EASA SIB No: 2014-20
This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory.
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EASA Safety Information Bulletin
SIB No.: 2014-20
Issued: 23 June 2014
Subject: Aeroplane Operations in Crosswind Conditions
Ref. Publications: International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Annex 3
Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation.
Annex III (EU-OPS) to Commission Regulation (EC) No
859/2008 of 20 August 2008.
Annex III (Part-ORO) to Commission Regulation (EU) No
965/2012 of 5 October 2012.
EASA - Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of
Compliance for Large Aeroplanes, CS-25.
Research project EASA.2011/08
NGW Near-Ground Wind Gust Detection.
Bundesstelle für Flugunfalluntersuchung / German Federal
Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigation (BFU) Investigation
Report 5X003-0/08 dated March 2010.
Applicability: Aeroplane manufacturers, aeroplane operators, flight crews,
approved training organisations, competent authorities.
Description: Many pilots have encountered situations in which the crosswind
conditions at an aerodrome were close to the limits contained in
the applicable Operations Manual (OM).
A survey of 81 pilots employed by 5 Commercial Air Transport
(CAT) operators was conducted by the German Federal Bureau
of Aircraft Accidents Investigation (BFU) in the context of a
serious incident investigation related to crosswind (BFU
Investigation Report 5X003-0/08 of March 2010). The survey
results reveal that a significant percentage of pilots does not
have a clear understanding of how the Aircraft Flight Manual
(AFM) maximum demonstrated crosswind” is derived, and that
sometimes no clear procedures and limitations concerning its
use are available.
EASA SIB No: 2014-20
This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory.
TE.CAP.00117-003 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. 2/3
Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet.
Furthermore, training and experience play a significant role in
determining a pilots ability to cope with challenging crosswind
Similar results were found through a study on crosswind (NGW
Near-Ground Wind Gust Detection) that was commissioned
by EASA and carried out by the National Aerospace Laboratory
of the Netherlands (NLR). Additionally, the study showed that
crosswind or tailwind component was a causal factor in a
significant number of occurrences investigated since 1990 and
involving CS-25 certified aeroplanes operated in CAT. These
occurrences typically resulted in wingtip strikes, tail strikes, hard
landings and runway excursions. The wind in these occurrences
was frequently accompanied by gusty conditions.
The analysis of existing practices and issues regarding near-
ground wind and associated gust information for pilots,
conducted by NLR, prompted some considerations, which can
be found in the NLR report.
Recommendations: Based on the above considerations, the overall objective of this
SIB is to raise awareness on the risks associated with
operations in strong and/or gusty crosswind conditions, with the
purpose of adding emphasis to the relevant portions of pilot
training and providing flight crews with unambiguous information
to support their decision making processes.
EASA therefore encourages manufacturers, operators and
approved training organisations to take the following into
consideration when developing or revising an AFM, a Flight
Crew Operating or Training Manual (FCOM/FCTM), operational
procedures and limitations, and initial and recurrent training
When publishing demonstrated crosswind values,
manufacturers should specify if the gust factor is included or
Operators and training organisations should consider
publishing operational crosswind limitations which take into
account their operational experience and the operating
environment (e.g. runway width and state, prevailing weather
conditions, etc.). These limits should be based on the AFM
maximum demonstrated crosswind value, when more limiting
values are not published in the limitation section of the AFM.
Operators should also carefully consider including the gust
factor in the operating limitations, following the manufacturer’s
recommendations, if any;
Operators and training organisations are encouraged to
emphasize, in their initial and recurrent training programmes,
crosswind take-off and landing techniques relevant to the
specific type as published in the AFM/FCOM/FCTM, taking
into account applicable operational limitations. Full Flight
Simulator (FFS) scenarios should make use of realistic
crosswind and gust conditions.
EASA SIB No: 2014-20
This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory.
TE.CAP.00117-003 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. 3/3
Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet.
The effects of the implementation of operating procedures and
training programmes should be closely monitored through the
management systems, and training programmes should be
tailored based on the operational data collected.
Competent authorities are encouraged to take the content of this
SIB into consideration during initial certification and continuous
oversight of operators and approved training organisations.
Contact(s): For further information contact the Safety Information Section,
Executive Directorate, EASA. E-mail: ADs@easa.europa.eu.