead of the average 3% mortality rate in weaners. Diagnosis is based on histological PCV2
lesions on tissues (lungs, tonsil, spleen, liver and kidney tissues). Grossly, the lungs will be rubbery, spleen and
lymph nodes enlarged, kidneys will be swollen with white spots on the surface and carcass will be emaciated
and jaundiced.
Another common disease amongst weaners is Classical Swine Fever (CSF) also known as Hog Cholera. CSF is
an acute disease, highly contagious amongst weaners, charactized by rapid spread, fever, high morbidity and
mortality. The incidence of CSF reduced in Malaysia due to the increased awareness amongst pig farmers and
adoption of vaccination programs using an attenuated cell culture (Japanese GPE-strain) vaccine produce by
Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) since 1975. (Too, 1997). Farmers are also able to control the incidents of
CSF by a complete cessation of swill feeding, replacing it with the Modern Farming intensive systems whereby
pigs are fed formulated rations. Importing pig population from herds of known health status and tightening
biosecurity levels on farm also greatly reduced the risk of introducing CSF to the herd. CSF is still not
Swine Breeding and Production in Malaysia
eradicated from Malaysia, and occurrence of CSF can often be attributed to the breakdown of vaccination
programs. Maternal antibodies react with vaccines at the first dose during weaning and second dose at three or
five months which is able to provide lasting immunity is not a common practice in Malaysia.
At the grower to finisher stage, Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex (PRDC) affects growers more as this is
tightly associated with the longer incubation period of the disease after which they get infected in the farrowing
crate. This PRDC is commonly seen in growers to finishers and the aetiology revolves around Mycoplasma
hyopneumonia, M. haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchispetica, Actinobacillus
pleuropneumonia (APP), Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus(PRRS). PRDC predisposes
these growers to secondary infections which reduce growth performance. Clinical signs are commonly coughing
(either wet and productive or dry and persistent coughs) and sneezing with nasal discharge and gradual
reduction of weight. This is still a persistent scenario even in a vaccinated herd. The severity of the disease is
often only evident at post mortem. Mycoplasma sp. associated cases can be distinguished by persistent dry
cough with non- uniform herd size. The cranio-ventral lung lobes are normally atelectic with marked airways
lymphoid hyperplasia. Serology for antibody titers is able to give an idea of herd infection which will almost
always be positive as it is an endemic disease in most herds. For diagnosis, Fluorescence antibody test (FAT)
and Immunochemistry (IHC) can be applied to lung tissue, whilst Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and
bacterial culture can be done on airway swab. (Too, 1997) In the case of Pasteurella multocida, wet coughs and
sneezing will be appreciated. Upon post mortem, grayish fibrinous pneumonia is commonly seen carniaventrally
on the lung lobes and variable pleurisy and adhesions in that area. Culture of Pasteurella multocida can give an
idea of infection, but Pasteurella multocida can also be a secondary pathogen. (Too, 1997) APP has two forms,
the acute and chronic forms. In acute cases, growers will have high morbidity and high mortality. Common
clinical signs in acute cases are high temperatures, dyspnoeic, mouth breathing and perhaps bloody foam from
nose. Whereas in chronic cases, growers will have a chronic cough and be ill thirfted. APP can be distinguished
from the other PRDC aetiologies by observing the lesions at post mortems and by culture lung lesions to isolate
the agent. Most commonly, firm and necrotic pneumonia will be seen on the diaphragmatic lung lobes. Pleural
adhesion can be seen in chronic cases. For prevention, carriers should be identified and removed from the herd.
This can be done by serology testing by Enzyme- linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Complement
Fixation Test (CFT) tests.
At the farrowing stage, Mastitis-Metritis-Agalactia (MMA) seems common amongst Malaysian pig farms,
typically occurring 12 hours to 3 days after parturition. Predisposing factors are unhygienic farrowing crate
causing coliform infection in the mammary glands, decreased water availability, high nutrient density rations,
drastic dietary changes in late gestation, high dietary protein and energy content with inadequate fiber content,
overfeeding, underfeeding, vitamin E and selenium deficiencies. Typical clinical signs in sows are depression
followed by inappetance, restlessness and constipation. Sow will be always on sternum, not allowing piglets to
suckle. On inspection, udder appears slightly enlarged. Initially piglets will be noisy, crying in front of the sow’s
head, running around sow and exploring udder for milk, but later, the piglets will lose interest in the udder, and
will start drinking water or urine from the floor. Piglets will be weak and emaciated with concurrent diseases
and will more prone to be crushed by the sow. Commonly used treatment is oxytocin (30-50units)
intramuscularly repeated every three to four hours. Coliform mastitis cases are given broad spectrum antibiotics
and Flunixin meglumine (Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor) is used in mammary odema cases. Excitement of
the sow is minimized as much as possible as the release of adrenaline from the excitement phase will block the
effect of oxytocin. Tranquilizer is to be used only on hyper-excitable gilts whereby the hypogalactia is caused
by the adrenaline induced inhibition of milk letdown.
In Malaysia, Thin Sow Syndrome is also a common phenomenon which typically occurs in young sows in the
first lactation. These sows fail to gain weight after the litter is weaned. Predisposing factors are poor nutrition,
heat stress, poor ventilation due to poor farrowing facilities, causing the loss of appetite of lactating sows. These
Country Report
sows will look emaciated during lactation and after weaning. This loss of body condition affects the ability to
return to oestrus after weaning, and an extended weaning-to-service interval. (Too, 1997) In the event of
successful mating of these thin sows, the farrowed litter will be smaller.
Swine Farming in Malaysia has improved in the recent years with the improvement of technology and
experience in swine breeding and management. However, this industry faces social pressures and environmental
pollution issues. With the improvement of breeding parameters and management, although the numbers of farms
have decreased but the production of pork to meet local consumer demand has been maintained. Future efforts
are to be taken by DVS Malaysia to promote the practice of Modern Pig Farming (MPF) in Malaysia for better
managed and more environmentally friendly pig farms in order to be able to sustain the pig industry in Malaysia.
Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia. 1991. Swine breeding and its application.
In: Swine industry in peninsular Malaysia. 9
edition. DVS, Malaysia, pp 136-142.
Department of Veterinary Services (Unit Perusahaan Ternakan Babi). 1986. Breeds and Breedings. In: Pig
management, Husbandary and diseases course for veterinary assistants. 1
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