Windstream 401(k) Plan
Summary Plan Description
000182 WS_Benefits HndbkCover.in21 21 9/15/06 8:26:04 AM
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
THE PLAN AT A GLANCE .............................................................................. 3
ELECTIONS AND ACCOUNT INFORMATION ................................................ 6
ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................... 6
ENROLLMENT ....................................................................................... 6
EMPLOYEE PRETAX AND ROTH CONTRIBUTIONS ....................................... 6
CATCH-UP CONTRIBUTIONS ................................................................... 8
COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS .................................................................... 8
ROLLOVER CONTRIBUTIONS ................................................................... 9
INVESTMENTS .................................................................................... 10
EMPLOYER SECURITIES DIVERSIFICATION NOTICE ................................. 14
ADMINISTRATION, FEES, AND REVENUE SHARING .................................. 15
VESTING ........................................................................................... 17
PARTICIPANT LOANS ........................................................................... 17
IN-SERVICE WITHDRAWALS ................................................................. 19
DISTRIBUTION OF YOUR ACCOUNT ....................................................... 20
BENEFICIARIES .................................................................................. 22
CLAIMS PROCEDURE ........................................................................... 23
OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION ........................................................ 26
LESS THAN YOU EXPECTED FORFEITURES ETC. .................................... 28
AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE PLAN ....................................... 30
GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................... 31
STATEMENT OF ERISA RIGHTS ............................................................. 31
FEDERAL INCOME TAX DISCLOSURE ...................................................... 32
PLAN DATA ............................................................................................. 37
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................ 39
APPENDIX B ............................................................................................ 46
APPENDIX C ............................................................................................ 47
APPENDIX D ............................................................................................ 48
APPENDIX E ............................................................................................ 60
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
This page is intentionally blank.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
The Windstream 401(k) Plan (the "Plan") is a tax advantaged
way for you to save for retirement through payroll deduction.
The contributions you make, along with company
contributions and earnings, can be of significant value in
building a strong financial future for you and your family.
Windstream bargaining employees (except bargaining
employees of CWA 7470 who are covered by a separate
summary plan description) are immediately eligible and can
start making contributions as soon as administratively
practicable following enrollment in the Plan. To enroll,
following eligibility, go to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch
website at or call 1.800.228.4015.
You can make pretax and/or Roth contributions up to 60% of
your Plan compensation, subject to certain limits. The legal
maximum is $19,500 (for 2020). Also, if you will be at least
age 50 during the year, you can make "Catch-up"
contributions up to $6,500 (for 2020).
The Company may make matching contributions to your
account based on the provisions of your bargaining agreement
as outlined by Appendix E if you are employed as an eligible
bargaining employee in one of the bargaining groups listed in
Appendix E.
The Company may make nonelective contributions to your
account on a one-time basis and/or on an annual basis if you
are an eligible bargaining employee based on the provisions of
your bargaining agreement as outlined in Appendix E.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
You may invest your account balance among multiple
investment funds.
You generally are 100% vested in all contributions and
earnings made to the Plan. See Appendix D regarding vesting
of amounts transferred from prior plans.
Generally, you may take your money when you retire or leave
the Company. Under certain circumstances, you may also
take a loan from or receive a withdrawal (e.g., on account of
hardship) of part of your account balance.
This Summary Plan Description and Prospectus do not contain all of the
technical details and legal expressions contained in the formal Plan
documents. Any discrepancies between this Summary Plan Description
and Prospectus and the formal Plan documents will be resolved in favor
of the formal Plan documents. The Plan Administrator has the
discretionary power and authority to construe the provisions of the Plan
and to make factual determinations in deciding whether an applicant is
entitled to benefits under the Plan.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
The Windstream 401(k) Plan (the "Plan") helps you build financial security for
your retirement by providing you with a tax-advantaged opportunity to save for
your retirement. The Plan is intended to satisfy the requirements of a qualified
plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the "Internal Revenue Code"). The Windstream Stock Fund under the Plan, which
is invested in Windstream Holdings, Inc. common stock (“Windstream Common
Stock”), has been designated as an employee stock ownership plan under the
Internal Revenue Code.
This Summary Plan Description and Prospectus have been written specifically for
eligible bargaining employees of Windstream Services, LLC ("Windstream") and
its designated participating subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company"), except
Windstream bargaining employees of CWA 7470. This Summary Plan Description
and Prospectus generally describe the Plan as in effect on January 1, 2020.
Separate summary plan descriptions and prospectuses have been prepared for
non-bargaining employees and bargaining employees of CWA 7470. The Plan
Administrator and the Trustee for the Plan are listed in the Plan Data section at
the end of this document.
If you participated in a plan that was merged into the Plan or in a plan from which
your account was transferred to the Plan (other than by rollover), see Appendix
D (Prior Plans) to this Summary Plan Description and Prospectus for information
regarding any benefits, rights, and features of your prior plan account that may
be different than those described generally for the Plan. Appendix D applies to the
mergers of or account transfers from the Windstream Profit-Sharing Plan, Valor
Telecommunications Southwest, LLC Savings Plan, The Concord Telephone
Company Employees’ Savings Plus Plan, Lexcom 401(k) Plan, D&E
Communications, Inc. Employees’ 401(k) Savings Plan, Conestoga Telephone &
Telegraph Local 1671 Tax Deferred Retirement Plan, NuVox Communications, Inc.
Profit Sharing 401(k) Plan, Iowa Telecom Savings Plan, Iowa Telecom Hourly
Savings Plan, Hosted Solutions Acquisition, LLC 401(k) Plan, PAETEC Holding
Corp. 401(k) Plan, Network Telephone 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan, BOB, LLC
401(k) Plan, EarthLink 401(k) Plan, and Broadview Networks Retirement Savings
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Eligible employees can make certain elections described in this Summary Plan
Description and Prospectus and access account information by calling the Plan's
record keeper, Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. ("Bank of America Merrill
Lynch"), at 1-800-228-4015 or accessing the Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Benefits OnLine
website at These systems are generally
available 24 hours a day; however, the systems may not be available or
processing may be delayed because of system problems, call volume, or other
Windstream bargaining employees are eligible and can start making contributions
as soon as administratively practicable following enrollment in the Plan. If you do
not elect to enroll at the time you are first eligible to participate, you may enroll
at any time during your employment as an eligible bargaining employee.
Individuals who are not eligible to participate include leased employees,
employees who do not have regularly stated compensation on a salaried or hourly
wage basis, persons not classified as employees of a participating employer, and
nonresident aliens with no U.S. income.
You can start contributing to the Plan at any time after you are eligible. To make
your contribution and investment elections, access the Bank of America Merrill
Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or call the Bank of
America Merrill Lynch Interactive Voice Response system at 1-800-228-4015.
Generally, you may contribute between 1% and 60% of your Plan compensation
for a payroll period to the Plan on a pretax and/or Roth basis, subject to certain
limits. Your contributions may not exceed a certain dollar limit set each year by
the IRS. For the 2020 Plan Year, the limit is $19,500. (See next section regarding
“Catch-up” contributions if you will be at least age 50 during the year.) Also, if
you are a highly compensated employee, your contributions may be limited to
satisfy IRS nondiscrimination rules. The amount you contribute to the Plan as
pretax dollars, is not counted as part of your income for the purpose of calculating
your federal income tax in the year in which you make the contributions. In
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
addition, many states allow you to exclude these amounts from current taxes.
Your pretax contributions and any earnings on your pretax contributions generally
are not taxable under federal income tax rules until they are distributed to you
from the Plan. The pretax amounts you contribute to the Plan do not affect your
other salary-based benefits such as life insurance and disability insurance. The
amounts you contribute to the Plan as Roth contributions are made on an after-
tax basis. Distribution of Roth contributions and any associated investment
earnings is tax-free if the distribution is made both on or after the fifth anniversary
of the first day of the tax year of your first Roth contribution to the Plan and you
are at least 59½ years of age.
Your "Plan compensation" that is eligible for pretax and/or Roth contributions
generally consists of all wages, salaries and other amounts paid to you as an
eligible employee for services rendered as reported on your Form W-2, including
amounts that would have been included in your compensation if they had not
received special tax treatment because they were deferred under the Plan, a
medical reimbursement plan or dependent care plan.
Plan compensation, however, does not include (i) deferred compensation, (ii)
amounts realized from nonstatutory stock options, restricted stock, and statutory
stock options, (iii) amounts that receive special tax benefits, (iv) other forms of
remuneration similar to the above exclusions, (v) moving expenses, (vi)
reimbursement or other expense allowances, (vii) fringe benefits (cash and non-
cash), (viii) welfare benefits, (ix) severance pay and (vi) any amounts paid
following your termination of employment except otherwise eligible regular pay
or payments for certain unused vacation or sick pay that are paid by the end of
the Plan Year or, if later, 2-1/2 months following your termination of
employment. Plan compensation includes any tax rules limiting the amount of
compensation that may be taken into account as Plan compensation each year
($285,000 for 2020).
You may increase or decrease your contributions at any time by accessing the
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or
by calling a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement Specialist at 1-800-228-
4015. Contributions must be made in increments of 1% (for example, you may
not contribute 2.5%). As prescribed by the Plan Administrator, contribution
elections may include an automatic increase feature.
Even though your Plan compensation may change, your contribution percentage
will remain the same (unless you elect an increase or decrease in the percentage).
In other words, the dollar amount of your contribution will increase or decrease
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
in proportion to your Plan compensation because the contribution percentage
remains the same.
You may stop your contributions at any time by accessing the Bank of America
Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or by calling a Bank
of America Merrill Lynch Retirement Specialist at 1-800-228-4015. The
adjustment is effective as soon as administratively possible (generally with the
next full pay period). You may resume contributions at any time.
If you are an eligible employee and you become ineligible (see Eligibility section
of this summary for additional details), you will be unable to make contributions
to the Plan after you become an ineligible employee.
A Plan participant who will be at least age 50 during a Plan Year may contribute
more than the annual deferral limit and/or the annual plan maximum contribution
limit to the Plan. Catch-up contributions are subject to an annual limit.
Participants who will be at least age 50 during a Plan Year may make pretax and/or
Roth "Catch-up" contributions during the year, up to a maximum of $6,500 for
2020, in accordance with rules specified by the Company. Catch-up contributions
are not matched with Company matching contributions.
Catch-up contribution elections can be made by accessing the Bank of America
Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or by calling a Bank
of America Merrill Lynch Retirement Specialist at 1-800-228-4015.
Company Matching Contributions
The Company may make matching contributions to your account based on the
provisions of your bargaining agreements outlined in Appendix E if you are
employed as an eligible bargaining employee in one of the bargaining groups listed
in Appendix E. The Company matching contributions will be made each payroll
period. The Plan includes a “true-up” matching feature for participants who did
not contribute at an even rate throughout the Plan Year (and did not receive a full
matching contribution as a result).
The Company does not match Catch-up contributions.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Like your pretax contributions to the Plan, the Company matching contributions
and any earnings on them generally are not taxable to you until they are
distributed to you from the Plan.
Company Nonelective Contributions
The Company may make nonelective contributions to your account on a one-time
basis and/or on an annual basis if you are an eligible bargaining employee based
on the provisions of your bargaining agreement as outlined in Appendix E. You
generally must be employed as an eligible bargaining employee in one of the
bargaining groups listed in Appendix E on the last day of the Plan Year (or retire,
die or become disabled during the Plan Year) to receive an annual nonelective
contribution. The Company annual nonelective contributions will be made as soon
as administratively practicable following the end of the Plan Year.
Like your contributions to the Plan, the Company nonelective contributions and
any earnings on them generally are not taxable to you until they are distributed
to you from the Plan.
Rollover contributions from other retirement plans to the Plan may occur from
time to time under certain circumstances. For example, you can roll over amounts
from a previous employer's qualified plan (other than after-tax contributions).
You can also roll over amounts you are entitled to as the spousal beneficiary of
another qualified plan.
Subject to the approval of the Plan Administrator, you may elect to roll over
qualified cash distributions from another retirement plan or roll over a conduit
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) into the Plan. After-tax contributions,
however, may not be rolled over to the Plan. Internal Revenue Code rules govern
whether a distribution from another plan or a conduit IRA qualifies for rollover into
the Plan. The Plan Administrator requires you to provide information to show that
the distribution you want to roll over qualifies under the Internal Revenue Code
If you want to roll over contributions from another plan, you must complete a
401(k) Plan Rollover Application Form. The form can be obtained by accessing
the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at, or by calling the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interactive
Voice Response system at 1-800-228-4015. Your rollover contribution funds
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
generally must be delivered within 60 days of the date you received it to qualify
as a tax-free rollover.
If you have amounts in the Plan from a rollover, a separate account will be
established and maintained on your behalf. The account reflects the amounts
credited to you from the rollover, and you may invest them in the Plan funds of
your choice.
Once the rollover contribution is deposited into the Plan, the funds become subject
to the rules and regulations of the Plan document.
The Plan offers multiple core investment funds for you to choose from with varying
degrees of investment risk, and also offers you the flexibility to invest in retail
mutual funds through Self-Direct Brokerage (as described below). The core
investment funds are described in Appendix A, and information regarding fund
performance history is described in Appendix C to this Summary Plan Description
and Prospectus. For more complete information on the core investment funds,
including their management fees and other charges and expenses, please consult
the individual prospectus and comparable documents for the funds. The individual
prospectus for and additional information about the core investment funds can be
obtained on Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or by calling Bank of America Merrill Lynch at 1-800-228-
Please review all individual prospectuses, disclosure documents, and other
communication materials carefully before making an investment decision.
You may divide your contributions and Company contributions among any of the
core investment funds or Self-Direct Brokerage in increments of 1% or more. For
example, you may allocate 25% of your contributions and Company contributions
to one fund, 50% to a second fund, 22% to a third fund, and 3% to a fourth fund.
In addition, you may allow your contributions and Company contributions to
accumulate in one fund and then direct future contributions to another fund.
You may change your investment choices or percentages among the investment
funds or Self-Direct Brokerage at any time, subject to processing cutoffs by the
record keeper. Simply access the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
website at or call Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interactive
Voice Response system at 1-800-228-4015.
In addition to your investment direction for deposit of future contributions, you
may make a separate election to reallocate your existing account balance among
the investment funds or Self-Direct Brokerage. For example, you may allocate
25% of your total account balance to one fund, 60% to a second fund, and the
remaining 15% to a third fund. This election will reallocate your entire plan
account among the funds you select.
If you do not make an investment election, your contributions and Company
contributions will be invested in a manner deemed appropriate by the
Windstream Investment Committee (generally to the qualified default
investment alternative described in Appendix A).
Self-Direct Brokerage
Self-Direct Brokerage is a separate brokerage account within the Plan that offers
you the flexibility to invest in retail mutual funds separate from the investment
options included in the Plan's core investment menu. This service is for
participants interested in creating and managing their own investment strategy,
providing the flexibility and control that comes with independent investing. If you
choose to invest through Self-Direct Brokerage, it is your responsibility to
research, evaluate and select your investments as well as monitor their
performance. If you enroll in Self-Direct Brokerage, you will be charged an annual
record keeping fee of $80, and additional fees and commissions may apply to your
mutual fund investments. To find out what retail mutual funds are available, you
may visit the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or contact a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement
Specialist at 1-800-228-4015.
Advice Access
Advice Access (AA) is an investment advisory service offered under the Plan. AA
enables you to prepare for retirement and understand where you stand in reaching
your financial goals, get specific recommendations for how much to save and how
to invest to increase the likelihood that you will reach your financial goals, and
benefit from an expert retirement strategy. There are three options to help you
manage your account.
1. PersonalManager Your participant portfolio is reviewed every 90 days.
This regular review will consider any updates to your profile, such as a
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
salary increase, change in marital status, or anything else related to your
financial situation. It will also consider changes in financial markets, or
with the funds you have in your portfolio. If necessary, the percentage of
the portfolio in each fund will be adjusted, and/or one or more different
investment funds may be brought into the mix.
2. Portfolio Rebalancing Your portfolio is rebalanced every 90 days to
maintain the existing targeted asset allocation, but no new funds are
considered. Portfolio Rebalancing will not review your personal profile to
reflect any possible changes and will not change your investments.
3. One-Time Implementation After the one-time implementation, your
investment profile is not reviewed and your portfolio is not rebalanced. You
are solely responsible for managing your investments and making future
You can access AA:
Online at
By phone, from a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement Specialist at 1-
Directly from your financial advisor. To set up a meeting with a financial
advisor, please contact a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement
Specialist at 1-800-228-4015.
The Advice Access service uses a probabilistic approach to determine the
likelihood that you may be able to achieve your stated goals and/or to identify a
range of potential wealth outcomes that could be realized. You should carefully
review the explanation of the methodology used, including key assumptions and
limitations, which is provided in the Advice Access disclosure statement. It can
be obtained through Benefits OnLine or through a Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Retirement Specialist.
IMPORTANT: The projections or other information shown in the Advice Access
service regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical
in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future
results. Results may vary with each use and over time.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Windstream Stock Fund
The Windstream Stock Fund, which is invested in Windstream Common Stock, is
closed to additional contributions or transfers into the Windstream Stock Fund,
but open for transfers out of the Windstream Stock Fund. (See Appendices A and
B to this Summary Plan Description and Prospectus for more detailed information
regarding the Windstream Stock Fund.) You should know that Plan accounts are
not required to be invested in the Windstream Stock Fund and that you can
transfer part or all of your existing balance from the Windstream Stock Fund to
another investment fund.
ERISA Section 404(c)
The Plan generally provides for participant direction of investment and, where
participant direction of investment is provided, the Plan is intended to constitute
a plan described in Section 404(c) of the Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”), and Title 29 of the Code of Federal
Regulations Section 2550.404c-1. As an ERISA Section 404(c) plan, the
fiduciaries of the Plan may be relieved of liability for any losses that are the direct
and necessary result of investment instructions given by a participant or
beneficiary. If you choose to invest through Self-Direct Brokerage, it is also your
responsibility to research, evaluate and select your retail mutual fund investments
as well as monitor their performance.
The Plan maintains certain procedures to ensure the confidentiality of any
transaction involving Windstream Common Stock. All investment instructions to
sell Windstream Common Stock are handled by a third-party administrator or
designated employees of the human resources or benefits department and are
forwarded to the Trustee of the Plan for execution. Your investment instructions
(and your Windstream Stock Fund holdings) are not communicated to your
supervisor, co-workers, or any member of management, excluding those
designated employees necessary to process your instructions.
The Plan Administrator, whose name, address, and telephone number can be
found in this Summary Plan Description and Prospectus, is responsible for
monitoring the procedures established to maintain confidentiality of a participant's
purchase, sale, holding, and exercise of voting and similar rights with respect to
Windstream Common Stock. The Plan Administrator will designate an
independent fiduciary to act in the event the Plan Administrator determines that
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
such a fiduciary is needed to safeguard the confidentiality of certain transactions
involving employer securities.
Upon your request, the Plan Administrator will furnish you with the following:
the most current individual prospectus or similar document of each
investment fund
any available financial reports or statements of each investment fund
information concerning the value of shares or units of each investment fund
a list of the assets comprising the investment fund along with the value of
each asset
Current investment fund information, including fee and expense information, is
available through the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at
Federal law provides specific rights concerning investments in employer securities
(Windstream Common Stock). Because you may now have investments in
Windstream Common Stock under the Plan, you should take time to read this
notice carefully.
Your Rights Concerning Employer Securities.
The Plan must allow you to elect to move any portion of your account that is
invested in Windstream Common Stock (i.e., through the Windstream Stock Fund)
from that investment into other investment alternatives under the Plan. This right
extends to all of your investment in the Windstream Stock Fund under the Plan.
You may contact the person identified below for specific information regarding this
right, including how to make this election. In deciding whether to exercise this
right, you will want to give careful consideration to the information below that
describes the importance of diversification. All of the investment funds under the
Plan are available to you if you decide to diversify out of the Windstream Stock
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
The Importance of Diversifying Your Retirement
To help achieve long-term retirement security, you should give careful
consideration to the benefits of a well-balanced and diversified investment
portfolio. Spreading your assets among different types of investments can help
you achieve a favorable rate of return, while minimizing your overall risk of losing
money. This is because market or other economic conditions that cause one
category of assets, or one particular security, to perform very well often cause
another asset category, or another particular security, to perform poorly. If you
invest more than 20% of your retirement savings in any one company or industry,
your savings may not be properly diversified. Although diversification is not a
guarantee against loss, it is an effective strategy to help you manage investment
In deciding how to invest your retirement savings, you should take into account
all of your assets, including any retirement savings outside of the Plan. No single
approach is right for everyone because, among other factors, individuals have
different financial goals, different time horizons for meeting their goals, and
different tolerances for risk. Therefore, you should carefully consider the rights
described in this notice and how these rights affect the amount of money that you
invest in the Windstream Stock Fund through the Plan.
It is also important to periodically review your investment portfolio, your
investment objectives, and the investment funds under the Plan to help ensure
that your retirement savings will meet your retirement goals.
For More Information
If you have any questions about your rights regarding employer securities
diversification, including how to make investment elections, you may access the
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or
call a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement Specialist at 1-800-228-4015.
The Plan Administrator is responsible for the administration of the Plan and has
sole discretionary authority to interpret and construe the terms of the Plan,
determine your eligibility for benefits under the Plan, and resolve any disputes
that arise under the Plan. Benefits under the Plan are paid only if the Plan
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Administrator (or its delegate) decides in its discretion that the applicant is
entitled to benefits under the Plan. The expenses of administering the Plan are
paid from Plan assets, unless the Company elects in its sole discretion to make
payment directly from its general assets.
Valuation of Your Plan Account
The value of your Plan account is adjusted on each valuation date to reflect any
earnings or losses on your investment, any distributions you have received, and
any contributions that have been made to your Plan account since the preceding
Typically, the Plan is valued daily on business days when the New York Stock
Exchange is open for trading. There may be other times when daily valuation is
unavailable. You will receive a written statement of your account at least quarterly
in addition to daily online account balance information.
Fees and Revenue Sharing
In making decisions regarding the Plan, you will want to consider the fees and
expenses that will be charged to your Plan account. In general, fees can be
classified into the following categories:
Plan Administrative Fees. Plan administration expenses may include, but are not
limited to, plan record keeping, regulatory testing, financial reporting, audit, legal
and investment advisor fees. A $9.75 per quarter record keeping fee and a $2.50
per quarter other expenses fee are charged to your account to cover record
keeping and other Plan administration expenses (e.g., keeping track of your
accounts and transactions). The Company may at its discretion elect to pay some
or all of the Plan administrative expenses.
Plan Transaction Fees. Your account will be charged fees for certain Plan
transactions, for example, a $50 loan processing fee and a $600 qualified
domestic relations order processing fee.
Self-Direct Brokerage Fees. If you enroll in Self-Direct Brokerage, you will be
charged an annual record keeping fee of $80, and additional fees and commissions
may apply to your mutual fund investments. To find out what mutual funds are
available, you may visit the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website
at or contact a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement
Specialist at 1-800-228-4015.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Investment Fund Fees. Your account will be reduced by a number of expenses or
fees associated with your investment choices, including fees charged by some or
all of the following entities: the Trustee, investment advisors, investment
managers, and securities brokers. The amount and allocation of fees and
expenses are subject to change at any time. For current information regarding
fees and expenses, you may visit the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits
OnLine website at or contact a Bank of America Merrill
Lynch Retirement Specialist at 1-800-228-4015.
Revenue Sharing. From time to time, managers of investment funds may agree
to share revenue from management fees with the Plan. Any revenue shared with
the Plan will be returned to participant accounts invested in those funds at the
end of each month.
All the money contributed to the Plan, including your pretax and/or Roth
contributions, Company contributions (i.e., Company matching contributions and
Company nonelective contributions) and rollover contributions, and the earnings
(or losses) on the funds belong to you. In other words, you will always be 100%
vested (entitled to the entire value of your account) regardless of your years of
service. See Appendix D (Prior Plans) to this Summary Plan Description and
Prospectus, however, regarding vesting of amounts transferred from, or made
with respect to, prior plans (e.g., Windstream Profit-Sharing Plan contributions
are subject to a vesting schedule).
Loan Requirements
The Plan allows you to receive a loan from your individual account if you are an
employee of the Company or a related company. Only one loan at a time is
allowed. To obtain a copy of the Windstream 401(k) Loan Policy, visit the Bank
of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at
contact a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement Specialist at 1-800-228-4015.
You generally may borrow up to 50% of the value of your account up to $50,000.
The minimum loan amount is $1,000. There is a $50 administrative fee charged
to your account at the time your loan request is processed.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
All maximums are established by federal guidelines and may change from time to
time. In addition, you may not be eligible to borrow the maximum if you have
any outstanding loans from the Plan or another plan maintained by the Company
or a related company, or if you had an outstanding loan balance in the previous
12 months.
For each loan, you will pay an interest rate comparable to that charged by a
commercial lender according to the Loan Policy adopted by the Benefits
Committee. Generally, any loan must be repaid within five years, although a
longer repayment period may be granted for loans to acquire your principal
residence. Loans will be repaid through payroll deductions.
To obtain a loan, access the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website
at or call the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interactive Voice
Response system at 1-800-228-4015. Please allow a minimum of 15 business
days after submitting your request for your loan to be processed.
A Plan loan is treated as an investment of your account. By signing, endorsing,
depositing or cashing the loan proceeds check you are certifying that you agree
to the terms and conditions of the loan and that your account may be charged for
unpaid principal and interest if you default on the loan. If a loan is declared to be
in default, the entire unpaid balance of the loan and accrued interest is
immediately due and payable.
If the balance, including interest, is not paid, then the Trustee will charge your
account with the amount of the loan balance and interest at the earliest date that
distribution may be made to you without affecting the tax qualification of the Plan.
Loans and Taxes
You don't have to pay taxes on your loan as long as you make the required
payments in accordance with your loan agreement while employed with the
Company, including during a leave of absence. However, if your employment
terminates and you have an outstanding loan, you will have to repay the entire
outstanding balance promptly or the loan will be treated as distributed and you
will receive a Form 1099-R at year-end generally indicating the outstanding
balance of the loan as taxable income in the year of the loan default.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Hardship Withdrawals
You may, while employed with the Company, withdraw your pretax and Roth
contributions (but generally not earnings) in your account to alleviate the
following financial hardships:
to purchase your principal residence
to finance certain expenses for post-secondary education for you, your
spouse, or dependents
to pay for non-reimbursable qualified medical expenses for you, your
spouse, or dependents
to prevent eviction from, or foreclosure on, your principal residence
to pay funeral expenses for your parents, spouse, children or dependents
to repair damage to your principal residence if the expense would qualify
for a casualty deduction (without regard to whether the loss exceeds 10%
of adjusted gross income)
Before applying for an in-service hardship withdrawal, you must have obtained all
distributions and nontaxable loans currently available under all retirement plans
maintained by the Company or a related company. To obtain a hardship
withdrawal, you must complete a Hardship Withdrawal Request Form. The form
can be obtained by accessing the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine
website at or by calling the Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Interactive Voice Response system at 1-800-228-4015. Please allow a minimum
of 15 business days after submitting your request for your hardship withdrawal
application to be approved and processed.
All applications are reviewed and must be approved by the Benefits Committee.
Documentation of the circumstances necessitating an in-service hardship
withdrawal is required.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Other Withdrawals
You may, while employed with the Company, withdraw the vested portion of your
account on or after attaining age 59½. You may also withdraw rollover
contributions at any time. If you have amounts in your account that were merged
into or transferred to the Plan (other than by rollover) from another qualified plan
maintained by the Company or a related company, you may be eligible to
withdraw a portion of those amounts, including certain amounts contributed prior
to January 1, 1995. For further information regarding the portion of your account
that may be eligible, contact a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement Specialist
at 1-800-228-4015.
Timing of Distributions
Distributions of your account will be made following your severance from
employment with the Company and all related companies. Your account balance
will be determined as of the most recent valuation date preceding your
If your account balance exceeds $5,000, you may elect distribution at any time
following your severance from employment or defer distribution until no later than
the April 1
following the calendar year in which you reach age 72 (70½ if you
reach 70½ before January 1, 2020) or, if later, severance from employment. Your
distribution will be made as soon as practicable after your request is made.
If your account balance is $5,000 or less, you do not have the option to defer
distribution of your account. A distribution will be made to you as soon as
practicable if you do not make an election within 90 days of the date of your
severance from employment. If your account balance is $1,000 or less,
distribution will be made as a single sum (with, as applicable, mandatory 20% tax
withholding) or, if elected by you, rolled over to an IRA or other eligible retirement
plan. If your account balance is more than $1,000, but not more than $5,000,
distribution will be made as elected by you (i.e., as a single sum or rollover to an
IRA or other eligible retirement plan) or, if you do not make an election, in a
rollover to an IRA designated by the Plan Administrator.
The IRA designated by the Plan Administrator for the mandatory rollovers
described above will be invested in an investment product designed to preserve
principal and provide a reasonable rate of return and liquidity. Fees and expenses
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
of the designated IRA will be borne by you. For further information regarding the
designated IRA, including the fees and expenses and the name of the IRA
provider, contact a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement Specialist at 1-800-
The Plan record keeper will provide you with a notice explaining your right to elect
distribution from the Plan. If you do not make a distribution election, the Plan will
commence distribution to you no later than the April 1 following the close of the
calendar year in which you reach age 72 (70½ if you reach 70½ before January
1, 2020) or, if later, severance from employment.
Forms of Benefit Payment
If your account balance is $5,000 or less, your account will be distributed to you
(or your beneficiary, if applicable) in a single sum payment.
If your account balance is greater than $5,000, you may elect to receive your
distribution in a single sum or partial payment at any time following your
severance from employment but no later than the April 1 following the calendar
year you reach age 72 (70½ if you reach 70½ before January 1, 2020) or, if later,
severance from employment.
You may choose to take a distribution of any portion of your account invested in
the Windstream Stock Fund in cash or in shares of Windstream Common Stock
(regardless of the value of your account). If elected, you will receive a stock
certificate (or equivalent) for whole shares and any fractional shares will be paid
in cash.
Rollover of Distribution
The IRS generally allows you (or, if applicable, your surviving spouse or non-
spouse beneficiary) to directly roll over your distribution from the Plan to an IRA
or another eligible retirement plan that will accept rollovers. In that case, you will
not be taxed until you receive the rolled-over funds from the IRA or eligible
retirement plan. See "Rollover to Roth IRAs" below for information regarding
rollovers to Roth IRAs. Hardship withdrawals and mandatory distributions
(generally at age 72 (70½ if you reach 70½ before January 1, 2020)) are not
eligible for rollover. See "Federal Income Tax Disclosure" for more information
regarding rollovers, taxation, and tax withholding.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Rollover to Roth IRAs
The IRS allows you to directly rollover distributions from the Plan attributable to
your Roth sub-account to a Roth IRA (or designated Roth account in another
eligible retirement plan). You will not pay taxes currently on the amount you
rollover and you will not have to pay taxes later on payments that are qualified
distributions. A qualified distribution from a Roth IRA is a payment made both
when you have had a Roth IRA for at least five years (measured from the first day
of the tax year in which a contribution was made to the Roth IRA) and you are at
least age 59½ (or after your death or disability, or as a qualified first-time
homebuyer distribution of up to $10,000).
The IRS also allows you to directly roll over distributions from the Plan attributable
to amounts other than your Roth sub-account to a Roth IRA. The amount of such
payment rolled over to the Roth IRA (reduced by any after-tax amounts) will be
taxed. The 10% additional tax on early distributions will not apply (unless you
take the amount rolled over out of the Roth IRA within 5 years, counting from
January 1 of the year of the rollover). If you roll over all or part of your distribution
to a Roth IRA, later payments from the Roth IRA that are qualified distributions
will not be taxed (including earnings after the rollover).
Distribution and Rollover Decisions
It is your responsibility to research, evaluate and determine when to take a
distribution from the Plan and whether to roll over that distribution to an IRA or
another qualified plan. In making those decisions, there are a number of factors
that you may want to consider, including available investments, fees, tax
consequences (present and future), and legal and tax differences between IRAs
and qualified plans (for example, net unrealized appreciation tax treatment for
distributions of employer securities is only available from a qualified plan;
creditor’s rights may differ, etc.). You are advised to consult your personal tax,
legal and/or financial planner regarding distributions from the Plan.
Designation of Beneficiary
You may designate a beneficiary who will receive the money in your account
should you die while a Plan participant. The beneficiary designation form can be
obtained by accessing the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
at or by calling the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interactive
Voice Response system at 1-800-228-4015.
If you are married, your spouse will automatically be your beneficiary, unless he
or she consents to waive this right in writing. A notary public or a Plan
representative must witness the consent.
If you are not married and you do not designate otherwise, your estate will be
deemed the beneficiary.
Distribution to Beneficiary
If you die before distribution of your entire account has been made to you,
distribution of your account will be made to your beneficiary in a single sum
payment or partial distributions as follows.
If distribution of your account has not been made or commenced to you
and distribution of your account is to be made to a beneficiary who is your
surviving spouse, distribution to your surviving spouse must be made no
later than the end of the first calendar year beginning after your death or
the end of the calendar year in which you would have reached age 72 (70½
if you reach 70½ before January 1, 2020), whichever is later.
If distribution of your account has not been made or commenced to you
and distribution of your account is to be made to a beneficiary who is not
your surviving spouse, distribution to your non-spouse beneficiary of your
entire account must be made no later than the end of the tenth (fifth for
participant deaths before January 1, 2020) calendar year beginning after
your death.
If distribution of your account commenced in installment payments prior to
January 1, 2002, your beneficiary will continue receiving installment
payments for the remainder of the payment period, or your beneficiary may
elect a lump sum distribution at any time.
If you believe you are entitled to receive a benefit under the Plan, you must file a
claim in writing on the form and in the manner required by the Plan Administrator.
Your claim must be submitted within one year beginning on: (i) in the case of any
separate account balance or transaction information, the date on which such
information, as recorded for the separate account by the Plan, was first made
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
available to you, (ii) in the case of any single payment, or series of payments, the
date on which the single payment, or the first of the series of payments, was
made, or (iii) for all other claims, the date on which the action complained or
grieved of occurred.
If a claim for benefits is denied, in whole or in part, the Plan Administrator will
issue a notice of the adverse benefit determination to you. The notice will be
issued to you within a reasonable period of time but in no event later than 90 days
from the date the claim for benefits was filed. The notice will be written in a
manner to be understood by you and will include the following:
1. The specific reason or reasons for the adverse benefit determination.
2. The specific Plan provisions on which the adverse benefit determination is
3. A description of any further material or information which is necessary for
you to perfect (complete) your claim and an explanation of why the material
or information is needed.
4. An explanation of the Plan's claim review procedure and time limits
applicable to the Plan's claim review procedures, including a statement of
your right to bring a civil action under Section 502(a) of the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 following an adverse benefit
determination on review.
You or your duly authorized representative may submit to the Plan Administrator
a written request for review of an adverse benefit determination within 60 days
of the receipt of the notice of adverse benefit determination. Your request must
contain the following information:
1. The date on which your request was filed with the Plan Administrator
(although the actual date of filing will govern the timeliness of the request).
2. The specific portions of the adverse benefit determination that you request
the Plan Administrator to review.
3. A statement by you setting forth the basis upon which you believe the Plan
Administrator should reverse the previous adverse benefit determination
and accept your claim as made.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
4. Any written material (offered as exhibits) which you desire the Plan
Administrator to examine in its consideration of your position.
You or your authorized representative may (i) submit written comments,
documents, records and other information relating to your claim for benefits, (ii)
review pertinent documents, and (iii) upon request in the manner and form
required by the Plan Administrator and free of charge, be provided reasonable
access to, and copies of, all documents, records, and other information relevant
to your claim for benefits.
The review by the Plan Administrator will take into account all comments,
documents, records and other information submitted by you relating to the claim,
without regard to whether the information was part of the initial benefit
determination. The Plan Administrator will provide a written decision on review
not later than 60 days after receipt of your written request for review, unless
special circumstances require an extension of the time for processing the appeal.
If an extension is needed, you will be provided with written notice of the extension
prior to the beginning of the extension. With the extension, the written notice on
review will be provided no later than 120 days after receipt of the request for
review of the adverse benefit determination. The decision on review will be
written in a manner to be understood by you, and, in the case of an adverse
benefit determination on review, will include the following information:
1. The specific reasons for the adverse benefit determination on review.
2. References to specific Plan provisions on which the decision is based.
3. A statement that you are entitled to receive, upon request and free of
charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records and
other information relevant to your claim for benefits.
4. A statement that there is no voluntary appeal procedure offered by the
5. A statement of your right to bring a civil action under Section 502(a) of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 following the adverse
benefit determination on review.
No civil action for benefits under the Plan may be brought unless you (i) timely
filed a written claim for benefits as described above, (ii) been notified by the
Plan Administrator that your claim has been denied, (iii) timely filed a request
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
for review of the claim, (iv) been notified of an adverse benefit determination on
review, and (v) filed the action within one year of the notice of adverse benefit
determination on review. Any proceeding arising out of or relating to the Plan
must be adjudicated in the federal courts for the Eastern District of Arkansas or
the courts of the State of Arkansas located in the district embraced by the
federal courts for the Eastern District of Arkansas.
Uniformed (Military) Service
Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
("USERRA"), you are entitled to a military leave of absence, with reinstatement
rights. Upon reinstatement, you will be allowed to make up any contribution
amounts that you may have been entitled to make, but did not make, during a
military leave of absence, subject to IRS and Plan contribution limits and timing
restrictions (make-up contributions are to be made within three times the length
of your covered military service (not to exceed five years)).
If you die while performing qualified military service, survivor benefits will include
any additional benefits (other than benefit accruals) that would have been
provided under the Plan had you returned to employment (immediately prior to
your death) and then terminated employment on account of death.
Nonalienation of Benefits
Your account under the Plan is generally not subject to the claims of creditors. In
addition, your account balance may not be assigned, sold, or used to secure a
loan other than a Plan loan. However, the Plan Administrator may be required by
law to recognize obligations you incur as a result of a state court domestic
relations order (see Qualified Domestic Relations Order below) and to permit
assignment in certain other situations (e.g., wrongdoing involving the Plan, offsets
for overpayments, and Federal tax levies).
Qualified Domestic Relations Orders
The division of marital property generally is governed by state domestic relations
law; however, any assignments of your benefit in the Plan must also comply with
ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code.
The Plan Administrator must honor a "qualified domestic relations order," which
is a decree or order issued by a court that obligates you to pay child support or
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
alimony, or otherwise allocates a portion of your assets in the Plan to your spouse,
former spouse, child, or other dependent that meets specific legal requirements.
The Plan Administrator will determine the qualified status of any domestic
relations order received.
An order may provide for payment to an alternate payee as soon as practicable
after the issuance of the qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) and receipt
and approval of the order as qualified by the Plan Administrator. Distribution
under these circumstances may occur whether or not the participant is eligible to
receive a distribution from the Plan.
Procedures for determining if an order is a qualified domestic relations order are
available to you, free of charge, at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits
OnLine website at
in the Document Library.
Your account will be charged a $600 qualified domestic relations order processing
No Employment Contract
The purpose of this Summary Plan Description and Prospectus is to provide you
with information about the benefits available under the Plan. The benefits
described are not conditions of employment, nor is the Summary Plan Description
and Prospectus intended to create an employment contract between you and the
Company. Nothing in this Summary Plan Description and Prospectus should be
interpreted as a limitation on your right or the Company's right to terminate your
employment at any time (subject to any applicable collective bargaining
agreement provisions).
No Guarantees Regarding Investment Performance
Neither the Company, the Plan Administrator, the Trustee, the Investment
Committee, nor anyone else guarantees any particular investment gain or
appreciation on your plan account or guarantees your plan account against
investment losses or depreciation.
Exclusive Benefit
The Company makes contributions to the Plan for the benefit of participants and
their beneficiaries, and all assets of the Plan are held for the exclusive benefit of
participants and their beneficiaries. A contribution, however, may be returned to
the Company in accordance with federal law if the Company makes a contribution
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
to the Plan on your behalf by mistake or if the Company cannot deduct a
contribution made to the Plan on its tax return.
Employment with Successor Company
Even though the Plan generally provides for distribution after severance from
employment with the Company (and all related companies), under certain
circumstances (e.g., a sale of the business in which you work), you may not be
eligible for a distribution until your employment terminates with the successor
company and any companies related to it.
No PBGC Insurance
Because the Plan assets are held in individual accounts and are never less than
the total benefits payable to participants, no insurance of benefits by the Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation under Title IV of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA") is necessary or available. The Plan
is subject, however, to the applicable provisions of Title I of ERISA (protection of
employee benefit rights) and Title II of ERISA (amendments to the Internal
Revenue Code relating to retirement plans).
You may receive less than you expected from the Plan in the following
circumstances that may lead to a reduction, change, termination, forfeiture, or
suspension of benefits:
a delay in filing a proper application on a timely basis. You generally should
request a distribution or withdrawal at least 30 days in advance of the
distribution date.
amendment or termination of the Plan.
termination of employment before becoming fully vested in your account.
your benefit is the value of your Plan account and you assume the risk of
investment losses.
your Plan account is subject to a variety of fees, including Plan
administration, Plan transaction and investment fund fees.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
timing and manner (e.g., rollover) of withdrawals or distribution of your
Plan account including failing to defer receipt of your Plan account until
normal retirement age.
calculation errors discovered by subsequent audit.
assignment or attachment of your benefits by others in certain
circumstances (e.g., wrongdoing involving the Plan, offsets for
overpayments, and certain domestic relations orders).
reaching the Internal Revenue Code limit on the annual contribution that
can be made to the Plan and other tax-qualified plans maintained by the
Company or the limit on annual pretax and Roth contributions ($19,500 for
2020; $26,000 if Catch-up contribution eligible in 2020).
if you exceed the Internal Revenue Code annual pretax and Roth
contribution limit based on contributions to all plans in which you
participate, you have until March 1 of the year following the year in which
the excess is contributed to request in writing to the Plan Administrator to
have the excess returned to you.
reaching the Internal Revenue Code limit on the amount of compensation
that may be considered under the Plan ($285,000 for 2020).
if you are a highly compensated employee, your contributions may be
limited to satisfy IRS nondiscrimination rules.
failure to keep the Plan Administrator advised of your current address so
that you may receive Plan information in a timely manner.
if you cannot be located so as to receive your benefit, your benefit will be
forfeited (subject to restoration if you file a claim for the benefit).
you do not make and/or appeal claims or file a civil action in accordance
with the Plan's strict time limits.
benefits under the Plan are paid only if the Plan Administrator (or its
delegate) decides in its discretion that the applicant is entitled to benefits
under the Plan.
any reduction, change, termination, forfeiture, or suspension of benefits
that is necessary to maintain the tax-qualified status of the Plan.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
you may be required to be employed on a certain date (e.g., last day of the
plan year) to receive Company nonelective contributions based on the
provisions of your bargaining agreement as outlined in Appendix E.
the tax laws governing the Plan change.
Windstream, the Plan Sponsor, intends to continue the Plan indefinitely but
reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to amend or terminate the Plan at any
time, by action of, or pursuant to authority of, the Board of Directors.
Amendments are made in writing.
If the Plan is terminated, all assets of the Plan remaining after payment of Plan
expenses belong to the participants in the Plan. Generally, Plan assets cannot
revert to the Company.
If the Plan should terminate, all benefits due to the participants would be paid
from the trust fund in accordance with federal law.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
As a participant in this Plan you are entitled to certain rights and protections under
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA).
ERISA provides that all plan participants shall be entitled to:
Receive Information About Your Plan and Benefits
Examine, without charge, at the Plan Administrator's office, all documents
governing the Plan, including insurance contracts and collective bargaining
agreements, and a copy of the latest annual report (Form 5500 Series) filed by
the Plan with the U.S. Department of Labor and available at the Public
Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefits Security Administration.
Obtain, upon written request to the Plan Administrator, copies of documents
governing the operation of the Plan, including insurance contracts and collective
bargaining agreements, and copies of the latest annual report (Form 5500
Series) and updated summary Plan description. The Plan Administrator may
make a reasonable charge for the copies.
Receive a summary of the Plan's annual financial report. The Plan Administrator
is required by law to furnish each participant with a copy of this summary
annual report.
Prudent Actions by Plan Fiduciaries
In addition to creating rights for Plan participants, ERISA imposes duties upon the
people who are responsible for the operation of the employee benefit plan. The
people who operate your Plan, called "fiduciaries" of the Plan, have a duty to do
so prudently and in the interest of you and other participants and beneficiaries.
No one, including your employer, or any other person, may fire you or otherwise
discriminate against you because of exercising your rights under ERISA.
Enforce Your Rights
If your claim for a benefit is denied or ignored, in whole or in part, you have a
right to know why this was done, to obtain copies of documents relating to the
decision without charge, and to appeal any denial, all within certain time
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Under ERISA, there are steps you can take to enforce the above rights. For
instance, if you request a copy of Plan documents or the latest annual report from
the Plan and do not receive them within 30 days, you may file a suit in federal
court. In such a case, the court may require the Plan Administrator to provide
the materials and pay you up to $110 a day until you receive the materials, unless
the materials were not sent because of reasons beyond the control of the
administrator. If you have a claim for benefits that is denied or ignored, in whole
or in part, you may file suit in a state or federal court. In addition, if you disagree
with the Plan's decision or lack thereof concerning the qualified status of a
domestic relations order, you may file suit in federal court. If it should happen
that the Plan fiduciaries misuse the Plan's money or if you are discriminated
against for asserting your rights, you may seek assistance from the U.S.
Department of Labor, or you may file suit in federal court. The court will decide
who should pay court costs and legal fees. If you are successful, the court may
order the person you have sued to pay court costs and legal fees. If you lose, the
court may order you to pay these costs and fees (for example, if it finds your
claim is frivolous).
Assistance With Your Questions
If you have any questions about your Plan, you should contact the Plan
Administrator. If you have questions about this statement or your rights under
ERISA, or if you need assistance in obtaining documents from the Plan
Administrator, you should contact the nearest area office of the Employee Benefits
Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor (listed in your telephone
directory) or the Division of Technical Assistance and Inquiries, Employee Benefits
Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue
N.W., Washington, DC 20210. You may also obtain certain publications about
your rights and responsibilities under ERISA by calling the publications hotline of
the Employee Benefits Security Administration.
The discussion of federal income tax consequences that follows is included for
general information only and reflects the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code
as in effect as of January 1, 2020 (the "Code"). The discussion does not describe
all relevant tax matters (such as state and local income and inheritance taxes and
federal estate and gift taxes) that should be considered in connection with
participation in the Plan and does not completely describe all provisions associated
with the tax matters discussed. Accordingly, you are advised to consult a personal
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
tax adviser for tax planning relevant to the Plan and are further advised not to
rely exclusively on the discussion that follows.
The Plan is intended to qualify as a plan described in Sections 401(a) and 401(k)
of the Code and the Trust is intended to be exempt from taxation under Section
501(a) of the Code. On this basis, Windstream believes that the operation of the
Plan should result in the following treatment for federal income tax purposes.
Pretax contributions, pretax Catch-up contributions, Company contributions (i.e.,
Company matching contributions and Company nonelective contributions) and
rollover contributions made to the Plan, and any earnings or appreciation thereon,
are not subject to federal income taxation until they are paid by the Plan to you.
Pretax contributions and pretax Catch-up contributions are subject to Social
Security (FICA) withholding. In addition, some states, cities, and counties may
impose taxes on pretax contributions and pretax Catch-up contributions. The
amounts you contribute to the Plan as Roth contributions or Roth Catch-up
contributions are made on an after-tax basis.
Certain individuals may be eligible for a tax credit for the amount of pretax and
Roth contributions and pretax and Roth Catch-up contributions made to the Plan
that do not exceed $2,000 (for 2020) or $4,000 (for 2020 if married filing jointly).
Distributions of Roth contributions and Roth Catch-up contributions and any
associated investment earnings are tax-free if the distribution is made both on or
after the fifth anniversary of the first day of the tax year of your first Roth
contribution to the Plan and you are at least 59½ years of age.
Distributions from all accounts other than your Roth sub-account generally will be
subject to federal income taxation in the year they are paid to you or your
beneficiary. You may be required to pay a 10% additional tax on taxable Plan
distributions made before you attain age 59½; unless the distribution is
rolled over into an eligible retirement plan (e.g., another qualified
retirement plan or an IRA),
made after separation from service if you will be at least age 55 in the year
of the separation,
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
made on account of your death or termination due to disability,
made while employed after reaching age 59½,
attributable to a distribution of certain employer stock dividends(,
made for payments up to the amount of your deductible medical expenses,
a qualified birth or adoption distribution,
made to an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order, or
paid in equal installments over your life or life expectancy or the lives or
life expectancies of you and your beneficiary.
If you directly roll over all or any portion of a taxable distribution to an eligible
retirement plan (e.g., an IRA or another qualified retirement plan), you may avoid
the 10% additional tax and defer taxation of the amounts rolled over until such
amounts are distributed from the eligible retirement plan. (See "Income Tax
Withholding" below).
Note that these tax rules apply to in-service withdrawals as well as distributions
upon termination of employment.
Distributions of after-tax contributions (excluding any earnings) are generally not
subject to federal income tax, because such contributions were made from your
Plan compensation on an after-tax basis.
See "Rollovers to Roth IRAs" above for information regarding Federal income tax
consequences for rollovers to Roth IRAs.
Born on or Before January 1, 1936
If you were born on or before January 1, 1936, and receive a lump sum
distribution that you do not roll over, special rules for calculating the amount of
the tax on the payment might apply to you. For more information, see IRS
Publication 575, Pension and Annuity Income.
Net Unrealized Appreciation
If a lump sum distribution includes Windstream Common Stock or a distribution
includes Windstream Common Stock that is attributable to employee "after-tax"
contributions, the appreciation (i.e., the excess of fair market value on the date
of distribution over its cost) is not taxed at the time of distribution. Upon later
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
sale, the appreciation is taxed as long term capital gain. Any subsequent
appreciation is taxed at short term or long term capital gain rates, depending upon
your personal holding period of the Windstream Common Stock. Please note that
if you elect to make a direct rollover, you will not be entitled to take advantage of
the net unrealized appreciation rules.
Special Rules for Distributions of After-Tax Contributions
After-tax contributions that are distributed are not taxed. If you take a partial
distribution of your benefit, an allocable portion of your after-tax contributions is
generally included in the distribution. If you have pre-1987 after-tax contributions
maintained in a separate account, a special rule may apply to determine whether
after-tax contributions are included in the distribution and, if so, the amount
Income Tax Withholding
The Plan's trustee is required to withhold 20% of any "eligible rollover distribution"
paid to you unless you elect to have the trustee make a direct rollover of your
distribution to an eligible retirement plan (e.g., another qualified retirement plan,
IRA or Roth IRA). A distribution that is not an eligible rollover distribution is not
subject to the mandatory 20% withholding and may not be rolled over.
Any payment from the Plan is an eligible rollover distribution except the following:
a distribution paid over your life or life expectancy or the joint lives or the
life expectancies of you and your beneficiary.
a distribution paid over a specified period of 10 years or more.
a distribution required due to attaining age 72 (70½ if you reach 70½
before January 1, 2020) or if later, severance from employment.
a hardship distribution.
attributable to a distribution of certain employer stock dividends.
If you request a distribution of your Windstream Stock Fund in the form of stock
rather than cash, your Windstream Common Stock will not be liquidated to pay
the withholding tax. However, the applicable taxes will be withheld from any cash
portion of the distribution.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
All non-eligible rollover distributions from the Plan are subject to federal income
tax withholding unless you elect otherwise. Voluntary withholding is available for
amounts rolled over to a Roth IRA (since pretax amounts rolled over to a Roth
IRA are taxable).
Company Taxation
Windstream will be allowed a tax deduction for Company contributions (i.e.,
Company matching contributions and Company nonelective contributions), pretax
contributions and Catch-up contributions made to the Plan to the extent the
contributions satisfy the requirements of the Code.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Name of Plan: Windstream 401(k) Plan
Plan Sponsor and Primary Agent for Service of Legal Process:
Windstream Services, LLC
4001 Rodney Parham Rd.
Mailstop 1170 B1F02 - 93
Little Rock, AR 72212
Windstream Services, LLC was known before February 28, 2015 as Windstream
Participants and beneficiaries may receive from the Plan Administrator, upon
written request, a complete list of employers participating in the Plan, information
as to whether a particular employer is a participating employer of the Plan, and,
if the employer is a participating employer, the employer's address.
Service of legal process may also be made upon the Plan Trustee or Plan
Bank of America, N.A.
1400 Merrill Lynch Drive
Pennington, NJ 08534
Plan Information may be obtained by writing to:
Windstream Benefits Committee
Windstream Services, LLC
4001 Rodney Parham Rd.
Mailstop 1170 B1F02 - 93
Little Rock, AR 72212
Plan Administrator:
Windstream Benefits Committee
Windstream Services, LLC
4001 Rodney Parham Rd.
Mailstop 1170 B1F02 - 93
Little Rock, AR 72212
Telephone: (501) 748-7000
Employer Identification Number: 20-0792300
Plan Identification Number: 009
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Type of Plan: The Plan is a qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code, with a cash or deferred arrangement under Section 401(k) of the
Internal Revenue Code. The portion of the Plan other than the Windstream Stock
Fund is a profit sharing plan. The portion of the Plan that is the Windstream Stock
Fund is a stock bonus plan and an employee stock ownership plan. The Plan is a
defined contribution plan for purposes of ERISA. The Plan generally provides for
participant direction of investments and, where participant direction of
investments is provided, the Plan is intended to constitute an ERISA section
404(c) plan for purposes of ERISA.
Type of Administration: Administrative Services Agreement with the
Retirement Group at Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Funding Medium: Windstream 401(k) Plan Trust
PBGC Insurance: This Plan is not covered by the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation since it is a defined contribution plan as defined by the Internal
Revenue Code and pertinent regulations.
Sources of Contributions of the Plan: Employer and Employees
Plan Year: January 1 - December 31
Normal Retirement Age: age 65
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Description of Investments
(As of January 2, 2020)
Northern Trust Collective Aggregate Bond Index Fund - Lending (Tier M)
Ticker Symbol: NTGMT
The primary objective of the Northern Trust Collective Aggregate Bond Index
Fund, a collective fund for qualified plans, is to hold a portfolio representative of
the overall United States bond and debt market, as characterized by the Barclays
Capital Aggregate Index. The Fund seeks to provide the desired exposure using
quantitative techniques which maintain the portfolio's neutrality to the index by
monitoring a broad range of factors while avoiding illiquid securities and excessive
transaction costs. The Fund may also participate in securities lending.
Blackrock MSCI EAFE Equity Index Fund (Class M)
Ticker Symbol: BMSCT
This is an index fund that seeks to match the performance of the MSCI EAFE®
Index by investing in stocks that make up the index. The Morgan Stanley Capital
International (MSCI) EAFE® (Europe Australasia Far East) Index is comprised of
approximately 1,000 foreign stocks representing established companies in
developed countries across Western Europe and the Pacific Rim. Investing in
foreign markets may offer additional diversification benefits to an investment
portfolio. Diversification increases the chances that one investment's strong
performance will offset another investment's poor performance. This fund is
intended for long-term investors seeking to capture the earnings and growth
potential of established companies in developed countries throughout Western
Europe and the Pacific Rim.
Blackrock Core Bond Portfolio (Class I)
Ticker Symbol: BFMCX
The investment seeks to maximize total return, consistent with income generation
and prudent investment management. The fund normally invests at least 80% of
its assets in bonds and maintains an average portfolio duration that is within
±20% of the duration of the benchmark. The management selects bonds from
several sectors including: U.S. treasuries and agency securities, commercial and
residential mortgage-backed securities, CMOs, asset-backed securities and
corporate bonds. The fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in assets of foreign
issuers, of which 10% (as a percentage of the fund's assets) may be invested in
emerging markets issuers.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Loomis Sayles High Income Fund (Class Y)
Ticker Symbol: NEHYX
The investment seeks high current income plus the opportunity for capital
appreciation to produce a high total return. The fund invests at least 65% of its
assets in below investment grade fixed-income securities. It normally invests at
least 65% of its assets in U.S. corporate or U.S. dollar-denominated foreign fixed-
income securities. The fund may also invest up to 20% of its assets in foreign
currency-denominated fixed-income securities, including those in emerging
markets and related currency hedging transactions. It may also invest in
structured notes, zero-coupon securities, pay-in-kind securities, Rule 144A
securities, futures and swaps.
Vanguard Institutional Index Institutional Plus Shares Fund
Ticker Symbol: VIIIX
The investment seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that
measures the investment return of large-capitalization stocks. The fund employs
an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the
Standard & Poor's 500 Index, a widely recognized benchmark of U.S. stock market
performance that is dominated by the stocks of large U.S. companies. It attempts
to replicate the target index by investing all, or substantially all, of its assets in
the stocks that make up the index, holding each stock in approximately the same
proportion as its weighting in the index.
American Funds EuroPacific Growth Fund (Class R6)
Ticker Symbol: RERGX
The investment seeks long-term growth of capital. The fund invests primarily in
common stocks of issuers in Europe and the Pacific Basin that the investment
adviser believes have the potential for growth. Growth stocks are stocks that the
investment adviser believes have the potential for above-average capital
appreciation. It normally invests at least 80% of its net assets in securities of
issuers in Europe and the Pacific Basin. The fund may invest a portion of its assets
in common stocks and other securities of companies in emerging markets.
Deutsche Real Estate Securities Fund (Class I)
Ticker Symbol: RRRRX
The investment seeks long-term capital appreciation and current income. The fund
will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowing for
investment purposes (calculated at the time of any investment), in equity
securities of real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate companies. It
may also invest a portion of its assets in other types of securities. These securities
may include short-term securities, bonds, notes, securities of companies not
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
principally engaged in the real estate industry and other similar securities. The
fund is non-diversified.
Windstream Stock Fund
Ticker Symbol: WIN
The Windstream Stock Fund is closed to additional contributions or transfers into
the fund, but open for transfers out of the fund. The Windstream Stock Fund gives
you the opportunity to share in the ownership of Windstream Holdings, Inc. This
option is a single stock investment. As there are no other forms or types of
investments in this option, the value of the stock stands on its own and generally
carries more risk than do the mutual funds offered through the Plan.
The Windstream Stock Fund is administered on the basis of “share accounting,”
which means that participant holdings in the fund are reflected in terms of the
underlying securities (i.e., exchanges with respect to the fund are made through
sales of the shares of the Windstream Common Stock).
The Trustee passes through to you the voting, tender, and similar rights with
respect to your proportional interest in the shares of Windstream Common Stock
held in the Windstream Stock Fund. Except as required by law, the Trustee will
not vote or tender shares of Windstream Common Stock for which it does not
receive your timely direction.
See Appendix B of this Summary Plan Description and Prospectus for additional
disclosure regarding the Windstream Stock Fund.
BlackRock Extended Equity Market Fund (Class K)
Ticker Symbol: BEEMT
This is an index fund that seeks to match the performance of the Dow Jones U.S.
Completion Total Stock Market Index by investing in a diversified sample of the
stocks that make up the Index. The Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market
Index is comprised of the stocks of all small and medium US companies with
readily available price data that are not included in the S&P 500® Index. Investing
in a broad-capitalization portfolio is an efficient way to participate in the earnings
and growth potential of small and medium-sized US companies. Because of their
growth potential, these companies can offer higher returns than investing in more
established companies. However, with this growth potential comes a higher risk
Dodge & Cox Stock Fund
Ticker Symbol: DODGX
This investment seeks long-term growth of principal and income; a secondary
objective is to achieve a reasonable current income. The fund invests primarily in
a diversified portfolio of equity securities. It will invest at least 80% of its total
assets in equity securities, including common stocks, preferred stocks, securities
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
convertible into common stocks, and securities that carry the right to buy common
stocks. The fund may invest up to 20% of its total assets in U.S. dollar
denominated securities of non-U.S. issuers traded in the United States that are
not in the S&P 500.
FIAM Small Mid Cap Core Commingled Pool
Ticker Symbol: N/A
The FIAM Small/Mid Cap Core strategy seeks to provide 4.0% annualized excess
return relative to the Russell 2500 over a full market cycle. The portfolio is
constructed to ensure that active return is primarily generated through stock
T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Fund (I)
Ticker Symbol: TBCIX
The investment seeks long-term capital growth; income is a secondary objective.
The fund will normally invest at last 80% of its net assets (including any
borrowings for investment purposes) in the common stocks of large and medium-
sized blue chip growth companies. It focuses on companies with leading market
positions, seasoned management, and strong financial fundamentals. The fund
may sell securities for a variety of reasons, such as to secure gains, limit losses,
or redeploy assets into more promising opportunities.
Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund (Investor Class)
Ticker Symbol: VMFXX
The investment seeks maximum current income consistent with liquidity and the
maintenance of a portfolio of high quality short-term money market securities.
The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of U.S. dollar denominated money
market securities. These securities consist primarily of short-term U.S.
government securities, U.S. government agency securities, and securities issued
by U.S. government sponsored enterprises and U.S. government
instrumentalities, commercial paper, repurchase agreements and variable and
floating rate obligations. The fund's dollar-weighted average maturity will be 60
days or less.
Vanguard Target Retirement Date Trusts
Each Vanguard Target Retirement Date Trust is designed to provide an investment
portfolio for investors who would rather use asset allocations developed by
Vanguard than try to build their own retirement investment portfolios. The Trusts
are constructed based on Vanguard’s investment experience that, over the long
term, stocks generally provide greater growth opportunities and greater risk than
bonds, and bonds generally provide more income and lower volatility than stocks.
The year in the Trust name refers to the approximate year (the target date) when
an investor in the Trust would attain the age of 65. The year-specific Target
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Retirement Date Trusts strive to produce more income and lower volatility as the
target year approaches.
Once you determine your expected retirement year, you can consider choosing a
Target Retirement Date Trust close to that date. As the target year approaches,
the Trusts’ asset allocations begin to shift their emphasis away from stocks and
towards bond investments to help provide more income and help reduce volatility.
The Target Retirement Income Trust is intended for investors currently in
retirement, and its asset allocation is expected to remain stable over time.
The Vanguard Target Retirement Date Trusts are designed to provide you with a
single fund whose asset allocation changes over time and becomes more
conservative as you approach retirement, meaning that the percentage of assets
allocated to stocks will decrease while the percentage of assets allocated to bonds
and other fixed income investments will increase.
The Vanguard Target Retirement Date Trustsinvestments seek to provide capital
appreciation and current income consistent with its current asset allocation. At
any given time, the trusts’ asset allocation may be affected by a variety of factors,
such as whether the underlying funds are accepting additional investments. The
trusts’ indirect stock holdings are a diversified mix of U.S. and foreign large-, mid-
, and small-capitalization stocks.
Non-investment grade debt securities, commonly referred to as high yield or junk
bonds, may be subject to greater market fluctuations and risk of loss of income
and principal than securities in higher rating categories.
Investment in foreign securities involves special risks, including foreign currency
risk and the possibility of substantial volatility due to adverse political, economic
or other developments. These risks are magnified for investments made in
emerging markets.
PersonalManager is a managed account offered through Advice Access.
PersonalManager uses a computer model and portfolios constructed by an
independent financial expert, plus participant data, to create and manage a
personalized account for each participant. The independent financial expert
constructs these portfolios from the menu of investment alternatives made
available in the Plan. PersonalManager is an investment management service
with respect to which a fiduciary, applying generally accepted investment
theories, allocates the assets of a participant's individual account seeking to
achieve varying degrees of long-term appreciation and capital preservation
through a mix of equity and fixed income exposures, offered through investment
alternatives made available in the Plan, based on the Participant's age, target
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
retirement date (such as normal retirement age under the Plan), life expectancy
and personal data (i.e., savings rate and salary). Such portfolios are diversified
so as to minimize the risk of large losses and change their asset allocations and
associated risk levels for an individual account over time with the objective of
becoming more conservative (i.e., decreasing risk of losses) with increasing age.
In the event that a participant does not provide necessary data (such as salary
and savings rate after employment terminates), PersonalManager will retain the
participant's current portfolio allocation for one year and then age alone will be
used by PersonalManager to manage the participant's account.
PersonalManager will allocate the participant's Accounts among investment
alternatives made available in the Plan. As such, the specific fees and expenses
incurred by the participant defaulted into PersonalManager will be based on the
underlying investments. For instance, PersonalManager may allocate to various
mutual funds, which may have differing investment management fees (referred
to as an "expense ratio"). The portion of each investment that makes up part of
a participant's portfolio managed by PersonalManager and the expense ratio for
each investment may periodically change. However, the current expense ratios
for the mutual funds a participant may be invested in through PersonalManager
can be found online at, by referring to your quarterly
statements or by checking the individual prospectuses delivered to you.
Qualified Default Investment Alternative
The Vanguard Target Retirement Date Trust that is closest to your retirement date
(assuming retirement at age 65)
is the default investment fund under the Plan
and is intended to be a qualified default investment alternative (QDIA). The
PersonalManager is also a QDIA for amounts that were defaulted into the
PersonalManager on or before April 2, 2013. Since you are able to choose how
your Accounts are invested including whether your Accounts are invested in the
Vanguard Target Retirement Date Trust, the Plan's fiduciaries may be relieved of
liability for any losses that are the direct and necessary result of the investment
decisions (including any default investment decision) you make.
Circumstances under which your Accounts may be invested in the Vanguard
Target Retirement Date Trust (i.e., the Plan's qualified default investment
alternative) include the following:
1. Existing Balances. You may have affirmatively elected or elected by default to
have all or a portion of your Accounts currently invested in the qualified default
investment alternative.
2. Affirmative Investment Election. You may have your future contributions or
Accounts invested in the qualified default investment alternative in accordance
with your affirmative investment election.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
3. Default Investment Election. In the unlikely event a contribution or investment
is made on your behalf, but you have not made an investment election, the
amount will be invested in the qualified default investment alternative. (The Plan
is designed to give you the right to direct the investment of your contributions
and Accounts; so, it is unlikely that a default election will occur.)
You can transfer amounts invested in the qualified default investment alternative
to other investment options under the Plan, without penalty, at any time.
Self-Direct Brokerage
Self-Direct Brokerage is a separate brokerage account within the Plan that offers
you the flexibility to invest in retail mutual funds separate from the investment
options included in the Plan's core investment menu. This service is for
participants interested in creating and managing their own investment strategy,
providing the flexibility and control that comes with independent investing. If you
choose to invest through Self-Direct Brokerage, it is your responsibility to
research, evaluate and select your investments as well as monitor their
performance. If you enroll in Self-Direct Brokerage, you will be charged an annual
record keeping fee of $80, and additional fees and commissions may apply to your
mutual fund investments. To find out what mutual funds are available, you may
visit the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or contact a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement
Specialist at 1-800-228-4015.
More Information About the Core Investment Funds
Northern Trust, BlackRock, Loomis Sayles, Vanguard, American Funds, Deutsche,
Dodge & Cox, FIAM, and T. Rowe Price may assess their funds fees for certain
expenses relating to portfolio management, shareholder statements, tax
reporting, and other services. A portion of the fees for these funds may be used
to reduce administrative expenses for the Plan. Additional information regarding
fees can be found in the individual prospectus for the fund.
With respect to all investment funds, including the Windstream Stock Fund, the
Plan is intended to constitute a plan described in Section 404(c) of ERISA and Title
29 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 2250.404c-1 where you have the
right to direct the investment of your account. See "ERISA Section 404(c)" above
for a discussion of Section 404(c) of ERISA.
New investment funds may be added, and existing investment funds may be
changed or deleted from time to time. The Plan Administrator will update the
description of the available investment funds to reflect any changes.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Additional Disclosure Regarding the Windstream Stock Fund
Windstream Common Stock
Windstream Holdings, Inc. is the issuer and registrant of the Windstream Common
Stock. Windstream Holdings, Inc. is a Delaware corporation.
Common Stock Transactions
Windstream Common Stock is listed on the over-the-counter markets. The
Trustee will make sales of Windstream Common Stock at its market price on the
over-the-counter markets at the time of such sale.
Reoffers and Resales of Windstream Common Stock by Certain Persons
If you are an "affiliate" of Windstream Holdings, Inc. for securities law purposes,
you may be restricted in your ability to sell your interest in Windstream Common
Stock. Further information covering the operations of securities laws to affiliates
will be provided by Windstream Holdings, Inc. to you.
Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”)
If you are subject to the short-swing profit provisions of Section 16 of the
Exchange Act (an "insider"), you may be limited in your ability to sell equity
securities of Windstream Holdings, Inc. by virtue of your participation in the Plan.
Further information covering the operations of Section 16 to insiders will be
provided by Windstream Holdings, Inc. to you.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Fund Performance History Annual Rates of Return
You may obtain information on the rates or return with respect to the Funds by
accessing the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Benefits OnLine website at or call Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interactive Voice
Response system at 1-800-228-4015. The rates of return are also included as
part of your quarterly statement. Please note the following:
1. The rates of return provided with respect to Windstream (then known as
Valor Communication Group, Inc.) prior to the spin-off of the wireline
business to Windstream are not deemed to be meaningful with respect to
the performance of the Windstream Stock Fund. Accordingly, rates of
return for those periods are not included.
2. The performance data that is provided for a fund represents past
performance, which does not guarantee future results. Investment return
and principal value will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be
worth more or less than their original cost.
3. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data
that is provided for a fund. For more complete information on the
investment options, including their management fees and other charges
and expenses, please consult the individual prospectuses and other
comparable documents. Investors should carefully consider the investment
objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing. This, and
additional information about the investment options, can be found in the
individual prospectuses, which can be obtained by calling Bank of America
Merrill Lynch at 1-800-228-4015. Please read the documents carefully
before investing.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Prior Plans
If you have amounts in the Plan from a plan that merged into the Plan or from a
plan from which your account was transferred to the Plan (other than by rollover),
a separate account will be established and maintained on your behalf. The prior
plan account reflects the amounts credited to you from the prior plan, and you
may invest the prior plan account in the Plan investment funds of your choice.
Once a prior plan is merged into the Plan or an account is transferred to the Plan
(other than by rollover), the amounts from the prior plan become subject to the
rules and regulations of the Plan document. Certain rights, benefits, and features
may differ for your prior plan account. This Appendix D generally describes those
differences for the following prior plans.
A. Windstream Profit-Sharing Plan
If you were a participant in the Windstream Profit-Sharing Plan (the "Profit-
Sharing Plan") and your benefit under the Profit-Sharing Plan was merged into
the Plan, the following applies to your prior plan account attributable to the Profit-
Sharing Plan ("Profit-Sharing account").
Loans: Loans are not available from your Profit-Sharing account. The portion of
your Profit-Sharing account, however, is included in determining the maximum
loan you may take from the Plan. See "Loans" above for more information on the
maximum loan amount available from the Plan.
Vesting: The portion of your Profit-Sharing account that is attributable to
Company contributions becomes 100% vested upon the first to occur of the
completion of five or more Years of Vesting Service
attainment of age 65 while employed by the Company
death while employed by the Company
total and permanent disability while employed by the Company
termination of the Plan
Years of Vesting Service are credited for service with the Company and related
entities. Your Years of Vesting Service includes your Years of Vesting Service
under the Profit-Sharing Plan (but with no duplication of service for any one period
of employment). Years of Vesting Service may in certain cases be provided for
service with a divested entity.
One Year of Vesting Service generally is credited for each calendar year in which
you work at least 1,000 hours, including your time at work, vacations, holidays,
paid sick days, jury duty, military duty, and approved leaves of absence.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Forfeitures: If you terminate employment before you are 100% vested in your
Profit-Sharing account, you will forfeit the non-vested portion at the end of the
Plan Year in which the earliest of the following occurs:
your termination of employment if you do not have any vested interest
under the Plan
you receive a distribution of your vested interest under the Plan (if the
distribution is made prior to the end of the second Plan Year following your
termination of employment)
you incur five consecutive Breaks in Service
A Break in Service occurs when you do not complete more than 500 hours of
service in a calendar year. For purposes of determining whether a Break in
Service occurs, hours are credited for certain maternity or paternity leaves of
If you return to employment with the Company prior to incurring five consecutive
Breaks in Service, the amount previously forfeited will be restored as of the last
day of the Plan Year in which you return to employment. You will also be
recredited with your Years of Vesting Service earned prior to your termination of
employment after completing a Year of Vesting Service following your
Beneficiary Designation: If you did not have a beneficiary designation in effect
on March 1, 2007 under the Plan, your beneficiary designation under the Profit-
Sharing Plan on March 1, 2007 is deemed to be your beneficiary designation under
the Plan. See "Beneficiary" above for changing your beneficiary.
B. Valor Telecommunications Southwest, LLC Savings Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the Valor
Telecommunications Southwest, LLC Savings Plan (the "Valor Plan") and your
benefit under the Valor Plan was merged into the Plan as of March 1, 2007, the
following forms of payment are available under the Plan for your prior plan account
attributable to the Valor Plan ("Valor account").
A single sum payment of your Valor account after termination of
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Valor account
upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Valor account
attributable to employee after tax contributions at any time.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Valor account
attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Valor account
attributable to employer contributions maintained in the plan for at least
24 months.
Vesting: The account balances in the Valor account of participants who were
active employees on March 1, 2007 are 100% vested. The non-vested portion of
the accounts for employees terminated prior to March 1, 2007 were forfeited prior
to the merger of the Valor Plan into the Plan, subject to restoration upon rehire
only in accordance with IRS rules. The remaining account balance that was
transferred to the Plan from the Valor Plan for employees who terminated prior to
March 1, 2007, is 100% vested.
C. The Concord Telephone Company Employees' Savings Plus Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in The Concord
Telephone Company Employees' Savings Plus Plan (the "CTC Plan") and your
benefit under the CTC Plan was merged into the Plan as of December 28, 2007,
the following forms of payment are available under the Plan for your prior plan
account attributable to the CTC Plan ("CTC account").
A single sum payment of your CTC account after termination of
Periodic payments, but only for participants (or beneficiaries) who have
commenced periodic payments prior to January 1, 2002.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your CTC account
attributable to matching contributions and supplemental matching
contributions at any time.
Vesting: The account balances in the CTC account of participants who were
active employees on August 31, 2007 are 100% vested. The non-vested portion
of the accounts for employees terminated prior to August 31, 2007 were forfeited
prior to the merger of the CTC Plan into the Plan, subject to restoration upon
rehire only in accordance with IRS rules. The remaining account balance that was
transferred to the Plan from the CTC Plan for employees who terminated prior to
August 31, 2007, is 100% vested.
D. Lexcom 401(k) Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the Lexcom 401(k)
Plan (the "Lexcom Plan") and your benefit under the Lexcom Plan was merged
into the Plan as of March 15, 2010, the following forms of payment are available
under the Plan for your prior plan account attributable to the Lexcom 401(k) Plan
("Lexcom account").
A single sum payment of your Lexcom account after termination of
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Minimum required distribution installments, but only for participants (or
beneficiaries) who have commenced installment payments prior to March
15, 2010.
While you are employed by the Company, hardship withdrawals of your
Lexcom account attributable to elective deferrals (excluding any earnings
on the elective deferrals credited after December 31, 1988).
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Lexcom
account attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Lexcom
account attributable to elective deferrals, employer matching contributions
and employer non-elective contributions upon disability.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Lexcom
account attributable to elective deferrals, employer matching contributions
and employer non-elective contributions upon attainment of age 59½.
Vesting: The account balances in the Lexcom account of participants who were
active employees on March 15, 2010 are 100% vested. The non-vested portion
of the accounts for employees terminated prior to March 15, 2010 were forfeited
prior to the merger of the Lexcom Plan into the Plan, subject to restoration upon
rehire only in accordance with IRS rules. The remaining account balance that was
transferred to the Plan from the Lexcom Plan for employees who terminated prior
to March 15, 2010, is 100% vested.
E. D&E Communications, Inc. Employees' 401(k) Savings Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the D&E
Communications, Inc. Employees' 401(k) Savings Plan (the "D&E Plan") and your
benefit under the D&E Plan was merged into the Plan as of April 1, 2010, the
following forms of payment are available under the Plan for your prior plan account
attributable to the D&E Plan ("D&E account").
A single sum payment of your D&E account after termination of
Installment payments, but only for participants (or beneficiaries) who have
commenced installment payments prior to June 27, 2003.
Certain forms of annuity payments but only for participants (or
beneficiaries) who have commenced the annuity payments prior to June
27, 2003.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your D&E account
upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your D&E account
attributable to frozen employee after tax contributions at any time.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your D&E account
attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
While you are employed by the Company, hardship withdrawal of your D&E
account attributable to deferral contributions (excluding any earnings on
deferral contributions accrued after the later of December 31, 1988 or the
last day of the last Plan Year ending before July 1, 1989).
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your D&E account
attributable to employer matching contributions under the prior Telebeam,
Inc. 401(k) Plan maintained in the Plan for at least 24 months.
Vesting: The account balances in the D&E account of participants who were
active employees on April 1, 2010 are 100% vested. The non-vested portion of
the accounts for employees terminated prior to April 1, 2010 were forfeited prior
to the merger of the D&E Plan into the Plan on April 1, 2010, subject to restoration
upon rehire only in accordance with IRS rules. The remaining account balance
that was transferred to the Plan from the D&E Plan for employees who terminated
prior to April 1, 2010, is 100% vested.
F. The Conestoga Telephone & Telegraph Local 1671 Tax Deferred
Retirement Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in The Conestoga
Telephone & Telegraph Local 1671 Tax Deferred Retirement Plan (the "Conestoga
Plan") and your benefit under the Conestoga Plan was merged into the Plan as of
April 1, 2010, the following forms of payment are available under the Plan for your
prior plan account attributable to the Conestoga Plan ("Conestoga account").
A single sum payment of your Conestoga account after termination of
Periodic payments, but only for participants (or beneficiaries) who have
commenced periodic payments prior to March 8, 2010.
Annuities but only for participants (or beneficiaries) who have commenced
annuity payments prior to March 8, 2010.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Conestoga
account upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Conestoga
account attributable to employer match contributions at any time.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Conestoga
account attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
While you are employed by the Company, hardship withdrawal of your
Conestoga account attributable to deferral contributions (excluding any
earnings on deferral contributions accrued after the later of December 31,
1988 or the last day of the last Plan Year ending before July 1, 1989).
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Vesting: The account balances in the Conestoga account of participants who
were active employees on April 1, 2010 are 100% vested. The non-vested portion
of the accounts for employees terminated prior to April 1, 2010 were forfeited
prior to the April 1, 2001, subject to restoration upon rehire only in accordance
with IRS rules. The remaining account balance that was transferred to the Plan
from the Conestoga Plan for employees who terminated prior to April 1, 2010 is
100% vested.
G. NuVox Communications, Inc. Profit Sharing 401(k) Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the NuVox
Communications, Inc. Profit Sharing 401(k) Plan (the "NuVox Plan") and your
benefit under the NuVox Plan was merged into the Plan as of July 7, 2010, the
following forms of payment are available under the Plan for your prior plan account
attributable to the NuVox Plan ("NuVox account").
A single sum payment of your NuVox account after termination of
Installments, but only for participants (or beneficiaries) who have
commenced installments prior to July 7, 2010.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your NuVox
account attributable to elective deferrals, employer matching contributions
and employer nonelective contributions upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed by the Company, hardship withdrawals of your
NuVox account attributable to elective deferrals (excluding earnings).
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your NuVox
account attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
Vesting: The account balances in the NuVox account on March 25, 2010 are
100% vested. Amounts forfeited prior to March 25, 2010 are subject to
restoration upon rehire only in accordance with IRS rules.
H. Iowa Telecom Savings Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the Iowa Telecom
Savings Plan (the "Iowa Plan") and your benefit under the Iowa Plan was merged
into the Plan as of December 31, 2010, the following forms of payment are
available under the Plan for your prior plan account attributable to the Iowa Plan
("Iowa account").
A single sum payment of your Iowa account after termination of
Installment form of payment of your Iowa account, but only for participants
(or beneficiaries) who have commenced such installments prior to
December 31, 2010.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawal of your Iowa
account balance upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawals of your Iowa
account attributable to after-tax contributions, subject to the following:
allowed once in any six-month period, and, if the after-tax contributions
were matched, only amounts attributable to after-tax contributions
maintained in the account for at least 24 months are available.
While you are employed with the Company, hardship withdrawals of your
Iowa account's deferral contributions.
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawals of Iowa account
attributable to after-tax contributions from the prior Lakedale Telephone
Company Savings Incentive Plan at any time.
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawals of your Iowa
account attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
Vesting: The account balances in the Iowa account on June 1, 2010 are 100%
vested. Amounts forfeited prior to June 1, 2010 are subject to restoration upon
rehire only in accordance with IRS rules.
I. Iowa Telecom Hourly Savings Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the Iowa Hourly
Telecom Savings Plan (the "Iowa Hourly Plan") and your benefit under the Iowa
Hourly Plan was merged into the Plan as of December 31, 2010, the following
forms of payment are available under the Plan for your prior plan account
attributable to the Iowa Hourly Plan ("Iowa Hourly account").
A single sum payment of your Iowa Hourly account after termination of
Installment form of payment of your Iowa Hourly account, but only for
participants (or beneficiaries) who have commenced such installments
prior to December 31, 2010.
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawal of your Iowa
Hourly account balance upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawals of your Iowa
Hourly account attributable to after-tax contributions, subject to the
following: allowed once in any six-month period, and, if the after-tax
contributions were matched, only amounts attributable to after-tax
contributions maintained in the account for at least 24 months are
While you are employed with the Company, hardship withdrawals of
your Iowa Hourly account's deferral contributions.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawals of your Iowa
Hourly account attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
Vesting: The account balances in the Iowa Hourly account on June 1, 2010 are
100% vested. Amounts forfeited prior to June 1, 2010 are subject to restoration
upon rehire only in accordance with IRS rules.
J. Hosted Solutions Acquisition, LLC 401(k) Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the Hosted
Solutions Acquisition, LLC 401(k) Plan (the "Hosted Solutions Plan") and your
benefit under the Hosted Solutions Plan was merged into the Plan as of April 1,
2011, the following forms of payment are available under the Plan for your prior
plan account attributable to the Hosted Solutions Plan ("Hosted Solutions
A single sum payment of your Hosted Solutions account after
termination of employment.
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawal of your Hosted
Solutions account balance upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawal of your Hosted
Solutions account balance upon disability for participants in the Hosted
Solutions Plan as of April 1, 2010.
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawal of your Hosted
Solutions account balance attributable to rollover contributions at any
Vesting: The account balances in the Hosted Solutions account on January 1,
2011 are 100% vested. Amounts forfeited prior to January 1, 2011 are subject
to restoration upon rehire only in accordance with IRS rules.
Roth Contributions: Any Roth contributions that you made to the Hosted
Solutions Plan are separately accounted for under the Plan. Payment from the
Plan of your Hosted Solutions prior account balance attributable to Roth
contributions will not be subject to Federal income tax if the distribution is a
qualified distribution. A qualified distribution is a payment made both after you
are age 59½ (or after your death or disability) and after you have had a
designated Roth account in the Plan (including the prior Hosted Solutions Plan)
for at least 5 years (measured from the first day of the tax year of your first Roth
contribution to the Plan). Payment from the Plan of your Hosted Solutions prior
account balance attributable to Roth contributions may be directly rolled over to
a Roth IRA or a designated Roth account in an employer plan (tax-qualified plan
or section 403(b) plan).
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
K. PAETEC Holding Corp. 401(k) Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the PAETEC
Holding Corp. 401(k) Plan (the "PAETEC Plan") and your benefit under the PAETEC
Plan was merged into the Plan as of September 19, 2012, the following forms of
payment are available under the Plan for your prior plan account attributable to
the PAETEC Plan ("PAETEC account").
A single sum payment of your PAETEC account after termination of
Installments, but only for participants (or beneficiaries) who have
commenced installments prior to September 19, 2012.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your PAETEC
account, except for the amount attributable to the money purchase
pension account of the Allworx Corporation 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan
and Trust as of October 31, 2008 (the “Money Purchase Pension Sub-
Account”), upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your PAETEC
account attributable to the Money Purchase Pension Sub-Account upon
attainment of age 65.
Purchase of a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity contract with your
account balance attributable to the Money Purchase Pension Sub-
Account after termination of employment.
Purchase of a joint and 75% survivor annuity (for the Participant’s life
with the Participant’s Spouse as the survivor annuitant) with your
account balance attributable to the Money Purchase Pension Sub-
Account after termination of employment.
Following the death of a married Participant (under Federal law),
purchase of a Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity contract with
your account balance attributable to the Money Purchase Pension Sub-
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your PAETEC
account attributable to after-tax contributions at any time.
While you are employed by the Company, hardship withdrawals of your
PAETEC account attributable to elective deferral contributions.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawals of your PAETEC
account attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
Distributions from your PAETEC account upon deemed severance from
employment while on active military duty for more than 30 days.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity: If you are married (under Federal law),
your account balance attributable to the Money Purchase Sub-Account will be paid
through the purchase of a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity contract unless
you waive the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity and elect the lump sum form
of payment with your spouse’s written consent (which written consent must be
witnessed by a notary). A Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity provides an
immediate annuity payable to you for your life and, following your death, 50% of
that amount to your surviving spouse (under Federal law) for life. An election to
waive the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity must be made in the form and
manner prescribed by the Plan Administrator (e.g., within 180 days of the
distribution date). If you are not married, your account balance attributable to
the Money Purchase Sub-Account will be paid through the purchase of a single life
annuity unless you elect the lump sum form of payment.
Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity: If you are married (under Federal
law) when you die, your account balance attributable to the Money Purchase Sub-
Account will be paid to your spouse through the purchase of a Qualified
Preretirement Survivor Annuity contract. A Qualified Preretirement Survivor
Annuity is a single life annuity for your spouse’s life. Your spouse may in lieu of
the Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity elect a lump sum payment. You may
waive the Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity and designate with your
spouse’s written consent (which written consent must be witnessed by a notary)
a beneficiary to receive your account balance attributable to the Money Purchase
Sub-Account upon your death. An election to waive the Qualified Preretirement
Survivor Annuity must be made in the form and manner prescribed by the Plan
Administrator (e.g., waivers made while employed prior to the first day of the
year in which you attain age 35 cease to be effective on the first day of the year
in which you attain age 35).
Vesting: The account balances in the PAETEC account on September 19, 2012
are 100% vested. Amounts forfeited prior to September 19, 2012 are subject to
restoration upon rehire only in accordance with IRS rules.
L. Network Telephone 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the Network
Telephone 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan (the "Network Plan") and an employee on
August 9, 2013, your benefit under the Network Plan was transferred to the Plan
as of October 1, 2013. The following forms of payment are available under the
Plan for your prior plan account attributable to the Network Plan ("Network
A single sum payment of your Network account after termination of
Installments, but only for participants (or beneficiaries) who have
commenced installments prior to October 1, 2013.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Network
account, upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Network
account attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
Vesting: The account balances in the Network account on October 1, 2013 are
100% vested.
M. BOB, LLC 401(k) Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the BOB, LLC
401(k) Plan (the "BOB Plan") and your benefit under the BOB Plan was merged
into the Plan as of March 2, 2015, the following forms of payment are available
under the Plan for your prior plan account attributable to the BOB Plan ("BOB
A single sum payment of your BOB account after termination of
While you are employed with the Company, withdrawal of your BOB account
balance upon total and permanent disability.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your BOB account
balance attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your BOB account
balance upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed by the Company, hardship withdrawals of your
BOB account balance attributable to elective deferral contributions.
Vesting: The account balances in the BOB account of participants who were
active employees on October 1, 2014 are 100% vested. The non-vested portion
of the accounts for employees terminated prior to October 1, 2014 were forfeited
prior to the merger of the BOB Plan into the Plan, subject to restoration upon
rehire only in accordance with IRS rules. The remaining account balance that was
transferred to the Plan from the BOB Plan for employees who terminated prior to
October 1, 2014, is 100% vested.
N. EarthLink 401(k) Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the EarthLink
401(k) Plan (the "EarthLink Plan") and your benefit under the EarthLink Plan was
merged into the Plan as of July 3, 2017, the following forms of payment are
available under the Plan for your prior plan account attributable to the EarthLink
Plan ("EarthLink account").
A single sum payment of your EarthLink account after termination of
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Installments for purposes of the required distribution rules under Section
401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, but only for participants (or
beneficiaries) who have commenced installments prior to July 3, 2017.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your EarthLink
account balance upon attainment of age 59½.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawals of your EarthLink
account balance attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
Vesting: The account balances in the EarthLink account of participants who were
active employees on February 27, 2017 are 100% vested. Any other person is
subject to the following vesting schedule: 1 year of vesting service 25% vested,
2 years of vesting service 50% vested, 3 years of vesting service 75% vested,
and 4 years of vesting service 100% vested.
O. Broadview Networks Retirement Savings Plan
Distributions and Withdrawals: If you were a participant in the Broadview
Networks Retirement Savings Plan (the "Broadview Plan") and your benefit under
the Broadview Plan was merged into the Plan as of December 15, 2017, the
following forms of payment are available under the Plan for your prior plan account
attributable to the Broadview Plan ("Broadview account").
A single sum payment of your Broadview account after termination of
Installments, but only for participants (or beneficiaries) who have
commenced installments prior to December 15, 2017.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawals of your Broadview
account balance attributable to rollover contributions at any time.
While you are employed by the Company, withdrawal of your Broadview
account balance upon attainment of age 59½.
Distributions from your Broadview account upon deemed severance from
employment while on active military duty for more than 30 days.
Distribution of account balance upon total disability (i.e., disable, as a result
of sickness or injury, to the extent you are prevented in engaging in any
substantial gainful activity, and are eligible for and receiving disability
benefits under the Social Security Act).
Vesting: The account balances in the Broadview account of participants who
were active employees on July 28, 2017 are 100% vested. Any other person is
subject to the following vesting schedule: 1 year of vesting service 25% vested,
2 years of vesting service 50% vested, 3 years of vesting service 75% vested,
and 4 years of vesting service 100% vested.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
Union Groups Receiving Company Contributions
All Company matching contributions are made each payroll period. The Plan
includes a “true-up” matching feature for participants who did not contribute at
an even rate throughout the Plan Year (and did not receive a full matching
contribution as a result).
If You are Not Eligible to Participate in the Windstream Pension
Company Matching Contribution
- if You are Eligible to Participate
in the Windstream Pension
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
the Employee’s Plan compensation
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
*You generally are not eligible to participate in the Windstream Pension Plan if your Date of Hire, Rehire or
Transfer is on or after March 1, 2012 OR you chose to opt-out of participation in the Windstream Pension
OR if you are represented by the IBEW and have 30 years of vesting service on January 1, 2018 or the
day you attain 30 years of vesting service after January 1, 2018
OR if you are represented by the CWA and
have 30 years of vesting service on July 8, 2018 or the day you attain 30 years of vesting service after July 8,
If you elected to opt-out of the Windstream Pension Plan effective as of September 18, 2016 under the
National Bargaining retirement choice program, you also received a one-time Company Nonelective
Contribution of $15,000 in the fourth quarter of 2016.
If you were represented by the IBEW on January 1, 2018 (if you had 30 years of vesting service on that date)
or the day you attain 30 years of vesting service after January 1, 2018 and your pension plan accrual became
frozen beginning on that date, you also will receive a one-time Company Nonelective Contribution of $12,000
as soon as administratively practicable after the freeze date. If the contribution is made in Windstream
Common Stock, you will receive an extra $0.03 for each share of Windstream Common Stock contributed to
your account.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
If you were represented by the CWA on July 8, 2018 (if you had 30 years of vesting service on that date) or
the day you attain 30 years of vesting service after July 8, 2018 and your pension plan accrual became frozen
beginning on that date, you also will receive a one-time Company Nonelective Contribution of $15,000 as soon
as administratively practicable after the freeze date.
Company Matching Contribution
- for everyone
Company Nonelective Contribution
- If You are Not Eligible to Participate in the Windstream
Pension Plan for Plan Years 2018 and 2019*
IBEW 204
100% of the Employee Pretax and/or
Roth Contributions made on the first 3%
of the Employee’s Plan compensation,
plus 50% of the Employee Pretax and/or
Roth Contributions made on the next 2%
of the Employee’s Plan compensation
3% of Employee’s Plan eligible wages for the 2018 Plan
Year and 6% of Employee’s Plan eligible wages for the
2019 Plan Year.
Note: effective January 1, 2018, the Windstream Pension
Plan was frozen to all Employees.
*If your participation in the pension plan became frozen beginning January 1, 2018, you also received a one-
time Company Nonelective Contribution of $6,500 in the first quarter of 2018.
Union Local
Company Matching Contribution
- for everyone
Company Nonelective Contribution
- If You are Not Eligible to Participate in
the Windstream Pension Plan
CWA 7172
100% of the Employee Pretax and/or
Roth Contributions made on the first 3% of the
Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on
the next 2% of the Employee’s Plan compensation.
For the purposes of clarity, this formula became
effective for the pay-period June 14, 2015.
For 2015 and 2016 Plan year, 3% of
Employee’s Plan eligible wages.
For 2017 Plan year, a final contribution of
6% of Employee’s Plan eligible wages.
*If you were covered by the Windstream Pension Plan on June 30, 2016 and were an eligible employee in the
Plan, you also received a one-time Company Nonelective Contribution of $6,500 in the third quarter of 2016.
Union Local
Company Matching Contribution
IBEW 1671
100% of the Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the first 3% of the Employee’s
Plan compensation, plus 50% of the Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions made on the next
2% of the Employee’s Plan compensation
Union Local
Company Matching Contribution
- If You are Not Eligible to Participate in the
Windstream Pension Plan (i.e., Date of Hire, Rehire,
or Transfer is after February 28, 2014 or you chose
(either affirmatively or by default) to opt-out of the
Windstream Pension Plan**)
Company Matching Contribution
- if You are Eligible to Participate in the
Windstream Pension Plan (i.e., Date of Hire,
Rehire, or Transfer is Prior to March 1,
2014 and, for periods after January 1, 2018,
you chose to continue to participate in the
Windstream Pension Plan)
CWA 6171
100% of the Employee Pretax and/or Roth
Contributions made on the first 3% of the Employee’s
Plan compensation, plus 50% of the Employee Pretax
On and after January 1, 2018None
Prior to January 1, 2018 - 50% up of the
Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions
made on the first 6% of the Employee’s
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
and/or Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of
the Employee’s Plan compensation
If the Company Matching Contribution was made in
Windstream Common Stock, you received an extra
$0.03 for each share of Windstream Common Stock
contributed to your account.
Plan Compensation. If the Company
Matching Contribution was made in
Windstream Common Stock, you received
an extra $0.03 for each share of
Windstream Common Stock contributed to
your account.
**If you elected (either affirmatively or by default) to opt-out of the Windstream Pension Plan effective as of
January 1, 2108 under the CWA 6171 retirement choice program, you also received a one-time Company
Nonelective Contribution of $12,000 in the first quarter of 2018.
Union Local
Company Matching
- If You Are Eligible to
Participate in
Windstream Pension
Plan (Verizon Formula)
Company Matching Contribution and Company
Nonelective Contribution
If You are Not Eligible to participate in the Windstream
Pension Plan (Verizon Formula) effective as of 01/01/16
Local Bargaining
CWA 3371 (but only if you
have been employed with
Alltel Corporation (and
then Windstream) and a
member of the CWA Local
3371 or 3372 since
October 6, 2003).
100% of the Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions
made on the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan
compensation, plus 50% of the Employee Pretax and/or
Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of the Employee’s
Plan compensation
You also received a one-time Company Nonelective
Contribution of $5,000 in first quarter of 2016
Local Bargaining
CWA 3372 (but only if you
have been employed with
Alltel Corporation (and
then Windstream) and a
member of the CWA Local
3371 or 3372 since
October 6, 2003.
100% of the Employee Pretax and/or Roth Contributions
made on the first 3% of the Employee’s Plan
compensation, plus 50% of the Employee Pretax and/or
Roth Contributions made on the next 2% of the Employee’s
Plan compensation
You also received a one-time Company Nonelective
Contribution of $5,000 in first quarter of 2016
Union Local
Company Matching Contribution
- if You are Eligible to Participate
in the Windstream Pension Plan
(i.e., your Date of Hire, Rehire or
Transfer is Prior to March 1, 2012
AND you chose not to opt-out of
participation in the Windstream
Pension Plan)
Company Matching Contribution
- If You are Not Eligible to Participate in
Windstream Pension Plan (i.e., your Date of
Hire, Rehire or Transfer is on or after March
1, 2012 OR you chose to opt-out of
participation in the Windstream Pension
National Bargaining
CWA 3371 (but only if you have
not been employed with Alltel
Corporation (and then
Windstream) and a member of
100% of the Employee Pretax and/or Roth
Contributions made on the first 3% of the
Employee’s Plan compensation, plus 50% of
the Employee Pretax and/or Roth
Contributions made on the next 2% of the
Employee’s Plan compensation.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
the CWA Local 3371 or 3372
since October 6, 2003).
National Bargaining
CWA 3372(but only if you have
not been employed with Alltel
Corporation (and then
Windstream) and a member of
the CWA Local 3371 or 3372
since October 6, 2003).
100% of the Employee Pretax and/or
Roth Contributions made on the first 3% of
the Employee’s Plan compensation, plus
50% of the Employee Pretax and/or Roth
Contributions made on the next 2% of the
Employee’s Plan compensation
*If you elected to opt-out of the Windstream Pension Plan effective as of September 18, 2016 under the
National Bargaining retirement choice program, you also received a one-time Company Nonelective
Contribution of $15,000 in the fourth quarter of 2016.
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective January 1, 2020
(Effective as of January 1, 2020)
OF 1933.
The following information and documents incorporated by reference are provided
for purposes of this Supplemental Prospectus only and are not part of the
Summary Plan Description and are neither communications from nor part of any
communication from the Plan’s fiduciaries. Windstream Holdings, Inc. (fka
Windstream Corporation) originally filed on March 6, 2014 with the Securities
Exchange Commission a Registration Statement covering an additional
15,000,000 shares of Windstream Holdings, Inc. common stock, $.0001 par
value, and the plan interests that may be offered and sold under the Plan. On
March 1, 2017 and February 28, 2018, Windstream Holdings, Inc. filed with the
Securities Exchange Commission a Registration Statement covering an additional
20,000,000 and 15,000,000 shares, respectively, of Windstream Holdings, Inc.
common stock, $.0001 par value, and the plan interests that may be offered and
sold under the Plan.
The following documents filed by Windstream Holdings, Inc. pursuant to the
Exchange Act are hereby incorporated by reference into the Prospectus:
1. The documents incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement
on Form S-8 filed on March 1, 2017 and on February 28, 2018 (which
documents included Windstream Holdings, Inc.’s Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017).
2. All other reports filed pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange
Act since the end of the fiscal year covered by the annual reports
indicated above.
3. The description of the class of securities contained in the registration
statement filed under the Exchange Act, including any amendment or
report filed for the purpose of updating such description.
In addition to the foregoing, all documents subsequently filed by Windstream
Holdings, Inc. pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c), 14, and 15(d) of the Exchange
Act, prior to the filing of a post-effective amendment which indicates that all
securities have been sold or which deregisters all securities then remaining
unsold, is deemed to be incorporated by reference into the Prospectus and to be
part of the Prospectus from the date of the filing of such documents.
Windstream Holdings, Inc. will provide you without charge, upon your
written or oral request, a copy of (i) any or all of the documents (other than
exhibits) that have been incorporated by reference in this Prospectus and (ii) other
Windstream 401(k) Plan
For Bargaining Employees,
Except Bargaining Employees of CWA 7470
Revised effective as of January 1, 2020
documents required to be delivered to participants pursuant to Rule 428(b) under
the Securities Act of 1933. You can obtain documents or request additional
information about the Plan and its administrator, the Windstream Benefits
Committee, by writing to Windstream Benefits Committee, Windstream Services,
LLC, 4001 Rodney Parham Rd., Mailstop 1170 B1F02 93 or calling 1-501-748-
You also may read and copy any reports, statements, or other information that
Windstream Holdings, Inc. files, including the Registration Statement, without
charge at the public reference room maintained by the SEC, located at 100 F
Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20549, and copies of all or any part of the
Registration Statement may be obtained from such offices upon the payment of
the fees prescribed by the SEC. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further
information about the public reference room. The SEC also maintains an Internet
website that contains reports, proxy and information statements and other
information regarding registrants that file electronically with the SEC. The address
of the site is
No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any
representations other than those contained or incorporated by reference in this
Prospectus in connection with the offer contained in this Prospectus, and, if given
or made, such information or representations must not be relied upon as having
been authorized by Windstream Services, LLC. This Prospectus relates solely to
the Plan and it may not be used or relied on in connection with any other offer or
sale of securities of Windstream Holdings, Inc. Neither the delivery of this
Prospectus nor any sale made hereunder shall, under any circumstances, create
any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of Windstream
Holdings, Inc. since the date hereof. This Prospectus does not constitute an offer
or solicitation in any state in which, or to any person to whom, it is unlawful to
make such offer or solicitation.