Biomechanical Frame of Reference
The Biomechanical Frame of Reference (FOR) is a remedial approach used in
occupational and physical therapy that focuses on physical impairments and their
effects on occupational performance. This approach assumes patients can acquire
voluntary motor skills needed to perform daily occupations. The goals of the
Biomechanical FOR is to prevent deterioration, maintain existing movements,
restore movements, and/or compensate/adapt for loss of movements in
occupational performance.This FOR is best suited for individuals with
musculoskeletal or neurological conditions, with an intact central nervous system,
allowing for smooth, isolated movements. Assessments used in this approach
include range of motion (ROM), manual muscle testing (MMT), endurance testing,
joint stability testing, and functional mobility assessments. Techniques used in
Biomechanical FOR include therapeutic exercise to improve ROM, strength,
endurance and compensatory techniques to modify the task or environment.
Musculoskeletal or Neurological Conditions
Muscle-skeleton or Nerve-guy
The Biomechanical Frame of Reference can be used to assess and treat physical impairments or limitations in individuals of all ages and across various
populations. However, it is particularly useful for individuals with musculoskeletal or neurological conditions that affect their ability to move.
Purposeful Activities
Porpoise Active-runner
Purposeful activities can be used to treat loss of range of motion (ROM), strength, and endurance.
Regain Function
Re-Gain Function
After ROM, strength, and endurance are regained, the patient automatically regains function.
Rest and Stress
Rest and Stress
First, the body must rest to heal itself. Then, the peripheral structure must be stressed to regain range, strength, and endurance.
Intact Central Nervous System
Intact CNS-brain
Biomechanical FOR is best suited for patients with an intact central nervous system. Patients may have limited range, strength, and endurance but
have the ability to perform smooth, isolated movements.
Maximize Physical Functioning
Maxi-pad Physics Functioning
The goals are to prevent deterioration, maintain existing movements, restore movements, and/or compensate/adapt for loss of movements in
occupational performance.
ROM Assessments
Full Range of Motion and Assess-man
Range of Motion (ROM) assessments are commonly used in the Biomechanical Frame of Reference (FOR) to evaluate an individual's joint flexibility
and mobility. These assessments involve measuring the angle at which a joint can move through its full range of motion. This information is important
in identifying areas of restricted movement and developing treatment plans to improve joint function. ROM assessments may involve the use of
goniometers or other tools to measure joint angles and document progress over time. The results of these assessments help therapists determine the
appropriate interventions to increase joint range of motion and improve overall physical function. By increasing joint flexibility and mobility,
individuals are better able to engage in desired occupations and activities, leading to improved quality of life.
Muscle Strength Testing
Muscle-man Strong-man
In the Biomechanical Frame of Reference (FOR), muscle strength testing is used to assess an individual's ability to generate force with their muscles.
This type of testing is often done using manual muscle testing, where the therapist applies resistance while the individual contracts the muscle being
tested. Alternatively, dynamometers may be used to measure the force produced during a specific movement. The results of muscle strength testing
help therapists develop a targeted exercise program to improve muscle strength and overall physical function.
Endurance Testing
Endurance testing is used in the Biomechanical Frame of Reference (FOR) to assess an individual's ability to sustain activity over time. This type of
testing may involve assessing how long an individual can maintain a specific activity, such as holding a plank position or walking a certain distance.
Endurance testing is important in developing treatment plans to improve an individual's physical endurance and ability to engage in activities for
longer periods of time.
Joint Stability Testing
Joint Stabilized
Joint stability testing is used in the Biomechanical Frame of Reference (FOR) to assess the amount of play or movement in a joint. This type of testing
is important in identifying areas of joint instability and developing interventions to improve joint function. Joint stability testing may involve applying
stress to the joint while measuring the amount of movement or using imaging techniques to visualize the joint and identify any abnormalities.
Functional Mobility Assessments
Functional-chair Mobility Mobile-phone Assess-man
Functional mobility assessments are used in the Biomechanical Frame of Reference (FOR) to evaluate an individual's ability to perform activities of
daily living and more complex occupational tasks. These assessments may involve measuring an individual's ability to transfer from one position to
another, walk, climb stairs, or perform other activities that are necessary for independent living and engagement in daily occupations. The results of
functional mobility assessments help therapists develop targeted treatment plans to improve an individual's functional mobility and ability to engage
in desired activities.
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Therapeutic Exercise
Therapeutic-massage Exercise-machine
Therapeutic exercise is a technique used in the Biomechanical Frame of Reference (FOR) to improve range of motion, strength, and endurance in
individuals with physical impairments or limitations. The exercises are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual and may include
activities such as resistance training, stretching, and cardiovascular training. Therapeutic exercise is used to improve overall physical function, which, in
turn, can help individuals to engage in their desired occupations. In the Biomechanical FOR, therapeutic exercise is often used in combination with
other techniques, such as joint mobilization or soft tissue mobilization, to help individuals achieve their therapeutic goals. The focus is on improving
physical impairments and limitations to enable the individual to perform activities of daily living and achieve their occupational goals.
Compensatory Techniques
Compensatory Techniques
Compensatory techniques in the Biomechanical Frame of Reference (FOR) involve adapting or modifying the task or environment to help individuals
with physical impairments or limitations perform their desired occupations. This process can include modifying the environment by placing commonly
used items at waist level or lower or modifying the task by using a different reaching pattern. Compensatory techniques can also reduce pain or
discomfort during physical activities, such as providing larger, padded grips on objects for individuals with arthritis. The goal of compensatory
techniques is to help individuals achieve their occupational goals by adapting the task or environment to their physical abilities while also working to
improve their physical impairments or limitations through other therapeutic techniques.
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