Pope Francis......................................................................................................... 3
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI................................................................................. 3
Portrait and Biography of Bishop Schlert............................................................ 4
Portraits of Previous Bishops of Allentown....................................................... 6
Population of Diocese..........................................................................................7
Map of Diocese....................................................................................................8
Statistical Information.......................................................................................... 9
Administrative Chart of Accountability............................................................ 10
Oce of the Bishop.............................................................................................11
Vicar for Clergy..................................................................................................16
Secretariat for Administration……………..………...........................................18
Secretariat for Evangelization, Education and Formation.................................22
Secretariat for Catholic Health, Human Services and Youth Protection...........28
Newly Ordained Priests .....................................................................................63
Permanent Deacons............................................................................................85
In Memoriam ...................................................................................................102
Men Preparing for Ordained Ministry............................................................... 109
Index .................................................................................................................145
Order Form.......................................................................................................158
For this directory, some information from previous printed directories has been
moved online:
Biographies of Popes and Previous Bishops
Chronological Order of Parish Foundation
Foreign Language Masses
Schedule of Collections
In addition, the webpage www.AllentownDiocese.org/directory contains
updated listings of priests and deacons, as well as a PDF le of the entire 2022-
2023 Diocesan Directory.
Bishop Alfred A. Schlert was born to Alfred and Marylou Schlert in Easton on July
24, 1961 and was educated at St. Jane Frances de Chantal Elementary School, Easton
and Notre Dame High School, Easton. He prepared for the Priesthood at St. Charles
Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia, the Pontical Roman Seminary, Rome and St. John
Lateran University, Rome. He was ordained a priest at the Cathedral of St. Catharine
of Siena in Allentown on September 19,1987 by the Most Reverend Thomas J. Welsh,
Second Bishop of Allentown.
He served as a Parochial Vicar at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Allentown, as a Profes-
sor at his alma mater, Notre Dame High School, Easton and as the Catholic Chaplain at
Lehigh University, Bethlehem. During his years at Notre Dame High School, he resided
at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Easton and St. Bernard Church, Easton and at Sacred
Heart Church, Bath. He completed graduate studies at the Pontical North American
College, Rome and the Pontical Lateran University, Rome where he received a Licen-
tiate in Canon Law in 1992.
He was named Vice Chancellor and Secretary to Bishop Welsh in 1997 before being
named Vicar General of the Diocese by the Most Reverend Edward P. Cullen, Third
Bishop of Allentown, in 1998. As Vicar General, he oversaw the coordination of all
administrative oces of the Diocese. From 1998 to 2008 he was in residence at the
Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown. While still serving as Vicar General,
he was appointed Pastor of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Church in Hellertown in
July 2008. Upon the Ordination and Installation of the Most Reverend John O. Barres,
Fourth Bishop of Allentown, he was reappointed as the Vicar General of the Diocese
and resumed full-time service as Vicar General in February 2010, with residence at St.
Theresa of the Child Jesus, Hellertown, until his Ordination as the Fifth Bishop of Al-
Pope St. John Paul II named him Chaplain to His Holiness with the title of Monsignor
in 1999. Pope Benedict XVI named him a Prelate of Honor, the second highest rank of
Monsignor, in 2005.
Bishop Schlert served as Vice President of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference and a
member of its Administrative Board. He also served on the Diocesan Council of Priests,
the Diocesan Finance Council and the Diocesan College of Consultors. He was a mem-
ber of the Board of Trustees of DeSales University, Center Valley, Pennsylvania.
He was appointed the Fifth Bishop of Allentown by Pope Francis on June 27, 2017. He
was ordained a Bishop and installed as the Fifth Bishop of Allentown on August 31,
Bishop Schlert currently serves as a Member of the Board of Trustees, St. Charles
Borromeo Seminary, Wynnewood, Member of the Board of Directors, Cross Catholic
Outreach, Member of the Episcopal Advisory Board, Catholic Leadership Institute, and
Member of the United States Conference of Bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and
Interreligious Aairs.
The Diocese of Allentown comprises the ve counties of Lehigh, Berks, Car-
bon, Northampton, and Schuylkill situated in east central Pennsylvania. Catho-
lic population is 215,610. Total population is 1,327,185.
Catholic Total
Berks 68,732 429,342
Carbon 5,100 65,412
Lehigh 54,410 375,539
Northampton 61,044 313,628
Schuylkill 26,315 143,264
“All through the 19th century, vast numbers of Catholics poured into the ve-
county area of this Diocese in a steady ow of immigration from Ireland, Ger-
many, Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean shores. They came seeking a new
livelihood, new freedom, both political and religious. Those faithful Catholic
immigrants were already fused in the solidarity of their Catholic faith and in
the warmth of the charity of Christ which burned in their hearts. Tenaciously,
they have adhered to this sacred legacy through the generations…”
April 11, 1961
Parishes .......................................................................................................................... 80
(See pages 35 and 36 for listing by deanery)
Priests (active and retired) ............................................................................................189
Diocesan ........................................................... 147
Religious ............................................................. 42
Permanent Deacons ..................................................................................................... 132
Sisters .......................................................................................................................... 227
Brothers ......................................................................................................................... 6
Diocesan Seminarians ................................................................................................... 15
In College ..................... 2
In Theology ................. 13
Catholic Elementary Schools ........................................................................................ 29
Parish .................................................................... 15
Regional ................................................................ 11
Special Education Schools ...................................... 3
Total Enrollment (Elementary and Special Education) ............... 6,789
Catholic High Schools ..................................................................................................... 7
Enrollment ......................................................... 2,751
Catholic Universities ....................................................................................................... 2
Enrollment ......................................................... 6,065
Enrollment in Parish Religious Programs ................................................................ 7,114
Baptisms ................................................................................................................... 1,474
Marriages ......................................................................................................................372
Catholic population ............................................................................................. 215,601
Total population ..................................................................................................1,301,308
Most Rev. Alfred A. Schlert, D.D., J.C.L.
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Rev. Keith A. Mathur, M.A., M.Div.
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Mrs. Lisa Holub
Phone: 610-437-0755
Oversees coordination of all administra-
tive oces of the Diocese; assists the
Diocesan Bishop in the exercise of his
executive power by overseeing the gover-
nance of the Diocese. Processes requests
for Papal Blessings, Papal Audience
tickets, coordinates gathering of statistics
from the Spiritual Report.
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, V.G., M.Div.,
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Mrs. Cheryl Dano
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
 
Director: Mr. John Majewski
1515 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
Allentown, PA 18102
Mailing Address: P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2281
Fax: 610-871-5211
Mr. Michael Barski
Mrs. Paula Davis
Mr. Thomas Garrity
Mrs. Maureen Gipprich
Mr. Paul Huck
Mrs. Audra Kahr
Mr. Frederick Kimmock
Rev. John Maria
Mr. Stephen Mickulik
Mr. Scott Moynihan
Mrs. Phong Nguyen
Mr. Joseph O’Gurek
Mr. Robert O’Hara
Deacon Charles Palmeri
Mrs. Susan Teaford
Mrs. Maria Vidal
Mr. Kerry Wrobel
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, V.G., Chair
Mrs. Paula Davis
Mr. Stephen Mickulik
Mr. Joseph O’Gurek
Rev. Eugene P. Ritz
Mr. Kerry Wrobel
Mr. John Majewski
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, V.G., Chair
Rev. Msgr. John G. Chizmar
Mr. Paul J. Acampora
Mr. James J. Cardillo
Mr. Matthew Lloyd
Mr. Anthony Martocci
Mr. Robert Snyder
Mr. John Majewski
Mrs. Cheryl Dano, Secretary
Serves as a resource for the celebration of
the Sacred Liturgy throughout the Diocese
of Allentown. Provides in a general way
for the continuing education of priests,
deacons, and the lay faithful in liturgical
matters. Assists the Bishop in the planning
and preparing of all the liturgical celebra-
tions in the Diocese for which he is the
main celebrant. Fosters liturgical renewal
and develops full, active, and conscious
participation in Divine Worship.
Director: Rev. Keith A. Mathur
4029 W. Tilghman St.
Allentown, PA
Mailing Address: P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-437-0755
Coordinator: Rev. Keith A. Mathur
Rev. Allen J. Hoa
Rev. Mark R. Searles
Rev. Msgr. Victor F. Finelli, V.J., M.Div.,
Th.M., J.C.L.
Diocesan Tribunal
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195-1016
Phone: 610-434-3200
Fax: 610-433-3104
 
Represents the Bishop to Religious of the
Diocese in pastoral and canonical mat-
Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Koons, V.R.,
M.Div., J.C.L.
Diocesan Tribunal
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195-1016
Phone: 610-434-3200
Fax: 610-433-3104
Consults on, implements and maintains
canonical and administrative records of
the Diocese and serves as Ecclesiastical
Grants the various dispensations and per-
missions for marriages, processes inter-
diocesan marriages, grants delegation
and provides the forms for the Pre-Nuptial
Inquiry and Petitions for Marriage Dis-
pensations and Permissions.
Rev. Eugene P. Ritz, M.Div., M.A., J.C.L.
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195
Phone: 610-332-0442
Fax: 610-332-0444
Very Rev. Thomas P. Bortz, V.F., Berks
Rev. Msgr. John G. Chizmar, V.F., Carbon
Rev. Msgr. William F. Glosser, V.F.,
Schuylkill Deanery
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Radocha, V.F.,
Northampton Deanery
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yenushosky, V.F.,
Lehigh Deanery
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, V.G.
Very Rev. Adam C. Sedar
Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. DeSantis
Rev. Andrew N. Gehringer
Rev. Msgr. William F. Glosser
Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Koons
Rev. David J. Loeper
Rev. Brian M. Miller
Rev. Anthony P. Mongiello
Rev. Msgr. John P. Murphy
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Radocha
Vicar General: Rev. Msgr. David L.
Vicar for Clergy:Very Rev. Adam C.
Chancellor: Rev. Eugene P. Ritz
Secretary: Rev. Keith A. Mathur
Berks Deanery: Rev. David J. Loeper
Carbon Deanery: Rev. Ronald J. Minner
Lehigh Deanery: Rev. Msgr. Edward J.
Northampton Deanery: Rev. Keith R.
Schuylkill Deanery: Rev. Robert T.
 
Rev. John A. Hutta
Rev. Stephan A. Isaac
Rev. Bernard J. Ezaki
Rev. John C. Maria
Rev. Speratus Kamanzi, A.J.
Rev. Msgr. James J. Reichert
Rev. Andrew N. Gehringer
Rev. Joseph A. DeSantis
Rev. Msgr. John P. Murphy
Rev. Christopher M. Zelonis
Very Rev. Thomas P. Bortz
Rev. Msgr. John G. Chizmar
Rev. Msgr. William F. Glosser
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Radocha
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yenushosky
4029 W. Tilghman St.
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Most Rev. Alfred A. Schlert
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, V.G.
Mrs. Rose Marie Bukics
Mr. Daniel C. Confalone
Mr. Dennis A. Domchek
Mrs. Kim Viti Fiorentino
Mr. Paul E. Huck
Mrs. Audra J. Kahr
Mr. Joseph F. Leeson, III
Mr. Philip J. Mason
Mr. Dennis C. Morton, Jr.
Mr. Herman L. Rij
Mr. Robert J. Snyder
The Independent Review Board assists the
Bishop in discharging his responsibilities
involving the sexual abuse of minors by
Dr. Eugene M. Decker, Chair
Ms. Debra K. Bennett
Mr. James P. Doolin
Ms. Gwen M. Millets
Mr. Christopher J. Moughan
Rev. Michael E. Mullins
Mr. Richard P. Podguski
Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Koons, J.C.L.
Rev. Donald W. Cieniewicz
Rev. Msgr. John G. Chizmar
Rev. Msgr. Victor F. Finelli
Rev. Andrew N. Gehringer
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yenushosky
Director: Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Chaback,
K.C.H.S., S.T.D., Ph.B.
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395
The Church court principally involved in
trying cases of marital invalidity.
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195-1016
Phone: 610-434-3200
Fax: 610-433-3104
 
Rev. Msgr. Victor F. Finelli, V.J., J.C.L.
Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Koons, J.C.L.
Rev. Eugene P. Ritz, J.C.L.
Judge Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. David J.
Morrison, J.C.D.
Rev. Eugene P. Ritz, J.C.L.
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, J.C.L.
Rev. David J. Kozak, J.C.L.
Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Biszek
Rev. Msgr. John J. Grabish
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, J.C.L.
Rev. Daniel E. Kravatz
Deacon Richard L. Benkovic
Deacon William R. Hassler
Ms. Patricia Dewain
Mrs. Judith Stewart-Miles
Ms. Carol Mayernik
Mrs. Patty Unger
Chief spokesman for the Bishop and the
Diocese. Provides publicity for Secretari-
ats and agencies of the Diocese through
print, electronic and digital media; serves
as liaison for Diocesan Secretariats with
the media. Publishes the Diocesan Of-
cial Catholic Directory.
Director of Communications: Mr. Paul
G. Wirth
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2274
Fax: 610-439-7694
Director of Mission Advancement: Ms.
Jessica D. Edris
Phone: 610-866-0581, Ext. 2315
Fax: 610-439-7694
“The Allentown Diocese in the Year of
Our Lord”
Incorporated as Allentown Catholic
Communications, Inc.
Ocial newspaper of the Diocese cover-
ing news aecting the Catholic commu-
nity on the local Diocesan, national and
international level.
Editor: Mrs. Jill M. Caravan
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2264
Fax: 610-439-7694
 
Acts as the primary contact between the Diocese
and its priests, deacons and seminarians.
Very Rev. Adam C. Sedar
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Mrs. Colleen Kleintop
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Coordinates and oversees the person-
nel needs of the priests and the pastoral
exigencies of the Diocese.
Director: Very Rev. Adam C. Sedar
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Director of Priests Services:
Mrs. Christina Shupe
Phone: 484-456-5038
Fax: 610-694-9990
Most Rev. Alfred A. Schlert
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, V.G.
Very Rev. Adam C. Sedar
Very Rev. Thomas P. Bortz
Rev. Msgr. John G. Chizmar
Rev. Andrew N. Gehringer
Rev. Msgr. William F. Glosser
Rev. Keith A. Mathur
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Radocha
Rev. Mark R. Searles
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yenushosky
Very Rev. Adam C. Sedar, Chairman
Rev. Msgr. John G. Chizmar
Rev. Edward J. Essig
Rev. Msgr. Victor F. Finelli
Rev. Richard W. James
Rev. Patrick H. Lamb
Rev. Jason F. Stokes
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 405
Fax: 610-694-9990
Administrator: Mrs. Christina Shupe
Spiritual Director: Rev. E. Michael Ca-
milli, M.S.C.
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195-1016
Phone: 610-332-0442
Fax: 610-332-0444
Website: www.allentowndeacons.org
Director of Formation: Rev. Eugene P.
Ritz, Ext. 2017
Assistants to the Director: Deacon Joseph
T. Cannon, Deacon Frederick T. Lanciano
 
Rev. Eugene P. Ritz, Chairman
Rev. Robert T. Finlan
Rev. Keith R. Laskowski
Rev. Keith A. Mathur
Rev. Brian M. Miller
Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Orsulak
Deacon Michael W. Doncsecz
Deacon Michael J. Laroche
Deacon Christopher May
Deacon Gerald R. Schmidt
Ex-ocio members
Very Rev. Adam C. Sedar
Deacon Joseph J. Cannon
Deacon Frederick J. Lanciano
Selection and formation of candidates for
the Diocesan Priesthood.
Director: Rev. Mark R. Searles
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Website: www.beapriest.com
Rev. Mark R. Searles, Chairman
Rev. Donald W. Cieniewicz
Rev. Msgr. David L. James, V.G.
Rev. David J. Loeper
Rev. Stanley M. Moczydlowski
Rev. Eugene P. Ritz
Rev. Msgr. Walter T. Scheaer
Very Rev. Adam C. Sedar
Secretary for Administration: Mrs. Kim
Viti Fiorentino
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2205
Fax: 610-871-5211
Responsible for the policies, processes
and administration of Diocese accounting
functions, including accounts receivable,
accounts payable, operating budget, an-
nual audit, and nancial reports for the
diocesan administrative and secretariat
oces and diocesan cemeteries. Also pro-
vides accounting services through service
agreements to Catholic trusts and non-
prot corporations, and pension plans
within the Diocese of Allentown.
Chief Financial Ocer: Mr. Sean Wer-
ner, M.B.A.
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2239
Fax: 610-871-5211
Controller: Mr. Jerey K. Buck
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2102
Fax: 610-871-5211
Accounting Manager, Accounts Receiv-
able and Cash Management: Mrs. Sue E.
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2225
Fax: 610-871-5211
 
Accounts Payable Supervisor: Mrs. Mi-
chelle A. Prudhomme
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2222
Fax: 610-871-5211
Email: mprudhomme@allentowndiocese.
Accounting Specialist, Cemeteries and
General Accounting: Mrs. Melissa A.
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2106
Fax: 610-871-5211
Payroll Administrator: Mrs. Lori Gaugler
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2226
Fax: 610-439-7693
The Stewardship and Development Oce
supports fundraising and donor activities
on behalf of all parishes, schools and min-
istries serving the Diocese of Allentown
including the Because We Are Catholic,
Planned Giving and special campaigns.
Executive Director of Stewardship and
Development: Mr. Paul J. Acampora
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2210
Toll-Free Phone: 1-800-831-4443
Fax: 610-871-5211
Website: www.FaithHopeCharityGives.
 
Director of Parish Stewardship and An-
nual Giving: Mrs. Michele Mullikin
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2282
Major and Planned Gifts OcerMrs.
Ginny Downey
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2244
Database AdministratorMs. Carol
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2284
Donor Relations ManagerMs. Tammy
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2268
Donor Relations ManagerMs. Gia Mac-
Phone: 610-871-5200
Serves all Diocesan locations in provid-
ing information, assistance, and policies
relating to all employees and all aspects
of the employment process – the devel-
opment of job descriptions; employee
recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and train-
ing; performance appraisals and employ-
ee relations; succession planning, payroll,
employee benets, and background check
services. Provides management of Infor-
mation Technology infrastructure and sys-
tems, and support services for Diocesan
and Catholic Charities sta.
1515 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Executive Director: Mr. Michael Doolittle
Phone: 610-871-5200
Fax: 610-439-7693
Director of Employee Relations: Mrs. Jill
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2261
Fax: 610-439-7693
Manager of Employee Benets: Mrs.
Georgeann (Gigi) Seyfert
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2109
Fax: 610-439-7693
Human Resources Coordinator: Ms.
Amy Bober
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2201
Fax: 610-439-7693
East Coast Network Services
Email[email protected]
(preferred contact method)
Phone: 484-758-0788
Standard Support Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 7
p.m. Monday through Friday.
 
Provides information and policies relating
to the operation of diocesan and paro-
chial cemeteries.
Director: Rev. Msgr. William F. Baver,
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2234
Fax: 610-871-5211
Superintendent of Cemeteries: Mr. Brian
Phone: 610-866-2372, Ext. 4
Fax: 610-866-9277
Family Services Representative: Mr.
Timothy Ferguson
Phone: 610-454-8556
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Mary
Phone: 484-215-5822
2575 Linden St.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-3842
Phone: 610-866-2372
Fax: 610-866-9277
547 N. Krocks Rd.
Allentown, PA 18106-9732
Phone: 610-395-3819
Fax: 610-366-3713
Trust assets administered by the Trust
provide perpetual care, maintenance,
improvement, restoration, preserva-
tion, or embellishment of the burial
plots, grounds, and buildings marking
the graves of the faithful departed and
together forming the diocesan cemeteries
as a space sacred to the memories of the
deceased and the promise of the Resur-
Provides oversight over all Diocesan
properties; oversees maintenance of Di-
ocesan facilities, real estate transactions,
and reviews leases and contracts.
Manager: Mr. David Wong
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2259
Fax: 610-871-5211
Mr. Dennis Keglovics
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2277
Fax: 610-871-5211
Provides accounting and administrative
support to Diocesan parishes, schools,
cemeteries and institutions; reviews
budget and nancial reports and provides
auditing and tax services for the Diocese.
Director: Mrs. Leslie Shirock, M.B.A.
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2228
Fax: 610-871-5211
Parish Support and Auditor: Mr. John
(Jack) Torcivia
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2238
Fax: 610-871-5211
 
Manager of School Finance: Ms. Lisa
Phone: 610-871-5200
Fax: 610-871-5211
Business Managers:
Contact: Leslie Shirock
St. Patrick Parish
319 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3012
Phone: 570-622-1802
Mrs. Maria Castillo
St. Margaret Parish
925 Centre Ave.
Reading, PA 19601-2105
Phone: 610-376-2919
Mrs. Karen Feiller
St. John the Baptist Parish
924 N. Front St.
Allentown, PA 18102-1912
Phone: 610-432-0034
Rev. Msgr. William F. Baver, Chairman
Mr. Paul Domalakes
Mr. Francis Hartnett
Phone: 610-439-7696
Fax: 610-439-7697
Website: www.catholicmutual.org
Mrs. Karen J. Messics, A.R.M., Ext. 2267
Mrs. Jessica Farnschlader, Ext. 2271
 
The mission of the Oce of Education is
to lead, serve, and empower communities
of faith that inspire souls and transform
The Superintendent of Catholic Educa-
tion is the chief executive ocer of the
diocesan school system and oversees the
management, supervision, and direction of
all educational programs of the Diocese,
exclusive of those conducted at DeSales
University and Alvernia University.
Superintendent of Catholic Education:
Dr. Philip J. Fromuth, Ph.D.
Phone: 610-866-0581, Ext. 2312
Mr. Tim Haring, Secretary
Rev. Stephan A. Isaac
Rev. Msgr. David L. James
Mr. Joseph Kramer, Jr.
Dr. Kathleen Nevel
Mr. Michael J. O’Connor
Dr. Rudy Ruth
Mr. Mark Scarbinsky
Mrs. Linda Schiller
Mrs. Linda Zerbe
The Assistant Superintendent for
Secondary and Special Education assists
the Superintendent of Catholic Education
in all matters and programs in the
Secretariat for Education. The Assistant
Superintendent has direct oversight of
the High Schools, Special Learning
Centers, and Aquinas Programs including:
providing administrative support to and
supervision of principals and stas;
representing the Oce of Education
on Special Learning Center Boards and
local High School boards/committees;
overseeing and guiding the Directors
of Spiritual Activities and the Theology
Chairpersons Committee, recommending
sta for hire; assisting in the preparation
and monitoring the budgets; providing
direction and oversight of secondary
education curriculum and programs,
providing direction to school governance
boards and performing all delegated tasks
assigned by the Superintendent of Catholic
Assistant Superintendent: Secondary
Schools, Special Learning Centers, and
Phone: 610-866-0581
The Assistant Superintendent of
Curriculum, Professional Development,
and Government Programs assists the
Superintendent of Catholic Education
in all matters and programs pertaining
to the schools of the Diocese such as:
oversight of Diocesan curriculum, setting
up curriculum articulation meetings as
well as meetings with Preschool and
 
Kindergarten teachers; meeting with all
elementary principals; assisting in the
development of curriculum and sponsoring
curriculum workshops; coordinating the
Education Convention; administering
the Diocesan testing program.
Also, conducting the Administrators
Development Program; visiting the
elementary schools and classrooms to
monitor the programs; coordinating the
Middle States evaluation program; acting
as a liaison ocer of the Superintendent
of Catholic Education with elementary
principals, teachers, pastors, and religious
communities; and encourages principals
and teachers to use contemporary
teaching techniques and instructional
technology in the school curriculum.
Also conducts professional development
workshops for new teachers; meets with
all principals; supervises the Diocesan
Teacher Induction program; assists
principals in developing professional
development plans and programming.
The Assistant Superintendent of
Curriculum, Professional Development,
and Government Programs assists
the Superintendent in all matters and
programs pertaining to the Diocesan
schools such as: coordinating and
monitoring federally-funded and state-
funded programs and performing
all delegated tasks assigned by the
Superintendent of Catholic Education.
Assistant Superintendent: Curriculum,
Instruction, and Government Programs:
Dr. Emily Kleintop, Ed.D.
Phone: 610-866-0581, Ext. 2326
Director of Marketing and School En-
rollment: Dr. Sarah Kerins, Ed.D.
Phone: 610-866-0581
Mrs. Magdalene Riggins
Phone: 610-289-8900, Ext. 2022
Fax: 610-867-8702
The executive director assists the Su-
perintendent in matters and programs
pertaining to religious education in the
elementary schools such as: aiding in the
development of religion curriculum and
acting as a liaison of the Superintendent
with pastors, principals, teachers, and
parents in matters pertaining to religious
The executive director assists the Superin-
tendent in matters and programs pertain-
ing to religious education in parishes such
as: conducting the Religious Education
Certicate Program for catechists; visit-
ing parishes to review religion programs;
assisting in the development of religion
Assists parishes to meet the adult faith
formation needs of their communities;
collaborates with other oces of the Sec-
retariat and serves as a resource to other
Diocesan oces; administers the Institute
for Catechesis and Formation.
Executive Director: Mrs. Magdalene
Phone: 610-866-0581, Ext. 2022
Fax: 610-867-8702
Provides marriage preparation programs,
enrichment programs for married couples,
and Wedding Anniversary Mass celebra-
tion. Provides information and resources
 
on Natural Family Planning as well as for
the separated, divorced, and widowed.
Director: Mrs Kristin Osenbach
Phone: 610-289-8900, Ext. 2035
Fax: 610-867-8702
Assistant Coordinator/CYO: Mr. Daniel
Phone: 610-289-8900, Ext. 2030
Priest Director: Rev. Guency Isaac
Phone: 610-253-3553
Commissioner: Mr. Anthony Ephault
Phone: 570-335-2453
Priest Director: Rev. Abraham Ha
Phone: 610-432-9384
Commissioner: Mr. John O’Connell, Jr.
Phone: 610-509-0355
Priest Director: Rev. David J. Loeper
Phone: 610-856-1006
Commissioner: Mr. David Jones
Phone: 610-334-5624
Priest Director: Rev. Kevin J. Bobbin
Phone: 570-622-5470
Commissioner: Mr. Gino Youry
Phone: 570-527-2156
Priest Director: Rev. Christopher M.
Phone: 610-377-3690
Commissioner: Mr. Phil Liszka
Phone: 610-377-3690
Director of Catholic Scouting: Rev. Eric
N. Tolentino
Phone: 570-889-3850
Diocesan Lay Chairman: Mr. Fred Flem-
Website: www.adccos.org
Assists parishes in their ministry to young
people by fostering personal and spiritual
growth; coordinates various programs
in a Diocesan region to strengthen the
spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social
qualities of families and young people.
Provides pastoral care for students, fac-
ulty, administration and sta of secular
and private universities and colleges.
Director: Mr. Robert Johnson
Phone: 610-866-0581, Ext. 2026
Stephanie Gonzalez
Senior Campus Minister in Residence
400 St. Bernardine St.
Reading, PA 19607
Phone: 610-796-1961
Fax: 610-796-8324
Jamie Caporizo
Senior Director for Mission and Ministry
400 St. Bernardine St.
Reading, PA 19607
Phone: 610-796-5512
Fax: 610-796-8324
 
Rev. Daniel T. Lannen, O.S.F.S.
Oce of Campus Ministry
2755 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034-9568
Phone: 610-282-1100, Ext. 1313
Fax: 610-282-1772
Rev. John C. Maria
St. Christopher Catholic Newman Center
P.O. Box 632
Kutztown, PA 19530-9281
Phone: 610-683-8467
Website: www.saintchristopher-ku.org
Rev. Daniel E. Kravatz
Rev. Mark R. Searles
: Fr[email protected]
Pastoral Assistance: Mr. Ronald Koach
Newman Center at Lehigh University
417 Carlton Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1583
Phone: 610-758-4148
Fax: 610-867-6839
Rev. John A. Frink
Newman Center
2339 Liberty St.
Allentown, PA 18104
Phone: 484-664-3122
Fax: 484-664-3123
Coordinates activities and programs with-
in the Diocese and assists the parishes in
implementing Pro-Life activities includ-
ing educational, pastoral, public policy
programs, and prayer and worship. Acting
as a catalyst, the oce promotes the so-
cial mission of the Church. It encourages
individuals and parishes to formulate a
Gospel response to the social issues of the
day. The Oce of Pro-Life Activities and
Social Concerns educates advocates and
challenges people to put faith into action
Director: Mrs. Magdalene Riggins
Phone: 610-866-0581, Ext. 2022
Fax: 610-867-8702
Kristin Osenbach
610-866-0581, Ext. 2035
Mrs. Magdalene Riggins
Mr. Robert Johnson, Liaison, 610-289-
8900, Ext. 2026, rjohnson@allentowndio-
On Facebook, Search: Diocese of Allen-
town Young Adult Ministry.
Maintains and cultivates understanding,
respect and cooperation between the Dio-
cese and other Christian and non-Christian
communities in the Diocesan area through
education, dialogue, and common witness.
Director: Rev. Dr. John A. Krivak
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Rectory
1408 Easton Rd.
Hellertown, PA 18055-1127
Phone: 610-838-7045
 
Spiritual Director: Rev. Martin F. Kern
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Center
3219 Santee Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-2833
Phone: 610-867-8409
Fax: 610-867-4870
Lay Director: Mr. Woody Siciliano
Phone: 610-253-0814
Diocesan Director: Rev. Msgr. John P.
Administrative Assistant for the Propa-
gation of the Faith and St. Peter the
Apostle Fund: Mr. Edward L. Liszka
Missionary Childhood Association
(MCA) Education Director: Mrs. Holly
St. Thomas More
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308/610-433-1927
Courage is an international apostolate of
the Catholic Church that ministers to per-
sons with same-sex attractions. EnCour-
age ministers to the spouses, family, and
friends of those struggling with same-sex
Director: Rev. Bernard J. Ezaki
Assistant Director: Deacon Christopher
Phone: 610-573-7150
Website: www.couragerc.org
Serves as a liaison and catalyst for the
Hispanic community by ministering,
assessing, and responding in various
pastoral dimensions in the community’s
native language. Provides leadership
formation; promotes the full integration
of the Hispanic community into the life
and mission of the Church by assisting
parishes directly in its Diocesan mis-
sion to serve Hispanic Catholics within
its boundaries by means of a Pastoral de
Conjunto (Communion in Mission); col-
laborates with Diocesan Secretariats in
jointly sponsored pastoral outreach.
1425 Mountain Drive North
Bethlehem, PA 18015-4722
Bishop’s Delegate to the Hispanic
Community: Ana C. Hidalgo, Th.M.
Phone: 610-866-0581, Ext. 2034
Fax: 610-289-7917
Regional Priest Coordinators of
Hispanic Ministry:
Lehigh, Northampton Deaneries:
Rev. Andrew N. Gehringer
Phone: 610-866-1121
Berks, Carbon, Schuylkill Deaneries:
Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Orsulak
Phone: 610-372-9652
Spiritual Director: Rev. Angel L. García-
Phone: 610-376-2919
Email: agarciaalmodovar@allentown
 
Spiritual Director: Rev. Rev. Angel L.
Phone: 610-376-2919
Email: agarciaalmodovar@allentown
Spiritual Director: Rev. David J. Kozak
Phone: 610-867-5122
Spiritual Director: Deacon Isidro
Phone: 610-216-6657
Email: igonzalez-rivera@allentown
Spiritual Director: Rev. John Hutta
Spiritual Director: Rev. George R. Winne
Phone: 610-434-5171
Spiritual Director: Deacon Saul
Phone: 610-248-1841
 
Oversees and coordinates responsibilities for all aspects of abuse prevention and child
safety and for all institutions, agencies and program activities in the Diocese which
provide human services.
Secretary: Ms. Pamela J. Russo, L.S.W.,
M.S.W., M.S.
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2204
The Victim Assistance Coordinator
coordinates assistance for the immediate
pastoral care of persons who report that
they were sexually abused when they were
minors by priests or deacons.
Ms. Wendy S. Krisak-Kalamar, M.A.,
N.C.C., L.P.C.
1515 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr., P.O.
Box F
Allentown, PA 18105
Direct Phone: 1-800-791-9209
Fax: 610-439-7693
Ms. Pamela J. Russo, L.S.W., M.S.W.,
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2204
Fax: 610-871-5211
Background Check/Audit/Training Su-
pervisor: Mrs. Janice Woolley
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2258
Fax: 610-871-5211
Database Coordinator: Mrs. Patricia
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2215
Fax: 610-871-5211
Ministry with Persons with Disabilities,
Diocese of Allentown, is committed to
facilitate the implementation of the Pas-
toral Statement of U.S. Catholic Bishops
on People with Disabilities which calls
for “realizing the unique gifts individuals
with disabilities have to oer the Church”
and Society and to advocate for the inclu-
sion of persons with disabilities in the full
participation of the liturgical and sacra-
mental life of the Church.
Contact: Ms. Pamela J. Russo
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2204
A multi-purpose social service agency that
provides compassionate human services to
families, children, and adults with respect
for the sanctity and dignity of all human
Administrative Oce*
900 S. Woodward St.
Allentown, PA 18103-4179
Phone: 610-435-1541
Fax: 484-664-7794
Website: www.CatholicCharitiesAD.org
 
Executive Director: Mr. Robert Nicolella
Advancement Director: Julie Scheck
Phone: 610-45-1541, Ext. 342
Fax: 484-664-7794
*Eective Nov. 1, 2022, Catholic Chari-
ties’ Administrative Oce and Lehigh/
Northampton County Oce are moving to
402 W. Chew Street, Allentown, PA 18102.
All oces provide community support;
veterans’ services; counseling; immigra-
tion services; pregnancy and parenting
support services; adoption assistance;
services to older adults; and volunteer
Berks County
234 Grace St.
Reading, PA 19611-1946
Phone: 610-376-7144
Fax: 610-376-7145
Lehigh-Northampton County
900 S. Woodward St.
Allentown, PA 18103-4179
Phone: 610-435-1541
Fax: 610-435-4367
Schuylkill-Carbon County
319 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-1800
Phone: 570-628-0466
Fax: 570-628-3343
(All Oces)
Individual, family, and marriage coun-
seling and therapy are available at the
county oces in Allentown, Pottsville,
and Reading. Contact the county oces
of Catholic Charities to schedule an ap-
Program Director: Mrs. Teri Dakuginow,
M.S.W., L.S.W.
Email: tdakuginow@allentowndiocese.
(All Oces)
Case management services advocate on
behalf of those in need and connect them
to community resources, all while helping
individuals and families overcome dif-
cult circumstances. All services are pro-
vided free of charge and include: Services
to Older Adults, Veterans, Pregnancy
and Parenting Support Services, Disaster
Relief, Housing and Utility Assistance and
emergency food when available. Contact
the county oces of Catholic Charities to
schedule an appointment.
Programs Director: Mrs. Teri Dakugi-
now, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Email: tdakuginow@allentowndiocese.
Project Rachel links anyone suering
abortion’s aftermath with trained priests
and/or counselors to support reconcilia-
tion and healing. Rachel’s Vineyard post-
abortion healing retreat weekends are
Program Director: Mrs. Carol Swavely
Hotline: 1-866-3RACHEL (1-866-372-
2435) or 610-435-1541, Ext. 373
Email: projectrachel@allentowndiocese.
Fax: 610-289-7917
 
(All Oces)
Services provided to those adopted
through Catholic Charities, Diocese of
Allentown. Services are available to adult
adoptees as well as birthparents. Rea-
sonable fees are assessed. Contact Teri
Dakuginow for further information.
Programs Director: Mrs. Teri Dakugi-
now, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Email: tdakuginow@allentowndiocese.
(All Oces)
Assists with legalization of status, family
reunication and citizenship.
Immigration Supervisor: Mrs. Jennifer
Provides outreach, volunteer opportuni-
ties, collaboration with the community
and parishes to implement the social mis-
sion of the Church.
Program Administrator: Mr. Robert
Olney, M.A.
Phone: 610-435-1541, Ext. 327
Meals are served 12:30-1:30 p.m. every
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
179 Chew St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3008
Phone: 610-435-1541
Coordinator: Ms. Edith Burga
Chew Street Community Center
Oers a variety of classes and events for
adults and children while oering a safe
space to gather and engage.
Coordinator: Ms. Edith Burga
Meals are served Monday-Thursday at 6
p.m. and Saturday-Sunday at Noon
504 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3017
Phone: 570-617-2957
Coordinator: Ms. Terry Alexander
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Phone: 610-865-5595
Fax: 610-997-8454
CEO: Mr. Joseph Shadid, M.S.N.,
M.B.A., N.H.A.
Phone: 610-865-5595, Ext. 436
208-bed skilled nursing home.
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4998
Phone: 610-865-5595
Fax: 610-997-8454
CEO/Administrator: Mr. Joseph Shadid,
M.S.N., M.B.A., N.H.A.
Chaplain: Rev. Kevin M. Gualano
Website: www.holyfamilysl.org
Management Agent for 8 Catholic Hous-
ing Corporations, 280 Independent Living
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4937
Phone: 610-349-4382
Fax: 610-865-0959
Director: Mr. Randal Wadsworth
Website: www.holyfamilysl.org
 
(50 apart-
330-338 13th Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4742
Phone: 610-866-4603
Fax: 610-866-1622
Manager: Ms. Ximena Borja
(50 apartments)
2405 Hillside Ave.
Easton, PA 18042-5980
Phone: 610-258-2033
Fax: 610-258-6541
Manager: Ms. Ximena Borja
(17 apart-
30 E. Bertsch St.
Lansford, PA 18218-2036
Phone: 570-805-4640
Fax: 570-805-4641
Manager: Ms. Diana Hess
(11 apart-
100 Valley St.
New Philadelphia, PA 17959-1244
Phone: 570-429-0699
Fax: 570-429-2368
Manager: Ms. Diana Hess
2000 Perkiomen Ave.
Reading, PA 19606-1886
Phone: 610-743-5374
Manager: Michele Campbell
(45 units)
22 Rothermel St.
Laureldale, PA 19605-2681
Phone: 610-921-3115
Fax: 610-921-8576
Manager: Michele Campbell
(48 apart-
777 Water St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-1152
Phone: 570-628-4504
Fax: 570-628-4712
Manager: Ms. Diana Hess
(24 apartments)
25 N. Nichols St.
Saint Clair, PA 17970-1000
Phone: 570-429-0699
Fax: 570-429-2368
Manager: Ms. Diana Hess
 
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4940
Personal care home for 28
Phone: 610-865-5595, Ext. 452
Fax: 610-997-8444
Administrator: Nora Alba, P.C.A.
Website: www.holyfamilysl.org
Mr. John Morahan, Chairperson
Rev. Raymond Hittinger, Vice Chairper-
Ms. Pamela Russo, Secretary
Mrs. Evelyn Carfagno
Mrs. Barbara Con
Rev. Msgr. Edward Coyle
Dr. Amy DePuy
Rev. Allen Hoa
Mr. John Lynch
Dr. Carmine Pellosie
Ms. Judy Stanczak
Deals with ethical concerns in Catholic
Human Services.
Director: Rev. Dr. John A. Krivak
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
1408 Easton Rd.
Hellertown, PA 18055-1127
Phone: 610-838-7045
Fax: 610-838-0932
Berks Deanery
Bally, Most Blessed Sacrament
Boyertown, St. Columbkill
Douglassville, Immaculate Conception
Hamburg, St. Mary
Kutztown, St. Mary
Mohnton, St. Benedict
Reading, Holy Guardian Angels
Reading, Holy Rosary
Reading, St. Catharine of Siena
Reading, St. Joseph
Reading, St. Margaret
Reading, St. Paul
Reading, St. Peter the Apostle
Robesonia, St. Francis de Sales
Shillington, St. John Baptist de la Salle
Sinking Spring, St. Ignatius Loyola
West Reading, Sacred Heart
Carbon Deanery
Jim Thorpe, Immaculate Conception
Lake Harmony, St. Peter the Fisherman
Lehighton, SS. Peter and Paul
Palmerton, Sacred Heart
Summit Hill, St. Joseph
Lehigh Deanery
Allentown, Cathedral of St. Catharine of
Allentown, Immaculate Conception
Allentown, Our Lady Help of Christians
Allentown, Sacred Heart of Jesus
Allentown, St. Francis of Assisi
Allentown, St. John the Baptist
Allentown, St. Paul
Allentown, St. Stephen of Hungary
Allentown, St. Thomas More
Catasauqua, Annunciation B.V.M.
Catasauqua, St. John Fisher
Coopersburg, St. Joseph
Coplay, St. Peter
Emmaus, St. Ann
Northampton, Assumption B.V.M.
Northampton, Queenship of Mary
Oreeld, St. Joseph the Worker
Slatington, Assumption B.V.M.
Whitehall, Holy Trinity
Whitehall, St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Whitehall, St. John the Baptist
Northampton Deanery
Bangor, Our Lady of Good Counsel
Bath, Sacred Heart of Jesus
Bethlehem, Assumption B.V.M.
Bethlehem, Holy Ghost
Bethlehem, Holy Infancy
Bethlehem, Incarnation of Our Lord
Bethlehem, Notre Dame of Bethlehem
Bethlehem, Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Bethlehem, Sacred Heart
Bethlehem, St. Anne
Bethlehem, SS. Simon and Jude
Easton, Our Lady of Mercy
Easton, St. Anthony of Padua
Easton, St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Fountain Hill, St. Ursula
Hellertown, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
Martins Creek, St. Rocco
Nazareth, Holy Family
Pen Argyl, St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Roseto, Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Walnutport, St. Nicholas
 
Schuylkill Deanery
Ashland, St. Charles Borromeo
Barnesville, St. Richard
Frackville, St. Joseph the Worker
Mahanoy City, St. Teresa of Calcutta
McAdoo, All Saints
Minersville, Holy Family
New Philadelphia, Holy Cross
Pottsville, St. John the Baptist
Pottsville, St. Patrick
Ringtown, St. Mary
Saint Clair, St. Clare of Assisi
Schuylkill Haven, St. Ambrose
Shenandoah, Divine Mercy
Sheppton, St. Joseph
Tamaqua, St. John XXIII
Tremont, Most Blessed Trinity
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Harold F. Dagle
Permanent Deacon: Richard L. Benkovic
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun-
day 9:15 a.m.
Holy Days: 8 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Elizabeth Regional School, Whitehall.
Hanover Ave. and Jasper St.
Rectory: 444 N. Jasper St. (18109-2666)
Phone: 610-432-9384
Fax: 610-782-9297
Website: www.olhcparish.net
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. William F. Baver
Permanent Deacons: Reuben H. Hartzell,
Jr.; Jerey R. Trexler
Weekend Mass: Sunday 11 a.m.
Holy Days: 9 a.m.
Confessions: By appointment
Fourth and Pine Sts.
Rectory: 336 N. Fourth St. (18102-3008)
Phone: 610-434-5171
Fax: 610-434-2441
Website: www.sacredheartofallentown.
Pastor: Rev. John M. Gibbons
Assistant: Rev. George R. Winne
Permanent Deacons: Julián A. Corchado,
Saul Hernandez, Ramon Rodriguez, C.
Miguel Vargas
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Maria Vargas
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:30 p.m.
(Bilingual); Sunday 8 a.m. (Spanish), 10
a.m., Noon (Spanish)
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m. (Spanish); 12:05
18th and Turner Sts.
Rectory: 1825 W. Turner St. (18104-
Phone: 610-433-6461
Fax: 610-433-5452
Website: www.cathedral-church.org
Pastor: Rev. Donald W. Cieniewicz
Assistants: Rev. Stephan A. Isaac; Rev.
Herman Pongantung, M.S.C.
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Francis P.
Permanent Deacons: Ricardo Ceballos,
William R. Hassler, Joseph Zubrovich
Director of Religious Education: Ms.
Donna Sciacca
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:15 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 10, 11:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-4 p.m., 15
minutes before each daily Mass
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. John Vianney Regional School, Al-
Liberty St. and Ridge Ave.
Declared National Shrine of Our Lady of
Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas 1974.
Rectory: 501 Ridge Ave. (18102-5198)
Phone: 610-433-4404
Fax: 610-433-8401
Website: www.immaculateconceptional-
Pastor: Rev. John M. Gibbons
Assistant: Rev. George R. Winne
 
indicates accessible parking and at least one
accessible entrance to the church
indicates FM wireless sound system provided for
people who are hearing impaired
hour before Mass, or by appointment
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Elizabeth Regional School, Whitehall.
Second and Susquehanna Sts.
Rectory: 920 S. Second St. (18103-3402)
Phone: 610-797-9733
Fax: 610-797-9537
Website: www.stpaulrc.com
Pastor: Rev. Michael E. Mullins
In Residence: Rev. Msgr. Robert J.
Permanent Deacons: Jose DeCastro,
Gary J. Granato, Roberto Reyes, Angelino
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Raysa Rodriguez, 610-333-6138, raysa.
Business Manager: Thomas Swierzews-
ki, 610-797-9733, Ext. 12, StPaul9202@
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.
(English), 7 p.m. (Spanish); Sunday 8
a.m. (English), 9:30 a.m. (Spanish), 11
a.m. (Bilingual), 1 p.m. (Spanish)
Holy Days: Vigil 5:30 p.m. (English),
7 p.m. (Spanish); 8:30 a.m. (English), 7
p.m. (Spanish)
Confessions: Tuesday 5-5:30 p.m., Thurs-
day 7-8 p.m., Saturday 3-4:30 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. John Vianney Regional School, Al-
510 W. Union St.
Rectory: 510 W. Union St. (18101-2307)
Phone: 610-439-0111
Website: www.lehighvalleylatinmass.org
Confessions: Saturday 4-5 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. John Vianney Regional School, Al-
1046 W. Cedar St.
Mailing Address: 1046 W. Cedar St., Al-
lentown, PA (18102-1304)
Phone: 610-433-6102
Fax: 610-434-6972
Email: parishoce@stfrancisallentown.
Website: www.stfrancisallentown.org
Pastor: Rev. Richard C. Brensinger
In Residence: Rev. Kevin M. Gualano
Permanent Deacons: Robert P. Young,
Ricardo Reyes
Coordinator of Religious Education:
Mrs. Bertha Ocasio, 610-435-0364
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 8:30, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 8 a.m., 12:15
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-4 p.m., or by
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. John Vianney Regional School, Al-
924 N. Front St.
Rectory: 924 N. Front St. (18102-1912)
Phone: 610-432-0034
Fax: 610-432-2776
Pastor: Rev. Speratus Kamanzi, A.J.
Pastors Emeriti: Rev. Msgr. Robert F.
Kozel, Rev. Dominik P. Kalata
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun
day 9 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; Noon
Daily Masses: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.
Confessions: Monday-Friday 7:30-8 a.m.,
Saturday 3:15-3:45 p.m., Holy Days half
 
(Schuylkill County)
1104 Walnut St.
(St. Charles Borromeo is the repository
for records of St. Joseph and St. Mauri-
tius, Ashland; St. Joseph and St. Vincent
de Paul, Girardville; and Our Lady of
Good Counsel, Gordon)
Mailing Address: 1115 Walnut St.
Phone: 570-875-1521
Fax: 570-875-2635
Website: www.stcharlesashland.com
Parochial Administrator: Rev. Giuseppe
C. Esposito
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m. (Ash-
land); Sunday 9:30 a.m. (Ashland)
Daily Masses: Celebrated in St. Anne’s
Chapel (lower level St. Charles Borromeo
Church) Tuesday, Friday 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 3:30-3:55 p.m. in
Ashland, Sunday 8-8:25 a.m. in Ashland
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Worship Site for St. Charles Borromeo
260 N. Second St., Girardville
(Berks County)
610 Pine St.
Rectory: 610 Pine St.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box C (19503-
Phone: 610-845-2460
Email: info@mbsbally.org
Website: www.mbsbally.org
Pastor: Rev. Richard W. James
Director of Religious Education: Carolyn
Pastor: Rev. Gregory Pendergraft, F.S.S.P.
Assistant: Rev. David Lopez, F.S.S.P.
Weekend Masses: Sunday 7, 8:30, 10:30
Holy Days: 12:10, 7 p.m.
Weekday Masses: 8 a.m.
Confessions: Sunday 9:15-10:05 a.m.,
Monday-Saturday 7:25-7:55 a.m.
1040 Flexer Ave.
Parish Center/Rectory: 1040 Flexer Ave.
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
Website: www.stmchurchallentown.org
Pastor: Rev. John S. Pendzick
Assistants: Rev. Jojappa Adagatla,
M.S.C.; Rev. Brendon M. Laroche
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. John P.
In Residence: Rev. Msgr. Francis P.
Permanent Deacons: James R. Dun-
can, Christopher C. Kinsella, Thomas F.
Shubella, James Toolan
Director of Religious Education: Mr.
Kevin Damitz, 610-437-3491; fax 610-
Safe Environment Coordinator and Par-
ish Ministry: Mr. Jared Rabold, 610-439-
Parish Nurse: Julie Testen, 610-433-7413
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m., Noon
Holy Days: Vigil 5:30 p.m.; 7 a.m., 9
a.m., 5:30 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4-5 p.m., Wednes-
day 7-8 p.m., Sunday 8:30-9 a.m., 10-
10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-Noon
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, St. Thomas More School,
The Catholic Directory Parishes
Holy Days: Consult bulletin or rectory
Confessions: Saturday 6 p.m., Sunday
10:30 a.m., or by appointment
799 Barnesville Dr.
Rectory: 799 Barnesville Dr. (18214-
Phone: 570-467-2315
Fax: 570-467-2462
Website: www.strichard.org
Pastor: Rev. Robert T. Finlan
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Joseph T. Whalen
Permanent Deacon: Edward J. Girard
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:30 p.m.,
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Thursday 8 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4:45-5:15 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Jerome Regional School, Tamaqua.
117 Washington St.
Rectory: 210 E. Northampton St. (18014-
Phone: 610-837-7874
Fax: 610-837-4570
Website: www.sacredheartbath.org
Pastor: Rev. Christopher S. Butera
Permanent Deacons: Lewis T. Ferris,
Edward J. Saukulak
Director of Religious Education: Mr.
Tom Weber, 610-837-7841
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 7, 9, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 8 a.m., 4:30 p.m.
 
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 6, 7:30, 10:15 a.m.
Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednes-
day, Friday, 8 a.m.; First Saturday of the
month 8 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult website
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-4 p.m.
436 S. Second St.
Rectory: 436 S. Second St. (18013-2514)
Phone: 610-588-5445
Fax: 610-599-6997
Website: www.ourladystvincent.com
Pastor: Rev. Simione Volavola, M.S.C.
Assistant: Rev. Remy Coly, M.S.C.
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Stephen L. Maco
Permanent Deacon: Ronald R. Pasquino
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun-
day 8:45 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin or rectory
Confessions: Tuesday 8:45 a.m., Saturday
3:15 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m., or by appoint-
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Immaculate Conception School, Pen
720 Delaware Ave.
Portland, PA 18351
Attended from Our Lady of Good Coun-
sel, Bangor
Phone: 610-588-5445
Fax: 610-599-6997
Weekend Masses: Saturday 6:30 p.m.,
Sunday 11 a.m.
day 10 a.m.
Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.
Adoration: Friday 8:30 a.m.-Noon
Holy Days: Consult rectory oce
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Fourth and Taylor Sts.
(Northampton County)
Rectory: 312 E. Fourth St. (18015-1706)
Phone: 610-866-1121
Fax: 610-866-7094
Email: holyinfancybethlehem@gmail.
Website: www.holyinfancychurch.com
Pastor: Rev. Andrew N. Gehringer
In Residence: Rev. Keith A. Mathur, Rev.
Mark R. Searles
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Robert J.
Permanent Deacons: Arcadio León, José
A. Ocampo, Isidro González
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Gabriela Colak, 610-866-1121, Ext. 5
Weekend Masses: English: Sunday 7
a.m., Noon
Portuguese: Sunday 8:15 a.m.
Spanish: Sunday 10 a.m.
Holy Days: 7:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m. (Eng-
lish), 7 p.m. (Spanish/Portuguese)
Daily Masses: Monday, Thursday 7:30
a.m. (English); Wednesday, Friday 12:15
p.m. (English); Tuesday 7 p.m. (Spanish)
: 30 minutes before daily
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, Holy Infancy School,
Confessions: Saturday 3:45-4:30 p.m.,
Thursday 7-8 p.m. during Eucharistic
Adoration (Adoration 6-9 p.m.), Monday-
Friday 7:30-7:50 a.m.
4101 Old Bethlehem Pike
(Lehigh County)
Rectory: 4101 Old Bethlehem Pike
(18015- 9097)
Phone: 610-867-7424
Fax: 610-867-8301
Website: www.assumptionbethlehem.com
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Nevin J. Klinger
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Robert J.
Permanent Deacons: Donald W. Elliott,
Stewart T. Herman, Maurice E. Kelly
Director of Religious Education for
Youth: Christina B. Durback, 610-814-
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 10, 11:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 6:30 p.m.; 9 a.m., 6:30
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Michael the Archangel School, Coo-
417 Carlton Ave.
(Northampton County)
Rectory and Mailing Address: 417 Carl-
ton Ave. (18015-1535)
Phone: 610-867-9382
Fax: 610-867-6839
Website: holyghost-church.org
Pastor: Rev. David J. Kozak
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun-
 
Thomas and Buchanan Sts.
(Northampton County)
Rectory and Mailing Address: 617 Pierce
St. (18015-3498)
Phone: 610-866-3391
Fax: 610-866-6490
Website: www.incarnationofourlord.com
Pastor: Rev. Andrew N. Gehringer
Permanent Deacon: José A. Ocampo
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:15 p.m.;
Sunday 11 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Days: Consult rectory oce
Confessions: Saturday 3-4 p.m., Sunday
after 11 a.m. Mass
Catasauqua and Kelchner Rds.
(Lehigh County)
Rectory: 1861 Catasauqua Rd. (18018-
Phone: 610-866-4371
Fax: 610-866-9065
Website: ndbethlehemchurch.org
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Thomas D. Baddick
In Residence: Rev. Bernard J. Ezaki
Hospital/Nursing Homes: Rev. Venantius
T. Karobo, A.J.
Permanent Deacons: Richard T. Sewald,
Jr.; William F. Urbine
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Stephanie Freeh, 610-866-1418
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m., Noon
Holy Days: Vigil 5 p.m.; 6:30, 8:45 a.m.,
12:05, 7 p.m., consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4:15 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, Notre Dame of Bethlehem
School, Bethlehem.
 
Bethlehem Township
(Northampton County)
Parish Center: 3219 Santee Rd. (18020-
Phone: 610-867-8409
Fax: 610-867-4870
Website: www.my-olph.org
Pastor: Rev. Martin F. Kern
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Edward R.
In Residence: Rev. Msgr. Edward R.
Permanent Deacons: George C. Kelly,
Jr.; Leonard J. Mackesy, Ralph K. Sul-
livan; Donald Dupont (retired)
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 4 p.m.; 6:45, 8:45 a.m.,
Noon, 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m., Pen-
ance Services held during Advent and
Lent, or by appointment
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, Our Lady of Perpetual
Help School, Bethlehem.
First St. and Freemansburg Hwy.
(Northampton County)
Rectory: 1817 1st St. (18020-5603)
Phone: 610-865-5042
Email: parishoce@sacredheartbethle-
Website: www.sacredheartbethlehem.com
Pastor: Rev. Frans J. Berkhout
Permanent Deacons: Hugh M. Carlin,
M.D.; Joseph B. Juhasz
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 10 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin or website
Confessions: Saturday 4:15-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 610-367-2371
Fax: 610-369-0242
Website: www.stcolumbkill.org
Pastor: Rev. Richard Clement
Permanent Deacons: James A. Kochu,
Joseph Petrauskas
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Denise Stull, 610-367-2371
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8 and 10 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 6:30, 9 a.m., 7
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m., or by
Second and Union Sts.
(Lehigh County)
Rectory: 122 Union St. (18032-1923)
Phone: 610-264-0332
Fax: 610-264-5271
Website: http://www.annunciationbvm.
Pastor: Rev. Eric N. Tolentino
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Sharon Hontz, 610-264-9383
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 8 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30-3:50 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Elizabeth Regional School, Whitehall.
Easton and Washington Aves.
(Northampton County)
Rectory: 450 E. Washington Ave. (18017-
Phone: 610-867-5039
Fax: 610-882-4094
Website: www.stannechurchbethlehem.
Pastor: Rev. Anthony P. Mongiello
In Residence: Rev. Daniel E. Kravatz,
Rev. Jerome A. Tauber
Permanent Deacons: Stephen T. Gorbos,
Richard G. Scrak, Jr.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 10 a.m., Noon
Holy Days: Vigil 5:30 p.m.; 7, 8:45 a.m.,
7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-4 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, St. Anne School, Bethle-
Seventh Ave. and W. Broad St.
(Lehigh and Northampton Counties)
Rectory: 730 W. Broad St. (18018-5295)
Phone: 610-866-5582
Fax: 610-866-2992
Website: www.simonandjudepa.org
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. William F. Baver
Permanent Deacons: Reuben H. Hartzell,
Jr.; Jerey R. Trexler
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 9 a.m., 2 p.m. (Vietnamese)
Holy Days: Vigil 6 p.m.; 12:05 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m.
00 Indian Spring Rd.
Rectory: 130 Indian Spring Rd.
Mailing Address: 200 Indian Spring Rd.
 
 
1229 Third St.
(Northampton County)
Mailing Address: 1229 Third St. (18032-
Phone: 610-264-1972
Fax: 610-264-2105
Website: stjohnsherparish.com
Parochial Administrator: Rev. Eric J.
Permanent Deacon: John (Jack) C.
Coordinator of Religious Education: c/o
Queenship of Mary Parish, Northampton
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 8:30, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 6 p.m.; 8 a.m., 12:05
School: See Catholic Education Sec-
tion, Regional Catholic Elementary
Schools, Good Shepherd Catholic School,
5050 St. Joseph’s Rd.
Rectory and Mailing Address: 5050 St.
Joseph’s Rd. (18036-8920)
Phone: 610-965-2877
Fax: 610-965-8317
Website: www.stjoescoopersburg.org
Pastor: Rev. Thomas R. Buckley
Permanent Deacon: Conrad Paulus
Director of Religious Education: Rev.
Thomas R. Buckley
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:15 p.m.;
Sunday 9, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 9 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4:30-5 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Michael the Archangel School,
Fifth and Coplay Sts.
Rectory: 4 S. Fifth St. (18037-1319)
Phone: 610-262-2417
Fax: 610-262-2652
Email: info@stpetersrccoplay.com
Website: https://www.stpeterchurchco-
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. David L. James, V.G.
Pastors Emeriti: Rev. Msgr. William E.
Handges, Rev. Msgr. John J. Martin
Permanent Deacons: Thomas B. Reimer
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Linda Johnson, 610-261-0144
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 10:30 a.m.
Daily Masses: 8 a.m. (except Monday,
Holy Days: Vigil 6:30 p.m.; 8 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Sec-
tion, Regional Catholic Elementary
Schools, Good Shepherd Catholic School,
905 Chestnut St.
Rectory: 905 Chestnut St., Douglassville
Phone: 610-582-2411
Website: www.icbvm.org
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John B. McCann
In Residence: Rev. Harold F. Dagle
Permanent Deacons: James A. Bardi;
Paul J. Hiryak, Jr.
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Dawn O’Donnell, 610-582-3880
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:15 p.m.;
Sunday 7:30, 9, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: 7:30 a.m., 7 p.m.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun-
day 10:30 a.m.
Weekday Masses: Monday 7 p.m.; Tues-
day, Thursday 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 4 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:50 p.m.
Adoration: One hour prior to daily Mass
on Tuesday, Thursday
4049 Hartley Ave.
Rectory: 123 S. Nulton Ave. (18045-
Phone: 610-253-3553
Fax: 610-253-5711
Website: www.stjanesofeastonpa.com
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Stephen J.
Assistants: Rev. Jaya Kumar Francis,
M.S.C.; Rev. Guency Isaac
Permanent Deacons: Ranulfo Ray-
mundo; Gene G. Schroth, Jr.; Stephen J.
Synoracki; Kevin C. Wasielewski
Director of Adult Religious Formation:
Mrs. Kelly DeRaymond, 610-253-7794,
Ext. 1
Director of Religious Education: Mr.
Kevin Kimmel, 610-253-7794, Ext. 2
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 10 a.m., Noon
Holy DaysConsult bulletin
Confessions: Wednesday 8-9 p.m., Satur-
day 3:45-4:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, St. Jane Frances de Chan-
tal School, Easton.
Confessions: Saturday 4-5 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, Immaculate Conception
Academy, Douglassville
132 S. Fifth St
Mailing Address and Parish Oce: 132
S. Fifth St., Easton, PA (18042-4418)
Rectory: 132 S. Fifth St. (18042-4418)
Phone: 610-252-7381
Fax: 610-252-6757
Email: info@olomercy.com
Website: www.olomercy.com
Pastor: Rev. Keith R. Laskowski
In Residence: Rev. Elias D. Munyaneza,
Permanent Deacons: José M. Santos-
González, Kenneth L. Weiland
Weekend: Saturday 5:30 p.m.; Sunday 8,
Noon (Spanish)
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m. (Bilingual/Span-
ish); 8 a.m., 12:10, 7 p.m.
Weekday: 8 a.m. (Monday, Friday); 12:10
p.m. (Wednesday) 7 p.m. (Wednesday
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Wednesday 6-6:45 p.m.
Confessions: Wednesday during Adora-
tion, Saturday 4:30-5:15 p.m.
Ninth and Lehigh Sts.
Parish Center: 900 Washington St.
Phone: 610-253-7188
Fax: 610-253-6184
Website: stanthonyeaston.com
Pastor: Rev. Keith R. Laskowski
Permanent Deacons: Kenneth L. Wei-
land, José M. Santos-González, Charles
A. DeBellis (retired)
 
Holy Days: Vigil 5:15 p.m.; 8 a.m., 6 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-3:50 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section.
49 N. Line St. (17931)
(St. Joseph is the repository for records
of Annunciation B.V.M. and St. Ann,
Business Oce Address: 7 S. Broad
Mountain Ave. (17931-1800)
Phone: 570-874-0610
Fax: 570-874-0969
Website: www.stjoesfrackville.com
Parochial Administrator: Rev. Giuseppe
C. Esposito
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:30 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult website
Confessions: Saturday 5-5:25 p.m., Sun-
day 7:30-7:55 a.m.
94 Walnut Rd.
(Tilden Township)
Mailing Address: 94 Walnut Rd. (19526)
Phone: 610-562-7657
Fax: 610-562-0379
Website: www.stmaryhamburg.org
Residence: 100 Walnut Rd. (19526)
Phone: 610-562-4251
Pastor: Rev. David J. Loeper
Permanent Deacons: Thomas B. Drogalis
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 10:45 a.m.
Holy Days: 7 a.m., 5:30 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:45-4:15 p.m.,
15 minutes before daily Mass, Sundays in
Advent and Lent 7:15-7:45 a.m.
500 Block Wood St.
Rectory: 415 S. Sixth St. (18049-3703)
Phone: 610-965-2426
Fax: 610-967-1099
Website: www.churchstann.org
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Coyle
Assistant: Rev. Abraham Ha
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Thomas E.
Permanent Deacons: Dominick F.
Amedeo, Jr.; Richard A. Fenton
Religious Education Director: Mrs.
Bridget Starry, 435 S. Sixth St., (18049-
3703) 610-965-6888
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 7:30, 9, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 8, 9 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3-4 p.m., First
Friday on request before Mass.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, St. Ann School, Emmaus.
1300 Broadway
(Lehigh County)
Rectory: 1300 Broadway (18015-4099)
Phone: 610-867-5122
Fax: 610-867-6569
Pastor: Rev. David J. Kozak
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert J. Potts
In Residence: Rev. Joseph P. Becker,
Permanent Deacon: David K. Rohner
Coordinator of Religious Education: Ms.
Anne Korves
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun-
day 10 a.m.
 
526 North St.
Weekend Mass: Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Confessions: 2
and 4
from 5 to 5:50pm
14833 Kutztown Rd.
Rectory: 14833 Kutztown Rd. (19530-
Phone: 610-683-7443
Fax: 610-683-7625
Website: www.stmaryskutztown.com
Pastor: Rev. John C. Maria
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Walter T.
Coordinator for Religious Education and
Youth Ministry: Mrs. Ann Pergosky
Religious Education Center Phone: 610-
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 9, 11 a.m.
Holy DaysConsult bulletin
Confessions: Wednesday 7-8 p.m.; Sat-
urday 3:30-4:20 p.m.; Sunday 8:30-8:50
a.m., 10:30-10:50 a.m.
Easton Rd. and Leonard St.
Rectory: 1408 Easton Rd. (18055-1127)
Phone: 610-838-7045
Fax: 610-838-0932
Website: www.sttheresaotcj.org
Pastor: Rev. Dr. John A. Krivak
Permanent Deacon: Gerald R. Schmidt
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult website
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:30 p.m.
178 W. Broadway
Rectory: 180 W. Broadway (18229-1996)
Phone: 570-325-2791
Fax: 570-325-2427
Website: www.iccjimthorpe.org
Pastor: Rev. Ronald J. Minner
Permanent Deacon: John J. Mroz
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. James J. Ward
Coordinator of Religious Education:
Mrs. Rose Strubinger, [email protected]
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.,
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Holy DaysConsult bulletin
Confessions: 1
, 3
, and 5
from 5 to 5:50 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Jerome Regional School, Tamaqua.
 
600 W. Mahanoy Ave.
Parish Oce: 614 W. Mahanoy Ave.
Phone: 570-773-2771
Fax: 570-773-1937
Rectory: 22 S. Catawissa St. (17948)
Phone: 570-773-2850
Pastor: Rev. Kevin P. Gallagher
Permanent Deacon: David J. Henninger
Religious Education Center: 29 S. Ca-
tawissa St. (17948)
Coordinator CCD: Miss Natalie Morri-
son, 570-590-5832
Coordinator CCD: Mrs. Cheryl Fegley,
Action Youth Group Director: Ms. Debo-
rah Walker, 570-773-0813
Perpetual Adoration Chapel: 24/7
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 8:30, 10:30 a.m.
Daily Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Friday
6:45 a.m.; Thursday 6 p.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-3:45 p.m.,
First Friday 11:30 a.m.-Noon, before all
Masses during Advent and Lent
6658 School St.
Rectory: Box 421, 6658 School St.
Phone: 610-258-9059
Fax: 610-258-4780
Email: strocco@enter.net
Website: www.strocco.org
Pastor: Rev. Joseph J. Kweder
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. James J.
Permanent Deacon: Charles V. Palmeri
Coordinator of Religious Education: Ms.
 
33 Trinity Circle Rd.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 237 (18624-
Rectory: 33 Trinity Circle Rd.
Phone: 570-722-2034
Fax: 570-722-1348
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John G. Chizmar, V.F.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 9, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 6:30 p.m.; 8 a.m., Noon
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 p.m., after
all weekend Masses during Advent and
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Jerome Regional School, Tamaqua.
260 N. Third St.
Rectory: 260 N. Third St. (18235-1595)
Phone: 610-377-3690
Fax: 610-377-0721
Website: www.peterandpaulchurch.com
Pastor: Rev. Christopher M. Zelonis
Permanent Deacon: Joseph C. Wilhelm,
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 7:45, 10 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 6:30 p.m.; 8 a.m., 6:30
Confessions: Saturday, Sunday 45 min-
utes before Mass; Monday, Wednesday
5-6 p.m.; Friday 7-7:50 a.m.
538 Sunbury St.
Rectory: 139 Spruce St. (17954-1016)
Phone: 570-544-4741
Fax: 570-544-4742
Email: HolyFamilyParishMinersville@
Website: www.minersvillecatholic.com
St. Matthew the Evangelist Church: 139
Spruce St.
St. Michael the Archangel Church: 539
Sunbury St.
Convent: 531 Sunbury St.
Pastor: Rev. Jason F. Stokes
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Leo J. Maletz (St.
Matthew the Evangelist, Minersville)
Deacon: James P. Henninger
Coordinator of the Elementary Parish
Religious Education Program (K-6): Sr.
Catherine Therese Brennan, S.S.J.
Coordinator of the Conrmation Parish
Religious Education Program (Gr. 7-8):
Sr. Mary Jane Dunleavy, S.S.J.
Religious Education Center (K-6): 538
Sunbury St.
Religious Education Center (Gr. 7-8):
631 Minersville-Llewellyn Highway
Moderator of Holy Family Community
Outreach: Sr. Catherine Therese Brennan,
Holy Family Community Outreach: 538
Sunbury St., 570-544-4741, Ext. 4
Weekend Masses: St. Matthew, Saturday
4 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.; St. Michael, Sat-
urday 5:30 p.m., Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Holy DaysVigil 7 p.m.; 8 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: St. Matthew, Saturday 3:15-
3:45 p.m.; St. Michael, Sunday 7:45-8:15
a.m., or by appointment.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Assumption B.V.M. School, Pottsville.
Michelle Minnich
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 5 p.m.; 8 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4:15 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Immaculate Conception School, Pen
21 N. Cleveland St.
(All Saints is the repository for records of
Our Lady of Lourdes, Weatherly)
Parish Oce and Mailing Address: 35 N.
Cleveland St., McAdoo, PA 18237-1842
Phone: 570-929-1073
Fax: 570-929-1043
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. William T. Baker
Permanent Deacon: James M. Warnagiris
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun-
day 8 a.m.
Weekdays: (All weekday Masses are at
All Saints) Monday, Thursday 5:45 p.m.;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 8
Holy Days: Vigil 4:15 p.m.; 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Jerome Regional School, Tamaqua.
318 Plane St., Weatherly
Weekend Mass: Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: 9 a.m.
Confessions: Before Sunday Mass
 
Parish Schools, Holy Family School,
101 Valley St.
Mailing Address: Parish Oce and Rec-
tory, 99 Valley St. (17959)
Phone: 570-277-6800
Fax: 570-277-0528
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. William F. Glosser,
Director of Religious Education: Dolores
Oce Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:30 p.m.,
Sunday 10:45 a.m.
Confessions: Tuesday 7-8 p.m., Sunday
10-10:30 a.m., or by appointment
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Assumption B.V.M. School, Pottsville.
Church located at: 22nd St. and Wash-
ington Ave.
Rectory: 2174 Lincoln Ave. (18067-1257)
Phone: 610-262-2559
Fax: 610-262-1613
Website: www.bvm-northampton.com
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Koons
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Susan Parker, 610-262-7343
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 6:45, 8 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:30 p.m., or by
2020 Chestnut Hill Rd.
Rectory: 2020 Chestnut Hill Rd.,
(Plowville) Mohnton, PA 19540-8243
Phone: 610-856-1006
Fax: 610-856-1035
Email: secretary@churchofsaintbenedict.
Website: www.churchofsaintbenedict.com
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Edward R. Domin
Director of Religious Education: Ms.
Valerie Christo-Pinheiro, 484-269-8744
(cell), 610-856-5146 (oce)
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 5 p.m.; 8 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m., or by
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
La Salle Academy, Shillington.
410 W. Center St.
Rectory: 23 Forest Dr. (18064-1300)
Phone: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
Website: www.holyfamilynazarethpa.com
Pastor: Rev. Jonas R. Tandayu, M.S.C.
Assistant: Rev. Robert Alex Anthony,
Permanent Deacons: Thomas J. Ely,
Richard S. Haddon, Michael J. Toolan
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 7, 9, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 7, 9 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Wednesday 9 a.m.; Saturday
9 a.m., 4-4:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
 
Retired Deacons: Anthony Campanell,
Charles Coyle
Religious Ed. Dept. Phone: 610-395-
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 7, 9, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 6 p.m.; 6:30, 8:45 a.m.,
12:05 p.m.
Confessions: Friday, 7:45-8:15 a.m.;
Saturday 9-9:30 a.m. and 4-4:45 p.m.; or
by appointment
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, St. Joseph the Worker
School, Oreeld.
243 Lafayette Ave.
Rectory: 243 Lafayette Ave. (18071-1511)
Phone: 610-826-2335
Fax: 610-826-5360
Website: www.shcpalmerton.org
Parochial Administrator: Rev. Joseph S.
Coordinator of Religious Education:
610-826-2335, [email protected]
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m., Sun-
day 9:30 a.m.
Weekday Masses: Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday, 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 8:30 a.m., 5 p.m.
Confessions: Monday, Wednesday, Thurs-
day, and Friday, 7:45-8:15 a.m. (before
Mass beginning at 8:30 a.m.); Saturday
4:15-4:45 p.m., or by appointment
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. John Neumann Regional School,
School: See Catholic Education Sec-
tion, Regional Catholic Elementary
Schools, Good Shepherd Catholic School,
1308 Newport Ave.
Rectory: 1324 Newport Ave. (18067-
Phone: 610-262-2227
Fax: 610-262-4192
Email: info@queenshipmary.com
Website: queenshipofmary.weconnect.
Pastor: Rev. Patrick H. Lamb
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. John S.
Permanent Deacon: Michael W. Donc-
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: 6:30, 9 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 p.m., Sun-
day 10-10:25 a.m.
School: See Catholic Education Sec-
tion, Regional Catholic Elementary
Schools, Good Shepherd Catholic School,
1879 Applewood Dr.
Rectory: 1879 Applewood Dr. (18069-
Phone: 610-395-2876
Fax: 610-395-2616
Email: parisho[email protected]
Website: www.stjwchurch.org
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Victor F. Finelli, V.J.
Assistant: Rev. Francis Iroot, A.J.
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Robert J.
In Residence: Rev. Eugene P. Ritz, Rev.
Msgr. Joseph P.T. Smith
Permanent Deacons: Anthony L. Bras-
ten, Carl Readinger, Bruno Schettini
 
Sunday 7:45-8 a.m., 10-10:15 a.m.; or by
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Assumption B.V.M. School, Pottsville.
Fourth and Mahantongo Sts.
Rectory: 319 Mahantongo St.
Phone: 570-622-1802
Fax: 570-622-2593
Website: www.stpatrickpottsville.org
Pastor: Rev. Philip F. Rodgers
Assistant: Rev. Barnabas Shayo, A.J.
In Residence: Rev. Gregory R. Karpyn
Coordinator of Religious Education: Ms.
Kris Barron
Permanent Deacons: Lawrence J. Loner-
gan, John E. Quirk
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:15 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 10 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 6:30 p.m.; 8 a.m., Noon
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Thursdays at 6 p.m., with Confessions
Confessions: Saturday 3-4 p.m.
Adoration: Thursdays with Confession
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Assumption B.V.M. School, Pottsville.
3121 Kutztown Rd.
Rectory: 3121 Kutztown Rd. (19605-
Phone: 610-921-2729
Fax: 610-921-8886
Website: www.hgaparish.com
Pastor: Rev. Allen J. Hoa
Assistant: Rev. George Osei Ababio
Senior Priest: Rev. E. Michael Camilli,
Babbitt and Heller Aves.
Rectory: 300 W. Babbitt Ave. (18072-
Phone: 610-863-4777
Fax: 610-863-7449
Email: [email protected], fryork@rcn.
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Vincent P. York
Permanent Deacon: Francis A. Elchert
Coordinator of Religious Education:
Mrs. Suzanne Engler (CCD only), 610-
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult rectory oce
Confessions: Saturday 3:45-5 p.m., or by
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Immaculate Conception School, Pen
S. Tenth and Mahantongo Sts.
Rectory: 913 Mahantongo St. (17901-
Phone: 570-622-5470
Fax: 570-622-4589
Website: www.saintjohnpottsville.org
Pastor: Rev. Kevin J. Bobbin
Permanent Deacon: Lawrence J. Loner-
Director of Religious Education: Miss
Lucilla Kochol
Weekend Masses:
Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8:15, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7 p.m.; 9 a.m., 5:15 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4:15-4:45 p.m.;
 
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Joseph P.T.
Permanent Deacons: Craig A. Fry,
Gregory G. Schneider, John J. Stapleton
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Marci Zambito
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
(all Masses will be held in the church)
Weekdays: Monday-Friday, 7:15 a.m.,
(7:15, 8:30 a.m. on Fridays during school
year); Saturday, 8 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4:15 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, St. Catharine of Siena
School, Reading.
248 S. 12th St.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 3:30 p.m.,
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 2:45-3:15 p.m.
1022 N. Eighth St.
Rectory: 1018 N. Eighth St. (19604-2210)
Phone: 610-376-2976
Fax: 610-376-2825
Website: www.sjcreading.com
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John J. Grabish
Assistant: Rev. Quyet A. Pham
Permanent Deacon: Francisco Colón
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.
(English); Sunday 8:30 a.m. 2
and 4
Sundays (English), 11 a.m. (Spanish)
Weekday Masses: Monday and Thursday
9 a.m. (English); Tuesday 6 p.m. (Span-
Holy Days: Vigil 6 p.m.; Noon
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 p.m., 2
and 4
Sundays 8:15-8:45 a.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Holy Guardian Angels Regional School,
Permanent Deacon: John B. Gallagher
Director of Religious Education: Mr.
Andrew Angstadt, 610-921-2729
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 9:45, 11:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 6:30 p.m.; 8 a.m., 9:30
a.m., 12:10 p.m.
Confessions: Wednesday 8:30-9 a.m.,
5:15-5:55 p.m.; Saturday 4:15-4:45 p.m.;
Sunday 7:15-7:45 a.m.; 9:20-9:35 a.m.;
11:05-11:20 a.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Holy Guardian Angels Regional School,
Third and Franklin Sts.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6726, Reading
Rectory: Lakeview Drive and Cherry St.,
West Reading
Phone: 610-373-5579
Fax: 610-372-0130
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. DeSantis
Assistant: Rev. Samuel Yeboah
Permanent Deacon: Christopher May
Weekend Mass: Sunday 10 a.m.
Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday 7 a.m.; First Saturday 7 a.m.
Holy Days: 7 a.m., 12:10 p.m.
Church: 4975 Boyertown Pike
Chapel: 2427 Perkiomen Ave.
(St. Catharine of Siena is the repository
for records of St. Mary, Reading)
Parish Center and Mailing Address:
2427 Perkiomen Ave. (19606-2049)
Phone: 610-779-4005
Fax: 610-779-0859
Website: http://scsreading.org/
Pastor: Rev. Brian M. Miller
Assistant: Rev. Matthew J. Kuna
 
Centre Ave. and Spring St.
Rectory: 925 Centre Ave. (19601-2105)
Phone: 610-376-2919
Fax: 610-376-2462
Email: stmargaretchurch@rcchurch.
Website: www.stmargaretsreading.org
Pastor: Rev. Ángel L. García-Almodóvar
Permanent Deacons: Ramón L. Rolón,
Bruce S.C. Swist
Director of Religious Education: Mr.
Juan C. Pedroza, 484-238-0276
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 9,11 a.m. (Spanish), 3 p.m. (Bilin-
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 2:30-3:15 p.m., or
by appointment
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, St. Margaret School,
Ninth and Walnut Sts.
Rectory: 151 N. Ninth St. (19601-3613)
Phone: 610-372-1531
Fax: 610-372-7478
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John J. Grabish
Assistant: Rev. Quyet A. Pham
Permanent Deacon: Francisco Náje-
Gethsemane Cemetery Oce: 610-929-
2613, fax 610-929-4233
Weekend Masses: Saturday 6 p.m. (Span-
ish); Sunday 8:30 a.m. 1
, 3
, and 5
Sundays (English); 10 a.m. (Vietnamese),
12:30 p.m. (Spanish)
Holy Days: Vigil 6 p.m.; 8 a.m., Noon, 6
p.m. (Monday, Wednesday, Friday Viet-
namese; Tuesday, Thursday Spanish)
Weekday Masses: Tuesday 8 a.m. (Eng-
lish); Wednesday, 6 p.m. (Tiếng Việt);
Thursday 6 p.m. (Spanish); Friday 8 a.m.
(English) and 6 p.m. (Tiếng Việt); First
Saturday 8 a.m. (English)
Confessions: 20 minutes before Mass
326 S. Fifth St.
(St. Peter is the repository for records of
SS. Cyril and Methodius, Reading)
Parish House: 322 S. Fifth St. (19602-
Phone: 610-372-9652
Fax: 610-374-3351
Website: www.stpeterchurchreading.org
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Orsulak
Assistant: Rev. Juan E. Rodriguez
Permanent Deacons: Howard J. Schultz,
Mariano Torres
Director of Religious Education: Sr.
Margaret Pavluchuk, I.H.M.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.
(English); Sunday 8 a.m. (English), Noon
(Spanish), 6:30 p.m. (Spanish)
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-3:45 p.m.,
Sunday 5:45-6:15 p.m., Wednesday 5:45-
6:15 p.m., or by appointment
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, St. Peter School, Reading.
451 S. Sixth St.
Weekend Mass: Sunday 10 a.m. (English)
Confessions: Saturday 9:30-10 a.m.
 
82 N. Center St.
Oce and Mailing Address: 84 N. Center
St., Ringtown, PA 17967-9731
Phone: 570-889-3850
Fax: 570-889-5005
Rectory: 610-390-9782
Website: www.stmarystjoseph.net
Pastor: Rev. Dominic Thao Pham
Weekend Masses: Consult bulletin or
Holy Days: Consult website
Confessions: Anytime by appointment
320 N. Church St.
Rectory: 321 N. Church St. (19551-1108)
Phone: 610-693-5851
Fax: 610-693-5852
Website: www.stfrancisroby.org
Pastor: Very Rev. Thomas P. Bortz
Assistants: Rev. Philip J. Maas, Rev.
Zachary R. Wehr
Permanent Deacons: Thomas J. Dev-
aney; Frederick J. Lanciano, Jr.; Edward
L. Sanders
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Alison Snyder
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Ignatius Loyola School, West Lawn.
 
Third Ave. and Garibaldi St., Roseto
Rectory and Mailing Address: 560 N.
Sixth St., Bangor (18013-1752)
Phone: 610-588-2183
Fax: 610-588-6973
Website: http://www.mtcarmel-roseto.org/
Pastor: Rev. Simione Volavola, M.S.C.
Assistant: Rev. Remy Coly, M.S.C.
Director of Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults: Roxane DeCesare
Director of Religious Education: Louise
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:15 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 10 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Wednesday 8 a.m.; Saturday
8:30 a.m., 4:15 p.m.; or by appointment
Mill and Hancock Sts.
Rectory: 250 E. Hancock St. (17970-
Phone: 570-429-0701
Parish Oce: 570-429-0370
Fax: 570-429-0630
Website: https://stclareassisi.weebly.com/
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. William F. Glosser,
V. F.
Director of Religious Education:
Dor,othy Frie
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun-
day 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Weekday Masses: Thursday, Friday 8 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-3:45, Sunday
8:10 a.m., or by appointment
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Assumption B.V.M. School, Pottsville.
201 Randel St.
Rectory: 201 Randel St. (17972-1495)
Phone: 570-385-1031
Fax: 570-385-1035
Email: stambroseo[email protected]
Website: stambrosehaven.com
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Edward S. Zemanik
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Mary Ellen Johns
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8:30, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 4 p.m.; 9 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4 p.m., Tues-
day8-8:20 a.m., every third Wednesday
4-4:30 p.m.
 
224 W. Cherry St.
Mailing Address and Rectory: 108 W.
Cherry St. (17976-2207)
Phone: 570-462-1968
Fax: 570-462-1388
Website: www.dmparish.com
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Ronald C. Bocian
In Residence: Rev. Charles J. Dene
Director of Religious Education: Sister
Mary Glackin, I.H.M.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m., Sun-
day 12:30 p.m. (Spanish)
Weekdays and Holy Days: Consult bul-
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-3:45 p.m.,
Sunday 11:15-11:45 a.m., Monday 6-6:30
229 N. Jardin St.
Weekend Masses: Sunday 7:30, 10 a.m.
Confessions: Sunday 6:45-7:15, 9:15-
9:45 a.m.
14 E. Oak St.
Mailing Address: 84 N. Center St, Ring-
town, PA 17967-9731
Phone: 570-889-3850
Fax: 570-889-5005
Rectory: 610-390-9782
Website: www.stmarystjoseph.net
Pastor: Rev. Dominic Thao Pham
Weekend Masses: Consult bulletin or
Holy Days: Consult website
Confessions: Anytime by appointment
Religious Education Oce: 610-678-
0676, fax 610-678-4274
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m., Noon, 5:30 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3-4 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School, West
649 W. Washington St.
Mailing Address: 633 W. Washington St.
Phone: 610-767-2214
Fax: 610-767-2702
Website: abvmslat.weconnect.com
Pastor: Rev. Eric R. Arnout
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 8:30, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: 8:30 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4:15-4:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. John Neumann Elementary School,
42 Kerrick Rd.
Parish Oce mailing address: 420 Hol-
land St. (19607-3260)
Phone: 610-777-1697
Fax: 610-777-4468
Website: www.st.johnsfamilyoaith.com
Rectory: 400 Holland St.
Pastor: Rev. Edward J. Essig
Permanent Deacon: Felix J. Lombardo
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Bernadette H. Yohn, 610-777-1697
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 8:30,10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 4 p.m.; 9 a.m., 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 p.m.; Sun-
day 8-8:20 a.m., or anytime by appoint-
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
La Salle Academy, Shillington.
2600 St. Albans Dr.
Rectory: 2810 St. Albans Dr.,
Reading 19608-1028
Phone: 610-678-3767
Fax: 610-678-4483
Website: www.stignatiusreading.org
Pastor: Very Rev. Thomas P. Bortz, V.F.
Assistants: Rev. Philip J. Maas, Rev.
Zachary R. Wehr
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. James A.
Permanent Deacons: Thomas J. Dev-
aney; Frederick J. Lanciano, Jr.; Edward
L. Sanders
 
Pastor: Rev. Robert T. Finlan
Permanent Deacon: Edward J. Girard
Weekend Masses: Saturday 3:30 p.m.,
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 2:45-3:15 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Jerome Regional School, Tamaqua.
113 Cherry St.
Rectory: 113 Cherry St. (17981-1531)
Phone: 570-695-3648
Fax: 570-695-2275
Website: http://mostblessedtrinity.us/
Pastor: Rev. George J. Kochuparambil
Director of Religious Education: Ms.
Joelle Bretz
Weekend Masses Tremont: Saturday 4
p.m., Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Weekend Mass Tower City: Sunday 9 a.m.
Weekday Masses Tremont: 8 a.m., except
Tuesday 6 p.m., no Saturday morning
Holy Days Tremont: 8 a.m., 5 p.m.
Holy Days Tower City: Vigil 7 p.m.
Confessions Tremont: Saturday 3:15-3:45
p.m., First Friday 5-5:30 p.m.
Confessions Tower City: Sunday 8:15-
8:45 a.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
Assumption B.V.M. School, Pottsville.
462 W. Ludlow St. (18250-1021)
(St. Joseph is the repository for records
of St. Katharine Drexel, Lansford and St.
Francis of Assisi, Nesquehoning)
Rectory and Mailing Address: 118 N.
Market St.
Phone: 570-645-2664
Fax: 570-645-3037
Website: www.stjscatholicchurch.org
Pastor: Rev. Robert J. George
Permanent Deacon: Joseph T. Cannon
Director of Religious Education: Deacon
Joseph J. Cannon
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4 p.m.; Sun-
day 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.
Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday 8 a.m.; First Friday,
8:00 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 6:30 p.m.; Noon
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-3:45 p.m.,
Tuesday 8:30-9 a.m., or upon request
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Jerome Regional School, Tamaqua.
1 E. Garibaldi Ave., Nesquehoning
Rector: Rev. Robert J. George
Weekday Mass: Saturday 9 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 9:30-10 a.m.
307 Pine St.
Rectory: 307 Pine St. (18252-1412)
Phone: 570-225-7410
Fax: 570-668-4406
Website: www.sj23tamaqua.org
 
Holy Days: Vigil 5:15 p.m.; 7, 8:30 a.m.
(school year), 12:10, 7 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Parish Schools, Sacred Heart School,
West Reading
4456 Main St.
Rectory: 4102 S. Church St. (18052-2415)
Phone: 610-262-9315
Fax: 610-261-3576
Website: www.holytrinitywhitehall.we-
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yenushosky,
V. F.
Permanent Deacons: Arthur L. Chin-Fatt,
Michael J. Laroche, Eugene J. Wyrwa
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Linda Johnson
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 4-4:45 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Sec-
tion, Regional Catholic Elementary
Schools, Good Shepherd Catholic School,
4412 Mountain View Dr.
Rectory: 1152 Oak Rd. (18088-9728)
Phone: 610-767-3107
Fax: 610-760-6241
Email: stnick1[email protected]
Website: www.stnicholaswalnutport.
Pastor: Very Rev. Adam C. Sedar
Permanent Deacon: Michael W. Kudla
Director of Religious Education: Deacon
Michael Kudla, 610-762-1585
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 8:30, 10:30 a.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Wednesdays 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:45-4:20 p.m.;
Tuesday 5:45-6:15 p.m., or by appoint-
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. John Neumann Elementary School,
Lakeview Dr. and Franklin St.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6217, Reading
Rectory: 740 Cherry St., West Reading
Phone: 610-372-4010
Fax: 610-372-4926
Website: www.shrcparish.org
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. DeSantis
Assistant: Rev. Samuel Yeboah
Permanent Deacons: Christopher May,
William R. Kase (retired)
Director of Religious Education: Ms.
Valerie Christo-Pinheiro, 610-374-5430
Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sun-
day 7:30, 9:30, 11:15 a.m.
 
 
618 Fullerton Ave.
Rectory: 618 Fullerton Ave. (18052-6726)
Phone: 610-266-0695
Website: www.sercc.org
Pastor: Rev. Stanley M. Moczydlowski
In Residence: Rev. Robert J. Potts
Permanent Deacon: Michael T. Meder
Director of Religious Education: Mary
St. Elizabeth Pre-K: 4-year-old classes
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 10 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Daily Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednes-
day, Friday 9 a.m.; Thursday 7 p.m.; First
Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4:15 p.m.
School: See Catholic Education Section,
Regional Catholic Elementary Schools,
St. Elizabeth Regional School, Whitehall.
Ruch St. and Park Ave.
Rectory: 3024 S. Ruch St. (18052-2832)
Phone: 610-262-2260
Fax: 610-262-1935
Website: www.stjohnsstiles.com
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Gerald E. Gobitas
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Albert J.
Director of Religious Education: Mrs.
Linda Johnson
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday 8, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Days: Consult bulletin
Confessions: Saturday 3:15-4 p.m., Sun-
day 7:30-7:45 a.m.
School: See Catholic Education Sec-
tion, Regional Catholic Elementary
Schools, Good Shepherd Catholic School,
June 4, 2022
Rev. Matthew J. Kuna, M.Div., M.A.
Holy Guardian Angels Rectory
3121 Kutztown Rd.
Reading, PA 19605-2659
Phone: 610-921-2729
Fax: 610-921-8886
Hospital Ministry:Penn State Health-St.
Joseph Medical Center, Reading
St. Thomas More Rectory
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 302
Holy Family Rectory
23 Forest Dr.
Nazareth, PA 18064-1300
Phone: 610-759-0870
Assumption B.V.M. Rectory
633 W. Washington St.
Slatington, PA 18080-1618
Phone: 610-767-2214
Fax: 610-767-2702
Notre Dame of Bethlehem Rectory
1861 Catasauqua Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-1298
Phone: 610-866-4371
Fax: 610-866-9065
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Rector/VP, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary
16300 Old Emmitsburg Rd.
Emmitsburg, MD 21727-7797
Phone: 301-447-5844
All Saints, McAdoo
: 36 N. Cleveland St.
McAdoo, PA 18237-1842
Phone: 570-929-1073
Fax: 570-929-1043
Residence: 570-929-2493
606 Salem Green
Pottsville, PA 18214-2616
7000 Beach Plaza # 405
St. Pete Beach, FL 33706-2091
Phone: 727-289-5181
Cell: 727-698-4884
SS. Simon and Jude, Bethlehem, and Our
Lady Help of Christians, Allentown
SS. Simon and Jude Rectory
730 W. Broad St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-5295
Phone: 610-866-5582, Ext. 4
Fax: 610-866-2992
Oce of Diocesan Cemeteries
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2234
Fax: 610-871-5211
St. Francis Friary
3908 Chipman Rd.
Easton, PA 18045-3014
Phone: 610-515-0867
St. Ursula Rectory
1300 Broadway
Fountain Hill, PA 18015-4099
Phone: 610-867-5122
Fax: 610-866-6569
Sacred Heart Rectory
1817 1st St.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-5603
Phone: 610-865-5042
Pastor Emeritus, Holy Infancy Parish,
St. Paul Rectory
920 S. Second St.
Allentown, PA 18103-3402
Phone: 610-797-9733
Fax: 610-797-9537
 
St. John the Baptist Rectory
913 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3024
Phone: 570-622-5470
Fax: 570-622-4589
Chaplain, Nativity B.V.M. High School,
Pottsville, and Diocesan Homeschool
Divine Mercy Oce
Mailing Address: 108 W. Cherry St.
Shenandoah, PA 17976-2207
Phone: 570-462-1968
Fax: 570-462-1388
St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring, and
St. Francis de Sales, Robesonia
St. Ignatius Loyola Rectory
2810 St. Albans Dr.
Reading, PA 19608-1028
Phone: 610-678-3767
Fax: 610-678-4483
Chaplain, St. Joseph Villa
464 St. Bernardine St.
Reading, PA 19607-1737
Phone: 610-777-5556, Ext. 37
St. Francis of Assisi Rectory
Mailing Address: 1046 W. Cedar St.
Allentown, PA 18102-1304
Phone: 610-433-6102
Fax: 610-434-6972
St. Joseph Rectory
5050 St. Joseph’s Rd.
Coopersburg, PA 18036-8920
Phone: 610-965-2877
Fax: 610-965-8317
DeSales University
2755 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034-9568
Residence Phone: 610-282-3300
Chair, Dept. of Sport and Exercise Physi-
Oce Phone: 610-282-1100, Ext. 1295
Fax: 610-282-3962
Sacred Heart Rectory
210 E. Northampton St.
Bath, PA 18014-1625
Phone: 610-837-7874
Fax: 610-837-4570
Chaplain, Kolbe Academy, Bath
 
Pastor Emeritus, St. John the Baptist
Parish, Whitehall
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 414
Pastor Emeritus, Our Lady of Lourdes
Parish, Weatherly
1345 Martin Ct. Apt. 928
Bethlehem, PA 18108-2583
Phone: 610-625-2053
Cell: 484-547-9907
Rector/Vice President Emeritus
St. Paul Seminary
School of Divinity
University of St. Thomas
2260 Summit Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55105-1096
Phone: 651-962-5777
Fax: 651-962-5790
Holy Guardian Angels Rectory
3121 Kutztown Rd.
Reading, PA 19605-2659
Cell: 610-737-5440
Fax: 610-921-8886
Spiritual Director, Holy Family Villa
Pastor Emeritus, Queenship of Mary
Parish, Northampton
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 402
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 105
St. Peter the Fisherman Rectory
33 Trinity Circle Rd.
P.O. Box 237
Lake Harmony, PA 18624-0237
Phone: 570-722-2034
Fax: 570-722-1348
Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena Rec-
1825 W. Turner St.
Allentown, PA 18104-5617
Phone: 610-433-6461
Fax: 610-433-5452
Email: dcieniewicz@allentowndiocese.
 
St. Columbkill Rectory
200 Indian Spring Rd.
Boyertown, PA 19512-2008
Phone: 610-367-2371
Fax: 610-369-0242
Pastor Emeritus, Assumption B.V.M. Par-
ish, Bethlehem
2956 Gilford Way
Naples, FL 34119-7523
Phone: 239-877-1641
Fax: 239-394-4174
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Roseto, and
Our Lady of Good Counsel, Bangor
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rectory
560 N. Sixth St.
Bangor, PA 18013-1752
Phone: 610-588-2183
Fax: 610-588-6973
Saint Francis Friary
3908 Chipman Road
Easton, PA 18045-3014
Phone: 610-258-3053
Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph and St. Vin-
cent de Paul Parishes, Girardville
364 Valley St.
New Philadelphia, PA 17959-1235
Cell: 570-617-9107
151 Old Buckroe Rd. Apt. 115
Hampton, VA 23663-2353
Cell: 757-502-3192
Chaplain Services
H. H. McGuire V.A.M.C.
1201 Broad Rock Blvd.
Richmond, VA 23249-0002
St. Ann Rectory
415 S. Sixth St.
Emmaus, PA 18049-3703
Phone: 610-965-2426
Fax: 610-967-1099
Oce of the Bishop Emeritus
4029 W. Tilghman St.
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Pastor Emeritus, Immaculate Conception
B.V.M. Parish, Allentown
Immaculate Conception Rectory
905 Chestnut St.
Douglassville, PA 19518-9006
Cell: 610-620-4200
 
P.O. Box 17
Shenandoah, PA 17976
Phone: 570-590-3712
Email: cjdene58@gov.com
Holy Rosary Parish, Reading, and Sacred
Heart Parish, West Reading
Sacred Heart Rectory
Lakeview Dr. and Cherry St.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6217
Reading, PA 19610-0217
Phone: 610-372-4010
Fax: 610-372-4926
St. Benedict Rectory
2020 Chestnut Hill Rd.
Mohnton, PA 19540-8243
Phone: 610-856-1006
Fax: 610-856-1035
Apostles of Jesus Mission Oce
829 Main St.
Northampton, PA 18067-1838
Phone: 610-502-1728, Ext. 302
Fax: 610-502-1733
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 408
Email: adrouncheck@allentowndiocese.
Pastor Emeritus, SS. Peter and Paul Par-
ish, Allentown
UL Wojtarowicz 27A
Tarnow 33-100, Poland
St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Frackville,
and St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Ashland
St. Joseph the Worker Rectory
99 N. Line St.
Frackville, PA 17931-1501
Phone: (Ashland) 570-875-1521
Fax: (Ashland) 570-875-2635
Phone: (Frackville) 570-874-0610
Fax: (Frackville) 570-874-0969
St. John Baptist de la Salle Rectory
400 Holland St.
Shillington, PA 19607-3260
Phone: 610-777-1697
Fax: 610-777-4468
 
Notre Dame of Bethlehem Rectory
1861 Catasauqua Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-1298
Phone: 610-866-4371
Fax: 610-866-9065
President of Catholic Mission and Iden-
tity, Bethlehem Catholic High School,
2133 Madison Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Phone: 610-866-0791, ext. 332
Diocesan Director for Courage
Phone: 610-573-7150
St. Joseph the Worker Rectory
1879 Applewood Dr.
Oreeld, PA 18069-9536
Phone: 610-395-2876
Fax: 610-395-2616
Judicial Vicar, Diocesan Tribunal
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18095-1016
Phone: 610-434-3200
Fax: 610-433-3104
St. John XXIII Parish, Tamaqua, and St.
Richard Parish, Barnesville
St. Richard Rectory
799 Barnesville Dr.
Barnesville, PA 18214-2616
Phone: 570-467-2315
Fax: 570-467-2462
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Rectory
123 S. Nulton Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3791
Phone: 610-253-3553
Fax: 610-253-5711
Sacred Heart Villa
3300 Station Avenue
Center Valley, PA 18034-9563
Phone: 610-282-1415
Muhlenberg College Newman Center
2339 Liberty St.
Allentown, PA 18104
Phone: 484-664-3122
Fax: 484-664-3123
St. Teresa of Calcutta Rectory
22 S. Catawissa St.
Mahanoy City, PA 17948-2562
Phone: 570-773-2850
Fax: 570-773-1937
Sacred Heart Rectory
243 Lafayette Ave.
Palmerton, PA 18071-1511
Phone: 610-826-2335
Fax: 610-826-5360
 
St. Margaret Rectory
925 Centre Ave.
Reading, PA 19601-2105
Phone: 610-376-2919
Fax: 610-376-2462
Email: agarciaalmodovar@allentowndio-
Holy Infancy and Incarnation of Our Lord
Parishes, Bethlehem
Holy Infancy Rectory
312 E. Fourth St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1706
Phone: 610-866-1121, Ext. 9
Fax: 610-866-7094
Regional Priest Coordinator, Hispanic
Ministry for Lehigh and Northampton
St. Joseph Rectory
118 N. Market St.
Summit Hill, PA 18250-1108
Phone: 570-645-2664
Fax: 570-645-3037
Email: rgeor[email protected]
Chaplain, Marian High School, Tamaqua
Immaculate Conception B.V.M. and
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishes, Allentown
Sacred Heart Rectory
336 N. Fourth St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3008
Phone: 610-434-5171
Fax: 610-434-2441
Sacred Heart Villa
3300 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034
Phone: 610-282-1415, Ext. 17
Fax: 610-282-0610
St. Clare of Assisi Parish, Saint Clair, and
Holy Cross Parish, New Philadelphia
St. Clare of Assisi Rectory
250 E. Hancock St.
Saint Clair, PA 17970-1049
Phone: 570-429-0701, 570-429-0370
Fax: 570-429-0630
St. John the Baptist Rectory
3024 S. Ruch St.
Whitehall, PA 18052-2832
Phone: 610-262-2260
Fax: 610-262-1935
St. Joseph and St. Paul Parishes, Reading
St. Paul Rectory
151 N. Ninth St.
Reading, PA 19601-3613
Phone: 610-372-1531
Fax: 610-372-7478
 
DeSales University
2755 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034-9568
Residence Phone: 610-282-3686
President, DeSales University
Oce Phone: 610-282-1100, Ext. 2030
Fax: 610-282-2059
Email: james.green[email protected]
St. John Fisher Rectory
1229 Third St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032-2716
Phone: 610-264-1972
Fax: 610-264-2105
Pastor Emeritus, St. Bartholomew Parish,
Brockton, and St Bertha Parish, Tusca-
P.O. Box 13553
Reading, PA 19612-3553
Phone: 610-413-0150
Email: fgrundowski@allentowndiocese.
St. Francis of Assisi Rectory
1046 W. Cedar St.
Allentown, PA 18102-1304
Phone: 610-433-6102
Fax: 610-434-6972
Chaplain, Holy Family Manor, Bethlehem
St. Ann Rectory
415 S. Sixth St.
Emmaus, PA 18049-3703
Phone: 610-965-2426
Fax: 610-967-1099
Pastor Emeritus, St. Peter Parish, Coplay
215 W. Arch St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-2941
Phone: 570-628-4384; 570-516-2431
PSC 808 Box 2451
FPO AE 09618
Chaplain, Naval Support Activity Naples,
149 Village Walk Dr.
Macungie, PA 18062-1142
Phone: 610-966-9280
Cell: 610-533-8246
Fax: 610-965-1474
Director of Pastoral Care, St. Luke’s
University Health Network - Sacred Heart
421 Chew St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3490
Phone: 610-776-4513
Fax: 610-776-5141
 
Pastor Emeritus, St. Ann Parish, Emmaus
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 304
Holy Guardian Angels Rectory
3121 Kutztown Rd.
Reading, PA 19605-2659
Phone: 610-921-2729
Fax: 610-921-8886
Email: aho[email protected]
228 W. High St.
Coaldale, PA 18218-1422
Regional Superior
Apostles of Jesus Regional Oce
829 Main St.
Northampton, PA 18076-1838
Phone: 610-502-1732
Fax: 610-502-1733
Email: [email protected], idraau-
St. Joseph the Worker Rectory
1879 Applewood Dr.
Oreeld, PA 18069-9536
Phone: 610-395-2876
Fax: 610-395-2616
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Rectory
123 S. Nulton Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3791
Phone: 610-253-3553
Fax: 610-253-5711
Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena Rec-
1825 W. Turner St.
Allentown, PA 18104-5617
Chaplain, Allentown Central Catholic
High School, Allentown
St. Peter Rectory
4 S. Fifth St.
Coplay, PA 18037-1399
Phone: 610-262-2417
Fax: 610-262-2652
Vicar General, Promoter of Justice, De-
fender of the Bond, Advocate
Mailing Address: P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
 
Most Blessed Sacrament Rectory
610 Pine St., Bally, PA 19503-1003
Mailing Address: P.O. Box C
Bally, PA 19503-1003
Phone: 610-845-2460
103 N. Cherry St.
Frackville, PA 17931-1406
Pastor Emeritus, St. John the Baptist Par-
ish, Allentown
512 Poplar St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032-1346
St. John the Baptist
924 N. Front St.
Allentown, PA 18102-1912
Phone: 610-432-0034
Fax: 610-432-2776
DeSales University
2755 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034-9568
Residence Phone: 610-282-3300
Faculty, Department of Psychology
Oce Phone: 610-282-1100, Ext. 2925
Email: shaju.kanjiramparayil@desales.
Notre Dame of Bethlehem Rectory
1861 Catasauqua Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-1298
Phone: 610-866-4371
Cell: 484-542-3876
Fax: 610-866-9065
Chaplain, Lehigh Valley Hospital-
Muhlenberg Campus; Chaplain, Le-
high Valley Hospital – Hecktown Oaks
Campus; Manor Care Health Services,
Bethlehem; Good Shepherd Rehabilitation
Hospital, Allentown; and School Sisters of
St. Francis, Monocacy Manor, Bethlehem
St. Patrick Rectory
319 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3012
Phone: 570-622-1802
Fax: 570-622-2593
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Rectory
3219 Santee Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-2833
Phone: 610-867-8409
Fax: 610-867-4870
Apostles of Jesus Mission Oce
829 Main St.
Northampton, PA 18067-1838
Chaplain, Lehigh Valley Hospital – Cedar
 
Secretary, Mission Promotion Oce
Apostles of Jesus Mission Oce
829 Main St.
Northampton, PA 18067-1838
Phone: 610-502-1728, Ext. 301
Fax: 610-502-1733
Email: ajmissiono[email protected]
Assumption B.V.M. Rectory
4101 Old Bethlehem Pike
Bethlehem, PA 18015-9097
Phone: 610-867-7424
Fax: 610-867-8301
Most Blessed Trinity Rectory
113 Cherry St.
Tremont, PA 17981-1531
Phone: 570-695-3648
Fax: 570-695-2275
Email: gjkochuparambil@allentown-
Assumption B.V.M. Rectory
2174 Lincoln Ave.
Northampton, PA 18067-1257
Phone: 610-262-2559
Fax: 610-262-1613
Vicar for Religious
Judge, Diocesan Tribunal
Promoter of Justice in Service to the
Independent Review Board
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195-1016
Phone: 610-434-3200
Fax: 610-433-3104
Holy Ghost Parish, Bethlehem, and St.
Ursula Parish, Fountain Hill
St. Ursula Rectory
1300 Broadway
Fountain Hill, PA 18015-4099
Phone: 610-867-5122
Fax: 610-867-6569
Pastor Emeritus, St. John the Baptist
Parish, Allentown
3276 Oakland Square Dr.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-1292
Phone: 610-419-8277
St. Anne Rectory
450 E. Washington Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-5944
Phone: 610-867-5039
Fax: 610-882-4094
Sacramental Ministry, Newman Center,
Lafayette College, Easton
Chaplain, Notre Dame High School,
Graduate Studies, St. Paul University, Ot-
tawa (distance learning)
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Rectory
1408 Easton Rd.
Hellertown, PA 18055-1127
Phone: 610-838-7045
Fax: 610-838-0932
Director of Ecumenism and Interreligious
 
St. Francis de Sales Church
320 N. Church St.
Robesonia, PA 19551
Phone: 610-693-5851
St. Catharine of Siena Parish Center
2427 Perkiomen Ave.
Reading, PA 19606-2049
Phone: 610-779-4005
Fax: 610-779-0859
Chaplain, Berks Catholic High School,
St. Rocco Rectory
Box 421, 6658 School St.
Martins Creek, PA 18063-0010
Phone: 610-258-9059
Fax: 610-258-4780
Queenship of Mary Rectory
1324 Newport Ave.
Northampton, PA 18067-1442
Phone: 610-262-2227
Fax: 610-262-4192
DeSales University
2755 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034-9568
Residence Phone: 610-282-3300
Chaplain and Assistant Director, Campus
Oce Phone: 610-282-1100, Ext. 1393
St. Thomas More Rectory
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
Chaplain, Juventutem Lehigh Valley
Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Easton, and
St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Easton
Our Lady of Mercy Rectory
132 S. Fifth St.
Easton, PA 18042-4418
Phone: 610-252-7381
Fax: 610-252-6757
Pastor Emeritus, SS. Peter and Paul Par-
ish, Tamaqua
503 W. Centre St.
Mahanoy City, PA 17948-2401
Phone: 570-773-3995
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 202
 
St. Mary Rectory (Tilden Township)
Mailing Address: 94 Walnut Rd., P.O.
Box 189
Hamburg, PA 19526
Oce Phone: 610-562-7657
Fax: 610-562-0379
Residence: 610-562-4251
Pastor Emeritus, Sacred Heart Parish,
New Philadelphia
1755 Oak Ct.
Orwigsburg, PA 17961-9531
Phone: 570-366-6313
St. Stephen of Hungary Parish
510 W. Union St.
Allentown, PA 18101-2307
Phone: 610-439-0111
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, Sinking
Spring, and St. Francis de Sales Parish,
St. Ignatius Loyola Rectory
2810 St. Albans Dr.
Reading, PA 19608-1028
Phone: 610-678-3767
Fax: 610-678-4483
Pastor Emeritus, Our Lady of Good
Counsel Parish, Bangor
706 Hertzog Ave.
Fountain Hill, PA 18015
Phone: 610-360-0674
Pastor Emeritus, St. Matthew the
Evangelist Parish, Minersville
391 Roosevelt Dr.
Mahanoy City, PA 17948-3123
Phone: 570-773-3603
St. Mary Rectory
14833 Kutztown Rd.
Kutztown, PA 19530-8301
Phone: 610-683-7443
Fax: 610-683-7625
Sacramental Ministry, St. Christopher
Catholic Newman Center, Kutztown
Pastor Emeritus, St. Peter Parish, Coplay
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 201
 
Holy Infancy Rectory
312 E. Fourth St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1706
Phone: 610-866-1121
Fax: 610-866-7094
Assistant in the Diocesan Curia
Director, Oce for Divine Worship
Episcopal Master of Ceremonies
Mailing Address: P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Immaculate Conception B.V.M. Rectory
905 Chestnut St.
Douglassville, PA 19518-9006
Phone: 610-582-2411
Lorenzo Mission Institute
San Carlos Seminary
EDSA, Guadelupe Viejo
1200 Makati City, Philippines
Email: rmcconaghy@allentowndiocese.
St. Catharine of Siena Parish Center
2427 Perkiomen Ave.
Reading, PA 19606-2049
Phone: 610-779-4005
Fax: 610-779-0859
Immaculate Conception Rectory
180 W. Broadway
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229-1996
Phone: 570-325-2791
Fax: 570-325-2427
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Rectory
618 Fullerton Ave.
Whitehall, PA 18052-6727
Phone: 610-266-0695
Email: smoczydlowski@allentowndio-
St. Anne Rectory
450 E. Washington Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-5944
Phone: 610-867-5039
Fax: 610-882-4094
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395 Ext. 406
Sacred Heart Villa
3300 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034-9563
Phone: 610-282-1415, Ext. 25
Fax: 610-282-0610
 
St. Paul Rectory
920 S. Second St.
Allentown, PA 18103-3402
Phone: 610-797-9733
Fax: 610-797-9537
Our Lady of Mercy Rectory
132 S. Fifth St.
Easton, PA 18042-4418
Phone: 610-252-7381
Fax: 610-252-6757
Chaplain, Easton Hospital
250 S. 21st St.
Easton, PA 18042
Phone: 610-250-4027
Chaplain, St. Luke’s University Health
Network – Anderson Campus
1872 St. Luke Blvd.
Easton, PA 18045
Phone: 484-503-3000
Pastor Emeritus, St. Thomas More Parish,
1889 Kingsview Rd.
Macungie, PA 18062-8017
Phone: 267-905-8417
DeSales University
2755 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034-9568
Residence Phone: 202-498-6000
Vice President for Mission
Oce Phone: 610-282-1100, Ext. 1580
Fax: 610-282-2059
Director, Mission Promotion
Apostles of Jesus Mission Oce
829 Main St.
Northampton, PA 18067-1838
Phone: 610-502-1728, Ext. 303
Fax: 610-502-1733
Email: ajmissiono[email protected],
St. Peter the Apostle Rectory
322 S. Fifth St.
Reading, PA 19602-2311
Phone: 610-372-9652
Fax: 610-374-3351
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-867-1256
Phone: 610-694-0395 Ext. 409
St. Stephen of Hungary Rectory
510 W. Union St.
Allentown, PA 18101-2307
Phone: 610-439-0111
Email: gpendergraft@allentowndiocese.
 
St. Thomas More Rectory
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
St. Mary Parish, Ringtown, and St. Joseph
Parish, Sheppton
St. Joseph Rectory
14 E. Oak St.
Sheppton, PA 18248
Mailing Address: Parish Center
84 N. Center St.
Ringtown, PA 17967-9731
Phone: 610-390-9782
Fax: 570-889-5005
St. Paul and St. Joseph Parishes, Reading
St. Paul Rectory
151 N. Ninth St.
Reading, PA 19601-3613
Phone: 610-372-1531
Fax: 610-372-7478
Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena
18th and Turner Sts.
Allentown, PA 18104-5617
Phone: 610-433-6461
Fax: 610-433-5452
Email: hpongantung@allentowndiocese.
Pastor Emeritus, St. Ursula Parish, Foun-
tain Hill
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Rectory
618 Fullerton Ave.
Whitehall, PA 18052-6727
Phone: 610-266-0695
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Rectory
123 S. Nulton Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3791
Phone: 610-253-3553
Fax: 610-253-5711
Pastor Emeritus, St. Rocco Parish,
Martins Creek
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 104
Sacred Heart Villa
3300 Station Avenue
Center Valley, PA 18034-9563
Phone: 610-282-1415
 
St. Joseph the Worker Rectory
1879 Applewood Dr.
Oreeld, PA 18069-9536
Phone: 610-395-2876
Fax: 610-395-2616
Chancellor, Diocese of Allentown
Director, Oce of Permanent Diaconate
Judge, Diocesan Tribunal
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195-1016
Phone: 610-332-0442, Ext. 2017
Fax: 610-332-0444
St. Patrick Rectory
319 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3012
Phone: 570-622-1802
Fax: 570-622-2593
St. Peter the Apostle Rectory
322 S. Fifth St.
Reading, PA 19602-2311
Phone: 610-372-9652
Fax: 610-374-3351
St. Mary Rectory
14833 Kutztown Rd.
Kutztown, PA 19530-8301
Phone: 570-624-9113
Fax: 610-683-7625
Substitute Sacramental Ministry
Pastor Emeritus, Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Parish, Bethlehem
3219 Santee Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-2833
Phone: 610-867-8409
Fax: 610-867-4870
Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary Parish,
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 206
Email: wschea[email protected]
Oce of the Bishop
4029 W. Tilghman St.
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Pastor Emeritus, Cathedral of St.
Catharine of Siena Parish, Allentown
St. Thomas More Rectory
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
Email: fschoenauer@allentowndiocese.
 
Holy Infancy Rectory
312 E. Fourth St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1706
Director of Vocations
Mailing Address: P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Chaplain, Newman Center, Lehigh
417 Carlton Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Phone: 610-867-9382
St. Nicholas Rectory
1152 Oak Rd.
Walnutport, PA 18088-9728
Phone: 610-767-3107
Fax: 610-760-6241
Vicar for Clergy
Mailing Address: P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA 18105-1538
Phone: 610-437-0755
Fax: 610-433-7822
Holy Family Manor
1200 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4998
Phone: 610-865-5595
231 Alum St., Apt. #2
Lehighton, PA 18235
Phone: 484-613-0416
St. Patrick Rectory
319 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901
Phone: 570-622-1802
Fax: 570-622-2593
Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph Parish,
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 203
Pastor Emeritus, St. Catharine of Siena
Parish, Reading
St. Joseph the Worker Rectory
1879 Applewood Dr.
Oreeld, PA 18069-9536
Phone: 610-395-8066
Fax: 610-395-2616
3660 North Laurelwood Loop
Beverly Hills, FL 34465-3305
Cell: 352-501-9648
Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary Parish,
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395, Ext. 106
 
Holy Family Rectory
538 Sunbury St.
Minersville, PA 17954-1016
Phone: 570-544-4741
Fax: 570-544-4742
Holy Family Rectory
23 Forest Dr.
Nazareth, PA 18064-1300
Phone: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
St. Anne Rectory
450 E. Washington Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-5944
Phone: 610-867-5039
Fax: 610-882-4094
Chaplain, St. Luke’s University Health
Network - Fountain Hill and St. Luke’s
VNA Hospice
801 Ostrum St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Phone: 610-737-2296
905 N. Allerton Rd.
Belleville, IL 62221
Phone: 618-416-3176
Sacred Heart Villa
3300 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034
Phone: 610-282-1415
Fax: 610-282-0610
Annunciation B.V.M.
122 Union St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032-1923
Phone: 610-264-0332
Sacred Heart Villa
3300 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034-9563
Phone: 610-282-1415, Ext. 24
Fax: 610-282-0610
Pastor Emeritus, St. Ignatius Loyola
Parish, Sinking Spring
Holy Family Villa
1325 Prospect Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4916
Phone: 610-694-0395 Ext. 404
 
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish,
Roseto, and Our Lady of Good Counsel
Parish, Bangor
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rectory
560 N. Sixth St.
Bangor, PA 18013-1752
Phone: 610-588-2183
Fax: 610-588-6973
Pastor Emeritus, Immaculate Conception,
Jim Thorpe
Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph the Worker
Parish, Oreeld
P.O. Box 59
Laporte, PA 18626
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, Sinking
Spring, and St. Francis de Sales Parish,
St. Ignatius Loyola Rectory
2810 St. Albans Dr.
Reading, PA 19608-1028
Phone: 610-678-3767
Fax: 610-678-4483
Sacred Heart Villa
3300 Station Ave.
Center Valley, PA 18034
Phone: 610-282-1415, Ext. 14
Fax: 610-282-0610
Pastor Emeritus, St. Richard Parish,
160 White Oak Dr.
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229-9594
Phone: 570-325-8262
Immaculate Conception B.V.M., and
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishes, Allentown
Sacred Heart of Jesus Rectory
336 N. Fourth St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3008
Phone: 610-434-5171
Fax: 610-434-2441
Sacred Heart Parish, West Reading, and
Holy Rosary Parish, Reading
Sacred Heart Rectory
Lakeview Dr. and Cherry St.
P.O. Box 6217
Reading, PA 19610-0217
Phone: 610-372-4010
Fax: 610-372-4926
Hospital Ministry: Reading Hospital –
Tower Health, Reading
 
Holy Trinity Rectory
4102 S. Church St.
Whitehall, PA 18052-2415
Phone: 610-262-9315
Fax: 610-261-3576
Email: dyenushosky@allentowndiocese.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Rectory
300 W. Babbitt Ave.
Pen Argyl, PA 18072-1431
Phone: 610-863-4777
Fax: 610-863-7449
SS. Peter and Paul Rectory
260 N. Third St.
Lehighton, PA 18235-1595
Phone: 610-377-3690
Fax: 610-377-0721
St. Ambrose Rectory
201 Randel St.
Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972-1495
Phone: 570-385-1031
Fax: 570-385-1035
The Catholic Directory Clergy
ALVARADO, Deacon Leopoldo (1995)
4527 S. Pipkin Rd.
Lakeland, FL 33811-1427
Cell: 610-777-5206
Wife: Haydee
AMEDEO, Jr., Deacon Dominick F.
1415 31st St. S.W.
Allentown, PA 18103-6301
Wife: Ellen
BARDI, Deacon James A., Ed.D. (2015)
1 Holly Dr.
Douglassville, PA 19518-1003
Phone: 610-385-3666
Wife: Linda
Immaculate Conception B.V.M.
905 Chestnut St.
Douglassville, PA 19518-9006
Phone: 610-582-2411
BENKOVIC, Deacon Richard L. (2000)
1977 Eaton Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-2110
Phone: 610-691-8679
Wife: Wanda
Immaculate Conception B.V.M.
501 Ridge Ave.
Allentown, PA 18102-5198
Phone: 610-434-4404
Fax: 610-433-8401
BLOOM, Deacon Fredric W. (2006)
5525 Churchill Downs Dr., Apt. 201
Muskegon, MI 49444
Phone: 925-858-2284
Wife: Mary Anne
BOGUSKY, Deacon Joseph H. (1995)
2212 Firmstone St.
Easton, PA 18042-6179
Phone: 610-253-5975
Wife: Joyce
BRASTEN, Deacon Anthony L. (2006)
5921 Musket Rd.
New Tripoli, PA 18066-2202
Phone: 610-298-3290
Wife: Toni
St. Joseph the Worker
1879 Applewood Dr.
Oreeld, PA 18069-9536
Phone: 610-395-2876
Fax: 610-395-2616
CAMPANELL, Deacon Anthony T.
5284 High Vista Dr.
Oreeld, PA 18069-9116
Phone: 610-395-0868
Wife: Judy
 
24 E. Bertsch St.
Lansford, PA 18232-2001
Phone: 570-225-9275
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195-1016
Phone: 610-332-0442
462 W. Ludlow St.
Summit Hill, PA 18250-1108
Phone: 570-645-2664
Fax: 570-645-3037
397 Timothy Dr.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-2458
Phone: 610-861-8262
Wife: Angie
1817 First St.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-5603
Phone: 610-865-5042
Fax: 610-865-1912
1772 Peachtree Cir.
Whitehall, PA 18052-4308
Phone: 610-439-1307
Wife: Ingrid
1825 W. Turner St.
Allentown, PA 18104-5617
Phone: 610-433-6461
Fax: 610-433-5452
800 Court St. Apt. 208
Reading, PA 19601-4210
Cell: 484-529-6852
5019 Mohawk Dr.
Schnecksville, PA 18078-2617
Phone: 610-799-0149
Wife: Jean
4102 S. Church St.
Whitehall, PA 18052-2415
Phone: 610-262-9315
Fax: 610-261-3576
350 Lackawanna St. Apt. 116
Reading, PA 19601-1226
Phone: 610-678-4243
Wife: Carmen
1018 N. Eighth St.
Reading, PA 19604-2210
Phone: 610-376-2976
Fax: 610-376-2825
48 Arlington St.
Reading, PA 19611-1644
Phone: 610-374-3844
Wife: Maria
1929 Fairland Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Phone: 610-216-6692
Wife: Ana
336 N. Fourth St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3008
Phone: 610-434-5171
Fax: 610-434-2441
 
1236 Buck Trail Rd.
Allentown, PA 18104-2019
Phone: 610-398-2299
Wife: Suzanne
5389 Stonybrook Ln.
Boynton Beach, FL 33437-1618
Phone: 610-417-5765
Wife: Vicki
2211 Stocker Mill Rd.
Easton, PA 18045-7418
Phone: 610-252-0110
Wife: Janet
2923 Norton Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3745
Phone: 484-201-1695
920 S. Second St.
Allentown, PA 18103-3402
Phone: 610-797-9733
Fax: 610-797-9537
1032 Sandstone Dr.
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Wife: Maureen
2810 St. Albans Dr.
Sinking Spring, PA 19608-1028
Phone: 610-678-3767
Fax: 610-678-4483
330 N. Church Street
Robesonia, PA 19551-1108
Phone: 610-693-5851
Fax: 610-693-5852
3820 Dogwood Rd.
Danielsville, PA 18038-9552
Phone: 610-760-9275
Wife: June
1324 Newport Ave.
Northampton, PA 18067-1442
Phone: 610-262-2227
Fax: 610-262-4192
1230 Coventry Rd.
Orwigsburg, PA 17961-9503
Phone: 570-943-2063
Wife: Lori
94 Walnut Rd.
P.O. Box 189
Hamburg, PA 19526-0189
Phone: 570-640-5414
Fax: 610-562-0379
5681 Greens Dr.
Wescosville, PA 18106-9560
Phone: 610-398-2096
Wife: Cathy
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
 
4004 Sapphire Ln.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-7743
Phone: 610-997-3148
Wife: Jan
1128 Mill Rd.
Pen Argyl, PA 18072-9669
Phone: 610-588-2535
Wife: Michelle
300 W. Babbit Ave.
Pen Argyl, PA 18072-1431
Phone: 610-863-4777
Fax: 610-863-7449
221 Willow Rd.
Hellertown, PA 18055-2336
Phone: 610-838-8296
4101 Old Bethlehem Pike
Bethlehem, PA 18015-9097
Phone: 610-867-7424
Fax: 610-867-8301
5001 Saw Grass Dr.
Northampton, PA 18067-9588
Cell: 267-716-5048
Wife: Donna
23 Forest Dr.
Nazareth, PA 18064-1300
Phone: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
8078 Schaefer Crest
Breinigsville, PA 18031-1751
Phone: 484-735-2862
Wife: Dianne
415 S. Sixth St.
Emmaus, PA 18049-3703
Phone: 610-965-2426
Fax: 610-967-1099
5431 Congress Way
Bethlehem, PA 18017-9467
Phone: 610-349-1045
Wife: Freda
210 E. Northampton St.
Bath, PA 18014-1625
Phone: 610-837-7874
Fax: 610-837-4570
309 Briarwood Ct. S.
Bath, PA 18014-8246
Phone: 610-837-2620
11 Cambridge Ct.
Fleetwood, PA 19522-1017
Phone: 610-944-0732
Wife: Connie
2427 Perkiomen Ave.
Reading, PA 19606-2049
Phone: 610-779-4005
Fax: 610-779-0859
 
3431 Ridgeway St.
Laureldale, PA 19605-2652
Phone: 610-929-4874
3121 Kutztown Rd.
Reading, PA 19605-2659
Phone: 610-921-2729
Fax: 610-921-8886
228 West High St.
Coaldale, PA 18218-1422
Phone: 570-645-5142
Wife: Anne
307 Pine St.
Tamaqua, PA 18252-1412
Fax: 570-668-4406
799 Barnesville Dr.
Barnesville, PA 18214-2616
Phone: 570-467-2315
Fax: 570-467-2462
Apartado Postal #187
Palmares, Alajuela
Costa Rica, Centro America
Wife: Graciela
248 Central Park Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4355
Phone: 610-216-6657
Email: igonzalez-rivera@allentowndio-
Wife: Zylkia Colón
312 E. Fourth St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1706
Phone: 610-866-1121
Fax: 610-866-7094
965 Powder Mill Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-1926
Phone: 610-866-1540
Wife: Rita-Ellen
450 E. Washington Street
Bethlehem, PA 18017-5944
Fax: 610-882-4094
34 Applegate Ln.
Falmouth, ME 04105
Phone: 610-730-9231
817 S. Armour St.
Allentown, PA 18103-3364
Phone: 484-788-5901
Wife: Laura
920 S. Second St.
Allentown, PA 18103-3402
Phone: 610-797-9733
Fax: 610-797-9537
 
2129 Eagles Landing Dr.
Nazareth, PA 18064-1468
Phone: 610-365-2653
Wife: Sharon
23 Forest Dr.
Nazareth, PA 18064-1300
Phone: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
1608 Calypso Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4716
Phone: 610-866-7891
Wife: MaryAnn
730 W. Broad St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-5295
Phone: 610-866-5582
Fax: 610-866-2992
444 N. Jasper Street
Allentown, PA 18109-2666
Phone: 610-432-9384
Fax: 610-782-9297
826 N. 21st St.
Allentown, PA 18104-4004
Phone: 610-432-8177
Wife: Loretta
1825 W. Turner St.
Allentown, PA 18104-5617
Phone: 610-433-6461
Fax: 610-433-5452
14 W. Mahanoy St.
Mahanoy City, PA 17948-2616
Cell: 570-225-6552
Wife: Kimberly
614 W. Mahanoy Ave.
Mahanoy City, PA 17948-2416
Phone: 570-773-2771
Fax: 570-773-1937
163 Anderson St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3707
Phone: 570-622-8454
Wife: Joy
538 Sunbury St.
Minersville, PA 17954-1016
Phone: 570-544-4741
2096 Polk Valley Rd.
Hellertown, PA 18055-2405
Phone: 610-838-1048
Wife: Carol
4101 Old Bethlehem Pike
Bethlehem, PA 18015-9097
Phone: 610-867-7424
Fax: 610-867-8301
449 W. Turner St., Apt. 415
Allentown, PA 18102-3407
Cell: 610-248-1841
Wife: Luz
336 N. Fourth St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3008
Phone: 610-434-5171
Fax: 610-434-2441
 
10 Hershey Dr.
Pottstown, PA 19465-8137
Cell: 610-202-8072
Wife: Cindy
905 Chestnut St.
Douglassville, PA 19518-9006
Phone: 610-582-2411
12675 Birdie Dr.
Huntley, IL 60142
Phone: 706-594-6632
Wife: Chris
1845 Third St.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-5717
Phone: 610-867-5766
1817 First St.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-5603
Phone: 610-865-5042
Fax: 610-865-1912
804 Holland Sq.
Wyomissing, PA 19610-3007
Phone: 610-376-7785
Wife: Mary Ann
3640 Spear St.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-3444
Phone: 610-865-0212
Wife: Joanne
3219 Santee Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-2833
Phone: 610-867-8409
Fax: 610-867-4870
1105 New Jersey Ave.
Hellertown, PA 18055-1623
Phone: 610-838-1438
Wife: Judith
4101 Old Bethlehem Pike
Bethlehem, PA 18015-9097
Phone: 610-867-7424
Fax: 610-867-8301
3513 Regent Ct.
Allentown, PA 18103-6989
Cell: 610-217-1330
Wife: Cathy
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
25 Peach Dr.
Boyertown, PA 19512-1117
Cell: 610-202-6533
200 Indian Spring Rd.
Boyertown, PA 19512-2008
Phone: 610-367-2371
Fax: 610-369-0242
322 Morrison Rd.
Reading, PA 19601-1161
Phone: 610-372-8737
 
4539 Laurel Dr.
Walnutport, PA 18088-9628
Phone: 610-762-1585
1152 Oak Rd.
Walnutport, PA 18088-9728
Phone: 610-767-3107
Fax: 610-760-6241
220 Bainbridge Cir.
Reading, PA 19608-1772
Phone: 610-406-1721
Wife: Sheryl
7660 Imperial Way, Suite 125
Allentown, PA 18195-1016
Phone: 610-332-0442
2810 St. Albans Dr.
Sinking Spring, PA 19608-1028
Phone: 610-678-3767
Fax: 610-678-4483
320 N. Church Street
Robesonia, PA 19551-1108
Phone: 610-693-5851
Fax: 610-693-5852
4504 Troxell Dr.
Whitehall, PA 18052-1408
Phone: 610-262-1728
Wife: Wilma
421 Chew St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3490
Phone: 610-776-4500
Fax: 610-776-4559
4102 S. Church St.
Whitehall, PA 18052-2415
Phone: 610-262-9315
Fax: 610-261-3576
7724 Hamilton Blvd.
Breinigsville, PA 18031
Phone: 929-398-0433
Wife: Gianella
312 E. Fourth St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1706
Phone: 610-866-1121
Fax: 610-866-7094
151 Hawthorne Ct.
Wyomissing, PA 19610-1037
Phone: 610-777-2542
Wife: Lois
420 Holland St.
Shillington, PA 19607-3260
Phone: 610-777-1697
Fax: 610-777-4468
130 S. 25th St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3119
Phone: 570-640-6613
913 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3024
Phone: 570-622-5470
Fax: 570-622-4589
319 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3012
Phone: 570-622-1802
Fax: 570-622-2593
 
6877 Tulip Lane
Bath, PA 18014
Phone: (201) 320-6797
Wife: Jane
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
3219 Santee Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-2833
Phone: 610-867-8409
Fax: 610-867-4870
21523 Queen Ann Ct.
Leesburg, FL 34748
Phone: 484-951-0062
Wife: Mary
115 Wyoming Ave.
Wyomissing, PA 19610-2137
Phone: 484-602-9400
P.O. Box 6217
West Reading, PA 19610-0217
Phone: 610-372-4010
Fax: 610-372-4926
1311 Walnut Ln.
Macungie, PA 18062-9405
Phone: 610-841-8595
Wife: Marilyn
618 Fullerton Ave.
Whitehall, PA 18052-6726
Phone: 610-266-0695
7703 BlueGrass Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21237-1412
Phone: 410-371-3236
Wife: Mari
600 Conkling St.
Baltimore, MD 21224-4203
Phone: 410-342-4336
Fax: 410-522-2022
37 White Oak Dr.
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229-9516
Phone: 570-732-4130
Wife: Rita
180 W. Broadway
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229-1996
Fax: 570-325-2427
1800 Tulpehocken Rd. Unit 42
Wyomissing, PA 19610-1240
Phone: 610-743-8348
353 N. Eighth St.
Reading, PA 19601-4103
Phone: 610-373-3579
Wife: Josena
151 N. Ninth St.
Reading, PA 19601-3613
Phone: 610-372-1531
Fax: 610-372-7478
 
3134 Clay St.
Whitehall, PA 18052-3137
Phone: 610-266-0689
Email: jo’[email protected]
Wife: Joanne
1229 Third St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032-2716
Phone: 610-264-1972
Fax: 610-264-2105
1138 Westbury Dr.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-3948
Phone: 610-882-0273
312 E. Fourth St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015-1706
Phone: 610-866-1121
Fax: 610-866-7094
Thomas and Buchanan Sts.
Bethlehem, PA 18015-3498
Phone: 610-866-3391
Fax: 610-866-6490
6575 Alpha Ave., P.O. Box 254K
Martins Creek, PA 18063-0254
Phone: 610-360-8556
Wife: Joanne
6658 School St.
Martins Creek, PA 18063-0010
Phone: 610-258-9059
Fax: 610-258-4780
155 Woodside Dr.
Boyertown, PA 19512-7905
Phone: 610-369-0392
Wife: Dottie
33 Scenic Ct.
Mount Bethel, PA 18343-6240
Phone: 201-306-3667
Wife: Deborah
436 S. Second St.
Bangor, PA 18013-2514
Phone: 610-588-5445
Fax: 610-599-6997
4456 Colonial Ln.
Center Valley, PA 18034-8174
Phone: 908-420-2734
Wife: Jeanne
5050 St. Joseph’s Rd.
Coopersburg, PA 18036-8920
Phone: 610-965-2877
Fax: 610-965-8317
117 Green Hill Rd.
Barto, PA 19504-9319
Phone: 610-310-7272
Wife: Patricia
200 Indian Spring Rd.
Boyertown, PA 19512-2008
Phone: 610-367-2371
Fax: 610-369-0242
 
504 Edwards Ave.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3722
Phone: 570-628-2815
Wife: Jean
319 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3012
Phone: 570-622-1802
Fax: 570-622-2593
797 Heather Ln.
Easton, PA 18040-8274
Phone: 610-438-4944
Wife: Christina
123 S. Nulton Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3791
Phone: 610-253-3553
Fax: 610-253-5711
1103 Buckingham Rd.
Breinigsville, PA 18031-1857
Phone: 610-899-2048
Wife: Margaret
1879 Applewood Dr.
Oreeld, PA 18069-9536
Phone: 610-395-2876
Fax: 610-395-2616
1259 California Ave.
Whitehall, PA 18052-4632
Phone: 610-443-0506
Wife: Joanne
4 S. Fifth St.
Coplay, PA 18037-1319
Phone: 610-262-2417
Fax: 610-262-2652
626 N. 11th St.
Allentown, PA 18102-2212
Phone: 347-851-9815
Wife: Idalia
421 Chew St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3490
Phone: 610-776-4500
Fax: 610-776-4559
801 N. 11th St.
Allentown, PA 18102-1387
Phone: 610-433-6102
Fax: 610-434-6972
2605 Mountain Ln.
Allentown, PA 18103-7351
Cell: 484-619-8705
Wife: Anna
920 S. Second St.
Allentown, PA 18103-3402
Phone: 610-797-9733
Fax: 610-797-9537
 
21 E. Cumberland St.
Allentown, PA 18103
Phone: 484-506-0857
Wife: Maria
920 S. Second St.
Allentown, PA 18103-3402
Phone: 610-797-9733
Fax: 610-797-9537
2131 Lafayette Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-5033
Phone: 610-997-0615
127 Cornerstone Place
Whitehall, PA 18052
Phone: 484-510-3122
Wife: Maria
336 N. Fourth St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3008
Phone: 610-434-5171
Fax: 610-434-2441
32245 Robin Hoods Loop
Millsboro, DE 19966-6210
Phone: 302-947-2072
550 Henry St.
Hellertown, PA 18055-2205
Phone: 610-838-8267
Wife: Debbie
1300 Broadway
Fountain Hill, PA 18015-4009
Phone: 610-867-5122
Fax: 610-867-6569
813 Kenhorst Blvd.
Reading, PA 19611-1721
Phone: 610-373-6902
Wife: Miriam
925 Centre Ave.
Reading, PA 19601-2105
Phone: 610-376-2919
Fax: 610-376-2462
45 N. Main St. Apt. 4310
Phoenixville, PA 19460-0300
Phone: 610-395-1734
Wife: Lynda
338 Stoneridge Vlg.
Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone: 717-866-3690
Wife: Joan
209 Pembroke Dr.
Reading, PA 19607-2436
Phone: 610-775-0979
Wife: Deborah
2810 St. Albans Dr.
Reading, PA 19608-1028
Phone: 610-678-3767
Fax: 610-678-4483
330 N. Church St.
Robesonia, PA 19551-1108
Phone: 610-693-5851
Fax: 610-693-5852
 
512 Second St.
Whitehall, PA 18052-6704
Phone: 484-903-3767
Email: jsantos-gonzalez@allentowndio-
Wife: Carmen
132 S. Fifth St.
Easton, PA 18042-4418
Phone: 610-252-7381
Fax: 610-252-6757
900 Washington St.
Easton, PA 18042-4342
Phone: 610-253-7188
Fax: 610-253-6184
5385 Colony Dr.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-9255
Phone: 610-597-6319
Wife: Lisa
210 E. Northampton St.
Bath, PA 18014-1625
Phone: 610-837-7874
Fax: 610-837-4570
7317 Lochhaven St.
Allentown, PA 18106-9128
Phone: 610-398-8845
Wife: Kathy
1879 Applewood Dr.
Oreeld, PA 18069-9536
Phone: 610-395-2876
Fax: 610-395-2616
5634 Merion Ln.
Macungie, PA 18062-1452
Phone: 610-737-6999
Wife: Linda
1026 Georgetown Dr.
Reading, PA 19605-3254
Phone: 610-737-6999
Wife: Ellen
2427 Perkiomen Ave.
Reading, PA 19606-2049
Phone: 610-779-4005
Fax: 610-779-0859
3545 New Hampshire Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-8121
Cell: 610-295-2003
Wife: Lucia
123 S. Nulton Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3791
Phone: 610-253-3553
Fax: 610-253-5711
126 Kutz Rd.
Fleetwood, PA 19522-9113
Phone: 484-575-6068
Wife: Patricia
322 S. Fifth St.
Reading, PA 19602-2311
Phone: 610-372-9652
Fax: 610-374-3351
 
111 Amos Landing Rd.
Mashpee, MA 02649
Cell: 484-575-6068
Wife: Kathryn
18 W. Elizabeth Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-2411
Phone: 610-390-5638
Wife: Jane Ann
450 E. Washington Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-5944
Phone: 610-867-5039
Fax: 610-882-4094
10 Back Rd.
Barnesville, PA 18214-2426
Phone: 570-467-2514
Wife: Ellie
3683 Cottage Dr.
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Phone: 610-261-1203
Wife: Deborah
1861 Catasauqua Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-1298
Phone: 610-866-4371
Fax: 610-866-9065
4220 Cottonwood Ct.
Allentown, PA 18103-9205
Cell: 484-358-5743
Wife: Jackie
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
6609 Phaedra Ct.
Eldersburg, MD 21784
Phone: 610-398-3811
Wife: Karen
1023 Cathy Dr.
Leesport, PA 19533-8805
Phone: 610-376-5394
Wife: Helene
2427 Perkiomen Ave.
Reading, PA 19606-2049
Phone: 610-779-4005
Fax: 610-779-0859
5 Saddle Ln.
Easton, PA 18045-3114
Phone: 610-258-7708
Wife: Linda
3219 Santee Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-2833
Phone: 610-867-8409
Fax: 610-867-4870
 
3136A Mannerchor Rd.
Temple, PA 19560-9712
Phone: 610-468-9506
Wife: Alice
925 Centre Ave.
Reading, PA 19601-2105
Phone: 610-376-2919
Fax: 610-376-2462
4171 Washington St.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-7838
Phone: 610-866-0279
Wife: Mary
123 S. Nulton Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3791
Phone: 610-253-3553
Fax: 610-253-5711
1610 Victoria Pointe Ln., Weston, FL
Phone: 610-944-4052
Cell: 484-515-4505
Wife: Phuoc
526 Wood St. Apt. 406
Bethlehem, PA 18018-4458
Phone: 610-866-1732
Wife: Jeannette
1544 Fitzwatertown Rd.
Willow Grove, PA 19090-4343
Phone: 570-215-4014
Wife: Maryanne
7089 Queenscourt Ln.
Macungie, PA 18062-8988
Phone: 610-366-3718
Wife: Agnes
1040 Flexer Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5520
Phone: 610-433-7413
Fax: 610-433-2308
3350 Higheld Cir.
Bethlehem, PA 18020-1151
Phone: 610-694-0138
Wife: Lisa
2 Gracedale Ave.
Nazareth, PA 18064-9213
Phone: 610-746-1900
Fax: 610-746-1901
23 Forest Dr.
Nazareth, PA 18064-1300
Phone: 610-759-0870
Fax: 610-746-2026
908 Old Wyomissing Rd.
Reading, PA 19611-1518
Phone: 610-375-2937
Wife: Aida
322 S. Fifth St.
Reading, PA 19602-2311
Phone: 610-372-9652
Fax: 610-374-3351
 
1410 W. North St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-3409
Phone: 610-868-6106
Wife: Connie
730 W. Broad St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-5295
Phone: 610-866-5582
Fax: 610-866-2992
444 N. Jasper Street
Allentown, PA 18109-2666
Phone: 610-432-9384
Fax: 610-782-9297
290 Beachwood Dr. NW
Calabash, NC 28467-1809
Phone: 910-579-4095
Wife: June
1789 Chapel Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103-5001
Cell: 610-349-6323
Wife: Christine
1861 Catasauqua Rd.
Bethlehem, PA 18018-1298
Phone: 610-866-4371
Fax: 610-866-9065
421 Grape St.
Whitehall, PA 18052
Phone: 610-351-7626
Wife: Teodora
336 S. Fourth St.
Allentown, PA 18102-3008
Phone: 610-434-5171
Fax: 610-434-2441
1323 Mahantongo St.
Pottsville, PA 17901-3305
Phone: 570-622-8798
Wife: Virginia
1926 Poplar Ridge Dr.
Otsego, MI 49078-9654
Phone: 610-462-4898
Wife: Margaret
941 Norman St.
Weatherly, PA 18255-1214
Phone: 570-427-8883
Wife: Theresa
35 N. Cleveland St.
McAdoo, PA 18237-1842
Phone: 570-929-1073
Fax: 570-929-1043
 
2916 Hartley Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3740
Phone: 610-248-0070
Email: kwasielewski@allentowndiocese.
Wife: Karen
123 S. Nulton Ave.
Easton, PA 18045-3791
Phone: 610-253-3553
Fax: 610-253-5711
518 Periwinkle Pl.
Easton, PA 18040-1134
Phone: 610-559-0284
900 Washington St.
Easton, PA 18042-4342
Phone: 610-253-7188
Fax: 610-253-6184
132 S. Fifth Street
Easton, PA 18042-4418
Phone: 610-252-7381
Fax: 610-282-6757
221 N. Fourth St.
Lehighton, PA 18235-1507
Cell: 484-225-3688
Wife: Ann
260 N. Third St.
Lehighton, PA 18235-1595
Phone: 610-377-3690
Fax: 610-377-0721
300 Char Oak Ct.
Columbia, SC 29212-2632
Phone: 803-814-1626
Wife: Mary
5262 Thompson St.
Germansville, PA 18053-2020
Phone: 610-767-1461
Wife: Lucy
428 N. 28th St.
Allentown, PA 18104-4839
Phone: 610-841-2168
Wife: JoAnne
1046 W. Cedar St.
Allentown, PA 18102-1304
Phone: 610-433-6102
Fax: 610-434-6972
3322 N. Front St.
Whitehall, PA 18052
Phone: 516-491-1108
Wife: Catherine
1825 W. Turner St.
Allentown, PA 18104-5617
Phone: 610-433-6461
Fax: 610-433-5452
 
Fasig, Scott A.
McDonald, James F.
Sullivan, James J.
Begany, Michael P.
Clinton, Connell
Mechunes, Anthony J.
Sangmeister, Joseph V.
Zolondek, John G.
Burke, Cornelius F.
Dietz, Aloysius J.
Fasig, Frederick A.
Kakos, Michael P.
Kane, Edward S.
Kucharic, Emeric A.
Rakauskas, Casimir J.
Riley, Edward J.
Birmelin, Cyril E.
Hartley, Joseph F.
Hoey, Francis P.
Hornberger, Francis J.
McCrossen, Thomas D.
McGovern, Joseph B.
Vezis, William J.
Bagdonas, Jerome J.
Rev. Joseph J. Fanti - January 15, 2022
Rev. William T. Campion - September 4, 2022
Check, George J.
Gallagher, James P.
McCloskey, James J.
Petro, George M.
Schaeer, Joseph A.
Zboyovsky, John F.
Bonar, Stephen
Creemers, Bernard H.
Fink, Felix C.
Gasparovic, Frederick T.
Gaudinskas, Joseph C.
Kucment, Bruno A.
Magee, James A.
Sarama, Ladislaus J.
Bajercius, Francis M.
Keller, Charles F.
Lanshe, Joseph F.
McPeak, Henry D.
O’Brien, Cornelius V.
Adolf, Francis P.
Fink, Leo G.
Holly, Michael J.
Holzhauser, Richard E.
Kopec, Bronislaus J.
McDonald, Francis P.
Mickun, John
Mizak, Joseph G.
 
Shamonsky, Joseph J.
Sirak, Michael G.
Valesek, Stephen J.
Zmijewski, Joseph A.
Bonner, Francis C.
Doolin, James F.
Ponisciak, Stephen C.
Powell, Daniel B.
Radocha, Joseph P.
Reseterics, Joseph F.
Walsh, Charles D.
Hillanbrand, Vincent J.
Peleshek, Thomas I.
Bonner, Miles T.
Randazzo, Vincent F.
Sullivan, James P.
Brady, John T.
Burke, Vincent A.
Burns, John J.
Donnelly, Owen P.
McCreedy, John J.
Miconi, Leonard T.
Pugliese, Joseph M.
Scott, James L.
Donohue, James A.
Klevence, Casimir J.
Krystyniak, Stephen S.
Musuras, Stanley C.
Bradley, Paul M.
Donnelly, Francis J.
Ferry, William A.
Foley, Edward J.
Gilly, Francis X.
Majchrzycki, Jan
May, Joseph F.
Alauskis, Alexander J.
Bielskis, Albin J.
Doran, Thomas A.
Farrell, James A.
Gibney, Christopher J.
Huesman, Henry J.
Hynes, Harry G.
Laumakis, Peter P.
Nawn, John J.
O’Rourke, James J.
Boyce, James M.
Degutis, Andrew J.
Mento, Francis J.
Mockus, Francis L.
O’Brien, James V.
Zietsch, Bruno
Bednarik, Stephen J.
Ditsky, Michael G.
Feeser, John J.
Fries, John P. N.
Molnar, Anthony J.
Murray, Joseph A.
Shea, James A.
Buikus, John
Dutko, Francis J.
Wagner, Theodore C.
Zmich, Stephen J.
Connaughton, Michael
Gallagher, John
King, Francis L.
Ruenach, Charles
Vidoczy, Stephen
Barbato, Francis
Chesna, Pius C.
Kelly, J. Richard
Lesko, Michael A.
 
Mathis, Joseph L.
Niemotko, Anthony
Terna, Nicholas J.
Fricker, Joseph J.
Karalius, Joseph A.
Wiesler, John F.
Beneck, John S.
Burkhart, Edward B.
Campbell, Joseph J.
Hammeke, Aloysius T.
Herley, Joseph J.
Baran, Joseph A.
Basinski, John Z.
Gorak, Stanislaus
Merook, Leonard S.
Sienkiewicz, Bronislaus
Smigielski, John M.
Urbanski, Jerome F.
Haley, J. Francis
Leichner, Raymond J.
Lisowski, Michael J.
Luksys, Stanley J.
Walters, Francis W.
Alfonsi, Joseph F.
Doyle, Thomas J.
Foley, Patrick J.
Gasho, Joseph F.
LaBuda, Felix J.
O’Donnell, Joseph P.
Quain, Gerald P.
Shalvey, John M.
Shelonis, Joseph J.
Winkler, Frederick A.
Angelini, Agnello J.
Bruc, Walter J.
Conley, William H.
Gregas, Clarence M.
Krizin, Stephen E.
Lenahan, Andrew J.
Norbutas, Stanislaus J.
Andel, Joseph U.
Fenzil, George J.
Jarecki, Joseph F.
Luksys, John S.
Matlos, John M.
Mealey, Francis J.
Mooney, William H.
Skotek, Frederick M.
Billinger, Reginald S.
Birosh, Joseph P.
Boyle, John E.
Egan, John V.
Kenney, Edward J.
Lawrence, Francis C.
Marzen, Joseph P.
Melley, Michael J.
Sciarrone, Rosario F.
Barr, Edmund G.
Dunajski, John S.
Heineman, Leo I.
Houseknecht, Leo J.
McHale, William J.
Ovecka, John G.
Buchholz, Matthias
Connolly, Francis X.
McShea, Joseph M.
Shigo, Stephen F.
Basovsky, Joseph C.
Buehler, Leo M.
Connelly, Edward A.
Dougherty, Robert V.
Glunz, Francis C.
 
Hager, Joseph S.
Schmid, Aloysius J.
Stilwell, James J.F.
Zagorski, Julian G.
Bigos, William S.
Daday, Stephen J.
Feeny, Joseph A.
Forgotch, Joseph D.
McPeak, John P.
Melley, Frederick A.
Sproesser, Edward G.
Engler, John G.
Fronczek, Stanislaus J.
Pekarik, Paul M.
Agosta, James J.
Allwein, Charles L.
Baruch, John S.
Devitt, Cornelius J.
Hanlon, James R.
Honer, William P.
Jarasunas, Matthew
Lyons, John A.
Nugent, John J.
Ricapito, Anthony R.
Courtney, Thomas M.
Dick, C. Norbert
Loeper, Frederick J.
Luszczak, Francis J.
Morrell, Joseph J.
Neverauskas, Joseph A.
Pasura, John G.
Sabas, John Paul
Butler, James M.
Carr, James M.
Carter, William H.
McHale, James J.
Romagno, Michael
Sverchek, Michael P.
Polaha, Andrew J.S.
Rapczynski, Joseph B.
Cronin, Vincent I.
Whalen, Joseph M.
Anselmi, Victor J.
Fox, Francis J.
Shields, William J.
Sosnowski, Stanley T.
Carroll, Joseph D.
Edwards, Thomas L.
Nave, Francis R.
Gra, Edward R.
Sheridan, John F.
Sweeney, James E.
Iacono, Leonardo
Marciano, Charles A.
McNulty, Charles L.
Messaros, Michael F.
Przydzial, Frederick J.
Vandergeest, Peter J.
Welkie, Paul P.
Zavodny, Francis J.
Jones, William E.
McGarr, Joseph M.
Opps, Francis J.
Dressler, Robert A.
Ford, Richard J.
Maslar, William J.
McNelis, Francis J.
Revak, Francis C.
 
Schuster, Francis J.
Fick, David J.
Forish, Stephen T.
Hall, Walter J.
Macunas, Theodore S.
Moss, Charles T.
Bader, Paul L.
Coleman, Edward W.
Ondic, John L.
Campo, Richard W.
Cervella, Albert T.
Liebner, David C.
Oranczak, Ronald J.
Rusek, John A.
Barnes, Joseph A.
Flynn, Stephen F.X.
King, Thomas J.
Strassner, Henry E.
Welsh, Thomas J.
Auchter, John A.
Duminiak, John J.
Freed, Robert R.
Martinkovic, Joseph
Pavlosky, John J.
Schware, Richard A.
della Picca, Paul B.
Losito, Felix A.
Masiar, Paul E.
Fagan, Robert R.
Liebner, David M.
Reed, Robert J.
Reilly, Joseph F.
Birch, Thomas J.
Bolez, Edward C.
Jones, William P.
Nahn, William J.
Czartorynski, David F.
Hess, Larry J.
Horan, Thomas A.
Kerestus, Thomas J.
McKenna, II, F. Charles
Ott, Alfred R.
Quinn, Robert C.
Sarzynski, Edward W.
Brady, James R.
Dermott, William R.
Lawrence, Michael S.
O’Donnell, William J.
Onushco, William J.
Sperlak, Charles S.
Bambrick, John W.
Briggman, Michael J.
Campion, Joseph J.
Grembocki, Joseph L.
McNamara, John J.
Morgan, James J.
Mulligan, James J.
Ulincy, Andrew A.
Barrett, Francis X.
Burdess, James J.
Conte, John P.
Dooley, Joseph P.
Gillespie, Francis T.
Karns, David W.
Loeper, Richard J.
Merman, Raymond F.
Slezak, Raymond P.
Straka, Francis P.
The Catholic Directory Clergy
Ahrenseld, Michael E.
Bechtel, James C.
Braudis, Joseph M.
Hartgen, Dennis T.
McEldu, Edward W.
Muntone, Anthony D.
Schwartz, Edwin V.
Wassel, Anthony F.
Sattler, Frederick F.
Paskowicz, Marian
Beers, J. Michael
Bishop, Clifton E.
Brennan, Edmund J.
Killian, Wayne E.
Forst, Robert M.
Stone, Michael J.
O’Connor, Edward J.
Campion, William T.
Fanti, Joseph J.
Hulko, Joseph D.
Karns, Marland W.
Hozza, John A.
Stoud, Richard C.
Kraft, R. Wayne
Fessler, Lawrence J.
Musalavage, Clement A.
Roth, Cyril A.
Cuevas, Ralph
Please pray for them.
Ahrenseld, William L.
vonLeer, Lemuel B.
DeTurck, John E.
Keenan, Leo F
Bremer, James J.
Mihalik, Jr., Andrew J.
Salabsky, Jr., Bernard J.
Scrak, Sr., Richard G.
Andrusisian, Stephen
Metzker, Daniel F.
Mullins, Thomas J.
Con, John A.
Dudeck, Lawrence A.
McGouldrick, Michael P.
McManus, Robert J.
The Catholic Directory Clergy
Burda, Joseph R.
Faller, George J.
Giltrap III, James F.
Hughes, Gerald P.
Quiles, Victor M.
Thomson, Daniel A.
Bankos, Sr., Gregory J.
deJesus, Jaime
End, Gerard E.
Reichard, Thomas C.
Sewald, Sr., Richard T.
LaFata, Peter M.
Pham, Francis T.
Braun, Richard K.
McShane, Hugh E.
Simchick, Sylvester F.
Wisser, Bernard M.
Chiles, Franklin J.
Costa, Joseph J.
Jaccodine, Ralph J.
Pufko, Joseph H.
Solis, Alfonso D.
Buragino, Joseph G.
Cummings, John D.
Koval, Edward P.
Maggitti, Alexander L.
Torres, Fernando L.
Cosgrove, Francis J.
Monahan, Brian J.
Pogash, John F.
Wagner, William J.
Allison, John J.
Danyi, Frank J.
Gergar, Richard L.
Horst, Richard A.
Freed, Edward E.
Pitts, William P.
Ramirez, Manuel L.
Sheridan, John T.
Close, Richard B.
Godiska, Joseph F.
Wilkinson, Raymond W.
Giordano, Charles A.
LaPolice, George D.
Boyle, Michael J.
Lash, Frederick W.
Rodgers, Robert W.
 
Mr. Owen R. Fitzgerald
Mr. Kolbe J. Eidle
Mr. Anh Do Hoang Mai
Mr. Tyler W. Loch
Mr. Dominic C. Civitella
Mr. Tyle D. Davis
Mr. Hy (James) Gia Ngo
Mr. Jerey Tomczyk
Mr. Robert F. Rienzo
Mr. Nikolai R. Brelinsky
Mr. Keaton C. Eidle
Mr. Aaron R. Scheidel
Mr. Miguel M. Ramirez
Rev. Mr. Alexander T. Brown
Mr. Joseph Nguyen Van Vien
Under the jurisdiction of the
Eparchial Bishop: Most Rev. Gregory
John Mansour, D.D., S.T.L.
Vicar General and Chancellor: Chor-
bishop Michael G. Thomas, J.C.D.
Judicial Vicar: Rev. Msgr. Francis J.
Marini, J.D., J.C.O.D.
Chancery Oce: 109 Remsen St.,
Brooklyn, NY 11201-4212
Phone: 718-237-9913
Fax: 718-243-0444
Website: www.stmaron.org
Tribunal: 300 Wyoming Ave., Scranton,
PA 18503
Phone: 570-207-2246, Ext. 1065
Fax: 570-207-2274
54 S. Fourth St. (18042)
Pastor: Rev. Youssef Keikati, OAM
Deacon: Anthony Koury
Phone: 610-252-5275
Fax: 610-252-1737
Under the jurisdiction of the
Metropolitan Archbishop: Most Rev.
Borys Gudziak
Auxiliary Bishop: Most Rev. Andriy
Chancellor: Msgr. Peter D. Waslo
Chancery Oce: 810 N. Franklin St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19123-2005
Phone: 215-627-0143
Fax: 215-627-0377
1826 Kenmore Ave. (18018-3305)
Pastor: Rev. Paul J. Makar
Phone: 610-865-2521
Fax: 610-865-4490
Website: www.stjosaphatbethlehem.org
45 S. Second St.
Pastor: Rev. Petro Zvarych
Mailing Address: 243 S. Middle St.
Phone: 570-874-1101
Fax: 570-874-0448
Website: www.stmichaelucc.com
 
Main St. (17934)
Administrator: Rev. Petro Zvarych
Mailing Address: 243 S. Middle St.,
Frackville, PA 17931
Phone: 570-874-1101
Fax: 570-874-0448
Attended from: St. Michael, Frackville
210 W. Blaine St. (18237-1204)
Pastor: Rev. Roman Oliynyk
Phone: 570-929-7058
Kaska St.
Administrator: Rev. Mark Fesniak
Phone: 570-544-4581
Attended from St. Nicholas, Minersville
415 Front St. (17954-1418)
Pastor: Rev. Mark Fesniak
Phone: 570-544-4581
Fax: 570-544-9653
School: 515 Front St. (17954-1418)
Phone: 570-544-2800
Fax: 570-544-6471
Principal: Mrs. Susie Miller
Enrollment: 146
1343 Newport Ave. (18067-1443)
Pastor: Rev. John Seniw
Phone: 610-262-4104
Fax: 610-262-7393
101 Lehigh Ave. (18071-1706)
Pastor and Director of Religious Educa-
tion: Rev. Volodymyr Baran
Phone: 610-826-2359
504 Summit Ave. (19611-1964)
Pastor: Rev. Roman Sverdan
Phone: 610-376-0586
Fax: 610-376-0586
Website: www.parishesonline.com/nativi-
105 Morris St. (17970)
Pastor: Msgr. Myron Grabowsky
All inquiries to St. Michael, Shenandoah
114 S. Chestnut St. (17976-2214)
Administrator: Msgr. Myron Grabowsky
Phone: 570-462-0809
Fax: 570-462-0517
315 Fourth St. (18042-6113)
Pastor: Rev. Daniel Troyal
Phone: 610-252-4266
Fax: 610-252-8533
Website: www.holyghost-ukrainian-cath-
 
Under the jurisdiction of the
Bishop: Most Rev. Kurt Burnette
Protocyncellus: Right Rev. Archpriest
James G. Hayer
Chancery Oce: 445 Lackawanna Ave.,
Woodland Park, NJ 07424-2969
Phone: 973-890-7777
Fax: 973-890-7175
Website: www.eparchyofpassaic.com
Chancellor: Very Rev. Nicholas Daddona
Episcopal Vicar (Syncellus): VACANT
Deans (Protopresbyter): Very Rev. Ed-
ward J. Higgins, Southern Pennsylvania;
Very Rev. Gregory Noga, Mid-Pennsyl-
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Maureen
156 Green St. (18102-1944)
Parochial Administrator: Very Rev.
Edward Higgins
Phone: 610-432-6773
Fax: 610-432-6702
119 Berwick St., P.O. Box 206 (18216-
Pastor: Rev. James J. Demko
Phone: 570-455-1442
Fax: 570-455-7144
1140 Johnston Dr. (18017-1934)
Pastor: Very Rev. Edward Higgins
Phone: 610-867-2322
Fax: 610-867-7274
Green St. (17925)
Administrator: Rev. James Carroll,
Phone: 570-773-2631
Fax: 570-773-0548
Attended from St. Mary, Mahanoy City
116 E. Bertsch St. (18232-2014)
Administrator: Rev. Vasyl Chepelskyy,
Phone: 570-645-2640
Fax: 570-645-8718
621 W. Mahanoy Ave. (17948-2415)
Pastor: Rev. James Carroll, O.F.M.
Phone: 570-773-2631
Fax: 570-773-0548
17 E. Blaine St. (18237-9998)
Administrator: Rev. Gregory Hosler
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. George Bujnak
Phone: 570-929-1062
Fax: 570-929-3239
107 S. Fourth St. (17954-1118)
Pastor: Very Rev. Gregory Noga
Phone: 570-544-2074
Fax: 570-544-9441
 
141 W. High St. (18240)
Administrator: Rev. Vasyl Chepelskyy,
Phone: 570-669-6533
Attended from St. John the Baptist, Lans-
715 Church St. (18071)
Administrator: Very Rev. Edward Higgins
Phone: 610-432-6773
Attended from St. Michael, Allentown
131 S. Morris St. (17970)
Administrator: Very Rev. Gregory Noga
Phone: 570-544-2074
Fax: 570-544-9441
Attended from SS. Peter and Paul, Min-
Administrator: Rev. James J. Demko
Phone: 570-455-1442
Fax: 570-455-7144
Attended from SS. Peter and Paul, Beaver
Chaplain: Rev. Christopher S. Butera,
M.Div., M.A.
Lay Teachers: 4
2133 Madison Ave. (18017-4699)
Founded: 1925
Main Oce Phone: 610-866-0791
Fax: 610-866-4429
Website: www.becahi.org
Guidance Oce: 610-691-2538
Principal: Mr. Lucas Wilde
President for Catholic Mission and Iden-
tity: Rev. Bernard J. Ezaki, M.Div., M.A.
Director of Institutional Advancement:
Mr. Thomas Vresics
Lay Teachers: 37
301 N. Fourth St. (18102-3098)
Founded: 1927
Phone: 610-437-4601
Fax: 610-437-6760
Website: www.acchs.info
Principal: Mr. Randy Rice, M.Ed., Ed.S.
Vice Principal: Mrs. Diane Young
Chaplain: Rev. Stephan A. Isaac, M.Div.,
Campus Minister: Sr. Mathilde DeLucy,
Lay Teachers: 55
115 Washington Street – Bath, PA
Founded: 2019
Main Oce Phone: 610-419-3333
Email: principal@kolbe-academy.com
Website: www.kolbe-academy.org
Principal: Mr. Andrew D’Angelo, M.A.
Crisis Intervention Daytime: 610-559-
Intervention after Hours: 610-252-9060
or 911
3417 Church Rd. (18045-2999)
Founded: 1957 (Formerly Easton
Catholic High School)
Phone: 610-868-1431
Fax: 610-868-6710
Website: www.ndcrusaders.org
Guidance Oce: 610-867-7012
Fax: 610-867-9378
Principal: Mrs. Jaclyn Friel, M.Ed.
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Dena Farrell
Director of Admissions: Mrs. Mandy
Chaplain: Rev. Daniel E. Kravatz,
M.Div., M.A.
Lay Teachers: 37
One Lawtons Hill (17901-2795)
Founded: 1955
Phone: 570-622-8110
Fax: 570-622-0454
Website: www.nativitybvm.net
Principal: Mrs. Lynn A. Sabol
Director of Development: Mrs. Jennifer
Director of Studies: Mr. Jerey Nan
ChaplainRev. Kevin J. Bobbin, M.A.,
Lay Teachers: 20
 
955 E. Wyomissing Blvd. (19611-1799)
Founded: 2011 (formed by the merger
of Reading Central Catholic High School
and Holy Name High School)
Phone: 610-374-8361
Fax: 610-374-4309
Website: www.berkscatholic.org
Head of SchoolMr. William Hess, M.Ed.
Chaplain: Rev. Matthew J. Kuna, M.Div.,
Lay Teachers: 37
166 Marian Ave. (18252-9789)
Founded: 1954
Phone: 570-467-3335, 570-668-2225
Fax: 570-467-0186
Website: www.mariancatholichs.org
Head of School: Mr. Michael Brennan,
Dean of Students: Mr. Peter Sanllippo
Director of Studies: Mrs. Jean M. Susko,
Chaplain: Rev. Robert J. George, M.Div.
Lay Teachers: 22
 
1040 Flexer Ave. (18103-5500)
Phone: 610-432-0396
Fax: 610-432-1395
Website: www.stmschoolpa.com
Principal: Mrs. Amanda Salovay, M.Ed.
Assistant to Principal for Curriculum
and Instruction: Mrs. Christine Rander
668 Pine St. (19503)
Phone: 610-845-7364
Fax: 610-845-2223
Email: chowald@mbsbally.org
Website: www.mbsbally.org/sfa
Director: Cheryl Howald
551 Thomas St. (18015-1701)
Phone: 610-868-2621
Fax: 610-868-5402
Email: negronj@holyinfancy.k12.pa.us
Website: www.holyinfancyschool.org
Principal: Ms. Jeanne Negron-Garcia
1835 Catasauqua Rd. (18018-1211)
Phone: 610-866-2231
Fax: 610-866-4374
Website: www.ndbethlehemschool.org
Principal: Mrs. Donna Hopper
3221 Santee Rd. (18020-2833)
Phone: 610-868-6570
Fax: 610-868-7941
Website: www.olphbeth.org
Principal: Mrs. Danielle Frio, M.B.A.
375 Hickory St. (18017-5944)
Phone: 610-868-4182
Fax: 610-868-8709
Website: www.stannebethlehem.org
Principal: Mr. James Krupka
903 Chestnut St. (Rt. 345) (19518)
Phone: 610-404-8645
Fax: 610-404-4890
Website: icaberks.org
Principal: Mrs. Lisa Forkin
1900 Washington Blvd., Easton (18042-
Phone: 610-253-8442
Fax: 610-253-2427
Website: www.stjaneschool.com
Principal: Ms. Marybeth Okula, M.B.A.,
 
435 S. Sixth St. (18049-3703)
Phone: 610-965-9220
Fax: 610-967-4521
Website: www.stann-emmaus.org
Principal: Mrs. Diana Kile
17 N. Convent Ave. (18064-1324)
Phone: 610-759-5642
Fax: 610-759-0386
Email: pei[email protected]
Website: www.holyfamilynazareth.com
Principal: Mr. Derek Peier, M.Ed.
1858 Applewood Dr. (18069-9535)
Phone: 610-395-7221
Fax: 610-395-7904
Email: jhenrich@stjw.org
Website: www.stjosephtheworkerschool.
Principal: Mr. Joseph Henrich
2330 Perkiomen Ave. (19606-2048)
Phone: 610-779-5810
Fax: 610-779-6888
Website: www.scsreading.org
Principal: Mrs. Marcella Kraycik, M.A.
235 Spring St. (19601-2121)
Phone: 610-375-1882
Fax: 610-376-2291
Website: www.smsreading.org
Principal: Mr. Jeremy Kopp
225 S. Fifth St. (19602-1816)
Phone: 610-374-2447
Fax: 610-374-3415
Website: http://stpeterschoolreading.org
Principal: Sr. Anna Musi, I.H.M.
701 Franklin St. (19611-1029
Phone: 610-373-3316
Fax: 610-373-7299
Website: www.sacredheartreading.com
Principal: Mrs. Joan McNeil
 
Slatington Building (Grades K to 2): 641
W. Washington St., Slatington (18080-
Phone: 610-767-2935
Fax: 610-767-2948
Palmerton Building (Grades 3 to 8): 259
Lafayette Ave., Palmerton (18071-1598)
Phone: 610-826-2354
Website: www.sjnrschool.org
Principal: Dr. Christopher Heery
Serving St. Nicholas, Walnutport; Sacred
Heart, Palmerton; Assumption B.V.M.,
290 W. Babbitt Ave. (18072-1429)
Phone: 610-863-4816
Fax: 610-863-8158
Email: icso[email protected]
Website: www.immaculateconception-
Principal: Sr. Maria Luz, O.P.
Serving Our Lady of Good Counsel, Ban-
gor; St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Pen Argyl;
St. Rocco, Martins Creek and Our Lady of
Mount Carmel, Roseto
210 N. 18th St. (18104-5617)
Phone: 610-435-8981
Fax: 610-437-7951
Email: principal@stjohnvianneyschool.
Website: www.stjohnvianneyschool.org
Principal: Mrs. Patricia Kropf
Serving Sacred Heart of Jesus, Cathedral
of St. Catharine of Siena, St. Francis of
Assisi and St. Paul, Allentown
Elementary School: 5040 St. Josephs Rd.,
Coopersburg (18036-8920)
Phone: 610-965-4441
Fax: 610-965-1030
Middle School (Main Oce): 4121 Old
Bethlehem Pike, Bethlehem (18015-9097)
Phone: 610-867-8422
Fax: 610-865-2098
Website: www.st-mikes.com
Principal: Mr. Harry Reese
Serving Assumption B.V.M., Bethlehem;
St. Joseph, Coopersburg (Limeport)
1300 Newport Ave. (18067-1442)
Phone: 610-262-9171
Fax: 610-262-2202
Website: www.goodshepherd-catholic.
Principal: Mrs. Susan Parker, M.Ed.
Serving St. John Fisher, Catasauqua;
St. Peter, Coplay; Assumption B.V.M.
and Queenship of Mary, Northampton;
St. John the Baptist and Holy Trinity,
 
112 S. Seventh St. (17901-3079)
Phone: 570-622-0106
Fax: 570-622-4737
Email: tkeating@assumptionbvmschool.
Website: www.assumptionbvmschool.net
Principal: Mrs. Teresa Keating, M.Ed.
Serving St. Patrick and St. John the Bap-
tist, Pottsville; Holy Family, Minersville;
Most Blessed Trinity, Tremont; St. Clare
of Assisi, Saint Clair; Holy Cross, New
3125 Kutztown Rd. (19605-2659)
Phone: 610-929-4124
Website: www.hgaschool.org
Head of School: Mrs. Kelly Prechtl - kel-
Dean of Academics and Curriculum:
Mrs. Albina Hall – [email protected]
Serving St. Joseph and Holy Guardian
Angels, Reading, St. Mary, Hamburg and
St. Mary, Kutztown
440 Holland St. (19607-3260)
Phone: 610-777-7392
Fax: 610-777-1280
Email: mickulik@lsabear.com
Website: www.lsabear.com
Principal: Mr. Stephen W. Mickulik,
Serving St. John Baptist de la Salle, Shil-
lington; St. Benedict, Mohnton
2700 St. Albans Dr., Reading (19609-
Phone: 610-678-0111
Fax: 610-670-5795
Website: www.stignatiusvikings.org
Principal: Dr. Carolyn Reed Wood
Serving St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking
Spring; St. Francis de Sales, Robesonia
50 Meadow Ave. (18252-4313)
Phone: 570-668-2757
Fax: 570-668-6101
Website: www.sjrschool.com
Principal: Mrs. Amy M. Hannis-Miskar,
Serving St. John XXIII, Tamaqua; St.
Richard, Barnesville; All Saints, McAdoo;
St. Joseph, Summit Hill; St. Peter the
Fisherman, Lake Harmony; Immaculate
Conception, Jim Thorpe; SS. Peter and
Paul, Lehighton
433 Pershing Blvd. (18052-6499)
Phone: 610-264-0143
Fax: 610-264-1563
Website: www.sercc.org/school
Principal: Mrs. Kimberly Kocher
Serving Immaculate Conception, Allen-
town; St. John the Baptist, Allentown;
Annunciation B.V.M., Catasauqua; St.
Elizabeth of Hungary, Whitehall
 
830 S. Woodward St. (18103-3440)
Founded: 1954 for children and young
adults with intellectual and/or devel-
opmental disabilities, ages 3 to post-21
years, oers an integrated preschool (3 to
5 years) program, as well as a school-age
program (5 to 21 years). Adult Commu-
nity Habilitation Program is state licensed.
Phone: 610-797-8242
Fax: 610-797-9092
Website: www.mercyschool.org
Principal: Mrs. Elizabeth L. Grys
Director of Advancement: Mr. Mark
Phone: 610-797-0977
Fax: 610-797-9092
2075 W. Norwegian St. (17901-1907)
Founded: 1955 for children and young
adults with intellectual and/or develop-
mental disabilities, ages 4 to post-21.
Adult Community Habilitation Program is
state licensed.
Phone: 570-622-4638
Fax: 570-622-3420
Email: rgiba@stjosephctr.com
Website: www.stjosephctr.com
Principal: Mr. Robert Giba
Director of Advancement: Mrs. Monica
1092 Welsh Rd. (19607-0097)
Founded: 1982 for children and young
adults with intellectual and/or develop-
mental disabilities, ages 3 to post-21.
Adult Community Participation Program
is state licensed.
Phone: 610-777-0605
Fax: 610-777-0682
Email: madams@johnpauliicenter.org
Website: www.johnpauliicenter.org
Principal: Mrs. Mary A. Adams, M.Ed.
Director of Advancement: Mrs. Melissah
 
210 N. 18th St. (18104)
Founded: 2013 for children with learning
disabilities, grades 1 to 8.
Phone: 610-435-8981
Fax: 610-437-7951
Email: principal@stjohnvianneyschool.
Website: www.stjohnvianneyschool.org
Principal: Mrs. Patricia Kropf
Supervisor: Oce of Education
Phone: 610-866-0581
375 Hickory St. (18017-5944)
Founded: 2017 for children with learning
disabilities, grades 1 to 8.
Phone: 610-868-4182
Fax: 610-868-8709
Website: www.stannebethlehem.org
Principal: Mr. James Krupka
Supervisor: Oce of Education
Phone: 610-866-0581
233 Spring St. (19601-2121
Founded: 2003 for children with learning
disabilities, grades K to 8.
Phone: 610-375-1882
Fax: 610-376-2291
Website: www.smsreading.org
Principal: Mr. Jeremy Kopp
Supervisor: Oce of Education
Phone: 610-866-0581
3417 Church Rd. (18045-2999)
Founded: 2003 for students with learning
disabilities, grades 9 to 12.
Phone: 610-868-1431
Fax: 610-868-6710
Website: www.ndcrusaders.org
Principal: Mrs. Jaclyn Friel, M.Ed.
Supervisor: Oce of Education
Phone: 610-866-0581
955 E. Wyomissing Blvd. (19611-1799)
Founded: 2011 for students with learning
disabilities, grades 9 to 12.
Phone: 610-374-8361
Fax: 610-374-4309
Website: www.berkscatholic.org
Head of School: Mr. William Hess, M.Ed.
Supervisor: Oce of Education
Phone: 610-866-0581
 
2755 Station Ave. (18034-9568)
Founded: May 27, 1964
Phone: 610-282-1100
Fax: 610-282-2254
Website: www.desales.edu
President: Very Rev. James J. Greeneld,
O.S.F.S., Ed.D.
Executive Vice President: Dr. Gerard J.
Joyce, Ph.D.
President Emeritus: Very Rev. Bernard F.
O’Connor, O.S.F.S., Ph.D.
Provost: Br. Daniel P. Wisniewski,
O.S.F.S., Ph.D.
Vice President for Mission: Rev. Kevin
Nadolski, O.S.F.S., Ph.D.
Vice President for Administration, Fi-
nance: Mr. Robert J. Snyder, C.P.A.
Vice President for Institutional Advance-
ment: Ms. Cheryl A. Murphy, B.A.
Vice President for Student Life: Linda
Zerbe, M.Ed.
Registrar: Mr. Thomas J. Mantoni,
Associate Vice President for Market-
ing and Communications: Ms. Carolyn
Chaplain: Rev. Daniel T. Lannen,
O.S.F.S., M.Div.
Faculty (full-time): Oblates of St. Francis
de Sales 4, lay teachers 135
Enrollment: Full-time undergraduates
1,949, part-time undergraduates 324, part-
time and full-time graduate students 792,
total 3,065
ADA compliant
400 St. Bernardine St. (19607-1799)
Founded: 1958 by the Bernardine Fran-
ciscan Sisters
Phone: 1-888-ALVERNIA
Fax: 610-796-8324
Website: www.alvernia.edu
President: Mr. John R. Loyack, M.B.A.
Senior Vice President and Provost: Ms.
Glynis Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Chief of Sta:
Mr. John R. McCloskey, Jr., D.B.A.
Senior Vice President for Enrollment
Management and Student Aairs: Ms.
Mary-Alice Ozechoski, M.A.
Vice President for Graduate and Adult
Education: Mr. Gaetan T. Giannini, Ed.D.
Vice President for Mission, Diversity,
and Inclusion: Mr. Darryl C. Mace, Ph.D.
Vice President of Institutional Advance-
ment: Mr. Thomas Minick, M.B.A.
Vice President of Research, Economic
Development, and Innovation: Mr. Rod-
ney S. Ridley, Sr. R.T.T.P.
Associate Vice President of Business Af-
fairs: Mr. Adam Waszkiewicz, CPA
Senior Director of Student Financial
Services: Ms. Christine Saadi, M.A.L.S.
Registrar: Ms. Beki Stein, B.A.
Associate Director, Institutional Re-
search and Assessment: Mr. Scott
Pavone, B.A.
Faculty (full-time): Bernardine Francis-
can Sister 1, lay teachers 110
Enrollment: With over 3,000 students,
Alvernia oers more than 50 undergradu-
ate majors and minors, and a range of
graduate programs at the masters and
doctoral levels at its community-based
campuses in Reading, Philadelphia, and
1094 Welsh Rd.
Reading, PA 19607-9363
Founded: 1952 as a novitiate of the Mis-
sionary Sisters of the Precious Blood
Phone: 610-777-1624
Fax: 610-777-3359
Website: www.preciousbloodsisters.com
Provincial Superior: Sr. Julian Mujuru
Local Superior: Sr. Nancy Iampietro,
 
421 Chew St. (18102-3490)
Founded: 1912
Phone: 610-776-4500
Fax: 610-776-4559
Website: www.slhn.org/Sacred-Heart
Administrator: 610-776-5141
Fax: 610-776-4559
President: Mr. Frank Ford
Number of beds: 187
Transitional Care Facilities: 22
Director of Pastoral Care: Rev. John G.
Deacons: Michael Laroche, 610-262-
1728; Ricardo Reyes, 347-851-9815
Phone: 610-776-4513
Catholic Lay Chaplain:Carolee Giord
Phone: 610-776-4524
1200 Spring St. (18018-4998)
Phone: 610-865-5595
Fax: 610-997-8454
Website: www.Holyfamilysl.org
Administrator: Mr. Joseph Shadid,
M.S.N., M.B.A., N.H.A.
Phone: 610-865-5595, Ext. 436
Number of beds: 208
Chaplain:Rev. Kevin M. Gualano
Phone: 610-865-5595, Ext. 440
2500 Bernville Rd.
P.O. Box 316 (19603-0316)
Founded: 1873
Phone: 610-378-2000
Fax: 610-378-2798
Website: www.thefutureofhealthcare.org
COO: Mr. James Bennett
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia: 1
Number of beds: 204
Bassinets: 22
Chaplain: Rev. George Osei Ababio
 
514 N. 22nd St.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
1545 Greenleaf St.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
5151 Hamilton Blvd.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
350 S. Cedarbrook Rd.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
430 Krocks Rd.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
1930 Bevin Dr.
St. Thomas More, Allentown
Phone: 610-967-1100
501 St. John St.
Catholic Chaplain: Rev. Venantius
Karobo, A.J.
St. Paul, Allentown
Phone: 610-797-9733
38 N. Fourth St.
Sacred Heart, Allentown
Phone: 610-434-5171
17th and Chew Sts.
Catholic Chaplain: Rev. Elias D. Mun-
yaneza, A.J.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
1200 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.
Catholic Chaplain:Rev. Simon Kimaryo,
Pastoral Care: 610-402-8465
St. Thomas More, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-7413
Permanent Deacon: Anthony Brasten
535 N. 17th St.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
800 Hausman Rd.
St. Joseph the Worker, Oreeld
Phone: 610-395-2876
1265 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.
St. Thomas More, Allentown
Phone: 610-797-9733
1925 Turner St.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
 
1736 Hamilton St.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
803 N. Wahneta St.
Our Lady Help of Christians, Allentown
Phone: 610-432-9384
1263 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.
St. Thomas More, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-9220
701 Slate Belt Blvd.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Pen Argyl
Phone: 610-588-6161
313 S. Walnut St.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bath
Phone: 610-837-7874
3534 Linden St.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bethlehem
Phone: 610-867-8409
1745 W. Macada Rd.
Notre Dame of Bethlehem
Phone: 610-866-4371
4035 Green Pond Rd.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bethlehem
Phone: 610-867-8409
1 Kirkland Village Cir.
St. Anne, Bethlehem
Phone: 610-867-5039
2545 Schoenersville Rd.
 Rev. Venantius
Karobo, A.J.
Notre Dame of Bethlehem
Phone: 610-866-4371
2855 Schoenersville Rd.
Notre Dame of Bethlehem
Phone: 610-866-4371
2085 Westgate Dr.
Notre Dame of Bethlehem
Phone: 610-866-4371
2021 Westgate Dr.
 Rev. Venantius
Karobo, A.J.
Notre Dame of Bethlehem
Phone: 610-866-4371
526 Wood St.
St. Anne, Bethlehem
Phone: 610-867-5039
 
4100 Freemansburg Ave.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Easton
Phone: 610-252-7381
3500 Fairview St.
Notre Dame of Bethlehem
Phone: 610-866-4371
360 W. Ruddle St.
St. Joseph, Summit Hill
Phone: 570-645-2664
215 Cedar Park Blvd.
Our Lady of Mercy, Easton
Phone: 610-252-7381
175 Newlins Rd. West
Holy Family, Nazareth
Phone: 610-759-0870
1022 Northampton St.
Our Lady of Mercy, Easton
Phone: 610-252-7381
3780 Hecktown Rd.
Phone: 610-333-8888
Chaplain: Rev. Venantius Karobo, A.J.
2600 Northampton St.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Easton
Phone: 610-252-7381
1872 St. Luke’s Blvd.
Sacred Heart, Bethlehem
Phone: 610-865-5042
250 S. 21st St.
Priests of the Easton Area
(Northampton Deanery)
498 Washington St.
Our Lady of Mercy, Easton
Phone: 610-252-7381
2125 Fairview Ave.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Easton
Phone: 610-252-7381
Our Lady of Mercy, Easton
Phone: 610-252-7381
500 Washington St.
Our Lady of Mercy, Easton
Phone: 610-252-7381
Fountain Hill Annex
724 Delaware Ave.
St. Ursula, Fountain Hill
Phone: 610-867-5122
 
801 Ostrum St.
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Phone: 610-954-4000
Chaplain: Rev. Jerome A. Tauber
Phone: 610-867-5039, Ext. 21
125 Holly Rd.
St. Mary, Hamburg
Phone: 610-562-7657
1050 Main St.
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, Hellertown
Phone: 610-838-7045
211 N. 12th St.
SS. Peter and Paul, Lehighton
Phone: 610-377-3690
397 Hemlock Dr.
SS. Peter and Paul, Lehighton
Phone: 610-377-3690
1718 Spring Creek Rd.
St. Thomas More, Allentown
Phone: 610-366-0500
1680 Spring Creek Rd.
St. Thomas More, Allentown
Phone: 610-530-8089
6043 Lower Macungie Rd.
St. Thomas More, Allentown
Phone: 610-426-0223
2 Gracedale Ave.
Holy Family, Nazareth
Phone: 610-759-0870
Deacon Michael J. Toolan
4605 Werleys Corner Rd.
St. Joseph the Worker, Oreeld
Phone: 610-395-2876
1000 Orwigsburg Manor Dr.
St. Ambrose, Schuylkill Haven
Phone: 570-385-1031
2 Woodbridge Rd.
St. Ambrose, Schuylkill Haven
Phone: 570-385-1031
135 Lafayette Ave.
Sacred Heart, Palmerton
Phone: 610-826-2335
 
160 Red Horse Rd.
Phone: 570-622-1802
St. Clare of Assisi, Saint Clair
420 Pulaski Dr.
Holy Family, Minersville
2200 First Ave.
Phone: 570-622-1802
St. Patrick, Pottsville
230 Sanderson St.
Phone: 570-467-2315
St. Patrick, Pottsville
1000 Schuylkill Manor Rd.
Phone: 570-429-0701
St. Clare of Assisi, St. Clair
700 E. Norwegian St.
Rev. Barnabas Shayo, A.J.
Phone: 570-622-1802
2401 W. Market St.
St. John the Baptist, Pottsville
Phone: 570-622-5470
St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring
Phone: 610-678-3767
St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring
Phone: 610-678-3767
St. Peter the Apostle, Reading
(Spanish Speaking Inmates)
Phone: 610-372-9652
1201 Museum Rd.
Sacred Heart, West Reading
Phone: 610-372-4010
1000 E. Wyomissing Blvd.
Sacred Heart, West Reading
Phone: 610-372-4010
100 Paramount Blvd.
St. Ambrose, Schuylkill Haven
Phone: 570-385-1031
401 University Dr.
St. Ambrose, Schuylkill Haven
Phone: 570-385-1031
3121 State Hill Rd.
St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring
Phone: 610-678-3767
1175 Mosser Rd.
St. Joseph the Worker, Oreeld
Phone: 610-395-2876
 
1 Main St.
St. Nicholas, Walnutport
Phone: 610-767-3107
800 Sixth St.
All Saints, McAdoo
Phone: 570-427-4123
1000 Evergreen Ave.
All Saints, McAdoo
Phone: 570-427-4123
1 Reading Dr.
St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring
Phone: 610-678-3767
Rt. 422 and Sportsman Rd.
Chaplain: Deacon Christopher May
350 S. Cedarbrook Rd.
St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Phone: 610-433-6461
425 Buttonwood St.
Sacred Heart, West Reading
Phone: 610-372-4010
Sacred Heart, West Reading
Rev. Samuel Yeboah
Phone: 610-372-4010
220 S. Fourth Ave.
Sacred Heart, West Reading
Phone: 610-372-4010
3000 Fellowship Dr.
St. John the Baptist, Whitehall
Phone: 610-262-2260
1800 Tulpehocken Rd.
St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring
Phone: 610-678-3767
2000 Cambridge Ave.
Sacred Heart, West Reading
Phone: 610-372-4010
Allentown: Lehigh Valley Hospital, Cedar
Crest Campus
Allentown: St. John the Baptist
Bethlehem: Notre Dame of Bethlehem
Easton: Our Lady of Mercy
Northampton: Region/Mission Oce
Oreeld: St. Joseph the Worker
Pottsville: St. Patrick
Allentown: St. Stephen of Hungary
Allentown: Cathedral of St. Catharine of
Siena and St. Thomas More
Bangor: Our Lady of Good Counsel
Center Valley: Sacred Heart Villa
Easton: St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Nazareth: Holy Family
Roseto: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Easton: St. Francis Friary and Retreat
Center Valley: DeSales University
 
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
3300 Station Ave. (18034-9563)
Phone: 610-282-1415
Fax: 610-282-0610
Website: www.misacor-usa.org
Superior of the Pennsylvania Commu-
nity of the United States Province: Br.
James Miller, M.S.C.
In residence: Revs. Stephen Boland,
M.S.C.; Vincent Freeh, M.S.C.; Joseph
Gleixner, M.S.C.; Joseph T. Muller,
M.S.C.; Anthony Ripp, M.S.C.; Ioane Sig-
arara, M.S.C.; Joseph Tobias, M.S.C.; An-
drew Torma, M.S.C.; Leon Weisenberger,
M.S.C.; Bros. James Miller, M.S.C.;
James Paul Paradis, M.S.C.; Warren Per-
rotto, M.S.C.; Eugene Thomas, M.S.C.
DeSales University
2755 Station Ave. (18034-9568)
Phone: 610-282-1100
Fax: 610-282-3962
Website: www.oblates.org
Residence of the Oblates of St. Francis de
Sales who sta DeSales University.
Superior: Rev. Daniel T. Lannen, O.S.F.S.
President: Rev. James J. Greeneld,
In residence: Revs. Douglas C. Burns,
O.S.F.S.; James J. Greeneld, O.S.F.S.;
Daniel T. Lannen, O.S.F.S.; Kevin M.
Nadolski, O.S.F.S.
Residence of the Franciscan Friars who
operate St. Francis Retreat House for men
and women.
(St. John the Baptist Province)
3908 Chipman Rd. (18045-3014)
Phone: 610-515-0867
Guardian: Br. Mark Ligett, O.F.M.
Vicar: Rev. Henry Beck, O.F.M.
In residence: Br. Edward Skutka, O.F.M.
829 Main St. (18067-1838)
Phone: 610-502-1732, 610-502-1728
Fax: 610-502-1733
Email: [email protected], ajmis-
Website: www.apostlesofjesusmissionar-
Superior: Very Rev. Augustine L. Idra,
In Residence: Revs. Bruno Dongo,
A.J.; Odemary B. Kisaka, A.J.; Richard
O’Nyamwaro, A.J.; Simon Kimaryo, A.J.
 
Easton: St. Anthony
Bethlehem: Holy Family Manor
Reading: Precious Blood Convent
Reading: St. Joseph, St. Peter the Apostle,
St. Paul
Shenandoah: Annunciation Convent
Mahanoy City: St. Teresa of Calcutta
Bethlehem: Stephen’s Place, Notre Dame
Kutztown: St. Mary
Reading: St. Michael Convent (Mother-
house), MSC Province Center, Our Lady
of the Sacred Heart Convent, Chevalier
Wyomissing: Country Meadows Retire-
ment Community
Lanark: Carmelite Monastery
Pen Argyl: Immaculate Conception
Allentown: St. Thomas More School
Pottsville: Holy Family Convent
Reading: Alvernia University, Congre-
gational Oces, Dwelling Place, Mother
Veronica Convent and Resource Center,
Sacred Heart Convent, St. Clare Convent,
St. Joseph Villa; Holy Rosary Convent
Shenandoah: Father Ciszek Convent
West Reading: Our Lady of Grace Con-
Bethlehem: Incarnation of Our Lord;
St. Francis Center for Renewal, Inc.; St.
Francis Convent
Sinking Spring: St. Ignatius Loyola
Boyertown: St. Columbkill
Reading: Clare of Assisi House, Penn
State Health St. Joseph Medical Center,
Spiritual minister/advocate where needed
Reading: Casa Nazaret/Kennedy House,
St. Peter the Apostle
Weatherly: Peace Retreat House
Allentown: Allentown Central Catholic
High School
Northampton: Good Shepherd Catholic
 
Bethlehem: Bethlehem Catholic High
School, St. Joseph Convent, Lehigh Val-
ley Drug and Alcohol Intake Unit
Minersville: Holy Family Parish
Orwigsburg: ACCESS Services
Reading: St. Michael Provincial Center
Provincialate Oce: Sisters Servants of
Mary Immaculate
9 Emmanuel Dr.
Sloatsburg, NY 10971
Phone: 845-753-2840
Website: www.ssmi-us.org
Minersville: St. Nicholas Ukrainian
Catholic School
1641 33rd St. SW Apt. 205 (18103)
Sisters: 1
Residence of the Missionary Sisters of the
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus who perform
various apostolates.
920 N. Front St. (18102-1998)
Phone: 610-434-1471
Sisters: 3
Residence of the Bernardine Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis.
992 Flexer Ave. (18103-3664)
Phone: 610-437-9520
Fax: 610-433-2308
Contact person: Sr. Patricia Luss, O.S.F.
Sisters: 3
Residence of the School Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis who assist in
various parish ministries.
520 Buchanan St. (18015-3499)
Superior: Sr. Roseann Velas, O.S.F.
Phone: 610-866-0275
Sisters: 2
1320 Spring St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
: 610-865-3725
: 2
44 W. Church St., Apt. 132
Bethlehem, PA 18018-5818
Phone: 484-767-8352
Sisters: 1
 
Monocacy Manor
Residence of the School Sisters of the
Third Order Regular of St. Francis.
395 Bridle Path Rd. (18017-3105)
Phone: 610-866-2597
Fax: 610-861-7478
Website: www.schoolsistersosf.org
Local Contact: Sr. Barbara Brown, O.S.F.
Provincialate Oce: 934 Forest Ave.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Provincialate Phone: 412-761-6004
Provincial Email: administrationusa@
Provincial Minister: Sr. Frances Marie
Duncan, O.S.F.
Sisters: 22
Rev. Venantius Karobo, A.J.
2133 Madison Ave. (18017-4642)
Phone: 610-865-4691
Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph who
minister at Bethlehem Catholic High
School, St. Joseph Convent.
Sisters: 4
730 Sweinhart Road C-8 (19512-8222)
Phone: 484-415-0562
Residence of the Sisters of St. Francis,
Sisters: 1
Convent of the Carmelite Nuns of the
Ancient Observance (Calced Carmelites).
3551 Lanark Rd. (18036-9324)
Phone: 610-797-3721
Website: carmelite-nuns.com
Email: carmelitemonasterylehighvalley@
Prioress: Mother Mary Veronica, O.Carm.
Chaplain: Apostles of Jesus Priests
Professed Nuns: 4
Residence of the Angelic Sisters of St.
Paul who minister in St. Anthony of
Padua Parish, Easton.
3724 Knollcroft St. (18045-5067)
Superior: Sr. Lilia S. Domingo, A.S.P.
Phone: 610-258-7792, 610-438-4211
Sisters: 3
Residence of the Missionaries of Charity.
536 W. South St. (17948-2422)
Phone: 570-773-1420
Superior: Sr. Raphaelita, M.C.
Sisters: 4
Residence of the Sisters of St. Joseph who
serve area parishes and CCD programs,
St. Michael the Archangel, Minersville.
534 Sunbury St. (17954-1016)
Phone: 570-544-2016
Fax: 570-544-4742
Sisters: 2
 
Residence of the Sisters, Servants of Mary
Immaculate serving at St. Nicholas
Ukrainian Catholic School, Minersville.
509 N. Front St. (17954)
Phone: 570-544-3639
Residence of the Sisters of Christian
Charity who minister at Allentown Central
Catholic High School and Good Shepherd
Catholic School, Northampton.
1314 Newport Ave.
Phone: 610-440-0134
Sisters: 2
Residence of the Dominican Daughters of
the Immaculate Mother who teach at Im-
maculate Conception School, Pen Argyl.
111-115 Lobb Ave. (18072)
Superior: Sr. Maria Jane Llanza, O.P.
Phone: 610-881-4038
Fax: 610-863-8158
Sisters: 5
Holy Family Convent
616 E. Arch St. (17901-2704)
Phone: 570-581-8904
Fax: 570-581-8904
Sisters: 2
Phoenix Park
2179 Main St. (17901-8535)
Phone: 570-544-2464
Sisters: 1
Congregational Oces
450 St. Bernardine St. (19607-1737)
Phone: 484-334-6957
Fax: 610-777-3973
Website: www.bfranciscan.org
Congregational Minister: Sr. John Ann
Proach, O.S.F.
Phone: 484-334-6975
Chaplain:Rev. Ronald P. Bowman
Residence of the Missionary Sisters of the
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
43 Seminary Ave. (19605)
Phone: 610-929-8348
Sisters: 2
Residence of the Bernardine Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis.
9B Doral Dr. (19607-3382)
Phone: 610-743-4058
Contact: Sr. Roberta Agnes McKelvie,
Sisters: 2
Residence of the Bernardine Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis
237 Franklin St. (19602-1034)
Phone: 267-939-9095
Contact: Sr. Patricia Lynn Farrell, O.S.F.
Sisters: 2
 
Residence of the Poor Sisters of St. Jo-
seph who work in Hispanic Apostolate of
Berks County and Kennedy House.
532 Spruce St. (19602-2347)
Phone: 610-378-1947
Superior: Sr. Marta Muñoz
Sisters: 3
Residence of the Bernardine Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis.
502 S. Sixth St. (19602-2706)
Phone: 732-259-0350
Website: www.MVResource.org
Contact: Sr. Paula Marie Nowak, O.S.F.
Sisters: 2
Provincial Oces: Missionary Sisters
of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
2811 Moyers Ln. (19605)
Phone: 610-929-5944
Fax: 610-929-3634
Website: www.mscreading.org
Provincial Superior: Sr. Dorothy Fabri-
tze, M.S.C.
Residence of the Missionary Sisters of the
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
2811 Moyers Ln. (19605)
Phone: 610-929-5944
Sisters: 3
Provincial House of the
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood.
1094 Welsh Rd. (19607-9363)
Phone: 610-777-1624
Fax: 610-777-3359
Website: www.preciousbloodsisters.com
Provincial Superior: Sr. Helena Hyo Sun
Kang, C.P.S.
Local Superior: Sr. Mary Bridgid
Sawada, C.P.S.
Sisters: 17
Residence of the Bernardine Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis.
460 St. Bernardine St. (19607-1798)
Phone: 484-334-7000
Fax: 484-334-6808
Website: www.bfranciscan.org
Local Superior: Sr. Joanne Mary Kot-
wicki, O.S.F.
Sisters: 32
Residence of the Leadership Team of the
Bernardine Sisters of the Third Order of
St. Francis.
460 St. Bernardine St. (19607-1798)
Sisters: 6
B’nai B’rith Apts.
1026 Franklin St. Apt. 702 (19602)
Sisters: 1
Residence of Sisters of St. Francis, Aston
355 Lackawanna St., Bldg. 3, Apt. 5
Phone: 610-370-7286
Sisters: 3
 
Residence of the Bernardine Franciscan
Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis.
750 Greenway Terrace (19607-1726)
Phone: 610-750-0897
Fax: 610-777-3973
Contact: Sr. Maria Paul Bartos O.S.F.
Website: www.bfranciscan.org
Sisters: 2
Residence of the School Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis who teach at St.
Ignatius Loyola School.
2601 St. Albans Dr. (19609-1132)
Phone: 610-750-5445
Local Minister: Sr. Rosemarie Bartnicki,
Sisters: 2
Retirement Home of the Bernardine Sis-
ters of the Third Order of St. Francis and
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart 464 St.
Bernardine St. (19607-1797)
Phone: 610-777-5556
Fax: 610-777-5545
Email: administrator@saintjosephvilla.
Superior: Sr. Mary Joseph Tirpak, O.S.F.
Administrator: Ms. Vicky Mitchell
Sisters: 38
Chaplain:Rev. Ronald P. Bowman
Phone: 610-777-5556
Motherhouse of the Missionary Sis-
ters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
51 Seminary Ave. (19605)
Local Coordinator: Sr.
MaryAnne Bigos, M.S.C.
Phone: 6 1 0 - 9 2 9 - 5 7 5 1
Sisters: 10
Residence of the Sisters, Servants of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary who teach at
St. Peter the Apostle School and minister
at St. Joseph, St. Paul, and St. Peter the
Apostle Parishes, Reading.
218 S. Fifth St. (19602-1817)
Phone: 610-373-6185
Superior: Sr. Rita James Murphy, I.H.M.
Sisters: 6
Residence of the Sisters, Servants of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.
229 W. Cherry St. (17976-2210)
Phone: 570-462-1024
Fax: 570-462-4603
Superior: Sr. Mary Glackin, I.H.M.
Sisters: 5
Residence of the Bernardine Sisters of
the Third Order of St. Francis who are the
pastoral visitors for Divine Mercy Parish
and care for the Father Walter J. Ciszek
Center, 218 W. Cherry St., Shenandoah.
18 E. Oak St. (17976-2356)
Phone: 570-462-0877
Fax: 570-462-2274
Contact: Sr. Maria Rose Zielinski, O.S.F.
Sisters: 2
 
Residence of Sisters Apostles of the de-
scent of the Holy Spirit who run the Peace
Retreat House.
484 Pump House Rd. (18255-4806)
Phone: 570-427-2467
Local Superior: Sr. Mary John Park
Sisters: 4
Residence of the Bernardine Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis.
106 S. Seventh Ave. (19611-1022)
Phone: 610-372-3390
Contact: Sr. Mary Sninsky, O.S.F.
Sisters: 2
Residence of the Sisters of St. Francis,
855 N. Park Rd, Apt. T 203 (19610)
Phone: 610-777-5194
Sisters: 1
Monocacy Manor
395 Bridle Path Rd. (18017-3105)
Phone: 610-867-8890
Fax: 610-865-1122
Website: www.stfrancisctr.org
Executive Director: Joanne Anderson
Oerings: Weekend retreats, mid-week
retreats, private retreats, private directed
retreats, renewal retreats, spiritual direc-
tion, retreats for youth, days of reection,
twilight retreats, seminars, workshops,
hosting of faith-based and not-for-prot
3918 Chipman Rd. (18045-3014)
Phone: 610-258-3053
Fax: 610-258-2412
Website: www.stfrancisretreathouse.org
Sponsored by: Franciscan Friars of the
Province of St. John the Baptist, Cincin-
nati, Ohio
Administration: Br. Mark Ligett, O.F.M.;
Sr. Regina Roskosny, O.S.F.; Rev. Henry
Beck, O.F.M.
Oerings: Weekend and mid-week re-
treats, days of recollection, youth retreats,
directed and private retreats, spiritual
direction; conference facilities available
for special programs.
Accommodations: 102 beds in private and
semi-private rooms, including handi-
capped access rooms
 
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood
1094 Welsh Rd. (19607-9363)
Phone: 610-777-0135
Fax: 610-777-3359
Website: www.mariawaldrenewal.com
Contact: Mrs. Cristine Marabella
Oerings: Directed, private, group
retreats; weekend workshops; days of
Accommodations: 19 rooms, single/
shared occupancy.
460 St. Bernardine St. (19607-1798)
Phone: 484-334-6807
Fax: 484-334-6808
Website: www.bfranciscan.org
Director: Sr. Shaun Kathleen Wilson,
Oerings: Retreats, days of recollection,
directed and private retreats, spiritual
direction, conference facilities available
for programs and events.
484 Pump House Rd. (18255-4806)
Phone: 570-427-2467
Website: www.peaceretreat.us
Oerings: Retreats, retreats for parish
groups, retreats for youth groups, prayer
meetings, outdoor areas with Stations
of the Cross and statues for reections,
campground (campre site, restrooms,
showers) available.
A.D. TIMES, 15
Ababio, Rev. George Osei,
52, 63, 127
Abington Manor, 130
Above and Beyond at the
Knights, 128
Above and Beyond Mountain
View, 128
Acampora, Mr. Paul J., 12, 18
Accounting Manager,
Accounts Receivable and
Cash Management, 18
Accounts Payable Supervisor,
Adagatla, Rev. Jojappa, 39, 63
Adams, Mrs. Mary A., 123
Adoption Search and Reunion
Services, 30
Alba, Nora, 32
Alexander, Ms. Terry, 30
Alexandria Manor, Bath, 129
Alexandria Manor,
Bethlehem, 129
All Saints, McAdoo, 36, 49,
64, 100, 122, 133
Allentown Central Catholic
High School, 117
Alvarado, Deacon Leopoldo,
Alvernia University, 22, 24,
125, 137
Amedeo, Jr., Deacon
Dominick F., 46, 85
Anderson, Joanne, 143
Anderson, Very Rev. Luke, 63
Angelic Sisters of St. Paul,
Angstadt, Mr. Andrew, 53
Annunciation B.V.M.
Convent, 142
Anthony, Rev. Robert A., 63
Antonian Towers, 31
Apostles of Jesus, 135
Apostles of Jesus Mission
Ofce, 136
Aquinas Programs, 124
Aquinas Programs, Secondary
Level, 124
Arant, Ms. Lisa, 21
Arden Court, Allentown, 128
Arnout, Rev. Eric R., 63
Assistant in the Diocesan
Curia, 77
Assumption B.V.M. School,
Pottsville, 122
Assumption BVM,
Bethlehem, 41
Assumption BVM,
Northampton, 50
Assumption BVM,
Slatington, 57
Atria, Bethlehem, 129
Baddick, Rev. Msgr. Thomas
D., 42, 63
Baker, Rev. Msgr. Andrew
R., 64
Baker, Rev. Msgr. William T.,
49, 64
Baran, Rev. Volodymyr, 112
Baransky, Rev. Francis J., 64
Bardi, Deacon James A., 44,
Barres, Most Rev. John O., 6
Barski, Mr. Michael, 12
Bartkus, Msgr. Algimantas,
Bartnicki, OSF, Sr.
Rosemarie, 142
Bartos, OSF, Sr. Maria, 142
Baver, Msgr. William F., 64
Beck, OFM, Rev. Henry, 64,
Becker, OSFS, Rev. Joseph
P., 46, 64
Benkovic, Deacon Richard
L., 15, 37, 85
Benner, Mrs. Holly, 26
Bennett, Ms. Debra K., 14
Berkhout, Rev. Frans J., 42,
Berks Catholic High School,
118, 124
Berks County, 29
Berks County Jail, 132
Berks Heim (Berks County
Home), 132
Bernardine Franciscan
Sisters, Pottsville, 140
Bernardine Franciscan
Sisters, Reading, 140
Bernardine Sisters of the
Third Order of St. Francis,
Bethlehem Catholic High
School, 117
Bigos, MSC, Sr. Mary Anne,
Biszek, Msgr. Robert J., 38,
41, 64
Bloom, Deacon Fredric W.,
Board of Education, 22
Bobbin, Rev. Kevin J., 24, 52,
65, 118
Bober, Ms. Amy, 19
Bocian, Msgr. Ronald C.,
56, 65
Bogusky, Deacon Joseph H.,
Borja, Ms. Ximena, 31
Bortz, Very Rev. Thomas P.,
13, 14, 16, 35, 55, 57, 65
Bowman, Rev. Ronald P., 65,
140, 142
Brasten, Deacon Anthony L.,
51, 85
Brelinsky, Mr. Nikolai R.,
Brennan, Sr. Catherine
Therese, 49
Brensinger, Rev. Richard C.,
38, 65
Bretz, Ms. Joelle, 58
Bridgid, Sr. Mary, 141
Brown, Mr. Alexander T., 109
Brown, Sr. Barbara, 139
Buck, Mr. Jeffrey K., 18
Buckley, Rev. Thomas R.,
44, 65
Bujnak, Rev. George, 113
Bukics, Mrs. Rose Marie, 14
Burga, Ms. Edith, 30
Burnette, Most Rev. Kurt, 113
Burns, OSFS, Rev. Douglas,
Business Managers, 21
Butera, Rev. Christopher S.,
40, 65, 117
Byrne, Rev. Msgr. Albert J.,
60, 66
Byzantine Catholic Eparchy
of Passiac, 113
Caesar, Jr., Rev. Floyd, 66
Calced Carmelites, 137
Callaghan, Msgr. Aloysius
R., 66
Camilli, Rev. E. Michael, 16,
52, 66
Campanell, Deacon Anthony,
51, 85
Campbell, Michele, 31
Campbell, Rev. Msgr. John
S., 51, 66
Campion, Rev. William T.,
Canal Side Personal Care,
Cannon, Deacon Joseph, 16,
17, 58, 86, 91, 94, 101
Canon 1740-1747 Board, 14
Caravan, Mrs. Jill. M., 15
Cardillo, Mr. James J., 12
Carfagno, Mrs. Evelyn, 32
Carlin, Deacon Hugh M.,
42, 86
Carmelite Sisters of
St. Therese’s Valley,
Coopersburg, 139
Carroll, Rev. James, 113
Castillo, Mrs. Maria, 21
Cathedral of St. Catharine of
Siena, 35
Catholic Charities of The
Diocese Of Allentown,
Inc., 28
Catholic Housing Corporation
of Lansford, Inc., 31
Catholic Mutual Group, 21
Ceballos, Deacon Ricardo,
37, 86
Cedarbrook (Lehigh County
Home), 128, 130
Cemeteries, 20
Censor of Books, 14
Centeno, Deacon Jesus, 86
Chaback, Rev. Msgr. Michael
J., 14, 66
Chancellor, 13
Chepelskyy, Rev. Vasyl, 113,
Chevalier House, Reading,
Chew Street Community
Center, 30
Chin-Fatt, Deacon Arthur L.,
59, 86
Chizmar, Msgr. John G., 12,
13, 14, 16, 35, 48, 66
Christo-Pinheiro, Ms. Valerie,
50, 59
Cieniewicz, Rev. Donald W.,
14, 17, 37, 66
Civitella, Mr. Dominic C.,
Clare of Assisi House, 137
Clement, Rev. Richard, 43, 67
Clergy, 63
Cofn, Mrs. Barbara, 32
Colak, Mrs. Gabriela, 41
Coll, Rev. Msgr. Robert J.,
41, 67
College of Consultors, 13
Colón, Deacon Francisco de
La Gracia, 53, 86
Colon, Deacon Julio, 86
Columbia Cottage, Sinking
Spring, 132
Coly, Rev. Remy, 40, 55, 67
Commission for Admissions
and Scrutinies for the
Permanent Diaconate, 17
Commission for Men, 25
Commission for Orders and
Ministries for Priests, 17
Commission for Priestly Life,
Commission for Women, 25
Commission for Young
Adults and College
Campus Ministry, 25
Complete Care at Lehigh
Center, 131
Comunale, Louise, 55
Confalone, Mr. Daniel C., 14
Connell, Rev. Loren T., 67
Connolly, Rev. Edward B., 67
Connolly, Rev. James M.T.,
Controller, 18
Corchado, Deacon Julian A.,
37, 86
Cornerstone Living, New
Tripoli, 131
Council of Priests, 13
Counseling Services (All
Ofces), 29
Country Meadows of Forks,
Nazareth, 130
Country Meadows,
Allentown, 128
Country Meadows,
Bethlehem, 129
Country Meadows,
Wyomissing, 133
Courage/EnCourage, 26
Coyle, Deacon Charles A.,
51, 87
Coyle, Rev. Msgr. Edward J.,
13, 32, 46, 67
Crawford, Mrs. Sue E., 18
Cruz, Deacon Claudio F., 87
Cullen, Most Rev. Edward
P., 6, 67
Curriculum, Professional
Development And
Government Programs, 22
Cursillo Movement, 26
CYO Districts, 24
Daddona, Rev. Nicholas, 113
Dagle, Rev. Harold F., 37,
44, 67
Dakuginow, Mrs. Teri, 29, 30
Damitz, Mr. Kevin, 39
Dano, Mrs. Cheryl, 11, 12
Daubert, Mrs. Jennifer, 118
Davis, Mrs. Paula, 12, 109
DeBellis, Deacon Charles
A., 87
DeCastro, Deacon Jose F.,
38, 87
DeCesare, Roxane, 55
Decker, Dr. Eugene, 14
DeLucy, Sr. Mathilde, 117
Demko, Rev. James J., 113,
Dene, Rev. Charles, 68
DePuy, Dr. Amy, 32
DeRaymond, Mrs. Kelly, 45
DeSales University, 5, 22, 25,
65, 71, 73, 78, 125, 135, 136
Desantis, Rev. Msgr. Joseph
A., 13, 14, 53, 59, 68
Devaney, Deacon Thomas J.,
55, 57, 87
Devon House Personal Care
Home, Allentown, 128
Dewain, Ms. Patricia, 15
Diocesan Cemetery Perpetual
Care Trust, 20
Diocesan Finance Council, 14
Diocesan Medical Ethicist, 32
Diocesan Pastoral Council, 12
Diocesan Shrine of St.
Therese of Lisieux,
Nesquehoning, 58
Diocesan Tribunal, 14
Diocese of Allentown
Administrative Ofces, 11
Diocese of Allentown
Statistical Information, 9
Divine Mercy, Shenandoah,
Domalakes, Mr. Paul, 21
Domchek, Mr. Dennis, 14
Domin, Msgr. Edward R., 68
Domingo, Sr. Lila S., 139
Dominican Daughters of the
Immaculate Mother, 137,
Doncsecz, Deacon Michael
W., 17, 51, 87
Dongo, AJ, Rev. Bruno, 68
Doolin, Mr. James P., 14
Doolittle, Mr. Michael, 19
Downey, Mrs. Ginny, 19
Drogalis, Deacon Thomas B.,
46, 87
Drouncheck, Rev. Anthony
M., 68
Dudek, Rev. Ladislaus J., 68
Duncan, Deacon James R.,
39, 87
Duncan, OSF, Sr. Frances
Marie, 139
Dunleavy, Sr. Mary Jane, 49
Dupont, Deacon Donald J.,
42, 88
Durback, Christina B., 41
Dwelling Place, Reading, 140
Easton Home, Easton, 130
Ecumenical Kitchen, 30
Ecumenism and Interreligious
Dialogue, 25
Edris, Ms. Jessica, 15
Eidle, Mr. Keaton C., 109
Eidle, Mr. Kolbe J., 109
Elchert, Deacon Francis A.,
52, 88
Elliott, Deacon Donald W.,
41, 88
Ely, Deacon Thomas J., 50,
Engler, Mrs. Suzanne, 52
Ephault, Mr. Anthony, 24
Episcopal Ceremonies Team,
Esposito, Rev. Giuseppe C.,
39, 46, 68
Essig, Rev. Edward J., 16,
57, 68
Executive Director for
Evangelization and
Formation, 23
Ezaki, Rev. Bernard J., 14,
26, 42, 69, 117
Fabritz, Sr. Dorothy, 141
Fanti, Rev. Joseph J., 102
Farnschlader, Mrs. Jessica, 21
Farrell, Mrs. Dena, 118
Farrell, Sr. Patricia Lynn, 140
Father Ciszek Convent,
Shenandoah, 142
Fegley, Mrs. Cheryl, 48
Feiller, Mrs. Karen, 21
Fellowship Manor, Whitehall,
Fenton, Deacon Richard A.,
46, 88
Ferguson, Mr. Timothy, 20
Ferris, Deacon Lewis T., 40,
Fesniak, Rev. Mark, 112
Finance and Budget, 18
Finelli, Msgr. Victor F., 12,
14, 15, 16, 51, 69
Finlan, Rev. Robert T., 13, 17,
40, 58, 69
Fiorentino, Mrs. Kim Vito,
14, 18
Fitzgerald, Dr. Glynnis, 109,
Fleck, Deacon Henry J., 88
Flemming, Mr. Fred, 24
Ford, Mr. Frank, 127
Forkin, Mrs. Lisa, 119
Forward With Christ
Allocations Committee, 21
Francis, MSC, Rev. Jaya K.,
45, 69
Franciscan Friars, 135
Freeh, Mrs. Stephanie, 42
Freeh, Rev. Vincent, 69
French, Mrs. Maureen, 113
Friel, Mrs. Jaclyn, 118, 124
Frink, Rev. John A., 25, 69
Frio, Mrs. Danielle, 119
Fromuth, Dr. Philip J., 22
Fry, Deacon Craig A., 53, 88
Gallagher, Deacon John B.,
53, 69, 89
Gallagher, Rev. Kevin P.,
48, 63
Ganser, Rev. Joseph S., 51, 69
Garcia-Almodovar, Rev.
Angel L., 26, 27, 54, 70
Garrity, Mr. Thomas, 12
Gaugler, Mrs. Lorie, 18
Gehringer, Rev. Andrew N.,
13, 14, 16, 26, 41, 42, 70
Geisinger – St. Luke’s
Hospital, 132
George, Rev. Robert J., 58,
70, 118
Gethsemane Cemetery Ofce,
Giannini, Mr. Gaetan T., 125
Giba, Mr. Robert, 123
Gibbons, Rev. John M., 37, 70
Gifford, Carolee, 127
Gipprich, Mrs. Maureen, 12
Girard, Deacon Edward J.,
40, 58, 89
Glackin, Sister Mary, 56, 142
Gleixner, Rev. Joseph, 70
Glosser, Rev. Msgr. William
F., 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 36,
37, 43, 50, 56, 64, 70
Gobitas, Rev. Msgr. Gerald
E., 60, 70
Godiska, Deacon Joseph F.,
Gonzalez, Deacon Jose, 89
González-Rivera, Deacon
Isidro, 27, 41, 89
Good Shepherd Catholic
School, Northampton, 121
Good Shepherd Home and
Rehabilitation Hospital,
Allentown, 128
Gorbos, Jr., Deacon Stephen
T., 43, 89
Gordon, Jr., Deacon Henry
G., 89
Grabish, Rev. Msgr. John J.,
15, 53, 54, 70
Grabowsky, Msgr. Myron,
Grace Mansion, 32
Gracedale (Northampton
County Home), 131
Graczyk, Carolyn, 39
Granato, Deacon Gary J.,
38, 89
Greeneld, Very Rev. James
J., 71, 125, 136
Gruber, Rev. Eric J., 71
Grundowski, Rev. Francis, 71
Grys, Mrs. Elizabeth L., 123
Gualano, Rev. Kevin M., 30,
38, 71, 127
Gudziak, Most Rev. Borys,
Ha, Rev. Abraham, 24, 46, 71
Haddon, Jr., Deacon Richard
S., 50, 90
Handges, Rev. Msgr. William
E., 44, 71
Hannis-Miskar, Mrs. Amy
M., 122
Haring, Mr. Tim, 22
Harper, Rev. James M., 71
Hartnett, Mr. Francis, 21
Hartzell, Deacon Reuben H.,
37, 90
Hassler, Deacon William R.,
15, 37, 90
Hayer, Right Rev. James G.,
Heery, Dr. Christopher, 121
Henninger, Deacon David
J., 90
Henninger, James P., 49
Henrich, Mr. Joseph, 120
Heritage Hill (Personal Care),
Weatherly, 133
Herman, Deacon Stewart T.,
41, 90
Hernandez, Deacon Saul, 27,
37, 90
Hess, Mr. William, 118, 124
Hess, Ms. Diana, 31
Hidalgo, Ana C., 26
Higgins, Very Rev. Edward J.,
113, 114
Highlands at Wyomissing,
Hilferty, Rev. John G., 71
Hiryak, Deacon Paul J., 91
Hispanic Ministry, 26
Hittinger, Rev. Raymond C.,
Hoban, Rev. Msgr. Thomas
E., 46, 72
Hoffa, Rev. Allen J., 12, 32,
52, 72
Holub, Mrs. Lisa, 11
Holy Cross, New
Philadelphia, 50
Holy Family Apartments,
New Philadelphia, 31
Holy Family Independent
Living, 30
Holy Family Manor Skilled
Nursing Home and
Rehabilitation Center, 30
Holy Family Personal Care,
Holy Family School,
Nazareth, 120
Holy Family Senior Living,
30, 127
Holy Family Senior Living
Board of Directors, 32
Holy Family Villa for Priests,
Holy Family, Nazareth, 50
Holy Ghost, Bethlehem, 41
Holy Ghost, West Easton, 112
Holy Guardian Angels,
Reading, 52
Holy Guardian Angels
Regional School, Reading,
Holy Infancy School,
Bethlehem, 119
Holy Infancy, Bethlehem, 41
Holy Rosary (Italian),
Reading, 53
Holy Rosary Convent, 140
Holy Saviour Cemetery, 20
Holy Trinity, Whitehall, 59
Hontz, Mrs. Sharon, 43
Hopper, Mrs. Donna, 119
Hosler, Rev. Gregory, 113
House of Nazareth (Casa
Nazaret), 141
Houses of Women Religious
In The Diocese of
Allentown, 138
Howald, Cheryl, 119
Huck, Mr. Paul E., 12, 14
Human Resources and
Information Technology
Ofce, 19
Hunkele, Deacon Thomas, 91
Hutta, Rev. John A., 14, 27,
Iampietro, Sr. Nancy, 126
Idra, AJ, Rev. Augustine L.,
72, 136
Immaculate Conception
Academy, Douglassville,
Immaculate Conception
School, Pen Argyl, 121
Incarnation of Our Lord, 42
Incarnation of Our Lord
Convent, 138
Independent Review Board,
Information Technology
Service Desk, 19
Iroot, AJ, Rev. Francis, 72
Isaac, Rev. Guency, 24, 45,
Isaac, Rev. Stephan A., 14,
22, 37, 72, 117
Jablonski, Mrs. Melissah, 123
James, Rev. Msgr. David L.,
V.G., 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 22, 44, 72
James, Rev. Richard W., 16,
39, 73
Jankaitis, Rev. Ronald V., 73
John Paul II Center for
Special Learning, Inc., 123
Johns, Mrs. Mary Ellen, 56
Johnson, Mrs. Linda, 24, 25,
44, 59, 60
Jones, Mr. Daniel, 24
Jones, Mr. David, 24
Joyce, Dr. Gerard J., 125
Judicial Vicar, 12
Juhasz, Deacon Joseph B.,
42, 91
Kahr, Mrs. Audra J., 12, 14
Kalata, Rev. Dominik, 38, 73
Kamanzi, A.J., Rev. Speratus,
14, 38, 73
Kanjiramparayil, Rev. Shaju
J., 73
Karobo, Rev. Venantius T.,
42, 73, 128, 129, 130, 139
Karpyn, Rev. Gregory, 52, 73
Kase, Deacon William R., 91
Keating, Mrs. Teresa, 122
Keglovics, Mr. Dennis, 20
Keikati, Rev. Youssef, OAM,
Kelly, Deacon Maurice E.,
41, 91
Kelly, Jr., Deacon George C.,
42, 91
Kerins, Dr. Sarah, 23
Kern, Rev. Martin F., 26, 42,
Kile, Mrs. Diana, 120
Kimaryo, Rev. Simon, A.J.,
73, 128
Kimmel, Mr. Kevin, 45
Kimmock, Mr. Frederick, 12
Kinsella, Deacon Christopher
C., 39, 91
Kirkland Village, Bethlehem,
Kisaka, AJ, Rev. Odemary
B., 74
Kleintop, Dr. Emily J., 23
Kleintop, Mrs. Colleen, 16
Klinger, Rev. Msgr. Nevin J.,
41, 74
Koach, Mr. Ronald, 25
Kocher, Mrs. Kimberly, 122
Kochol, Miss Lucilla, 52
Kochu, Deacon James A.,
43, 91
Kochuparambil, Rev. George
J., 58, 74
Kolbe Academy Recovery
High School, Inc., 117
Konopelski, Deacon John
P., 91
Koons, Rev. Msgr. Thomas P.,
13, 14, 15, 50, 74
Kopp, Mr. Jeremy, 120, 124
Kopp, Mrs. Mandy, 118
Korves, Ms. Anne, 46
Kotwicki, Sr. Joanne Mary,
Koury, Anthony, 111
Kozak, Rev. David J., 15, 27,
41, 46, 74
Kozel, Rev. Msgr. Robert F.,
38, 74
Kravatz, Jr., Rev. Daniel E.,
15, 25, 43, 74, 118
Kraycik, Mrs. Marcella, 120
Krisak-Kalamar, Ms. Wendy
S., 28
Krivak, Rev. Dr. John A., 25,
32, 47, 74
Kropf, Mrs. Patricia, 121, 124
Krupka, Mr. James, 119, 124
Kudla, Deacon Michael W.,
59, 92
Kuller, Rev. Thomas J., 75
Kuna, Rev. Matthew J., 53,
63, 75, 118
Kutztown University, 25
Kweder, Rev. Joseph J., 48,
La Salle Academy, 122
Lafayette College, 25
Lamb, Rev. Patrick H., 16,
51, 75
Lanciano, Deacon Frederick
J., 16, 17, 55, 57, 92
Lannen, Rev. Daniel T., 25,
75, 125, 136
Laroche, Deacon Michael J.,
17, 59, 92
Laroche, Rev. Brendon M.,
39, 75
Laskowski, Rev. Keith R., 13,
17, 45, 75
Laurel Nursing Center, 131
Leeson, III, Mr. Joseph F., 14
Legend of Allentown, 131
Lehigh Commons, 131
Lehigh County Home
(Cedarbrook), 133
Lehigh County Prison, 128
Lehigh University, 25
Lehigh Valley Hospital –
Hecktown Oaks Campus,
Lehigh Valley Hospital –
Muhlenberg Medical
Center, 129
Lehigh Valley Hospital –
Muhlenberg Rehab Center,
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Center – Schuylkill, 132
Lehigh Valley Hospital,
Allentown Campus, 128
Lehigh Valley Hospital,
Cedar Crest, 128
León, Deacon Arcadio, 92
Liberty Manorcare, 128
Ligett, 136, 143
Linkchorst, Rev. William J.,
Liszka, Mr. Edward L., 26
Liszka, Mr. Phil, 24
Little, Rev. John J.L., 75
Llanza, Sr. Maria Jane, 140
Lloyd, Mr. Matthew, 12
Loch, Mr. Tyler W., 109
Loeper, Rev. David J., 13, 17,
24, 46, 76
Lofton, Rev. James J., 76
Lombardo, Deacon Felix J.,
57, 92
Lonergan, Deacon Lawrence
J., 52, 92
Lopez, Rev. David, 39, 76
Loyack, Mr. John R., 125
Luss, OSF, Sr. Patricia, 138
Luther Ridge, 132
Lutheran Manor of the
Lehigh Valley, Inc., 129
Luthercrest, 128
Luz, Sr. Maria, 121
Lynch, Mr. John, 32
Maas, Rev. Philip J., 55, 57,
Maccari, Ms. Gia, 19
Mace, Mr. Darryl C., 125
Mackesy, Leonard J., 42, 93
Maco, Rev. Stephen L., 40,
Mahoning Valley Nursing
Home, 131
Mai, Mr. Anh Do Hoang, 109
Majewski, Mr. John, 12
Maletz, Rev. Leo J. Maletz,
49, 76
Manor Care Nursing and
Rehabilitation Centers I
and II, 129
Manor Care, Minersville, 132
Manorcare Health Services,
West Reading, 133
ManorCare Nursing Home,
Allentown, 128
Mansour, Most Rev. Gregory
John, 111
Mantoni, Mr. Thomas, 125
Marabella, Mrs. Cristine, 144
Maria, Rev. John C., 12, 14,
25, 47, 76
Marian High School, Inc.,
Mariawald Renewal Center,
Marini, Very Rev. Francis
J., 111
Maronite Catholic Eparchy of
Saint Maron of Brooklyn,
Martin, Rev. Msgr. John J.,
44, 76
Martocci, Mr. Anthony, 12
Mason, Mr. Philip J., 14
Mathur, Rev. Keith A., 11, 12,
13, 16, 17, 41, 77
Matos, Deacon Rodoberto, 93
May, Deacon Christopher, 17,
26, 23, 59, 93, 133
Mayernik, Ms. Carol, 15, 19
McCann, Rev. Msgr. John B.,
44, 77
McCloskey, Jr., Mr. John R.,
McConaghy, Rev. Robert
J., 77
McGlinn Conference and
Spirituality Center, 144
McKelvie, OSF, Sr. Roberta,
McNeil, Mrs. Joan, 120
McShea, Most Rev. Joseph, 6
Meder, Deacon Michael T,
60, 93
Mercy School for Special
Learning, Inc, 123
Messics, Mrs. Karen, 21
Mickulik, Mr. Stephen W.,
12, 122
Miller, Mrs. Susie, 112
Miller, Rev. Brian M., 13, 17,
53, 77, 136
Millets, Ms. Gwen, 14
Minick, Mr. Thomas, 125
Ministry with Persons with
Disabilities, 28
Minner, Rev. Ronald J., 13,
47, 77
Minnich, Michelle, 49
Missionaries of Charity, 137
Missionaries of the Sacred
Heart, 136
Missionaries of the Sacred
Heart (American Province),
Missionary Sisters of the
Most Sacred Heart of
Jesus, 137
Missionary Sisters of the
Precious Blood, 137, 138
Mitchell, Ms. Vicky, 142
Moczydlowski, Rev. Stanley
M., 17, 60, 77
Mongiello, Rev. Anthony P.,
13, 43, 77
Morahan, Mr. John, 32
Morales, Deacon Edison, 93
Morrison, Rev. Msgr. David
J., 15, 77
Morton, Jr., Mr. Dennis C., 14
Mosser Nursing Home, 132
Most Blessed Sacrament,
Bally, 39
Most Blessed Trinity,
Tremont, 58
Mother of Divine Providence
Convent, 139
Mother Veronica Convent and
Resource Center, 141
Motley, Mrs. Mary, 20
Moughan, Mr. Chris J., 14
Moynihan, Mr. Scott, 12
Mroz, Deacon John J., 47, 93
Muhlenberg College, 25
Mujuru, CPS, Sr. Julian, 126
Muller, MSC, Rev. Joseph
T., 77
Mullikin, Mrs. Michele, 19
Mullins, Rev. Michael E., 14,
38, 78
Muñoz, Sr. Marta, 141
Munyaneza, Rev. Elias D.,
45, 78, 128
Murphy, Jr., Deacon John
W., 93
Murphy, Ms. Cheryl A., 125
Murphy, Rev. Msgr. John P.,
13, 14, 26, 39, 78
Murphy, Sr. Rita James, 142
Musi, Sr. Anna, 120
Nadolski, Rev. Kevin, 78, 125
Nafn, Mr. Jeffrey, 118
Nájera-Ramirez, Deacon
Francisco, 54, 93
Napierkowski, Mr. Mark, 123
Nativity B.V.M. High School,
Inc., Pottsville, 118
Nativity B.V.M., Reading,
Nativity of B.V.M.,
Middleport, 112
Negron-Garcia, Mrs. Jeanne,
Neumann Apartments, 31
Nevel, Dr. Kathleen, 22
New Eastwood Care and
Rehabilitation Center, 130
Ngo, Mr. Hy (James) Gia,
Nguyen Van Vien, Mr.
Joseph, 109
Nguyen, Mrs. Phong, 12
Nicolella, Mr. Robert, 29
Noga, Very Rev. Gregory,
113, 114
Northampton County Prison,
Notre Dame High School,
Inc., 118, 124
Notre Dame of Bethlehem
School, 42, 119
Nowak, OSF, Sr. Paula Marie,
O’Connor, Very Rev. Bernard
F., 125
O’Connell, Deacon John C.,
44, 94
O’Connell, Jr., Mr. John, 24
O’Connor, Mr. Michael J., 22
O’Gurek, Mr. Joseph, 12
O’Hara, Mr. Robert, 12
O’Nyamwaro, AJ, Rev., 78
Oblates of St. Francis de
Sales, 135
Ocampo, Deacon Jose A., 41,
42, 94
Ocasio, Mrs. Bertha, 38
Ofce for Canonical Services,
Ofce for Divine Worship, 12
Ofce for Pastoral Planning,
Ofce for Permanent
Diaconate Formation, 16
Ofce of Adult Catechesis
And Evangelization And
Formation, 23
Ofce of Communications,
Ofce of Education, 22
Ofce of Permanent
Diaconate Formation, 80
Ofce of Priest Personnel, 16
Ofce of Pro-Life Activities
And Social Concerns, 25
Ofce of the Bishop, 11
Ofce of the Chancellor, 13
Ofce of the Vicar for
Clergy, 16
Ofce of the Vicar for
Religious, 13
Ofce of the Vicar General,
Ofce of Vocations, 17
Ofce of Young Adult and
College Campus Ministry,
Okula, Ms. Marybeth, 119
Oliynyk, Rev. Roman, 112
Olney, Mr. Robert, 30
Orsulak, Rev. Msgr. Thomas
J., 17, 26, 54, 78
Orwigsburg Center, 131
Osenbach, Mrs. Kristin, 24,
Our Lady Help of Christians,
Allentown, 37
Our Lady of Good Counsel,
Bangor, 40
Our Lady of Grace Convent,
West Reading, 143
Our Lady of Lebanon, 111
Our Lady of Mercy, Easton,
Our Lady of Mount Carmel,
Roseto, 55
Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
Bethlehem, 42
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
School, 119
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
Convent, 141
Palma, Mr. Brian, 20
Palmeri, Deacon Charles, 12,
48, 94
Palmieri, Rev. Luigi, 78
Parish and School Support
Services, 20
Parish Capital Improvement
Committee, 12
Parishes, 35
Park, Sr. Mary John, 143
Parker, Mrs. Susan, 50, 121
Paschall, Deacon Joseph L.
Jr., 94
Pasquino, Deacon Ronald R.,
40, 94
Pastoral Planning
Commission, 12
Paulus, Deacon Conrad, 44,
Pavluchuk, IHM, Sr.
Margaret, 54
Peace Retreat House,
Weatherly, 144
Pedroza, Mr. Juan C., 54
Peiffer, Mr. Derek, 120
Pellosie, Dr. Carmine, 32
Pendergraft, Rev. Gregory,
39, 78
Pendzick, Rev. John S., 39,
Penn State Health St. Joseph
Medical Center, 127
Pergosky, Mrs. Ann, 47
Petrauskas, Deacon Joseph,
43, 94
Pham, Rev. Dominic Thao,
55, 56, 79
Pham, Rev. Quyet A., 53,
54, 79
Phoebe Berks Village, 133
Phoebe Devitt Home, 128
Pinebrook Personal Care
Center, 131
Podguski, Mr. Richard P., 14
Pongantung, Rev. Herman, 79
Pontical Mission Societies
in the United States, 26
Poor Sisters of St. Joseph,
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI,
Pope Francis, 3, 5
Potts, Rev. Robert J., 46, 60,
Prechtl, Mrs. Kelly, 122
Precious Blood Convent, 126
Priestly Fraternity of St.
Peter, 135
Proach, Sr. John Ann, 140
Project Rachel, 29
ProMedica Skilled Nursing
(Old Orchard), 130
Properties, Facilities And
Real Estate, 20
Providence Place, 132
Prudhomme, Mrs. Michelle
A., 18
Queen of Angels Apartments,
Queen of Peace Apartments,
Queenship of Mary,
Northampton, 51
Queenship of Mary Convent,
Quirk, Deacon John E, 95
Rabiy, Most Rev. Andriy, 111
Rabold, Mr. Jared, 39
Radocha, Rev. Msgr. Stephen
J., 13, 14, 16, 35, 45, 79
Ramirez, Mr. Miguel M., 109
Rander, Mrs. Christine, 119
Raphaelita, Sr., MC, 139
Raymundo, Deacon Ranulfo,
45, 95
Reading Hospital, 133
Readinger, Deacon Carl, 51
Readinger, Deacon Sherwood
C., 95
Reese, Mr. Harry, 121
Regional Young Adult
Ministries, 25
Reichert, Rev. Msgr. James J.,
14, 48, 79
Reid, Ms. Tammy, 19
Reimer, Deacon Thomas B.,
44, 95
Religious Education, 23
Resurrection Cemetery, 20
Retreat Houses, 143
Reyes, Deacon Ricardo, 38,
95, 127
Reyes, Deacon Roberto, 38,
Rice, Mr. Randy, 117
Ridley, Sr., Mr. Rodney S.,
Rienzo, Mr. Robert F., 109
Riggins, Mrs. Magdalene,
23, 25
Rij, Mr. Herman L., 14
Ripp, Anthony, 79
Rittenhouse Village at Lehigh
Valley, 129
Ritz, Rev. Eugene P., 12, 13,
15, 16, 17, 51, 80
Rodgers, Rev. Philip F., 80
Rodriguez, Angelino, 38, 96
Rodriguez, Deacon Nicasio,
Rodriguez, Deacon Ramon,
37, 96
Rodriguez, Mrs. Raysa, 38
Rodriguez, Rev. Juan E., 54,
Rodriguez-Trejo, Deacon
Jose N., 96
Rohner, Deacon David K.,
46, 96
Rolón, Deacon Ramón L.,
54, 96
Rosewood, Schuylkill Haven,
Roskosny, OSF, Sr. Regina,
Rothermel, Rev. Paul L., 80
Russo, Deacon James, M.A.,
Russo, Ms. Pamela J., 28, 32
Ruth, Dr. Rudy, 22
Saadi, Ms. Christine, 125
Sablone, Deacon Stephen, 96
Sabol, Mrs. Lynn A., 118
Sacks, Rev. Msgr. Edward R.,
42, 50, 68, 80
Sacred Heart Convent, 141
Sacred Heart Convent – Our
Lady of Guadalupe, 141
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Allentown, 37
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bath,
Sacred Heart School, 120
Sacred Heart Villa, 136
Sacred Heart, Bethlehem
Township, 42
Sacred Heart, Palmerton, 51
Sacred Heart, West Reading,
Safe Environment Ofce, 28
Salovay, Mrs. Amanda, 119
Sanders, Deacon Edward L,
55, 57, 96
Sanllippo, Mr. Peter, 118
Santos-Gonzalez, Deacon
José, 45, 97
Saucon Valley Manor, 131
Saukulak, Deacon Edward J.,
40, 97
Scarbinsky, Mr. Mark, 22
Scheaffer, Rev. Msgr. Walter
T., 17, 47, 80
Scheck, Mrs. Julie, 29
Scheidel, Mr. Aaron R., 109
Schettini, Deacon Bruno,
M.D., 51, 97
Schiller, Mrs. Linda M., 22
Schlert, Most Rev. Alfred A.
1, 4, 5, 11, 14, 16, 80
Schmidt, Deacon Gerald R.,
17, 47, 97
Schneider, Deacon Gregory
G., 53, 97
Schoenauer, Rev. Msgr.
Francis P., 37, 39, 80
School Sisters of the Third
Order Regular of St.
Francis (United States
Province), 137
Schroth, Jr., Deacon Gene G.,
45, 97
Schultz, Deacon Howard J.,
54, 97
Schutzler, Deacon Peter H.,
Schuylkill County Prison, 132
Schuylkill Manor, 132
Schuylkill-Carbon County
Ofce, 29
Sciacca, Ms. Donna, 37
Scrak, Deacon Richard G.,
43, 98
Searles, Rev. Mark R., 12, 16,
17, 25, 41, 81
Secondary Schools, Special
Learning Centers and
Governance, 22
Secretariat for
Administration, 18
Secretariat for Catholic
Health, Human Services
and Youth Protection, 28
Secretariat for
Evangelization, Education
and Formation, 22
Sedar, Very Rev. Adam C.,
13, 16, 17, 59, 81
Seifert, Rev. William N., 81
Seniw, Rev. John, 112
Setlock, Deacon John A., 98
Sewald, Jr., Deacon Richard
T., 42, 98
Seyfert, Mrs. Georgeann, 19
Shadid, Mr. Joseph, 30, 127
Shanfelt, Rev. Thomas G., 81
Shayo, Rev. Barnabas, 81
Sheehan, Rev. Joseph A., 81
Shirock, Mrs. Leslie, 20, 21
Shubella, Deacon Thomas F.,
39, 98
Shupe, Mrs. Christina, 16
Siciliano, Mr. Woody, 26
Sisters Apostles of the
Descent of the Holy Spirit,
137, 143
Sisters of Christian Charity,
Sisters of Mercy, Allentown,
Sisters of St. Francis, 141
Sisters of St. Francis of
Philadelphia (Aston), 137
Sisters of St. Francis,
Boyertown, 139
Sisters of St. Francis,
Wyomissing, 143
Sisters of St. Joseph,
Bethlehem, 138
Sisters of St. Joseph,
Pottsville, 140
Sisters Servants of Mary
Immaculate, 138
Skutka, OFM, Br. Edward,
Slate Belt Health and
Rehabilitation, 129
Smith, Rev. Msgr. Joseph
P.T., 51, 53, 81
Sninsky, Sr. Mary, 143
Snyder, Deacon Robert H.,
12, 14, 98, 125
Snyder, Mrs. Alison, 55
Sobiesiak, Msgr. Joseph R.,
Spieker, Mary, 60
Spruce Manor Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center, 133
SS. Cyril and Methodius
Church Worship Site for St.
Peter the Apostle Parish,
Reading, 54
SS. Peter and Paul,
Lehighton, 48
SS. Peter and Paul, Beaver
Meadows, 113
SS. Peter and Paul,
Bethlehem, 113
SS. Peter and Paul,
Minersville, 113
SS. Peter and Paul,
Palmerton, 114
SS. Simon and Jude,
Bethlehem, 43
St. Ambrose, Schuylkill
Haven, 56
St. Ann School, Emmaus, 120
St. Ann, Emmaus, 46
St. Anne, Bethlehem, 43
St. Anne School, Bethlehem,
119, 124
St. Anthony of Padua, Easton,
St. Benedict, Mohnton, 50
St. Catharine of Siena,
Allentown, 53
St. Catharine of Siena School,
Reading, 120
St. Charles Borromeo
Seminary, 109
St. Charles Borromeo,
Ashland, 39
St. Clare Convent, Reading,
St. Clare of Assisi, Saint
Clair, 56
St. Columbkill, Boyertown,
St. Elizabeth of Hungary,
Pen Argyl, 52
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Convent, Pen Argyl, 140
St. Elizabeth of Hungary,
Whitehall, 60
St. Elizabeth Regional
School, Whitehall, 122
St. Francis Academy (Pre-K),
Bally, 119
St. Francis Center for
Renewal, Inc., Bethlehem,
St. Francis Convent,
Bethlehem, 139
St. Francis de Sales,
Robesonia, 55
St. Francis Friary [O.F.M.] –
Franciscan Friars, 136
St. Francis of Assisi,
Allentown, 38
St. Francis Retreat House,
Easton, 143
St. Ignatius Loyola Convent,
St. Ignatius Loyola Regional
School, 122
St. Jane Frances de Chantal,
Easton, 45
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
School, Easton, 119
St. Jerome Regional School,
Tamaqua, 122
St. John Baptist de La Salle,
Shillington, 57
St. John Fisher, Catasauqua,
St. John Neumann Regional
School, Palmerton, 121
St. John the Baptist Convent,
Allentown, 138
St. John the Baptist,
Allentown, 38
St. John the Baptist, Lansford,
St. John the Baptist,
Maizeville, 112
St. John the Baptist,
Northampton, 112
St. John the Baptist,
Pottsville, 52
St. John the Baptist,
Whitehall, 60
St. John Vianney Regional
School, Allentown, 121,
St. John XXIII, Tamaqua, 58
St. Josaphat, Bethlehem, 111
St. Joseph Center for Special
Learning, Inc., Pottsville,
St. Joseph Church, Jim
Thorpe, 47
St. Joseph Convent,
Bethlehem, 139
St. Joseph the Worker School,
St. Joseph the Worker,
Frackville, 46
St. Joseph the Worker,
Oreeld, 51
St. Joseph Villa, Reading, 142
St. Joseph, Coopersburg, 44
St. Joseph, Reading, 53
St. Joseph, Sheppton, 56
St. Joseph, Summit Hill, 58
St. Luke’s Anderson Campus,
St. Luke’s Easton Campus,
St. Luke’s, Allentown
Campus, 129
St. Luke’s Lehighton
Campus, 131
St. Luke’s Miners Memorial
Medical Center, 130
St. Luke’s Palmerton
Campus, 131
St. Luke’s Sacred Heart
Campus, 127
St. Luke’s University Health
Network, 131
St. Margaret School, Reading,
120, 124
St. Margaret, Reading, 54
St. Mary (Dormition), Saint
Clair, 114
St. Mary Church, Reading, 53
St. Mary, Brockton, 113
St. Mary, Hamburg, 46
St. Mary, Kutztown, 47
St. Mary, Mahanoy City, 113
St. Mary, Nesquehoning, 114
St. Mary, Ringtown, 55
St. Mary, Sheppton, 114
St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic
Church, 112
St. Michael Convent,
Reading, 142
St. Michael the Archangel
Convent, Minersville, 139
St. Michael the Archangel
School, Coopersburg, 121
St. Michael the Archangel,
Allentown, 113
St. Michael, Frackville, 111
St. Michael, McAdoo, 113
St. Michael, Shenandoah, 112
St. Nicholas Convent,
Minersville, 140
St. Nicholas, Minersville, 112
St. Nicholas, Saint Clair, 112
St. Nicholas, Walnutport, 59
St. Patrick, Pottsville, 52
St. Paul, Allentown, 38
St. Paul, Reading, 54
St. Peter School, Reading,
St. Peter the Apostle Convent,
St. Peter the Apostle,
Reading, 54
St. Peter the Fisherman, Lake
Harmony, 48
St. Peter, Coplay, 44
St. Richard, Barnesville, 40
St. Rocco, Martins Creek, 48
St. Stephen of Hungary, 38
St. Teresa of Calcutta
Convent, Manahoy City,
St. Teresa of Calcutta,
Mahanoy City, 48
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus,
Hellertown, 47
St. Thomas More Convent,
Bethlehem, 138
St. Thomas More School,
Allentown, 119
St. Thomas More, Allentown,
St. Ursula, Fountain Hill, 46
St. Vincent de Paul, Bangor,
St. Vincent de Paul Church,
Ashland, 39
St. Vincent Seminary, 109
St. Vladimir, Palmerton, 112
Stajkowski, Rev. Leo S., 81
Stanczak, Ms. Judy, 32
Stapleton, Deacon John J.,
53, 98
Starry, Mrs. Bridget, 46
Steigleman, Ms. Carolyn, 125
Stein, Ms. Beki, 125
Sterling-Heights Gracious
Retirement Living, 130
Stewardship And
Development, 18
Stewart, Ms. Melissa, 18
Stewart-Miles, Judith, 15
Stokes, Rev. Jason F., 16,
49, 82
Strubinger, Mrs. Rose, 47
Stull, Mrs. Denise, 43
Sullivan, Deacon Ralph K.,
42, 98
Superintendent of Catholic
Education, 22
Susko, Mrs. Jean, 118
Sverdan, Rev. Roman, 112
Swavely, Mrs. Carol, 29
Swierzewski, Thomas, 38
Swist, Deacon Bruce S.C.,
54, 99
Synoracki, Deacon Stephen
J., 45, 99
Tandayu, Rev. Jonas R.,
M.S.C., 50, 82
Tauber, Rev. Jerome A., 82
Teaford, Mrs. Susan, 12
Testen, Julie, 39
Than, Deacon Cu T., 99
The Gardens at Easton, 130
The Gardens for Memory
Care at Easton, 130
Thoden, Jr., Deacon Richard
M., 99
Thomas, Chorbishop Michael
G., 111
Thomas, Rev. James P., 82
Thompson, Deacon John F.,
Tirpak, OSF, Sr. Mary Joseph,
Tobias, Rev. Joseph F., 82
Tolentino, Rev. Eric N., 24,
43, 44, 57, 63, 82
Tomczyk, Mr. Jeffrey, 109
Toolan, Deacon James, 39, 99
Toolan, Deacon Michael J.,
50, 99, 131
Torcivia, Mr. Jack, 20
Torma, Rev. Andrew, 82
Torpey, Rev. James M., 82
Torres, Deacon Mariano, 54,
Treston, Rev. Msgr. James A.,
57, 82
Trexler, Deacon Jeffrey R.,
37, 43, 100
Troyal, Rev. Daniel, 112
Tyson, Deacon Robert J., 100
Ukrainian Catholic
Archeparchy of
Philadelphia, 111
Unger, Mrs. Patty, 15, 28
Urbine, Deacon William F.,
42, 100
Vargas, Deacon C. Miguel A.,
37, 100
Vargas, Mrs. Maria, 37
Velas, Sr. Roseann, 138
Veronica, O.Carm, Mother
Mary, 139
Vicar for Clergy, 16
Vicar for Religious, 13
Vicars Forane, 13
Vidal, Mrs. Maria, 12
Villa St. Elizabeth, Reading,
Visot, Deacon Luis R., 100
Volavola, Rev. Simione, 40,
55, 83
Vresics, Mr. Thomas, 117
Wadsworth, Mr. Randal, 30
Walborn, Mrs. Monica, 123
Walker, Ms. Deborah, 48
Wall, Deacon Fred W., 100
Ward, Rev. James J., 47, 83
Wargo, Rev. Msgr. Robert
J., 83
Warnagiris, Deacon James
M., 49, 100
Wasielewski, Deacon Kevin
C., 45, 101
Waslo, Msgr. Peter D., 111
Waszkiewicz, Mr. Adam, 125
County Nursing Home and
Rehabilitation Center, 133
Weaver, Mrs. Jill, 19
Weber, Mr. Tom, 40
Wehr, Rev. Zachary R., 55,
57, 83
Weiland, Deacon Kenneth L.,
45, 101
Weisenberger, Rev. Leon, 83
Welsh, Most Rev. Thomas
J., 6
Werner, Mr. Sean, 18
Wernersville State Hospital,
Westminster Village, 129
Whalen, Rev. Joseph T., 40,
Wilde, Mr. Lucas, 117
Wilhelm, Jr., Deacon Joseph
C., 48, 101
Wilson, OSF, Sr. Shaun, 144
Winne, Rev. George R., 27,
37, 83
Wirth, Mr. Paul G., 15
Wisniewski, OSFS, Br.
Daniel, 125
Wong, Mr. David, 20
Wood, Dr. Carolyn Reed, 122
Woodall, Deacon Michael
V., 101
Woolley, Mrs. Janice, 28
Wrobel, Mr. Kerry, 12
Wyomissing Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center, 132
Wyrwa, Deacon Eugene J.,
59, 101
Yeboah, Rev. Samuel, 53, 59,
83, 133
Yenushosky, Rev. Msgr.
Daniel J., 13, 14, 16, 35,
59, 84
Yohn, Mrs. Bernadette H., 57
York Terrace Nursing Home,
York, Rev. Msgr. Vincent P.,
52, 84
Young, Deacon Robert P., 101
Young, Mrs. Diane, 117
Young, Robert P., 38
Youry, Mr. Gino, 24
Zambito, Mrs. Marci, 53
Zelonis, Christopher M., 14,
24, 48, 84
Zemanik, Msgr. Edward S.,
Zerbe, Linda, 22, 125
Zielinski, Sr. Maria Rose, 142
Zubrovich, Joseph, 37
Zurek, Mrs. Jennifer, 30, 118
Zvarych, Rev. Petro, 111, 112
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